#author: makeitastrength
chenfordfanficquotes · 5 months
She just… she understands him, in a way no one has in a very long time. Maybe ever. It should frighten him. And it does, a little. But at the same time, it feels so natural. Dancing with Lucy. Smiling and laughing with Lucy. Being comforted by Lucy. Tim flops back onto his bed, rubs both hands over his face as the realization settles over him. He’s not sure when it happened or how it happened, but he can’t deny it to himself any longer. He’s falling in love with Lucy Chen.
-We could have it all by @makeitastrength (submitted by @mamadoc)
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Can you give fanfic recommendations. Whether that’s fics or authors. Thank you💜
Hi anon, of course!
Some of my favorite authors are:
@sisterofficerlucychen princessconsuelacrapbag on AO3
@makeitastrength Adina_rachelle on AO3
@queseraone Quesera on AO3
@roguetwelve Same name on AO3
@chenfordspiral Same name on AO3
@arch78 Same name on AO3
@mamadoc VTAK on AO3
@theawkwardanglophile Same name on AO3
And a few of my favorite stories are below
The Shape of you by RogueTwelve
Little Bit of Love by Chenfordspiral
Secret Moments in a Crowded Room by Adina_rachelle
In the middle of the night (when I'm in this dream) by animmortalist
You taste like Whiskey when you kiss me by Universallongings
Time, curious time by wisedgirl
This God forsaken mess by Animmortalist
Maid of Awesomeness by Silverskull
I've got my love to keep me warm by Quesera
From the ashes by Adina_rachelle
A life worth living by Arch78
I need your runway lights to burn for me by Theawkwardanglophile
Between the lines of fear and blame by Princesscobsuelacrapbag
I could truly go on and on and on. You absolutely cannot go wrong with any of these stories or authors. If I listed all my favorites, we'd be here all day😂
Go check them out, and get lost in the worlds they create, you won't regret it!
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mamadoc · 1 month
I don’t know a lot of details right now, but if you’re a Rookie writer you may want to sign up. I saw this on Twitter/X.
Tagging some people to get the word out. @makeitastrength @arch78 @centralperkchenford @chenfordspiral @fuzzywuzzywuzzawriter @imperiumwifestrikesagain @intelligentfan @jennahbennah @my-shields-are-down @mostowa @poppypickle @queseraone @randomlittleimp @rookieoneil @silverskull @thesassywitchofthenortheast @wanna-be-bold @westwingwolf
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lucyyygg · 4 months
Can you give fanfic recommendations. Whether that’s fics or authors. Thank you💜
I don't read as much anymore but here's some authors I like
Adina_rachelle @makeitastrength
Princessconsuelacrapbag @sisterofficerlucychen
girlintotv @girlintotv
niamsagram @centralperkchenford
Also here's some random stories from my bookmarks too as a treat
There's more but I haven't read that much recently and I'm tired lol
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And while that’s a slightly more valid reason for not wanting uproot her life, the main reason she isn’t willing to leave LA is the one she can’t admit to Chris. A reason with light brown hair and blue eyes and a loving heart that has been broken far too many times. One who has saved her life and, until a few months ago, was one of her closest friends and confidantes.
- Just give me a reason by @makeitastrength (submitted by @chenfordspiral)
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“She’s dying, Tim,” Rosalind says; he spares her barely a glance before he returns his focus to Lucy. It’s been nearly a minute now, but she’s still moving, the methodical back and forth of her arms keeping her fully submerged. “Take the shot,” Rosalind commands, rising to her feet. “You can still save her.” Tim rises as well but otherwise ignores her demands, eyes unblinking as he watches it all play out on the screen. They’re so close. If Lucy can just make it another minute – maybe less than that by now – the flames will subside and she can resurface. Except. Her movements are faltering. It’s subtle at first; her arms are still swaying back and forth, but it’s less purposeful. Weaker. They’re not so much propelling the water as drifting through it, slower and slower, until they still and Lucy’s body begins to sink limply toward the bottom of the tank. Tim knows it will take time to douse the flames, easily another minute beyond that until they can cut through the grate and pull her out to begin CPR. She’ll be dead by then. And though he can’t be certain Rosalind is telling the truth, that her partner really will unlock the trap once she’s dead, Tim also knows he will never forgive himself for having the chance to save Lucy’s life and not taking it.   Steeling himself, he turns back to Rosalind, meeting her cold blue gaze one final time as he raises the gun and pulls the trigger.
-Into the dark by @makeitastrength (submitted by @roguetwelve)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 2 months
Not to mention the fact that she drives him crazy, and not always in a good way. In some ways, Tim thinks, they’re just too different to ever make this work. She’s bubbly and open and so full of life. He has a failed marriage and so much baggage that he’s spent years concealing behind carefully constructed walls. The thought of sharing everything he’s tucked away terrifies him. As if on cue, Lucy gently squeezes the hand that’s twined with hers. It reels him back from the edge and he wonders how she could tell he was spiraling. Tim squeezes back, a silent thank you, and he knows she understands. Like it or not, he realizes, he’s already shared so much of himself with her. She’s already inside his walls.
-We could have it all by @makeitastrength (submitted by @mamadoc)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 4 months
In the other room, noisemakers sound and people begin to cheer and shout Happy New Year. Outside, the pop and crackle of dozens of fireworks echo through the air. But all Lucy is aware of in the moment is Tim as he cups her jaw in both hands and captures her lips with his own. He kisses her gently once, twice, and then threads the fingers of one hand into her hair, cradling her skull as he backs her into the wall and parts his lips, deepening the kiss. Lucy moans softly as their tongues tangle, fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt as he kisses her senseless. Most of their intimacy has been soft and gentle so far, timid caresses and tender kisses, every touch making her stomach flutter excitedly. It’s everything she wanted, taking the time to create these memories together and relishing each moment. And she knows Tim has been holding back, letting her take the lead and set the pace. Now, though, Lucy is getting a taste of the more dominant side of him, and it’s leaving her breathless.
-Secret moments in a crowded room by @makeitastrength (submitted by @chenfordspiral)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 5 months
The truth is, Lucy kind of has a crush on Tim. It sounds so juvenile to say it that way, but it’s also fairly accurate. After all, how can she not? He’s hot. Not to mention the fact that beneath his gruff exterior is a kind and caring heart. It’s not like it’s serious or anything, and she has no doubt it will pass once she’s not riding with him every day. But she likes him. So when he tells her he doesn’t think she has what it takes to be a UC, Lucy decides she absolutely can’t pass up an opportunity to simultaneously prove her point, mess with him, and maybe test the waters just a little.
-Slowly and then all at once by @makeitastrength (submitted by @silverskull)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 6 months
Silence falls and Lucy pulls her lower lip between her teeth, contemplating her choice of words. To her surprise, it’s Tim who speaks next. “It should be your decision,” he says firmly. “You deserve to have a successful career and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.” As she looks up at him, Lucy can’t believe she used to think he was a closed book; his eyes are swimming with so many emotions. She can see the desire and the respect and the affection, but also the apprehension as he waits for the answer that will make or break them. She leans in and kisses him softly, then rests her forehead against his. “You’re worth the risk, Tim.”
-Put me back together piece by piece by @makeitastrength (submitted by @queseraone)
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Is this what happiness feels like? The kind that’s not weighed down by a lifetime of pain and trauma and lies? He feels it deep within his soul, a ball of warmth spreading through him like flames, and he doesn’t think he could extinguish it if he tried.
- From the ashes by @makeitastrength (submitted by @queseraone)
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“I know I have a lot to make up for,” Tim adds. “And if it’s too much to ask, I understand. I just… I’d spend the rest of my life regretting it if I never took the chance.” Lucy takes a deep breath and releases it slowly, hoping the technique will calm the nervous fluttering of her heart. Though she’s never stopped loving him, trusting him again won’t be easy. She’s certainly not ready to dive back in headfirst. But over the past three months – finally going to therapy, facing his trauma, telling her the truth – Tim has shown her that he’s willing to do the work. If that can continue, and if they can work together to reassemble the broken pieces of their relationship, she thinks they could make it to a place in which trusting him with her heart again might not feel so scary. “Yeah,” she whispers, nodding her head against his, and she can feel the tension in his body melt away with her affirmative answer. “I think there is.”
- I had to drive all the way out here (just to figure out how to cry) by @makeitastrength (submitted by @thisnightissparkling089)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 2 months
“Tell me you don’t still have feelings for me,” he challenges. Lucy's eyes fly up to his in surprise; their gazes meet, and the raw emotion in his bright blue eyes has her frozen in place, unable to look away. “I… can’t,” she whispers. Hope blossoms in his eyes and she feels it building in her heart as well but, just as quickly, reality begins to seep back in around the edges and she drops her chin and shakes her head. “But that doesn’t change…” “And I think we owe it to ourselves to see what this could be,” he continues. His words pull her eyes back to his, blazing with a certainty she wishes she possessed. It’s not that she disagrees with him; he loves her, and she loves him, and physically they’re clearly compatible. And if those were the only factors, she thinks they could be pretty amazing.
-If this is really all that I get by @makeitastrength (submitted by @sisterofficerlucychen)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 5 months
“I can’t imagine never seeing you again. And it doesn’t make sense because I should be so mad. I am mad,” she clarifies, the words spilling out of her now so quickly she can scarcely catch her breath. “I’m so mad at you, because I was all in, Tim. No matter what happened, no matter how hard it was, I wasn’t gonna walk away from us, and I never thought you would, either. I never thought you could do this to me, and I don’t know how to move past that. But I miss you so much and I love you and I just…” she stutters to a halt as she chokes on a sob, the words lodged in her throat as she tries to breathe around the pain. “I just want my person back.”
-From the ashes by @makeitastrength (submitted by @queseraone)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 5 months
“Look,” Tim acknowledges. “I’m not saying it won’t be hard. Distance always is. But you’ve wanted to be a UC since you were a rookie, and I knew that when I asked you out. I told you this was worth the risk, and I meant it.”
-I wake up screaming from dreaming (one day I'll watch as you're leaving) by @makeitastrength (submitted by @queseraone)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 6 months
But even as she storms off in search of Angela, Lucy can’t avoid the feelings that are boiling over beneath her fury; feelings she’s been attempting to ignore for – well, in retrospect, she’s been avoiding them for months now. Tears blur her vision as the sadness and jealousy and heartbreak spill over, and in their absence, Lucy is left with no choice but to finally face the truth. She doesn’t just want to protect him or have a crush on him or adore him, or whatever other adjectives she’s been using to describe her feelings. She is completely head-over-heels in love with Tim Bradford.
-Slowly and then all at once by @makeitastrength (submitted by @chenfordspiral)
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