#auggie matthews
partiallypearl · 5 months
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But it doesn't matter what she says, it matters what she does.
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starryeyesxx · 5 months
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incorrectgmw · 1 year
Cory: Do not have kids.
Shawn: What? Don't you love your kids?
Cory: So much. You should have seen Riley this morning with her little braids in. Oh. But they are a ton of work, man. If you are not totally, 100% sure you want them, you won't survive.
Shawn: Is it really that hard?
Cory: Yes. I never get any sleep. I'm always sick. I never get to watch anything I want on TV. I still haven't finished "Breaking Bad," but I can recite "Moana" from memory? I don't want to watch kids' movies. I want to watch movies for adults. And they are getting so manipulative. Yesterday, Riley pretended to be hurt, I went in to help her, and Auggie snuck in the kitchen and stole two cookies.
Shawn: Oh, my God. Your children are monsters.
Cory: Hey, those are my kids, man. Back off.
Shawn: Right.
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sweetbuckybarnes · 2 years
A Third Fake Business
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Pairings: Riley Matthews x Lucas Friar
Summary: Based on Season 1, Episode 10 - Girl Meets Crazy Hat. A third fake business comes into operation but it's not The Matthews and Hart Umbrella Foundation.
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Half the class was still rolling on the sugar high from Farkle's 'cupcakes'.
So the day after, when everyone was coming down from their sugar high. The fake businesses when from two to three, without anybody noticing.
Cory declared the fake companies lesson was finished (which Farkle wasn't happy about), and announced the winner.
Looking at where Farkle Minkus was currently sat in his chair. Riley stood behind him, with a raised eyebrow and a similar posture to Topanga, with Maya and Lucas stood by the desk, backs facing the window.
"In first place," Cory started with a surprising drumroll from the rest of the class. "Riley,"
Said youngest was proud of herself, as Farkle stood up from Mr. Matthews chair. "Farkle and Riley," he says.
"No, Farkle. Just me," Riley says. "Seeing as though you were too blind for money, I decided to take my business into my own hands. You can have two businesses, right daddy?"
"Whatever you say, sweetie," Cory replied.
Farkle was stumped for a moment. "What sells better than sugar?"
"Only one thing," Riley replied. "Oh, Auggie!" In came her 5-year-old brother, fresh out of his half day at school, and Riley picked him up. "Cuteness sells better than sugar."
Cory was impressed.
"That's against the rules!" Farkle declared.
"You never said anything about another business, Mr. Matthews," Maya chimes in, a smirk on her face. Clearly the blonde was rubbing off a bit on Riley.
Cory tried to find the words. "Who's funding this?"
"I went over your head," Riley says, putting Auggie down and stood next to her father.
"You went to grandma?" He asked.
Riley giggled, resting a hand on his shoulder. "No, I went to THE boss," she emphasised. "Mom!" Riley called, and in walked Topanga.
Riley's face brightened, as Topanga stood to the side of Auggie, proud of her daughter.
Lucas swapped places with Maya, so he was now stood next to Riley. "Impressive," he tells her.
"Sometimes he forget my mother is Topanga Matthews," Riley says, looking over her shoulder at her father.
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dylanconrique · 1 year
so, i’m catching up on 911 and i thought i recognized the kid that maddie sang through a panic attack, and it was auggie matthews! he’s so grown!! 🥹💕
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theobsessiveloser18 · 1 month
Maya Hart
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So when we think of Maya Hart our mind is responsible for reminding us that she is Riley's best friend, but even the series knows that she is much more than that, which is why this section will not cover To Riley Matthews because although we love her, there is already an entire series focused on her relationship with Maya.
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Headcanons of her with the other characters
In order according to wiki Girlmeetsworld.fandom.com
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Katy Hart:
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All of her art exhibitions have been specially dedicated to her, according to Maya: “For the woman who has sacrificed my entire life so that I have more than what she has obtained,Mom, you don't know how much I loved you before I could understand you, and now that I do, I love you more than we both could imagine."
Kathy has the main spot in the exhibition and whether or not she will appear in any painting or piece of art, once she started earning enough money to take her mother to ireland
Gammy Hart
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Maya loves to Spend time with her and listen to her talk, she always has something interesting to tell her,she shows her memories and doesn't care if Maya checks them from time to time without telling her, she has given him some of her things, her granddaughter takes good care of them, when she comes back from the street she always treats her something To her grandmo.
Shawn Hunter
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They do daddy-daughter things, watch TV together (any program the other wants), have breakfast, cook, go shopping, make fun of the fact that he can't help her with her homework, fish, try everything.The things that have happened and will happen for the simple fact that both are growing in the company they always wanted.
Farkle Minkus
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Farkle always goes over his speeches with the girls, Riley is always positive, never critical, Maya couldn't care less but she still encourages him to be briefer, clearer, gives him ideas to be less nervous, and summarize a little, He is not ashamed to admit that thanks to the blonde's advice he has been closer to beating Smackle
Lucas Friar
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Deep down, Maya is drawn to Lucas' Texan life (as if she had seen Toy Story and had always wanted to Watch the Woody's Roundup). So although she makes fun, she is the most dedicated during her visit to Texas, feeding the horses, taking care of the farm, learning to dance like them, loving what they eat, their activities, Lucas He taught her how to ride and some tricks, and to see if Happiness convinced him that even if the boys couldn't come, he would make sure to bring Maya to Texas.
Isadora Smackle
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Maya is Smackle's assistant in science, chemistry and technology fairs and homework projects, why? Because it turns out that the girl likes it...yes, Maya Hart likes those subjects because Fun explosions are best along with 'toys' that work,Riley is her best friend and favorite companion. But with Smackle in a controlled manner, chaos happens.
Cory Matthews
One day Maya arrived when they were going to buy at the market so they recruited her, unlike Riley who aligned herself with Topanga where everything is strictly according to the list, instead on the Matthews side Auggie and her had fun, They can take whatever they want, the cart works as a cart, and the food samples are never enough ,they also had it and from that day on Cory personally made sure that she accompanied them
“Let's go to the market, baby."
Topanga Matthews
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Maya loves her outfits, so she got her some. Riley tells her that she wears them at home all the time, and went so far as to participate in school plays just to wear them in public.
Zay Babineaux
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It's a little strange to say and understand But the girl is his trainer (Basically she makes him do the same exercises as in school practice, but they have fun together) Furthermore She is like the president of the imaginary fan club and forces her friends to feel the spirit of the moment
“Move him, we're late!!” “And the t-shirts??, guys, don't make me nervous, where are the t-shirts??!" "I've been writing to you all week about them for this?!! “...No way, Friar buy some and make sure they have Zay's number, Minkus Get the camera ready, separate our place and those of the rest, and Matthews... the food is on you”“Listen to me friend, I'm not going to repeat it twice, it's our friend's game, it's our place, our school, and not even your mom would pay to see them, if I were you I'd run away little muscles"
Auggie Matthews
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If for some reason the Matthews have to go out without him, Maya will stay with him, and they both love that, Auggie says she is the best Nanny in the world after Mrs. Svorski.
Ava Morgensterns
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Maya has practically become her older sister, sometimes Ava's mother asks her to help her with her homework.
Eric Matthews
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She and Riley love going to his office and helping him with his important papers. Maya is his favorite secretary since they both consider that they share the same academic neuron.
Joshua Matthews
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They begin to philosophize about literally anything (Maya plays, Josh takes it more seriously).
PD:I feel like Maya would be the type that doesn't want to get married, and Josh doesn't see a problem with it, maybe a small meaningful anti-traditional ceremony before moving in together (Not all couples get married Disney,Show that!!!
I hope you enjoyed the insight with Maya Hart
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flowersosa · 1 month
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Since I'm on the subject of Candela Obscura, I must pay respect to the first circle, the Circle of Vassal & the Veil.
My favorite character from this group was hard to pick, as the cast was amazing, but it was ultimately Professor Howard Margrove.
The particularities of his personality drew me in. In Robbie's words, he is "a real creep, a punchy lab wizard scientist." Watching his character go from logical to seeping into madness is so cool in this system.
Robbie's thought of "If you gave a neurotic wizard the ability to land a solid punch" is wild and relatable.
Honorable mention goes to Auggie, who was the sweetest of hearts.
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keepofkandrakar · 1 year
fucking damn candela obscura is gonna be my new obsession curse you critical role.
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feathersontheclyde · 8 months
CONTINUED // @descendantes
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" That's what you said last time! " He groans. " Fine but if you start a fire I'm out. I have an important date with my wife tomorrow at the swing set. " And Ava will kill him if he isn't already dead. Auggie gets a stool, brings it over to the counter, and rolls up his sleeves. " So I'm doing what exactly...? " He gasps. " Do I get to use this thing? " That thing is the mixer to his right he's inching towards.
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Zay (besides Corepanga), carried GMW, change my mind
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sccfan4ever · 1 year
Little Auggie all grown up having a panic attack due to performance anxiety from the pressure of not letting his mom down 🥺
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starryeyesxx · 1 month
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incorrectgmw · 1 year
My wife makes us put $5 in the 'find jar' every time we make her find something we can't locate in the house. After 13 months of saving, today, we are buying a Ford Explorer.
Cory Matthews
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Going back to our roots here what’s your brutally honest opinion about lucaya and joshaya if you’re up for some throwbacks
this message physically aged me 45 years 😭
lucaya- like, it was obviously planned from the beginning, but here's the thing: their dynamic was tired as hell. you see it in every piece of media ever. they were BORING. also I just genuinely almost never liked lucas lmfao. there were a handful of lines throughout 3 seasons that got a laugh out of me- and it was always when he was playing the idiot or confused part, if they had just let him be the wannabe eric of the show it could have been amazing. as for maya, I definitely wasn't as attached to her as I was riley, she just kinda got on my nerves a bit, but Dear God Did She Deserve Better. the triangle was drawn out WAY too long. by the end of it both girls should have left lucas in the dust. we see the 'official' triangle plotline start on new years eve, and end in late september/early october. in no world should it have taken him that long, ESPECIALLY when he knew what a strain it was putting on the girls relationship. if he really cared he would have stepped back, like, literally, it is very very possible to have feelings for someone and not date them, oh my God. farkle had the girls fighting over him ONE time and was like 'hey no I love you guys too much to see you upset'. lucas friar you will always be hated<3
joshaya- I need to get this out of the way because I saw it so much: maya was not trying to date josh when she snuck into the college party. the college girls were not telling josh to date maya. one of josh's friends hits on maya and riley and maya said We Are In Eighth Grade. she's not delusional. the whole episode was how she wanted josh to stop ignoring her. there's subtext ladies!!! cory and topanga were practically raising maya since she was 5. even if it's not addressed too well on screen, you have to be aware that maya and josh have known each other practically their whole lives. considering how close josh is with cory, riley, and auggie, that tells us he saw the family on a regular basis growing up (he literally left his parents and took a train at like 4 in the morning just so cory could open his college letter with him). so josh and maya were likely good friends as children! what we see with his introduction to the show is he starts treating her more as a kid, as his niece's friend, and thinks her feelings are silly and she says No. I need you to take me seriously here. I don't want our friendship to change just because you're in college now. my feelings are not stupid and I want you to respect me. (also. side note. they never said josh's age in the show right?? because for him to start college when he did would make him older than he should have been based on the boy meets world timeline...like, I was kinda working under the assumption he skipped a grade or two in high school but everyone else was like Known Grown Man And Pedophile Josh Matthews Asked A Toddler To Go To The Movies As Friends lmfao). anyway. she asks him to respect her and he does!!! genuine shock and awe! lucas friar found dead in a ditch! lmao. their vague 'let's see how we feel in a few years' talk reminded me a lot of the cory/topanga yearbook quote scene, and they had great chemistry! it didn't feel like something I've seen a thousand times before. it's not like they promised to swear off dating and wait for her 18th birthday, she was basically dating zay by the end of the show. they just said 'we've known each other for a while, there's definitely something between us but this isn't the right time for us to explore it, so let's be friends like we used to' (see: what lucas should have done during the triangle). josh had a tiny bit of an edge to him, but with the dorky matthews heart, which tbh was exactly what maya wanted. I loved how maya acted around josh, it lead to some of her funniest and most open moments in the show. I loved how gentle josh was with her even when she was being annoying. I love a good childhood crush to actual lovers story! sue me! lmao I think if the show had gotten as many seasons as boy meets world they really could have been something special
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vexing-imogen · 11 months
Matthew Mercer, if you kill Auggie while he’s wearing his new suit I will come to your house and, idk, cry in front of you I guess
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ao3feedbmw · 1 month
Riley's First Essay
General Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Boy Meets World (TV 1993)
Girl Meets World (TV 2014)
Topanga Lawrence-Matthews/Cory Matthews
Riley Matthews
August "Auggie" Matthews
Topanga Lawrence-Matthews
Cory Matthews
Additional Tags:
Pre-Girl Meets World
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