#astruc is a hack
a-flaming-idiot · 9 months
I think the reason I like redeemed Lila so much is a combination of her having nice potential for redemption and being a normal cast member conceptually and just to spite Astruc who decided the two greatest evils in the world are a pair of fourteen-year-old girls who he will snap the universe over his knee to make as impractically evil as possible.
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i-am-going-to-skream · 8 months
Someone locked thomas asscheeks out of the studio when they where making the mlb movie and it shows
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I agree, but after reading how Chloé’s story potentially ends this season, this scene sounds dishonest coming from the writers.
A parent that doesn’t care for ones child is a monster, except the Bougeois. In that case André is a poor man that did nothing wrong (although Audrey left when Chloé was a toddler and he was responsible for her upbringing) and Audrey is as evil as her daughter, who deserves all the abuse, sorry, forgot in Astruc’s mind it’s not abuse if you hate the character, it’s poetic justice. My bad.
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anxresi · 7 months
A Short Zoe Rant Cos I Is Bored
The ONLY way Zoe would’ve been remotely acceptable in the show is if she’d been introduced MUCH earlier.
Like, the very first season.
Show her as a ‘counterpoint’ to Bully Chloe as one who is actually bullied, and how being raised in a completely different country & continent can influence one’s behavior & outlook.
Maybe she can have a few cameo scenes until she’s a full-time regular, show her chatting on the phone to her dad, sending letters to her sister etc.
Then, when she eventually DOES turn up later, give her more personality than ‘feel sorry for me, oh and btw I’m a lesbian’. Not everyone has to fall hard for her the minute she appears, and if you ARE going to make her a superhero, don’t give her the miraculous in her second ever episode!
And Mr Astruc wonders where these accusations of favoritism come from, when all this coincides with Chloe’s sudden descent from being a semi-complex character to a raving lunatic sociopath? Anyway���
Have Zoe perform some actual function in the show: like, give her a pivotal role in her sister’s redemption. Let her have some negative traits, apart from I-don’t know-how-special-I-truly-am (a common trait of badly written Mary Sues). Don’t let the finality of her character arc be a single pink streak in her hair(!) (talk about lack of ambition).
A few other ideas: Give her a girlfriend crush who ISN’T Marinette, because not everything has to revolve around Baker Girl. Quit putting words in the mouths of other characters how ‘perfect’ she is to manipulate and influence the young audience, it’s distracting and annoying.
Basically, the only thing I’d keep about her in her current incarnation are her shoes, which are pretty groovy TBH. Everything else can be ditched, including her name (Too close to ‘Chloe’ idk… I think something like ‘Arabelle’ would suit her) and design, (again, too similar to Baker Girl)
But, as anyone with half a brain cell would’ve figured out by now, she was only created as a flawless counterpoint to you-know-who so Mr Astruc and his lovable team of hacks wouldn’t have to do any real development on Chloe… they gave us a ready-made, blandly nicey-nice ‘cute’ replacement to just simper away in the background without doing anything of value and contributing the grand total of nothing to the dynamic of S4 onwards.
And seeing as how S4 is generally seen by a lot of people as the beginning of a steep decline in quality of the show, I guess she’s in good company.
Welcome to the dumpster fire, Zoe. We have cake! 🔥 🧁
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It’s pretty funny looking at the Marionette can’t get akumatized thing considering we’ve had Kagami akumatized without Hawkmoth knowing anything despite her knowing ladybug’s civilian identity. This fact negates the only thing keeping this plot from getting off the ground which I think was Astruc’s point in saying “the plot wouldn’t work”. It can and you’ve shown it can, you just need to put a bit of elbow grease into it. I personally think he didn’t want to but wanted a reason besides that.
The show also loses the excuse that only Marinette can save the day, as we've seen Alya and Adrien use the Ladybug Miraculous without a hitch (Hack-San, Passion).
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generalluxun · 2 years
We were Robbed (humor)
Proof that Astruc is a hack: We've had Kitty section since season 2 and we've never had a band group-akumatization into some epic Black Metal version of themselves.
We deserve Rose belting out fierce gutturals.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
The Akuma Class and the Science Class (especially Chloe and Nathaniel) have had enough of Astruc's shenanigans and march right into his office, demanding they stop Chloe from returning to her abusive mom, and to keep Nathaniel at DuPont.
Reshma: *Kicks the door open*
Thomas: What the hell?! You nearly broke the door off the hinges, René!
Thomas: Okay, let's just calm-
*Ivan locks the door*
Thomas: ... Down.
Marc: *As he approaches, he takes a swing at Asstruc's computer with his baseball bat* ... Now, here's what's gonna happen, you raggedy-ass bitch. You're gonna make all of us the same age, you're going to keep Chloé away from her abusive egg donor, you're gonna keep my boyfriend on the fucking show, and you're gonna write a kiss scene for the two of us.
Thomas: *Scoffs* And what if I don't?
Alya: I got a year's worth of blackmail on you, bitch. Try us. And with each minute you're not rewriting your fucked up script, I'll just have one of my friends hack your Twitter account and post a confession, like how Sabine is based on an ex of yours.
Thomas: You don't scare me. Who the heck even is this hacker?
Cosette: Wow, you don't even know your own characters. Know what? Fuck this guy! Post that sucker!
Ismael: Start with how the male artists drew inappropriate content of the main characters.
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the fuck you MEAN Lila’s hair is a wig?!
- a person who refuses to go back to watching mlb but is still curious about the wackassery of it all
She just puts on a wig and contact lenses for the lila persona or some shit. also she has a ton of wigs and colored contacts like shes in some kinda spy thriller shes insane shes constantly like undercover as like 5 different ppl idk
also she has two moms??? or like. lila rossi's mom and the Second (Secret) Mom??? (who uses sign language!! neat! :3) and i dont think lila rossis mom knows about her REAL(????) mom (sign language mom) but sign language mom knows abt lila rossi mom which makes me slightly concerned that lila/cerise stole the identity of the REAL lila rossi like a decade ago and has been living as a lila rossi stand-in for the past 10 years after she buried the body idfk lol (joke theory. not an actual theory. but lets just say that the fact that this "lila killed someone and stole their identity" theory is semi-believable is already enough to show how bonkers season 5 was)
but yea she just disguises herself like Constantly and turns out lila rossi was just one of her evil spy personas. she also has an evil spy basement lair with like hacking equipment or sth. and she used Remote Spy Manipulation (an earpiece and strategic wording lmfao) to manipulate chloe into becoming the mayor of paris for like a week. chloe then proceeded to sicc robot cops on everyone's asses
also also after gabriel kicked the bucket and went to heaven together with emelie or whatever the fuck nooroo's miraculous was lost (it fell into the water at the bottom of gabriel's evil basement) but its revealed at the end of the finale that surprise surprise! cerise/lila/weirdospygirl has the brooch and will presumably be the big bad for the foreseeable future. IF she survives being possessed or some shit. idk she got attacked by a white light or sth and she was like "GASP D:" and then the season ended ¯\_(:/)_/¯ 
other fun things that happened this season:
adrinette ACTUALLY CANON (NO YEA FOR REAL) ok ok so basically. at the start of s5 marinette gets a crush on chat noir and adrien crushes on marinette instead of ladybug. eventually marinette allows herself to love adrien again and adrinette slowly get together like halfway thru s5 or sth. everyone ships it. and no. they do NOT know each others secret identities :')
luka knows the identities of both chat noir and ladybug as established in... season 4...? iirc? unfortunately halfway thru s5 gabriel figured out that luka knows so luka fled the country and went on a fun father-son-crocodile bonding trip (so like. with jagged stone, penny, and fang) to become tibetan monks. under the guidance of master fu's superior who we got introduced to last season (one of the monks who were like magically frozen in stone for 150 years or whatever)
tikki and plag biblically accurate angels confirmed. they can combine into ANOTHER biblically accurate angel called gimmi. gimmi granted gabriel his wish and now the world ended, gabriel is dead, etc etc adrinette lives happily ever after or sth
oh yea also felix kagami and adrien are sentimonsters. if you remember last year on twitter when thomas astruc swore up and down that senti!adrien theory was bullshit? yea so. he lied. he played a longcon. felix and kagami are in a relationship and both know that theyre sentis but adrien is like,,,, VERY HEAVILY FUCKING IMPLIED to also be a sentimonster except he doesnt know that yet. rip adrien. i think marinette knows abt kagami and felix being sentimonsters!??!?!?!??!? it was a VERY confusing scene like felix and kagami explained it to marinette thru interpretative dance T_T
OH YEA ALSO ladybug (fused w the cat miraculous. i forgot what name she gave herself) WAIT NO. BUGNOIR OR SOMETHING. ok so bugnoir fought hawk SHIT NO shadowmoth one-on-one and discovered he was gabriel and also saw his evil lair and emilie in the fridge coffin yanno. but yea adrien doesnt know. gabriel died and paris assumes he was the hero who defeated haw-SHADOWMOTH and adrien thinks so too. marinette is i think? the only one who knows gabriel was the big bad. aside from lila/cerise bc she knows everything with her stupid evil spy skills 🙄 oh yea lila also got a hold of all of gabriels secret files, including his photocopies of the grimoire
ON THAT NOTE gabriel was suuuppeerrr manipulatively nice to adrien this season and nathalie came SOOOOO SO SO SOOO CLOSE to throttling him on like at LEAST 5 occasions bc she cares for adrien more than she does for gabriel and she was SO gaslight gatekeep girlboss this season it was great like shes a few hours away from dying herself and she STILL tried to shoot gabriel with a crossbow lmao
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cobrawolfmeiji · 8 months
End of Ladybug: ZAG's Blue Harvest?
It is no surprise to everyone who is a Ladybug fan that the title of the upcoming special has raised eyebrows. The new Special, coming this year is titled "The End of Ladybug" and has shocked the fandom and even those who are not even in the fandom. This leads to the question: why?
The answer might be two worlds: "Blue Harvest"
when George Lucas was filming "Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi" he used a fake title "Blue Harvest" to hide behind. He used this mainly when filming in The Yuma Desert and Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park. people who worked on the film wore hates and jackets with the name "Blue Harvest" on them with the claim they were filming a horror movie (which were common in the 1980s.)
Could this be what Jeremy Zag and Thomas Astruc are pulling?
The answer might be yes as ZAG Animation has also been doing another trick Lucasfilm has pulled off for the sequel trilogy: Fake Leaks.
Lucasfilm pulled off several fake leaks to prevent true leakers from revealing too much about the Sequels, as several Old EU Purists tried to hack into Lucasfilm and Disney to try and ruin the movies out of revenge for the Old EU being ended by Lucasfilm (The only Old EU material left is Star Wars The Old Republic, which many have said might be soon moved to Canon.)
After what was known as the "Big Big Leak" of the last half of Season 5 (with a few fake leaks also being leaked), Zas and Astruc did not take chances for The Ladybug and Chat Noir Movie, the upcoming specials or Season Six, so they started sending out fake leaks....a lot of them. many of these fakes were found out by a few people, along with the fact that did used and said sorry for using pictures on DeviantArt, for fake leaks. The biggest fake leak is the infamous "Bible' of Miraculous, showing what it claimed to be the full episode list of Season 6, only to be proven to be faked.
So to Zag and Astruc, I say bravo for your deception of those who want spoilers.
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magical-xirl-4 · 1 year
Wow, they really did Chloe dirty in MLB Season 5 😐 Like I heard how bad it was in Seasons 3 and 4 were for Chloe, but I never realized how bad it got in Season 5 until I heard about it. Thomas Astruc is a hack of a writer.
I have no clue what’s happened in season 5 tbh, what happened?
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
I assume you have been Hacked if you decided all of the sudden to agree with all of Thomas Astruc's decisions and opinions.
Do you even follow me?| Not really | Maybe? | Thats reasonable | A solid assumption. | You passed the test |
Oh his decisions are meh. Not all his choices were bad.
I just think he has a bunch of Garbage takes on things.
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anxresi · 1 year
An open letter to everyone who now hates Chloe after the events of ‘Derision’...
…You do realize the writers invented this entire newfound premise for Marinette’s previous erratic behavior around Adrien just to ‘get one over’ on Chloe fans and continue the character assassination they’ve subjected her to since S3, don’t you? 
Think of this as just another extension of Zoe’s ill-thought out  introduction and suddenly forgetting Chloe ever had any more agency than ‘doing things for the evulz’ and hopefully then you’ll come to understand my point.
Like I’ve said on many previous occasions, idk whether to be angry, sad, bemused or simply in awe that Thomas Astruc would work so strenuously to drag a character down that only a couple of seasons ago was being touted as a multi-layered anti-hero.
And anyone who says this blatant retconning was ‘planned from the beginning’ is obviously wrong. If this show was a person, I don’t even think they could even remember what they’d had for breakfast. I don’t need to cite any examples… anyone who’s watched it from the beginning can figure out what I mean.
This entire continuity-busting farce is down to one man and one man only rewriting the entire show because a character he despises was becoming more popular than he likes around S2… so what better way to demonize her forever than to make her personally responsible for traumatizing the main character Marinette for the rest of her life?
The fact this clears up a LOT of questionable previous scenes (like Marinette stalking Adrien wherever he goes, having a copy of his entire schedule and that weird moment with his waxwork) also apparently lets Astruc and his merry band of hack writers off the hook, while now giving a tragic undercurrent to them which it hasn’t earned because it’s as clear as day they were originally intended to be ‘humorous’.
What he’s done is genius, really. In one fell swoop he’s permanently stigmatized Chloe in the eyes of a lot of Miraculous fans, rebranded controversial moments with Marinette at her stalking worse as somehow ‘symbolic’ with past abuse and cynically done it all without a hint of regret.
This is an evilly cunning plan that even Hawkmoth might find a tad excessive. I’d take my hat off to him… if I didn’t like to think I was one of the ‘good guys’.
So, I’ll simply say in response “YOU SUCK”, pull a stupid face before running off into the distance sneering at him all the way.
…Hey, it’s all I’ve got ‘kay?. 😜😎
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banterscanter · 5 years
Hi, I’m mad at ML for using the SAME FUCKING RIG for Felix. 
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mat2modblog · 3 years
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TIL: XANA was a Sentimonster created by Shadow Moth.
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yknow what would be cool that Astruc would never do. Bring back Robustus and give Markov a REASON to want to help hawkmoth. Perhaps the episode sets up him realizing being a robot (no matter how advanced) means he WILL be treated differently, as if he's just a few lines of code without any thoughts of his own. Bonus if that's just half of it and the other half of it is Markov being forced to adhere to human gender while he's just like "but I'm not???"
Perhaps hawkmoth so generously offers him a miraculous and the builds a vaguely humanoid body (he's not as advanced as Aeon, but he's got like 6 fingers and can climb buildings or smth, really strong metal legs that let him leap across streets) and he goes along with it because deep down he wants to be treated like anyone else, to treated as if he was just some remote-control drone with a microwave camera. Perhaps he's so scary like this is because his voice sounds more like that male Siri rather than how it used to. Nobody knows who he is until he and max meet and his defenses are lowered, he loses and has to flee the first battle and they realize.
And the episode is about realizing he just wants people to respect him as an equal. He doesn't want to be treated any better or worse. Max notices it first, and it forces ladybug and chat noir to realize that unintentionally they've been playing favorites with not only one another but with everyone. It also forces them to realize Chloe may be mean sometimes, but part of that is the fault of her absent mother and her father who had no idea how to raise her properly but did his best.
The episode ends with Markov being de-akumatized and crying because it was the most like him, he'd ever felt in his life. (I mean the wiki says he has no gender so like, nb he/him robot) and the group consoling him because he's not a bad person for being akumatized, and it forces them to take the stakes more seriously and to try to combat the problem at the source. They now realize they need to find out why people are being akumatized and helping them deal with the underlying problem. (I.E Markov and the curse of being forced into human gender roles, Chloe and having to come to terms with her family and having to understand that while she's been rude, she can turn around and be a better person, but part of these issues stem from her family life/abandonment issues.)
Thank you for reading this I have a lot of thoughts about Markov since I love robots and am also NB (and autistic which I like to think Markov is also autistic <3)
Honestly, that all sounds a lot better than what we got in “Hack-San”. Maybe Gabriel could have tricked Max by offering him an internship at his company so he’d get a chance to talk to Markov.
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Miraculous-- Purification Power
I’m sure other people have mentioned this somewhere before, but of the many, MANY things that bug me in some way about Miraculous Ladybug (but for some reason I keep watching because apparently I enjoy hating on the show) is that one of the big powers is to De-Evilize/Purify the Akuma Butterflies. Now in itself having to Purify the Akuma makes a degree of sense, but the reason they have to do so only ever comes up once, in a flashback episode that happens several episodes after the premiere episode. Not only that but the definition of Purification is ‘To Remove Contaminants’ and is often done by destroying or neutralizing the contaminant substances if direct removal is too difficult/impossible.
So two things: 1) Why even make Purification a thing if you are never going to make it an issue? Other than Stoneheart Ladybug never fails to Purify the Akuma and then it was only because of lack of information not ability and the Purification action is apparently very easy and foolproof. 2) Why is Ladybug the one with the Purification power if her power is to Create? I can’t help but feel the inclusion of the Purification requirement was just to give Ladybug more importance and make Chat Noir more dependent on her because without Ladybug’s ability to Purify-- a power that in my opinion lends more to the idea of Destruction-- Akuma Chat Noir can not win any fights... unless he refrains from using his Cataclysm for the entire fight and uses it purely to Purify the Akuma-- which adimittingly is an issue that will be resolved when Chat get’s his ‘adult’ powers and can use his Cataclysm multiple times.
So the Purification aspect never comes up and only exists to increase the importance of Ladybug and decrease the importance of Chat Noir and showcase how the two very much are NOT equals no matter what the lore says.
On Another Note: Ladybug leaves Paris twice in the specials without giving her Miraculous to someone else like in Hack-San. One of those times she just tells Chat to deal with Akuma himself and the other... Okay I never watched Shanghai so I don’t know if she knew Chat wasn’t going to be in Paris but I’ll say she did know. In BOTH of those cases what exactly was she expecting to happen? In the NY special she gets mad at Chat Noir for leaving Paris-- understandable since he said he was staying-- but even if he had stayed he’d have been unable to deal with any Akuma or SentiMonsters because the writers decided Chat can’t fight Sentimonsters (the ONE TIME his Cataclysm doesn’t cause physical damage to the target is when he attacks the enemies he should be able to one shot without moral consequence) and he can’t Purify Akuma or Amoks or fix the damage caused by them. Meaning in the NY special Ladybug just wanted Chat to die basically because remember she didn’t even learn of the Sentimonster attack that happens in that special until like, an hour or more after it ended AND she didn’t bring the Horse with her so she couldn’t have gone back to help anyway. It is only luck on her part that Shadowmoth is also in NY and she ends up being in the right place to fight him. Then in the Shanghai special she KNOWS Chat isn’t going to be in Paris DOESN’T know Shadowmoth is going to be in Shanghai himself, and it is only by pure luck for her AGAIN that she didn’t leave the city to be destroyed by him.
Now, if Chat gets his ‘adult’ powerset before the end of the show he SHOULD lose a lot of his dependence on Ladybug for fights as he has more potential to just brute force wins and can take care of the Akuma himself... it wouldn’t happen like that because Astruc thinks that making your female characters competent means making your male characters useless, but logically that’s how it would work.
What do you all think?
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