#atsushi shindo
temporarilyunstable · 4 months
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Shared our thoughts about the novel and had a good time! If you'd like to listen, check out the recording below! 😍
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artsykitty764 · 2 years
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one of the best ash songs. atsushi shindo my beloved (10/18/21)
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gj340 · 2 years
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this song may be unused, but regardless, it’s still a bop.
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lovegenom · 1 year
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lemonadesour33 · 2 years
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psychopasss4 · 4 months
PPP Novel is out❣️
...just in time for the Lunar New Year Eve, Feb. 9th. 🎉
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Noitamina Shop will hold Arata Shindo-kun's bday campaign and at the same time promotes the PPP novel sale 🥂🥳.
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Have you already prepared dried persimmons? 🤗 You know, in ancient times people used to wind-hang outside Hoshigaki, thus the Japanese lantern shape we know about today were taken from. 📸 Google Images.
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Quick Review:
During the premier of PPP movie before the Global launch, fans kept asking Dir. Shiotani about
The meaning of empty liquor bottle in Kogami's desk.
Why Kogami removed his jacket during his balcony scene
And his answer were simple. Kogami didn't know the difference of wearing it inside or outside. At first, I thought it was some kind of a funny little joke, or I didn't understand the words full well (I'm not a full-bred Japanese though I studied Nihonggo way back in grade school).
But if you read the PPP novel, you will realize Kogami isn't fully adjusted from his traumatic experiences as a mercenary overseas 🤧. So he doesn't feel how to act just as he used to when he's back.
And ofcourse, we all know he and Saiga only emptied the liquor after long hours of chatting and Tonami profiling.
2. It's interesting that the writing team have taken the pulse of the fans during the Q&A session, thus some points in PPP novel is what we might've expect after all 🤭.
3. Some may say it's nothing new. As it seems the writing team pretty much remain loyal to the movie summary. But if you read between the lines, you realize how it is a bit forgiving & fan-serving, compare to the movie itself 👍🏻.
4. The locations...last minute alterations... 😆😂.
5. And ofcourse the last time Akane spent with Saiga on his detention cell 😭. She literally blame herself for asking him to come to them on Dejima in MoFA's HQ to retrieve the Stronskaya Papers a day after. Which we all know ended tragically.
6. She pulls the trigger. She question the justice. Which quotes the same kind of line from PP3 novel when she's writing her thoughts down in an analogue typewriter. From that scene she thought of Kogami's action and how Sybil judged him for that.
But in PPP novel, no doubt she puts into consideration the life of Atsushi Shindo and how he was used as a pawn, only to be a master pawn who puppets the life of another pawn like what happened to Akira Ignatov.
Aswell as Akira Ignatov's sacrifice. He volunteered to be a puppet for the sake of the future generation. For the sake of his brother in particular 😢😓😓😢.
7. Frede-chan's holding back and being indecisive to keep the truth about the mission to Kogami. Is like keeping her phone number to her crush 😹🤭. Sure, she's just conscious how would Kou-chan would react since she knows Saiga and him are pretty close 😮‍💨.
8. The writing team did a pretty good job by staying true to their plot work. They know what they're doing. As if taken up some piece of advice from Gege Akutami 😅😂.
9. The last scene is pretty much heart-aching but well executed 😘🤌🏻❤️
10. The General was a medical AI but I wonder if the creator of Sybil also created that?... how about BiFrost? Oh hello, Season 4! We're waving at you ☺️😀!
11. Many hate Akane for trying to control Kogami, again?! Let me get this straight, SHE ISN'T CONTROLLING ANYONE!
There's a MASSIVE difference when he a.) first pulled the trigger against Makishima (out of revenge) and when he b.) pulls that against Tonami.
Akane knows it best.
a) She doesn't want him to be a person swallowed by revenge like Sasuke (Naruto).
b) She hopes Kogami is back for the better but instead he acted again with his animal instinct which indicates he can still be easily outplayed by emotions instead of not letting it get the human out of him.
Akane still looks up to Kogami. She knows he was labeled as a latent criminal by Sybil. But the way Kou acted is like proving to Sybil that their labeling of him as latent criminal was right. And if there's one thing Akane isn't fond of, that is proving Sybil right.
So it's not about Kogami. It's about her campaign against Sybil's false and unfair judgement! So don't mock her! 😖
Lastly, PPP novel is enjoyable because a lot of fans are exerting efforts to translate it to English for fans abroad. Kudos to you all❣️
Not everyone have the time, capacity and dedication you've spent. Including me, I'm not good in translation. So thank you. You are the heart of PSYCHO-PASS franchise global expansion ❤️🥰.
End of Review.
Okay, so that wasn't a quick one 😋 sorry about that. I just hope you guys have a wonderful day. Have fun and enjoy everything that you do!
Meanwhile, the original crew of PP1 are in their podcast discussing how the series have been progressing so far 😋😂
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Nah! It's just a trace sketch of CD Discussion Vol. 1
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pan-gya · 9 months
i can't even imagine how insane akane must seem to arata
like, imagine your dad arrives late to your best friend's wedding with some random lady you've never seen before in your life and then proceeds to only talk to her for the entirety of wedding and then goes off to kill himself and then you go to identify the body and the random lady is there??? and emotionally invested for some reason??? and then a few weeks later, this random lady, who's starting to look a lot like your dad's secret girlfriend, is arrested for murder on live television during a ceremony in which she was supposed to take your dad's job. and then two years later, you learn you have an extremely rare brain condition that your dad never told you about but that he did tell this random lady??????? and then your entire workplace is held hostage and you are beaten nearly to death all because this one guy wanted to get the random lady out of jail and it's only half a year later that the random lady explains everything to you, including the fact that at the time of the wedding, she had known your dad for a maximum 3 days
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aerael-a · 1 year
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Most, if not all, of my muses are mixed and they have a strong connection with their other ethnicity and cultural background. In general, through the language. For Aryu and Ainosuke, the native language of their mothers, Mandarin and Spanish respectively, is the language they feel most comfortable speaking when in intimate, vulnerable settings ━━━ their literal love language.
Kojiro and Ushijima have a more natural relationship with their second language, given that they both have family in Italy and Germany respectively. Ushijima's parents are mixed themselves, both Japanese-german and so he has always spoken both languages growing up. Kojiro is the only one of his siblings to speak Japanese, having lived with their father in Japan as a child, so Italian is what he speaks to his mother and sisters and cousins and uncles.
Despite having pride in their cultural backgrounds, some of my muses have to hide it. That is the case for Hinata and Illumi. The Hyuuga as a whole are not Japanese, they are all Korean ━━━━ of course with the passing of the years, there has been natural mixing there, but for the most part the Hyuuga remain Korean, though the outside world is to be kept from knowing it. Despite the secrecy, the compound is built with hanoks, plants native to Korea grow all around, and it is a tiny piece of Korea inside of Konoha. She is however, forbidden from speaking the language she grew up speaking, only allowed to do so within the clan.
The Zoldycks would rather hide the rather unsavory origin of Kikyou, and so everything about her past has been erased and destroyed. The small village they had taken her from vanished over the night, erasing all traces of the small Cantonese community that lived there. The only thing they couldn't erase from her was the language she spoke, which she thought to her first born ━━━━ depression after his birth leaving her dangerously attached to the infant. Illumi grew up understanding Cantonese, and later on speaking it. He is the only one of his siblings to do so.
Mori and Murasakibara are my polyglots, Mori while German-Italian and Japanese, grew up speaking the three languages simultaneously as his mother did not speak Japanese at all. After leaving his home at the age of six, traumatised and numb to the world's cruelty, Mori threw himself into the world, which lead him to learning a plethora of other languages such as Dutch, Mandarin, French, English and Latin. Murasakibara is Korean and French-Japanese, himself and his siblings grew up speaking three languages simultaneously, though he is the one who suffered the most from it, due to his natural talent for learning languages, he was able to pick up Mandarin after his brother married, and English through school. He, unlike Mori, constantly mixes the languages he speaks.
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hikago-fanfics · 2 years
Big Prize
Kurata gritted his teeth and just said, "I resign." After trying really hard to widen his area, Hikaru who didn't give up caught him. Their final calculation was only 0.5 moku difference.
"Thanks for the game," Hikaru responded. Hikaru breathed a sigh of relief. He finally won this tough battle. Kurata didn't do anything wrong, but he was a bit intimidated by his own thoughts.
"Finally the time has come where I lost to you, Shindo," he muttered, "I didn't think it would be this soon." Kurata was sure this slight difference would widen if he didn't try harder.
"Very well, Shindo, with this result you can step into the league," ​​said Amano, "how do you feel?"
"Of course he's happy," Kurata answered instead, "because he's about to get my full autograph."
"Autograph?" Serizawa, who was watching their match, asked.
Oh my Gosh! Hikaru immediately panicked. Was Kurata going to tell it here? His face was red a little from embarrassment. He still couldn't find Kurata's half autograph.
"But I'll refuse it. Please forget it," said Kurata, making Hikaru at ease, "but I'll give you another prize." Kurata grinned widely, while Hikaru was starting to feel uneasy.
Later Hikaru found out that the prize was Kurata's calligraphy course. Because according to Kurata, Hikaru will be busy soon: asking for an autograph. Meanwhile he knew Hikaru's handwriting was very bad.
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ppdaily · 4 months
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Psycho-Pass Post Card
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smokingasters · 6 months
I watched some parts of First Inspector after Providence and a lot of stuff made sense. One was Sibyl's dialogue with Shindo and Asusawa about the criminally asymptomatic.
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Sibyl is comprised of asymptomatic, who can either be saints or psychos. This was what Arata's dad Atsushi was hoping in Providence. Instead of becoming a part of Sibyl, Arata would choose to live on and work for the Ministry. Providence explains that Atsushi and Homura's father had placed bets and that Atsushi was an old player of Round Robin who essentially didn't just bet on Arata, but perhaps also Kei, Maiko, and Akira as well? It would make sense why Akira was displeased when he met Atsushi. Also clears up why Atsushi had to die, since Akira, the person he bet on died, Atsushi could not rejoin Round Robin to enlist Arata and it was Homura Shizuka who bet on Arata instead, won and dissolved Bifrost through the Sibyl System. It also makes sense why Kogami said this to Kei before beating him up (more under the cut)
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It's because Akane said it to him. That they were a team and that he shouldn't try to do things alone. It also makes sense why Kogami worried that Akane should have not borne the 'crime' of killing Chief Kasei. (who makes an appearance in FI) in the FES Live Reading Drama. The strangest thing though, is Akane's clothes in FI.
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Remind you of something?
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Yeah. For some reason, this detail made me uneasy. Also in Providence I noted that Kasei did not flinch at all when Akane aimed the gun to kill her. She did not seem surprised, as though Chief had foreknowledge that Akane would do this.
In the Genesis (3-4) novels, the first Kasei Joshuu was made from two brains. Two criminally asymptomatic individuals, an Inspector who wanted to protect people and believed that humans would find a way to escape the bloodthirsty nature of Sibyl, and the second brain was of an ex-member of a terrorist group, who was the only successful case of being an artificially introduced criminal asymptomatic (not born asymptomatic but created through intensive experiments), who died respecting the Inspector's beliefs that some people found peace and happiness under the Sibyl System and did not destroy it. The two individual brains were fused into a single unit but they lost their sense of identity to form the Chief of the PSB.
This is the main reason Akane is favoured by Kasei Joshuu, because she reflects the combined ideals of these brains. Akane is allowed to return to the PSB as a statutory Enforcer and I think she will be assisting Homura, the new chief. S4 may have them working together, while Kogami continues working for the SAD in Dejima. Shizuka Homura is mysterious as heck, he's also kind of creepy, and his goals are unclear, so forgive me if I cannot trust him, yet. He risked his life to play Round Robin and its thanks to him that Akane is back, but is relationship with Sibyl makes me uneasy.
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Homura's words eerily echo Akane's employment, as a statutory Enforcer. So she's 'free' but not really. But who the heck is completely free under Sibyl? I suppose, Akane's position is better because she's favoured by Sibyl and the System needs her to provide more upgrades. Akane is still persistent that the Law should exist, because she believes that its the Law that shall also protect Sibyl.
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Does this mean S4 shall be the finale? Or do we have much more to go? Again, I only watched a few clips of FI, so my theory might be completely wrong, I shall have to rewatch S3 and FI entirely to make sense of how it connects to Providence. Your additions are welcome ❤️ and thank you for reading.
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dromik · 4 months
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Atsushi Shindo
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frankie-bell · 8 months
Would love to hear more about your classification of Mika as bisexual demisexual. I get the bi part but really curious why you think she might also be demi??
I’m so glad you asked! As someone who falls on the ace spectrum, I’ve always been drawn to characters who read that way as well. The first time I watched Psycho-Pass, I didn’t think much of Mika’s sexuality. I did note that she’s probably bi, given that she seems to have crushes on both men (Ginoza) and women (Yayoi, Kagami), but that’s about it. Upon second viewing, however, I noticed a few key things that felt incredibly familiar to me.
The first is that Mika, unlike Akane, Kougami, or even Arata, doesn't seem to experience immediate sexual attraction. In PP1, it's clear that Akane is attracted to Kougami long before she gets to know him personally. A clear example of this can be found in the infamous sparring dummy scene, where she (quite literally) gets caught gaping at his bare chest. Then you've got Kougami, who falls quickly into a flirtatious back-and-forth with Frederica Hanashiro after she shows up in Tibet, looking to recruit him for SAD/MOFA. And finally, there's Arata. In addition to remarking upon Shion's beauty a whole five seconds after meeting her, he is immediately smitten with Governor Karina Komiya after conducting a brief interview with her. Mika, by comparison, seems utterly unaffected by other characters' perceived attractiveness, regardless of whether they're male (Shizuka Homura) or female (Rikako Oryo).
Which brings me to the crux of my argument. Throughout the series, Mika appears to have feelings for three characters -- Kagami, Yayoi, and Ginoza. The first is her childhood best friend, the second is the person who offered her comfort during one of the darkest moments of her life, and the third is her most trusted protector. Each and every person Mika develops romantic feelings for is someone she trusts implicitly and, perhaps more importantly, knows intimately. This is textbook demisexual behavior. Note how Mika's crush on Yayoi doesn't materialize until several years into their relationship. Same goes for Ginoza. In the beginning, Mika can't stand him. But time and experience change her perception, and by PP3, he’s her #1 confidant. It’s only then that we see her blushing, stammering, and losing her cool around him. She’s attracted to him *because* she knows him so well. For prototypical people, there’s a spark of sexual attraction upon first meeting someone, but for demisexual people, it’s the exact opposite. Attraction and desire are certainly possible, but only after a strong emotional bond is formed.
I also find it interesting that Mika seems to eschew physical contact, unless it’s with someone she feels incredibly close to/comfortable with. Case in point, the scene in Providence where Atsushi Shindo touches her. When she hid behind Gino, I was like, “How (demi)sexy of you.” Granted, this is just my personal headcanon, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt.
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burningflamescurse · 1 year
My BSD/DR OC Information/Backstory:
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Name: Hayami Aiko
Age: 26 Years old.
Personality: Sadistic, Kind, cold.
Ability: “Heal all that is Lost.” allows the user to heal any wound, Fatal, Minor, Or Mortal. Similar to Yosano’s ability.
Significant Other: Yosano Akiko
Best friend: Ranpo Edogawa
Sexuality: Lesbian
Parents/Parental Figures: Hayami’s Biological Parents are Decreased, Due to some Rival Mafia Organization killing them, her only Main Parental Figure is Fukuzawa, who took her in after Rescuing her from the Port mafia’s grasp.
Backstory: After Her Parents were Killed, Hayami lived on the Streets for a While until Mori Ougai Found her himself, he Raised her Up to her Teen Years in the Port Mafia, Obviously Traumatizing her along the way, until the armed Detective Agency Found Out about it and Decided to Rescue her from Mori. After that She and Yosano became very Fond of Each other, only knowing about each others pasts never telling anyone.
Past affiliation: Port Mafia
Current Affiliation: Armed Detective agency
Skills: Hand To Hand Combat
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Hayami is very skilled in hand to hand Combat, often using this to take down enemies in a Stand off.
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Super Strength goes along with this, She’s also very skilled with Knives, Specifically Scalpels.
Hayami mainly works with Yosano in the Infirmary, sometimes she works on required Missions with her Main Partners, Dazai and Atsushi, Sometimes Kunikida if needed.
Anytime She Comes in contact or sees Mori in Public or During a Joint Mission with the Port mafia and The armed detective agency, Hayami Feels the need to Hide from him, even though she left the Port mafia with Fukuzawa and Ranpo, Mori Still lays out an offer for her and Dazai both to Rejoin the mafia.
Somehow Hayami is Very Rich, With being a Doctor and all, especially working for the armed Detective Agency, she loves to spend her money on three people, Ranpo, Kyouka, and Yosano. Rarely, on days where she’s feeling Particularly Nice, She’ll treat Dazai to a Shopping Spree.
The only two people from the Port mafia Hayami will treat indifferently to the others are Chuuya, and Kouyou, Kouyou being a mother figure towards Hayami, and Chuuya being like an older brother towards her.
Yosano and Hayami making a powerful Couple team up, both being a perfect Combo of sadistic and healing abilities along with similar trauma’s and Pasts.
Hayami’s VA Japanese: Kei Shindo, Kyoka jiro’s Voice Actor.
Hayami’s VA English: Colleen Clinkenbeard, Momo Yaoyorozu’s English Sub VA.
Face Claim: Shinobu Kocho:
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collin-thegreat · 1 year
Welcome To my blog
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I'm Collin, I'm 18, but I'll be turning 19 in May.
just your regular emo, weeb chick.
I update this post anytime i finish a draft
I refuse to interact with Minors and ageless blogs because I don't feel comfortable interacting with these types of blogs they will be blocked as well, my old content may not have mentioned "minors do not interact" but that doesn't mean interact with any of my content if you are one.
I consider minors as below 18
this is a blog about mostly anime, and I will eventually be writing fanfics, one-shots for many anime guys and girls requests are closed since I don't have my laptop atm and I have 7 drafts I need to finish, as well as brainrots 😝 I take fluff, smut, not big on angst but I will write angst for certain characters, for these guys, girls, and more.
There are characters from some of these below that I will only write platonic and fluff and maybe angst (depending on the character you choose) cuz I don't feel comfortable doing any smut for them cuz I do not see them as someone other than innocent
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo Satoru done- birthday drabble Toji Fushiguro Nanami Kento in progress- Nsfw Headcanons Megumi Fushiguro Sukuna Ryomen done- nsfw headcanons Naoyo Zenin Toge Inumaki yuuta Itadori Yuuji Nobara geto Choso Mei Mei Maki Zenin Mai Zenin
Sakusa Kiyoomi (my mans/daddy) done- sfw headcanons done- NSFW headcanons done- part1 of sakusa birthday one-shot Atsumu Miya (pretty boy #3) Osamu Miya (Better twin) in progress- NSFW Headcannons Kita Shinsuke(pretty boy #4) Suna Rintarou(pretty fox boy) done- NSFW Headcanons done- SFW Headcannons futakuchi Aone Oikawa Tooru(pretty door) Terushima(daddy) Ushijima Wakatoshi(Buff daddy#1) Iwaizumi Hajime(buff daddy #2) in progress- NSFW Headcannons Done- Music Drabble Bokuto Koutoru (buff daddy #3) Daichi (Buff Daddy #4) Yaku done- Music drabble Kuroo Tetsuro(daddy rooster) Done: music drabble Akaashi Keiji (Pretty boy #1) Yamamoto done- Music drabble Kageyama Tobio(Pretty boy #2) Tendou Satori (Kinnie #1) Semi Semi Daishou Lev Sugawara Done- sfw/fluffy headcanons Tsukishima (salt boyo) Kenma done- music drabble shoyo (platonic only. this could change in the future) if you want others request
Kakashi itachi sasuke naruto
Fairy tale
gray fullbuster natsu dragoneel rogue sting laxsus Mira Cana Erza Sting cobra/eric lyon gajeel juvia jallal
Obey Me
Lucifer done- sfw headcanons done- nsfw headcanons Diavolo levi mammon Beelzebub done- Nsfw Headcanons belphie barbatos satan solomon asmo simeon luke (PLATONIC ONLY)
Spy x Family
Loid yor
Demon Slayer
Muzan akaza douma tanjiro inosuke shinobu rengoku uzui obanai giyuu zenitsu kanea
Balance Unlimited
Daisuke Haru
Bakugou not done- sfw headcanons not done- NSFW headcanons Shoto Dabi hawks Aizawa midoriya denki kirishima Overhaul Shinsou twice tamaki monoma Present Mic Tetsutetsu Shindo Sero Ojiro will add more when I get the drafts done❤
attack on titan
Levi Ackerman done- sfw headcanons done- NSFW headcanons Eren Jaegar mikasa Erwin Hanji
bungo stray dogs
Osamu Dazai Chuuya Atsushi Ranpo Akutagawa Doppo
hunter x hunter
Chrollo hisoka illumi feitan gon (platonic only) Killua (Platonic only)
Nijisanji En
Vox Akuma Ike Eveland Ren Zotto done- NSFW headcanons Uki Shu Luca done- clingy reader on period fluff Mysta Aster Sonny Hex Haywire Fulgar Alban Doppio Ver Vanta Claude shoto zali Yugo Kyo(platonic only) the girls are only platonic that's why I didn't put them but I will write anything platonic for the girls
Genshin boys
Zhongli done- NSFW headcanons
Diluc Xiao Neuvillette Wriothesley done- NSFW headcanons razor(Platonic only) albedo kazuha Kaeya Childe Alhaitham Itto Wanderer Kaveh Cyno Gorou(Platonic only) Ayato pantanlone Zandik(Dottore)
Tokyo Ghoul
Ken Kaneki Touka Kirishima Hideyoshi Ayato Kirishima Koutarou if there are more you want just ask
Honkai Star rail Boys
blade dan Heng dan heng imbibitor Lunae Gepard Sampo in progress- Nsfw Headcanons Jing Yuan Dr. Ratio Aventurine
Sunday Welt boothill
Gallagher will add more to this one once I know and figure out their names
Seraph of the end
Guren Ferid Shinya Crowley
if you have more just DM me and request
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Fandoms & Ships
I am a true nerd, and as such, continously seek out new media and their fandoms, and become involved with them, while also cyclically coming back to the ones I already love. I am a romantic, and I love seeing love in general (all types of love, not just romantic!), so I am also a very big shipper!
I don't always have a set ship(s) for every fandom I find myself in, nor do I think it necessary to try and "prove" that mine are better than other ships. I like what I like, and I like seeing what others like as well. So I might have OTPs, but I also like engaging with content for all kinds of ships, even true rarepairs.
I also don't think it necessary for a fandom to have ships, so just because I have a listed ship that I like/love, doesn't mean I can't have neutral/objective thoughts and opinions about that particular piece of media.
That being said, here's a list of fandoms I come back to, or keep up with, and a list of ships I have a preference for. OTPs are bolded! Oh, and media (as in the series, books, shows, etc.) are rated according to my opinion!
(This list is subject to change.)
Ongoing Media:
A Sign of Affection (/10)
Nagi Itsuomi/Itose Yuki
Nagi Kyōya/Fujishiro Rin
Iyanagi Shin/Nakazono Emma
Black Butler (/10)
Ciel Phantomhive/Elizabeth Midford
Bungo Stray Dogs (/10)
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chūya
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke/Nakajima Atsushi
Edogawa Ranpo/Edgar Allan Poe
Chainsaw Man (/10)
Hayakawa Aki/Angel Devil
Fairy Tail/100 Years Quest (/10)
Zeref Dragneel/Mavis Vermillion
Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia
Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser
Jellal Fernandes/Erza Scarlet
Gajeel Redfox/Levy McGarden
Romeo Conbolt/Wendy Marvell
Elfman Strauss/Evergreen
Alzack Connell/Bisca Mulan
Hunter x Hunter (/10)
Gon Freecss/Killua Zoldyck
Hisoka Morow/Illumi Zoldyck
Chrollo Lucilfer/Kurapika
Jujutsu Kaisen (/10)
Geto Suguru/Gojo Satoru
Itadori Yūji/Fushiguro Megumi
Okkotsu Yūta/Maki
Fushiguro Toji/His Wife (Mama Fushiguro)
My Hero Academia (/10)
Record of Ragnarok (/10)
SK8 The Infinity (/10)
Nanjō Kojirō/Sakurayashiki Kaoru
Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki
Shindo Ainosuke/Kikuchi Tadashi
(Disney) Twisted-Wonderland
Malleus Draconia/Yuu (Player Character)
Kalim al-Asim/Jamil Viper
Almost Everyone/Me
Completed Media:
Assassination Classroom (/10)
Akabane Karma/Nagisa Shiota
Karasuma Tadaomi/Irina Jelvavić
Attack on Titan (/10)
Eren Jaeger/Mikasa Ackermann
Armin Arlert/Annie Leonhart
Levi Ackermann/Hange Zoë
Falco Grice/Gabi Braun
Avatar: The Last Airbender & The Legend of Korra (/10 & /10)
Mai/Ty Lee
Bing An Ben (/10)
He Yu/Xie Qingcheng
Demon Slayer (/10)
Kamado Tanjirō/Tsuyuri Kanao
Hashibira Inosuke/Kanzaki Aoi
Agatsuma Zenitsu/Kamado Nezuko
Rengoku Senjurō/Kamado Nezuko
Iguro Obanai/Kanroji Mitsuri
Rengoku Kyōjurō/Tomioka Giyū
Tomioka Giyū/Kochō Shinobu
Shinazugawa Sanemi/Kochō Kanae
Uzui Tengen/Hinatsuru/Makio/Suma pls don't get mad at me
2HA (/10)
Mo Ran/Chu Wanning
Mei Hanxue/Xue Meng
Nangong Si/Ye Wangxi
Ghibli (/10)
Golden Terrace/Golden Stage (/10)
Fu Shen/Yan Xiaohan
Grisha-verse (/10)
Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck
Nina Zenik/Hanne Brum
Nina Zenik/Matthias Helvar
David Kostyk/Genya Safin
Nikolai Lantsov/Zoya Nazyalensky
Alina Starkov/Malyen Oretsev
Alina Starkov/Alexander Morozova (The Darkling)
Haikyū!! (/10)
Tanaka Ryūnosuke/Shimizu Kiyoko
Sakusa Kiyoomi/Miya Atsumu
Harry Potter (/10)
Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Evan Rosier/Barty Crouch Jr.
Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
James Potter/Regulus Black
Lily Evans/Mary McDonald
James Potter/Lily Evans
let's just say once again that I'm a multishipper
Heroes of Olympus (/10)
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano/Me
Thalia Grace/Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Jason Grace/Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Jason Grace/Leo Valdez
Frank Zhang/Hazel Levesque
Nico di Angelo/Will Solace
JWQS (/10)
Qi Yan | Qiyan Agula/Nangong Jingnu
Qiyan Nomin/Nangong Shunu
Magnus Chase & the Gods of Asgard (/10)
Magnus Chase/Alex Fierro
MDZS (/10)
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao
Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang
Jin Zixuan/Jiang Yanli
Lan Sizhui/Jin Ling
Wen Ruohan/Lan Qiren
Naruto (/10)
Too Many, of Several Different Flavors (I'm a multishipper)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians (/10)
Ethan Nakamura/Me
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase (.../Rachel Dare)
Charles Beckendorf/Silena Beauregard
Clarisse La Rue/Silena Beauregard
Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson
Qian Qiu (/10)
Yan Wushi/Shen Qiao
Sha Po Lang (/10)
Chang Geng/Gu Yun
She-Ra (/10)
Sea Hawk/Mermista
Star Wars (/10)
Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Han Solo/Leia Organa
Anakin Skywalker/Padmé Amidala
SVSSS (/10)
Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu (.../Liu Qingge...)
Mobei-jun/Shang Qinghua
Yue Qingyuan/Shen Jiu | Shen Qingqiu
Liu Mingyan/Sha Hualing
The Kane Chronicles (/10)
TGCF (/10)
Hua Cheng/Xie Lian
Feng Xin/Mu Qing
He Xuan/Shi Qingxuan
Quan Yizhen/Yin Yu
Jun Wu/Mei Nianqing
Pei Xiu/Ban Yue
Pei Ming/Yushi Huang
Twilight (/10)
Edward Cullen/Bella Swan
Jasper Hale/Alice Cullen
Emmett Cullen/Rosalie Hale
Carlisle Cullen/Esme Cullen
Sam Uley/Emily Young
Paul Lahote/Rachel Black
Jared Cameron/Kim
Leah Clearwater/Me
Jacob Black/Leah Clearwater
Charlie Swan/Eternal Happiness
Charlie Swan/Sue Clearwater
Xiao Mogu (/10)
Lu Feng/An Zhe
Yuri!!! On Ice (/10)
Victor Nikiforov/Katsuki Yuri
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
Yu Wu (/10)
Mo Xi/Gu Mang
Zhen Hun (/10)
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan
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