#at least it was bebe that won
icanseethefuture333 · 11 months
Jam republic got 2nd place
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"you worry too much cariño" | boxer! miles 42 x reader
◇ you were with miles from the start. you saw his love for boxing from the first day yall met. you remember how he would rave about rocky and how his room was littered with cut out pictures of sugar ray, mayweather, muhammad and all the greats.
◇ you remember how he begged his uncle for years to become his trainer. how upset he got when he couldn't perfect his right hook. how sore his muscles got after an eight hour training day. how happy he was when he won his first match that he ran out the ring before the ref announced his victory, and grappled you into a bear hug. you both shed a couple of tears that night.
◇ you were his no.1 cheerleader. always by the ring with mrs. morales and uncle aaron cheering miles on. even if you don't know jackshit about boxing, one thing was certain miles was good. so good that by the time he was 18, he had been invited to compete in that national tournaments.
◇ but no matter how good he was, he would still get nervous. especially if the event drew in a big crowd. you were always there to give him a pep talk or smack the sense back into him, and tell him to get back in there and kick some ass.
"si señorita" he gave you quick kiss (and a pat on the ass for good luck ofc), and headed back into the arena.
◇ he loves when you practically nurse him back to health. whether he got a busted lip or a bruised cheek. best believe after every match, he would make his way back stage where he knew you would be waiting on him with a first aid kit handy.
"miles, you need to be more careful. look at you. your lips, god and your cheek, it's do swollen. don't gimme that look i'm serious look what that asshole did to you"
"cálmate mami, the guy's suppose to beat me up. es parte del trabajo bebe" he took the hand that you had resting on his shoulder and kissed the palm to further his assurance.
"hey if you don't want me to nag you, you can always go to med staff. you know the people who's job it is to do this," you pressed an alcohol pad on his lips which made him hiss a bit.
"you worry too much cariño. plus how am i suppose to get mi besos to me feel better huh?"
◇ miles is more than grateful for all the support you give him, so best believe he's gonna make sure your well taken care of. it's the least he could do for you after so many years of being his nurse, cheerleader and emotional support coach.
◇ the money he's makes from tournaments and sponsorships, he can surely afford to give you anything your heart desires. "just say the word and it's yours mi corazon". plushies, shoes, jewelleries, clothes, nice vacations and dinners. borderline spoiling you rotten.
◇ and if your not one for extravagant things, he'll make sure that you never have to struggle to afford basic necessities. definitely a "don't worry i'll cover most of the bills for you baby" typa man (aaah a girl can dream)
◇ shouts you out in interviews. whether they ask about his love life or his biggest inspiration, he always makes sure that everyone knows he's had a great girl by his side every step of the way, and he hopes to keep it that way for as long as your down.
@fezcossidepiece (*≧ω≦) enjoyyyy!!!
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The Untold History of Cabaret: Revived and Kicking
As Broadway welcomes the ever-evolving musical, its star, Eddie Redmayne—along with Liza Minnelli, Joel Grey, and Sam Mendes—assess its enduring power.
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As director Rebecca Frecknall was rehearsing a new cast for her hit London revival of Cabaret, the actor playing Clifford Bradshaw, an American writer living in Berlin during the final days of the Weimar Republic, came onstage carrying that day’s newspaper as a prop. It happened to be Metro, the free London tabloid commuters read on their way to work. The date was February 25, 2022. When the actor said his line—“We’ve got to leave Berlin—as soon as possible. Tomorrow!”—Frecknall was caught short. She noticed the paper’s headline: “Russia Invades Ukraine.”
Cabaret, the groundbreaking 1966 Broadway musical that tackles fascism, antisemitism, abortion, World War II, and the events leading up to the Holocaust, had certainly captured the times once again.
Back in rehearsals four months later, Frecknall and the cast got word that the Supreme Court had overturned Roe v. Wade. Every time she checks up on Cabaret, “it feels like something else has happened in the world,” she told me over coffee in London in September.
A month later, as Frecknall was preparing her production of Cabaret for its Broadway premiere, something else did happen: On October 7, Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel, killing at least 1,200 people and taking more than 240 hostages.
The revival of Cabaret—starring Eddie Redmayne as the creepy yet seductive Emcee; Gayle Rankin as the gin-swilling nightclub singer Sally Bowles; and Bebe Neuwirth as Fraulein Schneider, a landlady struggling to scrape by—opens April 21 at Manhattan’s August Wilson Theatre. It will do so in the shadow of a pogrom not seen since the Einsatzgruppen slaughtered thousands of Jews in Eastern Europe and in the shadow of a war between Israel and Hamas that continues into its fifth month, with the killing of thousands of civilians in Gaza.
Nearly 60 years after its debut, Cabaret still stings. That is its brilliance. And its tragedy.
Redmayne has been haunted by Cabaret ever since he played the Emcee in prep school. “I was staggered by the character,” he says. “The lack of definition of it, the enigma of it.” He played the part again during his first year at Cambridge at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where nearly 3,500 shoestring productions jostle for attention each summer. Cabaret, performed in a tiny venue that “stank,” Redmayne recalls, did well enough that the producers added an extra show. He was leering at the Kit Kat Club girls from 8 p.m. till 10 p.m. and then from 11 p.m. till two in the morning. “You’d wake up at midday. You barely see sunshine. I just became this gaunt, skeletal figure.” His parents came to see him and said, “You need vitamin D!”
In 2021, Redmayne, by then an Oscar winner for The Theory of Everything and a Tony winner for Red, was playing the Emcee again, this time in Frecknall’s West End production. His dressing room on opening night was full of flowers. There was one bouquet with a card he did not have a chance to open until intermission. It was from Joel Grey, who originated the role on Broadway and won an Oscar for his performance alongside Liza Minnelli in the 1972 movie. He welcomed the young actor “to the family,” Redmayne says. “It was an extraordinary moment for me.”
Cabaret is based on Goodbye to Berlin, the British writer Christopher Isherwood’s collection of stories and character studies set in Weimar Germany as the Nazis are clawing their way to power. Isherwood, who went to Berlin for one reason—“boys,” he wrote in his memoir Christopher and His Kind—lived in a dingy boarding house amid an array of sleazy lodgers who inspired his characters. But aside from a fleeting mention of a host at a seedy nightclub, there is no emcee in his vignettes. Nor is there an emcee in I Am a Camera, John Van Druten’s hit 1951 Broadway play adapted from Isherwood’s story “Sally Bowles” from Goodbye to Berlin.
The character, one of the most famous in Broadway history, was created by Harold Prince​​, who produced and directed the original Cabaret. “People write about Cabaret all the time,” says John Kander, who composed the show’s music and is, at 96, the last living member of that creative team. “They write about Liza. They write about Joel, and sometimes about us [Kander and lyricist Fred Ebb]. None of that really matters. It’s all Hal. Everything about this piece, even the variations that happen in different versions of it, is all because of Hal.”
In 1964, Prince produced his biggest hit: Fiddler on the Roof. In the final scene, Tevye and his family, having survived a pogrom, leave for America. There is sadness but also hope. And what of the Jews who did not leave? Cabaret would provide the tragic answer.
But Prince was after something else. Without hitting the audience over the head, he wanted to create a musical that echoed what was happening in America: young men being sent to their deaths in Vietnam; racists such as Alabama politician “Bull” Connor siccing attack dogs on civil rights marchers. In rehearsals, Prince put up Will Counts’s iconic photograph of a white student screaming at a Black student during the Little Rock crisis of 1957. “That’s our show,” he told the cast.
A bold idea he had early on was to juxtapose the lives of Isherwood’s lodgers with one of the tawdry nightclubs Isherwood had frequented. In 1951, while stationed as a soldier in Stuttgart, Germany, Prince himself had hung around such a place. Presiding over the third-rate acts was a master of ceremonies in white makeup and of indeterminate sexuality. He “unnerved me,” Prince once told me. “But I never forgot him.”
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Kander had seen the same kind of character at the opening of a Marlene Dietrich concert in Europe. “An overpainted little man waddled out and said, ‘Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome,’ ” Kander recalls.
The first song Kander and Ebb wrote for the show was called “Willkommen.” They wrote 60 more songs. “Some of them were outrageous,” Kander says. “We wrote some antisemitic songs”—of which there were many in Weimar cabarets—“ ‘Good neighbor Cohen, loaned you a loan.’ We didn’t get very far with that one.”
They did write one song about antisemitism: “If You Could See Her (The Gorilla Song),” in which the Emcee dances with his lover, a gorilla in a pink tutu. At the end of the number, he turns to the audience and whispers: “If you could see her through my eyes, she wouldn’t look Jewishhh at all.” It was, they thought, the most powerful song in the score.
The working title of their musical was Welcome to Berlin. But then a woman who sold blocks of tickets to theater parties told Prince that her Jewish clients would not buy a show with “Berlin” in the title. Strolling along the beach one day, Joe Masteroff, who was writing the musical’s book, thought of two recent hits, Carnival and Camelot. Both started with a C and had three syllables. Why not call the show Cabaret?
To play the Emcee, Prince tapped his friend Joel Grey. A nightclub headliner, Grey could not break into Broadway. “The theater was very high-minded,” he once said. When Prince called him, he was playing a pirate in a third-rate musical in New York’s Jones Beach. “Hal knew I was dying,” Grey recounts over lunch in the West Village, where he lives. “I wanted to quit the business.”
At first, he struggled to create the Emcee, who did not interact with the other characters. He had numbers but “no words, no lines, no role,” Grey wrote in his memoir, Master of Ceremonies. A polished performer, he had no trouble with the songs, the dances, the antics. “But something was missing,” he says. Then he remembered a cheap comedian he’d once seen in St. Louis. The comic had told lecherous jokes, gay jokes, sexist jokes—anything to get a laugh. One day in rehearsal, Grey did everything the comedian had done “to get the audience crazy. I was all over the girls, squeezing their breasts, touching their bottoms. They were furious. I was horrible. When it was over I thought, This is the end of my career.” He disappeared backstage and cried. “And then from out of the darkness came Mr. Prince,” Grey says. “He put his hand on my shoulder and said, ‘Joely, that’s it.’ ”
Cabaret played its first performance at the Shubert Theatre in Boston in the fall of 1966. Grey stopped the show with the opening number, “Willkommen.” “The audience wouldn’t stop applauding,” Grey recalls. “I turned to the stage manager and said, ‘Should I get changed for the next scene?’ ”
The musical ran long—it was in three acts—but it got a prolonged standing ovation. As the curtain came down, Richard Seff, an agent who represented Kander and Ebb, ran into Ebb in the aisle. “It’s wonderful,” Seff said. “You’ll fix the obvious flaws.” In the middle of the night, Seff’s phone rang. It was Ebb. “You hated it!” the songwriter screamed. “You are of no help at all!”
Ebb was reeling because he’d learned Prince was going to cut the show down to two acts. Ebb collapsed in his hotel bed, Kander holding one hand, Grey the other. “You’re not dying, Fred,” Kander told him. “Hal has not wrecked our show.”
Cabaret came roaring into New York, fueled by tremendous word of mouth. But there was a problem. Some Jewish groups were furious about “If You Could See Her.” How could you equate a gorilla with a Jew? they wanted to know, missing the point entirely. They threatened to boycott the show. Prince, his eye on ticket sales, told Ebb to change the line “She wouldn’t look Jewish at all” to something less offensive: “She isn’t a meeskite at all,” using the Yiddish word for a homely person.
It is difficult to imagine the impact Cabaret had on audiences in 1966. World War II had ended only 21 years before. Many New York theatergoers had fled Europe or fought the Nazis. There were Holocaust survivors in the audience; there were people whose relatives had died in the gas chambers. Grey knew the show’s power. Some nights, dancing with the gorilla, he’d whisper “Jewish” instead of “meeskite.” The audience gasped.
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Cabaret won eight Tony Awards in 1967, catapulted Grey to Broadway stardom, and ran for three years. Seff sold the movie rights for $1.5 million, a record at the time. Prince, about to begin rehearsals for Stephen Sondheim’s Company, was unavailable to direct the movie, scheduled for a 1972 release. So the producers hired the director and choreographer Bob Fosse, who needed the job because his previous movie, Sweet Charity, had been a bust.
Fosse, who saw Prince as a rival, stamped out much of what Prince had done, including Joel Grey. He wanted Ruth Gordon to play the Emcee. But Grey was a sensation, and the studio wanted him. “It’s either me or Joel,” Fosse said. When the studio opted for Grey, Fosse backed down. But he resented Grey, and relations between them were icy.
A 26-year-old Liza Minnelli, on the way to stardom herself, was cast as Sally Bowles. The handsome Michael York would play the Cliff character, whose name in the movie was changed to Brian Roberts. And supermodel Marisa Berenson (who at the time seemed to be on the cover of Vogue every other month) got the role of a Jewish department store heiress, a character Fosse took from Isherwood’s short story “The Landauers.”
Cabaret was shot on location in Munich and Berlin. “The atmosphere was extremely heavy,” Berenson recalls. “There was the whole Nazi period, and I felt very much the Berlin Wall, that darkness, that fear, all that repression.” She adored Fosse, but he kept her off balance (she was playing a young woman traumatized by what was happening around her) by whispering “obscene things in my ear. He was shaking me up.”
Minnelli, costumed by Halston for the film, found Fosse “brilliant” and “incredibly intense,” she tells Vanity Fair in a rare interview. “He used every part of me, including my scoliosis. One of my great lessons in working with Fosse was never to think that whatever he was asking couldn’t be done. If he said do it, you had to figure out how to do it. You didn’t think about how much it hurt. You just made it happen.”
Back in New York, Fosse arranged a private screening of Cabaret for Kander and Ebb. When it was over, they said nothing. “We really hated it,” Kander admits. Then they went to the opening at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York. The audience loved it. “We realized it was a masterpiece,” Kander says, laughing. “It just wasn’t our show.”
The success of the movie—with its eight Academy Awards—soon overshadowed the musical. When people thought of Cabaret, they thought of finger snaps and bowler hats. They thought of Fosse and, of course, Minnelli, who would adopt the lyric “Life is a cabaret” as her signature. Her best-actress Oscar became part of a dynasty: Her mother, Judy Garland, and father, director Vincente Minnelli, each had one of their own. “Papa was even more excited about the Oscar than I was,” she says. “And, baby, I was—no, I am still—excited.”
By 1987—in part to burnish Cabaret’s theatrical legacy—Prince decided to recreate his original production on Broadway, with Grey once again serving as the Emcee. But it had the odor of mothballs. The New York Times drama critic Frank Rich wrote that it was not, as Sally Bowles sings, “perfectly marvelous,” but “it does approach the perfectly mediocre.” Much of the show, he added, was “old-fashioned and plodding.”
In the early 1990s, Sam Mendes, then a young director running a pocket-size theater in London called the Donmar Warehouse, heard the novelist Martin Amis give a talk. Amis was writing Time’s Arrow, about a German doctor who works in a concentration camp. “I’ve already written about the Nazis and people say to me, ‘Why are you doing it again?’ ” Amis said. “And I say, what else is there?”
At the end of the day,” Mendes tells me, “the biggest question of the 20th century is, ‘How could this have happened?’ ” Mendes decided to stage Cabaret at the Donmar in 1993. Another horror was unfolding at the time: Serb paramilitaries were slaughtering Bosnian Muslims, “ethnic cleansing” on an unimaginable scale.
Mendes hit on a terrific concept for his production: He transformed his theater into a nightclub. The audience sat at little tables with red lamps. And the performers were truly seedy. He told the actors playing the Kit Kat Club girls not to shave their armpits or their legs. “Unshaved armpits—it sent shock waves around the theater,” he recalls. Since there was no room—or money—for an orchestra, the actors played the instruments. Some of them could hit the right notes.
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To play the Emcee, Mendes cast Alan Cumming, a young Scottish actor whose comedy act Mendes had enjoyed. “Can you sing?” Mendes asked him. “Yeah,” Cumming said. Mendes threw ideas at him and “he was open to everything.” Just before the first preview, Mendes suggested he come out during the intermission and chat up the audience, maybe dance with a woman. Mendes, frantic before the preview, never got around to giving Cumming any more direction than that. No matter. Cumming sauntered onstage as people were settling back at their tables, picked a man out of the crowd, and started dancing with him. “Watch your hands,” he said. “I lead.”
Cumming’s Emcee was impish, fun, gleefully licentious. The audience loved him. “I have never had less to do with a great performance in one of my shows than I had to do with Alan,” Mendes says.
When Joe Masteroff came to see the show in London, Mendes was nervous. He’d taken plenty of liberties with the script. Cliff, the narrator, was now openly gay. (One night, when Cliff kissed a male lover, a man in the audience shouted, “Rubbish!”) And he made the Emcee a victim of the Nazis. In the final scene, Cumming, in a concentration camp uniform affixed with a yellow Star of David and a pink triangle, is jolted, as if he’s thrown himself onto the electrified fence at Birkenau.
“I should be really pissed with you,” Masteroff told Mendes after the show. “But it works.” Kander liked it too, though he was not happy that the actors didn’t play his score all that well. Ebb hated it. “He wanted more professionalism,” Mendes says. “And he was not wrong. There was a dangerous edge of amateurishness about it.”
The Roundabout Theatre Company brought Cabaret to New York in 1998. Rob Marshall, who would go on to direct the movie Chicago, helped Mendes give the show some Broadway gloss while retaining its grittiness. The two young directors were “challenging each other, pushing each other,” Marshall remembers, “to create something unique.”
Cumming reprised his role as the Emcee. He was on fire. Natasha Richardson, the daughter of Vanessa Redgrave and director Tony Richardson, played Sally Bowles. She was not on fire. She’d never been in a musical before, and when she sang, “There was absolutely no sound coming out,” Kander says.
“She beat herself up about her singing all the time,” Mendes adds. “There was a deep, self-critical aspect of Tash that was instilled by her dad, a brilliant man but extremely cutting.” He once said to her out of nowhere: “We’re going to have to do something about your chin, dear.” As Mendes saw it, she always felt that she could never measure up to her parents.
Kander went to work with her, and slowly a voice emerged. It was not a “polished sound,” Marshall says, but it was haunting, vulnerable. Still, Cumming was walking away with the show. At the first preview, when he took his bow, the audience roared. When Richardson took hers, they were polite. Mendes remembers going backstage and finding her “in tears.” But she persevered and through sheer force of will created a Sally Bowles that “will break your heart,” Masteroff told me the day before I saw that production in the spring of 1998. She did indeed. (Eleven years later, while learning how to ski on a bunny hill on Mont Tremblant, she fell down. She died of a head injury two days later.)
The revival of Cabaret won four Tony Awards, including one for Richardson as best actress in a musical. It ran nearly 2,400 performances at the Roundabout’s Studio 54 and was revived again in 2014. And the money, money, money, as the song goes, poured in. Once Masteroff, having already filed his taxes at the end of a lucrative Cabaret year, went to the mailbox and opened a royalty check for $60,000. “What the hell am I supposed to do with this?” he snapped.
Rebecca Frecknall grew up on Mendes’s Donmar Warehouse production of Cabaret. The BBC filmed it, and when it aired, her father videotaped it. She watched it “religiously.” But when she came to direct her production, she had to put Mendes’s version out of her mind.
Mendes turned his little theater into a nightclub. Frecknall, working with the brilliant set and costume designer Tom Scutt, has upped the game. They have transformed the entire theater into a Weimar cabaret. You stand in line at the stage door, waiting, you hope, to be let in. Once inside, you’re served drinks while the Kit Kat Club girls dance and flirt with you. The show’s logo is a geometric eye. Scutt sprinkles the motif throughout his sets and costumes. “It’s all part of the voyeurism,” Scutt explains. “The sense of always being watched, always watching—responsibility, culpability, implication, blame.”
Mendes’s Cabaret, like Fosse’s, had a black-and-white aesthetic—black fishnet stockings, black leather coats, a white face for the Emcee. Frecknall and Scutt begin their show with bright colors, which slowly fade to gray as the walls close in on the characters. “Color and individuality—to grayness and homogeneity,” Frecknall says.
As the first woman to direct a major production of Cabaret, Frecknall has focused attention on the Kit Kat Club girls—Rosie, Fritzie, Frenchie, Lulu, and Texas. “Often what I’ve seen in other productions is this homogenized group of pretty, white, skinny girls in their underwear,” she insists. Her Kit Kat Club girls are multiethnic. Some are transgender. Through performances and costumes, they are no longer appendages of the Emcee but vivid characters in their own right.
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Her boldest stroke has been to reinvent the Emcee. She and Redmayne have turned him into a force of malevolence. He is still sexy and seductive, but as the show goes on, he becomes a skeletal puppet master manipulating the other characters to, in many cases, their doom. If Cumming’s Emcee was, in the end, a Holocaust victim, Redmayne’s is, in Frecknall’s words, “a perpetrator.”
Unwrapping a grilled cheese sandwich in his enormous Upper West Side townhouse, Kander says that his husband had recently asked him a pointed question: “Did it ever occur to you that all of you guys who created Cabaret were Jewish?”
“Not really,” Kander replied. “We were just trying to put on a show.” Or, as Masteroff once said: “It was a job.”
It’s a “job” that has endured. The producers of the Broadway revival certainly have faith in the show’s staying power. They’ve spent $25 million on the production, a big chunk of it going to reconfigure the August Wilson Theatre into the Kit Kat Club. Audience members will enter through an alleyway, be given a glass of schnapps, and can then enjoy a preshow drink at a variety of lounges designed by Scutt: The Pineapple Room, Red Bar, Green Bar, and Vault Bar. The show will be performed in the round, tables and chairs ringing the stage. And they’ll be able to enjoy a bottle (or two) of top-flight Champagne throughout the performance.
This revival is certainly the most lavish Cabaret in a long time. But there have been hundreds of other, less heralded productions over the years, with more on the way. A few months before Russia invaded Ukraine, Cabaret was running in Moscow. Last December, Concord Theatricals, which licenses the show, authorized a production at the Molodyy Theatre in Kyiv. And a request is in for a production in Israel, the first since the show was produced in Tel Aviv in 2014.
“The interesting thing about the piece is that it seems to change with the times,” Kander says. “Nothing about it seems to be written in stone except its narrative and its implications.”
And whenever someone tells him the show is more relevant than ever, Kander shakes his head and says, “I know. And isn’t that awful?”′
You can also listen the entire article here !!
I know it's a very long article , but very interesting!!
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hourcat · 2 years
i do think they should wrestle.
“Stop fighting me,” Pierre grits, one hand pressing Charles’ shoulder into the mattress as the other tries to catch his wrists. “You want to be fucked or no, Charlo?”
Charles just grins. “You would not have me if I went so easily, Pierrot, I know you.” The grin transforms into a smirk as he hooks a leg around Pierre’s knees and tugs him down, toppling his balance so that they’re chest-to-chest, breath entirely knocked out of him from the force of Pierre’s weight collapsing right on top of him. They’re touching at every conceivable point, skin-to-skin, Charles’ cock hot like an iron as it presses insistently against Pierre’s groin like it’s taunting him. (Knowing Charles, it probably is.)
“You’re such a fucking brat,” Pierre growls, mouth at the nape of Charles’ neck as he speaks. Charles just whines in response, hips hitching up into Pierre’s and bouncing the two of them from the effort. “Fuck. Charles, you—fuck, how do I get you to fucking stay down—”
“What if I want to fuck you, mon petit,” he interrupts, voice gravelly and low and right in Pierre’s ear. “What if I want to fight you for it.”
The thought is…more than appealing enough to Pierre, even just on the surface. Charles is right, of course—as much as Pierre loves when Charles submits to him without second thought, he loves it more when there’s a chase involved. Like when Pierre has to pin him to the wall to get him to stop trying to undo the buttons on his shirt, or the time he had to tie Charles’ wrists together with an abandoned pair of socks just to keep him from touching himself. They may not have had equal footing on track for a good chunk of their careers, but at least here they can battle it out as equals.
Except, well, Charles has worked out plenty in the offseason, and it’s showing up now as he doesn’t even seem to be straining much to keep Pierre down against him. “You want to fight me for it,” he echoes, a touch of disbelief mingling with the arousal that’s bled into his voice. Charles nods, once, eyes bright and so lust-blown Pierre knows he’ll get lost in them if he doesn’t figure out a way to beat him soon. “What are we going to do, Cha, arm wrestle?”
Charles’ arm hooks around Pierre’s shoulders, fingers carding lazily through his hair with the confidence of a man who knows he will win. “We would have to get out of bed for that,” he muses, then tightens his grip for a moment to tug sharply. Pierre hisses. “Mmmm, Pear, if you really don’t want to—”
“I want to,” Pierre interrupts, the desperation level of his response making his own ears burn. “I—you hold me down, Charles, and I will see how quickly I get free.” It’s a game they played once before, ages ago—Pierre had won convincingly, what with Charles’ body still gangly and pale and scrawny from youth. Pierre, at least, had the benefit of a full-body diet then. He’d built himself bigger than Charles, and it’d worked in his favor in no time at all.
Now, as Charles stares back at his idea with a devilish look in his eyes, Pierre knows the outcome will not be anywhere close to the same. “I go first?” Said almost breathlessly. His cock twitches against Pierre, more than enough to say that he’s remembering that time exactly the same.
Pierre nods once. “You go first,” he echoes, still half-straddled, half-pressed against Charles. “But the only rule is that we both get a turn, bebe—everything else is fair game.” It’s the only way he’s confident he can weasel his way out of Charles’ grasp, really. He can’t pretend that Charles won’t have much more of an advantage than last time. But Pierre has this.
Charles, apparently, can read his mind. “You are such a cheating scoundrel,” he mumbles. But he’s grinning, is the thing—so wide it’s all but blinding as he loosens his hold on Pierre’s hair just to trail his fingers down his spine. “But I love you, even still.” The trace of his fingertips stops just at his hip, where he rubs soothingly.
It’s so easy to fall into his touch like this—Charles has this superpower over him, this impossible ability to draw every thought Pierre has right back to him like he’s the center of the universe. Like he’s the sun. His words of sweetness land the way they always do, on affection-warmed ears—
And then Charles digs those fingers into Pierre’s flesh and flips them with a grunt of effort, Pierre’s eyes wide as he bounces back against the mattress. “You are so easy, Pierrot,” Charles murmurs, a fond look blossomed across his face. “Cheat all you like and I will still win.” He’s straddling Pierre’s waist fully, now: no longer that pale scrawny boy Pierre had bedded all those years ago. He’s been touched by the sun a little more, now, just enough to catch Pierre’s eye. He’s bleeding confidence, oozing it in a way that’s almost unlike him, if Pierre didn’t know Charles out on the racetrack as intimately as he knows him behind closed doors.
“We’ll see about that, ma cherie,” he drawls, watching the blush of understanding spread across his cheeks like wildfire. “I like my chances.”
Charles rolls his hips a little—just enough to garner friction, just enough to make him squirm in the perfect line of sight for Pierre to watch—and then leans forward to catch one of his wrists and pin it over his head. Pierre’s heart is slamming in his chest, blood rushing in his ears as he feels his lover sink more and more of his weight into the mattress. He shifts, once, experimentally. (Charles groans something soft, a pleased little noise just shy of a growl.) “Ready?” the Monegasque asks.
Pierre nods. “Ready.”
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screwyouhippie · 2 years
𝑰𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒓 𝑶𝒇 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒚𝒔 𝑩𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚!(𝑳𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝒖𝒑)
~𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒚𝒔 𝑩𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝑾𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝑮𝒐~
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The first step was to plan out the whole thing, which was all mostly Kyle and Stan. Though Butters had to remind everyone that Kenny's birthday was coming up so without Butters, Kenny's birthday would've been like any other day(Thanks Butters :›).
The party was set at Tolkien's house since Kenny's house was poor and unstable. It was too small anyways, not that Kenny had a lot of friends to begin with...
Once Kenny arrived, the party officially began! Of course Cartman took credit for the decorating and planning, even though he didn't do jack.
The first thing Kenny did when he got there was look to see if there were any hot girls at the party. He was disappointed when there were only people from his class and none of the girls were even hot. The others had to assure him that they were on their way, they're not.
Aside from all the casualties, there were lots of games planned out for that night, beer pong, the mechanic bull riding game, darts, spin the bottle, seven minutes of heaven, Mario Party, Mario Kart. Typical teenage games.
The first game was beer pong. How did Tolkien manage to sneak beer into his house? That's something literally everyone who came to the party asked him, but he's a teen, he'll find a way to sneak a whole cow into his house if he needs. Stan ended up getting so drunk from beer pong that he passed out at least Five times that night. But that didn't stop him from drinking any more. He actually made everything so much more fun and funny by how he was acting.
"H-hey Kyle?" "What Stan?" "..Catch me" Stan ended up falling on top of Kyle while Kenny wheezed.
Kenny almost died from choking on one of the ping pong balls after trying to make one in by spitting it out of his mouth while everyone watched as Wendy literally stuck her whole arm in Kenny's throat to get the ball out. It's Kenny's birthday, he should get at least one day out of the whole year where he doesn't die.
The next game was the mechanic bull which Bebe was surprisingly good at for some reason. It really made all the guys think for a moment and the girls definitely gossiped about it the day after, but cheered her on for now. Jimmy also tried the Bull and let's just say that all those years of using his arms to hold him up really paid off today because good Lord was he amazing at it. He stayed on longer than anyone else did and he even got some beer poured on him as a reward.
At this point, Stan was awake and he wanted a go as well, even if he could barely stand up. Kyle was definitely against this, but Stan insisted. When he did go up, it was Kenny's turn to control the bull and he got the genius idea of turning the speed up all the way as soon as he started, and that's what he did. Stan ended up flying all the way across the room onto the pool table. Don't worry, he was laughing the whole time.
Darts seemed like a boring idea at first, but with everyone nearly drunk off beer and high off Randy's special stuff, the game was INTENSE. Clyde and Craig were head to head getting the bullseye with every throw. And in the end, Clyde won! Craig didn't take it too well and threw a dart at his head which he nearly avoided. Everyone joined in and started throwing razor sharp darts around the room. Poor Kenny was hiding behind a table the entire time. Luckily Butters was there to keep him company.
Spin the bottle is a game that's a must when it comes to parties. And this time, everyone from class were participating in the game. Even Tweek and Craig. Before the game started, Kenny had to chug a whole beer bottle so they could use it, and Kenny downed that thing like it was the last glass of water in the desert while everyone chanted 'Chug' over and over until Kenny wiped his mouth and held the bottle in the air. He almost smashed it on the ground out of habit which would've ruined the game.
Stan was secretly hoping that the bottle would land on him when it was Wendy's turn, even if he knew he was 'over her'. The most ironic thing is that everyone who were "stolen from him from Tolkien" got Tolkien! On the first round, Wendy landed on Tolkien, Tolkien landed on Kyle, literally everyone got a kiss from each other but Stan. On the fifth round, when it was Kenny's turn, he actually landed on Stan, which was the last thing Stan wanted at the moment. Kenny actually leaned in and opened his entire mouth sticking his tongue out and wiggling it making the already drunk Stan cackle the weirdest laugh you'd ever know. It really cheered him up.
Seven minutes of heaven right after spin the bottle seemed like too much at the time, but hey, it's a party where anything can happen! Since everyone was either drunk, or high to really focus, they did this in a different way. Everyone picked names from a hat, and whoever they got had to be tied together for seven minutes, or until they remembered.
Stan x Jimmy
Kyle x Craig
Kenny x Eric
Butters x Heidi
Tweek x Timmy
Clyde x Wendy
Bebe x Tolkien
Annie x Rebecca (or Red)
(Everyone else weren't invited because they weren't remembered or popular enough.)
You already know that Kenny and Eric are going to have a blast tied to one another. With Kenny high and Eric being an arrogant meatball, things are bound to get interesting. Probably starting off literally a second after being tied together, Eric fell face forward with Kenny on top of his back, when he tried to roll back up, he almost crushed Kenny to death.
Stan and Jimmy were complicated to tie together. But they figured out out and ties Stan to Jimmy's crutches. Jimmy was just telling jokes which made drunk Stan cackle.
"W..what did the h...hor..ho- horse say after it fell? H..help, I can't G..G-giddyup!" 'Stan wheezing right next to him.' "W-we. What a t..terrific audience!"(got the joke from Google)
Kyle and Craig might seem like a normal pairing, but man was it hard to keep them in control. With Kyle wanting to help Stan and Craig wanting to be near Tweek, things did not mix well.
"What the hell Craig? I need to help Stan!" "Just leave him alone, he'll be fine." "Tweek will be fine if anything, Look at Stan, he's literally drooling from the mouth!"
Butters and Heidi make a pretty wholesome duo. They're both pretty soft spoken, but have their limits too. They both mainly just talk about Eric.
"And then he locked me in a basement for three days." "Damn, He threatened to hurt himself if I didn't get back with him."
Tweek and Timmy were another hard pair to tie together, but they ended up tying Tweeks leg to one of Timmy's wheels. At one point, Timmy started to race through the house forcefully dragging Tweek by the leg along with him while Craig followed quickly behind with Kyle also being dragged.
There really isn't much to say with Wendy and Clyde. They've never really spoken before so Wendy thought it would be a good idea to play a few getting to know me games with him.
"So I like art, going out and hanging out with my girlfriends, what do you like?" "I like shoes." "Oh my God, me too!" Things are going great with them.
Bebe and Tolkien are more awkward with each other. Unlike Wendy, neither of them are really willing to start a conversation and just wait for the other to start a conversation or something. Just anything to break the tense atmosphere..
"..." "..." *Awkward looking around*
Annie and Rebecca just act as if they aren't even tied up. As part of the girl committee back in elementary, they've grown really close over the years and mainly just gossip about things going on at the moment.
"Did you see the way Stan looked when Wendy Kissed Tolkien?" "Yeah, it was priceless!"
Some people were relieved once the seven minutes were up while others felt like no time had passed at all.
The party split into two groups after that. One group plays Mario Party while the other Plays Mario Kart. Kenny was shocked nonetheless when Tolkien pulled out multiple controllers and machines to play the games.
Both groups have never concentrated as much as they did for the time that they played these games, even the girls. Everyone was so tense trying to beat one another
"Craig you fuckwad, your blue shell brought me to last!" "It's not my fault you can't move out of the way Kyle!" "That's not how the game fucking works!" "Uh oh, looks like Kyle's mom joined the party." "Shut up Fatass!"
Kyle can be a little hot headed whenever he gets competitive..
In the end, everyone gathers around a half broken table and sings Kenny Happy Birthday. Kenny may be poor, but that doesn't mean that he's poor on friends. Even if those same friends ended up throwing cake and beer all over him at the end of his own party :›
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Post Rooks rest or even after another member of Team black dies, I think that Rhaenyra’s small council might try and convince her to kill Daeron. I mean think about it: in the unlikely event that aegon, and his baby sons are killed off as well as aemond, that'll still leave bebe Daeron alive. Bebe Daeron would be King Vs last living son, and in the eyes of many, including possibly nobles pledged to Rhaenyra, would always pose a threat to her reign. For example, if Rhaenyras peacefully ruling the realm but some Lord feels slighted by her, all he would have to do is rise in daerons name even if bebe daeron himself is loyal. Some people may disagree with the king naming Rhaenyra heir, due to their own different legal opinions, e.g., council of 101, rhaena and aerea being usurped by jaehaerys first of his name, and may use bebe daeron to undermine her regardless of his own personal loyalties. Just by virtue of being Viserys's last living son, bebe Daeron would always pose a significant threat to his older half sisters reign: in the eyes of many, he'd be the rightful king even if Rhaenyra won the Dance. It would give Rhaenyras character a real moral grey moment if she considered doing it but eventually decided against it because she doesn't want to lose Daemon and Babey's support. Sorry for the unhinged ranting, thanks.
Heeeeeeeey, boo!
I have been debating where to go with this down the road, and honestly it would be a great way to further incite some conflict because personal infighting during war is FUN and also one of the big points of the whole Dance; they both suck, neither can operate cohesively, loyalties are wavering etc etc. I can see Rhaenyra unwisely choosing to act on advice to at the very least leverage Daeron as some sort of hostage to try and get the Greens to back down, eventually raising the stakes to outright considering executing him on some calculated charge to remove obstacles to the throne. Also a way to get the ball rolling on Rhae being a bit more unhinged - like Daenerys in GOT, she begins committing atrocities (or planning to) in the name of doing what she thinks is right and/or necessary to see her vision of the world brought to life. That’s what starts swaying people away from her after all - and as shitty and tragic as it is (I haven’t done all this damn build up for nothing), it’s a necessary sticking point to the ending I plan to see occur.
Thank you so much for this! Adding to my future plot points tag for later down the track.
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I was tagged by my two lovelies @spookycheesestick and @possession
Rules: Bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
Hobbies & Talents:
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition// i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
@skiplo-wave @bebe-benzenheimer @sullxo @normanrockwells @sourwolf1999 @austennerdita2533 @clytenmestra @aemonds-holy-milk @topper-thornton @myamanitavirosa @woefully-devoted @sansalicents @fuckindiva @elizabeth-daae
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ninetwelves · 1 year
idg this one opinion i saw on all stars 7 being bad bc the back ups they had to me make no sense theyre like all stars 7 was bad bc it didnt have enough early season winners like omfg wherw is the self awareness
bebe was on all stars 3 should could come back but thats kinda debatable ik they bring queens back 3 times( and even 4 times being jimbo) but maybe its more debatable for a first all winners season
tyra is cut out for her bomb threats to drag con she gets left out the winners circles
obviously sharon gets left out the winners circle and what clasifies as early season winners for me itd be 1-3 or 1-5 bc 6-8 or 9 feel a bit mid season (def not in quality) bianca wont do it, bob wasnt invited but thank god she hosted pitstop
violet would do it and maybe it wouldve been good if she did bc shes out here huffing paint of booting raja for not wearin corsets fjndjfnfnfn
alaska wouldnt be invited back
trixie wouldnt do it
sasha velour wouldve been cool but if they make a second one they cant use all their best queens and sasha art is great but maybe they were thinking best tv personalities w chemistry (bc all stars 8 lacked that MAJORLYYY) bc i think they did pic best tv personalities together like sure certain queens i absolutely would gag but i strangely wasnt mad at the cast for how robbed manila was (and she was robbed like imagine manila in that season but thats the all stars format riggery fault) but yk monet and trinity were some of the mosg entertaining thank god it made me fall in love w monet???
like thats debatable tho for some queens coming back but unfortunately for early seasons there was genuinely not a lot of options BUT IM SO GLAD WE GOT THE TWO BEST ONES ESP FUCKING RAJA (BC BOY WHAT THAT SEASON DID TO ME IT MADE ME FALL SO DEEP LOVE FOR RAJA SHES OFFICIALLY MY MOTHER GF BF AND AUNTIE ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY) and yk the first thing i fell in love w that season was raja + jinkx and all the newer winners holy fuck did i ever love that sure it was def a bit rigged theyre not the most stand out lip syncers of the bunch but god did they both ever pave the way for them all there (esp raja) and i believe it was so needed to show that respect
and raja and jinxk r good lip syncers stunts arent everything song choice is important
it def wasnt the strongest lip sync season ill admit that but yo i adore watching lip syncs ppl dont think i care about fashion in drag race but i really do this season is my fav for a reason raja is my fav for a reason it wouldve been sm more perfect for me if the lip syncs were so top tier but idk fuckin raja vs viv was so fun / perfect raja vs jaida was so so fun
raja had no chance for yvie im super biased that im glad she won but idk raja still slayed its just yvie oddly ur going against maybe ru hated yvies wigs or smth (listen i love yvies shes one of my favs) i dont disagree w the track record vs lip sync bc i guess itd depend on the lip sync and track record and entertainment to the season ofc u cant please everyone, it makes it a lot less predictable altho imo jimbos win as much as its deserved is waaayyyyyy too predictable and not even cute bc at least w season 15 the other queens of so many different styles of drag and diversity and experience and worlds kepts sasha on her toes a bit she shouldve won more but damn i just love me a season w milfs ok IM JUST MILF BIASED LET ME HAVE THISSS
ok also the cast was good (despite manila being robbed in as 4) they didnt need to rely on villian edits or drama which im not against for drag race but thats how good their chemistry and personalies were like that is so important a goooooood ass cast can carry and i dont think all stars 8 delivered (i even think all stars 1 delivered that sm more than 8)
but idk i think my all stars ranking that some places can be flipped is
all stars 7 (fav season EVER)
as 2
as 3 + 4 tied
all stars 6
all stars 5
all stars 1
all stars 8
and im gonna be real cast chemistry/entertainment/personality/humor is like the first thing thatd enjoyable about the show fuck ill take bad runways even bad lip syncs usually a season will have one or the other or at least one good runway or lip sync bc i can trust the queens tonpull thru on that more than the producers holy shit
and yk bad lip syncs and runways to me can be so fucking funny like jigglys garbage dress, kennedys cyrstalized chicken, the i will surive lip sync in s8, the 2 messy ass lip syncs in s3 (like it had 2 of the best lip syncs in the show and 2 of the worst but the worsr were so fuckjng funnyfbfkdhd)
but yk you want better lip syncs?? actually pay attention to ur front runners styles of performance, rewards all styles of lip syncs, and pick ur song choices more off that.
also snatch game being good is quite important all stars 7 fucking DELIVEREDDDDDDDDD
i get more peeved when a cast of a season has no age and drag style variety (which theyve always delivered drag style variety and age usuall like season 14 im sorry did not deliver that 4 me enough) variety bc whats the point u did not respect where drag came from, the veterns, and ofc the new queens for the future of drag like come bring in at least one milf drag queen one milf per season IS ENOUGH FOR ME
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berrymeter · 4 years
oh so im not the only one who finds taeyeon's music boring good to know 😭
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spicyramenlover · 2 years
Dad!Spinner Headcanons
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(Warnings: cursing)
This man did NOT expect to be a dad
Especially at the age of 21 while his current profession is a ✨villain✨
Don’t get me wrong though, he loves his kid so damn much
And his love for you only grew after watching you go from his girlfriend to his wife and mother of his child
When it comes to being a dad, Shuichi isn’t exactly a natural
Like, not at all
He bought some parenting books while you were pregnant but he never got the chance to read them. He was either too busy or too tired
His claws are clipped as to not scratch the bebe at least
Hates changing diapers, but will do it if you glare at him hard enough
He was sad about not having as much video game time anymore, but he’s slowly adjusted to having a baby in his lap trying to grab at his controller while he’s in the middle of a campaign
He hates the “baby shows”, so he puts on anime or adult cartoons while he’s watching the baby instead
“I thought I told you to play The Wiggles??” you’ll sigh
“Fuck no.” he deadpans
Yes, he curses around the baby too. This is Spinner we’re talking about 🤷‍♀️
He genuinely feels angry and guilty for always having to leave you and his child behind to do villain work
If you’re in the LoV, then obviously you’ll be going too, which means that the baby would be left in the hands of a sitter
And babysitters in the villain world don’t exactly exist
He tries to be present as much as he can, but as the Lieutenant of the Paranormal Liberation Front, he doesn’t have much time to offer
When Shuichi is home though, he tries to spoil his kid
When they enter their toddler years, he’ll take them to the park or to the arcade
If he takes his kid to the arcade then he’ll win them a bunch of tickets so they could pick out a big, cool prize
Your son/daughter would see the prize as a cool toy their dad won for them
But for Spinner, it was something they could remember him by if he ended up being gone for longer than he meant to…or if he never makes it back at all
He tries not to think about this, and when he does, he holds his kid close and tries not to have a breakdown right there
All in all, Spinner isn’t perfect, but he genuinely tries
He wants to be a good dad, a good husband, and a good leader to his troop
Accomplishing all at the same time is exhausting, but it’s worth it
Spinner swore to you the night your son/daughter was born that he was going to fight even harder for a better world, but that he would also always make it back home to you two
And so far, it’s a promise that he’s kept
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ichigoromi · 3 years
When he tries to sit in your lap | Tsukishima Kei Headcanon | Timeskip
TRIES. I repeat. Tsukishima is a giant; this dinosaur grew 5 cm after the time skip. I'm 165 cm, and I can't imagine him trying to sit on my lap. I would be using my height as a reference in this headcanon.
Oh well, I'll see how this goes.
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Tsukishima Kei
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Tsukishima is a whooping 195 cm professional volleyball player and a part-time cuddle monster.
He loves being the big spoon and enjoys you in his lap while you are doing your work.
However, this man wants to try the impossible.
He wants to try sitting in your lap, but it is almost impossible since he is tall and huge.
You can't even watch the show playing on the TV if he sits in your lap.
Recently, he has been really touchy with you, not that you are complaining.
It was just out of the ordinary.
Since his practice always ends earlier than your work, he would pick you up after his practice and head back to your apartment together.
His arms would always be around your waist securely and glaring at any guy ogling at you.
After seeing how many men lust after you, he decided to pick you up at work or sent a taxi for you to ride home if he's late.
He used to think that cooking for his significant others was nothing, but now he is a bento master in high school.
Your colleagues are jealous of your lunch since Tsukishima became quite a good cook.
When your old high school team gathers at your apartment, they love to tease you and Tsukishima.
Since you two would be the couple that they least expected to end up together.
It was his game night, and you went to watch him after your work with your friends.
His team won, and they can promote to the V1 league.
He wants to celebrate with you alone, but you told him to go with his team.
You went with your friends to grab dinner while he went to celebrate his win with his team.
You were home earlier, so you washed up first, waiting for your boyfriend to come home.
He was slightly tipsy but managed to took off his shoes and greeted you with a kiss on the lips.
You urged him to go take a bath, and he reluctantly goes before he could get his cuddles from you.
Tsukishima's cheeks were flushed from the long bath that he took. He sat down in front of you, and you helped him dry his hair.
He loves the way your fingers combs through his hair, and you occasionally pinching his cheeks.
"Honey, can I sit in your lap?" He knew what he was getting into, but you have to give him your consent. Your hands stopped, and you contemplate for a moment.
"Like in my lap? Are you serious? Baby, you do not have a fever, right?" You reached out to feel his forehead, and he smacks your hand away.
Then he sits further away from you. He was upset about the rejection, but he really wants to sit in your lap.
You got off the couch and sat down on the floor beside him.
"Come on, before I change my mind." You patted your thighs, and he shyly moves into your lap.
He stretches his long legs out while you wrap your arms around his toned torso.
"Kei baby, I love you, but you are really tall. I can't really see anything in this position." His shoulder deflated at your comment.
"But that doesn't mean you can enjoy being the small spoon while we cuddle!" He got up from your lap and carries you in his arms by surprise.
He walked into the bedroom, still with you in his arms.
"Since it's impossible, just give me my damn cuddles." He mumbled and drops you onto the bed.
He climbs into the bed and you leaned against his chest.
"Ah~, this is the best position. Thank you, bebe." You giggled and he pulls you closer to him.
"Hmm, I love you."
"I love you too."
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This was kind of fluffy...I love a fluffy Tsukki.
Hope y'all enjoy this headcanon! Stay safe and healthy!
See you guys soon again!
With love,
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falloutjay · 3 years
Cartman with a s/o that never speak except when they're alone? It would be really different to Cartman's personality since they're more like to see him starting WW3 than helping or stopping him. They would think "yeah that's someone else's big ass problem" and go to sleep.
(I'm sorry I'm a sucker for quiet main characters and the South Park games probably got me more into it with the new kid going with everything the guys are up to without any complaints)
I legit feel the same about quiet main characters. I loved that about the South Park games and to an extent also in the Fallout games. <3
And once again, I love your idea and I hope I did justice to your incredibly beautiful prompt! Hope you have a great day! 🌸
Cartman x quiet!Reader
"And... You're sure your information is correct?" Bebe whispered and Wendy nodded.
 "Yes...They are definitely a thing. Odd isn't it? Never expected the quiet Y/N with some like Cartman."
 Just having mentioned the name of the big-boned boy immediately caused all the girls on the table to make a disgusted face.
They looked over to where they were seated. Y/N and Cartman. The new hot topic at school.
Y/N simply sat between Kenny and Cartman, listening to Kyle and their boyfriend bitch at each other.
"My mum lost weight okay, not everyone's Mum can be a skinny crackwhore."
"Don't talk about my mum like that! At least mine is nice and not a fat old bitch!"
"Kyle, just let it be- Shut up Stan!" The two simultaneously screamed at Stan, who held his hands up in defense.
Wanting to settle their fight once and for all, the two turned towards the quiet two of the table and stared at them.
Kyle was the one to ask the question; "Who's mother is worse? Kenny?" Kyle looked pleadingly at the blonde who swiftly pointed at Kyle.
"Sorry dude... Your mum is so strict and shit. Cartman's is super chill." Kyle looked at his friend in horror, before turning to the last person.
"Y/N, whose mother is worse? Answer please!" Kyle pleaded, but as always got no answer. They simply continued eating, unfazed by what was happening.
"I won, Kyyyyell" Eric teased the redhead who sat down defeated.
Kenny simply laughed into his parka and Stan rolled his eyes.
Y/N got up with their glass and went to get another round of water for themselves when Kyle slammed his hands on the table.
"Okay, how the fuck did you two get together when they never talk? Just... How?"
Kenny and Stan also eyed the brown-haired boy who seemed to think about his answer for a second.
"Don't know why you think they don't talk much? Like, I like listening to their voice and they talk a lot when we are together. Maybe Y/N doesn't like talking to a stupid Jew, thought about that Kiel?"
Kyle simply looked at him, a disappointed look on his face, as he really didn't feel that Cartman's answer was any good.
"Dude, listen, they only really talk when the teacher asks them for an answer. Despite that, I barely hear them talk, soo..."
"So what? Y'all very narrow-minded." Cartman said and took the last bite of his chicken sandwich.
Y/N came back and sat in their place again.
"Wanna hang out at my place later?" Cartman asked and the h/c colored responded with a simple; "Yeah."
Kenny then elbowed them to show them another meme on his phone.
Time passed and after their lunch break and another set of lessons, the five friends stood outside of their school building.
"God, I hate how Miss Donna just never grades us fairly, she's such a bitch!" Eric ranted.
His last test was rather bad, and he felt treated unfairly, as he was sure that the answers he stole from Kyle were correct.
"Maybe she saw you looking at my paper and decided to not give you points for shit you stole?" Kyle said and Kenny let out a deep sigh.
"Can you not this time. I'm done hearing you guys argue for the day." He said and looked done with everyone's shit.
"Ken's got a point. I'm going home." Stan said and started walking.
"I'm done arguing too. See ya Y/N." Kyle huffed and started stomping towards Stan.
Kenny bid his goodbye too and so you and Cartman were not left alone. He extended his hand which you gladly took.
Eric began talking as he always does. The brown-haired simply loves talking, especially to his partner, who he felt was someone he could tell anything without a worry.
"But yeah, I just think she grades unfairly. It was max one answer I copied from Kyle, I don't get what's the deal. So how was your day, honey?"
"Pretty nice. It was rather boring, especially history class but nothing bad happens so I guess it was okay." You spoke and smiled at Eric, who had a faint blush on his cheeks.
He absolutely loved hearing your voice and that you mainly spoke around him made him feel special. And feeling special was his favorite feeling.
"That sounds good... Any idea what we want to do today?" Eric asked and waited patiently for his partner's answer.
"Dunno. I don't really care, you can pick." The beautiful smile that decorated Y/N face made Cartman's heart skipped a beat.
"Let's play video games. My mum got me a new one that I'd love to try with you."
"Sounds amazing, Eric."
"Kewl" The brown-haired humbled and you two continued their way to the Cartman residence.
To Eric, his beloved Y/N was a blessing. They never really argued with him, they treated him so special by only really talking with him and they liked what he loved. Y/N is Eric's special retreat almost, they gave him everything he needs and more. And Eric treasures them dearly, every single day.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
Mon 15 March ‘21
FIRST TIME GRAMMY AWARD WINNING ARTIST HARRY STYLES!! From the bottom of the stairs to the top of the fucking world baby, get itttt!! He won Best Pop Solo Performance for smash hit Watermelon Sugar-- the other two categories he was up for went to others but he was a dark horse for any of them so getting one is awesome! Yeah the grammys are shit but I’m so happy for him to see him receiving validation and acclaim from the industry that has never appreciated what he (and his bandmates) are and can do as artists, it’s a fucking start you know? We can enjoy the moment! Harry did! His acceptance speech was short and it feels like he was blindsided and forgot everything (including not to swear on TV and as pro as he is you know that means he was absolutely reeling, I love that) but later he said “I want to thank my fans for giving me an environment to be free to make the music that I want to make and supporting me along the way the last ten years”, yes that’s right we have helped you find a place to feel good, and “this is an incredibly sweet icing on the cake of what I get to do everyday so thank you.”
But that’s not all! He also performed, and wore things! Say what you want about Harry (or better yet please DON’T at least to me but that’s a losing battle) we always get so hyped up about even just seeing his outfits and he does not let us down! BLACK LEATHER, TITS FULLY OUT, DICK BANANA CHARM, AND A MUPPET BOA? Yeah he did that! Shirtless under a patent leather suit, I mean: wow. Very glam rock, very… well listen it’s just very GAY in like so many different ways??? Harry Lambert said they wanted “something darker, sexier, and more unexpected” which is definitely about that look I’m assuming and not the pastel thrift store rummage bin hodgepodge he wore later, unless Harry(s) and I have very different ways of interpreting “darker”. (Harry L also said “free the nipple” and we can all see that he MEANT it.) Harry red carpet-ed and accepted his award in a lavender muppet boa, tits slightly less out but still cleavagey, and with a seemingly random collection of other garments YES BABY OKAY you just WEAR THAT THEN! About that Harry L said, “we wanted to do something that felt British and eccentric, a little bit rock ‘n’ roll and a little bit camp,” but the people have spoken and they said ‘we think he looked like Cher from Clueless’ so, sorry Harry(s)! Esquire struggling to describe the look-- “the kind of thing that Styles seems to make wearable” klasjdlk the doubtful ‘seems’ is sending me. Either way we can definitely all agree on the camp part, and that the matching face mask (as seen in the audience shots and in adorbs pics of him camping it up with Lizzo backstage) is amazing, love that (even if he does spend way too much time nervously pulling it on and off omg just LEAVE IT) and it even went also with outfit number THREE (or at least it did as well as any of his anything went together lol) which was a big floppy orange coat and plaid pants and a THIRD BOA, a dignified (haha JK NOPE it’s still a muppet) black number this time.
It seems the performance was filmed in advance rather than done live-- there were clues suggesting this might be the case, but the real giveaway was when a picture from it leaked before the broadcast, lol. Way to make it so we “can’t even tell if it’s live or not” Ben, and why is he STILL so obsessed with trying to gaslight us anyway my god just say what’s prerecorded it’s fiiiine. ANYWAY Harry played Watermelon Sugar and only WS; well after all it is his GRAMMY AWARD WINNING SONG. Plus it was a really nice version, all smooth and funky, with a highlight of the night being Harry’s full on 60s girl group choreo move with the backup singers, omg. Those backing vocalists were the duo G.A.W.D., and there was extra accompaniment by fellow nominee Devonte Hynes aka Blood Orange (who also directed the performance and no I do not know what that means) and “Spencer and Josh” on horns (the closest I can find to someone crediting them so, apologies guys). Anyway! All of them (regular HS band included) were decked out in matching gucci black leather too and looking good. And Harry looked so happy to be up there performing, just beaming like a lighthouse, so overall- good good stuff, I just keep on dancin!
The real bombshell of the performance though was subtle and needed confirmation after for the excitement to really hit-- it was Sarah drumming  decked out in tight black leather and visibly pregnant!! That’s right, band drummer Sarah Jones is PREGNANT by (Grammy Award winning) guitarist Mitch, there’s a HARRY STYLES BAND BABY on the way!!!! WHAT A NIGHT! It wasn’t enough for Harry to find love in his own band, he’s somehow cupid-ing that energy all over the place and spreading it around, AMAZING!
And Liam comes through with not just a sweet congratulations for Harry (“what a huge moment, proud to be your brother” awwww) but also the final word on the performance look- goddammit it IS one of the rejected Best Song Ever video looks, LMAOOOO. But did he tag HSHQ instead of Harry directly in acknowledgment of how the awards system really works and that they are all to be congratulated or simply because it was easier? We will never know.
Additional tidbits-- bassist Hynes was apparently playing creative director Molly Hawkins’ dad’s bass- did we know her dad was a famous bassist who played with Fleetwood Mac and many other 70s stars?! If I did I had definitely forgotten! And more Molly news-- she’s also pregnant!! Harry will soon be surrounded by quarantine babies, dreams really coming true huh? Harry posted a pic of himself with Mitch and Devonte looking very cooool, we saw the ceramic watermelons label execs were sent for the WS release last year, and Rebecca Ferguson who knows 1D from way back when (and has recently drawn attention for talking frankly about how fucked up the industry is and about having seen unnamed boy band members literally slammed against the wall by their management) congratulated Harry and posted a couple of baby pop star Harry pics, cuuuute. Louis’ merch handlers, in response to no complaints whatsoever, sent out emails apologizing. They say they’ve run out of lanyards which were meant to be sent out so they will “be adding a freebie which we know you’ll enjoy” to affected customers’ orders. That is sucky about the lanyards but that’s customer care! Niall posted about his cool bright limited edition merch to remind that it will be gone gone gone tonight and also shared a pretty and touching picture from a the large anti violence rally held in London to protest the killing of Sarah Everard today. And finally some good advice from Bebe Rexha, loved by larries; she says she loves us right back but please don’t kill anyone for not streaming her new song! Yes good plan.
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mariacallous · 2 years
thoughts on julia hbo max (hope it’s ok that i’m coming back to ask another)
(It's always okay :D)
I've actually been enjoying it, which I wasn't sure about when I first saw that it was coming out - it's too easy for things like this to veer into parody and cheapness, and I wasn't entirely sure about Sarah Lancashire for the role, only because this sort of thing isn't necessarily her usual forte, and both period pieces and biopic-esque projects aren't easy to pull off. (I've also watched so much of Julia's work and read both about her and her recipes than the average bear and so have a little more knowledge and expectation regarding the background and context to The French Chef and her life.)
But she is doing a really excellent job at inhabiting the role of Julia Child, and not going too far in the portrayal (obviously she's doing The Julia Voice but it's a realistic one, not an exaggerated or comical one).
David Hyde Pierce is awesome as Paul Child, and is also doing a really good job of inhabiting that role without becoming a caricature or a joke (both Paul and Julia were fairly sensitive to the fact that neither of them exactly fit the mold of an ideal normal American couple and were the focus of a lot of jokes and cruel comments, and were also incredibly supportive of each other and very much happy and in love and so I'm glad that that part is being respected).
I was especially pleased with Bebe Neuwirth as Avis DeVoto, both because so many people forget or don't know about Avis and her friendship and role in Julia's life and also because it's Bebe fucking Neuwirth. I will say that I think more could have been done to flesh her out or add more to her beyond being Julia's blunt-talking right-hand woman who third-wheels, because she was also an editor who helped get Mastering the Art of French Cooking published and worked for Harvard and Radcliffe - I'm hoping and thinking we'll get more about and from her, but that's my only real quibble.
I think the guy playing Russ Morash is attractive (quelle surprise) and I'm glad that they show him loosening up and being more positive towards Julia and The French Chef (Morash worked with Julia on several of her television projects over a few decades as a director and producer, and his wife is also a cookbook writer and chef who's won the James Beard Award).
Judith Jones is probably my favorite character on the show, and I think Fiona Glascott's portrayal is amazing. (And of course Judith Light as Blanche Knopf!)
I'm torn about Alice Naman because I think both the character and the actress portraying her (Brittany Bradford) are excellent and I appreciate that with her they're trying to show and do more with the show, but Alice was also created for the show (and based partly on the actual producer, Ruth Lockwood) and it sort of complicates the effort I think - I know that some of the critics have pointed out the way it looks to have this incredibly smart and talented Black woman helping produce and promote a show that, through the background and life of the host and star and the nature of the content and venue, is geared to a very narrow slice of people (predominantly upper-middle class (and up) white people) and (so far at least) doesn't actually engage with that and what it might mean and say, and how much and how little things have changed. One critic said that while the show hints at or touches on complex themes and issues like that, it's "mostly happy to skip along the (admittedly very charming) surface" which I think is pretty valid.
All in all I've really liked it, and the most recent episode involves Julia Child and James Beard in a San Francisco gay bar.
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amindofstone · 3 years
in his arms
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a/n: I AM IN LOVE WITH JUJUTSU KAISEN!!!! It´s so good and my bby Yuuji has my whole heart! He needs to be loved and protected at all cost. Megumi needs to be loved too and Nobara has to be praised. That girl is a BADASS!!! I love her! This trio is wholesome and their friendship!!! AHHH my heart. I love them! Hopefully they will stay together for a long, long time. (Preferably until they get old and grey.) Who´s yall favorite character and why? Any favorite moments/scenes? (I am in trouble because I wrote this during my linguistic class and only got half of the stuff taught. So please give this some love. Why do I only get good ideas during my studies?! Send help! Regret is really having the best of me right now. Like why did I let my mind convince me to write this down?! Now I have to study that sht on my own!)
Genre: anime imagine/oneshot? Jujutsu Kaisen imagine? Fluff!
Character(s): Itadori Yuuji x you (reader) x Ryomen Sukuna
Spoiler(s):NONE, (Please be aware that I just finished the first season and that I don´t read the manga. Please do not spoil anything if any comments are made. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.
Warnings: Maybe grammar or spelling mistakes. (I genuinely apologize. English is not my mother tongue and I´m really trying to improve. So please be so kind and have mercy)
Words: 2529
Info: Keep in mind that the words in italic are your (the readers) train of thoughts.
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. This took me a lot of time. So please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture used is not mine. Credits to: @calclzz (Twitter)!!!
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Dating Itadori Yuuji for six months now felt like six months spend in pure bliss, joy and heaven. You were the most happiest since you could remember. He took care of you and loved you. Everyday felt like the first time you went on a date. Every time you thought of him there would be a smile on your lips that would get Nobara to tease the hell out of you until you would hide your face behind your hands because of the growing pink shade of your cheeks. “Sweetie it´s fine. You´re in love with that brainless creature after all. I might not understand how such a sweet living being like you could love him but what I know is that he´s a lucky idiot.”
Yes, you were deeply in love but so was he. He fell for you in the first week he saw you. It started with a simple crush and him always trying to show his best and strongest side whenever you were around. Sometimes he managed to do so but some other times he would end up embarrassing himself. With time passing he slowly understood that you were more than just a simple crush. He was in love with you. He fell for you head over heels. He would always imagine hugging you whenever he saw you hug Panda. He tried his best to not show any traits of jealousy but always failed due to him looking at you with a sad pout. He wanted to make a move and tell you about his feelings but the curse inside of him worried him so he kept a distance. He tried. He tried so much to unlove you but he didn’t knew how, so it came that every time he made a step back regret and sadness would overcome him and he would come back and make two steps towards you. One day he found himself knocking on the door of your dorm asking if you wanted to watch a movie with him.
“For all the times that rain on my parade. And all the clubs you get in using my name. You think you broke my heart, oh girl for goodness sake. You think I´m crying on my own, well I ain´t.”, You were in your dorm cleaning and rearranging some of the furniture’s in your bedroom while singing some of your favorite songs like you always do whenever you were cleaning. You tried to look for a good place to put in your full length mirror you recently purchased while once in a while checking the cake that was put in the oven by you.
“And I didn´t wanna write a song, cause I didn´t want anyone thinking I still care I don´t but, you still hit my phone up. And baby I be movin' on. And I think you should be somethin' I don't wanna hold back, maybe you should know that. My mama…”
Although the song wasn´t really about a beautiful love story or a lovely couple you still loved the song a lot. It was a simple song accompanied by a guitar. You loved it. The first time you heard it you fell in love with it, although you weren´t that of a huge fan of the artist himself you sang the song daily and listened to it as much as you could. The song was played on your phone at least three times in a week and probably sang more than three times a day. When asked what exactly you liked about the song you would stop in your tracks and just reply with a shrug and a sweet smile.
And right now was one of those moments were you sang the song when a pouting pink haired boy started to whine. “Baaabyyyyy, why are you singing such a sad song? It´s basically about someone that got used by their partner for their name. Why would you sing that when your great boyfriend is around?”, you smiled at Yuuji who walked into your room with sad eyes. “Aren´t you happy with me?”, you shook your head and laughed at his question. “No bebe. It´s just that I really like this song. Should I sing something else?”, you asked and made sure the mirror you leaned at your wall next to your closet does not fall. “Yes please!”, when you were sure that the mirror stood properly you turned around and walked to your bed to take your phone. “What are you doing?”, Yuuji asked leaning onto your desk that was occupied by books and notebooks filled by your neat handwriting.
With a chuckle and your phone in your hand you reached for the curious looking boy in your room. Yuuji took your hand in his and let you drag him back on his feet. “Why do I need to stand when I can enjoy your singing sitting?”, the boy asked with eyes filled by endless love. You said nothing and just played the song you choose and made the boy smile.
“I found a love for me. Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead. Well, I found a boy, beautiful and sweet. Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting from me…”, you softly started to sing again while you placed one of your hands around his neck and the other one at his cheek to lovingly caress it. Yuuji leaned on your hand and let out a soft sigh. You were in love. No matter what anyone said about your age and you two being just kids. You didn´t care what people said because you knew what you felt. You knew what he felt and that was enough. You didn´t care when people told you that it is just a phase that is lead by curiosity and the need of attention. You didn´t care and so didn’t he. Why should you two care when your friends were watching your backs and making sure no one talked bad about you. Why should you care when even Gojo Sensei was approving of your relationship and supported you although he still annoyed the hell out of the both of you. But that´s Gojo Sensai after all. You didn´t expect anything else from that man.
“I love you so much.”, you heared Yuuji say before he hid his face on your shoulder. You placed a soft kiss on his neck while you slowly danced around your bedroom. “… Baby, I´m dancing in the dark with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath. But you heard it, darling you look perfect tonight….”
The position you were right now made you remember the beginning of the time you started to date him. You remember him never wanting to hug you this long. You remember him saying that he fears he won´t be able to hold up his guard and Sukuna taking over his body and mind. He feared the thought of you seeing him and on top of that having him so close to you. He feared the thought of him hurting you. He was able to take care of the curse and make sure that he doesn´t take over his body and causes trouble. But he did not knew if he was able to do that in your arms since he turned weak whenever you were close to him. And he told you that. He told you his worries and him being scared that the curse will hurt you. But the curse never did.
You always hugged him and held Yuuji close to you. You would sit in between his legs at the river close to the academy and sleep in his arms without a bit of worry. You would drag him to bed with you and keep him over night next to you without a bit of fear towards Sukuna. Sensei Gojo might be supporting your relationship but he always made sure to tell you that you should never forget that there was a curse inside of the boy you called your boyfriend.
“…We are still kids, but we´re so in love. Fighting against all odds, I know we´ll be alright this time. Darling, just hold my hand. Be my man, I´ll ne your girl. I see my future in your eyes….”, you never cared for the curse being inside of him. It was a fact and couldn´t be changed. So you simply lived with it. But it would be a lie when you said that you didn´t saw him once in the cause of yor six months of relationship. In fact, he appeared quite some time out of nowhere when you had Yuuji in your dorm. But that only happened when the boy turned into the lovesick boyfriend he was or when he came seeing you after a mission all tired and sleepy. Every time he would pass out after a tiring mission the chances of Sukuna taking his body over was high. But you learned that when he showed up around you it never was to cause trouble or hurt you. He only did that to take a closer look at you while wondering why his stupid vessel liked you so much. He would come to understand why the stupid creature would always come for a hug or simply just holding hands. And right now, exactly that happened.
“….Baby, I´m dancing in the dark, with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song.”, you still had your arms around his neck while caressing it. Slow steps were made around the room accompanied by your voice that sang along to another of your favorite songs. Another soft kiss was placed on his neck by you when you loosened one of your arms to take your boyfriends hand in yours. His hand that held you close to him were tenderly placed around your body. The hand you loosened around him took one of his in yours to intertwine them when something made you stop in your tracks for a few seconds. You felt longs nails on your boyfriend’s soft hands that made you realize that he no longer was here but rather pushed aside. “…I have faith in what I see. Now I know I have met an angel in person and he looks perfect. I don´t deserve this, you look perfect tonight.”
“Aren´t we a bit cheeky, my dear dark knight.”, a deep sigh echoed in your ears. “Why did you stop singing human?”, a chuckle left you while the song by now ended but your body were still slowly swaying from side to side. “Cause the song ended, idiot.”, an annoying growl erupted from the throat of your boyfriend. “Who are you calling idiot, human?”, Sukuna didn´t sound mad. In fact it even sounded playful. Should I let go of him? But he´s not letting go himself so hugging him should be fine, right? “Why are you calling me human? Well, I am one but still. Do you know that I have a name? A name like you have it. Something we use to call each other to avoid calling every living being human, you know my dear?”, a soft but still deep chuckle could be heard before he let go of your intertwined hands and got back to hug you. “I´m not stupid you damn creature. I´m even smarter than any of you could ever get.”, he whispered while he nuzzled onto you. “Really? Are you that? Well it seems like you weren´t that smart when you ripped Yuujis heart out of his chest or attacked Sensei Gojo. Remember?”
The words you said made him loosen his grip on you and look you in the eyes. Any normal human being with a bit sense of sanity would have screamed or looked the curse with fear in their eyes but you didn´t. With one hand still around your body that held you close to his he took your face in his other and made you look in his eyes. “I dare you to get rude. Watch out what you say, human.”, he sounded angry and talked in his deep voice that would cause anyone to tear up instantly. But you? You were smiling at him while trying to hold back the need to laugh. It´s so easy to provoke him.“I need to take the cake out of the oven.”, the curse looked at you dumbfounded. Weren´t you scared? How aren´t you scared of him? “You need to what?”, he asked confused. “Let me go for a second and you´ll see.”, the man in front of you raised a brow but let go of you nevertheless to see what you meant. After a quick thanking him, you made your way out of the bedroom into your kitchen to turn the oven off and take the cake out. “You see that´s a cake and the thing it was in is called oven. It bakes there. Now I let it cool.”, you carefully put the cake on your counter and look back at your boyfriend whos body and mind was taken over by the curse. “Now would you mind changing back with Yuuji? I´d like to watch Netflix with him.”, you asked with a tilted head.
A slight smirk grew on Sukunas lips before he came closer. “You could also do that with me. , you shook your head and went to sit on the couch in front of the TV. “I could, but that´s not fun. We wanted to start the third season of Money heist you know. And I need someone to talk to. And that I can´t do with you. You´re not understanding the whole concept of the series and the minds, emotions and the actions of the characters. Therefore it´s a no for me, thank you. Now please change back, your majesty.”
Sukuna came to sit next to you. With an annoyed eye roll he closed his eyes and left to allow the actual owner of the body to take over again. “Hey there. You´re back, baby?”, you said with a tilted head. Yuuji looked around with confusion written all over his face. “Did he come again?”, he asked you with a pout and apologetic eyes. You nodded and took his hands in yours. “It´s fine. He didn´t do anything. He never does. He just comes to annoy us.”, Yuuji nodded and pulled you into his arms and made you sit on his lap. You were straddling him while he buried his face back on your neck. He was happy. He was happy and really appreciated the fact that Sukuna kept his word and never hurt you. He might cause him a lot of other problems and annoy the hell out of him and even drop him when he needed him but at least he didn´t hurt you. He sometimes even could feel how he took care of you when he couldn´t. Yuuji couldn´t say that he was on good terms with the curse but one thing’s for sure. He was damn thankful that he understood his feelings for you and didn´t disrespect that.
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hi honey:) thank you for your support 💗💓💖
I think I did I literally bit better with my studies today , at least I’m not that anxious but still stressed 😩
Thanks for playlist , I’ll make sure to check it out ~~💖
Bebe and ITZY song? Whatttt? Haven’t heard anything about it , is it out now?
I’m so happy for you , u are in a better place that’s so amazing , and I’m happy there’s something that exists you :) I hope you will get your albums ~<3
I’m happy for Jake ( Jake or jay recovered?) 🙈🙈🙈
Are you a foodie? What do you like to eat ?:)🥨🍇🍳
Hope you have an amazing day , sending love (hehe by this text & by thoughts ) 👀🙈🙈❤️
How’s your niece ? Are you still involved in family gathering ?☺️☺️
Tags Are you so CUTE 🐱 YOU ARE CUTTER 🥒😌😍😍😍
~ 🐁
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Hi my 🐁 anonie 🥺💞 good to hear that you’re doing better today!! 💘 yep the song is called “break my heart myself” it released today morning aish I WON at life bc it featured English yeji/ryujin vocals! They even did a studio choom dance cover of it before, maybe you haven’t seen it. I didn’t know bebe would literally COLLAB with them after the cover but there we have my queen always promoting kpop 🥹💝 yep heejayke they all recovered but their stamina is so low…:( covid actually makes our bodies tired and brain functions slow (for those who’ve had it before) and they had it twice so they were saying how they feel so tired nowadays :((( I really wish I could nurse jake and take care of him :(( </3 I really love caring for my loved ones. It makes me feel very happy. It’s always loving>>> being loved for a giver like me!! My skz album is already dispatched and I’ll get it within this week 😍 I’ll def show you MY PULLS OKAY? (I’m manifesting a lixie pc aah 😭🤲🏻) as for enha </3 I’ll order them after a few months bc the pob reseller is not found yet!! I want the weverse pobs too so after I find resellers who can sell me the goodies I’ll order albums together. Probably around November, good for me cz that will be a gift for my jakey’s bday as well!!!! Ahh me? 👀 I LOVE seafood 🦞 the most (minus sushi I don’t really like sushi) and then I’d say fast food? I’m a big dessert lover so I love pastries, cakes, donuts, and oh coffee ☕️ for sure! I don’t really eat that much at all…bc I start feeling insecure if I eat too much and feel like I’ll gain weight..it’s really stupid..but yeah :||..DONT EVEN YEA IM STILL BOOKED, gonna go visit a lake bridge tmrw and I really don’t know what to wear..plus the main thing is it’s so HOT ☀️ and I hate summer ;;-;; ! I have eaten so much lately haha and missed workout sessions so I gotta grind 🏋️‍♀️ after everything too! I HOPE YOU ATE WELL TODAY AND LOVED YOURSELF A LITTLE MORE THAN YESTERDAY. YOU DESERVE LOVE AND AFFECTION YOU ARE AMAZING MY BABY 💕💓🥰🤗
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