#august 25 1998
bbeelzemon · 1 year
my parents sent me a birthday card in the mail cuz it had a dog that looks like mine on it, and when i opened and saw it i was like oh thats so cute, i should take a nice picture of the two of them side by side from at least vaguely similar angles to show off how similar they are! and i can send it to my parents when i tell them that i got it :) and then every picture i took was bad except for this one
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Lauryn Hill released her debut solo album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill August 25, 1998
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cenorii · 4 months
A little theory about birthdays
I'm bored, so it's time to share my silly thoughts about when Chris, Jill and Wesker's birthdays are. The exact date of birth of Resident Evil characters has never been officially stated, but thanks to information from the games, assumptions can be made.
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Be careful, there are a lot of numbers here that you can get confused about. So take your time reading this article.
So, what do we know? Officially, in re1 (1998), Chris is 25 years old, and Wesker is 38. And Jill, btw, is 23 years old. Officially, their birth years are: 1973, 1960 and 1974 (date from her grave). Let's remember these dates, they will be very useful to us ahead.
I won't use Jill's age confusion from re5 because she has the wrong dates there.
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And also I won't take Chris' age info from re1, because it was already changed in re5, and now the old info contradicts the new info. Example: he is 32 years old in August-September 2006 instead of 33 because his birthday is not yet due, but he WAS 25 years old in July 1998. This is a contradiction that I will ignore. Therefore, I will calculate Jill's birthday by re1-re3, Chris's by re5, and Wesker's by re1 and re5.
Let's start with Jill.
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Jill has 1974 listed, although based on her age (23) in re1-re3, it should be 1975. I tend to assume that she just hasn't had a birthday yet, so she hasn't had time to turn 24 yet. The events of re1-re3 take place between July and October, so her birthday must be after. Probably from October to December.
Now Chris.
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Chris's age in re5 (2009) is 35 years old. However, 1973-35=1974, not 1973. This means that in re5 he is a year younger than he should be. It also means that it is his birthday this year, and that he has yet to turn 36. The events of re5 take place in March, so his birthday could be anytime between March 8 and December 31. However… let's remember Lost in Nightmares, the events of that DLC take place (presumably) in late August or early September 2006. It states that Chris is 32 years old, which again doesn't ring true, he should be 33. This means that even at the time of August-September, Chris still didn't have a birthday, meaning that the interval has shortened, and that his birthday could actually be from September to December.
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He is officially 48 years old in re5 (2009). But Wesker was born in 1960, which means… 2009-1960=49. His birthday hasn't had time to come yet either. However, in July 1998, he had already managed to turn 38, so that means his birthday is between March and July.
Result: Chris's official birthday is from September to December, Jill's is from October to December, and Wesker's is from March to July.
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purplemortuary · 11 months
Buck-Tick in analogue Part I | 80s - 90s
A collection I've been making for a long time of organized BUCK-TICK polaroids and other analog photos with dates. Side projects may also be included.
Tried to track as much as I could find.
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↑ 3 August - 1986
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↑ 21 December - 1986 (Hidehiko Hoshino and the Buck-Tick van)
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↑ 19 October - 1987 (Sakurai at age 21)
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↑ 1988 (Sakurai at age 22)
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↑ 2 June - 1988 (Imai and Hoshino)
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↑ 20 January - 1989 (Sakurai one on the side)
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↑ 28 September - 1991
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↑ 3 October - 1993 (Imai and Sakurai)
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↑ 17 February - 1994 (Sakurai at age 27)
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↑ May 1994 (From Ongaku to Hito. Interview with Issay)
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↑ 29 March - 1995 (Sakurai at age 29)
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↑ 25 July - 1995
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↑ 1996 (Sakurai and Imai. I'm unsure of the date but based on other pictures I found I gave it 96')
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↑ July 1996 (From Ongaku to Hito)
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↑ 27 September - 1997 (Sakurai)
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↑ 1997 or 1998 (Imai and Sakurai, unsure about the date)
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miss-lauryn-hill · 1 year
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“I wrote an album about systemic racism and how it represses and stunts growth and harms (all of my albums have probably addressed systemic racism to some degree), before this was something this generation openly talked about. I was called crazy. Now…over a decade later, we hear this as part of the mainstream chorus. OK, so chalk some of it up to leadership and how that works — I was clearly ahead, but you also have to acknowledge the blatant denial that went down with that.”
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mattnben-bennmatt · 3 months
Matt & Ben || John & Paul
Here’s a story. Matt Damon told it. But it’s not about Matt Damon. It’s about Bono. But it’s not really about Bono, either; it’s about Paul McCartney. But Damon heard it from Bono. One day, Bono flew into Liverpool. Paul was supposed to pick him up at the airport, and Bono was shocked when Paul picked him up at the airport alone, behind the wheel of his car. “Would you like to go on a little tour?” Paul said. Sure, Bono said, because Bono, you see, is a fan of Paul’s, in the same way that Damon is a fan of Bono’s. “Bono’s obsessed with the Beatles,” Damon said at the table in the lobby of the gated hotel in the little town in Germany. “He’s, like, a student of the Beatles. He’s read every book on the Beatles. He’s seen every bit of film. There’s nothing he doesn’t know. So when Paul stops and says 'That’s where it happened,’ Bono’s like, 'That’s where what happened?’ because he thinks he knows everything. And Paul says, 'That’s where the Beatles started. That’s where John gave me half his chocolate bar.’ And now Bono’s like, 'What chocolate bar? I’ve never heard of any chocolate bar.’ And Paul says, 'John had a chocolate bar, and he shared it with me. And he didn’t give me some of his chocolate bar. He didn’t give me a square of his chocolate bar. He didn’t give me a quarter of his chocolate bar. He gave me half of his chocolate bar. And that’s why the Beatles started right there.’ Isn’t that fantastic? It’s the most important story about the Beatles, and it’s in none of the books! And Paul tells it to Bono. Because he knows how much Bono loves the Beatles.”
— Matt Damon, interviewed by Tom Junod for Esquire (August 2013).
Ben Affleck and I actually had a joint bank account, and the bank account was money that we’d made doing local commercials, and we could only use it on trips to New York to audition […] If one kid had enough for a candy bar, then the candy bar was bought and split in half — that’s just the way it’s been.
— Matt Damon, interviewed by Piers Morgan for CNN (March 2011).
First of all, I think I should say that we pale by comparison to The Beatles. But my understanding of how [Lennon and McCartney] worked was that they would go off and work separately. Matt and I worked together in the same room most of the time, riffing off of one another’s ideas for scenes or certain lines of dialogue.
— Ben Affleck, interviewed for eDrive (February/March 1998).
Q: But you didn’t compose your stuff separately, as other accounts have said? JOHN: No, no, no. I said that, but I was lying. [Laughs.] By the time I said that, we were so sick of this idea of writing and singing together, especially me, that I started this thing about, “We never wrote together, we were never in the same room.” Which wasn’t true. We wrote a lot of stuff together, one-on-one, eyeball to eyeball.
— John Lennon, interviewed by David Sheff for Playboy (September 1980).
[Ben and I] have been bizarrely close for a long time. You know, I was watching Get Back—the Peter Jackson documentary—and at the end of that you see the Beatles playing on the roof in London and it says, “This is the last time that they ever played together, live.” And it made me so sad to think of; because you look at them and they’re so happy! And Ben and I, I called him and said, “Look man, we were talking about doing this and it’s been 25 years or something since Good Will Hunting. What are we doing? We both kind of hit the lottery! Why aren’t we working together more often?” And after my dad passed in 2017—and Ben was very, very close with him—it’s like it changed something in us, I think. You start to see the end game and to feel like, “I want to make every second count.” I don’t want to fritter away time anymore.
— Matt Damon, interviewed by Chris Wallace for CNN (July 2023).
I needed to make this post because way before the Matt & Ben brainrot had the chance to set in, John & Paul had already taken complete hold of my being. And even if this hold has gentled in recent years, they nevertheless rewired my neural circuits. And thus, everything now inevitably leads back to Lennon/McCartney. One day I'll make a (probably very tinhatty) post highlighting specific parallels between Matt & Ben and John & Paul. Today is not that day.
For now, I merely wanted to marvel at how it's not only me who inevitably sees same-sex friendships and creative partnerships through the Lennon/McCartney goggles, but, being Lennon/McCartney arguably one of the most famous same-sex friendships and creative partnerships in history, they influence how other friends who are also creative partners—such as Matt and Ben—see themselves.
For example, the Chocolate Bar story. First of all, I can't believe I only realized yesterday that one of my favorite bits of Beatles lore—a story so special Paul hasn't told it anywhere else—was made public by Matt Damon (which is kind of ironic, given how private and protective he is over his own friendship with Ben). But then, it made me re-evaluate one of Matt's quotes. You see, I thought Matt saying "If one kid had enough for a candy bar, then the candy bar was bought and split in half" about him and Ben was one of those crazy coincidences I could see thanks to my Lennon/McCartney vision. Rather, Matt seems instead to be directly referencing the Chocolate Bar story, even if only a handful of people would understand the reference at the time. By drawing this comparison, a candy bar is no longer just a candy bar. It represents the founding principles of generosity and equity on which a great partnership can be built. Like John and Paul before them, Matt and Ben chose to tie their fates together and share what they had so they could make it.
And as soon as they made it, the world started comparing them to Lennon/McCartney, as we can see by Ben's quote. And it's interesting to think how the generalized perception of Lennon/McCartney at the time might have influenced how they felt about the comparison. Imagine you and your best friend/writing partner just achieved your wildest dreams. But that also means the eyes of the world are now turned on you, and your very real friendship is being used as a marketing ploy and starting to be ravenously consumed by the public. Now imagine that people start comparing you to The Beatles, and the very famous songwriting partnership at its core, Lennon/McCartney: two friends who rocketed to the toppermost-of-the-poppermost, but who broke up very acrimoniously in less than a decade. The Beatle-People will know that they deeply loved each other throughout it all, but that was not the prevailing narrative until a few years ago, when Get Back came out. So no wonder Ben's first instinct was to go "RIP to John and Paul but Matt and I are different."
And then, Get Back comes out and it makes them realize that they both are and are not different. They are not different in the sense that the pressure of fame did affect their relationship. Not to the extent of John and Paul's, whose private troubles were made public. Whatever conflicts Matt and Ben might have had throughout the years, they gracefully kept it private, which allowed their relationship to naturally heal without the press poking at the wounds. However, I do believe the intensity of the public gaze made them shy away from collaborating again. They mention working on numerous projects throughout the years (particularly after their Oscar win with Good Will Hunting), but none of these saw the light of day. And even though they say they were working so much they did not have time to write, it's odd that it took them over two decades to even co-star in another movie again. I think that, much like John and Paul in the 70s, the pressure placed on an eventual reunion was so great—both in terms of living up to their past success and of inviting all that scrutiny again—that Matt and Ben opted to remain private friends, at the sake of their creative partnership. Which makes total sense, because, like John and Paul, there's no partnership without the friendship. But this sacrifice is tragic in its own way, because the creative partnership was a big part of their friendship. Acting, writing, directing—creating—was what drew them together in the first place! It's like asking them to amputate one of the fundamental components of their relationship.
Which is why I find the last quote so incredibly moving. While watching Get Back, Matt was not only reminded of the joy of creating with his best friend—he was confronted with the preciousness of it. Because this is where Matt and Ben are most different from John and Paul: Matt and Ben have been granted the luxury of time. Unlike John and Paul, Matt and Ben could get to their 50s and realize, "What are we doing? We both kind of hit the lottery! Why aren’t we working together more often?" They could realize that they didn't give a fuck about what anyone said or thought anymore. That being together doing something they loved was more important. And so, unlike Paul, Matt got to hear his wife say that writing with Ben was the most she'd seen him laugh in many years. And Ben, unlike John, got to feel that total happiness was seeing his children every day and working with his best friend, and that there's nothing more that he wants in life. In fact, working together on Air made them feel so profoundly accomplished and realized, that both Ben and Matt thought they were about to die, since they'd apparently reached the "mountain top".
And so, it is with great joy that I await what lies in store for Ben and Matt. They have just created their own studio, Artists Equity, and are slated to collaborate in some of its future projects. Nothing will ever replace John and Paul in my heart, and their love story is ongoing in its own way; oh, but how wonderful is it to be able to witness a creative partnership and friendship whose future is still ripe with possibility! And how poetic that the tragedy of John and Paul's story played a part in ensuring that?
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motomam1 · 1 year
MOTOMAMI | the ortiz team
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― HER MANAGER | fc: javier bardem
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name: victor ochoa date of birth: march 1st, 1969 place of birth: málaga, spain nationality: spanish age: 56 (as of 2023) height: 181cm / 5’9’’
― HER PR MANAGER | fc: cuco
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name: benito velasquez date of birth: june 26th, 1998 place of birth: east la, california nationality: mexican-american age: 25 (as of 2023) height: 177cm / 5’8’’
― HER PART-TIME ASSISTANT | fc: ester expósito
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name: fernanda navarro date of birth: january 26th, 2000 place of birth: madrid, spain nationality: spanish age: 23 (as of 2023) height: 166cm / 5’4’’
― HER RACE ENGINEER | fc: penelope cruz
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name: cecília ochoa date of birth: april 28th, 1874 place of birth: marabella, spain nationality: spanish age: 49 (as of 2023) height: 168cm / 5’5’’
― HER PERSONAL TRAINER | fc: taz skylar
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name: rio sanchez date of birth: december 5th, 1995 place of birth: london, uk nationality: spanish-british age: 27 (as of 2023) height: 183cm / 6’
― HER NUMBER ONE FAN | fc: spidershood
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name: alvaro hernández ortiz date of birth: august 21, 1971 place of birth: tijuana, méxico nationality: mexican age: 52 (as of 2023) height: 172cm / 5’6’’
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tag list: @tpwkstiles @dessxoxsworld @lorarri @elliegrey2803 @inejghafawifesblog ➫ comment or leave a message in my inbox if you'd like to be added
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An updated (April 3, 2024 7:48am pst) list of WW2 movies and TV shows in chronological order
thought out WW2 -(Imitation Game 2014) -(The Book Thief 2013) -(The Zookeeper’s Wife 2017) -(The Pianist 2002)
October 26, 1937 Defence of Sihang Warehouse (The Eight Hundred 2020)
December 13, 1937 Nanjing Massacre - (John Rabe 2009) - (The Flowers of War 2011)
Fall of 1938 (Munich – The Edge of War 2022)
Summer 1939 (Six Minutes to Midnight 2020)
September 3, 1939 King George VI first wartime speech (King’s Speech 2010)
September 17, 1939, Soviet Union Invitation of Poland (The Way Back 2010)
November 30, 1939 Soviet Union invades Finland (The Winter War 1989)
April 9, 1940 Operation Weserübung -(April 9th [movie] 2015) -(King’s Choice 2016) -(Narvik 2022) -(War Sailors 2023)
April 27, 1940 (Into the White 2011)
June 4, 1940 -Churchill gives “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech (Darkest Hour 2017) -Dunkirk Evaluation (Dunkirk 2017)
July 10-October 31, 1940 Battle of Britain (Battle of Britain 1969)
May 1941 (Call to Spy 2019)
June 22, 1941 Operation Barbarossa -(Fortress of War [The Brest Fortres 2010) -(Defiance 2008)
September 8, 1941, Siege of Leningrad begins. -(Battle of Leningrad [Saving Leningrad] 2019) -(Leningrad 2009)
October 1941 Battle of Moscow (The Last Frontier [The Final Stand] 2020)
October 1941 Battle of Sevastopol (Battle for Sevastopol 2015)
December 7, 1941, the Empire of Japan attacks Pearl Harbor (Tora! Tora! Tora! 1970)
December 8, 1941 Japan invades Shanghai International Settlement (Empire of the Sun 1987)
January 20, 1942, Wannsee Conference (Conspiracy 2001)
February 1942 Battle of the Atlantic (Greyhound 2020)
February 1942 (The Railway Man 2013)
February 19, 1942, Bombing of Darwin (Australia 2008)
Spring 1942 (U-571 2000)
April 18, 1942 The Doolittle Raid (In Harm’s Way 2018)
June 4, 1942 Battle of Midway (Midway 2019)
1942 Summer Occupation of Jersey Island (Another Mother’s Son 2017 Prime)
July, 10 1942 Easy Company Trains in Camp Tocca (Band of Brothers 01x10 Currahee 2001)
July 21, 1942, Kokoda Track Campaign (Kokoda: 39th Battalion 2006)
August 7, 1942, 1st Marine Division land on Guadalcanal (The Pacific Ep. 1 Guadalcanal/Leckie 2010)
August 19, 1942, Dieppe Raid (Dieppe 1993)
August 23, 1942 Battle of Stalingrad begins (Stalingrad 1993)
September 1942 Formation of Troop 30 (Age of Heroes 2011)
September 18, 1942, 7th Marines Land on Guadalcanal (The Pacific Ep. 2 Basilone 2010)
Autumn of 1942 Battle of the Atlantic (Das Boot 1981)
October 18, 1942, Operation Grouse (Heavy Water War Ep. 2 2015)
November 8, 1942, Operation Torch (The Big Red One 1980)
November 10-17 1942 Vasily Zaytsev kills 225 German Soldiers during the Battle of Stalingrad (Enemy at the Gates 2001)
December 1942 The 1st Marine Division on Guadalcanal is relieved (The Pacific Ep. 3 Melbourne 2010)
December 15, 1942, Battle of Mount Austen (Thin Red Line 1998)
March 13-14 1943, liquidation of the Kraków Ghetto -(Schindler’s List 1993)
April 17, 1943 Operation Mincemeat (Operation Mincemeat 2021)
April 19, 1943, beginning of the Warsaw Uprising (Uprising 2001)
May 4, 1943, Final Mission of The Memphis Bell (Memphis Bell 1990)
May 15, 1943, Salamo Arouch and his family arrive in Auschwitz Concentration Camp (Triumph of the Spirit 1989)
May 27, 1943 Louis Zamperini plane crashes on a search and rescue mission (Unbroken 2014)
May 30, 1943 first All-American Girls Professional Baseball League game played (A League of Their Own 1992)
June 25, 1943, 100th Bomb Group flew its first 8th Air Force combat mission (Master of the Air: Part One 2024)
July 1943 -(The Tuskegee Airmen 1995) -(The Liberator Ep. 1 2020) -(Heavy Water War Ep. 5 2015)
July 16, 1943, The 100th Bomb Group bombed U-Boats in Tronbhdim (Masters of the Air: Part Two 2024)
August 17, 1943 the 4th Bomb Wing of the 100th Bomb Group bombed Regenberg (Masters of the Air: Part Three 2024)
September 16, 1943, William Quinn and Charles Bailey leave Belgium (Masters of the Air: Part Four 2024)
September 18, 1943 John ‘Bucky’ Egan returns from leave to join the mission to bomb Munster (Master of the Air: Part Five 2024
October 14, 1943, John ‘Bucky’ Egan interrogated at Dulag Lut, Frankfurt Germany (Masters of the Air: Part Six 2024)
December 26, 1943, 1st Marine Division lands on Cape Gloucester (The Pacific Ep. 4 Gloucester/Pavuvu/Banika 2010)
January 22, 1944, Battle of Anzio -(The Liberator Ep. 2 2020) -(Red Tails 2012) -(Anzio 1968)
February 20, 1944, Hydro Ferry bombing (Heavy Water War Ep. 6 2015)
March 7, 1944, Stalag Luft III Sagan, Germany, Germans find the concealed radio Bucky was using to learn news of the War (Master of the Air: Part Seven 2024)
March 24/25, 1944 Allied Mass Escape of Stalag Luft III (The Great Escape 1963)
June 1944 (Cross of Iron 1977)
June 6, 1944, 00:48 & 01:40 First airborne troops begin to land on Normandy (Band of Brothers 02x10 Day of Days 2001)
June 6, 1944, 06:30 D-Day landings -(Storming Juno 2010)
-(Saving Private Ryan 1998)
June 10, 1944, Easy Company Takes Carentan (Band of Brothers 03x10 Carentan 2001)
June 15-July 9, 1944 Battle of Saipan
-(Windtalkers 2002)
-(Oba: The Last Samurai 2011)
July, 1944 The Monuments Men land in Normandy (The Monuments Men 2014)
July 20, 1944 Operation Valkyrie (Valkyrie 2008)
August 12, 1944, The 332nd Fighter Group attack Radar stations in Southern France (Masters of the Air: Part Eight 2024)
September 15, 1944, U.S. Marines landed on Peleliu at 08:32 (the Pacific Ep. 5 2010)
September 16, 1944, U.S Marines take Peleliu Airfield (the Pacific Ep. 5 2010)
September 17, 1944, Operation Market Garden
-(Band of Brothers 04x10 Replacements 2001)
-(A Bridge Too Far 1977)
October 2, 1944 Battle of Scheldt (Forgotten Battle 2021)
October 12, 1944, Battle of Peleliu, Assault on Bloody Nose Ridge (the Pacific Ep. 7 Peleliu Hills 2010)
October 13, 1944, Rovaniemi public buildings were destroyed (Sisu 2022)
October 14, 1944, Erwin Rommel is arrested (Rommel 2012 Prime)
October 22/23, 1944, 2100 – 0200 Operation Pegasus (Band of Brothers 05x10 Crossroads 2001)
November 1944 middle of the Battle of Hürtgen Forest (When Trumpets Fade 1998)
December 16, 1944, Battle of the Bulge (Band of Brothers 06x10 Bastogne 2001)
December 1944 (Hart’s War 2002)
January 2, 1945 (The Liberator Ep 3 2020)
January 10, 1945 (Attack Force Z)
January 13, 1945, Battle of Foy (Band of Brothers 07x10 The Breaking Point 2001)
January 30, 1945 The Raid at Cabanatuan (The Great Raid 2002)
February 14, 1945, David Webb rejoins the 506th in Haguenau (Band of Brothers 08x10 The Last Patrol 2001)
February 19, 1945, Battle of Iwo Jima starts. - (Letters from Iwo Jima 2006) - (The Pacific Ep. 8 Iwo Jima 2010) - (Flags of our Fathers 2006)
March 21, 1945, Operation Carthage (The Bombardment 2021)
April, 1945 (Fury 2014)
April 5, 1945, 506th Finds abandoned Concentration Camp (Band of Brothers 09x10 Why We Fight 2001)
April 26, 1945, near the end of the war in Europe (A Woman in Berlin 2008)
April 29, 1945, 45th Infantry Division liberated Dachau Concentration camp (The Liberator Ep. 4 2020)
May 2, 1945, Fall of Berlin -(Downfall 2004) -(Jojo Rabbit 2019)
May 1945 Battle of Okinawa -(Hacksaw Ridge 2016) -(The Pacific Ep. 9 Okinawa 2010)
May 7, 1945, Germany Surrenders V-E Day - (Master of the Air: Part Nine 2024) - (Band of Brothers 10x10 Points 2001)
July 30, 1945, USS Indianapolis sank. (USS Indianapolis 2016)
August 15, 1945, The Empire of Japan surrenders end of the War. -(Oppenheimer 2023) -(The Pacific Part Ten: Home 2010)
September 11, 1945 US Military search and Arrest Japanese Leaders for war crimes (Emperor 2012)
1946 April 29, 1946 Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal (Tokyo Trial 2016)
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coimbrabertone · 27 days
NASCAR Numerology: How NASCAR's Current Teams Got Their Numbers: Part Three.
Alright guys, we've done Trackhouse, Penske, Wood Brothers, RCR, and SHR, now we're gonna cover the numbers for Hendrick Motorsports, Roush Fenway Keselowski Racing, and Spire Motorsports. That's a grand total of nine cars to cover and some very historic numbers, so let's get on with the origins, the meaning, and some of the notable events in the history of some of the most significant numbers in modern day NASCAR.
We start with Hendrick Motorsports, which is a bit of a mess for two reasons:
The first is that Hendrick has like three different numbering schemes simultaneously: One built around the #5, one built around the #24, and a handful of car numbers that don't fit into either scheme.
The other is that Hendrick Motorsports has recently restructured, to the point where...the #5 is the #48, the #48 is the #88, the #9 is the #24, and the #24 is the #5.
Confused yet? Don't worry, I'll explain it all.
The Hendrick Motorsports story begins in 1984 with the All-Star Racing #5 of Geoff Bodine. This team initially had high aspirations, trying to sign the likes of Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt, and Tim Richmond, but after sponsorship and co-ownership deals fell through, Rick Hendrick was left holding the bag alone, he and Geoff Bodine would need to make do with each other.
Well...they won Martinsville, Nashville Fairgrounds, and the season finale at Riverside.
This was enough to keep the #5 team alive, and for 1985, they returned, now properly under the Hendrick Motorsports banner. The #5 didn't win in 1985, but improved results throughout the season moved them up from 9th in the standings to 5th.
This was enough to finally win over Tim Richmond, who came over to start a second team with Folgers sponsorship - this was the #25, and Rick Hendrick's dad, Papa Joe, co-owning this entry.
Tim Richmond took seven wins in 1985 and finished 3rd in the standings, but unknown to everyone else...he was suffering from AIDS all this time. This would keep him out of the car for most of 1987 - with Benny Parsons running a Folgers #35 car in his place - but he would return midseason and immediately win two in a row at Pocono and Riverside.
Unfortunately, Richmond's return would only last eight races. Tim Richmond would attempt to return to NASCAR for 1988, but the medications he was taking to manage his illness conflicted with NASCAR's drug testing policy. Richmond would die from AIDS complications in August 1989.
Hendrick Motorsports at this point ran three numbers built around the #5 - the #5, the #25, and the #35.
They were also running the first non-scheme numbers in the form of the #17 with Darrell Waltrip, however, DW would take his team and his number in 1991 to start his own team, Darrell Waltrip Motorsports. The split was amicable, and Rick Hendrick actually helped DW get the team setup.
The next team - and the next numbering scheme - came in 1993, when Hendrick Motorsports hired Jeff Gordon to drive the #24. Initially, the team had intended to run the #46 - because for the movie Days of Thunder, Hendrick Motorsports provided the car and had Greg Sacks race at Phoenix 1989, Atlanta 1990, and Darlington 1990 to acquire footage.
The City Chevrolet sponsorship on the $46 Days of Thunder car is actually modeled on a real Chevrolet dealership that Rick Hendrick owns in Charlotte.
Unfortunately, issues with Paramount - who distributed Days of Thunder - prevented Hendrick Motorsports from running the #46 for real. So instead, they picked the #24, because it had relatively little history in NASCAR prior to Gordon, it was available, and it came right before #25. Thus began the most dominant partnership of the 1990s.
Jeff Gordon would win 93 times and would win championships in 1995, 1997, 1998, and 2001.
Terry Labonte in the #5 would add to Hendrick's 1990s domination with a 1996 championship.
Such was Jeff Gordon's success that, in 2001, Rick Hendrick allowed Jeff to become the co-owner of a new entry - the #48 of Jimmie Johnson. #48 was double #24, beginning the new numbering scheme. This would also see a part-time #84 car for Kyle Busch in 2004.
Jimmie would win the 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, and 2016 championships in the #48, equaling the 7 titles of Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt.
Then we get the #88 car, which was set up in 2008 for Dale Earnhardt Jr. when he moved to Hendrick Motorsports. Why #88? Well, his DEI number was #8, Dale Jr. had a rabid fanbase, and a lot of people already had #8 merch and #8 tattoos. How to keep those people invested in Dale Jr.? Simple, make his new number two 8s, hence #88.
Thus, come 2017, Hendrick Motorsports has the #5 of Kasey Kahne, the #24 of Chase Elliott, the #48 of Jimmie Johnson, and the #88 of Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Then everything started to change.
For 2018, Chase Elliott moved to the #9, taking the number most associated with his famous father, Bill Elliott. Bill had run the #9 at his own team from 1975-1981, then continued running it at Melling from 1982 to 1991, and then ran the #9 again at Evernham Motorsports in 2001, 2002, and 2003 as he spearheaded Dodge's return to NASCAR.
Chase was in the #9, but he took his #24 team with him. Hence my joke about the #9 really being the #24.
Meanwhile, Kasey Kahne dropped out of Hendrick due to chronic dehydration issues impacting his ability to race. Kahne's #5 team became the #24 team for rookie William Byron.
Also in 2018, Alex Bowman took over the #88 for Dale Jr.
Fast forward to 2021, and Hendrick Motorsports shuffles things around again.
Kyle Larson started the 2020 season win Chip Ganassi Racing, however, during the COVID-19 hiatus, Kyle Larson used a racial slur on a hot mic during an iRacing event. McDonalds, Credit One Bank, and Chevrolet dropped him that day. This left Chip Ganassi no choice but to fire Larson the next day.
Kyle Larson was highly rumored to replace Jimmie Johnson in the #48 for 2021, but after the n-bomb incident, sponsor Ally didn't want to touch him.
Nevertheless, Larson dominated in dirt racing in 2020, completed a racial sensitivity course, and made outreaches to black communities to apologize for his actions, including a visit to the George Floyd Memorial in Minneapolis.
All of this convinced Rick Hendrick that he should hire Kyle Larson after all, but he needed to shuffle things around to make it happen.
The flagship #5, Hendrick's original number, would return for the first time since 2017, with Kyle Larson running it, primarily sponsored by Hendrick Cars, but also Valvoline, Cincinnati Inc., and Tarlton. The team, however, would be the same as Jimmie Johnson's 2020 #48 team.
Alex Bowman's #88 team, however, would switch to the #48 plate and take on Ally as their sponsor.
Thus the #24 became the #9, the #5 became the #24, the #48 became the #5, and the #88 became the #48.
An awful lot for one team, huh?
Roush is thankfully a bit simpler.
The #6 is Roush's flagship car and has been ever since they were founded in 1988. Why the #6? Then sponsor Stroh's Light wanted a one-digit number to be instantly recognizable. Thus, Mark Martin's time with the #6 began.
Initially, Roush built around the #6 brand, with their second car being the #16 Family Channel Ford and them running the #60 Winn-Dixie car for Martin's Busch Series starts.
Their third car in in 1996 was the #99, which didn't really fit - other than the coincidental of 9 being 6 upside-down so #99 is kinda like two sixes, but Jack Roush says that was a coincidence. But Roush Racing went back to the sixes scheme in 1998 with the #26 car. They also bought the #97 John Deere Pontiac in 1997 and changed it over to a Ford for 1998, bringing it into the team for a five-car effort.
Roush had a couple of six car races in 1999 because Jack grew interested in Busch series racer Matt Kenseth, who was running a Chevrolet for Robbie Reiser. Jack didn't seem to mind too much, and by the time 2000 rolled around, he took Reiser, Kenseth, and their #17 car into the Cup series, running the DeWalt Ford.
Matt Kenseth won Roush's first Cup championship in 2003 with the DeWalt #17, and so in 2024, RFK Racing's two cars are the #6 and the #17.
The original Roush number, and their first championship winning number.
Now for Spire Motorsports real quick.
The #7 car in NASCAR became famous due to owner-driver Alan Kulwicki, who in the late 80s and early 90s, insisted on doing things himself even as NASCAR was starting to move towards bigger, multi-car teams. Alan winning the championship himself in his own equipment in 1992 would inspire a slew of drivers to follow his lead in this era, but for Alan himself...well, he died in a plane crash on the way to Bristol in 1993.
He never got the chance to defend his title.
The #7 AK Racing team was taken over by Geoff Bodine in 1993 - 'member him from Hendrick? - and ran as Geoff Bodine Racing for awhile, before selling to Ultra Motorsports for 2000. Ultra Motorsports and the #7 car of Jimmy Spencer had precisely one notable moment to their name.
At the 2003 MBNA America 300 at Dover International Speedway, the #7 Sirius Satellite Radio Dodge was a lap down when the caution came out, becoming the first car to benefit from NASCAR's new beneficiary rule - implemented to stop drivers from racing back to the line after the caution flag came out - which led to commentator Benny Parsons dubbing him the lucky dog.
Sirius' logo at this point included a little dog.
So yeah, that's where the term "Lucky Dog" in NASCAR comes from, the more you know.
The #7 then went through Robby Gordon Motorsports for awhile, followed by Tommy Baldwin Racing - in which Danica Patrick made her final NASCAR start in the 2018 Daytona 500 - before winding up at Spire Motorsports for the 2021 season.
Corey LaJoie has run the #7 from 2021 to 2024, accomplishing fuck all, and will be replaced for the 2025 season. It is currently unknown who will replace him. Justin Haley has been linked to the ride, and he actually won Spire's only Cup series victory in only his third start at a rain-shortened 2021 Coke Zero Sugar 400 at Daytona.
Spire then built out their numbering scheme off the #7, with Carson Hocevar running the #77 and Zane Smith running the #71 - though he is due to be replaced by Michael McDowell for 2025.
So yeah, that's Hendrick, Roush, and Spire down. We've done #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, and #10 already, so next time we'll pick up with Joe Gibbs Racing and their #11 Toyota.
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rammingthestein · 30 days
🎈 Happy 27th birthday to the Sehnsucht album, released on this day in 1997 (25/08/1997) 🎂
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 It went #1 in the German and Austrian album charts in the second week after its release and it is the only album entirely in German to be certified platinum by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) It was released in the US on 13 January 1998 and while it's Rammstein's second album, it was the first one released in the US and was promoted as such.
The album was initially scheduled to be released in April. But "due to small delays in the production process," it was rescheduled for the end of May. From May it was rescheduled again to August. In an interview with Sonic Seducer, Olli was asked about rescheduling the album:
"We had problems with mixing, so that postponed the release by 2 months, and because it is better not to release records in the summer, we decided to release the album at the end of the summer in August. There were only mixing problems and the cover design that were still outstanding. That's why we released a single to bridge the time a bit."
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Polish cassettes of the album included a short Polish introduction to the album, spoken by Till:
Hallo! Cześć jesteśmy Rammstein, pozdrawiamy całą Polskę i życzymy wielu miłych wrażeń w słuchaniu naszej nowej płyty pod tytułem "Sehnsucht".
Hello! Hi, we are Rammstein. We're greeting all the Polish and we wish you a lot of nice experiences while listening to our new album called "Sehnsucht".
The fork glasses that Till Lindemann wears are the same ones used to design the cover of the Scorpions LP "Blackout"
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Lauryn Hill released her debut solo album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill August 25, 1998
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sorberts · 1 year
at the source link below, you’ll find #122 gifs of FORREST GOODLUCK. these were made from scratch by yours truly, so please don’t repost or claim as your own. likes and reblogs are not required, but appreciated nonetheless! BORN: August 6, 1998 (25) ETHNICITY: Navajo, Hidatsa, Mandan, Tsimshian, one-eighth Japanese, one-eighth Norwegian, small amounts of English, French-Canadian, & German SOURCE(S): The Accused / Panhandle INCLUDES: Alcohol & mild blood
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svt-sunnie · 10 months
! ♪ . *. ⋆ say the name : *✧・゚: ?
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BASIC INFO . . . ✿
birth name — bei yu ming (贝玉明)
korean name — bae yu-min (배유민)
name meaning . . . ✿ —
yu ming : from chinese origins meaning ‘jade brightness’ formed with chinese characters,
玉 (yú) meaning ‘jade, gem’ and 明 (míng) meaning ‘bright, clear, light’ .
nicknames . . . ✿ — sun ( by seventeen ), misun ( by seventeen & carats ), ming ming ( by her siblings ), worldwide beauty ( by knetz ), carats older sister ( by carats )
birthdate . . . ✿ — march 7, 1998
zodiac sign . . . ✿ — pisces
birthplace . . . ✿ — wuhan, china
hometown . . . ✿ — wuhan, china
ethnicity . . . ✿ — chinese
nationality . . . ✿ — chinese
languages . . . ✿ —
. mandarin : 97%
. korean : 75%
. english : 63%
. cantonese : 58%
height . . . ✿ — 172 cm ( 5’8 )
blood type . . . ✿ — A+
hair color . . . ✿ — black (natural)
eye color . . . ✿ — dark brown
claims . . . ✿ —
. face : handong (deukae), cheng xiao, other chinese idols
. vocal : ningning ( aespa )
. rap : irene ( red velvet )
. dance : yves ( loona )
gender . . . ✿ — female
pronouns . . . ✿ — she/her
sexual orientation . . . ✿ — unlabeled
relationship status . . . ✿ — dating ( est. 2020 )
! ♪ . *. ⋆ network love: *✧・゚: ?
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CAREER . . . ✿
stage name — sunnie
hangul — 수니
company . . . ✿ — pledis ent. (2012 - 2024) diva labels (2024 - present)
trainee period . . . ✿ — 3 years (2012 - 2015)
debut age . . . ✿ — 17 (int.) 18 (kor.)
group . . . ✿ — seventeen
subunits . . . ✿ — vocal team
position . . . ✿ — main vocalist, dancer, fotg
representative emoji . . . ✿ — 🍓/☀️
fandom name . . . ✿ — ttalmingies
ranking . . . ✿ —
. vocal : 10/10
. rap : 5/10
. dance : 8.5/10
. stage presence : 8/10
. acting : 8.9/10
. producing : 7/10
. songwriting : 8.6/10
. leadership : 1.5/10
. public speaking : 4/10
! ♪ . *. ⋆ darl+ing: *✧・゚: ?
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PERSONAL . . . ✿
MBTI types — logistician ( ISTJ )
description — a logistician is someone with the introverted, observant, thinking, and judging personality traits. logistician’s tend to be reserved yet willful, with a rational outlook on life. they compose their actions carefully and carry them out with methodical purpose.
strengths . . . ✿ —
. open-minded, creative, patient, curious, sarcastic, sweet
weakness . . . ✿ —
. sensitive, indecisive, people-pleasing, anxious, self-critic
family . . . ✿ —
- BEI FEI-YU ( father )
. birthdate : august 27, 1971
. age : 52 years old
. ethnicity : chinese
. occupation : real estate agent
. status : alive
- BEI YIREN ( mother )
. birthdate : february 13, 1974
. age : 50 years old
. ethnicity : chinese
. occupation : teacher
. status : alive
- BEI YUXUAN ( brother )
. birthdate : december 8, 2000
. age : 23 years old
. ethnicity : chinese
. occupation : model
. status : alive
- BEI YICHEN ( sister )
. birthdate : may 1, 2006
. age : 18 years old
. ethnicity : chinese
. occupation : student
. status : alive
- BEI HAOYU ( youngest brother )
. birthdate : october 25, 2008
. age : 15 years old
. ethnicity : chinese
. occupation : student
. status : alive
! ♪ . *. ⋆ moonwalker: *✧・゚: ?
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TRIVIA . . . ✿
habits — copies other people’s actions or words, kicks feet when she sits down, blinks a lot when shes lying/nervous
phobias —
. necrophobia - ( fear of death )
. basophobia - ( fear of falling )
medical conditions . . . ✿ —
. anxiety
. insomnia
INTERESTS . . . ✿ —
. likes : video games, ballet, baking, gardening, animals, fashion, & movies.
. dislikes : sickness, hot weather, rude people, crying
. favorite movie : 10 things i hate about you & legally blonde
. favorite artists : snsd, kara, red velvet, twice, ariana grande
FACTS . . . ✿ —
. she was originally going to stay training with pristin and was planned to debut with them but pledis decided to make her debut with seventeen instead
. while training she attended an arts school which she learned ballet at, and the members would always come to her recitals
. she earned the title ‘carats older sister’ due to younger carats always talking about how she always felt like an older sister to them
. in 2020 she gained alot of attention from doing a cover of frozen’s ‘into the unknown’ and was praised for her vocals
. she currently lives with jun and minghao
. she started dating jun in 2020
. she is massively praised for taking part in the entire making of her solo mini album
. she has 3 dogs, bambi and gamie who live with her, and jian who lives with her family in china
. is barley on social media and always says she never wants to be on it much because she hates seeing negative things about her and her members
. she was in orange caramel’s ‘catallena’ mv and in orange caramel’s ‘my copycat’ mv
. used to be way more talkative during debut era but got way quieter and more reserved from all the hate she got from antis
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
layout inspired by @svt-rosalie ♡
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mercurywritesstuff · 8 months
Love, Noona characters:
This follows an 8 member girl group, SM thought it would be a good idea for young girls to have a girl group like Stray Kids in their own company. The 8 members briefly participated in the survival show, Honey voices. The girl group debuts November 8th, 2020 with the name PLAYground.
The members include:
Lee Y/N (Tired mother of 7)
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Stage Name: Y/N Position: Leader, Main Vocalist Training Period: 3 years Age, at time of smau: 26(born June 8th, 1997)
Park Yong-mi (Dior's bitch)
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Stage Name: Yongmi Position: Main dancer, sub rapper Training Period: 2 years Age, at time of smau: 25(born August 3rd, 1998) Name in Y/N's phone: Yong
Chon Sang-hee (Puns of her own name)
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Stage Name: Sanghee Position: Main rapper, lead dancer Training Period: 1 year Age, at time of smau: 25(Born August 4th, 1998) Name in Y/N's phone: Lesbian gecko
Kang Seo-yun (thought hot dogs were cannolis)
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Stage Name: Seo-yun Position: Lead vocalist Training Period: 1 year Age, at time of smau: 24(born september 3rd, 1999) Name in Y/N's phone: Seo!
Min Soo (Nurse of the group)
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Stage Name: Minso Position: Lead rapper Training Period: 3 months Age, at time of smau: 24(born december 5th, 1999) Name in Y/N's phone: Min
Kim Sun-hi (Serious caffeine addict)
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Stage Name: Sunny Position: Lead dancer Training Period: 2 years Age, at time of smau: 20(Born February 20th, 2003) Name in Y/N's phone: LOML
Sam Su-bin (Secret 8th Enhypen member)
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Stage Name: Subin Position: Maknae, Main dancer Training Period: 2 years Age, at time of smau: 18(born March 4th, 2005) Name in Y/N's phone: Problem child 1
Chung Jin-Ae (The chaebol idol)
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Stage Name: Jinnie Position: Maknae, Main dancer Training Period: 3 years Age, at time of smau: 16(born July 1st, 2007) Name in Y/N's phone: Problem child 2
Taglist: @freyjhasdesiredreality
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darkpeacemusic · 2 months
ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕪𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕒 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤: 𝔹𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪𝕤 (+𝔸𝕘𝕖𝕤)
Jeff the Killer - June 2nd, 2000 (Age: 24)
Homicidal Liu - December 21st, 1991 (Age: 33)
Sully - December 21st, 1991 (Age: 33, though he's seven minutes younger than his twin, Liu)
Randy - July 25th, 1990 (Age: 34)
Keith - September 23rd, 1991 (Age: 33)
Troy - July 27th, 1991 (Age: 33)
Jane - September 1st, 1993 (Age: 31)
Mary - May 10th, 1992 (Age: 30)
Ben Drowned - April 23rd, 1990, died April 23rd 2002 (Age: Permanently 12, 34 if he were still alive today)
Ticci Toby - April 28th, 1994 (Age: 30)
Masky/Tim - June 19th, 1988 (Age: 36)
Hoodie/Brian - April 18th, 1989 (Age: 35)
Kate the Chaser - June 25th, 1995 (Age: 29)
Laughing Jack - Unknown but he was created on Christmas Eve, 1800s (Age: 200+)
Eyeless Jack - November 13th, 1994, died May 20th, 2011 (Age: 17 physically, actually in his 30s)
Slenderman and his brothers - Honestly no one ones. Some say they've been around since the 1600-1700s (Ages: 1000+)
Sally - April 5th, 1958, died April 5th, 1966 (Age: Permanently 8, 66 if she were alive today)
Dr Smiley - October 20th, 1984 (Age: 40)
Nurse Ann - October 31st, 1983 (Age: 41)
Nina - February 2nd, 1997 (Age: 27)
Candy Pop - Unknown but is said to have been created sometime in the 1400s (Age: 500-600+)
Jason the Toymaker - November 15th, 1940, died August 2nd, 1959 (Age: 19 by the time of his death, 84 if he were alive today)
The Puppeteer - July 25th, 1974, died November 30th, 1994 (Age: Permanently 20, 50 if he were still alive today)
Clockwork - November 6th, 1996 (Age: 28)
Rouge - January 7th, 1990 (Age: 34)
Wilson - August 27th, 1988 (Age: 36)
Zalgo - Unknown. He's been around since the beginning of time. (Age: Millions of years old)
Nathan - October 29th, 1990 (Age: 34)
Bloody Painter - October 1st, 1992 (Age: 32)
Kagekao - December 29th, 1994 (Age: 30)
Laughing Jill - Unknown, possibly around the same time as Jack (Age: 200+)
Sadie - October 21st, 1996, died March 12th, 2014 (Age: Permanently 18, 28 if she were alive today)
Hobo Heart - August 31st, 1900s (Age: 100+)
Cat Hunter - January 16th, 1990 (Age: 34)
Chris the Revenant - December 28th, 1999 (Age: 25)
X-Virus - December 12th, 1996 (Age: 28)
Dollmaker - June 13th, 2001 (Age: 23)
Frankie the Undead - September 13th, 1924, died sometime in 1974 (Age: Permanently 50, 100 if he were still alive today)
Judge Angels - April 2nd, 1998 (Age: 26)
Lifeless Lucy - April 5th, 1987, died April 5th, 1997 (Age: Permanently 10, 37 if she were alive today)
Lost Silver - June 21st, 1992, died sometime in August 2004 (Age: Permanently 12, 32 if he were still alive)
Glitchy Red - Unknown, is said to have been created sometime in 1990-1994 during the early stages of Pokemon Red/Blue (Age: Likely somewhere in his his late 20s-early 30s)
Dr. Locklear - March 7th, 1634, died sometime in 1665 during the Great Plague (Age: 30 by the time of his death, 390 if he were still alive today)
Lulu - February 15th, 1999, died sometime in 2013 (Age: Permanently 14, 25 if she were still alive)
Killing Kate - October 29th, 1996 (Age: 28)
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nhularin · 1 year
oh my, oh my god!
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PAIRING sunoo x reader GENRE highschool AU, secret relationship, fluff WARNINGS none..lets just pretend that they had imessage back in the day 😭 WC 0.8k
series masterlist
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August 26, 1998
High school, a place filled with unattainable teenage dreams, fluttering hearts, and rollercoasters of emotions.
the day had started like no other, sunoo arrived at your house at exactly 7:25 am with your favorite breakfast in the passenger seat and grumpy and childish good mornings and kisses coming your way
hes so not a morning person
sunoo would surprise you with small gestures, leaving cheesy notes written messily on top of love filled doodles in your locker, slipping your favorite snack into your bag, or lending a listening ear when you needed to vent about someone in your club
in classes, sunoos eyes would seek yours across the room, menacingly annoying you with things to keep your attention to him. though you never dare to miss the looks of adoration in his eyes. A discreet, gentle brush of his fingertips against the back of your hand as he handed you a pencil, feelings of warmth and assurance through your shared moments of learning.
amidst crowded hallways and hushed whispers, your secret relationship went unnoticed by the rest. you became masters of secrecy (thats what you claim), your stolen moments filled with giggles and butterflies
both of you didnt mean to keep your relationship a secret, but with rumors and gossip sites spreading like wildfire, you both decided that you didnt want to go through the hassle of it all, given your respective reputations. the model student class president with the grade's troublemaker? thats a headline for sure
the school library, a haven of peace and quiet, became your favorite hiding spot. among stacks of books and dim lights, you would steal fleeting kisses and share lighthearted bickering, wrapped in the cozy scent of old pages and young love.
"you know" you started as you unwrapped your candy packet "my friends have been getting quite suspicious about me having a boyfriend"
sunoo only raised his eyebrow "is that so" he hadn't been subtle the last few weeks so he couldn't blame them
" yeah, they think that im dating kim taerae from class 3" a giggle left your mouth when the boy next to you let out a dramatic gasp "how dare they" but you only shrugged and kissed him
the afternoons were usually yours, after class sunoo would walk you to your locker, his touch grazing yours in a subtle yet comforting way
but today, as the final bell rang, you found yourself joining your friends in the library to prepare for an upcoming exam which you were NOT prepared for in the slightest. you didnt think much about it but you knew questions burned within them, their menacing minds yearning to know about the mysterious boy that had stolen their poor friend's heart and time
"so" danielle leaned in, curiosity shining in her eyes, her textbook long forgotten on the desk with a random page opened for faux productivity "spill the beans, who is he!"
you arched an eyebrow, pretending to focus on your notes " i have no idea what you're talking about"
hyein groaned, eyes sparkling with curiosity "hey come on! we saw you being all giddy and cute with someone in front of the broadcasting room! You've been keeping this secret boyfriend of yours under wraps for way too long. we're not idiots y'know"
you sighed, realizing that its pointless to keep anything from your nosy friends. you found it amusing how they all looked like puppies waiting for their owner to give orders to them "he's just... someone special, thats it"
as you all attempted to study, the questions became more persistent, but you skillfully deflected their curiosity, finding amusement at their frustration. the library served as a backdrop for your failed attempts at productive studying, as laughter and whispered conversations replaced quiet shuffling of papers
hours passed, and as the sun began to sink, signaling the end of your study session, you bid your friends farewell.
"this is not the end!" hanni yelled out
With a cheeky smile and a wink, you waved at her.
when the coast was clear, you silently typed out a text message to your lover boy
as you pressed send, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and contentment. you knew her friends wouldn't give up on their quest to uncover your love life, but for now, kim sunoo remained your cherished secret, a mystery hidden from prying eyes
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