#au — the wind will set me racing ( modern. )
lighthouseborn · 4 months
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The Shoulder Touch || @hvndredbattles ( Richie )
[ FOCUS ]: the sender, noticing the receiver has become distracted during a conversation, places a hand on their shoulder to redirect and focus their attention. (But what if I said more specifically, Richie and Henry at that fancy shmancy wedding, later in the evening, and Richie's getting Henry's attention to subtly point out some gossip-worthy happening across the room?)
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  The hand that fell on Henry's shoulder, pushing him in a way that very clearly begged look, quickly! confused him at first. He twisted in his chair, unsure what he was meant to be looking at in this particular direction, and reluctant to ask in the effort of at least pretending to be discreet. Then he saw. And had to press his lips tightly together to withhold the the bounce of laughter that lifted his shoulders.
  “Oh, god, aren't they cousins?” They were truly in it now, this game where they were trying to outdo each other at how well they could pretend to actually belong to this narrow little world. Where cousins sometimes kissed each other not quite out of line of sight of the rear corner of the venue. “—Or have I mixed up my Cavendishes again?” This prompted a snort, amused with himself in an altogether boyish fashion.
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daisynik7 · 7 months
“Earned it” by The Weeknd for Levi Ackerman- Smut + Fluff
thank you
Earned It
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x f!reader
Word Count: ~7.0k
cw: yakuza au, modern setting au, adult themes, gang-related violence, mentions of blood, explicit language, fluff, smut – fingering, cunnilingus, PIV sex (doggy style), cream pie, unprotected sex
Summary: Levi is the current leader of a Yakuza organization called the Ackerman Clan. Fearless, ruthless, cold-blooded. Your deadbeat father owes a debt to his Uncle Kenny after borrowing a sum of money to gamble on horse races many years ago, a debt that hasn’t been forgotten. He has since abandoned you and one day, the Ackerman Clan tracks you down, claiming that you are now the owner of this debt. Without the means to pay for it out of pocket, Levi employs you to be his personal housekeeper until you’ve earned the money to pay it off. 
Author’s Note: Wow okay my first Levi fic EVER and I totally got carried away! I had so much fun writing this one, so I hope the rest of you enjoy it! Thanks for the request for the y2k karaoke party! This gave me the perfect excuse to finally write for Levi. MDNI divider credit to @/cafekitsune. Thank you for reading! Tagging @crazychaoticizzy!
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It's an average Wednesday when you receive a call from your mother in the middle of your workday. She usually doesn’t call unless it’s important, so you answer, already nervous for what she’s about to tell you. “Mom? Are you okay?”
Her tone is somber. “Honey, please come home. Now.” You can hear other people speaking in the background, alarm bells immediately ringing in your head. It’s been you and your mother alone for the past decade now, abandoned by your father before your high school graduation. You have no idea who would be in your home at this time. Freaking out, you ask, “What’s going on? What’s happening?!”
Before she can respond, there’s shuffling, then a man you don’t recognize on the other line. “You should listen to your mother.” His voice is cold, terse, sinister. It sends a chill down your spine.
Immediately, you excuse yourself from work, briefly describing a family emergency to your boss. You hop on the closest train, jittering in your seat, sweating bullets, stomach tight with anxiety. All you need to know is that your mom is safe. As soon as you’re out of the station, you remove the heels off your feet to run home. When you arrive, you notice a black car with tinted windows parked in the driveway and the front door already swung open. Winded and out of breath, you double over with the impulse to vomit, already expecting the worse. You swallow down the urge, collecting yourself, and walk inside.
You’re met by three strangers: two men and a woman. She looks young, gaze cold on yours, studying you carefully. The taller of the men is significantly older, hunched over, lanky, with a cigarette between his crooked smile. The other is short, but his domineering presence seems to overwhelm the rest of them. The cold gaze, the stagnant frown, the tightness in his brows. There’s an aura to him that shows he’s not one to be messed with. Before you can even confirm, you know that this man is the one who spoke to you earlier on the phone. Their leader. 
Your mom is seated on the couch, cowering in fear when she calls out to you. “Honey!”
You step towards them, wanting to approach her, but you’re stopped by the woman, staring daggers at you, her hand concealed inside her jacket, ready to attack if necessary. It’s a warning: Don’t come any closer or else. “Mikasa, relax. She ain’t even armed,” the older man says. He points to her, winking at you. “Sorry about my niece; she’s got some anger issues. Runs in the family, actually.”
Without removing her gaze from you, she mutters, “Shut up, Kenny.”
He laughs, puffs of smoke escaping his mouth. He removes the cigarette, tapping the ashes onto the hardwood floor of your living room before stepping closer towards you. “I should be the one upset here.” His eyes scan your figure up and down, smirking. “Right, Levi?”
You shiver from his wicked expression, glancing at your mother who stares wide-eyed at you in a panic. “What’s the meaning of this?” you ask shakily. 
The shorter man, apparently named Levi, comes forward, glaring at you. “You owe the Ackerman Clan money. Two million yen with all the interest that’s been accruing for the past ten years.” 
“We never borrowed money from you!” you argue. 
“You didn’t. But your father did,” Kenny interjects. “The dumbass didn’t know how to gamble on the right horse. Lost each race and came crawling back to me for more and more money. I gave him two years to pay me back without interest, but I suppose he ran off on you and your poor mother before he could pay it. Now, it’s way past due. I need my money back.”
That no-good, deadbeat father of yours. Of course he’s the one behind this. He’s always had a gambling addiction, ever since you were little. Borrowed money left and right from distant relatives, friends, coworkers, and apparently strangers. You thought he’d at least have the decency to pay them off on the occasions he actually scored big, but who are you kidding? All he spent his winnings on was more booze to drown out the fact that he never cared or provided for his family. You shake your head, tears welling in your eyes. “You should be asking him for the money, not us.”
Levi’s eyes narrow. “You don’t think we already tried looking for him? We can’t find him. He’s gone. Someone else has to be responsible for it now. And that means his wife and his kid. You.”
“We don’t have that kind of money just laying around,” you say, hoping that somehow, this Yakuza gang is nice enough to forgive the debt.
Kenny barks a laugh. “Well, you’re shit out of luck then, huh? Just like your lousy father.”
You wince at his harsh words, simultaneously agreeing with him. Levi sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “If you can’t pay off this debt within the next three months, we’ll be forced to take more severe action.”
“What do you mean?” you stutter. A variety of cruel punishments flash through your head, causing your knees to wobble in fear, though you manage to stay upright. 
“You don’t want to find out,” he threatens with a dark look.
You swallow loudly, unable to hide your dread any longer. Crying, you fall to your knees in a begging position, peering up at Levi with weepy eyes. “Please. I’ll do anything. Just don’t hurt my mom. Leave her out of this.”
Your mother sobs into her hands, your name muffled against her palms. Even through your blurred vision, you notice Levi’s expression waver just the slightest. 
“Maybe she can work for you,” Mikasa suggests. Her tone has changed to one of sympathy, unexpectedly considering her intimidating demeanor moments ago. 
Levi scoffs. “And what would she do for me? I doubt she can fight.”
There’s a pause as you watch them contemplate your fate. Kenny is the first one to offer an answer. “Housekeeper. She can be your housekeeper!”
Levi grimaces at the suggestion. “Excuse me?”
Kenny walks towards him, ruffling his nephew’s hair, much to his dismay. Levi swats him away, scowling as his uncle explains, “You spend so much goddamn time cleaning your own house, it’s about time you hire someone to do it for you. You’re the leader of the Ackerman Clan now. Time is money. You can’t be wasting it dusting when you can just make someone else do it for you.” He squats, legs spread wide, meeting you face-to-face. “Can you clean?”
You wipe away the tears streaming down your face, nodding.
“Can you cook?”
You nod again, more confidently this time. 
He slaps his knee. “Well, there you go! Looks like we found the solution. You’re hired. Levi will pay you at the end of each day. Your wages after three months should be enough to cover the debt you owe me. If you work overtime, you’ll earn extra cash. Sound good?” He sticks his hand out, waiting for you to shake on it. 
Three months of housekeeping and cooking for the leader of a Yakuza gang, who already looks like he despises you? It’s either that or whatever punishment he originally has in mind, which sounds much more painful and ominous. 
Before you agree, you ask, “What about my regular job?”
He strokes his chin, thinking. “Damn, forgot about that. Well, Little Levi here can compensate you for that as well. You’ll have to quit it in the meantime, but this gig is much better, don’t cha think?”
Levi raises his voice, angry now. “Don’t I get a say in this?! Who said I have the money to pay her?!”
Kenny waves him off, smirking. “You don’t drink, you don’t gamble, and you don’t fuck. So what else are you doing with all that money?”
At this, Levi gapes at his uncle, blushing. “I’m the fucking captain here, aren’t I? I won’t allow this.”
Kenny rolls his eyes, standing up to stretch his back. “Fine. Got a better idea? We don’t have all fucking day to argue about this, you know.”
After a few more disgruntled huffs from Levi without any other real suggestions, you are officially hired as Levi Ackerman’s housekeeper. 
Levi doesn’t need a fucking housekeeper. He’s the cleanest goddamn person in this entire godforsaken planet. Sure, he spends at least two hours at the start of his morning doing household chores to ensure that everything in his home is spick and span. But what’s so wrong about that? It’s the only solace he finds in this cruel world. The only aspect of his life that he can control. 
So, when his new hire arrives to his house seven o’clock sharp the very next day, Levi’s already in a bad mood. And when she smiles brightly at him, greeting him, “Good morning!” in an all-too-cheery voice that drips with enthusiasm and spirit despite the shitty situation she’s in, he can’t help but become even more irritated. She can’t possibly be excited about this. It’s all a façade, an act. Fake. He’s seen it before, from so-called friends, family members, strangers on the street. People only connect with him if there’s something to gain from it. And in this case, the money to pay her father’s debt is her end-goal, and nothing else. He reminds himself that she’s not here for him. No one ever is.
He doesn’t respond to her, turning on his heel to lead her inside. Without saying so, she removes her shoes, tucking them into an empty slot on the shoe rack, following him. Unfortunately, Kenny’s been here since half an hour ago, taking his usual breakfast: a cup of black coffee and a frozen waffle, toasted until lukewarm. And of course, there’s already crumbs on the table, but Levi ignores it, knowing that she’s responsible for this mess now, not him. 
“Morning,” Kenny drawls, raising his mug to her. She waves, still nervous around them, naturally, but her smile stays on. 
Levi hands her a sheet of paper, typed out with proper instructions. “Everything you need to know is on here. Unless you’re illiterate and can’t read, I won’t need to explain anything to you, right?”
She scans the document quickly, shaking her head at the end. “Seems simple enough.” 
“My nephew here likes things spotless,” Kenny adds, spit flying out of his mouth as he chews the rest of his breakfast. “Total clean freak and perfectionist. He’ll be on your ass about a simple speck of dust.”
“It’s not clean if there’s still dust,” he emphasizes. 
Her attention goes to the fridge. “What about meals? What do you like to eat?”
“I’m not picky. I usually don’t eat breakfast and lunch is brought to me at the office. So dinner is the only meal you have to cook. Like I said, I’m not picky. But it better not be instant ramen or something. I’m not paying you to feed me that processed shit.” Truthfully, he already eats that junk for lunch, often opting for fast food because it’s quick and easy while he’s out on a job. But what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. He shoots a glare at his uncle when he notices him snickering to himself, clearly aware of his less-than-ideal diet. 
After a brief tour of the house, not including his bedroom, which will remain off limits, him and Kenny leave to start the day. Levi is reluctant at first, unsure if she can live up to his high standards of tidiness, but even he can admit that it’s more productive when he arrives to their headquarters on time. 
The day goes by smoothly; the extra two hours that Levi gains by entrusting another person to his usual morning ritual proves to be beneficial for both him and his gang. They are able to add an extra stop to their daily rounds, collecting owed money from sleezy businesses and seedy underground organizations. They only resort to violence once, with Levi squeezing a man’s head between his shoe and the pavement until he coughs up the dough. In his eyes, today was a good day. 
Kenny drops him off back home around eight when it’s already dark out. The lights are on, glowing through the shaded windows. He digs into his pocket for the keys, retrieving them to unlock the door, his nostrils immediately hit with a sensational aroma wafting from the kitchen. Sliding out of his shoes, he steps further inside, following the scent. 
She’s leaning over the stove, steam puffing from whatever pan she’s cooking in. He drops his keys on the counter, clearing his throat to make his presence known. 
“Hello, Mr. Ackerman,” she says, turning to face him. “Perfect timing. Dinner is just about ready. I’ll serve it to you now.”
He slides a chair out from the dining table, taking a seat, watching as she moves around the kitchen. She scoops white rice into a bowl, then the food onto a plate, setting it front of him. It looks delicious; glazed meat scattered with a variety of fresh vegetables. “It’s chicken stir fry,” she explains. “It isn’t gourmet or anything, but it’s hearty and filling. I hope you like it.”
He remains silent, holding a piece of broccoli at the end of his chopstick, blowing on it before putting it in his mouth. The sauce is savory, pairing well with the typically bland vegetable. He digs into the chicken, enjoying how juicy and flavorful it is. It’s nothing he hasn’t had before, but still; it’s tasty. 
She stands beside him, watching him eat with a small grin on her face. “What would you like to drink?”
He swallows, replying, “I like tea. Hot tea. Decaf.”
“On it,” she says, heading back into the kitchen, filling a kettle with water to heat on the stove. Within ten minutes, she returns with a cup in one hand, the kettle in the other, pouring him freshly brewed tea. 
It’s quiet, Levi eating peacefully while she continues to observe him. He’s not quite sure what to say; do they make small talk? Does he compliment her cooking? How do people engage with others during a time like this?
Her stomach growls loudly, which he immediately notices. He raises a brow at her, pointing his chopsticks towards the kitchen. “You should eat too. If you’re hungry.”
“Is that alright?” 
He nods, looking down at his plate. “It’s better than watching me eat while you’re starving, right?”
She laughs, going back into the kitchen once again. “Yes, of course.” She comes back, sitting across from him to start eating. Not knowing what else to discuss over dinner, Levi asks her about the chores she should have accomplished today, to which she reports back in detail. It sounds as if she went through eat item on the list, though the true test will be when he inspects it himself. Their conversation flows well; he usually hates conversing with people when it isn’t necessary. He can’t remember the last time he shared a homecooked meal with someone else. He’s always at home after work, alone. Mikasa is too busy with her own family, and Levi can hardly stand his uncle’s presence to begin with, so he always preferred being alone. 
This, however, this he doesn’t mind. Surprisingly. 
Before he gets too comfortable with the idea, he reminds himself once more that this is simply the deal they agreed to. There’s no room for sentimentality. She’s here because she was forced into this role, not because she wants to be here. This is business. This is temporary.
And with that in mind, Levi strengthens the integrity of the walls he barricades around him, determined not to let anyone but himself in.
Your first month of employment go by as smoothly as you hope it would be, given your circumstances. Every day, you arrive at Levi’s house seven in the morning on the dot, greeting him with a smile. You figured it wouldn’t do you any good to show your fear of the Yakuza in front of the leader himself. And, in all honestly, you weren’t actually that scared of him. While he’s cold and blunt most of the time, he hasn’t done anything to frighten you yet, aside from your initial meeting. It helps that you only see him for a few minutes in the morning when he lets you in, and at most an hour at the end of the day, when you share dinner together. Before you leave, he hands you an envelope with your day’s wages, and that’s that. Based on the lack of criticism, you assume that you’re doing a good enough job.
On the second month, you begin to make lunches for him in addition to your usual routine. Uncle Kenny had mentioned several times in secret that Levi eats fast food because of the convenience. Sometimes, he skips a meal all together when they’re especially busy. 
When you arrive to his home, you greet him with your usual smile, while he gives you a curt nod, avoiding your gaze. He shouts behind him, “Kenny, let’s go!”
Before he walks out the door, you stop him, saying, “Oh, Mr. Ackerman! Before you leave, I prepared lunch for you.”
He whips around to face you, eyes narrowed as if you just insulted him. “What?”
Nervous now, you stammer, “I made you lunch. I heard that sometimes you skip meals, so I thought – ”
He steps towards you, glaring, not letting you finish. “This isn’t part of the list. I don’t need it. I don’t want it.” He turns on his heel, leaving you stunned as he heads for the car, slamming the door shut. 
You scurry into the kitchen, face hot, reeling over his unpleasant reaction to your simple gesture. Kenny leans back in his chair, feet up on the table, chugging the rest of his coffee. “Morning.”
“Hi Kenny.” You wash your hands at the sink, processing what just happened, growing increasingly upset. 
Kenny gets up, sliding his used mug beside you. “Thanks, darling.” Not wanting to waste your efforts, you call out to him, opening the fridge to retrieve the bento you prepared, handing it to him. 
“What’s this?” he asks, smirking.
“I made it for Mr. Ackerman, but he doesn’t want it. I don’t want it to go to waste,” you explain.
He smiles, genuinely grateful, the expression you were mistakenly expecting from Levi. “Thank you. Take care.” 
When he’s gone, you take a minute in the kitchen to relax, reminding yourself to stick to the list and not do anything extra just because you think he’d appreciate it. You’ve leaned your lesson based on today: Mr. Ackerman doesn’t appreciate anything or anyone. And you won’t be an exception.
Levi sulks silently in the car with his arms crossed over his chest, staring out the window while Kenny drives them to HQ. He’s replaying the interaction from earlier, recalling the hurt look in her eyes as he spat those harsh words to her. He’s an idiot. All he could have said was no thank you. He shouldn’t have berated her for doing something nice for him. At the same time, he didn’t want to appear vulnerable, like he needed her to do it for him. He doesn’t need her pity. He doesn’t need anyone to take care of him.
He catches Kenny shooting glances at him, but doesn’t say anything, knowing better than to rile his nephew up when he’s in one of these moods. They make it to headquarters as normal, and Levi goes about the day, almost forgetting about the incident. Almost.  
Around noon, Kenny drives Levi and two of his henchmen across town to collect money from a client who’s been skipping out on payments recently. Levi doesn’t expect to resort to violence, so he stays inside the car while the two muscles go out and fulfill their orders. Kenny reclines, reaching his long arm towards the backseat, retrieving a small bento box. “Grub time.”
Levi scowls. “What are you doing?”
“Eating lunch, what do you think?” He uncovers it, licking his lips as his picks up a tamago sando from inside. It looks delicious, from the soft bread to the golden yellow filling. Levi’s stomach growls as he stares at his uncle bite into it. “Damn, that’s good!”
“Where did you get that?” he asks, already knowing the answer.
He shrugs, engulfing the rest of the sandwich into his mouth. “Your housekeeper. Said you didn’t want it, so she gave it to me instead. Shit, that’s good!”
Levi huffs through his teeth, annoyed, but also very hungry. He snatches it from his uncle’s lap, inspecting it himself. Kenny doesn’t protest, only chuckles, licking his fingers. It’s truly an enticing sight, much better than the typical burger and fries he’s used to. He picks it up delicately, relishing how pillowy the bread is between his fingers. It’s devoured quickly, and Levi regrets watching his uncle eat part it, hoping he had it all for himself. In the bottom layer of the bento box are baby carrots and sliced cucumbers, which Levi munches on until his crew comes back, knuckles a bit bloodied and a stack of cash in their hands. 
At night, Levi enters the door, a pang of guilt in his chest. He doesn’t plan to mention it; he’d rather forget and move on, pretend it never even happened. Tonight’s dinner is yakisoba, a meal she has since perfected since starting a month ago. She serves it to him, pouring hot tea into his mug, then takes her usual spot, her expression neutral. She reports on each task she completed today, starting with the kitchen, where she cleans up whatever disgusting mess Kenny leaves at the table. She scrubs the counters until they’re sparkling, mops the floors, reorganizes the refrigerator, unloads the dishwasher from the night before. Next is the living room, where she vacuums the carpets, dusts all the drawers, wipes each and every appliance with a specialized solution to prevent streaks. Then It’s laundry, and she never mentions the splatters of blood that are sometimes on his dress shirts depending on what kind of day it is. She uses the exact method he uses to wash them until they look good as new, as if he isn’t part of the gang life. 
She finishes her list, looking at Levi, waiting for his nod of approval, which he gives. She’s done a decent job so far; in fact, his home looks just as tidy as it did when he spent two hours each morning doing it himself. He stares down at his plate, eating the rest of his noodles in silence.
“Mr. Ackerman?”
His jaw clenches at the sound of his name, anticipating whatever she’s about to say. Without looking up, he mutters, “What?”
She clears his throat nervously. “Earlier today, about lunch. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep my boundaries. I hope you can forgive me.”
He senses her gaze on him, but he’s too embarrassed to meet it, slurping the rest of his food without responding. She doesn’t say anything else, leaving it at that. When he’s done, she gathers the dirty dishes and loads them into the dishwasher, starting the cycle. Levi goes into his room, stuffing her payment for today in an envelope, staring at his reflection in the mirror. Just say it. Don’t be an asshole. She doesn’t deserve it.
She waits for him at the doorway, coat and shoes on, ready to leave. He hands her the money, keeping his grip on it when she accepts it. “You don’t have to apologize. I ate it, and it was delicious. So…thank you.” He looks at her this time, wanting to convey to her that he truly means it. 
Her eyes widen, clearly surprised by his sudden change in demeanor. He’s surprised himself; he just couldn’t let her leave thinking she didn’t anything wrong. “I’m sorry,” he adds. “For the way I reacted. I’m not used to people doing things like that for me.” He knows she doesn’t need an explanation from him, but he tells her anyways. 
She smiles. “It’s okay. I’m happy to do it. I prepared another one for tomorrow.”
Nodding, he lets go, watching her slide the envelope into her bag. “Goodnight, Mr. Ackerman.”
He opens the door for her. “Levi. You can call me Levi. It makes me feel old when you call me that. We’re around the same age, right?”
She giggles, making his chest swell. “Right. Well then, goodnight Levi.”
He waits until she disappears into the distance, heading to the nearby train station. With the door shut, he leans against it, sighing heavily, his heart beating rapidly.
This is bad. 
On the third month of working as a housekeeper and cook for Levi Ackerman, something extraordinary happens. 
You’ve gotten more cordial with each other in the past few weeks, ever since you began making lunches for him on a regular basis. You know he isn’t picky when it comes to food, but you’ve noticed subtle differences when he thanks you for the meal, which he always does now. If it ends in a simple thanks, you know that it was ordinary. If he adds in a compliment, you know that he really likes it. So, you cook more of the foods that he particularly enjoys. 
You’re still getting used to calling him by his first name. It still sounds foreign out of your mouth, almost like a treasured word you’re only supposed to say on special occasions. You still mostly call him Mr. Ackerman, though he doesn’t seem to mind. 
Other than what you see of him in the mornings and nights, you have no idea what Levi gets up to the rest of his day. It’s an unwritten part of the deal; you keep your private life to yourselves. And, knowing he’s in the Yakuza, maybe it’s better you don’t know. 
Tonight, you finish cooking dinner before Levi comes home. You cover the pan, keeping the oyakodon you prepared warm until he arrives, all the plates set up on the counter, ready for him. You sit in your usual chair, checking the clock: 8:30 PM, thirty minutes past his usual time. By nine, you start to worry. And by ten, your finger hovers over his contact information on your phone, tempted to call him, to make sure he’s okay. You debate with yourself for several minutes if you should go through with it. You were given this number only to use for emergencies. Would this be considered one? Surely, he has an entire team of people who look after him, being the leader and all. Why would he need you, his lowly housekeeper, looking out for him?
Deep down, it’s because you care. You care about him. You want him to be happy. And it’s not because he pays you at the end of the day. It’s because you truly, genuinely believe he deserves it. Even in the short time that you’ve known him, it’s plain to see how miserable he is in this life of crime. Dead eyes, permanent frown on his face, tense muscles from having no moment throughout his day to relax. No one, not even a Yakuza leader himself, deserves to be under this much stress.  
You’re about ready to dial his number when you hear the distinct jingle of keys from the front door. Levi walks in, hunched over with his jacket tossed over his shoulder, big splotches of blood painted on his shirt. You can see it clearly even from the end of the hallway. He doesn’t greet you, doesn’t look at you, as he drags his feet into the living to plop himself onto the couch, sighing. 
“Mr. Ackerman?” you call out, trembling. You’ve never seen him like this before. Is he injured? Or is he the one who did the injuring? Does it matter to you what the answer is? All you know is that you’re concerned about him and you want to be by his side. 
Levi hears her but doesn’t respond. He sinks deeper into the couch, eyes shut, hoping she ignores him, not wanting her to see him in this sorry state. He listens to the sound of her footsteps approaching closer, then feels her sit beside him. With one eye open, he peeks at her, surprised to see her staring at him with genuine concern, a steaming mug of tea in her hands. “Mr. Ackerman,” she repeats.
“What do you want?” he asks tersely. He doesn’t mean for it to come out rudely. Or maybe he does to push her away. He doesn’t want her to witness this vulnerability, this weakness.  
“I brought you some tea,” she answers quietly.
Before he can spit out an argument about how the caffeine will prevent him from sleeping, she adds, “It’s decaf, of course.”
He’s speechless for a moment, unable to come up with a smart response. His heart beats against his chest and he’s not sure what’s happening to him. Is he going into cardiac arrest? Or is this something different? Something good? Too exhausted to maintain the same frigid persona he puts up for her, he relaxes, reaching for her hands to grab the handle of the mug. He grazes her fingers wrapped around the ceramic, lingering for a second longer, then brings it to his lips, blowing air across the surface before taking a sip. It’s hot down his throat, filling his tired body with warmth and comfort. 
He peeks at her once more, focusing on the gentle smile on her lips. “What are you so happy about?” he asks, taking another sip. 
She looks down at her lap, shy now that she’s been called out. “I’m just happy you’re back in one piece.”
He scoffs, displaying his bruised and stained knuckles. “You call this one piece?”
She stares at his hands with terror or fascination, maybe even both. Levi can’t tell. All he knows is that she isn’t flinching away from him like he’s some monster; she leans closer, inspecting it carefully. “Hold on,” she says, standing up to retreat back into the kitchen.
Levi rests his head against the couch, stomach grumbling with hunger. He hasn’t eaten since lunch, and beating the shit out of people takes a toll on him. But the job is done and now he’s home. And for the first time, he realizes how grateful he is not to be alone. 
Minutes later, she returns with a tray, carrying a steaming bowl of oyakodon and two warm towels beside it. She sets it next to him on the couch, kneeling on the floor in front of him, beside his knees. He gulps, suddenly aware at how compromising this position may seem. Though, he doesn’t mind it. He slowly reaches over to grab hold on the chopsticks, digging into the bowl of food to take a bite. It’s warm and soothing in his mouth, exactly what he needed. 
“May I?” She peers up at him, pointing to his other hand, holding the damp towel. 
He’s hesitant at first, aware that she’ll be touching him. This is definitely crossing a line, right? However, the thought of being pampered in this moment when he’s so fucking tired is too enticing to refuse. He stretches his arms out, offering his fist to her. She surrounds him in the soft fabric, rubbing gently between his knuckles, wiping away all the grime from tonight’s violence. His skin is on fire from her indirect touch and he can’t help but wonder what effect she could have on his body if she were actually touching him. 
Skin in pristine condition, despite the temporary bruises, she switches to the other hand once he’s finished with his meal. He watches her in silence, holding back a moan, embarrassed at how much he’s enjoying this. She finishes him off with the second towel, the clean one, giving both hands a little massage. “Is that better?”
He nods, muttering a tired, “Thank you.”
She smiles, gaze flickering to the stains on his shirt. “I can wash this for you tomorrow. Just leave it in the laundry room.”
He nods again, unsure what else to say. She gets up, carrying the empty bowl and soiled towels back into the kitchen to clean up. It’s almost eleven now when Levi flips his wrist to check the time on his watch. Trains stop running by midnight, so he shouldn’t keep her here any longer. “You should head home now. It’s late,” he says, loud enough for her to hear. He stands up, slightly limping towards his bedroom to give her the payment. He slides an extra couple of bills to compensate for working overtime. Noticing how horrid he looks with blood all over him, he strips out of his shirt, thankful none of it seeped directly onto his skin. Without thinking, he rushes towards the front door, where she waits for him in her coat and shoes. 
He hands her the money. “I’m giving you a small bonus today, just in case you’re wondering why there’s more in there.” 
She glances at his chiseled abs before looking down at her feet. Heat rushes into his cheeks, finally aware that he’s shirtless in front of his housekeeper. This is definitely crossing a line. 
“It’s okay, I don’t want the extra money,” she says.
“Take it. You’ve earned it,” he insists.
“I didn’t do it for that. I did it because I care about you. I want to - ” She gazes at him, swallowing hard, afraid to finish her thought. 
There’s a flutter in his stomach as he steps closer to her, eager to hear it. “What?”
“I want to take care of you, Mr. Ackerman.”
It happens so fast that as soon as he realizes it, his lips are already on hers, kissing her passionately. His immediate reaction is to stop because he’s sure this isn’t what she intended. But when she places her hands on his chest, clinging to his bare skin to deepen the kiss, he can’t resist. 
Clothes are discarded on the way to his bedroom. By the time you’re lying flat on his mattress, you’re both completely naked, him on top of you, caging you between his muscular arms. He kisses your figure, from your neck trailing down to your chest, his lips puckered at your nipple, sucking on it until it’s taut in his mouth. One hand travels along the curve of your hips, then the plush of your inner thigh, until he’s pressed to your throbbing clit. “Can I touch you here?” he asks, his voice low and trembling. 
“Yes,” you breathe out, completely enraptured by him.
He flicks your bud with his middle finger, tapping on it until it’s puffy against him. He glides down to your wet slit, collecting your arousal to smear onto your clit, rubbing it faster. Pleasure courses through you as you whine into his mouth, kissing him sloppily. Soon, he slips inside you, pumping two of his fingers in and out of your pussy. You squirm for him, so close to your climax.  
“You like my fingers inside this fucking cunt, huh?” he growls into your ear. He pulls out, stroking your clit with his wet digits. “How about here? You like them on your little clit too, right pretty girl?”
Your tongue lolls out of your mouth, eyes glazed over in a daze. “Yes, Mr. Ackerman. Fuck.”
“Levi,” he grunts, circling your bud. “I told you to call me Levi.” He slips back in, pummeling your pussy while his thumb taps on your swollen core. 
You grab the bedsheets beneath you, clenching it between your fists, bucking your hips towards him, approaching your orgasm. “Coming,” you manage to whimper, unraveling. He slows his pace, riding it out with you until you relax in his hold, spent and blissed out. 
There’s a wild look in his eyes, animalistic almost. He removes himself from you, bringing his wet fingers to your mouth, inching them past your lips. “Taste yourself for me.”
You obey, opening wide for him to swipe your own cum across your tongue. He sticks it further down your throat while you surround him, sucking your slick off. His erection is hard against you, begging for attention. You slide your hand between his thighs, palming at his stiff cock, twitching at your touch. 
“Fuck,” he swears under his breath. You start stroking him, his cock hot and pulsating in your fist. He bucks into your grasp, moaning as you rub your thumb over his glossy tip, making him shudder. “You’re driving me fucking crazy, fuck. Get on top of me. Please. Need to taste you.”
You obey, readjusting yourself to straddle his face, lowering yourself carefully until your pressed to his open mouth. “Just enjoy it, sweetheart. You’ve earned it,” he says before lapping you up greedily. You ride his face, dragging your pussy lips across his flattened tongue, moaning when he puckers around you, suckling on your swelling bud. He’s sloppy and noisy, exactly how you like it. You find yourself unraveling quickly above him, convinced you can come just like this, without him entering you at all. He senses this, grabbing firmly to your ass cheeks, guiding you to rock against him faster. “That’s it, princess. Come for me,” he muffles against your skin, slurping at your leaking cunt. No longer able to resist, you moan loudly, reaching your climax, gushing all over his face. He smacks your ass, licking off every drop of your arousal before removing himself from you. “I need to be inside you. Need to fuck this pretty pussy right fucking now.”
All control lost, you whine, “Fuck me, Levi. Fuck me, please.”
He positions himself behind you, dragging your bottom towards him, rubbing his erection between your ass cheeks. “Think you’ve earned this cock? Think you deserve it?”
You nod frantically. “Yes. I’ve been so good.”
He chuckles, guiding himself inside you, stretching you out slowly as he inches his way deeper. “You’re right. You’ve been very good. You are good. So fucking good to me.” He pounds into you, fucking your sweet spot, chasing that high you’re both so desperate to reach. After a few more thrusts, your pussy squeezes around him, coming once more. He follows with his own orgasm, shooting his load inside you, filling you up with his cum.
He pulls out, rolling beside you, breathing heavily. You turn to your side, facing him, your senses gradually returning. He glances at you and breaks into a smile, the first you’ve ever seen from him. “Don’t look at me like that.”
You grin, scooting closer to nuzzle your nose with his. “Like what?”
His eyes gaze into yours, flickering down your lips. “Like you want to kiss me.”
You inch closer. “Why is that so bad?”
“Because I won’t be able to stop,” he whispers, closing the gap, kissing you.
On her last day, Levi leaves her final payment on the top of his dresser. It’s next to a thicker envelope that she’s collected the entirety of her father’s debt in, ready to hand over to Kenny first thing in the morning. She could have paid it off sooner, a week sooner, to be exact. But she decides to finish the remainder of the month employed as Levi’s housekeeper. She doesn’t explain why, and he doesn’t ask. 
They snuggle together in his bed, ready to sleep after fucking each other stupid just minutes earlier. This is another added part of their routine. Sometimes, she leaves to check in on her mother back home. Other times, she stays the night, which Levi prefers, though he won’t admit it out loud. It’s the best sleep he’s gotten in years.
He can tell she’s on the verge of sleep by the way her eyes flutter closed and how her head falls into his chest, relaxed. His mind is racing with thoughts, so he’s wide awake, wondering what tomorrow will hold. Will she say goodbye to him forever? Is this really over? What will he do when she’s gone?
He realizes his true feelings for her almost immediately after they begin sleeping together. He’s never relinquished control to anyone else before. But for him, giving it to her was easy. Maybe because he knew he could trust her. Though, now with her employment coming to an end, he’s not so sure what to think.
“Levi?” Her soft voice surprises him. 
“Hey,” he whispers. “Go back to sleep.”
She tips her chin up, peering at him. “Not yet. I want to say something to you.” 
He stares at her, confused and anxious, listening. “I care about you, Levi. I don’t want this to stop just because whatever arrangement we had before is over.”
He swallows hard, trying to maintain a neutral expression as his heart races with joy. “So, what then? Do you want to keep being my housekeeper? I already feel weird paying you because of what we do.”
She giggles, shaking her head. “I don’t want to be your housekeeper. I want to be your girlfriend.”
“Yes, Levi. Your girlfriend,” she reiterates, smiling. 
He lets out a small laugh. “That sounds so normal.”
She cups his face, squeezing his cheeks. “Well, maybe Mr. Ackerman deserves a little something normal for once.”
He chuckles, nuzzling into her touch. “So, how is this going to work, then? You being my girlfriend.”
“Well, I’ll get my old job back. And in the meantime, I can move in here so I can still do all the cooking and cleaning.”
“No,” he interjects. “Together. We’ll cook and clean together. Like a normal couple.”
She beams at him. “Alright. Together it is, then.”
He allows himself to smile completely now, pressing his forehead to hers. “Can it really be this simple?” 
“I think it can,” she replies. “It’s worth a shot, right?”
For most of his life, Levi has never had it easy. Thirty years later, he finally has a chance at something normal, something good. Does he deserve it? With her by his side, holding his hand so lovingly in hers, he actually believes it. “Yeah. You’re absolutely right.”
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ashisgreedy · 7 months
Theo Nott x F!Reader "Revved"
Modern AU Biker!Theo
Tags: SMUT 18+ MDNI | Established Relationship | Forced Orgasm/Made to Cum | Multi O’s | Overstimulation | F!Penetration | Motorcycle Stimulation/Sex | Outdoor Sex | Oneshot | Chars over 21+ |
A|N: At the end
WC: 3272
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Sum: Her Biker boyfriend, Theodore, takes her on a ride on his motorcycle. However, the bike feels a bit too good… making her feel all kinds of pleasure as they race down the winding roads.
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She rapidly swipes an extra coat of mascara on her lashes upon hearing a knock on the door. She tosses the tube back in her makeup bag and gives herself a final once-over in the mirror.
A more insistent knock echoes just as she approaches the door.
“I’m coming!” She shouts, checking out the peephole to make sure it’s who she thinks it is.
She recognizes his messy brown waves and his signature sunglasses. Throwing open the door, she pulls him in for a hug. “Hey!”
Theo smiles as he hugs her tight. “Hey, bella.” He holds his motorcycle helmet in one hand and wraps his free arm tight around her waist. “Are you ready to go?” He looks down at her as he rubs her lower back
“Yeah, let me just grab my helmet and we can be off.”
The two share a quick kiss before she reaches for the helmet on the coffee table in her living room. His smile lingers a touch longer than usual, prompting her to narrow her eyes in suspicion.
“You’re earlier than you said you’d be.” Her gaze slides to him after glancing at the clock on the wall.
“No traffic.” Theo returns the look.
Holding her helmet, an exact match to the one Theo is clutching—a gift from him on their last anniversary—she leads him out the door.
“What’s that look on your face?” She tries to see his blue eyes beyond the dark sunglasses. His smirk grew the closer they got to his bike.
“What look? I always look like this.” He chews the gum in his mouth to one side.
She knew him well enough to know something was up. “What’s going on, Theo? What are you up to?”
“Nothing,” He puts on his helmet, hiding the grin he’s sporting. “I can’t be happy to see my girl?”
She narrows her eyes again before putting on her own helmet. Theo climbs onto his bike and waits for her to do the same.
“I suppose…” She's only halfway convinced. Despite that, she decides to let it go for the moment, fully aware that she'll revisit the topic later, perhaps after their first pit stop.
Silently, he waits for her to mount his bike. It's a routine they've repeated a dozen times, exploring the city and venturing into the mountains together. The scenery never fails to amaze her, and the sheer excitement of speeding down the road with the wind in her hair never loses its thrill.
Theo glances back, keeping a watchful eye to ensure she doesn't struggle while swinging her leg over the bike. Earlier, he had suggested she wear a flowy skirt for their evening ride. It was normal for him to request certain clothing items from her. However, as she attempts to arrange the ends of the fabric under her legs on the seat, she's already regretting the choice. The skirt proved to be a bit of a challenge for a motorcycle ride. Mindful of avoiding any unintentional flashing to passers-by, she took her time ensuring every part was neatly tucked in.
Theo was patient and waited for her to tap his shoulder to indicate she was ready since the helmet muffled her voice.
Tonight's plan was to take a ride along the meandering roads leading toward the mountains just as the sun began to set. It had been some time since they last took this route, and she was excited to see the breathtaking views again.
Once satisfied with her modesty, she tapped his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist.
Theo braced the bike and the engine roared to life. Nestling her face into his black leather jacket, she inhaled the familiar oaky fragrance that mingled with the metallic scent of the open air, creating a comforting warmth in her chest. With her knees snug against the back of his jean-clad thighs, she readied herself for acceleration.
A thunderous rev echoed as he zoomed down the street, sending her heart racing with adrenaline. She smiled wide from ear to ear as he picked up speed.
In the blink of an eye, her neighborhood vanished, and they found themselves on the expansive open road. The sky painted in hues of blues, oranges, and pinks washed over the landscape. He took a right turn and then they were off on the long stretch toward the mountains where he picked up speed.
She held on to him tight, keeping her weight on the bike's center. Her hands idly rubbed his chest while she enjoyed the surrounding scenery—countless trees and valleys on one side and massive mountains on the other.
At a red light, Theo reached up to his chest, gently intertwining his fingers with hers. Hugging him from behind, she showed her affection through 'I love you' squeezes. He reciprocated, squeezing her hand in return.
They entered the mountain roads, speeding past forests and lesser-known hiking trails, with no car in sight for miles. It was nice getting away from it all, leaving behind the stresses of the week as they sped past streetlights gradually illuminating their path.
Beneath her, the bike hummed pleasantly, the absence of her usual thick denim pants allowing her to feel the vibrations more intimately. Then Theo revved the engine, and the sensation escalated to something pleasurable. The vibrations surged through her like an electric current, causing a blush to creep across her cheeks.
The only thing between her clit and the seat was her cotton panties. She breathed through it and tried to relax against his back.
The engine revved higher and her fingers dug into his chest. She held him in a vice grip and shifted in her seat. The bike wavered and Theo turned his head for a moment to look back at her. He quickly moved his gaze to the road and continued the ride.
The bike seat’s vibration felt even more incredible. She shifted minutely, trying not to make the bike come unbalanced but the assault on her clit was becoming too much.
He sped off down the mountain road, but she wasn’t paying attention to the beautiful scenery anymore.
Her legs were shaking and her stomach muscles clenched as shockwaves rippled through her core. The orgasm hit her like a bus. She gasped and clung to Theo, fighting the urge not to rock her hips for some delicious added friction.
The pleasant release was quickly thwarted when the bike's unrelenting vibrations assaulted her now oversensitive clit.
She couldn’t stop the moans that escaped her as another orgasm was pulled from her. Her thighs clamped down on the bike as her body pulsed. Her cries of pleasure were audible in the wind as one orgasm melted into another and another.
The seat and her panties were soaked from the wetness making it harder to stay on. She felt herself sliding, but the death grip she had on Theodore kept her centered.
She must have been knocking the air out of his lungs with the strength of her grip but there had been no reaction from him at all, even when she screamed in pleasure.
The vibrations changed slightly giving her a break from the strong ones she’d been accosted with, and the orgasms finally stopped. She was sweating and gasping for breath.
She smacked his chest and could feel his body rumble with laughter. She smacked him again and he revved the engine higher and, oh, fuck… he was doing this on purpose.
Her clit throbbed to the point of pain as her body responded to the higher vibrations. She was on the brink of madness as more orgasms piled on top of one another.
She started paying attention to her surroundings again when the bike began to slow, striking gravel. Her panting was more audible without the motorcycle engine and wind whipping past to drown her out. Rapid breaths fogged the visor of her helmet.
The bike came to a stop on the side of the road next to an impressive view of the mountains and forested valley below.
She was limp against his back as the bike came to a halt. Small tremors ran through her body with every breath she took. He cut off the bike but her body hummed with the ghost of the intense vibrations.
Theo waited a moment before carefully peeling her hand off his chest. The kickstand came down and he slid off the bike. Removing his helmet revealed his messy brown waves. He spit out his gum onto the gravel and set the helmet down carefully.
As he walked around to her, he wore a shit-eating grin.
She glared at him, but it wasn’t effective with the helmet on her head. She yanked it off and Theo carefully took it from her, setting it on the ground next to his.
Her hair was a mess sticking to her sweaty forehead, her cheeks sporting a deep red blush, and her lips plump and swollen from biting them.
“You did that on purpose!” She spat, placing her hands in front of her on the seat to hold herself up.
He lifted his brows with a smirk.
“How many times?” Theo asked in a cool tone.
“What!?” She huffed, still glaring at her boyfriend.
"How many times did you cum on my bike? How many?" He took off his sunglasses and hooked them in his back pocket. He wouldn’t need them again tonight as the sun was setting. She could see the spark of excitement in his eyes.
"I…. I don't know.." she adjusted in the seat and felt how slick it was.
She was in a state and wanted him to be just as much of a frazzled mess as she was.
Her legs were like jelly as she tried to stand. She would not be embarrassed by the wetness she left on the seat, she refused.
Before she could get off the bike, Theo crouched down and looked at her at eye level.
His eyes looked almost predatory as his finger slid over her bare thigh. Her skin ignited with his touch as he moved up and up, pushing her skirt the farther he went.
She could feel the slickness all over her thighs and knew her panties were absolutely done for.
“How many?” His tone was serious, sending shivers down her spine.
She held her breath as his fingers reached the soaked fabric. He pushed where her clit was and her body jerked.
“I-I don’t know! …I lost count.” She trembled under his touch and gaze.
He hummed and a small smile tugged at his lips.
“Get off the bike, amore mio.” He raked his hand through his messy hair as he stood and waited for her.
She tried again but her legs were trembling so much it took her a moment. Her skirt was sticking to her thighs and she looked a mess.
Theo helped her, placing his hand on her waist and guiding her off the bike. Her feet slid on the gravel as he pulled her against his body.
“You made a mess of my seat.” His lips twitched in a smirk.
It was very obvious just how much of a mess she’d made thanks to the state of the dehydrated leather.
The world tilted and her chest was pressed down to the wet seat, ass in the air. She braced her hands on the bike to hold herself up.
Theo flipped up her skirt and tugged her panties down to her ankles. Then his mouth was on her and she gasped. He licked her wet slit eagerly, pushing her thighs apart to go deeper, to lick more of her. He latched his lips on her clit and he sucked hard.
She fell apart, legs trembling as she gasped his name. She ached, but the release by his toungue was well worth it.
He lapped at her until she was soaked anew, making her aching cunt quiver. She was a blubbering mess, writhing in the firm grip he had on her thighs. She hissed as he dug his fingers into her leg, pressing harder, keeping her in place. He held her apart and ate her out more lively than she’d ever seen.
Theo moaned against her pussy and she arched her back. His tongue felt like sin and she couldn’t form words.
"The way you taste…" Theo didn't comment further. He just hummed a satisfied sound.
A cool burst of air struck her dripping heat and she groaned at the loss of his mouth.
She faintly heard the sound of a zipper over her own hysterics. Then the thick head of his cock pressed against her wet aching hole and her whimpering became begging.
“Oh! Yes, please!”
“Gods,” He murmured
Theo pressed in and the blunt head of his cock popped inside her tight entry.
He took far too long to press his cock into her. She wanted to be filled, she was begging for it, dammit!
He sucked in a breath and grabbed her hips firmly. He pulled her body, forcing her to take him to the hilt as he stood completely still.
It was a snug fit and he waited a moment, lightly rocking his hips while her body accommodated him. Her feet slid on the gravel trying to find purchase.
Theo angled himself and then struck that one spot that counted. He wasn’t gentle with her, his thrusts were hard and fast as his fingers dug into her hips.
“I have every intention of fucking you until you scream.” His voice was gruff as he slammed home over and over.
She knew what he was capable of. He would absolutely fuck her until nothing else existed but his hand digging into her hips, his cock filling her pussy, and her voice horse from screaming in pleasure.
Thank fuck they were in the middle of nowhere on a lesser-known road. She wasn’t capable of caring a single bit if a van full of camera-caring tourists drove by at this moment and watched. She wasn’t herself and neither was Theo. He fucked her primally, rough and hard.
She had no idea how the strength of his thrusts hadn’t tipped over the bike, she certainly wasn't helping matters. Her walls fluttered with the relentless pleasure and Theo hissed. She could feel it… she was right there yet again.
“Cum,” He growled. He panted as he yanked her hips back in tune with his thrusts.
It was like a switch was flipped and she was flying, screaming, cuming so fucking hard around his cock. Her whole body shook from the force of the orgasm, the bike and Theo’s vice grip being the only things to keep her upright as he continued to fuck her.
His strokes were long and gentle as she rode out the last of her climax. She was almost sobbing, moaning in pleasure, and feeling the pain of just how overworked her poor pelvic muscles were. She was going to be sore for days.
She whimpered, catching her breath, and finally looked up to see the gorgeous view before them. Gods, she wished she cared, she really did, but he was picking up speed again. The wet sounds of skin on skin and her cries echoing were the only noises around.
She pressed her forehead to the seat and hung on for dear life. He pulled her hips to meet his thrusts and she was grateful. Her legs were so weak, there was no possible way she could do it on her own. She lived for the soft grunts that escaped him, his small moans and heavy breaths as he used her body to seek his own pleasure.
He squeezed her hips again, digging his fingers in hard. She couldn’t possibly cum again, but he reached around and started teasing her clit, and… fine! She guessed she could cum again, and, gods, it hurt so fucking good.
Her vision went blurry and her eyes filled with actual tears.
Theo's grasp tightened one final time, his hips meeting hers with a resounding slap. A moan escaped him, and he pressed his chest against her back, his heart racing as he gently rocked his hips.
Tears fell from her eyes and she tried wiping them off on her sleeve. It was too much from the start. All that was left of her mind was a ball of mush.
He panted into her hair as he caught his breath. Her heart pounded against the seat, blood rushing and throbbing behind her eardrums.
Finally, Theo released his bruising grip from her hips and rested his forearms on the seat, caging her in with his arms.
A quiet moment passed over them as they caught their breath. Theo began leaving soft kisses all over the back of her neck. He nipped behind her ear, making her tremble once again.
Wetness started cooling on her thighs as they settled there. She wanted nothing more than to be back at home in her bed with him, curled up and falling asleep in his arms.
Theo exhaled and stood up, pulling out of her more carefully than usual. She nearly fell to her knees but he caught her. He chuckled, pulling her close, his arm wrapping around her waist as he glanced down at her. His chest rose and fell rapidly, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.
She adored the way his brown waves clung to his forehead, and his cheeks displayed a delightful rosy hue. While he wasn't as disheveled as she was, it was still satisfying to see.
“Think you can survive the ride back?” He gently kissed her forehead.
“Do NOT do that thing again!”
He laughed and picked up her helmet off the gravel. “Fine, fine.” He smirked.
“How did you even figure something like that out!?” She took her helmet from him.
“One of the guys mentioned that a bike could rev at just the right frequency for-”
“Okay, okay,” She cut him off. Of course it was his friends. They were always giving him the most insane advice. She glared at him for good measure before putting her helmet back on, making sure it was the last thing he saw.
He threw her a rag from his back pocket for her to clean herself, then picked up her panties from the ground, swiftly tucking them into his jacket pocket.
Theo smiled wider and kissed the forehead portion of her helmet before placing his back on.
“…So romantic,” She said in a monotone voice, taking the rag to her thighs then to the seat.
He observed as she cleaned up, resting his arms on the bike handles before pointing to her inner thigh. “Missed a spot.”
She smacked his arm away. “Start the bike, Asshole!”
His laugh rumbled from under the helmet, then the bike roared to life.
A|N: I like how the first words she says are the entire theme of the fic. That was a total accident.
Thank you for reading!
If you recognize the story, I wrote this for Seb a while back as well. It’s also inspired by a fic I read 5 years ago.
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falconcoast · 1 year
new year’s kiss | tighnari x reader
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a part of the tighnari college/modern au - part iv.
it’s new year’s eve. you and tighnari slip out of a party to celebrate the new year on your own. 
a/n: i got an ask asking for christmas tighnari but i didn’t look at my inbox until recently TT_TT forgive me!! anyways happy birthday to my favorite boy!!
warnings: alcohol is mentioned briefly!
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partying and drinking on akademiya grounds was not on tighnari’s bucket list, but it sure seemed like it was on yours.
there was only half an hour left until midnight, indicating the start of the new year. quite frankly, he didn’t understand the need to go out and party for a celebration as simple as new year’s eve. he could do that in the comforts of your shared apartment, thank you very much.
nonetheless, he was still at some acquaintance’s house in the suburbs of the city, sitting on the couch. he cringed as a couple got fairly handsy next to him, and he scooted away. sighing, he pressed a finger to his temples to ease the headache he knew was coming on.
he had lost you a while ago. you two had stuck together like glue (much to his friend’s noticed teasing) until you went to talk to some other friends and disappeared into the crowd. tighnari’s mood was noticeably sour after that.
the heat of the room became unbearable for him. close proximity to everyone made his ears twitch with displeasure. standing, he got up and wriggled his way outside of the house. sumeru was mild at the end of the year, where the air was neither warm nor cold. he crossed his arms in an attempt to sustain warmth. sitting on the sidewalk, he languidly stretched. the other condos down the block were alight, warm light illuminating the dark night. at the end of the neighborhood, he could see a few families celebrating in their front yards.
“thought i might find you out here,” a voice announced from behind him.
turning, he was pleasantly surprised to see you behind him. “y/n,” he breathed softly. “i thought you’d be the type to stay inside. you were the one who wanted to be at this party in the first place.”
“it isn’t much of a party if my favorite person isn’t there,” you shrugged. before tighnari could even react, you crouched down and offered him a hand. he took it gratefully. playing with your still-entwined hands, you looked at him curiously. “do you wanna take a walk?”
“sure,” he accepted. neither of you made a motion to break away from the other’s touch.
the walk began without much fanfare. to quell the awkwardness, you spoke up.
“so…” you began as you both trailed down the path. “did you know there are gonna be a few fireworks set off at midnight?”
“really?” tighnari responded, tilting his head. “i didn’t know.”
“yeah, it’ll be really nice. it’s down the road from here, if you want to see them. i think it’ll be far enough that your ears won’t hurt.”
“that would be nice,” he agreed.
leading him along the path, you walked out of the neighborhood with him. the suburbs revealed another endless row of houses. you weaved in and out of the streets, happily recounting your night out. he stared as you dragged him along, admiring the way that the night contoured your features softly and the wind accompanied your voice.
“is there something on my face?” you asked when you turned and looked at him.
“no!” he replied instantly, smacking a hand over his mouth. you laughed at his flusteredness.
“well, if you were getting bored, we’re almost there,” you cheered, pushing him on further.
eventually, you came across a park, where a hill sloped above a playground and trees. it was empty, as everyone else was home to celebrate. a sea of dainty flowers decorated the hill; white carnations, he recognized. they waved in the breeze, jostled by a passing wind.
stopping, you stared at your roommate deviously. “what now?” he asked, tilting his head.
kicking off your shoes, you picked them up and took off. “race you!” you exclaimed. with a laugh, you ran up the hill, threading through the flowers and rushing past the thicket.
chuckling, he chose not to race you, but to walk up the hill steadily. clearly, when you wanted something, you couldn’t be stopped. he took his time to get to the top, taking in the sound of the grass crushed under his feet and the floral scent of the carnations.
when he arrived, you were sprawled out on the dirt, as if trying to become one with the earth. your eyes were closed as if you were asleep. he admired you for a moment, before quickly snapping out of it.
he took a seat next to you, crossing his legs and leaning back. “you’re going to be sore when we have to climb down and go back home, you know,” he astutely observed.
“oh, shut up,” you remarked, but there was no bite in your voice. sitting up, you scooted closer to him. “so, do you have any new year’s resolutions?”
“not particularly,” he shrugged his shoulders.
that was a lie. he wanted to be bolder with your relationship, to actually be able to say his feelings towards you. long before you moved into your shared apartment, tighnari recognized that he felt something different for you. after nearly two years, he realized that something had to change.
“oh, really?” you replied. “me neither.”
you twisted a carnation out of the ground, so focused that you didn’t even react when another cool breeze swept by. his ear twitched and his tail wagged slightly.
you were lying. he chose not to call you out on it.
it started softly, but he could hear it: the soft chant of a countdown. at the same time, you looked at your phone. “it’s 11:59,” you stated, looking at him. chuckling softly, you continued to play with the flower. “i bet everyone is dragging someone to have their new year’s kiss.”
thinking of his resolution, his ears and tail became pin-straight. “it’s important to honor tradition,” he said.
“wait, are you saying what i think you’re saying?” you asked, turning to face him. “are you asking me to be your new year’s kiss?”
clearing his throat, he covered his face to hide his blush. it was not very often that he had to explain himself, especially when it came to important matters like yourself. “n-no?” he squeaked out pathetically, attempting to backtrack. “i was just saying that it’s interesting that people kissing on new year’s eve happens to be tradition.”
raising an eyebrow, you got ever closer to him. “that’s not what you said,” you pointed out softly. “you said it was important to honor tradition, the tradition of kissing to welcome in the new year. we better do our part, right?”
if he could, he would have taken off, running down that hill. paralyzed by your gaze, he could only sit and stare in place. the tone of your voice meant that you didn’t just mean that you wanted to fulfill a tradition, but you earnestly wanted to kiss him. you looked at him expectantly and then pulled back. “sorry,” you said, a bashful look on your face. “we don’t have to if you don’t want to. we can just watch the fireworks.”
“wait--” he attempted to say. you turned to look at him, eyes wide with a glimmer of hope. the countdown was nearing its end, and he made up his mind.
his thoughts scrambled around as if trying to rationalize what he was about to do. while your offer was romantic, what if you truly meant that you just wanted to kiss him for the tradition? what if it was so bad that you were going to leave your apartment the next day? what if you didn’t like him back when he was pouring all of his emotions into one action? what if your friendship was forever ruined because he had run his mouth?
placing a hand on your cheek, he heard the sharp whistle of a firework going off. as if on the beat, he softly pressed his lips against yours as the sky illuminated with a golden shimmer. smiling, you reciprocated the action with equal fervor. it was awkward and new and nothing that he expected it to be, but he found himself enjoying it nonetheless.
pulling back, you shyly looked to the ground. he tucked his knees to his chest and attempted to calm his beating heart. the dynamic of your friendship changed forever at that moment. resolving not to talk about what just happened, you sprawled out on the grass again. softly, you pulled on his arm and encouraged him to lie down on the ground beside you. he did so, enjoying your presence beside him. the quiet was filled with repeated explosions of fireworks.
looking over at you, your eyes were glued to the colorful display in front of you. before long, your gaze caught his. turning to face you completely, he picked up another flower and placed it behind your ear. you grinned, admiring it with soft affection. your hand inched close to his own but didn’t touch it.
“happy new year, ‘nari,” you whispered.
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imagine if they still didn’t get together after this under the pretext that “everyone kisses their best friend on new year’s if they don’t a partner�� laugh out loud
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daughter-of-melpomene · 3 months
🌟 + Catta Rostova, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 💖💛💖
Ooooh, an ask for my lovely bastard princess, thank you so much, Alexandra!! <3
If Catta was going to choose to be any kind of Grisha, she’d like to be a Healer, not a Tidemaker like her mother was - she’d much prefer to be able to help people and make them better to just being able to manipulate water.
Though Catta does wind up taking Genya’s last name when they finally get married, there is some debate over whether she’s going to before the fact; Genya suggested that she either keep her mother’s surname or hyphenate it with Safin so that Catta could keep her privileges as something of a member of the royal family, but after Nikolai became king and made it clear he wasn’t disowning Catta anytime soon, it was agreed that Catta would become a Safin.
The first time Catta tried kvas was thanks to Genya sneaking some in when she came to Catta’s room for one of their late night talks. She was seventeen and had never had so much as a sip of it before, because the queen had forbidden her from drinking alcohol, convinced that she would get drunk and embarrass the whole royal family. The kvas burned Catta’s throat and she nearly coughed up a lung after only a few sips, but the sight made Genya laugh, so she didn’t regret trying it, even if she never drank kvas again.
When Catta was eleven years old, she broke her wrist trying to race Nikolai down one of the longer Grand Palace hallways. The queen placed all of the blame on Catta and kept yelling at her for it while the palace doctor was trying to reset her wrist, and he was so frazzled by the queen’s shouting he wound up setting Catta’s wrist just a bit wrong. He fixed it, but she still has a small scar on her wrist from the incident.
Once, only once, Catta had stolen one of Genya’s white keftas and tried it on, wanting to see herself in a Grisha garment and pretend for a moment that she was like her mother and hadn’t become just a disappointment to her father. She was only able to look at herself in the mirror for a few moments before she had to take it off, and she never even touched another kefta again.
In a modern AU, I think Catta would be the biggest ever fan of rom-coms; she always loves a good romantic story with a happy ending.
After the Darkling is defeated, whenever Genya has a moment of insecurity or a flashback to all the things he made her do, Catta will always say that she wishes she could get a Heartrender to bring him back just so she can punch him in the face.
Catta’s favorite color is pink, especially light pink - she loves the way it looks on her, and Genya always showers her with compliments whenever she wears it (and any other time, really).
Speaking of which, Catta is very unused to compliments, having received very few genuine ones growing up, and even then pretty much exclusively from Nikolai. Genya always seeks to remedy this, though, the same way Catta always makes sure to be extremely gentle with her.
Catta and Nina don’t ever really get the chance to meet, but if they did, I am certain they would be the most amazing unexpected besties.
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send me an oc and i’ll give you ten facts about them!!
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nomoreusername · 11 months
The Perfect Loss (Modern Au)
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Pairing:Minho x gender neutral reader
Summary:After years of being in competition with Minho, one loss changes everything about it.
I have been on the track team since freshman year. I craved the wind in my hair and the way I felt at the end of a successful race. I was almost the best on my team. There was just one problem, and his name was Minho.
Him and I were neck and neck at every race, and it drives me insane. When he won he'd look at me with that satisfied smirk. When I won I'd give him mock sincerity. Today had to be different though. My cousin had flown in seven states away just to see me. If I didn't win all that money was a waste.
"Hey shank. Ready to lose,"He asked, stretching.
"I'll lose the day you give up hairspray,"I shot back. He looked at me in a way I didn't like.
"What?"I snapped.
"You're worried about today's race,"He stated. I scoffed at that and pulled my hair back.
"I'm not worried about anything slinthead."
I double checked my laces and got into the starting position. He did the same.
"You're worried about today's race,"He repeated, unaffected by my attitude.
"No, I'm not. Not get in your lane, and stay there."
"On your mark."
"Something about today is scaring you."
"Get set."
"Shuck off."
I didn't hesitate to start sprinting. My cousin bought a front way ticket just for me. I couldn't let her down.
I could feel my breathing becoming uneven. Technically Coach had said I needed to work on saving my energy, but I paid that no mind. In the back of my head one word was being chanted over and over. 'Win. Win. Win.'
There was already a stitch in my side, and I was only on my second lap. I just needed to get past three more. I was going to win. I didn't have another choice.
♡ - - - ♡
I had just passed my fourth lap, and I was falling behind worse than I ever had. In fact, I was second to last. How was I expected to catch up now? The person behind me was only there because it was their first race.
I kept pushing, but it was becoming too much. My legs were burning more than they ever had before. Even the kid in the back had passed me. I was going to lose.
The world seemed to be in slow motion as Minho crossed the finish line first. Everyone else was seconds behind him. I had given up and was only speed walking now. Coach was yelling from the sidelines, I didn't care. I had just suffered the worst loss of my life.
With a pathetic cross of the finish line I looked at the stands only to find my cousin had left. Honestly, I deserved it. I just had the most horrendous race in history.
Coach was angrily stomping up to me, but I pretended not to see. Without a word I walked out of the entire school. I could get my bad tomorrow. If it got stolen it was just my gym one, and I already had my uniform. Even if I didn't I wouldn't care. I couldn't stay here.
I walked right out the gate and passed everyone. My teammates were probably still in the locker room. Thank God for that. I didn't want anyone to see me like this.
I reached for my keys to get ready to sit in my car and cry. At least that was the plane until I saw Minho already there. He leaning against my car still in uniform.
"If you came here to make fun of me just do it tomorrow. I'm not in the mood."
"I didn't come here to make fun of you."
"Don't lie to me. Just give me my stupid smug look and leave. You can do it in front of everyone if it makes you feel better."
"Sod off,"I scowled, reaching for my keys. My pockets were empty. They were still in my bag. I was really going to have to go back and forth and face everyone after that.
"You had someone in the crowd,"He stated.
"That is none of your business,"I snapped. Instead of that unaffected look from last time he looked concerned. It's probably fake.
"it wasn't a request. I'm not leaving until you're in the car."
"Come on. I'll give you a ride,"He offered.
"I'll walk,"I shrugged, not having any energy left.
"That sounds like a threat,"I pointed out.
"Just come on. I know you're not going to go back in they locker room."
"We're not going there. I'm taking you somewhere else."
Realizing he wasn't going to quit I followed him to his car. "Seatbelt,"He instructed. Normally I would roll my eyes, but I was too worn out.
"My address is-"
"Why?"I asked.
"Because I always go there when I lose a race,"He told me.
"You? You of all people go somewhere to be cheered up after you lose?"I asked.
"Yeah. No one in our school goes there because it's older."
"No. I mean I'd never know. You seem so nonchalant after."
"Is it the old diner?"I asked.
"You ruined the surprise, but yes. How'd you know?"He asked.
"I go there after I lose a race too,"I admitted. "Seriously?"
"Well, yeah. It's nice to-"
"What am I supposed to do? Cry?"I pointed out. "Good point."
Pulling up into the old diner I went to get out until he stopped me. "Wait,"He said. I looked at him weird but only undid my seatbelt. In the most cliche way ever he opened the door.
I accepted his hand and walked in with him. Harriet was already behind the counter and clearly bored out of her mind.
"Really? That's a bit overboard,"I commented.
"It's not. Now let's go,"He said, holding out his hand. I raised an eyebrow. "I'm not going to kill you."
When she saw us her entire demeanor changed. She perked up and suddenly looked very invested in being here. "Wow. This is new,"She remarked. I gave her a shrug. "Then again you guys always choose the same booth. It was just cleaned so you know where to go."
"You're going to make them bleed,"He told me, casually taking my hand in his. It wasn't like me, but I was suddenly nervous for a very different reason. I don't know why, but I'd figure it out later. For the first time I feel okay after losing, and it's because of the person I would never expect.
It turns out we did in fact sit in the same booth. It was odd how many little things we had in common. "Do you want to tell me who was in the stands?"He asked.
"Not really. I don't even know if she'll be there when I get home,"I admitted quietly. I was nervous just thinking about it. When I get nervous I bite my nails.
Maybe I wouldn't give him mock sincerity when he loses. Maybe just maybe I would be the one to drive him here.
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written-musings · 2 years
I would love a snippet of how you envision a modern AU. Maybe something christmasy with a Love Actually vibe?
Maybe Single Parents Obi and Padpad being managed by their kids and at the end realizing that they do like esch other?
Or just domestic Obidala decorating their flat and drinking hot chocolate?
Let me know if this should be a multiple part saga ;) Happy Holidays!
Padmé walked through endless white, footsteps of chilled yet anxious parents adorned in warm scarves and coats as they waited for their children to exit the school building. Stepping outside the gate, she shoved her hands in her black puffy parka and wrapped her neck and face into her caramel wool scarf.
The sun set early, once again... The sky was a gradient of soft pink and orange hues as the last traces of short-lived winter sunlight peaked through the cotton candy clouds. Wind lightly whirled through the streets surrounded with powdered white, picking up flurries that danced in the air and brushed on her face, nestling into her wild, chocolate curls.
Obi-Wan walked the opposite direction, his amber hair brushed from the almost-winter wind as it contrasted his black wool peacoat, wondering why in the blazers he did not bring a scarf to shield him from the relentless Boston wind.
They stood in a crowd of parents and caretakers waiting for a bell that finally rang, the last day of school before the holidays.
Padmé's 10-year-old daughter raced down the steps and into her mother's arms, adorned in a paper poinsettia crown from crafts, a bag of candy canes and treats in her arms. "Look what I made today, mom!" The girl smiled as she pointed to her crown.
The mother smiled down at the giddy girl, crouching to her level. "You look like a Christmas queen," she bowed down to her as she laughed, "The extra glitter glue gives it a lovely touch."
Tears filled Padmé's eyes as she looked into her daughter's eyes, the only living reminder of her deceased husband - their first Christmas without him.
As they walked away, an 11-year-old boy with amber hair gallivanted down the snowy steps, wearing a paper crown with glued rhinestones, a lollypop hanging out of his mouth from the class parties.
"A crown fit for a Christmas king!" The father exclaimed loud enough for his son to hear over the shroud of children's voices.
He looked at his father and the empty spot next to him. "She is not picking me up today, isn't she?"
Obi-Wan sighed, wondering where things went wrong, "I'm afraid not, Liam." The divorcee placed his hand on his son's shoulder. "Mum, is still in London." The boy looked down at his feet, as he stomped with a crunch in the snow.
"I know..." The boy released a sigh identical to that of his father's.
The father wrapped an arm around his son's shoulder, "We have the Christmas pageant with your class tomorrow, that is something to look forward to, right? We can decorate a tree, watch movies, go sledding in Boston Common..." He trailed off as they began to walk home.
This was their first Christmas without her, not that she was ever around any way.
The pavement was slick as parents carefully paraded their kids home. Padmé being the busy single-mom and professor was in a hurry to return home and start festivities in time to get grading done after her daughter Leia went to bed. It was getting dark now, the homes in the neighborhood had turned on their Christmas lights.
Crossing the street, she followed the signal, only that a public transit bus was bustling full speed astern as it slid uncontrollably on the street. It happened so fast as the mother caught her daughter and pushed her out of the way just in time. In a flash she closed her eyes bracing for the inevitable...
But a pair of warm and strong arms grasped her amid the slipping chaos with momentum causing them to spin around and land in freshly plowed snow on the side of the road as the honking bus continued on down the avenue.
An anxious, newly divorced dad trying his best holding a widowed mother barely holding it together, her back to the ground has his arms held her to him, his breath raspy as their chests rose and fell into each other, to the point where his breath fogged up his glasses.
She stared at him in shock as their children ran to them, screaming "Dad!" and "Mom!"
The man's glasses slid down his nose, revealing the clear icy blue under them. With the catch of his breath he smiled, revealing his teeth, the warmth of wool in the snow.
"Hello there." His foggy breath nestled her face, the warmth tickling her cold nose, reddened from the snow.
My god, she’s gorgeous. He thought.
My god, he saved me? His accent…
The mother sat in shock, smelling old books, coffee, and evergreen before instinctively thinking about her daughter. “Leia!” She called to her as Obi-Wan quickly got to his feet and helped the woman up.
There she stood, being helped up by a boy with amber hair, wearing the paper crown. “She is okay!” The boy shouted as he dusted the snow from Leia’s coat, “Leia is just shocked, that is all.”
“Mom!”  The girl ran to her mother and hugged her.
Tears filled the mother’s eyes as she held her daughter. She could not lose anyone else.
“Thank you, Liam.” Her daughter said through her mother’s embrace.
Letting her go, Padmé’s gaze shifted from the boy and his father.
“You saved us, both of you…” She said as a crowd of concerned onlookers checked to see if they were okay.
The man scratched his head awkwardly, as he glanced at her again, doing a double take to wonder if she is real. “Are you okay?” He asked.
She raised her eyebrows, “I should be asking you the same question…”
Liam and Leia glanced at each other, and then their parents who were entranced in each other’s eyes, as if their world stopped - two adults completely dumbfounded, but they did not know if it was because a bus almost fatally hit her or the fact that they couldn’t take their eyes off each other.
It’s not like any of them would admit it.
He shrugged nonchalantly, as if his life saving tactics were no trouble, “Just another day dealing with Boston public transit… My name is Obi-Wan, but people call me Ben.”
The woman laughed anxiously in response, her heart still racing from the near-death experience, only that it was prolonged for another reason she did not want to even consider. The man reached his hand out to shake hers, “My name is Padmé. I owe you my life, Obi-Wan. Thank you…” Her heart, her chest… she started feeling something.
She wasn’t ready, not again. She did not want to hurt again.
He smiled politely, not knowing what to say. It was too early to try dating again, he knew it.
“Not a problem,” he responded, wanting to find a way out of the situation, “We should probably get going…”
The children looked at each other and then at their parents…
“Dad, where do we have to go?”
The man nervously ran his fingers through his amber locks as he finally broke eye contact with her, “We have… errands.”
Immediately looking down, she placed her palm on daughter’s shoulder, dusted with snow, “We should get going, too…”
“Going where? I thought we were making hot chocolate and watching a movie!” Leia responded in a perplexed tone as she turned to her mother, her eyebrow raised.
“I absolutely love hot chocolate!” Liam exclaimed with excitement, meeting eyes with the girl with a subtle smirk.
“Mom,” the girl tugged at her mother’s sleeve ever so slightly, her eyes widened when she would ask for something, “we should thank them with hot chocolate!”
“We would love to join! Right, dad?” The son looked up to his father, knowing that his mother had failed him and that he did not want to do the same to him.
All Liam and Leia wanted was for their parents to be happy, which, in turn, would make them happy.
Padmé and Ben met eyes again, and it was like their breaths were taken away when the bus almost took her away for good, but they didn’t want it.
Their children’s happiness, however, was something they could not refuse.
With a hesitation, they simultaneously breathed, “Okay.”
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mingi-bubu · 2 years
8. "Do you remember?"
Fictober22~ Supernatural exists au, set in an indeterminate time but it’s not modern day, angst with a happy ending, lee seokmin x gn!reader, ~1.7k bc i couldn’t control myself
You think what you miss most about Seokmin is his warmth.  His eyes that looked at you with such care and joy, his smile that reminded you of sunshine breaking through a cloudy day, his kisses that were like a cool breeze on a hot summer day…
All of that gone now.  His warmth is still there—he couldn't ever not be the sun—but it's not the same. A distorted echo of what once was.  He looked at you with a polite interest, sometimes amusement when you and your familiar Bazil get into an argument, but his smile is now more of sunshine in the winter. Bright, but lacks any warmth, leaving you wishing it hadn't appeared at all.
And it was your fault.
You didn't mean to mess with the fair folk; you didn't mean to step into their field, to break their circle, but you did. Chasing your spell book as it flew tens of feet above you, Seokmin behind you, asking why the damned thing had escaped once again from the fortified boundary of your lintel.  And because he was following you so closely, he broke the circle with you.
The fair folk decided that retribution, their specialty, was to be removing every memory of you from his mind.  After all, he's just a human.  Barely a spark of Other in him; no more than the average, of course.
You hadn't realized he collapsed until you finally caught your book and turned to face him excitedly.  You saw him there, barely visible in the tall, swaying grasses, lying unmoving. Running to him, using your Otherness to levitate him to your small house a hop, skip, and a jump away from the field, anxiety racing through your veins.  The flickering light flowing through the leaves gave him an unnatural look, like he was nearly close to death.
You had set him on your bed and immediately contacted your mentor, Jeonghan, with the hope that he had any idea on how to fix this.
"Unfortunately, the fair folks' Otherness is too wild, too quick to change like the winds, for me to be able to make any assessments, sweeping though they would be."
You had stared at him blankly, not believing what he told you. Anger, despair, regret, guilt, and fear swirled around inside you, a cocktail of negative emotion, and your Other sparked out of your fingertips, nearly burning your small table next to you.  "What then, pray tell," you hissed, eyes blazing, "am I supposed to do to fix this?"
Jeonghan had stayed quiet.  He didn't have answers to your question.  Or if he did, they weren’t ones that you wanted to hear.  He faded away, the visage dissolving in front of you like embers dying in the air above a fire.
That was nearly a month ago and Seokmin was no better, tough though he was. You didn't have the heart to tell him all of the truth—that you were lovers and have been for nearly a year. But you told him the rest of it—that you lived together, that you trusted him with your life, and he did the same, how you had met at the village's autumnal equinox festival, all of it.  He rolled with it all, apologizing for not remembering as if it were his fault that he was cursed by your (literal) misstep.
Bazil brought up his idea again one night, towards the final hours of the month. Seokmin had tired before you, as usual, and left you and your fox familiar to your work in front of the now-dying fireplace.
"All I suggest," Bazil says, barely flicking his eyes at you while he cleans his front claws, "is that you take him back to the field to beg forgiveness."
You barely look at him as you continue to twist damp reed fibers into a thin string. "And I told you that if I do that, the fair folk may take a harsher response and do something worse to him."
If foxes could raise an eyebrow, you're sure Bazil's would be with how his voice dripped in skepticism. "How would they make him worse, pray? Turn your lover into a vegetable of a human, only able to breathe and blink?"
"They could turn him into a literal vegetable, you mutt," you mutter, tying off another string of reed fibers.
"I think I should do it." Seokmin's voice suddenly behind you makes you jump, the basket of reeds whispering from the movement.
"See, even the soon-to-be radish agrees with me."  Bazil licks his chops and sets his head down on his folded paws, clearly done with the conversation.
I’ll turn you into a radish, you think, glaring at your familiar.  A twitch of his ear was the only thing to let you know your thought reached him.  You set aside your fibers, twisting in your chair to look at the man behind you.  The low light of the fire softened him, as though you were looking at him through misted glass or in a dream.
You sigh, your eyes flickering down his body, and you talk to the ring on his pinky rather than look him in the eye.  “Seokmin, no, I cannot let you do that.  It is much too dangerous for an Other to walk into a fair folks’ circle, much less a human.”
“But if this is the only way to restore my memory in its fullest…”  He pauses, weighing his next words carefully, “If this is the only way to restore that whom you knew me as.  I feel guilty for taking him away from you, as silly as that sounds.”
“No, Seokmin, I promise it is not your fault.  You have no need or obligation to feel guilty, nor do you have any obligation towards me from what I know of our past together.”  You can’t help but say his name as you have before, love tripping through the syllables.
“You should have your lover back, and I am sure that I was happier then than I am now,” he argues, stepping closer.
You know that this back-and-forth could go on forever.  You were both stubborn in general, but even more so when it came to the other’s happiness.  Still, you fire back, “I do not know for certain how their Otherness will affect you!  They could do so much more damage to you than they already have.  I do not want to risk you for something that may come back on its own.  The chance that the fair folk decide to be benevolent is too small for me to put you into that situation just because I miss my lover!”  You feel your eyes begin to water slightly at the thought of losing Seokmin for good because of your selfishness.
“And I promised I would never make you cry!”  He says frustrated, his voice louder than a minute ago.  Or maybe it was the darkness that enhanced your senses.
You let out a soft gasp when your mind processed what he just said.  In the month that he’s been with you since the Incident, he made several promises.  Most of them weren’t serious.  They were things like “I promise that I won’t ask you to make another dragon out of flames in the fireplace again” only for him to ask you ten minutes later to make another dragon out of flames in the fireplace.  But he never promised something as serious as that.
“Do you remember?”  Your question comes out hesitantly, as if the words themselves don’t wish to leave your lips.  Seokmin had promised that he would never make you cry in the aftermath of your first big argument, something you can’t even remember what you disagreed on any more anyway.
“I don’t,” he starts to say, but pauses.  His eyes close and his face is peaceful for a moment before it scrunches in pain.  He stumbles forwards into the arm of your chair and doubles over, his head barely missing your nose.  On instinct, you gently but sturdily put his head into the crook of your neck and start running one hand through his hair soothingly, the other resting on the side of his neck.  He wraps his arms around you, his fingers digging in to the sweater you wore as he rides the waves of memory that are hitting him out of the blue.
You stay like that for who knows how long, the fireplace going dark.  The only light came from the window in the ceiling you put in to look at the moon.  It shone brightly enough for you to just make out what was around you.
“When I met you that first time at the festival, you were wearing a crown of red-golden leaves and holly berries.  I told you I thought you were an elf at first glance because you were all elegance and grace as you joined the villagers dancing around the bonfire,” he whispers against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.  “Our first kiss was on the winter solstice, and you made the evergreens around us shake the snow off their branches to try to impress me.  I laughed when a bunch of snow fell on you, giving you a little mound of white powder on the top of your head.  You glared at me before I pulled you closer to brush it off.
“When I finished, my hand came down to the side of your face, and you complained about how cold my hands were.  I interrupted you to ask if it was okay to kiss you in that moment because I couldn’t believe that you were actually in my arms.  I didn’t even fully finish my question before you pulled me closer by my coat collar.  Bazil saw us and started talking about how long it took for us to get to that moment.”
You were reeling with emotions as Seokmin recounted the earlier moments in your love story together.  Your hand had gone still the moment he talked about the festival crown, your fingers buried in his hair.
“I don’t know what brought me back to you, my love,” he says, pulling away just enough so that he could look at your face fully, “but I promise you that I will always come back to you.  It may take a while, but I will.”
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lighthouseborn · 3 months
actually I don't know if I've said this on the blog before: modern verses Henry has a tricky thing going on with his travel sometimes because he was born on international waters and also may or may not have an official birth certificate i actually. i haven't done enough digging to decide one way or the other yet, but. the whole thing was very non-standard and sometimes causes problems, is what i do know.
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Demons Unleashed ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Gaiden Pt.1 ~
"Ruler of the Underworld Dark Nebula has been defeated..."
"The Galaxy is at peace..."
"But the Planet is still in Jeopardy."
[Let the Winds Blow (PSO EP3 Theme) - Kenichi Tokoi]
"The Dreamcast Era...I'll never forget it."
"It was the era when those grisly attacks were not the caused by human terrorists, but monsters or so-called "Gods" of mobius had went on a rampage or set their hearts to darkness completely filled with death and destruction. The major roles of the Dreamcast Era were the incidents that occurred near the near end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The first one was the Chaos Attack, the incident that occurred between 1998 and 1999 about a God of Destruction named Chaos that murdered the entire Knuckles Clan and was responsible for the destruction of Station Square. Second was the Space Colony Ark Incident, where San Francisco became a battlefield, Sonic framed for a crime he did not commit, and A Space Colony Ark that was programmed to put the planet in omnicide, but failed due to the heroic efforts and Shadow's redemption."
"Five years after those incidents, a 14 year girl of the brutal and monstrous Phantonian Race, mistaken for an incident that a ravenous demon in black made of ink attacked the American Public and for the city of Tokyo, the one they call it was the Ink Demon. Captured by the Mobian Death God Grim, the girl who was captured goes by the name Maka Albarn, the so-called hero of Soul World, was placed in a special room in Hang Castle Zone, to be hid away from the public giving a somewhat sentence of 10 years in a special room at the Reaper's palace, Hang Castle Zone."
"During her time in the Reaper's castle, the mad scientist Dr. Eggman used a powerful device that triggered Chaos Emeralds to break Sonic's world into pieces, but that was no oridnary chaos control that broke his world in seven pieces, but the planet mobius itself was imprisoning ancient evil that spreads the darkness, the creature lives inside of Mobius's core was Dark Gaia."
Soon after the Metal Sonic and Gizoid incidents, Sonic was transformed into a vicious creature that contain Dark Gaia power and werewolf DNA that originated from his ancestors and has the power to turn into a ferocious beast known as the Werehog, a mixture of hedgehog and werewolf."
"Then finally, with the Black Arms invasion ended and Eggman Nega is on the loose, the Dreamcast Era was finished that finally comes to a close into the Modern Era."
"Four years have passed since the incident in San Francisco."
[ Extra (My Destiny) - Mariko Nanba, TAI-HEY]
"After saving Jupiter from the clutches of Dark Nebula, we decided that all things must stay in order and kept well lively."
"However, Soul World not's the type of world that we expected from the likeness of Japan."
"Real World AU is just Real World AU, and who knows that Maka Albarn cannot even pull that Courage crap. It was never about Courage, it was about honoring with Valor and virtue."
"I'm Soul Evans, leader of the Shattered Soul Army organization. I used to be the cool that who calls my self Soul Eater Evans, but they don't call me Soul Eater for nothing. And I heard Sonic has been kept lively with his world it's a been an amazing start here in the new year, 2007 A.D. 2007 would be a great start for Sonic since the 06 was a complete failure to him, same goes to his game that it's storyline and plot was retconned and erased every single evidence from the Solaris Incident. No wonder his Creator Yuji Naka prevented the blame for Sonic 06's failure and left sega after Riders. 2006 would've been cool year for Sonic and that was Sega's own fault for rushing it during development."
"Word is that Eggman Nega himself in the year of 06 wanted turn Sonic's world into a card so that he could bring omnicide to everything, but his plan was foiled. They say Eggman Nega himself is dealing with a chao-eating demon and leading army of pirates to steal a scepter from Blaze's World."
"2007 seems to be a head start for new things and we must bind them to do something different."
Soul Evans : Maka Albarn...It is been so long since we first met at the city we used to be. Our city was San Francisco, the place you grew up and now thanks to that, our ability to turn into weapons was ceased to function and I'm just mere human with powers that I have must did. Wish we could've get to known each other again.
Shattered Soul Soldier : Hey, man. How are you feeling today?
Soul Evans : Oh, I'm fine. I just got a little something usual that isn't emootinal sickness, who says anything about showing the world her courage, it's not her courage, it's "Valor" with a capital "V". That was the time when we saved the Galaxy back in the year 06.
Shattered Soul Soldier : Yeah, the year of 06 was one hell of a year last time, Pluto no longer a planet, Winter Olympics 06 in Italy, and what was that other thing that is worst video game of all history. Alright, Sonic 06. Yeah, that game was a total nutjob, a dumpster fire in the eyes of Sega and Sonic himself would never forgive his creators for rushing it's development, well I heard that PSO successor Phantasy Star Universe is kicking up a notch, they say that it's the best 06 game that is ever made by Sonic Team.
Soul Evans : Those guys? Yeah, they were the ones who helped Maka during our journey to save the planet she was born on Jupiter. Nothing's too much personal. Do you believe in anything what I did in the 06, first of all, everyone we known in Soul World have never met their demands with the heartless since the Black Arms Invasion two years ago.
Shattered Soul Soldier : What else did we have in store for us? Any obligations, we could see the day that DWMA is going down in the sewers or should I say down into the fire! That's what the author get for being too stubborn to realize that his future adaptation will have the worst ending written by a writer in studio bones by the year 2009, it'll be two years from here to there.
Soul Evans : Heh. You got that "Wright". Don't use the name to buy that joke.
Soul Evans : Huh? Hey, What the--What's going on? Who turned out the Lights?
(sounds of crashing are heard)
[GUARDIAN : NINJA - Tomoya Ohtani]
Soul Evans : Hey, did you hear that? That sounded like someone just infiltrated HQ
Shattered Soul Soldier : It could be an enemy intrusion, sir. Do you know what's in the current status of this situation? We'll check the surrounding areas to find the intruder.
Soul Evans : This could be strange, but okay. Let's go and find out.
(sounds of men being attacked)
Soul Evans : That sounded like my group's being attacked by some intruder. Come, follow me! (the two runs off) You sure it's some kind of enemy attack?
Shattered Soul Soldier : Good thing it's not the work of the heartless is it? We've seen some heartless attacking more people since the Gorgon Sister were involved of attacking the legacy that has been on this planet in Real World AU since it appeared.
Delta Team Member : (via radio) Commander, this Delta Team! Bravo Team is being attacked by a strange creature! We don't know where it came from, but we do know is that it's attacking headquarters!
Soul Evans : How are the defenses coming along?
Delta Team Member : (via radio) Working well, sir. But the creature is still defending itself from our attacks and---No, stop! Get away! Don't come any closer! Oh God! Don't eat me! *GUNFIRING RAPIDLY*
Soul Evans : Delta! Come in Delta!
Delta Team Member : (via radio) *screaming in agony*
Soul Evans : Delta! *Radio Buzzing* Damn! Delta has been attacked by some creature. We better check it out!
Shattered Soul Soldier : Roger!
*SA1 SFX : Stop*
Soul Evans : What's all this?
(we then show a massacre of soldiers that have been wounded and killed after the attack)
[Phazon Mines Ambience Theme plays]
Soul Evans : My men! What happened to my Men!? Who did all of this!?
Shattered Soul Soldier : It's quite obvious that all of our men, have been attacked by one creature and this will may be the circumstance of our kind to see what will happen if humans would concern about demons attacking the entire place.
Soul Evans : I beg your pardon. So if it's not the attacks that are caused by enemy intrusion then who caused all of this?
Iris : So, yo finally noticed didn't you? Don't worry, I finally may have found the solution that you are looking for.
[Mystery Girl - Takahito Eguchi]
Soul Evans : Huh? What the--Shinra's Beloved Iris. Is that you?
Shattered Soul Evans : But didn't she died about 1000 years ago when the Time Eater annihilated everyone before it destroyed the Ohkuboverse?
Soul Evans : How did you know?
Shattered Soul Army : It's because Shinra spreaded the influence from his world to the Real World, and I know why you existed into our world, Commander Evans. You've been under a spell to that will and Maka was under his influence. Truth can be spreaded out and exposed DWMA for hiding the truth from us.
Soul Evans : Wait, I just remembered now. It was his stupid legacy that started Soul Eater to exist, why that lousy author of mine, who does he think he is!? This is the real reason the witches were enemies to our kind, a boy named Shotaro has been using Ashley's people as scapegoats! So I was right all along! This is the girl that died about 1000 years from the Ohkuboverse, no wonder why humans and witches have been an arrogant species on earth.
Iris : You wanted to make it so sure that Shinra wanted to spread the influence for your kind and his kind, we are all but one, all in this together. Society has feared Ashley's people for being scapegoats to realize that they were mistaken by his own son Death, and to realize that the son he created did not exist and Shinigami is not ever real.
Soul Evans : He's not even Shinigami and did you say that he didn't exist?
Iris : Precisely. So in order to prove the lying from Shinra Kusakabe, why don't you seek the truth to find out those answers. You humans and witches are such a foolish race to think that you fight against each other's kind with hate? You're only beginning to understand that your hatred against witchkind is bringing the heartless' attention to destroy my beloved's legacy. So it's best for you, to suffer the same fate that I did just like what the Time Eater did to us! (converts into it's true form; a black horned bulky demon with sharp-pointy fingers)
Soul Evans : What the hell!? Fire this thing right now!
Shattered Soul Soldier : Roger! *GUNFIRING RAPIDLY*
Soul Evans : Did you get it?
Shattered Soul Soldier : Damn! It's too tough! So that's how Iris died from the Ohkuboverse 1000 years ago. Something must've done this to her body or somehow must've resurrected into this creature. I guess it's process for that matter!
Soul Evans : It's getting away! Follow it! Don't let it get too close for ya!
[Demon roaring]
Soul Evans : Darn! It got away! So that creature was Shinra Beloved, Iris was it?
Shattered Soldier Army : Affirmative, sir. We don't know how did it appeared and we don't why did it attacked us, including all of our men. I tell ya men, demons have been unleashing their instincts and this could be a problem.
Soul Evans : (v/o) Shinra Kusakabe, you will pay for hiding the truth from us. I'm gonna make sure that the world of Soul Eater shall be nothing more to exist and this time, I want something to be real in this world, Real World AU cannot be destroyed by your foolishness and I will get my revenge for being under your influence! Whether you like it or not!
[Inky Jr Laugh evilly]
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ashisgreedy · 11 months
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC
Modern AU Biker!Sebastian 
Tags: SMUT 18+ | Forced Orgasm/Made to cum | Multiple Os | Overstimulation | F!Penetration | Motorcycle Stimulation | Outdoor Sex | Oneshot | Aged up 21+ | MC is a little feisty |
WC: 3,050
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A|N: Your motorcycle boyfriend is devilish~ Also, he loves her v much ♡ This is my 1st ever Bash fic! You can thank [this] post and @finalgirllx for saying the phrase "Biker Seb".
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MC quickly swipes an extra coat of mascara on her lashes when she hears the knock on the door. She tosses the tube back in her makeup bag and looks herself over in the mirror one last time. 
There’s another louder knock as she nears the door. 
“I’m coming!” She shouts, checking out the peephole to make sure it’s who she thinks it is. MC recognizes his messy brown hair and the sunglasses he always wears. 
She throws the door open and pulls him in for a hug. “Hey!” 
Sebastian smiles as she hugs him tight. “Hey,” He holds his motorcycle helmet in one hand and wraps his free arm tight around her waist. “Are you ready to go?” He looks down at her as his hand rubs her lower back 
“Yeah, let me just grab my helmet and we can be off.” 
The two share a quick kiss before she reaches for the helmet on the coffee table in her living room. He keeps smiling a bit longer than usual and she narrows her eyes in suspicion. 
“You’re earlier than you said you’d be.” She glances at the clock on the wall. 
“No traffic.” Sebastian counters.
With her helmet in hand, a perfect match to the one Sebastian is holding, a gift from him on their last anniversary, she guides him out the door. 
“What’s that look on your face?” MC tries to see his eyes beyond the dark sunglasses. His smirk growing the closer they get to his bike. 
“What look? I always look like this.” He chews on a piece of gum in his mouth.
She knew him well enough to know something was up. “What’s going on, Sebastian? What are you up to?”
“Nothing,” He puts on his helmet, hiding the grin he’s sporting. “I can’t be happy to see my girl?” 
She narrows her eyes again before putting on her own helmet. Sebastian climbs onto his bike and waits for her to do the same. 
“I suppose…” She half believes him. She would drop it for now, though, she knew she’d bring it up again later after they took their first pitstop. 
He waits quietly for her to climb onto the bike behind him. She’s done it a dozen times by now, going with him on several rides all over the city and into the mountains. The view alone always knocked her socks off. Not to mention how exhilarating it is to be racing down a road while the wind whips past and your heart is racing from the thrill. 
Sebastian looks back and watches to make sure she doesn’t need help as she swings her leg over. 
He had told her to wear a flowy skirt for their evening ride but she was already regretting it as she tried to stuff the ends of the fabric under her legs on the seat. She didn’t want her skirt to fly up and expose her panties to passersby giving them an unwanted show, so she took her time making sure every part was tucked under.
Sebastian was very patient and waited for her to tap him to indicate she was ready since the helmets muffled sound. 
Tonight's plan was to take a ride along the winding roads toward the mountains as the sun set over the land below. It had been a while since they last took this route and she was excited to see the gorgeous views again. 
Once satisfied with her modesty, she wrapped her arms around him and tapped him. 
Sebastian braced the bike and started it up. She pushed her face into his black leather jacket. The familiar oaky scent of the leather mixed with the metallic smell of the outdoors gave her a comforting warmth in her chest. She pressed her knees to the back of his jean-clad thighs, preparing for acceleration. 
With a loud rev, he sped off down the street and her heart pounded with adrenaline. She smiled wide from ear to ear as he picked up speed.
Her neighborhood passed in a flash, and then they were out on the open road. The sky was shades of blues, oranges, and pinks washing over the landscape. He took a right turn and then they were off on the long stretch toward the mountains. 
Sebastian picked up speed once they were in a less populated area.
She held on tight to him and kept her weight on the center of the bike. Her hands rubbed over his chest as she relaxed and enjoyed the scenery. There were tons of trees and valleys off to one side and large mountains growing on the right. 
At a red light, Sebastian brought his hand up to his chest and rubbed the back of her hand gently. She hugged him from behind and gave him some ‘I love you’ squeezes. He squeezed her hand back in return. 
They entered the mountain roads, speeding past forests and hiking trails. They hadn’t seen a car in miles.
The bike hummed pleasantly beneath her without the protection of the thick denim pants she usually wore. Then Sebastian revved the engine and it was more than pleasant. 
The vibration started rushing through her like an electric current. She blushed as the sensation continued. It was becoming a bit much. 
The only thing between her clit and the seat was the thin layer of cotton panties she wore. She breathed through it and tried to relax against his back. 
The engine revved higher and her fingers dug into his chest. She held him in a vice grip and shifted in her seat. 
The bike wavered and Sebastian turned his head for a moment to look back at her. He then quickly looked back at the road, keeping his eyes on it.
The vibration of the bike's seat felt even more incredible. She shifted minutely, trying not to make the bike come unbalanced but the assault to her clit was becoming too much. 
He sped off down the mountain road, but she wasn’t paying attention to the beautiful scenery anymore. 
Her legs were shaking and her stomach muscles clenched as shockwaves rippled through her core. The orgasm hit her like a bus. She gasped and clung to Sebastian, fighting the urge not to rock her hips for some delicious friction. 
The bike's unrelenting vibrations assaulted her now oversensitive clit.
She couldn’t stop the moans that escaped her as another orgasm was pulled from her. Her thighs clamped down on the bike as her body pulsed. 
Her cries of pleasure were audible in the wind as one orgasm melted into another and another. 
The seat and her panties were soaked from the wetness making the seat harder to stay on. She felt herself sliding, but the death grip she had on Sebastian kept her centered. 
She must have been knocking the air out of his lungs with the strength of her grip but there had been no reaction from him at all, even when she screamed out in pleasure. 
The vibrations changed slightly giving her a break from the strong ones she’d been accosted with, and the orgasms finally stopped. She was sweating and gasping for breath. 
She smacked his chest and could feel his body rumble with laughter. She smacked him again and he revved the engine higher and, oh, fuck… he was doing this on purpose.
Her clit throbbed to the point of pain as her body responded to the higher vibrations. She was on the brink of madness as more orgasms piled on top of one another. 
She started paying attention to her surroundings again when the bike began to slow, striking gravel. Her panting was more audible without the motorcycle engine and wind whipping past to drown her out. Her rapid breathing fogged the visor of her helmet.
The bike came to a stop on the side of the road next to an impressive view of the mountains and forest below. 
She was limp against his back as the bike gently purred. Small tremors ran through her body with every breath she took. He cut off the bike but her body continued to hum with the ghost of the intense vibrations. 
Sebastian waited a moment before carefully peeling her hand off him. The kickstand came down and he slid off the bike. Removing his helmet revealed his messy brown waves. He spit out his gum onto the ground and set the helmet down carefully. 
As he walked over to her wearing a shit-eating grin.
She glared at him, but it wasn’t effective with the helmet on her head. She yanked it off and Sebastian carefully took it from her, setting it on the ground. 
Her hair was a mess sticking to her sweaty forehead, her cheeks a deep red, and her lips plump and swollen from biting them. 
“You did that on purpose!” She spat, placing her hands in front of her on the seat to hold herself up. 
He lifted his brows with a smirk. 
“How many times?” Sebastian asked in a cool tone. 
“What!?” She huffed, still glaring at her boyfriend. 
"How many times did you cum on my bike? How many?" He took off his sunglasses and hooked them in his back pocket. He wouldn’t need them again tonight as the sun set. She could see the spark of excitement in his eyes. 
"I…. I don't know.." she adjusted in the seat and felt how slick it was. 
She was in a state and wanted him to be just as much of a frazzled mess as she was.
Her legs were like jelly as she tried to stand. She would not be embarrassed by the wetness she left on the seat, she refused. 
Before she could get off the bike, Sebastian crouched down and looked at her at eye level. His eyes looked almost predatory as his finger slid over her bare thigh. Her skin ignited with his touch as he moved up and up, pushing her skirt the farther he went. 
She could feel the slickness all over her thighs and knew her panties were absolutely done for. 
“How many?” His tone was serious, sending shivers down her spine. 
She held her breath as his fingers reached the soaked fabric. He nudged where her clit was and her body jerked. 
“I-I don’t know! …I lost count.” MC trembled under his touch and gaze. 
He hummed with a small smile.
“Get off the bike.” He rakes his hand through his hair as he stands and waits for her. 
She tried again but her legs were trembling so much it took her a moment. Her skirt was sticking to her thighs and she looked a mess. 
Sebastian helped her, placing his hands on her waist and guiding her off the bike. Her feet slid on the gravel as he pulled her against his body. 
“You made a mess of my seat.” His lips twitched in a smirk.
It was very obvious just how much of a mess she’d made thanks to the state of the dehydrated leather. 
The world tilted and her chest was pressed down to the wet seat, ass in the air. She braced her hands on the bike to hold herself up. 
Sebastian flipped up her skirt and tugged her panties down to her ankles. Then his mouth was on her and she gasped. He licked her slit eagerly, pushing her thighs apart to go deeper, licking more of her. He latched his lips on her clit and he sucked hard. 
MC fell apart, legs trembling as she gasped his name.
He lapped at her until she was soaked anew, making her aching cunt quiver. She was a blubbering mess, writhing in the firm grip he had on her thighs. She hissed as he dug his fingers into her leg, pressing harder, keeping her in place. He held her apart and ate her out more lively than she’d ever seen. 
Sebastian moaned against her pussy and she arched her back. His tongue felt like sin and she couldn’t form words. 
"The way you taste…" Sebastian didn't comment further. He just hummed a satisfied sound.
A cool burst of air struck her dripping heat and she groaned at the loss of his mouth. 
She faintly heard the sound of a zipper over her own hysterics. Then the thick head of his cock pressed against her aching entrance and her whimpering became begging.
“Oh! Yes, please! Yes, yes!”
“Gods,” He murmured.
He took far too long to press his cock into her. She wanted to be filled, she was begging for it, dammit!
Sebastian presses in and the blunt head of his cock pops passed the tight entry of her pussy.
He sucks in a breath and grabs her hips firmly. He pulls her body, forcing her to take him to the hilt as he stands completely still. 
It was a snug fit and he waited a moment, lightly rocking his hips while her body accommodated him. 
Her feet slid on the gravel trying to find purchase. 
Sebastian angled himself then struck that one spot that counted. He wasn’t gentle with her, his thrusts were hard and fast as his fingers dug into her hips. 
“I have every intention of fucking you until you scream.” His voice was gruff as he slammed home over and over. 
She knew what he was capable of. He would absolutely fuck her until nothing else existed but his hand digging into her hips, his cock filling her pussy, and her voice horse from screaming in pleasure. 
Thank fuck they were in the middle of nowhere on a lesser-known road. She wasn’t capable of caring a single bit if a van full of camera-caring tourists drove by at this moment and watched. She wasn’t herself and neither was Sebastian. He fucked her primally, rough and hard. 
She had no idea how the strength of his thrusts hadn’t tipped over the bike, she certainly wasn't helping matters. Her walls fluttered with the relentless pleasure and Sebastian hissed. She could feel it… she was right there yet again.  
“Cum,” He growled. He panted as he yanked her hips back and back in tune with his thrusts. 
It was like a switch was flipped and she was flying, screaming, cuming so fucking hard around his cock. Her whole body shook from the force of the orgasm, the bike and Sebastian’s vice grip being the only things to keep her upright as he continued to fuck her. 
His strokes were long and gentle as she rode out the last of her climax. She was almost sobbing, moaning in pleasure, and feeling the pain of just how overworked her poor pelvic muscles were. She was going to be sore for days.
She whimpered, catching her breath, and finally looked up to see the view before them. Gods, she wished she cared, she really did, but he was picking up speed again. The wet sounds of skin on skin and her cries echoing were the only noises around. 
She pressed her forehead to the seat and hung on for dear life. He pulled her hips to meet every one of his thrusts. She lived for the soft grunts that escaped him, his small moans and heavy breaths as he used her body to seek his own pleasure. 
He squeezed her hips again digging his fingers in hard. She couldn’t possibly cum again, but he reached around and started teasing her clit, and… Fine! She guess she could cum again, and gods, it hurt so fucking good. 
Her vision went blurry and her eyes filled with actual tears. 
Sebastian’s grip tighten one last time as his hips slapped against her body. His cock pulsed and he moaned. He rested his chest against her back. His cock pulsed as he slowly rocked his hips through his pleasure.
Tears fell from her eyes and she wiped them off on her sleeve. It was all very overwhelming to her spent muscles.
He panted into her hair as he caught his breath. Her heart pounded against the seat, blood rushing and throbbing behind her eardrums. 
Finally, Sebastian released his bruising grip from her hips and rested his forearms on the seat on either side of her.
A quiet moment passed over them and then he was softly kissing her all over the back of her neck, biting her favorite spot below the ear. 
Wetness started cooling on her thighs as they settled there. She wanted nothing more than to be back at home in her bed with him, curled up and sleeping in his arms.
Sebastian huffed and stood up, pulling out of her more gently than usual. She nearly fell to her knees but he caught her. He chuckled and tugged her close to him, wrapping his arm around her and looking down. His chest rose and fell quickly as a smile tugged at his lips. 
She loved that his hair was sticking to his forehead as well and his cheeks were a nice rosy shade of red. He was nowhere near her level of disheveled, but it was a nice sight. 
“Think you can survive the ride back?” He kissed her forehead.
“Do NOT do that thing again!” 
He laughed and picked up her helmet off the gravel. “Fine, fine.” He smirked. 
“How did you even figure something like that out!?” MC took her helmet from him. 
“I was doing a bit of research on my bike, and-”
“Of course you were,” She cut him off. He knew too damn much, always researching this, and studying that. She glared at him for good measure before putting her helmet back on, making sure it was the last thing he saw. 
Sebastian smiled wider and kissed the forehead portion of her helmet before placing his back on. He tossed her a rag from his back pocket to wipe herself down with. He found her panties on the ground and quickly swiped them up, putting them in his jacket pocket. He took a seat and watched her in silence.
“...So romantic,” She said in a monotone voice, taking the rag to her thighs.
He observed as she cleaned up, resting his arms on the bike handles before pointing to her inner thigh. “Missed a spot.” 
She smacked his arm away. “Start the bike, Asshole!” 
His laugh rumbled from under the helmet, then the bike roared to life.
I like how the first words she says are the entire theme of the fic. That was a total accident. 
Thank you for reading! 
This was influenced by a fic I read like 5 years ago now about how motorcycles can be revved juuuust right to make someone get off. So, sorry if some motorcycle stuff wasn’t accurate. I’ve never owned one lol.
Masterlist is in my bio.  
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rk-ocs · 5 months
AU worlds
1.In any other universe it is likely that a different sperm won the race, and that means different characteristics and environment. For your character this means a different face, hight,  colouring, weight, body type , and quite possibly name and gender. There's a whole world of possibilities out there, but for story purposes we will stick with one set of names for each gender of the character, such as Desmond miles becoming Mackenzie miles when female.
The behaviour of this character and that other characters in the verse are influenced to the changes made within the environment (what sort of world is this AU / crossover) the changes and influences this has on other characters personality and their social web, and how your newcomer impacts this (are they high profile? Or low?)
2. In alternate worlds, pop culture will have differences, as will historical events. A small instance could be a change in music history and its effects on modern music due to the plane-crash the song American pie was written about, had never happened.
Or big things, like making positive environmental difference rather then selling it for your private island.
You might know the story.
This will come out very differently in other worlds.  Take the avengers, which shows that Hydra Natzis have successfully infiltrated places like shield and are alive and well.  What kind of history have they written. How has this infiltration of racists impacted society.
Then there is Stark teck. Ran by Iron man. A hero. You can bet that's an incentive to buy. And plenty of propo.
"I'm commander Shepard , and this is my favourite store in the Citidale. "
Also consider the environmental, property, and technological damage done by superhero fighting.
Then there's the cultural influence of heroism.
The avengers are success stories. For every success story, there are at least 3 (I'm being generous ) failure stories)
How about a teenager to tries to be like their hero Spider-Man , and be a masked vigilante only to get killed. Or, who goes after the wrong person, and alerts the real villain to what's going on, so villain gets away scot free thanks to the warning. Or whose stereotyping methods leads to an innocent death and sparks conflict.
Apparently I need an AU note for Red and Dez
Non romantic soul mates of forced circumstances. Because to me most of the time, these two have friendship, guardianship, or even broship, but no romantic-ship type.
- where Red died in the robbery and spends the next nine years and beyond haunting Desmond.
-where red died in the Robbery, spends time talking to clay, and they meet up with dead Desmond after the end (cannon probably)
-where MT gets pulled into the past with her.
-where Desmond dies via mugger on his run from home at age sixteen, and Haunts Lill red. He can 1. Be a guardian to a Red growing up in modern times, and do his best to keep her from being killed. 2. Be a guardian to Lill Red growing up in various times, as an almost immortal timetravler.
3. Where Desmond dies at the apple and is sent back in time Dead, haunting a child. Who he tries to convince to meet up and rescue his alive self.
-where an unrelated Desmond gets swept up in Reds TT, and as they are the only consistent presences in their crazy life, they fall in...love, or at least habit. Their lives revolve around each other, to the point of being thrown into chaos if missing the other. (In this box)
-where a Young Lill red is the subject of the prophecy, after Desmond Miles  (presumed dead) disappears off the map December 22. ( also known as that universe where Desmond is the literal timetravler and Red is the mental one who hijacks bodies.)
-where Desmond's hitchhiking takes him to Quebec instead. He winds up in Boucherville, and saves a hostage during a robbery. MT asks him out to dinner.
No boundaries: where Red and Des live each others lives without worrying about sense of self, to the point that the bleeding effect happens on a daily basis because the other is still alive and experiencing emotions- like codependent psychics. Desmond knows what kind of cloths, food, pads, ect she likes, and keeps stocked on things they both like because he's just as likely to wear it as she is. They share a bed non romantically, and work with each other like clockwork.
she's already pretty dependant on him in my Headcannon, he's her scout, confidant, therapist, spy, and best friend who won't leave her (until he's revived, and where the false gods want him. On his part, she's one of his only conversation options, and the only consistent one, they talk a lot. She knows a lot about him, more then anyone else. He's used to following her orders, and suggestions, "like singing to the music -who else can hear you and complain but me- or spotting for her on a sniper mission". It's going to build some hard to drop habits when he's revived, is all Im saying.
-in the aus where one of them is a ghost, the ghost is a paranoid overprotective sibling in everything- researching  potential dates (including cyberstalking)- instructing you in cooking- scouting- hacking- and therapy.
-in the AU where Des and red are an Item, the world is connected to the one viewed in tyranny of king Washington. As a descendant of Conner, Des has Wolf ears and eyes, and stronger smell, so he always wears a hood and scarf to hide his features . To compliment this, red has drunk red willow-bark tea, and can change into a raven.
She jumps from cliffs to kick start her flying, like a bird taking off.  Or buildings or trees.
Ravens (in life) lead wolves to prey, and alert them to danger, and are rewarded by a share of the spoils. It is a symbiotic relationship.
Consequently, she has eagle vision in this universe, where Des has the stronger other senses, at cost of eyes.  After Washington was defeated there was a lot of chaos and battle. Still is. The linage  of the resistance members are known for their animal traits.
Desmond's tattoo is on right hand.
I believe he lost his left to the "save the world cause" but its hard to be sure. But his watch was on there so, probably yah. So if red were there she lost her right.
"I've never thought myself particularly suicidial, but the world has enough people fighting over it. I don't know if I could stand to lead a war against a false god too." She says, placing her hand on the apple, and calling on her piece, her raven form, her patron, and any abilities she might have to contain Juno and save the world.
It doesn't work fully for anyone. Juno is out, but Reds interference drew on her powers to save the world, as well as their blood. As such it severely weakens her. Parts of the earth still get reckt up as a result of confusion over last minuet intentions. Juno is free but severely weakened. Red failed to prevent Juno from escaping, but she and Desmond ended up almost Dead on mars, and she gains a permeant traveling companion. Desmond, for his part, almost dies and they both need a lot of recovery. 
Both are war leaders
One kid later (left with Aeiden)
----where Red decides "I am going to make a better world for the people I love", and deliberately makes massive changes to the timeline, creating an alternate universe. Starting with creating her own cause, and recruiting both Haythem and Zilo to it, ensuring along the way, Conner grows up with both parents.
fighting to make America free to her high standards.
No Assassins, no Templars, just the Wild Roses.  "The wild, crimson Lady Rose of America,
"I've got a better Idea." Faints
"Zilo where did she come from?"
(Hmm, this needs work)
----in where Desmond decides "forget the timeline, I need to be a better brother" and 1. Finds a POE and sends his sixteen year old self back in time, 2. Goes to that store the day of the robbery, stops it from killing her, or 3. One of them gets 'killed' anyways and the other is back in time with them. 
---in where the same as above happens, but inverse.  Red takes advantage of being back in time to rescue younger Desmond from Abstergo,  in memory of the brother he once was.
-in where Des and Red from the dependant bleeding effect memory verse, change Conners childhood together with his consent, to one similar to American wild roses.
The wild, crimson Lady Rose of America, and her loyal guard Sir Briar.
Wolf Desmond traits.  He walks on his toes, like a wolf would. His heel rarely touches the ground. He has long messy hair, and wears a hood all the time , both to cover his ears. He often wears sunglasses to protect his eyes. Fox girl is similar but wears a hat.  Back to des. He often brushes Reds hair, going so far as to wash it sometimes ( if needed), and expects her to do the same.  He asks for a spar, dropping into a crouch, otherwise he will just sit. Then they engage in wrestling. He also occasionally rubs his back , or uses his hands on  her, usually beacuse she smells strange to him.  They communicate a lot through faces and body language, or he talks she reads
Desmond does growl and show his teeth when mad, squints when suspicious,  hunches when afraid-rarely wimpers. Sharp teeth, and a careful smile.
Alt red is a raven, because that's what she does. She plans tactics , warns early, draws maps, and can hit hard in a pinch, but prefers to have others do it, and is much better at teamwork.  She can lead a pack,  or in this case armies. Its leadership. That Des is her optimal hunting partner is just good luck, or the work of a false god.
Were cannon Red to drink the red Tea, she would become a fox. See, foxes work alone, strike alone, and have highly tuned senses, including a sort of sniper sense. She can work in small teams, but is a lot more introverted, yet people starved.  Des would be a Kite.
With plenty of tablet citations.
-body swap
-in where Desmond ends up in the past alive, and stops the robbery.
0 notes
galoresficrecs · 8 months
[EXO] Junmyeon
LAST UPDATED ON: Dec 2nd, 2022
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junmyeon x chanyeol
junmyeon x jongin
junmyeon x jongdae x minseok
❧ junmyeon x sehun ☙
✪ and it's you by rsera [4,9k words] college!au || general
✪ and the rest is dust and stardust by curledupkitten [16,2k words] foster house!au, age gap || explicit🔞
✪ carry your ocean with me by mihaeng [41,9k words] summer!au, slow burn, age gap || general
✪ Chronos-826 by okamiwind [174,4k words | 8 ch] TW: minor character death, ptst, suicidal thoughts ;; space opera!au, action/adventure || explicit🔞
✪ Coming of Age by quebaek [8k words] space academy!au || explicit🔞
✪ Hand In Unlovable Hand by werstoffhof [16,9k words] age gap, accidental baby acquisition, established relationship || explicit🔞
✪ I. Do. Not. Love. Kim. Junmyeon. (pause for dramatic effect) by London9Calling [12,8k words] canon compliant || explicit🔞
✪ I'd Kiss You Even If You Were Dead by Anonymous [4,2k words] vampire!au || explicit🔞
✪ Kiss (It's the best thing you can do with your lips) by Changdeol [14,1k words] actors!au || not rated
✪ Leaving on a Jet Plane by London9Calling [7,1k words] magical realism || explicit🔞
✪ Level by Layla_Fae [10,3k words] twins, high school!au || general
✪ Leverage by London9Calling [12,8k words] college!au, sugar daddy with a twist || explicit🔞
✪ Love Me (Not) by Anonymous [16,8k words | 2 ch] college!au || explicit🔞
✪ Moon and the Stars (I'll get them for you) by suhosshineun [30,9k words] sugar daddy/sugar baby!au, college!au, age gap || mature
✪ No Name by Layla_Fae [13,8k words | 2 ch] charity auction || general
✪ Of All the Colors in the Rain by etonnant67 [66k words | 3 ch] TW: mention of terminal illness ;; time loop, college1au, 1980s!au, 1990s!au, coming of age || explicit🔞
✪ On Such a Full Sea by shinealightrose [19,1k words] pirates!au || explicit🔞
✪ Promise by Layla_Fae [11,7k words] gambling, modern setting || general
✪ Pour Some Sugar on Me by London9Calling [9,2k words] mythology!au || teen and up
✪ Red by Layla_Fae [12,2k words] car racing!au || teen and up
✪ Ruby by Layla_Fae [20,6k words | 2 ch] historical!au || teen and up
✪ Seho 4 (v)live by viverl [5,7k words] canon compliant, established relationship || teen and up
✪ Shared by krispy_kream [861 words] canon compliant, established relationship || teen and up
✪ shines around me like a million suns by London9Calling [3,9k words] sci-fi || explicit🔞
✪ sketch(y) by curledupkitten [7,6k words] college!au, age gap || explicit🔞
✪ spice it up by cherrycoke [607 words] vampires!au || general
✪ (Tell the Bartender) I Think I'm Falling in Love by underthepines [5,7k words] set in paris || explicit🔞
✪ The curious incident of the Dragon that couldn't swim by viverl [27,6k words | 9 ch] urban fantasy || general
✪ The Wind Won't Blow It All Away by London9Calling [11,7k words] mythology!au || explicit🔞
✪ Unexpected Landmark by Anonymous [4,6k words] set in japan, college!au || general
✪ upside down and tipping over by wolfsupremacist [5,3k words] magical realism, strangers to lovers || mature
✪ We won't by pcysarcasm [12k words] age gap, secret crush || teen and up
❧ junmyeon x reader ☙
[Tam Infra Quam Supra part 2] Empty Vessels by yeoldontknow [30k words] f!reader, soulmates!au, witch!au, horror || explicit🔞
[part of Welcome to the Exodus Mall] The Meet Cute by yehet-me-up [4,5k words] f!reader, 1990s!au, mall!au, set in seattle, dad!junmyeon || teen and up
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nctsworld · 3 years
skateboard love
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✩‌ yangyang x reader | skater boy!yangyang | college au | fluff | 2.2k
SUMMARY | yangyang tries to get you to skateboard for the first time and in doing so, you’re taken back to when you first met him. // for @notnctu​’s beginning collab! WARNINGS | slight injury (reader trips over a curb), one swear word, kissing RATING | teen+ TAGLIST | @infnteen​
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“I can’t do this,” you mutter, shaking your head in defeat.
The ocean waves clamour nearby as you stare down at the skateboard and concrete pavement beneath your sneakers in frustration.
The weight of your helmet and the wrist guards are blatant in your every movement. Sure, it’s a little embarrassing at your age, but it’d be best to rather be safe than sorry.
Thankfully, they’ve been coming in handy during the times you almost fell and slipped off of your boyfriend’s skateboard. It may have been his idea to try to learn, but you weren’t opposed to it, thinking it’d be easy.
They say things are easier said than done, and now you’re forced to admit skateboarding definitely falls under that list.
“Yes, you can,” Yangyang softly says. Beside you, he gives your hand a gentle squeeze, causing you to peer into his gleaming eyes and bright smile.
Despite the recentness of your relationship, your boyfriend’s patience and encouragement feels like routine, like he’s been by your side for your entire life. His words don’t fall on deaf ears; you parrot his smile and muster a small nod, albeit glancing away shyly.
“Just think about all the times you’ve watched me skate past the library and copy what I did.”
Petulantly, you stick your tongue out. “It wasn’t that often.”
Disbelief reflects back at you in the form of an eyebrow raise.
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Around mid-September, in the most modern, glass-structured library on campus, you found a studying area that was perfect for you.
Main floor, nearby the entrance doors for an easy exit when class was about to roll around. A high stool chair that was cushioned comfortably for endless hours of equal parts studying and procrastination. Plugs and desk space galore.
Above all, it was perfect because you had the picturesque view of the boy who always skated every other day around 11:50am towards his next class across the wide stoned boulevard in front of the library.
You noticed him the first few times when you initially sat upstairs. Even from afar and above, your interest was piqued over how coolly he skated past all the students. There were only so many students who biked to their next class, and even less who skateboarded.
And after you decided to sit downstairs for once to finally steal a closer glimpse of him, you were completely smitten upon capturing his handsome features.
Thus, your heart constantly raced in anticipation when 11:50am hit, as students scattered all across campus during this transition period. 
With a thumb tucked in his pocket and headphones over his ears to boot, the mystery skater boy often slid past around 11:55am, making your mind wonder where his former class was and where he was going. Was he in Engineering? Arts? Business?
The latter option didn’t seem likely since his style didn’t echo the stereotypical look of the faculty. Dark coloured hoodies and sweaters, bomber jackets, and skinny jeans were his usual choice of fashion, alongside the occasional baseball cap. And on the days he wore his cap backwards, he was truly in his skater element.
No matter, you always swooned with your chin perched atop your fist or resting inside your palm as he passed by. The brief sighting of him easily became the highlight of your day.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t try to look for him in your classes, but to no avail. You had to live with the fact that you’d only get to know him in passing as he skated on by the library.
When the mere hoodies and sweaters were exchanged for heavier, thicker jackets and coats, he still continued to traverse across campus via his unsurprising mode of transportation. You especially admired his dedication on the days filled with rain and wind, wishing there was some way for you to ease his trips to his next class.
All throughout the couple of months, he was consistent in attending that one class.
Except one day.
It was a Friday, about a week or two near finals season. The weather was quite chilly now, but snow wouldn’t be an issue until after winter break and well into the next semester, so there wasn’t any reason for him to not use his skateboard still.
Maybe he was sick at home, you thought. Pouting, you tried not to dwell over the stranger because that’s all what he was. 
Someone you didn’t know, someone you only watched from afar. Someone that filled your daydreams, pondering what he’d be like and what’d you two could talk about... but nevertheless a stranger.
Oddly enough, about an hour past noon, someone dragged you out of your thoughts momentarily as they unusually sat nearby your spot. 
The unspoken library etiquette was to sit as far away from others for more personal space, especially in the area where you frequented. You tried your best to ignore the shuffling of the person placing their laptop and books onto the elongated wall-length table, feigning laser-focus on your notes.  
But a few moments later, you heard a whisper coming from their direction.
“Is this your favourite spot in the library?”
“Hm?” you hummed, dragging your headphones down to your shoulders as you swivelled towards the seated stranger. Air seized in your lungs and your eyebrows shot up.
The gorgeous skater boy glowed with rosy cheeks from the cold air outside, paired with his stunning smile. You realized this was the first time you’ve ever seen him smile—preciously, by the way, with his teeth on full display—and your heart stirred like crazy.
A beat stretched out. Your jaw hung in shock and you blinked blankly. Guess you solved the mystery as to where he was today.
He beamed more intensely at your awe struck and continued to whisper, “I always see you sitting here when I get to my next class.”
“Uhm,” your jaw snapped up, prior to your dry gulp. “What?”
“Yeah,” his deep chuckling tickled your ear. God, of course a smooth voice matched a face like that. “you stare out the window so cutely whenever I pass by the library.”
A record scratched, then you rewound the moment in your head. Not only did he knew you existed but...
Did he just called you cute?
Catching on with awareness over his own words, the skater boy pouted to one side. His cheek jutted out adorably and red seemed to crawl over them, progressing over to the tips of his ears too.
Light giggling from both parties filled the space, with you tucking your hair behind your ear and him tugging on the ends of his sweater paws.
“So, are you skipping class?” you asked, tilting your head curiously.
“Yeah,” he replied, gesturing towards his busy study set-up ahead of him. It was a similar scene to yours—notes layered and layered upon each other, a laptop which displayed more notes, and a few textbooks were open too. “When you need to skip a class to study for another class...”
You nodded sympathetically, pointing a finger to your organized mess to imply the same. “Finals season.”
He nodded as well in unity and you two exchanged another round of smiles.
“I’m Yangyang.”
With that, introductions were made and bits of information were shared. Your hunch was right—he was in Engineering, but he also had some elective labs that were being held in the Science side of campus. Made sense why he had to navigate across campus from one end to the other.
Before the conversation began to get carried away, he issued a small apology. “Sorry, I really shouldn’t be interrupting your studying. I’ll leave you be.”
Admittedly, it caught you off guard. You wanted to pipe up about how he wasn’t interrupting, that you wanted to dive into getting to know him more. You’ve seen him practically almost every day for the last couple of months and you didn’t want to let this chance slip through your fingers.   
Yet, at the same time, you begrudgingly knew he was right. You had to study for your upcoming in-class final, so you held your thoughts back and unwillingly turned back to your responsibility at hand. 
It was difficult to study with skater boy being in the same vicinity as you—practically an arm’s length away from you—but you eventually tampered down your jitters and honed your attention.
Hours passed. Neither of you really shifted much besides the casual stretching or the much needed break to the bathroom.
Darkness loomed in the winter sky and out of the corner of your eye, you noticed him writing, which he hadn’t done during the time he’d been there.
And then, after an ear-piercing slow rip of paper that echoed in the library, he slid that piece of paper in your direction with one simple question that ignited the spark for the beginning of you and him—
I know we just met, but do you want to go out sometime?
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“’Cause if I recall...” Yangyang continues, breaking you away from your bout of reminiscing. He absentmindedly tucks away some loose strands of hair sticking out of your helmet. “You watched me at least since the beginning of last semester—”
“Nu-uh,” you cut in, lying in a childish tone.
“Yuh-huh,” he rebuttals.
Under the warm afternoon sunlight, you two begin to have a staring contest, squinting and playfully seething at one another. When your boyfriend squints harder with a ruffle of his nose, you follow suit. Eventually, you give in with a sigh.
“Okay, fine. Even if I did watch you a lot, it doesn’t mean I can just absorb your skateboarding skills through memory.”
Cockiness fades over his joking exterior as he flashes you a shit-eating grin. “It’s cause you were too busy focusing on my handsome face.”
Becoming second nature for you by now as he’s often like this, you roll your eyes and lightly punch him in the arm, but... he isn’t wrong.
And from your lack of an articulate response, Yangyang knows he’s right.
Sparing you from injuring your pride further, he swings the conversation back to what you were doing here in the first place. 
A hand of his steadies you by the bottom of your back. “Balancing feels weird, I know, but you’ll get the hang of it. Let’s try again.”
Releasing a lengthy exhale, your head bounces fervently in hopes that false confidence and your boyfriend’s support can morph into a successful skateboard run.
The careful push he gives you is ample enough to have you ride down the street by yourself. Your body wavers side by side and you fear that you’ll teeter to a stop like all the other times, but somehow, your foot swipes across the pavement, carrying you further down the street.
It’s not fast by any means, but as you persistently execute it, you gain traction and see yourself finally riding without any issues.  
“Yangyang, I got it. I got it!” you shriek as you quickly glance back towards him.
He radiates in response and gets lost in you, equally proud that you finally found your balance and basking in how stunning you look as you coast down the beach side street.
However, his trance breaks when he sees you’re about to hit the edge of a street curb.
“Babe, watch ou—”
The scene happens fast. You’re suddenly laying on a patchy part of the grass, with the skateboard by your feet. Yangyang bolts to you, hunching down as he daintily tugs you to sit upward.
“You okay?” he pants nervously.
At first, you nod without a thought since the helmet and wrist guards have saved you from any potential major injuries. 
However, your boyfriend’s eyes widen when out of nowhere, you draw in air between clenched teeth. Your butt feels as if it’s on fire, since it was actually the body part that mostly broke your fall.  
He suggests to sit here for a while to let the pain dissipate, reassuring you’ll be fine from his own past experiences. 
As you rest awkwardly beside him on the grass, placing weight on your hip rather than your rear end, he aids you in ridding of your safety gear. Once they’re off, he kisses your hand tenderly.
“Maybe we should leave the skateboarding to me, for now,” he mumbles softly into your skin, leaving another kiss upon your hand.
You mope in agreement. “Maybe so...”
Caressed in his arms, you link eyes with him. Your eyes flutter to a close while he delicately eases you into him by the back of your neck.
The intense pressing of his lips against yours feels heavenly, almost entirely sedating your mild pain. He kisses you deeper, disregarding everyone and everything in proximity. You reciprocate it all back eagerly, cupping his cheek and gripping onto his strong frame as you do so.
Peeling away breathlessly, you tip your forehead against his. “Should we go back to the library and have me watch you longingly from our old spot?”
Yangyang hurriedly shakes his head.
“Nope. Never again,” he replies, his thumb stroking your cheek. “If you’re watching me skateboard, you’ll be doing it by my side from now on, beautiful.”
A chuckle trickles from you. You’re about to retort back, but your one and only skater boy diverts your train of thought, dragging you in for another long, blissful kiss. 
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dudeandduchess · 3 years
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Yakuza!Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Sugar and Spice (Mafia!AU, Modern AU, NSFW Series)[Chapter 8]
Summary: Kyōjurō and (Y/n) meet at a party, only to find out that their lives would change forever— since they had been arranged to be married.
Note: I have nothing against McDonald’s; I love some of their things (Nuggets!!!). It’s just that the contrast between what (Y/n)’s mother had always had, compared to something so normal makes me laugh.
Warnings: Smut, Making Out, Candy Swapping, Semi-Public Sex (Private Beach), Teasing, Champagne Blowjob, Cum Swallowing
||Sugar and Spice Masterlist||
It had been a couple of days since the pleasurable incident at the Rengoku clan’s mountain home and, for the life of her, (Y/n) couldn’t get it out of her head. Especially at night, when she begun fantasizing about having Kyōjurō’s hands all over her again, with his chest pressed flush against her back.
She would never admit it, but she was addicted— after only the barest taste of him.
And she would have devised a plan to wring the same pleasure from him again, had he not called her the following morning to say that something had come up in Osaka. That would have been find, if it only took a day to fix it. But, apparently, it was going to take a few days.
(Y/n) had tried not to let her disappointment show in her tone, but Kyōjurō must have picked up on it, since she had gotten the most beautiful bouquet of pink and white hydrangeas— as well as one of Kyōjurō’s button down shirts— a mere hour after they had said goodbye to each other.
The card had even held the sweetest inscription she had ever received, which she quickly used to cover her face— as she raced back up the stairs to get back to the privacy of her room.
At that present moment, with her already done getting herself ready for the day, she took a brief moment for herself and sat down on the edge of her bed; taking the card where she had left it on top of her nightstand, and biting back a smile as she read her fiancé’s writing.
‘You are much like hydrangeas; Beautiful, but selfish with your love. I hope that I can take a piece of your heart while I’m gone, And I hope that someday I’ll have your love, (Y/n).
P.S. I’m giving you my shirt, so that it will keep a little bit of me with you.
Forever Yours, Kyōjurō’
(Y/n) couldn’t help but bite down on her lower lip, if only to bite back the giggle that threatened to spill from her lips. She had been reading the card frequently, yet it still managed to elicit the same reaction from her; as if she were a lovesick teenager.
It was very unbecoming for her; especially over someone whom she was still getting to know.
Kyōjurō was going to become her husband, that was a fact, but there was a tiny voice in her head that always warned her to not get too close. Thankfully, it had been small enough to bury beneath all of her foremost thoughts; yet when she was alone— like at that moment— it gained enough momentum to make itself known.
And the smile on her face, which brightened up her features, turned down into a barely perceptible frown. It was dangerous for her to fall so easily for a man; especially a man that she knew was still keeping his cards close to his chest.
She knew that; after all, she wasn’t that far gone in her blossoming feelings for him.
It would have been so easy to keep herself in check, to guard her heart and keep herself sane… if only he didn’t make her feel like throwing all caution to the wind so she could jump and fall right into his arms.
Just like he had told her that she made him happy, Kyōjurō made her feel the same; along with feeling protected and appreciated.
Before (Y/n) could delve in deeper into her own thoughts however, she quickly shook herself from her reverie and placed the card back down on her nightstand. Then, she got up from her bed and straightened herself out; after all, Rin hadn’t been coming to her room to pester her about attending events in her parents’ stead.
Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t been tasked to attend any political functions ever since Kyōjurō had warned her mother to lessen her tasks. It gave her enough time to actually relax during her break, and it felt amazing.
She had to remember to give Kyōjurō a kiss once he returned. And if she were to be honest, she would say that she missed him.
“You’re too invested, (Y/n),” The young woman muttered to herself with a playful scoff, before shaking her head and making her way down to the dining room. It was time for breakfast, after all; her most dreaded part of the day, since she had to sit there and take all of her mother’s ill-concealed jabs.
Her tasks may have lessened, but her family life sure hasn’t improved.
With all her apprehension about going to see her mother, (Y/n) even dawdled a little bit during the walk downstairs; purposely taking her time to admire some of the paintings that caught her interest, until she arrived at the doorway she was trying to avoid the most.
And with a deep breath, she stepped through and expected her mother’s mildly displeased expression to greet her. Only, the first face that she saw had her immediately brightening up; especially when those lips that she missed tilted up at the corners to give her a handsome grin.
“Kyōjurō!” (Y/n) breathed out, just as a wide smile colored her expression. And before she could help it, she already found herself practically skipping over to where he now stood— only to freeze when she saw her mother’s narrow-eyed gaze boring right into her.
Immediately, the arms that wanted to wrap themselves around her lover froze at her sides; while Kyōjurō engulfed her in a tight embrace, before pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. “Did you miss me, princess?”
“I… I did.” She admitted, her smile almost faltering once, as she felt her mother’s glare boring right into her back. However, she was shielded by Kyōjurō’s face, so she allowed herself a little bit of rebellion and leaned in to peck his lips— all while her hands lifted themselves up and settled themselves at his sides in a pseudo hug.
As her mother had kept repeating to her while she was growing up: it was unbecoming of someone of her social status to show too much emotion to anyone, as it gave people a leverage over her. And it was obvious that it had stuck to her, since she could only act normally whenever she wasn’t around any people who gave a damn about who she was.
Thankfully, she was shaken from her reverie by Kyōjurō guiding her to sit down on the empty chair next to where he sat. “Go and eat, baby. You need your strength for today.”
Kyōjurō’s words were innocent enough, but they didn’t fail to make goosebumps raise across her skin. They were so laden with hidden meaning, at least in her mind, that she couldn’t shake the warmth that pooled at the pit of her stomach.
With those words hanging in the air, she turned her full attention to the food set out on the table— holding back a surprised expression when she saw that it was laden with carry-out boxes from McDonald’s. A laugh wanted to bubble free from the sight of the lavish table paired off with something so… common, yet (Y/n) could only purse her lips together as she grabbed the laid-out silverware to serve herself a pancake.
Breakfasts used to be such a droll agenda whenever she was at home, but Kyōjurō had managed to spin such a humorous twist on it that made her want to kiss him.
The best part? Rengoku Kyōjurō had practically forced her mother— the wife of the Prime Minister, and the prissiest woman to ever live— to eat an Egg McMuffin.
(Y/n) would never forget the undernoted look of disgust that she kept shooting the blond at her side; the very man whom, she was naught to admit, was starting to become such an essential part of her life.
“How’s your McMuffin… okaa-sama?” Kyōjurō asked quietly, looking so regal even with a paper cup of coffee in his right hand. And (Y/n) could only get swept into him even more, when he turned to her and gave her the most attractive wink; one that had her heart practically skipping in her chest.
When (Y/n) had heard that she should keep her strength up for the day, she had expected so much more than just going to the beach— which Kyōjurō’s family apparently bought a few years ago— and being told that her fiancé only wanted to relax.
If she were to be honest, she would say that she expected to get railed so hard on the blanket. After all, it was why she had worn the sundress that she was sure accented all of her curves; one that would entice Kyōjurō into doing just what she wanted him to.
There wasn’t anything wrong with hoping to get fucked by such a sexy man, but it had been a few days, and she was sure that he was trying to put on a show just to tease her. That was the problem: he wasn’t giving in to her.
He merely laid down next to her on their blanket— in all his shirtless glory— while he kept eating that goddamned hard candy that was in the glass bowl next to him. And to make things worse for her, he looked so attractive— especially with his abs out on display, and his sunglasses framing his face so perfectly.
She would have long straddled his hips and slipped his cock inside her, had she been that shameless of a woman.
It wasn’t much of a statement coming from her, based on how they had first met, but it was different because they were out in the open; where anyone could happen by and take pictures of them humping like rabbits on the beach.
That wasn’t a headline that she wanted the entirety of Japan to see, even if she knew that the property was as secluded and secure as it could be.
Still, Kyōjurō was making it so hard to resist him. And he knew just how badly he was affecting her.
“Do you want to eat something, baby? Maybe a drink?” Kyōjurō asked softly, raising his sunglasses to the top of his head while he turned to look at (Y/n)— whom was no longer scrolling through her phone, and was blatantly ogling his body.
He would be lying if he said that he didn’t like that, or if he said that that wasn’t turning him on.
In fact, he had wanted to push her down on the table at her house, had her mother not been there to keep giving him ill-concealed glares. But he had to keep it in his pants, since he wanted to see how she would react with a little bit of pushing from him.
After all, he could make her so needy for him that it would make for the hottest nights of their life; especially if he kept on teasing her bit by bit until their wedding night.
It was too little too late, after he had already had a taste of her tight pussy, but it only made things much more exciting for him. If only he wasn’t constantly close to asking her to fuck him.
“A glass of champagne would be nice…” (Y/n) answered softly, the flush on her face getting more evident in the shade, especially when her eyes flickered up to meet his own. They were so intense with need that Kyōjurō couldn’t help it…
He cupped her face with one hand and pulled her in to his face, as he sat upright to meet her halfway.
The first touch of his lips to hers had his entire body tingling with warmth, as if it was coming alive under her touch. And it was only made better when their slow and tentative kisses slowly escalated to open-mouthed ones; ones that had him feeling himself getting hard.
Especially when she reached down and cupped her hand over his hardening cock.
A smirk tugged at the corners of Kyōjurō’s lips then, as he got it in his mind to push the piece of candy in his mouth into hers.
(Y/n) was clearly surprised at first, tensing up the tiniest bit, before getting swept up in her fiancé’s pace. His tongue kept prodding at hers, trying to pull the candy back into his own mouth, which she complied to.
Gingerly, she allowed him to take the sweet from her mouth, instantly missing its sweetness, before it was gently pushed right back in— so warm and a little minty, with a hint of something that was uniquely Kyōjurō.
Or maybe that was her lust addled mind talking.
However, before things could escalate further, the blond pulled away with a grin— his candy back in his mouth. “I’ll be back with your champagne, princess.”
To say that she was shocked and feeling cross with him was a total understatement. She was feeling so irate that she wanted to get some sort of revenge on him— which had been fueled by her less-than-innocent searches while he was gone.
So, she stewed in her own impatience— even sitting up on her knees— just so she could take him by surprise when he came back.
Thankfully, Kyōjurō didn’t take too long with getting her drink; grinning right at her even if she could see the obvious bulge in his swim trunks. It provided the perfect opportunity for her to get back at him, at least even a little.
And when he got back on their blanket, giving her the glass of champagne before making a move to sit back down, (Y/n) got up on her knees and placed a hand on his right thigh— looking up at him and licking her lips, before sliding that hand up to cup his hard-on once more.
“You look uncomfortable,” The young woman whispered, as she slowly undid the tie to her fiancé’s shorts and gently pushed them down his hips; much like how she pushed her own trepidations aside, and threw all caution to the wind.
She was on private property. And she trusted, deep down, that Kyōjurō would protect her and her reputation if it came down to it.
So, she let go of her inhibitions— especially when she was greeted by her fiancé’s hard cock in front of her face. It was thick, and long, and a little bit curved— which had her pussy getting so wet already.
Remembering how amazing he felt inside her even had her squeezing her thighs together, if only to alleviate the lust that she felt bubbling within her.
Gingerly, she took his cock in her right hand, pumping it slowly, and using her thumb to spread the precum that beaded at his tip. A low groan was her reward for that, which only spurred her on even more— especially when she saw his eyes close in pleasure.
Just the faintest of touches and he was already like that. She couldn’t wait to see what his reaction was going to be when she set her plans into action.
And when she leaned forward to suck on the tip of his cock, she felt confidence flaring up within her when Kyōjurō moaned aloud— with his right hand making its way into her hair.
It was hot, but she was not going to get swept up in his pace again.
So, before he could try to give her a nudge to take more of him in her mouth, (Y/n) pulled the head of his cock out of her mouth and took a big sip from the champagne flute in her left hand. And with that, she set the drink down on the blanket— hoping that it wouldn’t topple over.
She kept the cool and bubbly drink in her mouth— looking up again at Kyōjurō, whom was watching her with such a lust-filled gaze— before taking his cock in her mouth once more.
That time, however, Kyōjurō actually cried out in pleasure; hips bucking involuntarily as he felt the champagne’s bubbles teasing his cock. Partnered with the coolness of the drink, and the warmth of (Y/n)’s mouth, the blond was on his slow descent to thinking that he was going crazy with pleasure.
His head was already spinning from the sensations, and she had barely even taking his cock.
But when she swallowed around his tip, before circling her cool tongue around the crown of his cock, he felt his fingers curling into her hair. Hell, he had barely even managed to look up at the security camera perched on a light pole, as a warning for whoever was watching to turn away at that moment.
Slowly, pleasurably, (Y/n) kept taking more and more of Kyōjurō’s cock in her mouth— until she was all the way down to the hilt, with her nose pressed against his trimmed pubes.
And he thought that it couldn’t get any better than that, until she took the hand that was on his thigh to cup his balls and start fondling them.
His eyes almost rolled back into his head at that moment, as he threw his head back and lost himself to the heady feeling of her sucking him off; trying to bring him to the most intense orgasm that he was ever going to get from a blowjob.
Instead of trying to prolong his pleasure though, Kyōjurō began to gently rock his hips into (Y/n)’s face; breathing heavily and moaning aloud as he felt his orgasm crawling up on him.
“I’m cumming,” The blond whispered breathlessly, close to outright fucking his fiancée’s face, when she pulled his cock out of her mouth— leaving just the tip inside— before jerking her off with one hand.
All while the other one kept fondling his balls.
It was so heady that Kyōjurō could only cry out “Fuck, baby! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” as he spurted thick ropes of cum right on her tongue. She was white hot pleasure personified, and he was sure of it at that very moment.
Maybe he really couldn’t wait until the wedding night to have her again.
Especially when she made a show of popping her cock out of her mouth, and sticking her tongue out to show him his cum— before closing her lips and swallowing his thick seed.
“How did I get so lucky, princess?”
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starglitterz · 3 years
Hihi can I get a jelly chocolate Carmel for kazuha also it’s high school X3
hihi !
request: kazuha fluff, highschool modern au
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
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the art room is serene, silent except for the sound of kazuha's brush swirling in the paint and gliding across the easel with the grace of a ballerina. the sun has already begun to set, the pink and yellow hues flooding the classroom with its radiance, dappling your skin with gold. the gentle wind rustles the branches of the tree outside, whispering through the leaves as if eager to share some merry secret. you merely remain still, frozen on the mahogany chair as if a statue, while kazuha works to capture your likeness onto the canvas in front of him.
you gaze at your boyfriend, watching how his brows knit in concentration, how his coppery eyes are laser focused. when he glances up at you for reference before returning to the canvas, a red blush splashes itself across his pale cheeks upon realising you were already looking at him. warm affection blossoms in his eyes, as they quickly dart back to the easel to hide how flustered he is.
tilting your head to the side, you utter, "you're so pretty, you know that, 'zuha?" his ears burn at both the praise and the nickname slipping from your mouth like a gem - it sounds so familiar, so loving, so caring. "pretty? i think that applies more to you, angel," kazuha smiles, pushing his hair out of his face, concealing the streak of red that usually falls perfectly to frame his face.
kazuha's pet name never fails to get your heart racing, and you beam at him, "can i come see the picture now?" he hums under his breath, shooting one last glance at the painting before nodding, "sure. it still needs a bit of work though." hopping off the chair, you stretch, cat-like, and skip to his side. upon seeing the marvellous artwork, your jaw drops, and a low gasp escapes your throat as your eyes trace the careful sketched linework, now covered with a layers of paint in all the shades you could imagine.
it's you posing on the chair, and even in the still image kazuha has somehow managed to portray how you're bubbling over with life and excitement, each stroke filled with vibrancy. "do you like it?" kazuha asks softly, one hand wrapping around your waist to pull you close. "i love it, kazuha! archons, your artwork is always stunning," you reply with enthusiasm in your tone, hugging him tightly. "thank you, y/n. i'm glad you like it," he grins, the pride from your compliment obvious in his expression.
reaching one finger out, you caress the canvas, "it looks so real!" kazuha chuckles before cupping your chin and pressing his lips to yours in a warm kiss, "maybe. but no piece of art in the world can beat you, because none of them can do this."
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quill speaks !
*thinks abt this for the next century*
no bc quiet affection like this is my favourite, i mean i love couples being chaotic tgt too, but stuff like this will always make me simp 10x more LOL
anon, i hope i wrote your request well! it was kinda vague, so i just went wild w my kazuha art student hc AJSKDSKJ
i hope you enjoy your stay at quill’s dessert cafe, and do check out the menu if you'd like ! 🍭
© starglitterz 2021. do not repost or modify in any way.
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