#aurora cadash
creamecream · 1 year
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The inquisition went and got an upgraded look.
Left to right
Helena Adaar - Mage - Sera Romance
Terra Lavellan - Rogue - The Iron Bull Romance
Venus “Ven” Trevelyan - Mage - Dorian Pavus Romance
Aurora Cadash - Rogue - Blackwall Romance
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shutupaboutandraste · 3 years
helloooo i know nothing abt ur ocs so go ahead and tell me everything u want ppl to know abt them! also, what’s are their favorite colors?
Ahhhh thank you for the ask!! I'm gonna go for the ones I have the most fleshed out bc I have... way more than I should.
Got really long so, under the cut!
Isadora Cousland - 7ft. Tall Warden-Queen. Alistair romance. Relies heavily on intimidation, especially with people she doesn't like, but is overall a good person. Once broke Thomas Howe's nose for calling her "Her father's half-qun bastard"-- proceeded to become fascinated with the Qunari and solidified her becoming a warrior. Tends to rush into things without a plan. Radically pro-elf and pro-mage. I made up a whole religion based on what we know of Avaar's religion and some irl Celtic inspired mythos for her bc I couldn't see her being fully agnostic but she can't stand the Chantry. Oghren taught her how to be a berserker. Sten and her are platonic kadans. Her favorite color is dark blue!
Michai Surana- As feral as Isadora, but keeps it more or less contained-- very good at The Game and knowing when to speak to his advantage. Incredibly intelligent and gets frustrated if he's outsmarted. Did call Cailin a shem to his face though. Alistair romance (he was my first bi mod) and helps his dear King in court. I have a whole tragic backstory about his first romantic relationship with Cullen that ended in tragedy (bc of the Kinloch stuff). In response, he decided to become everything Cullen would hate-- he outsmarts the desire demon and becomes a blood mage and then studies as an arcane warrior. Extremely close with Anders. Kieran is his son and he and Morrigan are actually very good friends who judge people together. His favorite color is goldenrod.
Jacobi Amell - Extremely shy and soft spoken spirit healer. Considers himself Wynne's apprentice. Immensely kind and empathic, cries easily when something is emotionally moving. Alistair and him are platonic soul mates. They are every bro meme. They are ride or die. Zevran marries Jacobi and basically gets Alistair as an eternal third wheel. Keeps Alistair a Warden and chooses to trust Anora. His favorite color is purple.
Garrett Hawke - Is Garrett really an OC? I feel like the standard purple mage Hawke is kind of his own character but he is a Fenris-mancer Force mage. Carver becomes a Grey Warden (and Isadora's right hand man!) and, while he sends Anders away, he spares him. Grows to regret that as Anders was part of his found family. His favorite color is also purple, based on his personality!
Ash Hawke - Oh Ash. Ash is non-binary mage who is starts purple but has an easy to switch to red temper. They are a force mage mainly. They were super close with Carver growing up and is fiercely protective of him. After they encounter Corypheous, they decide to leave Carver behind when they go to the Deeproads. Rivals Aveline as they blame her for Carver signing up with the Templars bc of her actions that barred him from the guard. Romances Fenris at first, but doesn't wait for him as they're not that kind of person. Ends up romancing Anders and approves of the Chantry explosion. Later, Fenhanders gets together around Post-Inquistion Era. Their favorite color is red.
Aurora Hawke - So. I tend to favor purple mage Hawke and Aurora is no different. Aurora is very good at pretending to be a proper lady like Leandra wants, but she's extremely raunchy and loud with her friends. Somehow, Sebastian falls for this-- though, they are a rivalmance that gets broken when Aurora spares Anders. Another Templar Carver timeline and you can see this and her featured in my fic Winter Rains if you like Canders. She does get left in the Fade. Her favorite color is a fiery orange.
Aingheal Hawke - I'm including her bc while she's less fleshed out, she's my warrior Hawke. Fiercely protective of her sister Bethany who ends up in the circle as well as her wife Merrill. While she sides with the mages, she kills Anders in an effort to keep them safe which... like none of my other Hawkes do. Her favorite color is black.
Shiva Cadash - From hardened killer to long suffering mom friend. Dwarf dual-wielding rogue. Shiva was trained to be an assassin from birth and doesn't know how to really relate to people at first. Varric especially helps her learn to be a person. She grows close with Cole, Dorian, Varric, and Bull but Vivienne becomes like a sister to her, with Vivienne buying Shiva her first dress something she never had before. Vivienne does end up becoming Divine. At first she has a strange relationship with Solas who isn't interested in her that way and eventually she pulls away as she catches on to his "even though you're a dwarf" attitude towards her. To both her surprise and his, she and Blackwall fall in love. Her favorite color is emerald green.
Asaara Adaar - Asaara lies about his origin, honestly. While he is Tal-Voshoth, his Tamarassan discovered he was a sarebaas at a very young age. She steals him and another imekari who was always protective of him away and names them Asaara and Arug (Arug is actually my friend's Inquisitor!). She marries another Tal-Voshoth who becomes their father. Is smart and hates being considered stupid and will verbally rip people a new one. Everything about Asaara's story tends to be about first impressions vs reality. On principle, he likes Solas and despises Cullen when they first meet. Iron Bull and him don't exactly get along at first. Dorian and him get off on a rocky start being a Qunari and a Tevinter. So on and so forth. But as he gets to know everyone and see their true colors, his opinions change and he even falls in love with Dorian. His favorite colors are turquoise and mauve.
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lcgacyofages-a · 5 years
Places to find my DAI Companions: Haven Edition
Aurora Amell - Near one of the buildings near the Apothecary. I imagine the one Dorian hangs around might be a makeshift infirmary, so she’d be located inside that one, tending to the wounded.
Seigfried Trevelyan - Down by the training area, I’m going to say there’s an archery range in that area as well and he’s helping with training their archers to be better shots.
Xoras Pharae - Outside of the Haven gates, you go right and you’ll find him training the snow, making an effort to avoid the shemlen.
Hildegard Cadash - The opposite corner of Sera in the tavern. She’s set up a desk there typically with letters and papers for her underground contacts. And typically has a mug of strongest drink on supply.
Inatar & Shamut Adaar - Typically together in Haven. As you go up the stairs where Varric is, you go left and they’ll be hanging out by the building there.
Sergio di Vasco - In the Chantry on the pews which are on the opposite side of where Vivienne usually is.
Etienne de Rousseau - In his advisor verse, he’s located just outside the Chantry to the left corner, looking towards the Breach.
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theharellan · 3 years
Get to know the blogger
tagged by: @dalishdick​ tysm!
tagging: @weptfreedom​, @valorcorrupt, @fun-sized-owl, @salesart, @dreadfutures​, @ anyone else who cares to do this!
Favourite Color: Like a dusty pink colour
Currently Reading: Nothing atm but I bought a pretty copy of Wuthering Heights on my honeymoon and maybe one day I’ll even read it.
Last Song: The River - AURORA
Last movie: Treasure Planet, ask me in two weeks and I’m hoping I can say Green Knight
Last series: Uhhh Puppet History, or Mass Effect if you count video game series.
Sweet, savory, or spicy: All three! It depends on my mood, I’d say I’m most consistently for savoury or spicy stuff.
Craving: I’ve really been craving mashed potatoes but I have to decide what to have with it so I don’t just have a plate of mashed potatoes with nothing else. Also pomegranates, but I’ll have to wait another few months for those.
Tea or coffee: Tea, I can only drink coffee if it has chocolate and lots of milk in it.
Currently working on: At the moment I’m not actively working on much, summer isn’t the best season for me in general. I’m hoping for my next work to be a multi-chapter Cadash-Solas friendship fic where they explore Cadash Thaig or, failing that, I might try writing some spicier Ian/Solas fic.
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lcgacyofages · 3 years
Because I feel like it, I’m going to list possible ship biases for all my muses including tropes for OCs. Obviously, every ship bias requires plotting but I thought this might help me get my mind around shippy stuff. (As an ace of questionable romantic attraction, shipping is hard.) These are in no particular order, just as I think of them as I type
Eliana Mahariel - Alistair, Tamlen, good hearted prankster, Soft boy/girl, Merrill
Atena Hawke - Anders, Isabela, Leliana, rogue chick, nerd boy, boy who needs physical protection
Rajmahel Lavellan - Dorian, Josephine, Zevran, nerd boy/girl, pretty boy/girl, honestly he’s just very easy to ship just be nice, sexy, and good with kids
Arik Tabris - Morrigan, Zevran, Leliana, Krem, goth/punk type characters for sure, (I would ship him with Idrilla if she wasn’t my own OC)
Aurora Amell - Cullen, Josephine, Soft/Romantic types give her flowers
Dazbo Amell - Fenris, Isabela (the only chick I think I can remotely ship him with), Dorian, tough boys who can also be soft but only in private, fashionistas
 Idrilla Lavellan - Solas, Zevran, elves only, nerds, artists, I’m a bit weak for flirty guy/stoic girl, (I would ship her with Arik if he weren’t my own OC)
Seigfried Trevelyan - Cassandra, ladies who can pin him can win him, Aveline, Independent women who like a little romance as a treat, just think of Phoebus in The Hunchback of Notre Dame saying ‘What a Woman’
Zoria Amell - Zevran, Morrigan, Isabela, Iron Bull, fiesty energy chick with other fiesty types, also friends-with-benefits types, people who respect her desire for independence
Alric Hawke - generally see him as disinterested in sex asexual but open to romance. Aveline, Sebastian, Alistair, Cassandra, he’s a good boy so good characters trying their best but staying in the lines
Antoinette de Ghislain - Make a Scandal, not-a-gentleman/woman, Mutual Desire for Freedom. Would require plotting since she is married for political gain
Dalineva - Someone as depraved as she is but elf
Dimetrea Brosca - Leliana, Merrill, soft but capable ladies
Emrys Moysten - Fellow Nerd, Someone who tells him he’s impossible, someone who tells him to talk to them about what’s traumatized him
Etienne de Rousseau - Classy person, Excitable Nerd, Regency style yearning romance
Falon’Din - I have no ship biases for him because I don’t feel like shipping him tbqh
Fenvir - Independent person, Secret nerd, Argumentive Couple due to stubbornness
Hildegard Cadash - Blackwall, Bull, gruff person, side-by-side warriors
Inatar Adaar - Sera, rebel girls, Outcast ladies
Katarina Anhalt - Sebastian, Cullen, Goodie-two-shoes who questions society but wants to play by the rules, good heart to push her out of her boundaries
Lir Cousland - Zevran, Leliana, Anora, Fenris, easily flustered people, Romantics, Fellow fighter to fight side-by-side with and have his back
Mathras Myriani - very hard to ship with honestly, just let him be the weird uncle who sometimes visits your muse
Sasha Fitz - Merrill, Josephine, good-hearted people, nobles who need a rogue in their life, cute person
Selena Porter - Isabela, Saucilious ladies, Ladies she can fluster by flirting
Sergio di Vasco - Josephine, Nobles who need a rogue, Romantics, Caring/soft people
Shalelan Amalasis - none, he’s pretty much not interested
Shamut Adaar - Bull, Secret nerd guys, fellow shy guys, friends nerding out over stuff together but touch hands and are like ‘oh’
Vincentius Titus - someone who matches his ambitions the issue with that is he won’t trust them, rare but someone who’ll tell him he’s an ass and put him in his place (he has to respect them enough to consider it though)
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
Song Lyrics I Associate With My OCs/Pairings
Thought I should do one of these for my Inquisitors and their LI’s! Hope you enjoy!
Velarric - Velahris Lavellan x Varric Tethras
Take a Break - Hamilton Soundtrack
In a letter I received from you two weeks ago I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase - It changed the meaning, did you intend this? - One stroke and you’ve consumed my waking days - It says ‘My Dearest Angelica’ with a comma after dearest - You’ve written ‘My Dearest, Angelica’
Where Did The Party Go - Fall Out Boy
This is the story - Of how they met - Her picture was on the back of a pack of cigarettes - And when she touched him, he turned ruby red - A story that they’ll never forget, never forget
Bad Liar - Selena Gomez
I see how your tension builds - It’s like lookin’ in a mirror - You’re touched like a happy pill - But still all we do is fear - What could possibly happen next? - Can we focus on the love? - Paint my kiss across your chest - If you’re the art, I’ll be the brush
Paralyzer - Finger Eleven
Well, I’m not paralyzed - But I seem to be struck by you - I wanna make you move - Because you’re standing still - If your body matches - What your eyes can do - You’ll probably move right through - Me on my way to you
Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
She is like a cat in the dark and then - She is the darkness - She rules her life like a fine skylark and when - The sky is starless -  All your life you’ve never seen - A woman taken by the wind - Would you stay if she promised you heaven? - Will you ever win?
Ashrian - Ashann Lavellan x Dorian Pavus
Naughty Girl - Beyoncé
Baby, the minute I feel your energy - The vibe’s just taken over me - Start feelin’ so crazy, babe - Lately, I feel the funk coming over me - I don’t know what’s gotten into me - The rhythm’s got me feelin’ so crazy, babe
Are You Gonna Go My Way - Lenny Kravitz
I was born long ago - I am the chosen, I’m the one - I have come to save the day - And I won’t leave until I’m done - So that’s why you’ve got to try - You got to breathe and have some fun - Though I’m not paid, I play this game - And I won’t stop until I’m done - But what I really want to know is - Are you gonna go my way? - And I got to, got to know
Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows
How much longer will it take to cure this - Just to cure it cause I can’t ignore it if it’s love - Makes me wanna turn around and face me - But I don’t know nothing ‘bout love
Seya - Teya Adaar x Sera
Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Black bandanna, sweet Louisiana - Robbin’ on a bank in the state of Indiana - She’s a runner, rebel and a stunner - On her merry way sayin’ - Baby what you gonna - Looking down the barrel of a - Hot metal 45 - Just another way to survive
Bad Girls - MKTO
And I know I, I should quit her - And I’d do it if I could - She a hot mess, but I confess - Damn, she got me good - Cause I love them bad girls doing bad things - Lookin’ hot with an attitude - Love them bad girls like a bad dream - Shouldn’t want them, but I do
Livin’ la Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
She’ll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain - She’ll make you live her crazy life but she’ll take away your pain - Like a bullet to your brain
AriBull - Mithari Lavellan x Iron Bull
Cute Thing - Car Seat Headrest
I got so fuckin’ romantic - I apologize - Lemme light your cigarette - Come visit Kansas for a week of debauchery - Songs and high fives and weird sex
S.E.X. - Nickelback
“No” is a dirty word - Never gonna say it first - “No” is just a thought that never crosses my mind -- I’m loving what you wanna wear - Wonder what’s up under there? - Wonder if I’ll ever have it under my tongue? - I’d love to try to set you free - All of you all over me - Love to hear the sound you make the second you’re done
Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado, Timbaland
I’ll be the first to admit it - I’m curious about you, you seem so innocent -- You wanna get in my world, get lost in it - Boy I’m tired of running, let’s walk for a minute
Dirty Mind - 3OH!3
Hey you, I know what you’re gonna do - I wanna be the person that you do it to - Hey you, I wanna be the person you do, you do, you do, you do
Everything I Wanna Do - Nickelback
And she knows every spot - Exactly where it’s at, and she could draw a map - I tell you - Her tongue is like a weapon - And she’s always threatening to be the death of me
CassWall - Cassia Cadash x Blackwall
This Love - Maroon 5
I’ll fix these broken things - Repair your broken wings - And make sure everything’s alright - My pressure on your hips - Sinking my fingertips - Into every inch of you - Cause I know that’s what you want me to do
Can’t Remember to Forget You - Shakira, Rihanna
I can’t remember to forget you - I keep forgetting I should let you go - But when you look at me - The only memory - Is us kissing in the moonlight
Bubbly - Colbie Caillat
I’ve been asleep for a while now - You tuck me in just like a child now - Cause every time you hold me in your arms - I’m comfortable enough to feel your warmth
Kiss from a Rose - Seal
Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey - Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels, yeah - And now that your rose is in bloom - A light hits the gloom - On the grey
Solriel - Nehriel Lavellan x Solas
Conqueror - AURORA
Broken me and broken them - You are broken too - Open ears, their eyes are open - Makes me call for you - But there’s no seduction, only destruction - Oh fantasy take me over and break me
Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye, Kimbra
But you didn’t have to cut me off - Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing - And I don’t even need your love - But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
Same Old Love - Selena Gomez
I don’t believe, I don’t believe it - You left in peace, left me in pieces - Too hard to breathe, I’m on my knees - Right now, ‘ow
Alphabet Boy - Melanie Martinez
I know my ABCs, yet you keep teaching me - I say fuck your degree, alphabet boy - You think you’re smarter than me, with all your bad poetry - Fuck your ABCs, alphabet boy
Voodoo Doll - Fergie
Worshiping to gods can get you in deep - Crystal ball show you things you’re not supposed to see - What do I do? - This body’s a temple of doom - What can I say? - To make all of this go away
In My Life - Les Miserables Cast
There’s so little I know, that I’m longing to know - Of the man that you were, in a  time long ago - There’s so little you say of the life you have known - Why you keep to yourself, why you’re always alone - So dark, so dark and deep - The secrets that you keep
OC Directory for more info!
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artsybeccaartblog · 7 years
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Been working on this for most of the day! Every one of my current DA pairings being lovey cuties. Happy Valentine’s Day!
From left to right:
Natalie x Leliana
Aeryn x Zevran
June x Blackwall
Aurora x Cullen
Avarielle x Alistair
Adrianna x Sera
Leah x Fenris
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artsybecca · 7 years
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Been working on this for most of the day! Every one of my current DA pairings being lovey cuties. Happy Valentine’s Day!
From left to right:
Natalie x Leliana
Aeryn x Zevran
June x Blackwall
Aurora x Cullen
Avarielle x Alistair
Adrianna x Sera
Leah x Fenris
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heartslogos · 6 years
newfragile yellows [418]
“I will do amazingly stupid things for you, Hawke,” Ellana says, “I’ve done some bafflingly self-destructive things for you. That’s just how horribly good you are at your job. But I am not getting myself in on this case. I am not going to take part in this. I don’t care who says I have to. I don’t care what newspaper says what, what noble family leans on the council, what the Minister of Magic says themselves, I am not going to be put on the Cadash case.”
Ellana points her wand straight at Hawke’s face and hates that he’s so used to it that he doesn’t even look bothered. Just concerned and attempting to be stoic like when he just told her that their team is on the Cadash detail and she’s going to be in charge of handling the girl.
“I will sign over my badge right here and now,” Ellana says. “You do not put me on that case. I would rather live on my family’s preserve for the rest of my life while the world calls me a coward and a failure than be put on this case.”
“Ellana, I’m sorry,” Hawke says, brushing her wand aside with his fingers as he steps into her space and puts his hands on her shoulders.
It reminds her, eerily, of when they first met in the Room of Requirement and he took her aside and told her he was sorry for not helping her cheat the tournament. The first time they met.
“Normally I would fight this with everything I have,” Hawke says. “You know I would. I would go up for you, Ellana. I would do it for you without a second thought, if it was you against the world I would do it because you’re mine. You’re my auror, my team, my responsibility. I would take care of this. And I would play so fucking dirty. You know that. But - I think -“
Hawke takes in a deep breath and his eyes are so bright and sharp and well meaning when they meet hers again.
“I think you need this.”
Ellana tries to break his hold but he’s used to her being slippery by now. Garrett Hawke’s aurora team is assembled oft he most furious, dangerous, hurt, and desperately trying not to be hurt anymore people Ellana has ever met. He had to wrangle them all together to get them onto that track fo not wanting to be hurt anymore somehow. That entire damn family has to be part Veela. Especially Garrett’s sister. She could charm anyone into emptying their account and donating it to a charitable cause if she put her head to it.
“No, no. No. Ellana. Lavellan. Listen to me.”
“Garrett, I am listening and I think you’re out of your fucking mind. I need this? I need this? I need to be - to be reminded of that fucking tournament that no one will let me live down? That stupid tournament that ruined my life? That tournament that no one will ever let me grow past, because now and forever I’m meant to be Champion, Witch of the Age? And no matter what I do I fail at living up to that glorious image all my predecessors set before me? Fuck. Off.”
“No. Listen,” Garrett shakes her until she meets his eyes. “There is a sixteen year old girl right now who is terrified out of her mind. She is surrounded on all sides by people deciding who and what she is without her input. They don’t believe her, they don’t listen to her, and frankly they’d rather their own story over hers because theirs is the better, juicier, more exciting one for the papers and for their record books. There is a sixteen year old girl who is out of her depth and floundering and we cannot leave her to that.”
Ellana’s chest squeezes tight, a Gordian knot that Hawke just keeps pulling tighter and tighter. The easiest solution would be to cut it, for Hawke to drop this topic and leave - fire her, let her quit, put her on sabbatical. Whatever.
“Ellana,” Garrett says, “I left you to that. And I saw what it did to you. Did you think I could stand by and let it happen again? This is a second chance for me. For you. But it’s Malika Cadash’s only chance.”
Ellana shoves Garrett and he lets her, stumbling back, hands open and to his sides. Her heart, her chest, her soul feels like it’s being strangled. Or drowned. Both, maybe.
“This girl is going through what you went through. I won’t say worse or better. I don’t know. You - you never said anything about it. Not directly. Not to me or anyone that I know. The tournament has been festering inside of you for years, now. I think this will help you. You can help her.”
“I can’t help anyone like this,” Ellana says. “In case you haven’t noticed. I’m a fucking mess. And this case is going to be the thing that puts me over and turns me into a recluse. The kind that blows their fucking brains out if you don’t stop pushing it.”
“You would never do that,” Garrett says, face serious and so certain. “You wouldn’t do that and there’s a list larger than this house of people who would stop you before you could. Don’t bluff me, Ellana. We both play cards with Varric. I know a lie when I see it.”
“Whatever lie I’m telling you to get you to leave doesn’t change the fact that I can’t help you. I can’t help her. I can’t even help myself.” Ellana’s hands ball into fists. “I can’t do this.”
“How unlike you. You can. You will.”
“I’ve been trying to - to do better for years. I can’t do it, Garrett.”
“But you want to. You want to get better, you want to get help, and you want to do what you always felt you were meant to do since before the fucking tournament,” Garrett replies. “Otherwise you would have never agreed to join me, no matter what I said. Face it, Ellana. No matter what’s happened to you - you want to be a hero. And sometimes being a hero is going back to save yourself.”
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fade-into-dawn · 6 years
The Inquisitors go to Disney World
This idea is totally stolen from @red-wardens 's post on her Wardens going to a theme park, but she said go for it so I'm going
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Ishalé Lavellan: She's not one for big rides, but she loves The Haunted Mansion and the carousel, and her all time favorite is Kilimanjaro Safari. The designated bag holder always sitting outside the rides waiting for everyone else. Reminds everyone to stay hydrated. Map master. Saves everyone a great spot for the parades and fireworks. She and Solas Disneybound as Aurora and Phillip.
Darius Lavellan: He wants to do all the thrill rides. Dances down the streets with the parades to embarrass his boyfriend. His favorite ride is Tower of Terror with Space Mountain as a close second. Wants pictures with all the Disney villains. Saves all the ride photos that Dorian looks ridiculous in. He Disneybounds as Todd from Fox and the Hound.
Austra Cadash: Her favorite part of the day is watching Fantasmic. She loves the giant dragon animatronic that rises out of the lake. Favorite ride is Star Tours. She and Bull Disneybound as Han and Leia, complete with the "I Love You" and "I Know" shirts. Probably builds herself a custom lightsaber at the parks.
Ataashi'len Adaar: Has way more fun than anyone else, she is living it up. She might cry during the day but will hide it, probably while meaning one of her favorite characters (Mulan, Merida, or Kida). Her favorite ride ends up being the Rock and Roller Coaster and Pirates of the Carribean. Gets herself embroidered Mickey ears with her name on them. Disneybounds as Milo Thatch.
Vallarevas Lavellan: Makes sure everyone gets sunscreened up. Mama don't want to hear any complaining about sunburns. Takes a bunch of cute pictures at Josie's insistence. They Disneybound as Jasmine and Aladdin. She actually likes Epcot the best- she loves the world pavilion (and the drinks in every country pavilion don't hurt). Her favorite ride is Soarin'.
Freya Trevelyan: She and Cullen Disneybound as Cinderella and Prince Charming, and they go all out. She's big on making sure everyone is able to do everything they want to get done. She likes the more interactive attractions: Toy Story Mania, Buzz Lightyear Astroblasters, Turtle Talk with Crush, etc. Her competitive side comes out and she loves to tease Cullen about beating him.
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Aurora and Asher Trevelyan belong to @wolves-are-better-than-people
Celeste Cadash belongs to @nobletrevelyan
Ozri Taashath belongs to @ceruleanbluesart
Mahvir belongs to @sephiratales
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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creamecream · 5 years
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Name: Aurora Cadash.
Nickname: Cupcake.
Gender: Female.
Age: 19 (Inquisition.) 21 (Trespasser.)
Class: Rogue, Daggers.
Specialization: Tempest.
Romance: Blackwall.
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wjldsage · 6 years
tagged by the amazing @reylynch love u so much
1. coke or pepsi: coke 2. disney or dreamworks: disney 3. coffee or tea: tea (neither if i have to be honest, but ill drink tea if there are biscuits) 4. books or movies: movies  5. windows or mac: mac 6. dc or marvel: marvel 7. x-box or playstation: i dont know askdjalk 8. dragon age or mass effect: idk either 9. night owl or early riser: night owl 10. cards or chess: cards
11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 12. vans or converse: i hate both of them, but vans i guess 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: um? 14. fluff or angst: fluff 15. beach or forest: forest 16. dogs or cats: dogs 17. clear skies or rain: rain 18. cooking or eating out: eating out 19. spicy food or mild food: spicy (why am i thinking about sushi now) 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: little too cold, im already a little too cold 22. if you could have any superpower, what would it be? telepathy 23. animation or live action: live action 24. paragon or renegade: idk 25. baths or showers: baths 26. team cap or team ironman: team tony, without a doubt 27: fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they:
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. - the great gatsby (i cant think of others)
29. netflix or youtube: netflix 30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: neither?
31. when you feel accomplished: when i finish something uni/school related and when i like one of my edits/paintings 32. star wars or star trek: star trek 33. paperback or hardback: hardback 34. horror or rom-com: rom com 35. tv shows or movies: movies 36. spotify or pandora: neither 37. zootopia or inside out: zootopia 38. favourite book: the great gatsby or brave new world 39. favourite flower: hydrangea 40. what field of study are you in (or aspire to be in): im studying philosophy and i dont know what ill do after uni
41. song lyric you really love?
Paint my kiss across your chest, if you’re the art I’ll be the brush - bad liar, selena gomez
Literally anything by AURORA, but especially: Under the water we can't breathe, under the water we die, under the water there is no one watching, under the water we are alone. So why do we jump in?
Only bad people live to see their likeness set in stone. What does that make me? - Still Sane, Lorde
I never watch the stars there’s so much down here - Yellow Flicker Beat, Lorde
Sky fits heaven so fly it, that's what the prophet said to me. Child fits mother so hold your baby tight, that's what my future could see. Fate fits karma so use it, that's what the wise man said to me. Love fits virtue so hold on to the light, that's what our future will be. - Sky Fits Heaven, Madonna
42. what’s your MBTI type?: intp 43. fave movie: the great gatsby and/or silence of the lambs 44. favourite tv show(s): the office, friends, stranger things, parks and rec, the good place  45. what fictional world is your favourite? marvel universe 46. favourite mythological figure? centaurs or mermaids 47. who’s your all-time favourite fictional character? tony stark, my b o y  48.  confetti or glitter? confetti 49. five things you’re grateful for in your life: family, health, friends 50. last ficitonal character you fell in love with? stephen strange 51. If you could have dinner with any 5 people (real or fictional, dead or alive), who would you pick? rdj, madonna, elizabeth i, kant, plato
52. favorite villain: hannibal lecter my question: favorite painting/piece of art?
tags: @tonystarkz @shell-heads @lesbiansassemble @qhostfacers
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lcgacyofages-a · 5 years
Places to find my DAI Companions: Skyhold Edition
Aurora Amell - If an infirmary is constructed, she would be there. If not, she’d be tending to the wounded on the lower level.
Ironina Lavellan - Just outside the door to the rotunda that goes to Cullen’s office. It’s typically the best vantage point of who’s coming and going from Skyhold as well as any agents which may have loose lips so she can listen.
Seigfried Trevelyan - by the bar in the tavern.
Xoras Pharae - Just outside the smithery.
Arik Tabris - Near the broken area of the battlements by the rotunda, just outside of a tower.
Hildegard Cadash - The guardhouse door by the gate. The area is the quickest way for her to send and receive her letters.
Inatar Adaar - if a training area is constructed, she’ll be there. If not, she’ll be hanging around where Cassandra is, probably leaning against the tavern wall.
 Shamut Adaar - If a mage tower is constructed, he’s on the roof of it. If not, he’s in the library but opposite side of Dorian.
Sergio di Vasco - One of the towers on the battlement closer to the garden area.
Etienne de Rousseau - In Etienne’s advisor verse, if a mage tower is constructed, he’ll be in the thick of it there. If not, one of the quarters over the hall to the war room.
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theharellan · 6 years
DAY 05: favorite multimuses
i’ve been trying to bring multimuses in on past days b/c i want to acknowledge certain characters on said blogs, but here i’ll just highlight the blogs as a whole!
@aniente​ - muses: ameridan, merrill, evangeline, gatt, adrian, dalish, missne (oc), sabriel (oc)
a dragon age multimuse who i featured a couple times b/c i just. really admire their choice of muses as well as the writing! there’s not a muse on here i don’t love, even those like adrian that i’m not overly familiar with given i’ve yet to finish asunder. i can feel ciri’s passion when they write about each of their muses, and it invests me in each one. i’d honestly love a thread w/ each of their muses one day. gotta catch ‘em all. 
@burnsbriiight​ - muses: mai (a:tla), kitty pryde (x-men), marie-elise (da oc), annuneth (da oc), patricia anne (da oc), adahleni (da oc)
first, it was apparently rachel’s birthday the other day, so happy birthday! second, mai is one of my a:tla faves (i actually rped her back in the day) and although i just followed this multimuse i’m excited to see her rps w/ mai. she’s an underrated character.
@centuriesuntold - muses: all the doctors. every one.
i’ve been following this blog since my mass effect days, back when they were bowtied, and they provided a lot of rly inspirational posts to anons and such on their dash! seeing them again, only now with more doctors, was a very exciting experience!!! it’s not something i’d seen before in the dw fandom, and i’ve adored what i’ve seen from them, even as someone who is only familiar with new doctor who.
@dryhtenhold - muses: gareth cousland (oc), ves aeducan (oc), eleanor cousland, agravaine ker (oc), tamar (oc), loghain mac tir
i’ve only listed erran’s primary dragon age characters, but she rps tolkien as well as having a list of secondary muses! her ocs have interesting and complex backstories that really dig deep into dragon age lore, specifically fereldan lore and the civil war. they are such natural parts of the lore that i had to mark them (oc) otherwise you might confuse them with canons like eleanor and loghain.
@kaleiidoscopehearts​ - isabela, miryin brosca, peebee (mass effect), bolin (lok), sally malik (being human), azalea gothel (descendents oc), artemis crook (young justice), amellia smollet (treasure planet)
multifandom, and some are fandoms i’m unfamliar with, which just goes to show how talented they are b/c i’m v selective with non-da multimuses! i’ve talked about peebee and miryin, but i also have been v pleased with seeing bolin on my dash! he was one of my faves from lok. and every time an isabela hits on solas another five minutes are added to my life.
@lcgacyofages - ceridwen mahariel, atena hawke, myrrdin lavellan, zoria amell, dazbo amell, aurora amell, ronina lavellan, seigfried trevelyan, etienne de rousseau, xora orsiniel pharare, arik tabris, hildegard cadash
a blog full of lovely ocs based upon the pc backstories given to us in-game (for the most part!). don’t let the names fool you, though, as not all of them are the heroes. some are companion ocs, which are honestly some of my fave ocs in darp!
@mercysought - priestess (oc), maxima aurum (oc), himsulem (oc), manala (oc), anora theirin, emilie de clair (oc), abel de clair (oc), laone shatterspine (oc), moe (star wars oc)
there isn’t a muse here who isn’t fascinating and beautifully written. with the exception of moe, they’re all dragon age characters, and while i haven’t rped with all of them yet i hope to one day. skells is a wonderful writer and i’m glad a multimuse has enabled her to have more characters b/c that’s what we deserve.
@mindsmade - cremisius acclassi, liam kosta (mass effect), aiden shepard (me), gil brodie (me), celebrian (tolkien), and more!
also featuring more tolkien muses and characters from the good wife and mythological characters! i mentioned this the other day, but i adore their ship on liam with the aforementioned peebee! there’s not a muse listed here who isn’t worth reading about, even as someone unfamiliar with the expanded tolkien universe.
@teleidoscopic - khaliya lavellan, raleigh samson, morrigan, sera, zenyatta (ovw), jameson locke (halo), EDI (mass effect), ashley williams (mass effect), the black box (halo), john hancock (fallout 4), red (transistor)
i’ve been following pastry’s rp blogs for... idk... seven years now? a lot. a lot of years. i’ve seen a few of these muses in action on single-muse blogs, so i’m glad they can return in multimuse form. pastry’s samson and ashley in particular are old favourites, but looking at this list pastry has the magic ability to pull my faves out in general (i would die for zenyatta. and probably deserve it after how many times i’ve gotten him killed playing him...). 
@tothezeros - morrigan, minaeve, raleigh samson, melchior heeren (oc), cornelia solette (oc), clancy griffin (oc), corin thenn (oc), sylvus varnehn (oc)
again, i decided to only list the dragon age muses to save me from tabbing back and forth, but this blog has so many fun muses aside from that! like spyro, taking me back to the days i would ask my dad to take me and my brother to a clubhouse so we could play one of the games on the ps2. and christopher robin! as for their dragon age muses, i’ve thoroughly enjoyed them. i still have a few to get to know, but their samson and minaeve are great, and i’ve known clancy for a few years now! it’s comforting to see him on my dash after all this time. 
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lcgacyofages · 3 years
Ok who has the best to worst ass, rank them now hurry
An Ask because I reblogged a post | ALWAYS PESTER ME
I did not hurry bc no one tells me what to do. I went to bed instead. But it’s kind of hard to rank that, especially since I’m ace. I mean, people have different ass preferences the best I can do is just explain what kind of ass the muses probably have and then attempt to rate them on societal standards. It’s really up to you if you agree with my ratings or not after these brief descriptions but if you wanna throw in your two cents based on my descriptions, go for it! DISCLAIMER: I have never touched anyone else’s ass in my life so this is all speculative guessing from what other people have told me.
Eliana Mahariel
Eliana has a small frame and athletic build. What that means for her ass is it isn’t necessarily a wide ass because her hips are slender but it’s a very firm and slightly perky ass. 
My interpreted Rating: 6.5/10 (if it was 2005, it would probably be closer to an 8/10)
Atena Hawke
Atena is tall with a solid build, a lot of muscle from her warrior training. She does have slightly wider hips, a good center of gravity and base for her stance with her two-handed sword. The main issue is the lack of fatty tissue for her.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
Rajmahel Lavellan
Rajmahel’s ass is that of someone who uses the muscles in it, not just for appearance’s sake. It’s very toned and his hips are set every so slightly wider than his frame, helping to give it a balanced width to go with the perk from the constant walking/climbing/going into old ruins.
My interpreted Rating: 9/10
Alric Hawke
A far more academic personality, but also having done work on the family farm and lots of walking in general, he’s got a slightly toned but soft ass, very good for grabbing because it has a little give to it. Has very straight hips, though, so doesn’t give any extra width to it.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
Antoinette de Ghislain
She’s had two children, so her hips, which were decently set before, are a bit wider now, adding to her ass’s width. Being a married noblewoman keeps her from a lot of physical exertion, as well as her profession as a writer, but she does try to keep her skills from her bard years at some kind of proficiency, so there is some toning underneath the fatty tissue. A very fine lady’s ass, if I would say so.
My interpreted Rating: 8/10
Arik Tabris
An elf on the taller side, he still has a more slender build than a human, but a bit more than a typical elf. A high amount of muscle, which creates a lack of fatty tissue. He’s got a perky ass for sure but without much cushion from fat.
My interpreted Rating: 8/10
Aurora Amell
An honest-to-goodness little academic and having spent much of her time in the Circle, she hasn’t had much in the way of physical training of any sort. The best she’s got is the stairs in the circle. She’s got some decently set wider hips to her slender frame, though, which helps accentuate her soft ass.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
The high priestess for the Evanuris if the Hunt, Andruil. Definitely athletic build but with high femininity to it. So she definitely got those hips. Still slender because elf, but still a good ratio to her waist. Her ass is pretty damn perky with a good balance of fat and muscle with it. She’s based off of a siren, though, so, there’s no surprise here.
My interpreted Rating: 9.5/10
Dazbo Amell
Another who’s spent a lot of his years in the Circle, but he has a certain point of vanity that would make him be concerned with his ass. There’s definitely some fatty padding to it, but it’s toned as well and definitely of decent volume. His hips are actually a little narrower than his shoulders, though, so points off.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
Dimetrea Brosca
Very thick, definitely leans more towards muscular than fatty but does have some fatty cushion to it. A bit of a perk to it, but not anything that’s too much in relation to her small, broad build.
My interpreted Rating: 6.5/10
Emrys Moysten
A nerd, what kind of ass do you expect? He’s got a soft ass, with only some muscle tone from walking, to it. Despite being soft, it’s decently defined and his hips are set parallel to his shoulders. If you like soft asses with a little bit of perk, he’s got the ass for you.
My interpreted Rating: 6.5/10
Etienne de Rousseau
Another academic, but an academic with connections that enabled him to learn some martial skill and thus have physical exercise to tone that ass. His hips are decently set in ratio to his frame, helping to give some perk to the ass that has a layer of fatty tissue over toned muscle.
My interpreted Rating: 8.5/10
A deadass. 0/10 A vain Evanuris with a lot  of magical and martial skill is definitely a threat in the ass games. Despite spending his time sitting on a throne, Falon’Din actually was a highly active individual, helping to tone that slender ass. Got some perk to it from muscles and weight from affluent feasts.
My interpreted Rating: 9/10
A tall, slender boy for sure. But also has been trained in magical and martial prowess from a young age, enabling him to have a good tone to his ass. It’s a little narrow for sure, but it’s got the right tone to give it some good perk to it.
My interpreted Rating: 9/10
Hildegard Cadash
Heavy muscle woman, who’s got to show her stuff to keep the cartel in line. She’s affluent in the cartel, giving her some fat to offset the muscle she builds with rigorous training. Her ass is wide set, as is the frame for dwarves, but it’s got some perk and volume to it.
My interpreted Rating: 8.5/10
Idrilla Lavellan
Idrilla has an athletic build from being a hunter for Lavellan clan. Her martial training gives her grace, though, and tonality to her ass. A wide set hip and with clan Lavellan having decent ties to human settlements, a bit more wealth than other clans, giving her some fatty volume to match with the muscle perk.
My interpreted Rating: 9/10
Inatar Adaar
Narrow hips and high muscle tone doesn’t make for a lot of volume but a decent amount of perk. Her ass doesn’t have a single point that sags and it is a tight ass indeed. If this was a decade or so ago, she’d get a higher rating.
My interpreted Rating: 6.5/10
Katarina Anhalt
This lady has some decent hips on her. With that, plus her vigorous exercise and training as a templar, adds to the perk of her ass. There isn’t too much fat, just a small layer of cushion there to give a little more volume to it.
My interpreted Rating: 8/10
Lir Cousland
Lir’s got some cushion to his ass due to being a noble and having a stable food source that may have higher fat in it. That being said, he is a fighter like any Fereldan so has intensive training regiments he keeps to, which helps with physical prowess. His hips are slightly narrower than his shoulders, removing some volume to his ass, but not in a bad way.
My interpreted Rating: 8.5/10
Mathras Myriani
A soft build, not a fighter at all. His physical skillset is that of someone who walks a lot and knows some self defense martial skills. He’s got a very slender frame, but his hips are a little bit wider than his waist but narrower than his shoulders. He’s got a little bit of perk, and a little volume. But it’s a nice little ass to grab.
My interpreted Rating: 7/10
Sasha Fitz
He’s got a standard human male frame, with the wider shoulders coming down to a point at his waist and then going out slightly at his hips. He’s not wealthy, so not too much fatty tissue. He’s very athletic, though, and does a not of acrobatic type stunts on the buildings of Kirkwall, giving his ass a nice perk to it.
My interpreted Rating: 8.5/10
Seigfried Trevelyan
Seigfried is a stocky man with broad shoulders and a rounded belly from too many times in the local tavern. He’s still got muscle, though, having a fair amount of training from his many years. His ass, though, is a little on the flat but toned side. A little perk, but it’s not the best aspect of his frame.
My interpreted Rating: 6/10
Selena Porter
Selena has a narrow hip structure but her athletic tendencies from her job as well as the wealth she gains from her work affords her muscle and fatty tissue to build up perk and volume to her ass.
My interpreted Rating: 7/10
Sergio di Vasco
This guy has a gymnast’s ass. Very well defined muscles and a good perk to it. His diet, though, lacks the fatty foods to add additional volume to his ass, but overall, a good ass to look at.
My interpreted Rating: 8/10
Shalelan Amalasis
A very athletic individual with hips about as wide as his shoulders. Poor diet, though, robs him of the volume to go with the perk and width. Please don’t talk to him about his ass, though, you’ll make him stutter.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
Shamut Adaar
A big nerd. His hips are about the same width as his waist and narrower than his shoulders. He’s not as athletic as other qunari, but he still has muscle mass that qunari have, along with fatty tissue to give some perk and volume to his narrow ass.
My interpreted Rating: 7.5/10
Vincentius Titus
Relies heavily on his strong magical gifts and he does the necessarily physical exercise to keep himself in some shape to offset his rich Tevinter diet. He has the average muscle mass and his hips are just a little narrower than his shoulders. This gives his ass only slight perk but okayish volume.
My interpreted Rating: 6.5/10
Zoria Amell
Widely set hips give width for her ass. The stairs of the Circle helped give her muscle to tone the perk for her ass, but she’s got fat that sticks around her body, giving a nice soft, rounded volume to her ass. A very fucking nice ass.
My interpreted Rating: 9.5/10
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