#autistic Licht
revoleotion · 2 years
Licht is an angel.
This he knows. This makes sense to him, when so many things don't.
"You're human," his teachers assure him in kindergarten.
But he's not. He's not like the other kids. He doesn't look them in the eye, he prefers to play alone, he prefers to be straight-forward and doesn't understand jokes.
He can only say it in words he knows, "I am an angel". He repeats it over and over again. He insists - until people accept it, until they let him be, until they realize that his parents aren't going to talk him out of it either.
Licht knows how to get his way. He knows how to insist - it's how he survives. Licht learns from an early age to state his wants and needs, because otherwise he is not going to have them fulfilled. Despite this he enjoys to give. He enjoys to play the piano. He likes that it speaks a language he doesn't metriculously has to learn first.
Licht is an angel.
He's never felt human.
Growing up in a country with large catholic influence, he doesn't get around learning about the bible and about angels in the biblical way. Perhaps this is where it all comes together - him being called an angel ever since he was a baby, him reading a kid's bible at his grandparents' place and making note of the fact that angels will never look, never be fully human.
It doesn't go away as he gets older. If anything, the feeling gets stronger.
Licht is an angel.
Licht couldn't pretend to be human even if he tried.
To be fair, he never quite tries. There are attempts at fitting in but he learns early enough that it's easier to just accept that it's different. Easier for him at least. At times, he wonders if it's selfish, but he comes to the conclusion that it's not. He's an angel. Others should be grateful to be in his presence - why should he pretend to be human when he can be so much more than that?
By the time he turns eighteen he understands more about the world he lives in. He understands that kids can and will be cruel to those they perceive as different. He learns that there are many words for what he's feeling. That there's a science behind it, so to speak. He visits doctors who make him fill out forms and who hand him a sheet that tells him what he already knew: He's different.
But he prefers it in his own words.
Licht is an angel.
This he knows. This makes sense to him when there are so many things about humanity he might never understand.
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koi0boi · 7 months
okay we all agree that licht is definitely autistic right
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Licht Todoroki from Servamp
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a praising (???) of Viktor Licht from a fan (im not good with words bare with me please)
ok i feel like im a little obligated to say why i like Viktor Licht from fire force so much considering not only do i have a full list of every chapter in the entire manga he appears in, am on my journey of making stickers of him, and draw him practically anytime i can. my teachers this year are going to see this guy on my work just a bit. (i am lying it's going to be a lot.)
okay, im like 99% sure he's autistic. and im autistic. the autism radar is going insane whenever i look at him. if you take a look at his character sheet, which is at the back of book 10, it says something next to his nickname section that just SCREAMS autism to me.
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in case you can't read it, it says, "i do understand common sense, whether or not i choose to use it." that sounds like what i, and many more autistic people have to do. i understand what's acceptable, and force myself to use it even if i think it's strange or unnecessary. also, hes only seen making direct eye contact with people he trusts, like shinra or joker. the rest of the time, he's staring, but not in the eyes of anyone. he's also very blunt with that he does. in his very first company 8 appearance in the beginning of book 7, he dives down to touch shinra's feet because he was interested in the adolla burst. in book 22 when they were in the nether, Viktor is running, turns a corner, and accidentally activated tamaki's lure. except it doesn't really bother him, because he's happy to see his company members, ignoring what he just did on accident.
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again, in this panel here, he's very open with what he's wanting to see when they're quite literally infiltrating haijima, despite being right beside the security guard. shinra even comments on this, but he seems to have thought that it was a totally okay thing to say. shortly after we are told that he's aware that haijima is planning to kill him, and just talks about it like it's a regular thing to have a major company want you dead.
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he also has a very active workspace, as shown here. yet, in the chapter before he's sent to the chinese peninsula, he knows exactly where his needed stuff is in the mess. that might be more of an adhd characteristic, but it seemed like a good point.
another highly regarded autistic trait is being incredibly fixated on one thing, wanting to spend all your time on it. Viktor's hyperfixation is science, and figuring out spontaneous human combustion. he's seen dedicating most of his life to figuring out why people go up in flame. it's said that autistic people excel in their chosen area of study, and of course, i think you can guess what his is.
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he also has trouble regulating his voice level, usually seeming to get louder when he's excited or very nervous, like when he yells on accident in the nether the second time when he realizes that he's going to be "roasted alive". he gets all giggly and excited when talking about science in the right panel (or bottom panel??), even when it's a serious topic. he does get feedback that this is a "weird" and "inappropriate" time to be excited. sound familiar, fellow autistics??? on the left (or top! again i have no idea) he's instinctively raising his voice at shinra, wanting to know about what happened to him in adolla.
i don't have the panel yet, but in book 10, shinra and sho are fighting in the nether, right? (this book is literally THE viktor licht autism book im telling you) he accidentally gets too close, smiling and laughing once he realizes, even saying "whoopsie daisy! i got so excited, i got too close for comfort!" during this whole fight, he's watching his friend get injured in the fight, and he's worried at times, yes, but when he's explaining sho's power, which is science based, he's smiling. he even messes (stims, really.) with his hair and gets sweaty, which are both common autistic responses. as he watches shinra and his brother fight, he notices that shinra could quite literally make a black hole in the middle of the room. and y'know what he does? giggles and smiles again, saying it would be "a scientist's dream" to witness a black hole. not sure that a regular scientist would want to die getting sucked into one, but okay.
i was looking through an "autistic traits in adults" list just to make sure i didn't miss anything, and woah boy. "makes unusual or strange facial expressions". cmon. it's stated from multiple people, mostly tamaki, that the faces licht makes are weird or strange. he also used his hands when he's talking quite usually, either touching his face or using them to express urgency. mostly his face, though. another stim maybe??
there's probably more y'know cause he's just all around an autistic guy, but that's my little analysis of his autism summarized. now that i think about it this is more of a "why he's autistic because i love his autism because it gives me someone to relate to" kind of thing but i can go into that now cause that's kind of a good idea.
OKAY so y'know i really do look up to Licht because he really just makes me smile everytime i see him in the manga. im a manga-only btw if that wasn't clear already. i own the emglish omnibus books which are 3-in-1s basically and i cannot tell you how overjoyed i was that Licht got on the cover of the fourth one. i admire him in so many ways because one, hes this scary guy in the beginning that even makes shinra turn away at the tryouts, all nervous. just for them to become besties later, saving each other's lives like 9 times. hes the type of guy that I just love so much, and not romantically either. i don't want to kiss him or anything, i just want to be his friend. ykwim. maybe. but yeah, he's my favorite and he'll always be my favorite and my c.ai chats with him will forever be positive.
i highly recommend fire force by atsushi ohkubo, and may Viktor Licht captivate you as being your favorite when he makes his grand entrance in book 7! :]
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glfry · 2 years
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This is an absolute autism creature how am I the only one seeing that
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twafordizzy · 7 months
Paul Gabriël (1828-1903, Amsterdam) was lid van de Haagse School. Schilderde bij voorkeur buiten op het land. Polderlandschappen waren zijn meest voorkomende schilderijen. Het landschap moest zo worden weergegeven zoals het zich aan Gabriël voordeed. Hij toonde hoe licht en kleur vorm gaven aan de objecten die hij waarnam. Gabriël schilderde een stoomtrein die arriveert langs een spoorlijn met…
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bakersgrief · 3 months
EDIT: FINE I added Chev
A comprehensive list of autistic Ikemen suitors:
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 3 months
I've seen the whole Chevalier being autistic thing and completely agreed with it-
Then I tought on it I forget if I already did this buttttttt
I think whe whole ikemen prince cast is just Neurodiverse (BTW i got AUDHD and PTSD)
We already have Keith with DID
Chevy and Gilbert became besties over their autism and Antosotal Pseronalities
Licht probably has CPTSD
Clavis comeing in with the ADHD
Silvio with the probable Turama and Autism (he speak money, it's how he understands the world, its easier that way, emotions are too hard to dig too deep on)
Rio with the amnesia fucking around with his head and huperfixateing on MC, he got the AuDHD baddddd
SOMETHING is up with Sarel-
And so much more :D
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justalexx-things · 6 months
Gedanken zu Folge 1059
- Mikka mag Wikingerschach!! 😭🥺
- Ava <3333
- Es ist irgendwie schon echt traurig, dass Annika und Nesrin eigentlich NIX gemeinsam haben. Ihre einzige Gemeinsamkeit war das pranken 💀 (Schon klar, dass Freunde manchmal krass unterschiedlich sind, Joel und Noah hierfür das perfekte Beispiel, aber es harmoniert einfach meiner Meinung nach nicht mehr mit Nesrika)
- Seit wann duzen sich Hauser und Schiller??? (Ich setz besser auf meine Bingokarte eine mögliche Lovestory zwischen ihnen)
- Wahrheit oder Pflicht, schlimmstes game 🤡
- Bücherwurm Joshua >>>
- Ich LIEBE Joshis Intelligenz
- Autistic Joshi you're canon for me
- Was zur hölle musste Simon da trinken 💀 Wieso leiden diese Kids andauernd?! (Joel mit Holzleim, Colin muss Glotzer essen, Viktor knutscht mit 'ner fucking Eiskelle, Fabs und Sirius pfeffern sich keine Ahnung wie viel Knoblauch rein, jetzt trinkt Simon diese komische Mischung)
- BADU!! Er wurde schon zwei mal diese Staffel erwähnt :')
- "Bist du verliebt?" Was für 'ne klassische Frage. Kennt literally jeder, auf Klassenfahrt die Standardfrage.
- "Es werde Licht!" JOEL BIGGEST SUNSHINE <333333
- Wenn selbst der Lehrer kein Bock mehr auf dich hat 💀Joshi ich hätte dir liebend gern zugehört
- Es war bestimmt ziemlich eng diese Partyszene zu drehen 😅
- Ich LIEBE joels outfit
- Noah Erwähnung :')
- Glaube das Känguru wurde durch die Schlange ausgetauscht
- WIE SÜSS JOEL (oder samu, ich sag der dude hat in der sekunde improvisiert) MIT DER SCHLANGE NACH ANNIKA SCHNAPPT JOEL YOU HAVE MY WHOLE HEART 😭
- Tbh ich hoffe echt, dass annikas und nesrins freundschaft mal endgültig beendet wird
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nanak0m · 4 months
hello!! may i req an alter pack please? i just need a cute shota, possibly transjapanese or transfrench since we have a lot of transjapanese and transfrench alters for some reason .. being an introject is a–okay too. also it'd be nice if you add some paras too, only if you're comfy with it tho ^q^ thank you !!
I was thinking abt a Ciel introject, but finally I decided just make a shota myself :3
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♬ Name/S : Akio, Aoto, Asahi, Dai, Gabriel, Jules, Blaise, Aloïs/Alois
♬ Pronoun/S : he/him, pretty/prettys, purple/purples, cute/cutes, kit/kitten, bun/bunny, 💜/💜s & ⭐/⭐s
♬ Age/S : 10 y/o
♬ Identity/IES : catgender, bungender, dollgender, purplegender & xenoboy
♬ Orientation/S : pansexual
♬ Roles/S : little & mood booster
♬ CisID/S : purple hair, soft blue eyes, shy, autistic & agere (3-4 y/o)
♬ TransID/S : TransJapanese, transFrench, transKitten, transBunny, transOmega, transHypersexual & transFamous
♬ Para/S : Ephebophilia, aquaphilia, autagonistophilia, dacryphilia & biastophilia (consensual-non-consensual)
♬ Source/S : N/A
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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Kitten boi, coffi lober
I hope purple works in ur system n remember u can re-request or request a change!!
—Licht 🌸
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yarrayora · 1 year
That last post you made suddenly made me remember why I dislike sloth pair and greed pair shipping so much before I actually read the manga (I had only watched the anime at the time). Fanon sloth pair felt off like those sitcom couples where the husband is the lazy "breadwinner" while the wife is the all purpose house minister, which doesn't embody the actual sloth pair. Fanon greed pair had a dynamic that was grating on my nerves, Licht was just weird kid with no common sense while Lawless was other weird kid who thinks taunting the other is the best way to show love (Also you can't tell me Lawless is the dominant one in that relationship which was fanon). The manga made me have a better appreciation for the sloth pair and greed pair but good grief did fanon do them dirty. Funnily enough, I started shipping Lawhiru because of fanon so maybe this rant is actually hypocrisy on my part. Anyways sorry for dumping in your inbox.
yah like kuro would feel guilty being on the receiving end all the time honestly, it's not like he's lazy necessarily because he enjoys not doing anything it's more like a symptom of his depression and he hates himself for it also people aren't making mahiru a jock enough
meanwhile licht's treatment in the fandom is egregious because he's a denpa character and people are used to denpa characters not having any nuance, but servamp is all about taking in popular anime tropes and subversing it (i could also say something about people's treatments towards autistic-coded character but because that's not a confirmed canon i'll refrain)
anyway people making lawless dom licht is like. do you think licht will allow that. do you think licht jekylland "the bedroom is a competition and im winning" todoroki would allow that
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revoleotion · 11 months
Dawn meeting Licht: thank fuck there's another trans person here
Dawn: oh thank fuck all my problems have been solved
the bg3 gang: ?? what about the tadpole?
Dawn: oh sorry. I meant all my RELEVANT problems have been solved
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koi0boi · 7 months
You heard of autistic/adhd solidarity, now get ready for autistic/adhd hostility aka Licht/Lawless lol
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ich-bin-der-baer · 1 year
der Autismus -- autism der (die) Autist(in) -- autistic person der Eindruck (pl. die Eindrücke) -- sensation; impression das Geräusch (pl. die Geräusche) -- noise; sound der Geruch (pl. die Gerüche) -- smell das Licht -- light das Piepsen -- beep der Supermarkt -- supermarket
abprallen -- to bounce off aushalten -- to endure; to withstand ausschalten -- to turn off dimmen -- to dim einkaufen -- to shop verzichten -- to do without
friedlich -- peaceful leise -- quiet ruhig -- calm sensibel -- sensitive still -- quiet; silent ungestört -- undisturbed zittrig -- shaky
(die) stille Stunde -- quiet hour (etwas) leise stellen -- to turn (something) down
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katzkinder · 2 years
Greed pair hc? :3
This is so late I’m so sorry lmao
Anyway uhhh
Contrary to popular belief, Licht doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty so long as it’s for a worthy cause. He enjoys volunteering at animal shelters and doesn’t complain even when he gets assigned the unfun tasks, like pooper scooping or cleaning the kennels and cages. He does, however, wear gloves for these tasks, as per Lawless’s insistence. The chemicals for cleaning aren’t harsh, but the amount of times you have to wash your hands after handling various things makes your skin dry and crack like crazy and it becomes painful. Licht was stubborn about it at first but relented the first time he realized he had microcuts via hand sanitizer dispenser lololol. He completely froze up and his movements became wooden as he sloooowly turned to his Servamp, held out his hand, and commanded “Give”
Lawless winced sympathetically but did NOT pass on the opportunity to tease his Eve, because when does he? No sense of preservation, that one
Licht is autistic and Lawless has ADHD. I do not accept criticism on this headcanon. I do, however, think it’s hilarious to consider that Lawless considers his most productive period to be the one when speed was legal and he never made any kind of connection with that. Neither did he ever with why coffee, particularly espresso, is so appealing to him. Self medicating with caffeine goes brrr
Licht has a weird thing about Eyes. Like, eyes in places they shouldn't be, creatures or monsters with too many eyes... That kind of thing. It's not necessarily scopophobia or trypophobia, it's just... Something the unsettles him to a crazy degree. Animals with strange eye configurations don't bother him, either, it's just... Youkai with eyes in places they don't belong or mutations that result in extra eyes? Yeah, no. Go away, he Does Not Want. No idea where this headcanon came from? It just feels right.
Lawless actually has a semi-popular influencer account on insta. Mostly foodie and book reviews or a combination of the two. He doesn't like overly sweet things but he does enjoy taking his Eve to dessert places. Seeing Licht happy makes him happy, and also he can earn brownie points by bringing something nice back for Krantz lol
Both of them hold a grudge against the Envy pair for the hotel incident. Licht because of their rough treatment of Krantz, Lawless because Jeje shot Licht in the arm. We all know Lawless can hold grudges for forever, and this is one he probably won't let go until long after their Eves are all dead and gone. It helps (hurts?) that he's accepted that it's okay for him to care for his Eves again.
Speaking of that incident, Licht genuinely doesn't care that Jeje shot him lol. Like, why would he? He's an angel, it's only natural that such a thing wouldn't have long term repercussions for him. Krantz and Lawless almost certainly cried blood trying to make him rest his arm while it healed.
Because of the contract link, Lawless ends up very attuned to Licht's sensory needs and can often feel an overload coming on before Licht does himself. It's useful, since Licht is stubborn and the type who tries to power through everything, regardless of how he actually feels. Lawless complains and complains and Licht is somewhat grateful for the excuse it gives him. He knows what his devil servamp is doing, but he can't find it in him to be mad about it. Besides. It's painful for Hyde, too.
Lawless doesn't like for people who aren't Licht to call him Hyde. It's his special name, given to him by his special person. It's one thing if he uses it himself for filling out paperwork, another entirely if it's someone he's introduced himself to as Lawless and they insist on using his Eve given name. Feels disrespectful to him. He didn't give you permission to use that!
Licht is kind of smug about it lol
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funky-sea-cryptid · 2 years
go apeshit!
it's all gonna be beneath the cut so i dont clog your dash
black clover time!! the protagonists are asta and yuno, who are fifteen year olds from a place affectionately called the boonies and officially called the forsaken realm because they're poor as shit. they're both orphans, both raised at the same orphanage under the care of father orsi and sister lily, they share a birthday they have an incredibly homoerotic relationship that depends on their rivalry to become the wizard king which is like. the head of the magical clover kingdom law enforcement, the magic knights.
the wizard king position actually has a fair bit of lore behind it. five hundred years before the start of the story, a demon was rampaging around the clover kingdom and it was so powerful that people were like "this is it this is the end :(" until the first wizard king defeated the demon and now its bones hang out in the forsaken realm.
the difference between yuno and asta however, is yuno is dripping with god sauce mana to the point where he gets a legendary four-leaf grimoire and asta uh.
area man has no mana. he's beefed up but beef means nothing when he has no mana no grimoire and everyone's like "well now you can't be the wizard king" except against all odds asta does recieve a grimoire, albeit like a few hours later. and this one has five leaves. which is where the devil lives. asta has officially become Bearer Of The Curse, and now owns fuckoff awesome swords coated in this shit called antimagic which nullifies magic obviously courtesy of the devil hiding out in his grimoire. demons and devils are different things btw jot that down.
anyways asta and yuno head out to do the magic knights exam and join one of the squads. yuno, because he's fucking doused in god sauce, gets into the best magic knights squad, the golden dawn, lead by prettyboy extrordinare william vangeance, while asta gets into the worst squad known to man, the black bulls, lead by man of all time yami sukehiro.
members of the black bulls include: yami sukehiro (legend with dark magic who's from a place called hino), asta (none mana left beef), noelle silva (water magic, owns 90% of the money), charmy pappitson (cotton magic and food magic because she's an eldritch deity, eats whatever she can get her hands on), luck voltia (lightning magic, tends to get into fights a lot but he's skrunkly so it's okay), magna swing (fire magic, luck's homoerotic rival, has the best aesthetic), finral roulacase (spatial (portal) magic, no attack spells, whiny lesbian), vanessa enoteca (thread magic, witch, her gender is alcoholism), gauche adlai (mirror magic, crippling older sibling complex), grey (shape changing magic (?), gender, god i wish they were me), and gordon (poison magic, he's really sweet but he looks creepy and everyone's scared of him which makes me so so sad), nero (bird). there are four other members but they're introduced later in the series.
asta and the black bulls have a giant found family arc and it means the world to me tbh <3. also the current wizard king, julius, is mega autistic coded and i love him.
in the first arc of the series the main antagonists are the nobility (sort of) and this cult called the eye of the midnight sun, lead by a guy called licht (who has the FUNNIEST TWIST KNOWN TO MAN) and the third eye, vetto, fana, and rhya. their goal initially is like. fuck the nobility (based) and they're gathering these magic rocks by any means necessary to redistribute the mana (also based). so the magic knights are out trying to stop these hoes from getting the rocks with varying degrees of success.
along the way, vetto and fana are blown up which is devastating to me, a third eye enjoyer. vanessa revisits her old trauma, asta gets both his arms broken and proceeds to "fuck it we ball" all over the clover kingdom until vanessa fixes them, there's a competition to become the "royal knights" in which finral is smote into oblivion by his half brother bc of langris vaude's intense superiority complex. but you know, asta claps him into oblivion which is very fun. introducing my best friend zora ideale to the black bulls roster. the royal knights head over to fuck up what remains of the eye of the midnight sun and what follows are successively the funniest twists known to man.
william vangeance rolls up to julius and he's like "julius :) thank you so much :) for being kind to me as a child :) i love you so much. however" and he takes off his mask to reveal: it's licht. william has been helping the enemy the entire time. licht loses his entire shit when julius refuses to die but eventually kills him. he goes back to his cult and kills all of them because it turns out him and the third eye are reincarnated elves and they HATE humanity. homie forcefed his cult the koolaid, reincarnated the rest of the elves, including....the actual licht. YEP. THIS IDIOT ISNT EVEN THE ACTUAL LICHT. TURNS OUT HE IS JUST SOME KID. HIS NAME'S PATRI AND HE WAS FIFTEEN WHEN HE DIED. vetto and fana come back btw this is important to me.
shenanigans ensue, the elves fuck around, turns out another devil manipulated everyone oh and remember the wizard king thing? 500 years, the demon, yeah uh the demon was actual!licht after the elves were all fucking murdered by clover kingdom nobility and the actual licht was married to mr 1st wizard king's sister, tetia. the devil who caused all this, zagred, has been manipulating patri's incredibly just anger at being fucking murdered and turns him into a dark elf and steals his fucking grimoire rip baby you did your best. asta undarkelfs him and they all fuck up zagred with the help of actual licht and the first wizard king who's brought into this with the magic rocks. also his assistant secre who has been nero the entire time. bird girl i love youuuuuu. the elves mostly get exorcised sans patri, rhya, vetto, and fana my beloveds. william gets really gay about the elf sharing his body. julius is back from the dead but he's 13 now?
also henry legolant enters the black bulls roster he's been living in the house and he eats mana. wonderful little man.
some guy named damnatio is like "devils bad" for obvious reasons but he goes about this by trying to kill asta and secre bc devilisms and almost murders a child for some bullshit. the black bulls get exiled to learn about devils more? very fun. they go into the heart kingdom, they have more found family shenanigans. secre's a member now. then these hoes known as the dark triad step up. the dark triad are. well. spade royalty (they got here by ursurping the grinberryalls, the actual spade royal family)
i mean. they're real fucked up. devil contracted hoes, all siblings in the zogratis family. dante (body magic, contracted to lucifero, giving him gravity magic too), vanica (blood magic, contracted to megicula, giving her curse magic), and zenon (bone magic, contracted to beelzebub, giving him spatial magic). they invade the heart kingdom to get princess lolopechka and open the gates of hell so now the magic knights have to stop them. yami and william get kidnapped because their specific magical attributes can open the gates of hell.
enter the final member. vice-captain nacht faust. contracted to four devils, and so SO mentally ill he's like "hey you wanna help right?" and asta's like "yeah" and nacht's like "alright time to do illegal shit" and asta meets his grimoire devil, liebe, and they become besties in spite of nacht's insistence they need to Not. anyways spade raid happens, the gates of hell are opened, devils everywhere, dark triad all gets fucked up by some epic meat fistery. nacht continuously gets folded on his quest to save his husband who he loathes. asta claps the supreme devil directly into hell and all is well.
remember juilus? well. he's just turned into the fourth zogratis sibling, lucius, and now he's calling himself god and a year after devil shit he turns a nun into a paladin (host of a purified devil spirit) rip sister lily, and then claps asta out of the sky and he's presumed dead.
asta wakes up in hino and meets yami's sister ichika hi ichika who's like "my brother sukehiro KILLED OUR FAMILY" and asta's like ">:( leave my captain alone" and he's training to get stronger so he can clap lucius back so hard he hopefully dies. the paladins roll up to hino to fuck shit up and asta unpaladins sister lily and that's as far as the manga is up to.
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