#at least guardian dragon actually did something
sadlazzle · 10 months
ancient wyvern is a disappointing boss but i don’t think that’s news. it’s hardly a boss at all
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Can I have daemon Targaryen x wife!reader. She’s pregnant and the dragon egg for the child hatched before the birth. The baby dragon stay with her the hole time, sitting on her belly. Otto thinks that it’s wrong and try make the king forbid the reader of walk around with a dragon. During a dinner the baby dragon attack the food on the table and daemon and wife just laughs .
White Knight
Request: Can I have daemon Targaryen x wife!reader. She’s pregnant and the dragon egg for the child hatched before the birth. The baby dragon stay with her the hole time, sitting on her belly. Otto thinks that it’s wrong and try make the king forbid the reader of walk around with a dragon. During a dinner the baby dragon attack the food on the table and daemon and wife just laughs.
Hi! Thank you for the request, this is a cute idea. I’ve never written for the pregnancy trope, so I hope this is ok. I’m still getting the hang of writing for Daemon, he’s a difficult character to write and stay true to the nature of. Writing fluff for him is a little difficult, but I hope you like it. Let me know what you think!
(Warnings: i don’t think there are any, let me know if i missed any)
Daemon had returned with his pick from a clutch of eggs during your last month of pregnancy. Not that anyone else besides you could tell, but he was clearly nervous about the child coming, and went to great lengths to keep you and the child safe. The dragon in him was pure instinct, and he was fiercely protective over you.
He knew you would be alright when Caraxes started guarding you whenever you were around him, sneering at anyone who passed by. It was actually how you found out you were pregnant in the first place, Caraxes knowing before either of you did. Daemon had the instinct to protect you, it was only natural for his dragon to do the same. Especially when you were with child.
What neither of you saw coming, was the egg hatching within a week of being in your child’s cradle. You had placed a blanket in the cradle, preparing the room for the baby, when the egg began to crack. You worriedly called for Daemon, who rushed in, only to find a little tail, peeking out from the shell. 
It was unheard of, at least in the past few decades, and you both were a bit bewildered about what to do with it. After all, it was supposed to be raised with your child, and connect to them, not you.
You knew it would be alright, though, when the dragon crawled out of its shell, scaling the side of the crib to rest on the perch at the top. 
He was completely white, a rare color for a dragon, with hints of red on his underbelly and tips of his wings. His eyes shone a bright green. He was beautiful.
You watched its eyes narrow at you, like it was listening for something, when it finally jumped down to the rail in front of you that was level with your stomach. You had held your breath, nervously watching it, Daemon close at your side. Finally, it leaned in close, let out a small huff, and rested its head on your stomach. 
You nearly melted at the sight, cooing at it, feeling Daemon’s chin rest on your shoulder. He smiled, letting a hand come down to rest on your stomach, when the dragon angrily lifted its head, sneering. 
Daemon laughed, raising his hands in surrender. “That’s right! Already a little guardian, aren’t you?”
“Timpa Azantys,” you replied, running a finger along the cheek of the dragon. 
White Knight.
“Azantys. That’s a good name,” Daemon said, grinning as the dragon traveled up to rest on your shoulder. 
You nodded. “Azantys. I like that.”
Azantys, perched on your shoulder, and locked eyes with Daemon, staring him down. Daemon, never one to relent, narrowed his eyes, his face hard as he stared back.
“Gods,” you rolled your eyes. “He’s minutes old and you’re already sizing each other up.”
Daemon didn’t answer, eyes still locked with the dragon. “Obey.”
After a few seconds, the dragon finally bowed its head, submitting. Daemon gave it a nod, before turning back to you. 
“You only have as much power as you take. A dragon is only dangerous if you let it be. If he’s going to be the protector of my wife and heir, he ought to know that young.”
You raised a brow. “I thought a dragon has no master? Are you telling me a mere man can get a beast like no other to submit to him?”
“I’m not a mere man. Targaryens have dragons blood running through their veins. With our child, as do you. He can sense that, and recognizes his place. That is why he must learn now, just as Caraxes did.”
You nodded, bewildered by the fact that your husband just told a dragon of all creatures to obey, and it actually listened. 
In the following days, you were quite a sight to be seen walking throughout the castle. Daemon wasn’t found at your side near as much as he was before, because now, you had a dragon, always on guard atop your shoulder. He may still be a baby, but he was growing every day, and people were wary around you, even the guards. 
You sat in on sessions at court, like Daemon asked you to. He advised you to pay attention, as your son would be the Lord of his own people one day, and he’d need his mother to guide him. You knew it was just an excuse, but you still obliged Daemon for his own peace of mind. The truth was, he didn’t like you being alone when he had his duties, and preferred you to be around people he trusted. 
Rhaenyra started joining you as well. She was to rule one day, and took the opportunity to learn how to command. She also enjoyed spending time with you, as well as Azantys, who had taken a liking to her. 
You walked into the throne room a half hour before it was supposed to start. As pregnant as you were, it took you a while to get places, and you liked to get comfortable before you had to pay attention. The only people in the throne room was the King, Otto Hightower, and a handful of guards and servants. 
King Viserys smiled fondly at you, nodding as you entered.
“Your Grace,” you curtsied, at least as well as your condition allowed, before taking a seat off to the side. Azantys curled up on your stomach, head facing where the crowds would be so he could keep watch.
Otto gave you a look of disdain, his face set into a scowl. You were amused as you watched him fight himself to say something, before he turned to the King. 
“Your Grace, I don’t think it’s appropriate for the Lady to be here.”
Viserys turned, narrowing his eyes at the Hand. “Whatever for? She’s come every week for months, and is entirely respectful. She’s a positive influence on Rhaenyra as well. You know she is here at my brother’s request, what reason would I have to turn her away?”
You smirked as Otto faked a smile, letting his hands join behind his back. “I meant no offense to the Lady, Your Grace. I have no qualms with her…it’s her dragon. We have the pits for a reason. It is a distraction to the court, and a danger at that.”
“It is only a danger if the Lady is vexed. The court knows well enough to leave her be.”
“But the dragon–”
“She is a Targaryen, now,” the King spoke sternly. “Targaryens have dragons. Neither have done or will do any harm, unless it comes to it, and you’ll be glad to have them against swords if the day does ever come. I will hear no more of this.”
“Your Grace,” Otto nodded, returning to his place beside the throne. He looked in your direction, and you smirked again, running a hand down Azantys’s back. 
The following evening was a feast, the first of many for the week, meant to celebrate welcoming your very soon to come child into the world. Lords and Ladies came from neighboring cities across the Kingdom to congratulate you and Daemon on the start of your family. 
You were sat next to Daemon, a few seats away from the King. Daemon kept one hand in yours, the other rested on the table as he held a conversation with a nearby Lord. Azantys, already almost too big to lay comfortably on your stomach or in your lap, was perched on the top of your chair. 
The servants brought food to the tables, setting places in front of you. You listened to the chattering of all the people, not paying attention to any one conversation in particular. You were zoned out, thinking of other things, when one of the trays was accidentally slid towards you, haphazardly jostling food your way.
Azantys let out a growl, swooping down from his perch to attack the tray in front of you, violently clawing at it to push it away. He opened his jaws, breathing a small flame onto the tray, charring it. 
The guests gasped at the heat and sudden movements, slightly leaning back in their chairs. 
It was quiet for a moment, before Daemon broke the silence with a chuckle. You swiftly followed, holding your stomach as you laughed, wiping under your eyes to clear the tears that had fallen from laughing so hard. 
“Good boy, Azantys,” Daemon smirked, gripping your hand in his. “You protected her from a stain.”
The other Lords and Ladies cautiously laughed, nervous to be in such close proximity with a dragon, albeit a small one, who had just tried to kill a tray for almost spilling on you. They uneasily went back to their conversations, and Daemon let out a low whistle, signaling for Azantys to go back to his perch. 
Azantys obeyed, returning to his guarding spot above you, resuming his watch.
“If he’s like this now, imagine what he’ll be like when the child is actually here. He’s a ferocious little thing,” you joked. 
Daemon squeezed your hand in return, nodding. “I’m counting on it, Darling.”
A/N - Hi! I hope you enjoyed this. To anyone who has sent me a request, I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get to it, I will eventually, thank you for sending them in. 
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Sometimes I feel the shows world is… empty but at the same time has too much
In season 2 they put sentient robots able to feel actual emotions like they are something common enough for a teenager go make them
In the specials they introduce other magic systems like the cousins of the kwamis and then introduce things like Batwoman and super/Wonder Woman
Then in season 3 they introduce FREAKING ALIENS!!! (Bunnix said they exist) I wouldn’t be mad if they elaborated in those subjects
But they don’t, we don’t have meta humans in the rest of the show but season 5 finale, we don’t have magicians and we haven’t seen a flesh and bones alien (I think since I don’t know what Majestia’s whole deal is)
The origins episode and the backstory of the guardians and miraculous imply the existence of other monsters
We see a kraken, a fusion of a Sphinx with Medusa fighting Heracles, a dragon fighting a ladybug holder on medieval glass stain similar to the ones in churches, and then we see some unknown hero fighting a Evangelion like monster on the sea with a Japanese style
But we only have Akumas, Akumas and Akumas, and in special occasions we have Akumas but BIGGER or Akumas but R E D ,Where are those monsters in modern age? Some of the crossovers they had planned with other ZAK shows implied the existence of witches, fairy’s, ghosts and a giant snake monster
The world introduces the supernatural and science fiction but instead of using it we are stuck with miraculous
Why is no character using magic? Why isn’t there sandman or rhino like villains rooming the streets? I Can see post season 4 Gabriel doing what tombstone did in spectacular Spider-Man and turning criminals into super villains to get the miraculous or at least to make negativity higher through all of Paris by introducing super villains who are willingly evil AND have permanent powers
Or why isn’t there a evil wizard searching for the miraculous for power or a ancient evil the kwamis sealed searching to take revenge on Plagg and Tikki? Or just Gabriel using evil magic to summon a hunting hound monster to track the miraculous and the heroes have to find a way to defeat a enemy they can’t defeat by their usual way (their usual way is breaking the evilified object so the enemy just disappears)
They keep introducing weird things and concepts and do nothing with them, is like they tried to be Spider-Man in the “exists on a larger world full with heroes” and then proceeds to ignore all other Spider-Man things like having a rogues gallery and constantly facing magic and sci-fi threats
Heck I might even say he only did this to ride the Shared universe train marvel started but just like DC and the Dark verse, they failed (except for the Monsterverse, the Monsterverse is ETERNAL)
That's the weird thing about this show. It wants to be a simple good vs evil story, but it also wants to flesh out the universe for future spin-offs.
This is why I just can't stand the Miraculous World specials, because they don't do anything with the concepts introduced. The Miraculous scattered across the world, other magical artifacts like the Miraculous, and the goddamn multiverse are only used for what is glorified filler. A lot of these ideas could easily be fleshed out for their own seasons, but the show only wants the conflict to revolve around the heroes and whoever gets the Butterfly Miraculous.
If you want to expand your universe, you need to think about how this development will affect your story as well as your world.
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"Dragons did not cry easily, and Clay had never shed tears in his whole life, no matter how much Kestrel had hurt him with words or claws. But now, suddenly, he had a glimpse of what their life could've been like if Asha had lived. She would have been one more dragon under the mountain to take care of them - but this one kind and affectionate, idealistic and hopeful. A guardian who would've given them faith in the prophecy and themselves. A counterbalance for Kestrel's harshness.
He had never spent much time thinking about Asha, the dragon who brought in his egg, but now his chest ached with sadness that she was dead and he had never known her. He realized he was dangerously close to tears, and he could just imagine how his mother would react to that."
A couple things. First: Mourning the life you could've had if at least one thing was different is like, one of the things that will always emotionally wreck me. So thanks Tui 👍
Second: I love Asha so dearly even though she hasn't gotten a single moment on screen (for lack of a better word), and I would very much like to have a novella about her
Third: ....
WHAT DO YOU MEAN CLAY'S NEVER CRIED!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?
I actually very vividly remember this part and I've been waiting to talk about it because Holy Shit. What.
Clay hasn't cried in his entire life, and as far as I know, has yet to do so after this point. Ain't that Fucked Up?
And no, the "dragons don't cry easily," is hardly true after you have the context of the other books in this series. Heck, even in the very next book Sunny cries when she hears of Kestrel's death.
I'm like 90% certain that that's something that Kestrel told Clay. Essentially the dragon and gender neutral version of "boys don't cry," or something like that. Because she would.
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animentality · 6 months
I just wanna remind the class that Sirius Black was an awful character. He basically did nothing to help or protect Harry through all of the books where he was alive, and while I agree that Harry sucks, and I wouldn't want to protect him either, it's still a mark against his character and speaks to like, the total incompetence of JK Rowling as a writer.
In book 3 he endangered the trio by dragging Pettigrew under the Whomping Willow and getting them involved in his bullshit, when he could've just waited for a better opportunity instead of literally diving on Ron in front of his friends and dragging his ass away. Like really? Harry is in Gryffindor, idiot, he's not gonna let his best friend get eaten by a dog. Also Harry had to watch his parents die. You really wanted him to watch you murder a guy? You're stupid as hell.
You're also a fucking dog, and Pettigrew is a RAT. Neither of you have a wand. You can easily outpace a rat and then tackle him if he tries to change into a human. Also Crookshanks. Corner him when he tries to make a run for it. Don't dive on him when there are people around.
Also even if he runs, what the fuck is stopping you?
You have nothing going on. No 9 am meetings. Chase him away from Hogwarts so you can hunt his ass in peace. Don't bring Harry into it at all. You have nothing but time.
Then the only good thing he does is lose Pettigrew, vaguely save the kids from a werewolf, which is kind of his fucking fault, I might add.
And then passes out so that Harry can save HIM. Then he has to be saved again from returning to Azkaban.
Now you can at least excuse book 3 Sirius because the guy is absolutely nuts after 12 years in evil wizard prison. He's cracked and he's not thinking straight. And him being hunted by the government isn't really his fault. He's a red herring. The big plot twist is that he's not evil and that's "fine." It's acceptable.
But book 4?
Oh my god he's so useless.
He's there for Harry to send letters to, and then NOT help him at all.
The only thing he does is get interrupted by Ron before he can tell Harry to do something really stupid, which is hit the dragon in the fucking eye, something that could've easily gotten him burned or stomped on, or still hit with the Horntail's tail. Harry basically figured it out because of fake Moody, not Sirius.
Then Sirius' guidance is just a red herring of "oooh watch karkaroff" gee thanks buddy.
I'm so glad you're here just so JK Rowling can misdirect the audience. Again.
He also gives exposition about Barty Crouch.
Again, for the misdirect, of thinking Barty Crouch is bad.
But that's it.
There are far better ways to give exposition on Crouch. I'd argue the movie did it better and in a more dramatic way.
He then does nothing whatsoever to help Harry with the 2nd or 3rd tasks. His greatest utility is as a support animal at the end of book 4.
It's actually amazing how he does nothing for the entirety of Goblet of Fire.
He basically just comes back to Britain so he can die in the next book.
And then that's where he's at his worst before dying.
He encourages Harry to do dangerous and stupid things. He does stupid things himself and makes Harry, the 15 year old boy, worry about him, a grown ass man, because he hates being home.
I know that people have childhood trauma and all that, but for fucks sake.
He would not be a suitable guardian for a child ever because he puts himself first.
And before you fuckheads start insisting that's the "tragedy" of his character and it's so emotional and deep, yak yak, I don't want to hear it because he's a fucking plot device before a character.
His whole role in book 5 is to make you think he's gonna do something stupid.
And then he does.
And then he dies.
And it's crazy because he's a wildly popular character, despite the fact that he's terrible. But I can't even really criticize the popularity, because it's mostly carried by Gary Oldman being hot, and also doing a way better job of making us give a shit about him.
I can't express enough how absolutely stupid and awful it was for Sirius to brush Harry off when he was afraid he was becoming evil after seeing nagini attack Arthur!! this is the last fucking book Sirius is alive and this is like the last time they really get to talk one on one.
the scene with Gary Oldman telling him he's not evil... it literally outweighs every fucking Sirius Black scene in the goddamn books!! and it's an original scene.
the director realized that we have to remember we actually like Sirius because of how little he has to do in the main plots.
but it fucking worked.
the warmth that Gary Oldman exudes in that movie is genuinely charming.
but the book Sirius???
There's nothing wrong inherently with excusing some of this crap for drama or storytelling purposes, I just object to the fact that the character himself could've been far more interesting and sympathetic.
He could've actually been helpful or proactive or had something to do with the plot that wasn't just acting as a red herring, which I might add he did literally 3 times. First he's not a villain, second it's not Karkaroff or Crouch, and then third he's not actually in the ministry building, Harry's just an idiot.
The childhood best friend of a kids dead father has so much potential.
But he's shuffled and sidelined and treated like a prop before a person. His charming nature is just for fun, it doesn't actually bring anything out of Harry, aside from the protectiveness he feels for all of his friends.
He's vaguely funny sometimes and cracks a few jokes and tells the kids they're dumb every once and a while.
And that's it.
I really can't express enough how absolutely fumbled his character is. We don't get enough of him talking about James or his time at Hogwarts.
Ironically Snape gives Harry way more info on what his dad was like, in like, all of his flashback scenes.
We never got to see the warm side of James that wasn't associated with bullying Snape.
Sirius would've been a great way to balance that out... but we never get his perspective on it.
He's there to dump exposition and be saved.
And it's such a waste.
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stealingyourspins · 4 months
So if the first Spinjitzu master was the child of a dragon and oni, would it be so far-fetched for the other masters to be dragon children too? Especially with how wonky they are with the timeline.. Like the parents that fought with Wu are probably at least in their 30’s-50’s when the ninjas are born?? Idk I just like to think they’re long lived too.
Or, in which Kai’s self esteem/abandonment issues act up, leaving him feeling unneeded. So dragon puberty combined with getting sick with some fire elemental specific flu decides to throw him into a loop and force himself to be the one cared for, for once in his life. 
Kai hasn’t been in a good mindset lately. His siblings don’t seem to need him anymore. Lloyd is (mostly) all grown up and Nya is now a warrior in her own right. He doesn’t have to work in the forge or scrape for odd jobs just to put food on the table. They have a better home than he ever could have dreamed of. They have an allowance. They have a parent guardian that does all the things he shouldn’t have had to do in the first place.
It’s just, the others all have such useful talents. Zane can cook, strategize, and do incredible robot things. Cole had super strength, climbed cliffs like a spider, and was a natural with animals. Jay and Nya could build just about anything they can think of, and Nya always said that his own smith work was shoddy at best. Lloyd was the actual chosen one.
What was he good at other than burning things down?
Kai thought he was past this, past the need to snap out at others and do things alone. He was the last to join the original team. The other three were probably training together for years before he was brought in just because Nya was kidnapped. His entire induction was a trial by fire. It’s just far too easy to fall back into old habits sometimes…
His village was rustic and poor, so far in the outskirts that they didn’t have electric power or indoor plumbing. Nya learned to read before he did,(he still had trouble with it) insisting on her staying in school while he spent all day scrounging up any money he could. Whether from quick jobs or quick fingers. Food was hard to get as a six year old, let alone learning to use the forge with what little he could remember dad teaching him. He had street smarts and improvisation ingrained into him. Thinking on his feet and jumping into action so they could survive another day.
His mood was making him slip, he knew it was but he couldn’t stop it. Sparring against Jay always got him riled up, with all the verbal jabs at his sore spots that normally he could brush off and banter right back. Today he was just angry. Not just his temper but his body feels weird too. Restless, frustrated, sluggish, sore. His skin felt too tight and his muscles ached. His gut and lungs were clogged with soot. His head swims in fog.
Another miss had him slamming into a pillar. Everyone on the side chuckled and it made his chest burn hotter. Kai’s throat rumbled with a growl, a breath of flames licked over his teeth as he abandoned his weapons, loped forward on all fours and pounced, knocking the stunned blue ninja to the ground where they grappled and flipped and rolled through the dust.
Kai’s head lunges forward, teeth snapping together just a second too late to catch an arm. An electric kick to his stomach sends him flying back. Rolling tail over head once, then digging fingers and toes into the dirt till he slides to a stop. Crouched low to the ground, hissing and tensed to pounce again before something black and heavy jumped on his back, wrenching his arms behind him and pinning him in an unbreakable grip.
Kai kicked and screamed and flared his flames against stone skin until falling limp under Cole, exhausted and out of breath. A tickle in his throat turns into a cough, a wad of ash and spit splat on the tiles. 
Cole sighs in relief slowly easing off the other in case he starts up again. Instead Kai keens, tiredly chasing the lost touch. Cole smirks, his fingers petting through the wild hair until the hot head drifts to sleep.
“Somebody please tell me WHAT THE HELL THAT WAS ABOUT?!!!” Jay shrieks after watching Kai throw a hissy fit underneath Cole, who was already taking the fire ninja to his room.
“Kai has seemed unusually stressed as of late. Perhaps he is feeling unwell?” Zane says
“Stressed? STRESSED? He tried to BITE me! He went full primal and chased me around like an animal! He grew a tail for Wu’s sake!!”
(later after someone goes to check on him, finds his bed buried under a mountain of blankets and clothes stolen from everyone, and runs to Wu)
Wu- “It appears young Kai is experiencing a nesting phase.”
Zane- “Nesting. The act of birds or dragons preparing to lay eggs and raise young.”
“He’s pregnant?!”
Wu  “Not necessarily. It is more likely that Kai feels like making one to make himself feel better during his illness.” Wu strokes his beard. “However, if he, or even any of you, decides on a partner in the future it might be possible.”
“He can GET pregnant?? But he’s a guy!”
Wu “Dragons are the very source of creation. Something as small as gender wouldn’t stop a determined dragon.”
“HOW does that work?! Why would he WANT to get pregnant?!!”
“I’ll tell you when you’re older. Maybe a few decades from now.”
Is Wu kidding? who knows~ :3 Also would a fever for a fire elemental rise enough to bake the air, and ignite the nest? or douse them into dangerous cold? Having trouble deciding.
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anfie-in-the-box · 1 year
Rest for both wicked and weary
The eleventh of October is my birthday, but no congratulations needed — I only celebrate by gifting things to other people. Please have this piece dedicated to @dragon-tamer-1, who I value endlessly. The prompt was Error and Dream relaxing peacefully; I'm not sure if it's particularly fluffy, there's definitely some angst here, but even more Hurt/Comfort.
Dream prepares for his visit to the Anti-Void painstakingly. He wears clothes of soft gray shades, only leaving the tiara and the cape untouched, so it doesn't bother Error's weak eyesight yet has enough colour to attract his attention. Then Dream gets a cane — in the Anti-Void, vast and ever-changing, you don't believe your eyes; you stay vigilant and keep your step light, weightless almost. Luckily, Dream isn't a normal skeleton, he just has a body of one; and even that can be corrected with the right training. Or just experience, he supposes; oh, how he used to shamble around, making Error laugh, before he realised he could use a cane. Like a blind being, only he is indeed blind in the Anti-Void, like all not-errors are. He's a stranger there, and since he can't become an error, an unwelcome one.
Dream sighs, putting on thin gloves, just in case. He's ready now. 
It takes time to focus properly — the Anti-Void is utterly chaotic, constantly rebuilding itself, and full of creatures beyond comprehension. Some of them are capable of feeling, some aren't, some feel but so differently Dream is left confused — he's too used to his empathic abilities. 
But eventually, finally, he finds the right being. So he teleports. 
Error instantly spots him, even though Dream appears behind him. He might be half-blind with that poor eyesight of his, but his intuition is impeccable — at least when it comes to beings with souls, which Dream is. 
"I was waiting for so long," Error complains, irritated. "How many tries did it take to find me?" 
"Just one," Dream smiles widely. "It took more time, but I managed to find you in one try." He knows he sounds very proud of himself, but that's okay. With Error, he's allowed to feel and think unapologetically. Error, though he demands attention, lets Dream go just as easily. And besides, they teach each other many things — Error knows how to be selfish very well indeed and learns from Dream how to be more empathetic and considerate.
They work together quite nicely.
Lost in his pride, Dream forgets to use the cane and immediately trips and falls — not right on his face though — there are blue strings keeping him airborne. He giggles awkwardly and says, "Thanks." 
"Yeah, yeah, tell me how great I am." Error doesn't turn around but Dream knows he grins. He can't help smiling in return. 
"You can put me down now, you know," Dream half-suggests, half-asks while wiggling slightly to try and untangle himself without Error's help. Tough luck. 
"As if you could escape on your own!" Error gloats. "I hold the entire universes, a small guardian like you doesn't stand a chance!" 
"Yet Ink manages," Dream disagrees carefully. 
"That cheater doesn't have a soul. You do." 
Now that's something Dream hasn't pondered over. Not right now either — as soon as Error sets him free, he scurries to his blue bean bag chair — this time using the cane, of course, — and sits down — lies down almost. It's warm and soft. Cozy. So big it's more of a bed than a chair; which might as well be true, there's nothing else here resembling a bed, and Dream knows for sure Error loves sleeping.
"Where did you even get your bean bag from?" Dream asks, ready to hear it's stolen like chocolate from Underfell and the lives of innocents from any other AU. 
Error doesn't reply instantly. Dream even considers standing up and looking Error in the sockets to see what's wrong, but then he finally says, "I actually don't remember. Like it's always been there, maybe even before me."
Who knows, it might be true. The Anti-Void contains and loses all sorts of creatures, after all. 
Error sounds distressed like he always is when his memory acts up, so Dream hurries to roll closer and asks, "A pinkie?" 
"A hand," Error replies, every sound of a single word glitching. 
Dream gives him a bare hand — he still hasn't found gloves tender enough to pacify Error's glitching fits. For some reason it's easier for him to touch Dream's bones than any fabric they'd tried. 
Perhaps it's time to ask if Error has any idea why. When he gets better, of course. Hopefully it doesn't last long.
Dream squeezes Error's hand and gets a squeeze in return. At least he's conscious and not rebooting…
"You feel… different. There's more, er, something other than magic in you. Magic in skeleton-monsters or even monsters in general is more solid than whatever you're made of. Not even ghosts are anything like you." Error explains. 
"Positivity," Dream clarifies. "I'm made of positity. Not entirely, my bones are just that — magical bones; but even those are covered with positive energy. And my eye-lights, my insides, my attacks are all pure positivity." 
"Well, that explains it," Error shrugs. "You're basically so much of a sunshine it overwhelms my phobia and cancels it. As much as it can be canceled, I suppose." 
"Does it really help though? My presence, my… touch?" Dream pauses before the last word, feeling all warm yet uncertain. 
He knows it does. And knows Error knows he knows. But hearing the answer and believing it are two different states of mind. Dream's yet to reach the second one. 
And so Error answers absolutely honestly, "It does."
The two of them then sit together, still holding hands, resting in peace and quiet.
Later Error might or might not steal a book or a few and make Dream read to him, and Dream will read, silently reminiscing about the days of old, when his brother was alive but not happy, not since the villagers came to be. He loved the books though, and loved reading them to Dream, though the little guardian of positivity was beside the Tree less and less, helping the villagers where he could, and then where he couldn't but still did, because people demanded. The memories are bittersweet, and even later Dream will share a few with Error, and Error will listen attentively, and then share his own foggy memories of the past, full of inconsistent and even missing bits.
"A hug and a trip to that version of Outertale I found?" Error asks suddenly. 
"Sounds like a plan," Dream beams. Error rarely requests hugs but that just makes them even more precious to the guardian of positivity. 
So they stand up — Error effortlessly, Dream's with a bit more difficulty, he's not exactly used to furniture like Error's bean bag, — and embrace. 
"Is the texture of my clothes still good?" Dream asks when they let go of each other. 
Error nods, grinning, "Perfect, as I deserve."
"Glad to hear that. Outertale?" 
"Yeah. It's unlike most of the AUs where some people manage to evacuate. True genocide, nobody left. You won't feel a thing, not a single grieving or furious soul," Error looks at Dream with pride. 
"That's… really smart, actually." Dream says thoughtfully. "Nothing to make me stronger, but also nothing to make me weaker or attract Corrupted." 
"Of course it's smart. It was my idea after all." Error boasts and opens a portal. "You first." 
Dream smiles at him and makes his first step into outer space. He's not afraid; he won't be alone in its solitude. 
Lots and lots of headcanons here!
Anti-Void being full of non-existent things, Dream's true nature peaking through his skeleton form... It was really nice to finally share those.
Also very proud of the title choice here. It came to me naturally. I instantly knew — that's it. As perfect as anything in this world can be.
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dovalore · 8 months
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i bought a pair for stock the pond recently and decided i’d make a badge for them and their kids
lore under the cut
aruktai, the 'fae'
he's actually a guardian! he ended up turning into a fae after he was slain in battle while protecting ransetsu
it's pretty weird for him to be in such a small body now, but at least he's still alive...
the reason he's a fae right now is that he's the descendant of a guardian who's charge is a phoenix and their bloodline's been blessed (or cursed) so that a guardian can't die unless their charge does
normally they'd stay as guardians, but he was wounded badly enough that only a scrap of him remained
aru's still very much a guardian in spirit, ransetsu is still his charge even if he no longer has his old body
well, he tells everyone that, but his true charge is actually ransetsu's freedom, his ability to live his life as he pleases, which naturally comes with the man himself
it's easier to tell those unfamiliar with the concept that his charge is another dragon instead of something so... theoretical?
ransetsu, the ridgeback
he's from a filthy rich family of merchants that deal in goods produced in the ashfall waste
he's not interested in inheriting this 'empire' at all, the thought of it stressed him out to the point of him running away, which is exactly how he met aruktai
which was a massive boon for him because he's absolutely awful at trying to take care of himself, he's the kind of guy who's walk directly onto a rake and introduce his forehead to its handle. it's bad
he's always liked aru from the start because y'know he's quite literally the only person who listened to his reservations about being in the family business and went, "okay, let's go far away from this place then." instead of immediately trying to return him for well, a dragon's ransom
their relationship
ransetsu's without a doubt head over heels for the mysterious man that literally appeared out of the blue and whisked him away from his old home. he's... not experienced when it comes to romance, but his efforts to impress aruktai are nothing if not from the heart. he still clumsy as ever
aruktai... is flattered. he's not playing 'hard to get', he just genuinely doesn't know what to do in this situation because he's never thought about being in a relationship with anyone. the search for his charge all but consumed his every waking moment and now that he's found it, he's free to pursue one
lucky for ransetsu, aruktai does find his attempts to court him incredibly endearing. unfortunately for both of them, he also feels like he doesn't really deserve to be the center of his attention, not after he failed to protect ransetsu from getting captured to be used as a bartering chip
aruktai did manage to free him again, but the incident left him way more shaken than he'd liked to admit. if it wasn't for his blessing, he wouldn't be alive at all and would've died a failure
this isn't something that has escaped ransetsu's notice and while he can never know the depths to which aruktai feels the way he does about what happened, it's plainly obvious to him that this is something that's constantly weighing him down
the whole ordeal was incredibly unpleasant for both of them and aruktai doesn't know that he's not the only one who feels personally responsible for it. ransetsu doesn't know how to fight, why would he? he's never had the cause to do so since he's been pampered his entire life
their offspring
they aren't canon lol i just wanted to make cool lore for a pair of dragons
if you do happen to receive one of their offspring you don't have to follow anything i say here or even keep them connected at all, do whatever
you thought i was done? wrong! i have ffxiv lore for them too because i love lizards, mild spoilers for stormblood?
aruktai buduga
he's from the steppe
and he would've happily spent the rest of his days there if he didn't absolutely hate magnai's guts, he vehemently opposed his brothers' decision to join hands with the oronir, but alas his voice fell on deaf ears
he fought daidukul about it and lost, so he packed up his bags and left entirely
from then on, he became a travelling mercenary around the far east
ransetsu final fantasy
sorry i don't have a surname for him yet LMAOO
he comes from a family of blacksmiths and armourers who are obscenely wealthy
his family quickly found out that while he was absolutely awful when it came to metalwork (clumsy), he had a gift for selling their wares to customers simply by talking about what they could do
so he basically became their ambassador
one day he got jumped in a backalley after leaving a restaurant, aruktai happened to be there so he sent ransetsu's assailants packing
ransetsu immediatey decided to buy his services permanently by hiring him as his persona guard
their relationship
ransetsu absolutely decks aruktai out in the finest armour he can get his hands on, to him a warrior such as him absolutely deserves the best of the best
aruktai's honestly a little starstruck by how this all played out, all because a guy was grating to the point of him leaving the steppe...
anyway ransetsu's basically aruktai's glucose guardian now (they're roughly around the same age) and he gets whatever he wants because he's so good at fighting
spending money on aruktai brings ransetsu immense joy
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
I absolutely ADORE your Teacher Assistant!au, do you have anymore art or hc's for it?
I dooo!!! God what did i write last time? I dint remember so here's a lil baby Eevee eventually evolving!!
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-Ash's Aura isnt something he can turn off EXCEPT when he's under extreme stress or duress that he can't handle. It's akin to a Sensory Overload for him, everything gets muted and it feels like he looses his ability to hear and see even though its still there.
- Pikachu is crazy expierenced and strong, he doesnt tell the Newbies that he's beat up legendaries because he wants them to see him as the fun- if slightly crazy- friend and partner!
- Ash actually has a lot of Eggs back at the farm because of his pokemon either, a) Populating or b)finding eggs at random.
-Because screw Gender evo's. Gender Specific pokemon have a branched evo that is either Nonbinary or including a Male line. The primary account being Bounsweet!
- Ash's Pokemon all know (at least) one move out of their Species normal repitoire. Bukbasaur with Dig and Gust, Charizard with all 3 Elemental Punches, Squirtle with Dragon Pulse. They're not overly good with it, its a lot of testing and mostly used as a last minute resort wih lots of build up.
-The kids recognize that Ash isnt that much older than them and they know he's barely considered their senior but they cant help but admire how he acts and talks and the stories and lessons he can teach. Its better when Ash fully admits he doesnt understand something and asks them questions about it, it makes them feel like he truly sees them as friends (he does)
-There's another student joining in that has yet to be seen (But they are a canon character) mostly for an even amount of students.
- Ash and Lusamine have major beef with eachother. Its hatred on first sight. They do not become friends, they don't become buddy buddy, Ash barely tolerates her and even that drops when she's good and grants the students Ultra Guardian status. *They're CHILDREN Lusamine!*
- Ash is very touch affectionate with his students. Pats of affirmation, small side hugs, shoulder nudging etc. He's not onto full on hugs of comfort, that gives him the heeby jeebies but its still more affection than most of the students are used to.
- Dont be fooled Ash may be expierenced and has stories to boot, But he's still an idiot. "That's an Oxymoron!" "Dont call the strategy a moron, they cant defend themselves!"
- Ash typically defaults to it for Pokemon until he knows them personally. He's especially vicious with correcting older folk on pronouns just to piss them off, most pokemon dont really care but at times its a sweet gesture, especially if the folks are particularly nasty.
- Ash has met Viren before and vice versa. It was a brief meeting on a boat and both of them left extremely bitter about it. Ash comoletely forgot about Viren but Viren remenbers Ash as that "15 year old Brat!" its extremely funny to have a one sided hatred when the other party barely remenbers you
- Ash is bad at matching names to faces, but its not malicious. If you dont see him everyday, he's bound to forget
- Ash and his pokemon speak a lot of languages, but only he and Pikachu can really read, and even then its still trial and error. He has a lot of moments of pausing and trying to translate on slower days.
- Pikachu has trained to be able to feel aura and see like his partner. Its no where near as strong as Ash's and it drains him fast, but he wants to know what Ash sees and feels.
That's all i got for now :D
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headfullof-ideas · 16 days
I was gonna respond to @httyd-nerd in the reply section of my last Httyd/The Deep post, but it was getting long so I’m just putting it here where I can further elaborate on my frustrations and dilemma.
Part of writing this crossover is figuring out how characters from opposite shows will react and get along with one another. And to the surprise of who knows who else but absolutely not me, Alpheus has been a bit tricky in figuring this out. This might be a tangent on how I view his character, especially in how I write him, but partly to demonstrate how FRUSTRATED he’s making me.
Alpheus is not my favorite character. He’s not my least favorite, not by far. He’s just not my blorbo like I know he is for others. But he is an interesting character to write entirely because of how layered and flawed he is. He’s the epitome of an unreliable narrator, he thinks fairly high of himself and his own abilities, and has a lot of unresolved issues he refuses to resolve because he’s way too paranoid to get help. This makes for interesting relationships with other characters.
Except I’m really struggling with figuring out how he may get along with Dagur. It doesnt’ help that Dagur in this story, specifically the start, is a mix of his later RTTE counterpart, and his early version. He’s still deranged, but he’s enthusiastically optimistic to the point of coming across as insane too, and a bit softer because he grew up with Heather, and started dragon riding WAY earlier than he did in the show. Dagur and Alpheus are a bit similar to me in that they’re both the slightly mentally unbalanced enemy to the main protagonists, who are redeemed later down the line. Unfortunately, to me, I feel that’s where similarities wind up ending. They’ve got different personalities and goals and ways of going about them. They’ve got different backgrounds, and talents. And in some ways I can actually see them clashing. And it’s mostly because of Alpheus’s own flaws, for me at least.
Alpheus is an interesting character, and the few times I’ve written him he’s always been really fun because of how I dive into his psyche and how he perceives things. He’s a dramatic loser who instigates a rivalry with a thirteen year old, naming the thirteen year old his nemesis, and then loses to said thirteen year old hundreds of times. He’s probably wanted for a few felonies because of all the times he’s hacked the WOA and who knows who else, and might not even exist in the name of the law because we don’t know how long he was with the Guardians. This guy might not even have a birth certificate. Alpheus is an interesting character, and I’ve grown to like working with him…thing is he’s got a bit of a stick up his butt in regard to himself. He’s arrogant about his own intelligence, certainly being very intelligent, running his sub and modifying ARIA with little issues from a relatively young age, and evading all authorities for a very long time. But he’s socially stupid because he was raised by the Guardians, and I don’t think he was ever faced with the challenge of learning something from someone smarter than him, let alone interacting with someone as smart as or smarter than him. I think for the longest time Alpheus was the smartest person in the room, and never had to deal with someone actually challenging his own intellect. This isn’t helped with him not having an idea on how to respectfully talk to other people either.
Connected to that, Alpheus kind of brushes off anyone he doesn’t deem worth his time. His main focus was always finding Lemuria and getting the device (as he never actually learns what it is) to control the Monumentials, and also his somewhat one-sided rivalry with Ant. Ant was the only character I really remember him actually acknowledging. When he first met Fontaine, he just brushed off her attempts at breaking into his sub like she were a tiny, pesky fly, and he never really acknowledged her beyond being a nuisance through the rest of the show. I remember when Kaiko was mad about something (i don’t specifically remember the episode) he just commented ‘Mothers. So emotional.’ Didn’t really acknowledge her. I don’t even really remember any interaction he’s had with Will, which just adds to this. When they’re dealing with the Jellyfish Monumential, he brushes off everything Kaiko says, which can be alluded to spending a few months alone and losing his mind trying to escape, but there were other times he doubted her skills and abilities, specifically her piloting maneuvers when it came to escaping the Jellyfish. Even though, with his stalking tendencies, he had to know she was an accomplished submarine pilot. But he couldn’t do anything to escape, so why should she be able to do anything? Whenever Ant or anyone else opposed what Alpheus said was fact, he always kind of dismissed them, because I think in his mind there was no way they knew better than him. He only ever focused on Ant because he said himself that Ant was worthy of being his nemesis, or something along those lines, i don’t remember the specific words. But to me, he just always brushes off anyone he doesn’t see as worth his time and effort, doesn’t take them as seriously.
Which is where it’s hard for me to figure out his dynamic with Dagur. Dagur is an accomplished warrior, and certainly no idiot. He’s smart in his own right, and proved to be a real problem for Berk and the Riders many times. He was no Hiccup in regard to intelligence, but he’s not stupid. He’s got a bit of a temper, an obsession with being obsessed with everything he does, and doesn’t really give up ever. Man hounded Hiccup for four years to be his brother until Hiccup finally accepted the adoption. But he’s got Deranged in his name, and I just can’t help but think that Alpheus might not think too highly of him. Dagur’s plans are a lot more thought on the fly while following a loose rubric he came up with five minutes before hand, with a lot more brute strength, whereas Alpheus plans with his head and ahead of time. I just can’t help but think that Alpheus wouldn’t immediately respect Dagur, thinking he’s a crazy lunatic who doesn’t think anything through (which isn’t entirely wrong), and isn’t smart enough to understand anything Alpheus says. I think he’d just dismiss anything Dagur says about anything going on, especially when it comes to planning, which would drive Dagur insane, as he is quick to rise with a temper sometimes. I see them clashing at first, because Alpheus is still Alpheus and is obsessed with Ant, except by that point Dagur has claimed Ant as his brother, and he was there first(which now that I’m thinking about it, opens up some interesting potential for Alpheus and Viggo interacting. Viggo is essentially an older, more experienced, and grounded Alpheus after all, who also has prior interaction with Ant). I think it would take Dagur coming up with something that forces Alpheus to acknowledge that no, he’s not actually stupid, for things to change, but where they change I don’t know, because Alpheus is filled with pride and an inability to admit he’s wrong, and Dagur is a proud Berserker, in every aspect.
I do see Dagur getting a kick out of messing with Alpheus, which just pisses Alpheus off.
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feathers-feathers · 1 year
Bug Fables' deep lore is engaging in open warfare with my mental helath i swear to GOD I CAnt figure this tHE FUCK OUT IM GOING INSANE
Context: I'm trying to make a timeline. Bug fables took this personally.
The big question here that got me to break is what the fuck is the deal with Flower Gods? So I was writing an essay of sorts to try and figure it out as I go, then clean it up and post it when I came to a few satisfying conclusions, and maybe make a poll to see what others would prefer.
I have now lost at least a decade of my lifespan, and will be seeking reparations in the court of law. I'll post what I wrote below the cut, just be aware that it's not finished, will not be finished if I have a gun to my head, and jumps places every now and then because that's just how I roll in the drafting stage.
I hope to all the gods above that some of you can find sense where I have failed.
Beware: Here be dragons. (Also, it's quite long.)
Currently doing timeline shenanigans with Bug Fables. I learned something in the lore that will have a major impact in how that timeline manifests. The problem is that this lore detail isn't exactly straight-forward, and has multiple interpretations. I'd like to see some other thoughts on this matter before I make a decision. The lore in question is regarding the creation of the Flower Gods.
A reminder: There is a secret room in Snakemouth Den that displays information regarding the 3 Flower Gods. Prior to seeing this room, most I think didn't even know there were 3 - only knowing of Venus at the time. The other two are Mars and Pluto. These displays tell us a few things. Some information on the gods themselves: Venus is
Guardian: M-001 "Mars" Age: 361 Status: Stable
Guardian: V-012 "Venus" Age: 358 Status: Stable
Guardian: P-183 "Pluto" Age: 34 Status: Stable
This secret asks a whole bunch of questions and answers exactly none of them.
The first thought I see many people go to is that this, of course, confirms that the Roaches created them. However, there is dialogue from Venus herself stating "Ah, it still feels like it was yesterday when they were scurrying around the land trying to get stuff together!" Which doesn't say much, but sort of implies that she was around while the Roaches were still figuring things out.
But what about those designations, what do they mean? For something like this - and considering they all start with the first letter of the Guardian's name - I think it's, like, a version number.
If they were all created by the Roaches, then… wtf? So with Mars, they got it right on their very first try - congratulations, a fucking GOD is born - but their next Guardian took 12 attempts? What? And then Pluto took 183 attempts. And the time discrepancy is just…. weird. Wtf does this mean? The Roaches started off as the best scientists ever, getting everything correct on their first go, then suddenly dropping the ball off the face of the Earth and getting nothing right? For centuries? And after all of that, they consider the Sapling to be their greatest creation. Not any of the Actual Deities they supposedly made. And then they place two of these gods in… just… entirely different territories. Mars is in the Eastern lands. Lord knows where Pluto is, but not Bugaria, that's for sure. I do find this rather unpalatable.
If they weren't created by the Roaches - they were just studying them, trying to replicate their power - I think that fits some of this better. Especially that above quote by Venus. If she was around before the Roaches developed what they have now - the Roaches being the first bugs to awaken - then did she awaken before even them? If she - and, perhaps, Mars - were the first to awaken, then was the Day of Awakening only around 370 years ago? That would probably be the best case scenario for developing a timeline. It'd be the only True Date that can be nailed down, and make it a lot easier to place other dates around it by comparison.
But still… what's the deal with the version numbers? Perhaps the Guardians do not have true immortality, but ressurrective immortality? That would sort imply that Pluto might in fact be the first, and he's on his 183'd life. It would also mean that Mars would actually be the youngest of the gods. Despite being the oldest current version, he is still only on his First version - no deaths, no resurrections. This would also mean that Pluto died around the time the Roaches vanished. But also - if Pluto died 182 times prior to his current iteration… what the fuck kind of life is this guy living? Is he stuck in a death loop, wtf?
This is honestly just another discrepancy, to me. Lets be as conservative as possible and say that most of Pluto's lives were all around 30 years in length. This is so conservative as to be ridiculous, but let's just ignore that. 183 x 30 = 5490. That's Fucking Old - and I'm gonna say, just as ridiculous. Why, then, would the other two gods only have a few years of an age gap? This feels like a strong point towards the idea that the Roaches created them??? that the designations are version numbers before deployment and not ressurrective iterations???
Oh My God. What the fuck am I supposed to believe?
This is where I officially gave up. I hate all of these ideas none of them are satisfactory. Bug Fables why do you hate me so muchae dsafsafgfghrdsgrdfeignbreoiatghnbfrabgifrhdfhdfghdfsghdfizghsregtbdfsgfcuigh
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Fixation Central
Anyone who follows my blog knows I am auDHD and I fixate extremely fast. I am constantly frothing at the mouth with how much I adore certain fandoms. Most of what I'm into right now is superhero cartoons, but my journey with two of my first ever fandoms: Scooby Doo and Harry Potter.
I've 'left' Harry Potter, but that's because I made my own canon lmao. Or attempted to, at least-
It has long since branched off and my honorary fixations include Gravity Falls, Warrior Cats, PJO, and Doctor Who. And yes, I did also have problematic fixations - let yourself be cringe; if you want to enjoy DSMP, Homestuck, ATLA, or anything in between - do it. I was only part of one of these though. All fandoms have their toxicity, and in the end... make your own fucking canon. Problem solved.
Though, now... it's time to talk about what I like now and the ones I never truly left so without much further ado - let's get on with it!
Read below the cut for the rest!
The Fixations That Just Stayed
Gravity Falls (joined the fandom late, ended up being the creator of multiple original AU's and adored the Pines family dynamics; would've wanted to see something actually used with the Cipher/Zodiac Wheel)
Warrior Cats (never finished the books, unapologetic Firestar fan - first fandom I ever roleplayed and had an OC named Dawnheart of all things)
Doctor Who (adore New Who, loved all companions and thought more could've been done with Martha; huge Riverdoc fan, Donna is my favorite companion - was obsessed with the Pandorica arc for literally no reason; actually enjoyed the Timeless Child reveal)
Scooby Doo (on-off fixation, made up Scooby Doo AU's and crossovers for a lot of my fandoms-)
Current Fixations
Danny Phantom (literally what started my superhero cartoon fixation; adores Everlasting Trio - Sam bashing is irritating I'm ngl, also platonic Badger Cereal is one of my favorite things; has made ghost king and TUE AU's, among other things)
RC9GN (Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja) (never watched it as a kid afaik; huge Randy Cunningham kin, kickstarted my Secret Trio fixation - multishipper for the fandom)
Wordgirl (nostalgia fixation, watched few episodes as a kid but came to love it as an adult; adoptive villains apologist, obsessed with the Rise of Miss Power episodes; Becky Botsford and Tobey McCallister kin, a lot more thoughts but I can't list them all down-)
K-Dramas (kind of picky with them, anything high-drive/action are my favorites; adores Vincenzo and Descendants of the Sun. Taxi Driver was also a fun ride, among others)
AU's and Crossovers Hoard
Secret Trio/Quartet (American Dragon: Jake Long, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, and Danny Phantom + bonus appearances from Miraculous Ladybug) (massive fixation, currently being worked on as a fanfiction series on Ao3 - post canon/future au timelines, darker depictions than their given canon)
Superwholock and Co (Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock) (original crossover I ever got into; adores crossovers with Merlin)
Mystery Kids (crossover between Coraline, Paranorman, Gravity Falls, and Danny Phantom - as I've never seen/played Psychonauts) (first of the crossovers as well, was a casual fan in the beginning - currently also being worked on as a fanfiction)
Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons (Rise of the Guardians, Brave, Tangled, and How to Train Your Dragon) (the OG, attempted to make an LPS series for it as a kid; adored any plotlines with Pitch Black - the four being New Guardians of the Seasons? chef's kiss)
DP x DC (personal favorite, i like the Vibes)
Personal Hoard
Totally Spies/Glitch Techs (made it up like Right Now; very behind on Glitch Techs but still-)
C:KND/RC9GN (Codename: Kids Next Door/Randy Cunningham) (original creator; former KND operative Randy Cunningham becomes the Ninja, what could possibly go wrong?)
Project Zero: Heroes United (expanded Secret Trio/Quartet universe) ("Heroes Cinematic Universe" multi-fandom au where superheroes of different cartoons are selected to be an elite team against evil)
Once Upon in Camelot (OUAT/Once Upon a Time and Merlin) (abandoned project, might return to it; crossover/au where BBC! Arthurian cast are reincarnated following the S4 finale - exception being Merlin, shenanigans ensue; post-canon arc, Merthur storyline)
Other projects will be brought up later so if anyone's curious, interact with this post! Likes are appreciated, but comments and reblogs are preferred! Meows.
independent fandom AU's (i.e. Reverse Falls) will not be included within this post! I will be linking that separately!
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seansilv25 · 27 days
So that Partner Showcase and Indie World, huh?
In all honesty, this one kinda just went by me. Somewhat due to the lack of interesting stuff in it, but mostly due to you-probably-know-what. But nevertheless, let's cover this double whammy of a presentation
Balatro: Friends of Jimbo; DISTRACTION DANCE MUSIC HEARD. BEING THOROUGHLY DISTRACTED Neva; I swear I've seen this kind of game in like five different forms yet they all look the same. They're like Fromsoft games Moth Kubit; Corporately cute, I suppose Coffee Talk Tokyo; I don't drink coffee, so I can't really get the hype Sea of Stars; This just looks like the same kind of basic JRPG that you would see in any given anime when they need a "video game" to fill time PowerWash Simulator: Shrek DLC; someBODY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD WAS GONNA WASH ME! Morsels; Why does this look like Cuphead plus Little Nightmares to me? Date Everything; Anyone else remember Chairem Anime? Or at least skipped to Sofaden? Peglin; Isn't this the kind of game that's best suited for mobile? Wobbly Life; So Human Fall Flat but free roam? Pico Park 2; If there's one thing Grian taught me, its that this game is far more toxic than the Indie World guys are making it out to be Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX; You're telling me there's still stuff to add for Shovel Knight on Switch? I thought that was all burnt through Europa; Kinda getting BOTW vibes, NGL Cuisineer; ...So is it a roguelike but Overcooked or something? On Your Tail; Wonder how much furry you-know-what has been uploaded to you-know-where already? Metal Slug Tactics; So did SNK sell off Metal Slug or something? How does this count as Indie then? The Plucky Squire; ...Honestly I got nothin' for this one Pizza Tower; Y'ALL READY TO GET FUNKY?!
Tetris Forever; You guys think there are actually 99 Tetrises by this point? Star Overdrive; Why is this giving me Marvel vibes? Goat Simulator 3; It's Goat Sim. What else can I say? Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st; Basic-looking RPG. I got nothing Star Wars Hunters; Is this Star Wars Overwatch or something? ...okay S.T.A.L.K.E.R.; What is this, "I Can't Believe It's Not COD"? Worms Armageddon; Alright, where's my Holy Hand Grenade? Disney Dreamlight Valley; What was new within this that wasn't here the last time? The Patrick Star Game; Is this a goat sim-like game? No, this is Patrick Fitness Boxing 3; I imagine if you made this into a VR game, it would become the new Wiimote-into-TV Capcom Fighting Collection 2; Power Stone & co rise from the grave (Except the one Capcom fighting game series that's all about things rising from graves) MVC Fighting Collection; Break out the Mango Sentinels and find where your curly mustaches at, because mid-September is MAHVEL TIME, BAYBEE! Atelier Yumia; Honestly this looks like a poor mans Xenoblade to me Suikoden Iⅈ When will these sprite on 3d rpgs END?! Dragon Quest III HD-2D; (read above) Castlevania Dominus; Huh... neat Civilization VII; Let's just hope that Ghandi is as far away from this one as possible this time round Tales of Graces f; Wait, there's more to Tales of than just Lloyd and Yuri? Wow MySims: Cozy Bundle; Miis plus Sims make this, apparently FNAF: Help Wanted 2; har har har-har har har har-har har-har FNAF: Security Breach - Ruin; Dude, even the trailer was kind slow in framerate. That's how you know that this game has it rough Epic Mickey: Rebrushed; Unless I'm mistaken, I think that was actually the first time we've gotten a look at Tomorrow City. Every other location in the Wasteland was shown off before, but not here Tales of the Shire; Neat Just Dance 2025; Just Dance must have found the Fountain of Youth with how little dying its doing Funko Fusion; This just looks like a lesser Lego Dimensions, to be honest EA Sports FC 25; Dude, who even cares about EA Sports games? (Outside of our goat and savior Madden 08) Lego Horizons Adventures; I just want to know if and/or when the next Tt Lego game will be Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma; In all honestly, the whole "Japanese" aesthetic has been far overplayed to me. It's completely lost any luster in my eyes Yakuza Kiwami; FOUND YOU ON SWITCH, KIRYU-CHAN!!!
All in all, kind of uneventful. But at least not in terms of the rest of today, because SONIC 3 TRAILER, LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!
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theblueskyphoenix · 1 year
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Been wanting to do this for awhile and finally today was the day. I've seen others do wardrobes for their OCs through out the series of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters and I really wanted to do that for Lotus. Especially with the Ghost AU in mind. Plus, doubles as her wardrobe for Our Game Now. So, win win for both timelines. Anyways, let's get onto details. ✪ Puzzle Guardian - Her outfit she would have throughout the entire series. For those not in the know, Lotus in the Ghost AU lives inside the Millennium Puzzle. She isn't trapped in their like Atem is and can leave as she pleases but usually is wandering around the rooms. She tends to the place and provides a secondary defense system for unwanted guests. She also is a voice of comfort and reason for Atem and Yugi. Helping them in their journey and keeping them on the right path. So when in there, she'll appear like this. She'll also be seen in this outfit as well outside the puzzle but not very often since it would stick out. ✪ Domino High School Uniform - Pretty self explanatory. In the Ghost AU she only wears this when she's at the school to stand out less. (XD Our Game Now she is actually a student.) ✪ Duelist Kingdom - Kind of a modern version of her Puzzle Guardian outfit to a degree. Or least the outfit has the same color palette. Very comfy and easy to move in. Especially with traveling around the island. Perfect for camping. ✪ Battle City - The outfit I usually draw her in for Our Game Now and her favorite outfit. In the Ghost AU Yugi helped her design the outfit by looking up clothes online for her to mimic. She does duel here and there but she stays out of the tournament. She's there to support Atem and Yugi after all. Not get in the way. ✪ Doma Arc - Probably her most simple outfit. Comfy for travel and keeping warm. (Also the color scheme is a nod to a certain dragon from that arc. ;) ) ✪ Kaiba Corp Grand Prix - Her most casual of the outfits since the whole time she actually got to relax for a bit. No world ending threats just a moment of normal and cheering on the boys. ✪ Millennium World - In the memory world she is returned to her clothes she used to wear back when she was alive during Atem's reign. Her guardian outfit would stand out too much so it was back to her old clothes as a means of not drawing attention to herself. (Especially from Zorc. She's been good about hiding herself up until this point and she did not want to blow it.) During the whole arc she does her best to be discreet and help the others and when the ceremonial duel comes to an end, she's there waiting for Atem on the other side of the door with everyone else to welcome him to the after life, happy to finally be reunited with her king foreverr. And that's about it. =) Very happy with how all this came out. I'd love to do something like this again with another character but we'll see. In the mean time I hope you enjoy. (And I'll see about posting an official bio for Lotus at some point with her Ghost AU version.)
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lustfulchaldea · 1 year
Stuck down in the boiler room, things must get awfully steamy, doesn't it? Hopefully Kagetora isn't going to find herself with her cock so hot and bothered that she has to let it free... and then spend a full day draining those melon-sized, sweat-soaked nuts in Okita and Nobu~
'Kagetora, could you guard the boiler room for me? Kuku got to Martha again, and It's really important to the Border's success. If Demon King Nobbu and Okita start screwing around like they did with Chaldea's, it could be catastrophic...'
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Kagetora had no issues with being the boiler room's guardian. Sure, it wasn't the most glamorous of duties, and she'd much rather be on the battlefield, buuuut...there's something to be said for being the last line of defense against Nobunaga, the only one trusted to handle her and her favorite Saber.
So, stationed up with a book, some snacks, and a load of ice water...She plonked her butt down on one of the least-hot machines, and got to her watch.
6:30 AM.
12:45 PM
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"...Haaa...Haaa...Oh dear...It might...be a *biiit* hot when the Border's running..."
Kagetora is coated in sweat, and when she leans down to sniff herself, she instantly recoils (which looks very odd when her smile is permanently plastered on her face).
Not a good sign.
Her ice water supply dried up an hour ago, and she's already removed her cape and shoulderguards, leaving her exposed in that thin black top as her legs cross over one another.
So, what does Kagetora's mind tell her to do next? What path does the Dragon of Echigo take to relieve herself further of this heat...?
"...Well, they're not coming by, so perhaps I can just..."
"Haaa...oh, that's so much better..."
Kagetora breathes a sigh of relief as her monster cock frees itself from her skirt, third leg smacking against her actual leg as she lets it loose.
Something about her cock just had her burning up between her legs, desperate for even a bit of relief. She hadn't beat off in a week, she was getting stressed as it was thanks to the sweat and the heat, and what she really wanted was to just go back to her room, take a long shower, and never take the quality of her room (and humanity's collection of pornos) for granted ever again.
She could do it, though.
Just a few more hours...Just a few more h-
A loud, boisterous, aggravating voice. Nobu. Though, given the slightly more severe tone, she guessed it was the Avenger Nobunaga, in her first ascension.
Kagetora started packing her heavy dick back into her ill-fitting undergarments, grunting as she rushed herself a bit so Nobunaga wouldn't be able to come in and make fun of her for going balls-out on guard duty...
"Nobu, you're being loud...Also, what do you mean 'just as we left it', the Border's boiler room is logistically way big- GHAK!"
Okita Souji. Nobunaga's cute, bottom-heavy companion for all things silly and goofy, coughing up blood as usual. Kagetora liked her marginally more than Nobunaga; At least they could bond over how stupid the Fool of Owari was.
"Oh, hush, Okita! This is our porn parody! We have to play stupid for a little until our bodies are ravaged by whatever beast lurks within! See? We're not even getting pictures until we're ahegaoing!"
"H-Huh? A porn parody? I-I got picked for a porn parody? But I'm not nearly as curvy as other Sabers..."
"Hey, in this Ascension, I'm not a whole lot either! Clearly our magnetic personalities were the catalysts for this! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"...Can't we get slambred later? I wanted to hang out with the Captain today..."
"Shush, Okita! We're playing the part of ovulating bitches, and we're damn well gonna act like it!"
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Fuck it.
Kagetora can work off all this stress and heat (and the week's worth of backed-up balltar inside her swollen jizztanks) using their fucking insides.
That sounds like a perfect idea.~
5:57 PM
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"Hgh! Hagh! Hooohgh, Grrrahhh! Come on, aren't you supposed to be the best swordswoman in the Shinsengumi? For a Saber, you're sure losing to my fat fucking lance! You're just as much of a whore as that imbecile!~"
Kagetora's cock, pummeling in and out of Okita's tight, squirting, drooling cunt, was merciless and without care. Okita's Weak Constitution clearly meant nothing to it, because an ass so fucking fat it clapped one cheek against the other when Okita moved meant that Okita was as breedable as any other.
And given the fact that, in the current moment, Okita's womb had already been painted white by that monstrous shaft...It would be hard to say that she wasn't more breedable than others, at the heart of it.
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"Gho...ghhhnhhhhGAAAHHHHH!~ Whhuhhhthttt thhheee fuuuhchhhhkkk?~"
Okita checked out 3 orgasms ago, when Kagetora painted her face in cum so much that she STILL could barely see. Sweat oozed from her body as she bore all of Kagetora's frustrations, so flattened by the Lancer's violent breeding press that she was practically peeling off the woman every time Kagetora drew herself up to gouge out her hole again. Her stomach was bloated with seed, and her face permanently stuck in that brainless ahegao...but she could at least say that, was her hips bounced against her new Daddy's, and her eggs fell victim to the daimyo's conquering seed...she was satisfied.
Because, coated in cum, sweat, and her own drool...she was just the way this monstrous stud wanted her to be.
Kagetora's bellow roused the other participant of their threesome to life, who had been collapsed unconscious on the floor until just that moment.
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"D-Dammit, Kagetora...You're so unfair...~! I want you tooo!~"
Nobunaga had ascended herself to her Demon King form a long time ago, probably just before her and Okita's shared tamer had turned the Saber into a cumdumpster and given her such brutally massive amounts of love and attention (in Nobunaga's eyes).
Why? Well, initially it was to stave off the fact that, if she let herself be consumed by Kagetora's lust, this porn parody of herself would be permanent property of the Dragon of Echigo (and her pride wouldn't let that stand). But seeing Demon King Nobunaga had just made Kagetora more feral, and now the Great Unifier of Japan, greatest daimyo of the Sengoku Period, was drooling in a heap on the floor, cunt squirting around nothing as she begged for that fat cock.
"Mhhhorrr, pleassshhhh!"
Nothing could beat it. Nothing else could satisfy Nobunaga anymore, if it wasn't Kagetora's thick, sweaty, violent shaft. It'd collapsed in her womb, gotten her pregnant beyond a shadow of a doubt, and she was considering starting another Singularity when the night was out, JUST so Kagetora would come after her and punishfuck her into submission.
But no, she had to watch as her new owner, Daddy Kagetora, obliterated her best friend (and greatest rival) entirely and utterly, Okita throwing her head back in cumstained bliss every few seconds as she involuntarily squirted around that frustrated dick.
If she weren't entirely devoted to Kagetora's goals and wishes now (and well aware that, with her newly-found loyalty, Okita would probably murder her if she tried to rebel against the Lancer...), she's probably would've tried to usurp her at some point!
But no. Such things are unthinkable now....this just feels too good.~
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"...Holy shit."
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"I know, right? Who could've thought that our origin-"
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"...Nobu, you're using your outdoor voice again. Also, really?"
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"...It sounds more pathetic after I think about it."
An awkward silence falls over the two as they continue watching the surveillance feed from the boiler room.
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"You think we'll get....yanno...by her too? You know, like the sequel to the porn parody that everyone finds better than the original?"
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Okita stares at Nobunaga in silence, as if contemplating whether slitting the Berserker's throat is a good enough way to shut her up....
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"I sure hope so, but I doubt it. We're not nearly as popular as them, you know. I think we're just supposed to be gag characters in this event..."
A heavy sigh is shared between the two as they pat each other on the shoulder, getting close to the screen.
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Silver Nobbu's fucking losing it at all of this, by the way. It JUST got here and it's already dealing with porn shit?! What the fuck?!
That Kiara lady said it'd be chill, not horny as shit!
That's it. The Nobbus are taking preventative measures.
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daylander1000 · 1 year
A fic where finally Baela and Rhaena are the main focus??? Ma'am you fed us so well.
As a POC, it didn't go well with me to see Laena getting a faux girlpower death and no attention for my girlies Baela and Rhaena.
Really tells you how much the world values you.
Seeing you write this fic is sparking off so many AU ideas for me.
As another anon said, it was cathartic to see them have feelings about how awful their parent and guardians are. I am sure the girlies can count and calculate that their brother was conceived on the night of their mother's funeral.
Seeing those letters by Laena aksjdjfkkfkf, I want to support all the sad rage feels that Baela is feeling.
The amount of times Rhaena and Aemond talk about killing Luke made me cackle. Such a well-suited pair bonding over murder.
Young Baela holding out hope that her father is planning something to dismiss how hurtful his actions were made me just want to squeeze my girlie with a big hug.
All those Targs dismissing Rhaena for not claiming a dragon like deadass forgot Valyrian supremacist and power in their blood believer No.1 Daemon's egg didn't hatch either? He claimed his own dragon at 15 and Rhaenys and Viserys egg also didn't hatch. I can't believe Daemon didn't at least try to defend her on this??
Anyways Aemond and Rhaena are so cute with their plans. I hope Rhaena gets to publically shame the Blacks or the sisters gets to distance themselves from the Blacks when they start falling from the sky.
I really hope Rhaenys doesn't die for these thankless idiots.
I absolutely enjoyed your fic so much. I can't wait for more chapters.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Eat, my darling. 😂
May the ideas spark and bloom into a thousand stories.
I had to give them some main character energy. Had to. I mean, the writers started it with Rhaena. They present her as this girl who's ~8 who puts on a happy face when there are guests but is secretly contemplating being kicked out from the home because she's so painfully aware that the people in her family and social circle only value dragonriders. Like, this is a complex character and I'm invested.
And then she goes to her mother who doesn't exactly reassure her with unconditional love but instead sort of says "Well, them's the breaks. I only became important at 15 when I got Vhagar, you have time to work on it," and then she also says that Daemon's 'doing his best,' as if to say 'he's doing his best, finding your place is up to you.' Like, the onus is on Rhaena to step up. It's nothing to do with Daemon being a shit dad. That's what they present to the audience, that Rhaena has to step up.
Then Laena kills herself, and Rhaena's apparently all set to use her mother's brutal, traumatic body horror death as an opportunity to secure her position in her family as a dragonrider.
Is there a tradition of dragons being passed down from parent to child? Have any dragons ever killed their own riders? It is bizarre to me that she'd want the dragon who burnt her mother to death, but that's what they put on her. Like, it's either that she's clueless as to how dragons work and genuinely believes she had dibs on Vhagar, or she's totally distraught and being sentimental and angry because she's grieving her mother. Both ways plausible. She's 8. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Instead of the strong boys attacking Aemond because they're bullies as was already established in a harmless scenario, when it comes to the actual maiming, they choose to include Rhaena in that. They give her and Baela enough agency and personality to have them be so angry that they go and wake up the strong boys to go confront Aemond. They don't go to their father or grandfather or any guardians or a septa or anything. They just lead the charge on Aemond because they're upset.
Like, I've rewatched that "it's him" call out and it doesn't even make sense to me. They don't know him. Did they spend the day of their mother's funeral getting updated on the cool kids clique system by Jace and Luke? Are we assuming Daemon and Laena were all the way in Pentos talking about Aemond and warning the girls to look out for him because he's a known ruffian? That should have been Jace, if anyone. "It's him, this boy whose mother hates my mother." "It's him, this boy we've been laughing at for not having a dragon."
What exactly do the girls know about him to start off the confrontation on a hostile note? "It's him. The quiet boy from earlier who was standing with his family and didn't say anything to anyone."
But anyway, the writers just insert them into the green/black drama on the premise that they're grieving and angry. Cool. Aemond is less than polite about their mother, violence ensues...
And then 6 years later, like magic, Rhaena and Baela just have none of that take charge main character energy anymore?They're just stepford smilers?
Not cool. What???
That's my biggest post time skip source of frustration. These writers sat down and said, "Let's involve these two black girls in the maiming of Aemond. Yeah. They don't know Aemond and they don't know Jace or Luke either, but they're throwing hands because they're emotional. Yeah, this has nothing to do with them in the book but let's make them the instigators. Baby Luke barely knows what's going on, he's being led astray by the older ones. Poor child would be in his bed sleeping if it wasn't for Rhaena and Baela..."
They did not have to be the face of that fight.
"A dragon is not a slave" didn't need to become an hotd tagline. We didn't need 10,000 articles saying "Well, actually, no, Rhaena doesn't know how dragons work."
And even so, I'd have been okay with it if they kept the same energy.
If you're going to get into a 4 on 1 beat down on Aemond for claiming your mother's dragon, then I want to see you being seriously pissed off about Rhaenyra claiming your mother's husband. You need to be on Driftmark saying "No, Rhaenyra, this is my mother's favorite beach. Put your clothes back on." "No, Luke, you can't sit on the Driftwood Throne, this would have been my mother's throne."
If I could draw, I'd be doing a whole comic strip with Rhaena and Baela just beating people. Probably with the assistance of the Fight Club Orphans™.
Laenor being sent into exile? "This is my mother's brother and my mother's brother's boyfriend!" Stealthily trying to murder Vaemond from behind? "This is my mother's uncle!"
I don't want to see Rhaena doing a 180, growing up to be a doormat happily serving wine.
I also do not want scenes with Baela eagerly wanting to go risk her life fighting to defend Rhaenyra and Jace because that's what her mother would have wanted for her.
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Don't give them main character energy when you want to use them to deflect blame from the strong boys, only to take back that energy when you want to use them as decorative props for the same strong boys.
My hate of hotd is at that level where I hate the writers. That probably sounds unhinged to hate people over fictional characters but that's just me rn.
Like, it's 2023, black women are still dying in childbirth irl and you're going to sit down and write a scene where one of the handful of non-white female characters in fantasy not only dies in childbirth but you manage to combine "died in childbirth" with "burned alive" and "suicide"? Like, define overkill.
99 percent of the fandom was like "So brave and strong and independent and pro-choice! We love to see it!" while I'm hard pressed to think of a black female character in any series or book or movie who was treated worse than Laena. (Not even exaggerating. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any.)
Like, hotd haunts me, honestly. When people were talking about boycotting because of the diversity, the showrunners should have just put out a disclaimer that said "Don't worry, you're gonna like how we treat them. We're gonna burn them and behead them and there's gonna be one liners and beach sex and you're gonna love it. Trust us. We got this."
Like, it disturbs me to think that not only was there no one in the entire production crew who could spotlight how bad the writing for house Velaryon was, but also that they've somehow managed to spin a narrative where they're all progressive pioneers of epic fantasy.
God, I'm ranting again. 😖
So yeah, I couldn't write a version of Laena who genuinely thinks Daemon is doing his best. I had to write a Laena who's like "Actually, nope. This guy is the worst."
I kinda had to throw Rhaenys under the bus a little but I didn't know where else to put her. 😅 I'm not going with "Rhaenys wanted to do the right thing but she was betrayed by Baela who was Team Rachel Dolezal all along."
I have to thank you guys for reading 😊 Like, this little micro-sector of the fandom managed to take something I absolutely 1000% hated and helped me see the fun carefree part of it. The fanart and headcanons and memes...
My whole 2020 plan was to stop ranting and be a carefree fangirl. 😅😭
It's fun to write. I'm seriously ND when it comes to writing and it takes me ages to edit properly. Ages, but this made me think "Hey, just try. It won't be the worst thing ever (because that's canon and you'll be better than that at the very least) and maybe somebody gets a laugh out of it."
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