#atomic samurai headcanons
scary-senpai · 10 months
Once upon a time somebody asked me for romantic headcanons about all the S-Class heroes and I imagined that Atomic Samurai only gifted his SO live plants and never cut flowers. I also jokingly said he probably had a third and then forgot to edit that out in the final draft, lol.
Anyway, this headcanon had no basis in anything except Head Empty No Thoughts just Kenjiro Tsuda gently whispering to houseplants.
It’s weird for a swordsman not to cut things, though, so maybe he (jokingly) replies “I did cut them, I cut straight through the pot, actually, the flowers just haven’t realized it yet” and that’s why King versus A Single Apple is so shocking to him.
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xl0l3czk4x · 1 year
Please give me ideas 🙏
Pretty much what happend if i wanna draw more Atomic Samurai and his disciples fanart comics or ANYTHING but i have 0 ideas of what to make.
So what im asking you to do is just give me some ideas for comics or just your headcanons! (Head canons are the most appreciated)
In short what im doing here is kinda like free commisions they just gatta be about Atomic, Iaian, Kama or Bushi and thats it!(You can allso mention other charaters but the main thing is not supost to be about them)
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foilfreak · 1 year
I’m not saying that Iaian is an irresponsible drinker by any means, but I am saying that u probably don’t last very long as Atomic Samurai’s disciple (much less one of his top ranking ones) unless you have a fairly high alcohol tolerance yourself, one way or another. Just saying
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olinblogin · 4 months
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Probably forgot
Literally has the most elaborate date idea he literally planned out what you two would do at every hour—was quick to agree when you said you just wanted to enjoy each others company without time barriers.
Speed-‘O-Sound Sonic
Didn’t want to do much, just got you some chocolates and maybe a card before you two just ended up falling asleep in each others arms.
Scared the living hell out of you when he snuck up on you. He got a fist to the face before he could even ask to be your valentine. It all worked out but he’s probably gonna be pissy about it the whole time.
Metal Bat
Took you out on a date where his little sister third-wheeled. It wasn’t all that bad because Zenkou would tell you his embarrassing stories and he’d try to hide away from you with shame and embarrassment.
You both relaxed in his apartment and played some video games.
Mumen Rider
He doesn’t have much to spend, you two went on a simple bike ride around the city.
Atomic Samurai
As gruff and cold of a man he seems, he’s got a soft spot for you. He took you to a cat cafe and nearly broke down crying when a cat came up to him and sat on his lap.
Child Emperor (PLATONIC!!!)
Poked you repeatedly with his little mechanical arms like an annoying gnat and threw a handmade origami heart letter to you saying how much he (platonically) loved you
Floated little hearts and flowers your way until you were practically swamped with them. She liked to watch you struggle to know where what to do with all of these and where to put them.
Pulled you towards her w telekinesis and demanded you went on a date
Sweet Mask
Shockingly enough you two went on a private date, he didn’t want to be bothered with his sweetheart.
Flashy Flash
He didn’t get you a valentine; he thinks it’s a stupid tradition
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burunetto-mx · 2 years
Holaa! Si es posible quisiera pedir headcanons para Zombieman, Iaian y Garou de como serían como padres, cuantos hijos les gustaría tener, alguna preferencia de género, etc.
Me emocioné mucho cuando descubrí tu blog. Hace tiempo que no veo a alguien escribir para OPM. Gracias y mucha suerte!! ^^
ϟ  Various characters+ Headcanons + ONE PUNCH MAN
✦ Hi, I love this idea, I'm so glad you like my blog, please make more requests I get excited when I read them jsjsjs. Here are their headcanons, I hope you like them.
➝ Character: Zombieman, Laian and Garou, ➝ Warning: fluff, father, monsters, heroes, father and son, fatherly love, family. ➝ Language: English. ➝ Words: ✦ IMPORTANT: I ​​don't speak English, only half; I use a translator, if some words are misspelled, I'm sorry.
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ϟ Zombieman:
⌗ It would be a father who would not show much affection to his children, but it does not mean that he loves them. On the contrary, he adores his children, but it's just not his thing to get so sentimental.
⌗ I would have between 1 or 2 children at most. Having many children could make you have a headache throughout the day.
⌗ Would like to have the couple, boy and girl. Although he really wouldn't mind if they were both boys or girls. He's going to love them the same way.
⌗ He would not be a pampering father at all, he would make his children fight to earn things, that they learn to obtain everything in a not so easy way.
⌗ He would stay away from them when he was smoking, he doesn't want to set a bad example for his little kids. He would do the same if he was drinking, they are too young to see their father like that.
⌗ He would tell them the story (not explicitly) about how he defeated many monsters and about his work as a hero. Just like how he met his mother.
⌗ He would not be overprotective with his children, if they hit them, it's good they will learn.
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ϟ Iaian:
⌗ Just like zombieman would choose to have two children, the difference is that he would prefer to have girls. The reason? It would be something consenting with both. But he wouldn't mind having children.
⌗ He would train his children with the arts of the sword, he wants them to know how to defend themselves and what better way being the sword.
⌗ He would take his children very often with Atomic Samurai, he wants them to live with a very important person for him, he would also be very happy that his teacher loved his little ones.
⌗ Also if I were to train them, I would be strict with the training. They would be his disciples.
⌗ Although he has a serious face on many occasions, when he was with his children he would not stop smiling, he would be full of joy when he saw them, for that reason he fought every day to keep them safe.
⌗ He would not tell his children many of his fights, he prefers to tell other kinds of things, such as children's stories.
⌗ It would be very overprotective with your children if they see something that we do not think.
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ϟ Garou:
⌗ Boys or girls? He doesn't care, he just wants his children to share an ideal, which the monsters also feel. (I may adopt Tareo).
⌗ You would like to have 3 children or even have 4 little ones. It seems that he can't stand children, because he is the one with the most material to be a father.
⌗ He would educate them with his same ideals, that monsters also have feelings and fight for a purpose, which is not always selfish.
⌗ He would train his children to defend themselves and that no one would bother them, he would make them strong so that they would not leave anyone or anything. When he is not there they will have to defend themselves.
⌗ Silver Fang would meet his disciple's children, but not because Garou wanted to, but rather as the mother of the hero hunter's children, he would think it would be a good thing. And yes, everyone was delighted, but it is a secret.
⌗ If your children were afraid of the dark, at first they would play tough, but in the end they would stay with their little one.
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candycandy00 · 2 years
Can I have some headcanons on the kinds of movies the League like best?
There are two types of movies he enjoys best: schlocky action-sci-fi stuff and movies about dogs. Think the Alien or Predator movies, plus something like Homeward Bound.
Kaiju, or just general creature features. I see him really liking Godzilla. Maybe as a kid he pretended his flames were Godzilla’s atomic flame breath. But he could get into a good werewolf flick too.
Mr. Compress:
Musicals, mainly. Anything with a big, elaborate production would entertain him though. I see him liking period dramas as well. Costume-heavy movies would be right up his alley.
She would definitely like slasher movies! The gorier the better. She’d also like sappy romance films too, meaning movie night with her would give you whiplash.
I feel like he probably has a fairly large collection of martial arts films, samurai films, things like that. He probably likes movies based on video games or light novels/manga/etc. as well.
On any given day, his favorite type is either comedies or gangster movies. But he can enjoy just about any genre. He’s probably the least picky about movies. Still, if he gets to choose, it’s most likely going to be something funny.
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beileil · 10 months
WIP folder thing... Atoia Day 7 - Outclassed ?
(WIP folder ask game)
Certainly! I ended up publishing three fics for Atoiaweek 2022, specifically using the Day 1/2, Day 4, and Day 6 prompts. The Day 7 prompts were: AU/Free Day; distractable/excited; and "I didn't expect to see you here, that's all." Outclassed is the story I started writing for the Day 7 prompts but never finished. Unlike the other Atoiaweek fics I wrote, this one is multichapter. The doc is something like 10,000 words at this point. And yet! In that 10,000 words, I could not come up with an actual plot. 😅
Outclassed is a high school AU, but instead of focusing on the students, it follows the teachers. Kamikaze is a chemistry teacher starting his 10th year of teaching at City M North High School. (I wrote him as a chemistry professor in Chemical Reactions, too. Like for some reason I just find the idea of a guy called Atomic Samurai having a PhD in chemistry to be really funny and I will get as much mileage out of this dumb headcanon as I can.) Iaian, in this fic, is the brand new World History teacher, replacing Bang, who has retired. (Kamikaze makes a joke that Bang will be hard to replace because he's "old enough to have been around since the beginning of the world's history.") Kamikaze and Iaian have a meet-ugly where Kamikaze mistakes him for a student. (Though he does have the passing thought that wow, kids these days look so much older and world-weary than I was in school.) The next day when Kama introduces them in the teachers lounge, he has a Gay Panic Attack.
The first part of the story is a lot of 1)Kamikaze denying that he has a crush on Iaian and 2)Iaian initially being kind of cold to him but eventually warming up enough to start asking his advice on how to handle his students. Kamikaze is widely respected and well-liked by students and staff, and Iaian is....well. He's fresh out of college and barely older than the senior students, so he's overcompensating.
Eventually there's going to be a side plot about them sponsoring a kendo club together, but I haven't worked out the details of it.
Other teachers and staff include: Bushi (math), Kama (drama and public speaking), King (computer programming), Saitama (higher level math), [Tanktop] Master (gym and sports coach), Darkshine (weight training), Dr. Genus (biology), Mumen Rider (guidance counselor), Blast (principal...though he's seen so rarely that he's more of an urban legend to the students), and Tatsumaki (vice principal and the one who actually runs things). Maybe others as the story progresses. Bushi and Kama are of course married. Tatsumaki and King get a bit of a ship tease, as do Mumen and Tanktop Master (though honestly the latter could be seen as bromance).
There aren't that many teenagers in OPM so I took some liberties on who the students are. There's obviously the Shitty Teen Squad - Genos, Badd, and Garou - as seniors. Genos had to repeat his sophomore year due to a serious accident he got into, so he's a year older than his peers, but he's super smart and expected to be valedictorian. Badd is the star athlete on the football and baseball teams. Garou is the school's most infamous bully, though in recent years he's calmed down and now only beats up the other bullies. He's got a bit of a cult following among the freshmen. (There's a teensy bit of Batarou in the background. Though I don't really ship it, the scene where Garou asks Badd to prom was oddly one of the most fun to write!) Lily is a sophomore and in the very beginning of the story. Isamu and Zenko are freshmen. I'll share the scene with Zenko, because it's also one of my favorites.
Other fun things:
The school's mascot is the Watchdogs. The student in the mascot costume is very dedicated.
Bushi and Kamikaze are bffs and were in kendo club together when they were in high school.
Kama and Iaian, same thing, though they were a couple years apart.
Kama and Kamikaze are co-sponsors for the LGBT club.
The Shitty Teen Squad became friends in Kamikaze's class during their sophomore year, when there were an odd number of students for lab partners and they were forced to make a group of three. No one really understands this friendship.
Literally everyone, including the Shitty Teen Squad, likes to tease Kamikaze about his crush on Iaian.
Genos has a crush on Saitama, so he really has no room to judge.
Blast's son, Blue, goes to a rival high school because he doesn't want to deal with his dad as principal.
It's implied that the band teacher is Homeless Emperor and that he lives in the school.
Pig God is a cafeteria worker and everyone loves him.
Snippet under the cut quoted below (because the "keep reading" option keeps fucking up). This is a scene that takes place after Iaian starts warming up to Kamikaze and asks his advice. During one of his planning periods, Kamikaze decides to sit it on one of Iaian's classes to see what his teaching style is like. It's an honors class so the freshmen are well-behaved, but seem kind of bored.
A girl with short, jet-black hair held back in barrettes sighed heavily. She looked familiar, but all of Kamikaze’s classes were sophomore level or above, so it wouldn’t be because she was one of his students. Iaian stopped writing and turned around to regard her with a curious look. “Something wrong, Zenko?” That’s why she looks familiar! Kamikaze mused. Her older brother Badd never shut up about how proud he was of her. It was one of his few redeeming qualities. Kamikaze was a little excited to meet the famous Zenko. She was far better behaved than her rowdy sibling. “No, it’s just…” started Zenko. She seemed like she was trying to find the words to accurately explain her issue. “Like, were there any interesting women in history? And I don't mean the ones that have one sentence in the textbook that just say they were so-and-so's wife. It seems like all we talk about is men starting wars and signing treaties and starting more wars. It’s kind of boring.” A couple other girls nodded in agreement. Kamikaze smirked. He liked Zenko already. He did feel a little bad for Iaian, though. Hopefully he didn’t take her jab personally. Iaian raised his eyebrows and stood stunned for a moment. Then, his lips twitched upward into a huge grin. Well, that was interesting. He almost seemed excited at the callout. “Of course,” he said. “There were tons of badass women warriors throughout history. Unfortunately they tend to get overshadowed by their male counterparts…” He grinned wider at Zenko. “You want to learn about some?” The classroom instantly got more animated. The students’ faces lit up, especially the girls, although some of the boys seemed to perk up as well. “Yeah!” exclaimed a few of the kids, Zenko leading the charge. “Okay, well, we’re supposed to finish up this unit on the Habsburg Empire-” A couple of students groaned. “-but I’ll write up a quick summary of it next class,” Iaian finished, waving his hand dismissively. He hopped up to sit on the desk and folded his hands on his lap, i.e. The Cool Teacher Stance. Kamikaze was a little jealous. He didn’t master The Cool Teacher Stance until his second year.  “Alright, since we’re already talking about Spain, let’s start with the Order of the Hatchet. They’re one of my favorites. So, the Order of the Hatchet was an all-female order of militants in the 12th century that we’d now refer to as knights…” Kamikaze settled back in his chair, abandoning the papers he’d been grading so he could listen to Iaian. He couldn’t stop smiling. He had been worried about his junior colleague, but as he watched him now, waving his hands excitedly as he lectured (no, not lectured—told a story), his students now fully engaged, Kamikaze knew that Iaian would be just fine. As he found himself falling for the blond, he wasn’t sure if he could say the same for himself.
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cuddlyscribe · 3 years
So glad to see that your askbox is open! Can I have hcs for Atomic Samurai, Metal Bat & Saitama on how they comfort their chubby fem!s/o who feels insecure about their stretch marks inside their thighs ?
of course!! we love our opm boys, hope you enjoy!
tag list (DM me to join!) ➜ @dahlias-love @simply-trash5 @clemmywrites @arysha-brs @gera-gera-chan @helloyellowsheeps 
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Atomic can feel that you are uneasy about something right away, though he doesn't know what about
He's known you a long time and can sense these things rather quickly
You attempt to hide your unhappiness by distracting him with the hilarious television show that's on!
But he gently takes your hand, looks at you and calmly asks what is bothering you
Atomic won't pressure you, he'd never dream of it. But he knows when something is wrong and he wants to make it better
When you tentatively admit that you are insecure of your stretch marks inside your thighs, he doesn't change his expression
He doesn't want to make it a big scene in case that would embarrass you, so he just raises your hand to his mouth and kisses it ever so gently
He reminds you that you are perfection personified in his eyes, that every inch of your body is gorgeous
That includes stretch marks!
And he is very much ready to prove it to you, too ;D
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Oh gosh Metal Bat is a lot more dramatic and theatrical about the whole endeavor 🤣
He opts to try and make you smile as much as possible to remind you how beautiful you are to him
While he might not seem like he's very observant (he usually isn't LOL) when it comes to you, he notices even the smallest of changes
He isn't afraid to quietly ask you if you're okay, and if something is bothering you
He makes it really easy to open up to him, because he's neither daunting nor disingenuous. He makes it clear it's just you and him here, and there's nothing to fear
You candidly open up about your insecurity pertaining to your stretch marks
Metal Bat just jumps up and takes you with him, holding you close and giving you this dramatic kiss
He excitedly tells you how much he loves your stretch marks! That he loves to trace them and how he adores when it tickles you
He makes it abundantly clear that your stretch marks are nothing to be insecure about, that they make you you and that is beauty in itself
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Smooth. Bastard
You're sitting on the couch one night, catching your guys' favorite movie marathon before you head to sleep
Saitama, being all touchy as he is, slowly rests a hand on your thigh
As he moves his fingers closer inward, he watches your reaction closely and notices your discomfort
You pull your thigh away slowly, as if you're trying not to make him upset
Immediately he turns to you and gives you a concerned look, as you had never shrunk from his touch before. He's worried that he has made you uncomfortable in any way
He asks if you are alright, if he made you feel unsafe. When you shake your head profusely, he sighs a bit of relief. Saitama was genuinely terrified he had violated a boundary of yours
Upon realizing that wasn't the issue, he prods a bit further and asks what it was that made you shrink from his touch
You quietly inform him that you're insecure about your stretch marks, especially the ones on your thighs
With a small smile on his lips, he ever so gently places a hand on your inner thigh and traces the marks
He speaks honestly about how he loves them, and that they are nothing to be ashamed of. Stretch marks are completely natural, and they do not detract from your worth (or your beauty in his eyes)
And if you know Saitama, he's gonna spend the rest of the night (and early morning) reminding you of it
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suzloo · 3 years
Can you do some Iaian rut headcanons??
Fo sho
Iaian Rut Headcanons
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(NSFW under cut)
- Iaian is a man with incredible self control
- Atomic Samurai trained him and Okamaitachi on how to control themselves when they're having their ruts. Atomic Samurai thinks that having ruts shouldn't be enough to stop you from doing your job and since Iaian follows his word like gospel, he ultimately believes it too, even though it causes him to dread his upcoming ruts because he knows that he won't be able to get any release.
- That being said, if Iai has an omega S/O he's ultimately relieved.
- He doesn't have to pretend that he has self control, he finally can enjoy his ruts, let YEARS of pent up tension out. No sitting in dark rooms meditating, no training through his ruts, he can finally let it out.
- Iaian is very rough and aggressive with his ruts since he's had to repress himself for such a long time. He's leaving marks all over his omega, biting their collarbone and neck, digging his nails into their sides, making them scream his name until their throat is hoarse, as he growls at his omega to take his knot like the good little omega they are, to let him fill them with his pups, until they're full and leaking. His knot inflates inside of them, finally giving him his long awaited release, though he might want to go a few extra rounds, just to make sure he's completely satisfied.
- Iaian also make sure to wear some sort of protection during his rut or to always keep Plan B pills to give to his omega. Sure, during his rut, his mind shifts and he wants to fill his omega with his pups but when he's rational again, he realizes that he can't have pups, not now at least. He has a goal to see through and is too busy training under his master. He simply can't take care of a pregnant omega or a pup at this time but he'd be more open to it in the future.
- After his rut, he's more relaxed and calm. He's less tense than he used to be and there's even a better performance in his hero work. He'd actually look forward to his next rut instead of dreading it.
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aforrestofstuff · 3 years
Been thinking about my Atomic Samurai headcanons lately.
I love the idea of Kamikaze lowkey being rich as hell because he hasn’t paid a bill in his entire life (the land he lives on has been passed down for generations through his family; even though I headcanon him as an orphan, he’s been the sole proprietor since age 18, and didn’t actually move there until his teacher had passed away) and is heir to a fortune about as old as feudal Japan. I highly doubt he knows how much money he’s actually worth. There’s gold bars in a safe in his basement, but he still buys the lean cuts of fish at the supermarket and doesn’t let Iaian drive anything more expensive than an Altima. He spends most of his downtime watering his daisies, fishing, and growing wheatgrass to drink with water—because although his money is hereditary, so is his spherocytosis.
In terms of pre-Association origin story… as I said, I think he’s an orphan. His mother died at birth. He grew up on the land he currently lives on, raising chickens and running around barefoot until age ten when his father was bludgeoned by bandits after their wealth, even though his family was always modest and never flaunted it. He was picked up and raised by his teacher, and subsequently taught the way of the sword. Said teacher was then killed in battle while Kamikaze was in his mid-twenties. He invented his Atomic Slash technique on his journey to avenge him, and was then inducted into the Council of Swordmasters in his teacher’s stead as his prized disciple and the youngest member to ever join.
I also headcanon Iaian as an orphan, and the reason Kamikaze took him in was because he saw so much of himself in that kid. They’re basically the same person in different stages of life. Kamikaze was as serious as Iaian is now, just as eager to become the best. I JUST THINK THEYRE NEAT. FUCK.
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scary-senpai · 2 years
loved your atomic samurai romantic headcanons, was wondering if you had anymore? :)
Ahhh splendid & kindly anon, thank you for this note! I’m sorry it took me some time to get back to you. My latest writing project has been eating up an exorbitant amount of brain space. So, please take this Bugs Bunny as a token of apology:
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(I don't think I've ever not answered an ask, but it sometimes takes me a week or two. I try to stay on top of things to the extent that I can, but I'm kind of a perfectionist so I'd rather take extra time and answer well than risk responding with my Chaos Brain....) Anyway, this was a joy to think about! Thank you <3 I must confess that Kenjiro Tsuda is one of my favorite voice actors, and I tend to combine headcanons for Nanami and AS because… ah, that voice, I can’t help myself! I mean, um, they have similar through-lines: capable men with rough exteriors and an obvious soft spot.
Also, I must confess, being ace my romantic headcanons look a little difference than most people , and of all the headcanons included with the S-Class ask, AS was perhaps the most risqué. And, funny thing, the two lines I meant to edit out somehow made it into the final draft even though they were a little out of character for me. I think I went back and slipped that confession into the tags:
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Oh well… if they brought you joy, then it’s worth it! Anyway, I got a little help from my Senpai and he got way more into it than I would have expected a straight dude to get (good for him!) I think this speaks to AS’s irrepressible panache.
Morning cuddles… stubble… that voice, deep and raspy with sleep… warm, sturdy arms around you... I would probably never get out of bed.
He smells good. Really good. Like, manly but sophisticated. An enchanting mix of smoke and sandalwood, with the undertone of something delicately floral… anyway. He insists he doesn’t do anything special but it’s obviously expensive cologne. Probably custom made.
He doesn’t wine-and-dine you, because he’s really into artisanal spirits. I want to say gin (because it’s clean and cutting) but I could also see something smokier like whisky or mezcal, something earthy but refined in its own way.
He’s got a goofy side. He loves to make terrible puns (usually dirty ones) and everyone just… lets him get away with it? Because he’s got such a good poker face, most people just write it off as a Freudian slip. I’ve actually drafted a scene where he manages to de-rail an S-Class meeting this way.
Has a bad habit of heckling comedians and tour guides; usually gets away with it. I wrote one scene where Mumen Rider tries standup and AS pointedly tells him “Don’t quit your day job.”
Weirdly good with kids! Always ends up “accidentally” babysitting for friends and neighbors, and allegedly has no idea how this came about. He’s definitely the cool uncle, but (let’s be real) he’s a little intimidating, and it’s not hard for him to keep the little tykes in line. If he says “Those crayons had better be out of your nose by the time I count to five,” the problem is solved before the countdown even begins.
He’s not a “seasoned” cook (no pun intended), but he’s got two or three simple, signature dishes that he does really well. They are, coincidentally, kid friendly. One of these “house specials” probably happens to be pizza bagels.
Speaking of father figures… His disciples are forever showing up for impromptu movie nights, monopoly tournaments, or just to talk. Sometimes it feels like you've stumbled into your own sitcom.
Deep down, he doubts his paternal abilities even though all evidence suggests otherwise. He’s probably got some unresolved issues in that sense, but good luck getting that out of him. But that in itself speaks volumes; you’ve never met his biological family.
There’s likely some commitment issues too—if not from leftover emotional baggage, but from his unspoken understanding that being a hero comes with inherent risks, and he’s not afraid to give everything he has while in the line of duty, up to (and including) his life. He’s no Sekinger—you’re not going to find any middle ground with him on this. (This is where John and I got a little silly.)
Does his best to remember table manners, but always forgets which utensils to use. You keep telling him it’s always smallest to largest, left to right, but he really distrusts teaspoons for some reason. Or maybe he is well aware of conventional etiquette, he just likes the face you make when he reaches for the biggest fork because size matters that must be the most important one.
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ismeborax · 2 years
atomic/iaian headcanons nobody asks
i feel like their relationship is somewhat casual, simple at first. if they wanna take things further they would do it slowly. at least its from iai's parts. sometimes he's careful about what he wants in their relationship, especially with showing affections towards the older man. he doesnt wanna get too far, although kamikaze welcomes every affectionate moves from him.
kamikaze would be understanding about iai's feelings. he would tell iai to relax and go with the flow. he wouldnt force iai to do something he hasnt done before. well maybe encourages him, but he'd do it with ppatience and very gently. its kinda different with how he teaches iaian in the field of their training. its rather firm and assertive. but not in their relationship.
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Random headcanons for Zombieman and Atomic Samurai
These aren't romantic, its just some headcanons I have for these old men that just won't leave my head!!!! lmao
- doesn't have any memories of a life before he was in the House of Evolution. I’d like to think the whole genetic modification process wiped his brain clean n smooth
- he wasn't very worried about it though, took it in stride to build a whole new him
- when he escaped he realised he didn't actually know what he wanted to do with himself, and wandered around, watching snippets of tv shows from the windows of shops and houses. A recurring children's tv show featuring a cool and aloof noir detective is what he ended up seeing the most, and it was a great inspiration for his later aesthetic
- has obviously no actual detective training or experience but he's not going to admit that to anyone
- he only has 2 sets of pants that he rips on the regular, and has taught himself how to sew just to save money
- being “on the run” after escaping the House has given him a very bare essential mindset, so he’s really on about keeping very few things with him, and always conserving money and resources
- even so, he spends a god awful amount of money drinking expensive coffee and has not much left over to buy new pants (someone teach him how to budget his finances please)
- before he joined the Heroes Association he managed to get a part time job at a travelling carnival as one of their scare actors
- weirdly serious about looking the part, so he actually maimed himself so that he could have a knife in his head and actual blood on him
- has traumatised many, many carnival goers, kids and adults both because of it
- his bosses loved him though and were sad to see him go
- his experience working at the carnival has made him fond of kids though
Atomic Samurai
- got his ass handed to him the first time he met Bang and has respected him ever since
- he lives in a totally normal apartment but decked out the inside to look like a replica of a traditional japanese house
- we’re talking fake wood paneling on every flat surface, breaking down walls for new sliding paper doors, the WHOLE works
- he just likes the aesthetic but doesn't actually want to live in a house because he prefers the compact apartment space
- yet he’s got some pretty high tech stuff like smart locks, and a tv he can use voice commands for
- he prefers it because he actually loses his keys SO often and despite how he looks he’s p tech savvy
- mans would die by his aesthetic. Dedicated af
- he used to dress in like modern clothes, but switched to the samurai look daily to match his vibe as a hero
- sewed on the atomic decal on his cape himself
- when he showed it to his disciples they were too nice to say what they really thought LOL
- he pushed his disciples to get their own ‘hero costumes’ as well
- Bushidrill was inspired to dress similarly following his master, Iaian, being a responsible adult, chose something that would protect him in battle, and Okamaitachi said no <3 to any hero costumes
- takes him like an hour every morning to do his hair
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I know I dont write for him but imagine Atomic Samurai playing Beat Saber.
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foilfreak · 3 years
I like to imagine that Genos and Iai have the kind of friendship where, when they first meet, they’re very polite and cordial with one another at first, not in an insincere way or anything, but they both tend to be very formal people by default, and so that’s just kind of how they act around other people, especially ones they don’t know very well. As time passes and they spend more and more time together however, the formalities drop, the honorifics become more casual, they start being more open and teasing, and that just continues to progress even further as time goes on, so by the time their first anniversary of being friends rolls around, they’ve gotten to the point where they literally know each others’ deepest darkest secrets (like Iai knows things about Genos that even Saitama doesn’t know about kind of shit) and they insult/call each other derogatory names whenever the other does something dumb (but in an affectionate way that they both think is hilarious and don’t take seriously at all). People are astonished when they find out that iai and genos are actually friends because they insult and make fun of each other so much that people just assumed that they must hate each other, when that couldn’t be further from the truth.
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peachesncreampies · 4 years
S-class hero’s and how they eat pussy in no paticular order
Superalloy darkshine: not often but will do it on special occasions. More likely to do it if their partner is well groomed and doesn’t have a funky taste. Ladies if you want him between your legs drink some pineapple juice
Flashy Flash: he doesn’t like the mess it makes, and he won’t do it again if you squirt and it gets in his hair. Fortunately, he’s good at it, unfortunately he won’t let you finish on his face. Would rather you cum on his dick.
Watchdog man: ??? i’m convinced he’s asexual i’m sorry. will not eat you out. will not have sex with you.
zombieman: wants you to ride his face, swipe his nose like a credit card. really likes it when you grind on his face. will pull you down by your thighs till he can’t breathe. Once died with you riding his face. he came back and creamed his pants.
drive knight: you can grind on those face slits sure... but that’s all you can do... but like he has an adjustable dick so i’d stick to that.
genos: he doesn’t need to breathe. Will tongue fuck you. he has to look up how to do it, and he takes notes on what you like in bed. He has a notebook. He’s eager that’s for sure. Kind of your only option because he’s to embarrassed to ask the good doctor for a dick.
tatsumaki: fingers you while she does it. This girl has you cumming in minutes. A+. Only downside is she does it till you squirt. Has a serious overstimulation kink.
Atomic samurai: if he can find a comfortable position to do it in without killing his back. He’s old okay? but if you prop your back against the headboard he’ll lie down between your legs and go to town. When he gave Iaian the talk he litterally told him “real samurai eat pussy”.
Tank top master: prides himself in his pussy eating skills. honestly he’s average but you don’t need to fake your orgasm. On the other hand he knows how to fuck you with his hands. those fingers are thick.
Metal knight: bofoi is a coward and refuses to place his face between your legs. But he doesn’t like the idea of giving or receiving oral sex so he’s not a hypocrite at least.
King: is a simp but he sucks at it. ask him to learn and he will, then will wipe his internet history. gets better with time. Moans on your pussy. once he figures out how he looks up at you with those eyes and you just melt on his tongue.
metal bat: also a simp. Eats you out when ever he has the chance. is a god at it, for some reason. prefers to suck on your clit and finger you that actually tongue fuck you. leaves hickeys on your thighs.
puri puri prisoner: exclusively eats ass
Edit: if you can get this too 75 notes I'll make a poll about who you want me to write a scenario about.
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