#auntie please stop you yourself don't have children why do you say that I will yet 'change my mind'
ayakashibackstreet · 2 years
You are not immune to nosey aunties trying to dictate how you live your life and commenting on your life choices...........
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could i request some redemption negan x reader angst? where r gets hurt and is carried by him to safety.
Here we go anon I hope this is ok, sorry it took so long to do!!
I’ll Never Let This Go
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Negan Smith x Fem Grimes reader
Synopsis- Season 10-11 Negan, during his redemption arc. There’s always been something about you, even when he first met you at Alexandria to collect ‘payment’ he knew he couldn’t ever do something to hurt you. Developing an all too obvious soft spot for you, the thought of you is always plaguing his mind. After his empire falls and his life resides to the four walls of his cell, his soft spot morphs into a friendship that all too quickly on his side turns into deep feelings. Feelings that are in his mind definitely unrequited, how could you ever love a monster? But when you’re hurt everything bubbles up to the surface.
Warnings- Angst, injuries, talk of death, Negan is a warning himself, feelings, confessions, arguments, hurt, comfort, bad language, walkers. Reader has endometriosis and painful periods, comfort. Large age gap reader is 23 at the start of this and 30/ 31 by the end. Negan obviously in early - mid fifties by end of jail era. Maggie and Negan drama, happy ending, Barely proofread sorry! (Not quite story line correct but close ish)
Word count - 6.7k (sorry it’s LONG!)
Based very loosely on the Paramore song.
Maybe if my heart stops beating
It won't hurt this much
And never will I have to answer
Again to anyone
Please don't get me wrong
Because I'll never let this go.
The first time Negan came to Alexandria he spotted you, a new face he didn’t see at the line up. And you…. Well you were completely unbothered by him. Walking over to you he wore his signature grin “Can I help you?” You asked incredibly sarcastically, “Yeah I was wondering why I haven’t see your pretty face before? You weren’t there that night were you?” He probes, “Nope I was here watching the children, I’m sorry is there something you need or can I go back to what I was doing?” You ask clearly giving zero fucks to who you were talking too.
Everyone stopped and waited for him to lose his cool with you, but in all honesty he was impressed. No one had ever been so unfazed by him before and it was kind of refreshing. “No no you carry on sweetheart, I’ll see you next time” he replies smug smile still on his face as you walk off.
That day started something between you both, a sort of bantering, love to hate relationship. Every time he’d come to Alexandria he’d make sure to come and pester you, “There’s my favourite girl! I didn’t see you in your usual spot sweetheart, you hiding?” He teased, rolling your eyes you turn to him “No I have a job to do here, strange as this may sound to you Negan but, the world doesn’t evolve around you” you sass before walking off, following behind you he carries on “Ouch you wound me baby, I thought at least your life evolved around little old me?” You sigh “No unfortunately not, but hey don’t you have a groupie of wives to big your ego for you?” You snap now getting fed up.
“Yeah but it’s always so much sweeter coming from you darlin’” he grins. “Yay for me” you sass. He cages you against the wall then, your breath hitching as he does. He stares down at you, you hold his stare “I’d watch yourself sweetheart” he growls, “If you were going to kill me Negan, you’d have done it by now, but go on prove me wrong” you offer, pushing yourself closer to him. He steps back “I’ll see you next time” he grumbles before stalking off.
You didn’t let his warning deter you though, when he came back with Carl you were already in the house, watching over Judith. “Carl where the hell have you been!!! I couldn’t find you anywhere…. Oh” your rant trails off when you spot Negan behind him, Negan told you everything that happened, and you glared at your nephew. “I’m sorry Aunt Y/N” he says hanging his head, “Auntie?” Negan asks, “Your Ricks baby sister huh? Now I don’t know why you never thought to tell me that?” He declares, “Well to be fair you never asked!” You reply, he nods at you carefully, “Touché, but no more secrets ok?”, “Fine” you huff.
After the fall of his empire you were one of the ones helping patch him up. Being a first responder from before the world went to shit had its uses these days. You were kinder towards him that he others, gentler in your administrations. When he couldn’t speak, you’d sit by his bed and read the hobbit to him, you helped him eat and drink, snuck him painkillers. Before he could even notice, he'd developed feelings for you, he had always been drawn to you, but now, now he couldn’t go a day without seeing you or his chest hurt.
Once he was in his cell you were the one who brought him his meals, something Michone tasked you with as you were the only one not afraid of him, in these visits you’d also smuggle him in books and things to draw/write with. This is where you began your daily chats, and started building a real friendship.
He’d now been in his little jail a year, Rick was set on building his little bridge, and you would come down here to talk with Negan when your brother was driving you insane. Walking into the building Negan could hear your footsteps, something over the last year he’d learnt to pick up on. He knew when it was you now, so each time he heard the familiar sound he’d jump up to meet you, “Hey there sweetheart, it’s not meal time so what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” He asks.
“I’m escaping bridge talk before I murder my own kin” you grumble before sitting next to the left hand side bars, propped up against the wall, Negan joins you, sitting in the same spot on the other side of the bars. “Ah I see” he sighs watching your movements carefully, you seem agitated and the way your face scrunches up, you seem like you’re in pain too.
“You alright there sweetheart? You aren’t looking too hot” he asks, he’s worried about you now. “Yeah I’m fine” you grit out, “You really don’t seem it, come on what’s up?” He prods, hoping you’ll open up to him. “It’s a woman thing, don’t worry about it” you grumble. “Ah I see, are your monthly’s always this painful?” He asks. “Yeah, I have a condition that makes them this bad, it’s not life threatening or anything, just painful. It can stop you having children, but in this shit show of a world I doubt that’s a bad thing” you explain.
He frowns at your explanation, he doesn’t like the thought of you in pain, especially not every month. “They always been this bad?” He asks and you can tell he’s genuinely concerned, “No they’ve gotten worse over the years” you admit. “Anything I can do to help?” He offers, and you have to laugh at that, “I don’t think there’s much you can do from in there Negan, besides painkillers are rare these days, and like I said it’s not life threatening so I have to just get on with it.”
“You shouldn’t have to get on with being in pain darlin’, you really have nothing that helps?” He presses, “Heat helps but my hot water bottle burst so….” You trail off. “Heat?” He asks, “Yeah?” You reply confused, “Do you trust me?” He asks, “In theory yeah, but I’m not letting you out” you respond. “No I know that, but you trust that I wouldn’t hurt you yeah?” He asks almost timidly, you swallow a lump in your throat, you’ve always known he wouldn’t hurt you personally, it’s why he never hurt Carl.
“Yeah Negan I’ve always known that” you admit, “Ok turn around and place your back against the bars” he instructs, you were confused as to why he asking you to do it, but you shuffle round and do as he says anyways. His hand carefully snakes around your waist before slipping under your shirt, then resting on your lower stomach. His hand was oddly warm and you felt instant relief from your painful cramps, your head fell back into the bars of his cell, finely allowing yourself to relax. “Better?” He asks, “Yeah, thank you” you sigh, this was the most physical contact he’d had in over a year, and it was you! He allowed himself to bask in the feeling of holding you close, of feeling the warmth of your skin against his.
This soon became a usual thing, he’d tell just from your facial expressions when you visited, and your grumpy mood, he would just reach through the bars and place a warm hand on your lower stomach, you’d then carry on whatever conversation you were having, sometimes he’d just listen to you rant.
A lot happened in the years following, you lost your brother, and now you were dealing with the whisperers, creepy fucking shits who are once again threatening your family. After a long day of trying to fix up the walls for a possible incoming attack, and talking battle plans with the council you were seriously tense and fed up. Knowing there was only one person who could make you feel better, you waited for everyone to filter back into their homes, and found your way down to Negan’s cell.
The jingle of the door startled him awake, jumping into a seated position he visibly relaxed when he saw it was you. “Hey Doll, it’s bit late for a visit isn’t it?” He offers, “Sorry am I disturbing you? I am aren’t I, I’ll come back tomorrow” you ramble off about to leave again, “Hey no no, please don’t go, you’re never disturbing me sweetheart, what’s going on?” He asks walking over to greet you.
“Been in council meeting all evening, they are deciding how to deal with the whisperers, and I think personally they are being stupid, they’re going to get us all killed” you sigh, resting your head against the bars in defeat. His hand strokes over yours before placing a quick chaste peck to your head, “Hey, it’s going to be ok. I won’t Let anything happen to you and Judith” he says with complete certainty in his voice.
“Uh huh, from in here yeah?” You tease, “Trust me I’d find a way” you look up at him with a small smile, “They did listen to my request though, you will be getting out daily, for work I’m afraid but it has to be better than this?” You explain, “Shit, yeah I’ll take it sweetheart, thanks” he says sincerely, “Your also allowed supervised showers too after, which is better than what you get in here also” you continue, “I sure hope it will be you supervising me shower?” He grins, “Negan! Seriously!” You exclaim, “Sorry, sorry” he offers holding his hands up in surrender, “From what I presume, someone will just be waiting outside the bathroom door for you.” You say, “I can live with that” he agrees, “Just don’t screw this up for yourself Negan, I want to see you get some more freedom, gain some trust.” You plead, “I’ll do my best doll, I promise” he agrees.
A storm was coming in, the temperature dropping rapidly, you were helping secure the animals in the barn before you all took shelter. “Gabe, has someone collected Negan yet?” You ask, “No not yet, me and you can after we settle the horses yeah?” He offers, “Yeah ok” you reply, worrying about him in that freezing cell, “You care about him don’t you?” Gabriel asks, “Yeah unfortunately he’s managed to snare my friendship somehow” you reply, you know that’s not what he meant but you were not going there. Gabriel nods, “Ok let’s go get him while we can” your relieved at his words, more than ready now to get him to safety.
Sat in the barn everyone is watching the storm brew outside the window, “Jude come away from the window hunni, it’s freezing out there” you say, “Ok auntie y/n, but dog is out there, I hope he’s ok” she mentions sadly, “I’m sure he is sweetie come on” you offer pulling her in for a hug, then moving her over to the other side of the room for a drink and snack.
Gabriel watches Negan watch your every move, from his chained up position on the cot, with that obvious look of love and devotion on his face. “You know it’s never going to happen right?” Gabriel says walking over to Negan, “I don’t know what you mean?” Negan asks confused, “I mean you and her, I can clearly see you’re in love with her, and she may have befriended you now but she will never love you the way you want her too, she was Glens friend, she’s Rick’s sister, it’s never going to happen” Gabriel goads, smug look on his face when he can tell he’s hit a nerve.
He quickly rid his frown before giving Gabriel his signature smirk “Well if we are going there Gabe, your girl’s doc is also your girl’s baby daddy, which kind of begs the question, do you ever wonder what the hell was going on in there when she has her “appointments”?” Negan mocks, doing little quotation sign with his hands. “You could try to be a little less predictable” Gabriel grumbles, Negan smirks before saying “Aww Gabe that hurts, truly”.
You catch the end of what they were saying and started to walk back “Everything ok here?” You ask, looking between the two men, “Yeah sweetheart everything’s fine” Negan grins at you, “You know Negan, we’re all grown ups here, and none of us would ever let this ruin the longstanding friendships and mutual respect we have for each other” Gabriel declares, “Ok everything doesn’t seem ok” you say, still watching both men. “You know what? You’re right, that is a very mature attitude, Father…… not the father” Negan grins, teasing glint in his eye.
“Ok ok that’s enough, Negan please shut up or it will be a very long night!” You sigh, “He started it Princess!” Negan whines, you give him a pointed look, “I’m being serious he did, ok ok I’ll shut up” he huffs, “Thanks” you mumble plopping down next to him on the bed. Gabriel was right though you’d never love him the way he loved you, maybe if his heart stopped beating it wouldn’t hurt this much, he thinks, until then he’d just have to keep pretending that you weren’t everything to him.
After a funny smell turned out to be dangerous, everyone was shuffled out into the storm to find Aaron’s house, but after hearing dog bark Judith ran off in search of him. “Judith!!!!” You and Negan both screamed at the same time, “Shit!” You shouted before chasing after her, “Y/n!! Fuck, wait up!” Negan bellowed as he follows you, grabbing your wrist “We will find her together, stay close!” You nod at him before you go in search of your niece.
The whole thing was an ordeal, Negan fell and severely hurt his leg, you found Judith and dog though. You’d somehow managed to carry her back to Aaron’s while supporting Negan with your other arm. And finally you felt the rush of warmth as you entered the house, “Oh my goodness’ Aaron gasped running to help you and Judith into the house, leaving an ignored, limping Negan at the door, not that he minded Judith and you were his first priority too.
Once Judith was given the once over and declared ok, Siddiq worked on Negan’s leg the best he could until you could get to the infirmary. “Thanks for helping me get my niece safely back” you smile at Negan, “I told you before doll, I won’t let anything happen to you and Judith” he says, you sit down next to him once more, “We got lucky, everyone will be ok” you sigh, knowing how badly that could of went. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, giving you an affectionate squeeze.
After that day things have gotten better, Michone thanked you and Negan for saving Judith’s life, and she happily gave him some more freedom. He worked outside, he was allowed to join for group meals, and he had better bathroom breaks, where he could shower, trim his beard/ hair etc. Although the threat that the whisperers posed was getting greater and greater.
Negan could tell you were panicking, it was written all over your face, you were constantly looking out to where Jude and RJ were, their safety always on your mind. You were uncharacteristically quiet, always lost in your head, and he didn’t like it at all. So when Carol let him out of his cell that night, on the mission of killing the alpha he didn’t think twice. He wrote you a note, leaving it in his cell for you to find, and he hoped you’d understand, if not understand then maybe one day forgive him. But he had to keep his promise to you, and that was to always keep you and Judith safe, so that was what he was doing.
The next morning you brought Negan’s breakfast to his cell for him, only to be met with an empty room, only a small note left on the side of his bed with your name on it. Opening it up you read the worlds carefully,
Dear y/n
I know you must be upset with me leaving like this without telling you, but I promise it’s for the best. I will kill alpha, end the whisperers and in doing so keep my promise of always protecting you and little Judith.
I have to say this though incase I never make it back, here goes nothing.
I love you, like completely and utterly in love with you, and I know you could never feel the same way about me, I’m a monster I know that. But I had to tell you, so without any expectations I love you, and I will continue to love you until my last breath.
Negan xx
You gasp, tears stinging your eyes, when you heard someone clear their throat behind you. “Rosita what happened? Who let him out!” You demand, tucking the note away in your back pocket it was for your eyes only, “I don’t know y/n I’ve only just heard myself” she admits, “Fuck he’s gone after the whisperers, he’s going to get himself killed.” You say, “Well it’s not our problem anymore, he’s made his decision, come on y/n Jude’s asking for you” she replies pulling you gently along.
Days you sat there watching the gate, praying he’d make some dramatic entrance, only to be filled with bitter disappointment every day. Everyone tiptoed around you not wanting to upset you further, when asked you told them “He’s my best friend” because in all honesty he was, and you were confused on how else you felt right now, you knew feelings ran deeper than that. But admitting you loved him was a big deal to you, so for now you just filled yourself with your own lies, everyone else bought it so why couldn’t you.
It was weeks before you saw him again, alpha attacked hilltop and everything fell into chaos. During the fight you bumped into Negan whilst out determining how many whisperers there were surrounding you, he was stood with alpha making plans on attack, wearing one of the masks. Your heart plummeted, had he joined them? Was he going to let her hurt you all? Did he even mean the words he wrote to you? When his eyes met yours you could see the pure panic in them, he instantly tried to direct Alphas attention elsewhere so you could escape unnoticed, so you did just that, snuck away into the night.
Once you were back home in Alexandria Negan came back with Daryl with the claim alpha was dead, that he was the one who killed her. Daryl confirmed it was true and the rest of the council decided that they trusted him enough that he could stay with you in your home that night, until they reconvene in the morning to discuss Negan’s future at Alexandria.
You’d only nodded, allowing Negan to follow you back to your home, it hadn’t gone unnoticed to him that you were yet to utter a word. Hell you’d barely looked at him since he’d walked through the gates, every thought ran through his head, maybe you read his letter and felt repulsed, maybe you thought he’d joined alpha? He waited until you’d closed your front door before speaking “Sweetheart can you please just look at me?” He asks, his voice shaking. You look up at him with an expression that looked way to much like fear for his liking, “Doll what’s going on in that pretty head of yours, because you’re worrying me a little here” he offers.
“You were with her, plotting. We had kids in hilltop Negan, I was in there” you whisper, “No sweetheart I promise you I was trying to convince her otherwise! Please you gotta believe me, I’d never want kids hurt, and I most certainly don’t want anything happening to you! You’re everything to me!” He exclaimed. You nod with a sigh, “Are you going to tell me what happened then?” You ask, “Yeah ok” he agrees.
So he spent the next hour explaining everything that happened, how he got them to trust him, all the trials they made him do. How he showed alpha that it was gamma betraying her, that eventually he was trusted enough that he could put his plan into action and kill her. He told you that it was Carol who let him out to get revenge for her son, but that she went back on her end of the deal because he wasn’t fast enough. After everything he’d gone through, that made you sad for him, he should have gotten the recognition he deserved.
“So is that everything?” You ask, “No that’s not everything” he mumbles looking nervous and upset, this caused an unsettling feeling in your stomach, “What else happened? Are they planning an attack here?” You worry, “I don’t know in all honesty, if they do we will all face it together, but that’s not what I needed to tell you” he sighs. You motion for him to continue, “After I told her about gammas betrayal she wanted to thank me, said I deserved something to reward me for it. She told me to strip initially and I honestly thought she was going to kill me, but when I turned around she was naked too, she told me sleeping with her was my reward. But I said no, I promise you I didn’t sleep with her, I said it didn’t work anymore and that I’d appreciate her letting me off the humiliation of not being able to ‘perform’, but thank you for the gesture. Thankfully she didn’t press just said she was sorry to hear that.” He explained looking down at his lap like he’d cheated on you or something, “Negan you’re my best friend, not my boyfriend, you don’t owe me any explanation. You did what you had to survive, and I’m happy you’re back in one piece” you offer, not mentioning you knew about the letter.
“Yeah of course, ok well it’s late we should get some rest” he says, trying to hide how hurt he was over your comment. In all honesty the thought of him being intimate with that creep of a woman, made you feel sick, but you didn’t want to deal with these emotions today, you were exhausted and really just wanted to sleep this last awful week off. “Yeah you can use the spare room, its been empty for some time now” you offer, you didn’t have the heart to tell him it used to belong to Glen and Maggie, he was already down trodden and it would only make him feel worse. You showed him to the room, and gave him a clean towel and toothbrush, “Thanks sweetheart, good night”, “Night Negan” you reply before retreating to your own room.
Negan laid there that night thinking over everything in his head, had he miss judged your affection for him as something other than the friendship you’d spent years building. He thought maybe you had deeper feelings for him too, but feelings or no feelings he’d always be there for you, always by your side, because he’d never be able to let this thing between you go.
Things didn’t stay calm for long, as the fight ended with the whisperers another started with the Reapers. The only good thing to come from it so far, was being reunited with Maggie. You’d been so happy to see her and Hershel alive and well, but this mission she had you all on into the city was a suicide mission. Not to mention the draining reality that she wasn’t even a little over her hate for Negan, which you understood, of course you did.
But it was making the environment toxic for everyone, they both bickered and argued constantly. Negan had argued that Maggie would do anything to see him dead, and that was her main goal of the mission. “I’m real close to shoving a gag in your mouth” Alden retorted, fed up with Negan arguing about the point of the trip, “Well, why don’t you get up on your little tippy toes and try?” Negan sasses back, cocky grin still plastered on his face.
“Ok ok, enough now! Alden shut up, Negan come with me before you push the lot of them into killing ya.” You sigh. Walking away you put your hand in his shoulder to offer some reassurance, “I won’t let you die Negan” you say, trying to call him a little. “I know sweetheart, but I’ve tried to make some amends with your community and it seems you are the only one who’s noticed” he sighs, “ I know, it takes time. Someday they will see you how I see you” you promised. He gives you a small smile, truth is he’s been thinking recently that maybe he’d be better slinking off into the night, leaving Alexandria and starting a new.
The only thing that holds him back is the thought of never seeing you again, he would struggle to move on away from you. Living with you in domestic bliss has been the best life has been in nearly a decade. Even if the arrangement is pretty platonic, too much so for his liking. Though cooking with you everyday, cleaning your home together and sharing movies cuddled on the couch each evening, that is the most joy he’s ever known. But being the most hated man in the community takes its toll, and began is starting to really feel the strain of it now.
Not only that, he hates how it reflects on you too. You always say you don’t care what people think of you, but he can see it on your face. You do care, you just care about him more, which in turn causes his stone heart to grow three sizes. Yeah leaving you was going to be absolute hell.
“Negan!! Are you listening to me at all?” You groan, “Sorry Darlin’ I was in my head” he admits, you sigh before taking his hand in yours, causing his heart to skip a beat like he was some lovesick teenager. “I will talk to her again after this run, let her know how far you’ve come ok, but until then I will not let anyone hurt you ok? You’re my best friend and my favourite person” you smile. “Yeah ok sweetheart, let’s catch up with the others yeah?” He replies, you nod in agreement.
After escaping the city, all of you were exhausted from your close encounters with the walking dead, and the last thing you needed was this! You’d unfortunately found yourselves in another run in with the Reapers, somewhere in the middle of woods, surrounded by the darkness of the night. Everyone was in a struggle with one of their members, but you and Daryl were taken by surprise, one minute you were fighting for your life, the next everything went black.
Negan was beside himself, he couldn’t find you anywhere and he was starting to fear the worst. “I can’t find her anywhere!!!” He frets, looking to Maggie hoping she had any answer, anything at all. “I didn’t see where she went, but Daryl’s missing too, my best guess is the reapers took them, as I can’t see any bodies” Maggie thinks out loud. ‘Bodies’ that single word now terrifies him, the thought of loosing you makes him feel sick to his stomach.
“We need to find them now! I have to find her” he yells, eyes wide with terror. “We will, let’s regroup and make our way to their community” she plans. Negan nods not trusting his voice right now, he needs to hold you in his arms again, know that you’re ok and breathing. He can’t loose you, he just can’t, you’re his whole reason for existing now, he can’t live without knowing you are ok.
Approaching the facility they are inhabiting it appears well guarded, high walls, soldiers perched atop with guns. They would need one hell of a distraction if they were going to infiltrate the walls. “I have an idea” Negan says, “But you’re not gonna like it”.
Negan new he’d need this mask again one day, god did it stink now! He was trying to show Maggie how to round up walkers by using the mask and the walk. “Argh this is never going to work!” She growls in frustration, “Well not with that attitude it won’t” Negan teases, Maggie shoots him a glare, and if looks could kill, Negan would be six feet under by now!
“Look I know you hate this, but we both care about Y/N so I suggest we pull it together and god forbid get along for one moment, to save those we care about yeah? Then you can go right back to hating me” Negan suggests, voice laced with frustration, you were loosing time and he wanted you back alive, preferably in one piece.
“Yeah ok” she begrudgingly agrees.
You on the other hand had woken up tied to a chair next to Daryl, watching him be on the verge of drowning every few minutes was horrific. Watching such a good friend be tormented by the woman he cared about, was heartbreaking.
“What about her?” One of the men said pointing at you, “I don’t really care what you do to her, kill her if you must” Leah shrugs. “Don’t touch her!” Daryl spits, this caused Leah to sneer at you, jealousy coursing through her veins as she realised Daryl cared about you. You knew it was familial but clearly she didn’t, you were like a little sister to Daryl, the one he’d managed to save after failing Beth. He couldn’t fail you too it would destroy him, after loosing Rick he’d stepped into that big brother role without you even needing to ask.
As if reading your mind he said “Touch ma little sister n’ I’ll kill ya” venom laced in his words. “Little sister? You must be y/n? I’ve heard a lot about you.” Leah hums and you can tell on her expression that she’s deciding what to do next. All thoughts in your mind halt when she pulls a sharp blade to your cheek, slicing through the top layer of skin, red trickle of blood sliding down your face. Daryl is fighting his restraints, feeling helpless that he can’t help you, you though you didn’t even flinch, watching her with a glare.
“Put them in a cell, I’ll decide what to do with them later” Leah demands, walking out of the room.
You let out a breath in temporary relief, all you wanted right now is to be back in the arms that make you feel safe. After everything you’ve been through in the last 48 hours, you’re not wasting anymore time if you ever see Negan again, you’ll just let yourself love him.
It was night time before they managed to round up the walkers, marching them towards the gates of the Reapers home. Some of their group snuck off into the facility, to set the plan in motion of getting the walkers inside the gates. The whole things went by in a blur, and the end result was you and Daryl fighting Leah on top the walls ledge. Leah was ready to blow up the whole of your group, before she could light the explosives, you ran at her full speed! Knocking her over with a thump, this caused the wooden ledge you were both on to give out, sending you both her hurtling to the ground, as the ledge caved in on itself.
All Negan could do is watch in horror as the women he loved tumbled through the timber wreckage. He hastily ran towards you dodging bullets, walkers and incoming Reapers. That’s when Maggie saw it, he loved you, she never thought in her wildest days she would see the day Negan truly loved someone. She couldn’t even be mad, because it was you! One of her best friends, the person who could never be cruel to anyone, you’d do anything for anyone, everyone around you loved you.
She ran to help him, he was now frantically searching through the rubble, pulling wood and debris out of the way in a manic search for his whole world. Moments later he was joined by Maggie and Daryl who both helped him to remove enough crap out the way to pull you free. “Shit! Does she hav a pulse?” Daryl asked, Maggie moved her fingers to your neck searching, when she found it the steady thump thump, she relaxed “Yes” she smiled. “Thank god” Daryl breathed.
Negan cradled you in his arms, checking for any major injuries, your limbs were intact and there was only a small bump and cut to the front of your head. As he lifted your top he could see bruising already forming over your ribs, the timber must have fallen on them probably causing some broken ribs. He just hoped there was nothing internal going on, “Come on baby girl wake up for me, I need you to open those beautiful eyes for me sweetheart, I need to know you’re ok!” Negan pleads, but you’re still silent, limp in his arms. Tears streaming down his face he stands up with you still in his arms, “Ya need ta get her outta here” Daryl yells, while taking down walker after walker.
Negan nods knowing he’s right, and takes you out of the war zone, he just prays you’ll wake up soon.
By the time dawn breaks you’re all a safe distance from the wreckage, the Reapers had been defeated and you were on your way home to Alexandria. You were still passed out in Negan’s arms, unaware of everything that had transpired around you. “Ya want me ta carry her for a bit?” Daryl asks, aware that he’d been carrying you hours now. Negan just shakes his head, “No I’m ok” he says, moving a piece of hair from your face. Maggie watches him with deep curiosity, “You love her don’t you?” She asks, “Yeah, I do.” Negan sighs looking down at you again, tears filling his eyes as he sees yet more bruises forming over your face and body.
Maggie nods, “I never thought I’d see the day Negan Smith could actually love someone” she quips, “Well despite popular belief, I’m not a complete monster, I do know what love is. I do now also know what you must have felt like though, that day at the lineup, seeing y/n fall through that, well I thought I’d just lost everything. That was the worst feeling of my life, and I am sincerely sorry for everything I put you through. I understand now how you must have felt, and I wish I could take everything back I really do.” He admits sadly.
“I relive that night every day Negan, it tortures my very soul, and so I can’t forgive you I’m sorry but I just can’t. You fill my every nightmare, and my son must live every day without his father because of you.” Maggie declares, Negan nods in understanding, “No I get it, I could never forgive me either, but still, you deserved an apology” he says.
It goes silent for a moment while Maggie thinks out her next words, “As much as I can’t forgive you, nor will I ever trust you, I can promise I won’t kill ya or hurt you, on the only reason that I can’t hurt her, she’s been through enough. I care about her too much to do that, she’s been there for me when no one else was, she helped me through my pregnancy and delivered Hershel, if she chooses to be with you I’ll respect it.” She determines, Negan looks at her in complete shock, he never expected that from her, “But!” She starts, ‘Oh here it comes’ he thinks “If you ever hurt her! I will kill you! I will not hesitate, do you understand?” Maggie growls, “Yes ma’am” Negan replies, small smile gracing his lips.
Waking up you find yourself back in Alexandria, you’re in the infirmary that’s one thing you’re sure of, looking to your side you see Maggie asleep in the chair, then you feel a lump on the bed beside you. Looking to your right you see Negan sat on another chair, his head in his arms on your bed, you break into a small grin, he looked so peaceful beside you, like his worries had all drifted away.
Sitting up slightly you feel a sharp pain in your side hissing at the sudden feeling you rouse them both, “Sweetheart your awake! How long you been awake you should have shaken me” Negan worries, “Just a couple of minutes, you both looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you” you answered honestly. “Well you should of” Maggie tsks, “How are ya feeling?” She asks, “Like I’ve been hit by a bus, how did I get back here?” “I carried you back, you’ve broken a few ribs, but otherwise it’s just a lot of bumps and bruises, Siddiq said you’ll be up in a few days, you’ve just got to take it easy” he explains.
“I’ll go find Siddiq, and give ya both a miniute” Maggie announces before leaving the room. “You two seem better?” You ask, “I wouldn’t say better, but we’ve come to an understanding” he admits, “That’s good” you agree. “Negan I thought I’d never see you again” you start “Hey it’s ok I’m here” he says “No let me get this out please, I need too” he nods “ok”.
“I never thought I’d see you again, I thought I’d die at that hell hole and I’d never get the chance to tell you that, I got your letter, I did and I was scared to tell you then but I’m not now, I love you too, I have for a long time I just didn’t know how to deal with those feelings and everything was so chaotic I didn’t feel like I had time to admit to them. But now I can, and if you’d still have me I’d love nothing more than to be yours and see where this relationship can go” he answers you by smashing his lips into yours, the kiss was passionate, loving and everything you’d hoped for now for years. “I’m all yours sweetheart, I have been since the moment I met you” he admits, you pull him in for another kiss, this one much slower but still just as passionate, he smiles against your lips thinking how the hell could he have gotten so lucky, he certainly didn’t deserve it, but you did, you deserved everything and he’d spend the rest of his life showing you just that.
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“– be patient.”
Warnings: Angst, slight fluff
Words: 876
AN: i took come home the kids miss you too literally also whoever came up with the kids names idk who not my idea
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“See you in a minute.” she says.
But you never did see her in a minute. Here you are, at the place you used to call your home. Avengers, apologizing and bringing gifts. All you want is your wife back.
“Mommy where's mama?” a little girl hooked to your leg. “She's sleeping sweetie..” you crouch down, looking at her. “For– a very long time okay?” you force a smile at her, hearing crying in the distance.
You kiss your daughters forehead, getting up. “I'm here baby don't cry..” you pick up the wailing baby, rocking it in your arms. “Shh.. sh.. don't- don't cry.” unfallen tears well at your eyes.
“Mommy why are you crying?” you look down at Aliana. “I'm okay Ali, everything's okay.” smiling down at her.
“You know what, wanna go call auntie Yelena?” you sniffle, wiping away stray tears. “Yay! I love it when she makes mac and cheese.” she beams at you. “Is mama coming home yet?” she asks, unknowingly.
You don't blame her. She's 4, she doesn't know anything about what happens outside of this house. “No not today sweetie.. just- go call auntie 'Lena okay?” “Okay!” she leaves the room, to go call your sister in law.
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“Yelena..” you look at her when the door opens. Running to embrace her, hugging her tightly. “Natasha she's–” “'Lena don't I don't want you acting like them please.” you sob into her shoulder.
“She's– she's not coming back Yelena. She's not coming back and I can't do anything about it I–” your cries muffled, she watches Aliana play with her little brother, completely blind to what had just happened.
“Did you tell them?” you freeze, breaking the embrace. “I can't Yelena.. Natasha was their everything. I may have given birth to those babies but– I can't tell them. Not yet.”
“It's okay Y/n.. I miss her too.” you shake your head, wiping away tears with your sleeve. “It's not okay Yelena what am I gonna do? My wife is dead. And– our kids are just.. all I have left.”
“Sestra you have me. Natasha was all I had too.” her eyes start to water. “Aww.. 'Lena don't cry.” you get a napkin, wiping off her tears. “I found out that their making a grave for her.” you croak out.
“A grave. With no body in it just a f–” you stop yourself, seeing Aliana walk in. “A g'rave..? For mama?” she looks confused, too young to understand what's going on.
“Is mama dead..?” you widen your eyes at her words. Looking back at Yelena, she shakes her head. “No.. Ali honey, I told you mama is just sleeping for a very long time okay? We just have to be patient. ” you pick her up, adjusting her to your hip.
“I can be patient!” she gives you a toothy smile, you kiss the top of her head. “Now who wants mac and cheese?” “With hot sauce in it!”
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You're outside, it's sunny but cold. December 3rd, a day you stay at home with your family celebrating. But instead you're at an empty grave.
“Natasha everyone misses you. Aliana misses you, Nicky's 1 now.” you smile sadly, sitting in front of stone, looking up at the sky. “I miss you..” you blink away some tears.
“God.. the world just never wanted us to be happy huh? We were happy. For a little while.. right?” you sit in an awkward silence, until..?
“Yeah. We were.” a familiar voice, takes you out of your thoughts. You get up, turning to see who it is. “Nata– is this real? Are– are you real? Are you really here..?” tears pool at her eyes, she pulls you in, holding you tightly.
“I don't know how I'm here or who brought me here but.. yes dekta it's me.” she breaks your embrace, caressing your face, kissing your cheeks, forehead, lips.
“I– I didn't know what I'd do without you Natty..” you look up at her. “Me neither Y/n.” she smiles warmly at you. You laugh through broken sobs, “The kids! Natasha they missed you just- get inside.”
You two entire the house, you call out to the children. “Ali! Come to the living room, bring your brother.” “Okay mommy!” she yells out from another room.
“M- mama?” she smiles, running up to Natasha. “You woke up! Mommy told me to be patient!” she kisses your daughters cheek, raising a brow. “She did, did she?” you sheepishly smile at her.
Walking up to them with Nicky in your arms. “Nicky.. this is mama! Can you say ma-ma?” Natasha tears up in joy, “Mm.. ma- ma?” she smiles, taking the baby in her hold.
“He's gotten so big! How- how long have I been..” you answer, “Just a couple months Tasha don't worry.”
“I called auntie Yelena, who wants mac and cheese?” “Me!” you sigh happily, sitting on the couch with Natasha and the kids. All those times you said,
“Be patient, mama will be home soon.” finally paid off.
“No missions. Not yet.” you kiss Natasha's cheek, she smiles at you. “Okay, no missions.” “And no time traveling. Please.” she smirks. “I promise, no time traveling.” “I love you.” you rest your head on her shoulder. “I love you too dekta.”
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ayu-shiridara · 3 years
Fall pt. 6
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Tag/s: @lilypad-55449
Sorry took me so long to update
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You stayed in America for years. Draco visits you and the children once a month giving you updates about George. Your son and daughter are already 5 years old. And you planned going back to England. Maybe it's time to meet their grandparents and their father. You're certain that Molly and Arthur would be delighted if they meet your children.
"Levi, Fred, time to leave, Draco is waiting for you outside, " you said.
You named them after Fred and Levi. Your son's name was Frederick Fabian Weasley Frederick from Fred's name Fabian from George's second name. He looked like his father except for his eyes. He has your eyes. While your daughter's name was Levi Georgia Weasley, Levi from Levi Georgia from George again. Your daughter was like George's girl version. Both of them really looked like a Weasley.
"Are you ready to go to England?" You asked your children.
"Are we going to meet dad?" Fred asked.
"Mama I want to see what dad looks like, " Levi said.
The twins love asking about their dad. But all you can say is they will meet him soon. Finally, you arrive in England. You will stay at Levi's home. The kids are playing in the forest while you and Draco are watching them.
"Are you sure about introducing them?" Draco asked.
"Yeah, they have the rights to meet their grandchildren, the kids have the rights to meet their father, " you said.
"You're ready to see George again?" Draco asked.
"No, but I'm certain that tomorrow is the right time to meet Molly and Arthur, " you sighed.
"Mrs Weasley's birthday?" Draco said.
"Yeah the kids will be a perfect present for them, but I will go to Diagon alley to buy something, " you said.
"I can't come with you to the Burrow but I can come with you to the Diagon Alley, " Draco said and smiled at you.
"Daddy Draco look what I found, " Levi said running towards you and Draco.
She's holding a puffskein and Fred is running behind her. They called Draco Daddy because that's what Draco wanted the kids to address him. You find it cute but kinda sad because it's not George whom they call Daddy. Of course, you still love him he always owned your heart. Because he's the first person who made you feel special.
The following day you arrive at the Diagon Alley. The streets are busy and crowded.
"Stay close to mama okay?" You whispered to your children.
"I will stay close to daddy Draco, " Levi said.
You let out a soft laugh and started to stroll around. However, the kids let go of you and Draco's hand and ran away.
"I will look for them, meet us at the Leaky Cauldron," Draco said and run after them.
Today is just an ordinary day for George. The difference is that it's his mother's birthday. He will go to the Burrow tonight and come back tomorrow morning. He was walking to the Leaky Cauldron to have his breakfast. Suddenly something hit his legs. He saw a little girl on the road wailing. A red-haired girl with freckles on his face. 'She looked like a Weasley' George thought. Then a boy was running after her, red-haired and freckled face but when he looked at the child's eyes it reminded him of (Y/N). He knelt down and helped the kid to stand up.
"Are you okay?" George asked the kid softly.
The kid didn't say a word and his twin brother run to her. The girl has wounds on her leg. George pointed his wand on the girl's wound.
"Episkey, " George said and the wound healed.
The children looked amazed.
"Can you teach me how to do that?" The boy said to George.
George let out a soft laugh. It's the first time he laughs again after (Y/N) left.
"I can but first tell me your name, " George said.
"I'm Fred, " the boy said.
"My name is Levi, " the girl said shyly.
George was shocked by hearing the name of his dead brother and friend. This is just a coincidence or maybe not.
"Fred, Levi!" Someone called.
"Daddy Draco, " the children said happily.
George stared at Draco, the children run at him.
"Mama is looking for you why did you run away like that, " Draco said.
George stood up and just stared at the kids who were asking Draco to carry them. George sighed and carried Fred.
"I'll help you I'm heading to the Leaky Cauldron what about you?" George asked.
"The Leaky Cauldron, thanks Weasley, " Draco said.
Fred was staring at George the whole time. And George felt like he is carrying his own son.
"Your children?" George asked.
"No, I'm just their godfather, a friend's children, " Draco explained.
"What's your name mister?" Fred asked.
"I'm George Fabian Weasley, " George replied.
"Really? We have the same surname Mr George, " Fred said.
"What's your name then?" George asked.
"My name is Fred Weasley, my twin sister is Levi Weasley, " Fred said.
"You're a Weasley?" George asked.
"We are, but we haven't met our dada yet, mama said we will meet him soon, " Fred said.
George became more confused. How come there's an unknown Weasley? He's sure that he doesn't have a niece or nephew that was named after his twin brother and friend. And he doesn't hear anything about (Y/N) for years. 'I must consult mum about this' George thought.
After looking for presents you stopped by the ice cream shop to treat your children and Draco. On your way out someone called your name.
"(Y/N)?" Someone called.
You turned to see who it is. It's Ron with Hermione, Harry and Ginny.
"Hi, " that's the word that escaped from your mouth.
"When did you arrive?" Hermione asked.
"Yesterday, " you replied.
"It's nice to see you again, " Harry said.
"You too, " You smiled at them.
"(Y/N) we're sorry about George, " Ron said.
"I already moved on, " you said.
"No, it's a misunderstanding, " Ginny said.
"I'm okay now, I'm living my life it doesn't bother me anymore, " you said.
"Can you please talk to him? He didn't know that you're here right?" Ron said.
"I will when I'm ready, I have to go the children are waiting for me, " you said.
"Children?" Ginny asked.
"You have kids? You're married to another man?" Harry asked.
"No, I'm not married to another man, I'll explain soon I really have to go, " you said.
"We'll see you around, " Hermione said and waved at you.
You exited the ice cream shop and went straight to the Leaky Cauldron.
"What took you so long?" Draco asked.
"Nothing, here I bought this for you, " You said and handed them the ice cream.
"Mama we've met an amazing man, " Levi said.
"Really who is he?" You asked.
"He just left, " Draco said.
"Mama we want to meet Mr George again, " Fred said.
You're shocked hearing his name from your children. Did they really encounter their father?
"We have to leave now, we're heading to grandma and grandpa, " you said.
The children cheered and all of you excited the Leaky Cauldron.
"(Y/N) I have to go now, I'll see you later, " Draco said.
You nodded and the kids wave goodbye at Draco. Finally, you arrive at the Burrow. No one was outside. You're anxious because for the last 5 years it's your first time showing yourself to Molly again. She might be angry at you she might unwelcome you.
"(Y/N)!" Someone called at the back.
"Charlie?" You asked.
"It's nice seeing you again!" He said.
He hugged you and you did the same.
"We haven't seen you for ages, how have you been?" Charlie asked.
"Everything is well, " you said.
"And who might these children be?" Charlie asked and knelt down.
"Are you my grandpa?" Fred asked enthusiastically.
"Do I look like a grandpa to you?" Charlie asked and laugh.
"He's not your grandpa, he's your uncle, " you said.
"Grandpa is inside the house, " Charlie said.
"I want to meet grandpa and grandma and uncles and aunties, " Levi said.
"And Dada, " Fred finished her sentence.
"Well come on let's go and meet grandma and grandpa and uncles and aunties, " Charlie said.
The children take Charlie's hand and all of you walked inside the Burrow.
"(Y/N)!" Molly exclaimed.
You're expecting her to be mad but she just hugged you. And Arthur did the same.
"Happy birthday Mrs Weasley, " you said.
"Happy birthday Grandma, " you twins said and handed her the present.
"Are they?" Arthur said.
You nodded with a smile.
"Mama, are they grandma," Levi asked.
"And grandpa?" Fred asked finishing Levi's question.
"Yes darling, " you said with a smile.
"Levi and I are so excited to meet, " Fred said.
"Grandma, Grandpa, Uncles, Aunties and Dada, " Levi said finishing Fred's sentence.
"They are like Fred and George when they were younger, " Charlie said.
"Come to grandma and grandpa, " Molly said opening her arms.
The kids run to Molly and Arthur and gave them a hug.
"What should grandpa call you?" Arthur asked Fred.
"My name is Fred, Mama said she named me after a wise and brave uncle, " Fred said proudly.
"I memorized my whole name for grandma and grandpa, I'm Levi Georgia Weasley, " Levi said proudly.
The kids are so delighted being with George's family. But it's already nightfall and you have to go.
"We have to go we will come back tomorrow, " you said.
"Can't you stay for dinner? Ron, Ginny, George and Bill are coming, " Molly said.
"I'm sorry Mrs Weasley, I'm afraid that the situation might be awkward for me and George, " you said.
"Don't be sorry dear, we understand and stop calling me Mrs Weasley you're still my favourite daughter-in-law, " Molly said.
"Before you go, uncle Charlie has a gift for Freddie and Levi, " Charlie said giving them a dragon stuff toy.
You thanked them before you leave and when you walk outside the house you can see that Draco is waiting at the nearest tree.
"When did you arrive?" You asked.
"Just now, " he replied.
"Well then let's go home, " you said.
It's finally evening and the Burrow was busy. One by one the Weasleys arrive having their gift for their mother. In the middle of the dinner, George asked his mother about the kids he met this morning.
"Mum I meet two kids this morning. They said they're a Weasley and they look like one. You have only one grandchild, right?" George asked.
"Where did you meet them?" Ron asked.
"At the Diagon Alley, they're with Malfoy, " George said.
"We met (Y/N) at the ice cream shop, " Ginny said.
"She just left, " Charlie said.
"She went here?" George asked.
"Yea and I have seen her adorable ki-" before Charlie could finish her sentence, Molly kicked his leg making him wince in pain.
"Are hiding something from me?" George asked.
"Best if you directly ask her, " Arthur said.
"That's enough, let's not ruin mum's day, " Bill said.
George sighed and after dinner, he walked to his room. It's the million time he wished that Fred was still here. Because he knew that he would feel much better if he's twin is here because he's the only one who understands him the most. Every second without his brother or his wife is a torture to him. Suffering in this kind of sadness for years. No one knows how many time he cried silently. Every night, every time when he's alone. All he wanted is to be happy.
Today you're going to Diagon Alley to buy something. Your children are not coming with you, Draco is taking care of them. You're walking towards somewhere you don't know where your feet is dragging you because you're looking at the parchment on you're holding. After a few steps, your head hit something making you look where you're going.
"I'm sorry, " you apologised.
A familiar man was standing in front of you. He was tall and you can smell the scent you've been longing for.
"It's okay miss, " he said.
But he looked at you his eyes widened as well as yours.
"George!?" You said.
"(Y/N)?" He said.
He's happy seeing you again. You too but you still can't forget what he did years ago.
"Ron was right, you're here, " George said.
"Yea. I arrive before Mrs Weasley's birthday, " you said.
"(Y/N) about what happened years ago, I'm sorry if I could just turn back the time, " he said.
"It's okay I moved on from you anyway, " you lied.
'Does that mean you don't love me anymore, ' George thought. His heart again shattered into pieces.
"I have to go, " you said and walked away.
When you arrive at your home Draco said that Ron is here to talk to you.
"Ron, what brings you here?" You asked.
"I just want to tell you that night was a misunderstanding he was under a love potion, it's not his fault it's Angelina's, please give him another chance, I can't stand seeing George like that anymore, he's been suffering for years, please (Y/N), " Ron said.
You keep thinking about George. You can't even focus on your children. You don't even know what Draco is talking about while having dinner.
"(Y/N) are you listening to me?" Draco asked.
"Mama is not listening to Daddy Draco, " Fred said while playing with his food.
"I'm sorry what did you said?" You asked.
"Nothing, I'll take the kids to bed, " Draco said.
Draco and the kids went to bed and you cleaned the dining table. After cleaning the dining table you sat on the couch in front of the fireplace and read a book.
"(Y/N), " someone called.
You look around to see who's calling you and you saw Fred and Levi.
"Freddie, Levi?" You said.
Both of them are smiling at you.
"He loves you so much, " Levi said.
"Talk to him before it's too late," Fred said.
"Too late what do you mean?" You asked.
But they disappeared.
"(Y/N) wake up, " Draco said shaking you.
You fell asleep while reading a book.
"Where's Levi and Fred?" You asked.
"They're asleep, " Draco replied.
"No, not the kids, George's twin and your cousin, " You said.
"They're dead, " Draco said.
"But they just talked to me, " You replied.
"You're tired you should go to bed, " Draco said.
You immediately stand up ran outside.
The following days your dream kept bothering you.
"Maybe you should have him back, for you, for the children, I know you still love him, you still need him, you haven't moved on you just keep on telling yourself that you did but the truth is you haven't, " Draco said.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
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"No. Absolutely not. Cancel it." He growled while you made a hurt and desperate sound at the immediate answer of your boyfriend.
"Kai please! My sister don't have anyone else to take care of her kids, and she is desperate!" You pleaded while he only arched one eyebrow at you.
"Then she should had hired a babysitter. Not give trouble for their sibling." He scoffed and returned his attention to the papers in front of him.
You sighed out loud and burried your face a bit in your hands.
"Then I guess I'm sending her a message to take them to my old apartment instead..."
He stopped abruptly on his reading to look at you.
"That won't be possible either." He said nonchantly while you arched a eyebrow.
"W-why not?"
"I sold your apartment." He said normally whil eyou widen your eyes in horror at your boyfriend's words.
"wHAT?!" you almost shouted while he sighed for you to lower your tone of voice "K-k-Kai! Why?!"
"First, you are living in here long enough, so that place won't be useful for you anymore. Second, we were in need of money and I talked to you about it."
"I don't remember you saying ANYTHING about selling my apartment!" He lifted one finger for you to wait before showing you in his cellphone a chat that you two exchanged.
Damn your distracted brain...
"Why do we again need that much money?" You sighed in hopeless.
He... wouldn't talk much about that issue right now... he was first going to talk with Pops. Later you.
"Is just a project from the yakusa angel, nothing to fuss over with."
You sighed again before frowning at your cellphone nuzzling on the pocket of your jeans.
"Anyway. The kids and I are staying in here aparently."
You merely deadpanned at his glare before you heard a muffled honk from the outside.
"You know, I can talk with that sister of yours and then-"
"Kai, no. Thanks a lot, but no. I know how my boyfriend is." You giggled while he frowned and debated with himself if he should lock the door or not...
He never met those one, but... he wasn't a fan of children... in the slightest.
It didn't take much for you to enter house with one girl and one boy holding each hand of yours, the girl had a wary look on her face while clinging to you while the boy looked around with nothing but interest.
"Its such a big place in here auntie (Y/n)!" The boy exclaimed while you laughed at his energy.
"Alright guys, remembering that this house has extremely importance; and quite honestly I have no idea how your parents let me take care of you two in here; so please be careful alrighty?" You crouched down to be eye level with the children, teh girl nodded while the boy smiled and high fived your hand.
Kai watched with a wary look on his face your interactions, sighing in defeat and choosing to place his hands on his pockets and come to you.
"Ah! Kai!" You smiled at him while the boy chosed to tilt his head at him while the girl stared blankly at him back "Those two little precious thing are my nephews! (B/n) and (G/n)!" You looked at them back with a smile that made both ease a bit their nerves.
"I see. Just instruct them to not cause any messes. You know how much I despise it." He said nonchalantly while making his way out... only deadpanning when he heard the boy asking why he said that and you simply answered that he was a cleaning maniac.
He is going to have a long talk with you.
Your laughter along with the kids made him lose focus more than once...
What it was so fun about those little pests? Children are loud, annoying, never follow your orders correctly and dirty... he couldn't get why and even how you could be genuinely happy around one of those.
After two screams of the kids he made his way out, thinking about the worst and his heart almost jumped at seing you layed on the grass with eyes completely closed and the kids shocking you a bit.
"I told you it was a bad idea you idiot!" The girl said in irritation while she shook you and begged you to wake up.
"It was just to be a little scare! Not to make aunt faint!" The boy exclaimed while doing the same thing as his sister.
His jaw clenched as his hands turned into fists, already preparing to demand answers from those brats on what they had done with his angel before you suddenly opened your eyes and screamed to scare them.
"Ha! Think only you two can do pranks?! Take that then!" You grabbed both of the children and gave each one of them raspberries on their necks, the boy succumbed into laughter as the girl squirmed and begged for you to stop, trying her hardest to not laugh.
... huh. So he didn't needed to worry. The sign in front of him seemed almost... cozy even.
Wait... what?
He walked through the halls, screeching a bit his wrist from all of his writing before he heard your voice from the kitchen.
"So you kiddos want what for eating? Already warning that junk food is not a option..." he heard nothing for a bit seconds before you whined "I'm sorry! Please dont do the pouts! I can make something else though!"
"Oh!" He heard the boy's voice "I know something then!"
Curiosity spoked louder than his knowledge so he peaked a bit on the kitchen, enough to look but the necessary for not being caught.
"Peanut sandwich!" The boy exclaimed while the girl arched a eyebrow at him.
"Mommy doesn't let you eat those things." The boy pouted at her before making a 'shh' sound to her while she rolled her eyes at him.
"Thanks for the honesty (G/n). Mommy also told me this due to your allergy mister!" You poked teh boy's nose as he poked his tongue out with a smile.
"Hum..." you brought your hand and poked your chin a couple of times with your index finger a bit before snapping your fingers "How about some sandwiches that are not all boring healthy neither much junky then?"
The kids looked at eachother before nodding while you giggled at their actions and quickly made their specific ones.
He noticed that the girl was by one or two even years older than the boy, and was definitely more reserved than her brother while the boy was simply the energy itself. But even the two being so different, both widened their eyes in awe after they took their bites when you handed their lunches.
"Amazing auntie!" The boy exclaimed before unpolitely digging his food while the girl simply stared in awe.
"Aunt, please cook instead of my mommy. Please."
"God no." You said in exasperation "She might kill me for that sweetie, dont do that."
He smirked a bit at that as he made his way out with hands on his pockets.
"I can see that when we have children she is the one spoiling the brats..." he muttered to himself before abruptly stopping on his tracks and widening his eyes in horror of what he just said.
Him? You? Children? You guys weren't even marriage! Why the hell was he even speaking about damn brats?!
No way that you and him were going to have a kid. Those gave much work, planning and pacience-
"You kiddos want me to what?" His attention got back to you as he listened your voice this time coming from the living room... aparently you just got there since minutes ago you were in teh kitchen.
"Tell is a story!" The boy exclaimed while the girl hummed in agreement.
"You always comes with the best stories aunt, please?" Teh girl asked while he followed your voices, catching the you had sitted down and the kids on both of your sides.
"Alright then..."
You chosed a fairly tale, a not much know of but it was slightly impressive how calm and... gentle you were with your words, the way you carresed the kids hair was similiar with how you carresed his own hair on a bad day..
He never noticed neither catched that you looked like the best example of a... real mother. Caring and loving... his own mother he couldn't point neither convince himself of only one time that she acted like this way with him.
He had so many troubles with his biological... that he never thought that true love with a child was even possible. He owned his life to Pops, but the yakusa was almost deprived of womans, and even some of them were generally like their atmosphere. Rigg, cold, reserved...
Yourself acted like that as well when the necessary time came... but never with him. And aparently you loved your nephews to treat them like he did.
He immediately got out and walked through the houses with a frown on his forehead... thoughts of you holding a baby on your arms and being just as or even more gentle and lovingly with a child that was also... his. A child thhat he had no shame neither disgust to have with you...
Dear lord what was happening?! When his heart started to beat so fast? When he started to care for children in the first place?! God you two weren't even marriage why on hell he was-
"Chisaki?" He snapped from hsi thoughts to see Pops looking at him with a concerned face "My boy, I called you at least five times and you didn't even listened?"
"I'm sick." He said nonchalantly to the elder "I need to find a cure or a treatment."
The old man only got more concerned as he looked at his sucessor.
"What do you mean? You seem perfectly fine at least physically. What is the issue?"
"Ever since (Y/n)'s nephews got here it started." He brought his hand to hold his chin in thought "Maybe it was because of them... I'm not sure, they are too young to have a quirk so it's not that either."
"You're feeling like you have a fever then young man?"
"No. Is not that. Ever since they came I can't stop thinking of (Y/n) with a child on her arms, a toddler or even a infant. That looks like me and her, a mix or whatever."
The elder let out a disbelieving laugh which only triggered Chisaki even more.
"So you're telling me that you're having baby fever?" Thhe way Chisaki's eyes widen in horror were quite concerning for Pops and he almost went to speak if it wasn't-
"You're joking that is a actual illness... Fuck, I need to find a cure, buy it or something-"
"Kai. I raised you better than this... please." The elder interrupted while Chisaki only glared at the man, whose face was just as unimpressed as his.
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minhyunluvr · 5 years
look | bethought
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The students of class 1-A filtered back into the building, hurrying through the halls to get back into the classroom. The same girl who lingered away from the group was now walking silently with Ashido, the latter female rambling animatedly. The former seemed to be absorbed in her thoughts, distress covering her dainty features. You, however, had begun to make yourself comfortable in the teacher's lounge, anticipating the arrival of your teacher.
A few minutes later, a knock sounded.
"(Y/n), who are your parents?" Glancing at the door, you saw Aizawa staring at you suspiciously. His hand rested on the center of the door as he pushed it open, walking further into the room before closing it.
"Did you really need me here to tell you that? Shouldn't it be on my records?" You sighed at his blatant question, resting your hands against your stomach.
"I was wondering why you weren't recommended."
His reply caused you to stumble over your words. "Oh. My father has met up with Endeavor on numerous occasions, and I believe that I used to train with one of his sons when I was younger."
"Hmm... Did you know that your classmate, Todoroki, is one of his children?" Aizawa walked further into the room, making his way over to the coffee machine. Once his words registered, your face turned to one of befuddlement. You had never been much of a social person, so the name didn't ring a bell. None of your classmates had resembled Endeavor, either, so it was even more questionable.
"Description, please?" As he sighed, you stood up and began to move for the door. If his only reason for keeping you out of class was to ask why you weren't recommended, then there was no reason for you to stay after he met your request.
"I'm sure you've seen him. He has red and white hair..." Your hand rested on the door knob, but you made no move to turn it. A large wave of recollection rocked through you, and the feeling of nostalgia you had gotten from staring at him made sense. Todoroki had been you childhood "friend", per say. If that was even what you could call it.
"Yunseo, it's time for training. It's gonna be hard, but you'll be here a lot from now on... I wish I could come with you, but dad's friend doesn't want me to." Woojin smiled down at you, encouragingly patting your back. He gently lifted you out of the car, and slight curiosity picked at the back of your mind. Woojin stepped away, blowing a kiss as he stepped back into the vehicle. A lump formed in your throat as it drove away, Jinho roughly grabbing your hand and dragging you down a walkway toward a traditional Japanese home. A young woman with a dark aura padded outside.
"Take her. I'll go find Todoroki." With that, Jinho let go of your hand and walked past her into the house. Her formerly indifferent persona turned into one of a pleasant mother as she stepped toward you and took your grip.
Kneeling down in front of you, she began introductions. "Hello, Yunseo~! I'm Miss Todoroki, but you can call me Aunt, if you'd like. Do you know why you're here?"
Your eyes lit up at the figure in front of you, curiosity piqued. You shook your head, your approximately four-year-old psyche barely able to formulate detailed sentences.
"Oh, well follow me. I think it's time for you to meet Shouto. His quirk recently manifested, so his hero-training has begun. You'll be joining him." The two of you began to walk through the house, passing multiple rooms before stopping in one that seemed like a gym. A boy with red and white hair sat against the wall with his legs criss-crossed, a stern look resting upon his face. He held his hands out in front of him as if he was trying to summon something. His teeth dug into his bottom lip in a way that made you chuckle. Miss Todoroki's smile grew as he jumped, having not noticed that the two of you had entered the room.
"Oh, hi, mom!" He smiled brightly and waved at the two of you, his head tilted to the side. His face filled with glee as he looked around at the small chucks of ice that where scattered around him. A small patch of black blemished the otherwise clean wall, seeming to be a burn mark. "...Dad left a few minutes ago with another man, so I'm practicing your quirk!"
The woman chuckled lightly at his enthusiasm, letting go of your hand to walk over to the boy. She looked back at you and gestured for you to follow, a smile still gracing her features. Crouching down next to him, she fluttered her fingers, a small gust of cold, whiteness painting the room. Modest gasps of astonishment slipped out of the boy and your lips, wishing for the lady to show you more.
"You know, Shouto, that it isn't my quirk. You're the one who controls it, and the same goes for your fire side. Remember that."
The boy cocked his head to the side once more, a curious pout upon his face. You giggled, a small knot forming in your stomach from excitement. Perhaps you could make your first friend.
Your thoughts were confirmed with her next set of words, and she quickly did introductions between the two of you. You picked up an incomprehensible look hiding behind her grey hues as she looked at Shouto, though it was barely noticeable. It may have come off as dark to one who had known her for long, dark as if she had witnessed something she shouldn't have. Dark in a way that redirects ones own thoughts to the deepest part of the human mind, in a sense. The portion that held life-changing occurrences and memories, where strong emotions such as love and hatred brewed. Your young intellect didn't pay much attention to it, the trivial parts of life not yet a concern.
"(Y/n), you trained with Jinho for a few weeks, right? Do you have a good enough understanding of it to show us?" With the last word, Mrs. Todoroki's thin hands began to run through her son's hair. His faced was filled with content, seemingly glad to experience motherly affection. Thoughts ran rampant throughout your mind at how nice it would be to have a mother-figure in your life, as you had been given up for adoption at birth. Of course, Jinho had never been that great of a parent for the year and a half you had known him. Your smile faltered slightly before you pasted on a cat-like grin and nodded, attempting to forget your momentary sense of glumness.
"Yes, I do! Would you mind if I use you for it, Auntie?"
A look of confusion flashed past the back of her eyes, but her smile stayed glued onto her mature features as she nodded and stood, arms flapping against her sides in glee. 'She looks like a penguin...'
You looked deep into her eyes, but not without picking up the lump in her throat that she promptly swallowed. You pursed your lips at the action before working your magic. She began to blink heavily, signifying the emotional impact that always took place once your quirk latched onto the target. You closed your eyes, imagining a stack of blocks. Once the other two in the let out small gasps, you opened your hues to the world around you and saw that the blocks had, in fact, taken physical form.
The next half hour was filled with you "creating" other objects for their entertainment. Just as your new friend had requested for you to make a stuffed seagull, a tall man with fire licking at his features busted into the room. The mother and son looked at him with fear, Mrs. Todoroki stepping in front of the two of you.
"Fucking hell... you were supposed to be training them, not playing with toys...!" He stepped further into the room and kicked a red foam block at Shouto. "Where the fuck did you even get these?!"
"I made them... with my quirk." You meekly stated, fingers in your lap. You attempted to meet his eyes while answering, but his orbs stared harshly into yours to the point where you had to look away.
"Jinho told me she didn't know how to use it." He gestured at his wife to leave the room, his eyes not leaving you. Once the door clicked shut, he leaned down to grab your arm. You shook slightly, trying not to flinch. He pursed his lips, gesturing with his free hand for you to get up.
"(Y/n), I don't want to hurt you, but if you don't get up I'll have no choice." Taking a deep breath, you scrambled to get your legs underneath you.
And that was when training with the Todorokis began.
Aizawa lightly shook his head at you, sipping his coffee. "You're wasting time just standing there. You seemed to be eager to leave just a moment ago, so do it."
Sucking in a deep breath, you tried to process the events that had been recollected. Blinking a few times, you finished turning the doorknob and made your way back to class 1-A.
A few moments later, you found yourself in your seat, eyes wandering to the boy who was seated next to you. His features were even more attractive up close, and he still looked the same as when you last saw him, albeit older. His scar wasn't bandaged as it had been on your final training session, but then again, why would he keep it like that for years on end? His face was now more masculine, his shoulders had broadened, and his jawline was more defined. Of course, that was just an effect of puberty that happened to everyone, but damn, was he favored by Mother Nature?
"You've been staring at me for the past two minutes straight." His head suddenly turned toward yours, causing you to flush slightly.
It wasn't like you to get flustered this easily, so you quickly regained your composure and answered your old friend. "I just... remembered something. It's about to be lunch, right? Will you meet with me?"
His features slightly twisted into ones of confusion, but they quickly restored their usual stoic position. "How about you just sit by me."
"That's fine as well." You nodded, lips pursing. Now all you had to do was figure out how to tell him.
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iamknicole · 6 years
Guess What
Parental Paragraphs / Daddy Ro Fluff Series
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With Simba's birthday coming up the three families were spending a lot more time with each other. Trying to plan took all three sets of parents and the older boys running errands or babysitting. They spent this day at the Reigns' house.
"Y'all plan on havin another?" Jimmy asked his twin.
Jey shook his head immediately. "Hell no. Simba and Lo is enough. You see all these gray hairs."
"Well I want a lil girl," Apryl pouted.
"You must gon borrow Haleigh cause you won't get one from me. I'm gettin fixed."
Apryl pushed Jey's shoulder turning her attention to the other treo ladies. "What about y'all?"
"Jimmy wants another boy but I don't think my nerves can handle another boy. The twins and Eli are exactly like him," Trinity laughed. "No thank you."
Kandice shrugged at the question. "We want another but Koda and Haleigh have made it very clear that we're not allowed to have anymore."
"Yeah, Koda said his luck it'll be another girl," Roman laughed, "Princess stresses him out enough."
"STOP TOUCHIN MY HAIR!" Haleigh squealed loudly.
"NO WAY!" "NEVEEEEER!" The twins yelled after her.
Simba let out a loud attempt at his uncle's war cry. "HOLD HER DOWN! I GOT GLUE!"
"Who gave his bad ass glue," Apryl asked getting ready to get up. Jey stopped her telling her to wait. "She'll go to the boys first," Jey assured her. The next thing the parents heard were loud footsteps running from one end of the upstairs to the other. Then more arguing.
"STOP YELLING!" Koda's voice boomed through the house quieting the younger children. "Why are y'all yelling anyway?"
"THEY KEEP TRYING TO PUT GLUE IN MY HAIR," the 13 year old pouted.
"GET HER BRODDER! HOLD HER DOWN!" Simba yelled once again.
"SIMBA, GIVE ME THE GLUE! WHO GAVE YOUR BAD BUTT GLUE ANYWAY?" Milo asked in a strained tone that told the parents he was holding his little brother back. More commotion ensued which meant they were now fighting.
Kandice reached out to pat Roman’s knee and he called out for the children to come down. A minute or so later the seven children came down the stairs still pushing and arguing quietly. They stood in the living room in front of their parents. Eli reached out to pluck his little brothers behind their ears for hitting him in the eye which started another fight between all of them.
"Hands in your pocket!" Jey yelled stopping their fighting. "Now what is the problem?"
All the kids stated to talk at once. There was something about glue in hair, playing a game, complaints about being hit and kicked and Simba just letting out another war cry.
"STOP! STOP! One at a time." Trinity sighed. "Hae, you first."
"I was watching YouTube, minding my business and those munchkins tried to attack me and put glue in my hair," she said glaring at her younger cousins. "Then they tried to attack me and my KoKo." Koda wrapped his arms around his little sister for the dramatic effect.
"Okay. Milo?"
"All I know is they ran in there jumping on us then bad butt," he said flicking Simba's arm, "Told me to hold her down and tried to attack again." Simba glared at his big brother then kicked him in the shin making Milo yelp.
"Feet to yourself," Trinity repeated. "Eli?"
"Look, all I know is one of these gremlins hit me in my eye and if it's bruised they're both bein put up for adoption."
"Jadyn and Jalyn, y'all have something to say?"
"No, Mommy," they answered.
"AAAAAAAAAAH!" He yelled jumping on Haleigh’s feet.
"Oh that's it," she sneered picking the young boy up and turned him upside down. "Koda, open the back door. He's goin in the pool."
"Koda, don't you move. Princess, give him to his parents," Roman instructed quickly. Haleigh narrowed her eyes and tossed the young boy into his father's lap. "Who gave you glue, Simba?"
Simba laid against Jey's chest trying to look as innocent as possible. "It was in TK room. I borrow it."
"Were you supposed to be in there, Josiah?"
"No, Daddy. But Jadyn open the door."
"Hey! That was not me, that was Jalyn!" The eight year old said pointing an accusatory finger.
"Snitch," Jalyn mumbled.
"Stop arguing. No more arguing," Kandice demanded softly. "Y'all have done enough of that for one day. All of you sit down and calm down." None of the children moved just glared at one another.
"I think she told y'all to sit y'all asses down." Apryl repeated with a slight raise of her brow. She watched them all until they sat down peacefully.
Jimmy started to laugh catching them all off guard. "Y'all remember when we didn't have kids?"
Jey nodded. "Good times."
"Don't talk about us like we not here. That hurts," Eli asserted touching his chest.
"Yeah," the other kids agreed.
Apryl shrugged at him. "We love y'all but y'all are A LOT."
"But wait," Kandice laughed, "Remember when we told them we were pregnant with the boys?" Jey, Jimmy and Roman sucked their teeth at the thought.
--- 16.5 years earlier ---
The women invited their fiancés over to their shared apartment for dinner and a surprise. "Sooooo, are y'all gonna say anything?" Kandice asked. Apryl, Kandice and Trinity had just watched their other halves open their cards. And now they sat in silence.
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(Jey's Card, Roman’s Card & Jimmy's Card)
Jey looked at his card, at his fiancé then back at the card. "I'm confused."
Roman scratched the back of his neck, still staring at the card. "What's a DILF?"
"I ain't make shit."
All three women sucked their teeth. "God I hope these babies have our brains," Apryl huffed.
"Babies? Who having a baby? I didn't agree to none of that," Jimmy said quickly.
Trinity sucked her teeth. "I think we both agreed to it when you let your little swimmers loose."
"Kandi," Roman called softly, "You still didn't tell me what a DILF is."
"Dad I'd Like to Fuck, slowness. But now I dunno about all that."
"So y'all tryna tell us that the three of y'all just happened to get pregnant at the same time?" Jey asked putting the card in his lap. "Y'all planned this."
"Clearly, I did. Did you read the card? I trapped your ass, now you're stuck and if you think you're leaving me with your big head baby you've got another thing coming, Fatu."
Jimmy got up from his seat to examine Trinity, stepping back in surprise when he lifted her shirt. "What's that?" He asked pointing at her stomach.
"It's a baby bump, fool. I'm almost four months," she said moving his hand to her stomach. "You can't feel him or her move yet but there's a baby in there. Our baby."
"How far are you?" Roman asked.
"Two months almost three," she approached him standing in between his knees. "I just look bloated right now."
"And you," Jey asked nervously.
Apryl smiled putting a hand to her pretty much flat stomach. "Just hit two months."
"Are we ready for this? I mean these are babies." Roman asked. His voice shook with anxiousness.
"Whether we're ready or not they're coming, Roman. One quicker than the others," Kandice joked looking back at Trinity and Jimmy.
"Mama is gonna beat us. You can tell her Jimmy."
Jimmy sucked his teeth. "I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about Pops, he gon whoop our asses. And then he gon fuss and i don't wanna hear that shit, dog."
"Y'all are 21. Are y'all really that scared? He's not gonna whoop y'all," Trinity laughed.
"Nah, nah," Roman shook his head, "You're sayin that cause you don't know. He is gonna beat them."
"Oh, please." Kandice laughed. "You're scared too I take it."
"For them, yeah. I'm just tryna figure out what to do with a baby. Never had one."
"I should hope not, Roman. None of us have either, we'll get through it together."
Apryl folded her arms across her chest. "All I know is, these babies are coming whether y'all are ready or not so y'all better do whatever you need to do or I'm getting my knife."
With that threat, all three women walked out of the living room to the back room slamming the door behind them. The men sat quietly, staring straight ahead until sniffed filled the room. Roman and Jimmy stated at Jey in confusion. Jimmy sucked his teeth. "I know you ain't cryin, Uce."
"Shut up," he fussed wiping his eyes. "I'm emotional, shit. I'm having a baby, mane. This is serious."
"But is it serious enough to cry?" Jimmy asked laughing.
"Fuck y'all, I'm happy."
"I'm happy too but my apartment is too small for a baby." Roman sighed.
"Bruh," Jey laughed through his tears. "A baby ain't that damn big. He'll be cool." Jimmy sat quietly, his mind moving a mile a minute. "You alright over there, big bro?"
"What are we gonna do with babies? Shit, they take care of us most of the time. And they want us to be responsible for lil tiny ass humans."
"It'll all work out, Uce. But right now we gotta fix what we just did," Roman said standing from his seat.
--- Present Day ---
"Did y'all really bring cribs home, Pop?" Koda asked laughing.
"That and a bunch of other shit," Apryl laughed. "Cribs, play pens, tubs, bottles, clothes. Our lil ass living room was filled with shit from y'all daddies."
"But had we known what we know now," Trinity chuckled. "None of y'all would be here."
"What? Mama you told me I was your pride and joy. The best thing that ever happened to you." Eli said scrunching his face.
"Did I?" Trinity asked still laughing. "Must've been drunk or sleepy."
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writr4luvrs · 6 years
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Request: Nisha finds a young child and takes them in.
Being alone is what you've had to deal with since the orphanage shut down, your care taker rain into debt, and no one was going to consider taking in a child that was "too old". One by one the children were either getting jobs, leaving the city to join the bandits, or were just... gone. Soon, you had to leave the city because you weren't contributing to the cycle of economics.
In the beginning, living outside the city sucked: being constantly shot by bandits especially since you were part of a bandit gang, having to live in constant war for territory; nearly suffocating, either cause you lost track of time or you bandit brothers and sisters wanted to prank you; or constantly being nearly eaten by the Elpis' many creatures. Though, one bandit treated you different, teaching you everything she knew about Oz kits and how to make them last, how to add mods to them, or how to make them simply explode. She was a great teacher... until she died while joyriding off a cliff in a moon buggy (the way she wanted). After the incident you left the bandit gang and walk, stole a buggy til it ran out of gas, and found a garage in a not so quiet area.
You turned it into your own shop using your knowledge of Oz kits, and despite selling the kits, earning what little credits you could, life outside the city still fucking sucked. And, hey, maybe it got worse once a few bandits started becoming aware that maybe your kits were maybe rigged to fail over a period of time so that maybe the bandits would come back and maybe you could earn a few extra alleged credits.
"You little shit..." one of the six bandits growl at you while the rest thought to trash your garage. You thought you could just con me out of my fucking money?!" he grabs you up by the collar, god you hope he doesn't punch you again.
"You signed a warranty." You recall the paper with a handwritten sentence that stated "No refunds" with just a line underneath it for signature. "I can't read, asshole." He replies. You pause, haven't thought of that before.
"Well... I don't understand how that's my fau-" earning you another punch in the face and you thrown to the floor. While lying there, thinking over all that had happened the last few months to avoid this very moment. You tilt your head up to the sound of a gun cocking and see that it's aimed at you. The sight makes you start to silently cry, making it hard for you to breathe, you didn't want to die. Seconds before he's able to pull the trigger, he turns around to the gunshots and his crew yelling at someone. You use this opportunity to run, earning bullets in your direction and as you take cover behind a toppled over desk, and peaking over you see a brown woman in a cowboy hat. It was like everything was in slow motion as you watched her take out the gang so... easily. The show was interrupted as a bandit falls in front of you, eyes rolled and tongue out of their mouth.
You gag at the sight, you want to throw up but you feel like you've run out of fluids due to the earlier punches to your stomach.
Within seconds, everything was quiet until you hear footsteps in your direction and the desk is kicked and you no longer have your cover, finally getting a clear look at the woman, immediately blurting the words: "Are you emo?" earning you a scowl. "The one eye covered is kind out of style don't you think?"
"Hey, at least mine is clean, kid." she responds, you hint that she's amused. "And that's not how you respond to someone that just saved you."
"It's the trauma and shock talking, besides I had everything handle."
"Did you?" she refers to the tear streaks, bruises, and the destroyed garage.
"Downsides of being an entrepreneur."
"Sad to see the job officially over."
"Huh?" You question as you move amongst the garage to pick up some valuables, sad when you see the only baby picture of you crumbled.
"Putting it blunt, I'm being paid to keep your little ass from continuing your independent business."
"Says who?!"
"Says the credits sent to my account, you're lucky I don't kill you like ordered and if I don't someone else..." she nods to the dead. "will." She looks around, opening lockers for anything that will aid her in her journey, she was leaving. She was right, you knew more bandits would come and if not bandits, assassins like her who would kill you for their capitalist employer. You dropped the no longer valuables and grabbed your bug out backpack, you're going with the cowgirl.
The cowgirl steps out of the garage, her Oz kit activating and you followed, your Oz kit activating as well. "What are you doing?" she questions after taking no more than a couple steps.
"What are you doing?" you question back.
"Walking." she answers, continuing her journey, taking a few glances over her shoulder seeing as you continued to follow her steps. She turns around to pick you up, retrace her steps and place you back at the garage before she continued only for you to continue following her. "No, no. I am not playing mother duck."
"Well, I can't stay at the garage."
"Then go to Concordia."
"I can't and won't."
"Well, you can't follow me!"
"I don't want to be alone." She replies by throwing her head back and letting out a loud groan.
"I might actually kill you..." she mutters. "You can't follow me, I do bad people stuff."
"Yeah..." you blink.
"I kill and have killed hundreds of people and creatures, gone to many dangerous lands, and have agreed to illegal deals for a lucrative amounts of credits, you will not follow me." You give her a silence and a slow blink, you began dissociating at the word 'have' and she realized you weren't listening and sighs. "The moment we get somewhere safe and quiet, you are to stay there and not follow me.
And you followed, even after finding the seemingly unquiet and high temperature place she wanted to dump you at, you continued to follow her, learning her name was Nisha and she was a vault hunter.
At one point she got sick of it and threatened her way into getting you a "free" stay in Concordia of the now dead Mayor and Sheriff's luxury apartment. You stay there happily and took every moment to be at her side whenever she visited the small city, asking her about her journey, her guns, her hat, her make up, her friends, etc. It bugged her, she even yelled at you due to her annoyance. She yelled, calling you a bother and wished you'd stop pestering her. It took one of her colleague to get her to stop.
The incident made you embarrassed, it hurt you, making you leave the city, getting barley lost, distracting you by throwing rocks at small alien pests. Despite your efforts to get closer to her, you were still alone. You sit in the moon's dirt and hug your knees, drawing in the dirt slowly, ignoring the fast falling stars and quickly darkened sky only for you to be picked up by your collar and look eye to eye to Nisha. "Where have you been? You know it's dangerous to leave the city?!" Only responding to her was a pouty face and eyes that looked away from her, she let you go and sighs, a hand on her hip.
Nisha knew why and unknowingly to you, it upset her that she automatically compared herself to a deceased relative. A moment passed before a quick "Sorry" left her and she grabs your hands to guide you back to the city. "Don't leave again, it's too dangerous and you can get hurt and..." she stops her rambling. "Just don't, not without me and not without protect." She takes you to Moxxi's bar and you both sit at the bar in silence for a moment before she orders two shots of sambuca, you smelt the scent even before Nisha handed one to you.
"I'm going to say this once, look at me," she begins, making sure you have her strict attention. "You will not leave this city without me until you are old enough and well and ready to protect yourself. I will train you and you are not to question me, I'm teaching you to survive, understand?" You give a hesitant nod as an answer. "I want to hear you."
"Yes... I understand."
"Good, now drink fast." she downs the shot before setting the glass on the bar, she waits for you.
"It smells bad." she grins, waiting for you. You down the shot as quickly as possible, making a face and sticking out your tongue in disgust, earning a chuckle from Nisha. She places a hand on your head giving a proud "good." It isn't even a minute later before you run outside the bar and throw up in the nearest corner.
"It was one shot...to be fair it was sambuca." she guides your dizzy figure to your home and gets you in bed.
"I don't want to drink sambuca again."
"That's fair, it was only an agreement."
"I don't have to call you mom do I?"
"Please don't."
"Now I have to call you mom, mom."
"Stop." she sings before turning out your lamp light.
"With auntie Athena and and uncle Wilhelm."
"And cousin claptrap.."
"...Nevermind." you fall asleep.
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Bea & Ro
Surprisingly productive argument/turned actual conversation, about Drew, Ro’s self-loathing, sister issues and their parents/going to London soul-searching.
Bea: Back with him then? I thought you'd learned your lesson (finally) last time...Well? Ro joined the chat 3 hours ago Ro: Yes, it was rather unexpected, and sudden I suppose, hence I didn't get a chance to let you know individually Ro: Well, actually I have learned a lot. As has Drew. Bea: That's always good, rushing into commitments, being at his beck and call... Bea: And obviously he has, how else would he deceive you, again. Got to have new tricks. For goodness sake! Bea: What does he actually do with his time, Ro? What do you think? He isn't in Schooling, fine, but where's his REAL job? Bea: What are you getting out of this? Except heart-ache and being made to look a fool at the end of it, every month or so Bea: I thought you were in a good place? Ro: That isn't at all what I meant. There was a lot going on with my birthday celebrations and everything as you yourself know. Ro: Oh Bea that's just uncalled for! He's changed and with is finally being more truthful with me. Ro: I thought you, out of everyone, would understand standing on your own two feet and making a living for yourself your own way. He didn't enjoy school but he's using the skills he has to support himself Ro: What is so wrong with that? Ro: I am in a good place now. With him. He loves me. What more could there be to get 'out of it' Bea: Wait, he didn't try all this AFTER you read the letter, did he? Bea: It's always an emotional time for you, regardless if it was before or after anyway; it's wrong for him to exploit that for his own gain Bea: No, he hasn't! If he had, he'd leave you alone, or at least let you come back to him. He hasn't changed at all. Bea: So tell me what he does, if it's so admirable, tell me right now what you think he does, what has him out all the odd hours Bea: I, out of everyone, know where dealing in the things he does, can get you. You don't remember what it was like for Tess and Fearghal back then, you were too young, but they've told enough war stories for you to know better! I know you do, so why are you choosing to ignore what you know to be true for his sake? Bea: He isn't worth it. For God's sake, being associated with him could risk your career before its even began. Is that what you want? Think on! Bea: Oh, Ro. There is so much more than those words, even when they're not empty. Ro: Why must you take something so nice and twist it into something HORRIBLE! I hadn't even opened your gift when Drew and I reconciled. Mum and dad have nothing to do with this and he would never do anything to involve them after everything he has been through with his own family. Ro: You don't know anything about him. Or us. You barely know me. Ro: He does all kinds of things, odd jobs, fetching and carrying for people that sort of thing. I didn't need all the ins and outs because I trust him and honestly it hardly matters if you don't. Ro: I've also been told enough stories to understand that people deserve second chances, as have you. He isn't as lucky as I was. He remembers every struggle before Caleb's family took him in and he does what he has to do to make sure he and Meena will have a future whatever happens next. I can't blame him for that and you shouldn't. Self reliance is the opposite of a risk and I'm proud and lucky to know him, thank you very much. Ro: You clearly have no idea what he's worth so you'll excuse me if I don't bow to your 'wisdom' on the subject. Ro: Besides, it's my career. Not yours. You've made your own choices why can't you let me make mine? Ro: How can you say that Bea! You live by them. Fraze is everything to you and you've never listened to a word against him, have you? Bea: You're just seeing it as it actually was, and not through rose-tinted fairyland glasses. Bea: I know enough. More than you, as you continue to choose ignorance over swallowing the bitter pill and moving the fuck on. Bea: And there is no 'us' as in 'you and him'. There never will be because that is not what he wants from you. Bea: You are ridiculous. This is not 1950s America in a cheesy movie...He isn't a fucking boy scout doing bob-a-job. Listen to how stupid you sound, for what? He doesn't defend you, or do anything that inconveniences him, in fact, for you. Its one-sided and unfair and you deserve better, I know you think otherwise, and that you won't get better but its true, and possible. Bea: Boo fucking hoo. He doesn't get to use his sad backstory to be a criminal. All that will happen is that he'll end up in jail, leaving his wittle sister alone. And Meena will be just fine without him, because she's got a fucking brain in her head. God, I wish I could say the same for you. Bea: I don't care to know any more about him that is plainly evident for all to see. You're not going to get a doctorate for giving a shit about him. He isn't special. He's not intriguing. He's a waste of your time and energies. Bea: Don't even bother going to Cambridge if you're going to throw it all away on him. Save the country the debt, get yourself knocked up now and waste away waiting for him to love you back. Bea: Because we have common interests, goals, and you know, we make each other's lives better by being in them? And we've always both been willing to put our money where our mouth is, in terms of love and working together to get what we want and need. So please, don't ever try and compare this teenage infatuation of yours to my relationship with Fraze again, it is just laughable in the saddest way. Ro: Stop. You don't know half as much as you think you do and frankly what information you're working with isn't correct anymore if it ever has been. You're the one being ridiculous, not me. Ro: Not to mention judgmental! You don't get to tell him how to act or what his future may or may not be because you aren't a monopoly on tragedy. Ro: I wish you'd stop pretending to have any stake in my own future either. It isn't so and I'm not going to do as you say just because you say it. Not that it's any of your business but getting pregnant is the last thing I intend to do but if I did it has nothing to do with you and there is no reason I'd have to choose regardless. You didn't and Ali isn't. Ro: I've already told you he does love me and he does make my life better but since you clearly need to hear it, we also have plenty of things in common. Bea: No, I won't. Because someone needs to tell you, and it will go in. And one day, you will see sense. Bea: Yeah my judgment is the least of his worries, try the judgment of the fucking law because did you forget, its illegal? Bea: He's a moron, everyone in Dublin knows he's dealing, he'll be lucky if the police find him before rivals do and break his fucking kneecaps. Bea: I do, I'm your sister, you don't have to like it for it to be reality, you can't write me out of your fucking fairytale, Ro. And if you want anything to do with your niece or nephew, I'd reconsider the path you're going down because fat chance I'm letting them near that scum, or near you when you're behaving so irrationally. Bea: All you have in common is co-dependency on toxicity and fucking up your lives and your poor attempt at trauma-bonding. What fun! Ro: We're sisters when it suits you, Bea. I'd be surprised you have time for this conversation except I'm well versed in the fact that you live to berate me. I thought things were getting better between us but apparently I'm wrong about that above all. Since we've come to what is really, and consistently, the heart of the issue once again, I won't try and change your mind or apologise, once more, for not being good enough for you. I'd hate to sound even more like an irrational teenager when you read back this conversation to bask in your superiority. Ro: What's fun are these constant fights and reminders of what a failure you believe I am. Ro: If you don't want me around Nancy and Buster then fine, they are your children. I don't feel the need to tell you what to do or you're doing wrong. Bea: So you want me to leave you alone? But are also so sad about the fact I'm never there for you? Sounds like someone's confused! Unsurprising when you believe lies and won't see or hear anything real. Bea: And I haven't berated you, I've berated him; you are not one. Which is the real heart of the issue, you taking responsibility for and internalising all his bullshit. Bea: And I have bad news for you on that front, except you sound like what you are, a child. Bea: I've never been ashamed of you. Until now. Bea: You won't be in and out of their life when it suits you, just an Auntie when he leaves you, AGAIN. So, you've made your choice. I sincerely hope you can live with it. Goodbye, and good luck, Ro. Ro: I must take after you what with you contradicting yourself so heavily. If Drew and I aren't one, as you're so keen to stress then why are you so quick to try and tell me that I'm not separate from his choices or mistakes. Ro: Sadly you're too late as well because I'm not a child anymore. However my relationship continues or ends I'm living my own life. I didn't expect to have to do so without you but I fine. Ro: As for the kids, I wouldn't do that when I know how much it hurts. Ro: For the record though, this is the choice you made. It's been forced upon me but I guess I will have to live with it all the same. Bea: No, Ro. You chose to make the wrong decision. Bea: You love getting a chance to be the victim. Well, be his victim. But you're not mine, you did this to yourself, I gave you the choice. Ro: There shouldn't have even been a decision to be made but you need me to be wrong so badly don't you? In every way you can. Forgive me for being sick of it. Ro: No Bea, you love me to be a victim so you can heap your scorn on me. It's not the same thing. Just like a choice isn't the same as a ultimatum which is what you've thrown at me. Bea: No, I need you to fucking love yourself! Maybe you're sick of feeling wrong, feeling like you're never enough. That is coming from you and you alone, so don't you dare try to push your self-loathing onto me and say that's how I feel about you, because it isn't, never has been, and it never will be. I love you. Bea: I pity you, it hurts you like scorn because you've still got an ounce of pride left in you somewhere. I'm just asking you, begging you, to hold onto it and make use of it. Ro: Then just love me! Let me be happy without trying to ruin it and be cruel all the time. That hurts me and it does, and is, coming from you. I can't keep having the same fight with you. It's more exhausting than anything Drew's done. Pity me for saying so if you want. I can't control that either. Bea: If I have to be cruel to be kind, then that's the role I have to play. I hardly enjoy it, it hurts me too, Ro! But I'm not going to lie to you, to pretend something is okay when it isn't, just because that's what feels best to you at the time. Because its not going to feel good when you look back, for me or for you. I'm not prepared to wrap you in cotton wool. You're an adult now? Then I'm treating you like it, no coddling. Ro: But you don't have to! You don't have to like him but why can't you accept that I do? I love him. Why can't that just be okay? Nobody else is lying or pretending, I mean look at Tess, but she's not being like this. Like you. Ro: You're my sister but you don't have to be anything to him, I'm not asking for that. We aren't married, Bea. Bea: Because I AM your sister! They're all family, but they're not; there are boundaries. And Tess is a parental figure, parents let you make your own mistakes. But I am your sister and I happen to think you've made the same mistake enough times now. There's nothing more to learn from this, from him. Nothing of worth for you and your personal growth. Bea: But I know you're not going to stop, so, there we go. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try, it will help one day. Ro: But maybe it isn't a mistake this time. Or maybe I am just tired of always having to think in terms of what I can learn or take and want to just have what he can give me... Ro: why can't this be worth a try? Bea: Because you're worth more than just taking what you can get from someone who isn't giving enough, nevermind their all. Ro: You're just saying that because you don't like him. Bea: No, Ro, I am not. And you know that. Ro: I know I'm not you. Or Ali. And I know what people say about me. Why they bully me. I'm not stupid. Bea: You're socially awkward, that's all. People with competent enough social skills themselves can easily get past that. And you're clever, all that just combines to make people feel insecure so they project that onto you, make you feel the same. Bea: Its not as if I had any real friends at School either. There's a whole world out there, Ro. Filled with people who will like and love you, will get you. Bea: And you have Ali, and Meena, don't you? Ro: No you're clever, I just work hard. Try harder. Ro: You don't get it, he's not the one who's wrong, I am. Ro: He loves me, why can't I have that? Ro: And yes, of course, but it's not the same Bea: But what's not admirable about that? Being 'clever' innately (which in School just means having a decent store and recall memory to pass tests) isn't anything to shout about particularly, but putting in the work is. Bea: What's wrong with you? Different is not wrong. They're all the same, it makes it feel wrong to be different, but do you want to be like all the other girls in your School, really? Bea: You're better. Bea: Don't make me say it, Ro... Ro: In theory yes but in practice it's simply exhausting and frustrating and anything other than admirable. Or likable. Ro: I just don't want to be this. It isn't about comparison Ro: He makes me happy that's all. Bea: It feels like it when you're there, but School isn't a popularity contest. Its to get you to where the fuck you actually WANT to be, that's all. You don't want the only place you ever wanna be to be the School playground 'cos you've peaked, 'cos you're leaving in a year's time and there is no going back. Bea: You're going to have a life that is more than just nostalgia Bea: That's all this is, that's all I'm trying to prevent here, don't fall into the trap, okay? Ro: I know that. Ro: But this isn't just nostalgia though, I know that as well. Bea: Okay, but one day it will be, and I want you to be able to look back at this time with more than just regret Ro: And I want a chance to be in the moment, for once, instead of constantly looking back or worrying about the future Bea: Then go for it, like I said. But 'living in the moment' doesn't magically absolve you of making choices that will affect your present, your future, and how you look back on it as the past one day. You can not think too much about it when you're in it, sure. But you will have to live it and re-live it. That's just life, baby sister. I know it better than most. Ro: Okay, so what you have me do, leave him because of how he might behave and how he has in the past, in spite of his apologies for it? That isn't right. Bea: The past has a habit of not staying in the past...It creeps up on you, and on him, no doubt, old habits dying hard. If you can live with how he treated you, how everyone knows he treated you, the cheating and lying and just cruelty, he threw your way- then, well, I can't stop you. I wasn't trying to, I was only ever telling you how it is, how I see things. Bea: Is sorry enough? Because you know, it can't fix everything, don't you? Ro: I have to believe it can Bea: Then...I wish you luck. Ro: Is that all? You don't hate me again, do you? Bea: I never hated you, Ro, and I don't Ro: I hope so. I'd like to come and see you. I've been thinking about the woman that wrote you the letter a lot and was wondering if I should send her one back or something. Bea: You could- Or we could go visit her, she did offer Bea: I have been pondering what to do too Ro: Oh, that's an even better idea, if a scarier one.... Bea: Yeah Bea: We'll be okay. I'm certain she's legitimate, as in she was a true friend, not just someone who went to the same School and had a vague recollection and some old photos. I did a lot of digging before I reached out and she'd done Facebook posts on mum's Birthday, and the anniversary of the crash, year upon year, and she had more photos on their too. Bea: She could probably give us a real sense of who they were, and the area, she's still there...Its not somewhere in London I'd been previously and I haven't gone without you Ro: I don't doubt that or you, it's just...what if I'm not how she expects. Ro: The whole thing could be a huge disappointment Bea: It's not an audition. We're their daughters and that isn't up for debate, nor judgment. Who would she be to do that? Not that she sounds like that but you know, fuck anyone who would, they don't know us, what we've been through. Bea: It could be, yeah, but we've not got anything to lose, have we? Ro: You're right. Okay let's do it. When? Bea: Well, its a pretty good season to do it in, I think. Goodwill, being with new friends, reminiscing on old, reaching out to your fellow man and all that. We can get her something, to say thank you... Your last day is the 21st, right? So, if we do Sat 22nd, you can come back to Cambs with me for the Sunday and we'll all go back to Dublin together on the Monday, for Christmas Eve. Bea: Is that too soon for you? Its a few weeks but if you need longer, we can do it AFTER Christmas. I just think the festive season is as good an excuse as any, it'll make us all for more comfortable, I feel. Ro: No no I agree. That's a perfect time. Bea: I'll talk to Tess but I know she'll be fine. Bea: I'm really looking forward to this Ro: Anything to distract her from it being Caleb's family's turn to have Ali and the kids for Christmas, bless her. Ro: Me too. Thanks again, Bea. I know I've said it a hundred times already but Bea: Oh dear, I better catch up with her so she can rant, save your ears from it for the hundredth time, especially Ferghal's! Bea: Its okay, hopefully we'll get even more from this visit, fill in the blanks once and for all Ro: I really hope so, yes. Bea: I better get on, lots to do. We'll talk soon. x Ro: Okay. Kiss the twins for me 💕 Bea: Will do 💞
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