#au recom Neteyam
eywaseclipse · 4 months
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I think this is the last AU recom Neteyam edit I have.
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oakbuggy · 1 year
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CREDITS TO @neteyamsyawntu for opening my eyes to this gem of an AU
also I made essentially a Flora-coded OC. The Tawkami clan was too much of a good fit
v cute--> tragic meet cute where OC and Neteyam reunite after Neteyam has already been resurrected by the RDA (v v cliche i know, idc ITS FINE)
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I just saw your post about BAMF Spider and like.,.,., BRO!!!! It’s so good!!! Do you have any idea what everyone’s reaction would be?? Or his time in captivity now (going with the scenario he does get captured)??? Is Quaritch going to be proud of BAMF son??? I’m sorry I need to know more
Thanks for the feedback! I was just thinking about adding to this, so this came at the perfect time. I think everyone’s reaction oscillate between outrage about how stupid Spider was by doing this and how how shocked that he was even capable of doing this.
Jake doesn’t not know how to respond, apart from in a very concerned (yet angry) fatherly way. He absolutely doesn’t understand why Spider needs to do this & as Jake is from earth, naturally, the very idea of anyone becoming a child soldier is abhorrent. With all the emotions, Spider’s logic as to why he’s doing this (“This is my home, If I have an opportunity to defend it I will fight every time”) doesn’t get through to him and he ends up dismissing Spider’s beliefs and wants because “he’s just a kid”. Spider eventually gets fed up with this behaviour and decides that since Jake doesn’t want to treat him like he isn’t a perfectly capable combatant, He won’t treat Jake like he’s a General.
SIDE NOTE: Can we all take a moment to realise that Jake had no business leading a long-term campaign against an invading force much stronger than anything Pandora has faced. At best, he should be an advisor or strategist. This man won one fight with the RDA, and that’s only because a Literal God decided to step in. There is a reason he is a corporal - he doesn’t have mindset or skills required to lead a large army against an enemy like the RDA, over the course of what likely will a decade or more. So far, we have seen no attempts to gain intelligence from Bridgehead, develop new and improve existing techniques for eliminating RDA forces (i.e. new weapons & tactics) or even any development in utilising Electronic warfare against the enemy. Rant over.
Neytiri. Is a complicated story. Yes, she is outraged by Spider’s decision for the same reasons as Jake. However, She rationalises by the ‘demon blood’ argument, that this is how Spider will destroy the People by becoming like his father. She denies being at fault for pushing Spider down this path in the first place, reasoning that he didn’t need to become a murderer - he just needed to leave the People alone. She believes the tattoos and Viking braid to be a way to mock the People, which almost causes a fight after they return to High Camp but Jake is there to stop his mate from doing something stupid. Which was good, because Spider was very much ready to throw hands down and fight Neytiri. He could never forgive what she said, and now she wants to attack him over the identity he has come into on his own - yeah, that would end in Neytiri being KO’d. Spider honestly doesn’t care for what she has to say to him, since he doesn’t really care for her opinion since it often revolves around insulting him in some way.
The Sully Kids are very clearly worried for spider but still think it’s cool that He is fighting for his homeland. they wish that they spent more time with him and socialised with him more over the last few months, but they simply didn’t want to aggravate their mother. Looking back on it, they deeply regret not hanging out with him more, because now they can’t really recognise the Spider that they knew in him. Kiri is slightly more upset than the others, because she knows that he is pulling away from Eywa - she can feel it. She begs for Spider to abandon all of this and to rejoin them, reassuring him that her mother will be better towards him. Spider doesn’t believe it though. He likes this version of him - it’s something he was developed and he now feels comfortable as the person he is now. He tells Kiri this much, which prompts Neteyam, Lo’ak & Tuk to step in and try to convince him to give it all up. Spider just walks off, because he can’t possibly handle the sting of this betrayal. He can’t hate his friends for not understanding him, but this is who he is and they will need to accept that.
Norm is absolutely against it. He shuffles between lecturing spider, shouting at him for being so completely stupid & grounding spider from his privileges (access to the workshop, the armoury and gun range, his scorpion, etc. ). Norm has zero grounds to do any of this, because he hasn’t been caring for spider as soon as Max took on that responsibility full time. Before Spider can loose his cool, Max steps in and for the first time in years for Max, He begins cussing out Norm and screaming that Norm has no right to tell Spider what to do and that if he ever starts screaming at his boy again, he will [Blanked out, due to the unspeakable things and threats my mind just conjured up at the thought of Max threatening somebody]. Norm is speechless, his jaw is on the flaw. He has never heard Max swear or act violent in their time knowing each other, so Norm flounders for at least enough time for Max to take Spider away to somewhere safe.
Just as another thing, This would be the first time that Max outright declares Spider his Son. Everybody knew it by this point, but since there was no reason to state something everyone knew (or at least the scientists), it was never said. It was only spoken and declared between Max and Spider when they were together.
Mo’at deserves her own post. I’m putting it in the works to write - so bare with me, please. 
In terms of Spider being captured, he does not. When the recom’s show up, Quaritch cannot believe that this is his son. He was worried that his son would look some hippy but this is frankly worse. A tatted up, heavily scarred, blonde-haired white boy, covered in all black fatigues and strapped with three different weapons was not what he had in mind - and he did not like it. When Jake and Neytiri come to the rescue, Spider took that as an opportunity to distract the recoms and start mowing them down with their own guns. He refused to have Neytiri of all people save him. He was only her because Lo’ak invited him and Spider only accept because he knew that Lo’ak was going to get everyone killed so he should tag along to stop him before that happens. Quaritch is in complete awe about how terrifying his son is (“That boy is a true Quaritch right there!”), but he has to retreat because he will in fact die and if what his son is shouting at him - he will die very slowly.
This is an incredibly long post for me to right, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. If anybody wants to send in more asks, I will gladly answer them. However, I’m exhausted from a long day of work and writing so I’m gonna nap for a bit.
A uni student with consistently low levels of sleep
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meenawrites · 2 years
any ideas in the Trudy Lives AU for when Spider gets taken by the recoms? her reaction? what she tells the sully’s when they admit that he was with them when he got captured? what she’d do after in the following months, planning, etc, and finally her seeing him again? sorry if this is a bit much, I am just very invested in what you’ve created.
YES thank you for asking!
I have actually been thinking about this for the past two days. I'm still not entirely sure sure about how it would go down, BUT! Here are my thoughts so far!
So I think it would actually happen on a day Trudy is like preoccupied with something back at High Camp. She'd had a bit of a bad feeling in her gut that day, but had elected to ignore it. The raid had gone well after all, and things were generally in their favor.
But then the Sully's come back frantic, Kiri is crying, and her blond little son (though not so little anymore) is nowhere to be seen.
Jake wants to leave right then and there to protect the clan, but Trudy forces him to stay to get a proper explanation out of him. He's trying to quickly say what happened but Kiri interrupts him and says they took him, the RDA has him.
And Trudy loses it because clearly Jake was about to leave without Spider.
Now here's where I have a bit of a dilemma. I feel like through actually watching Trudy parent Spider and Neytiri and Trudy being kind of friends, I'm not sure Neytiri would have as much hatred for the boy as she does in canon. Then again it could have been triggered again because of the appearance of the recoms. What I'm saying is maybe Neytiri would oblige Trudy here and go back for him or maybe not. I'm still debating but for the sake of canon let's go with the fact that she doesn't.
Trudy goes on a whole angry rant about what an asshole move it was to just let him be kidnapped and they have no intention of going back for him. Jake's like he's a tough kid and human he'll be fine. And she's like BULLSHIT, do you know why he's a tough kid? Because everyone aside from me made him so! And how could you say that? You don't know what they're gonna do to him. They'll do anything to find out where you are. He's SIXTEEN, Jake! SIXTEEN!
Again, don't know if Jake's friendship with Trudy here would compel him to make a rescue attempt or not, which is why my idea for this event with my Trudy Lives AU isn't solid, solid, but let's continue as if it had gone in canon.
Once she sees he's not going to budge, she's gonna be like, "I respect the fact that you're leaving to get a target off your clan's back. But I will never fucking forgive you for leaving MY kid!"
I think Trudy's spiel would have given Kiri the courage to be like hell yeah how could you leave him that's my best friend! I think the others might be too cowed by her parents' decision to actually go for him right then and there.
Right before the Sully family is going to leave, I think Kiri would run to the lab where Trudy is and tell her she wants to stay to help her get Spider back. Trudy is super touched, but she'd not going to make the same mistake Jake did and let a kid get swept up in this war. So she's like, "I appreciate it, kid, but I can't let you." Kiri starts protesting and she's like, "I can't drag you into this. The whole reason I'm pissed with your old man is because he's fine with Spider getting dragged into this, a KID getting dragged into this shitshow. And I'm not gonna do the same with you. I'm gonna get him back. Ya hear me, Kiri? I'm gonna get him back to you, alright?"
Kiri thinks that if anyone can do it, it's gonna be Trudy so she reluctantly leaves with her family.
Trudy's trained military and a practical woman first and foremost so no matter how much her mama bear instincts are raging at her to just go in guns flying to get her kid back, she sits and tries to make a plan. She ropes the other scientists into it because she knows she won't be able to do it lonewolf-style.
I think first off she'd scout out Bridgehead with the help of some (maybe three) Omatikaya warrior friends she's made over the years (if anyone has suggestions for names or personalities for them I'm all ears). But Bridghead looks basically impenetrable and she'd have no shot of getting in. Besides the whole point of Jake leaving was to get them off of the Omaticaya's backs so she can't really mobilize them to attack the base. She doubted they would follow her anyway.
So she waits, clocking guard shifts and watching. Eventually, whenever Quarritch decides to pull Spider out of the torture machine and be his Na'vi guide, Trudy starts tailing the recom group from afar.
She'd heard about the recoms but had never actually laid eyes on them herself, and seeing Wainfleet's and Quarritch's sends shivers down her spine. And those guys have her son.
For plot reasons, I think she wouldn't be able to make a move for Spider until they start raiding Metkayina clans. For drama reasons anyway. And besides, the recoms are all trained military as well but now in bodies suited to the planet. It would be no easy feat.
Now part of me wants her to go for it before then anyway and get captured. Spider says he won't do anything for Quarritch anymore if he so much as lays a hand on her, so now Trudy is also just traipsing with them as another captive.
The other part of me wants her to take her shot when the RDA is preoccupied with hunting tulkuns to send a signal to the Sully's. Amidst the chaos of the hunt, I think she would be able to drop down onto the boat unnoticed (possibly with the help of a Na'vi friend of hers' ikran and her own kestrel is nearby or something). She hides on the ship until she sees Spider come out of the mouth of the tulkun looking absolutely sick to his stomach.
Because of how long he's been with the recoms, I think they'd probably keep less of a watchful eye on him, which would allow Trudy to signal him and make a run for it under their noses. She nabs Spider and they jump off the boat together, getting picked up by her Na'vi friend along the way on the back of her ikran. It would be a good half hour to an hour before Quarritch even noticed the kid was gone since he had been busy plotting with the tulkun hunters. And he can't justify going to get them.
Luckily because Trudy's a smart and skilled adult, she'd have more spare exopacks and once Spider says there's a tracker in his, she gives another one and they ditch his somewhere in the middle of the ocean or something.
From here, Trudy would probably pilot her kestrel towards Awa'atlu. I imagine that she's such a good pilot, she'd long since disabled any tracking signals or anything from her kestrel and flies solo/manually (so the RDA can't track her). She's going there because as pissed as she is with Jake for leaving her son and running, she knows he deserves to know how close Quarritch is and what his plans are.
I'd imagine in this version, since Trudy got him back NETEYAM DOESN'T DIE AND ALL IS WELL.
Need Jake to do some apologizing and shit but well that's out of the scope of this question rn.
Hope that answered the question. If you guys have any thoughts about what I mentioned I was uncertain about, please feel free to share.
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mainstuffies · 10 months
Avatar Zombie AU in the making!
I'm making a Zombie Apocalypse AU for Avatar! I got six chapters planned out and ready to be written! It will be published on Ao3 and Tumblr.
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sunandsstars · 9 months
So far what has been your fave Avatar fics?👀
this is a VERY late reply and i apologise but i needed to gather myself for a bit 💀 these are some of my faves
Ma Miles - Miles Quaritch x Na’vi!Reader by @mechformers
All the stars - Sully fam x Sully!Reader by @bartxnhood
Loyalty - Miles Quaritch x Na’vi!Reader by @vinciwolf
My chrysanthemum - Jake sully x Reader by @mystar-girl57
Flaws N All - human/avatar Jake x reader by @persefolli
Pearl - Ao’nung x Sully!Reader by @neteyamslovrr
Kxani - Tsu’tey x avatar!reader by @neteyamslovrr
I see you - Jake sully x metkayina!reader by @heirtothekingdom
Pearl - neteyam x metkayina!reader by @eclipseatsea
my dear mates - Jake x Neytiri x Tsu’tey x reader by @ronwestbreeze
To you, worlds away - Jake sully x avatar!reader by @ronwestbreeze
Mawey, ma tiyawn- Jake x Na’vi!reader by @thewayofhim
kisses on my scars - ao’nung x metkayina!reader by @peachyst4r
Late night feels - recom!mansk x recom!reader by @whxre-bxby
This is what you came for - Recoms x Recom!reader by @whxre-bxby
I want to see mama too - Tsu’tey x Na’vi!reader by @avatarbyamara
Tsu’tey courting a female metkayina reader - Tsu’tey x metkayina!reader by @avatarbyamara
Anything from @tojigasm
I will soften every edge, hold the world to its best - Jake sully x Daughter!Na’vi!Reader by @neteyamsilly
Anything from @whereireid
colonels orders! - human!Miles x human!Lyle x human!reader by @youlikefanficdontyousquidward
Don’t be shy, sit - Tonowari x reader by @sunsents
I also love anything that’s the text AUs, like the twitter stuff. They’re so funny to read
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lumina-luceat · 1 year
Part 2 Omega Spider
Here is part 1 So yeah! Part two is hereeee💕 Omega Spider head-canon
• Spider hate wearing and choker, on earth omega have to wear it to prevent getting bites on the neck (bond? I am not sure what they call it?) Norm tried to let him wear it for a longtime until finally gave up.
• Like I said in the last post, the Omega pheromones in Pandora smell like animals in distress but normally other people like Alpha can smell the pheromones too, so Spider probably smells like a rain forest. The Sully didn't know that because they basically live in forest
• In the human form Jake is Alpha. Norm and Max are Beta. Quaritch obviously Alpha, Paz is probably Omega but registered herself as Beta so Quaritch didn't know she was an Omega. (Female Beta can get pregnant with Male Beta and Male Alpha so Quaritch didn’t suspect.)
• Eywa is Spider Godmother 🤣 you can't convince me otherwise.
• Spider has been blessed by Eywa but not like he can breathe Pandora air, he just got a lot of love from other animals. The Sully often see Spider and Kiri napping together and Atokarina just flew around both of them.
• The relationship between Spider and Neytiri is better than the original. Like she starts to accept him when see Eywa has blessed him as well. She starts to see him as who he is, not just his father's sin.
• Neteyam didn't grow apart from this Spider, they are still close friends and kinda protective over Spider. Lo’ak don’t fully understand how ABO work he is still treat Spider the same as before which is Spider like that a lit because after they know he is an Omega, everyone literally treat him like a fragile little glass and it bothering so much!!
• Tuk is always Tuk. She is really clingy to Spider as usual. Tuk always said Spider smells like a refreshing rain but everyone just didn’t seem to acknowledge that and though she just imagines things up.
• Kiri is closer with Spider than before because not just animals love her, they love her best friend too! She feels really connected like she is not the only one.
• Mo’at still didn't know why Eywa blessed this human child but she respect great mother and so does everyone in the village. After that everyone just really became fond of Spider, he is a kind kid l, hard working and really friendly and slowly they finally accepted Spider as one of their Omaticaya.
• Basically Spider in this AU getting love and attention he deserves!! And he finally gets adopted by Sully. Earned his songcord and had his very first bow.
• Spider getting Ikran too! Even though he doesn't have an tswin to bond with. But when he walks to the banshee they just slowly walk back to him and lower their head so Spider can pet them just like how Kiri tamed her Ikran. After that he and Neteyam finished their Iknimaya together at the same time.
• About humans. Norm and Max didn't let any Alpha people meet Spider unless there was one adult presence at that moment because they know how people will treat Spider with his secondary gender. The McCosker was banned for life and didn't get a chance to see Spider ever again because the last time they almost tried to get spider pairing with their Alpha son. (And for Eywa sake Spider was just 12 at that time! /scream Norm)
Part 3 is going to be about the time when Spider gets kidnapped by RDA. It is time for papa bear Quaritch and the Recom!!
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cyren-myadd · 3 months
Have you watched Avatar The Last Airbender? If so, I'm curious what kind of bending you think the characters from Avatar (Blue one) would have in this universe!
omg I LOVE thinking about an avatar avatar AU (avatar squared lol) I'm so glad I got this question!
So I know some people like to base the elements off of personality when making an ATLA AU, but I want to go by tribe so-
Sky People/Avatars/Recoms= fire nation
Omaticaya= Air Nomads, except they bond with wind dragons instead of sky bison and they aren't pacifists
Metkayina= Water tribe, but tropical instead of arctic
so Jake was a firebender soldier for the Fire Nation tasked with removing a group of Air Nomads from their ancestral home so the Fire Nation could build a mine. One day, he gets separated from his squad and lost in the forest where he's attacked by a sabertooth moose lion. The moose lion is about to kill him when all of a sudden Jake earthbends and escapes the moose lion. Jake is confused by his newfound ability to earthbend and little does he know he was being watched by an airbending huntress, Neytiri, the entire time. Neytiri brings Jake to the giant tree where her people live and announces she's found the Avatar (cue theme music). The Omaticaya are wary of Jake, but Mo'at checks him out and realizes he is in fact the Avatar and announces it is their duty to teach Jake how to airbend, fire nation soldier or not, and appoints Neytiri as his teacher. Jake goes along with the teaching, because, hey, new element, but he still feels loyal to the Fire Nation.
The story progresses just like A1, with Jake going back and forth on what to do until the Colonel Quaritch, leads a group of firebending soldiers in airships in a devastating attack on the Airbenders. This pushes Jake to turn against the Fire Nation and embrace his role as the Avatar. He's joined by a few nonbender Fire Nation citizens who are sympathetic to the cause, like Grace, Norm, Max, and Trudy. While defecting, Quaritch fatally wounds Grace and the airbenders ask the spirits to save her. Grace falls into a coma, and later they discover she is pregnant. Colonel Quaritch targets a sacred tree which acts as a portal to the spirit world with the intention of doing some Zhao-The-Moon-Slayer nonsense that he believes will help the Fire Nation. Jake, with a mighty red wind dragon, leads the Airbenders in a counterattack and successfully defeats the Fire Nation and Colonel Quaritch gets dragged into the portal by a vengeful nature spirit.
Years pass, and together, Jake and Neytiri raise their family. The oldest, Neteyam, is their pride and joy, an airbending prodigy who became the youngest person to ever earn his airbending tattoos. He is also very skilled with the bow, like his mother. Jake and Neytiri also adopted Kiri, the baby born from Grace (who passed away shortly after she was born) whose father is unknown. Despite Grace being a nonbending Fire Nation woman, Kiri is an airbender. She's not the most talented bender, but she has a very strong connection to the spirit world (like Jinora). Their second son, Lo'ak, is a firebender like Jake, and he secretly wishes he was an airbender like the rest of his family. Because of his upbringing, Lo'ak has a very unique firebending technique that is heavily influenced by airbending: it's very acrobatic and involves using fire jets to let him jump around. Their youngest is Tuk, a bubbly, energetic little airbender. She loves to ride around on air scooters and befriend wild animals. And of course, there's also Spider, a nonbender war orphan of unclear parentage who became best friends with their children. Though Spider isn't a bender, he's heavily influenced by being surrounded by airbenders just like Lo'ak, and he can run and jump around so agilely he almost looks like he's airbending.
As the years pass, Mo'at encourages Jake to continue on his journey to become a fully realized Avatar, especially since she fears the Fire Nation will strike back some day. Jake, who has only mastered fire and air at this point, keeps brushing it off until it's too late.
Quaritch somehow returns from the spirit world, younger, healthier, and angrier than every before. He also now has blue fire! When he miraculously returns to the Fire Nation, he wants his wealth and status back, but General Ardmore tells him he needs to capture the Avatar to restore his honor, so Quaritch gladly assembles a team of elite nonbending soldiers to hunt him down.
Quaritch manages to capture Spider, prompting Jake and his family to flee to the tropical Water Tribe so Jake can finally start learning waterbending. The water tribe are wary of Kiri, who looks very Fire Nation despite being an airbender, and Lo'ak, who looks more like his mother but actually is a firebender, but Jake reminds them that he's Fire Nation himself, and as the Avatar, they have a responsibility to teach him. Tonowari agrees to become Jake's waterbending master and allow his family to stay with him.
Then ensues the teenage bullying and shenanigans, and Lo'ak befriends a Unagi named Payakan. He also falls for Tsireya:
"I'm a Firebender! That's all they see 😡😡😡"
"I see you 🥺🥺🥺"
Meanwhile, Quaritch realizes that Spider is the son of one of his old concubines, making him his heir and the only family he has left, which gives him very conflicting feelings about Ardmore torturing him for information on the Avatar. Almost dying and getting lost in the Spirit World made him realize he doesn't have a legacy to leave behind. Quaritch frees Spider and then Spider challenges Quaritch to an Agni Kai, demanding that if he wins he'll be set free but if he loses he'll cooperate with Quaritch. Quaritch points out that Spider isn't a bender, but Spider grabs the equivalent of a flame thrower from one of his soldiers and yells "I said, Agni Kai, bitch!"
The battle results in half the arena being burnt down, but Quaritch wins in the end and Spider reluctantly agrees to be his translator (the nations speak different languages in this AU and spider knows air language and water language).
and then yadda yadda yadda, Jake masters waterbending, Quaritch somehow figures out where Jake is, grabs his kids, they have a big epic battle on a Fire Nation ship, Neteyam dies, Quaritch nearly drowns but is rescued by Spider, and then everyone goes home the end.
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eywaseclipse · 5 months
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Going to slowly re upload my Neteyam edits since I have made a bigger watermark.
His expression is like “you wanna say that again?” Lol
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oakbuggy · 1 year
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I dids it lads, and now i sleep
Recom!Teyam and OC reference here
Full images HERE!
thank u and goodnight
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shu-box-puns · 2 years
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All Readers for my works are gender neutral and use They/Them pronouns.
Tags will be included in the one-shot. And I will add characters as I go along if an idea/concept strikes my fancy.
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⭐Sleepy Lo’ak headcannons
⭐Who’s your daddy?: A play date with the enemy
⭐The recoms are giving found family
⭐Orange Juice: Mansk x Reader
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Dad!Tsu’tey adopting Spider AU:
⭐Learning to put on an exopack
⭐A grumpy man and his feral son 
⭐Continuation of above in an ask
⭐Dad!Tsu’tey and feral son Spider
⭐Tsu’tey can’t swim
⭐ A soft moment
⭐Spider licks a lizard
⭐Spider trips
⭐ Spider Vs the visiting Olo'eyktans
⭐ Spider eating Tsu'tey's hair bead
⭐ Spider wanting to be like his Dad
⭐ First time being called Dad
⭐ Spider learns his Dad has a name
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⭐ Dad!Tsu'tey meets ATWOW!Spider
⭐You wanna be one of them: Tsu’tey loves you, all of you, as a human and as an avatar.
Part 1: here!
Part 2: here!
Part 3: here!
Part 4: here!
Part 5: here!
Part 6: here!
Part 7: here!
Part 8: here!
Part 9: here!
⭐Did you pray to Eywa? When the man you love lay dying on the battlefield? : A bittersweet moment between mates.
⭐ I wouldn’t have given you to them; not for anything: The RDA unknowingly revives a traitor through Project Phoenix.
Part 1 
Part 2   
Part 3 
Part 4
Part 5
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⭐Participation Medals Of The Heart: Lyle is a terrible flirt and Reader secretly loves his ridiculous pick-up lines. 
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⭐Shell-Shocked: shells appear whenever you’re around Neteyam.
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3 Epilogue
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Hello there mate!
Can I please request more Adopted!Spider Human AU hc?
I really enjoyed the first part you write btw!
It's hella amazing!
Thanks so much! Here're some random ass ideas I had last night, lol. (Also, because I legit forgot that I decided this, he's twelve).
Back to the whole 'confrontation on the sinking boat thing', I think that it would be one of the hardest moments of Spider's life. Because, he has this family— a father —who raised him his entire life. Taught him to hunt, watched his first steps, kept track of his height. They'd done everything for him. Beyond a few wayward thoughts when it came to genetics, he'd barely even thought about his birth father before he was taken.
With Quaritch (and the recoms), he was treated differently. Sure, he still slept next to his birth father at night and the man prepared all of his MRE's using the little water-activated heater so Spider didn't burn himself. And he wasn't allowed any weapons, because he was still technically a prisoner.
But, he wasn't babied. With the Sully's, he was always the little brother, the fragile child. Everyone got worried when he got the tiniest scrapes or bruises. Anytime he climbed the big trees to get fruit like his siblings, someone was waiting at the bottom with a nervously lashing tail. It didn't matter how many times he proved he was capable, he was treated like he was Tuk's age, even though he was already twelve. At twelve, Neteyam was allowed to go into the forest by himself until sunset every day. Spider was barely allowed to use a knife (after an incident with almost losing a thumb).
He loved his family, but it was nice to be treated like he was capable. Sometimes, he was scared that he'd never be treated like an adult in the clan, since he'd be unable to bond with an Ikran, unable to prove he'd become a man.
It was kind of like a Na'vi equivalent of summer camp, at first. When they were making their way through the forest, away from the RDA and the mean general (and the truth). When they got their Ikrans, Spider watched it with a jealous pang. And then, he was sat in front of Quaritch, flying through the air.
And all he could think about was his mama. Taking him for long flights, just the two of them, whenever Spider was feeling down. When he had a nightmare that night, he woke up crying. Because, all he wanted was to be squished between his parents, safe and warm.
I think that after the whole village burnings, Spider would probably feel even worse. Because, he had started to actually believe Quaritch when he said he didn't want to hurt anyone, that he wouldn't hurt Spider.
In this version, Quaritch works to try and mend the sudden rift (caused by him being a complete asshole and trying to mass murder and shit). He lets Spider watch old Earth cartoons on his tablet until the battery is completely drained, he gives him candy for dinner (more than once) and even goes so far as to let Spider play in the sand of one of the empty beaches they fly past.
And, because Spider is twelve, it kind of works for a while. Until the next awful thing, the Tulkun hunt. This time, Quaritch actually makes an effort to keep Spider oblivious to it all. He lets Spider stay up late the night before they go hunting, then leaves him to sleep in. Of course, Spider wakes up and goes looking for someone he knows and finds his way above ground just as the chaos starts.
He sees two of his siblings and a Metkayina girl cuffed to the railing, sees Quaritch as the one leading the charge. I think instead of a casual conversation, Lo'ak would probably flip out. In this, that's not his friend, that's his younger brother,
"Spider? Spider! Are you hurt?" Lo'ak screamed, thrashing around even pinned to the ground.
Was Spider hurt? "I'm fine, bro. What— "
He tried to take a step forward, but two human soldiers grabbed him as Quaritch waved a hand. "Take him to the bridge."
"No, no— Lo'ak!" He yelped, straining as he was lifted up by the duo, dragged up the stairs.
Blah, blah, blah
Instead of Neteyam and Lo'ak rescuing Spider, they leave with out him. Ik they normally wouldn't, so maybe Neteyam did get shot, or Lo'ak did, just not fatally. So, they had to leave. The Sully family (minus Spider) meet up again and Lo'ak tells Jake that Spider's on board the ship.
Cue Neytiri and Jake going all 'crazy fight scene' intense and leaving to rescue Spider from the sinking ship. Neytiri goes one way, Jake goes the other, because they have no clue where he could be and limited time to search.
Jake ends up tracking down Spider just as Quaritch finds him too. This is where we get that little scene I wrote before, Imma clip it in rn and then add onto it.
“Spider, baby, it’s okay. It’s okay, just take a breath.” Dad soothed, reaching towards him. Spider had missed his dad so much, had missed his voice and his hugs and—
“He said you lied.” Spider cried, all of the confusion of the past few months rushing to the surface. “He— he said Paz was a part of the RDA. That you killed her! He . . . he said he’s my real dad.”
“I’m your dad. I’m the one who taught you to walk and hunt and fish— “
“Because I never got the chance!” Quaritch shouted from Spider’s other side. Both of them were a mere arms length away, but neither made a move. “Your mother never got the chance.”
“Spider, we can talk about everything tomorrow, I promise. But, ‘Teyam’s hurt and your Mama needs you— I need you. You need to come home.”
“You left me.” He whimpered. “You left the forest.”
“We were always going to come for you— “
“They didn’t.” Quaritch snapped. “I was the one who protected you from the general. I was the one who took care of you— “
“He stole you. Tuk and your mama haven’t stopped crying since that day.” He insisted. "Your brother have been making you new arrows and we brought all of your things with. Norm and Max have barely even slept, they've been searching nonstop."
"I— " Spider blinked away tears, cheeks itchy and hot. "I don't know what to do."
"Come with me, Spider. We— we can ride the Ikrans as much as you want and you can have your own tablet— whatever you want, son."
"Baby, Spider-baby, come to me. Come to Dad, please." Dad's voice was gruff, but his eyes were wide the same way they were when Spider broke his arm two years ago. He was scared.
He lunged towards his dad, latching onto his leg. Quaritch roared behind them and suddenly his mama was there, pulling him from Dad and into the water. She pressed on the back of his head, making him hide his masked face in her shoulder as she latched onto a sea creature he had only seen in passing. She was whispering a million things in his ear, but none of it was loud enough to drown out the fighting behind them.
Spider is taken to safety, reunites (properly) with his siblings and meets Tsireya, who Lo'ak swears he does not like when Spider asks him later. And it's so good to be back with his family that it takes him a couple days to realize that Quaritch is dead. That his dad killed his father.
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ao3gobi17 · 8 months
Hi I have two questions - What would you have done differently if you’d written AWOW? And if Custody was set in Pandora what would that look like? 🥰
I really loved AWOW and any changes I'd make would be dependant on whether I knew what was coming up in Avatar 3 and beyond.
A couple of things that come to mind are:
1. I don't think it's super clear why Ardmore still has the recoms chasing after Jake after Jake gives up the fight and runs away. If they think he's still leader of the Omatikaya and is just recruiting the Metkayina/drumming up support from other clans I would have made that a little more obvious.
2. It seems like Neytiri giving Spider the scar is meant to parallel Jake giving up leadership earlier in the movie, but I'm not clear on what that parallel is.. presumably its the son for a son thought from Jake later since Spider has never been a leader? I would have either changed the earlier scene or made this more obvious.
3. I think they did a good job with so many characters in the climatic sequences, but there was a lil bit 'one gets captured then freed then another captured and freed, people are split into twos and threes then split into different twos and threes', esp with the kids... I mean I loved it, I'm glad it was a long sequence, but I reckon it needed tightened up, with the Metkayina being a little more visible.
4. This is less for plot reasons and more for selfish reasons but I would have liked one more (short even) Q and Spider scene. Especially during the Seadragon period because they'd got super comfortable with eachother, Spider is now 'betrayed' and upset as Q is decimating these villages and it would have been good for him to have had a bit more animosity towards the Seadragon crew and esp after he sees that they hunt the Tulkun for just the Amrita.
5. I would have had Lo'ak and the other kids name check Spider during the Metkayina sequences - when Jake references him to Kiri when she's upset, it feels like a very barren single reference, like they only just remembered him.
6. I would have only had the one recom die when Neytiri and Jake (and Neteyam) ambush Q to save the kids. I understand that it helped establish Neteyam and it would be weird for Jake to not get a successful kill, but I'd have preferred if after Neytiri's first shot there's just a lot of diving for cover etc like the recoms are actually pretty worth opponents? Would help with the shock impact later of Neytiri's rampage.
7. I probably would have given Payakan a voice... like a telepathy type thing... maybe not using a lot of words and maybe only for Lo'ak but I wanted to get a 'human' vibe from him.
8. I would have de-Americanised Spider and Lo'ak a bit and I would have had Q do the haircut and get clothes on Spider.. It would be good for showing time passing and esp if Spider is slowly reverting back to his original form without Q stopping him, while Q himself is getting more Na'vi.
The Custody question is tricky, because I deliberately went modern AU to avoid Pandora! You could have a scenario where Q appears to have killed Paz but I imagine he'd be court marshalled and sent back to earth or else he'd be 'forgiven' to continue work as normal. Q and the RDA are the main authorities on the human side, so it's less likely we'd see the combo of him stitched him up by someone internally and also remain in his post.
So I guesss... I'd have him captured by the Na'vi? Spider doesn't visit him because of the whole war criminal thing. Jake and co are keeping him alive for intel. Q is still demanding to see Spider that way. He could be recom!Q or regular!Q - and then his team probably rescue him and grab Spider same time?? Or maybe they rescue him and try to find Spider but grab a Sully kid instead and that plays out like the Leo thing but with the comms. I'm not sure the Paz thing would be much of a murder mystery though, so aside from Q attempting to bond with a reluctant Spider, it would prob diverge a lot from the original plot! <3
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roxynmae · 2 years
I have three different wip at the moment
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I just saw the list of your own ideas, and i swear i am so sorry but i can't remove this from my mind.
Sorry if is a bit confusing, I'm at a family reunion and there is A LOT of noise, and i have some troubles translating and all that.
Au where the RDA came back years before, when Tuk was some months old and Spider was bearley ten.
But, Spider wasn't kidnapped and he came in awa'tlu with the sully.
But why?
So since Tuk was few months old she couldn't come with them, so there it was Neteyam.
So, Spider, Neteyam, Kiri and Lo'ak were going around in the forest.
Lo'ak guiding because he heard some older kids talking about the forest cool places, so he practically dragged his other siblings in.
Then they bumped into the Recoms, I haven't decided if it was Spider as the older one or Neteyam as the more mature one to call Jake and Neytiri.
Anyway someone calls them, and they all barely escape those clones.
Is Jake who save Spider, without even thinking of that he just grab Spider and they all go back to high camp.
"This was too close Neytiri" Jake tells him mate, he is disappointed in his own words.
"You can't ask me this!" She yells, hoping the kids wouldn't hear
Little did she know that three blue kids and a human one were listening outside.
"He returned! And he had our kids under his knife" Jake protested
"This our home! The kids! Tuk just had her first connection" Neytiri tried to continue the discussion.
"Please Neytiri, i can't protect them here" Jake said, his ears down looking defeated
Only then Neytiri hummed and go to hug him, comforting his mate in the uncomfort.
So they go away, but wait.
"He should come with us" Jake says looking at the human boy
"Are you crazy?! No absolutely no" Neytiri protested
"Kids, go away"
And the kids got out
"If they capture him then he could tell everything" Jake says
"Then i kill him, so he doesn't say anything and we are all happy" she says ironically, or maybe not.
"Neytiri!" Jake says back and his mate snort in annoyance
"We only have two ikrans, explain how we can bring 5 kids with only two ikrans" she says
"We can use mine!" Kiri enters, she was obviously listening
Jake and Neytiri look at eachother and he Smile at her meanwhile she snorts again.
Kiri had her ikran, yes, she befriend it. But she wasn't allowed to fly with it until she became of age.
Now she needed to learn how to fly,but since she is Kiri it took her very little of time to learn.
And they all took of to awa'tlu
Kiri had Spider, Jake had Neteyam and Lo'ak and Neytiri had Tuk.
This is so confusonary im sorry if is bad.
It's a really interesting concept, tbh. Would he and Neytiri bond more in Awa'atlu due to being the ones that fit in the least? I wonder. The other kids start to make friends even if they struggle at first, Jake bonds with Tonowari and the warriors, but Neytiri hates the water and stays in the Mauri with Tuk. But Spider is always there at her side, offering to help and trying to avoid causing problems with his presence in the village. A forced proximity bonding thing, lol.
OR Mo'at can come to provide another ikran. We have yet to explore the Mo'at coming to Awa'atlu with the family concept, and I need it a little bit.
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neteyamssyulang · 11 months
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❁ First things first please, if you send in a request don’t make it very descriptive as it doesn’t leave much room for creativity.
❁ Another thing to note is this, please do not send in requests if it clearly states they are closed. To me it’s a bit disrespectful as it shows that you are not reading my rules, if that happens your request will most likely not be done.
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❁ Who I’ll write for: Jake, Tsu’tey, Neteyam, Neytiri, Lo’ak, Spider, Kiri, Aonung, Rotxo, Tsireya, Tonowari, Ronal, So’lek, Eetu, Teylan, Nor, Etuwa, Ralak, Nefika, Nesim, Minang, Okul, Hastu, Reyzu, & Keylu.
⤥ Note that Neteyam, Spider, Lo’ak, Aonung, Kiri, Tsireya, and Rotxo are all aged up ⤦
❁ Who I won’t write for: Any of the recoms, Mo’at, Tuk, Norm, Max, Trudy, Grace, Human Jake, Mercer, Harding, Alma.
❁ I will also write avatar human AU, same rules apply except for human AU I will only be doing Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri, Aonung, Rotxo & Tsireya.
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❁ Who I’ll write for: Alastor, Husk, Lucifer, Adam, Charlie & maybe Vox.
❁ Who I won’t write for: Rosie, Vaggie, Cherri, Sir pentious, Egg boys, Angel dust, Val, Velvette, Carmilla, Zestial, Lute, Sarah, Emily, Lilith.
❁ For hazbin human AU I’ll only do Alastor.
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❁ What i will write: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Series, One-shots, Two-shots, Dark fics, Enemies to lovers, Friends to lovers, Forced proximity, Love triangles, Fake relationship, Forbidden love, Opposites attract, Omega-verse, Murder, Near death experiences, Kuru play, Alien biology, Threesomes, Polyamory, Slight abuse, Dub-con/Non-con, Step-cest, in rut/heat, Tail/wing play.
❁ Kinks I’ll write: CNC, Size kink, Breeding kink, Knife play, Blood play, Praise/Degradation, Stockholm syndrome, Choking, Spanking, Daddy/Mommy kink, Age-gap (as long as both are of age), Dacryphilia (aroused by tears or sobbing), BDSM, Masochism/Sadism, Odaxelagnia (sexual arousal through biting, or being bitten), Somnophilia (engaging in sexual activity with a sleeping person), Breath play, Wax play, Cockwarming.
⤥ If there’s a kink you like and it’s not up there feel free to ask, my apologies if it’s something I will not do ⤦
❁ What I won’t write: Piss/scat play, Lactation kink, Extreme Abuse/BDSM, Incest, Rape + a few others.
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❁ Please do not get upset if you sent in a request and have not seen it yet, it is most likely still being worked on. I take a bit of time to ensure they come out the way you want, that being said if I see the same req on someone else’s blog I will not continue it. And please do not also forget I do have a life outside of Tumblr <3
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