#at first where i was like 'i'm straight but i enjoy shipping femslash much more than slash
sweetrays · 1 year
To urge myself to write more, I’ve decided to try out oneshot fanfic commissions :D
If you are interested or want to suggest something, please refer to my ask box or DMs. Once the fic is written, if you'd like it public, it will be posted to ao3 with the link posted on my blog
(read my intro if you’re new to my blog before you decide to interact though. Everyone's welcome except for antis/fan cops and other internet bullies who often invade fandom spaces) 
But first, here is a list of fandoms I can write for, and my personal boundaries when it comes to fictional writing
Peter Pan & related media 
The Stanley Parable (TSP)
The Promised Neverland (TPN)
Back to the Future trilogy (BTTF)
Les Miserables (book not musical)
Bendy and the Ink Machine (BATIM)
Bendy and the Dark Revival (BATDR)
Indiana Jones trilogy
A Series Of Unfortunate Events (ASOUE)
The Outsiders
West Side Story
And I'm sure there’s others I'm forgetting but if you have any suggestions, ask and I might approve.
 Now on to my writing boundaries
Stuff  I will write:
Physical whump (Of any intensity)
Erotica (As long as the character’s age lands somewhere between 15 & 55)
Age gap relationships (Again, as long as the age range is 15 - 55)
Death & tragedy
Family bonding fluff
Kissing/first kiss
Hurt/comfort & angst
Stuff I will write, but I’d prefer not to
Femslash (I just don’t enjoy it as much as straight or mxm dynamics so the oneshot wouldn’t be as good)
Heavy Fetish stuff (it depends on the fandom & what the specific kink is)
Tooth-rotting fluff (I enjoy writing relationships with dark qualities so when everything’s all glitter and rainbows, it's not really my thing)
Modern AU of fantasy/historical characters (I will maybe write modern au, it just depends on what fandom you’re asking for)
Fandom crossovers (crack crossovers are fine, I just find serious fandom crossovers a bit tedious to write because my brain works so directly)
Your own OC/self insert (I will give it a go, but because I don't know the character, I might accidentally make them act quite OOC so the fic might not be up to standard)
Y/N fics (I just can’t because i don’t know what the ladies/gents want from a character lol)
Stuff I will NOT write 
Erotica of characters who are really really young (I have nothing against people who create writing/art of extremely young characters because it's just works of fiction & i know there's no malicious intent behind it, but for me personally, writing stuff like that just feels a bit icky. So please pick a ship with characters in the previous mentioned age range. Thanks.)
FTM transgender headcanons (I use writing as an escape from my own dysphoria, if you’ve read my introduction, you’ll know i'm ftm trans, and being forced to conceive a story where a canonically cisgender character’s sudden transness is the center focus is so unbelievably triggering for me. Again, nothing against people who indulge in these types of headcannons, but please don’t ask me to make one of these)
Fetishes like scat and omorashi (I stand by Y.K.I.N.M.K.A.T.O. so do whatever you want, but personally I just can’t bring myself to write these types of things, it's just so out of my league)
I might update this later cause I know I've forgotten so many things. But contact me via ask box/DMs if you want something written :)
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ninasfireescape · 6 years
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femslash aesthetics anna milton x ruby (supernatural)
“ruby’s not like other demons. she saved my life.”
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laufire · 5 years
You don't have to do this at all but I'm intrigued by your "favourites" tags and I was wondering if you'd break them down?
No problem! I think I remembered them all (but since I keep adding new ones, then forgetting again about them, who knows lol).
favourites: a straight line
Okay, so this is kind of a hard one because it’s mostly a… ~vibe thing. It’s from a quote by Person of Interest –specifically, The Machine telling Shaw that Root loved her because “if we were shapes, you were an arrow, a straight line”, and I just… loved it. So it goes to character that had that sort of… clear-sighted, straightforward something, that cut through the bullshit.
favourites: birds of a feather
From the saying “birds of a feather flock together”. It’s basically used for my ships where the members reflect and parallel each other (especially when it’s a case where fandom convention classifies them as “opposites”).
favourites: cute married couples
Self-explanatory, I think, tho by virtue of the fandoms I frequent lately I haven’t used it much xD
favourites: fucked up families
Also self-explanatory. And much more used!
favourites: god save us from the queen
Named after the trope. Look, fandom. I know why it’s Problematique. But I just love Evol, Power Hungry Queens! (in modern ‘verses it can apply to women with political power in general –i.e., I would totally use this tag for Mellie Grant okay). And I’m not gonna deny a big part of it is the #aesthetics xDD
favourites: head witch in charge
Powerful witches/other magic-type users in general. Comes from the acronym Head Bitch in Charge.
favourites: i am the law
It comes from Buffy’s speech in s7. It goes from that type of characters that take all that “I am the ONLY one”/”if I don’t try to save the world who will” responsability (sometimes, in a frankly egocentric/self-important way lol, but I like that *shrugs*).
favourites: i can fix that
This one comes from Sam The Onion Man in Holes, though it’s morphed into something quite different in my tag system lol. It’s… somewhat tied to the previous one? In that I apply it to characters that have some sort of… control issues/that need to action/intervention in their enviroment. I guess the difference is that I associate this tag with characters that are in a precarious position? Idk.
favourites: i see you
Cato says this to Noah in Underground; I use it for somewhat-antagonistic dynamics where one character sees through the reputation/façade of the other one, basically (sometimes it’s with a ~shippier spirit than others lol).
favourites: immortal exes
Self-explanatory, and one of my fave shippy tropes in existence.
favourites: like father like daughter
For my favourite father/daughter dynamics.
favourites: living large
I love it when my faves like the finer things in live. There’s nothing wrong with liking nice things lol.
favourites: love at first bite
It’s the title of a film I have yet to watch (a comedy where Dracula has to move out of Transylvania). But the quote fits perfectly with my adored blood-sharing/vampire ships, so –tho this is one of the few I often forget to use lol.
favourites: love is the drug
Title taken from a song. For those ships that can’t stay away from each other, despite how ill-advised it might be.
favourites: machiavelli’s alumni
Tag for political savvy people/situations.
favourites: mamma who bore me
Song from the musical Spring Awakening. It’s become short of a catch-them-all for mother characters, but the song/main intent was about controlling/overprotective ones lol.
favourites: mirror mirror on the wall
This is one of my newest ones and I’ve barely used it/edited old posts with it yet. It’s for my very narrow type of fave femslash dynamics lol: aka older/younger women (though there’s ships without the age difference that I’ll likely use it with) ships with lots of parallels motifs that have probably tried to kill each other at least once.
favourites: monster women
Because I love them, and the stories about them.
favourites: my foe beheld it shine
From William Blake’s A Poison Tree, a super dramatic poem about enemies lol. Perfect for enemy ships.
ETA - favourites: persephone’s revenge
One of them is Hades; one of them is Persephone and they’re at Hades’ mercy. I want Persephone to get even xD
favourites: pinocchio stories
Named after the trope; tag for all my artificial intelligence/robots feelings (no, I do not care to explore why the hell I almost always relate to robot characters, leave me alone xDD).
favourites: rags to riches
I will always root for social climbers and gold diggers on principle and this is the tag for that :P
favourites: romantic tragedies
For when what I love about a ship is their angst lol.
ETA - favourites: samson and delilah
One of the members is setting out to destroying and manipulating the other
favourites: smash the system
Inspired by that Hulk “SMASH THE PATRIARCHY” twitter. For characters/stories that seek to tear down the status quo.
favourites: soul siblings
For my fave siblings relationships.
ETA - favourites: sun and shadow
Great for light vs. dark dichotomies, especially in characters. Think Lizzie and (dark!)Josie, Buffy and Faith, Chuck and Amara.
favourites: that fucker
For my Problematic Faves, cold MOFOs, villains and the like.
favourites: the hashtag blessed crowd
My faves are being self-obsessed.
favourites: the masquerade
Another brand new one. It’s inspired by the trope “The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating Life”, and it’s for my ships with Identity Porn Shenanigans.
favourites: the powah of lurve
For ships that overpower everything hehe.
favourites: the walking dead
Because I love resurrection/comes back wrong/ghosts stories.
ETA - favourites: the wordsmith
Tag I inaugurated for those characters that can get out of anything and create everything out of nothing with only their words.
favourites: the world is my canvas
For characters that mark the rules of a ‘verse and control narratives, and the world around them (aka: one of the main power fantasy tags xD).
favourites: three’s company
For OT3s (potentially OT+ in general).
favourites: to die like this; with a last kiss
From Siouxsie and the Banshees’ Face to Face (aka, the Batman Returns BatCat song). I wanted a tag that err… expressed how sometimes I’m into how the members of my ships try (and even succeed!) to kill each other?… it’s majorly fucked-up, foh sure, but I do believe shit like that ~enhances the shipping experience even when it troubles us shippers (and often, because it troubles us shippers, sooo).
favourites: to fall another moment into your gravity
From Sara Bareilles’s Gravity. I love it when my OTPs have broken up and are bitter af about it, yet can’t help but feel drawn to each other, and it’s the perfect song/quote for it.
favourites: vultures in lurve
I knew I had to have heard that expression before because I think vultures are Good™ lmao, and it’s apparently the title of some book. Either way, I kind of like how it sounds, and it’s my tag for when assholes are OTT in love with each other and enjoy being assholes together (pausing for moments where they’re super tender ofc), a la Unholy Matrimony trope.
favourites: you raise sons
Another brand new, barely used one. It comes from the quote “You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes.”. For father-son type relationships.
favourites: you’ve got the love
From the Florence + the Machine song. For those amazing, fulfilling ships where the characters bring the most and the best from each other *-*.
And though this is technically not one of those tags, I have to add #you WISH your faves could ever, which is basically my “this unpopular OTP is magnificent and fandom is jealous about it because their faves suck in comparison” tag xDD (btw, it’s curious how almost invariably, those ships include a WoC presented as The One…).
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