#au pov: neil
andreil-fic-stash · 8 months
Of One Soul by Incomprehensible Order (YEdFh)
Word Count: 7,088
Rating: Teen
Canon Divergent: Neil has a twin
Neil has never wanted to hide more than he does right now. Except he can’t stay hidden. He can’t blend in. He can’t run. Because the FBI’s got his number. Because Andrew is pretending not to watch him from the driver’s seat of the Maserati. Because… Well, because Neil’s going to see his brother.
Comments: It was super interesting to see how someone else might have reacted differently to being in the same situations Neil was in while growing up and on the run.
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emry-stars-art · 3 months
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Abram’s back
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daneecastle · 4 months
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Reversed Veil of Worlds
Crowley’s POV Pages 10-15 out of 20.
1-5 | 6-10 | 16-20
5 more pages to go. Crowley has figured things out after having to repeat his wedding with the love of his life. How will he fix this?
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 35
"Andrew, wake up." Andrew felt a hand on his shoulder and he lashed out as he always did. He found himself rocketing towards consciousness as he heard Neil's pained grunt. Panic lances through him as he realizes what he had hit instead of the intruder and he's glad they compromised when he and Neil had started to sleep in the same bed.
Andrew pulls Neil in closer to protect him even as Neil groans at the sudden jolting movement.
He needs to get-
"I already moved your secret pillow knife Andrew." The intruder says as Andrew's hand grasps at nothing. He has a second one but the intruder is now armed and Neil-
"Erik and the Hans Moretti Sword Box are the only combination of me, another guy, and blades being stabbed at me that I will accept. Now, wake up." The familiar sounding intruder says.
Andrew blinks awake.
Nicky's frowning face is staring down at him.
"I need to borrow the Maserati, or you need to drive me to Abby's house. Right now." Nicky says without a hint of the fear.
Or, at least, not fear of Andrew.
"What's wrong with Smith?" he asks holding out his hand for his pilfered knife as he rubs Neil's side where he had lashed out instinctively.
Nicky looks at him for a long moment before handing the knife back to Andrew, "There's...I just feel like something isn't right. I want to be there with him, I shouldn't have left him there." Nicky says.
Andrew didn't disagree.
FF had been relaxed and at ease, drinking the disgusting smoothie that Kevin had forced on him, and Andrew had noticed a hint of a smile on his friend's face.
Then that fuckface showed up and FF had looked worse than when Andrew had stabbed him. He still remembered the garbage that piece of shit had spewed and Andrew hated knowing things about his friend that his friend hadn't told him.
Hated that his brain could piece moments that made a horrible amount of sense now. FF staring at his car the first time before climbing in, how he had requested that Andrew focus on the road, Nicky looking at all of them exasperated "Smithy was going to walk back", and-
“See, you’re still upset over what that guy did. Why are you clinging to the last name of the guy that did this to you?” Fuckface asks from behind them, “He almost killed mom and you. He did kill our two-“
Andrew makes himself stop thinking about it. It wasn't something FF wanted to talk about.
"The keys are where I always put them." he says because he thinks if he gets out of bed he might go hunt fuckface for sport. The thought of seeing fuckface's well fucking face as he hits him with the Maserati is not a bad one.
"Thank you Andrew. Sorry Neil." Nicky says and Neil waves it off having mostly drifted back to sleep as Andrew had rubbed his back mindlessly.
Nicky leaves without another word. Andrew settled back into bed hand still mindlessly rubbing Neil's back. He closes his eyes. He thinks about how FF had looked at those two kids a few weeks back.
He'd looked like a good older brother.
He holds Neil tight, focuses on the feeling of his even breathing on his neck, and listens to Kevin's snoring to think about a monster consuming Daniel whole.
Sometimes Matt feels like he misses out on things with his friends. It didn't happen that often and he doesn't regret the Thanksgiving he spent with his Mom and Dan. Not a single atom regrets making hand turkeys with Dan or holding Dan and his Mom's bags during their Black Friday spree.
He still felt ice in his stomach when he heard that some of Nathan's men had come for Neil and that FF had gotten hurt. FF hadn't seemed overly bothered by the injury and Matt was looking forward to having the freshman as a roommate once he was fully cleared by Abby.
FF was a good kid and Matt had a hard time disliking someone who so obviously looked up to and liked his best friend. He'd told Dan about the 'Captain Neil' title and the two of them had just about died talking about how sweet they both found it.
Which is why he feels a certain kind of way when he finds out his Skype date with Dan had him miss out on a face that, based on what he heard from an incensed Aaron, was in desperate need of a punch.
"Where's Nicky?" Matt asks.
"He couldn't stop worrying about Smiths, he doesn't have Friday classes so he mentioned something about sticking with Smiths." Aaron explains over his oatmeal and Matt turns his head towards the wall they shared with Neil, Andrew, and Kevin's room as he hears the blender going. Aaron shovels the remainder of his oatmeal into his mouth, "I gotta go. I'll see you later." he says.
Matt waves his roommate off and wonders what the sudden rush was but it was hardly three minutes later that Kevin Day was bursting into their room without knocking. "Aaron, I need your-" Kevin stops gaze settling on Matt. "Where's Aaron?" he asks.
Matt looks at him, "He just left." he says. Kevin looks to the ceiling in obvious frustration, "Anything I can help with?" Matt asks while at the same time cursing himself for asking.
"Have you had breakfast?" Kevin asks immediately.
"Uh...no?" Matt says.
"Perfect. Drink this." Kevin says shoving a smoothie into Matt's hand. Matt looked at the blue-ish smoothie in his hands and then back up to Kevin. "You asked if there was anything you could help with. Tell me how that tastes." he points at the beverage and Matt recognizes the distinct smell of one of Kevin's health shakes.
"I don't want to do this." Matt says setting the smoothie to the side.
"I'm trying to improve the flavor." Kevin says, "It was brought to my attention that it isn't very...good tasting." Kevin adds sounding like the admission costs him something.
"Just now? You just figured out they taste like butt, just now?" Matt asks incredulously.
Kevin flushes, "Smiths drank it without complaint!" he exclaims.
"Yeah, 'cuz Smithster is nice! Also I think his face is just stuck like that." Matt says.
"There was no way I could have known they were gross!" Kevin argues.
"Kevin, most people TASTE the things they're giving to others." Matt points out and Kevin only grows redder.
"Are you going to help me improve the taste or not?!" Kevin demands pointing at the smoothie, "that's phase one right there." he points at the beverage.
Matt considers it, "This is to make these god awful smoothies taste better for Smithster?" he asks finally feeling like there was something he could offer his friend.
"Yes." Kevin says.
"And you can't just taste them yourself....because?" Matt asks.
"I need multiple datapoints, it can't just be me." Kevin answers immediately.
Matt rolls his eyes but he was not one to deny the scientific process, "Fine." he agrees and grabs the smoothie, "You said this was phase one of improving the flavor?" he asks.
"Yes." Kevin says.
Matt nods and brings the smoothie to his lips.
Bitter. Slimey. Why is it spicy? So Bitter. It's liquid how is it chalky?
He immediately spits it out, "Why does it taste like that?!" Matt demands immediately. "You said it was phase one?!" he hisses.
"That's the control. I needed your opinion on where I was starting." Kevin jerks his head to the side towards the entrance of Matt's dorm, "C'mon, we've got work to do." he says leaving the room without taking his godforsaken smoothie with him.
Matt looks to the ceiling like Kevin had earlier. Honestly, the world had been a darker place since Kevin had to take the required science course last year.
****** There was no singular more 'freshman' thing that FF had done, in Nicky's opinion, than the fact that the kid had early Friday classes. Nicky had gotten to Abby's place late and hadn't slept before, too caught up in a conversation with Aaron.
FF had been awake when he'd gotten to Abby's, staring blankly into the fridge and based on how cold his friend's pajamas were he couldn't help but wonder how long FF had been there. So he herded FF back to bed and FF had pressed his face into Nicky's shoulder and hadn't let go. So Nicky had crawled into bed after FF had nodded his consent.
Nicky had slept terribly.
Still, he woke up with FF's alarm. FF's gaze was about a thousand miles away but he got ready for his two early Friday classes robotically. Nicky shot a text to Aaron and Andrew to let them know that he'd stick with FF for the day to make sure that if Daniel showed up he wouldn't bother FF.
FF walked into a wall as he was texting. "Aw, bud." he says and sets him on a new course.
Andrew texted to tell him that Neil was going to talk with Wymack about not giving Daniel a chance.
He heard another thud, "Oh, Smith don't run into that." he hears Abby say worriedly.
Nicky puts his phone away.
He gets FF through breakfast and through the walk to campus. He takes a seat next to FF in his Math class and ignores the narrowed eyes of the person who's usual seat he has obviously taken. He turns in FF's homework, pays attention, takes some notes, answers the clicker questions for FF, and guides him out and over towards his next class.
He sees Daniel being shown around campus by Jack.
He texts Aaron for back-up. The two of them manhandle FF across campus just in time for his Japanese class and Nicky and Aaron swear up and down that they are just there to look in on the class. Nicky hands the clicker off to Aaron since the future doctor's handwriting left a lot to be desired.
Eventually it was done and Nicky and Aaron had to maneuver FF through a truly STARTLING amount of people who wanted to 'have a word' with FF. Nicky remembers that kid from months back. 'The Adonis of the Foreign Language Department'
Eventually through a combination of Nicky's polite declinations, Aaron glowering, and FF walking into another wall they managed to escape the Foreign Language department of Palmetto State University.
"I think we deserve a treat." Nicky says, "Everyone who agrees raise your hand." he adds and raises his own hand before lifting FF's hand up and looking to see Aaron lift his own hand up.
"Are we sure he's okay in there?" Aaron asks waving a hand in front of FF's face as they made their way to an ice cream shop that had excellent waffle cones and was the place that sold FF's favorite triple berry milkshake.
"Yeah, this happens sometimes." Nicky says even if it had never gone on this long with FF having to reboot his system. It feels like his friend may have blue-screened but Nicky's willing to wait it out.
"If you're sure." Aaron says expression giving away how unconvinced he is but he moves along, "Did you do what we talked about last night?" he asks.
"Yeup." Nicky says popping the 'p' at the end.
"Good." Aaron says as he opens the door to the ice cream shop.
****** Andrew is walking to Abby's with Neil, Kevin, and Matt to pick up his car. Nicky had texted Andrew that he and Aaron were hanging out at Abby's trying to get FF to snap out of whatever daze he had fallen into.
"We have to let him tryout and there will be someone from the university there making sure it's all fair." Neil spits the word out with obvious disgust. "Like any of this shit is fair!" Neil kicks a pebble on the sidewalk.
Andrew keeps his thoughts to himself that if Daniel just doesn't make it to the tryouts then there's no issue. This whole mess kicked off because he stabbed FF and Andrew wanted to make it right. FF may not blame Andrew and may still reflexively tell anyone who asks that Romero did it, but Andrew can't forget the moment he looked over and saw his knife in FF's stomach and realized that the blood on his hands was his friend's.
"He might be a good addition to the team." Kevin says.
"Kevin, if you say that one more time I'm going to dump phase 3 down your throat." Matt hisses.
Kevin recoils in visible disgust and notably keeps his mouth shut. Andrew will have to get the recipe off of Matt if it's that effective at shutting Kevin up.
They make the final turn onto Abby's street and Andrew's eyes narrow as he looks at Abby's driveway where there was only one car.
"Where the fuck is my car?" he asks.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 6 months
as one might expect, I am also asking for the boy with the teeth. --@quiescentdestiny
WIP Wednesday (4/3) | Vampire Andrew AU (Part 101)
Neil isn’t sure what was going on with the others all through their little impromptu practice, but it makes him feel like he’s missing something huge. Hell, he thought he was the one with secrets here. But he might not be alone. 
Actually, he’s completely alone right now. Sort of. He's in a shower stall. Which he’s incredibly grateful for. 
Hiding marks and lumps and bruises has been a struggle his whole life long. And now it’s evolved to scars. None of them are pretty and they all come with a zillion questions. That’s why throughout his time in Millport he always opted to shower last, once everyone else was through. But he’s got plenty of privacy here, so he takes advantage of it. And borrows some of Nicky’s soap. 
He’ll have to get some of his own for next time and he jots it down in his mental to-do list. Other items on this list include: finding a safe to keep his binder in, dying his hair again, and kicking Andrew Minyard in the teeth.
He doubts the rest of his team would be alright with that last thing. Maybe he’ll save that one for later. He’s still not sure exactly what Andrew’s problem is. But he knows that he doesn’t like the way the goalie looks at him. Like he wants to hurt him.
Neil knows that look. He’s seen it hundreds of times on dozens of faces. And it always ends badly. He scrubs over that scar on his shoulder and sees a flash of his father, stalking towards him with the iron. Always ends badly… 
After Neil is done in the shower, he quickly towels off and changes back into the clothes he wore in. Then he’s not sure what to do. Because it’s strange to just stand in here and wait. But he'd rather die than have to spend a minute alone with Andrew out in the stadium. 
So… He chooses the creepy waiting option, which gets him a weird look from Aaron, the next one out. 
“You don’t have to wait for us. The door’s right there,” Aaron says, earning him no points with Neil.
“Kind of don’t want your brother to kill me or something while Kevin’s not looking.” Neil says, making Aaron’s face twist into something grave and making Nicky laugh nervously as he comes out of his stall with his towel around his waist.
“Yeah. You’re right. You should stay here.” Nicky says. Then he winks. “You can watch me change if you want to.”
Aaron fake gags and Nicky shoves him.
“Um, no offense. But no thanks.” Neil says, closing his eyes to lean against the far wall.
“Well, shucks.” Nicky says, then there’s the rustle of clothes. “You know, Andrew’s not that bad. I think you just caught him on a bad day.”
“Oh really? He must've been having a bad day in Millport, too."
“Yeah, actually,” says Kevin from his stall. “Andrew hates planes. So the flight we had to take to get there rattled him a bit.”
“Oh.” Neil can sort of understand that, but… “So him feeling rattled by a plane means I get my ribs smashed in?”
“Wait, what?” Nicky says, and he’s closer than Neil expects so he opens his eyes to see the backliner fully dressed and rubbing his hair with a t-shirt.
“Andrew swung a racquet into my chest in Millport.” Neil tells him.
“Oh my god.” Nicky looks down at Neil’s abdomen with wide eyes. “He… didn’t really tell us that.”
“I figured.” Neil shrugs. “It’s fine. I lived.”
“Kevin, are you almost done or are you planning on using the county’s entire supply of water?” Aaron says.
Kevin huffs. “I’m almost done.”
“God, the steam is killing me.” Aaron says, starting for the door. Nicky nods and follows and Neil gets in line behind him.
“Oh!” Nicky starts as the three of them exit the locker room. “I forgot to ask, how were you able to tell the minis apart?”
“Don’t fucking call us that,” Aaron says, shoving Nicky arm. But they’re both looking at him expectantly. So Neil gives them the truth.
“Your teeth are different.” Neil says, making Nicky freeze up midstep and Aaron turn to look at him, confused.
“Our teeth.” He repeats.
“Yeah. Andrew’s are sort of pointy. Yours are,” Neil almost says ‘crooked’, but that’s a bit ruder than he means to be, “normal.”
“Oh, that’s weird. I’ve never noticed,” Nicky says, a bit of high-pitched laughter following. Neil gives him a look. He’s not sure how someone who spends a lot of time with the twins wouldn’t notice. Neil recalls the way Andrew had grinned down at him in Millport, the lights had glinted off his teeth and made him look sort of scary. Well, as scary as a five foot tall gnome of a man can be.
“Why, my ears are burning,” says a voice from the stands. It startles Neil a bit, he looks up to see Andrew looking down at him. “You three must be talking about me. How rude.”
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halfpintpeach · 10 months
Ooooh, Older Raven Neil for WIP Wednesday please? 🥰
Older Raven Neil || WIP Wednesday 12/06/23
Eyes gleaming, Kevin turns his gaze to Andrew. The blond doesn’t look away from the other man beside him. Nicholas Hemmick as Kevin’s memory recalls. One of the fifth year men stands. He’s broad with muscles bulging as he crosses his arms. Andrew’s replacement for goalkeeper, Reggie Holt.
“Is this some sort of joke?” He sneers, eyes narrowed on Kevin.
Dan hasn’t moved, but she does roll her eyes. “Is what a joke?”
Reggie jabs his finger in the air. “Raven shit joining our team, they send us a fucking cripple.”
Kevin stares back. Reggie has a few inches on him but that doesn’t stop him. “I’m a better player with a broken hand than you will ever be.”
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nanatsuyu · 5 months
Rereading a WIP of mine and remembered that I can be funny in distinctly not funny scenarios. The problem part is, I'm trying to write something else that's relatively light-hearted and I cannot for the life of me get it to swap to funny rather than amusing but somewhat melancholic. Which Usually means I have to start from the top. And do you wanna know what I just do not want to do
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altruistic-meme · 5 months
hihihi 24,57 and 78 for the fanfic asks!!! <333
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
i think it usually depends on the story i want to tell!!! for instance, (wit)jitp is written from Andrew's POV because i wanted it to be a story from the perspective of someone who wasn't the protagonist. he's the POV character but the story is about Nathaniel. when it comes to the Parallels AU, Dare(d) was the first story planned and from Wilhelm's POV because Dare(d) is meant to be a sort of coming-of-age love story. meanwhile NSTK, the other half of Parallels, is told from Simon's POV and is more of a drama.
that said, most of my Young Royals fics are from Wilhelm's POV because i relate to him a lot more than i do Simon, and most of my AFTG fics are from Andrew's POV because i find his thoughts easier to write than Neil's. so ease of writing definitely plays a part too.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
i answered this here but i am not known for being willing to shut up :)
i think i WANT to include more symbolism in my fics than i do, and i think that may be a big driving force for "the scars are poems". i want that story to be drowning in symbolism and meaning. but even just in general i think i want to try to pay more attention to opportunities and chances to play with symbolism more often!
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
often it's just the anticipation of what reactions my writing might get! one of the things that goes through my mind most often when i'm writing something is "will people see this? will this line hit them as hard as it hit me? will they understand the double meaning here? will they think about why they said that? will they wonder what that meant?" and i may never get answers to those questions but sometimes i do!! and it makes me so happy!!
i love finding out that my writing made people feel things, too. i write a lot of sappy shit, and i've been writing a lot of more sad and emotional fics recently, and it makes me so excited when people say that my writing touched them in some way.
so. yeah. it's so funny because i do write things for myself but such a big motivation for me is other people's thoughts lmao
[ fanfic writing asks ]
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andreil-fic-stash · 1 year
that's my dick you're talking about by athenachild
Word Count: 1,500
Rating: Mature
Alternate Universe: Trans!Neil
In all honesty, Neil didn’t think it was going to arrive today or maybe even ever. USPS lost the package briefly and it seemed like the world had decided to fight back against Neil Josten having a dick.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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Doodles from Sunday
Find the royal au masterpost here 💕
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jtl-fics · 8 months
Anything about Neil's perspective of seeing Andrew and the foxes again in New Kings?
1/24/24 WIP Wednesday (CLOSED) | New Kings AU
(So I did sort of already write Neil's POV on their reunion over HERE)
"Naw, Allison is right. He's going to go straight to Andrew the second he remembers him." Nicky says a shaky smile on his face as they try to be hopeful.
"Of course I'm right." Allison says with a toss of her hair. "The real money is how Neil gets his head smacked. I think Exy ball." She adds.
"I hate to say it but with Neil's mouth? He's gonna get punched." Matt shakes his head.
1/31/24 WIP Wednesday Ask Options: HERE
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aftgficrec · 4 months
Can't believe I caught this open. I love your page. Was just wondering about fics centered around medicated Andrew. Like the foxes realizing that the drugs were more harmful than helpful. Thanks!
Medicated Andrew is an AFTG hot button theme with a good amount of fandom meta, discussion, and umbrage to be found. Some fic writers go the fix-it route with time travel aus or canon divergent stories with different or zero meds (here's the ao3 unmedicated Andrew tag). When Andrew is on the problematic medication it’s usually Neil who wants it gone, but sometimes other foxes see it too. We also found aus with unexpected people wanting Andrew off the meds…can you say Tetsuji Moriyama or Fox!Harry Potter? We have a good amount of Andrew’s pov, and fanart that’s like whoa. What I’m saying is, buckle up for a wild ride, rabbits. -A 
previous recs:
Andrew’s meds here
‘They All Burn the Same’ here (updated)
‘take two’ here
‘Deals With Devils’ and ‘The Sun Still Rises’ here (both updated) 
‘The Sphynx and the Hare’ here (completed)
‘Hope Was A Dangerous, Disquieting Thing’ here (updated)
‘i'd die for you (that's easy to say)’ here
‘California Drifting’ here (updated)
‘Of Ocean Tides’ series here
‘This Is What Hollows’ here  (completed)
andrew pov:
‘The Court-Hole Fox’ (completed), ‘Fuck the Game’ series, and ‘oh be cautious, do not stand too near’ series, plus ‘Monster’ and ‘Monster 2.0’ (both updated) here
‘Fold me in your palms’ here
‘Therapy session’ here
‘Odd Eye’ here
‘Stranger To Stay’ here (updated)
‘The Real Thing’ here
‘And we’ll be running’ here
‘One More Time (With Feeling)’ here (updated)
‘we destroy everything we need’ here
you may also like:
post easthaven andreil reunion here
foxes revise opinion of Andrew here
‘Live Once More (This Time Will Be Better)’ here
‘Inked Truths’ series (parts 1 and 2) here
‘The Unkindness of Ravens’ here (updated)
I hate your smile by PateticabutBunny [Not Rated, 2066 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
One day on the relationship between Andrew and Neil And the drugs
tw: vomit, tw: addiction, tw: mania, tw: medication side effects
Another Raven in the Nest by 0bsessednerd [Rated M, 4051 Words, Complete, 2024]
“Minyard will cooperate, I’ll find a way.” Kevin ensured them. and Riko gave him a dangerous look. “If you don’t I will.” Riko said coldly, and everyone knew he would. Kevin better keep his promise, thought Neil, or Minyard was going to not have a good time. No one spoke for the rest of the flight. ~~~ Neil has a nightmare of Andrew being in the nest and part of the perfect court. As imagined it doesn’t go well
tw: nightmares, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: abuse, tw: torture, tw: ptsd
I would choose to live all this a thousand times, if in the end, I had you by FayeS2 [Not Rated, 42517 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2024]
After almost a decade together, Neil and Andrew travel back in time to Neil's first year at Palmetto. Now, they must relive demons from the past. But at least they still have each other.
tw: drug use, tw: homophobia, tw: violence, tw: blood
Good Men Lie Too by heybabyricecake [Rated M, 100678 Words, Complete, 2024]
Me: Andrew and Neil are perfect for each other <3 their love story is iconic and they are otp and it's a crime to ship them with anyone else!!!!! Also me: Anyways here's a KevNeil fic :) Canon reimagined as if it were Kevin and Neil falling in love!! I take some of the story line from the original series but there's also very different plot points for Kevin and Neil for obvious reasons! Not Kandriel sorry. This fic answers the question: What happens when two Exy obsessed idiots fall in love???
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: nightmares, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: vomit, tw: canonical character death, tw: recreational drug use, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: homophobia, tw: involuntary outing, tw: assault, tw: blood, tw: attempted rape/noncon, tw: kidnapping, tw: alcohol abuse/alcoholism
Glow In The Dark by Anonymous [Rated M, 20984 Words, Complete, 2024]
If Riko Moriyama is Exy's number 1, Kevin Day is number 2. But, if Riko Moriyama is King of Exy, Andrew Minyard is the opposing pawn who’s crossed the board to become Queen. Andrew has spent far too long denying Riko what he wants and Riko has spent far too long fantasising about the day Andrew finally breaks to leave things as they are. And if you want a job done right, you really do have to do it yourself it seems. So RIko invites Andrew to Evermore for the holidays.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced medical abuse, tw: threatened rape, tw: abuse, tw: torture, tw: blood, tw: emotional abuse, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: nonconsensual restraint, tw: nonconsensual nudity and photography, tw: internalized homophobia
Vivid by Anonymous [Rated M, 6884 Words, Incomplete, Updated Feb 2024]
Andrew returns to Palmetto State after his spending his winter break at Edgar Allan. And he's fine. Totally fine. Obviously. Hello. Welcome or welcome back. Vivid is finally here and got longer than I expected. So technically, this is a sequel to Glow In The Dark but you don't need to have read it to understand. Everything important is either there in the summary or will be explained in the fic.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced medical abuse
A collection of Andreil one-shots by Auviic [Rated E, Collection, Incomplete, Updated Jan 2024]
Chapter 1: Andrew Minyard's mistakes [6567 Words] Andrew and Neil find themselves amidst a zombie-apocalypse.
tw: graphic descriptions of violence, tw: blood/gore, tw: implied/referenced suicide, tw: gun violence, tw: drug addiction
Chapter 3: Tongue tied [5125 Words] Nathaniel Wesninski is paired with a new partner.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: torture, tw: blood/gore, tw: implied/referenced abuse
Sunrise by DeeLeBee [Rated E, 26499 Words, Complete, 2023]
Part 1 of Sunrise, Abram, Death 
Listen. All fans of All For The Game hate this fucking series just as much as they love it and I am no exception. Nora's writing doesn't make sense in so many parts, there are plot holes, WHAT ARE ANDREW'S MEDS ABOUT, and Nora was a coward because she planned to make Kandriel a thing but chickened out. (Love you , Nora.) Anyway, I am here to remedy all these ailments.
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: recreational drug use, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: nonconsensual kissing, tw: canonical character death, tw: self harm
We work well with crazy. by MBlack93 [Rated E, 45145 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2024]
Neil is on the run for his serial killer father and apparently a Yakuza family with delusions of grandeur. Harry is on the run for the Dark Lord, the Light Lord, and practically the whole Wizarding World, except for the Goblins. Because Goblins are awesome.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced food withholding, tw: homophobia, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced human trafficking, tw: nonconsensual drug use
Andrew pov:
A Monster, A Defender, A Psychopath (You Maniac) by Lytta323 [Not Rated, 1953 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Andrew has a bad psychotic episode due to his medication and gets the help he deserved sooner.
tw: self harm, tw: blood/gore, tw: mania
What if I’m the Monster? by 0bsessednerd [Not Rated, ​​1130 Words, Complete, 2024]
The pills sat on the counter taunting him. He really didn’t want to take these. But when had Andrew ever gotten anything he wanted in his life? It was his fault he had to take them. That’s what everyone told him. If he hadn’t gone too far, if he hadn’t been a problem he wouldn’t have to be on these. He wouldn’t have to be high out of his mind every fucking day. He wouldn’t have to give in to the addiction. He wouldn’t have to go to therapy. He wouldn’t have to be reminded he could never be free. He wouldn’t be a monster. ~~~ Andrew taking his medication for the first time and how he felt doing it. And how he felt after the effects kicked in.
tw: implied/referenced hate crime, tw: implied/referenced violence, tw: negative self image
a foxhole collection: on possibilities and digressions by vicariously kingly (pelted) [Rated T, Collection, Last Updated 2016] 
Chapter 21: andrew minyard in wonderland [734 Words]
for the prompt: pre-andreil snippet. in summary: andrew on drugs.
Feet Don't Fail Me Now by freefromenvy [Rated E, 56824 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2024]
Neil was an exceptional runner until his past caught up with him. After years on the run, he was taken back to the Nest where he had to learn how to survive all over again. After Neil helps Kevin and Jean escape the Nest, Riko sends Neil to Palmetto to inform the rest of the Foxes that he will keep attacking their team, just like what happened to Jamie Smalls, unless Kevin and Jean return to the Nest. If Neil fails in his task, the Moriyamas will giftwrap, and hand deliver Neil to his father after he is released from prison. Neil has always known he has lived on borrowed time. He lived Alex's life, Stephen's life, James's life, and many more. Now all he wants to do is to be able to die as Neil and not as Nathaniel Wesninski.
tw: violence, tw: abuse, tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced human trafficking, tw: blood/gore, tw: mutilated dead animal
Apathy by Marquee [Rated G, 144 Words, Complete, 2023]
Andrew thinking about people in his past. Including but not limited to awful foster homes, people who him on the drugs, people calling him crazy, just yucking people in general
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
Love Bites, Hate Bleeds by kongruenz [Rated M, 6286 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2024]
Andrew's at juvie with nothing to look forward to, no life, no passion, just the constant need to be numb and bury what happened, to forget. Until Coach Wymack, Kevin Day and Neil Josten appear in his locker room to recruit him to the Palmetto Foxes. _ An AU in which Neil joined the Foxes before Andrew, and Andrew looks at Neil for protection instead.
tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: violence
I don't want to by The_7th_Void [Not Rated, 3017 Words, Complete. 2024]
Andrew runs late night errands with Neil and tries to fight his drugs. Neil is confused but helps him anyway. Or Neil lies. Andrew is honest.
tw: vomit, tw: addiction
I took the pills for these empty nights by All_for_the_andreil [Rated T, 6013 Words, Complete, 2022]
He gazes at Neil and thinks about all the questions he’s too afraid to ask. Would you still want me when I’ll be a mess? Would you stay even after you see how fucked I am? Would you hate me if I stopped playing exy for good? And perhaps the most important one: Will they kill you if we fail this season because of me? -or- Andrew gets diagnosed with bipolar disorder and is prescribed medication. Given his history with that, he has some issues.
Träumerei by Sashe [Rated E, 12038 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2024]
Andrew never planned on joining the Ravens, not when Riko and Kevin demanded it, but Coach Moriyama is willing to bargain. And he sees right through Andrew in a way no one ever has before. He’s offering Andrew a home, people who believe him, a family who will never abandon him, and a chance at something to build his life around – something to live for. All he has to do is play Exy for him for five years.  or Just another Raven!Andreil AU
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: emotional/psychological abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
We will survive to live by Whyreme [Rated M, 20663 Words, Incomplete, Updated April 2024]
Andrew had been a Spear since the age of thirteen. He endured a lot, but he had a mother, a father and a home. Until it all fell into ashes and his world was turned upside down. He fought back and lost everything, earning himself mandatory medication in return. So when Riko Moriyama and Kevin Day offered him a tempting deal, he couldn't refuse. He'd be a Raven, but that was a bigger cage than his alternative, right? or AU where Andrew never met Aaron and Nicky, was adopted by the Spear and has a very good reason to be a Perfect Court member. (Raven!Andrew and Raven!Neil AU)
tw: dark, tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: hallucinations, tw: horror, tw: blood/gore, tw: implied/referenced child abuse and neglect, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: medication addiction, tw: torture, tw: murder, tw: vomit
The Avarice Never Ends by stuntinf8 [Not Rated, 1341 Words, Complete, 2022]
Andrew liked Neil Josten in the way that a cat might like a mouse: easy to tousle by the tail, quick to fuss, simple enough to rattle. The meds made it even easier. (OR A medicated Andrew reflects on the anomaly that is Neil Josten.)
fandom thoughts and meta:
Dependence and Addiction in All for the Game meta by @the-greater-grief [Tumblr, 2022]
I need to talk about Andrew's medication meta by @deadliestpieceontheboard [Tumblr, 2021]
if Andrew wasn't on anti-psychotics, what was he on? meta by @amiandthechaos, @sinistercacophony [Tumblr, 2021]
why abby was so vehemently against committing andrew to rehab early? discussion by @bookmarkmyword, @deadliestpieceontheboard [Tumblr, 2022]
Andrew -Medication or Incarceration ? meta by @lemonboyjosten [Tumblr, 2021]
thoughts about Andrew…his mental issues and medication? by @palmettomonsters [Tumblr, 2017]
Andrew’s meds make me so fucking angry by @kazzyboy [Tumblr, 2021]
Happy Pills by Weathers song analysis by @meanie-boy-minyard [Tumblr, 2019]
Alien Blues art by @fortheloveofexy, on ao3 here
“It’s a cruel world” art by @swarenar
Put on a happy face :) art by @allfortheslay25
bloody smiles art by @rhyva
meds art by @/rhyvva on twitter
I'm not okay art by @creekgods
apathy is a tragedy art by @doesephs
medicated Andrew art by @yolkylemon
sober vs medicated Andrew cosplay by @/csplyxeva on tiktok
aftg-tober day 4 art by @i-did
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stabbyfoxandrew · 5 months
If it’s not too late, can I request a Vampdrew please?
WIP Wednesday (4/24) | Vampire Andrew AU (Part 120)
When Kevin returns to the court, he seems rattled for some reason. But not rattled enough to stop being a massive bitch. Neil has tried the same move at least fifty times, but each attempt is met with criticism and rude remarks. And Andrew’s crazy ass cackling so loud Neil can hear it from here. 
Earlier, Andrew had disappeared for about twenty minutes. To go where and do what, Neil’s got no idea. He doesn’t want to know. But he would like to know why Kevin keeps looking over his shoulder at the goalie. And why he can feel Andrew’s gaze like a physical weight. It’s enough to make him nervous. 
Andrew proved on day one that he was going to be trouble. Just what kind… That’s what Neil has yet to figure out. Neil scoops up a ball and fires it at the goal, his arms burning with the exertion. It lights up the goal, but Kevin sighs.
“That was sloppy. If Andrew had been in the goal—”
“He’s not,” Neil says, barely keeping his father’s temper in check. “Why did he come down here just to stare at us like fish in a tank? You’re nagging me to death but your pet goalie is sitting up there twiddling his thumbs.”
“Andrew can do what he wants. You have not earned that privilege. Now try it again or get out of here and stop wasting our time.” Kevin says, his high and mighty attitude grating on Neil’s nerves. He considers stomping off the court, to prove something or other. But that would be walking into Andrew’s arms. And he’d rather take his chances with Kevin. 
“Fine.” Neil says with a sigh. “Show me again.”
“Alright. Watch this.”
By the time Kevin finally gives up and throws his racquet at the wall, Neil is exhausted plain and simple. Exy is the only thing he gives a fuck about anymore and Kevin is trying to ruin it for him. Said striker used to be on that list, but goddamn is he annoying. Kevin has him collect the balls again, because apparently he’s too important to be a gofer, and then he leads the way off the court.
“Hey Neil!” Andrew says, beaming. “Isn’t Kevin such a nice teacher?”
“No. But he’s the best,” Neil says. Then he staggers off to the locker room to take a hot shower. (Or to drop dead, he’s not quite sure.) And leaves Kevin to deal with his grinning psycho.
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foxsoulcourt · 2 years
The End Is Up To Us (32769 words) by mostly_maudlin Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Matt Boyd/Danielle "Dan" Wilds, Jeremy Knox/Jean Moreau Characters: Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten, Matt Boyd, Allison Reynolds (All For The Game), Kevin Day, Renee Walker (All For The Game), Danielle "Dan" Wilds, Jeremy Knox, Jean Moreau, Nicky Hemmick, Aaron Minyard Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, some jerejean on the side, maybe... some other things, the trio of besties you didn't know you wanted, its about, Friendship, Trust, Healing, Found Family, Exy (All For The Game), theres some but this is most certainly not All for the game, they do a lot of Activities, like there r... pumpkins. and waterfalls. and. FALLING IN LOVE :), Non-Sexual Intimacy, and eventually mayb some kissing, NOW FOR THE WARNINGS:, Past Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, mention of drake - Freeform, its all brief backstory stuff!!, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, ok cool done all that !, POV Andrew Minyard Summary:
Andrew Minyard has never cared much for destiny.
Bookmarker's Notes:
Do you like your soulmate aus where free choice is valued + honoured?
Where platonic relationships have just enough value as the romantic ones? 💜 
This author, @mostlymaudlin has got you covered!
Want to see what happens when Andrew, Allison + Matt are bestie-roomies? Looking for a story to fall into where the various group dynamics buoy you all the way through? Where Jeremy's ebullience gets channeled into a structure which helps people stay connected? Where Kevin Day is aDoReD?! Where Kevin + Neil's relationship is top tier fun capitalising on their mutual competitive nature? Where Andrew + Neil have independently charted ways to live rich full lives and THEN meet later in life?
M'friend, you are in for a treat !
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jordanshenessy · 29 days
Hello!! I’m so sorry that has been cancelled. My brain is currently being eaten by how much I need to sleep and Andrew Minyard, but that has become my normal state as of late. 💖💖💖💖💖
How has your day been?
Okay so real of u Andrew minyard doesn’t leave my head ever skdjdb and speaking of sleep sameeee cuz I had a late start to my day but only bc I could NOT sleep at all 😭 im hoping it’ll all balance out soon cuz it usually does but we’ll see lol I hope you get sleep 💖💖anon !!
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halfpintpeach · 10 months
Happy WIP Wednesday. I would like some dealers' choice please. 😁
Dealer's Choice (Older Raven Neil AU) || WIP Wednesday 11/29/23
The kid drops his head back and groans. “You’re annoying and I hate you.”
“The feeling is mutual Nicholas,” Andrew looks at Wymack. “Old Man.”
Wymack frowns. “Little shit.”
Kevin watches the exchange with fear bubbling in his gut and making his throat tight. Andrew taps two fingers to his temple and salutes Wymack. Jean is frigid watching the exchange.  The Master doesn’t tolerate any form of disrespect. Kevin’s seen Neil mouth off and disappear from practices more times than he can count. 
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