#auto destructive behavior
sadsickandstoned · 7 months
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Or worse, I wake up (😠😠) and am LATE to work
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binkrls · 1 year
this is so humiliating like😭
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myplaced · 1 year
A tristeza por trás da mutilação
Eu nunca entendi porque sempre que eu pesquisava na internet sobre automutilação, as postagens eram sempre sobre como prevenir que alguém faça isso e como identificar alguém que faz. E sempre que eu via algum relato de alguém que se mutila eu me sentia mal, porque todos agiam como se isso fosse algo péssimo, como uma maldição, e pra mim nunca foi isso, os cortes sempre foram o meu ponto de alívio, então não fazia sentido eu enxergar eles como algo ruim.
Eu ensaiei muito para perguntar sobre isso pro meu psicólogo, porque sla, não acho que as pessoas entendem. E na última sessão eu perguntei "porque as pessoas sempre agem como se os cortes fossem algo péssimo?" e a resposta fez sentido.
"O problema dos cortes não são os cortes em si, e sim o que leva a pessoa a se cortar. Geralmente alguém se mutila porque está sentindo uma dor interna tão forte que ela imagina que uma dor física vai anular ou anestesiar a dor interna. Então, o problema, não são as feridas e sim, o que te leva a fazer elas"
No meu caso o que me leva a querer me cortar é a tristeza, o sentimento de vazio, a decepção pela minha existência, pra me punir. Ou seja, o problema, no meu caso, não são os cortes e sim os meus a minha tristeza que é tão sufocante a ponte de eu querer sentir uma dor maior do que aquela pra me aliviar, nem que seja momentaneamente.
Esse texto ficou gigante, mas é que eu queria falar sobre isso, porque nesses posts que falam sobre como evitar que alguém se corte eles nunca falam sobre isso, e nunca dizem ou explicam o que está acontecendo de verdade.
Só acho estranho o fato de as pessoas que se mutilam tratar isso como uma coisa ruim, tipo, será que todo munda sabia disso que eu contei e por isso eles acham que é uma coisa ruim? E só eu estava em um mundo onde os cortes são a melhor coisa do meu dia? Não sei, mas é isso!
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Heaven In Your Eyes || Arthur Shelby x Reader!OC
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Summary:  Beaten with guilt and shame after losing his temper again, Arthur's aimless wandering leads him to church. There she is and, after diving into her heavenly eyes, he is convinced God has sent him His sweetest angel to save his bastard soul.
Words: 2.6k
TW: Blood, a bit of angst, slight blasphemy and bad use of holy water, reckless x caretaker Inspired by the prompt "Where does it hurt? - Everywhere" by @the-three-whumpeteers
✞ Timeline: between seasons 2 and 3
✞ Heaven is OP's original character but written with the use of « you » (Moodboard here). Heaven’s voice and song is linked, all you have to do is click on the lyrics.
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NEXT CHAPTER || Masterlist
The stumbling tall silhouette of Arthur Shelby was crossing through the thick haunting mist of Birmingham. As unwelcoming the town was during the day, it was nothing compared to night time. When sun faded behind the horizon, chased by the pale glowing face of the moon, the whole city turned into a cut-throat area. Arthur brought the neck of the bottle he was holding to his chapped lips and gulped down a mouthful of pure Irish whisky. The fire trail the beverage left behind it as it went down his throat reminded him he was alive — he could still feel something, even though it was the alcohol’s burning. An animal growl escaped from his lips when the bottle left them only for him to lean his back against one of the church’s gigantic concrete walls. A loud raven’s croak torn the silent veil of the night, making him swears. The gravel in his voice answered to the dull bird, which was watching him from a tree with his tiny and beady eyes.
« Fooking bird, laughing at me like the rest of ‘em eh? »
The raven — which was rather large for a bird — tilted its head to the side and kept staring at the drunk man with a cunning interest. Its black eyes, shining under the moonlight, seemed filled with both a wise glare and a mocking sparkle. Soon, Arthur’s curiosity for the raven’s unusual behavior turned into a senseless anger when he understood why the bird was focusing on him, his explosive rage strengthened by the incredible amount of alcohol he had drunk a bit earlier.
« It’s the damn blood is it? Stop lookin’ at me like I’m — I’m some kind of monster, or a beast or I don’t fookin’ know what else! Go to Hell! »
The bottle flew towards the raven but it did not flicker, as if it knew Arthur was not in the shape of being quick nor particularly precise with aiming. As the glass smashed into the ground, Arthur hit the wall behind him with the back of his head and let out a frustrated scream. No more cocaine, no more auto destructive behavior nor suicide attempts for two years straight, and tonight he fucked it all up. He was convinced he could get better, and God knows he tried his best to do so. Got sober from every poison he used to take, got a religious wife that was trying to turn the wolf in him into a sheep… Hell, he even brought her flowers every damn day. But then came troubles, taking the shape of his little brother, Thomas Shelby.
He asked him to do the dirty job — again.
With his calloused hands, he took another man’s life. At first Arthur thought he would not be that disturbed at the idea of killing someone, after all he had done that almost his entire life. Just one last time, he told himself, just one last time and I’ll go back to my little peaceful life with me wife.
Yet, the guilt and the shame that struck him after bashing the lad’s head against the edge of a sink until his face became a pile of squishy flesh soon became too much to handle.
As the last spurt of blood spattered his face, Arthur’s clouded mind became suddenly crystal clear: it would never stop. After that epiphany, the older Shelby brother contemplated how everyone he deeply loved tended to use him. For Thomas and the rest of the family he was a mad dog, the combat brute whose only times he could enjoy life without a muzzle were when he had to rip someone’s throat apart. For his father, he had been nothing else than a poor naive hound that would have done anything to receive his respect. As for Linda, her love was a cruel mirage he wanted to believe with all his heart — but the illusion had vanished in smoke. Whether she considered him as her personal test subject for Christian brainwashing or as a tool to get what she wants, Arthur could not tell. What he could tell though was that he knew she did not really loved him. She wanted to mould him at her will, but he was no lamb. He was a wolf, a beaten and lonely wolf, but still one. And there was no love for rabid wolves, only a bullet through the brain to cure the madness.
As his skull buzzed with macabre thoughts, whose unpleasant noise reminded him of a furious beehive, a bewitching voice pulled him out of his auto-destructive spiraling. Standing at attention and listening carefully, he came to realize that someone was singing inside the church. Arthur’s eyelids fell on his steel blue eyes and the back of his head gently rested against the cold wall behind him, the same wall he had been previously smashing it with. A sighed escaped from his liquored lips as the angelic and hypnotizing voice, slightly muffled by the church’s heavy wooden doors, plunged him into a soft but oh-so-warm haze.
My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold…
Lulled by the sad melody carried away with Birmingham’s cold night breeze, the swarm of raging hornets in Arthur’s brain stopped crashing against the bony walls of his skull. Another sigh — one of relief this time, for the unbearable noisy thoughts and violent buzzing had vanished. His trembling fingers, numbed by the blows he had hit his target with one hour ago and still covered with half-dried blood, slid along his temples and slicked his hair back. The utter and feral anger he had felt was reduced to void, for even his old heart had slowed its pace down in his ribcage.
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold…
The tune, embedded with melancholy, soothed his troubled mind and to be honest, he could barely believe it. When that switch in his brain flipped, God knew he was not in control anymore - even dear Linda, who still managed to hush down some of his tantrums, could not tame the beast inside when it broke free a bit more fiercely than usual. Yet, this voice did so. This stranger, faceless and nameless ghost of the night, brought him back to sanity with the sole power of her voice. The words she was singing, with her a juvenile and enchanting tone, were wrapping his heart. Arthur sniffed and fought hard against the dawning tears that were forming delicate crystal beads at the corner of his closed eyes.
If he had been the jolly sailor bold, he would have thrown himself out of the boat to join the siren that was singing.
My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold.
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold…
She repeated, sadder than she previously sang.
Her song sipped through his heart and filled the cracks with molten gold. Arthur’s lips stretched in an almost invisible grin without even realizing it — By her voice, he was convinced she could repair the damaged creatures like him and make them even more beautiful than they were before they had been dragged through the trenches’ mud and shit. He had barely came to his senses, almost miraculously sobered up, when silent fell again in the church. Arthur reopened his eyes, and shook his head - Had he dreamt? Had it been the whiskey singing to him? No, he could not be that crazy right? Not quite sure if he was starting to hear voices and see things, Shelby decided that he had to found out who had been singing to his very own soul. He wanted to see her, the girl who soothed his foul heart and his twisted mind. He wanted to know, no, he HAD to know, even though his whole being was fragile like a flickering candle flame caught in a hurricane and would probably shatter in million of pieces if she turned out to be an illusion.
Gathering all his remaining strength, Arthur grabbed the handle and opened the church’s door.
A shiver ran down your delicate spine at the loud silence that floated in the gigantic and empty church. The peculiar sweet yet strong scent of myrrh, wood and frankincense filled your lungs with its holy fragrance. The vibrations of the last word you sang was still echoing in the room, swirling to the high and sculpted ceiling, from which marble angels were watching over you. If someone would have told you two years ago that the only place you would find comfort would be a church, you would not have believe it. You had never been particularly fervent about religion, but you did believe in higher forces whether they were good or bad. More than a matter of faith, the church itself was an old friend of yours. A gargantuan friend of stone, holy titan always welcoming you even in the darkest moments of your life. What you liked the most were these lonely moments at night, during which you could light up dozen of candles and sing your sorrow to the status and colorful stained-glass windows. No gossip from the parish, no believers swarming like ants within these mighty walls. There were just you, the candle lights and the soothing silence. For a few hours, you could finally find peace.
Brushing the varnished wood of the altar with your thin fingers and painted-red nails, you let your mind drift and, suddenly, the world around you vanished. You sunk so deep in the abyss of your thoughts that you did not hear the creaking sound of the heavy door opening, nor the footsteps that followed. All you could heard were the « Burn witch, burn! » that hundred of villagers screamed at you in the woeful remembrance of your past. And in spite of your immaculate porcelain skin, you bore the scars of their words deep in your soul.
Arthur made a few steps before freezing, his body refusing to come closer as if the aura around the creature that was standing back to him , right in front of the altar lightened up with dozen and dozen of small dancing flames, was too sanctified to be violated. Bathed in the soft and warm orange hue of candles, the long white hair of the woman fell down the small of her back like an ivory waterfall. Right above her the pale glow of the full moon coming through the stained-glass window formed a luminous halo around her head.
His breathing stopped, choking in his throat at such a divine vision. The gangster opened his mouth to speak but no words managed to come out. He had never been good with words anyway. Instead he moistened his lips and swallowed, his mouth dry. The white-haired girl had started to hum the same song she had been singing a bit earlier, not aware of his presence — and he did not dare to disturbing her as if he feared God’s punishment. He took another step, the wooden floor creaking under his sole.
This time the angel — because he was convinced it was one — jumped and turned around, an expression of utter surprise veiling her sweet face. Her fox eyes, adorned with two iris so fair it reminded him of aquamarine stones, scrutinized his slightest movements. She remained petrified for what felt eternity for her but, regarding him, time had stopped for good. Arthur finally inhaled sharply, coming back to life.
All those endless nights of crying, all those endless nights of praying in vain for something or someone to save him, and here you were… His salvation.
He had asked God to send him, the most desperate sinner of all, His most beautiful Angel and He had done so.
She was not just pretty. She was otherworldly and vaguely threatening. Almost ethereal in her short white dress whose cut let her naked back for the world to see.
« I waited for ya. » He whispered.
She blinked, her full and juicy lips opening with surprise.
He stuttered, looking down and decided it was better for you if he stopped talking. The gravel in his hoarse voice, as strong as it was, sounded indescribably frail. As if this tall and slightly threatening man could shatter at your single touch. Now he felt stupid, clumsy with words contrary to Tommy and his naturally eloquent and charismatic speech. In addition to the unpleasant impression of being a fool, Arthur’s own whisky-scented breath and the strong metallic smell of blood reminded him of his horrific appearance. Overcoming the awe you infused in him, panic started to kick.
You frowned, and all of sudden he did not look that impressive anymore. Swept away by the wind, your face relaxed and wrapped itself with a calm, almost placid expression. You exhaled through your nose and walked towards the gangster, who had brought his bloody hands to each side of his head and was now pulling his own hair in a desperate attempt to not lose track.
« Where does it hurt? » You asked with a quiet and soothing tone, for you were concerned about all the blood he was covered with.
Arthur raised his gaze toward the petite white-haired doll who had just pressed one of her cold little hands on his. Your ice against his fire made his legs weak and his heart missed a beat. How his breathing calmed down at your touch was a mystery, but it did. Not quite comprehending why you did not seem scared of him, he stuttered again, all flustered.
« Shhh, shhhh. Everything’s okay, take a deep breath and answer with all the time you need. » Your hand gently tightened its grip, willing to show him you were there and you were not going anywhere until he feels better.
« Where does it hurt? »
« Ev-Everywhere love. It hurts everywhere. »
His hands, his face, his body, his brain, his soul, his damn tortured soul… It all ached too much, and too constantly for him to bear anymore. E-ve-ry-where, that was all he could say because pain was all he could feel.
Without answering, you pulled him to the altar and invited him to sit on the marble stairs. The strong and fierce gangster followed you without the single physical resistance and gave in between your hands, as a rag doll. All he did was looking at you with his charming but oh-so-exhausted blue eyes as you tore the fabric of your dress near your thighs and soaked it in holy water.
« Let me wash away the blood. » Your voice echoed in the vastness of the church, enticing and haunting at the same time — enough to send a pleasant shiver down his spine. You had barely finished your sentence when you started rubbing the wet cloth against his hollow cheek to clean his pale skin from the dark red blood. Once again, he could not help watching you during the whole ordeal all the while enjoying the fresh sensation of the holy water cleansing the dirt of his soul. Not minding his stare filled with fascination, you focused on your task, brows slightly furrowed and fingers blessing him with the softest and most caring touch someone had given him.
« Yer an Angel. I swear you are eh. »
You quickly glanced at him, a sparkle of amusement shining in your cunning celeste blue eyes, before looking back at what you were doing. The weight of his gaze brought fire to your cheeks, for he looked at you like he had just realized what love was.
He looked at you, and to his greatest surprise, found Heaven in your eyes.
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I'm super new in the Peaky Blinders fandom, so please bear with me... Especially since English is not my native language. To be honest I am kind of scared to post it so any comment, review, reblog or constructive criticism is welcome. Also, I'll be more than happy to meet people in the Peaky Blinders fandom! In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed some Arthur and Heaven. Still don’t know if I’ll write a full series or snipets of these two love birds.
Tags: @areyenotfondofmelobster
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eldritch-spouse · 3 months
What if we treat patches so wholesomely all the time never hurting him in any way
TW: Fetishistic self-harm.
That also works.
Patches doesn't need to be horribly mistreated by you every moment of the day. He craves wholesomeness, a relationship full of genuine love, care and gentle affection. Which doesn't change the fact that he's hopelessly aroused by being abused in a variety of ways too. These are different sides of him.
He still loves you and cherishes you as his firefly, he's still hopelessly obsessed and even feels kind of gross for having a desire to corrupt you enough that you'd consider hurting him.
The most Patches can do is let you unintentionally continue to cause him pain when you're unaware of such to begin with. Or make lust-drunk requests in the middle of sex. Whether or not you humor these requests, the undead doesn't push them onto you too frequently.
This does mean that there will be an increase in his auto-destructive behaviors, as Patches will seek to fulfill that need through methods that don't involve you. Whether it be deliberately dangerous experiments or simply cutting himself open with the nearest convenient sharp equipment- There will be episodes where Patches has to feed his masochism one way or another.
But putting those aside, your relationship can work out and be relatively safe. He's even happier, in a way, because you're not verbally or physically abusive to him, meaning there are no conflicting emotions swimming in his head. He's a lot more confident in his ability to "keep you".
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blue-b-bro · 5 months
I don't think Ed would abuse Stede
I don't know why it's so controversial to talk about Ed's tendencies towards abuse. Like, it's nothing new, that people often copy their parents behavior. It's sad, yes, but also good choice to write him like that, because it's more realistic. We also know he was surrounded by violence his whole life and so has rather skewed perception of what is "going too far". Add emotional detachment or compartmentalization as coping mechanizm and we have a really interesting, well crafted character to work with.
I'm not saying he's going to mutilate his every partner or that Izzy was so bad, that's why he had it so bad. I'd say Izzy's case was really extreme. It was a mix of Ed's mental breakdown, suicidal tendencies and Izzy's lack of resistance (I'm not blaming Izzy, they're both just messed up). Ed literally wanted Izzy to kill him, so it's no surprise he started to act like the worst monster he could imagine - his father. Not even sure he was conscious of his reasoning.
Ed has showed many times that he react to being hurt or stressed by violence or throwing stuff. Judging from Izzy's reaction to being punched in e9 it's nothing new. They're pirates, they fight from time to time, that's how it usually works. So Ed being violent isn't making him the worst human being suddenly.
I'd say Ed got his explosive emotional reactions from home and violence from his life experience, toxic masculinity etc. It's no surprise his auto destructive spiral became everyone else's problem.
So, if Ed won't spiral so bad as in s2, I wouldn't be worried about Stede's toes. Additionally Stede's outsider status encourages Ed to try to act differently. There's also that pressure in the back of his head, that he has to be soft to be with Stede, and realistically it wouldn't just disappear overnight. So there's that to unpack.
On Stede's part - he had, surprisingly, similar experiences: he was the target of violence and felt he need to kill to be respected, to participate in the violence he so desperately wants to run away from. The difference is that Stede internalizes his emotions. Stede would rather run away, hide or freeze, than fight in stressful situations. He only fights to protect.
Stede is rather fine with dealing with Ed's emotions: he knows that under the aggression is actually hurt or shame. It's Ed who has to learn about Stede now, because, as we saw, Stede still didn't say much about himself, other that he regrets a lot of things. We know, that in situation of danger Stede would protect Ed even for the cost of his mental state, but what would happen if Stede was stressed/scared/upset without Ed in danger? Would Ed notice? Would Stede let him? Ok, silly me, we know from s2e6 he wouldn't. Stede wants to give Ed everything, would gladly destroy himself for him, but won't let him inside. Scared, still scared Ed wouldn't want the real him.
So they have to unpack those insecurities and I have no idea if it would end in calm conversation or another disaster, really. But Ed probably wouldn't hurt Stede, he doesn't want to show his "evil" side to him (he may destroy some furniture from frustration tho). He would probably run away again. We saw in e7, when the conversation started to turn into a fight Ed quickly backed off. He would rather go away than to show that part of him to Stede. Just as Stede won't let Ed see him panicked and having a meltdown.
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fairysluna · 5 days
my boy only breaks his favorite toys is giving aegon at its finest.
his auto-destructive behavior doesn't let him believe that someone could ever truly love him or care about him, so what does he do? he tries to push you away because he doesn't even feel worthy of love, and in the process he ends up breaking your heart when all you wanted to do was to show him that he also deserves goodness and love.
the voices of his head that come from his troubled youth don't allow him to enjoy your relationship. in the end, he just bolts thinking he's doing you a favor when, in reality, it's the opposite. He breaks you while you were trying to fix him.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Pairing: Loki x plus-size reader
Warnings: self esteem issues, self destructive behavior, hurt, angst, crying, mentions of toxic relationship, mentions of eating disorder (not in detail)
Summary: Loki hasn't contacted you for days, making you feel like maybe he won't...
Part 13-
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A week passed, and you hadn't spoken to Loki since the day at the shop. You had tried to text him a few times, but seeing the messages left on read with no response broke your heart more, so you stopped texting. Although your phone was never far away in case he did respond.
You felt like you were on auto pilot. Everything seemed like a nightmare you would wake up from, and didn't. In the month and half you had known Loki you had grown closer to him then people you had known for years. You had never met anyone like him, and probably never would again. You tried to hold onto his promise of contacting you, but with each passing day and no word, that hope began to fade.
You knew you only had yourself to blame, the fault lied with you. If you had just taken that chance, trusted that he would understand, maybe he would still be here. You finished up your paperwork, checked your phone one more time, and headed out. "Sarah, I'm gonna head home, text me if you need anything ok." You said walking towards the door. "Y/n wait." She said running over to you. "Sarah, I can't do this right now." You sighed turning around. "Listen, I just want you to know, if you need anything, I'm here ok." She said rubbing your arm. "Thanks." You said nodding before walking out.
You made it home, running to the door as it started raining. Opening to Emma running up hugging you "Hi angel, did you have a good day?" You asked picking her up. "I did! Did you?" She asked smiling. "Yeah." You shrugged setting her down. You walked to the living room, setting your stuff down "Hey y/n." You heard, looking up seeing Bucky and Mel sitting together. "Hey." You nodded before heading to your room.
You changed into your pajamas, grabbing the green blanket wrapping yourself in it, you sat on the bench under your window and watched the rain hit the window. You heard a knock on your door but stayed quiet, hoping they would go away, until you heard your door slowly open "y/n, are you decent?" You heard "yeah" You sighed leaning back.
"Could I come in?" Bucky asked slowly peaking inside. "Sure." You said still looking out the window, you wondered what Loki was doing right now. "Are you ok?" He asked slowly walking towards you "do you want the truth, or do you want me to lie?" You asked, still not looking at him. "Y/n, he'll come back." He said sitting in front of you. You tilted your head, finally looking at him "not to me, he'll come back here, but..." you looked down fidgeting with the blanket.
"Y/n, he adores you, he'll call. You'll see." He smiled "he may have, before. But.." you sighed looking back out the window "not now." You said. "Are you sleeping?" He asked "does it matter?" You asked looking back at him as he sighed. "Y/n, you need to take care of yourself, Mel told me you haven't been eating either." He said "so what, she send you in here to scold me?" You snapped. "No, I wanted to talk to you, see how your doing." He said sternly. You huffed a laugh "Well I'm fine, so you can go now." You said looking back out the window. "Y/n.." he started "I said go." You raised your voice as he nodded and stood, quietly walking out.
Bucky's pov-
I started to walk back to the living room when little Emma ran up to me "Hey, where's mommy?" She asked "oh, she's in her room, I'm sure she'd love to see you." I smiled at her. "Ok thanks." She said running down the hall. I sat on the couch next to Mel, running my hand through my hair "I think this is the worst I've ever seen her." I heard Mel say. "I tried talking to her, she wasn't having it." I sighed looking down.
"Do you think he'll call her?" She asked "honeslty doll I don't know, I don't talk to him much." I told her. "I don't know how to help her, this is worse then her ex." She said rubbing her temples. "What happened with her ex?" I asked. "God, he put her through hell. He was always making comments about what she ate, or how much, or maybe I should take you to the gym." She mocked in a deep voice.
"She got to the point she wasn't eating hardly at all, only when I made her." She sighed "and when she found out she was pregnant with Emma, she was so excited, she ran to his apartment to tell him, and...." she said looking down "she caught him in bed with someone else." She looked at me. "What a prick." I said "yeah, apparently he had been seeing her for awhile. After that she was convinced she'd never find anyone else, so she's been single until Loki." She sighed.
"Shit, I wish there was something I could do, but I barely know the guy, he never really talks to anyone other then his brother." I told her. "Well, let's hope for the best." She said grabbing my hand.
"Mommy." You heard as your door opened "hi angel, come here." You said holding your arms out as she ran to you. "What are you doing?" She asked "oh, just watching the rain." You told her, hugging her on your lap. She leaned back looking at you "mommy, why are you so sad?" She asked. "Well, mommy upset someone and she feels bad about it." You told her. "Did you say sorry?" She asked. "Yes angel, but it's not that simple." You told her. "Why not?" She asked.
You swallowed the lump in your throat as she looked at you. "Well, sometimes adults problems are harder to figure out, sorry doesn't always fix them." You told her. She grabbed your face with both hands "it'll be ok mommy." She smiled at you. You leaned forward, kissing her forehead pulling her in to hug her. "I love you mommy." She said squeezing you. "I love you more angel." You said rocking back and forth as you watched the rain fall.
@vbecker10 @lokisprettygirl22 @mcufan72 @midnights-ramblings @sonatabee @catalina712 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @kilikina34512 @delightfulheartdream @froggiecky @sinsandguilt @sweetberry47 @buttercupbestie @wtfislifeugh @asgardianprincess1050 @commanding-officer @lovingchoices14 @crystaldragonborne @juulle987 @xorpsbane @elenaysusneuras @yoongissidebitchh @daggers-and-mischief @lightupmyjass @plut0min @lulubelle814 @lucylaufeyson3 @howdidurhammergrowchris @d1a2n389 @lokiprompts @sititran @kats72 @awesomephilosophus @justagirlthatlikesanime @lokisninerealms @storybrook-beck @yunho-leeknow @high-functioning-lokipath
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goldammerchen · 25 days
already have written before about imagining gil being in crisis mode (depressed) at the beginning of the 90s, and at the end of them (+ complimentary(?) post about his health in general but in spa). i have the feeling that the main people surrounding him would try a little of tough love with him if gil is neglecting himself (he was strict with lud so lol). but, if he is at rock bottom, sensitive, this backfires. "leave me alone!" or "why are you angry with me, i haven't said anything to you yet—?! why are you always angry with me?!"
if he wasn't in his room already, he locks himself there, and if he was in his room already, he kicks out anyone that was in there. besides not wanting anyone around, he's more or less aware he's overreacting, and feels shame on top of that. the whole event serves as a wake-up call for the closest ones. situations like that show that he's not just a little depressed, but quite miserable. perhaps previous bastard and irritable-like behavior was auto-destructive after all, or how bad must he be if he can't hide it behind a facade...
tough love won't work with someone who is in need of the opposite of that.
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azural83 · 2 years
Wall e is a wildly praised movie,it's far from underrated but I always felt like one of it's messages is overlooked
While capitalism and pollution are the main themes in the movie there was another one that was shown more subtly: breaking free from programming and expectations
Wall e himself was created to clean the earth,however over the time he developed one little glitch; a personality. He's expressive,collects things that he doesn't turn into a trashcube,has a home and is friends with a cockroach
Then we have our deuteragoinst eve, when we first met her she showed us that she isn't just an emotionless robot, the moment eve saw the ship that brought her on earth leave she started flying and goofing around
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As the story progresses we see more of her anger issues and her destructive behavior after she found no results for her mission
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She also never returned wall e's feelings until this scene
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This is the most important scene for eve,the way she throws the plant shows how much she developed,she spent the entire movie wanting to complete her mission but here she just wants to be with him (it was the best idea to switch the roles since she was supposed to be the one who got hurt)
There are also the reject robots who are considered to be unacceptable simply because they don't work they way they're expected to. It could be argued that they're actually the smartest ones on the ship because of their ability to think outside of the box,they also helped wall e and eve in the end, including mo; despite being a comic relief he went out of his way to clean up wall e's mess,even making a mess himself; this shows how a robot that was designed to be perfect could show a great amount of personal and change
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Remember the typing robot? After wall e waved at him typ-e starts to the same hesitantly,as if he had no idea he could do such thing. When wall e comes back he excitedly waves at him
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There also a few human characters that have the same role,another romantic pair who at first were just like the rest of the people on the ship but started to finally see the world around them. What encouraged them to change? Wall e's enfluence
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And of course the captain and his obvious development,he started off as a lazy guy who could've cared less about earth and focused on the space ship because that was what he was supposed to do, that's what the previous captains did. But after learning about the earth after wall e left some dirt on his hand he decided to step up and do the right thing.
And the movie's main storyline: two robots falling in love. Robots showing emotions is unexpected it's,but them falling in love? Who would've guessed!
All of the characters change throughout the film except one
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Auto is probably the most "robotic" character
He's emotionless and does what he has to do,whenever you see people talk about him there are a lot who say that he really wasn't a bad guy because he was just following his programming; we've seen how wall e unknowingly changes the ones around him but even when he tried to stop auto he failed. Nothing could've changed auto because of how firmly he followed his programming
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sadsickandstoned · 7 months
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binkrls · 3 days
sh tw
so weak
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myplaced · 1 year
Às vezes o vazio da tristeza fala no meu ouvido "porque não me deixa entrar? Vamos! Nós eramos tão felizes juntos! Não se lembra? Dos nossos bons momentos?" e às vezes eu realmente quero deixar ela entrar, e tomar conta de mim.
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crimson--corvid · 9 months
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Setting: Gotham City Verse: #𓋹 v :: sheriff of gotham (DC Universe) Starting Date: Aug 11th Scale: Small Tag: 𓋹 event :: frenzy
Ruairí, after the stress of hunter troubles, Roxxy's kidnapping, Prince Novak staking him, hunger, and a PTSD relapse, is going to enter into frenzy. Frenzy is when a Cainite vampire suffers severe trauma, hunger, embarrassment, stress, or magical forces that lead them to enter a fight-or-fight mode. They will give in to the base instincts/desires of their inner beast, which often leads to violence, destruction, and violations of the Masquerade. This behavior is also influenced by the Cainite's bloodline (clan).
The goal of this event is to contain and quell Ruairí, who during frenzy will be a killing machine with the aim of going after Novak, first. This is a chaotic idea, because either Ruairí will die trying, or the lack of a Camarilla Prince will open New Jersey up to Anarch revolt or Sabbat raiding.
He will have no restraint to his hatred, his fury, his resentment. He will attempt to fight or kill anyone who stands in his way, even those he loves.
What is welcome:
- Asks with "(frenzy)" in them for frenzied responses! - IC dash commentary - DMs to me to discuss a place in the plot (room is limited!) - DMs to discuss after-event threads - Gotham-located mundane characters (no godlike powers pls) - VtM based characters who roll with the Rule of Cool
What is NOT welcome:
- fixing everything for Ruairí - auto-hitting Ruairí without prior discussion in DMs - Killing Novak
Involved: @sanguine-salvation, @the-blackened-dove, @arcanescholxr
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moonlight26posts-blog · 2 months
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In Baltimore County, MD: FINAL PLEA: Akita with Uveodermatologic Syndrome Seeking Rescue ASAP
Baltimore County Animal Services is seeking rescue placement for Ava Kisses, a 3.5 year old, 82 pound Akita that has been previously diagnosed with Uveodermatologic syndrome. This is an auto-immune disease characterized by eye, skin and nervous system symptoms. Affected dogs usually suffer eye problems, premature whitening of the hair, and skin depigmentation (vitiligo). Its cause is understood to be related to the immune system's auto-destruction of melanocytes (pigment-making cells) which are concentrated in the skin and eyes. Due to this condition, this pet’s eyes have previously been enucleated (surgically removed) to prevent suffering. Ava was found to have a skin infection (dermatitis), most likely secondary to her auto-immune disease. Her skin is covered with crusts and scabs and she has hair loss on her back, sides, and legs. Antibiotics and steroids have been started to combat this condition. Ava has shown no behavior concerns and is eager to make friends with new people and will sit and offer them her paw for attention.
Ava Kisses is up to date on vaccines, heartworm tested negative, and spayed. If you are interested in pulling Ava, or have any questions, please let us know!
Thank you,
BCAS Rescue Team
Baltimore County Animal Services
13800 Manor Road
Baldwin, MD 21013
**If you would like to foster Ava Kisses, we can contact local rescues to ask for help, please email [email protected] (we are only a volunteer group that tries to help rescues help the dogs/cats of MD)
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saberstars · 2 months
I love that you chose for your oc to meet Starscream while not having a t-cog. Was it because you felt he had the inability to change or be vulnerable with anyone especially a human unless he was grounded? Or did you just insert your oc in that area of prime because it was easier? Genuinely curious not a rude anon.
Ahahah ~ nervous laughter~
Yes and no to alllll of that kinda both
Yes to I don’t think he would have changed without that experience but that’s just me I think him being defenseless and having to rely on the generosity of others to mention mercy really really gave him perspective and gave him an entry point into self reflection. I mean he did go through an era of re learning his self worth n such during it so why not give him a human pal to help him stay on the path instead of ending up back in his self destructive cycle.
Albeit I like his tragedy and how things ended in the tfp beast movie cause it genuinely showed us how ruined he became and how self sabotaging even tho it mashed me so sad ughhhh it ahah go to show not everyone can change UNLESS they want to. Like you can’t help him unless he wants it. And during his time alone it ready seemed like he wanted to change a bit.
Even if he made since sketchy decisions during that journey 👀 I mean he resorted to his old habits a lot still but there’s again a cycle of behavior he displays for so many reasons and I feel like giving him a Buddy that will call him out on his bs would help him a lot.
I wanted her to meet the “villains” first before meeting the autobots because I think perspective is very important. The cons have their reasons for being cons, and so do the autobots. And we don’t get to see in tfp as to why cons are cons sometimes. Minus KO and a few others.
This also would give him that “huh I guess we did stray far from what we originally wanted and became the thing we hated” realization to.
And in order for her to be a “true neutral” character when it comes to how she treats con/auto she’d have to see that dude first before the “hero’s” perspective. Like she will give everyone one chance. If they fuck it up that’s on them. Plus having her meet him first essentially gives him one friend that will defend him from the criticism of others TO A POINT. Not that he needs it but gen think he’d appreciate it do down.
“Remember when Starscream did this”
Her: remember when you did (insert war crime) for fun and albeit in retaliation??? Not funny when someone brings up your murder list is it?
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