#at least that’s what her uncle mickey tells her
frogs-in3-hills · 4 months
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wait did i ever post this
[ID: A digital drawing of Iris Watson from The Great Ace Attorney. She is drawn as a teen, perhaps in her early twenties, with smaller eyes, a sharper chin, and a pointier nose. She looks to the side with a thoughtful, somewhat critical expression. She wears her hair in a half-up-half-down style, with pink ringlets falling past her shoulders and a “bow” shaped bun in the back. Her bangs are swept out her her face and pulled back by her goggles, with only one large curl on her forehead. There are a few freckles on her cheeks and nose. End ID.]
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southsidestory · 6 months
Chapter 1: Grounds for Harassment
Mickey knows he’s a piece of shit. It’s easy to forget sometimes, like how piss in the carpet stops stinking after it’s settled, but every now and then he’ll think something so awful that he remembers, Oh, yeah. Piece of shit.
That happens when Mandy says Ian Gallagher messed with her (and not in the good way). Because Mickey’s first thought is that Mandy is lying, and his second is thank fuck.
Getting to hunt down Ian is the best thing that’s happened to Mickey in months.
“What he do to you, exactly?”
“I’m not giving you the gross details!” Mandy shouts.
She leans against the front door, blocking the handle, as if he’s stupid enough to go inside the house.
He’s been locked out for a week. A whole fucking week of stealing food from corner stores, taking a leak behind buildings, and sleeping in icy alleys. He can’t even remember what he did to set Ronnie off this time, but his uncle must still be angry if Mandy won’t let him in on the sly.
Mickey sniffs back snot, then spits on the porch. He hopes he’s not getting a goddamn cold. “Will you at least let me in after I beat the shit out of Ian?”
Mandy tugs on a lock of her hair. “If Uncle Ronnie will let me.”
“That’s some award-winning gratitude right there.”
“You got to know that I want to let you in,” Mandy whines. “But if I do he’ll kick me out with you and—”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m not a moron.” Mickey adjusts his coat and scratches his cheek, moving dirt from his skin to under his fingernails. “Guess I’ll just keep smelling like a pig sty.”
He’ll probably knock Ian back with his stench, won’t even have to hit him.
“If it makes you feel any better, the water’s turned off, so you couldn’t shower anyway,” Mandy says. “Nobody paid the bill again.”
“You look squeaky fucking clean for a girl who’s got no running water at home.”
Mandy picks at her cuticles. A tell that means shame. “I showered at a friend’s house last night.”
“Ah. That code for ‘fucked a dude in exchange for basic hygiene’?”
Mandy grabs a crumpled beer can off the porch and lobs it at him. Mickey catches it and passes it between his hands. Left, right. Left, right.
“Maybe I should hit up Angie Zhago. Trade a ride on my dick for a bath.”
And a bed. Speckled bruises cover his right side from the cracked pavement and gravel he slept on last night.
“Are you going to beat up Ian or stand here all day with your thumb up your butt?” Mandy asks.
Mickey turns away, shoots his sister the bird over his shoulder, and hurries down the steps.
He could go to the shelter for a shower and a hot meal, but he’d rather stay freezing, filthy, and hungry than deal with a bunch of homeless assholes. Half of them are plain batshit, most would steal his stuff if he doesn’t take it into the shower with him, and plenty are actual rapists (unlike Ian) who’ll think he’s an easy target because he’s young and short.
No shower, no food. Time to find his brothers, or maybe some cousins, and get down to business.
Read more of If You Have a Problem on AO3
AN: I swore to post the first chapter of If You Have a Problem before the end of the day, and I did it! (barely lol)
Tagging some kind folks who expressed interest on my teaser posts
@poisonedquiver @marstheterrible @5ammi90 @freitasgst @darlingian @ianandmickeygallavich1 @definenormalifyoucan @jadejabbers @ifconfusionwasaperson @machinegunbieber-blog @callivich @tsuga-of-mars
Many thanks to everyone who supported my teasers, as well as my wonderful betas @bawlbrayker and @hamspamandjamsandwich <3
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look-i-love-u · 5 months
Gallacrafts - Theme 29 - Freckles
Welcome to the second part of "let's stretch this theme to its limits" - @gallacrafts edition. This actually is a sequel to this post and crafts here.
There's only one thing that Mickey hates more than Ian refusing to put out in the morning - and that's when his second favorite Gallagher is unhappy.
And this time she's really unhappy. She hasn't talked to Mickey in two days. And she usually calls him each night to at least tell him good night and which shit her mum got up during the day. Mickey often ends up telling her a bedtime story but whatever.
Anyway... Frannie is pissed. At him. And Mickey hates it. He bribes Debbie with Sweet Susan's to tell him what the fuck is going on.
Frannie is jealous. Because Freddie got a monkey and she didn't. And she IS Uncle Ian's "Monkey"! So she's doubly offended.
Mickey knows he has to get active when she calls fucking Lip "my favorite Uncle" in front of him and gives him the side-eye.
Well, played, Little Red. Well played.
Mickey starts his next crocheting project that very evening. Another monkey. For Frannie. He knows her well and so the skirt is detachable. For the days she doesn't feel like wearing a dress.
Frannie loves it. She names the monkey "Freckles" because that's what Uncle Mickey calls her. He's her favorite again (he always was - but ssshhh!).
Freckles ends up being a mafia boss or undercover weapons dealer during their playtime. They're just that awesome.
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softmick · 7 months
was tagged to answer @callivich's questions by @jrooc and @lingy910y! thank you thank you 🙏 also i got rambly and nsfw please forgive me.
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? we drag ourselves hand over hand by jesuisgourde. i read it for the first time pretty recently and i've read it at least five or six times since. there's untagged major character death, okay? there’s uncertainty and hope and grief and anger. it is well written and feels authentic. there’s also sweetness and family and love. it is Fucking Sad. it is painful. but it’s so worth it! no one needs to know how many times i've read the taming of mickey milkovich by @whatthebodygraspsnot it's between me and god. but if you’re into upset mickey acting out and ian being rough and sweet all at the same time and setting things straight and hot bjs, you should also read it. and i have only indecent things to say about and i'm your warm receiver by @metalheadmickey FAVE. i think i commented something about secondhand subspace and i am not kidding. it does things to me.
also cooperative gameplay by grayola. i've only read it twice but i'm new here and it's long so it feels like a thing.
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? you may have noticed i will always reblog mickey's brown sweater. haters are WRONG. and the 5x10 dugouts scene because bloody kisses are hot and i love fictional violence. and also that scene in the hallway with that fucking purple robe. i can't remember the episode but it’s the scene where ian looks like he's gonna devour mickey and mickey is just having the time of his life.
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? thinking about mickey and the gallaghers all the time. mickey and carl are besties and they do the dumbest, shadiest shit together. i think they like exploding things and playing with fire and pulling off semi-dangerous pranks. they love to shoot together (ian isn't allowed to come because he's better than they are). they have the same taste in video games and they are insufferably competitive. they're both the biggest softies with animals (the whole cat thing in s1 never happened in this house). actually they're both just huge softies in general. like they're all family oriented but i think lip tried to impose his will cause he thinks he knows best and will try to Teach Lessons. and debbie struggles sometimes because her siblings have been assholes to her at times and i think she might want to reciprocate sometimes. and ian is torn between finally prioritizing himself and mickey sometimes. but i think carl and mickey are just no questions asked generous and showing tf up regardless of how they feel about a situation because that's what family does. and also they are chaos uncles and don't even try to hide it. they're giving the kids sweets at all hours and toy guns and encouraging rough play. when the kids are teens they're the ones giving them their first beers and telling them they're overpaying for weed. they're gonna be on speeddial to pick them up from parties and the police station. i also think that when carl leaves policing (because just no) and ian finds what makes him happy, carl joins mickey in security. mickey and debbie are legit close friends. mickey doesn't like to talk to mandy about his relationship b/c she always takes ian's side or makes assumptions about mickey because of their past. but debbie is a great sounding board and i think mickey is good for her too. they're honest with each other in a very matter-of-fact way. mickey appreciates having someone besides ian really consider him. debbie likes being treated like a capable adult. and mickey respects her and takes an interest in her job. and they both feel strongly about self-advocating, ie not taking any shit. whatever weirdness the gallaghers had about debbie's sexuality mickey DOES NOT. i think they go out to gay bars together sans ian and have beers. and mickey will tease debbie about her taste in women but also be her wingman. he’s surprisingly good at it and can actually pick out good matches for her. they tag team planning family events and eventually rope in tammi. they make the holidays so nice and fun and start new traditions.
What’s a fanart you love looking at? literally anything from @darthvaders-wife. i went to patreon for her uncensored kinktober stuff but her notting hill comic is so good i cry. also really enjoying @gallavichonly's style esp their mickey. the energy is just perfect! and i think about @harukanaaaa's baby ian often. he's so precious.
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? 🐙. shameless gave me so many Disappointments and Sorrows that it's taken my fandom consumption to new lows. in a good way! gallavich's canon development is so goddamn tragic that fic writers can put them in any hurt/comfort/sick/angsty/death situation and i will enjoy it and ask for more.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? mickey's floopy hair and million layers and cutoff shirts and his whole Deal immediately read so queer to me. it may just be me. i want his aesthetic. anyway i love gnc/trans mickey. also aging, hairier, and/or chubby husbands. i love cam's abs and noel's tiny waist as much as the next guy but sometimes i want ian and mickey's bodies to be as soft as their hearts. they're so horny for each other i just think they'd both be into there being more flesh to grab and bite. and i want graying hair and wrinkles and glasses and sex that's maybe less acrobatic but just gets nastier and more intimate. also i need ian 'i love smells' gallagher to drag his face through mickey's sweaty armpits more often and give mickey chest hair cause ian loves rubbing against that too. and i want mickey pulling on ian's beard and playing with his leg hair. idk i'm just thinking about their soft bellies and sweat-matted happy trails rubbing together. look i'm a little worked up about them and perpetually horny. someone should stop me because i am embarrassing!! also we need more fisting. as much as we love ian's hands, mickey loves them more and he is not scared. put one inside him.
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? why didn't we get them dealing with 3x06? what happened to yevgeny? was he mickey's or not? and regardless, how did mickey and ian deal with losing him? why'd they do svet so dirty? she just wanted stability and family and honestly i think svet+gallavich and svet+kev and v were both promising dynamics. hated the way they wrote fiona out. and then never mentioned her? i wanted more gallagher siblings screen time and i specifically mean ian, debbie, carl, and liam. i still don't understand what happened with the house. carl's money paid for it but in fiona's name. then she gave it to debbie? lip couldn't have sold it no matter who sided with him so what was the point of that storyline? also s10-11 were all over the place tonally.
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hermitcraft-8 · 1 year
lights of the city mini fics: ruby's story
Coming out to Casey was the easy part.
She was already a lesbian herself, and had actually been the one to suggest the nickname ‘Ruby’ ages prior, so chances were pretty good this wouldn’t be a problem. And it wasn’t! Ruby simply offhandedly mentioned she was a girl now, and she was also a lesbian, and Casey just nodded, a sort of smug, imperious look on her face, and moved on, unphased.
The hard part was coming out to her uncles.
It’s not that she was afraid of them, not at all, they were good men, regardless of their criminal enterprise. Mickey always took her shopping for new suits, even if he didn’t particularly care for fashion. Danny let her tag along when he went on walks, and explained the history of the hidden city as he went. Leonard- as much as he complained- still taught her to cook when she was bored as a child. As for Heinous Green, granted, he wasn’t exactly the most chatty man alive, but he was always willing to listen to her ramble about whatever wrestling move she’d picked up from her favorite human wrestler Ghost Bear. They were all good men.
But she really wasn’t sure what they’d think of this.
She knew that Mickey, at the very least, didn’t mind trans people. It’d come up during one of their dumpster diving trips, and he had, in his own way, admitted his support of the community.
“I mean,” He’d said, picking up a bag of chips and sniffing it. “‘S long as it don’t hurt me or mine, ‘s none o’ my business, bro. D’you think Leonard would eat salt ‘n vinegar if we told ‘im it was just salt?”
And that was it.
So, he at least didn’t have a problem with them, but that didn’t mean he’d be fine with his nephew becoming his niece.
It was harder than she would have expected to get the four of them in a room together. Leonard was always sulking around and trying to look cool in some corner, Danny was generally pretty busy with something or other, and if you looked away from Mickey for five minutes he would generally disappear under your nose. Heinous Green was easy, though, he had a soft spot for Ruby, and always had.
And so, after a good hour of effort, she got them all to sit on the couch, and she stood in front of them, and she took a deep deep breath.
“I have… I have something to tell you? And… and you have to wait until I’m done to talk, alright?”
Mickey made a zipping motion across his lips, and the other three nodded, and she sighed, sitting up a little straighter, balling her hands in her lap.
“I think- no. I am a girl. My name is Ruby, and I use she/her pronouns,” She said, before hesitating, trying to think of anything else to say. “I… I have always been a girl, but I didn’t figure it out until like a month ago. This doesn’t change who I am, I’m still the same person, I’m just… I’m just a girl now.”
She finally focused on the expressions of the men gathered in front of her, and- oh. Oh that was unexpected.
Danny was grinning widely and sharply at her, Heinous was nodding slowly, Leonard looked wholly unsurprised, and Mickey… well, Mickey looked absolutely befuddled, which was hardly anything new.
“I could have sworn…” He muttered, shaking his head. “We looked it up and everything-”
“She’s trans, dipshit,” Leonard rolled his eyes. “She’s sayin’ she’s transgenda.”
“Ohhhh,” Mickey’s eyes went wide. “I thought-”
“Ruby,” Danny leaned forward. “Do you want to try estrogen?”
“Uh,” She blinked. “I don’t… I don’t know, should I?”
“It’s up to you,” He said, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “But I have been wanting to rob a pharmaceutical company for months now, and-”
“-And what he’s saying is, we support ya.” Leonard said, huffing. “If you’re a chick, then you’re a chick. Good on ya. You can still drive, right?”
“Then we have no problems with it. Right Green?”
Heinous nodded.
Ruby sniffed. “You guys… you guys mean it? For real?”
“We mean it,” Danny smiled. “For real.”
She launched herself forward, and Heinous caught her easy, picking her up and swinging around, just like he had when she was a little girl.
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Something what lives in my mind with free rent for some years ago is the conclusion that ALL of The Sensational Six have siblings, because all of them has showed nephews/nieces at least one time. You know, Mr. Disney made the familiar relationships between uncles/aunts-nephews/nieces, grandmas/grandpas-grandsons/granddaughters and between cousins and siblings, and the characters never get married or have their own kids. So, all of the main characters have siblings.
Mickey have the twins Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse;
Minnie have the twins Millie and Melody (principally);
Donald have the triplets Huey, Dewey and Louie;
Daisy have the triplets April, May and June;
Goofy have Gilbert Goof.
As we already know about Della Duck, Donald's sister in dt17 and in some dutch comics and some people know about Felicity Fieldmouse/Amely Mouse-Fieldmouse/Amalia Fieldmouse, Mickey's older sister in some comics, we never know or talk about the siblings from the others characters. I think, if it's uncommon to see their nieces/nephews, it means they lives with their parents, and sometimes they goes to the aunts'/uncles' houses. Or maybe they live with their uncles/aunts because they doesn't have parents too. Or even they live with some grandma/grandpa and visits their uncles/aunts, as in some italian comics kid Donald lives with his grandma and used to visit uncle Scrooge, or all of them lives together (Rota comics).
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Pluto is the only character who had kids with Fifi the Peke in an old cartoon (Pluto's Quin-puplets, where one of them was called Pluto Junior). Instead of having a nephew, he has a younger brother showed in the cartoon Pluto's Kid Brother.
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Minnie have a sister called Mandie/Mandy Mouse, who is a naughty mischievous lady, who could be Millie and Melody's mother, as in the show Mickey and the Roadster Racers, Minnie says something about her sister to her nieces, they says something and Minnie answers: "Your mom is right!", or anything like that.
Daisy have a sister (who is AMJ's mother) what my source tell she doesn't have a name, but I remember saw a comic (srry but i don't know the name) where Donald says her name is Violet (maybe it's just a joke from him, but who really knows).
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From this post:
Goofy have a brother called Gaffy (Pappo in the original Italian version), who disappeared in the jungle and was reunited with his brother in the Mickey Mouse comic The Quest for Tarzan, and maybe he is Gilbert's father.
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It would be great if we could know more and more accurately about the families of the "Sensational Six", since everything I could find out about their siblings I put here. Maybe I'll make other posts about families later on, this one I had in mind for a long time.
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whiskeyswriting · 1 year
Ain’t Always The Cowboy
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{ Song Inspiration: Ain’t Always The Cowboy by Jon Pardi }
The group of them had been enjoying the bonfire after the Founder’s Day parade. Laughs and drinks had been shared. The air was full of stories and love amongst the friends.
“Wait wait… Oh what was the name of that big shot bull rider that tried to help scam Whiskey…?” Baylie asked Grace.
“Ugh! Don’t get me started on how much I hate big city people,” Jake exclaimed.
Alana felt all eyes fall on her as Jake ranted on. “Yeah we’re the worst,” she says with a playful tone.
"You're far from being the worst..." Grace starts saying.
"He's just still mad Baylie dumped him to move to a big city," Bradley teases.
Alana looked between the two of them. “You two dated? I never knew.”
“Yeah we were high school sweethearts,” Baylie replies. “But now we’re not.”
“You’ll always be my first love Baylie,” Jake says smiling at her. “Even if you annoy me to death now.”
Once again, Alana looked between the two of them. Baylie was happily engaged to Mickey. Jake was the town's eligible bachelor. Alana couldn't help but wonder what would have been the cause of their breakup. She also wondered why he keeps glaring at her with anger in his eyes.
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Jake is driving to the Kazansky ranch after picking up some breakfast for him and Baylie. He brought a cooler full of ice and water to help her dad with some labor on the ranch. When he pulls up, he spots Baylie sitting at her window.
He smiles at just seeing her. They had just graduated high school and would both be starting community college in a few weeks.
Baylie had finished packing all that she needed to pack up. Rachael knocked on her door. “Bay? He just parked. Your dad and I are going to give you both some privacy.”
Everyone in town kept telling Baylie to break things off with Jake before he left her. “Bay… You know the cowboy always rides away. He’s going to leave you. High school sweethearts don’t always last.”
Baylie opens the door and hugs her mom. “I love you mom.”
Tom sends Jake up to Baylie’s room. His green eyes fill with confusion when he sees that her room is packed up. “Bay? What’s going on?”
“I’m not gonna beat around the bush Jake. We’re done.”
It ain't always the cowboy
That ain't got a lot of hang around
Jake nearly drops the coffee and breakfast. “What do you mean we’re done? Baylie we just had a date the other night and we were fine?”
“Well… Things change… people change. Listen Jake, I’m not going to be tied down to be your little wife to be getting knocked up and being barefoot just being a doormat for you. I’m going to Billings. I’m going to med school and becoming a doctor and this little town will never see me again.”
Ain't got no settle down in their boots
Gone's just what they do
“Baylie! You know that’s not how I see you or would treat you!”
“No I don’t. Maybe you turn out exactly like your uncles and father and become the cowboy that leaves me for someone younger…”
Her words felt like a buckshot to his heart. By his silent reaction, she knew she’d hit the mark. She grabs her backpack and puts it on. She then starts stacking a few boxes to take to her car.
“Bring me the boxes over there. It’s the least you can do before we’re really done.”
That restless runnin'
Searchin' for somethin'
He followed her down the stairs and to her car. “Baylie please! We can’t be over! I can go visit you… I can transfer to Billings…”
“Jake! Stop! I don’t love you anymore!” Baylie felt guilty lying but it was the only way he would let her go. After putting the boxes away, she climbs into her Jeep and closes the door before he can reach her.
“Goodbye Jake. Don’t call or text me. We have nothing else to say to each other. You’ll only hold me back.” With that, Baylie puts her car in drive and leaves.
Leavin' love in the dust of a midnight Chevrolet
It ain't always the cowboy that rides away
His eyes fill with tears as he watches her drive away. Drive away from him. From her parents. From her home. Driving away with a promise to never return.
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“So that’s why I left Mount Deston for Billings,” Baylie says finishing the story.
“I remained angry at her for a few years. But after she came back we had a proper sit down talk about us.”
“We finally realized we both wanted different things from each other in high school and even now. I’ll admit apologizing to Jake for how I ended things helped me a lot. I eventually realized I hurt as much as he had hurt.”
Jake hold his beer up. “Besides she’s too stubborn to actually be my wife.”
Alana can’t help but roll her eyes at him. “I pity the woman you end up marrying if you keep that attitude.”
“Ha! Don’t worry doll it’ll never be you,” he replies to Alana with a wink.
“It’s okay. I’ll survive knowing the one that’s hung up on his high school girlfriend and won’t move on isn’t into me. I’ve been through worse.” Alana senses someone is watching her, and not just those sitting there at the bonfire.
She looks closer to the pier and the water when her eyes fall on him. She doesn’t need to see his face to know it’s him. She knows that body and the way his arms are crossed.
Alana doesn’t even say anything as she puts on her jacket and just leaves the bonfire.
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Cowboy AU 🏷️ List: @luckyladycreator2 @mischief-siriusly-managed
Whiskey's Barrel: @askmarinaandothers @bayisdying @breadsquash @callmemana @callsignscupcake @cycbaby @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @hisredheadedgoddess28 @ladylanera @starlit-epiphany
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A/N: To be added to this (or other tag lists), please fill out the form located in this post.
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kudosmyhero · 7 months
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #66: The Madness Of Mysterio!
Read Date: February 27, 2023 Cover Date: November 1968 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: John Romita ◦ Don Heck ● Inker: Mickey Demeo ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Artie Simek ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Mysterio looks like an angry Leonard Nimoy ● The Bugle building is still a hot mess from the battle with Vulture ● Peter is selling his motorcycle for some needed money, getting less than half of what he paid for it. He probably would have done better to sell to a private citizen and not a motorcycle shop… ● heh, of all of New York, Mysterio happens to appear right next to Peter Parker ● Peter is starting to think maybe he won't go after Mysterio: "What'll Peter Parker get out of it? Let the police tackle him! I'm sick of being the fall guy!" …uh, isn't that how you lost Uncle Ben? ● he says he's not forgetting his oath, that he'll still help someone in danger, but he can't go after some nutty costumed freak every time. I mean… yeah, I suppose. But no one was in danger at the time when he let the criminal run past him with money. It was later that the criminal killed Uncle Ben. I kinda get it though. Everyone's always against him, he's gotten pretty hurt before, etc., so I can see why he'd be reluctant to always be the hero ● Gwen finds Peter and tells him that her dad explained everything, so she's forgiven him. Pete's smiling about that, at least ● they're kinda cute:
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● the art in this issue is really great! ● Mysterio on tv gives Aunt May a fright and they have to call a doctor for her; he asks Anna Watson to call the doctor while he, Peter, goes off as Spider-Man to confront Mysterio ● Spidey has trouble with the smoke screen, though ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Mysterio has managed to break out of prison and is using his special effects prowess to prepare another plot to get revenge against Spider-Man. Meanwhile, Spidey recovers his clothes and camera left in the debris following his fight with the Vulture. The next day he tries to sell the pictures to Jameson. Furious that Parker "abandoned" him when he was supposed to be taking pictures of Spider-Man's battle with the Vulture, he throws Parker out of the building telling Peter that he doesn't need him to take pictures. However, when he gets the pictures some other photographer took for him of the battle, they are very poorly taken.
Short on money, Peter is forced to sell his motorcycle in order to have money. He then is shocked when he sees Mysterio boldly walking the streets before he vanishes in a wisp of smoke. Shortly he is met by Gwen Stacy who has come to make up with him now that she knows the truth about the Kingpin's control over her father. They run into Harry who is worried about his father Norman who has disappeared. Nobody can figure that Osborn has been hiding out because his Green Goblin persona is returning, as well as his memories of Peter Parker's secret identity.
Going to visit his Aunt May, he bursts in when he hears her cry out. He then sees that she was upset over a Mysterio appearing on television. Mysterio issues a challenge to Spider-Man to meet him to a fight to the finish or he will start destroying the cities bridges. Peter leaves his Aunt and changes into Spider-Man. He then goes to the first place that he fought Mysterio and the two are locked in a battle. During this fight, Spider-Man is knocked out by a blast. When he revives it appears that he has been shrunk down in size and put on the set of a miniature amusement park with a giant Mysterio looming over him.
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Fan Art: Mysterio by MattDeMino
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swinging Through Spider-Man - episode 66
● Let's Read Spider-Man - episode 42
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xolborsaysstuff · 2 years
Might solve a murder, or discuss further! | Duckronpa prologue part 2 | I am so sorry for how long it's been
"Huey? Mom?"
Louie stood there at the end of the hall, looking nervous. Huey and Della wasted no time, rushing to the end of the hall, Della embracing Louie in a hug.
"Louie! Where have you been? And have you seen Scrooge and Launchpad?" Huey questioned, and Louie blinked.
"Wait, I thought they were with you?" Louie asked, and Huey nervously held onto the bill of his hat. "So none of us have seen them…" Huey's mind filled with theories. They seemed to be back at Mcduck Manor, but something was off about it. The same carpet in every hallway was there, the same paintings if he remembered correctly, but…
'Wait a minute…'
Louie gasped, seemingly realising what was wrong right as Huey did. "Where's all the priceless artifacts? The one of a kind antiques?!? All the money we could've gotten from them, GONE!" Louie cried out, and Huey noted that he wasn't exaggerating, the place was completely stripped bare of all the valuable things Scrooge had collected that weren't portraits. Huey was also concerned about that as well, but remained calm and put a hand on Louie's shoulder.
"It'll be fine, Scrooge probably just realized keeping random expensive stuff out in the open was a bad idea and moved them to the garage!" Huey theorized, and Della nodded. "Yeah, I mean, It's Uncle Scrooge, the stingiest duck in the world. I'm surprised he put anything up there in the first place." At their reassuring, Louie hesitantly nodded. "…Fine then, but you both better be right about this." He muttered. Huey patted him on the shoulder.
"Alright, I think we should start looking around the place for the others right about now, we seem to be back at the mansion, or at least a copy, and I think I know where we are in here despite the usual decorations…"
Huey walked to the end of the hallway, motioning for them to follow him as he walked to the left, and there he found what he had been expecting; the living room.
What he wasn't expecting was to see the duck that was Scrooge's ex lover and a con-artist, Goldie O' Gilt, The dog who they had met on that sit-com adventure who was now wearing a green vest with a key symbol on the back over his sweater, and a vibrantly dressed mouse who had a giant paintbrush and also had a small chunk of his ear gone and strange green substance that reminded Huey of paint surrounding it all talking to each other in front of the TV.
"Goldie?!?" Louie exclaimed, and the new three turned to stare at him. The duck in question grinned slyly.
"Well, if isn't sharpie and a quarter of the gang, why, I haven't seen you in months, far too short- oh! I mean, long a time." She said, pretending to have slipped up on accident.
'I don't understand' Huey thought. 'Goldie had been gone ever since the last adventure, why was she suddenly here as well?'
Della glared at the hustler, making sure to stand in front of her boys. "Leave them alone, Goldie. don't you have people to con somewhere else?"
"Aww, is that any way to treat your uncle's best rival?"
The blond duck scoffed at the lack of hesitation, and if she was going to respond with actual words, she wasn't able to say it as the mouse stepped forward.
"Hiya, folks!" He exclaimed,n"I'm Mickey Mouse! The Ultimate artist!" He stated, and all the ducks stared at him.
"what do you mean by Ultimate? Surely you can't just claim a title like that, right?" Huey questioned, confused by the sudden bragging.
"Oh, I didn't claim it, I found this piece of paper taped onto the handle of my paintbrush, and it said I was the Ultimate artist!" Goofy nodded "Ah-Hyuck, it's true! I found mine tucked between my hat band! Says here that my name's Goofy, and I'm the Ultimate Comedian, wowza! Even says here a list of other talents I coulda had!" He said as if it was his first time reading it. He handed it down to them, and Huey read it, sure enough, Goofy had been telling the truth.
'- GOOFY GOOF. The Winning Talent: the Ultimate Goofbl. Previous options included: The Ultimate Photographer, The Ultimate Goofball (Not valid talent). Species: unclear. -'
"Huh, that's strange, what even is an Ultimate? And what's this game the note talks about?" Huey wondered aloud to his family members, but both of them shrugged.
"Hyuck! Maybe you guys got a note too!" Goofy says, fiddling with a pocket on his vest with an odd heart shaped key sewn into it.
"Oh, there's actually a note sticking out from under your hat, but I thought it was just from the Senior Woodchuck Guide Book." Della exclaims, and Huey's hands search around his hat, finding something around the back of his head, pulling it out from under he found the note read:
'- HUEY DUCK. Winning Talent: The Ultimate Analysist. Previous options included: The Ultimate Woodchuck Scout (occupation taken), The Ultimate Party Planner (_ readily disagreed.), The Ultimate Organizer, and The Ultimate Triplet. species: Duck. -'
"Aw come on! why was you being the ultimate triplet even an option?!?" Louie complained as he read over Huey's shoulder. He was also holding a note, which Huey snatched out of his hands with no protest at all ( "Hey!-" Louie cried in obvious protest, but the red triplet ignored him.) from Louie.
'- LOUIE DUCK. (LLEWELLYN?) Winning talent: The Ultimate Strategist. Previous options included: The Ultimate Con-Artist (already taken), Ultimate Child C.E.O (Not valid talent), and Ultimate Analysist (Already taken). Species: Duck.-'
"Ugh, did they have to add the name part in?? It's a waste of space at that point anyways! Everyone is just using it to be mean to me!" The green wearing brother waved his arms in the air as he complained.
Huey rolled his eyes, but slowly forgot about his bemusement towards Louie's inconvenience in favor of looking up at his mother, who had also seemed to find a note and was currently holding it with shaking clenched fists and muttering angrily. The newly titled analyst was about to ask her what was wrong when she revealed the problem herself, handing him the paper while refusing to look at him. The red triplet picked it out of the air before it could flutter to the ground, and glanced up at his mother before reading-
-. DELLA DUCK. Winning talent: The Ultimate Astronaut. Previous options included: The Ultimate pilot (already taken), The Ultimate Adventurer (####### #####), and The Ultimate Survivor. -
Huey looked up from the cruel and strange piece of paper ( or more specifically the Ultimates written on the paper) to look at his mom, and she attempted to shrug it off despite looking very troubled by it.
"Tch, well, I mean they're right! I AM the Ultimate Astronaut technically since I discovered aliens, so I'm taking that as a compliment!!!" She looked away while putting her hands on her hips to pose with a smug look, until she glanced back at the concerned (or in Goldie's case amused) expressions and fake coughed into her fist. "Soooo anyways!! What do you think that scribbled out part is next to the Ultimate Adventurer? " Tapping on the paper at the part she was referring to.
"Oh, I actually had something like that too!" Mickey said with a smile as he held it out for everyone to read.
-. MICKEY MOUSE. Winning talent: The Ultimate Artist. Previous options included: The Ultimate Comedian, and The Ultimate Hero (####### #####). - "Ultimate hero, huh?" Said Goldie, a skeptical look immediately crossing her face. Mickey shrugged while smiling sheepishly. "Gee it sure is a big title, I'm flattered that whoever made these considered me a hero, haha!"
"…Still don't know what those scratched out parts mean, though Goldie, what does your note say? " Huey asked, and she smirked.
"Real bold of you to assume I got one, kid." She said. Before Huey could say anything though, they heard a crash from another room.
End. I have not posted about this in months. And suddenly this exits, I'm sorry about that- Anyways, have a good one mates!!!
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arrowflier · 3 years
if you still take prompts: ian coming out to the rest of the gallaghers causally or dramatic i'm just curious how he'd do it
It's been a bit but I'm thinking the show gave us Fiona, Lip, Frank, and sort of Monica?  So I went with the other siblings and an extra
He didn't mean to come out to Clayton.  His dad?  His uncle?  Well, whatever he was, he didn't need to know that Ian dreamed about muscled biceps and short dark hair and sinking his teeth into the back of strong shoulders.
Unfortunately, Clayton happened to stop by the house just in time to see Mickey leaving it wearing Ian's shirt, the neck stretched out enough to show off an impressive hickey on the side of his own.
Mickey had scurried off with nothing but a glare--and a double bird when Clayton didn't avert his eyes quick enough--but the damage was done.
"One of your sister's boyfriends?" Clayton asked lightly, maybe serious, maybe giving him an out.
Ian knew he should take it.  Mickey would kill him if he ever found out he hadn't, even if Clayton had no idea who he was.
He should have taken the out.
But he didn't.
"No," he answered simply, "one of mine," and watched his something's eyes widen.
"Oh, um."  Clayton coughed.  "Well, it seems like a bad time, so I'll just..."
He backed away down the sidewalk.  His clean shoes scraped against cracked concrete, his neatly hemmed trousers just skirting the dirt.
"Yeah," Ian said, "Okay." 
And he pretended it didn't hurt when Clayton walked away.  Why should it?  The man was nothing to him anyway.
It was early afternoon on a summery Tuesday, after Ian got home from an early shift.  Debbie was sitting on the front steps as he walked up, idly braiding yellow dandelions into a crown.
"Hi Ian," she said as he tried to sneak past, "you're late."
Ian winced, halfway up the stairs, looking down at her fair red head.
"You keeping a calendar or something?" he asked, reaching down to ruffle her hair.
She pulled out of reach, and frowned up at him, green stems twisting between her fingers.
"I do when you were supposed to help with the daycare pickup," she countered, and oh.  Oops.
Ian sighed, and turned to plop down on the step next to her.
"Right," he said lowly.  "Sorry, Debs."
He put an arm around her shoulders, and she hunched over, but let him.
"What were you doing?" she asked, eyes on her hands.
Ian shrugged, the movement making her sway in the curve of his arm.
"Nothing," he tells her.  "Just hanging out."
"Are you cheating on Mandy?" she asked suddenly, going stiff, and he stared at the side of her head in shock.
"What?" He says.  "No, why would you ask that?"
"Because she came over to help me when you didn't show up," Debbie muttered, "so I know she didn't give you that hickey."
Ian's free hand flew to his neck, slapping over the spot Mickey had bit a little too hard less than twenty minutes before.
"You are cheating," Debbie said morosely.  "I knew it.  Boys are all awful."
She started to rise, flowered weeds falling from her hands to the steps.  Ian had only a split second to think, to decide, and then he was pulling her down again by a thin arm.
"I'm not cheating," he forced out as she collapsed back down with a huff.  "No, really," he insisted when she rolled her eyes.  "It's more complicated than that."
Debbie raised her eyes to his, then looked down again, biting her lip.
"Is it because you're gay?" she asked, and the wind went out of him again.
"Do you even know what that means?" he questioned, gathering himself.
"I go to public school," Debbie answered with a huff.  "Of course I know what it means."
Right.  Fair enough.
"Yeah," he admitted on an exhale.  "Yeah, it's because I'm gay."
"Does Mandy know that?"
He nodded.
"Yeah, she does."  Then he rubbed a hand over his face.  He had to ask.  Had to know how he had given himself away.
If not for himself, for Mickey, who had just gotten over their last scare.
"How did you know?"
"Mandy," was the unexpected answer. "Carl is always drooling over her, it's gross.  But you look at her the same way you look at me."
And what a thing to be outed over.  Being a decent guy.
But at least he didn't get Mickey outed with him.
His heart rate settled, and Debbie settled against him.  She picked up her half finished flower crown, and set it on his lap.
"You finish that one," she ordered.  "For your boyfriend."
Ian took it with a fragile smile, and didn't bother to correct her.
Carl had a lot of questions when he came back from care.  Questions he liked to ask indiscrimate of time, place, or person.  Questions that really weren't appropriate for the dinner table, with the full family around, right after they had all dished up.
"Does gay sex hurt?" he questioned absently, dragging his fork through the mess of gravy-covered meatloaf on his plate.
The table went quiet, except for the sound of Lip choking on lukewarm beer.
"Well?" Carl asked, directed toward Lip this time as the one with the greatest reaction.  "Does it?"
"Asking the wrong brother," Lip muttered under his breath, and Ian kicked him under the table.
"Lip," Fiona hissed, then looked apologetically at Ian.  As if that were somehow less obvious.
"Why are you asking that?" she directed to Carl, and the boy shrugged.
"Saw some videos at that fancy house," he told her.  "The guy seemed to like it in one of them, but in the other one he was crying."
Fiona hesitated, eyes going to Debbie, to Liam.  To Ian again.
"Well," she started, "they probably just--"
"Yeah, it can hurt," Ian cut in, suddenly feeling tired.  Tired of lying, tired of hiding, tired of everything.  "If you don't do it right."
Carl's attention was on him immediately, and so was everyone else's.  Except Liam's, at least.
"Have you done it?" Carl asked eagerly, leaning over the table toward Ian. 
Ian shrugged.
Like it was no big deal.  Like his heart wasn't racing.  Like he wasn't thinking of what had happened the last time he said it out loud.
Carl's face twisted as he came to a belated realization.
"Does that mean you're gay?"
"Yeah," Ian said again, and held his breath.
Carl nodded.
"Okay," he said, looking back to his food. 
And...it was. 
No one continued the conversation.  No one even looked at him again.  And Ian felt himself relax, felt himself calm...until Carl spoke up again.
"Is that why you always hung out with Mickey?" he asked, and the blood drained from Ian's face.
"No," he answered shortly, then pushed back, the legs of his chair squealing on the floor.  "Mickey isn't gay."
He looked back on his way up the stairs, ignoring Fionas outstretched arm as he passed.
"And don't ever let him hear you say that," he added, "or he'll kick your face in, too."
Months later, when Ian was back, Carl asked him again, in his own way.
"Is Mickey gay?" as he walked up to the makeshift pull up bar in the doorway.  "Do you love him?"
And Ian wanted to answer, that time.  He really, really did.
But he honestly didn't know anymore.
"I like the way he smells," he said instead, and ignored the way his stomach clenched when Mickey glared on his way to the bathroom.
It's not like he ever told Liam, not really.  At least, not in any way that counted.
He didn't really have to; Liam had grown up in the middle of it all.
He had been there when Mickey stayed, the first time.  Sat watching them wake up in a too-small bed, share the bathroom, share breakfast, share all of it.
He had been there when Ian left, too.  Gone to live with Mickey in the dreaded Milkovich house.  He'd still seen him plenty--stroller rides with Yev, the odd babysitting gig--but more often than not, Mickey had been there too.
And when Mickey was gone, and Ian found others, it just didn't seem so important. 
By the time Caleb came around, and then Trevor, he just figured Liam kind of knew.  Obviously he knew when the whole Gay Jesus thing happened.
But they had still never talked about it.
"You love Mickey?" Liam asked when they were both back.  When he wandered past their bedroom to see Mickey sound asleep under the covers, head pillowed in Ian's lap as Ian tapped away at his phone.
Ian was transported.  To another time, a different brother, a different self that couldn't say the words.
He could say them now.
"I do," he answered, voice soft but sure, hand stroking through Mickey's hair as the other man hid his face against Ian's thigh.
Liam shrugged.
Simple.  Anticlimactic.
And maybe they didn't need to talk about the specifics.  Because it wasn't about Ian anymore, that he was gay.  It was about them: Mickey and Ian.  Together, no matter what their labels were. 
That was how Ian wanted to be see, now.  As part of a whole.
Mickey mumbled against him, and Ian looked down, and smiled.
He'd never have to come out alone again.
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tamisian · 3 years
basically post 11x04 lip & ian have a chat about old creepy guys. i know this has probably been done before but i’m super new to this fandom and have so many thoughts so i just had to share!! hope you enjoy :)
also i didn’t expect to love lip & tami together as much as i do but here we fucking are!
Lip spends half the night watching his girlfriend as she sleeps, face seemingly peaceful despite the array of heartbroken expressions he’d seen flash across it earlier in the day, after that stupid fucking teacher turned her whole world around right in front of him, just as she was finally starting to fucking relax for once.
He coaxes her back to sleep every time Fred screams for them, kissing her cheek and rocking his baby boy back to sleep, taking just as much comfort in the motions as he thinks his son does. He barely sleeps a wink and yet, he still does his best to take care of his girl the next day - he makes her coffee in the morning and kisses her goodbye and tells her he’ll take Fred over to the Gallagher house after work so she can enjoy some peace and quiet, maybe watch the shitty dramatic teen show she loves so much without any interruptions.
The tension in her shoulders from the night before has vanished, and she gazes up at him in that Tami way - the way that says she appreciates him and loves him but he should never make her say that out loud. He wouldn’t, he doesn’t need her to.
There’s nothing about her that tells him she’s not alright; in fact, if he hadn’t physically been there for her epiphany the night before, he’d probably never realize anything had happened. She just heads out for work like she always does, grumbling about it being too early and that she’s got that damn teenage client again that always wants her hair dyed crazy colours and then complains about the length of time it takes.
Everything is seemingly fine.
It makes Lip feel unbelievably guilty that through it all, he’s the one who’s so very not fine.
He spends all day at work off-balance, checking his phone every five minutes to see if Tami called - he doesn’t know what he’s thinking. Maybe she’ll have a breakdown at work? Maybe she’ll just not want to be alone and she’ll ask to get lunch together? He doubts either of those will happen but he selfishly sort of hopes for it. He’s supposed to be taking care of her right now. At least then he’ll know she’s processing.
Brad lets him off early because his head’s not in it - he also says something about Lip looking like he needs a drink which, yeah, he’s right. He uses Tami as an excuse not to. If he falls apart right now, who takes care of her? It puts his desire to rest for the hour it takes for Lip to leave, get to daycare to pick up Fred and then make it back to the Gallagher house.
It seems only Mickey and Liam are home, the two of them lounging on the sofa and watching cartoons together - it will never stop surprising him how good Mickey is with kids. Franny, Liam… Lip wouldn’t be surprised if he’s Fred’s favourite uncle one day, though he’d never say that to Ian.
Lip parks the stroller next to Liam, who quickly reaches out to say hello to his nephew, and then beelines for the kitchen, hoping to distract himself with making toast or some shit. Mickey follows him though, not-so-subtly announcing, “You look like you need a drink.”
Lip knows this is his brother-in-law’s way of looking out for him without being too pushy or soft about it, so he just snorts and says, “I do,” pausing before he adds, “We don’t have any alcohol here, right?”
Mickey’s eyes widen a little and he quickly opens the fridge door, mumbling, “I’m just gonna…” as he takes all of the beers left in his arms and sets them down in front of Liam, telling him to keep an eye on them. When he re-enters the kitchen, he adds “You’re welcome.”
Before he can say more, Ian exits the downstairs bathroom, running a hand over his hair as he takes one glance at Lip before frowning. “You look like shit.”
Lip blows air through his lips and mumbles, “I need some air.” before he exits out the back door, sitting on the stairs and desperately trying not to go upstairs and open the pack of emergency smokes he keeps in the vent in Fiona's old room.
He’s not at all surprised that a few minutes later, his brother joins him.
See, even when Lip had no one, he had Ian.
He loves all his siblings, truly. He’d die for each and every one of them. But it’s a different kind of love with Ian. The others will always be babies to him - he quite literally changed their diapers and mothered them and watched them grow into themselves. But Ian has always been Ian. He’s always been a real, actual person to Lip. Always had a personality, his own quirks, his own thoughts and emotions. Because they’re so close in age, Lip doesn’t remember the stage of life when neither of them were functioning humans yet. So Lip loves Ian because he’s his brother, and then he also just loves Ian because he’s Ian.
“Mickey says he just had to steal all the beers out the fridge.” Ian says as a conversation starter. Lip nods along, staring straight ahead. He needs to get this out. He needs to leave it all here in this house so he doesn’t take it home to Tami. He just doesn’t know where to start.
“I’ve had a bad day.” He says after a moment, breath shaky.
“Okay.” His brother says, calm and simple. “How so? Start from the beginning.”
“Well, I guess it really started last night.” He sniffs, thinking a moment before he says, “I need to talk to you about something. But I need brother-confidentiality and it might get a little personal, so if you want me to shut the fuck up, just tell me and I will.”
Ian nods, face flooded with concern, yet just as patient as it always is as he hums. “What’s up?”
He presses his lips together, barely holding onto his sanity as he blurts out. “Back when we were kids and you were with Kash, you used to tell me it was different with him. That you loved him. Do you still believe that?”
Ian looks a little surprised that that’s what Lip’s decided to ask him about, but he answers nonetheless. “No, no. I know it was wrong now. It wasn’t love. He was… a broken man who used me as a vessel.”
Hearing Ian speak so freely about it, hearing him admit how fucked up it is settles a weight in his stomach that Lip thinks has been sitting there ever since he sort-of walked in on the pair back when they were teens. “Okay. How did you… figure that out? I mean, how did you accept and then get through it?”
“Partly therapy.” Ian admits. It’s still a weird thing for Lip to hear, just like it was strange for him in the beginning to admit that he went to AA and it actually helped. Gallaghers have never been the best at anything self-help based, but Lip’s proud his brother finds comfort in it. Hell, maybe Lip would too. “Partly Mickey, honestly. I experienced real love and that opened the door to looking at that thing with Kash through a clearer lens. And Mickey, he pushed, you know? We had a lot to talk about in prison and… he got me so pissed at him sometimes but I needed to hear it.”
Lip nods again, wringing his hands together. When he doesn’t add anything else to the conversation, Ian asks, “What happened?” like he’s a little bit afraid to hear the answer.
Lip takes a breath and then says, “You know how Tami dragged me out to meet up with an old teacher of hers?”
“Oh, fuck.” His brother sighs, understanding immediately. “She okay?”
“I don’t know.” He mumbles honestly, and then scoffs. “She kept saying all this shit like, he saw me, and it was beautiful. She didn’t even realize until he brought over his teenage fiancée.”
Ian nods slowly, reading his brotherly perfectly, as he typically has for all these years. “And what about you? Are you okay?”
Lip shakes his head. “I can’t get her face out of my head. I mean, I literally saw the moment where it all clicked. He just walked into our house and changed her life forever like it was fucking nothing.”
He feels Ian’s hand on his back, rubbing soothingly like Lip used to do for him when they were toddlers. “So, what are you doing here? I figured you’d be at home, letting her talk it out.”
He shakes his head, admitting, “I don’t know what to do, man. This morning she was acting like it never happened, all the while it’s taking everything in me not to have a couple drinks.”
Ian shrugs, adding, “People process in different ways. Weirdly, I think the whole Kash thing hurts you and Mickey more than it ever hurt me. It’s probably the same shit with Tami. I’d bet she’s sitting at home worried about you right now.”
Lip can’t help the laugh that escapes him. “Well, thanks. That’s exactly what I wanna hear.”
Ian chuckles back, clapping his shoulder. “I’m just saying, all you can do is continue on. If she wants to talk, she will. In the meantime, try to abandon the Gallagher method of bottling this shit up. Talk to Tami about it, go to AA… life goes on. All you can do now is love her enough that that old fuckhead doesn’t matter.”
Lip breathes deeply, his shoulders deflating as he takes in his brother’s words. Life goes on. He’ll spend the rest of his life trying his damndest to protect his girl, to love her the way she should be loved, and to never take advantage of her. He looks Ian in the eyes and nods gratefully, a small smile grazing his lips.
Ian grins, shaking his brother happily, before he tacks on, “But hey, if you wanna go beat the shit out of the guy, me and Mick are down.”
For the first time all day, Lip is content.
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clingymickey · 3 years
I wrote a little Halloween fluff but I couldn't post on the day of Halloween 'cos I have poor time management skills but whatever it's gotta be the 31st somewhere in an alternate universe right? 😏👽. Inspired by Calli's (@ianandmickeygallavich) Halloween prompts and gallacrafts post.
No Monsters Here
‘Twas the night before Halloween, Debbie had left Franny to spend the weekend at her uncles' place and for most of the day, the three of them spent shopping for costumes and decorating their apartment with some spooky decorations. By the time Ian and Mickey put the last finishing touches of the fake cobweb around the living room, Fanny had drifted away to snooze-land.
“Hey Mick, come and look at this” Ian whispers softly, careful not to wake Franny up.
“What is it now, firecrotch? I told you already the jack o'lanterns look gr-”, instantly his face turns soft by looking at his niece drooling all over their new couch.
“Maybe we should take her back to our room”, Ian says, already going to pick up Franny to place her in their room. Maybe they could sleep on their couch just for tonight.
Once Ian had tucked her in and made sure Franny didn’t stir awake, he and Mickey spent their time cuddling together, watching Saw just to celebrate the Halloween spirit a bit more. Suddenly, a scream came from their room, (and fuck Ian for teasing him for maybe flinching a little when he heard it) followed by a little body running towards them and hiding under their blanket.
“Hey, Fran, what happened?”
No answer. Just a stream of tears flowed down her cheeks, staining Mickey’s sweatshirt.
“Alright lemme try,” Mickey lifts Franny’s head so he can see her more clearly. “Ok, lil’ red why don’t you tell your favorite uncle what happened”, giving more of an emphasis on favorite - at which she laughs, remembering her uncles’ ongoing feud on who's the favorite even though they already know the answer to that, which is the both of them.
“W-when I woke up, I saw a-a ghost behind the curtains” she said between sniffles.
“I’m sure there’s nothing there Franny, it’s probably just a shadow of a tree or something.”
"No, but Uncle Ian, there really was a ghost. I saw it with my own eyes!”
“Okay, how ‘bout we both check it out and you stay here ok?” Mickey assures.
“No. I’m scared, I wanna stay with you Uncle Mickey”
With a sigh Mickey let Franny bear hug his leg until they reached their room to check for ‘ghosts.’
“See nothing here” Ian coos, lifting the curtain only to make a show of nothing being there, so Franny could go back to sleep and he could go back to cuddling the shit out of his husband.
“But...but I swear I saw something moving” she mumbles.
“Like Ian said Fran, maybe it was just a shadow. Why don’t you go back to bed alright.” Mickey says, guiding her towards their bed. “Do you want the light on?”
“Okay.” Franny sighs. She could maybe give it a one last try and if there is a ghost, this time she could at least take a good look at it.
It had been 20 minutes, or so she felt like it had. Her eyes were wide open, looking for anything supernatural. Then there it was, the ghost was back, she could see its black color in contrast to the very light curtains.
Franny slowly got out of the bed, walking backwards as if the minute she turned her back the ghost would disappear.
“Uncle Ian, look look LOOK! It’s back” she says frantically, dragging Ian’s huge arm that should be way too heavy for her to pull.
As they reach the room Ian goes to say something, however, before he could even get it out Franny shushes him telling Ian to be quiet or ‘it’ would go again.
They slowly tiptoe towards the window, and as they come closer Ian starts to see ‘it’, maybe Franny wasn't lying after all.
“Hey, Fran, why don’t you call Uncle Mickey too.” he says, keeping his voice low so wouldn’t scare whatever the hell that was.
“Are you serious Ian you too, it’s probably a shadow” Mickey says as he enters the room, rolling his eyes.
“Would you just shut up and come here. Quietly” he whispers.
Once Mickey got close, he could finally see what the whole commotion was about. There really was something.
“Huh,” Mickey says, a bit surprised. “Open the fuckin’ curtain lets see what this motherfucker wants”
And Ian does just that, although very slowly, to “keep the suspense”.
“A kitty!!” Franny squeals.
That was totally not what they were expecting. It was a black cat with piercing green eyes - just like someone else Mickey knows - and Franny was in love with it the minute she saw it, all the fear of a ghost gone, vanished into thin air.
“Can we keep it? Please”, shooting the best puppy eyes she could pull up.
“Well, I don’t think your mommy would allow that Fran,” Ian resonates.
“Pretty please. maybe you and uncle Mickey could keep it, even call it Minne!” she says, excitement running through her.
Both Ian and Mickey share a look. There’s nothing they could do now, could they? They both know how tight their niece has got them wrapped up around her finger,
“Alright we’ll keep her, only ‘cos we have no choice, but the minute she fucks our house up, she’s gone alright” Mickey says trying to sound stern, though both Franny and Ian know he’s lying.
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dreamylyfe-x · 3 years
11x09 Thoughts on Mickey (and Terry)
I truly expected to see more Ian hate this morning -- though that might just be a product of who I follow -- and find my dash full of the opposite. And it made me realize that something I was reacting to with Ian was rooted in the fact that I’ve been where he is in this episode: supporting someone you love through the death of a truly terrible parent. It absolutely creates a tension where you want to respect the grief, but you’re also concerned that the part where the person was horrifying is getting buried under the sense of loss. So they’re carrying the trauma of having lost a parent -- but they also have all the trauma that parent visited on them. And reading reactions, I am realizing how this episode really turned the “grieving a parent” story upside down. 
I was so shocked we got a scene of Mickey openly weeping over his father’s death. Not just that, but we open on it. It’s not an episode of stoic Mickey, where he eventually breaks down (which, let’s be real: TV loves that trope. We have seen that one a million times.) I loved that he didn’t really understand why he was crying, randomly blamed Ian for his father’s death, was both angry that his father had been murdered, but was also angry that HE hadn’t been the one to murder him... it was complete emotional chaos and that rang true. 
It seems redundant to say Noel killed it, but he really did. It’s one thing to cry during a heartfelt scene about the death of a parent -- it’s another to believably weep through a scene that is at least 50% comedy about how you don’t know why you’re crying over your dead dad. 
I kinda gave up guessing what Terrys’ secret was going to be -- and in that, gave up worrying that it might be that he was seeeeeecretly gay and that’s why he was such a raging, violent, son-assaulting homophobe. So a moment to say “Yay, that didn't happen!” Rachel was not on my list of guesses and I thought that actually really worked, too, because it was such an inversion of the trope I was worried they might lean into. They go see this woman, she talks about Young Terry and tells a story where you’re asked to sympathize with him... Like “Oh, Terry wasn’t so bad, he was just hurt--” and then she completely flips the script by letting you know that Terry was just as much as a psychopath then as he was later. He full-out murdered her father. 
So much for learning and growing from a revelation that Terry had a heart. 
Then we go to the funeral home and we get the dagger story. Sometimes -- especially in the last few seasons -- we will get a new piece of information like this and I’ll struggle to fit it into what we already knew. But the dagger story tracks. Particularly Mickey talking about how he grabbed it mid-air and Terry was so proud. I’ve always thought that Terry must have had a lot of pride in Mickey, just as an extension of himself. Mickey being smart and tough and terrifying would be something he’d value and something he’d see as reflecting well on him. And he wouldn’t GAF that Mickey cut up his hand. Note that to effectively grab a dagger out of the air? It essentially has to be coming at your head. 
I take @damngcoffee‘s point that it’s weird to have two singing moments so close together, though I also see how singing “I Will Survive” as Terry’s grave site has some emotional power. They do not do Gloria Gaynor quite the credit they did Lady Gaga. 
Two more things on my mind: 
Mickey, who Terry abused, terrorized, subjected to a conversion assault, forced into marriage and fatherhood, and who tried to murder him on both his wedding day and his honeymoon, is the only kid trying to get Terry “what he wanted” once he’s gone. He’s all alone in it. No siblings, uncles, cousins or associates. Just his husband, who is at his side through the whole thing. 
Secondly: Though Mickey never says it, I think a lot of the tears shed over a father like Terry rest in the fact that the book is closed. It’s never going to be different. He’s never going to come around. He’s never going to show Mickey the love that kids want from their parents. He is never, ever going to have that. The fact that he never WAS going to have it doesn’t make the definitive loss of it less stark. 
But I do hope his healing comes quickly for him. Because he’s also free in a way he’s never been before. 
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y0itsbri · 3 years
hii bri, how are you? 🥰
how do you think ian and mickey spent their weekend? ☀️
hello twisha my beloved 💞 i am well thank you ☺️
(thank you for the ask, this got kinda long oops)
ian started out saturday morning with a quick jog around the neighborhood. he easily could have spent the weekend morning sleeping in late and snuggling with mick, but they had plans for the day so ian wanted to start off the day with his normal routine.
he picked up smoothies on his way back from his run, a 'berry good' workout smoothie with added kale and protein for himself and a peanut butter banana chocolate smoothie for mickey.
mickey was already awake when ian got back. well 'awake' was a strong word, given that he was wearing his blanket like a cape while waiting for the coffee to brew with half closed eyes. he perked up a little bit as the door locked close behind ian. ian set the smoothies on the counter and gave mickey a lingering hug and forehead smooch because he's too irresistibly cute in the mornings.
they have a chill morning sitting out on their balcony until debbie comes over to drop off franny around noon. over the past few months, franny had gotten really interested in her uncle ian's gardening and he promised to take her somewhere real cool this weekend.
debbie and ian chatted by the doors while franny enthusiastically showed uncle mickey a super cool rock she found yesterday and mickey told her about how he knows this 'dinosaur guy' who has some super cool rocks that they keep in a museum. franny asks if the dinosaur guy wants her rock for the museum and he tells her he'll ask him next time he sees him.
they pack some snacks in a backpack and head off to garfield park conservatory. they were a little out of their element but they got their tickets for all the exhibits. ian's expression matched franny's in its awestruck wonder as they took in the sights. mickey and ian took turns taking pictures of each other and the flowers in a very 'tourist mom' fashion. franny insisted taking a picture of them together and directed them exactly where to stand. mickey stuck his tongue out in the photo and got reprimanded by franny who insisted they smile, almost a mirror image of her mother's attitude. mickey smiled in the next photo, but ian leaned over to kiss mickeys cheek. franny threw her arms up in frustration and they finally complied. ian lifted franny on his shoulders for the rest of their time at the conservatory.
franny fell asleep eating goldfish crackers on the drive back to their apartment. mickey gently picked her up and carried her inside, setting her on their bed to nap while he and ian started making dinner: french fries, chicken strips, and apple slices. they cracked jokes with each other and one of ian's belly laughs woke up franny who ran into the kitchen, crashing into his legs and hugging him. he told fran to pick out a movie to watch while they ate dinner.
franny is well equipped with using disney plus, so she put on 'luca.' they all settle into the couch and eventually settle into each other once they had finished eating, franny making her way onto uncle mickey's lap with ian's arm around mick as well. one of mickey's fingers traced ian's wrist before linking along with his fingers. ian spent half the time watching the movie and half the time staring at his enchanted husband.
after the movie finished, fran turned around to look at them and asks uncle mickey if he had been crying. he denied it but ian and franny shared a knowing look. ian affectionately squeezes his shoulder while franny gets herself some oreos from the kitchen while they wait for debbie to come pick her up.
ian and mickey spend the rest of their night drinking some new beer ian had picked up at the liquor store and watching sitcoms to relax and relieve the big emotions that came from the kid's movie.
sunday morning was spent in mickey's favorite way, sleeping in late with his husband. the soft warmness of each other and the blankets covering them being pure bliss.
mickey popped some frozen waffles in the toaster for breakfast while ian turned on the tv to catch some of the morning news. it's kind of a gloomy day outside, but that's okay because it's their cleaning and grocery shopping day anyways. ian had followed in fiona's footsteps by making sundays chore days... whenever he felt like it at least.
mickey swept the floors and did laundry while ian wiped down the countertops and made sure the dishwasher was loaded. mickey bitched about one of their neighbors from down the hall, but then revealed that said neighbor had invited them to their barbeque down by the pool next weekend. mick had said he would have to make sure ian didn't have any plans. even though he was content with the friends he had, ian was proud that mickey had become more amenable to the idea of hanging out with new people sometimes.
now that they regularly shop at a nicer grocery store, ian had been determined that they eat better. but somehow, every time they go shopping, they end up with half a cart of frozen meals and snack foods. there's not much complaining because that shit is good. it is what it is.
the other week, ian had picked up a guitar on sale from the music shop next to his yoga studio. both ian and mickey had been fucking around with it in their free time. this evening, mickey tried teaching ian what he knows about guitars, but it went a lot like how it went in friends when phoebe tried to teach joey guitar.
eventually, mickey ended up on the balcony for a smoke while he scrolled through instagram, seeing a new post of mandy in some fancy sunglasses and palm trees in the background. he double taps and comments some dumb shit knowing mandy is probably rolling her eyes at him from a thousand miles away.
ian was just getting off facetime with lip and freddie when mickey comes back inside. ian tells him about all the cute shit that freddie has been up to lately and lip's success at his new part time job where he mentors kids interested in robotics and coding. ian also mentions that carl is stopping by after his late shift so he can bring them takeout for dinner from their favorite asian restaurant on the south side.
they ate their stir fry, spring rolls, and crab rangoons with the house's specialty sauce as carl complained about his new partner and mickey muttered an 'acab' under his breath before ian kicked him in the shin.
after carl left, the boys headed to the bathroom for a rather spicy shower and then laid in bed watching tiktoks with ian's head resting on mickey's chest as they fell asleep. 🖤
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abundanceofnots · 3 years
Prompt! After seeing that ball gag in the basketball hoop in their room, I’m hilariously imagining Franny wandering downstairs with it during breakfast or something and everyone freaks out about it, or something similar lol
Forewarning: As you could’ve guessed, this one is pretty dirty. In fact, I’ll probably never recover from writing some of these words. You’ll know which ones I mean. Damn it, Shameless, why are these things canon?!
They were talking again. Loud, like they didn’t give two shits who could hear them, even though the house was full of people.
Lately, it’d become almost nonstop, and Debbie had just about enough of it – and them.
“Take it, you insatiable slut!” 
“Yes, fuckin’ impale me with your monster cock!”
As she stood behind the closed accordion door, which frankly did nothing to silence all the bizarre exclamations and assorted sex noises, she scrunched her face in disgust. Thankfully, her ears only felt like they were bleeding, and the real damage was happening just to her inner calm.
This time, Ian and Mickey were going at it at half past seven on a Sunday, throwing around words that would make even the creators of bad pornos cringe. 
They’d been on her shitlist ever since she found several dried come stains on her lilac bath robe, and really, her frustration with them only grew stronger from there. It was one thing that they apparently made sex into a full-time hobby; sounding like absolute perverts throughout their daily (and nightly) numerous rounds was another. 
Debbie could take it no more. She was long past the point of finding it funny. There were now very specific, lewd details about her older brother forever embedded in her mind – and she fondly looked back at the days when Ian was still behind bars and dearly missed.
Checking that her palm was covering Franny’s eyes, she squeezed her own eyes tightly before getting a blind hold on the accordion door. She yanked it open, immediately causing the verbal vomit to stop.
“The actual fuck, Debbie!” 
She heard scrambling and annoyed groans and, eventually, to what sounded like a fight over the comforter, the bed creaked as someone got off it. She took that as her cue and secured her hold on Franny, who started to dig her little fingers into Debbie’s palm.
“I’ve had it with you two assholes!” she raged, using her free hand to gesticulate wildly. “I was fine with the exaggerated moans and the fact that seeing your ugly naked asses around on a daily basis was now a given, but if I have to hear the words uber-masculine slut and dom top daddy one more time, I’m gonna make sure you won’t be able to stick your dicks anywhere. For a long time.” 
She paused, becoming faintly aware that someone was hurriedly trying to get dressed somewhere to her left.
“Now, I’m gonna go back to bed,” she continued, much calmer, satisfied that her case was being heard without protests, “and you’re gonna watch Franny because you both owe me. Big time.”
The room was silent, the atmosphere tense. Debbie let out a frustrated huff. 
“Just tell me when,” she prompted, too scared to open her eyes. 
For a second, it seemed like Ian and Mickey argued without saying a thing out loud. Then, settling on whatever, Ian cleared his throat. 
Debbie immediately regretted not leaving without sparing them another glance. Because while Ian was at least dressed, standing in front of her in his boxers and a T-shirt that was both too tight and inside-out, Mickey sat on the bed only with the comforter bunched in his lap. 
They were both sweaty and out of breath, and Debbie felt herself flush when she noticed the visible handprints on Mickey’s neck. 
Still, she recovered fast, piercing them both alternately with a hard stare. “Can’t believe I even have to say this, but no fucking in front of my kid!” she warned, pointing her finger at them.
The slam of Debbie’s bedroom door successfully burst the strange bubble they got themselves caught up in. Their eyes instantly snapped to each other. 
“I call shower,” Ian announced plainly.
“Fuck you, I call shower first,” Mickey countered. “I was about to bust a nut anyway.”
“What’s bustanut?”
It was the first thing they heard Franny say, and, yeah, Debbie was definitely going to break both of their dicks after this, wasn’t she?
“Well, Franny,” Ian started as he leaned down to her, maneuvering her a little so that she wouldn’t catch a glimpse of Mickey’s naked form as he untangled himself from the comforter, “that’s a thing adults say when they have to brush their teeth. And your Uncle Mickey has a really stinky breath this morning.”
“Like you’re one to talk, bitch.” 
Ian looked up to Mickey poking his tongue in his cheek, his loosely curled fist moving in front of his face in a rather obvious motion. He shot him a glare, but Mickey just pulled his boxers up and left the room, chuckling.
The good news was that Franny seemed content with that. Shrugging her shoulders, she hopped on their rumpled bed and started jumping on it. Ian decided it was better than having to crack the ol’ concept of male ejaculation to her on an early Sunday morning and went about his routine as usual. 
It didn’t take long until something else caught Franny’s attention and she started making low frustrated noises.
Putting on his deodorant, Ian watched in the mirror as she struggled with the cap of their lube. 
“Is this a special sauce?” she asked, all bright-eyed and curious.
Ian snickered. Franny knew all about special sauces ever since Liam started experimenting with making his own in the kitchen a few weeks ago. 
“Yeah, I guess it kinda is a special sauce, in a way,” he replied amusedly. “Uncle Mickey says he doesn’t like it, but he’s a filthy liar.” 
“Smells like strawberries.”
“Yeah, it does.” He turned, grinning at her. “Nice, huh?” 
She held the tube out for him. “Can I try?”
Instead of opening it for her like she probably expected, Ian took it from her and shoved it in the closest drawer.  
“Maybe in a few years.” 
Franny sighed dramatically, and Ian observed in real-time as he started losing his fun uncle points with her. But it didn’t matter how pouty she got; he couldn’t actually let her play with their lube. Mickey was right – that shit was expensive.
It only took about a minute this time before she got bored again. Kicking the bed involuntarily with her feet hanging over its edge, she scanned the messy room. Finally, her eyes fell on a black leathery thing laid on top of the laundry basket by the bed. 
“What’s that?”
Ian pursed his lips as he thought of the best answer, but before he could give her any, he got interrupted.
“It’s a ball gag,” Mickey supplied as he strode into the room with only a towel around his hips. His hair was wet, and the unashamedly self-satisfied smirk on his face had Ian roll his eyes.
“What’s a ball gag?”
“A toy!” Ian said, a little panicky. “A toy that Uncle Ian and Uncle Mickey like to play with. Especially Uncle Mickey.”
Pausing on his way to their closet, Mickey smacked Ian’s ass. Waggling his eyebrows, he then leaned in to lightly peck his cheek.
“You betcha.” 
Franny’s eyes widened with excitement. “Can I play, too?” 
She got her hands on the contraption at the same time as Ian, who at first tried to scare her off with a stern look. Failing that, he started pulling on the strap, giving out a somewhat tentative laugh.
“Really not a good idea.”
“I wanna play, too! Please!”
With an ear-splitting screech, she slipped the ball gag from Ian’s grasp and set off running out of the room.
“Crap,” Ian muttered, slapping hard at Mickey’s arm when he had the nerve to chuckle. “Dumbass, your dick’s on the line here, too, you know?”
In the kitchen, he found Franny making rounds around the table; the sex toy held over her head victoriously like a golden trophy. Thankfully, the only person sitting there was Lip, who seemed genuinely entertained by the sudden spectacle.
“Uncle Lip, Uncle Lip, do you wanna play with my ball gag?” Franny asked mid-run.
“Uh, maybe later?” Still smiling, Lip shot his brother a look, pointedly raising a brow.
“Franny?” Ian tried playing nice with a sing-song voice. When the kid slipped past him over and over again, he decided to change his tactics. “Franny! Gimme that!”
“No!” she yelled stubbornly as she took off toward the living room. Unluckily for her, that’s where Mickey, having come down the other set of stairs, caught her. 
As he walked back with her, he held her under his arm so that her tiny legs kicked the air behind his back as she tried to wiggle free. “Sorry, kid, but Uncle Mickey doesn’t share his toys,” he told her as he settled her down in the kitchen. 
Lip sniggered into his mug. 
“So, breakfast?” Mickey suggested after he passed the ball gag to Ian. “I’m fuckin’ starving.”
While Ian hid the sex toy upstairs, Mickey made Pop-Tarts. And Franny, being the good girl she was, sat there through all that and quietly sulked. 
Then, after nibbling on her breakfast for some time, she stood up resolutely.
“I’m gonna go bustanut,” she stated loudly, nearly prompting Lip to choke on his coffee.
He watched as Mickey cackled, and shook his head.
“Debbie’s gonna kill you both, you know?”
Mickey just smirked. “Can’t wait to see her try.”
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adamarinayu · 3 years
Since I can’t draw right now (it’s like 1 AM) I decided I’d just write things down about Domestic DUno AU (I still don’t have a proper name for it!!) so here we go~
Info below the cut to spare the mobile users my ramblings~~
-Donald first became PK as a teenager (14 or 15), pulling petty pranks and avenging perceived wrongdoings. He ended up accidentally becoming a hero after stopping a thief and unknowingly saving a young girl’s life, and he realized he could direct his temper, anger and frustration not at making other people miserable, but at protecting others. Gyro, who went to school with Donald (Donald and Della attended a private school that would accommodate their adventure schedule; Gyro, being the absolute genius he is, attended on a scholarship) was there and ended up helping, being the one to inadvertently provide PK with the weapon he fended off the criminals with. PK talked to Gyro and the two became partners in crime-fighting that way.
-After deciding to become a hero, it was small-town villains mostly that he dealt with. Thieves, and the like. He didn’t start fighting mutants and those kinds of things until he was 17 or so, and the Evronians didn’t show up until he was 18. This is when Scrooge gave him a summer job at his newly acquired tower, figuring since Donald didn’t want to go with him and Della on a three-month adventure (as Donald was needed in Duckburg, he couldn’t be gone for three months!!) then he may as well work and earn a little money. As Duckworth was still alive, Duckworth was in charge of the manor, so Donald didn’t need to worry about upkeeping the mansion.
-Donald met Uno after a failed attempt to fight the Evronians, and they partnered up, with Uno providing Donald with otherworldly advanced tech that Gyro... would probably understand if given the time and chance (come on, he built a time machine out of a bathtub, he could totally understand future tech). After the first battle with the Evronians that Donald eventually wins, he realized that the game had just just 10x more dangerous. Between working on his doctorate and interning for Scrooge’s science department (something the scientists working for Scrooge were salty about), Gyro didn’t have much time to work on new and improved inventions for PK so when Uno contacted Gyro about him stepping down from helping PK, Gyro agreed, acknowledging that the mysterious Uno Ducklair would probably be a better benefactor for the hero. He didn’t know PK’s identity, though, so he didn’t take the memory erasing candy. Instead he focused on his work.
-Years passed this way, with Donald and Uno working together. Of course Donald had his other adventures, such as with Jose and Panchito and Mickey and all them lovely folks, but Uno was his closest confidante and biggest supporter. He was the one he vented his frustrations with Della and Scrooge to, and the one to give him advice on how to deal with it and talk to them about it all.
-At some point during this time, Gladstone finds out Donald is PK. Of course it happens in the typical Lucky way- him finding out saved Donald’s life. Gladstone is shaken up by the knowledge that his cousin/brother is in danger every day and has almost died multiple times. Gladstone becomes a sort of third member of the whole Crime Fighting thing, yep, you heard it right, Cloverleaf is real here. He figures if he’s out in the field with Donald, then Donald will never die because of Gladstone’s supernaturally good luck. Uno, while frustrated with Gladstone’s unpredictable and illogical luck, accepts this. Donald is less keen because he doesn’t want Gladstone in danger’s path but when the gander makes up his mind it’s made up, yo.
-PK and Cloverleaf (CL from here on out) and Uno work together for 3 years before the Spear of Selene incident, where Donald is suddenly left with three eggs. Donald’s priorities now shifted, he quits being a hero and buys the houseboat so he can raise the triplets without Scrooge’s influence. Gladstone does what he can to help while trying to continue to protect Duckburg, and while watching CL on the news Donald has the sudden realization that Duckburg still needs him- new parent or not. So he (metaphorically!!) throws the eggs into their pram, rushes to Ducklair Tower, begs Lyla to watch the eggs for him and rushes off to CL’s aid. 
-After the danger is over, Donald collects the eggs, thanks Lyla for her help, then meets up with CL and Uno on the 151st floor where they have a serious conversation. Donald acknowledges that Duckburg still needs PK, but Della’s children also need him. The three eventually come to the conclusion that the kids would be raised by PK and Uno there in the Tower, where they would be safe- and they would be trained so they’re ready for anything thrown at them. (Gladstone is actually the one who is like “nah cuz you be their dad I’m not cut out for that, I’ll be the cool uncle, I don’t wanna live in the tower! No offense Uno” so it isn’t like Donald just decided to leave him out of the parenting)
-The eggs hatch and Donald names them sensible (AKA not Della’s list) names (and pronounces Llewellyn correctly dammit) and Donald and Uno have a time learning hands-on how to be parents. (“I’ve read twenty different parenting guides in the last five seconds and they’re all saying different things, Donald, WHAT DO WE DO-”) The whole “raising kids together” thing brings them even closer than before and forces them to have a chat about their feelings, too. 
-When the triplets are small and starting to run around, Uno baby proofs everything. He has a hard time keeping them from escaping their playpen (which is essentially a huge room with an amazing view of the city, he doesn’t know why they’re so intent on escaping). Then eventually the inevitable happens- both Don and Glad end up stuck on the other side of the world for nearly a whole month, and Uno realizes taking care of three toddlers is much easier when you have a body. So while they’re gone, he balances his time between advising them on their mission, taking care of the triplets and building an android body that can handle an AI as advanced as him (throw out that “an AI who is only good could never make a full person” shit cuz Uno can be petty as hell, he’s a whole ass person even without Due yo). By the time Don and Glad get back he’s testing his prototype. Donald is thrilled, of course- his boyfriend has a body now!
-The triplets gain a sister! Everett brings a child to them one day, a little Coronan girl who was for reasons I haven’t decided yet cast out of her family and Everett, with his weird Enlightened Powers shit, went and found her and brought her back to the people he knew would take care of her well (considering his own past failures...). And so the triplets have a little sister who is an alien! Yee! Yes it’s Asveya (Ve). She came to them when she was ~2 and the triplets were 3 or 4, and as she didn’t have a name Donald named her after a friend he met as a child, when he regularly adventured with Scrooge and Della, and whom he ended up meeting again as a young adult.
-Uno perfects the body over time as he learns more things about being a person (he very purposefully leaves out pain receptors, though he includes the best parts of being a physical person ofc- he wants his cake and he wants to eat it too!). Everett decides now that Uno has a body, it was time to introduce him as his son officially and hand the business over to him (stating that it’ll be good for the kids if at least one of their parents had a proper job and income, since savings don’t last forever), and as the kids get older Donald begins training them so they’ll be able to take care of/protect themselves if need be. Uno creates a training field/obstacle course that is fun and age-appropriate, and by the time they’re ten they’re like little superheroes in training. They can give Webby a run for her money. Ve is less interested in being like PK and more interested in being like Uno- AKA the techie behind the gadgets.
-The triplets are already playing with some rudimentary pieces of tech Ve made, playing like they’re superheroes (or villains, gotta have someone to fight!). Uno finds out when he reviews the Tower footage and immediately confiscates anything that can be dangerous, but lets them keep the more innocent stuff.
MODERN DAY STUFF (AKA the time the show takes place)
-As the kids got older Donald and Uno allowed them more freedom, even letting them go out on their own (with the promise of being back before dark, not telling anyone what their parents did for a living, they all stuck together and they didn’t speak to strangers beyond what was necessary). When the triplets were 10 and Ve was 8 or 9, Uno learned that a powerful artifact (not the gem) was in Atlantis and that if a villain got their hands on it, it would be... very bad. So Donald decides it’s time to put on his metaphorical adventure shoes again and go get it. By this time Gladstone got trapped in the casino (Uno has been looking for him, after not hearing from him for over a week) and Uno had a Big Business thing to attend, real important too, so they talk about getting a babysitter for the weekend they’ll be gone. The kids manage to convince them they don’t need one, as they’ll be safe in the 151st floor (“We’ll be safer there than anywhere else, right, Uncle Uno?”). Donald tried to call Lyla but she was unfortunately in the field, so he agreed to let them stay home on their own until Uno got back (Uno did the math and figured he could stay for a few hours to just make a good faith appearance, talk business with some stooges and then come home the same day).
-Of course, the kids get caught. Uno had already left out for his business thing at like 5 AM, and Donald was about to head out to Atlantis in one of the Duckmobiles. He happened to check on a whim the back of the mobile, where he found his surprised ducklings staring wide-eyed up at him. He knew then that he needed to cash in on a favour- he called Beakley and then drove the protesting children to the mansion. (“Come on, Unca’ Donald!” “It’s a mansion! We wanna go to the lost city, too!” “Come on, we’ve been doing real good in training!” “Please, dad? We promise we’ll listen!”) The excitement over meeting THE Scrooge McDuck is overshadowed by the disappointment that they can’t go on this mission.
-Besides, who cares about a mansion and a rich adventuring duck when your parents and uncle are not only rich adventurers, but they’re also superheroes???
-Donald gives them a forehead kiss goodbye and heads off, and Scrooge has Beakley put the kids in that old room. “It’ll only be a few hours” they said. “Until Uno gets back.” Unfortunately, Uno calls Louie and tells the duckling there’s been a problem and he won’t be back until later- Donald already informed him of the changed arrangements and he’s already contacted Beakley.
-The kids decide to escape the old room, putting their hero training into action, but are ultimately swept up into Webby’s trap. Webby is super excited to meet them when she realizes who they are (though she has no idea who Ve is), and she cuts them down from the net without them having to escape themselves. The kids know they’re not supposed to let anyone know about the “hero family” thing so try to act like normal kids, though it becomes apparent Webby doesn’t know how to be a normal kid either.
-Through shenanigans, the children inspire Scrooge to adventure again, and Dewey lets slip about lost cities and Scrooge has a moment of realization. Thus, he drags the kids to Atlantis with him. While there, the kids each get a chance to show off their moves (which they’re SUPPOSED TO HIDE but you know, when arrows are flying at you ain’t got no time to hide). Donald is pissed when he notices them in Atlantis, and Uno is pissed when he calls Donald and learns the kids are in Atlantis, right where they are NOT supposed to be.
-Things pretty much follow the episode, though with the triplets able to hold their own and Donald gunning for a completely different artifact. When they escape and get back to the surface with their respective artifacts, they’re met by a livid android who absolutely chews Scrooge out for dragging four ten year olds and an eight year old to a dangerous place like that.
-Donald decides that it might be okay for the kids to visit with Scrooge sometimes, to get a little real-world experience, and at precisely that moment something crashes into the 151st floor of Ducklair Tower. Uno is absolutely furious (“MY TOWER???”) cuz that’s gonna take a bit to fix- at the very least it’ll appear to take a while- and when the kids question “what now?” Scrooge offers up some rooms in the mansion. The kids are excited cuz they’ll get to live with Webby and explore a new place. Donald and Uno say “just until the tower is fixed” (Gladstone had Donald’s boat at the time he went missing so Donald doesn’t have it) which is good enough for the kids.
-Scrooge being sus of Uno for like a whole arc cuz he’d never heard of Uno Ducklair before recently and also his nephew?? got married??? 
-Gladstone finally gets a message out to Don and Uno for help, and they go immediately- but not before Scrooge makes it a family adventure. Scrooge is disparaging of Gladstone, but Donald is just worried about his cousin. They manage to save Gladstone without pseudo-sacrificing anyone. Scrooge gets a little sus when they get back to Duckburg, and days later the missing Cloverleaf has shown up again. 
-HDLV ended up spilling the truth to Webby as she got closer with them, but they swore her to secrecy. Of course Beakley found out because Webby is a terrible liar.
**So basically Donald + Uno parents, a kid that calls them her dads, good Uncle Gladstone, Brotherly Gladstone + Donald, Competent Cloverleaf, PK + Cloverleaf teamup, little-hero triplets. Gyro will end up teaming up with Gizmoduck when Fenton takes up heroing, too, just like Launchpad teams up with DW (DW’s story for this AU will be different, also, just a heads up) and basically all their combined kids become a badass team of children (Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Ve, Boyd, Gos, and of course Lena and Violet join in later...) Gyro teams up with Gizmoduck because every hero needs a tech guy (even heroes who are also scientists....) and he’s not only very capable, he’s worked with a hero before so he knows the ins and outs :D
However it is now 2 AM and I need to sleep so I’m gonna end my musings here but I am thinking of them so much right now I’m
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