#at the usual 4pm release time
mooshrems · 1 year
// mild blood
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injured cadets again .. and crosshair helps tech navigate around kamino while he cant use his goggles
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yridenergyridenergy · 5 months
Burrn! Japan vol. 23 Individual Interview Translation Notes
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Kyo's favourite movies are those that leave a really bad aftertaste, which he just can't watch more than once or twice. Besides Holy Mountain, some of his highlights have been Pearl, MEN and Midsommar. Ideally, he'd love to replicate this in a live show: as a fan, you would be so shocked and blinded by tears that you couldn't even see Kyo. He thinks that Dir en grey is more and more working toward this kind of mission. Kyo would also love to perform in Las Vegas' SPHERE venue, with this type of overwhelming shock.
If he had to make a movie, it would also be one that leaves a bad aftertaste and which nobody could sanely watch more than twice, but since he would have to do multiple reviews as the director, it won't happen.
Kyo finally explained the focus on Uroboros more: he feels that Dir en grey was able to build something more from this point onward. The worldview started with Withering to death. too, but the base was set more firmly with Uroboros.
For Kyo, the inclusion of Oboro is what totally changes a setlist. He feels that it's a bottomless pit, like he's cutting deeper and deeper into a wound. For Die, The World of Mercy is the song that can make a whole difference in a setlist, because of the change of tempo in the middle.
Die described that when they try to compose songs, sometimes, after 25 years, they can have the impression that the melody's already been done before. But then, let's say Kyo adds his singing on top of it, and it goes through the filters of the other members too, and in the end, Die feels like: "Wow, it's something totally different now!"
Die doesn't usually work on melodies in his free time. The ideas come to him the most when there is a concrete release decided and deadlines, even if he doesn't like deadlines.
Regarding the upcoming European tour, Die reflects that Withering to death. was the first time that they toured in Europe, and in general they have never done "concept tours" overseas. He feels that the band will be able to do things in 2024 that they weren't able to do back then.
Apparently Dir en grey is thinking of celebrating the 30th anniversary since their formation!! And they are wondering whether to release the next album before that or around the same time.
Kaoru mentioned that at first, only Acro no Oka and Zan were supposed to be recorded with Yoshiki in LA, but when they arrived, it was decided to add Yurameki. About Acro no Oka, Yoshiki commented that it was a concern because of the lack of "collision of sounds", whereas Zan was a problem of collision of sounds.
In Yurameki, apparently they recorded some strings separately and overlapped them in post-production because Yoshiki asked Kaoru to play something in a specific way that was impossible, because the string couldn't be held down simultaneously. They figured: "No one will notice."
This European tour was supposed to happen in 2022 to coincide with the band's 25th anniversary.
Shinya would have preferred to sleep until 4PM on the day of this interview. He also appreciated that the songs of Phalaris were introduced in three segments/tours, because he had trouble memorizing the structure of the songs. It would have been impossible for him to play all of the album's songs at once live.
His favourite kind of ending is when the show doesn't end with a bang, but that it instead leaves a lingering worldview, which was accomplished with Kamuy. His favourite part is when the curtain was lowered in front of the stage as soon as Kamuy started. Ideally, he would always just walk off the stage without throwing drumsticks or anything.
For the first time, the rehearsal for Tour23 Phalaris Final –the scent of a peaceful death- was not just [rhythm section] then [whole band]. At Die's suggestion, they had rhythm first, then the four musicians, and finally the whole band rehearsed together.
Shinya was ecstatic that his composition, Yurameki, was chosen for the major debut and that it was produced with Yoshiki. Ever since then, he felt like he could die happy, and all the way up until now, Shinya has continually felt like he could be content to die at any moment.
For ten years now, Shinya has wished to record simple drum melodies. Also, he thinks that he will struggle to re-learn how to play the Uroboros songs.
Toshiya reveals that the imagery projected on the curtain in the opening (during Otogi) and ending (during Kamuy) of the shows in Tour23 Phalaris Final –the scent of a peaceful death- were generated by AI.
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It seems that a lot of people have commented that going to see Dir en grey is more like a spectacle than seeing a rock band's live performance.
Toshiya was initially opposed to the idea of re-recording the three singles of their major debut. He feels that old songs are out of their hands, and some things about them belong to the listeners and their past experiences of it. In other words, he is worried that re-recording could destroy something about the memories associated to the songs. In his view, it's better for the creators to re-imagine the songs, like they have done with their remakes so far. At the same time, in retrospection, Toshiya is glad that they decided to do it, because it made him realize that a lot has changed in 25 years, but a lot also hasn't changed, with the band.
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suuuupernovaaa · 11 months
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Today is Monday. On Sunday, you moved into Spencer Reid’s apartment.
He works long hours, while you’re annoyed if work isn’t wrapped up by 4pm. You’re home first but it still doesn’t really feel like home. It feels like your boyfriend’s house.
You put away a small bag of groceries and open a bottle of wine. The dinner you have planned is a marathon, not a a sprint, so you get started on the prep right away while an audio book plays over the speakers.
By the time the chicken is in the oven, the main character is just finding out that her new love interest is a vampire - how shocking!
You put away a few things you hadn’t gotten to yesterday, mostly clothes and records, and tidy up a little. The floors need swept. The place could use a little dusting. The bathroom needs sprucing. Time flies when you’re cleaning and ‘reading with your ears’, as Spencer says.
The timer for the chicken dings and as you pull a delicious smelling meal out of the oven, the front door opens.
You set the hot tray down and grab your phone to pause your audio book. Spencer enters the kitchen as you grab two plates and two wine glasses out of the cupboard. Those are yours, and they make you feel more at home here.
“How was your day?” Spencer asks, setting his bag down on the counter. The clock tells you it’s 7pm - he’s a little later than usual.
“Fine, slow. Yours?”
He’s looking around the apartment, scanning it with his eyes. “You - did you clean?”
“Just a little, while the food cooked.”
He turns back to you, and the expression on his face is hard to read. Is he glad you cleaned? Angry? Annoyed?
The relationship is still relatively new. Your friends all told you it was too soon to move in, but you were already spending almost every night here, and your lease was up. It felt like the logical next step.
“So you cleaned and made what smells like a really, really good dinner, and I just get to come home and enjoy all that? And you, as well?” Spencer crosses the kitchen, a peaceful smile on his handsome face, and the tension you were holding in your back and shoulders finally releases.
He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a kiss that’s warm, cozy, and expresses his gratitude.
“You’re amazing,” he whispers into your ear as he holds you. “I don’t deserve it.”
“No talk like that,” you reply, squeezing him right and pressing a kiss to his neck.
The longer Spencer holds you there in the kitchen, silently thanking you, the more your surroundings start to feel like home.
You think you’ll probably prove everyone wrong, and it’s not really important, but it does feel good.
Spencer smiles down at you, and as always, you smile back.
Yes, this is where you belong.
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frostythefrostedfox · 25 days
Time for that Williams analysis I promised earlier.
To sum things up: Sargeant Sucks, Albon doesn't deserves to be here
But before y'all come with your pitchforks out, allow me to explain
This sport has a weird tendency of underdogging certain people and teams, and I get it, rooting for the little guy (mandatory Yuki joke) is always the most fun, those tears that came from Zhou in China were very real, I felt those, and I loved it, those 5 seconds of Lando not knowing what to do on the podium in Miami, I felt that bro, and I am happy for him, today's pole for Leclerc felt like it matters more than any other he has every acheived, and I am happy for him, not only as a Tifosi, but as an F1 fan in general.
We all were pointing at the screen like thar DiCaprio meme in Miami when the Haas pulled that point finish despite that ad infinitum string of penalties for one of them, unsportsmanship behaviour? My dude, that team play at its finest!
I don't ever think we will be able to agree what the fuck happened in that SC release, and if it was fair or not to Lewis and Verstappen alike
But sadly, that usually blinds peeps and makes them forget, or at least makes them unaware of why the little guy is the little guy, and that is the case for Williams in general, so obviously seeing something like Albon did today, P9 on the (objectively) worst car and worst team in the grid in 2024 put a smile in my face, that's the Monaco magic I am here to see, it's all you broski, YOU did this, you deserve it.
But at the same time, is Monaco, the odd one out, the circuit where car and team matter little, talent and balls matter lots, this race is some sort of equalizer, where everyone has to fight with the same tools and the same weapons, everyone loses their advantages or at least their effect are reduced to a minimum, Monaco aint a place where you win the race, is a place where you win the Weekend, you win this by properly setting up your car, by properly understanding its flow, by getting a good quali session and by managing your race, other races Begin at (roughly) 2PM local time, Sunday and ends, at worst, 2 hours later; but not Monaco, Monaco's race begins at 1PM local time, Friday and ends at 4PM local time, Sunday when too much.
So why is Logan Sargeant dead last once again?
We saw Checho on P16, Alonso P15, Max P6, Albon P9, Gasly P10, so having cars off-placed is not the exception, is the norm, so why is he, again, at the back again?
The decision of sitting him out in favour of Albon sounded cruel and everyone rose up in discontent, but think about it this way, you're a team principal, what would you do? Would you want to give the team the biggest chances of finally doing something worth of praise or do you wanna be fair even tho you know where that road ends, and be honest with yourselves, and be realistic too, because we all known damn well how this sport is, fairness is rarely the rule anyone plays by here.
And since I know how y'all are, I am not saying the dude is a flunk, a dud and that we should kick him to the curb like a sick horse, not even remotely, the dude has talent, that is why he is sitting where he is sitting, that's why he is "One of the 20" (Yes, I preordered the game, champions edition, leave me alone), he wouldn't have gotten here any other way, but, to put it bluntly, his talent aint as big as the talent the other ones in the grid seem to have, he would do better in a less stakes series, maybe a more forgiving series, or perhaps he just needs more experience, after all we are all different and we all learn at different speeds, so maybe he could benefit from a couple years as development and simulation driver before getting into that seat again.
Time after time Sargeant has been stuck at the back of the grid, and the only time he wasn't, in Suzuka, he put himself there with a solo mistake in the underpass turn.
His time to shine was today, getting into Q2 would have certainly proven that all he needed was time, that he is all that, he is him, he just need us to be patient with him and maybe give him a car that aint the 2024 Williams, after all that is what happened to Stroll, after banging the wall the first he went on the track in Australia, everyone ruled him as a paid seat, get him out and blah blah blah, now he is a solid driver that more often than not pulls in consistent results, not his fault Alonso is the main character of F1 and has plot armour.
But he didn't, he was at the back of the grid, as usual, so what else am I supposed to make out of this? He should totally finish the season, he has earned that much, but he certainly hasn't won the seat, and if the rumors about Sainz going to Williams are true, what can I tell you mate? Can't blame Williams for trying to scrape the barrel and get out of that pit they've been in since the last regulation change.
I know he is the favourite pookie of the grid, look at the little guy! But we have to be real here, and we all have to acknowledge there is a difference between Fanon and Canon, from what I know Logan is an amazing person and a very charismatic young lad, but that shouldn't deter the judgement of anyone when we talk about his numbers and performance, these are two different subjects and they are not intertwined in any way, after all we all know how Alonso can be, specially at his sassy worst (McL/H era) yet his achievements are what they are.
The dude just aint performing, and that's the truth, is not about points, is about how consistently he has been stuck in the last place, I would love to see an american driver actually be good at this sport, the last one we had before him was Rossi with Haas and we all remember the Singapore SC incident when he almost bricked the race for everyone because he didn't knew the rules.
But ont he flipside, Albon... Oh boy, he really showed us today didn't he? I think that being signed by RB is the worst mistake a driver could ever make, because their standard is not a bar, is a whole sculpture, pose included, that you must match to perfection or else you're worthless, once their found Vettel, they wanted every other driver to be just like him, and gave them Vettel's car to measure up isntead of letting them drive their own car, until they found up someone who stepped up, Verstappen, and now is more of the same, anyone who aint him is expendable, and that was the case for Albon, but time after time he has put that paperweight of a car he drives now in places where it shouldn't be, so there has to be something in there right? RIGHT?
Albon would certainly benefit a lot from going to a team where he aint hitting the ceiling since day 1, something with room to grow, every other time when it has been in his hands (except for the australia incident) he has delivered, and he certainly did today, this boy has something, he aint HAM, VES, he certainly aint a VET and totally not an ALO, but he is something, and that something should be given at least the chance, and I hope he gets the chance to go up instead of keep going down, because from what it seems, there aint much down left from here to go to.
Maybe the new regulation change will be kind to him if he stays at Williams, maybe we'll see some phoenix rising type story right here, and I really hope that's the case, because Williams is a Legacy team like Ferrari for a reason, and it is just so painful to see their name associated with such atrocious performances and lackluster appeareance, Pastor Maldonado won with a Willians FFS, it wasnt like the last time Williams was good the years began with a 19
For me, personally, I just don't think I have it in me to sit in my chair for another race and keep hoping Seargeant will improve, that a miracle will happen, that things will get better, I just don't have it anymore, specially not when the season seems to be favouring the little guys, First non dutch anthem weekend by Sainz, Lando's maiden win, cut streak with today's P6.... But I do find myself rooting for the big guy at Williams more and more, I want to see Albon do things, let him cook, boy's a chef if you give him some room.
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venus-haze · 2 years
All Shook Up (Austin!Elvis x Reader) Part 2
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Summary: Your and Elvis’ date doesn’t go as planned, drawing the media attention you were trying to avoid. With the release of your duet following soon after the media circus, the success of the song and increasing tabloid speculation make some people see dollar signs, rather than romance in the air.
Note: The reader can still be read as gender neutral as of this part. Thank you all for the support for the first part of this series! I know I have a million others I’m working on, but this one has been a lot of fun to write. Please do not interact with my blog or posts if you’re under 18 or post ED/thinspo content.
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: None.
Part 1
After Elvis and the Colonel had left, Ray and Jeanne were kind enough to let you rant and rave to them about the nerve he had to make insinuations about you and your personal life. Ray asked you again if you were sure about wanting to collaborate with Elvis, promising he could find you another up-and-coming artist to do the song with you, but, out of spite for the Colonel and genuinely liking Elvis, you remained firm in your choice of a duet partner. 
When Jeanne had brought you back to your apartment later that night, she let you know that your schedule for the following day would be short, with meetings in the afternoon and a promotional radio interview around 4pm. Just as you figured, you’d have the evening free to spend with Elvis.
For once, you had a morning to yourself and savored every moment of sleeping in two extra hours and actually having time to make yourself a nice breakfast. Just as you were about to bring your food out to the balcony, the buzzer for your apartment rang, and the doorman, Bill, informed you of a delivery that had arrived with the morning newspaper. You let him know to send it up, and racked your brain for what could have been sent to you. Sometimes companies would send you free merchandise, hoping for celebrity advertisement, but those usually went to the label’s office.
You opened the door to find a bright bouquet of flowers next to your paper. Bringing both items into your apartment, you set the flowers on the kitchen counter and read the card that was attached.
Dear Y/N, 
Thank you for yesterday. I hope these will do until I see you tonight.
You couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. It was sweet, especially since all you’d done the day before was get a rough version of the song together and talked afterward. You normally didn’t think too much of it when you went on dates with other celebrities, but something about Elvis excited you the way no one else had.
Putting the flowers in a vase, you kept looking at them throughout the morning. When Jeanne stopped by around eleven to get you, she smiled when you told her who they were from. The rest of the day flew by, with your radio interview to end the day. It went well, mostly just some softball questions from a DJ who regularly played your music. When he asked about your upcoming album and hearing about last minute changes being made to it, you teased the collaboration, not explicitly mentioning Elvis, just that you’d be working with a newer artist–someone controversial. You refused to give more details, knowing the mystery would add buzz prior to the song’s announcement.
Ray had gotten the label to agree to make it the lead single for your upcoming album, meaning its success would make or break the album sales as a whole. It still wasn’t officially announced yet, and you knew Ray was spending part of his day getting contracts and scheduling worked out with the Colonel. 
The interview ended, and you made it back to your apartment by five, giving you an hour to get ready for the date. You picked an outfit you knew you looked good in. Sure, you weren’t trying to attract any media attention, but you sure as hell wanted to attract his. After checking over your appearance for what felt like the millionth time, you looked at the clock. It was already a few minutes past six. 
If he had to cancel, you would’ve at least expected him to have the decency to call. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, you waited a few more minutes, and your intercom buzzed. You jumped up to answer it.
“Y/N, Mr. Presley’s here for you.”
“Thanks Bill, let him know I’ll be down in a minute!” 
You made your way downstairs to see Elvis standing near the back entrance of your apartment building, shifting from leg to leg every few seconds.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry I’m late,” Elvis apologized as soon as he saw you. “Things got held up while I was recordin’ for this TV show. I got here as quick as I could.”
“I get it, trust me,” you smiled, giving him a hug. “The flowers were lovely, by the way, thank you.”
He returned the hug, visibly more relaxed. “I’m glad you liked them.” 
“The drive to the restaurant should be quick. I figured it’d be better for us to be driven there than try to go ourselves,” you explained, leading him over to the car that was waiting outside.
Elvis nodded. “Sounds good.”
You hadn’t been lying, the drive to the restaurant was quick, though he spent most of it staring out the window as the bustling city passed by. The place was a real dive, with its exposed brick walls and dim lighting obscured by the cloud of smoke that hung in the air. Everyone seemed to speak only in whispers, the loudest noises being the occasional clinking of wine glasses or scraping of utensils on plates. Even the music was subdued, and Elvis figured this was the kind of place where people went if they wanted to go out but not be seen.
You handed the host a twenty, “The usual table, please.”
“Of course,” he nodded, slipping the bill into his coat pocket. 
Elvis leaned down, whispering to you as the host led you to a secluded table in the back of the restaurant. “You gave him twenty dollars?”
“Why not?” you said, thanking the host as you and Elvis were seated.
A waiter immediately came by with a bottle of complimentary wine, courtesy of the restaurant owner, who waved to you from the kitchen door. You lifted your empty glass in acknowledgement, but noticed Elvis shift uncomfortably as the waiter poured the wine.
“Is everything okay?” you asked, placing your hand on his forearm.
“You know so many people,” he said, mumbling an awkward ‘thanks’ to the waiter when he left to let you two look over your menus.  
“I’ve been at this for a long time.”
"So, got any advice for someone green in the music business?" he asked, a bit of laughter in his voice.
You hesitated to answer with the witty remark he was expecting. You liked Elvis a lot, more than you reasonably should for someone you only just met. You thought back to the musicians you’d befriended only for their fame to be fleeting, drinking and dancing one weekend and disappeared another. Elvis had too much talent to be a one-hit wonder, but his inexperience made him a prime target for anyone looking to make big bucks off of him.
"You have to be careful who you trust. This industry is cutthroat, and there are people who want to take advantage of you, bleed you dry," you said. "When you’re famous, you’re not a person anymore—you’re a commodity. That’s all some people will see until they can’t get anything else out of you."
He nodded slowly, before taking a swig from his glass of wine.
"I’m not saying this to scare you, but you need to look out for yourself."
"I got the Colonel lookin’ out for me. He’s done a lot to help my career already," Elvis said.
You nodded, though that wasn’t what you had said, he needed to look out for himself. As much as you trusted Ray and Jeanne, you liked to look over your contracts and finances every so often, just to be safe. You didn’t like his manager, maybe because he made all those assumptions about you upon your first meeting, but something about him seemed off.
“Speaking of, where’d you tell him you were going tonight, anyway?” you asked.
He grinned. “I didn’t.”
“Sneaking out to see me, I’m flattered,” you giggled.
The rest of the night continued like this, the two of you flirting in the privacy of the restaurant. He went as far as to kiss you while you were waiting for dessert, his lips soft, sweet and flushed from the wine you’d been drinking. 
“Can I take you out again?” he asked softly, his lips hovering just above yours. 
“Yes,” you answered, closing the gap to kiss him yet again.
As the week went on, you and Elvis worked on recording the duet and getting photos taken in preparation for promoting it. You’d spend late nights in the studio together under the guise of working or would call cars to bring you to your secluded dates in dingy bars and restaurants. You loved the thrill of it all, but you especially loved being with Elvis. 
The two of you would call each other at all hours of the day or night, having similar schedules with meetings and interviews. You tried not to think about what would happen when Elvis inevitably left New York to go back to Memphis. He’d admitted to you that the city was overwhelming, but you were the best thing about it. 
When you grabbed the paper the morning that the single was released, you felt like your eyes were going to pop out of your face. While not the headline for the day, prominent bold lettering read The Raunchy Romance of Rockers Y/N and Elvis - EXCLUSIVE on page 6. Frantically flipping to the first page of the story, you were assaulted by photos of you and Elvis on your first date, and your second one, and you bringing him up to your apartment through the back entrance after said second date. 
‘What started as a musical collaboration between the rock n’ rollers became an affair of passion as the two worked closely together. A verified anonymous source told us that Elvis and Y/N have been spending late nights in the studio together. When they’re not sneaking around restaurants and bars like a couple of teenage hoodlums–’
You couldn’t bring yourself to read anything past that. You slammed the front door shut, collapsing onto your couch. They’d been sitting on the story for at least a week and only waited until the single’s release day to publish it. Your own career was one thing, but so many people wanted to see Elvis fail, you’d feel guilty as hell if you played some role in ending it before it began.
The phone rang, and you jumped before hesitantly picking up.
“Hello?” you asked tentatively.
“I don’t know why I keep doubting you, Y/N. You know your stuff when it comes to the charts,” Ray said cheerfully. 
“What are you talking about, Ray?”
“It’s only been out for a few hours, and it’s already number 10. By the end of the week it should be top of the charts–”
“Number 8 now,” you could hear Jeanne shout in the background.
“Shit, by the end of the day even. Congrats.”
“Don’t tell me you haven’t seen the papers Ray? All that stuff about Elvis and me, you aren’t mad?” you asked.
“No, obviously this publicity worked out in your favor, but I’m most concerned about this ‘verified anonymous source’. I’m going to ask both labels to investigate,” he said. “I’m getting more security at your apartment too, since people know there’s a back entrance now.”
You sighed. “Okay, thanks, Ray.”
“Jeanne’s leaving soon to pick you up. The Colonel demanded we squeeze him and Elvis in for a meeting today, so prepare yourself, ‘cause I can imagine he’s not as happy about things as I am.”
“Alright. See you later,” you said.
A headache began throbbing in your temples, and you got aspirin from the kitchen, leaning against the counter as you considered everything. You weren’t sure how long you’d spent lost in your own mind when there was a knock at the door. Shit. Jeanne was here, and you were still in your pajamas. She looked exasperated when you answered the door.
“Y/N, you aren’t even ready to go?” Jeanne asked.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know where my head is today,” you said. “I’ll be a few minutes.”
“You’re worried about Elvis, aren’t you?”
“Do you think I’m stupid to like him so much?”
“If I’m being honest, I like him a lot more than anyone else you’ve dated.”
You nodded, “Thanks, Jeanne.”
Wasting no time getting ready, you were out of your bedroom and heading to the lobby in about fifteen minutes. When you’d walked outside your building, you were shocked at the people holding various newspapers and tabloid publications, asking for your autograph on the stories about you and Elvis. You’d never seen a reaction like this to any of the other relationships the media reported on. People must know it’s true this time.
You were silent on the way to the label’s office, resisting the urge to chew on your nails. You and Elvis had promotional appointments booked through most of the day but depending on how the meeting with the Colonel went, they’d either go smoothly or be the most awkward thing you’d ever experienced. 
As soon as you walked into the conference room, Ray gave you a look that made you know to prepare for the worst. Elvis had a lovesick expression in his eyes as you sat down next to him.
“So, the cat’s out of the bag,” you said, breaking the silence and maintaining a facade of unapologetic confidence.
“Y/N, I told you my boy does not go on dates, and now every media outlet in the country is claiming he’s been canoodling with you for weeks! His image is in shambles because of you!” The Colonel raged.
“Colonel, don’t take this out on Y/N. I was the one who asked ‘em out. It was my decision,” Elvis said.
“Did you not consider your career for a second, my boy?”
“Of course he did,” Ray interjected. “The single’s only been out since this morning, and record stores are already selling out of it. I’m getting calls from radio stations begging Y/N and Elvis to come on for interviews. The public loves celebrity couples.”
The Colonel narrowed his eyes at Ray. “What are you getting at?” 
"We can make this work, for both parties," Ray said. "Lucy and Desi own television. People flock to theaters to see Bacall and Bogart or Leigh and Olivier play out their real life romances on the silver screen. It appeals to the sense of voyeurism, being able to feel like they’re getting an intimate look at something off-limits. Y/N and Elvis can be that for music.”
The room was silent yet again, until the Colonel began nodding in agreement with Ray. “Yes, well, you do make a good point. However, if Elvis and Y/N were to date, whether in reality or for publicity, it would certainly no longer be reported on as ‘raunchy’. You two will be a respectable couple, no sneaking around bars or going up to apartments at 2 o’clock in the morning.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. We wouldn’t have had to sneak around if you weren’t such a pain in the–
“‘Course, Colonel,” Elvis said, taking your hand in his. 
Ray and the Colonel spent the next few minutes crafting an acceptable romantic backstory for you and Elvis, something that would be palatable for most audiences and explain away the late-night rendezvous. It took all of the excitement out of the relationship’s origins, but if it meant you and Elvis could date, you supposed you’d go along with it.
“So, how does that sound?” Ray asked.
“Time to break some hearts with these next few interviews, huh?” you said, looking at Elvis.
He grinned. “Guess so.”
Taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @spideysromanoff
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kazutakas-pinch · 5 months
Sleeping Habits
Yuiji regularly deals with insomnia. If he can't fall asleep, he'll go bug Azuki until he's bored or go on walks in the dead night. It worried his mom when he started doing that as a middle schooler, but she's been ignoring the door creaking open and close at 2am once he graduated to high school.
Entirely depends on his day. Normally, he falls asleep pretty easily and he likes to stick to a regular sleeping schedule even when he doesn't have school because he's naturally so bad at waking up. However, any embarrassing or anxiety-ridden incident will keep him up as the memory runs again and again in his mind.
Hongou knocks out immediately. He'll promise to videocall Mayu, but he'll get too comfy on the couch and accidentally ghost her. He'll lay down on his bed to take a nap and fall asleep with his phone on his face. He's the type of person to wake up with the sun though and doesn't need to use an alarm clock.
Nacchan has a really bad sense of time. She'll tell herself that she's going to sleep at a certain time but will inevitably get distracted by something like a capybara hot springs compilation video or get carried away with crocheting a daisy coaster and have to scramble to brush her teeth and sleep an hour after she was supposed to. Like Yamato, she's also naturally bad waking up, but she has five alarms set to wake herself up. Her brother is a light sleeper and hates them.
Seki usually has a pretty set sleeping schedule and just wakes up with a ring of an alarm on his phone. However, occasionally, he gets really invested in a new video game, and his sleeping schedule will get absolutely demolished. His hyperfixation usually only crests for about a week though before he returns to normalcy.
Mayu has a Type A pre-sleep routine. She has all her steps of skincare to go through and doesn't let herself surf on her phone right before she sleeps. If she ever sleeps through her alarm or goes to sleep accidentally later than she intended, she'll be a bit grumpy for the rest of the day. She definitely relies on caffeine to get through these days.
What is a sleep schedule? Sakura sleeps when he wants and wakes when he wants. He begrudgingly sets an alarm on school days, but other than that, does not abide by any regular schedule. If he's in the middle of a riveting drama, he will sleep when the birds are chirping and wake up at 4pm with no remorse. He hates taking naps though; they give him headaches.
Akiyama is a doomscroller. Social media algorithms have him on lock and he just can't escape scrolling through instagram reels of impressive skateboard tricks, thirst traps, and cute dogs. Miyano had to force him to delete TikTok when it was first released because Akiyama just couldn't escape. Other than staring at a blue screen for a little too much before he sleeps though, Akiyama's got a pretty standard sleep schedule. He'll wake up and sleep regularly for school and wakes up a bit later on his weekends.
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theoryandahalf · 19 days
Hi, how's it going? Is there like an official schedule for what days each channel releases on? I think there is but I haven't noticed/am very dumb. Thanks
Hey friend! You're totally not dumb, Theorist hasn't been consistent lately. The short answer is, there's a schedule, but they break from it frequently. Don't feel bad at all!
The most consist upload schedule is GT Live. They upload Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 4pm PST/ 7pm EST/ 11pm GMT and very rarely deviate from it.
After that, its not as consistent. Usually they will post the theory channels on the weekends, Saturday and Sunday, and if there's any delay in editing, traditionally they post on a Tuesday or Thursday (rare). They even joke about this in one of the endings for Matt's final video. However, since adding Style Theory, I've noticed more and more Film, Food and Style Theory episodes slipping to Tuesday/Thursday postings. This is NOT consistent. I think they're still trying to figure out what works for Food and Style as they've had the most drop off in viewership.
In general:
Game Theory: Almost always Saturdays between 9am-11am PST/12-2 EST/4-6pm GMT Game Theory is always on the weekend unless there was some sort of hideous delay or Matt is going to drop some bombshell on us, which he likes to do on Tuesdays, the jerk.
Film Theory is also usually a weekend upload, and if its on the same day as GT, it will be post around 11am-1pm PST/ 2-4 EST / 6-8pm GMT.
Food Theory and Style Theory are a toss up and if they go up on a Tuesday ...I honestly haven't noticed a consistent timeframe. Usually in the afternoon. Has anyone else noticed a consistent time? I also feel like for the last two Amy episodes Style Theory was posted first, on Saturdays at 9am pst. I think they consider that their prime timeslot.
So in summary...no, you're not silly for missing all this, if anyone is dumb its me, for having all this in my head. Send help.
Late Edit: I forgot to mention, Style Theory is (sometimes) on a bi-monthly schedule meaning they post a video every other week, due to how research heavy those episodes tend to be. Again, its not fixed yet, but if there's a week with no Amy, assume it'll be next week.
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taylorswiftpropaganda · 8 months
Maisie usually releases midnight local time which means I will wake up to TGW Deluxe and binge that until 4pm when 1989tv is released I’m so blessed
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kelmcdonald · 1 year
How is it already April?
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crossposted from my newsletter.
Thanks to everyone who came to Emerald City and stopped by! While I did recover from my sinus infection before going, my throat/voice didn't come back until like a week or 2 ago.
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This month I'm redoing the Fame and Misfortune live reading. If you don't remember, when I did it in February my mic was broken. I have a new mic! So take two of the live reading is happening! Tune into my twitch on April 22nd at noon PST.
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This month is also the release month of The Lizard Prince and Other South American Stories. This is the last Cautionary Fables and Fairytales volume. Iron Circus told me they will get the warehouse at the end of the month. Then it can start going out to backers and stores! 
Also, I want to give a shout out to my pal Matt Wilson's Zoop campaign, Imposter Syndicate. It's about folks who are hired to take over supervillian mantles after a supervillian dies or goes to jail. It has 11 days left to fund. 
Also this month's full moon movie is The Wolf Man, the one for the 40s. If you'd like to join we'll be watching it on April 6th at 4pm PST. Just click here to join the discord.
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As always I'll be streaming art on Twitch. My schedule is currently the following:
Tuesday 8pm-10pm PST
Wednesday 8pm-10pm PST
Thursday 6pm-9pm PST (during the Iron Circus Geekshow)
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March kicked my ass. Between Emerald City and being sick, I had a lot to catch up on. Both from Seven Seas, Iron Circus, and my comics all had a stack of work to finish up. Honestly, I'm kinda depressed about the fact that I still haven't been able to finish Blue Moon. While Spike is understanding about the delays (given that organizing crowdfunds for her is part of the delay), I'm frustrated at the lack of progress. 
I'm also kinda frustrated with my art lately. Last month I mentioned I might have to put You are the Chosen One on hiatus after the current chapter, but I think I might switch to every other week. It's only way I'm gonna have time to push myself on it the way I want. Regardless, I'd rather wait for Chapter 3 to wrap up before making that schedule change. Until then. I'll just be tired I guess.
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But because I don't know any better, I started learning Japanese from Duolingo and Rosetta Stone. I appreciate that they are small enough lessons that I can do them little bit by little bit.  Anyway, while working this is what I've been watching and reading:
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History of the World Part 2 - I basically grew up on Mel Brooks movies. I've seen all his movies before graduating high school. So when Hulu said it was making a History of the World Part 2 series, I had to watch it. I didn't quite know what to expect, but had to check it out. Like many sketch shows, the sketches are hit or miss. But when it's funny it's REALLY funny. Johny Knoxvill plays Rasputin in a jackass parody that shows all the way Rasputin is killed and it's so much funnier than it has any right to be. It's definitely worth a watch if you like Mel Brooks.
Palm Springs - This is another comedy where I didn't know what to expect. Groundhog Day but starring Andy Samberg didn't strike me as super original but the trailer looked funny, so I put it on while drawing. It was not only funny but much more heartfelt than I expected. Andy Samberg's characters starts the movie as having already been in the time loop for a long time. He has to relive a wedding he's a guest at over and over. The movies starts when the sister of the bride gets trapped in the timeloop with him. Having two people in the time loop gives it more interesting dynamic than the usual timeloop story. Both characters' different approach to the timeloop adds push and pull to the relationship. And it is just really funny. 
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Tár - Right before Emerald City Comic Con a youtuber I like, Maggie Mae Fish, made a video about this movie. And how it examines how people abuse power. The basic summary of the movie is Tár is a conductor at the top of her field and she keep abusing her power, mostly to sleep with/date/groom young attractive women that work for her. It's an interesting movie because if it was about a man it would be a cliche. But because Tár is a woman, the movie can focus on the details and specifics of her abuse of power. There is a lot of attention to detail that helps the movie work on another level. I think if I say anything more, then I'd end up getting into spoilers/would basically be writing an essay about it.
Wolf Pack - I thought this was a sequel to MTV's Teen Wolf. And it is not. It has the same show runner and effects team, so it LOOKS like it should be connected to Teen Wolf, but instead it's much more serious. Which is kinda a shame. The show is kinda stiff in its seriousness. There are interesting bits here and there, like all the werewolves only get one werewolf power unless they are all together. But in its attempt to be series, it also tries to throw in one too many twists and then ends the show by taking a sharp turn into ableist messaging. 
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Witch Hat Atelier Volume 1 by Kamome Shirahama - Last month I mentioned I've been listening to the podcast Mangasplaining. This and the next pick are the first of what will probably be several manga I check out based on that podcast. I had been recommended Witch Hat Atelier before and just put it off because time. Mangasplaining reviewing it was the final push I needed. They basically mentioned that magic in this series is 100% a metaphor for art. And appropriately, the art is just so beautiful that it's inspiring. I think it and Ghost Cage were part of what made me think I need to take the time to level up my art.
Delicious in Dungeon by Ryoko Kui - This series I read a bunch of before the pandemic and then the library stopped being up to date on it/interrupted me checking em out regularly. If you aren't familiar, it's about dnd style adventurers exploring a dungeon and experimenting with cooking the monsters they kill (so they don't have to go back for supplies). It's almost over so I went and grabbed the books I hadn't read yet (like 5 I think). This one is really cute and I've liked how the plot has developed from the original premise to something with more complicated.
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Ghost Cage by Nick Dragotta and Caleb Goellner - I picked this up because I know both Nick and Caleb. They had the first few issues at SDCC and I made a note to grab the trade when it's out. The premiss is this little robot guy has to fight personifications of what humans use for power (above is Fossil Fuel). The art is the real star of the show. It looks cool as hell and it is the star of the show. The paneling is really rad and interesting. Like I said with Witch Hat Atelier, it left me inspired to try and up my art.
Backpacking through Bedlam (Book 12 in Incryptid series) by Seanan McGuire - The Incryptid series is about a family of Cryptozoologists. This books picks up right after a semi cliffhanger from the last book. It's kinda hard to talk about it on its own. I liked it but I kinda wish it and the book right before it were one book.
That's everything I've been from me this month. I hope I can get a little more time to focus on stuff.
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queenharumiura · 10 months
Meet the mun. Basics
NAME:  Neo
PRONOUNS:  She/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord > Asks > Replies on posts = Tumblr IM
— three facts
I have an excel document where I keep track of all art that I've purchased/commissioned since 2021 because that's when my huge craze for collecting art from artists I like started. I did this to really put into perspective how bad my 'nochillitis' gets. I've--- spent a lot on dA artists lol. (don't get me started on gacha games)
If anyone knows Prince of Tennis, I have all of the 'Valentine Day Kiss' songs. Wouldn't you know that they keep releasing a new one every year? I collect them!
I don't know how accurate it is because I was doing it in my car and people were walking around so I got nervous but, according to singingcarrots, My lowest singing note is a F#3 and my highest is a D6.
— experience
I believe I've been rp'ing for about 16-17 years? I think only 7 years on tumblr.
— sub-genres
Tbh I don't understand what this means. KHR has a bit of crack humor to it, which appeals to my troll heart. It's easy to do wholesome fluffy things with Haru as well as it is to do angst. IDK if that answers the question.
— plots vs memes
Mmm... so I'm fine with winging threads and seeing where things go, but plotting things out usually does retain attention for both sides. Memes are fun, even if I tend to write them as if they are standalone things. Some memes are fine to be continued- but the drabble ones usually aren't. I do always make sure to specify that somewhere, either in tags or in the response itself.
If I had to say, I have a stronger preference to plots since it's easier to cater things to your muse. Memes are something I throw onto the dash when I have the time or in the mood for it. I don't have the best relationship with the inbox, so I personally don't have a good association with memes in general.
— long or short replies
Depends on the definition. I'm honestly not very good with sentence threads, and I will often slowly veer into paragraph territory. I tried sentence threads before, but that's when I was hit with 2 word responses- which is why it's in my rules to never give me 2 word replies. It became a peeve of mine.
The shortest I can go is probably a paragraph. The longest... I think to date may have been something between 1.5-2k words? I write whatever feels right for me in the moment, and I honestly don't mind however much or little my partner wants to write.
I can however be asked to keep my replies within a certain length (ie 3 paragraphs) and i'll adhere to that. 8)
— best time to write
Any time i'm not distracted with youtube/discord I tend to be more active in the afternoon to late evening hours. As for chatting, I tend to prefer hours 10am-4pm because it feels like it's still early in the day that I can afford to be distracted with conversations. After that, I do try to stay away from discord if I can so I can focus on writing.
If I have nothing to work on, then any hour of the day i'm awake is a good time to talk.
Stole from: @whiskeysmulti
Tagging: I don't tag, but I can if you'd like me to.
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cheezyharu · 4 days
(Originally written at 2am and edited at 4pm- 15/6/24)
You know what I felt kinda funny, so Phigros prediction time.
Since the last 2 updates have been singles, and it takes the game every 3 weeks to update, then typically this next update would be a major one. Phigros also often announce it's update during Sunday (single) or around the same time as their collab game (Arcaea and Phigros collab got announced the same day/Monday, although hours apart) but it must be before Friday- the actual update release date.
Predict 1: Story ch.9, although I'm not fully sure cause ch.8 was teased much longer before the week the update was supposed to be announced, and we're already at the announcement time period.
Predict 2: Collaboration, particularly Chunithm collab pt.2 since 1. Collabs with the same game are usually 6 months apart, and it's been 6 months since Chunithm collab came out and 2. Luminous+ would come out/stream release around Tuesday, the first collab was because Luminous release, so this could be the second one.
Predict 3: idfk Arcaea pt.2? Maimai collab?? Side story 4??? Probably not since ss3 just came out but yeah
Predict 4: Single, which would imply that the first July update would be a major one, which is... ominous but anyways-
... Oh yeah, I'm doing mental gymnastics with this one
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libra-stellium · 2 months
Tracking my Mars transits!
Notes are from Planets in Transit by Robert Hand.
Mars square Jupiter (Mar 31 - Apr 7)
Time of very successful and energetic activity
Low key disappointed by this bc I thought I would get a lot more done but that saturn trine mars transit had me deadddd. I still ended up doing more than usual like going to happy hour!
Keep close track of what you are doing
Real! bc why did my supervisor call me on the phone to ask me what I was working on lmao makes sense bc my jupiter is in my 10H.
You may be infected with an unjustified optimism that anything you do today "will turn to gold" but it will happen through intelligent planning and foresight
The day I went to happy hour (4/5) I told my friend I was good for 4pm bc I could just clock out when I got there bc i had no assignments and tell me why I'm getting ready and I get an email at 2pm like can you edit this brief? omgggg and I texted my friend "I've done more in less time it's whatever" like girl as if this isn't serious work and it went great and I was on time to happy hour! Things keep working out so I will keep acting accordingly lmao
Do not overextend yourself, if you go beyond your normal limits the time will come when you have to pay for this
Thissssssss fml bc at happy hour I had a mango mojito and it was good but too sweet so then I got the espresso martini flight and it was sooo cute and soooo yummy! Except....I barely ate that day and the food at the restaurant was meh so we just shared buffalo chicken dip and when I got home at like 8pm I felt fine and thennnn i could NOT go to sleep bc 3 espresso martinis!! So i had a dance party in my apt to burn off energy and all of a sudden it was 3am and I go to bed and i feel SICK to my fucking stomach I was so bloated I felt lightheaded I got up and not even alka seltzer could save me omg I started doing high knees at 4am bc in my head moving like that would move my intestines lol I went to sleep at 4:30 and then the whole next day I felt sooooo bad but I blamed the eclipse energy lmfaooo (narrator: she did that shit to herself!!")
Jupiter rules your desire to include more of the universe in your own experiences
I was seeing 333 everywhere including on the bar code of a cookie I was eating lol
Mars trine Mars (Apr 4 - Apr 11)
Time of vigorous self assertion, make it clear you are willing to work for what you want
I actually had assignments I liked at work and I wrote a motion from scratch for an attorney and he wanted me to add something in there and I was like the rule doesn't include that tho... so I didn't put it and he added it himself after I turned in my draft and when he sent it to the director for signature the director deleted it LMFAO i was on cloud 9 for dayssss
Energy level is high, physical labor releases it more effectively
Dance parties were my go to! I thought I might tackle my laundry but nope
Mars is an ego-oriented planet and you'll be strongly motivated toward tasks that bring you credit, might be better to work alone
yes! all the assignments I was doing at work were not group assignments and the other attorneys were like "this is so helpful!" My head was getting so big lmao
Greater effectiveness when resuming unfinished projects
One of my assignments was research and I realized I actually did it Aug 2023 and they were asking me the same question lol but then we expanded it and found something we didn't last year!
If you have been trying to do something but have lacked the right opportunity this transit should get it moving, greater self confidence, pushing your own interests is more successful
I had a meeting with my mentor on 4/11 and I told her to put me in contact with someone she knows who works in immigration so I could volunteer bc I'm trying to get experience! But then it was weird bc the person was like okay let's meet at your next mentor meeting.....June 14 like girl why are we waiting so long?? lmao maybe for the best who knows!
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over-the-time-flow · 11 months
So as to have monday’s update be a more “clean” update of just Chapter 2 instead of including the ass end of Chapter 1, i think i’ll release the closing dialogue sequences to Chapter 1 plus mechanics exposition of the Intermission screen tomorrow, at the usual update time (4PM ET, 1PM PT). I hope you’ll be there!
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PlayStation Showcase to unveil Sony's future line-up next week
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Sony has announced it is hosting a PlayStation Showcase online next week to show off upcoming titles for its platforms.
According to the PlayStation Blog, the presentation will air on Wednesday, May 24 at 1pm PT / 4pm ET / 9pm UK, and will feature not only new titles from PlayStation Studios but also announcements from third-party publishers and indie studios.
Games featured will be for both PlayStation 5 and PlayStation VR 2.
The broadcast will be just over an hour long, and be streamed on YouTube and Twitch. The length and choice of 'PlayStation Showcase' over the usual 'State of Play' branding suggest this may be a bigger presentation than usual.
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Sony's Project Leonardo officially named the Access controller
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Sony has shared more details about its PlayStation 5 accessibility controller, previously known as Project Leonardo and now officially named Access.
In a post on the official PlayStation Blog, senior vice president of platform experience Hideaki Nishino shared new images of the controller and its different components. It will include a wide range of swappable button and stick caps of various sizes and shapes so players can create a layout that matches their needs and preferences.
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Overwatch 2 ditches PvE Hero Mode
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In the latest roadmap update for Overwatch 2, its developers said that the title will not receive a PvE hero mode.
Game director Aaron Keller and executive producer Jared Neuss said the decision was for the good of the title and its multiplayer component.
"We made a commitment to always prioritize the live game and all of the people playing it and to devote our development efforts there," said Keller.
The feature was originally announced back at BlizzCon 2019 as a part of the new modes for Overwatch 2. Characters would be reworked for the feature and be given a progression system. Narrative story missions are still on the way.
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Amazon and Embracer partner for new Lord of the Rings MMO
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Amazon is taking a second stab at creating an MMO based on The Lord of the Rings, following the cancellation of a similar project two years ago.
The company announced today that it has reached an agreement with Embracer Group, which owns the series' rights holder Middle-Earth Enterprises, to develop and publish an online multiplayer game based on Tolkien's renowned fantasy work.
The game will be developed by Amazon Games Orange County – the studio behind the retail giant's previous MMO New World – and will be released for PC and consoles. There is no word of a release date at this time.
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BlizzCon is returning in November
Blizzard has announced that BlizzCon will return to the Anaheim Convention Center in California later this year.
The event will take place on November 3-4, with further information including ticketing and competition details set to be announced next month.
“Our players are at the heart of what makes BlizzCon great–a place where games are the common ground for connection and friendship,” Blizzard said on Wednesday.
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Mortal Kombat 1 revealed, launches September 19
NetherRealm Studios has revealed the next title in its legendary fighting game series, Mortal Kombat — As teased in recent weeks, the now officially titled Mortal Kombat 1 will launch September 19, 2023.
A reveal trailer, which follows on from the events of Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath, sees the newly designated Fire God Liu Kang reshaping the universe in a time of glory, peace, and prosperity. But, as we all know, the best-laid plans of mice and men do not always come to pass — And the interdimensional return of the nefarious sorcerer, Shang Tsung, brings about the chaos of war to this seemingly pleasant, and hugely prosperous new era.
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The Expanse: A Telltale Series kicks off with episode one this July
Telltale are ready to release their first new game since their sort-of revival, in collaboration with fellow adventure game experts Deck Nine. Episodic adventure The Expanse: A Telltale Series will debut on July 27th with its first episode, with four more episodes dropping every two weeks - hopefully keeping those water cooler conversations alive. The full game should be available to binge starting from September 21st, 2023.
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Coming Soon to Xbox Game Pass: FIFA 23, Planet of Lana, Railway Empire 2, and More
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FIFA 23 (Console and PC) EA Play
Eastern Exorcist (Console and PC) – May 18
Ghostlore (Console) – May 18
Planet of Lana (Console and PC) – May 23
Cassette Beasts (Console) – May 25
Massive Chalice (Cloud and Console) – May 25
Railway Empire 2 (Cloud, Console, and PC) – May 25
Chicory: A Colorful Tale (Console and PC) – May 30
Leaving on May 31
Europa Universalis (PC)
Evil Genius 2: World Domination (Cloud, Console, and PC)
FIFA 21 (Console and PC) EA Play
Floppy Knights (Cloud, Console, and PC)
Lawn Mowing Simulator (Cloud, Console, and PC)
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Recap for Humble Games Showcase 2023
You can watch the entire show above or take a look each trailer and announcement here
Interview: Visual Concepts on building the perfect team for Lego 2K Drive
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VGV interviewed Creative director Brian Silva and GM Steve Ranck: discussing working with the famous toy company, Forza Horizon’s Lego expansion and more
Read the entire interview here
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wednesday4econlive · 1 year
Change of demand in cinema
Name: Cesar Rodriguez
Student Id:60681008
Discussion time: Wednesday 4pm
Cinema has been one of the biggest forms of media and entertainment especially in the modern age. A big chunk of cinema consumption of the 21st decade has been made up of superhero movies. I personally am into superhero movies and usually watch them when they are released as I did when I was a kid. While the movies were always somewhat popular they were never really the main attraction. You mainly watched the movies if you were already fans of the character featured in the movies and that was the main selling point of the movies. Despite this they were still fairly popular in the 90s with a decent amount of movies being made, despite the levels being inconsistent. The real rise of superhero movies came after 2002 as seen in the graph below.
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Graph by user Sinquel and posted on https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/dlyl6k/number_of_superhero_movies_released_by_year/
As seen after the mass amount of movies in 2000 the supply of movies dropped massively. Then you can see that after the year 2002 the amount of superhero movies started to massively increase and for most of the years reached an excessive amount. The reason for this is for the release of Spider-man(2002) which was a big step for superhero movies and was the highest grossing movie of that year.
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Movie poster for Spider-man posted on imdb website
While I wasn't born yet when the movie was released I remember as a kid I would constantly rewatch the spider-man movies on dvd. As I was growing up I would watch anything related to spider-man and he was obsessed with him. As I grew it I learned that it was responsible for kickstarting the superhero movie campaign and left people wanting more superhero movies. We learned in our economics class that in an equilibrium like the competitive market , once demand for a product(superhero movies) increase we see a higher quantity supplied at a higher price. Movies are a competitive market as they always compete in order to see who can make the best or/and the most successful movie. The figure for an increase of demand in a market equilibrium and its effect, is shown below.
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Screenshot from textbook page 139
The graph shows that since demanded for superhero movies increased there was a higher amount supplied and at a higher price. Technically the movie goers were not being charged more for these movies, but they certainly was more money being made. Instead I like it to represent how much money companies were making. Since demand was higher they were move people attending superhero movies and thus spending more money on merchandise associated with those movies.  Superhero became very successful and so successful that many of the highest grossing movies of the 2010's are in fact superhero movies. The link to a list of the highest grossing movies of the 2010's is https://www.imdb.com/list/ls026040906/ and is created by imdb. As someone who grew up loving this form of media I'm glad to see that it became ever so popular. I remember growing up some people even saw it as something "nerdy", but now it's turn into one of the biggest parts of media. Below I put a picture of my 5th birthday and you can see that its always been a part of my life. Thank you for taking the time to look at my project!!!
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hey guys!! this week’s Battle of the Bands chapter will be pushed back about two hours because of my eddie munson hyperfixation and my watcher Ghost Files hyperfixation overlapping each other, which in turn floods my blog with ghost files and those here for eddie munson might miss the release of the next chapter. So instead of chapter 12 coming out at 4pm (central daylight time), it will be coming out at 6pm (CDT). By doing this it gives me enough time to fixate on Ghost Files and not letting the eddie munson series get pushed to the back burner. And as usual you will be getting a reminder before the next Battle of the Bands chapter comes out! Have a good day everyone!!
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