#autistic ronan lynch
oikawasstofu · 2 years
Ronan n Gansey so different at first glance have been friends for so long
They just get each other in a very autistic way
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foxofanequinox · 1 year
gansey Acquires queers bro. he's the lure for all these gays that stick around because of his pretty face and extreme levels of autism. ronan? how many times can you describe them as knowing each other and being so in sync and LIVING together and tell me ronan doesn't have heart eyes. adam? im like 90% sure he in text calls gansey attractive. they're so terrible to each other but adam stays. hmmm... and Blue??? she's literally queer. she's the she/they bi alt girl to gansey's "whats a pronoun" nerd loser. caught by the allure of autism quests and silly boys. noah? his boyfriend was a huge nerd for the ley line you can't tell me he doesn't think gansey's intelligence is attractive, and gansey not being a bitch and murderer is a plus. henry literally was into gansey. said outta my way gayboy im bout to get it (gansey). the list goes on. what is it about a rich white guy with severe anxiety dressed like jake from state farm that calls the queers running. why are you assembling a squadron for each letter of lgbt. gansey's allure bro.
meme after cut
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literally any character upon meeting gansey bro cmon. au-rizz-m goes crazy for richard campbell gansey the third.
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sureuncertainty · 8 months
for your consideration...
ronan lynch trans
that is all thank you for your time
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myrmeraki · 2 years
Autistic Gansey???
richard gansey iii is so. autism coded in a way that is definitely not on purpose but let me explain my thoughts:
The way his mannerisms and voice changes so easily and so drastically, ie the Gansey The Boy persona vs the President Cellphone appearance. My guy is just perfect at masking. In Dream Thieves he is able to handle himself in that room of strangers and, from Adams POV, very easily ‘becomes’ the kind of person and conversationalist that best fits the other person or people.
His trouble with social awareness in a way that shows his understanding of other people’s perspective is purposefully learned. In BLLB when Blue becomes mad at him after they are out on a late drive and he lends Henry his cell he says “I’m trying to see things from your point of view but I’m having a very difficult time”. This kind of relation to where other people are coming from is not a natural skill and something he takes time to develop.
The “nobody knows who Ned Kelly is” and “Who rips out repugnant?” bits of dialogue (both, interestingly enough, from mister Autism Adam himself) that again show his difficulty gauging where other people’s understandings of his interests line up with his own. His ‘agelessness’ where he is seen as both young and old at the same time; Many autistic people have heard comments of being “mature for your age” or “an old soul” or the opposite of being “young at heart”. I know this is ‘cause he’s got freaky ley line history but the way his chronology doesn’t line up with what is considered “typical”
Glendower / Welsh History special interest duh
Comorbidity between autism and insomnia (Him and Ronan’s insomnia and his little Henrietta model)
It’s stated multiple times about Ronan that he values their friendship because Ronan never lies, Ronan is honest, etc etc. Ronan also doesn’t hold much care for pointless social conventions. This is also a case for Ronan Autism but as it relates to Gansey I believe he treasures these traits because, based on his need to be all these different versions of himself, Gansey is always lying and putting on a show. IMO this more raw, honest version of Gansey is closer to his true self, but a self he cannot be.
IDK how universal this is but orientation in physical space? He’s not klutzy but he’s not really graceful. Specifically in TRB he says, on flying, “He seemed to lack the important ability to orient himself vertically as well as horizontally, which led to disagreements involving trees”
His obsession with the Camero and preserving the integrity of it, like the specific run-down way it functions, the paint job, the leather, seems like its an important piece of sensory input for him. It also is, again, a tool that represents his masking (all the times he’s said that the Camero is who he is on the inside)
This is kind of a stretch but the near constant chewing on or rubbing the mint leaves, personally that sounds like sensory hell but hey, to each his own.
im sure there are many more but i’m interested to see if anyone else has thought of this before and there are points to add…
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This is going to be a story about the Lynch brothers
Actually this is going to be a story about:
- A guy having a three book long anxiety attack
- A guy having a three book long depressive episode
- A guy boy having a three book long existential crisis
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ravenboysandcrows · 10 months
Today at school I spent too much time drawing little Raven Cycle inspired doodles and giggling while imagining the Gangsey in the silliest situations. It was getting to the point where people were staring.
I have exams coming up and I can’t keep doing this, but the Raven Cycle brainrot is so real…😭🫠
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pistacheriot · 2 years
gansey: which sounds? AND I'M IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH ADAM
narrator's voice: he was thinking about a friendship
gansey: q sons? e eu tenho relações com o adam
voz do narrador: ele estava falando de relações de amizade
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sammygender · 1 year
one of these days im gonna make a ronan lynch autism adhd compilation
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funkyfruta · 2 years
Ronan n Gansey so different at first glance have been friends for so long
They just get each other in a very autistic way
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parcai · 2 years
winter break is always the shortest month of the yr 😞
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dailytrcheadcanons · 2 years
todays's hc
everyones favourite buffy the vampire slayer characters:
blue: willow noah: buffy adam: oz ronan: spike gansey: angel henry: cordelia
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stressedoatmeal · 25 days
Honestly don‘t know what to make of this conversation I just had on ft with my friend so I’m transcribing it here so I won’t forget it.
Ac: you have a lot of dreams about marrying both Ronan and Adam
Me: yeah I know it’s so weird idk why my brain does this
Ac: you‘re a huge history nerd and won’t shut the fuck up about it. Ever.
Me: yeah you’re point?
Ac: You don‘t relate to Ronan. You also don’t relate to Adam. You think you do but you don’t.
Me: what do you mean??? Ronan Lynch is my favorite character of all time. I named my son after him. My cats name is LITERALLY ADAM.
Ac: yeah. That’s my point, meebs. You‘re literally fucking Gansey. You’re obsessed with these two characters because they what you want to be in life. You have a raging savior complex. You‘re an autistic lil guy who wants to talk about history and you simp over your friends and the amount of anxiety you have could kill a small child.
Me: first of all I didn’t fucking ask you.
Ac: you drive a shitty orange mustang and called it the hog bc you ‘didn’t want to disrespect the pig like that’
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marviz · 4 months
It's always "autistic Richard Gansey" this and "ADHD Ronan Lynch" that but nobody ever stops to think about autistic Ronan Lynch and ADHD Adam Parrish
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Gansey was fr out here collecting tree people like fucking Pokémon cards
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squash1 · 1 year
THANK YOU FOR ALSO LOVING GREYWAREN that book made me go from slightly obsessed with this whole little universe to being VERY obsessed, and I suspect I'll never stop being a menace about it <3 it did THINGS to my psyche
i know u just said some favorite scenes from greywaren, but as a fellow lover of that book, I just have to know: what are some other things u really love about it?
declan lynch autistic child core. as a child i was exactly like child declan and it warms my heart.
jordan and declan are the best couple and if anyone tries to say they’re not u should shut up. (i love all the couples equally but i love them more).
hennessy is so fucking funny like what an icon. her hatred of pennsylvania is so special to me. i don’t even hate pennsylvania i just admire her commitment to the cause.
the thing with declan’s moth. enough said
also declan and adam bonding and (this is mister impossible but whatever) meeting up to have a Ronan Lynch Support Squad Consultation….yes.
the juxtaposition of niall and ronan in the chapters at the barns. aghhhhhh. and the glimpses into niall’s past like…..i wouldn’t call it a redemption arc but the careful way he is humanized WITHOUT being redeemed. and seeing what ronan saw in him. but also what declan saw
on the seventh day the lynch brothers became friends again. BECAME FRIENDS AGAIN
but basically. if trc is a coming-of-age series where you see these kids delighting in and struggling with the magic on the edge of adulthood. the dreamer trilogy is like the loss of childhood innocence. cdth and mi are ROUGH at points. it’s much harsher feeling than trc, more heavy and sad and action-packed and suspenseful. and greywaren is like…the tentative peace you make at the end of the transition to adulthood. ronan’s finding his feet, seeing old friends, proposing. declan is settling down, letting go of his childhood wounds. it’s not an ending really but it’s where things start to be okay. and that’s how it feels. and that’s why (for all the plot holes and rushed pacing blah blah blah) it’s so. fucking. good.
AND CAN I JUST SAY. all the ppl who say that post-TRK pynch became “bad” and “toxic” and “isn’t as good as in trc” and “they shouldn’t be together anymore”……..i hate those ppl w my whole heart bc. i’m sorry, but if you read the scene in greywaren where their, like, celestial soul energies found each other in dreamspace and reconciled and apologized and forgave (in. disembodied dream soul form…whatever) and WERE WANTED THEY WERE WANTED THEY WERE WANTED and decided to love and help and heal one another and you STILL think that???? i just don’t know how to help you!!! sorry u can’t enjoy mature healthy relationships where people have gone through bad periods and so the relationship suffered for a while and then they recalibrated and decided to continue to grow together, but i’m built different :))
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karouvas · 2 months
mor o corra or aurora lynch?
Mor, despite her being in way less of the works there’s just….more to her (lol) which isn’t surprising, and she fits lady villain archetypes I generally enjoy a lot, dreamgirlevil.mp3, same can be said for my enjoyment of her and Niall. As a Katherine Pierce Stan, as a Lilah/Darla Stan, as an Aurora De Martel enjoyer you can see why she’d really do it for me lmao I love that autistic milf she said fuck them kids and is so real for that! And because I’m me her being a parallel for Adam gives her something extra in terms of interest too.
I do think Aurora is interesting as a concept and tbh I think one of the weak points of td3 is not developing her more and also not giving her death in TRK the weight it could have (ik you can read that part of Ronan’s spiral is influenced by it but. I just feel like the mommy issues series should have drawn out more themes from it). There’s a lot to be mined from how horrifying her stepford wife role is (the Pygmalion reference haunts me!) but she isn’t really given a personality for me to be attached to, which is theoretically part of the point but imo there were also other ways to represent that and the dichotomy with her and Mor could have been stronger with more of that exploration and a cool foil to the Jordan & Hennessy dichotomy but whatever, it is what it is.
(make me choose between two things)
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