#astrology fuckery
yermes · 4 months
PAC: 🫗
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Have you ever had a work shift so bad you literally sit on the floor for hours straight not even crying just unable to comprehend the shit fuckery you endured at work?
Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. Violently unwell will be sleeping in work on podcast TBD! Liking and sharing does a lot 🥰
Socials: TipJar | Follow me!
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The cards
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Disappointment 🫗
Mars in the 1. decan of Scorpio, Geburah through Water
Your work is just a fucking emotional crisis any small slip or any fear you have about it actively manifests and its making your life a living hell but hey we all need money to survive and you feel stuck as fuck in this position. However, with all this evil and deception about you will come to a sobering realization which will overall contribute to your resume.
Lust ❤️‍🩹
Venus in Leo, The connection between Chesed and Geburah Fire
You are overall very passionate about what you do and you love the feeling when you execute your job well. But when the passion is gone you are simply not in it to win it you may make mistakes and get frustrated and it seems like you are getting into a rut. Don’t panic collect your bearings and keep pushing.
Knight of disks 🛡️
Astrology: 21° Leo to 20° Virgo, The earth of Assiah, Chokmah
You are striving for material success in a place that may not give you satisfaction in other parts of your life and its getting to you. Since this reliance on the material has you in a choke hold you get envious and bitter of those who are “better” in any aspect. Do not succumb to the belief wealth only manifests in the material
The day I had was a fucking trip
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creature-wizard · 8 months
Nothing like folks coming at me about my not being a "real pagan/witch" because I don't bother with the pseudoscience known as astrology. Correct me if I'm wrong, but for ages we thought the planets were gods, so that's why early physicians applied astrology to their medicine. Then we learned planets aren't gods, so now it's the gravitational pull or whatever that the planets have on people because of when and where they were born. There are still people who believe this. Gravity doesn't choose individuals. If the pull of Jupiter is doing anything to us, it's doing it to all of us, and has nothing to do with whatever constellation you were born under. Then there's the bit about there having been 13 signs rather than 12 in western astrology. One was omitted because of superstition or convenience, but I can't remember the details. Then, of course, the location of constellations has changed over time, and what was gemini 2k years ago is now taurus, but not because if we include the 13th sign it gets all kinds of messy.
Astrology is bullshit, mercury retrograde is nonsense, and whatever your sign is has less than nothing to do with your life.
It gets especially bad are the people who hard-core believe this shit. They believe it so hard they blame your sign for why you are rhe way you are. I've had to deal with pagans/witches who, rather than getting to know, will spend 10 minutes listening to me talk and ask me if I'm this or that sign because only those signs act or think like this. I had a nurse who told me I've got [insert medical condition] because I was born under [this sign] on a Friday. How tf did they get through training with all that in their head.
I wish people would stop using horoscopes and astrology to figure out who/what to blame for whatever fuckery they're dealing with/caused. It's exhausting repeatedly hear their noise.
I'll never forget when I got on somebody's nerves and they demanded to know if I was a Gemini, because they were convinced that Geminis were the demons ever. And lemme tell ya, this person was the sort who refused to do any self-reflection and consider that maybe they were wrong; instead, they just demonized anybody who didn't just treat them as this infallible deity (they did, in fact, believe they were an infallible deity).
Astrology really is one of those things that gives very mean and self-centered people a tool to divide people into "good" and "bad" categories, as well as define precisely what kind of "bad" person they are. It's unfortunately one of our worse impulses as human beings, and many people will exploit any framework that seems to justify it. (The ones who like to reckon themselves as scientific intellectuals tend to reach for eugenics and pop psychology.)
Also you're not like, not really wrong about the history of astrology or anything, but there's a ton of stuff you're definitely missing here, which IMO is absolutely fascinating. Like the fact that astrology as most of us know it was invented in Babylon, where it reflected Babylonian seasons and seasonal mythology. And the whole stellar ray theory, and how people thought that metals were formed deep in the earth when certain places were exposed to certain stellar rays. TBH, astrology has a ton of interesting history and lore attached to it, so I'm just gonna suggest anybody who's interested watches ESOTERICA's videos on astrology, because yeah it's genuinely very fascinating.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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@broomsticks, leftsideisdown, Jackie, whatever you know this fabulous human as, we can all agree on "wow what a rockstar." In fact, I got so caught up in compiling some excellent fic of hers, that I nearly forgot "but wait! There's more!"
Listen, her pinned post on Tumblr alone is incredible. Look at that organization! So easy to find anything you could want to peruse on a given day! Then...the meta?? The STATS? Okay the stats meta blows my mind because I'm nerdy enough to like stat talk but allergic enough to math to have 0 comprehension of numbers. Which boils down to "please don't make me touch a number, but I'd sure love to watch you play with them!" Like...what a nerd! I say, with the utmost respect and admiration. I'm geeking out over her geeking out, I swear. But ALSO...recs!!!!! All of that on top of being a prolific and varied creator, which is rad as hell! Her brain? I love it.
But also...what a sweet and supportive human! Also, did I mention cool? Very cool. I always love seeing what new thing she's chatting about, creating, or reblogging. One of my favorite people to follow, I swear!
So now...let's get into the goods!
the dark side of the moon
Luna/Bellatrix. Rated: T. Words: 200. Implied past Pandora/Bellatrix. Implied/referenced character death. HP Shipuary 2023. Kinkuary 2023. Femslash Fuckery 2023.
Luna grew up knowing two Bellas.
flowers kiss and miss
Lily/Narcissa. Rated: T. Words: 1,400. 14 drabbles. Non-linear narrative. Fluff. Romance. Angst. Secret relationship. Implied character death. Implied necromancy. Ambiguous/open ending.
She thinks mermaids are red-haired. She thinks they sing. She thinks they’re beautiful.
For Everything a Season
Dolores/Marge. Rated: G. Words: 300. Crack treated seriously. Romance. Christmas.
There were many, many reasons why they would not work. 
She bred bulldogs, for Merlin’s sake. She broke at least one teacup a week, she snored like a herd of stampeding hippogriffs, and she never cleaned her hair out from the shower drain. 
Oh, and she was a Muggle.
Cho/Fleur. Rated: T. Words: 700. POV First Person.
At the Yule Ball, a test of loyalty.
Sealed with a kiss
Bellatrix/Pandora. Rated: T. Words: 200. Secret admirer. Getting together. Hogwarts era.
Pandora's secret admirer is not one to be messed with.
Whatever You Want
Hermione/Minerva. Rated: M. Words: 200. Student/teacher. Dom/sub.
Hermione just wishes to please!
which one of us will survive the other
Lily/Petunia. Implied Petunia/Vernon. Implied Lily/James. Rated: M. Words: 1,292. Sibling incest. Dub-con. Infidelity. Canon character death. Halloween '81.
Petunia’s wanted magic her whole life. Then again, she’s always wanted what she couldn’t have. What she shouldn’t want.
One night, all her dreams come true.
Meta (Stats)
What was the HP fandom on AO3 writing in 2022?
more miscellaneous stats for HP fics updated in 2022 
wolfstar fandom survey results (part 3 includes astrology, so how could I not include it??)
hp character overrepresentation in fanon vs canon: more random-ass stats!!
atyd fic popularity stats
femslash fic recs: ginny + infidelity
HP fic rec list: underrated gems of 2022
a wormtail week works rec list
strange little girls: a rarepair (mostly femslash) HP fic rec list
also Mutuals March???? Incredible!!!!
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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naranjapetrificada · 11 months
Consider this your opportunity to be an Astrology Bitch and go off about Leo Stede!
(signed, a Virgo sun, Cancer moon, Capricorn rising who simultaneously is and is not an Astrology Bitch, more of a Tarot Bitch tbh)
Okay! You asked for it lol.
I should start by saying that I'm an August Leo sun. Stede is a July Leo, as confirmed by the show:
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July Leos are...different somehow? It's not a bad thing and it's not their fault, and if anybody else comes for them we August Leo's will throw down for our siblings, but there's something about the vibes! Maybe it's the Cancer proximity, idk. If anything my anecdata suggests that they're more well adjusted than the rest of us. 🦁❤️🦁
Anyway, I immediately sat up and noticed when they cut to the gravestones because it's second nature for me as an Astrology Gay. Obviously I didn't know Stede at the time and I don't actually know what went down as the character was developed, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if I learned that at least one person in the writers room was a fellow Astrology Gay.
So I completely forgot about his birthdate because a) ADHD and b) swooniest romance I'd ever seen, but I started thinking about it again when I showed up like a year late to the fandom and saw people talk about whether they were Ed coded or Stede coded. I am heavily, heavily Stede coded for neurodivergent reasons, but he also exhibits certain Very Leo traits that I recognized immediately.
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Leo stereotypes:
Let's get the stereotypes out of the way because while they do apply sometimes (especially for Stede), there's no need to rehash them in detail.
Leadership, which he struggles with at first but a) takes up the mantle of it anyway and b) improves enough that by the end of the season the crew that wanted to mutiny saves his life.
Good hair. Nuff said.
The man has an auxiliary wardrobe for fucks sake.
His "theatrical instincts are finely honed" and while Izzy says it to encourage the fuckery, it's not a lie.
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The Revenge
If an 18th century Leo was going to custom build a pirate ship and money was no object, they would 1000% build the Revenge. I could see arguing that a Taurus might build something similar, but honestly I'm not sure a Taurus would become a pirate by choice. Maybe a Taurus might build like, a pleasure yacht or something. A Libra might build a ship that's as good-looking as the Revenge but sharing expensive tastes isn't enough to convince me either. Stede's money allowed him to build and decorate luxuriously, but plenty of rich people used to comfort didn't have ships like the Revenge. As Nigel says during his tour, it's just so incredibly him.
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Now for some feelings stuff:
Leos love it when other people are happy, and when we can be involved in fostering that at all for people we care about we are ON IT. Stede wants to create space for others to get what they need to make that happen. Literally in the first episode he talks about the Revenge as somewhere for his crew to work on their trauma and communicate their feelings.
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The above is also an extension of Stede's instinctive generosity. Canon doesn't tell us where Ed got his clothes for the French boat party in episode 5, but given that Stede has an auxiliary wardrobe (which he shared with Ed almost immediately) the most likely scenario seems like he loaned (or maybe even gave!) it to Ed. Another possibility is that it was on the ship where Frenchie found his and Oluwande's outfits, but the purple jacket in particular seems very extra in a way that says "Stede" to me.
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Speaking of episode 5, let's talk about the party game. Obviously the main takeaway is that Stede has enough of a handle on passive aggression to make the French assholes tear each other apart, but it's not just the passive aggression, it's in the delivery. With sufficient motivation (Ed's hurt feelings, if not his own) we see Stede command the room with confidence. He chooses his targets well. He knows just what to say to get them to agree to play the game at all. The fire wasn't part of the original plan but it shows just how powerful those hard-won skills are when he wants to apply them. (This doesn't feel like it merits its own bullet point but Leos are protective, ride-or-die friends, something else we see in this episode.)
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Stede's love language, imo, is quality time. There are arguments for others (there's also a really good meta about his love language causing miscommunication with our touchy-feely boy Ed, if I can find the link I'll edit) but quality time seems the most appropriate to me. Another part of the whole generosity of spirit thing is that he seems to enjoy what a friend of mine called "engineering experiences" for people i.e. crafting activities and jam sessions for the crew. The most obvious of these is the treasure hunt for Ed, which of course comes out of his fear of Ed leaving, but it's also a way for them to spend time together. I'm not at all surprised that a lonely, bullied kid would grow up to value quality time.
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I would also extend this to the clearly routine (but still extravagant) breakfast for two that we see Calico Jack crashing in episode 8. Not to mention the first breakfast he and Ed ever share up on the maintop in episode 4. It's not fancy, but he wakes Ed up to share in that moment because he's enjoying the sunrise and the marmalade, and I can't think of anything more Leo than enjoying something then immediately wanting to share it because someone else might enjoy it too.
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Stede's not perfect of course, despite all those seemingly positive things I just said. In the way of some Leos he is frequently thoughtless, up to and including when he didn't make to the dock. I can't speak for every Leo but I have definitely accidentally flirted with/been read as flirting with people before, whether I was attracted to them or not. And yeah his quarters are nice but he could have used some of that space for more crew quarters, right? And how could a Leo possibly misread "what makes Ed happy is you" as badly as he did?
Well I may be an Astrology Binch but I mostly like it (and anything else that puts personalities into discrete groups) as an analysis tool. It's just a fun lens to examine behaviors through, IRL and with fictional characters. Also, the show is clearly trying to examine things like trauma and self-loathing in ways that are gonna inform character behavior way more than a hypothetical astrology enthusiast in the (admittedly pretty queer) writers room. But the vibes? The vibes are so there.
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
birthday drabble 4 - kth
Anonymous asked: 29. With best friend taehyung 😵‍💫
pairing: taehyung x reader contains: smut!! friends to.....lovers? (feels like a stretch), tae is a capricorn with a big dick, reader is a fucking menace, tits out for tata, handjob, spitting, dirty talk, orgasm denial 👀 summary: you decide to turn the tables on your shameless best friend.
want more? check out all my birthday drabbles here! requests for these are now closed 💜
Your best friend is a Capricorn, through and through. You know this because every time you try to bring up astrology with him, Taehyung rolls his eyes aggressively and tells you that it’s all made up. Exactly the response you’d expect from a Capricorn. He has a fucking stellium, for christ’s sake.
All that earth makes him a nightmare to communicate with. There isn’t a drop of sensitivity or gentleness to be found in his chart, and you can attest to that. The kid is fucking annoying, and relentless. He loves to say shit to rile you up and see how you’ll react, then pull back at the last second with his favorite line: “Jeez, I was just joking! Calm down.”
You’re so tired of him.
You’re also literally tired. The fuckery of your mental illness has been in full swing lately, anxiety gripping at your chest for absolutely no reason whenever you attempt to sleep. The sun was already rising by the time you managed to doze off last night, and now you’re flat on your back on the floor of Taehyung’s room, stifling yet another yawn as you scroll through Twitter on your phone.
“You know what helps with sleep?” Tae asks, apropos of nothing. He doesn’t even look up from the face he’s painting on his bedroom wall. He does this constantly, covering every square inch in random art until he gets sick of it, slaps a fresh coat of paint over everything, then repeats the process all over.
You yawn again in response.
“Shut the fuck up,” you say with a roll of your eyes.
“I’m serious. I jerk off every night, and I’m out in five seconds.”
“Not to make it weird,” he starts, and you instantly brace for impact. He always says this immediately before making it very weird. “But I thought about you when I came last night.”
He’s pissing you off extra today, and you refuse to let him win the way he normally does by getting you to overreact. “That’s nice,” you reply, choosing to match his deadpan tone instead. “What did you think of?”
“Your tits.” He answers immediately. “They were so distracting in that little crop top you had on.”
You hum a sigh and set your phone down on the rug next to you. It’s hot in here anyway, you reason, muggy summer air floating through the window he left open so you wouldn’t asphyxiate from paint fumes.
In one swift move, you peel your shirt and bralette over your head and toss them aside, then pick your phone back up and return to Twitter.
“Anything else?” You ask, as casually as if you were discussing the weather.
“Let’s see.” He’s clearly fighting to keep his voice steady, and your mouth turns up a little at the corner. “You were fishing my cock out of my pants.”
You have no idea if he’s answering honestly, or if he’s just saying it to see if you’ll do it. But you’re not about to lose this game of chicken. With a sigh of effort, you chuck your phone to the side again and sit up, crawling over to him on hands and knees.
Taehyung drops his paintbrush on the paper plate he’s using as a makeshift palette, leaning back against the foot of his bed to allow you plenty of room. You pop the button on his slacks easily and yank them down along with his boxers, and fuck. He’s hard already, and you had your suspicions he might be packing, but he’s still bigger than you expected. A lot bigger.
Your mouth waters a little at the sight, but you fight hard to make no discernible reaction. “Did I go slow or fast?” You ask as you wrap your hand around him, glancing up to meet his gaze as if to dare him to stop you.
The cracks in his façade are starting to show. “S-slow,” he says, unable to get it out on the first try.
You begin to lazily move the hand wrapped around him, keeping your pressure firm. “Just dry? No lube?”
Taehyung tilts his head back with a soft grunt. “Y-yeah, you– you spit on it.”
“Hmm,” you intone, and his lashes flutter as he watches you. You work up some saliva in your mouth and let it drop down onto his length, never breaking eye contact with him. When the wetness hits your hand, you spread it over his shaft, allowing you to move fluidly, your fist making a slick squelching noise as you pump him.
His hips rock up into your touch and he gasps as you rub circles into the sensitive underside of his head. “Shit.”
“Did you play with my tits, Tae?” You ask pointedly, enjoying the way he’s clearly struggling to keep up with you. “Or did you just look at them?”
“I–” his words break off with a strangled noise when you pick up the pace of your hand, and you have to bite back a laugh. This is too easy. “Fuck, can I?”
“I don’t know,” you respond with a shrug. “Can you?”
Taehyung’s hands are shaking as he reaches for you slowly, tentatively, like he’s afraid you might pull away and smack him at any second. Instead, you lean back a little to open yourself up more to him, and his strong hands find your nipples, rolling them gently between thumb and forefinger.
“Oh my god,” he groans as you continue to stroke him, his usual detached energy suddenly nowhere to be found. “You make me so fucking hard.” You feel him pulse in your fist as he says it, and that paired with the pressure of his delicate fingers is enough to make your core start to throb.
“Yeah?” You coax, unable to keep the smile off your face. “Gonna come on my tits, Tae?”
He’s breathing hard now, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he watches you work him in your hand. There’s a glint of something in his eyes, and you know your best friend is still in there because despite it all, he manages to quirk an eyebrow and shoot back, “Fucking make me.”
That’ll do it, you think to yourself. Just as quickly as you started it, you release your grip on him, scooting backwards until you’re out of his reach. Your tits bounce out of his grasp as you wipe your hand on your pants.
“I’ll have to try that next time I can’t sleep,” you say, as if nothing ever happened.
You swear his face moves through the five stages of grief and back again at the loss of your touch. “Wh–why did you stop?!”
“Tae,” you give a small laugh. “It was just a joke.” You pair the words with your sweetest smile, already reaching to pull your discarded clothes back on. “Calm down.”
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bardic-inspo · 6 months
OC as obscure references!
I was tagged by the lovely @aevallare! Thank you so much! <3
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(the boy is peekin in the back 👀)
name: Naomi Tavriel
animal: raven
colours: maroon, cobalt blue (love me that gorgeous maroon dye on her yaun-ti scale mail, swoon)
month: April
Meet me in the Woods - Lord Huron
Control - Halsey
Dance in the Graveyards - Delta Rae
number: 13
plants: foxglove, moonflowers
smells: lavender, lemon, vetiver
gemstone: tanzanite
time of day: midnight
season: spring
places: bustling city streets, a hot spring in the underdark
food: lemon cakes, raspberries, pineapple
drinks: sangria, sprite
element: water
astrological sign: saggitarius
seasonings: lemon, thyme, nutmeg
sky: starry
weather: warm but not humid, with a cool tickling breeze
magical powers: music that touches the soul (and casts fuckery like vicious mockery), silver linings of a curse she's mostly oblivious to
weapons: sword of screams (rapier), hellfire crossbow, a flute in a pinch but a fiddle is her preference
social media: a deactivated tumblr account with an intense philosophical post and/or a soul-rending poem that went viral and is still circulating
make up product: Smokey eye. Or, eyeliner sharp enough to pierce the hull of an imperial Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands stranded at sea.
candy: airheads
method of long distance travel: horseback
art style: gothic
fear: loneliness, isolation
mythological creature: siren or harpy
piece of stationery: a tattered piece of parchment, yellowed with age
three emojis: 😏👻👿
celestial body: a nebula
Tagging @cassieuncaged, @fablewritesnonsense, @kharonion, @poetikat, @arcandoria, @amethystandwine, and whoever else would like to do this for whichever OC you desire <3 No worries if you'd rather not!
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convoswcourt · 3 months
Inner Child Healing
If you have my astrological placements, you definitely know what I mean when I say I've lived at least 6.5 different lives the past three decades. One of the most important lessons I learned when I was approximately 21 years old - was to take my own fucking potential seriously.
Being born into chaos and growing up in survival mode created an identity for me that was rooted in self sacrifice, self sabotage and pain. I grew up way too fucking fast and didn't get a chance to truly experience my childhood. It was hard for me to see my own gifts and to take my divine abilities seriously when I was not properly nurtured in my developmental years. All I have been shown and told was "you are undeserving and worthless".
I did everything in my power as a young adult to never feel that way again. But of course, as a capricorn stellium, I learned everything in my life the hard way. Through countless trials and fucking errors. Through trusting and investing in the wrong people.
At some point, you get hurt enough in life that you learn how to lighten up and laugh at the fuckery. I look back now at my younger self and chuckle at just how serious and angry at the world I used to be.
It really is true what they say about capricorns aging backwards. This past year was the most painful one yet, but because of it - I've finally learned how to detach from outcomes. This is a big achievement on my end because it signifies that I have developed a deep unbreakable consistent trust in the universe. It represents the level of peace I have achieved within and marks true maturity and real trust in myself that I have the ability to deal with anything that comes my way. It feels good to know that there was a purpose to all the pain I endured and that I finally made it out the other side where I fully understand how those years served the development of my worldly wisdom and existential intelligence.
I have a pluto in sagittarius in my 1st house so my identity changes and shifts every 6-7 years. With that much soul growth in a lifetime inevitably, at times, it comes with exhaustion and burnout so I am learning how to really honor and listen to my inner child. She and I deserve more play, more color and more fun. We deserve a second chance at life to really figure out who we are outside of chaos and pain. With that, I am excited to continue to share my growth with you all. Thank you to each of you reading for being a part of my journey.
Follow my astrotherapy instagram: instagram.com/convoswcourtI I follow back :)
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sarandipitywrites · 7 months
Happy STS! Many writers have unique approaches to developing their characters and plotlines. What methods or strategies do you use to create compelling and relatable characters in your stories? -starscribes
hi star!
most of my stories start with a question as a premise - what if a monster were the key to freeing a cursed city? what if there was a monster living in the house down the street? (basically all my stories are about monsters. i love them, i am kissing them on the forehead and tucking them into bed) - and then i make characters to fill in the roles required by the premise.
then the fuckery begins.
(this got quite a bit longer than i intended, so putting the rest under the cut)
pretty early on, i ask each major character three questions:
what would compel someone to complete the actions required of the premise?
what's their astrological profile (yes, really)?
what's their Lie?
for the first question, i'm looking for their surface-level motivation. for the second, i'm looking to build a kind of personality cheat sheet. this isn't really set in stone, but it helps to have in the back of my mind to better understand how/why a character would respond the way they do to situations (Lienzo from The Art of Empty Space is scorpio sun, sagittarius ascendant, aries moon, leo mercury, aries venus, and scorpio mars. y'know. in case you were curious).
the Lie is probably the most important one, and i totally stole that term from somebody but i can't for the life of me remember who (if you know, please tell me!). the Lie (or Lies) is a fundamental misbelief the character has about themself or their world that prevents them from reaching their goals. because my stories are very character-driven, the resolution of their Lie (or resisting its resolution) forms the backbone of that character's story.
once that's all done, it's time for backstory. i focus on what events contributed to the Lie and how they got into their current situation, necessitating their participation in the story. the backstory usually starts influencing the plot at this point, and vice versa.
by this time, the character usually has their fingers in the plot and has changed it or added to it to suit their arc. connections to other characters in the story have usually sprung up from the background work as well by now. once i'm sure they're comfortably situated and can go through with the story (or fail spectacularly when needed), i start looking at the smaller details that make a character feel real and relatable - things like skills and hobbies, fears and wants, their body language and vernacular, etc. the more time i spend with a character, the more small details tend to spring up, so i just write them down even if i don't intend to mention it in the story because you never know when it could be important 🙂
that got a bit longer than i intended lol. thank you so much for the ask! 💜
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underturnedapplecart · 6 months
Oh, your love language is receiving gifts? Here’s a gift written in my love language: debunking fuckery.
(Merry Christmas. I’m sorry or you’re welcome)
Today’s Moment of Science… Pop! There goes a few beliefs in pop-psychology.
- How much of your brain are you using? In the 2014 movie Lucy, Scarlet Johansson’s titular character takes a drug that allows her to access all of her brain and she gets goddamn super powers. In 2011’s Limitless, Bradley Cooper plays a struggling writer who gets a magic pill that lets him complete a manuscript in a weekend and become a zillionaire, which really under-sells the benefits of Adderall.
There’s some wild misconception that we only use 10% of our brains (Cooper is generously given 20% in Limitless). As much as I claim that drinking kills the dumb brain cells first, we use all of our brains. This myth likely started with early twentieth century psychologist William James. His work suggested that most people did not “live at their maximum of energy,” meaning we didn’t reach our full potential. Which… fair (and rude). This started showing up in print in the late 1920s as the ten percent myth. It’s sometimes misattributed to Einstein. When reached for comment, Einstein said “I didn’t fucking say that.”
- INFJ? ESTF? GTFO. Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, started working together on personality-typing during WWII. Briggs got way into Carl Jung’s work on personality, skipped the academic nonsense and went straight into the hard work of making shit up.
The test gained popularity with social science institutions for decades anyway. Some employers today even ask job candidates for their results from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment (MBTI). But a 1993 article stated there was “insufficient evidence to support the tenets of and claims about the utility of the test,” and reviews have not improved since. I’d critique the peer reviewed studies published by the mother-daughter duo, but they never produced any.
MBTI is largely viewed as pseudoscience, as are most of the popular online personality tests. None will really predict personality over the course of a lifetime because, contrary to popular belief, personality traits aren’t immutable. Hell, these tests are barely predictive of the results from one time a person takes the test to the next. About half of people get different results with the MBTI when taking evaluations a month apart (I’m rarely an extrovert twice in a row). That’s not a personality change, and it’s certainly not science. That’s a shitty MySpace quiz with no measurable benefits over astrology.
- The Bystander Effect sounds terrifying. The way I first heard it, a crowd watched a woman being raped and murdered in broad daylight and did nothing. Witnesses may figure it’s someone else’s responsibility and opt to not get involved. You’re virtually no safer for the presence of strangers than you would be alone. But hey, the cops will definitely be there to help in two minutes if someone just calls them.
This one is lazy copaganda taken from a dramatic reimagining of the 1964 murder of Kitty Genovese. Published by the New York Times a few weeks after the fact, it claimed 38 witnesses ignored her cries for help. In reality, she was attacked and killed at 3am in a neighborhood where 38 people likely weren’t even awake. It wasn’t broad daylight, nobody saw the entire attack, and there were maybe a dozen total “witnesses,” most of whom only heard her yelling but didn’t realize what was happening. Multiple people attempted to contact the police.
Though some experimental results suggest the bystander effect is real, hear me out, reality itself might be a better gauge of how often people help in reality. A 2019 analysis of crimes caught on surveillance footage showed that bystanders intervene over 90% of the time. The more bystanders, the better the chances that one of them would act.
- The Dunning-Kruger effect is often simplified down to “stupid person is too stupid to comprehend the depths of their own stupidity.” This is held in contrast with experts who understand how vast an entire field of study is, conversely leading them to underestimate their skills. When someone drops into my comments section telling me, a chemist, that I should educate myself about their definitely real chemical-free diet, someone might call this an example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
But the effect is about skills, not intelligence or being wrong. Someone with a low degree of skill in a particular area may have a bit of unearned confidence specifically with regards to that set of skills.
That is, if this isn’t all just statistical noise. Newer studies (that never even set out to disprove the idea) produced data that suggest people are pretty good at estimating their skill level, but we all have a tendency to think we’re above average. The degree to which this effect occurs and what the cause(s) might be are still being poked at.
So is that ‘chemical free diet’ an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect? Without more information, we just know that person’s wrong. If the effect is real, a more clear example might involve scientists wandering off from their field of study. A Nobel Prize winning quantum physicist who’s high on the smell of their own farts might, with great confidence, say some daffy shit about vitamin megadoses (I see you, Linus Pauling). Similarly, medical doctors seem so highly skilled, lest their confidence propel them to look like utter buffoons when they talk about quantum mechanics (yes, Deepak Chopra is a real medical doctor).
Of course, this isn’t to be confused with the Dunning Kruger Erect, which is when a man is overly confident in his ability to satisfy a woman.
(My Mother is very proud of me.)
- What’s your love language? Author of The Five Love Languages series, Gary Chapman, cracked this special code to help you better communicate love with your partner. Chapman, who has a PhD and hosts a radio talk-show, defines ‘love language’ as how someone prefers to receive love. The list includes physical touch, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and words of affirmation. Sounds plausible. Ish.
But love languages aren’t even slightly grounded in science. These books were initially published as Christian literature, which makes sense since Chapman was a Baptist pastor. Knowing he has a PhD, I thought he might have pulled from experiences in clinical work as a therapist, but this motherfucker has never been a licensed therapist of any sort. His PhD from goddamn bible college is in adult education. He’s also listed as a contributor to Focus on the Family, an organization that’s focused mainly on homophobia. Chapman isn’t promoting evidence-based advice to help communicate love. He’s barely not a bible salesman, promoting a lame version of Christianity.
This has been your Moment of Science, pretty sure Freud would have had a field day with being told by a sweary divorcee with a praise kink how much of his field has amounted to birdcage lining.
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OK OFMD Astrology headcanons (modern western astrology). I have thought the most about Ed. Feel free to argue with me if you're an astrology bitch
Stede- Leo sun (canon, Man For Sale, Gentleman Pirate), Scorpio moon (He is emotionally constipated but he has a lot of depth), Virgo Venus (jealous, 90% acts of service by mass)
Ed- Pisces Sun (idk what to tell you hes a pisces), Cancer moon (Highly Emotional Person), Scorpio Rising (people tend to have incorrect assumptions about him, he contains many hidden depths, he comes off as intimidating when that's not the case), Gemini Mercury (charismatic social chameleon), Taurus Moon (just wants to be taken care of, likes stuff), Scorpio Mars (the bitch loves mind games, Inventor of the fuckery)
Jim- Vico said Jim's an Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Capricorn rising and I for one believe them.
Olu- Taurus sun (down to earth, realistic, the crew's rock) Definitely has an earth sign heavy chart, although I feel like he has at least one cancer placement, and potentially a Libra mercury although I would also buy Virgo.
Lucius- Libra sun Libra mercury, I will not be taking questions at this time. If you told me this man was air signs all the way down I would believe you.
Frenchie- Also Air sign heavy. He's got one prominent Pisces placement and an Aquarius mercury.
Izzy- Taurus Sun(derogatory) cross Olu's Taurus Sun (affectionate) (Stubborn, bullheaded, unable to adapt), Capricorn Moon (emotionally constipated (the moon's at it's detriment in Capricorn), easily offended) Fire signs the rest of the way down because he is constantly trembling with rage, Except he has a scorpio venus (can't identify love and he's repressed as fuck (Venus is in it's detriment in scorpio) Scorpio is the sign of hidden deapths and Izzy is the worst closet case I've ever seen)
Wee John- Aries cuz it's funny (likes to light stuff on fire)
Spanish Jackie - Scorpio because I have no idea what the fuck is going on with her ever. She is mysterious and plotting. Very sexy vibes
Calico Jack- I've got three different thoughts here. Saggitarius (obvious reasons (Insane frat boy)), Gemini (obvious reasons (two faced bitch)), Leo sun (derogatory) vs Stede's Leo sun (affectionate) (Self absorbed and over confident)
Buttons- was not born so he has no astrology chart but if he did he would be a pisces.
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yermes · 10 months
PAC: 🦀
Im sick. As someone who has had a string of bad luck and hangs out with people pretty deep in practice I get the question: “do you think you are cursed?” And the answer is as someone whose whole entire life has just been a string of bad luck I do not think im cursed. I have just always had the shittiest luck. But thats life. Sometimes you get the ace sometimes you get the deuce. Either way. You have to play with the whole deck. If you are having a bad week heres some suggestions.
Pick a meme
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The cards
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The Star (Reversed) ✨
The Daughter of the Firmament, Tzaddi, Fish hook
Literally this bitch reversed means bad luck LMAOOOOOOOO. The tree of life and every aspect of the tree of life is represented via astrological association. The tree. And Hermes hovering over said tree. Due to the unfulfilled hopes, the disappointment you gained a pessimistic outlook. Don’t shut yourself off. Magically, socially, spiritually, materially, like just fucking don’t dawg. Shit does turn around even if you are at the apex of shit look for the light.
Suggestion: girly why are you slacking on shadow work?
Lust 💋
Venus in Leo, Chesed to Geburah, Fire
You are having issues with your below in the “as above so below” aspect. You seem to be suppressing primal aspects which may be causing issues with your mental health and or practice. You cannot have the divine without the primal you may as well enjoy it.
Suggestion: Be a whore you deserve it. 🩷
Two of Wands 🦷
Chokmah, Lord of Dominion, Mars in Aries, 1°–10°
Girl just hang tight. This card is about courage, justice, boldness. You need to confront the bullshit head on. Hiding from the fuckery will not help anything you need to fight it. If you got bad luck from breaking a mirror. Fight it. Fight the mirror. However this suit being a wand im feeling your bad luck is manifesting in an un physical way. Or it starts in the not physical and manifest slowly in the physical. Take that as you will.
Suggestion: Be the problem
Magus 🫁
Sun, Mercury in Aries, Kether to Binah, Air
Issues in your practice. We have all been there. Issues in practice which lead to a streak of bad luck weather it be because you are anxious or angry then everything has gone to shit or you reached something stagnant. OR you fucked around and found out and goddamn are you finding out. remember you are a bad bitch and they can’t kill you.
Suggestion: stop fucking with demons ur not cool or edgy you are about to get ur ass beat in a primal way. Just thank god ur not fucking around and finding out with angels and if you are RIP LMAOOOOO
Story/vent: literally got sick as fuck after a shithole of a weeeeeek. I need to clean my room and do my cleansing rituals but my ass is to busy being reading and being a dick to do it lmao. I also reexplained ceremonial magic in a chaos magic sense and I made people not feel cringe as hell about doing it. So. Slay.
My kofi
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horanghoe · 2 years
Ahem, top chaotic tumblr/discord moments you’ve been involved in 😈 💕
After how many months I am now ready to answer this 😈
ladies, gents, theys & the gays pls welcome -
✨ the maths, tits & geography group chat ✨
I'm here to do an expose (with consent of the below ppl):
💕 @raibebe , @flowerboykun , @slightlymore , @just-come-baek , @moonctzeny , @immabiteyou , @kthpurplesyou , @atiny-piratequeen & @yutasthetic 💕
get ready for some mischief via our best-pinned, totally out of context comments and conundrums
(NSFW messages below line, minors pls dni) - moots pls message me if you would like a sc to be removed :) it is likely I will need to republish the whole thing tho as they have been compressed greatly <3
first category; general chat ✨ general fuckery happens here
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next category; my office 😈 NSFW hours, aka thot hours, aka the place of communal simping. the girls who get it (have been in my past offices), get it. leggo ~
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(about 40 pinned images of hot men later)
next up - live voice chat pins. warning; this is where it gets wet & wild. and also my personal favs are in here - where a lot of our inside jokes are created
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next up - here lies sammy's corner. now I don't want to expose my bestie completely - but astrology corner can go off the fucking rails sometimes. so please enjoy <3
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and last but not least - the misc special mentions ✨
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that's all folks ~
P.S. this is one large love letter for those who have made me laugh, cry, smile and generally make it through all the rough days. we may never meet each other; but the support in our little group is unreal & makes all the difference. I hope we all grow (even older) further with each other and all stay healthy and happy for the years to come. Even the less active members - I love you so much.
lots of love liv xoxo
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only-fragments · 3 months
Does eclipse season not bother me because I'm oblivious to astrological energy or because the Sun and Moon have been such a source of constant chaos in my life since I was 14 that I'm just too used to their fuckery now?
The world may never know. 🤷
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Once Upon a Witchlight: Episode 45 (SPOILERS)
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Oh no, a warning for graphic themes? If someone died im crying so hard
My S/I would be so happy to finally explore the material plane!!
Father twin giggle sesh :D
Kremy is going crazy again
When Torbek is worried about YOU, then you know you're acting crazy /j
Gideon and his old man glasses omfg, I love that image so much
“Empath” Gricko gives off astrology girl vibes and idk why
My S/I would be having so much trouble in the desert because of them never having experienced a dessert before and the whole satyr fur thing
My bestie, the eldritch abomination of a bugbear <3
Gricko getting the party into trouble against a desert hydra is so him coded, bro would get the group in trouble at a damn Wal-mart
OMFG A THIRD NAT 20 FOR GIDEON!!!! THAT HYDRA IS GONNA BE MUSH!!! (Im stimming so hard right now, my hands are flying like crazy fr fr))
Mace has the same amount of object permanence as I do /j
What is with all these nat 20’s this episode, loaded dice? /j
Of course Gricko would try to befriend the monster
Mikey's dice bag being full of bananyas is so damn funny
Hootsie is so smart to not deal w that bs fr fr
Kremy accidentally kills his teammates via mind fuckery /j
My S/I would be so confused during the hunger of hadar thing, they'd be screaming shit like: “IS THIS NORMAL IN THE MATERIAL PLANE, AND WHERE IN THE HELLS IS EVERYONE???”
All these dudes are so OP in their own ways but also complete idiots in others, I love them all so much
“That's from Agwe you dumb ugly bastard!” is a great like Gideon, good job
“Longscarfing it” is my new favorite thing
Fighting with an erection mention lmao XD
They're freaking out about Nikkie playing swamp music lmao
We love the swoose (Swan + Goose)
Also wasn't one of the cookies Bavlorna gave Torbek a swoose, and Nikkie is using the same accent for the swoose as she did Bavlorna
“Recount the tales to me x3, of a troubled past and what set you free” ARE WE GONNA GET SOME BACKSTORY ON THREE OF THE DUDES???? PLEASE LET ONE OF THEM BE TORBEK, BRO IS AN ENIGMA
“We hit rock bottom and picked up shovels” HAHAHA
I wonder what Andy’s theory is, My theory is that Zybilna is the fourth sister or at least connected to them in some way
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A piece of me
And sometimes, I just lose it. My mind, my patience, my empathy, YES! EVEN that! Sometimes I reach the point of not giving a single fuck. I get so fucking tired of people and their bullshit. Sometimes, even my own shit! Existing is EXHAUSTING. Being misunderstood majority of the time and having to explain simple truths. Or rather what I perceive as a simple truth. BTW, I'm an Aquarius Sun, Libra Moon, Virgo Rising, and Aquarius MERCURY... and if you know anything about astrology, you know that MERCURY is about communication.. so technically, I LIVE in my own head. AND THAT IS EXHAUSTINGGGGGGGG!!!! Aquarius is all about truth, knowledge, logic, etc. My cousins are aliens.. I strongly believe that I am an alien. Cause I DO NOT identify as human. NOT WITH ALL THIS FUCKERY THAT GOES ON DOWN HERE! It is currently 5:55pm as I type this. Synchronicities are my guides ways of showing me what I need to do, follow, learn, or even just to let me know that I am on the right path.
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thewitchwench · 2 years
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The Full moon in Pisces peaks tonight/tomorrow. This one is big one in terms of releasing emotions, creating space for balance and following your intuition. The last new moon asked us to devote ourselves to ourselves...how has that been going for you darlings? This is a chance to delve deep and release anything that no longer serves, heal anything that needs healing. The clash between saturn and uranus brings us one last bout of fuckery so that we can move onto a path better aligned. But its going to take some dedication. Don't miss this chance to align yourself with what you feel called to do. You can find a full reading and a load of spells and rituals to support you over on the blog. Link in my bio. . . . . . . . #witch #witch🔮 #solitarywitch #paganwitch #instawitch #greenwitch #hearthwitch #hedgewitch #paganpride #heathen #kitchenwitch #witchlife #witchcraft #modernwitch #witchaesthetic #norsepagan #celticpagan #priestess #witchschool #oldways #goth #fullmooninpisces #astrology #fullmoon #shadowwork #mercuryretrograde #astrologyposts (at Totnes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiS1JAlrYx4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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