#author: provocative_envy
greenerteacups · 6 months
especially would love to know which HP fanfics are your favs!
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I've already recommended most of my all-time favorites, so I'll plug some that I read and loved for the first time just yesterday: Keep It Like a Secret, by the (needs no introduction) great @pacific-rimbaud. Perfect Hermione, perfect Draco, perfect parcel of sweetness and angst to round off an evening. I also did not expect to go as wholly brainworm nuts as I did for Bite Marks, by provocative_envy, which is an American muggle college AU, which usually wouldn't catch my eye, but I'd read a cereal box if that author wrote it and true to form, the characterization obsessed me, the writing was glorious, and the socmed elements were hilarious.
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hephaestiions · 5 months
Inspired by your Drarry fic recs and your amazing Flintwood fic, do you have any Flintwood recs or personal favorites?
ah! fantastic ask, anon! flintwood was, incidentally, my earliest hp ship & maintains a soft spot after all these years. their functions in canon (quidditch captains of rival houses, pinnacles of a certain kind of obsessive, single-minded, aggressive athletic masculinity) conduce some of the most raw and gritty characterisations— kind of like if tracing your tongue along the jagged, broken end of a tooth was a ship. flintwood encapsulates a very specific kind of mood— a foregrounded physicality, a delicious emotional dimension balancing both subtlety and brashness. this ship is especially delightful when you're in the mood for some deferred emotional payoff, a little out of reach and more satisfying for it.
(tw for some discussions of queerphobia & masculinity!)
flintwood also works with and subverts some common stereotypes & tropes associated with sports as a site of exalted & amplified masculinity. oliver and marcus are both, in fic, often representations of what a popular (largely homophobic & patriarchal) culture understands as 'masculine ideal stereotypes'— physically hulking, emotionally repressed, narrow-focused, a little dangerous. and flintwood, as a ship, is crucially also about these 'ideal men' making the choice to step away from the hallowed halls of homosociality towards explicit queer desire, dynamics and love.
i'm getting into this because a large selection of flintwood fics i've loved deal (overtly or covertly) with coming to terms with queer awakenings, reckoning with being queer men in sports and similar explorations. my flintwood fic (thank you for reading it, anon!), addictive tendencies (~4k, T, tw for internalised homophobia) also grapples with this fairly significantly. in fact, even when the central tension isn’t explicitly about a queer reckoning, and the worldbuilding has little/no queerphobia, many excellent flintwood fics have some of the themes, ideas and tropes you find in literature accounting for our society’s (often disparaging) attitude towards queerness: a desire both intense and grudging, a sense of “i can’t have this person” justified through rivalry and/or jealousy, poignant internal conflicts, etc.
anyway, enough talk, here's a selection of flintwood fics i've dearly enjoyed, hope you do too! mind the tags & notes & remember to send some love the authors' way :)
best kept secrets by slyther_ing (M, 1.8k)
Marcus Flint is leaning up by the metal chainlink fence - gum popping, grin flashing white, and Oliver has the urge to run away because everything in the taller boy’s stature screams trouble, trouble, trouble.
twenty gauge by provocative_envy (T, 3k)
It takes Marcus less than ninety seconds to determine that his four o'clock is an aggressively annoying piece of shit.
wake up, get up, shut up by provocative_envy (E, 4.2k)
Marcus is twenty-three and half-concussed when it finally occurs to him that he might actually kind of sort of be really into dudes.
rugby boys, they play 15s by thistlecat (M, 4.5k)
Fifteen significant moments in Oliver Wood’s collegiate rugby career that did not make his highlight tape.
no vacancy by provocative_envy (M, 10.1k)
The dreams are frightening, at first.
true but not nice by v (E, 10.2k)
Marcus found out about it from Warrington, who heard it from Montague, who heard it from Derrick, who heard it from Nott, who heard it from Zabini, who heard it from Malfoy, who they said heard from the Quidditch dressing room, which really just meant that Marcus was going to fucking kill him.
self preservation by al-the-remix (E, 17.8k)
Outside the night had grown dark, and at some point Oliver had moved to perch on the edge of Marcus' bed, thigh pressed against his and tray settled between them. As if they had some sort of understanding. As if they were friends.
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tomionefinds · 8 months
can you reccomend any relatively low-stress fics (if such a thing even exists in tomione lol)
Hey Anon:
Low-stress could go a couple of ways, some of these might border on fluff. But these below are generally low key . Hope you enjoy them! - Haus
Youth in Retrospect by provocative_envy
E | One-Shot | 8k
She’s buying a box of condoms when she meets him. “Those are shit, you know,” he says, jerking his chin at the pale purple box in her hand. “Can’t feel anything.” She stares at him for a moment too long. The bell above the door jingles merrily as a rowdy group of schoolboys enters the store. “Excuse you,” she replies, cheeks turning pink.
(you'll find a lot of flirty and fun fics in a similar vein by clicking on the author's name)
A Naughty Niffler by bunnystealsyourcarrots
E | One-Shot | 2k
Hermione finds herself sucked into an unknown world with an old familiar face
Handling a Dark Lord Wannabe by cleighc
E | WIP | 89k
Hermione was not amused. Not. At. All. They had defeated Lord Voldemort after years of struggle. Witnessed the end. She had thought, with relief and without an ounce of charity, that she never had to deal with that pretentious, presumptuous, melodramatic, homicidal son of a bitch ever again. Apparently the castle had other ideas.
Avada Kedavra Anonymous by Speechwriter
T | Complete | 8k
No one missed Riddle's pale fist tightening around the useless wand in his lap. "I am Tom," he ground out. "I am here for the sole reason that the alternative was community service." / Hermione moderates a post-Avada Kedavra support group. Chaos ensues.
You Should Know by Phantomato
E | Complete | 74k
Hermione, born in 1934 and Minerva McGonagall’s best friend, meets Tom Riddle, the boy whose scores were always just better than hers, at a wedding in the summer of 1961. She’s comfortable with what she wants from him, but he’s about to enter the next stage of his plan to take over the Wizarding world and test the limits of her acceptance. AU where Hermione and Tom are contemporaries, but meet as adults during his rise to power. Older characters, not a darkfic, HEA.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hello Liv! Hope this is okay to ask. Feeling a Weasley/Draco streak. Do you have any Bill/Draco, Charlie/Draco, or Ron/Draco fic recs?
I'm deep into Bill/Draco ideas but there are barely any fics and wasn't sure if you had any more material ^^
Hi anon! In this house we thirst over love and support the Weasley family! I have a Dron list here, so I’m highlighting my top 5 and adding some fics with Bill and Charlie as well. Enjoy 😌
A Soft Spot for Lost Causes by Helenish (E, 13k)
"Remember at school? Weasel? You’re so poor and dirty?" Ron said encouragingly "You hated me." "I did," Draco said.
The Sun, Shining Above You by @oknowkiss (E, 14k) - technically a Dronarry but Dron stole the scene for me
Since joining up with the dragontamers, Draco counts his days in nights. Nights spent drinking in the commune mess, making poor choices he doesn't regret, for once. Nights he doesn't remember, and nights he wishes he could stop remembering.
Dreaming Skies by @sweet-s0rr0w and @tackytigerfic (E, 20k)
Draco's life is going nowhere, so when Charlie Weasley offers him a job out on his reserve, Draco doesn't think twice before booking a Portkey. After all, it's not as if he has many other options. But when he arrives in Romania, he realises that nothing is quite what he expected...
A Fine Foray into Fashionable Fellatio by @wellhalesbells (E, 31k)
First comes tolerating, then comes shagging, then comes unintended consequences.
Is This It series by MillicentMakepeace (E, 52k)
Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy get trapped in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement during an attack drill. HOWEVER WILL THEY PASS THE TIME?
A Room with a View in the Flowering City by @wolfpants (E, 1k)
During Draco's internship at Gringotts, Bill and Draco get to know each other in surprising ways. For Bill, it's fun, but also comforting.
slide by @onbeinganangel (E, 1.5k)
Bill Weasley, who insists on approaching Draco every time, no matter where, on fetching him drinks, on flirting relentlessly, on touching him softly with rough, big hands that leave Draco’s skin prickling. Bill Weasley, with that fang earring dangling enticingly off his ear, moving ever so slightly as he speaks, with his hair pulled up into a messy ponytail Draco desperately wants to pull on.
love on high by tryslora (E, 1.3k)
Charlie loves to take Draco up on dragon back and fuck him high above the ground.
Wildflower by @wolfpants (E, 1.3k)
Charlie and Draco's relationship grows like the wildflowers on the alpine meadows, and Charlie wonders how many seasons they'll survive.
Dragon Taming by who_la_hoop (T, 2k)
When the Malfoys flee – with dignity, of course – to Romania after the war, Draco finds unexpected kinship with one of those awful red-haired Weasley boys.
Put on a Show by @gracerene (E, 3k)
Charlie's not supposed to have sex with clients while on the clock. Luckily he's found a loophole.
Stay Gold by provocative_envy (M, 4k)
Draco has a favorite brand of caviar, for fuck’s sake.
how to win (despite yourself) by curiouslyfic (M, 4.5k)
Charlie knows he's only got Draco until Harry makes his move. Just, Charlie's gotten attached now and Draco's not easy to give up.
Leap of Faith by Alisanne (E, 5k)
Charlie's always had a way with magical creatures, and Draco is just a fancy name for a dragon.
Four Times Charlie Had Authority Over Draco and One Time He Didn't by Snegurochka (E, 8k)
It started the week after the final battle, in a Ministry holding cell with a fake Auror and a suspect who was used to doing as he was told.
Calling Me Out to the Cliffs by @wellhalesbells (M, 9k)
The war ends but Fenrir Greyback has evaded capture and he’s made no effort to hide his fascination with one Draco Malfoy. For his own protection, the Order decides to shack him up with Charlie Weasley in Middle-of-Nowhere, Romania. Which is just what Charlie wants this Christmas: to spend the hols with his ex.
Dragon's Ink by Leela (E, 9k)
One evening, just before closing, a hooded and cloaked man enters Charlie's studio. Draco Malfoy wants a tattoo. The only problem is that he already has one.
it's brutal out here by @dracoladon and @lazywonderlvnd (E, 25k)
Draco finally meets Charlie Weasley. He's kind of a beast.
Fire on the Mountain (Run, boy, run) by cryptonym (E, 25k)
Charlie is just trying to get on with life post-war with his beloved dragons and forget. Draco just wants to get out of England and somehow manages to wangle his way into a placement on the reserve. Charlie doesn't expect him to last a week, but his dedication, perseverance, and obvious love of dragons are impressive, and it doesn't hurt that he has a damn fine arse. Charlie's just not sure he can trust Draco.
There’s Something About A Malfoy by mindabbles (E, 27k)
Charlie has no room in his drawers for anyone else's skivvies, Harry wallows in moral agony for a bit, Draco wants to rebuild his life, and Scorpius just wants Harry to stop being an idiot. And there's something wicked in the forest. If they're going to stop it, they're all going to have to work together.
Bonus: Bill/Draco/Charlie 😈
He Wants Him by Leela (E, 1.5k)
Bill wants Draco. Charlie wants him, too, especially after Bill's had him.
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scullymurphy · 3 years
Scully Discord Server Expanding! Becoming the Rolled Sleeves Agenda Server!
Tumblr media
Some exciting news from the world of the ScullyMurphy Discord server, which has been a delightful place of fic discussion, music and book talk, facecast drooling, Wordle agonizing and general joy since it launched. So delightful in fact, that we are expanding to include more authors, more content and more activities starting February 4th. We’re also changing our name to reflect our wider focus and will now be known as the Rolled Sleeves Agenda (“RSA”) Server.
What does it all MEAN?
RSA will be the place for you to come and interact with an amazing group of authors, discuss their works (both fic and OC) and other topics of interest. There will also be activities like AMAs, live reads, book clubs, contests and more—we have a lot planned!
Who are these authors you speak of?
The server will feature not only ScullyMurphy, (who will still be buzzing around making sure your drink is topped up) but four additional writers:
RoseHarperMaxwell My god, how can I be a part of this!?
All are welcome! You can join the Scully server today by clicking here, or wait until February 4th and join the RSA! New author and activity channels will be live then and we’ll have some fun events to celebrate the launch. **Our first one will be a LIVE SPOKEN AMA with ScullyMurphy on February 5th!**
Oh, and if you are already a member of the Scully server, you need do nothing. Just float on an innertube of bliss into this lovely new RSA world.
I’m excited, is anyone else excited!?
Yes! We are! We’re raring to go. And please feel free to share the invitation with anyone you think may be interested. Cheers! xoxo ~SM & CO. @grangerdangerfics @pacific-rimbaud @provocative-envy @roseharpermaxwell @they-call-me-megs @the-static-hum
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hermionecentric · 2 years
bite marks
link: bite marks
by: provocative_envy (love this author for their tom/hr usually!!)
words: 20k
> TWO-SHOT: "So—you're upset," he says with a nonchalant nod and discreet adjustment of his slightly too-tight khaki corduroys. She blinks at him, her expression alternating between indignation and incredulity and flat-out fury. He had been right about her being pretty beneath the intimidation tactics. HG/DM. (Companion to 'Punch Drunk'). 
gotta say this one way a bit of a chance for me! i wasn’t expecting to like the fluffy silliness so much. american muggle uni au.
hr is a control freak in denial, and draco is an innocent, well-meaning fratbro. dynamic is electric though, reminds me of one of the my old-time faves upper-body injury!!! 7/10 the ending was a bit flat and cheesy, i didn’t finish it. a bit ooc. didn’t get in the way of anything though. still made me laugh a lot.
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mrsren · 3 years
Books & Fics - June Reads
I forgot about punctuation until halfway through but was too lazy to fix it. 
Bring Him To His Knees by musyc. five stars. If you haven’t read this, you must be under a rock, but you are absolutely depriving yourself. 
Isolation by bex-chan: reread. always a favorites. it was one of my friend’s favorites, but then she died and i never thought i could read it again. it was nice to finally read it and feel that closeness again. 
Jealousy by rainsrabble: reread, but a very fun one. one of the classic dramiones. 
Various Storms & Saints by viridianatnight: an absolute favorite. will be a classic or i’ll eat my foot. 
Nightmare by provocative_envy: legendary tomione favorite. 
WIPS I started following: 
Happy Pills by malf0y101: Dramione. will break my heart in the end, but it’s incredible. mind the triggers. 
Nightmare by malf)y101: Very Dark Dramione. Love it. 
Come Let Us Adore Him by ikindaneedahero: Why are you sleeping on this? It’s a muggle AU where Draco is a Republican congressman and Hermione is a staffer for Democrat James Potter. It’s goddamn incredible and I worship the ground the author walks on. Also, that age gap. 
Jagged by hiccupfound: A new tomione that is perfect so get to reading. Features werewolf Tom, and bamf Hermione. 
Covert by VirgoAriesGem: War-fic, which is one of my favorites. It’s a slow burn with enemies to lovers and the author posts regular updates! 
Now onto published books I read this month (will probably have to add to this before the month is over)
The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren. 3.5 stars. A modern take on the soulmate trope, backed by science. It’s a fun read, but it wasn’t quite a 5 star one for me. 
Meet You In the Middle by Devon Daniels: 3 starts. A political romance that I only read after reading CLUAH, and man, it fell flat. There’s a lot of problems here, I think but the reviews are scathing. For me, it was so much like The Hating Game that it just didn’t stand up as its own book to me. I was pretty sad about this one. 
The Stopover by T.L. Swan: 3 stars. Available on Kindle Unlimited. A smutty read, but not my favorite. Some parts were cringy, and the possessive alpha male bs wasn’t my favorite take on that character type. I did get halfway into the sequel before I DNF’d. 
The Takeoever by T.L. Swan: DNF, just wasn’t for me with the drama. 
The Sweetest Oblivion by Danielle Lori: 3 stars. Kindle Unlimited. Mafia. Not my favorite, but it was enjoyable and it was better than several of the KU books I’ve read. 
A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair: 3 stars. Hades/Persephone retelling. Kindle Unlimited. Enjoyable but not that great to me. Will most likely not read the sequel. I think I just didn’t connect with the writing style. 
The Deal by Elle Kennedy: (next three books are in the same series) 4 stars.  I LOVED this book and the series. Hot hockey players, kind of on that alpha male shit, but not so much that it’s awful to me. This is absolutely a guilty pleasure read, but they’re great. Hannah has a crush. Garrett needs to pass a test. In exchange for her tutoring him, he’ll help her make her crush jealous and absolutely nothing will go wrong. They definitely won’t fall in love. Out of the series so far, The Deal is my favorite. 
The Mistake by Elle Kennedy: 5 stars. Grace and Logan are semi hooking up, but when she’s ready to lose her virginity, Logan fucks up massively. Post falling out, with a summer between them, Grace gives him a list in order to win her back. Listen. I was fucking laughing so hard I cried. 
The Score by Elle Kennedy: 4 stars. After a bad breakup, Allie is going to take care of herself. Dean enters the picture and everything gets fucked, including each other. I would also like to say that these books are incredibly sex positive. (but please, Elle, for the love of God, start capitalizing their sexts so I can enjoy them.) 
The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez: 3 stars. This book heavily traumatized me but I think it must also be one of the best ones I’ve read recently because this author took RISKS. Still rated it three stars because I don’t agree with the creative choice, but I’m not the author and I respect how she wrote this. But holy fuck, was that necessary? 
Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur: WLW romance. So enjoyable, but the ending fell a little short for me. I’d recommend it to anyone that needs a healthy female relationship bundled with a rom-com. 
Hopeless by Colleen Hoover: 2 stars. It’s easier to link the review. 
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metamehta · 3 years
Review: Nightmare by provocative_envy
Summary: A broken time turner shouldn't have sent me back so far. It was unprecedented. Stepping on it--smashing it--nothing should have happened. At most, I should have lost a week. At worst, I should have disappeared altogether. I shouldn't have traveled back fifty-two years; half a bloody century.
This should not have happened.
Time-Travel AU- [Hermione G/ Tom R.], Albus D., Horace S. - 30 Chapters - Words: 156355 - Rated Explicit
Read it on AO3
Status: Complete
Review: I went into this story expecting a toxic romance, and left it with the realization that the true toxic romance was the relationship between me and the untagged teen pregnancy that crept up in this story.
I don't really mind unsympathetic characters - at least not when their personalities are interesting. Which is why I found so many of the characters in this story exhausting. Abraxas - Dude? She's just not that into you. Edmond is non-existent until the plot calls for him to be there. Dumbledore and Slughorn's roles leave you wanting more from their characters.
I also found myself extremely confused by the disjuncture between Hermione's purported intellect and what she actually did in the narrative. I think this is a result of all the telling-not-showing that consistently occurred in the story. I don't want Hermione to tell Tom that he's been underestimating her - I want to see a moment where she genuinely catches him off guard, where we can see his shift from being wary of her to respecting and admiring her.
What saves this story is the chemistry between Hermione and Tom, the author writes tension extremely well and even though this was definitely a toxic pairing - it kinda worked? I also liked how Grindelwald was used in this story even if there were parts where I was left asking "huh?".
Overall, I'd say that Nightmare was a confusing, but semi-enjoyable one-time read.
Rating: 2/5
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fyeahdramionefics · 3 years
Dead Weight
Author: provocative_envy
Rating: M
Genre: oneshot, angst, eighth year, hogwarts, post war AU
Summary: Draco asked for a pet snake, once.
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dramioneasks · 7 years
Top 10 Favourite Authors of All Time!
Another list of our 10 favourites. This time our favourite authors!
In no particular order:
Annie Lockwood 
everythursday aka Sage
Magical words from Muggle pens
Wynken: Ah! So hard to narrow down!
acro acro
provocative envy
provocative envy
Margot LeFaye
Twilight to Midnight
provocative envy
Anne M. Oliver
bex chan 
Craft Rose
provacative envy
Hanako A
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to-mione · 7 years
Do you also ship dramione or just tomione ? Also what are your favorite tomione fics ? 💕
Hey! Thanks for asking!
I do ship dramione. It was actually my first harry potter ship of all time and I read plenty of fics for it in my time, though over the years my obsession for it gradually wore down to be replaced by tomione. I remember seeing a post along the lines of “welcome to the dramione fandom where you don’t get out, you only go deeper in until you find yourself shipping tomione” and for me that was 500% true lmao. That’s not to say I won’t read the occasional dramione now and again but I would say tomione is now my main ship. 
In terms of favourite fics, I love love love AUs over anything else. Modern, historical, afterlife, rival-clowns-showing-up-to-the-same-kid’s-birthday-party-due-to-a-booking-error-and-who-must-now-try-and-one-up-each-other-on-every-ludicrous-detail-until-they-find-themselves-in-the-middle-of-a-burning-party-and-a-lawsuit. You fucking name it!
My top ones are (in no particular order): 
1. Stepbrother—cherry cup 
I’ve probably read this about ten or fifteen? times? It’s just so incredible it blows me away everytime. It’s a historical AU with the premise what would happen if Tom Riddle was adopted as a child…By the Grangers. And boy. Does shit go down. 
The characterization is one of the most up-close and personal depictions of Tom and Hermione (especially young Tom and Hermione.) The fighting, the tantrums, the emotional vulnerability, the deep-rooted fears, the power play, dear god the power play. It all creates such a subtle yet intense tone that leaves you intoxicated and craving for more. It’s obvious the author spent a lot of time researching the period and it really shines through in the work without feeling overdone. I also love the interweaving of real fiction that young Tom and Hermione are likely to have read—fairytales and short stories—and even some age inappropriate things they probably shouldn’t have read but got their hands on anyway because they’re stubborn little beasts with a wild hunger for knowledge. (See: obscure occult books a la Sir James Frazer.)
The Tom and Hermione of this fic is more sensitive, more raw and more alike than either of them care to admit, which only makes their relationship even more fascinating to read. Only 12 chapters so far but will update soon, and you can bet I’ll pop champagne when it does. 
2. Nightmare—provocative_envy
This was either the first or second tomione fic I’ve ever read. Provocative_envy. Need I say more? The darkness, the manipulation, the lies were all done so realistically. Each plot point felt like puzzle pieces that you had to put together, carefully, one by one in order to finally see the big picture alongside Hermione. Hermione’s character development also felt very organic and logical, and given how easy it is for (spoilers?) Slytherin!Hermione to slip into gratuitous evil territory that is no small achievement. I’m a sucker for the chess game dynamic between Tom and Hermione—I don’t know any other harry potter ship that can pull it off better than tomione—and this fic definitely delivered that in spades. 
3. Unsinkable—Speechwriter
Another historical AU taking place on no other than the RMS Titanic. (If you haven’t read a titanic AU for your ship do you even ship it?) The concept is so stellar, I mean—Hermione as the trodden down genius held back from greatness by her low birth, Tom as the dirt poor orphan turned secret young heir of Slytherin Industries looking to secure a once in a lifetime deal with no other than Albus Dumbledore—philanthropist, steel magnate, general eccentric. And all heading to New York on the ship of dreams. What could go wrong? 
The characterization is beautifully done and the period setting works so well for their dynamic I’m kinda surprised there aren’t more tomione Titanic AUs floating around out there. The fic itself seems to be abandoned which is a shame because it’s so quality. 
This list could go on but it’s late and I’m tired. Thanks again for asking and sorry for this word vomit. :)
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tomionefinds · 1 year
Do we have other Tomione 1950s/Greaser fics? I read one last night by provocative_envy and I’m hooked on the concept now 🤤
Hey @allbrainsnosense,
One of my favorites is Comfortable by Meowmers, found that and a few others for you! I'm going to guess the Provocative Envy fic you read is Breaking and Entering. Also dropping it for any other interested followers. -JD
Comfortable by Meowmers M | One Shot | 7k He knew from the moment the little Weasley girl forced her way into his gang that there was going to be trouble. He just always assumed it would come from her army of brothers, not her red-hot pistol of a best friend. Tomione. Greaser AU. M for a reason.
Hallelujah by TMRIDDLES E/Ma | WIP | 4k A church choir girl, her greaser boyfriend, and a scathing disregard for religion and authority. What's the worst that could happen?
Murder, Milkshakes, and Drive-Ins by PotentiallyLovely E/Ma | WIP | 33k He had been defending her. He was defending himself, a part of her whispered, he’d throw you to the wolves.
______ Referenced Fic: Breaking and Entering by provocative_envy T+ | One Shot | 4k He smirks, tapping the edge of her vinyl pencil case with a long, capable fingertip; her stomach clenches with something hot and foreign and only vaguely uncomfortable. “I was asking you, darlin’,” he murmurs, leaning in close. She gasps, helpless and strangled— And then she slams the heel of her cognac leather saddle shoe onto the toe of his sneaker. He winces. “Class begins at 7:30,” she tells him with a pleasant, simpering smile.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hi! I recently read Here’s Looking At You Kid by MesserMoon and loved it. It was a rarepair I’ve never heard of (George/Blaise), and I wanted to ask: do you have any fav fics featuring rarepairs that are practically unknown/no one talks about them? Thank you!
Hi anon! I’ve heard great things about this fic, was even thinking about reading it on my trip but I ended up taking a break from fandom too 🤣 I’m a bit hesitant to declare this or that ship as popular/non-popular bc perception is often deceiving - my Tumblr bubble talks a lot about some rare pairs that are not necessarily popular on AO3 (like Harry/Teddy, here’s a specific list if anyone’s interested) while other ships are not as popular here but have over 1k fics (like Harry/Pansy). In the end I didn’t want to overthink this so I just went for my favorite fics — there are quite a few het ships and they are not generally long; I like my rare pairs short & smutty like the doctor ordered 👍🏼 lastly, I wanna mention two authors who write a variety of excellent rare pairs: pauraque and AU champion provocative_envy. You can’t go wrong with any of their fics!
Harry's Pots by HenryMercury (G, 1.8k) - Harry/Dean
Dean goes to art school in the States for four years and when he comes back Harry bloody Potter has become a maker and merchant of ceramics.
Between the Houses by @thesleepiesthufflepuff (E, 2k) - Dean/Charlie
He paused on the doormat, taking out the ring that he’d stowed away several hours ago. Its white golden band caught on the amber light coming from the torches that lined the road of houses, and nestled in the middle of the ring was a circular moonstone that had belonged to his great-great-grandmother.
They Bought A Sports Bar by @fw00shy (T, 2.2k) - Ginny/Cho
Ginny buys a sports bar (run-down biker pub, really) and ropes Cho into helping out. They're just business partners, so why does everyone else think they're more?
lace and scars by tryslora (E, 2.2k) - Lavender/Hermione
No one can wear lace like Lavender can.
Up the Road by @ruinsplume (T, 2.6k) - Tonks/Charlie
The best way, Tonks thinks, would be to take the initiative herself. But it has to be a boy she can stand to ask, one who won’t laugh at her, one who might actually agree to what Tonks knows is a preposterous situation, even if she can’t say exactly why.
Hand Check by provocative_envy (T, 2.7k) - Theo/Blaise
“I’m just . . .” Blaise trails off, realizing he probably doesn’t need to explain to Nott why he’s buying lube. Except—he wants to. He wants to explain to Nott why he’s buying lube. In detail. Graphic detail. Exceptional detail. He wants to demonstrate, wants to show off, wants to outline all the ways he’s uniquely qualified to take care of Nott, all the reasons he’s uniquely capable of taking care of Nott. How he can do it better. Do it best. “Yeah.”
Drip, Honey, Drip by tamlane (E, 3k) - Lily Luna/Michael Corner
Lily's boss catches her daydreaming on a Friday afternoon. He thinks there could be a business opportunity in it, and he wants to hear more. Sequel here.
Seasonal by provocative_envy (M, 3.4k) - Narcissa/Charlie
Charlie’s balls-to-the-wall stupid gap year finally sputters to a grinding, inauspicious halt somewhere in the rural Tuscan countryside.
Mothering Sunday by pauraque (T, 3.6k) - Astoria/Narcissa
Narcissa always wanted a little girl of her own, and Astoria never really had a proper Mum. Together they build something that neither of them ever knew was possible.
Boyfriend Dick by fw00shy (E, 3.8k) - Pansy/Percy
Percy was the Parkinson accountant. He had no business babysitting Pansy on her birthday yacht. Pansy was turning twenty-one. She was a bloody adult, and she was going to prove it to everyone by fucking the Weasley nerd.
Her Life in Dreams and Wakefulness by rillalicious (M, 4.2k) - Luna/Gabrielle
The first time she has the dream, Gabrielle is sixteen years old.
Life During Wartime by ruinsplume (E, 4.6k) - Sirius/Charlie
Between worrying about whether his father will recover from the snake bite and being jam-packed into Grimmauld Place with a family that doesn't understand him, Charlie's having a rough time of it. Fortunately for him, Sirius is going to smooth things out.
The Secret Incantation by pauraque (E, 5k) - Sirius/Hermione
This is what she wants. This is what he needs.
Puddlemere’s New Man by mindabbles (E, 6k) - Teddy/Oliver
Teddy is willing to put in the work. He’s willing to practice twice as hard as anyone else, except that no one can out-work Oliver — a fact that Teddy finds he doesn’t mind in the least.
Postscript by provocative_envy (T, 6.5k) - Harry/Pansy
Pansy is getting married for all the wrong reasons, and then she meets Harry.
On the Same Side by rillalicious (M, 7.5k) - Teddy/Charlie
Teddy is heading to Romania to protest a proposed anti-dragon law. He finds an interesting ally there.
testosterone (sounds like a spell) by pauraque (E, 8k) - Justin/Hannah 🏳️‍⚧️
Justin never returned to Hogwarts after the Death Eaters came. He's found that the Muggle world offers other kinds of transfiguration — a body alchemy far more powerful than any magic spell. Sometimes he wonders if anyone even remembers that once, years ago, he was a novice wizard.
Of The Race That Knows Joseph by scoradh (E, 8.4k) - Remus/Regulus
When dead men walk and badgers give you sarcastic looks, it's time to re-evaluate what it means to be a werewolf.
Hopelessly Devoted To You by @writcraft (E, 10k) - Harry/George
Harry and George watch a lot of musicals and accidentally fall in love.
like the lost lyrics of a song suddenly remembered by @lqtraintracks (E, 11k) - Teddy/Bill, Teddy/James
Teddy Lupin, aging rockstar, is making a comeback after his life and career were nearly ruined by an illegal potions habit. Everyone's out to support him tonight. Including the man he's always tried so hard not to love -- as well as the man he's always turned to instead.
Burned Silk, Buckled Leather by ruinsplume (E, 12k) - Draco/Sirius
When Sirius discovers a down-and-out Draco Malfoy lurking around the edges of a Muggle kink club, he thinks he knows just what Draco needs. He isn't expecting to run into some long-buried needs of his own.
The Hollow by @wolfpants (E, 12k) - Draco/Remus
They both drink, and Remus wonders how much longer he can stay here. His eyes are already moving around slowly, looking for an escape. Anything to get away from the eerily familiar slope of Draco’s cheekbones, from the richness of the voice that sounds so much like the ghost inside his own head.
Still the pine-woods scent the moon by @fluxweeed (E, 15k) - Harry/Remus
You’ve learned to ignore the stench of perpetual horniness that Harry—twenty years old and finally free—exudes. That is, until you walk into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place and find him naked, spread over the table, with Draco Malfoy pounding into him from behind.
Rebirth (Coming Home) by @onbeinganangel (T, 16k) - Harry/Regulus
Harry’s decrepit House Elf is dying. If things were normal, that would be a sad but ultimately natural thing. However, he’s Harry Potter and — of bloody course — nothing can ever be normal. Why shouldn’t Kreacher’s death have to involve Draco Malfoy, who Harry hasn’t seen in two years, and Regulus Black, who Harry has thought was dead for over twenty years?
The Werewolf Handbook, Page 147 by Snegurochka (E, 20k) - Teddy/Bill
Everyone knows that when a person with any werewolf blood reaches 21, untamed sexual urges will manifest themselves and require an outlet. It's a fact. No question about it. The Werewolf Handbook says so, right there on page 147.
Mirror, Mirror by @orange-peony (E, 23k) - George/Lee
George feels a wave of relief washing over him at the thought that he still has time, that he can still get his shit together and stop feeling so utterly broken every single moment of the day, and then maybe he will be good enough for Lee.
Within These Walls by sara_holmes (E, 24k) - Draco/Seamus
Torture, rebellion, war and Draco Malfoy. Seamus won't even know where to start telling this story if they all make it out the other side.
Spring Street by rillalicious (T, 25k) - Harry/Pansy
Harry's been undercover for eight years, on a case that's going nowhere fast. Then Pansy Parkinson is kidnapped, and everything changes.
The Sketchbook by Snegurochka (E, 30k) - Teddy/Sirius
Sketching portraits of Sirius Black had been Teddy's way of avoiding life in the present for years. He never expected one of them would come to life, but then, he might have known that interacting with any kind of magical parchment invented by a Marauder would only open up one epic can of worms.
you will burn right now but then you won't regret it by @thistlecatfics (M, 32k) - Tonks/Fleur
Eight years after Voldemort’s defeat, as the illegal potions trade ravages England and the government intensifies lycanthropic restrictions in response, Fleur and Tonks join forces to uncover corruption in the Ministry.
The NottPott Chronicles by @amarillis39 and @missmrah (E, 33k) - Harry/Theo
A series of moments from Theo and Harry’s lives as they learn to navigate their relationship, deal with their demons or just simply revel in each other’s company.
May Contain Nuts by scoradh (E, 32k) - Harry/George
After Voldemort is defeated, the script for Harry's life comes to an end. Unsure of what to do with his life, he does nothing. Only one person is on hand to show Harry that a hero is not the sum of his vanquished enemies, but he's got problems of his own.
The Secretary by PacificRimbaud (E, 46k) - Percy/Pansy
Threatened with the loss of her trust fund allowance, wild child Pansy Parkinson takes her mother up on an offer she can't refuse: a job at the Ministry of Magic as personal secretary to tightly wound bureaucrat Percy Weasley.
Play Me Like A Love Song by writcraft (E, 67k) - Minerva/Will
Minerva McGonagall doesn’t believe in love at first sight, which is why her instant attraction to drag king Wilhelmina ("Will") Grubbly-Plank is so unexpected. War tears apart the wizarding world and as one battle ends Minerva and Will must fight once more, this time for the lives of their friends on Little Compton Street.
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dustoftheancients · 8 years
3, 4, 15, 25, & 27 if you don't mind the spam! :3
oh I don’t mind at all! :)
3. name 3 4 favorite writers (fanfic)- @provocative-envy, provocative_envy on AO3- @livlepretre, adlyb on AO3- @englishable, englishable on AO3- @notbecauseofvictories, notbecauseofvictories on AO3
4. name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why- @provocative-envy again. Years before I knew anything about HP, I was reading her fanfic. I can honestly say that her writing has had more of an impact on my own writing than any other single author. I can’t overstate that. To this day I don’t read any HP fanfic but hers, and I’m in love with her original work. I HIGHLY recommend both her fanfic and her original work, which is published under the name A.K. Anderson. the tumblr for her original work is @a-k-anderson.- Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451 was a major influence for me, especially when it came to complex characterization, the length of a story, and the importance of what you don’t say. (Seriously, there’s an entire war going on in the background of that book, and it doesn’t even get directly mentioned!) He doesn’t spell everything out for his readers, which I also LOVE.- H.P. Lovecraft. He’s the one who taught me that sometimes the scariest (or most emotionally poignant in general) moments are the ones where you never get the answers. Sometimes it’s better to drop off right before you finish the sentence, and leave the readers with the question-
15. hardest verse to writeanything that has to do with children. Or fluff. I can’t think of anything specifically rn, but if you ever read a moment where the characters are 100% happy or there are children involved, then THAT was the hardest to write.
25. already answered!
27. best review you ever got???? Ok, but, I can’t pick just one????? Seriously, every single good review I’ve ever gotten is my Best Review Ever.
[fanfic writer ask list]
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tomionefinds · 2 years
This is such a shameful question so I'm sorry in advance 😂✌ Any smut galore multi-chapter completed fics you can recommend? Thank you!!
Hey Anon,
Absolutely no need to feel ashamed here, you are amongst like minded peers.
I'm just gonna list a fic from a few authors had to set some limits otherwise this would go on and on, but if you need more I recommend using Ao3's search filters too. I put something like over 40k just to try to rein this list in some. LOTS of really great smutty WIPs and oneshots out there.. Check the adultfanfiction site too. To be honest all of these authors have multiple completed multi-chapter explicit works, so I would definitely recommend pulling up their profiles and perusing their other works to see if any other strike your fancy. -JD
Tom, just Tom by Ciule E/Ma | Complete | 121k Lord Voldemort slithered out of the Veil on New Year's Eve in the year 2000. Still bent on world domination, he decided that Golden Girl Granger would be the perfect accessory on his arm.
Nightmare by provocative_envy E/Ma | Complete | 156k A broken time turner shouldn't have sent me back so far. It was unprecedented. Stepping on it--smashing it--nothing should have happened. At most, I should have lost a week. At worst, I should have disappeared altogether. I shouldn't have traveled back fifty-two years; half a bloody century. This should not have happened.
The Prisoner by NerysDax E/Ma | Complete | 182k Imprisoned, Lord Voldemort is considered a threat of the past. His knowledge is desired by many. Yet, his offer is for one person only: Hermione Weasley-Granger.
The Art of Secrecy by mrsren E/Ma | Complete | 63k It had been the perfect one night stand until she, literally, fell face first at his feet and discovered he was her professor.
Bound by Sharkdiver1980 E/Ma | Complete | 59k After a freak accident occurs while attempting to destroy one of Voldemort’s horcruxes that sends Hermione back in time to the year 1947, she finds herself forcefully subjected to a new law put in place by the ministry to counteract the damage to the wizarding population done by Grindelwald. It was no wonder she had never heard of Proclamation no.1682, otherwise known as “The Marriage Law”, since it had obviously been repealed almost as quickly as it was instated. The problem was, she had already been assigned a husband. HG/TMR
Shared Flame by Lady Miya M | Complete | 311k It all started when two normally clever individuals both had a really lousy day.
Dark Seduction by crochetaway E/Ma | Complete | 73k As Tom Riddle is hunting for the diadem in Albania, he stumbles across a strange artifact he's never seen before. Hermione Granger is a lowly Ministry employee on vacation in the mountains of Albania. She's found the perfect cabin for a week of relaxing, hiking and reading. Until a stranger shows up in her living room. Wearing a time-turner. Complete!
Insight & Desire by WildKitsune Series: Every Witch Way [1] E/Ma | Complete | 43k Hermione Granger is the most brilliant witch of her age. This may be why she is arrogant enough to mess with time. Hermione accidentally travels back to Tom's final year at Hogwarts, and on her trip home has a bit of a stowaway. As if one Tom Riddle wasn't hard enough to handle, they seem to be popping up at her everywhere she turns. As Hermione is sucked more deeply into Lord Voldemort's plots, she doesn't know if she will ever escape.
Linen Rope by Brightki E/Ma | Complete | 80k Hermione is an upper sixth student at the highly elite Hogwarts School, and she needs extra hours working in the school’s science labs for her pre-admission to Oxford the next year. However, she has to get the approval from the chemistry teacher, Dr. Snape, as well as the support of the man in charge of the science department - Dr. Tom Riddle.
Pygmalion by Colubrina M | Complete | 178k When Tom Riddle walked through a doorway one fall afternoon everything changed and he found himself in a world wholly unprepared for him. "Something about you makes my brain itch," Hermione Granger said. "As if an earthquake had shifted everything sharply two feet to the left and then back again and it didn't all fit back quite right." Tomione. AU. COMPLETE.
Fated by MiraMain E/Ma | Completed | 136k Voldemort's black gaze stares for what seems like hours. All is silence but my ragged breathing. My bloody lip dripping onto the forest floor. He finally speaks “It shall be a pleasure to bring you into submission Hermione”
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sitp-recs · 2 years
hi there! I’m not sure if you’re big on charlie/draco, but if you are, have you read stay gold by provocative_envy on AO3? I read it recently and i’ve been bursting at the seams with how much I love it so I thought I might share the love, because it really is such a fantastic fic 😭
Hi anon! Ohh I love this author but haven’t read this Draco/Charlie yet, now this went straight to my tbr list for the weekend! Thanks for sharing this rec :)
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