#at least I'm writing
babybluebex · 4 months
yes i know i'm extremely late on the mother's day front, seeing as i've got 10 minutes left in the day, but don't think about being dom's wife and having your first mother's day with him
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like i think the first one would be while you're still pregnant, and you go to his house and have lunch with miss jennifer and bella and dom, and he's sorta being protective the whole time even though he doesn't need to be, just helping you stand up and sit down, getting up to get you stuff so you don't have to get up, stuff like that and he gets up to get you more water while at lunch, and his mom waits until he's fully out of the room before leaning forward and going "i've never seen him like this before" and you're like "aha yeah he's acting a little neurotic today... more than usual" and miss jennifer is like "no, i mean... he's good around his cousins and their kids, but i've never seen him... attentive like this. this is a first for him" and bella chimes in "yeah, he's bending over backwards for you. i mean, as he should, you're literally carrying his child, but he's never been like this" and you're like "huh. weird." but he comes back before any of you can say more and lands a kiss on your head as he sits down and when you go to leave, miss jennifer hands you a little gift bag "don't open this until you're back home" and winks at you, and she hugs you "happy mother's day, momma" and you do as your mother-in-law asked, you wait until you're back in your nyc apartment and your husband goes to futz around in the nursery as per usual (he always has some sort of project that he's doing, adjusting the furniture or rearranging the books on the shelf; you think he's making up excuses just to spend time in there) and you sit on your bed as you go into the bag and extract a little striped onesie, an old baby clothes brand that you're not sure exists anymore, snaps on the front and little mitts over the hands, and the tag inside says "newborn", but then you notice a little red stitching on the back of the collar: DAS. dominic a sessa. and your eyes water and your heart explodes as you hold your husband's baby onesie, and you tug out the card from the bag and read jen's handwriting "we brought dominic home from the hospital in this onesie. hopefully you can do the same with your own. you know who to call if you need anything. xo, grandma jen" and you go to dom in the nursery and sniffle as you show him the onesie and he chuckles "oh wow... this old thing..." and he rests his hands on your little belly as he kisses your shoulder "this time next year, they'll be with us"
and he's right, fast forward 365 days, and you wake up to a light knock on the door to the bedroom, you squint and grunt, and the door winges open to show your husband, a shadow on his jaw, your six month old son in his arms as he balances a plate in one hand, and little frankie squeals when he sees you, and it puts an instant smile on your face "well, hi, boys" you rasp sleepily, and you reach out for your son, taking him in your arms and dom sits on the edge of the bed and smiles as he watches you land a kiss on his son's nose, and he says "do you know what today is?" and you wrinkle your eyebrows "sunday?" and dom laughs "well, yes, but what else?" and you shrug, bouncing fussy frankie a little "it's mother's day" and you're like "oh. i forgot. i have to call my mom" and dom's like "right, but eat some breakfast first" and the plate he brought in has pancakes and cut-up strawberries on it, and dom says "frankester helped me cook. didn't you, stink?" and frankie claps a little in excitement "and by 'helped you cook', you certainly mean he ate some mashed-up strawberries while you burnt a few pancakes?" you ask, grabbing a strawberry with your fingers "the only way he knows how to help" dom nods, and he falls silent while you start to eat, but you notice his unusual silence, and you're like "what's wrong, dommy?" "nothing" he says easily "just enjoying our first mother's day as a family" and you can't help but smile, and you tug dom by his arm into a kiss, and frankie reaches up to touch his father's chin and he does a tiny baby giggle that makes dom laugh "alright, mister, what's so funny?" he asks, and frankie just looks at him with the same almond dark eyes that dom has and a smile on his gummy mouth
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thatdammchickennugget · 8 months
working on something for Mattheo that originally started out as a little blurb but I lost control along the way and it's already over 2k words now, whoops
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somber-sapphic · 25 days
I just forgot how I write. I forgot how I write reader insert in the middle of a reader insert story. I had to reread everything to make sure I didn't switch perspectives somewhere :,)
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torrentialmonsoon · 1 year
My Birth Story - Part 1
Last year at my 38th week appointment, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I was told to think about induction as high blood pressure is very dangerous for myself and the baby. The OB gave me the option of coming back 2 days later and having my BP checked again, and if it was normal, then we would go with the flow and wait for baby to arrive on his/her own (we didnt know the gender at the time even though we tried to find out). But if it was high again, it's recommended that I be induced.
I took the option of waiting the 2 days to see if it would become normal. Went to the clinic 2 days later, and low and behold, it was still high. I was already 1 cm dilated as well. My induction was booked at the hospital for April 15th.
I got my induction done. If you don't know about it, it's VERY painful. I cried. It isn't the worse pain I've felt though. The worse pain was when I was getting tests done at the fertility centre because I have fertility issues, and one of the procedures is to get your tubes flushed with water. That was something. I never want to do that again. Worst pain I have ever felt. Back to my story, after induction, they send me home and tell me that they will call me to come back the next morning. I went back the next morning, and they did some tests and said we will call you. Go home again. So I went. On the 16th, they called me back and said to come around 5 pm. We went. With all our bags that have been packed for many, many days. I wait 2 hours in the waiting room.
As I wait, I see woman after woman, coming in, visibly in strong active labour. As if they were about to pop a baby out any minute. They were sweating, breathing so hard, and in so much pain that they couldn't even speak. They all get priority before me, and rightfully so. A nurse comes towards the waiting area and calls my name. I was like, "finally!" She comes to me and says, the OB would like to speak to you in a few minutes. I said, "okay" and the nurse walks away. I sit back down and wait a few more minutes. I'm updating my husband as he isn't allowed in the hospital until I've been checked in completely. Covid rules. So annoying. He's waiting in the parking lot. It has almost been 2 hours. I can't imagine what he's thinking and going through. I'm sure time must have been like molasses for him.
The nurse calls my name again, and this time is accompanied by an OB. I walk behind them as they take me to a private room, which is actually a shared post partum area with tons of beds. They ask me to sit down and I'm now getting nervous.
"We wanted to ask you if you'd be willing to go to the Trillium hospital about 15 minutes away. Our hospital keeps getting pregnant woman after another in labour and babies keep getting born. Unfortunately, because it's the long Easter weekend, we are also under staff compared to the amount of babies that are being born. Would you be comfortable with going to Trillium instead? I don't want you to keep waiting as you're hitting the 24 hour mark with your induction already. I've already spoken to the OB there, Dr. Chu. She is absolutely amazing and they said that it's not that busy there. Because we are all under one system under Health Partners, they already have all your information. All you have to do is agree and I can make the phone call to let them know you are coming."
I call my husband and ask him what he thinks. He says, yes, we shouldn't wait any longer. Let's get going to the other hospital. We drive to Trillium, I enter the main entrance while Saqib parks the car. They ask me about any covid symptoms and the guy at the reception says, "You're the third pregnant patient they have sent in just the last few hours today." He was very nice and shared that the walk to the Labour and Assessment unit was very long. He offered a wheel chair for me to sit on. I decline politely, and regret this decision as soon as we start walking.
I get to the unit, they check me in, ask me a bunch of questions, I get changed into a gown. Dr. Chu pops in and says hello. She sounds super lovely and I feel a huge relief take over me, thinking I'll be in good hands. She says, "This baby has been through all of Mississauga today to just be born!" I smile and agree. And I tell her that the baby is ready to be born now. I'm finally checked in and go to a private room. I get attached to lots of wires that will monitor me and the baby. I'm finally allowed to call my husband in and I feel grateful to have him by my side.
The nurse is lovely and is pumping all the fluids and hormones in to me that are needed for me to continue the birthing process. The OB comes in again and says that they are going to break my water now, and she does. I thought it would be very painful, but it wasn't. But I did have to do lots of breathing while she removed the instruments from inside me to trigger the water breaking. She also checked my dilation and I was at a 2-3 cm.
The OB said to continue monitoring the contractions, that I'll start to feel them soon. And to let the nurse know if I would like the epidural. The nurse gives me a couple of juice boxes to drink to get the baby moving. And tells me I should eat some food that my husband brought. I eat it and I go to sleep.
At around 3 am, I really have to go to the washroom but I need help because I'm still attached to all the wires. I buzz the nurse, she comes in and helps me out. She then says that she will check my dilation. I'm at 5 cm now. But I feel no contractions. She offers that I take the epidural if I'm interested, so I can go to sleep after that. I decide to take it. It's not as painful as I thought. The OB steps in and says that her shift ends at 8 am and the other OB on duty will come in to check. If the baby doesn't arrive before 8 am, then the new OB will help deliver the baby in the morning.
The baby doesn't like the epidural that much. The heart rate starts to go up fast. Another nurse comes in to check. There are 2 nurses in now, trying to get the baby’s heart rate to go back to normal. They pump some more hormones in me and that does the trick. Baby's heart rate is back to normal, but that was scary. I sleep really well for the rest of the night.
I don't remember the exact time the morning OB comes in but she is accompanied by a few more nurses. She's very enthusiastic, wakes me up, and says she's going to check my dilation. If I'm at 10 cm, we are ready to start pushing. I'm at 10 cm now.
She teaches me how to push and I begin doing so. I don't remember how many times I did. But I kept trying. I can hear one of the nurses say that I'm almost there, she can see the top of the baby’s head. My body temperature starts declining fast. The baby's heart rate starts skyrocketing. This is not good. The OB says we may have to do an emergency C section so both mom and baby are safe. She says to my husband, I want to try forceps, I can see him and we can pull him out. My husband asks, what are the cons of it. She says, that it's very rare but there could be a spinal issue for the baby or there could be some coning of the head. But if we don't do it, it could not be good news. We agree to the forceps.
She uses the forceps and our beautiful baby is born. I can't see him but my husband watches. He's crying and says, it's a boy. More professionals rush in and take the baby. I'm on edge because I'm waiting for the cry. And I finally hear it. I say Alhumdullilah. He's all good. I am exhausted. And I see the OB pulling out the placenta. I think, oh good, I didn't have to push again for that. My husband is calling my sister. I see the OB doing some stitches. Nurses are asking if I want skin to skin. I say yes. They place baby on me and he stops crying. We look into each other's eyes and find perfection. I say salaam to him. We name him Aariz. I feel extremely nauseous. I hear the OB say okay, she won't stop bleeding. I say, can someone get the baby, I'm about to throw up. They pick him fast and one nurse says turn to your left. As soon as I do, I throw up twice. The OB keeps calling my husband, saying dad, dad. But he is too occupied on the phone and doesn't realize he's a dad now. I yell out Saqib, and he finally looks at the OB.
I pass out.
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aspecbuddie · 6 months
finish one of the fics I've got nearly done? nah I had an idea for a part 3 of the qpr fic so I'm writing that instead xD
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
Me: Doesn't want to break the writing chain so, despite feeling tired, opens up laptop so I can write a little more fanfic (I'm weirdly slow these days but that's okay).
Me: Writes a single sentence. Realizes I need to check some canon lore. Does a web search. Finds many interesting hits. Starts reading. Omfg I keep forgetting the bottomless well of Cyberpunk 2013/2020/RED/2077 lore. 😳
Me: Cannot write another sentence until I figuring this thing out. Also tired. Also really wanting at least 150 new words before going to sleep.
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spectre-writes · 5 months
Well, I'm 1000 words through the next chapter of 'headstone empty', which isn't much, but... baby steps. I'll get there.
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There are two wolves inside me:
My knowledge of English literature, writing techniques, and critical analysis.
The irony that I use this knowledge for nsfw fanfiction.
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wren-again · 2 years
Just so you know, I wrote 3500 words of fanfic instead of my novel today. Some of it was the spn wip that I shockingly haven't abandoned, most of it was ofmd. I have a novel to write. This was not the plan.
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missmitchieg · 2 years
*really should get started on You're Surrounded ch 2, is writing Andi/Victoria instead*
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seaside-writings · 2 years
When you've finished an entire chapter for a new book but it takes place during the middle of the book and you haven't even written the first chapter.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Relationships: Warrior of Light & Alphinaud, Warrior of Light & Haurchefant
Spoiler Level: 3.0 (Heavensward)
Summer has a minor freakout after Haurchefant gifts her a chocobo. 
Also on AO3
It’s okay, Summer, just breathe. The viera forced herself to take a large breath in and out, but on the exhale she threatened to dissolve into a pile of hysterical giggles. This could not be happening. She did not need this to be happening right now. Any of this, really. Ul’dah, Ishgard, this stupid trial by combat. But poor, sweet Haurchefant was what was going to send her over the edge to having a breakdown in the middle of the Tribunal. Alphinaud, just walk out already.
As if responding to her mental plea, Alphinaud appeared, walking toward her. “Ah, Summer, I have to thank you again for your help with the tribunal–” he cut off with a yelp as Summer grabbed him by the arm and dragged him toward a door.
The door turned out to lead to a hallway, but it was deserted, so it was good enough. Summer spun Alphinaud around to face her, grabbing him by the shoulders. “Alphinaud I–” there were the giggles threatening again. “I don’t know what to do.”
He stared up at her with concern on his face. “Are you alright? Were you injured?”
“No, I–” Summer released him to tug on her dark brown ears, spinning in a circle to try to contain herself. Attempting  to compose herself, she faced him head on again. “It’s Haruchefant.” She waved her hands vaguely.
Alphinaud simply stared at her, waiting for her to elaborate.
“He gave me a chocobo.”
Alphinaud’s eyes widened.
“And,” Summer dragged her palms down her cheeks, “I don’t know what it means? Like, I know he likes me, and I’ve kind of been getting the vibe that he like-likes me, but I don’t know what to do with this–”
Alphinaud raised a hand to his chin, pondering. “It’s unorthodox, and it would negate some of the Scions’ independence, but I do believe that a marriage alliance with House Fortemps would be–”
“No!” Summer grabbed him by the shoulders again, giving him a small shake. “This is, just no. One,” she held up a finger, “I’m closer in age to you than I am to him.”
Alphinaud blinked. “I, um, that is to say…” he stuttered, “While the Leveilleurs are an important family in Sharlyan, uh… and I don’t really feel–”
Summer cut him off. “Two,” she raised another finger, “I’m pretty sure I like girls.” She let that hang in the air. It felt odd to finally say the words aloud, and she hoped that Alphinaud would–
He brightened up, “I have a twin sister!”
Now it was Summer’s turn to stare at him. At least he took it well. “Alphinaud,” she said slowly, “the problem in this present moment is not my dating life. The problem is that Haurchefant gave me a chocobo.”
“R-right. Which wraps around to–yes.”
“We’re staying at his family’s house, I can’t just avoid him. And I don’t want to avoid him, either. I do like him. Just… not like that. And,” she chewed on her lip, “I could be reading too much into this? Maybe this is all a huge misunderstanding?”
“You know there is a straightforward solution to this?” Alphinaud asked.
Summer widened her eyes at him. “And that would be…?”
“You,” he motioned to her, “tell him,” he motioned out the door behind her, “what you told me.”
“Ernnngh.” Summer pulled on the end of her ponytail, dragging her head to a tilt. “How do you just casually bring that up? ‘I’m sorry, Haurchefant, maybe if you were a woman–’”
“I’m sorry to have caused so much distress to you.”
Summer couldn’t prevent herself from letting out a high pitched whining sound as she spun around to see Haurchefant in the doorway. “Euraugghlm,” was what came out.
Haurchefant gave a soft smile, “My friend, it is true that I care about you, and that extends to not wanting to cause you discomfort. I apologize if I have been overly forward, especially given my now understanding of our… incompatibility.”
Summer’s shoulders slumped. “This is so awkward, I’m sorry. Can we please…” she looked up at him now. “Can we please still be friends?” She extended a hand to shake.
Haurchefant took her hand in both of his. “Of course we’re still friends. Now,” he looked between Summer and Alphinaud with a bright smile, “it won’t do to leave Mistress Tataru waiting by herself! Come, friends. Let us return home.”
Somewhat sheepishly and still feeling like she had been emotionally run over with a chocobo carriage, Summer followed Alphinaud and Haruchefant back out into Ishgard.
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artist-rat · 12 days
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fine dining at the blushing mermaid. with the boogieboys
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vampiricmycelium · 11 months
I keep telling myself I'm going to write something besides mcyt fanfic but sadly I have a disease and it's terminal
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wardingshout · 9 months
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Zelda goes mushroom girl
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astralleywright · 1 year
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spent like an hour trying to find a post abt the disparity of origin companion's content in bg3 and couldn't so, hey, this fucking sucks
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