#aurelius?? is that still his name?
valeriefauxnom · 4 months
Things that the "It-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named" Manga hinted at that might have been interesting, were it an actually good work:
So, as we all know (or maybe we don't?), there was a terrible two-part Dragalia manga that they made at the beginning, likely just as a sort of advertising. One problem: it was bad.
For starters, whomever was in charge of it seemed to have a very, very poorly understanding of Euden as a character. The best I can describe it is if you put Euden, Emile, and dash of Leonidas' inability to remember his siblings' names into a blender and let 'er rip. And I dunno about you, but Emile and Euden are not exactly alike. But no, somehow the writer got the understanding that the reason Euden hasn't set out to form a pact was out of laziness than just a peacekeeping measure that the actual Euden was doing (well, a bit more to it than that, but I'll come around to it later).
When combined with the author unable to not have Euden be, let's say, weird in regards to Zethia (a thing that Dragalia itself commendably relentlessly fought against even to the end despite a depressingly large party of the community thinking otherwise. Before I get on that whole tangent, I'd just like to remind everyone that in the very last event they both stressed that no matter what they still see themselves as siblings) because, you know, everything's gotta be stereotypical (read, bad) anime and manga, right?
So yeah. Needless to say, we are pretty much wholly in AU territory from the start. WillofWinnie aptly described it (a headcanon I have incorporated) is that it is Euden through Emile's perspective, ie, assuming Euden is more like him and otherwise putting him in an unflattering light.
However, AU itself is not necessarily bad. And when I look at the few little hints of what might have been an interesting alternative telling to Dragalia, I just mourn all the harder that it might have had something compelling.
Here's a collection of things that might have been fun/interesting, were they not in so poorly a manga. That's right, I'm addressing the dragon in the room, the biggest forbidden topic in the Dragalia Fandom, and made myself Suffer(tm) to not only snip out parts that I think might have had potential, but also incidentally make this thing look much better than it was! Strap in, folks, cause this is gonna be long!
-First of all, this isn't even a manga-exclusive thing, but I just like seeing Sol Alberia properly. Turns out it's this massive city enclosed in walls!
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-Perhaps the biggest change implied of all is that manga!Alberia seems to have a much more fluid understanding of who the next-in-line is. In canon, it's pretty much lock and key that provided nothing happens, Leonidas will inherit. Nobody really challenges his authority as heir-apparent. And with him regularly reaffirmed to be the eldest, it's clear that he isn't actually a younger sibling that just happens to be the favored for the throne right now.
Euden (well, dream Euden, but this imagining of him is of a much more in-character version of him than Gala!Mym's imaginings) even had this to say in a story:
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But the siblings in the manga are stated to be in an outright inheritance war, which, since they're not just murdering each other, means that there would be other ways to gain the throne without eliminating the competition through death:
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(Gotta say, the overly-ominous framing of the siblings is something pretty funny to me even if they are indeed bad news early Dragalia)
This could be its own point of interest, because notably, it's the exact thing canon Euden feared pre-game. Canon Euden establishes that his primary reason for not even attempting to make a pact is because he doesn't want to be viewed as usurper with dreams of power, now making a move. He'd rather be viewed as the weak, ineffectual sibling that is no threat to preserve harmony. However, given the more locked-in inheritance order in canon, Euden's fears are perhaps slightly excessive.
For the siblings to be worried about him as a true threat, they'd have to be worried about him killing Leonidas, Phares, Chelle, Valyx, and Emile before he'd be the crown prince. Of course, there's other ways to gain power, but the fear he's trying to take the crown would likely be a more remote fear.
In Not!Euden's world, though, Canon Euden's fears would be fully justified. Here, the throne is not near-guaranteed to rest in Leonidas' hands, and here Euden is immediately a threat if Aurelius starts to view him more favorably than his 'competitors'.
On a tiny note, this might also help align one of the relations diagram they put out as an ad before Dragalia launched, wherein Leonidas and Phares mutually consider each other 'worthy rivals':
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In canon, we mostly only see shades of this relationship in Phares' lines wherein he comments that his alchemy work started after Leonidas' and how he's happy to have surpassed him in that, as well as Leonidas' general respect (well, for Leo) of Phares, but that's all. In the manga, though, they could be rivals in a more true sense for the throne.
The implications of this big change are also interesting in regards to Emile. Emile is his same-old abrasive self in the manga, but in the manga world, some of his initial anger would also be more justified surrounding Euden being sent out to pact.
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As was ever-so-gently brushed upon in canon rarely, the Dragon Choosing and pacting is not an easy process by any means, physically or mentally. Here, Emile is upset that Euden has essentially been given a fast pass and cut the line, the agony, all that, and is in his view being favored by Aurelius, which I think is fair.
Aurelius might only be doing this just for the emergency of the situation instead of letting the Dragon Choosing/pacting being a voluntary endeavor like it was for the rest, but Emile (and likely the rest of the siblings) would naturally view this as huge favoritism and a sign the throne might go to Euden if they don't do something to regain favor/make him look bad.
And you know what? That might have been an interesting AU direction to take things, had they committed to it. The understandable misconception that Euden is now somehow the golden child (even more inconceivable compared to canon Euden as it is) leading to sibling arguments for the throne could be cool.
-On a lighter note, not!Euden is correct in one thing: Emile certainly will bring harm to him!
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-Euden vs Combat, fight!
The relationship between Euden and not!Euden regarding fighting is a very interesting contrast. Both don't exactly love it; Euden might go to lengths to try and resolve things before coming to blows, but is ultimately willing.
Not!Euden, though, while he similarly dislikes fighting, goes a bit further than Euden does.
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He skips sword lessons (a thing only attributed to Emile in canon), completely lacks any sort of will to fight. As I mentioned at the start of this, the bulk of it is attributed to laziness, but there's a small caveat.
This is where it gets frustrating, because at times the manga edges close to the canon personality of Euden but shies away from every fully meeting up to where it could take it in a new direction whilst remaining true to the core. Case in point, not!Euden here also dislikes fighting/power because he dislikes spilling blood, and because, as Zethia puts it, dragons=power=conflict to this Euden, tying back in to the whole inheritance war.
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This could have been an intersting fork off of Euden, because they additionally share another divergence: talent, or lack thereof.
Canon Euden is actually addressed several times to not really have any talent in swordplay. He's fledgling, mediocre, as remarked by people like Raemond and Leif, and lacks for the natural skill Leonidas or any of his other relatives might have had with a weapon.
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It's only through his incredible hard work and perseverance he's shown to have (plus all the do-or-die moments he's forced into over the years) that he gains the skill that he does, which again immediately contrasts with not!Euden skipping outright.
And yet, manga!Euden is noted to have talent. He's just not using a lick of it to actually gain skill.
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This might just be Leif trying to puff him up, encourage him, but it doesn't seem to be when he's privately talking to Aurelius later:
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(Leif get some sleep to get rid of the bags under your eyes, even if I'm sure dealing with this iteration of the family is even more taxing than normal). Ahem. The point is, is that this Euden has talent but no will or drive to get better but canon Euden has the inverse. While it might be tempting to frame this as an immediate way that the manga is worse ('oh of course, he's secretly got all this talent that he can just bust out at the convenient plot moment, get stronger for doing nothing at all'), I could see it as an interesting fork to Euden as a character if they handled it right, which they admittedly wouldn't in the manga.
What I mean would be mixing some of what we know about canon!Euden into the mix. Namely, Euden has a notably deficient sense of self-worth I've gone over several times. With siblings like Emile and Leonidas, it would be easy to further that into a thing partially caused by their attitudes that tend to push down others. In essence, I think one could have reconstructed his low self-esteem as a result of sibling bullying to the point where he even views trying as a futile endeavor, but as the story goes on and as he is no longer 'under their thumb' quite as much and then can actually use that room to allow any talent and skill to bloom. A sort of healing process and the change from derision to encouragement from those around, you know?
I'll stop there before I go start writing an AU of a bad AU of Dragalia, but hopefully you get where I'm going with that idea. The point is, him having all this apparently ~secret talent~ doesn't necessarily have to be bad!
-On another more lighthearted/less plot-heavy note, I will commend the artist for taking the bold step in finally giving Zethia some darn shoes, even as sandals.
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-Honestly, regarding Zethia, she just kinda girlbosses her way through the manga, and good for her! Plenty of legitimate criticism can be levied with the way Zethia is initially handled as just another damsel in distress, but in its brief, generally poorly life, at least this manga's Zethia was kicking butt.
She's unequivocally the stronger between her and Euden, and as a result her overprotective side is on better display from the get-go (as both the twins had it in canon, and a later plot thread was actually getting them more independent of each other. Euden's was just naturally the one with more exposure)
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Also ouch on the roasting there Zethia, but not!Euden probably deserves it.
Hard as it is to give credit where credit is due for this, again, good for her! (Even if it is just set up as a means to point out that terrible old 'protagonist is a useless baby' trope in anime/manga, but I digress.)
-Back to plot heavy stuff, Aurelius vs. Morsayati, fight!
As we know from canon, Aurelius was perfectly fine until he entered the Binding Ruins, wherein he was possessed by Morsayati and then started chapters 2-26. Manga!Aurelius, though, apparently seemed to have potentially had a bit of creeping Morsayati in the blood from the get-go.
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I think this also would have been an interesting fork, since it also can connect with actual canon knowledge. Alberius explicitly sealed Morsayati in his blood, with the aim of his dragonblood being so diluted over the generations that Morsayati could no longer reform/possess one of his descendants. With this in mind, it's more than feasible to instead change the Other's possession method as more of a slow creep than an instant take-over as with Aurelius and Zethia.
It could have been interesting to see Euden slowly have to weigh if this is his father anymore, if Aurelius initially displayed more of his own personality. Canonically, his change is so abrupt and so jarring that Euden instead is devout in his correct belief that this just can't be his Father, and instead some shapeshifter thing masquerading as his father, whom he seems to view as in need of rescue:
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With that in mind, I think it could have been compelling. Maybe the possession is still fully completed at the Binding Ruins, except maybe the Other just slowly pushed Aurelius into going there. Maybe Euden then and the townsfolk get worried over all the siblings the moment they feel as if any in the royal family might be starting the path to possession. Maybe Euden himself has to personally grapple with fears that he's somehow being possessed as he grows more used to having to make hard decisions as a leader in war and all that, that he views as 'evil'.
Also, we later find out in canon that Aurelius went to the Binding Ruins in an attempt to help Nedrick and was consciously gambling with controlling the Other's power for that end, which almost assuredly wasn't in the minds as of the manga's inception, but maybe it could be tied into that.
Aurelius, increasingly fearing, perhaps paranoid for how he's going to protect all his family, -including Nedrick still suffering on the north side of the continent, -starts heeding that little voice that in the Binding Ruins, surely there must be something from the ancient civilizations there he could use to gain power enough to protect his children? Again, not to create an AU of a bad AU, but I could see potential!
-And last but not least, on another lighter note, but given not!Euden's...everything, I do appreciate that his personal guards(?) are always prepared for when they need to use their magic lassos to bodily drag him down from a tree:
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Given that we do know that Euden had at least a minor proclivity to go outside the castle/escape when he wasn't supposed to growing up, it might have been funny to see some of Euden's escapades, instead of not!Euden's. That being said, the guards also channel one's feelings quite well in regards to having to deal with this not!Euden:
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So yeah, there's a little bit about NotMy!Euden's thankfully brief if disastrous stint in the world of manga! My apologies for either informing you or reminding you about it, but I do hope you gained something of vague interest from this, or rather, what it could have been!
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Chapters: 3/4 Fandom: Adamandi - Valentine Lee/Valentine Lee & Hornyak Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Beatrix Campbell/Portia Harper, Portia Harper & Quincy Martin, Beatrix Campbell & Vincent Lin, Vincent Lin/Quincy Martin Characters: Beatrix Campbell, Portia Harper, Vincent Lin, Quincy Martin, Ambrose Bassford Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Racism, Names, Name changing, dead names, that come back alive? (sometimes), Implied/Referenced Xenophobia, Implied/Referenced Transphobia, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, yk like in the actual show, the inherent transness of it but also not in the way you expect, Canon Compliant Summary:
A story about 3 to 4 name changes and the pains & joys they brought.
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forgottnseccnd · 6 months
I am unsure about something, are you aware of Horus’ actions after you “died”?
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Aurelius went quiet at that. Auramite hands pressed together. He shifted uneasily.
" ... despite my excommunication, I still tried to fight for the Imperium even if erased from records and considered a traitor. I... had seen things, through my divination as the days of what would occur grew closer. "
" I just wished I could have done something. And kept the family together, somehow. Why... why do you ask, stranger? "
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thesharktanksdriver · 3 months
Specs of Stardust (platonic)
I really can’t wait to get to determination! Y/n and the straw hats so instead I thought I’d post little interactions/headcanons of some of the stuff they’d do
I swear I’m working on the Roger pov it’s just this popped into my head and sometimes switching between things in writing helps with my burnout
Masterlist for the series here
Tagged: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea @angstylittleb1tch @badluckinfrench @emmbny @kenkenmaaa @yunho-leeknow @chibiduck @spqce-bun @coca-cola-fiend @Koifishpoond
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The best way to describe these two in a room is that Luffy does something stupid and y/n just goes with the flow following him
The rabid golden retriever and the chill black cat
The dumbass duo, rabid dumbass and chill dumbass
Once did the impossible and shared food with y/n because they gave him a dessert Sanji made (the rest of the crew thought they were mass hallucinating)
Y/n gives him cool rocks that they find, they’ve both now made it a goal to collect a rock from every place they go
Gives y/n piggyback rides 24/7
And no one else can give y/n piggyback rides cause that’s captains privilege apparently
Occasionally when going into battle he gives y/n his straw hat to keep safe
Has semi-adopted one of y/n’s crows named Aurelius which he aptly calls Steve. Aurelius does not like him nor being called Steve
Aurelius keeps pecking at him but Luffy thinks it’s showing affection
Both throw caution to the wind about their own personal safety but if the other is hurt they will pummel someone
When he accidentally ends up in the ocean y/n jumps in after to save him forgetting they’ll sink too
Y/n acts a distraction for Sanji so Luffy can raid the fridge at 3 am
When y/n sleeps in the male quarter (they do regular switches between the female and male sleeping quarters) he has y/n tell him stories to make him go to bed easier
Likes to make y/n laugh
Likes to pinch Luffy cause they think it’s funny how he’s rubber
When Luffy says something really stupid sometimes y/n likes to write it down in a journal exclusively called “Luffy quotes”
So far some of y/n favourites are “the colour orange is named after oranges”, “if I get reincarnated I wanna be a clam”, “I am rubber and you are fat, don't you dare touch my hat” and “if you hungry, eat”
Sometimes the two of them make weird animal calls to scare Ussop
Speaking of the two, unfortunately for the rest of the crew they now have to deal with Luffy’s pranks now getting worse because y/n actually helps him plan them now
Ussop still has nightmares of when he woke up covered in bird seed and was almost taken away by the flock
As does Sanji when he realizes he’s been betrayed by y/n who’s let Luffy raid the fridge once more
Sometimes y/n likes to ask him about his childhood, they find it so oddly funny that he’s the son of Dragon, grankid of Garp, became brother of Ace and was semi-adopted by shanks
They also like to hear about it cause they always worried Ace wouldn’t find good people
Luffy whines it’s unfair y/n doesn’t fully die in water like he would before being smacked on the head by either Nami or Sanji
When having to give history exposition y/n is the only one who can dumb it down so Luffy can understand and pay attention for over 2 seconds
Sometimes will proceed to forget y/n asleep on his back and jump into battle
Even when finding out y/n is immortal has still not figured out their connection with Ace or Roger
Both like to sit on the figure head of the ship and occasionally nap there
By doing this not have fell off several times only for Zoro to save them
Luffy just kinda somehow know how y/n is feeling and y/n similarly knows how Luffy is feeling
Instead of buying Luffy stuff y/n just shares whatever they get with him since they have relatively the same taste in nick knacks
Similarly Luffy kinda just shares his stuff with them in return
The Luffy and y/n stuff pile is ever growing
Luckily Nami has not yet found out about it
Ussop on the other hand has and is joining in on the stuff pile
As does chopper
No one can really distinguish who’s stuff was who’s anymore but they don’t care
They now have an entire storyline happening with different characters
Y/n has a new journal for this exclusively for lore
Both are always hungry, while Luffy is open about it y/n isn’t
Somehow though Luffy caught onto this and now demands for for the both of them
“Shishishishi tell me another one!” Your captain says excitedly rocking back and forth as you both sit on the merrys figurehead, smiling you nod thinking of what to tell him “have I told you about the time I met a samurai?”
You jolt awake with a small groan as you lift your head off of resting in the crook of Luffy’s neck, the sounds of battle now invading your ears. “Luffy did you have to get the marines attention when I was sleeping on your back?” At hearing this the boy pauses, his extended out rubber arm hitting a marine in the face sending the guy flying back “shishi sorry”. At that you can’t help but sigh, he most definitely wasn’t.
Sitting at the table you watch as Luffy lists off the entire menu to the poor waiter, the retail worker shaking in their boots as he seemingly finishes and their gaze turns to you. “Oh, I’m fine-“ before you can finish Luffy cuts you off with a blinding grin “they’ll have the same as me!” And then you see the waiter’s hope drain even more impossibly so from their eyes.
Mihawks reluctant kids that ended up on his island and he accidentally adopted duo
Before knowing their immortal he thought that they were mihawks secret love child or something after baratie
Bribes y/n with sword lessons if they side with him against Sanji
Sometimes the two of them switch bandana’s
When he naps sometimes y/n joins him, when this happens he makes sure to take a protective hold of them just in case of turbulent waves
Other times when he naps he’ll wake up with an umbrella set up for him
Doesn’t know it’s y/n and Chopper who put flowers in his hair when he’s knocked out and assumes it’s Sanji which leads to a yelling match
Speaking of chopper, both he and y/n like to hang off of Zoro’s arms like monkey bars and zoro uses them as weights when he’s doing push ups
When he ends up lost y/n somehow has the miraculous uncanny ability to find him
But sometimes when he gets lost y/n ends up joining him for fun
Has kept y/n from unknowingly being mauled by wild animals because for some reason they either love or hate y/n
Likes to ask them about any swordsmen they’ve met on their journeys
The one who typically has to save Luffy and y/n when they end up in water
Y/n likes to joke that he and Sanji are an old divorced couple to others on the crew much to his chagrin
Zoro’s actually pretty observant of y/n due to their instinct to shrug off injuries
Y/n calls out this hypocrisy but it doesn’t change anything
He actually really ends up liking y/n’s flock when the murder of crows occasionally stop by
The one he really connects with though is one named Acantha
She likes to perch on his scabbards and seems to almost guard them when he’s not around
Y/n once fell down the stairs and he almost had a heart attack
After this he instinctively watches to make sure they don’t fall again
When y/n has nightmares and cries in their sleep he almost always ends up waking up
It keeps him up at night
The mornings after he subtly tries to keep an eye on them to see if their ok
Y/n about to fight a one off villain and being confused they ran off without them doing anything, Zoro behind them glaring with his swords out at said villain
Whenever y/n is on look out duty he typically volunteers to do it with them or take over for them
Sometimes game stares off into space he gets their attention by flicking their forehead
Has and continues to use y/n as an arm rest since chopper is too short in comparison
Has fell asleep while doing this but is always woken up by Sanji yelling at him
Will either carry y/n slung over his shoulder or tucked between his arm and side
Y/n constantly wonders how he talks with a sword in his mouth
Or how he came up with that idea in the first place
Sometimes when they end up islands y/n buys him sword themed things, like sword polish or even a small rack to display them
In return Zoro buys y/n journaling gear since he sees them sometimes writing in a small diary and also gets them things that he notices catches their eye
….100% bought y/n the journal of Uta that needs a password and when opened loudly plays a low quality version of Genesis
He regrets this decision when he’s woken up to it at 3 am
“Y/n where are we? Luffy said he’d meet us around this time in the centre of this town” the green haired swordsman says looking around at the people who were also in the same abandoned building as the two of you. They all looked weird, one was a big muscle dude, another looked like a ninja with pink hair, a samurai, a blond dude in a tracksuit and some weirdo with a forehead tattoo. “Zoro how do we always end in situations like this?” You ask.
“I’ll teach you more sword tricks if you agree with me next time Swirly brows gets in a fight with me” he says suddenly waking up from his nap as you rested tucked between his arm, for a moment there’s silence and then you nod making him give an almost vicious grin towards the kitchen of the merry.
“So wait, you thought I was mihawks kid?” You question with an eyebrows quirked up, zoro with a bit of embarrassment nods. “Well, I assumed so since he gave you that little blade of yours” he says pointing a finger to Mihawks gift currently in its scabbard “but he just gave me a sword? How does that make you think I’m his kid?”. He gives you an impressed stare, “Mihawk does not just gift anyone anything let alone a sword plus whatever else he gave you. Doesn’t help that he acted like your damn dad afterwards” and after hearing that you let out a small “oh”.
The seafood duo, aka the 5 michelin star chef and the kid who once boiled and ate their own boots (it was not tasty but they did it)
Since Sanji was the first strawhat encountered who knew y/n previously (the others being Chopper, Brook and Jimbe) he Was the first one to know about y/n’s immortality due to his prior experience with them
So it’s safe to say that he takes that secret to heart especially when y/n says they aren’t quiet ready to reveal themself just yet
It still felt too soon and they wanted to be treated normal for a bit longer (their words not his)
So he respects that decision even if he knows Luffy and the others wouldn’t make it a big deal
If anything Luffy would probably think it’s cool and move on
But even if that’s his opinion he swears to keep that secret until their comfortable
And he does so with the upmost respect he can and even covers for y/n sometimes
Due to knowing y/n he’s also the one who worries for them the most, especially when realizing the stories they once told on that island have become more fractured in time
Even their memory of that place is much more hazy
Like a film put over a picture, changing its focus and making it blurry
So he does his best to remind y/n, adding in the details he remembers them now forgetting as they write down the stories
Bribes y/n like Zoro to help win arguments via making them any sweet or desert of their fancy
When y/n is aimlessly pacing around deck he has them help out in the kitchen quite a bit!
Typically he has them help with preparing small things but lets them help with bigger tasks once learning they have some prior kitchen experience
At a port he got y/n an apron that matched his and he had Nami embodier it with their name
Is going insane trying to figure out y/n’s preferences because they say their literally fine with anything
Has made them go through entire taste tests and still cannot figure anything out
He’s chainsmokes more than usual after yet another failed test when y/n says they don’t mind salted black liquorice
Cries and chain smokes when y/n tells him they once boiled and ate their own boots
Almost cried when they pick up on some of his French words
Calls y/n stuff like “petite étoile” and “petite lueur”
After Alabasta y/n joking calls him “Mr. Prince” from time to time
Whenever he makes stuff for Nami and Robin he also makes some for y/n
When Luffy complains about this he always says “women and children come first”
Y/n sometimes clings to his legs, he always chuckles and lets them do so unless it’s dangerous
The only one allowed to raid the kitchen for snacks other than Chopper is y/n
Both of them abuse this privilege but he can’t resist their combined puppy eyes
Once finding out through Luffy that y/n is more hungry than they say they are he now makes them bigger portions
He swears they have a similar stomach to Luffy but he can’t be mad at them
Not when they seem to starve themself rather than tell others their hungry
Due to this he now carries small snacks just in case
Wants to meet whoever “Thatch” is so they can trade recipes and have a cook off
Also to find out through him how he feeds over 1000 people cause he has 2000 stomachs due to the combined forces of Luffy and y/n
Was at first iffy about the crows until a bunch of the birds started eating the leftover scraps he couldn’t incorporate into dishes or was going bad
So he grows to like the feathered flock since they help in not wasting anything
His favourite is one named Blanche who’s an albino crow the murder adopted as their own after finding her abandoned
She reminds him of a dove and of how he too was abandoned by a previous family but found a new one
She also delivers letters back fourth from Zeff for him
He adds a little blue ribbon tied to her leg
When staying in the boys quarters y/n often times has Sanji help them in taking care of themself properly
Mostly cause y/n would just pass out on the floor or stay up till 6 pm if not
Brushes y/n’s hair if Nami or Robin doesn’t do it
Also loves to style it via y/n’s suggestion
let’s y/n borrow his clothes when seeing that Nami had to drag them to a clothing store to actually buy them something other than the clothes they wear everyday
Sanji will never admit it but sometimes he has nightmares of when they had died and on those nights silently checks to make sure their still there
Y/n will never admit to him how many times they’ve starved to death alone on their raft
Mostly for his own peace of mind and their own
Y/n likes to buy Sanji food themed stuff like magnets, dishes and keychains
Sanji meanwhile buys them candies and other odd things he’d think y/n would like, for example Hawaiian shirts and plushies
“Petite étoile! I made you something!” Sanji yelled across the deck, looking towards him you see a Soda float on a small platter. Luffy eyes it hungrily though Sanji notices and he swiftly knocks the young captain with his leg. You giggle out a “thanks Sanj” which makes the swirly browed preen in a mixture of pride and genuine happiness.
“And that’s when…..” pausing in your story you try to think back, the details of which now seemed to escape you. Sanji clears his throat, giving you a sad smile as he then adds in for you “that’s when the musician taught you piano” at that your memory jogs slightly and you smile “and ukulele”
Sitting at the table you eye the small labeled plates with different tastes and textures, all tasted good and even if it didn’t you’d still eat it. But despite that Sanji sits across from you with a defeated look on his face, cigarette sitting numbly in his mouth. “Sanji it’s on really, I’m fine with anything” at saying this his temper seems to flare ever so slightly, something that reminds you of Zeff “you have to have some preference!”. “Well I mean…I ate my boots before. Nothing can be worse than that” once more that seemed to be the wrong thing to say as the cigarette falls from his mouth as he mutters “you what?!?”
The orange blossom pair
Is one of the first to pick up on the fact y/n might be immortal due to Arlong one day talking about a human child on the sun pirates boat before one that had betrayed them
At the time Nami wrote it off though, more horrified at the fact y/n was a pirate
It brought up a lot of memories of her childhood she does not like to reminisce on
But before joining the crew and after she tends to stick nearby y/n as a big sister presence
Not hovering over their shoulder but just far enough away to watch and make sure their ok
Especially when she wasn’t initially sure if Luffy and Zoro
To be honest Nami always wanted to be a big sister, especially since she in a way wants to make up for everything Nojiko went through due to her
So she takes to caring for y/n the best she can
Especially when seeing that y/n does not to care of themself at all
She’s plain horrified at how they walk off a broken leg, haven’t had a bath in months that wasn’t in salt water, doesn’t care for their hair and leaves stuff stuck in it, along with essentially starving themself sometimes
Nami quickly makes it a goal to change that with the efforts of Sanji
She gives y/n “discounts” when she charges the crew for stuff
The discount is actually free because she’d feel too guilty in charging a child
Along with the fact that y/n spends the pocket money she gives them on gifts for everyone but themself
Speaking of which she charges said person who got a gift with an import fee because that money the gift was purchased with was technically Nami’s
The only one who does not object to this fee is Sanji
Another fee she makes is a y/n hug fee, since as y/n’s appointed big sister she thinks y/n should be compensated for being hugged by a bunch of stinky boys
Teaches y/n about Tangerines and oranges, specifically how to grow them!
Likes to peel oranges for y/n and share them together as a snack as they ramble on about a place they’ve been
In the small garden for her fruits she lets y/n plant some hibiscus plants that y/n cryptically says reminds them of a friend they miss
Is confused as fuck how y/n seems to know almost all the islands they end up on
After finding out y/n is immortal she often asks about past navigators they’ve met and some of the most interesting places they’ve been to
Has to drag y/n to take them shopping because they insist their fine with one pair of clothes
She argues otherwise and can’t help but bristle once finding out their immortal that for years they’ve worn the same thing
It reminds her too much of her childhood, of Bellemere scraping together what she could even when the villagers gave her discounts for clothes
Buys them an entire wardrobe and complains when they borrow the other crews clothes
In reality she doesn’t mind and finds it cute
Has to fashion police y/n because they have no sense of shame and will wear the most god awful combinations of clothes
When y/n sleeps in the girls quarters Nami has their bed set up to be in the middle between her and Robin
That way if a night attack happens y/n is the most safe
And that way Nami can wake them up when their having a nightmare
Carries y/n like throwing a moneybag over her shoulder, it’s partially due to reflex and cause when she has to do this it’s typically in a shit situation
Y/n sometimes sees a small pink spark over Nami’s shoulder when she gets really excited
They haven’t told her yet though
Y/n likes to show Nami the stuff they’ve collected over the years
Especially their jewelry gifted to them
Nami from the moment of meeting the flock saw money signs (lol)
The crows have now been ordered to steal stuff and they bring it to her to examine and evaluate
They also heckle the poor news birds into giving discounts or plain for free
Besides their monetary gain she genuinely likes their presence quite a bit
They not only valiantly guard her tangerines from other less behaved animals but also help her in charting islands
Her favourite is one named Axel, he’s on the older side with a scar across his eye
He not only has an eye for valuable things but also acts as a guard for both the young fledglings and Nami
Y/n likes buying Nami jewelry and navigation gear along with sharing their writing supplies with her
Nami meanwhile buys y/n clothes and some jewelry for them
Sitting beneath the tangerine tree you watch as the hibiscus you planted for Rouge sway lightly In the breeze, your gaze lingers there before Nami lightly touches your shoulder making you jolt. “Here” she offers you a peeled tangerine with a smile, you take it popping the sweat fruit into your mouth. “How much will I owe you?” You ask enjoying the sweet taste, at that she laughs “I need a tester to make sure my product is good. Just consider it free since you’re doing me a favour”. Smiling you nod, not commenting how Sanji would be the better pick for this “job”.
“I still don’t get how you’d gone so long with no other pairs of clothes” Nami mutters whilst holding up two pairs of shirts your size “which do you like? Or do you want both?”. Looking at the clothes you point to the one held up by her left hand, the Hawaiian shirt with a funky pattern. “I knew you’d pick this one” her eyes are layered in fondness even if she gives a small sigh “I’m a creature of habit….besides Mihawk gave me those pyjamas so technically I now have more than one pair”
Waking up to from nightmare your typically used to the sight of the night sky but you awake with Nami’s worried face. Shakily you sit up, “h-hey I’m ok” it’s more said for her sake rather than your own. Despite your words Nami pulls you close, silently letting you clutch onto her like a lifeline as the scent of oranges and tangerines linger as does that small spark of pink just above her shoulder.
The story teller duo! Aka the liar and the immortal
Honestly Ussop and y/n are a little dynamic duo of scaredy cat and unfazed who’s dragging the other into a haunted house
Except the haunted house in this case is literally every dangerous situation known to man
Poor Ussop has got it cut out for him more than usual when y/n is around
Something he notices fairly quickly
But he’s too committed in looking cool in front of them and cause he sure as hell isn’t leaving them alone for more than 15 minutes cause they’ll for sure somehow traumatize someone
Another thing he picked up on lol
There’s a Recurring joke with him and y/n when y/n remembers something important at the last minute and he yells that they have the memory of a goldfish
Though y/n’s title is the straw hats storyteller, they really like listening to Ussop’s stories
Though they knows his is fake they enjoy it better that way
Because that means there’s always a happy ending
Something that not all of their stories have
Similarly, though he sometimes gets afraid when they tell their stories, Ussop really likes listening to theirs as well
Mostly for the fact that though some of them are sad their genuinely heart touching most of the time
Y/n tells their tales in a way that captivates just about everyone around them
Something Ussop really admires
Both know and acknowledge each others skills
And sometimes the two of them will collaborate together in figuring out how to make their adventures more engaging when written down
Y/n and Ussop sometimes do commentary when watching Sanji and Zoro fight
Ussop during these commentary of the fighting matches writes down his favourite insults that he and y/n then giggle about later on
Their favourite so far is when Sanji called Zoro Durian in both appearance and smell
Ussop is the one to help y/n in their “disguises”
Aka supplying the fake moustaches
In similar fashion y/n helped make him the SogeKing mask before Water 7
Ussop has y/n test out his inventions and has them teach him new hobbies
To keep from the ever looming fear away Ussop tries to keep himself busy
Something y/n is a pro at and helps him pick up some of the hobbies they’ve learned over the years
On Sundays y/n teaches him and Robin how to do Pottery
Which helps out Sanji because of the amount of broken plates due to Luffy is uncountable
Calls y/n the first mate of the Ussop pirates
He will never admit it but when he misses Ninjin, Tamanegi and Piiman he ends up lingering near y/n cause they sometimes remind him of his old “crew”
Speaking of which y/n is the only one who he talks to about how much he sometimes misses syrup village
Specifically Kaya
Along with this he also confides to them about how he wonders if his dad would be proud of him or disappointed
It doesn’t happen often but occasionally it does really weight on him
But he trusts y/n’s judgment because they’ve met Yassop, and in the fact that they understand what it’s like to miss people
When this happens y/n also confides in Ussop about the people they miss too
Even people they don’t remember
It’s actually pretty sweet especially since on those nights the two of them just talk about how they genuinely feel
Something that is kinda rare for the two
To enhance each other’s stories the two now have started doing puppet shows!
Something they have Nami and Chopper help with in making the puppets
Ussop even made a mini stage out of popsicle sticks
Y/n uses Roger’s coat as the curtain
Ussop Is terrified of the crows especially after that time y/n and Luffy covered him in birdseed and was almost flown away by the murder
Along with superstitions he’s heard about them being bad luck
But the crows love him
Like they really love him, almost as much as chopper
It’s god damn comical watching him run away in terror meanwhile these little feathered fiends are chasing after him with puppy eyes asking for love
The only crows he likes are the baby ones
The little fledglings who (unfortunately for him) find perching on his nose to be the most optimal of places
But their cute as hell so he lets it slide
For now
This then perpetuates the cycle of them growing older and him being terrified of them but them loving him
Y/n finds it funny as hell
But he eventually comes around to them when y/n has them exchange letters between him and Kaya
As well as sending gifts and flowers back to syrup without the items getting lost or rotting
sometimes y/n and Ussop swap headscarves
Y/n likes to buy Ussop random stuff for him to use in inventions
Ussop likes to buy y/n crafts that they can do together (as well as with Chopper)
“And that’s how I, captain Ussop! Defeated the unstoppable man after 3 days of fighting with my 3000 men!” At hearing that you nod enthusiastically as Chopper chimes in about how cool that was. You smile, thinking back to those 3 whole days Roger and fought Whitebeard before recruiting Oden temporarily to the crew. “What did you do afterwards?” You ask making the long nosed sniper perk up, he thinks for a moment before he continues his “tale”.
“Uhhhh Ussop” you say watching as the sniper who currently tinkered away at some new contraption break from his concentration. “Oh hey! Whats up?” It comes out casually as he turns to look at you as you give him an almost apologetic look which makes his brows furrow. Wordlessly you point to the nearby open port window. One of your crows sits there, tilting its head at him “oh no-“ before he can get another word out it lets out a squawk and other feathered little devils start flying in through the window.
“Your dad is more proud of you than I think you know” you say this with utter confidence and it makes Ussop stumble for a moment. “Really?” He asks this in a quiet tone, almost unsure before you nod and smile “it’s all he talked about when I was on the red force. So you best believe it”
Cherry blossom duo!
Was the second member of the crew to know about y/n’s immortality due to recognizing the picture of them with Hiriluk
Something that the little reindeer kept tucked away in a small slit in his hat Kureha added to it
So it’s safe to say that he’s ecstatic, confused and freaking out
Though luckily Sanji and y/n were able to talk with him
And to be honest Chopper gets why their scared to tell the others
He’d be scared in their situation! So he keeps the secret as best he can!
Though there were definitely a few occasions he nearly slipped up lol
As the two youngest members on board both Chopper and y/n band together quite a bit
Partially because of the fact that in mental age their close and because their both just natural sweethearts
Chopper finds it funny that despite being the oldest y/n is also one of the youngest
Both are the cutest mf’s out there that Nami 100% uses to guilt others into getting discounts
Y/n and him unfortunately for her also use the puppy eyes on her to get her to peel their tangerines
Chopper thinks of y/n as a big sibling and very much heavily admires them
Y/n similarly thinks of Chopper as a little brother and admires his medical knowledge despite his age
Both have made each other bff bracelets with little sakura charms
Sometimes when chopper gets sad about Hiriluk y/n tells chopper about their experiences with him
And that he would be proud of chopper
That Kureha is proud
And that their proud of the person Hiriluk took as his own because y/n knows chopper will become the best doctor ever
Every time this happens Chopper sobs
Similarly in the moments when y/n is lost (mostly since they don’t like being overly emotional about their feelings or trauma) Chopper likes to become kinda a therapy animal and let y/n pet his fur to calm them down
Along with that chopper also tries to have them open up about how their feeling
Y/n thinks choppers blue nose looks like a blueberry so they sometimes call him that
Chopper gets super “angry” about it (not really, the only times he’s angry at y/n is when they shrug off an injury)
Speaking of which, he gets really worried for y/n and their careless tendencies
He knows their immortal but he wishes they’d care for themself to at least show him their injuries even if their small
It reminds him of Hiriluk since he had also written off his disease and pain as nothing
The parallels between the two of them really make Chopper worried about losing someone again
Like he knows y/n would come back but having to watch someone you love die is still really traumatic
And the amount of times he’s almost had a heart attack from y/n narrowly dodging death isn’t healthy
Now is it healthy for the others either lol
When in his more deer-like form he lets y/n sit on his back! He bashfully preens in pride when they call him their loyal steed
Let’s y/n decorate his horns with little do-dads and charms
His favourite is the little sakura themed ones they bought at a spring island for him
They have done the two kids on a trench coat routine before and it’s somehow worked
The funny thing is that y/n was the legs and chopper was the upper half
Both make inside jokes about the rest of the crew
Both also occasionally goad Sanji and Zoro into fights
They watch with Luffy while eating popcorn
Talks with the flock all the time! He gossips with them and they all adore him so much
He doesn’t have a favourite and loves all of them
Especially since they all try and bring him herbs or steal him medical supplies from islands the crew dock on
The crows love to dote on him, even calling him one of their flock just like the others on the crew
It makes him happy since he gets a bit of animal companionship that he never got and the fact that the flock accepts anyone no matter their looks
He’s scared to tell the birds about how his birth family kicked him out since he knows they’ll try to get revenge
Y/n likes that through chopper that they can now understand their crows
Something in which makes the crows absolutely ecstatic about and Chopper has to regal their constant pleas for attention and to let y/n know that their adored
He tends to their little injuries and puts little bandaids on their wounds
They like to perch on his antlers and he gets supper bashful when they call him their favourite crew member beside y/n
Chopper finds it funny they call y/n their god?
It’s weird but he just assumes that cause the crows explained to him how several generations back y/n had nursed to health their injured ancestors
While y/n stays in the men’s quarter Chopper and y/n set up a little sleepover tent
Both typically fall asleep in the tent and Sanji or Zoro have to put them in their proper beds rather than sleeping on the floor
While sleepy y/n sometimes thinks chopper is a stuffed animal
Both cling to one another when tired (it’s adorable)
Y/n likes to buy Chopper Sakura themed things or medicinal herbs and books that they’d think he’d like
Chopper on the other hands buys y/n things they can do together or with the crew like puzzles or little crafts
“Ahhh!!! What happened to your arm?!?!” The young reindeer doctor practically screams as his widened eyes look at your bloody and bruised arm that’s also bent the wrong way. The rest of the crew whom you’d been trying to hide it from look to you, whoops. “Uhhhh….it was an accident?” You say this and before you can blink your being dragged to choppers medical bay, darn, you’d sneak past them next time
Sitting down on the flooring of the merry you thread your fingers through choppers soft fur. Your breathing still heavy and shaky as your mind comes down from focusing on bad memories. It takes a few minutes sitting there focusing on the sensation of his fur but eventually you find yourself of sound mind again. Tears staining your cheeks as you mumble a thanks to the doctor who nods. “A doctor has to look out for his patients in health and mind” is what he says making you smile ever so slightly.
“Hey chopper what did Rosemary tell you?” You asked looking quizzically at the Crow perched on his antlers, he looks up to bird listening as she squawks again. “She said that big crow, big lizards and Yama missed you? Who’s that?” He translates then giving you a curious look, you think for a moment then coming up with an answer “oh…she means king and the others”. He nods at the answer before then asking “who’s king? Wait! Do you know royalty?!?”
History duo, ones is a literal archeologist and the other is the ancient ass artifact
After chopper she’s the third person to know of y/n’s immortality due to watching them die with crocodile
While working with crocodile she didn’t talk to y/n directly too much but did try and look out for them in the shadows
She’s also been praying that y/n wouldn’t end up in Alabasta nor that crocodile would find them again lol
But that didn’t exactly go as planned
Once joining the crew y/n is one of the few to trust Robin partially due to their prior knowledge of her and experience with her
Both feel extreme sympathy for one another, especially once realizing they were both children hunted down by the government
Robin like with Chopper uses her abilities to tickle y/n
Robin cannot count the amount of times her ability has saved y/n without them knowing
Before Brook joined y/n would ask Robin to use her power to make arms and lift y/n up to see stuff lol
Sometimes with the sprouted arms y/n likes to play rock paper scissors with them which makes Robin laugh
Y/n eventually has Robin help in writing in their journal to remember things since they trust her perspective more than their own
Because these two both know Poneglyph’s the two gossip via notes to one another in the language
Robin when reading history books and finds something about y/n shows it to them
It’s now an inside joke between the two of them
They also make it an activity to skim through accounts of things and try to find y/n
What sad though is that in some accounts where it’s clearly y/n mentioned y/n can’t actually remember it
And for awhile y/n just gets kinda quiet and excuses themself
She does not mentioned their reddened eyes when she sees them again
But just offers them a hug
In a certain way, Robin kinda projects what she wish she had as a kid into y/n as a form of self healing
Especially after Enies lobby
She wants to be there for them
Care for them in a way she wished others had cared for her
And it’s with this that Robin becomes a mother figure to y/n
She’d tender and caring to y/n in a way that just kinda makes them instinctively cling to her presence
Her warm hugs and floral scent remind y/n distantly of their mom (or they think it does)
They know Robin isn’t her (no one can be) but Robin’s care and general warmth towards them just makes y/n really happy
Hugs galore
As well as Robin helping Nami take care of y/n since they have no self care at all
Y/n constantly steals Robin’s cowboy hat (when she had it )
Like in pre-timeskip one piece Robin calls y/n by their title of “storyteller” but also refers to them by nicknames as well
Robin loves the crows so much, she has each of them memorized by name
As well as their preferences
Her favourite though is one named Hesta, she’s a quiet one of the flock and likes watch Robin read
May or may not use her devil fruit to pet all the crows
Ussop may have freaked out when seeing the entire murder on the ship with Robin’s hands sprouted from the deck everywhere
When she has mini dates with Franky y/n dressed up as a server with a fake moustache
They also have a fake French accent because they took inspiration from Sanji
Both her and Franky have to hold back laughing cause y/n gets really into it
Y/n likes buying Robin history stuff and letting her borrow their journals to read
Robin meanwhile likes to buy y/n things she sees interested them while on an adventure
(She may or may not have stolen a few things whoops)
“Hey Robin can you help me-“ before you can finish what you’re saying the historian finds herself at your side, already helping in tying your shoelaces. She smiles, “for all the skills you’d picked up over the years I’m surprised you hadn’t learned to tie them yet” it comes out as a giggle with makes you smile bashfully “I know how tie sailor knots and stuff but I don’t think they work for boots”
“Y/n, do you want to help me write some the poneglyph’s? I want to look them over later and put what we have in order” Robin asks making you pause from tracing the forgotten language with your hands. You nod, then pulling out your journal and opening up a new page. “Sounds good to me. Should I include me and Roger’s messages?” At hearing that she nods, a curious smile on her face. “Of course.”
“What happened to you was never right, you deserved better than what the world gave you” hearing this makes her go still as the still sleeping Nami tosses and turns in her sleep. “You didn’t deserve what happened to you either. Neither of us did” when she says this you see tears glisten in moonlight as does she with your starry eyes.
Suuuuuperrrrrr Star duo!
Like a few others of the straw hats he actually met y/n in his childhood
Specifically because of the Roger pirates when they had stopped in water 7 with Oden
So it’s safe to say after everything in water 7 and Enies lobby he definitely knows y/n is immortal
Though after Franky beat up Ussop y/n kinda takes a little while to warm up to him again at
But Y/n comes around quick on Franky when seeing him help try and save Robin
And after he joins the crew y/n becomes his obligatory little helper!
Since y/n likes to be constantly doing stuff Franky has them help him do repairs on the ship and check for anything that needs to be fixed
He says he can’t fit in a lot of the smaller crevices (which he technically can’t) but normally he’d just use some invention of his
But y/n doesn’t need to know that, not when they get excited in helping
Franky 100% teaches y/n to do poses with him
Nami is half tempted to strangle him for this when y/n did the “suupppeerr” pose after a battle
Unfortunately for her dumbass number 2 (aka Luffy) joins in and then Ussop as well
Y/n in the morning likes to help style Franky’s hair, he wonder’s who Vivi is and why his hair colour reminds them of her
Y/n is also the reason why Franky’s hair is now styled occasionally like sea creatures
His favourite is when they style it as a shark or whale
He shivers each time he looks at y/n’s “ship”
Especially when they say that she’s a fine sea-craft (she not)
He just nods along
Back when he was a kid he was also equally appalled back then about it and had offered to make it better
But just like back then y/n refuse
And somehow that dinky thing always seems to end back up at the ship even when in a storm it ends up lost at sea
Y/n sits on his arm all the time, especially when he is in a muscle man pose
They think it’s funny
He thinks it’s funny when steal his sunglasses
The two of them have single-handedly increased the amount of Hawaiian shirts owned by the straw hats by about 70%
Sometimes when he misses the Franky family he talks to y/n about how they deal with leaving people they love
And y/n always talk about how they kinda deal with it
But it’s always hard
They miss a lot of people
Some of which they don’t remember but know they instinctively miss
It definitely helps him
But it also highlights to Franky just how lonely they are
Because he joined later on he hasn’t seen or heard y/n talk about some of their experiences
He’s maybe heard some from iceberg or the other straw hats but they were always vague
It’s sad to him, especially since their short friendship with him had honestly made him feel less alone in the harder segments of his life
But knowing just how many people they had said goodbye to and would say goodbye to, the years afloat on that thing they call a ship by themself
Yeah, it really weighs on him
Because he gets it
Y/n is the only one for sure who knows that Robin and Franky eventually get together (frobin for real y’all)
They don’t tell anyone cause they just kinda assumed everyone already knew and forgot it was a secret lol
Despite this though, they accidentally cover for Robin and Franky when they go out on small dates
Y/n is somehow Franky’s ultimate wingman (wingperson?)
They suggest to him things they know Robin like or would like
The two of them like to paint a pair of stars on each of Franky’s inventions
A blue 5 pointed on for Franky and a smaller 4 pointed gold one for y/n
Y/n Is the only one on the crew besides Luffy to use the Franky fridge to store stuff
Specifically the snacks the other crew members give them through the day
Franky ends up building some birdhouses on the ship for crows who stay the night along with prosthetic limbs for birds who lost legs or even their wings
He doesn’t have a particular bird he prefers over the rest
He thinks all of them are SUUPPEERRRR
They seem to like his golden chain and shiny metal nose
Much to his amusement
Sometimes a chosen bird will be allowed to wear his sunglasses and it becomes the super bird of the day
This bird for that day gets to hang around on his head and gets a invention made for them
Y/n likes to buy Franky cool gadgets they find along with anything that has blue stars
Franky doesn’t buy y/n stuff but instead makes them things, typically little do-dads or even some puzzles to keep them preoccupied
“Hey Franky, do you need some help there?” You asked watching the blue haired shipwright peel himself away from repairing the mast of the ship. He grins, “Surre thing little helper!” He then tosses you a hammer that you luckily catch.
“What do you suggest I get Robin? I’m still debating between these two” the cyborg man questions as he holds up two different bouquets of fresh flowers. You peer between the two, examining them. “Robin would probably like the second one. Those flowers have meanings of “love” “companionship” and “appreciation” which would be the best choice. She’d like the effort behind them” you say before correcting your fake moustache and dusting off any dirt of your fake waiter uniform you stole from Sanji’s days at the baratie. “Should I have Hesta fly in and deliver them?” He adds making you respond “of course!”
Two cans of Cola clink together as you and Franky sit watching the horizon. “I can only imagine Oden’s face seeing that you’re now a pirate after saying you’d never be one, oh and Tom’s” you giggle as Franky nods “do you think they’d be happy?”. For a moment you ponder “I can’t say for sure….but I think so long as your happy they’d be”
Dead duo (lol) cause they’ve both died and come back to life (though one has done this significantly more than the other)
By the time he joins y/n being a immortal ain’t a secret anymore
Even if it was his emotional breakdown when seeing them again asking if he’s finally gone fully insane before hugging them would probably proof enough that their immortal
But anyway!!
For very obvious reasons Brook for a long while after reuniting is kinda stuck at y/n’s side
Partially because he’s still unsure if this is real and afraid he’ll wake up alone again
On that ship where only the damned souls of the sea like himself stay
Y/n seems to know this though and happily allows him to stay at their side as they hold onto his coat since he’s too tall for them to comfortably hold his hand
The annual amount of death and skeleton jokes have gone up exponentially because of the two of them alone
Both Brook and y/n cope via jokes and each other (as sad as that is)
The crew can’t help but deadpan at the amount of time the two have watched something horrific or head about it and said “same” or pointed to a skeleton and said “look it’s us!”
Brook doesn’t ask his pervert questions or jokes in front of y/n he’s too mortified to do so when he basically considered them his family
He once accidentally did and y/n asked what that meant and he wanted to curl up and die (again)
Y/n brings him milk and stuff with calcium saying he needs to build up bone density
He has yet to tell them he can’t drink it but he appreciates the gesture and gives it to Sanji instead so he can use it for recipes
Brook is the only person y/n talks to about the ways in which they’ve died
Mostly because he’s the only other person who can understand what its like
And because hearing vindication that what had happened to them was wrong kinda helps them process stuff
Because they should not have died as many as they’ve had let alone in such gruesome ways
Hearing it from Brook, someone who’d also faced the horrors of death and immortality really opens their eyes
Whenever Brook plays music y/n instinctively joins him in song
It’s just second nature to y/n at this point
Both are different versions of insane from immortality. While’s brooks is more noticeable for y/n’s it’s more subtle
Y/n likes to show Brook all the instruments and songs they learned after his death
Especially their ukulele skills much to his amusement
Neither can play Binks booze together without sobbing midway
Nor can Brook handle their stories of Laboon still waiting at reverse mountain
Nor can y/n handle hearing how Brook would see visions of them and the crew in his years of isolation
The rest of the straw hats can’t handle just how depressing that all is lol
He accidentally found y/n, Chopper and Luffy in their game and now has made a soundtrack for it
When y/n stays in the men’s quarter Brook sometimes has to check their still alive because of his fear they’ll die again
Y/n has played the xylophone on Brook’s ribcage much to Nami’s horror
Both of them pull the “as the oldest people on board” card
The two of them also call each other senior citizens and try and get discounts at places via Nami’s orders
Both always get kicked out
Y/n somehow learned the word “boner” from someone and asked Brook what that meant because he was made of bones
He wanted to die a second time 💀
He was mortified after that especially when y/n then taught that word to Luffy and chopper who joined in on asking him what it meant
Robin had to help him escape the questioning
When y/n can’t see anything they like to climb Brook to get a better view
Y/n also sometimes hides in his ribcage
The two of them share an atrocious fashion sense
The only difference is that Robin and Nami help in making sure y/n doesn’t end up in a floral shirt with polka dot shorts and sandals with socks
Brook is extremely proud of y/n’s skills that they picked up from him and his crew
The crows keep bringing Brook bones because they assume all skeletons they find somehow are parts of Brook
Y/n taught them to play the xylophone on Brook
The dead musician’s favourite crow is one named “crazy Pete” because he just picks shit up and starts whacking against the nearest surface
This making him the best xylophone player of the crows as well as the best drummer
The flock also uses his ribcage as a perch as well as his Afro in which they have built a nest in that he didn’t know about until baby birds hatched
He got to name the newborns and named some of them after his old crew
Y/n likes to buy Brook skeleton things (like those plastic Halloween skeletons lol) and music sheets for him to write new music
Brook gets y/n a bunch of weird mystical shit that y/n always ends up loving
“Yohohohoho! Are you up for a duet?” The old skeleton asks as he holds up his violin, you look up from the book you were reading a smile already stretching across your face. “Do you have to ask?” You reply back as you get up and get into position, if a skeleton could smile he would.
“Yo brook!” You yell already snickering under your voice “do you think we ought to buy some trombone’s? Or maybe some Xylobone’s?”. At that he lets out his signature laugh, “maybe, but they’d cost a Skelaton! Get it? Cause we’ve both died!” For a moment there’s a pause of silence between you both before the two of you burst out into laughter. Nami grumbles under her breath about you both being “numbskulls” before realizing her mistake, the two of you laugh even harder.
In the middle of the night you and Brook sit in the crows nest, the humming the Bink’s booze filling the silence beneath the stars. Because for now that’s enough.
Fisher duo! Would’ve gone with sun duo because of the sun pirates but that duo name probably fits y/n and ace more
By the time Jinbe joins everyone on the crew knows so he doesn’t need to keep the secret
Something that makes him hella realized about since he knows he’d have to jump through hoops somehow trying to explain why y/n knew him prior
Is always worried for y/n especially when realizing they already have a very small impulse control that melts away when Luffy is near
Like he is getting grey hairs as Robin and Nami emphatically pat his shoulder
Y/n loves to laze about on Jinbe, they’ll just randomly go up to him raise their arms up to be picked up and then just fall asleep or stay there
Y/n likes how warm he is along with how he’ll carry them around. Plus his more squishy and smooth textured skin on account of being a fishman is a texture that they like
Jinbe has accepted his role as a resting place for y/n
Something that now also extends to Luffy, chopper and sometimes Zoro as well
When not doing his duties on the ship he likes to listen to y/n’s recounts of things
He finds it pretty soothing as well as informative
If no one else is up to listen to y/n word vomit then Jinbe always has an ear open
His favourites are ones are those including Roger
He’d never known him, just knew about bits and pieces from Whitebeard so he’s especially interested in learning about him from someone else
Y/n sometimes like to ask him about fishman culture along with facts about mermaids as well!
Especially stuff about Joyboy
Something which makes Jinbe light up in pride
Head pats galore from this fishman once he finds out that y/n melts at that type of affection
Is the first to not question how y/n has befriended so many war criminals
Though his is curious how the hell Doflamingo ended up on that list
Speaking of which when y/n gets really scared or anxious he is quick to pick up on it
Just immediately picks up y/n leaves the situation while Luffy goes to beat up what caused the problem lol
Y/n when seeing him get odd looks gives people odd looks back
Especially when people ask where their parents were and they point to Jinbe as if it were the most obvious answer in the world
Y/n once has bitten someone who was being racist
While Jinbe was proud he was not happy with the fact they resorted to Luffy type behaviour
Definitely considers Jinbe a father figure
Something he holds in high regard especially when hearing how they think so highly about Roger
Due to Jinbe being a whale shark fishman y/n bought themself and him matching whale shark plushies
He got the smaller one while y/n got the mama
Jinbe may or may not have secretly cried about this
Because Jinbe is serious most of the time y/n has made it a sport in trying to surprise him
Like suddenly jumping from the crows nest into his arms or randomly appearing out of nowhere for hugs
Even if he’s upset with their recklessness he always ends up smiling
Much like the others he ends up as a resting spot for the crows, specifically the young ones just learning to fly
They always end up tucked into his kimono somehow but he doesn’t end up minding it much
Not when the combined forces of the baby birds and y/n give him puppy eyes
His all time favourite crow though is one named Pearl, she’s just a little sweetheart that loves to sit on his hands to be pet
To be honest he finds them all rather intriguing especially since crows typically aren’t this intelligent
Like sure typically their intelligent birds but these ones seem even moreso
it seems somehow they have increased perception?
He’s not sure as to why but leaves it as a “y/n thing”
Something that has become a trend in his will for questioning things
Don’t understand it? Probably a y/n thing so move on and accept it
Nami has been following in this mindset for awhile now
Y/n steals his robes despite them being too big
He purposely leaves them out when realizing they like to do this
Jinbe is the only one to know about y/n’s time as a slave and is the only one to know why they sometimes flinch when people touch their back
He’s also the only way who’s able to understand and comfort them when they silently stream out at the sea
At ports y/n likes to go shopping with Jinbe and though he says they don’t need to buy him anything they buy him sea themed stuff to remind him of fishman island
In similar fashion despite y/n saying that he doesn’t need to buy them anything he buys them charms for their bracelets and necklaces that represent a place they’ve been so they can keep track
“So Roger really could stand toe to toe with Whitebeard?” Jinbe asks as you nod with a smile “yeah, Roger despite having no devil fruit was extraordinarily strong and had extraordinary Haki. Plus Roger was Roger”. At hearing this explanation Jinbe nods but then inquires “what do you mean by that last part?” Which makes you lightly giggle before explaining “Roger is the only person besides maybe Luffy who would sneak onto a marine base, fist fight Garp the fist, raid the kitchen and then proceed to escape back to the Oro with the stolen food, treasure and highly classified government field he thought looked cool”
“Jinbe can I go up” you ask with your hands already reaching up to him and in position to be lifted. The fishman smiles, for an immortal you really were a kid still. He smiles. “Alright, do you also want to hear about fishman island again?” It’s not even really a question when he knows your answer but he asks either way and sees you nod. Pearl who’s perched on his shoulder makes room and finds a place between you and him.
It’s late in the night when he finds you sitting on the railing of the ship, silently looking out to sea just as you did all those years ago. He leans against the railing beside you, remembering not to touch your back at this time. “You got reminded of it again?” He asks on which he receives a full nod from you, “it was in the market, there were some propaganda posters about escaped slaves. I checked to see if I was on there, I wasn’t luckily, but it still left me feeling all flighty”. He frowns at that but nods. “Do you need me to stay with you for now?” You respond quickly without thought “yes….it burns Jinbe, my back burns again but I know the brands not there”
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cumtastiics · 10 months
I'd totally like a full fic of Aurelius running around his little concussioned, semi-amnesiac patient!
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tw(s); yandere & mentions of iv's a/n; this has no official title since i'm lazy sorry :p the post that inspired this here oops this became more angsty than i thought if you wanted more fluff erm sorry ab that!! lol!
would def make this fluff if u guys want
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"Fuck," he muttered under his breath, rubbing his temple.
Some nurse thought it was a great idea to let you out of your room, almost causing Aurelius to get a heart attack.
"Where's (Y/N)?" He asked the lady at the front desk, his patience leaving.
"They were taken out by that nurse of theirs. The cute guy everyone's been falling in love with," the women spoke, taking a bite out of her granola bar, paying no attention to the others around her.
Aurelius clenched his fists in frustration, his jaw tightening as he fought to contain his anger. "That 'cute guy' needs to learn some boundaries," he muttered, raising an eyebrow at the nonchalant woman. He hesitated for a moment, debating whether to give her a piece of his mind or find you as soon as possible.
Deciding to keep his emotions in check, he forced a strained smile. "Well, thank you for the information," he said, his voice dripping with false politeness. Turning on his heels, Aurelius stormed off in the direction the nurse had taken you.
He couldn't understand how someone could be so irresponsible, oblivious to the potential harm they could cause. All he wanted was to ensure your safety and well-being, and now he had an additional cause for concern.
As he wove through the bustling hospital corridors, his thoughts raced with worry. What if you had been injured or distressed while under the care of the oblivious nurse? The mere thought made his blood boil, making him want to throw up.
Just as he rounded a corner, he caught sight of you standing near a window, seemingly oblivious to the chaos they had caused. Relief washed over Aurelius, briefly suppressing his anger. "There you are," he sighed, his voice filled with a mix of concern and irritation.
"You look mad," you commented, your eyes looking through the window, not paying any attention just like the women from earlier.
"Who brought you out?"
"Some guy. Dunno his name,"
"You're left alone, and not even in a fucking wheelchair for that matter," he spoke, his voice sounding more annoyed as each second passed.
"Sorry..?" You offered, not really wanting to deal with him.
You were finally able to get some fresh air, and you were not going to let him ruin your chance.
'Let's go," he grabbed your arm, making you almost fall over. Aurelius's grip on your arm tightened, his anger boiling over as he yanked you towards him.
"You don't get to just wander off without a care in the world," he growled through clenched teeth. "I'm here to protect you, and if you can't see that, then maybe I shouldn't even bother." His words stung, although you understood his concern.
"I didn't mean to cause you worry," you said, trying to steady your voice. "I just needed a moment to breathe. But I'm fine now."
"Fine? You call this fine?" he scoffed, his grip still firm on your arm. "You could have gotten hurt, kidnapped, who the hell knows what could have happened? And you think it's just fine?"
"I'm not gonna fucking die without you!" You yelled, trying to get out of his grip.
"Yes, yes you will!" Aurelius's voice grew cold, his eyes flashing with a toxic mix of anger and superiority. "You're nothing without me. You're weak, helpless, and if I'm not there to protect you, you'll end up getting yourself killed."
His words tore through you like a knife, the toxicity of his possessiveness becoming unbearable. Anger swelled within you, fueling your determination to stand up for yourself.
"I'm not weak, Aurelius. I can take care of myself. I'm not some fragile little thing that needs to be sheltered from the world," you shot back, your voice laced with a newfound strength. His grip on your arm tightened even more, his face contorting with rage.
"You think you're so tough? You think you can survive out there on your own? You're delusional. You need me, whether you like to admit it or not."
"No, I don't," you replied defiantly, staring him straight in the eyes. "I need someone who respects me, who trusts me, and treats me like an equal. Not someone who thinks they have the right to control my every move."
Aurelius's facade of superiority shattered for a split second, a flicker of vulnerability crossing his face. But it quickly turned back to anger, his toxic traits taking hold once more.
"You're just a fool if you think anyone else could ever care for you like I do," he spat, his voice laced with venom. "But go ahead, try to find someone else. You'll see how quickly they abandon you when things get tough."
You finally got back to your room, after what felt like ages. He glared at you, as you avoided eye contact.
You felt like you were constantly walking on eggshells, never knowing what would set him off next.
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twst-kumi · 3 months
Weeping Maiden [ACT I] CHAPTER 11
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[Act I] CHAPTER 11
[Name] woke up in her room in Royal Dawn Dormitory. Flora was dozing off on the armchair by her bed. The fairy’s eyes looked puffy from crying. Flora woke up startled by the young girl snorting. The old woman looked at her for a minute before bawling. She was so loud that she could hear running in the mini castle. 
Ambrose barged in the room holding his robe up. He looked disheveled while panting. His eyes darted everywhere before he saw [Name] smiling awkwardly. It was his turn to cry.
“_Oh my sweet child! I was so worried.”
Alerted by the commotion, the other came to see what was happening. Aurelius also teared up as he saw the young girl. She was alive and well. 
“_ Don't scare us like that ever again. 
_ Yes, I'm sorry. I swear I didn't mean to worry.
_ It's not about you worrying us, my dear child. It was dangerous. You could have died.” 
The director said glaring at her worriedly. He wanted to protect her. Not only was she his most delicate student, but she was first and foremost his daughter blood related or not. [Name]’s heart fluttered in front of his sincere eyes.
“_ It's a parent's job to take care and worry about their child. And a father's job to protect their daughter.”
The young girl couldn't say anything. Her heart felt heavy with unknown emotions. She didn't know how to react to it, but it felt good somehow. Like she was waiting for such words, she couldn't stop her tears trailing down her cheek. The old man held her in her arms and [Name] broke down wailing like a little kid. She couldn't help but cry as he hugged her tightly. It was warm. Ambrose’s embrace felt so warm around her. 
A few minutes after, her eyes were puffy and red gaining her some teasing laugh from Vil and the rest. 
“_You look like a baby chick who hatched with your eyes like that.
_Nooo, baby chick are ugly when they hatch.”
[Name] whined still sniffing here and there. The group laughed relieved everyone was alright. They got out with only a few scratch and bruise nothing to heavy. The most worrying peoples were Neige and her who were unconscious for two days. Neige woke up yesterday.
“_About Neige…” 
[Name] started to explain what she saw in his memories as they listened calmly. There was a silence for a moment until Alexis talked.
“_Like I give a fuck! He drugged you! Don't expect me to go easy on him because of his sob story.” 
Aurelius winced at his colorful language but agreed with him nonetheless. [Name] smiled gently at them.
“_ I'm not asking you to forgive him. I'm just stating the core reason for Neige's Overblot. Neige is incapable of valuing himself for what he is. For him, his worth can only be equated to his usefulness.” 
She understood this feeling better than anyone. As a former child actor and having grown up in a toxic family, she understood what Neige had gone through. Unlike her, Neige was probably not aware of his own abuse. 
“_ I see… Well, you may want to know. I decided to exclude Neige for a week.
_ Only a week? Don't tell me you are planning to let him go scoff free!”
[Name] looked at Vil who frowned at Ambrose’s words. She wanted to comments on how Crowley is letting every Overblotted students off the hook without any repercussions. Aside from Leona who almost got disqualified for Magicshift. The RSA director only laughed.
“_ Of course not. But I think that everyone can get a second chance, if they do show determination and sincerity. The same could be said for you. When I call for you as a primary suspect, I wanted to give you a chance to defend yourself. And if you were the culprit, a chance to redeem yourself.”
Vil couldn’t say if he was unconfortable or just jealous. The director knew Neige longer than him, so it was normal to trust him more than the actor. On the opposite, Crowley didn’t hesitate to send Vil the moment the school reputation was brought up. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.
Thanks to Ambrose, Vil was able to return to school. He covered it as a flu, he and [Name] caught that. The young girl coming from a different and closeted “land”, her immunity system was a bit weaker than them. It was the excuse they gave everyone to explain their absences. 
“_Where is Neige? I would like to talk to him before he leave.”
There was another silence. 
“_Hey! You heard her? So, are you going to hide behind that wall longer?”
Alexis growled looking toward the open door. They could see a shoulder flinching but no other mouvement. Seeing that he wasn’t going to move, the gentle-looking boy felt even more pissed.
“_ COME IN!!! YOU PIECE OF S…. syrup! I was going to say syrup.”
Everyone looked at him unconvinced and Aurelius couldn’t help but stifle a chuckle. He was going to be in trouble if he continued to swear like a sailor. Vil on other side was wondering if it was a normal for small and delicate looking boys to have a foul mouth. This was the second one after Epel. That being said hearing Neige getting insulted didn’t felt bad. He will acknowledge that Neige’s situation was sad, but it didnt mean he would like him. If anything, he had even more resentment toward him. 
Neige walked inside, his eyes darted to the floor unable to confront their stare. Taking on the cue, Ambrose made everyone leave. Aurelius and Alexis couldn’t help but glare at Neige. 
“_Scream if he try to do anything suspicious. 
_ Yeah, we will beat him for you if he try anything so don’t worry.”
Aurelius and Alexis said while burning hole with their glare on Neige. Vil felt refreshed in a way. Look like RSA too could be a little violent. 
Alone, Neige and [Name] looked at each other for moment. The boy looked devastated, remorse was obvious on his face. 
“_ I’m sorry… I… 
_ I never liked you more than a friend, Neige.”
Neige flinched a little. He could feel a lump forming in his throat. He looked at her before smiling at her. He tried to push back on his need to cry. He was  aware, she didn’t share his feeling.He was going to use this week to reflect on it. Deep down he felt like he didn’t have any right on loving her or coveting her affection.
“_ I know… I’m quite aware of it now. I just want to say it at least once. I love you, [Name].”
[Name] was speechless for a moment. His eyes shined with a resolve she never saw in him before. Something changed in him, he looked a little bit more like a man rather than a delicate boy. Both exchanged a small laugh before Neige stood up to leave. She rejected his confession but at least she acknowledged it. 
Neige was walking down the stair under the two freshmen’s glare. It was understandable for them to hate him. Remembering something, he stopped in his tracks and looked at them. 
“_Please, take care of her.
_We don’t need you to tell us that. 
_Just leave already!”
Neige chuckled a little looking at the two. What a duo of  brave little knight they were. 
“_Right, before I forgot. Don’t trust Henry that much.”
Aurelius frowned a little. What does his dormleader have to do with all this? The young man felt his stomach churn. Pushing his worry aside, he walked back inside the bedroom once he was sure Neige left the dorm. 
Act I: Poison of Delusion. (END)
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avoxrising · 9 months
The Feral One • Ch 21
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
I had such a shitty day but I’m lowkey in love with this part of the series so I decided to post. Also I did some editing so the sewers are now in chapter 24 instead of 23. Let the fun begin!
Content Warnings - descriptions of wounds
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Finnick and you try to make the best of your last few days together before he has to leave for deployment. You continue to skip your schedule, with the news of Finnick’s impending absence leaving you mentally unstable enough for Dr. Aurelius to give you a pass.
You follow him around like a lost puppy, constantly grasping at his fingers as a reminder that he’s still here. That’s the only touch you will allow, however. Your progress has regressed a bit and the nightmares have returned. You can’t even sleep in the same bed as Finnick, worried that you might hurt him.
The only night this changes is the night before he’s shipped out to the capital.
“You can’t go,” you whine as you grasp onto him, worried he might disappear at any moment.
“We’ve been over this,” he sighs, rolling over in the bed to face you.
“I know but it sucks and I hate it,” you explain.
“Can I hold you tonight?” he asks, suddenly turning the mood even more sad than it already was.
You sigh as you lean in closer to him, allowing him to wrap his arms around you.
“Thank you for loving me,” you tell him, moving your head slightly to look back at him.
“Thank you for letting me.”
Finnick doesn’t let you go to the hangar to see him off as he doesn’t want to say goodbye. You understand where he’s coming from but watching him get out of bed at 6am and leave your cabin nearly broke you.
Dr. Aurelius decided you would stay in the hospital again while Finnick was away. He didn’t think that you living alone was healthy and you agreed. As much as you hated the hospital at least you had Johanna there. She had a bad episode when she encountered water during her training and had to be sent back to the hospital.
You spend your days sitting with Johanna, neither of you having much to say. Mags comes to see you during her reflection time but again you sit in silence. Nobody was worth talking to as long as he was gone.
You stopped seeing Dr. Aurelius after he tried to explain that your dependency on Finnick was not healthy. He may be right but you don’t care. You need Finnick.
“Miss Y/L/N,” President Coin states as she steps into your room. You were not expecting her as a visitor. It had been only a few days since Finnick left. “You and Mr. Mellark have been called upon for a noble mission.”
You look at her confused. What were you and Peeta going to do? Coin sets down a pile of clothes on the edge of your bed.
“Suit up soldier,” she states. Maybe you would be seeing Finnick sooner than you thought.
You and Peeta are loaded into a hovercraft to an unknown location. Well, the people flying the hovercraft know where you are going, but you and Peeta haven’t been told anything.
It’s a long few hours before you finally land in District 2.
“My name is Peeta Melark,” Peeta whispers to himself as he exits the hovercraft.
You struggle to stand up, a headache having accumulated during the flight. A soldier goes to help you but you swat his hand away, not wanting to be touched.
“What are we doing here?” Peeta mumbles as you fight to stay standing, the pulsing headache not helping.
“In the vehicles,” a soldier orders, motioning for you and Peeta to get into two separate armored trucks. Why are they separating you two?
The ride in the truck is long. You fade in and out of a fitful sleep, unable to rid yourself of a repeating nightmare you’ve had since leaving the capital.
In it, Wiress is sitting on the beach in the arena, staring out into the water with her dead eyes and slit throat, repeatedly muttering “tick tock” to herself. It always happens the same way. Her muttering gets louder until she suddenly goes silent and turns to face you.
You watch in horror as her ashy skin begins to flake off, revealing nothing but bones underneath. Black blood flows from her throat.
“Tick tock,” she screams at you.
“You can’t outrun the clock!”
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Moves & Countermoves (Part 19)
Summary: No one ever wins the games, even fourteen years later, Y/N is still playing. Trigger warning: discussions of trauma surrounding ‘desirable’ victors.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18
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“Tell me about the stairs,” Dr. Aurelius says.
Y/N stares at him blankly, the stairs.
He waits a moment, tapping his pen to paper. “At the request of your husband, you will be issued a nightlock pill, to use in the event that you are captured.”
Y/N nods. One of the stipulations to Haymitch agreeing to her deployment, on this mission to rescue Peeta.
‘Show me you can reach it with your mouth.’ He tested the accessibility of her suit’s pill pocket, rigorously. ‘Show me you can still reach it with your hands behind your back.’
It isn’t something he wants her to use, but knowing that whatever Snow has planned for her would make Peeta’s captivity look like child’s play…
“By President Coin’s orders, I cannot release this… medication unless you are of sound mind.”
“You have reason to believe I’m not?” Y/N asks.
“One of your former guards told me you asked if anyone had ever jumped from the elevator.” Aurelius purses his lips.
“It was one time!” Y/N waves a hand, “and it was a joke.”
“You have a dark sense of humor.”
“You would too.”
The therapist affords her a soft smile, “you may be right. Even still, you are my patient. I need to act in your best interest. So please, tell me what happened on the stairs.”
Y/N takes a deep breath, “it’s kind of a blur. Everyone was pushing, yelling, especially after the upper levels were damaged and the rain started coming down.”
“How did you feel?”
“I felt…worried, I guess.”
“In what way?”
“About Haymitch, Madge and the kids. Worried about what was happening to Peeta. Worried about getting Katniss into the bunker.”
He jots this down.
“That was a normal response.” Y/N snaps.
“Very much so,” the doctor agrees, “not every note I make is a bad one.”
Y/N crosses her arms.
“Did you worry for yourself? Your own safety?”
You’re supposed to say yes.
“There is no right answer, Y/N.”
“There’s an answer that gets me to Peeta and one that doesn’t.”
“True,” he shrugs, “but I trust you not to lie.”
“You shouldn’t.” Y/N narrows her eyes. “I’m a good liar, I’ve been doing it since I was fifteen.”
“How do you feel about death? Is it something you long for, or run from?”
“If I die, my kids lose their mother, my husband loses his wife, my sister loses her sister. The list goes on. So it really doesn’t matter how I feel about death. All I know is that I cannot die.”
“Yet you think you could bite down on this pill?” He presents the dark purple capsule.
“As a last resort. If I have fought tooth and nail and I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I can’t get free? I could.” Y/N decides.
Dr. Aurelius nods, holding the nightlock out to her. “Best of luck.”
Haymitch curses Katniss’ name, as he shuffles through the crawl space she’s gone to hide in, after refusing to make the propo saying thirteen survived Snow’s attack.
Have kids, they said. It will be fun, they said.
Though none of his biological children have forced him to squeeze in such a tight space, parenthood is not for the faint of heart.
He plops down beside her with a sigh, “so this is the end, huh? I guess we’re just gonna hide down here forever.”
“I can’t be the mockingjay,” Katniss chokes out.
“Not the mockingjay,” Haymitch tosses a bit of hair away from her face, “just Katniss.”
She blinks at him, warily.
“Look, I know I’m not good at this pep talk stuff. That’s Y/N’s department.”
“She doesn’t want to see me,” Katniss understands.
“She spent the morning getting cleared by her shrink.”
“Cleared for what?”
“They’re going to rescue Peeta.” Haymitch tells her.
“The dam went down in district five, took out most of the power to the Capitol. Knocked out their signal defense, Beetee’s inside their system, reeking all kinds of havoc. The window is open to us, for how much longer? I don’t know, I guess until the Capitol can get the power back on.” Haymitch explains.
“And Coin?”
“I can never fully support that woman. But Plutarch got word that Peeta and the others are in the tribute center. With the power out, Coin sees this as an opportunity. She knows that Peeta is the Capitol’s weapon, the same way you’re ours. And as opposed to having you two pointing at each other, she’s going to get him.”
“I have to go help them.” Katniss springs to life.
“Woah, hey,” Haymitch reaches out a hand to stop her. “What’re you just gonna jump out of the vent and go storm the Capitol? Besides it’s already underway. Six soldiers went in, volunteer only. Y/N, Gale, Boggs and three others.”
“You just let her go?” Katniss frowns.
Haymitch admits, “she’s not the type of person you ‘let’ do things. But you know how that is, sweetheart. Between the two of you,” he lets out a low whistle, “I’m exhausted.”
Madge breaks her dinner roll in half. Splitting it between Everest and Arista, the same way she’s watched Y/N and Haymitch do since they got here. Making sure little bellies are full, before their own.
Pollux approaches, motioning to the seat across from Madge, at the metal mess hall table. He sets down his tray and pulls out his note pad, to jot a message down. “Is this seat taken?”
“No,” Madge greets him, “please, sit.”
“Hi, I’m Pollux. You’re Y/N’s sister, right?”
Madge nods.
“She keeps your picture in her pocket.” Pollux smiles. “And them.” He points to the oldest children.
Everest’s eyes scan the page. “Our mom told us about you. What happened to you in the Capitol…I’m really sorry.”
“Honey,” Madge runs a hand over his hair.
“Thank you, Everest. It’s nice to meet you. Your mom talks about you all the time, she is so proud.” Pollux turns the page quickly, for more room. “Arista and Daisy too, of course. Your mom loves you all very much.”
With that the children turn back to their meals.
Madge smiles, stabbing at her food with one hand, while patting the baby in the sling. The tray moves and Pollux holds out a hand to stabilize it. “Oh, thank you. It’s ok though, you eat.”
He draws the hand back, long enough to scribble, “I’d offer to hold the baby instead, but I don’t think we’re there yet.”
Madge laughs, “funny.”
“It’s really no trouble.”
Madge shrugs, as he grips the edge of her tray, loosely. Managing his own dinner just fine.
Cressida calls him away, after a while, for Finnick’s live propo, to help jam the Capitol’s airwaves.
“I’ll see you around.”
“I’ll see you.”
“This is Finnick Odair, winner of the sixty-fifth Hunger Games, coming to you from district thirteen, alive and well. We survived an attack by the Capitol, but I’m not here to give you recent news.”
“Why is Finnick doing a propo?” Katniss wonders, watching the split screen of the control room. The large, right panel is an image of Finnick. Just outside the rubble, where they asked her to film earlier, the sun has set and the lights are trained on him. The left hand side is home to six smaller panels, with the soldier’s helmet cam footage.
“It’s a lot more than that,” Haymitch informs her.
“Beetee’s commandeered the system,” Coin says, proudly.
“They’re down to generator power, so there’s a more limited range of frequencies available to them. I’m filling them all up with Y/N and Finnick. It looks like they’re both live.” Beetee assures Katniss.
“Snow will think she’s still here?” That’s brilliant.
“Not many will see it, but those who do will assume they’re just propos.”
“What they don’t know is that these broadcasts are jamming their entire system with noise. Early defense warnings, internal communications, everything. As long as one or both of the broadcasts are going through, our team should be able to get in and out without being detected.” Beetee assures her.
“You can survive the arena, but the moment you leave, you’re a slave.” Finnick narrates. “President Snow used to sell me, or my body, at least.”
“Mockingjay one, you are twenty seconds from perimeter defense.”
“I wasn’t the only one. If a victor is considered desirable, the president gives them as a reward, or allows people to buy them. If you refuse, he kills someone you love.” Finnick presses on, looking straight at camera.
“Ten seconds.” The hovercraft pilot begins counting down. “Nine, eight, seven, six.”
“Just because a victor is married doesn’t mean they’re safe.”
“Five, four, three…”
“The Capitol’s more generous patrons paid dearly to watch the wedding night, even more to witness the conception of the most beloved children in Panem.”
“Two, one.”
Katniss freezes, surely he doesn’t mean- it couldn’t be. The dress, that stupid dress they crammed her in. Why it upset Y/N so badly. Snow was taunting her.
“No response from perimeter defense, we’re inside Capitol airspace.”
“Yes,” Beetee rejoices.
Haymitch is watching the smaller screen, his jaw tense, doing his best to ignore the eyes that fall on him. Twisting his wedding band around and around. It doesn’t matter what secrets Finnick reveals, so long as he keeps jamming the signal. Keep Y/N safe.
“To make themselves feel better, patrons will offer presents of money or jewelry. But I found secrets to be a much more valuable form of payment.”
“Gear up,” Boggs orders the soldiers on the hovercraft. They are just seconds away from the tribute center. “Masks on.”
Their lenses are tinted for night vision, the red light inside makes Y/N’s heartbeat faster.
“Open the door.” Boggs says, his voice echoing through her headset. “Command, this is team leader, preparing to deploy gas. We will confirm once inside.”
“Such a young man when he rose to power, such a clever one to keep it. How, you may ask, did he do it?” Finnick is captivating, well spoken.
Katniss is hanging off every word.
“One word, poison.”
The timer for the gas grenadines finishes, on Bogg’s stop watch, “get ready to drop.”
Y/N secures her harness to the wire, giving it a firm tug. Descending through the open loading dock, releasing the wires as they reach ground.
“Clear.” Boggs, informs the team. “We’re inside, headed for target number one. Cell B forty-five, lower level two C.”
“So many deaths to well known adversaries, even allies who were deemed as threats.”
It’s dizzying, giving equal attention to Finnick’s message and the feed from inside the tribute center.
Haymitch is glued to that screen, her screen. Like he wants to reach through and bring her back with him.
Once Peeta’s holding cell is gassed, they are cleared to enter.
“Snow would drink from the same cup, to deflect suspicion. But antidotes don’t always work, which is why he wears roses that reek of perfume. To help cover the scent of sores, in his mouth, that will never heal.”
Poison, Katniss shakes her head to clear it. He’s still talking about poison.
Inside the room is a lab, full of jars, experiments. Cages. Medical equipment, some with blood still visible.
“What the fuck?” Y/N whispers, reaching out to try and make sense of it.
“Abernathy, on me.” Boggs warns, they need to stay focused.
“What is this place?” Gale asks, venturing deeper.
Their screens lights up, all of them at once. Too bright to see.
There is a collective hiss, from those in the tribute center. The power’s back on.
“Beetee?” Katniss has a hand flat against her belly, where the worry eats her alive.
“Ma’am, the Capitol air defense is rebooting. It’s coming back online.”
“They must be diverting power from another source, filtering transmissions. Another sixty seconds and we’ll be cut off.” Beetee scowls, typing furiously at the control panel.
“Get them outta there,” Haymitch demands.
“Madame President, should we call back the hovercraft?”
“Broadcast me,” Katniss decides, “if Snow’s watching this, maybe he’ll let the signal in, if he sees me. Put me on the air so he can see me.”
“Yes,” Plutarch snaps a finger. “Yes.”
“Put her on,” Coin agrees.
“Can we still do this?” Haymitch’s hands are shaking as he positions the camera in front of her. “Can we still get in?” Can we still save her?
“Yes, for the moment,” Beetee replies. “The line’s open, he will only see you.”
“Ok, Katniss,” Haymitch steps away. “Go.”
“President Snow.” Katniss says, “President Snow, it’s Katniss.”
The static continues to crackle. No more Finnick, no more footage from the tribute center. Just her.
“President Snow, can you hear me?” Katniss repeats, hoping for a miracle. “I need to speak with you, are you there? President Snow.”
“Miss Everdeen,” his voice is distorted for a moment, until the signal hones in. “What an honor. I don’t imagine you’re calling to thank me for the roses.”
“I never asked for this. I never asked to be in the games.” Katniss reminds him. “I just wanted to save my sister and keep Peeta alive. Let him go and I will stop being the mockingjay. I will disappear and you’ll never have to see me again.”
“You couldn’t run from this anymore than you could’ve run from the games.”
“Please, you’ve won.” Katniss says, “release Peeta and take me instead.”
Snow shakes his head with a smirk. “We are long past the opportunity for noble sacrifice.”
“Then tell me what to do, I’ve always kept my promises. Haven’t I?”
“You said you didn’t want a war, and that’s just what happened. I told you what a fragile thing peace was and still, like a child, you took pleasure in breaking it. I know what you are, I know you can’t see past your narrowest concerns. But please, Miss Everdeen, I doubt you know what honesty is anymore.”
“You asked me to convince you that I was in love with Peeta,” Katniss challenges. “Haven’t I at least done that?”
Snow takes great pleasure in what he’s about to say, it’s written all over his twisted features. “It’s the things we love most that destroy us. I want you to remember I said that.” He pauses. “Don’t you think I know Y/N and your friends are in the tribute center?”
Katniss feels the floor fall out from under her.
“Cut them off.” Snow says, turning away from the screen. It returns to the static hum of nothing.
They had comms back, but now Beetee’s lost them again.
“What happened?” Katniss sobs.
“Boggs, do you read me? Boggs, come in.”
“He knows they’re in there,” Katniss calls to Haymitch. “It’s a trap.”
“Katniss, calm down.” Haymitch whispers.
“We have to get ahold of them, tell them to get out. He knows.”
“There’s no signal, we can’t contact them,” Plutarch sighs.
“No, Haymitch.” Katniss crumbles, “he knew the whole time, he was taunting me! No, Haymitch-”
“No, no, we don’t know that.” Haymitch hushes her, because he has to be strong. He has to be steady, even with his world falling to pieces.
“Did I lose them all tonight? Did I lose them all?”
Haymitch pulls her into a hug. “Shhh,” he smooths down her dark waves, the same way he would his other daughters.
She holds fast, allowing him to comfort her. “Did I lose them?” The cry is muffled against his shoulder.
“Shh,” he sways them, gently.
“No, no.”
“Katniss,” Haymitch breathes, “listen to me. I need you to listen.”
She nods, unable to calm her erratic breathing.
“If Y/N died, I would feel it. I would feel it in my heart, if she was gone and I don’t. If she’s alive, Peeta is alive, Gale is alive. All we have to do is wait.”
“Systems are back online.” The pilot informs them.
There’s nothing they can do. Communication with thirteen is shut down, no way to get through to Beetee. They’ll either shoot them out of the sky or they won’t. The only way out is through.
Y/N doesn’t mean to, but she holds her breath. Waiting until they clear Capitol airspace to resume a normal pattern.
Of the five other soldiers on this rescue mission, there is one medic. She begins tending Annie, Johanna and Peeta in turn. Starting IV fluids, as they are all dehydrated; unconscious from the gas.
Annie looks like herself, maybe a bit gaunt, but recognizable. Peeta is thin, so thin and covered in bruises. Johanna’s head has been shaved, cheeks hollow and ribs showing. Y/N tosses off her helmet, running both hands over her face.
“Soldier.” Boggs puts a hand to her shoulder. “You did good. We accomplished our goal. Now we can all go home.”
Y/N nods, blinking away tears.
“Take a breather, there’s a separate compartment through there,” he motions to the rear doors. “He’ll need you when he comes to.”
Peeta does not wake for some time, beginning to struggle at his bindings. No, he realizes, it’s not a binding that holds him. It’s a hand. Just one wrapped loosely around his.
It feels familiar, soft. Someone he knew once, it smells of artificial air. She is warm, the space around her is warm, gentle and kind. A second hand strokes his hair, the way he once wished his mother would.
His eyelids begin to flutter open, daring to reveal that he is conscious. If he’s wrong…if it’s not her and they’ve tricked him again, it will be his own fault.
“Peeta,” Y/N says, staring down at him.
He blinks up at her, in the too bright light. His breathing heavy as she tries to move away, to give him space, but he holds her. Squeezing her fingers.
“Peeta, do you know who I am?”
His throat is sore, voice hoarse, from screaming. “Y-yes.”
“Good,” Y/N smiles.
“Where am I?”
“We’re in a hovercraft, on the way to district thirteen.”
Peeta studies her face. There was something…something is missing, something’s wrong. “What happened to the baby?”
“She’s fine.” Y/N assures him. “Keeping her siblings and Haymitch company.”
“You’re all ok?”
Y/N nods, “yeah, honey, we’re all ok. Now we focus on getting you healthy. Ok?”
He doesn’t flee from her touch, only the occasional flinch when he forgets where he is, until she reminds him that he is safe. “You came back for me.”
“Of course I did.”
Y/N leaves him briefly, with the doctors, upon arrival in thirteen. She needs to find Haymitch, tell him she’s ok. And she is running, searching, colliding into him, with such force that they are both sent off balance.
Down to the floor, the dirty, cold floor. But no place has ever felt better. To hold him, for him to hold her and inhale the scent at the crook of his neck.
“Never again.” He pleads, massaging the back of her scalp, like he does when she’s falling asleep. “Never do that to me again.”
“I’m sorry, Haymitch.” She nuzzles the delicate skin of his throat.
“Don’t make me live in a world where you don’t exist.”
‘All I know is that I cannot die.’
Part 20
Series Taglist: @praline357 @flowercrowns-goodvibes @justheretoparty420 @avocadotoastwithegg @treehouse-mouse @emo-markie @spilled-mi1k @magical-spit @greaser9902 @jessicamellarky @yourebuckingkiddingme @smuha2004 @sendhelplease @ninimackbrews @wittiestrain184 @r1dd1kulus @erenluvr69 @helpimhyperfixating @jackierose902109 @jellybear455 @dreammgc @dadbodfanatic-x @ftdtcmlovr @inky-sun @ms-brek-ker @undercover55655 @mischiefmanaged21 @avoxrising @koiphisch @drwho-ess @daisydaisybilly
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embersofhope-if · 1 year
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"On the 25th anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that their children were dying because of their choice to initiate violence, every district was made to hold an election and vote on the tributes that who would represent it."
Twenty-five years have passed since the rebellion, yet the price is still being paid by the Districts. Even though most people alive today had no part in the fight, they suffer the consequences of the Capitol's anger. The harsh reality of the Capitol's cruelty is revealed every year on July 4th, Reaping Day. On this day, two children from each of the 12 districts are randomly chosen to fight to the death in an arena until only a lone victor remains. Parents hold their children close and hope it isn't their child who will be ripped away from them, knowing that there is nothing they can do to stop it.
However, this year is different. This year marks the very first Quarter Quell, and parents don't have to worry about whether their children might be taken away because, for this once-in-a-lifetime event, they get to choose who goes into the arena. But there's no doubt in anyone's mind who's going in when the mayor has a child of his own - me.
Now it's my turn to play a true game of life or death. May the odds be ever in my favor
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Demo ☆ Playlist ☆ Pinterest
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Customize your appearance (hair type and color, complexion, height, build, clothing)
Choose how you interact with the Capitol and those of your District
Form new relationships and change the ones you already have
Train in the weapon of your choice yes including a bow
Try not to die<3
17+. Content warnings for graphic violence, child death, child abuse/neglect, starvation, murder
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Creon Levesque ♤ The Mentor ♤ RO ♤ 19
A special friend in very special places. I met Creon when you were 12 years old at a dinner party my Uncle Keyon had brought me to in the Capitol. Maybe it was the fact that I was very obviously District or maybe it was something else entirely, but from that night forward, Creon and I have had an intense and strange relationship. And now they stand before me assuring me that with them as a mentor, everything will be alright. How they managed to get themselves as a mentor they won't tell me, but honestly, in the end, does it matter?
♤Creon is gender selectable by the player♤
Romance Route: Red flag of all red flags, forbidden love, different worlds, insta love (at least on Creons part)
Aurelius/Aurelia Weaver ♧ The District Partner ♧ RO ♧ 18
My district partner. I don't know them that well, especially after they dropped out of school at 16 to work full-time in the factories. I'm not entirely sure what I did to them to warrant the looks of pure disgust and anger they throw my way after that, but now things have changed. They asked to be the other tribute for District 8, and now standing in front of them and looking into their eyes, all I can see is a predator looking at its prey. They are going to kill me, and they're going to enjoy it.
♧ Aurel is always the opposite gender of Mc ♧
Romance Route: Enemies to Lovers, Doomed Love, potential unrequited love, perhaps unrequited but actually requited love😏
Asher "Ash" Fairchild ♡ The Childhood Bestfriend ♡ 16
Ash was the first and only real friend I've had my entire life. They were practically the embodiment of everything good in the world. Everyone loved Ash, and when they had their name called for the 23rd reaping the shock and sorrow was felt throughout the entire District. Even walking up to the stage, they moved like a petal dancing through the wind. Their memory has haunted me every day for the past two years, and now I get to experience the same terror they felt in their final moments.
♡ There will be an option to be in a relationship with Ash before their games. Ash is also gender selectable by the player ♡
Romance Route: First love, childhood friends to lovers, soulmates
Soren Vesper ◇ The Mayor ◇ 46
The mayor of District 8, and my Father. A very stern man who prefers things to be done his way. I've never seen his mask of the harsh mayor who does everything the Capitol request ever break, that is until the announcement of the Quarter Quell. The change happened so fast that it scared me. A once mighty man who didn't care about the people of his district now begging them to choose anyone but his child to go into the games. At least I get to know my Father does care for me before I die.
Tribute and Other Profiles TBA
☆This is my second IF my main one is @shadowsofthegun-if if anyone is interested in being a goofy little cowboy and i have another IF @dustandshadows-if set in the world of the shadowhunter chronicles if anyone is interested in that as well. @konosadmaru is also my main if anyone wants to follow me on there☆
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Everlark (Mockingjay, Ch. 25-27)
peeta also being in the burn unit bc he was in the city circle
what i personally believe is that he's the one who tried to put out the fire that overwhelmed katniss, hence his own burnt hands and forehead
her using peeta's coping mechanism of pain to stay grounded in reality
when katniss talks about all the people she trusts being said, she highlights that there is peeta but he wouldn't know any more than her about 13's plans.
"we are both fire mutts now" - still a (broken) team
"those same blues" mentioned again
haymitch understanding katniss. the dad that stepped up. i love that he says "i'm with the mockingjay" instead of "yes"
katniss being our fave feral girl by literally biting into peeta's hand as he stops her from taking her nightlock
the fact that when she says "let me go", our baker boy with the beautiful words and the charm can only say "i can't"
just another instance where these can't let each other go. has anyone made a counter for these instances?
peeta is well and truly back. to do that. to know he can't let her go. that even when she bites him so hard he bleeds, he just looks into her eyes and lets her know he can't let her die
the fact that after the way katniss was used in the games and then in the rebellion, afterwards when she's damaged and broken and bruised and they have no more use for her, she's just sent off to 12
"there's no obstacle now to taking my life. but i seem to be waiting for something" - the same way peeta kept his hand open with the nightlock pill waiting for katniss to curl over his hand for him, katniss waits for peeta's permission to die
i love that she doesn't even mention peeta by name when she sees he's returned. we just know instinctively that he's the "him" that's back.
peeta says dr aurelius wouldn't let him leave the capitol til the day before which makes me think peeta had really been trying to be discharged to get back to katniss.
"his eyes have lost that clouded, tortured look"
katniss who understandably has fallen into physical disrepair over the last two chapters now feels "defensive" as peeta looks at her, frowning, and tries to push her hair out of her eyes somewhat. her relationship is SO different to the one she has with everyone else. and that's because it's really the only one where she's concerned with romance and her looks etc
peeta digging up and bringing her primrose. the boy with the bread is still here bringing gifts that can't have a price put on them. he is the sweetest most beautiful fictional boy
katniss is relieved that gale is in 2, far away. that era of her life is over, that friendship is over.
although she's still confusing right to end. why are you thinking about gale's lips kissing other lips. i think it's just like her finding closure but still.
katniss falling asleep on the sofa but waking up in her bed. we can guess who got her there
it's only after peeta comes back that katniss starts to hunt, find closure, grieve with others.
peeta bringing her a warm loaf of bread again.
them taking the family plant book and creating a new book to honour and remember the dead. her, peeta and haymitch creating their own makeshift family book. so tragic so beautiful
"peeta and i grow back together" - like it was inevitable.
But his arms are there to comfort me. And eventually his lips. On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I know this would have happened anyway. That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that. So after, when he whispers, “You love me. Real or not real?” I tell him, “Real.”
i love how simple and matter of fact this whole passage is. she doesn't need to go into flowery descriptions or explanations. she's already done that for three books.
i just love this whole passage so much. so much hope. so much love. after all that's happened, katniss learns to live again, to hope again, to love again, to see goodness again. and peeta is a key to her achieving that. and it's so beautiful
as an adult, i now know that this scene is alluding to their first time having sex. the mentions of his arms that build to his lips that build to her hunger from the beach that night. "so after" is after that night, that moment in their relationship where things become elevated in a new way.
him whispering that is not him asking her to declare it or say it. he's asking her to confirm what he feels, has felt. that she loves him. and she knows now her answer forever. real.
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ancientcharm · 5 months
Wikipedia article that is only available in Spanish. I translated into English some abstract to share here. I always wanted to write a post about that "Antonine dynasty" fallacy. Luckily I found someone who explains much better
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Ulpia-Aelia Dynasty
Ulpia-Aelia Dynasty is the new name proposed by Alicia M. Canto and adopted by a sector of current historiography to refer to the seven emperors of the Roman Empire, from Nerva to Comodo. Specifically includes emperors Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius and his co-emperor Lucius Verus.
Doctrinal approaches
Unlike other dynasties such as the Julio-Claudian dynasty, the Flavian dynasty or the Severan dynasty, there is no agreement in Ancient History on how to group and name the emperors of the 2nd century, "the best century in the history of Humanity" according the British historian Edward Gibbon.
The most used definitions from the 18th century until today have been and are "the Antonines", "the Good Emperors" and "the Adoptive Emperors". There were only two Antonine: Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, and both were, above all, two Aelii (from the Aelia family). The adoptions were just a political cosmetic operation, but they did not comply with the ideal principles of adoption described by Galba or Pliny the Younger.
The inappropriateness of these three universal classifications is more evident in the face of the 48 ancient texts that demonstrate that throughout that century there existed an authentic dynasty, of Hispanic origins and roots, whose real link was not the adoptions, but the line of blood and kinship, entrusted to the women of the dynasty, who transmitted the legitimacy to inherit the throne: Pompeia Plotina, Vibia Sabina, Matidia the Younger, and both Annias, the so-called Faustina the Elder and Faustina the Younger, ending in Commodus.
After the elderly Nerva as a necessary introducer, the following six emperors: Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus and Commodus - externi (foreigners) according to the Roman historian Aurelius Victor - form an authentic lineage.
All this led Maria M. Canto to propose the term "Ulpio-Aelia", "the Ulpii Aelii", to define the true dynasty of Hispanic origin that goes from Trajan to Commodus (98-192 AD). Some ancient authors, such greek historian Herodian, demonstrate that the Romans themselves did see Commodus as a direct descendant of Trajan, katá thêlugonía ("by the maternal line"), that is, through the aforementioned empresses, and as "A fourth generation emperor".
The reason why names such as "the Antonine dynasty" or "the Antonine emperors" have universally triumphed is not found in ancient texts, but in the European historiography of the 17th and 18th centuries, whose arguments in this sense, although they do not find real foundation in the texts, have been so generally accepted until now.
The new proposal has already been accepted by authors such as José María Blázquez,​ the Italian expert Anna Maria Reggiani, among others,​ and the definition can be seen integrated even in some university subject programs. Although, without a doubt, two and a half centuries of historiographic tradition is still very decisive in favor of the other definitions in use.
​Alicia María Canto y de Gregorio (Havana, April 23, 1949 – Madrid, March 4, 2024), known as Alicia M. Canto, was a Spanish archaeologist and epigrapher. In 2011 she was appointed corresponding academic of the Royal Academy of History.
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Nerva was chosen just as transitional ruler following the assassination of Emperor Domitian. Except him, the successors of "his dynasty" were related.
I'm really sick of hearing things such "Marcus Aurelius broke tradition by choosing moron Commodus just because he was his son; He made a serious mistake".
None of those emperors were chosen after going through a casting. Trajan's adoptive successor was his nephew, the only male relative he had, plus was married to Trajan's great-niece. Hadrian would have been emperor if Trajan had had a son? Marcus Aurelius and his wife Faustina were descendants of Trajan, he on his father's side and she on his mother's side. Marcus Aurelius did nothing more than continue the true tradition of his family.
Just as Augustus' dynasty is known as the Julio-Claudian, ending with Nero, Trajan's is the Ulpia-Aelia dynasty and ending with Commodus. And in my opinion the term Nerva Antonine dynasty, which I find in all English articles, simply doesn't make sense.
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goldenboybridgers · 5 months
•¨•.¸¸☆*・゚starter for @gollldrush 8 years after the break-up ゚・☆¸¸.•¨*•
Aurelius Bridgers. A name that hadn't been in the media for years now--almost all but forgotten by anyone who hadn't cared enough to follow his paper trail. His music still went down with some major hits, but as for him? He was left as a rumour blown away with the wind. Some said he got clean after the drug scandal, others said he was abusing his string of girlfriends that followed his big breakup 8 years ago, and even still others started to wonder if he was ever going to come back to the music industry. Oh how people begged him to come back, how his manager begged him to come back...A legend suddenly just gone.
Ze's sat at the corner of the coffee shop, a pair of shades and a baseball cap shadowing zir features--not that anyone would recognize zem. Ze lived in an entirely different town now, far away from the bustle of the city. Even this café was over an hour away from zir little farm out in the middle of nowhere. The perfect place to hide. To heal.
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Fingertips tap idly against the cup of coffee in front of zem, staring down at the latte art, untouched. Ze swallowed hard, starting to get anxious for Leo's arrival. Ze had contacted her out of the blue, convinced her to grab a coffee--somewhere close enough that she wouldn't have to go too out of her way. He didn't mind going out of his own way. Hell, everything was out of the way for him these days. He barely ever left home.
Golden eyes flickered up to look out the window, to check the clock on the wall, zir leg bouncing under the table. Zir coffee was starting to go cold. Where was she? Maybe he was being stood up... He really wouldn't blame her, if so. He'd been shocked she had agreed to come see him again at all. He's jumping at every sound of the door opening until, finally...
He pushes back his chair, standing to his feet when he sees her at the door. A warm smile, giving a wave so she can see where he's sat.
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erisweekofficial · 1 month
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Today we're celebrating @invisibleanonymousmonsters, the incredible author of Gust & Flame, a post ACOSF Eris x Reader fic!
If you love fics where only one person knows they are mates, OR love fics with fae-human relatonships OR want something longer to dig into this is going to be SUCH a treat. 🧡
Please check out the fic masterlist here. It's truly such a fun fic to read - please don't miss out on it.
Read on if you want to hear more about @invisibleanonymousmonsters's thoughts about Eris and what game they'd totally beat Eris at.
What drew you to Eris Vanserra as a character?
When writing fanfiction, I always gravitate towards side characters that are not given a lot of backstory or plot in the canon material. There is so much mystery around Eris. Even after five books, we still know so little about him. Is he truly an asshole? Or is he more like Rhysand than we want to admit? Is he a villain or is he actually a victim?  For me, it’s not fun to write fanfiction for characters that the source material has already fully fleshed out. There is no puzzle for me to figure out or an unfinished canvas to finish. For ACOTAR as a whole series – and an unfinished one, at that – Eris was one of the few male characters that had enough space for me to try to figure him out. And despite knowing so little about him, it’s still clear that he’s an extremely complex character with so many layers. And that’s an exciting type of character for me to write for. 
How do you think Eris handles power and responsibility?
0I have always viewed him as someone who sees what power without responsibility looks like: Beron, his father and High Lord. From the series, we have seen him hold responsibility for the army he commands of Autumn Court. And with that he risked his life to save just a handful of them. But we really have not seen the full extent of his power, so I am not sure I can confidently determine how he handles – or would handle – power. 
Can you give me a name for one of Eris's brothers? And also for one of his dogs?
In my series gust & flame, I named one of his brother’s Aurelius. Honestly, coming up with all his brothers’ names and keeping them straight in my mind has been one of the hardest parts of writing my series.  And I would name one of his dogs Orla.  Honestly, my brain is so fried from my stupid job and I’ve been writing my series so long that I’m pretty sure I named some of his dogs and now I can’t even remember what their names were. (Proof that I am a fanfiction writer, and there’s a reason I am not paid to do it.) 
What game do you think you could beat Eris at?
What an interesting question… Honestly, I don’t play any games. 😂Like, not a single board game or video game. I could probably beat him at a game of soccer. But I would definitely own his ass at Catch Phrase or Heads Up or Cards Against Humanity. 
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maysrinn · 7 months
The Snow „Capitol AU“ Family Tree ❄️🥀
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The official Capitol AU family tree including future in-laws!
A few side facts:
It's been noted that the Snow family's legacy is dwindling due to Xanthos never marrying and Rosalyn taking on the surname Dovecote. Janus, faced with having two daughters – Valeria, the elder, and Cassia, the younger (who happens to be the most fervent Everlark enthusiast in all of Panem) – is striving desperately for a son. Cassia on the other hand has made it clear to her father that if there won't be a little brother to carry on the family name, pledging to uphold it herself. Janus simply smiled at her enthusiasm, affectionately ruffling her hair.
Janus also a girl!dad he‘s still just trying to live up to the expectations of his father
Livia and Hilarius were an arranged marriage, both of them have no problem with the other seeking other company as long as it is in private
Clelia is older then Plutarch by 3 years
Janus and her are university sweethearts, shes a year younger than him.
Coriolanus argued with Festus for hours about Rosalyn NOT taking on the surname Dovecote, we can see how that ended.
Aurelius Dovecote is the youngest grandchild at 10 with Cassia being 12 and Valeria being 17
Aurelius is also the only grandchild that has a traditional covey color second name ✨Merigold✨
If there are official names that I Changed and got wrong my deepest apologies! I didn’t found or remembered them qwq
The Baird family tree is up next! 🕊️
Edit: I MISSPELLED HILLARY 🥲 aka Hilarius
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mega-aulover · 1 year
Can we appreciate just how amazing Peeta Mellark is? I mean a teenage boy who basically slept in the bed of the girl he was in love with, adored, obsessed with, and never crossed the line. I think it was @arbyeatscheesebuns hubby @hubbyofaneverlarkedwife who pointed out Peeta was playing the long game. Peeta was just a nice guy who always wanted to do the best thing for Katniss.
Nice guys don't always finish Last.
Peeta sacrificed everything for Katniss. She was important to him. So much so that Peeta was the only one who acknowledged Prim's death.
No one, not Haymitch, Not Greasy-Sae, Not Mrs. Everdeen, Not the Capitol, Not Paylor, Not Districts, Not District 13, Not Gale, Not the Hawthorne Clan, NO ONE - Except Peeta - acknowledged Prim's death.
He understood what Prim's death meant to Katniss and how devastating that was for Katniss. The first thing he did when he came from the Capitol was spent the entire morning seeking Primrose Bushes in the woods (which he's not familiar with!) and then proceeded tp plant them as a memorial to Prim, on the side of Katniss's house.
I wake with a start. Pale morning light comes around the edges of the shutters. The scraping of the shovel continues. Still half in the nightmare, I run down the hall, out the front door, and around the side of the house, because now I'm pretty sure I can scream at the dead. When I see him, I pull up short. His face is flushed from digging up the ground under the windows. In a wheelbarrow are five scraggly bushes.
“You're back,” I say. “Dr. Aurelius wouldn't let me leave the Capitol until yesterday,” Peeta says. “By the way, he said to tell you he can't keep pretending he's treating you forever. You have to pick up the phone.” He looks well. Thin and covered with burn scars like me, but his eyes have lost that clouded, tortured look. He's frowning slightly, though, as he takes me in. I make a halfhearted effort to push my hair out of my eyes and realize it's matted into clumps. I feel defensive. “What are you doing?” “I went to the woods this morning and dug these up. For her,” he says. “I thought we could plant them along the side of the house.” I look at the bushes, the clods of dirt hanging from their roots, and catch my breath as the word rose registers. I'm about to yell vicious things at Peeta when the full name comes to me. Not plain rose but evening primrose. The flower my sister was named for. I give Peeta a nod of assent and hurry back into the house, locking the door behind me. - Mockingjay CH 27 S. Collins
He was the only one of all of the people who knew Prim, that openly mourned her death. Peeta showed the depth of emotion he had for Katniss and her family. It was a sign of respect and love.
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athingofvikings · 3 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 156: Journey To The West
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Chapter 156: Journey to the West
Contrary to popular belief, Imperial Zhōngguó did have significant institutional and historical awareness of European states and societies prior to the diplomatic missions of Fa Mulan in AD 1043 and the opening of formal mutual diplomatic, economic, and academic ties to the west. In particular, they were aware of Imperial Rome, which they referred to as Daqin, although their detailed knowledge was mostly restricted to Rome’s eastern provinces in Syria and the Levant, with the oldest records dating back to more than a thousand years before Fa Mulan’s expedition.
Still, formal direct contact was rare, and information was normally passed through the intermediaries on the Silk Road. Typically, embassies went from west to east, such as the first formal contact in AD 166, featuring envoys dispatched in AD 161 by either Emperor Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and meeting Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty. Later contacts with Fulin, the new name used to refer to the Byzantine Empire in contrast with the older Imperial Roman Empire, were mostly with merchants and craftsmen and the occasional groups of monks (some of whom stole silkworms that were smuggled back to the Byzantines), although there were some formal diplomatic contacts recorded. There is dispute, however, whether these were envoys from the Byzantine Emperor and his central government, or from the famously fractious peripheral governors.
—Constantinople: The Child Of Rome’s Empire, Venice, Italy, 1795
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