#autism worm is too powerful
tourneys-by-me · 9 days
Multiple Elements Character Tournament - Round 2 (B) 12/12
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Shouto Todoroki - Fire and Ice
Capricorn (Tristan and Byron Vera) - Rock and Water
Propaganda under the cut
Shouto Todoroki: His power is strong but his real strength is his combination autism and daddy issues.
Capricorn (Tristan and Byron Vera) - Two brothers that share a body after a traumatic event, but don't share control, only the one that is "out" does. Each brother has a different power. Both of them create energy "motes" that they can manipulate, and Tristan's turn into rock, and Byron's turn into water. They go by the superhero name Capricorn. They are hispanic, and Tristan is gayyyyy. they don't always get along Nyron And Tristan Vera were brothers who were fused together by the incident which gave them super powers. They now alternate control over a single body. One of them can generate water, than the other generates Earth . When they switch, the elements they've summoned switch to the other brother's element too.
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intertexts · 3 months
ROS what si new haven wards. what is that.... i thought u and mac were just talkin abt somethin from like s2 of pd but u guys have benn talkin abt worm in regards to it too so i am Curious......... is it an au u guys made or something I WANNA KNOWWWW!!!! god i need 2 keep reading worm.....
OUGH. AWESOME ASK TO RECEIVE. U HAVE ACTIVATED. AUTISM BLAST!!!!!!! preemptively tagging @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone about this also. ur input is necessary.
new haven wards is effectively, prime defenders worm au :] putting the gang in the much heavier, darker, higher consequences world that spends a lot more time & puts a lot more weight on the concept of child soldier heroes!!!! putting our little guys in the blender and hitting pulse until it's a slushie!!! playing with them like playing w ants and a magnifying glass..... u get the idea!! junior heroes in the training system in parahumans or at least on earth bet r called wards, ergo. new haven wards!!
a lot of the main differences at this point r in powers & maybe characterization a bit.... in parahumans the way u get powers is through going through severe and life-breaking trauma!!! (& also there r some rules via how powers develop irt trigger events & also worm just has..... my fucking favorite power system ever. its so good.) so their powersets r a bit different than in canon, they r 1 billion times more codependent and fucked up (they r being systematically exploited & have no one really but each other & r put in situations where murder and sexual and racial violence and like straight up flayed corpses r par for the course!!) anyway, their hero names r failsafe (dakota) imprint (virion), whisperer (wibby-- he took his brother's last name in this au!) & [dial tone sound] (ashe)(have not thought abt ashe much bc mac has not gotten to the part in worm that explains how i think he would work in this world n i dont wanna thoroughly develop him without them!!) <333
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chromatoghosts · 3 months
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okay so adonis propaganda time. here's some more info on him
-he's an extremely powerful, human-eating, wyrm-like being doomed to one day cause the apocalypse, he rules his own underground city as the self-proclaimed "god" of wraiths (that is, ghostly undead creatures).
-although he was once a friendly, playful, and even kind person (though he always struggled with a quick temper, impulsitivity, and a tendency to run his mouth). however, the abuse he suffered growing up as a human (if he ever truly *was* one), the death of the only person who ever cared for him, centuries of isolation, and his own existence as a being called a "dire" corrupted him into a terrible, resentful, and sadistic person.
-despite his tendency to kill, eat, and torture humans, he still holds a playful, curious, easily excitable, flirty, and romantic streak (especially in his affection towards his late friend and lover, nacio). he is very eccentric, chaotic, expressive, dramatic, overdramatic, and easily angered. due to his own hidden insecurities and trauma, he hates feeling powerless or worthless or inferior to others, and will go out of his way to one-up or subjugate others.
-despite trying to put on the air of a seductive, cool all-powerful overlord, he's really at heart just an eccentric and emotional romantic who's a little too into violence and biting things. 
fun facts:
-he was born in the late 15th century. he's mixed irish and norwegian, and was born in ireland, but spent most of his childhood in south england. as a result, he has a strong accent that's a bizarre mix between west country, limerick, and medieval english. that and the fact that he's a rambling chatterbox with no inside voice means that he's nigh-incomprehensible when he talks, unless you know him well
-he was 19 when he became a fully-fledged dire, and he's stopped ageing since then… and he definitely acts that age lmao. that being said, he can shapeshift his body if he wants to
-his human form has wavy titian/copper hair (he's constantly changing up his hairstyle), droopy/downturned amber-brown eyes with golden sclera/pupils and long eyelashes, light warm-toned skin, a roman/aquiline nose, a beauty mark next to his mouth, and a very lanky body type. he also has a pretty high (almost kind of cute) voice, which is a strange contrast with his intimidating demeanor. don't make fun of it, he'll get mad
-he's an ExFP and 4w3/8w7
-his true form has snake, hookworm, and centipede traits. it can range anywhere from the size of a small garden snake to the size of mountains; whichever one he feels like at the moment. this is his actual real form; his human form is actually just a fleshy "shell" of sorts that contains his true form inside. 
-he has autism, adhd, bipolar-I, and pica. he will infodump to you for hours about flowers and snakes and nacio if you let him… and also whatever random things he's thinking about at the moment
-he has an older sibling named achlys, but that's a whole other can of worms. they completely despise each other, for complicated reasons
-he's a weird little freak <3 okay, well, not little, because he's actually 6'7 in his humanoid form… but you get the idea
-doesn't really give a shit about labels, but he's probably somewhere along the lines of homoflexible, and some kind of genderqueer that's vaguely along the lines of "fem-presenting dude". what gender is he exactly? fuck if i know. fuck if he knows either. he's his own thing. ultimate schrodinger's gender type character. he just defaults to male pronouns because that's what he's used to, but honestly he couldn't care less what you call him. (he *does* like it when people call him pretty though :] )
-he likes flowers, snakes, nacio, chewing/eating/licking random things, pretty things (like makeup/dresses/shiny stuff), warmth (he's cold-blooded), violence, blood, food (especially humans), cuddles, attention, talking, and being in charge.
-he dislikes boring things, the cold, being insulted, feeling bad about himself, feeling powerless, people who are better at something then him, people who get more attention or praise then him.
why you should vote him:
-to feed his ego
-he may try to eat the competition otherwise
-he will throw a tantrum if he loses and go melodramatically pout somewhere because he's a sore loser... though he is also a sore winner. 
-too many stereotypical "soft and sweet" autistic/adhd characters in the world, and not enough evil sexy bastardous ones that get bitches. i want to see more auDHD characters violently murder ableists. god bless
-because i love/hate him
-just look at him. weird evil sexy snake-worm-tipede twink. my beloved/beloathed unredeemable bastard freak who causes problems <3 there is something very wrong with him
-shitty one-minute doodle of him eating a flower. because i wanted to draw something new for this, but im too lazy so this is the best ive got:
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themetalvirus · 1 year
would surge and kit in egghog au be like those distant relatives that don't like each other? like surge and kit are told by starline that they should be more like the egghogs? the perfect cousins, if you will. and to them, starline and co are just losers in their shadow?
multiple people have asked about this already! i guess it's just a uniquely interesting situation to consider.
before surge and kit, i think about starline and how he would even fit into the egghogs canon
starline's first interactions with eggman in the comic were restoring "mr. tinker"'s memories, so i have no idea how starline would even get into eggman's inner circle in egghogs. in idw, eggman had just lost a war. in egghogs, he has a lot more power over the world because of his child soldiers
it's just the first thing i think of. how would starline even get close enough to think he might be able to fuck and/or fix that old man. how. starline also becomes disillusioned during the metal virus arc, which. also doesn't happen. in this timeline. i'd have to invent a whole new thing for that. pardon my adhd/autism combo move here
anyway, if starline joined the eggman empire in egghogs SOMEHOW, sonic would hate him (see tom cardy's song flirt [with your dad] for how i envision that going). shadow and silver would be incredibly suspicious of this guy trying to worm his way into their family.
it's different with eggy blaze because there isn't really a question as to whether or not she's family. eggman nega is VISIBLY a descendant of eggman, and blaze is his adoptive mobian child (familiar situation), so they have no problem enthusiastically welcoming her to their family and teaching her swear words
with starline, he's some random guy who's obsessed with their dad. it's suspicious and uncomfortable, especially because he already has a parasocial relationship with all four of them. he tries to act like he's already their Nice Uncle or something and it makes the boys squirm. eggman's thoughts on him between egghogs and idw are pretty much the same.
starline would become disillusioned with the idea of eventually treating the eggies like his own sons when he sees what he thinks is a lack of control eggman has over his hogs. they squabble and fight and get distracted. shadow and silver in particular are much too individualistic for his tastes. they're a bunch of brats. it doesn't help that sonic in particular hates his guts
he thinks he can make better children.
so yeah surge and kit are their weird estranged cousins
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rayclubs · 1 year
Nobody asked for this but I'm rating TMA fear entities by how scary they are.
The Eye
This bitch should be afraid of me
I set my 0.5L bear head shaped glass mug of discount bootleg pepsi on the table and say "Watch This" and the ceaseless wanker never recovers
0/10 turn your gaze upon. My peanits
The Web
Kind of a MILF and they do intimidate me if I'm being honest
Spiders are pretty disturbing ever since I wrote that story about a gigantic man-eating species with blades for legs, but then there's Jolene who lives on my window and catches the bugs that are Far Worse so I don't even know
4/10 for honest effort, you go girl
The Dark
Scary in the sense that I will stab me goddamn toe
So fun fact, when I was a kid my parents brought home a wooden crate full of pears and set it on the floor near the kitchen doorframe and I ran by at full speed and whacked my pinky toe against it full force, it was bleeding like fuck but for whatever genius reason my parents didn't move the crate so next day I ran the exact same trajectory and didn't have a nail on my pinky toe for six months. But that was in broad daylight so
2/10 get torched idiot
The Vast
I could never be afraid of something so, so sexy
I guess I have an instinctive moderate fear of heights? I did fall off a tree once, and I am prone to window-jumping attempts, but it's not like I can't climb a ladder or anything. The ocean though? The open space? Tell me more
3/10 we on purposed kiss
The Buried
I would DIE in the buried
Petition to rename Too Close I Cannot Breathe to Get The Fuck Away From Me
7/10 can you tell I'm familiar with the crushing weight of poverty
The Flesh
Too funny to be scary
Yeah blood, yeah meat, I'm made of it babygirl don't even worry. I bet you only hate Viscera because your ribs are weird. Not me. Could never be me. My rib is beautiful and pristine, my bone marrow is delish, and my garden is FLOURISHING.
2/10 for the fear of actually going to the gym
The Hunt
It's Gonna Getcha
Kind of boring? Neighborhood stray dogs are scary but at some point you just say "fuck it" and walk the shortcut anyway. We don't have wolves or bears here where I live, it's pretty chill.
2/10 vampires aren't even that sexy (sorry)
The Corruption
I do NOT. Fuck with The Corruption. I DO NOT. Fucking hell.
Bone-chilling, terrifying, absolute bullshit whore of a fear, I HATE her, I hate her SO MUCH, watch me run out of my house screaming upon encountering one motherfucking bitch of a worm, I'm calling extermination services so quick you won't even have the time to say "Filth", FUCK The Corruption
10/10 aaa a a aa a a
The Stranger
I don't know what "uncanny valley" means. I've read the definition but I do not understand the concept. Plastic people don't make any sense to me. "Things that aren't what they should be" does not make sense to me. I Might have identity issues
0/10 fucking clowns
The Slaughter
Soldier TF2
Respectfully and conceptually frightening but not on any personal level. Don't like thinking about it because there's a war just over the border right now, but also everyday things still need done y'know?
The Spiral
Another thing that is conceptually scary but I would just deal with it in a producthve manner because I'm autism powers. Also I get lost even in normal, non-distorted places, so I'm what you may call experienced
4/10 mickey
The Lonely
I think about The Lonely at least once a day, I want to go there forever. Will you go to The Lonely with me? Will you? Will you?
0/10 she makes me so happy I want to cry
The Desolation
Yeah fire doesn't do it for me
Can't be scared of losing your home if you don't have a home in the first place
3/10 I'm scared of mean women
The Extinction
Been there done that
More hopeful than scary. Made in Heaven that shit aye
1/10 who gives a shits
The End
Ah well
I mean, I could die tomorrow and I wouldn't care. Cause I'd be dead. Cheers for the living but I'm different.
2/10 the scariest part is all the tentacles
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kielakeet · 10 months
Alright so I'm up too late and the autism is flowing hard let's find out what the wordiest token is in mtg
During an insomnia fueled research session, I went through every creature token on scryfall and grabbed the ones that jumped out at me for wordiness. For the purposes of this madness, reminder text does not count, power/toughness text is one word when it is in the effect text, tap and mana symbols are not words, and hyphenated words count as several words. Conveniently, I ended up with exactly ten tokens. Let's run them down.
10th & 9th: Dragon Egg & Earthshaker Khenra - 23 words
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The bottom of our loquacious barrel comes with these two. At 23 words each they're nothing to sneeze at, even if Khenra cheats by being an eternalized version of an existing card. The Egg hails from Nesting Dragon, a popular choice in dragons-matter decks wherever they may be found.
8th: Angel of Sanctions - 24 words
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Just barely ahead is another Amonkhet token. This time the culprit is Embalm, which like Eternalize amounts to a sort of Flashback for creatures. This ability couldn't find a place outside of Nicol Bolas' schemes on the ancient Egypt-styled plane, likely saving the token printer a not-insigificant amount of black ink.
7th: Heart-Piercer Manticore - 28 words
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Listen, there's not that much to say about these niche tokens printed to work with two keywords from a single block six years ago. It gets wordy because the token inherits the entire text of the creature minus Embalm or Eternalize itself. Let's move swiftly along.
6th, 5th & 4th: Elemental, Osgood, Operation Double & Fish- 29 words
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Ah yes, here's something I can work with. The Elemental, understandably, is created by Rekindling Phoenix from Rivals of Ixalan. Protect the token until your turn comes round, and your phoenix is reborn. How flavorful. Osgood, however, steps into cheating territory by being a nigh-exact copy of a normal creature that simply copies itself on etb. At least the scarf is snazzy. What really steals the show for me is the Fish token created by the death trigger of Reef Worm. In a delightful depiction of the food chain (which ironically does not work at all with the card Food Chain), the worn is eaten by the fish, the Fish by the whale, and the whale by the kraken. Each card save for the last depicts the oncoming feaster in the background of its art, whereas the Kraken had to also be used by a Kiora planeswalker released alongside it in Masters 25.
3rd & 2nd: Elemental & Temet, Vizier of Naktamun - 31 words
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This Elemental hails from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, created by the Sorcery Sieze the Storm. A single copy of the spell got you two of these electrifying friends thanks to Flashback, and with a properly built spellslinger deck, could make them a real game-ender. Temmet is another Embalm token, this time with the added curiosity that his typeline was so crowded his legendary status was evicted to the rules text, earning him a respectable tie for second.
1st: Vizier of Many Faces - 37 words
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As we began, so shall we find the end of our journey with Amonkhet. Oddly enough, the three separate alterations to the copied creature only apply while the Vizier is embalmed, otherwise she's a slightly upcosted Clone. It may be unsatisfying to discover that the culprit behind the wordiest token is the result of the crossing between the famously clunky clone effect and a one off mechanic from 2017, but the knowledge is its own reward, and hey, it killed two hours of a likely sleepless night.
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firekitten830 · 9 months
thinking about gio .... tell us more about him he's literally silly + i like him so much
Makes a bulleted list
-full name Giovanni Morningstar, both of them chosen rather than given. Ooc I chose Giovanni because he is actually vaguely based on my pc from a different ttrpg, and that characters middle name is Giovanni. And Morningstar is a reference to The Devil. like from the bible dksgsjhd
-his divine blood specifically comes from Sharess, goddess of hedonism and indulgence that vanished when dnd 5e came out during the second sundering . So it is no surprise he is motivated almost entirely by hedonism
-he does not know this.
-he’s definitely not her only descendant but he’s her only descendant that inherited any of her magic
-he was not always a tiefling
-he didn’t always have access to his divine magic
-the previous two points were sparked by the same event
-he was born in waterdeep! Not baldurian but gets around enough to know some things
-wanted magic desperately but had absolutely 0 talent for it before his divine magic awakened so he learned the next best thing: stealing shit. Man has been conning and pickpocketing and just generally getting up to thievery and tomfoolery since he was like. 8 (charlatan background)
-folk hero background could fit him pretty well too! Before he got Tadpoled he sorta wandered from place to place helping common folks and robbing rich people blind. Sort of a Robin Hood type guy but he did also keep a good bit of money lol
-he’s a trans man :] no surgeries and he doesn’t want them, though he does take wizard testosterone or whatever it would be in dnd. Probably a potion or something
-queer and poly!! I imagine he has a couple lovers across the sword coast, some he’s going steady with and others he’s sort of off and on with. He’s so lucky he lives in a world where teleportation exists and is not that hard all things considered im so jealous fr (I’ve also decided that his dream guardian looks suspiciously like one of his boyfriends). Worm nerfing his magic has unfortunately made keeping in touch a bit harder but he’s been managing
-his blood is a pretty potent magical power source and several people have tried to abduct him to use him as a conduit for spells or rituals because of this. I imagine after That Scene™️ with Astarion he was like “oh shit I should’ve warned him about that. Oh well he seems fine” . In the moment he was too focused on there being a hot vampire straddling him
-his tattoos are tied to his magic and glow when he casts spells. You can tell which way he’s about to fucking get you because he’s conveniently color-coded
-may or may not be on the brink of turning into a mind flayer but I’m sure that’s like. Fine.
WAIT I just remember I made a dnd character sheet for him before I ever got bg3 and I wrote a whole background thing as well as a value/ flaw for him . I’ll put those under a read more tho this is already kinda long
this part is written ooc!!
“Sharp, charismatic, and hedonistic to a fault. He has a silver tongue and a knack for deception, able to lie his way into and out of nearly any situation. He’s been driven out of many towns for his infernal heritage, alongside the myriad cons and schemes he often pulls on the wealthy, though he’s welcomed into just as many as a minor celebrity, and in some cases, a hero. This suits him just fine, though; he’s always been one to dance from place to place anyway. He enjoys finery of all kinds, and is happy to trade fine food, drink, clothing and accessories for coin… though he much prefers to offer favors as payment. He does have many talents after all; a quick-fingered thief, an excellent negotiator, a ruthless conman, a somewhat formidable sorcerer, a gifted storyteller, and if it suits your fancy, an escort (though he does charge extra for events)… as well as some other things, of course~”
“It is fairly difficult to draw his ire;he’s more than willing to forgive and forget most wrongs against him. But it would be wise not to test his limits too much; his normally capricious manner becomes cold and relentless when he feels punishment is owed. People who hurt those he cares about often walk away with gruesome scars… if they walk away at all.”
And then I have a ummm ideals and flaw section written in character cause these are on his character sheet
Ideals: “The safety and happiness of those close to me matters far more than any laws, or the ‘greater good’”
Flaws: “I’ve been called self-serving on many occasions, and I’m always weak to a bit of liquor and a pretty face”
I am sure I will think of more things to say about him I inevitably always do but I’m a little sleepy so I’m ending this post now!!
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crystalstarpaws3011 · 3 months
Decided to make headcanons for Clover and Warren cuz why not?
-Being the youngest and shortest among the gang,she usually gets tease because of it.But sometimes the gang feel bad so they wanna make her feel better by pretending they're shorter or just gave her piggy rides(you have no idea how light she is)
-Her nickname is Luck Charm,given by June when Clover joined them.Her enemies call her Black Charm,of course.
-She doesn't like sweets,but she likes sour stuff like sour gummies,especially the ones that looks like worms.
-Clover has ADHD,which is obvious lol
-Sometimes has anxiety attacks,but with her friends' aid she's okay
-Her full name is actually Clover "Draco" Oliclive,but she throws away the middle name because that's her zombified dad's name.
-Clover can eat insects,somehow.The gang are trying their best not to let her eat those too much.
-Have bad school memories,always getting locked in strange places like in the locker.Her dad decided to home-school her instead,before the apocalypse.
-A fan of Pokemon,because she thought they are cute and strong
-Has a lizard pet names Licks(rarely draw it because not good at drawing lizards)and a monster ride named Spike(a komodo dragon-like monster with spikes,lol)
-Yeah....forget horror movies.She'll be the first to faint to the jumpscares.
-She likes getting pets(only if she's in her kitsune-dragon form!)
-Just like Quint,he has autism
-Kidnapped by Koreans,rescued by another Korean kidnapper somehow and raised in Korea for 9-10 years(he was around 7-8)
-Used to help Evie getting Ghast to Earth without even knowing the truth,but now he's one of the good guys hehe.
-After Ghast exists,Warren hates Evie ever since(they have a fight at the cinema before going separate ways)
-Protective to her little sister Clover,cuz that's what big bothers do,right?He cares about her too,so sometimes they have some sibling bonding together
-A freaking screamer,screams at everything that scares him(and geezs he's very loud,so no horror movies for him)
-Since he was raised in Korea,Warren knows Korean and a bit of Japanese and Chinese
-Warren loves birds so much!He always wanted one as a pet,but sadly her foster parent doesn't have enough money for one(birds are very expensive...)But eventually he found a young blue jay around Book 6-7 and named it Blueberry.
-Unlike Clover,he likes sweets and spicy stuff but hates sour stuff.
-Gained phoniex powers when he found a weird stone that glows so bright around Book 7-8.He's still learning how to use his fire powers without burning anyone,especially Blueberry.
-He can't freaking read lol
-Show him a picture of a bird,he answer right away!He used pictures instead of words to understand things around him.
There you go,all of their headcanons,almost.There's a possibility that I might add more so...yee
Imma do their references later on if Im not too busy with school lol
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summersfirstsnow · 1 year
Mid-Year Book Meme (2023)
@sixappleseeds said that anyone who wanted to could do this so I have decided that includes me
1. Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2023? I've read a lot of good books this year! Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh was a good read, the Will Darling trilogy by KJ Charles was also really good. My favourite debut so far is To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose. Some others will be used later but have a right to be here too.
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2023? The Mysteries of Thorn Manor by Margaret Rogerson! Nice fun sequel novella that ties up some loose ends and lets readers spend more time with the characters (and the house, which has Opinions).
3. New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To? The Archive Undying by Emma Mieko Candon is next on my list. And on my library borrows pile.
4. Most Anticipated Release For Second Half of 2023? Moon of the Turning Snow by Waubgeshig Rice is definitely up there, as are A Power Unbound by Freya Marske and The Salvation Gambit by Emily Strutskie.
5. Biggest Disappointment? Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall, which made me feel like my brain was being eaten by gummy worms. In a bad way.
6. Biggest Surprise? A Half-built Garden by Ruthanna Emrys! I was expecting to like it, but I wasn't expecting how often I just... think about it apropos of nothing now. It's one of the first cli-fi stories that is optimistic but avoids becoming too saccharine for my taste.
7. Favorite New Author? Terry Pratchett is kind of new to me, I had read Nation but this was my first time picking up Discworld books. KJ Charles is the other new author whose work I've read quite a bit of this year.
8. Newest Favorite Character? I don't have that many characters that I'm WILDLY attached to any characters that I read about this year. Emily Wilde from Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries is very good. I like that she's better at relating to fae than humans due to autism social awkwardness of no particular diagnosis I'm sure.
9. Newest Fictional Crush? *flashback to that time everyone thought I was lying when I said I didn't have a crush on anyone during an icebreaker due to my brain going completely blank* Uhhh...
10. Book That Made You Cry? And This is How to Stay Alive by Shingai Njeri Kagunda, in the The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2021 collection definitely brought tears to my eyes (older sibling FEELINGSSSSS etc), but the last book had me an utter wreck was last year when I read Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir.
11. Book That Made You Happy? The Luminaries by Sarah Dennard was fun and made me laugh as I liveblogged it for my friends. A Half-built Garden also merits a second mention because it was nice to find a book in the genre that didn't make me either deeply despairing or violently annoyed.
12. Favorite Book Adaptation You Saw This Year? I guess Nimona wins by default, I don't think I've watched any other adaptations.
13. Favorite Review You’ve Written This Year? I guess my June reading list wins by default also because I don't think I've written any other reviews.
14. Most Beautiful Cover? The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty has a gorgeous cover, I like that it looks kind like it's printed from woodcuts almost.
15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End of The Year? The Crane Husband by Kelly Barnhill is on my list.
And I'm tagging: @lloonlloon, @notpuckconnolly, and whoever else wants to do it!
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nin-jay-go · 6 months
omg ras at shadow dojo....
"sora and jordana's unreciprocated kismesitude"
confirmed catboy can see in the dark
oh shit the mechanic's back as... doc oc?
"riyu cinder noxtide guardian" "yea"
lloyd?????? buddy??????
oh boy he's so sleep deprived
oh no zane passed on his prophetic visions to lloyd
the whost
i love kreel
ok WHY does riyu have eyebrows. thats not good.
hi cinder.
oh his voice is familiar OH ITS ACRONIX
omg destiny she/her
shatters the goodness inside you....
this language looks EVIL
the forbidden five????? hello???????????
elemental master of SPEEEEEN
yep totally expected wyldfyre stowed away
oh no magical darkness. MAGICAL darkness. DREAM DARKNESS.
oh i like the yellow robes on wu
NO NO NO NO JAY........ NOOOO.............
"the wasting????"
"the real jay could never forget me" cue both of us screaming
COLE IS THE CHEF????????????????? NO.
arin autism moment
those dragons sure can master
papa's home!
oh thats actually fun, rontu is voiced by rarity's singing voice :0
oh my god the dragons are rising
family roadtripppppp
the wuorb!
BONZLE??? HUH?????
"ive rehearsed this" bonzle i love you
oh i LOVE these cagehead designs
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you lost track of the children guys
"the children are drift compatible!"
mysterium better not fuck up my magic headcanons
well good thing none of these guys need to breathe
oh no. gladiatorial combat.
oh hey the nonbinary person's back
oh this place is PRETTY
i miss jay.
boys will be boys!
fugitives from madness is the coolest title ever
....oh... the wasting....
bonzle trans :D
link... the blood moon is here... be careful.
the only way to beat madness is to play by its rules!
JAY. HONEY. he SO does not wanna be here
he hasn't told anyone he can lightning power.....
and jay remains unseen forever. his grand reveal is Coming
the poor bounty. she dies so much.
if bonezle wasn't claustrophobic before, she sure is now
omg baby ras :00000
janet..... who is janet.... is it gandalaria's ex
ok i do not like the fact that they just put on the wolf costumes
ok there must SOME kind of supernatural shit healing that leg of wyldfyre's. that's FAST
ok my friend just coined gandalaria x laroe. i'm calling it scimagicshipping.
arin my silly billy
i took a break here and my gandalaria brainrot is infecting me. i love her so much
OH MY GOD ARIN'S PARENTS ah its a hallucination
oh no. the gong. they have the masks on oh no oh fuck
oh thank god wyldfyre hates the masks
raine must be jumping for joy at all this cinder content
zane is always getting shit done to him
ok this guy is immediately pathetic
oh my god nya is now the remaining sibling :( reverse seabound
oh thank god bonzle and kai are together, they're not alone
ninja never quit :)
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dread0narrival · 9 months
I would like to humbly request you make the OC content yourself. While I'd love to just be able to pluck it out of your brain at will, I also think your brain may be a little too much for me to handle, and I may end up with melted eyeballs or even worse (please note I mean that in a positive way).
You’ve only seen a fraction of my power >:3 (by power I mean my autism asfjkl)
I joke ofc but I am working on a few art ideas I want to get (mostly to rid myself of the perpetual brain worms and work on other things lol)
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Hail to the King, baby! Ohsama Sentai! Kingohger! ...or is it King Ohger? I'll tag it both just in case. It's a brand new Sentai, for a brand new tag!
"Rejoice O Swarming Evil! You're My King!"
I am immensely excited, so no more delaying.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Five Heroes, and their God.
-Well, the CG is certainly... better!
-I love the look of this planet.
-Tikyu, I believe? Might as well just call it Yarph.
-The Bugnarak are coming back!
-Pardon you?
-It's all very stylized and detailed, I appreciate that a lot.
-Shugoddam! A... very funny name, I hope it's not foreshadowing.
-Ahhhh, a festival~!
-I feel at home already.
-Lots and lotsa bug folk!
-A ceremony?
-The kings are comin'~!
-A whole roundtable, coming forth.
-Hello, you must be Lord Racules.
-I am honored to make your presence.
-This is Queen Himeno of Ishabana.
-Oh lord, that's so much shiny.
-I mean no offense, your majesty, but this is almost certainly going to be the most CG heavy Sentai season yet.
-Toufu! ...that might be the dumbest name for any of these kingdoms.
-Kaguragi Dybowski! ...I didn't realize Poland was a country Toei even knew existed.
-Ah yep, this one! Everyone was talking about them a hell of a lot.
-King and Chief Magistrate of Gokkan. Has so much GNC swag that it practically emanates off them.
-Thank you for this, Toei, seriously.
-Chief Justice Rita, I love you already.
-And of course Yanma-shachou. Cyberpunk himself.
-I might end up calling you Yanmega by accident, sorry in advance.
-Oh fuck, he lives in Peta, run my lord, they're gonna use your autism to lie about milk!
-Here they come. Royalty in a procession of CGI.
-Legendary Swords~!
-Considering how big and important it seems to be, I'm assuming Shugoddamn's also the center of the land's religion?
-That's pretty neat, kinda like the Theocracy of Allistel from Radiant Historia.
-Oh shit, real location!
-Sorry, I don't mean to harp on the CGI so much, it's honestly not bad at all, but goddamn.
-I suppose this was the blood price to pay for the demand of real suits for every ranger.
-Gira! King of Evil!
-Conquer the world!
-Oh come now Kogane-san, you gotta get into it!
-Oh fuck, taxes.
-Hmmm... I'm sensing a corrupt bureaucracy in our midst.
-Gira comin' in to commit a crime.
-Too cringe for Kogane-san.
-Yeah! Get fucked!
-Doing it for the people!
-Quite a good guy, this King of Evil.
-No more petty squabbles. Now is the time for unity.
-King Racles, offers is life for the people of the world.
-Seems like we've already broken down.
-"You need me. You need my power."
-Yeah, I don't trust you, Racles.
-Damn, Rita don't fuck around, do they?
-"I'm the top", yeah that's what they all say.
-Sounds tasty.
-Oh fuck, here they come.
-The bad guy bugs!
-Big Daddy Desnarak.
-"Move out, my minions- I mean, my friends! Royal Arms!"
-Have to admit, the CG's at least growing on me a lot more than I expected it to.
-Homegirl's dying!
-"The King... he'll protect us."
-...seems like that was an empty lie.
-Dickhead king.
-Jesus Christ, this man is heartless.
-"Once Emperor Desnarak's head rolls, Yanma Gust's and the people of N'Kosopa shall soon follow."
-Right, you're super evil.
-Hotdamn, Himeno's kicking serious ass.
-Everybody is, holy crap.
-Damn Toei, I see you.
-Yanma's haxxor powers are no match for divine tradition.
-So that's why they pushed the whole King of Evil thing so hard.
-All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies.
-Gira! Conquer the world in the name of God and people!
-Big Bug!
-Qua God!
-March for the King of Evil, my friends!
-Royal Arms!
-Oooooooh, I love the amber
-You Are The King!
-Kuwagon! Let's fly!
-Oh my lord
-Okay, that's cool
-Right out the gate! Time to combine!
-God has descended!
-Hot damn, I'm enjoying this a lot.
-Oh God, where did the Spider Shot come from
-"Insignificant worm! Bow before your King!"
-Yeah, this is gonna be a fun ride.
-Thank you, Kuwagon.
-The kings
-"Bring the traitor's head to me, minions!"
-Headed to N'Kosopa!
-Oh shit, ad read.
-Ohhhhh, this is the SHT bumper.
-Sorry, the subs I usually find omit these.
-That's pretty sick.
-Love how he brought Big Sis Tsumuri with him, that's cute.
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rosethreeart · 1 year
I LOVE UR ABIGAIL ANALYSES the subtle differences in dynamics between characters always gets me heeheeing with a horribly evil grin on my face…
I feel like a lot of people tend to overlook how America being a woman would affect the way other countries–especially ones with shared history–interact with her in favor of talking solely about how it would change the way they View her. Which, don’t get me wrong, is a valid analysis; I looove “power hungry America who kind of scares the shit out of everyone”, I just think there’s a lot of hidden potential in the question of “how would people TREAT her as a woman?”
I know some people hc nations to be sort of “above” things like misogyny and racism because they’ve lived for so long that it’s almost below them at this point to even care anymore, but imo it’s the complete opposite. They’ve lived with/under those ideals for so long that it’s extremely difficult for older nations to really shake them off for good, so while they don’t go off spewing misogynistic bs all day, every day, they do still hold some of those fundamental ideals that (cough negatively cough) influence the way they interact with female characters. (Abigail, in this context)
I think a lot of older countries, especially ones with a heavy history of chivalry/“fair maiden 🥺” ideologies, would be MUCH more “protective” of her, so to speak, because of an ingrained perception of women as needing to be protected. So they’re not protective in a genuinely affectionate way, just in a “You can’t be mean to girls, dude!” way. Which opens up a whole other can of worms in regards to patronization + the way Abigail responds to that but I will Not get into in ur inbox for the sake of your sanity bc this ask is already way too long LOL
ANYWAYS ALL THIS TO SAY, I love your analyses and I especially love how you focus on the physical/ interactive dynamics between characters and not just other characters’ internal perception(s) of a character.
YES YOURE SO RIGHT!!! There are so many things that people don’t really talk about when it comes to the “if X was a girl instead”!!! ESPECIALLY when it comes to woc (which I won’t speak too heavily on as I’m extremely white(/white passing)
And while I do think that a lot of nations WOULD be more open minded I still think they have a lot of those negative beliefs ingrained in them still, just because they’re aware that the way society treats them is wrong doesn’t mean they’ve done all the work to unpack all those beliefs and how they’ve been affect by them as well as their role in the participation of it.
Like these are people with really dark pasts just purely based on the nature of their life spans and what they are (I’m not even gonna get into the whole cans piled onto cans of worms that the really bad and morally wrong stuff here). They’ve done bad shit and have been through a lot of bad shit. It would 100% affect the way that they interact with others and even view themselves. These are prideful creatures (for the most part I have options on how Abigail would view herself as a personification, person, and US citizen that beg to differ)! They’re all stubborn as hell and while extremely adaptive towards change (as it can quite literally be a matter of life and death if they don’t) but that doesn’t mean that they completely understand why the change is occurring or what that means for them as a person, let alone to the other nations around them.
also PLEASE do go into it id love to hear what you’d have to say!!!
The internal perceptions when it comes to characters is only half the fun!! What’s the point in analysis and delving deep into it if you’re not gonna SHOW how it affects their interactions! Honestly this probably comes from a place of autism and the need to mask heavily and trying to understand others perception of the world lmao.
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itspkuwu · 2 years
Some imp headcanons
First Pain -When he was a tiny impling, a bat swooped down and took a big bite of his wing. (that’s why I think that bite is there, since on the fandom wiki it says it’s a bat bite)  And ever since then, he’s been terrified of the blood sucking demons, so he likes to call them. -He thought of the name “Pokey” for the pregnant sheep because it was a nickname for “Slowpoke”. -He’s learning how to make potions. Hence why Hades trusted him with the mortal potion for baby Herc. -He really likes soft fluffy animals (besides bats of course) but won’t admit to anyone but Panic -He uses big words to sound smart. Like “dashing” and “chummy” for example. As we saw. -He HATES going down stairs. (since he’s so clumsy) Up stairs is fine however. -He feels really bad after fighting with Panic. (aww) -His favorite color is light blue. -His favorite treat are those weird grub worms, especially if they’re plump. -He doesn’t mind being chubby, in fact he kinda likes it. It cushions the boo boos a bit. -Despite falling, slipping, and tripping so much, he doesn’t actually scar, bruise, or bleed. Since he’s an immortal creature with serval power after all.  -The first thing he ever shape shifted into was a kitten.  -And finally, he nibbles on his tail as a stim. (a stim is something “quirky” he you have autism. Like making sounds, jumping, chewing, etc)  Next is Panic -Whenever he has a freak out moment, Pokey’s soft wool helps him calm down. -He named Pokey’s baby sheep Pancake. -His favorite color is pink. (yes he does keep that a secret unless it’s in front of Pain)  -His favorite treat is soda. -He’s extremely ticklish  -He puts on make up in his spare time just for fun. (yes he also keeps that a secret too)  -The first thing he shape shifted into was a lion -His biggest phobia is thunder… and Zeus…  -He secretly sees Hades as his adoptive papa, despite Hades having anger issues. (aww again)  -He likes it when you scratch behind his horns. -And finally, he has a secret Greek love shrine he made for Cassandra that he visits weekly. Only he knows about it.  Lastly, the underrated noodle known as Neurosis -He hasn’t learned how to shape shift yet -Every time a piece of his hair falls out, it instantly grows back. That’s another one of his powers. -He hates loud noises, bright lights, and over all most spooky things.  -His favorite color is reddish orange. -His favorite treat is banana cake. He’s only had it like one time though. -He often softly cries himself when he’s alone. (another aww)  -He was once upon a time one of the imps trapped inside of Pandora’s box, but the another imps kicked him out for being too “weird”, ““annoying”, “creepy”, you name it.  -And finally… despite everything he might do or say… all he really wants is to be accepted and have a happy, loving family that cares about him. (BIG AWWW)  I already shared these with my friend @jesshq but I wanted to make them public.  So thanks for reading :) 💖 Also you don’t have to agree with me, these are just my opinions. 
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steampunk-swift-arrow · 2 months
Watching the Rise movie, my reactions (I've heard a lot of clips and spoilers so I know what I'm getting into)
Oh, Leo and Mikey have talked about this before. Mikey knew the plan without even him saying anything
Leo you're never gonna beat that record by talking
Leo making a drinking game but it's with pizza is great
Why is Warren Stone the Worm driving?! He's in a booster seat!
Nice job Leo, you actually punched yourself in the face
Leo's face healed up awfully quickly
Poor Mikey and Donnie keep looking at each other in worry and discomfort
PB&J duo watching their leaders fight through windows and then immediately trying to keep them from physically fighting (nice try)
April! You were doing so well! Those flips were great! And you dropped your phone?
Poor Casey Jr, didn't stand a chance
CJ has Donnie's logo on his clothes
Donnie's planning to crack time travel so future him can send past him the winning lottery numbers
"We ate leaves and rats...no offense" "None taken, we are delicious" Excuse me?! What?!
Casey may have just killed a guy with his chainsaw hockey stick...
Why are the Krang so big? And why do they kinda look like flesh-y Minecraft Creepers?
And there goes their powers.
Raph protecting Mikey and Donnie <3
"If you two don't mind, I haven't killed anything in ages" who am I to argue with such a polite request? Go ahead, I'm sure there's some Foot ninja left somewhere
The Krang brother is so small (affectionate)
Cool Leo action shot!
Ooh... ouch
Leo's panicked cries as he's sent away from Raph
Even Donnie wasn't sure the escape pods were going to work, he'd never had to use them before :'(
"How would everyone rate that rescue experience?" "Sorry. Data collection calms me down" Same, honestly. I do list-making whenever I'm stressed or anxious
The perspective change over to Leo with ringing muffled voices was cool
Leo's so angry that Raph got taken
Donnie comforting Mikey again, poor boys
"Commander? I like the sound of that" no one will be able to call her anything else ever again, she's now commander. She might outrank everyone else title-wise
"Last I checked, we weren't the ones trapped in a prison dimension for a thousand years" burn!!!
Ooh eye horror, yikes
"We live to serve" "you will serve me, whether you live or not"
Oooh we're going full body horror
"Hold onto your glutious maximi!"
Even Casey Jr's mad about Donnie putting trackers on everyone
"They told that to kids?! Man the future is harsh"
"We're doing it my way, remember?" Donnie and Mikey don't look confident about that one, Leo
"Ninja in, ninja their faces, ninja out" that's not a verb Leo
"I'm not sharing my hand sanitizer" there's a reason why Rise Donnie in particular got me to look into autism, and that's because he's too relatable (this is in reference to Donnie's disliking of the texture, which looks horrendous)
Why is "Donnie's Stomach" on the whiteboard of key destruction ideas?
Donnie and Mikey protecting each other so much
Oh no, April's school actually was creating herbicides to cause deforestation
I love that Donnie has backup battle shells in the tank, he's prepared for everything
"Remind me never to get on your bad side" as if you need a reminder?
Casey's angy
Casey insulting and traumatizing Leo at the same time
"Skyscraper caper" is the best headline ever and I love it
I don't think this is something the police can handle; even with a basic understanding of what it looks like from the outside they should have sent the military
Donnie's having a breakdown, poor kid
Leo stopping Casey from interrupting Donnie, letting Donnie rant for once (only for him to be stopped by Splinter instead)
And the body horror returns
Oh, the body horror really came bac- is that a train?! A Krang Train?!
Krang Helicopter
The Eye of Souron causing explosions was pretty cool
"Donnie! What do those big, beautiful eyebrows have to say?"
"What do you say, Donnie? You ready to fly a spaceship?" "Literally, the greatest question ever asked."
And the duo of Donnie and Mikey continues!
"Where's the character development?" a question I ask frequently. Splinter gets me
And here's the height of sensory horror. Also, the horrible wet sounds that come from everything Krang are perfect. Disgusting but perfect.
The angle of the Krang pulling Donnie out of the ship makes it look really painful but thankfully, I don't think Donnie was connected enough to feel it
Ah, the Wolverine Claws. People working on the Turtle franchise love those
The body horror's back, not as bad as before
Donnie's starting to pass out
Powers back! And Donnie gets to be really cool with how he uses his
Third battle shell of the movie is summoned
The return of April's crane license
Ick, Krang-lady's impaled -oh gross, she's un-impaling herself in the most disturbing way
Mikey just threw a building. Truly the strongest of the four
Donnie protecting Mikey again <3
"Don't worry Donnie, this is not a hug! It's a rescue!"
"How would you rate that rescue? Unsatisfied, very unsatisfied, wish Donnie had done it"
Donnie's about to pass out again (this boy needs a nap after all this)
Leo about to sacrifice himself and scaring everyone (poor Donnie's comforting Mikey again)
Krang shut up, let Leo encourage Casey!
"What you failed to understand was I missed on purpose." Smug
Poor Leo. He's pretty sure he's going to die and he's okay with it
Krang-lady laughing after everyone thinks Leo's gone and April's about to kill her
If I had a nickle for every time I've seen Donnie hit a Krang in the face with a giant drill, I'd have two nickles...
"Our HEROES 💙💛💜❤" (we only see the first three in the text, I added the red heart"
Aw, they all got Casey Jr his first pizza <3
"So much better than rats" Splinter... why do you look offended? Why are you offended that Casey Jr likes eating actually food more than your rodent brethren?!
Splinter using his tail as a selfie stick
"That's my mom!" poor CJ's having a crisis. He knew he'd see his mom some time, right?
"Our home. What a town."
Movie ends with everyone cheering on Raph as he tries the insane pizza carrying challenge from earlier
These kids have a lot of trauma to work through but they're already looking better/happier while eating pizza. Hopefully they get the chance to rest later though
Also they should have let April kill the Krang-lady...
Apologies for spelling errors and lack-luster reactions, I'm not very good at being expressive through written text :p
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rainbowgothdisaster · 9 months
End of year asks, 1, 10 and 19 ?
Song of the year?
i had no clue so i checked my youtube 2023 recap and like. the first one is just bcuz angry feminism and the second one is just an ear worm + self pity
but the third
the third is lesbian ponies with weapons
and thats absolutely perfect for many reasons
1 is obviously bcuz its the first song in the playlist you made me <3
2 is bcuz i vaguely mentioned earlier but ive been listening to a lot of angry music this year, mostly angry feminism but also just angry punk shit, and this song's tone is supposed to be angry, id venture a guess the mood doesnt connect there but the tone is vry angry punk vibes (yes im fucking nerd who payed attention in english and knows the difference between tone and mood, i cried over that homework bcuz im autistic and dyslexic so its hammered in my head)
3 is that even tho i have been very "cringe culture is dead" for a while, the end of last year was actually when i finally got over some of it about mlp and nightcore, this year had me drawing ponies again which is wild, i had sketched one ponis last year but it was a joke and i didnt care and was really lazy (on purpose), and then this year i drew 3 pieces and they are THE most self indulgent things i drew this year. fluttergir x scene pinkie, fluttershy rarity pinkie and rainbow dash dying their hair, and autistic emo trans twilight in my old autism pose. next year im getting more self indulgent and im blaming vylet pony /pos
Something that made you cry this year?
ahahahahahaha. too much. this year was great but it also punched me in the dick multiple times. the physical manifestation of the bag of nickels compilation. my depression was pretty bad at the beginning of the year, i had the cops called on me bcuz of someones manic episode, my great aunt died and no one had told me she was in the hospital for like. 3 months before that, my mum got arrested, my great uncle was a cunt, my mums house got raided, my great uncle was a cunt, my mum and i hit a skunk, my great uncle was a cunt, my mum was poisoned, my great uncle was a cunt, work did make me cry already but that was also a combination of many things (never underestimated the power of not having homecooked meals for a month)
most recently it was trying to do a smoky eye tho, i cry vry easily
What’re you excited about for next year?
im going to learn to drive and visit you. that is a promise and a threat. i am going to bite you. this will be us:
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im also gunna get uhhh dressed up more
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