#autobot metroplex
ratsypatsy · 4 months
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Can someone please join me to make more content of them? I can't carry this ship alone (ToT) Anyways, MetroWind yippieee
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groundrunner100 · 5 months
Peak Character Design: Transformers: Unicron Trilogy: Autobot Edition
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pocoslip · 6 months
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I'm still really Sad about Trypticon never becoming the "Tallest Transformers Toy Ever"
(but hey, he's still a better toy than "classics" trypticon, who is just a cybertron scourge repaint)
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rinovarka · 9 months
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Woo! My full piece for @rbzines, recruiting not bots or cons, but the children on Earth! Based on Transformers: The Manga, of which a group of uniformed kiddos get a tour of Scramble City, to be interrupted by a clash between Metroplex and Trypticon!
I'd like to think the Scramble City Warriors are there as recruits as future Autobot allies, learning about Cybertronians and doing good, while helping Metroplex learn about humanity and what it means to be a city. Ideas I'd like to expand upon, in the future! Also yay, my first real full digital illustration. And me drawing human children XD
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askvectorprime · 10 months
Dear Vector Prime, concerning the 1986 movie, why didn't Blaster accompany his compatriots when they fled Autobot City during Galvatron's surprise attack?
Dear Behaving Boombox,
Blaster very much wished to journey into space with his friends, but as Autobot City, and Metroplex in particular, were critically damaged during the calamitous battle with the Decepticons, Autobot Leader Ultra Magnus ordered him to re-establish communications between Autobot teams on Earth. He was even authorized to share intel with the humans if it would mitigate a future Decepticon attack.
When Blaster protested, Magnus reminded him how critical his communications abilities were, being able to summon Optimus Prime to Earth at a crucial time as well as intercept a faint signal from Jazz when Unicron appeared. He ruefully considered that he was one of the last Autobots to speak with Optimus, and wondered if he were about to send Magnus to his death. Subdued, he put his energy to good use, strengthening communications channels with the fledgling E.D.C and helping to diagnose the full extent of Metroplex's damage.
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Toy blog update.
I know it's been a while since my last post, but I have been VERY busy with trying to resume my YouTube channel which I walked away from 4 years ago, and a new job, and life in general has been busy. I am still working on my backlog, but I wanted to post some of my recent hauls over the past two months.
Anyway, I will be posting again soon, I hope.
See you around.
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hasbr0mniverse · 1 year
The Transformers Gallery - Welcome To Scramble City - Metroflex/Metroplex) (Transformers Visualworks Japan)
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poptimus-prime · 1 year
For creative writing, I have to write a work in which a location is the main character, and I'm so tempted to write the Autobot base as the character (my professor is fanfiction friendly)
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jazzluca · 7 months
METROPLEX ( Titan ) Generations LEGACY *Cybertron*
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Dopo i svariati Titan visti sin dalla Generations Thrillin 30, tutti dedicati a personaggi G1, e la novità dell'Arca trasformabile in coda a War for Cybertron, è stato giusto in una linea come Legacy, celebrativa delle millemila serie dei Transformers, guardare oltre la prima originale per proporre un nuovo gigante… anche se effettivamente la scelta era davvero risicata, a guardar bene, ma infine è ricaduta sul METROPLEX di Cybertron.
Che nel contesto di essere un Titano ci sta tutto, per carità, così come ho adorato il suo giocattolo originale ai tempi, un Leader "allungato" fino a raggiungere quasi la scala di un Supreme, ma fosse stato per me non sarebbe stata la mia prima scelta, dato che avrei dato la precedenza ad un più iconico Tidal Wave di Armada, ma poiché questi lo recuperano per il 2024, non pensiamoci più.
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Sebbene sembri per struttura corporea più snello e piccolo dei colleghi precedenti come l'omonimo G1 o Scorponok, complice anche l'enorme arma il ROBOT invece come peso e massa non ha nulla da invidiare agli altri Titan, ed esteticamente migliora il design dell'originale, con un torso meno allungato, piedi più corti e delle spalle più massicce, fra le altre cose.
La colorazione è ottima e fedele all'originale, anche migliorata direi, con un bianco e grigio più chiaro che fanno risaltare meglio il blu scuro, così come ora le mani sono del blu un po' più chiaro come le estremità dell'arma.
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Questa, la cosiddetta SPARKDRINKER, è un'enorme MAZZA che ricorda le clave degli orchi giganti della mitologia giapponese mitigata dai cartoni e fumetti degli ultimi decenni, alta quanto il Titano stesso, con un'articolazione in meno nella parte inferiore per poterla piegare nella sua modalità di scavatrice, e ok, ma con la ruota che girava come nell'originale che manco mi ricordavo che lo facesse, nonostante la gimmick della Cyber Planet Key che una volta inserita nell'apposito vano, faceva aprire ed allargare la ruota che diventava una sorta di ascia bipenne.
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Ora, CAPISCO che copia incollare e / o riportare la gimmick a molla di Cybertron può lasciare il tempo che trova, ma davvero non sono riusciti o non hanno voluto rifare quell'espediente in un cavolo di Titano?? ^^'' Certo, per una cosa che manca ALMENO ne hanno aggiunto un'altra, ovvero la possibilità di poter dividere in due l'arma per modalità intermedia di drone scavatore di cui parlerò poi.
Ma lo stesso, parlando di accessori, salta all'occhio sopratutto la mancanza del Minicon Drill-Bit, già presente nel Leader originale, e ancora mi ripeto, ma DAVVERO per scelta o mancanza di due pezzettini di plastica non sono riusciti o hanno voluto metterci un cavolo di robottino piccino?? Sul serio??? In un Titan non avanzava quel po' di plastica per farlo????
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Per fortuna, tornando al robottone, questo è ottimamente articolato, nonostante i già bei risultati ottenuti per lo stampo di Scorponok, qui abbiamo non solo l'inclinazione delle caviglie ma pure la rotazione, idem i polsi nonostante la rotazione dei gomiti, così come le spalle hanno due snodi per poter alzarle meglio lateralmente rispetto al busto, che può piegarsi sullo stomaco, e idem la testa che può alzarsi ed abbassarsi ed infine UAU! pure la bocca si apre, volendo!
In questo ben di Primus di articolazioni, magari fa strano che le mani possano "solo" aprirsi ma con le 4 dita unite e non separate come l'omonimo Titan originale, ma forse avevano paura che queste non potessero reggere adeguatamente l'armona, che tra l'altro si fa non poca fatica appunto a fargliela reggere al nostro, nelle sue due impugnature. ^^' Perlomeno, l'enorme clava può agganciarsi comodamente dietro la schiena.
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Metroplex Cybertron aveva una TRASFORMAZIONE intermedia di drone scavatore, giustamente riportata nel Titan, accorcciando le gambe ed il busto, qui in un paio di passaggi invero interessanti, con poi dei pannelli che nella testa coprono di volta in volta la faccia del robot da quella del DRONE.
A dare un senso a questa modalità magari pretestuosa però PERLOMENO viene incontro una novità graditissima, ovvero la summenzionata possibilità di spezzare in due l'armona e sistemarla al posto delle mani retrattili, così da rendere effettivamente il drone con un po' più di "personalità", diciamo, laddove nel Leader del 2006 la Sparkdrinker era semplicemente posta sopra e dietro la testa / cabina di pilotaggio.
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Perlomeno, l'aggancio delle due metà dell'armona ai polsi è più saldo di quello che dell'armona stessa fra i suoi due pezzi. Da notare la comparsa di un paio di laser per spalla mobili che nell'originale erano meri ornamenti, mentre il pannello centrale del petto che sorregge la testa non è fisso, ma il fatto che possa spostarsi lateralmente avvallora maggiormente l'idea di un drone robotico da lavoro, non so se mi spiego. ^^'
La "faccia" stessa del drone è più delineata rispetto a quella del Leader originale, che lì era chiaramente e semplicemente la cabina di pilotaggio senza tanti complimenti.
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Ora non tocca altro che TRASFORMARE il nostro robot costruttore nel veicolo effettivo, e questo succede facilmente per le gambe, già pronte ripiegate, ma con in più la chicca dei cingoli nascosti sotti piedi da ruotar all'infuori, ma il torso torna ad essere in parte quello del robot normale, nascondendo la testa fra le spallone che ruotano verso indietro per rendere il mezzo più snello, mentre le due parti della Spardrinker restano separate aggangiandosi al modulo a forma di gabbia centrale che, da aperto, serviva a sorreggere l'arma sulla schiena del Megalo Convoy Legacy.
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Lo SCAVATORE CON RUOTA A TAZZE gigante anche qui, come nell'originale, è abbastanza fantasioso, ma di certo aiuta il fatto che le braccia del robot siano rivolte in avanti piuttosto che indietro, togliendo così la fastidiosa sensazione che l'alt mode non fosse altro che il robot accovacciato a pancia in giù, anche se non era così manco il modello del 2005, ma purtroppo la sensazione era quella. ^^'
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A parte la parte superiore che ruota e la pala che si muove ed apre, abbiamo ora le pale frontale che si alzano un po', e i laser bicanna laterali sulle spalle che si alzano, ma per il resto basta, direi, dato che la giocabilità che si poteva avere con un bel Minicon da sistemare su quei vani che paiono apposta quasi delle cabine di pilotaggio è svanita a monte, come sappiamo, e tocca a tornare a lamentarsi del fatto che un piccolo robot per questo veicolo anonimo ci DOVEVA essere, budget o non budget.
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Anche qui, speriamo che al limite recuperino DRILL BIT in un pack a parte insieme agli altri Minicon, ma, aaaaaaancoraaaaaa, avrei vissuto meglio senza qualche nuova mezza articolazione del robottone grande se questo avesse garantito la presenza del suo compagno piccino originale.
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Insomma, nonostante la summenzionata mancanza miniconica e della gimmick dell'ascia, di sicuro questo Megalo Convoy fa la sua degna figura, almeno come robot, anche perchè a guardare i cartoni è effettivamente in scala con la media dei Generations normali odierni, anche se gli altri personaggi di Cybertron si contano a malapena sulle dita di una mano, ma di sicuro è maggiormente gratificante poterlo comprare scontato ad un centinaio di euro ( anche se in ritardo ) che non a prezzo pieno, quindi se avete spazio in casa e lo trovate in offerta, fateci un bel pensierino. ^^
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isaacsra · 1 year
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比起基地金剛!稍微!!有點變形的感覺。 #變形金剛 #銀河猛大帥 #博派 #transformers #transformerstoys #transformersmovie #transformersforlife #transformersphotography #autobots #transformerslegacy #metroplex #cybertronuniverse #titanclass https://www.instagram.com/p/Clf5ohypvXI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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roadimusprime · 1 year
Me, deciding if I should switch dubs or not when Arcee and Springer are transforming Autobot City:
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alienrobotmonster · 2 years
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Anyone getting Generation Legacy Series Titan Cybertron Universe Metroplex? Big guy is 22" with 52 step transformation into a weird looking circular saw machine... not a city 🤔 #transformers #transformerstuesday #transformertuesday #metroplex #transformersgenerations #transformersgenerationslegacy #cybertron #autobots #autobot #transformandrollout https://www.instagram.com/p/CcjHb_EpLrR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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witchofthesouls · 1 month
Lately all I can think of is TFP Optimus being demon bait. Amongst every iteration that I seen with the Matrix, he feels more like a placeholder involving the relic than an actual Champion for Primus. Plus TFP is the only one who doesn't retain any knowledge about his past as Orion Pax.
Placeholders are easier to tempt than champions since they aren't fully protected or warned of the danger. The Matrix of Leadership practically rats him out to anything supernatural when you consider it acts more like a vessel unlike other relics. Optimus is gonna have a mixed time should a demon hone in on him.
I get what you're saying. All the strange and, let's face it, very sus Artifacts are painting a very wild picture.
Personally, while I do believe TFP Optimus is a legitimate Prime, he isn't a fully realized one. It gets weirder with the Canon lore in the Aligned verse that the Matrix was housed with Prima's Star Saber and that Optimus is supposed to be the reincarnation of the mysterious Thirteen. Plus, Metroplex from the games vouched his status as a Prime: "Metroplex heeds the call of the last Prime." (Fall of Cybertron game)
I wonder how come the writers didn't go with the Primal Artifacts being semi-sentient? It would really make sense with the mythos and immense powers, especially since those tools can be only wielded by a Prime. So the building blocks were there. Or, have the ghost of Prima within the Matrix that's controlling new ordained champions, and it's intefering with Thirteen's connections? The Matrix has an established history of reformatting new bearers, so is it a big surprise that they're turned into Prima's thoughts of a prefect guardian? Prima has different Aspects and Domains compared to his youngest brother.
The themes of identity and self-determination are there. I think he internally struggled with it. Is he Orion Pax of Alpha Trion? Optimus Prime of Prima? Are they one and the same mask? Does he remember the Wilds in his dreams? Did he have hopes and plans for reconstruction? At night, does he recounts all the steps that brought him to that point?
But yeah, TFP!Optimus would be a succulent prize for a supernatural entity. The Matrix is both a beacon and lighthouse. To see a mortal God-King or a divine champion drowning in uncertainty would turn the very dangerous or very desperate towards him because a contract could be established.
Weirdly enough, out of all the Autobots, I think Optimus would have the easiest time navigating any potential entities. Orion Pax lived and breathed in doublespeak as an archivist directly sponsored by Alpha Trion himself. He knows the intricate dance to steer between treacherous allies and hostile enemies and how to be very leery of certain agreements. Orion was stuck between impossible contradictions of his status.
Ratchet has had certain privileges afforded by his function and frame. He's comfortable taking over things and saying his piece, especially among the current team. He also has a poor opinion of non-Cybertronian anything. He would either be killed for insolence and disrespect or be ensnared in a dream that gives him his deepest wishes. Arcee, depending on your viewpoint, is either lucky or unlucky, especially since she survives all her partnerships. Even Jack Darby, no matter how careful, has a human lifespan, which is seafoam to a Cybertronian. Something would latch onto her anger and grief. Bulkhead can be a very considerate soul. Some being would be charmed by the mech. Bumblebee is kind, and Smokescreen can be impulsive and so very clever. Traits that are endearing to many entities in old tales.
Optimus would have his hands full should something start sniffing around the base.
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jazzy-man13 · 7 months
WFC Megatron x GN titan cybertronian reader
Megatron ran across the battlefield, gun in hand, firing rapidly at any autobot that crossed his path. Taking note of the swarm of bots that was forming on his left, he left Shockwave to deal with them and sprinted towards Optimus.
"PRIME! YOU CANNOT ESCAPE YOUR DESTINY! NONE SHALL LEAVE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" Megatron shouted. Jumping over a pile of corpses, Megatron pushed forwards with such fury that it blinded him of his surroundings.
Suddenly, before he could reach the prime, the ground below him gave way. He had failed to take note of Warpath spotting him and blasting what was left of the support beams under the platform he was on.
Crashing down with heaps of metal landing on and around him, he found himself to be trapped. Cursing Optimus's name under his breath, he notified Soundwave of the situation. "Soundwave, I require assistance immediately!" The reply came fast. "Acknowledged. Sending retrieval team to your coordinates," Soundwave said.
Sighing, Megatron looked around to see if there was any way out. No luck. The most he could do was crawl out from under the metal beams that had previously landed on him. Sitting up and looking around, he saw that he had landed further down than he had first anticipated. The light of day wasn't even visible, and the sounds of war raging above were incredibly faint.
Suddenly, the metal ground started to shift. Startled, Megatron fell back with a yelp and tried to scramble to his feet again. As the ground around him shifted, he found himself unable to get his footing and promptly stumbled once more. The floor started to move, and Megatron found himself on a transforming platform heading to the surface.
As the light of day and the sounds of war flooded his sensors, he looked up to see a face. A very, very big face. You opened your optics, the light of them washing over Megatron. "What in the name of Primus?" He muttered to himself. Feeling a bit dumb, he realized all too quickly that he was in the hand of a titan. He had heard of dormant Titans that were left underground, but he hadn't imagined that any of them were still functional.
Remembering that you were right in front of him, he snapped back to reality and started questioning you. With a sly grin, he asked "What is your designation, titan?" "(Y/N)" you responded, still looking at Megatron.
"(Y/N)... a fine name indeed. I am Lord Megatron, leader of the decepticons. Join me, and we shall bring glory to Cybertron!" Megatron said, taking the time to check out your features. You certainly weren't as big as Metroplex, but you came close. Megatron was intrigued when he noticed that you had 2 giant canons attached to each of your arms, and a massive null ray on your hip.
"I will fight for you, as a show of my gratitude. I am forever in your debt for awakening me," you said. Startled out of his thoughts, Megatron grinned at you. "Soundwave," he started. "Call off the retrieval team. I don't believe we'll be needing it anymore."
On the battlefield below, many had stopped fighting to look up at you in horror and awe. Optimus among the crowd, he noticed Megatron in your palm. "Scrap," Jazz muttered. "It appears that Megatron has found himself a new ally. Perhaps it would be best if we regroup and create a new plan." Optimus said, promptly telling the autobots to roll out before any more chaos could ensue.
Not enough stories with titan readers, so I took it upon myself to write one 🫡
I'll probably make a part 2, I had a lot of fun with this lmao not me casually making my tumblr into a transformer fanfic blog
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thelastgherkin · 6 months
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LEGACY EVOLUTION Commander Armada Universe Optimus Prime
I fight you not as the leader of the Autobots, but as the leader of all Transformers!
More like this:
Legacy Evolution Leader Class Armada Universe Megatron
Legacy Voyager Class Armada Universe Starscream
Legacy Titan Class Cybertron Universe Metroplex
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear Vector Prime, have you ever spent time with and helped Nightbeat crack a big case?
Dear Sympathetic Sleuth,
Why yes, on many occasions. I've found that we are a most excellent team—though on occasion while assessing the evidence, he must remind me of important details such as "time flows from past to future" and "the culprit probably isn't a multiversal singularity".
Most recently, he asked for my support for the "Matter of the Missing Metroplex Messages" case. Hoist and Grapple had completed the blueprints to integrate Metroplex into Autobot City, but those plans had suddenly vanished from Teletraan-I without a trace. Optimus Prime put Nightbeat on the case, and he interviewed everyone who'd accessed Teletraan in the previous week, including Sideswipe ("I don't really know what a blueprint is. Is that a new kind of rubsign?"), Sparkplug (valid alibi—he’d been playing with young Daniel at the time), and Cliffjumper, who only noted in his paranoid way that some of Teletraan's keys felt "grimier" or "not smooth like usual".
After many frustrating, fruitless days of searching, Nightbeat called me in, hoping that my time powers might help resolve the puzzle. Borrowing Nightbeat's magnifying glass and his fedora, I went back in time to when the data was last known to be present on the computer, and I saw nothing out of the ordinary—except for tiny red and blue smudges on Teletraan's keys. Empty-handed and feeling insecure about my detective skills, I returned to the present and showed Nightbeat the photograph I took.
Nightbeat's optics flared behind his visor, and with a big grin, he told me that he'd solved the case. Walking over to Teletraan, he bonked the console firmly—and the console winced! It detached from the rest of the Ark, transforming into Mainframe, who had spray-painted himself with a nice (and cheap, as Cliffjumper later noted) golden sheen to match Teletraan-I. For all the good he was at being a computer, he was not adept at spray-painting himself at first. I had helped after all!
Mainframe explained that he didn't want to leave the Ark; it was quieter than the bustling Autobot City and wanted all of his friends to stay too. Optimus, who was both kind and just, sentenced Mainframe to six months of community service at Metroplex in assistance to Hoist and Grapple, in addition to six months of daily maintenance of Teletraan-I, which he had hidden away in storage. In the end, everyone won: Mainframe learned to appreciate Metroplex while being allowed to live at the Ark, Nightbeat got to brag about solving one more case, and as thanks, I got to keep his fedora!
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