#aubs writes fanfic
donationwayne · 1 month
obsessed with the things that you do, low-key I need you to move (in) || 27.8k || Buddie
A @buddie-month couch fic
Eddie adopts a cat while Chris is at summer camp. He goes to therapy and comes out to his parents. He continues navigating life post gay realization while being deeply and embarrassingly in love with his best friend.
Buck pines over Eddie & Chris figures it only a matter of time before they finally get together.
“I leave for two weeks, and you get a cat?”
Chris kisses her on the top of her head, and she presses her face up against his cheek, already smitten with Chris apparently. “She picked me,” Eddie says defensively. “I found her, but I got attached.”
“She’s so cute. I love her!” Chris says happily, letting her down when she begins squirming.
“You dad has spent a small fortune on toys, so it's a good thing you’re a scholarship kid. You should probably make sure to keep your grades up next year, though.” Buck jokes. Chris giggles in delight, clamoring back to his feet. He takes off in search of cat toys. Void, bored with her new friend, runs away and hops up on the couch by Buck.
“Void!” Eddie says, looking at Buck, and Buck smiles back innocently.
“You know that every time you leave the room or the house, she’s just chilling up here, right?” Buck smiles at him so tenderly that Eddie forgets for a moment how to form words. He throws his hands up in disgust and gives up, moving to begin the unpacking process. He had a lot of laundry to do to get Chris ready to leave the following week for Texas.
“Did you know that cats don’t know what it means when you kiss them, but if you rub your cheek against theirs, it shows basically the same sentiment?” Buck says, stroking his thumb over the kitten's tiny head.
God, Eddie loves this stupid man so much.
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owlberries · 2 months
title: frozen hearts
type: sickfic
“Charles…” The voice is so small, Charles barely hears it over his own shouting. If he hadn’t spent thirty years giving the whole of his attention to that one little word spoken by that one little voice, surely it would’ve been lost to the lazy lapping of the waves. Instantly, Charles turns back to Edwin. “Hey, mate, I’m right here.” Charles reassures. “You’re alright, we’re all alright, yeah? Just hang on. We’ll get you sorted.” It’s only then that Charles realizes that Edwin isn’t simply shaking—he’s shivering. “It’s cold…” Edwin whispers. - Edwin gets cursed with hypothermia. Charles repays an old favor.
ship: edwin payne / charles rowland
words: 4,141
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57920575
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ming-sik · 3 months
Thoughts on Veronica and how most fanfics seem to blame her well... *gestures to everything about her* this because of her 'lack of education' and not how she (and her siblings) may or may not have been targeted by the Lesiegang faction due to her lineage?
Ik most fanfics make it out that she's insaine for wearing veils while in the fanfic Ahrensbach wears veils to 'protect themselves from sun's rays' and treat it like canon and for importing spices from Ahrensbach as this huge threat to the duchy because (insert 100+ medical reasons) and honestly? It reads like someone who's wanting to become a bit closer to their dead mother by practicing things her dead mother practised (and don't get me started on how yucky I feel everytime when Rozemyne superiorly tells everyone how spices are ruining their stomachs and the amounts of spice they eat is 'unsafe', conveniently ignoring how spicy South Asian food can get yet not many over there's forming stomach ulcers or on the verge of death because they smell 1 tokbokki-)
Anyways, I'd really like to know your thoughts on this!
So previously I did not know that much abt aob fanfic but.
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IMO the answer is that AOB is classist/misogynist/xenophobic and fans end up either picking up on that or being drawn to it. It's a pretty simplistic answer but it explains a lot of the really strange behavior that goes on.
Veils are pretty clearly an attempt to invoke hijab which is by itself fine, YS is actually desperately lacking cultural differences between duchies, and if that's a Lanzenavian custom that's been imported to Ahrensbach that'd actually mimic how wimples are at least believed to originate from hijab. However even the way canon treats veils is really weird. Veils shielding you from the sun is actually mentioned in p5v6 during this Detlinde pov chapter
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but since Detlinde and Georgine are veiled indoors, they're also almost definitely worn for cultural reasons. All of which is again fine... except that they're the evil duchy. The veiled characters we see are Detlinde, Georgine, Veronica, and Aurelia(Fraularm and Alstede aren't veiled, so this is presumably an optional cultural practice). Three of them are villains, while Aurelia's reason is that she's ashamed of strongly resembling Veronica and wants to hide her face, which would be an absurd thing to expect of her, except that Ferdinand never shuts the fuck up about Detlinde looking like Veronica so she probably would face discrimination for resembling someone in her family. There is not a single even neutral female character... well, in Ahrensbach, but also specifically who wears a veil except Aurelia who's wearing hers for a very specific reason unrelated to her being from Ahrensbach.
Aurelia also gets discriminated against for wearing a veil, which would've been a decent way to show a conflict where a likeable character ISN'T portrayed as the unambiguous good party except that the story doesn't seem to think this is strange. No characters really push back on the validity of this suspicion and Aurelia herself seems to accept it as a matter of course. The fact that fans have obviously picked up on the fact that veils are meant to be a strange exotic cultural practice and are writing characters that way themselves is pretty telling.
As you say, it's fine to veil. There are a lot of reasons to do it from the utilitarian sun protection to propriety to her being proud of being from Ahrensbach, which is in itself neutral unless you accept the premise that Ahrensbach is the evil duchy or you think veils are inherently suspicious.
Veronica's lack of archduke candidate education is obviously irrelevant because she managed to scheme enough to create the Veronica faction. The women had a phd in machinations and knowledge of enough archducal matters to function as the Aub's first wife, so either she got an archducal education once she was married or she just didn't need it which could be how it works because unlike female aubs, female archducal wives aren't expected to take over their husband's work when their husbands are pregnant. Even if she was uneducated enough that she struggled with handling administrative duties, how this would lead to her abuse is a problem we apparently have our strongest misogyny soldiers working on because those two things are unconnected. In canon characters outside of Rihyarda are pretty uninterested in why Veronica or Gabriele are the way they are, but most people aren't evil because they're stupid, they're evil because they have what they believe to be a completely valid motivation for whatever heinous thing they're doing, and the way YS treats faction politics definitely could've been a major source of her desperation to solidify her power alongside her stated internalized misogyny. (Her internalized misogyny isn't necessarily the story's misogyny, but it is strange that this isn't really pushed back on and the only victim who gets much spotlight is Ferdinand despite Veronica seeming to target women much more harshly.)
None of this is a defense of Veronica, I disagree with the thing where she systemicatically abused and ostracized a massive portion of the duchy and my condolences to her victims, but the ways AOB chooses to signal that especially female characters are villains is notable and by notable I mean falls into some patterns. This is mainly that damnable Ferdinand's fault because he 1) will not shut the fuck up about how everyone he dislikes is basically his mommy reincarnated and 2) hates women so much it's unreal, so the fact that he's Rozemyne's main source for a lot of characters colors that. You could argue that this is him and other characters intentionally being written as unreliable narrators, but if that's true then it's a little strange that the fandom is so united on taking his word as gospel, and when read it does not come off that way. Veronica's deal being attributed to stupidity might come from how Ferdinand treats Detlinde if I had to find a reason for it, but honestly the machinations of the AOB fandom are in some ways incomprehensible to me.
The spice thing is just straight up racist. It's racist in canon, the way that all spices are lumped together when both nutmeg and chili peppers are "spices" despite having wildly varying flavors and effects is in itself racist. We don't get a single named spice. Are they talking about peppercorns? Chili peppers? Nutmeg? Cumin? What about ginger? Even assuming we're talking about specifically capsaicin, spicy food causing ulcers is mostly pop science, and the health risks beyond short-term pain pale in comparison to, like, alcohol. Spice tolerance is a thing and Rozemyne might not like a ghost pepper, but shockingly yeah cultures with a lot of spicy food aren't pretending to enjoy it as an elaborate bit(tteokbokki are Korean but I know what you're getting at). If Ahrensbach people eat food flavored with fantasy bird's eye peppers from a young age they're not gonna experience any problems from eating spice unless they have unrelated health issues.
As with everything the defense of this is probably that the characters are unreliable narrators. I've spent a lot of time arguing with people on this so at some point I just have to say that if every sympathetic character in the story is parroting something and no conflict ever arises from the fact that they're incorrect then the story is just having a character say something that is true in universe, and the fact that Ahrensbach and by proxy Lanzenavian culture are treated the way they are is xenophobic in Ahrensbach's case and racist in Lanzenave's. Fans are Like That because they pick up on this stuff and either uncritically accept it as just a thing that's true about AOB's worldbuilding that's neutral or were already prejudiced and therefore had no conflict when the story confirmed those prejudices. Which is another thing. If these characters are meant to be unreliable narrators, you'd think the fandom wouldn't uncritically accept character testimony so often!
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zerolockfan · 5 months
ZeroHar anthology - more updates
We've reached 10 contributors to the Zero and Harlock anthology! Special thanks to: @tadashidumba @aube-in-arcadia @deuxlitresdeux @neoarcadia @remyfrenchrat @mimmixerenard @missilemarz @casquetteecharpe and Melancholia for joining!
Just to recap, it's a black and white 7x10in book, so please keep that in mind when submitting art (no dark background please, and light colors for a good grey conversion). Other than that, I have no real restrictions, just make it ZeroHar and everyone's gonna be happy. Front and back cover in color by the very talented @remyfrenchrat and @deuxlitresdeux!
Although printing is due for July, if you can send your art(s) as soon as it's ready, it will give me time to do the lay out as I get them. You can submit as many pieces as you want! Plus it will give @tadashidumba a chance to write a fanfic inspired by your drawings!
We have a big French crew, merci beaucoup, so sorry if all my posts are in English ^^'
Don't hesitate to contact me for more details. I'll also need your pseudo and contact info, i.e. how you want your art to be credited in the book and if you want to share your website/blog/twitter/ao3 etc. for people to discover more of your art.
Thanks again to everyone who agreed to collaborate on this artbook!!!
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hilllsnholland · 5 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader 
W.c: 1.3k 
Warnings: Hospitals? 
Summary: Tom needs something to take his mind off the surgery. 
A/N: This is my submission for @laureharrier and @tommyparkerr Post-Endgame Depression Writing Challenge! This is also the first thing I’ve written since I took my finals so I’m back to my usual shitposting and writing. Please enjoy. 
The room was cold. The whole god damn hospital was cold, but you didn’t want to complain. You were here for Tom, who was in a tremendous amount of pain that you would never wish on anybody. You looked over at him, he’s sat up straight with his fingers playing with the tubing into his arm. You jump up immediately and slap his hand away. 
“Stop messing with your IV,” You grab his hand and he looks at you with deep bags under his eyes. 
“You looked cold and tired. I was going to ask a nurse to grab you blankets,” 
His voice is small as he looks at you through half-lidded eyes. He’s exhausted too, the pain had kept him up for two nights straight. You had warned him about working so hard and pushing himself too much. Tom was so focused on finishing his movie and going on the press tour that he ignored the aching pain in his body until he collapsed in the middle of the airport. Appendicitis, treatable and most likely non-threatening, but it still scared you to death. 
“You have a call button for that. What’s up?” You take a seat on the foot of the hospital bed and looked to your boyfriend. 
Tom lays back into the pillows, huffing audibly in discomfort. He was a man of action and being confined to a bed for three days was torture on his mind. You wished to take him for a walk around the grounds, but he was seriously sick. The surgery would be performed later tonight and he needed to be well rested. 
“I’m scared,” He says while looking away sheepishly. “Like, what if something goes wrong?”
“Nothing will go wrong. The doctors here are the best and this is a routine procedure-“
“But I’ve seen enough Grey’s Anatomy to know it doesn’t always go okay.” 
You want to laugh but he looks serious. Tom was not afraid of anything. He would dive headfirst into shark-infested waters if it meant that he’d have a cool story to tell. You grip his hand tighter, kissing the knuckles that were slightly bruised from stunts. 
“I understand.” You tighten your other hand to the blankets on the bed. “You don’t know what will happen, but you have to put your trust in it. I’ll be here waiting for you though. Just think of that.” 
“You’re the only one keeping me at ease right now Y/N. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” 
There’s a moment of silence where the both of you relish in his words. The past year has been nonstop adventures, laughing, and falling in love with your best friend. Tom could brighten any day and he’d give anything to make you smile. It was your turn to return the favor. You had to soften his stress, and you had just the place to do it. 
“Wait right here.” 
Tom furrows his brows at you while you get up and cross the room to look outside the door. After three days of sitting and waiting for nurses, you had learned their schedule somewhat. They were making final rounds before shift changes and a devious smile grows on your face. 
“Do you trust me?” You ask proudly. 
“With my life,” 
Tom smiles as you swing out a wheelchair from the hallway. He doesn’t know your exact plan but he knows it will be something good. You help Tom out of bed and untangle the IV stand from the rest of the wires. Shift change would be such a rush they might not even notice he’s gone. You wait a moment until all the nurses seem to be out of view, either in other rooms or in the lounge, and you make your move. Pushing Tom into the nearest elevator and pushing the top floor button, he smiles knowing exactly where you’re taking him. 
“The roof huh?”
“Shut up or I’ll wheel you back down.” 
Smirks align on both of your faces. It was a special thing for the two of you, watching the sunset on top of the roof. That’s where he kissed you for the first time. It was his housewarming party, he invited you to watch the sun dip into the horizon, the sky turning hues of pink and purple, and his lips looked so kissable. Then when you told him you loved him. It was on the roof of a premiere afterparty. The sun fell behind the skyline and it wasn’t as pretty as the first one, but it felt like heaven to get those three words off your chest. 
“Will you get mad if I don’t propose to you on top of a roof?” Tom questions as the elevator doors open. 
“Not really, as long as you’re there I don’t mind,” He smiles and you push him to the roof door. “But you have to feed me though,” 
Tom rolls his eyes at you but he can’t go far. He’s bound to his wheelchair and the IV stuck in his arm. You maneuver him up the three steps and you’re finally on top of the hospital just in time for the sun to hit the edge of the earth. You push him towards the sight and the rays of sunlight make his pale skin shimmer. You hated to see him so sick, but the way his eyes came to life brought you the fiery sensation of clarity. He’d be alright. Tom always makes it out alright. 
“Remember this sunset when you go under,” You say against the skin of his ear. “Picture this moment and come back so we can relive it.” 
Tom smiles at your words, pulling your waist sharply so that you’re sitting on his lap. He pushes the hair from your eyes, kissing your nose softly. In this pure moment, you felt his heartbeat under your hand. His little crinkles by his eyes were emphasized by the setting sun, his eyes gleaming with sprinkles of golden flecks. He was beautiful. 
“I’ll always come back to you,” 
Tom has that look in his eye that you know too well. It’s the look that turns your world, the look that made you believe that he really loved you. His eyes are transfixed on yours, the corners of his lips perking up, and all he can do is lean forward. Your lips meet his and it feels like the hundred of kisses before. It’s soft and it gives you those butterflies that can not be replicated. In all your years on earth, there has never been a feeling like this. Nothing makes you feel the way Tom’s lips do in that moment. As you pull away the sun dips under the horizon and the fading warm tones turn slowly darker. 
“We missed it,” He laughs. 
“We’ll get more after your surgery,” 
You kiss the top of his head and untangle yourself from his arms and lap. Tom gives you a pout but you continue to wheel him back down to the elevator. Tom’s fingers played with his IV again, this time from nerves and not stir-craziness. You eased him by playing with the curls that laid wildly on his head, a relieved smile appeared on his face accompanied by tired eyes. 
You were able to maneuver yourself back to the room without getting caught by any nurses and helped Tom back into his bed. It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep. He looked like an angel. He was finally relaxed and his body melted into the slumber, finally he would get some rest and you could too. The pullout bed looked unsatisfying though so you opted for the small amount of room left in Tom’s bed. You only had a few hours left until Tom would be prepped for surgery so you joined him in the much-needed rest. Your head laid on his chest while you listened to his heartbeat. The rhythm lulled you to sleep while the vision of a beautiful sunset was tattooed into your mind. 
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botanicalbarnes · 5 years
Prompt/box filled: Accepted Apology for @goodthingshappenbingo, “If you weren’t so goddamn annoying I would kiss you right now” - “Well if you weren’t such a pain in the ass…. Wait what?” for @until-theend-oftheline, and “Because I love you, you idiot.” for @laureharrier + @tommyparkerr ‘s writing challenge.
pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Language and shitty writing as per usual
word count:2130
Summary: Basically Chris and the reader get cast as opposite rolls in a movie and stuff comes out.
A/N: This is for ( @until-theend-oftheline ) Kari’s Marvelous 2K Challenge, and for soph + aub’s writing challenge ( @laureharrier + @tommyparkerr).
**Not my gif**
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The whole thing started three years ago. You were at a party, (not unusual for you) when you met him. Of course, you’d known all about him, what he showed to the world that is. Things aren’t always as they appear. You’d learned that lesson the hard way.
You knew his type, you’d fallen for someone like him before. Seemingly wonderful, sweet, honest, undoubtedly charismatic and undeniably good looking. Ever since you had your heart broken you tried not to get too attached. Especially to someone like Chris Evans. You knew if you gave it to him, he could take your heart in his hands and break it at any moment. You just couldn’t trust yourself. No, not couldn’t; wouldn’t.
After spending just a couple hours around him, you knew you shouldn’t let your feelings fly free. You barely knew the guy, but how could you not be into him. Maybe, you thought, you could annoy him just enough to make him lose interest.
So that’s what you did. You annoyed him to no end, and he, in turn, did the same. Some point along the line, you forgot your small rivalry had a point to it, messing with him became like second nature. That didn’t stop you from catching feelings along the way like though.
But, it wouldn’t have made a difference. You thought Chris hated you, surely. You had not only gotten him to lose interest but also reciprocate your endless teasing, slightly bitter, and frankly annoying behavior. You wouldn’t lie and say that that didn’t bother you at least a bit, but you had buried yourself this far in; you’d practically asked for this. No going back now.
“Evans,” You said as you saw him walking opposite you, “What are you doing here?” You knew you might see some other actor here today, but you didn’t expect Chris to be them. Or, more so, you hoped it wouldn’t be. In truth, you knew why he was here. You had auditioned for the leading role in a romance movie, and to your surprise, you got it. Your old friend and director Lindsey had asked you to meet with her today to further discuss and hang out a bit.
She also mentioned that the actor playing your male counterpart would be meeting her as well, and you might run into each other. But really? Of all people, fate decided on him?
“You know exactly what I’m doing here,” He said smugly, “I got the part. Lindsey told me you got lead. You sure you’re up to it?”
“Of course.” You replied swiftly, “Are you? I wouldn’t blame you if you aren’t.”
“You know I am. How could I possibly not be ready to act the shit out of this with you sharing my stage.”
You scoffed and laughed humorlessly. “Oh? Your stage is it? Sorry, if I wasn’t aware. You see, my character is the lead, I have more screen time and scenes,  my name is at the top of every cast list.” You looked into his eyes and quirked your brow, “Above yours if I’m correct. Which I am.”
Chris said nothing and you knew you had more or less won the brief bout. “Ii should go. Wouldn’t want to keep Lindsey waiting.” With a smirk, you turned on your heel and walked away with your head held high.
“Y/N!” Lindsey exclaimed as you walked into her office. “You seem chipper this morning. Oh, did you run into Chris on your way in? He left just a bit ago.”
“Yeah, I did actually. Why didn’t you tell me he was being cast?”
“Oh, you know me… Must’ve forgotten.” Her voice was dismissive and she smirked knowingly to herself for a moment. You rolled your eyes and tried to redirect the conversation.
“Whatever. So,” She smiled brightly already knowing what you were going to say. “I brought you food. You did say ‘let’s do brunch’ and that usually means bring food or let's go out. I don’t feel like going out, hence the food.” Your friend burst from her chair eagerly to get the large bag in your hand.
You let her lay everything out while you got comfortable in the chair across the desk. “Remember, you called me here on business Lindsey.”
“Right right right okay. So here, is your script,” She slipped a packet across the desk to you. “I know you kind of walked into this blind… Set in San Fran, where most of the filming will take place. Your character is Nicole, and Chris’s is David. Umm, I’m not sure how many scenes you’ll have to kiss him in, but I do know, that there is a sex scene that will most likely be in parts and such. For now, I think that’s all I can really say before you read the script. Besides, it’ll seem more complicated if I start explaining with all the details though. Plus, I’m hungry so I’ll stop talking now.”
You smiled and nodded before starting to eat.
So far, filming had gone by without a hitch. But now, as you stood in the dressing room in only a towel and ‘decency patches’ to cover your bits, your heart raced and you could practically hear it in your ears. You’d be filming the sex scene and the ones leading up to it. A knock on the door broke your trance and you walked to open it. Lindsey stood on the other side, “Everyone’s ready to start. Even Chris is all set to start. Let’s go, I know you're nervous but we’re going to do it sooner or later; might as well be now.” You breathed in, and out, then turned, smiled at Lindsey and walked out with her trailing behind. You tried to look confident and prepared but that’s probably not how it looked.
“Okay people! Places! Chris, outside the door. Y/N, bathroom set. Someone check everything one last time!”
You went over to your place and waited for your moment. You heard the call to action and stood under the water for a minute, closing your eyes and running your hands through your hair before turning off the water. You stepped out and started drying your hair when the doorbell sound went off. Quickly you wrapped the towel around yourself and walked through the set to the door.
‘This is it’, you said to yourself. ‘Breathe.’
You opened the door slightly and peeked your head out while keeping your body almost hidden behind the door. “David? W-what are y-you doing here? You shouldn’t be here, it’s cold and late.” He acted out-of-breath and he stepped forward towards you.
“I had to see you. I know last time we talked it… well, I overreacted and I needed to tell you that I’m sorry. And I know that’s not worth much but I gotta’ say it anyway. I am a clueless asshole sometimes and I’m sorry you had to be at the receiving end. It is so hard not to fall in love with you. There I said it. I love you. And it fucked me up to know you’re mad at me and that I wouldn’t be able to talk to you or hear your voice all the time because if it. Even though it hasn’t even been that long, you make me better and you’re it for me. Perfect.” He was directly in front of you now, his eyes were staring into yours and you felt that you could never look away.
You bring your hands up to pull his face down to yours just enough to kiss. Your hands were shaking, but not enough that the camera could pick up on it. You kissed him deeply but it felt awkward to you and you knew Chris felt the same, even if it looked good on camera.
You walked backward, still kissing and holding him. You didn’t want to stop but at the same time, there was nothing you wanted to do more than let go. Chris led you towards the bed and laid you down on it slowly. At this point, your towel was gone and he stood taking his shirt off in front of you. Once it was off he started making his way to you. Before he got very far, you were already pushing him off and making your way out of the room. You don’t know what came over you. It was just a scene, but it felt wrong for some reason. You sat on the couch, head in your hands.
The sound of the door opening and closing abruptly rung in your ears but you didn’t dare look up, knowing it was probably Lindsey anyway. “Y/N? What the fuck is going on with you?” Your head shot up at the sound of his voice. “Are you okay? Or is the image of me shirtless just too much for you to handle?”
“Would you just shut up? Just take your ego and your dumb comments and shove them up your ass! I’m tired of you being such an arrogant dick!” Now you were standing, speaking loudly but not quite yelling yet.
“Jesus Y/N, If you weren’t so goddamn annoying I would kiss you right now.” He ran a hand through his hair and stared at you wide-eyed.
“Well if you weren’t such a pain in the ass…. Wait what?” You caught up and realized what he said. Now you were wide-eyed too, mouth gaping. You had no idea what to possibly say in return. “What, w-what do you mean?”
His voice was low and shy, “I-I don’t know, you're hot when you're mad. And I guess I’ve wanted to for a while.” He couldn’t bring himself to meet your eyes. ‘No use hiding it now’ he thought.
“I thought you hated me. I-I don’t understand.” The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
“I’ve never hated you. I get why you might think that though. I, I thought you hated ME.” You shook your head and waited for him to continue. “I thought you were seeing someone when we met and I only found out a while later that you actually weren’t. I really liked you the first time we talked but since I thought that, and I thought you hated me… well, I didn’t want to get attached. It was kind of impossible not to run into you though. Nothing stopped me from catching feelings though.”
“Then, then w-why did you not say anything? Or like, why were you so such an asshole all the time to me?”
“Because I love you, you idiot.” You stared at him blankly in disbelief. Half of you was yelling at you to kiss him, the other half was yelling at you to demand an explanation. You went with the latter.
“WHAT? Chris, I swear to God that makes no sense what so ever!”
“Well, It’s the truth. I, well I thought that if I made you hate me and I was a dick that I wouldn’t catch feelings. That it’d be easier to hate you. But I could never hate you. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. I’m sorry Y/N.” He was looking at the floor now and you just couldn’t take your eyes off him, not sure what to do or say next.
“Oh what the hell.” You said with a sigh. You walked up to him, tilted his head up slightly so he was looking at you again, and kissed him slowly for just a few seconds. “It’s okay. I forgive you. It’s my fault too. And, for what it’s worth, I love you too.” Your hands found the nape of his neck and brought his face closer again to kiss him. His large hands made their way to your waist and he held you close and tight. You kissed deeply and passionately, lips moving rhythmically together.
You were so entranced in the man before you that you didn’t notice the door opening or the gasp and giggles that followed. You only parted when the giggles turned to small but loud squeals. “EEK! Okokok! We NEED to redo that WHOLE scene now because WOW this is fucking perfect! Just hurry up and get back to set!” Your hands were on his shoulders and your face was buried in his chest, blush consuming you. He maintained his position and chortled deeply.
“Guess we gotta go act like we’re having sex now. But trust me, We’re not done here yet.” With a smirk, he dropped his arms to his sides and walked out of your trailer. You felt your cheeks still hot and red, before rushing out behind him.
No, you certainly weren’t done yet.
Thanks for reading! Like/Reblog if you liked it! Feedback is always welcome!
Tags(let me know if you want to be tagged or want me to stop tagging you):    @tessasangeltom
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obirains-archive · 3 years
😂 What’s the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
⏰ What time of day do you prefer to write?
❓Write an alternate summary for a published fic without using names. (Points if your followers can guess the fic.)
Ily aubs❤
Siya my beloved 🥺
😂 - answered here :)
⏰ - mid to late afternoon! Settle in with my afternoon coffee and don't let myself leave 😔
❓- Obi-Wan Kenobi takes some time for self care and for wallowing in his own sadness - the venn diagram of which is a circle >:)
(from @/andypantsx3's fanfic asks)
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auburnandamberangel · 4 years
get  to  know  the  mun!                                                   repost,  don’t  reblog.
———  BASICS  !   😈
(PEN)NAME  : Aub/Auburn
PRONOUNS  :  she / her
TAKEN  OR  SINGLE  :  Single
———  THREE  FACTS  ! 😈
- Loves miniature things. Best recent find a mini brass cauldron!
- Likes Fossil hunting and minerals.
- Vintage fan. Browsing antique & bric a brac places (Gosh I miss that! Online shopping isn't the same) Charity shops (Same😢). Make do and mend. Upcycling
———  EXPERIENCE  ! 😈
Late to online fandom. Lurked in old fanfic sites and Tumblr for a while before making my blogs. Been on Tumblr for 5 years. 6 this September !
———  MUSE  PREFERENCE  !   😈
I write Armand and also have a Daniel - violeteyedvampiremolloy. Tempted to make a Bianca too. But not sure I have the time for 3 blogs. I love a tragic backstory, complicated characters with depth. Snarky. Only ever roleplayed VC so far, who knows about branching into others.
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT  !   😈    
FLUFF  :  Tongue in cheek best with someone I know fairly well. Especially as Armand can be quite aloof
ANGST  : Yes. I mean if I didn't I'm in the wrong book series fandom! There's so much tragedy.
SMUT: These days not as much in the open and lots under the cut. You have to trust your writing partner ofc, trust is all.
PLOT  /  MEMES  : Yesssss. Plotting is great. Ideas. IM messages of random ideas you'd never think of yourself. Memes can be a great one liner start that sparks both yiur interests.
Tagged by: @fanatiquee
Tagging: @perladivenezia @the-vampire-reporter @whitehowler anyone else who hasn't already been tagged
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talesofzero · 7 years
aube-in-arcadia replied to your post “I wonder what it’s like to write fics for a fandom where people...”
I cannot help, I do not read fanfics anymore.
Haha well I was drunk when I made that post, but the problem for me is that the people who do read my fics on other platforms don’t give me much, if any, feedback. I get a lot more views on FF than Ao3, but I almost never get reviews on FF, so I may just stop posting there. I get like one or two on Ao3 sometimes. That does help.
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donationwayne · 14 days
here's my confession (I'm kind of hooked on you)
Pairing: Buddie || 6.5k/109k || Chapter 1/19 ||
Hello, I participated in @118bigbang !! This is the first chapter (I'll be dropping the rest through the month). I'm so excited to finally be sharing this fic with everyone, I've worked so hard!!! Lots of moral support from my friends in the Buddie Enablers Anonymous discord <3
This is also lovingly entitled: DILF EDDIE
Buck is forced to go on a temporary medical leave after getting crushed by a flight of stairs. In the meantime, he works at dispatch while he recovers. One evening after work, Buck hooks up with a mysterious, hot, family oriented DILF. The following morning he’s mortified and a little love sick after discovering said hook-up aka Eddie Diaz is the newest (temporary) firefighter liaison--poached from a house in El Paso, Texas. Buck navigates becoming best friends and eventually work partners with his ex-hookup. In the meantime, he desperately tries not to fall in love. He fails.
Cue: An adorable five year old, prank wars, gay offs, break room gossip, a fake dating plot, firefighting shenanigans, a packed summer of PTA responsibilities, karaoke, and copious amounts of cupcakes and thai food
tldr: the hot dilf from the bar is my new work partner ______
“Bobby invited us for lunch. Athena’s getting me out of the apartment and making me walk around like a dog who needs to get its energy out.” Buck explains earning a huff of amusement from Athena. Hen smacks him lightly for his mock petulant tone.
Without being asked, Hen loops her arm around his waist and helps him tackle the stairs. Buck lets out a slow breath, seeing firsthand that absolutely nothing has changed during his month and a half away from the team soothes him. Bobby is in the kitchen with Chimney who is pestering him incessantly. The sight makes his chest ache because he never wants to lose these people. They felt more like family than his own ever had growing up. In such a short amount of time they’d come to know each other so deeply, they've already been through so much—especially after Chimney had his incident with the wreck and the rebar. He was barely back from his own medical leave before Buck had his own incident.
Although Bobby nagged him for weeks, Buck opted for a tiny graduation celebration. At the time, he hadn’t known how to explain to Bobby that there was no one outside of his tiny circle of friends to invite. Now Athena knows though, and he needs to make a mental note to ask if she could keep their conversation between the two of them. He doesn’t want to change the way his friends see him, and he doesn't want pity. He’s worried this new information might be a little too on the nose.
“What’s new with you, Buckley?” Chimney calls across the room, smiling and waving. “How you healing up?” Buck slides into a seat at the dining table, and Bobby, Chim, and Hen turn their full attention onto him.
“I’m healing alright. They’ve still got me on track for a return after six months. I’ll be able to walk without the crutch before too long, my ribs should be healed in a couple of weeks. Then I’ll just have PT to contend with, because of the leg strain and the fracture, my trainer says it might be tenuous, so I have that to look forward to at least.”
“It’ll be here in no time,” Chimney promised. “You just need to get a hobby. You’re lacking in those. Maybe I could make you a list of movies, you’re tragically behind on pop culture.”
“Actually, I've accepted a temporary position at dispatch,” Buck admits. Bobby beams, and Buck barely restrains a groan.
“Yes, I finally caved.” Buck tells him, although he didn’t ask. “Athena took me to visit today.”
___ Reblogs to boost appreciated :)
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owlberries · 1 month
title: those damned dead boys
type: crossover (the sandman)
After being tipped off by one Johanna Constantine of two ghosts thinking of Hell, Dream of the Endless finds his interest piqued. Thinking they’d be a good present for his dear older sister, he begins to investigate. They don't exactly make it easy. -or- The Dead Boy Detective Agency from an outsider's perspective.
ships: edwin payne / charles rowland, dream of the endless / hob gadling
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57931090
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donationwayne · 5 months
Alone In The City (And Nobodies Coming For Me) (18.5k)
SUMMARY On a day off, Evan Buckley sleeps through his apartment building catching fire and ultimately crumbling around him. He wakes up alone and scared. There is so much he's never said to so many people he loves. A few people in particular. Basically I wrote Whump!Buck because I have no self control. (Hurt/Comfort and Angst with a Happy Ending)
Basically I wrote a fic where the loft catches fire. All Buck wants is his dad (Bobby). Also Buddie feels at the end!!! This can be read as a standalone, although eventually I plan on writing a second part!! (there is no cliffhanger)
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donationwayne · 1 month
Tumblr media
this could be a disaster || 15.9k || 11/11 Chapters || Teen
Week One of Buddie Month !!!
“Just thinking,” Buck murmurs, turning back to face the ocean. A gentle breeze ruffles his hair, and he breathes it in, reveling in it. The wind is cool and soft on his skin, the ripple of water so peaceful that Buck could melt into the night like the final rays of the sun into the sea.
Somewhere behind him he hears Chris animatedly discussing the various ships that drifted toward their docks or back out to sea. He asks Chimney a million questions about the boats moving in and out of the harbor. Affection blooms deep in Buck’s chest.
“That sounds dangerous. What about?”
“You, Chris. I never thought I’d get to have something like this, you know—stability. A family.”
“Buck…” Eddie says gently, taking his hand in his own. He leans over and gives him a light kiss on the jaw.
“I can’t wait to marry you tomorrow. I’m burning the receipt, not takesie-backsies.”
“Shut up,” Eddie murmured in light amusement. "You know I would never—" He frowns when the floor seems to sway beneath them. “What was that?”
“So it's not just me?” Buck asks, “I was telling you all earlier—”
There is a loud, splintering crack that shatters the peace of the quiet evening. One moment Buck is dry, the next he’s floundering to get his head above water.
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donationwayne · 29 days
Title: Miles and Miles Pairing: Buddie || Words: 6.6k || Chapters: 1/1 || Main Tropes & Tags: Seal!Buck, Returning Home From Deployment, Secret Relationship, Established Buddie, Married Buddie, Buck as Chris' Dad, Comedy, Fluff Synopsis: Three years after moving to LA Buck decides to surprise Chris and Eddie at the end of his final tour. Of course nothing goes according to plan. The 118 have a lot of thoughts about the mysterious Eddie Diaz.
_____ Title: Response Time Pairing: Buddie || Words: 2k || Chapters: 1/1 || Main Tropes & Tags: Established Buddie, Married Buddie, Secret Relationship, Buck & Eddie know each other before the 118, Buck as Chris' Dad, Comedy, Fluff
Synopsis: The 118 respond to a call, which isn’t unusual in itself. But it might explain a lot to Probational Firefighter Evan Buckley’s new crew. Eddie tries to burn the kitchen down.
Title: Blame Me (For Mistakes You've Made But You Can't Own) Pairing: Buddie || Words: 4.5k || Chapters: 1/1 || Main Tropes & Tags: Sick!Buck, The 118 as Family, Pre-Relationship Buddie, Fluff, Comedy, Angst, Casual Mentions of Childhood Neglect & Trauma, Maddie Buckley as Evan Buckley's Parental Figure Synopsis: Buck goes into work sick and the 118 take care of him. We delve into Buck's complicated relationship with illness, due to his parents relationship with ill children.
Title: I'm Alone In The City (And Nobodies Coming For Me) Pairing: Buddie, Bobby & Buck || Words: 18.1k || Chapters: 12/12 || Main Tropes & Tags: Bobby as Buck's Dad, Buck!Whump, Buck's Loft Burns Down, Discussion regarding Eddie's Will, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, Angst with a happy ending Synopsis: The one where I burn Buck's loft down with Buck inside! When Buck wakes up cold, scared, and alone all he wants is Bobby (his dad). Buck and Eddie finally get their shit together.
Title: Feelin' Good (Could be Better) Pairing: Buddie || Words: 24.6k || Chapters: 10/10 || Main Tropes & Tags: Emotional Whump!Buck, Athena Grant and Bobby Nash are Evan "Buck" Buckley and Maddie Buckley's Parents, Angsty!Buck, Margaret Buckley is her own warning, angst with intermittent fluff, mutual pining, Protective Eddie Diaz, Outing, Margaret Buckley and Phillip Buckley Bashing
Synopsis: The Buckley parents arrive in LA, turning Buck's already shaky mental status from precarious to worse. Buck consents to join Maddie, Chimney, and his parents for dinner. Buck is super fine, he'll just bake about it. And think about kissing Eddie, obviously. Secrets are revealed, leaving the 118 reeling.
Authors note: **This fic deals with Margaret Buckley as a emotionally and physically abusive parent. (Trigger Warnings Available or msg me)
Title: punch my face (do it because i like the pain) Pairing: Buddie || Words: 3.7k || Chapters: 1/1 || Main Tropes & Tags: Emo/Alternative Teenage Evan Buckley, Athena Grant and Bobby Nash are Evan "Buck" Buckley and Maddie Buckley's Parents, Evan "Buck" Buckley & May Grant are Siblings, Fluff, The 118 As Family, Mention of Eddie's Will,
Synopsis: When faced with a potentially abusive father on a call, Buck goads the man into punching him to keep the kids with their mother. The 118 learn a little bit about Buck as a teenager.
This is mostly fluff. Maddie and Buck make jokes at their own expense.
Title: this could be a disaster Pairing: Buddie || Words: 15.9k || Chapters: 11/11 || Main Tropes & Tags: Wedding Fluff, Christopher Diaz is a Little Shit, Brief Tsunami Flashback, Canon Divergence, Clipboard!Evan Buckley, Groomzilla Evan Buckley, Everything That Could Go Wrong Does
Synopsis: Light hearted romcom about Buck and Eddie's wedding day, which was it turns out is a disaster. Nearly everything that could go wrong does go wrong. Chris is sarcastic about it. Maddie is going to kill them if they sneak off to see each other more time. Bobby and Athena are Buck's parents. The lesbians save the day. Business as usual.
Title: obsessed with the things that you do, low-key I need you to move (in) Pairing: Buddie || Words: 27.8k || Chapters: 9/9 || Main Tropes & Tags: Teenage Chris, Canon Divergent Post-Season 6, Eddie Goes to Therapy, Eddie Adopts A Cat, Mutual Pining, Angst and Fluff, Coming Out, Gay Eddie Diaz, Bisexual Evan Buckley, Christopher Diaz is a little shit
Synopsis: Eddie adopts a cat while Chris is away summer camp. He goes to therapy and comes out to his parents. He continues navigating life post gay realization while being deeply and embarrassingly in love with his best friend.
Buck pines over Eddie.
Chris figures it only a matter of time before they finally get together.
Title: come on, you can show yourself Pairing: Buddie || Words: 8.7k || Chapters: 1/1 || Main Tropes & Tags: Coming Out, Blow-Job Gone Wrong, Mutual Pining, Gay Eddie Diaz, Bisexual Evan Buckley, Eddie & HenRen bestieism, Getting Together, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Eddie tells HenRen about his Will, Eddie sees footage of Buck during the Well collapse
Synopsis: Eddie goes to a gay bar, says Buck's name during a hook up, curses Frank extensively, and comes out to Hen and Karen. They talk about the will and the well and the Buck of it all. Also Buck shows up.
Title: Because Regardless Of How Soft The Touch, I Still Bruise Pairing: Pre-Relationship Buddie || Words: 3.3k || Chapters: 1/1 || Main Tropes & Tags:
Bobby Nash is Evan "Buck" Buckley's Parent, Worried Bobby Nash, Athena Grant is Evan "Buck" Buckley's Parent, Pre-Relationship Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, past self-harm, Evan "Buck" Buckley Needs A Hug, Margaret Buckley and Phillip Buckley Bashing, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Synopsis: After sustaining an injury on shift, Buck stays with Bobby and Athena while he recovers. They discover some hard truths about Buck's childhood.
Title: Backtrack Pairing: Pre-Relationship Buddie || Words: 3.3k || Chapters: 1/1 || Main Tropes & Tags: 07x09 Spec, Implied Pre-Relationship Buddie, Worried Buck, Buck has a feeling realization, Angst, Divorce Era 2.0
Synopsis: Speculation about what could happen if Buck finds out about Kim (S7x09). Buck catches Eddie in public with Kim, he confronts Eddie about it. He also has some feelings about it.
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donationwayne · 29 days
tagged by @disasterbuck (like two weeks ago i just remember now i never posted the draft) rules: share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns.
Miles and Miles
“Bobby,” Eddie says uneasily. Hen and Chimney look up, curious, when they hear the urgency in his voice. “There was a water main break at Chris’s school. They need—”
Response Time
“Will you be joining us for the team barbecue next weekend?” Chimney asked Buck.
Blame Me (For Mistakes You've Made But You Can't Own)
Buck opens his eyes, ignoring the uncomfortable pounding of his head.
I'm Alone In The City (And Nobodies Coming For Me)
When Buck drifts into consciousness, the very first emotion that floods through him is unrestrained fear.
Feelin' Good (Could be Better)
“What about you, Buck? Do you want kids?”
punch my face (do it because i like the pain)
It always amazed the 118 how quickly a seemingly normal call could go off the rails.
this could be a disaster
Buck is pretty sure both he and Eddie would rather be on shift than putting last minute touches on wedding plans.
obsessed with the things that you do, low-key I need you to move (in)
Eddie steps out into the scorching LA furnace; the asphalt seems to absorb every shred of heat radiating off the unforgiving sun overhead.
come on, you can show yourself
When Eddie Diaz enters his first gay bar, he’s alone.
Because Regardless Of How Soft The Touch, I Still Bruise
Athena had never known a time before Buck was confident in his body.
When Buck wakes up on his day off, there’s a heavy pit in his stomach.
BONUS (DILF EDDIE AKA Here’s my confession (I’m kind of hooked on you) ^^ starts posting in September It was both lucky for Buck and completely unfortunate that he had moved out of Abby’s and into his own place a couple of days before the incident. ___
Pattern wise I guess you could say my pattern is I write Buck a lot..... And he's sleepy LOL @unlifeira, @smolfunpenguin, @snprblu72, @illburnyouontheceiling, @xjustlikeyou, @i-put-the-star-in-bastard
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donationwayne · 2 months
this could be a disaster || 15.9k || 11/11 Chapters ||
Buddie Month Week 1 - Prompt: Mistakes We're Made
You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of Evan Buckley & Eddie Diaz // Monday, March 11th, 2024 @ 1:00 PM // Silver Stag Ballroom // 301 County Road, Los Angeles, California
Buddie get married and everything that could go wrong does go wrong. Chris is sarcastic about it. Maddie is going to kill them if they sneak off one more time. The lesbians save the day.
“I’m sorry,” Maddie whips tears of mirth from her eyes, unable to tamp down the grin. “It's just that this would happen to you. Nothing can ever run smoothly. Are we cursed?” “Yet somehow, the Buckley wedding curse has claimed two Han’s as victims.” Chimney points out, shaking his head mockingly grave. Buck laughs and nudges his brother-in-law. “There is no 'Buckley family wedding curse',” Eddie cuts in. “Because curses aren’t real.” “I don’t know Eddie,” Maddie said in amusement. “We’re three for three on wedding disasters at the moment.” “The wedding is tomorrow,” Eddie reminds her. “Don’t even think of saying it! Don’t even think it!” Buck says, “Don’t fucking jinx us, Diaz I swear.” Eddie holds up his hands in surrender. “Not saying a word.” “You ever wonder how our parents wedding went?” Buck wonders aloud to Maddie conversationally. He glances at Eddie; his hair has gone a little wild as it air dried without a comb through. His cowlick is sticking up in every direction, and it makes Buck so soft for a moment he thinks he might die on the spot. "Eddie, your hair—” “I didn’t know your hair was curly,” Karen mentions to Buck after grumbling about something to do with having just washed her hair. “Why did we do this to ourselves? Every wedding we’ve ever been to has been a complete disaster!” Buck says into his palms. “Bobby and Athena had the right plan. Elope. Why didn’t we elope?” “You raise a valid point,” Eddie says considering. “Also, we didn’t elope because you wanted a big classic wedding moment, and also because my family would have killed us if we eloped. Not to mention these assholes after everything we put them through getting together.” “Genuinely. Chimney and I have body hiding spots picked out.” Hen informs them. Buck laughs, “Alright, that’s true.” “Initially I was in the boat of cold blooded murder, but now I’m second guessing my choices,” Maddie groans.
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