#audio logs
frontiers of pandora audio/text logs because this shit has become one of my special interests
warnings for spoilers, will reblog more later, also some of these screenshots are of better quality than others. ids in alt text, credit to the various people who've played these games and let me watch to collect the screenshots.
(tw for racism/speciesism, torture, grief, mourning, character death and child abuse)
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I’m just glad he’s doing it before going to Mars, could you imagine the carnage?
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dreamsweetinamajor · 8 months
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damn my scp-5999 page looking kinda funky
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cavemantrivia · 29 days
Chronicles of Oracle Episode Three Note Three. Here we have another audio only log. In between our videos decoding these pages, we will have these audio logs just to catch up and explain the next while we keep waiting for clearance as the pages come. Chronicles of Oracle is a fan project inspired by and featuring characters from DC Comics. This audio only episode featured Oracle voiced by CavemanTrivia.
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creationandcalamityau · 2 months
In case anyone is wondering
Yes, The Novels are 100% canon in this AU. I love the novels, they will always be canon in my heart. So, if you are a novel fan, then this AU might be something you enjoy!
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      » [Audio Log 1] «
 0:20 ─〇───── 2:00
     ⇄   ◃◃   ⅠⅠ   ▹▹   ↻
“Hello. This is the.. ahem.. first audio log of my encounters at work. I was told by.. my grandson this would.. be a good idea to do for you all.”
[There’s a slight pause, takes a deep breath.]
“Name is Father Richard Sanchez. The date is ████ █████. Audio Recording One of the first recorded subject and/or phenomenon.”
“Said subject was found in Dimension BX-8-90. In planet Cronoe R-08. Cold planet, constantly under long winters and only gets a month of summer.”
“The subject found was in ████ ██ █████ coordinates.” 
“The first thing I saw in the vast whiteness of the snow.. was this large red splotch in the distance. As we approached.. more so, I approached it.. you could.. hear almost.. faint wailing coming from it.”
“It was crimson, the deepest red you could imagine, eerily similar to a puddle of blood left behind in crime scene. It looked impossibly deep from how small it was. We soon dropped a weight to a rope and dropped it in to see how deep it went. “
[He takes a slight pause.]
“We never found the bottom.”
“It seemed harmless however, so we continued.. but I swear.. the voice I could hear coming from it.. I was almost sure.. it was her.”
“Seems that further study is needed. I plan on going back.”
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8one6 · 4 months
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I unironically love audio logs in video games.
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happy-little-slime · 1 year
Hello 999. I am 191. I am a good machine. The Good Doctor told me you are a good friend.
[Happy squeals. 999 seems to be wanting to make new friends.]
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I can sense changes in Hume levels without a Kant counter. It's not persise in the slightest. Best I can describe it, is how we can sense changes in temperature. You can tell whether it's gotten warmer or color but not by how much.
- @white-rabbits-captain
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polaris-posting · 11 months
Hello there. My name is Polaris, head cartographer for the Rescue Corps. At the time of recording this message, I'm currently preparing for an expedition to an unknown planet. Something about some guy getting stranded there while trying to head back to his home... I haven't been fully briefed yet...
Nonetheless, I'm an officer of the Rescue Corps, so I have to come along regardless.
I wonder what the planet's like...
Well, I'll have to take off soon. Signing off for now!
-Polaris, Rescue Corps Cartographer
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the-wanted-man · 2 years
Consider me tardy to the party but! Dear Miya,
Like a great band once said, "It's not too late. It's never too late."
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“Hey Miya. It’s that time’a year again, where I have an excuse t’send ya sumthin’ nice an’ have ya ‘on m’mind. I wanted t’apologize, fer bein’ so short wit’ ya lately. I dunno. Mebbe ya’ve noticed, mebbe ya’ haven’t, but I have been all too aware’a it. It’s not jus’ you, s’happenin’ everywhere but that ain’t much excuse. I worry that ya’ might think ya’ done sumthin’ wrong or pissed me off, an’ that ain’t th’case either. Life’s been hard, but that still ain’t an excuse. 
Truth is, yer one’a th’most steadfast people I know. I think it almost insane that we became friends off’a you kidnappin’ me. Yeah I know there’s a word fer that, an’ sum folk might reference me havin’ sum kinda syndrome or other but we both know that weren’t th’case. Truth is, when ya’ took me away, I knew there was more to ya.
Y’weren’t this scary woman hidin’ in th’shadows an’ takin’ people away. Th’bombs ya’ set around never hurt nobody, an’ shore they could have. But I always figured ya’ a woman reluctant t’do what she was doin’. Sum kinda self-destruction y’were tryin’ t’make so you could escape all th’terrible things goin’ on wit’ ya. I won’t pretend t’know what yer goin’ thru’, I don’t. I don’t think I ever will. I know them voices cause ya’ a good amount’a distress, an’ I know there ain’t much t’do ‘bout it, but I hope to help ya’ find sumthin’ one day. 
Yer not yer worst decisions tho’, an’ you’ve proved that every day since then. Ya’ve taken care’a me when I been blown up in th’streets. Checked in on me when no one else has. Y’come t’see me when ever yer feelin’ social an’ I always have appreciated that. I know if I ever need anything, you’ll be right there if I ask, an’ likely even if I don’t, an’ that’s a nice thing t’know. Yer a better person than ya’ want t’say, an’ I enjoy gettin’ t’know ya. 
I made ya a blanket. S’fer th’colder nights. S’got a symbol on it m’people use fer protection an’ I thought it might be nice fer ya. Anyroad, happy holidays. I care about ya’ muchly. I hope t’see ya’ soon, an’ mebbe talk ‘bout this deal ya’ got goin’. Over a cup’a peppermint hot chocolate. I’ll treat ya’ if ya’ve never had it.” 
The transmission ends there, the little magitek device’s blinking lights ending. It had come in a box with a colorful blanket of browns, oranges, baby blues, and yellows fixed in various patterns. At the center, several arrow like shapes were stitched into the fabric, going across a brown strip within the blanket. 
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Would you write a Nor/Alma + Mercer/Teylan but where they argue about how wrong it is that the other is fucking the tap students (except they both and they don’t realize it) and then maybe they bond about fucking them afterwards(?)
(tw canonical child abuse, along with csa, unreliable narrator, general dark shit)
Had another squabble with Cortez again after Teylan woke the others coming back into the dormitory, in a...noticeable condition. Mental note to speak to him about discretion. 
She was making some of those ridiculous threats of hers, like any of that nonsense has a hope in hell of getting anywhere. We're off the books for a reason, and she knows it, she signed on for it, she doesn't want her skeletons out of the closet any more than I do.
Speaking of, her chatter used to be just irritating, but it's downright bizarre now that I know what I know. I ended up losing my temper and telling her that we got that old security camera in the back of the classroom working again a couple of weeks ago--shouldn't have, of course, I wanted to save that look on her face for a special occasion. Ah, well.
So we fought about that, instead. Apparently she still thinks she's better than I am, that she's "helping" Nor with all those pesky teenage hormones before they turn into property damage and punishments, that she's gentle. 
As if gentle control isn't still control, albeit one where the dog can't still viable to twist around on the leash and bite your face off. As if I'm not helping Teylan, helping all of them, why can't she see--
Anyway, she hasn't started any fights since then, which is a relief. We make a good team, we both know it, give these kids the good cop/bad cop they need to stay in line, even if she refuses to coordinate properly. 
Progress is slow, but effective, but deep down she likes that as much as I do, even if she insists on flagellating herself like this. She doesn't want something to happen to the happy little family we've built together, any more than I do.
I wonder if she'll put her Avatar up when they're old enough for breeding. Probably'll see it as martyring herself, making sure none of her precious students have to carry the pups themselves. That'll be interesting to bring up at the next board meeting.
-- Mercer, Out.
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avenging-gemini · 2 years
Oh Bruce’s audio logs from his first years 🥺
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dreamsweetinamajor · 10 months
Glass had the most useless anomaly out of everyone in the staff - his piercing blue eyes which double as FUCKING FLASHLIGHTS
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chronosishere · 25 days
Mission Audio Log #41
Striker 1 Actual - Urbanshade Squad Leader - On Radio
"We got him surrounded boss!"
Auditor - HHC Specialist - On Radio
"Cycle 109... & Hello to you aswell, experiments... All units 109 is expendable, kill or capture i don't care"
Striker 1 Actual - Urbanshade Squad Leader - On Radio
"Ohohoho... We'll take good care of em..."
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creationandcalamityau · 2 months
To add to my novel canon post
I actually added novel characters into the story. Some will appear in prequels, others actually appear in the main story. So it's not just "Oh yeah they are canon but I'm not going to put much of them in here yadadada!" NO! I PUT ARCHIE CARTER (From Fade To Black, and he's also one of the audio log dudes in BATDR!) IN THIS. HE IS NOT MINOR REALLY EITHER. If you actually know who the hell he is, you are awesome. If not, he is real, he exists. I love him.
BUDDY IS ALSO THERE. (I haven't gotten to where I will put him in, but he is here. Don't worry Buddy fans) I know for certain he appears in the prequel since it ties directly into Dreams Come To Life!
Other characters from the books like Bill Chambers, Constance, Brant, Dot and others are also in here. I will work them into the plot.
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