#author: kitmistry
destieltaggedfic · 11 months
Based on Movies - Part 2
Luckily I remembered about this before I got up because I've got another full day of touristy stuff to do and wouldn't have been able to post for at least 12 hours.
Holidate – Kitmistry   Ao3
AU.  Strangers Dean and Cas meet in a bar on Christmas Eve having disappointed their families with not being in relationships.  They agree to be each other’s fake date for future holidays and along the way they get to know each other.  Loosely based on the Netflix film The Holidate
Word Count: 35k                              No Sex
Devotion - FriendofCarlotta   Ao3
AU.  When angels travel back in time to kill the human resistance leader Dean before the start of the great angel war.  Cas quickly follows to try and save him in this Terminator AU.
Word Count: 29k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
Mr&Mr Smith - MalicMalic  Ao3
AU.  Dean is a retired hunter and Cas is a fallen angel who are happily married.  The thing is neither of them know that about each other until their pasts come back to find them.  Will their marriage survive when they learn each other’s secrets? Mr & Mrs Smith AU
Word Count: 67k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
Michael Singer & the Heroic Happily Ever After – DarcyDelaney   Ao3
AU.  Author Cas Shurley has been kidnapped by a man believing that Cas’ father wrote real legends into his stories and wants the eternal life promised in one of the books.  Cas’ unlikely rescuer is Dean, the man who has been the cover model for all the recent book releases.  The Lost City AU.
Word Count: 33k                              No Sex
House on Maple Lake – AnobleCompanion   Ao3
AU.  Moving out of his house, Cas leaves a letter for the next tenant, but when he visits the property again, the response he gets seems to be from 2 years ago and the person who writes it claims to be living in the house.  As Cas and Dean get to know each other via letters they fall in love but how can it work if they are separated by time?  The Lake House AU.  (The images seem to be broken at the moment so here is the link to the Wayback machine so you can read their letters.)
Word Count: 55k                              No Sex
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kikiatthemirror · 2 years
Reading Challenge At least 10 Chapters
It’s February and I’m still at my third ff… ops!
The third ff I've read for the Reading Challenge Destiel edition 2023 is for the At least 10 Chapter challenge.
Title: The Nanny
Author: Kitmistry
Rating: Explicit
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30835616/chapters/76123745
So, I found this fic thanks to a moot on twitter and I was fascinated by the idea of a rewriting of The Nanny in a DeanCas way.
I wasn’t disappointed.
The fic is well written, with a Dean fun and soft, great with kids, and a Cas so closeted it’s unbearable, but Cas knows his nature, he just doesn’t have the instruments to live openly. Dean is right there to help him. the fic is light and funny, but when it comes to the heavy moments (yes, there are heavy moments) the writer manages to do a great job. Even more… I have a specific scene in my mind that was very powerful, where Dean speaks about how his sexuality was handled and that punched me in all the right ways. And Cas’s journey is difficult but realistic. It could make you feel pain, but is just part of the process.
The tension between Dean and Cas is there since the first moment, so it’s a good reading.
The other characters are also well described, and I love Balthazar in the butler role!
Meg is incredibly funny and Naomi is a super b1tch! So, so well written!
I love the way the kids are portrait (Claire and baby-Jack), they are sweet and funny and sassy in all the right ways, but they (Claire in particular) are also fragile and hurt.
It’s from Dean’s POV
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spn-mediabigbang · 3 years
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THE NANNY || EXPLICIT || 119,676
Author: @kitmistry
Artist: @missmistiblurryface
He had style, he had flair, he had…well, actually, he didn’t have any of those things. But he did have pretty green eyes, and Claire didn’t want to murder him on sight (all Castiel was asking for these days). And that’s how Dean became the nanny!
Based on the TV show The Nanny.
Link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30835616/chapters/76123745
Link to art: https://missmistiblurryface.tumblr.com/post/650755946435510272/its-finally-here-kitmistrys-the-nanny-i-was-so
Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Boss/Employee Relationship, References to past minor character death
Tags: Domestic Castiel/Dean Winchester, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Kid Fic, Cheesy, Light Angst, Secret Relationship, LARPing, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester
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spneldritchbang · 5 years
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Chthonic Claim
Author: @kitmistry | Artist: @galaxystiel
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester (unrequited) Rating: Teen and Up Warnings and Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Mild Gore, Canon Typical Violence, Psychological Horror, Nightmares, Hallucinations, Dissociation, Lovecraftian Monsters, Suspense, Canon Compliant, Mark of Cain, Case Fic, Monster of the Week, Pining Dean, Unrequited Love, One-sided Attraction Word Count: 14K
Summary: Their cases usually start with someone dying or going missing, only this time, what draws Dean and Sam to a small, secluded town is the mysterious appearance of a woman after thirty years. What starts as a simple crossroads demon case spirals out of control as Dean slowly loses himself to the case, plagued by nightmares and hallucinations of monsters and shadows that stalk his every waking and sleeping moment. Things only get more complicated when Castiel shows up, worried about the brothers.
Between dealing with the Mark of Cain driving him crazy and a town that hides an ancient secret, Dean has to take things into his own hands and stop the ghosts that are hunting him once and for all.
Link to Fic | Link to Art
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writersofdestiel · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Jo Harvelle Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Pirate, Pirate Dean Winchester, Selkie Castiel (Supernatural), Fluff, Minor Jo Harvelle/Sam Winchester, Established Relationship Series: Part 2 of Writers of Destiel's "The Day They First Met" Prompt-Week Summary:
“Hello, Dean,” Cas says, affection softening his voice, blue eyes making Dean’s legs go weak.
It’s been five years, and he’s still just as hopelessly lost as when he blinked his eyes open, wet and exhausted and alive only by some miracle, to find Cas bent over him. It turned out it wasn’t a miracle that saved him that day.
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envydean · 4 years
For the fanfic ask game: W+X
W. when was the last time you wrote? ohhhh if you thought you could catch me out here, I totally wrote like 3 whole words this morning! ;) but other than that it was yesterday :D
X. give a summary of your current project! oooh I actually have my summary done now! 
Castiel hasn't always been an Angel of Death, but ever since the events of The Angelic War several millennia ago, he's been tasked with helping souls cross from Earth to the great span of the Universe. He likes what he does and he's aided by a human companion, imbibed with the essence Castiel's grace to help him for a thousand years.
Balthazar, a long-loved companion, has come to the end of his service and Castiel is drawn to his new companion, Dean Winchester. Except, opposing forces are at large and Dean Winchester dies before Castiel gets a chance to meet him, but an Angel of Dean must always have a companion, no matter what the cost.
Fanfic author asks!
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mixtapebookclub · 2 years
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Podcast ahoy! She's here, landlubbers: Episode 32, Pirate AUs, is now available! Join @malmuses, @ellen-of-oz, and guest author @kitmistry to chat about swashbuckling Destiel fics.
Direct website link to the episode.
The main fics we discuss in this episode are:
Of Twists and Turns by @kitmistrytry
His Right Hand Man by @goldenraeofsun
Blow High, Blow Low, and so sailed we by @a-insominia
Eye of the Storm by @nickelkeep
You can listen to the Mixtape Book Club podcast on our website, http://mixtapebookclub.com, or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and most other popular podcasting apps.
Do you love Supernatural? Are you a fan of Dean and Castiel, and their relationship? Do you enjoy reading Destiel fanfiction? This is the podcast for you!
You can find our Mixtape Book Club Ao3 collection here, containing the stories we’ve discussed on the podcast so far.
A warning: adult themes and swear words are mentioned in this podcast.
MBC is a positive fandom space. You will not find negative reviews, fandom trashing, or negativity beyond some good-natured mocking of the show itself here; we only feature fic that we like. Please keep that in mind when reaching out to us or interacting in our social media spaces.
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spn-mediabigbang · 4 years
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Title: Mirage
Author: @kitmistry | Artist: @bees0are0awesome
Beta: @theimportanceofbeingvictoria
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 39K
Genre: Drama, Mystery
Source Material: Mirage (Durante La Tormenta) - Movie
Summary: Α man and a boy in the same room twenty five years apart, two identical storms and a murder that will tear both their families apart. When Castiel Novak wakes up to a new reality, it seems only Detective Dean Singer is willing to believe him, but even the detective might not be able to help him save his daughter from a butterfly effect that has changed their world irreparably.
The race against time will bring them face to face with decisions that might cost them their lives and those of the people they love. And still, the storm rages on.
Preview: “You don’t believe me.” Castiel sighed, shaking his hands. He was on the verge of tears. This was his last option to find his daughter, and even the detective had his doubts about the story Castiel was saying. He was so exhausted. “I’m not crazy. I know it sounds like I just escaped from an asylum or something, but everything I told you is real. My daughter is missing, and I need help to find her.”
“And I want to help you,” Dean promised, his lips curving up in a ghost of a smile. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
Castiel shook his head. “I told you. I checked up on Claire before going to bed. It was raining outside and I made sure all the windows were closed, and…”
And then he’d heard that noise. The TV, the storm, the boy. Castiel blinked. Took a deep breath. “I—” His voice cracked, a bitter laugh escaping him. “I must really be going crazy. Because I remember finding an old TV in our unused bedroom, and it was turned on, and there was a boy. Our friend, Anna, told us about him over dinner, how he saw his neighbor murdering his wife and died in front of his brother mere minutes later. But I saw him. In the TV.”
Dean was staring at him, brows raised almost to his hairline. His lips were slightly parted, not in shock. More like wonder. 
Castiel was desperate for him to believe him. 
“I could talk to him somehow, and I pleaded with him not to get out of his room, because I knew he’d die if he did. And I kept pleading with him, begging him to believe me.”
“Who was the boy?” was all Dean said.
“Sam Winchester,” Castiel said, dropping his head in his hands. “I—shit. Was it a dream? It didn’t feel like a dream, but how could it be anything else?”
“Cas.” Dean’s voice was gentle, drawing Castiel’s attention back to him. “I know everything must be very confusing right now, but we’re going to figure out what happened.”
“How?” Castiel asked, voice shaking. 
Dean hesitated, his eyes searching Castiel’s face unsurely for a moment. Then he took a deep breath, as if steeling himself. “While I was getting your coffee I asked for a little background check on your daughter.” He paused, chewing on his lip. Then, “We couldn’t find any birth certificate for a Claire Novak, or any other documentation. As far as the state is concerned, your daughter doesn’t exist.”
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Timelines, Time Loop, Temporary Character Death, Strangers to Lovers, Mystery, Detective Dean Winchester, POV Dean Winchester, POV Castiel (Supernatural), POV Sam Winchester, MurderBlood and Gore, Child Neglect, Happy Ending, Mirage (Durante La Tormenta) AU, Child Abuse, John Winchester’s A+ Parenting, Minor Character Death
Link to Art | Link to Fic 
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perfectpairbang · 3 years
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Title: Hogwarts: A Mystery Author: @kitmistry Artist: @noxsoulmate Wordcount:  53869 Rating: Teen and Up Genre: Crime/Romance Major Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester Fic Warnings: No Major Warnings Apply, Mild Gore Art Warnings: None Relevant tags: Murder Mystery, Minor Character Death, Pining, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending Summary: 
A school full of memories, a thief who can walk through walls, and a mysterious death.
When Auror Dean Winchester is summoned to investigate a possible murder at Hogwarts, the place he once called home, he finds that nothing in this case is as it seems. Meeting his once best friend after a decade of silence, Dean now also has to face the realization that his feelings for Castiel are as strong as ever. And that said feelings might not let him see who his number one suspect is.
Link to fic Link to art
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writersofdestiel · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Love Confessions, Fluff and Humor, Misunderstandings, Dean Winchester is an Idiot, First Kiss, Bisexual Disaster Dean Winchester Series: Part 1 of Writers of Destiel's "The Day They First Met" Prompt-Week Summary:
“So, how was it?” Dean asks, voice cracking with forced cheerfulness. “I, I’m planning on confessing my feelings to someone important and I wanted to rehearse, so I figured you’d be the best option. What with Sam being my brother and, and, Jack would just be weird, so...yeah.”
Castiel’s face remains blank. “I think you were a bit brusque,” he says, slowly, at last. Like maybe Dean’s not making sense. “Maybe try loosening up a little? Um, explaining your feelings more clearly, perhaps.”
Or, three times Dean tried to confess and one time he did.
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deancaspinefest · 4 years
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Congratulations to all the wonderful authors and artists who took part in the fourth annual Dean/Cas Pinefest!
You’ve provided some much-need distraction to the fandom, and we could not be more grateful to you all for writing and arting your way through the hellscape we’ve all found ourselves in.
We also want to shout out an extra thank you here to the pinch hitters who stepped in to help out when a few people unexpectedly dropped out, and an extra extra thank you to the numerous essential workers in the Pinefest fam for everything you’ve been doing to keep the world running. The fact that you still managed to create such a huge amount of art and story despite everything else you’re dealing with is something to be proud of. We love you all, and hope you’ll be able to take some time for yourselves very soon <3
Under the cut you will find links to every masterpost from the 2020 Pinefest, or you can check out the collection on Ao3. Remember to let the authors and artists know how much you enjoyed all their hard work with a like, kudos, or best of all, a reblog or comment. Don’t know how to put your feels into words? That’s fine. We’ve never met an artist or author who doesn’t appreciate every keysmash response they receive.
Happy reading, and take care!
(Also--yes, we’ll be back for a fifth Pinefest! An official announcement will come sometime in August.)
Tumblr Masterposts
A Distance of 2,800 Miles Fic by Danica_Dust | Art by Amethyst Shard All I Ever Wanted Fic by dates-with-cas/xxenjoy | Art by deathbycoldopen
Always Together, Eternally Apart Fic by EmiliaOagi | Art by Aceriee Cool Rider Fic by opal_bullets | Art by deathbycoldopen Dear Dean Fic by thatpeculiarone | Art by willowywings
Dear Temporary Neighbour Fic by thefandomsinhalor | Art by kysprite
Garrison Records Fic by dark3rainbow | Art by kysprite
Ghost Light Fic by grumpyphoenix | Art by somethingaboutnoodles
Gods Damned Cat Fic by wargurl83 | Art by imogenbynight
Happily Ever After Fic by castielslostwings | Art by Anyrei
House of Memories Fic by Maleyah | Art by dmsilvisart
How Do You Talk to An Angel? Fic by supernatural9917 | Art by delicious-irony
ImpalaASMR Fic by undersail2013 | Art by imogenbynight
Missing Fic by kitmistry | Art by whichstiel
Remember Me After the Storm Fic by desiraelovesdestiel (desirae) | Art by dmsilvisart
Someone, Somewhere Fic by wigglebox | Art by BeesAreAwesome
Sugar and Smoke Fic by almaasi | Art by purzelndesbaeumchen
Tacoma Fic by ellispark | Art by kuwlshadow
The Curious Case of Cuthbert Sinclair Fic by MalMuses & EllenOfOz | Art by somethingaboutnoodles
The Handyman's Special Fic by carrieosity | Art by delicious-irony
To See and To Protect Fic by spnsmile | Art by Angeltortured
Welcome to Pine Shores Fic by andimeantittosting | Art by imogenbynight
When I Walk in a Dream (Dream No More) Fic by Hectatess | Art by Angeltortured
Words I Couldn't Say Fic by turningthepages | Art by purplepumpkin
Write First Then Read Fic by mittensmorgul (mittenwraith) | Art by dmsilvisart
What Stays (and What Fades Away) Fic by dothraki_shieldmaiden | Art by skeletonsinzeeclost
Ao3 Collections
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017
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destiellifemark · 4 years
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Title: Holidate Author: @kitmistry Warnings: None! Tags: strangers to friends to lovers, fake dating, mutual pining, slow burn, love confessions Rating: Teen Word Count: 35k Summary: Dean and Castiel hate the holidays! Their enduring singledom leaves them subject to the judgment of their meddling family members or stuck with clingy, awkward dates on each festive occasion. When these two meet, they pledge to be each other's plus-ones for each holiday celebration over the course of the year.
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deancasbigbang · 5 years
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Title: Of Twists and Turns
Author: @kitmistry (AO3) Artist: @pimentogirl (AO3) Rating: Explicit Length: Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester (Past Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Ellen Harvelle/Bobby Singer) Warnings: Graphic Depiction of Violence
Summary: When naval surgeon Castiel Novak is captured by the Black Impala pirates, he has no choice but to agree to their terms: He is to serve on their ship for a whole year before they release him. That doesn’t mean he is going to like it, though. Especially when their captain is the embodiment of everything Castiel despises.
Determined to earn his freedom, Castiel settles into the life of an outlaw. When the pirates’ true goal is revealed, though, he can no longer deny that things are not as black and white as he thought they were. And he can’t deny how drawn he is to Captain Winchester either.
Link to fic: here on AO3 Link to art: here on AO3
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Title: Stumble and Fall
Author: Kitmistry
Artist: Galaxystiel
Rating: E
Major Archive Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Inias
Tags/Warnings: Historical AU, Cold War AU, US Marshall Dean Winchester, Spy Castiel, Minor Character Death, Enemies to Lovers, Angst, Drunk Sex
Teaser: “Nice to meet you, Mr. Allen,” Dean says and offers his hand, flashing a toothy grin that makes his green eyes crinkle at the corners.
Castiel takes it, sizing him up—he’s a few inches taller, freckled, and he looks quite fit, even though he’s wearing a suit that hides the exact breadth of his shoulders and his arms. Attractive in a way Cas doesn’t need right now. His hold on Castiel is firm, his gaze unwavering as he stares straight back without hesitation. Dean Winchester is too confident for Castiel’s liking, and his stomach quivers in response. 
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dmsilvisart · 5 years
I check up on your stories
I don't know if other artists do this, maybe some of y'all can tell me...
When I work with an author in a bang I go back to those stories after they post , a week, a month later, sometimes months later just because I see the art again and I want to know how it's doing.... and read the comments that folks leave them.
I've seen these authors work hard on these fics, I hope my art draws in more readers and I hope they leave nice comments on the story for the author.
Any other artists do this?
To anyone I've worked with on bangs, even people I've done random one shot art for, I lurk....and I hope your stories are doing well :)
@tobythewise @navajolovesdestiel @punk-is-notdead @cutelittlekittykorner @ravenscat-tumbler @mansikkaomenabanaani @a-insominia @notfunnydean @desiraelovesdestiel @thayerkerbasy @grey2510 @cyanspica @herpinkminkness @shippers-roost @ohreallyjenn @klove0511 @nickelkeep @kitmistry @jupiterjames
I know I'm missing people but hopefully they see this anyway
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 years
Holidate by Kitmistry (@kitmistry) Rating: Teen Word count: 34k
Dean and Castiel hate the holidays! Their enduring singledom leaves them subject to the judgment of their meddling family members or stuck with clingy, awkward dates on each festive occasion. When these two meet, they pledge to be each other’s plus-ones for each holiday celebration over the course of the year.
Who never made a reckless, dumb decision while halfway drunk? If you’re as guilty as I am, you’ll completely relate with this fic.
Dean and Cas meet at a bar, while drowning their sorrows in alcohol. It’s Christmas Eve and none of them has a significant other to present to their families and make everyone proud. So Dean comes up with a plan: they’ll be each other’s fake date for any future holiday celebration. What can go wrong, right?
I love how it’s completely evident pretty early on that they’re falling for each other hard, but they both keep denying it, coming up with excuses to everything they’re feeling. And once they do admit what they’re feeling, they’re sure the other doesn’t feel the same which results in lots of pining.
It’s also really refreshing to see both guys with supportive and loving families. Dean’s parents died when he was a kid, so Bobby as well as the Harvelles have been his and Sam’s family all along. And Cas, as much as his siblings love to tease him, it’s clear how much they love him.
This is such a sweet read, perfect for the holidays! So what are you waiting for, click that link and give it a try, you won’t regret it.
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