#ava la fey
sweets-fanfics · 6 months
Hogwarts Legacy fanfic fans look here!!
here is another link to my Hogwarts Legacy story! I've been working on this story for almost a whole year now! I will Link the Wattpad and ao3 link! It also has two other books all on Watt. Before you say, "Why would I click on a random link?" Here is a little sneak peek at the very first chapter.
Links and a sneak peek of the first chapter are under the break :)
            Third person pov
Newt groaned as he read the text again. "That's very inconvenient." He mumbled. Tina looked up from her reading.
"You find it?" She could tell from his tone it wasn't good news.
"The relic we need was destroyed almost 40 years ago."
"You mean there are no other moonstones?"
Newt needed the moonstone for the group of mooncalfs he had just been given to foster after they were found during a poacher raid by the ministry. He could tell they were traumatized and thought the moonstone would help. But it said the stone was accidentally destroyed by students around 1890.
"Well, what should we do?" Tina asked softly.
Newt picked up a nearby notebook and flipped through its pages quickly. "Actually. I know someone who attended the school around that time.. maybe she can help us..."
Tina closed her book and went to grab her coat. Newt looked up confused. "Where are you going?"
"We are going to see your friend?" She asked wondering why he was confused.
Newt smirked at her eagerness, "she's a very private and not very trusting person anymore. She may not help us."
"What's her name?" Tina asked still continuing to get ready.
"Ava La Fey."
"She's French?"
Scamander chuckled. "Partially, her parents were born in France but she was born in New York. She was accepted into Hogwarts when she was 15. Had to start as a fifth year. She's an extremely powerful witch. Last I saw her though she claimed she no longer wanted to use magic. Something really traumatized her."
Newt had found it strange when he met a girl wearing a Hufflepuff robe and an American accent. When he met her she had just practically fallen out of the sky and landed in front of him as he walked through Hogwarts one day to visit Dumbledore. 
"Who would be so traumatized to give up magic at 50 years old?" Tina asked making Newt realize Tina was picturing an old woman and not the now 17-year-old who he was talking about.
"Oh, Tina she isn't old."
Tina looked at him confused. "What?"
I sat up quickly in bed panting. I fumbled around the bedside table for my wand and my clock. "Lumos" I whispered making the tip of my wand glow so I could see the time clearly. My eyesight had gotten worse after I took a blow to the face while having that final battle with Ranrok. The scar above my left eye always seemed a be sore even almost two years later.
I start to put down the clock and wand when I hear the floorboards in the other half of my small apartment creek. I stop moving and start to hear muffled voices. "What the hell?" I whisper softly.
I quietly get out of bed careful to not step on the parts of the floor that I know creek. Luckily I had left my door already slightly ajar the evening before so I wouldn't have to twist the handle that groans every time I do.
As I peek through the crack in the door I see two bodies seeming to be looking around.
No way any poachers or ashwinders would have found me after all this time.
I took a deep breath and threw open the door pointing my wand at the two bodies who spun around pulling out their wands and pointing. "Lumos!" I yelled quickly so I could see their faces. The last person I ever expected to see.
"Oh Ava, good. I had the right address."
"No," I stated as I turned on a few of the lamps in the room with my wand.
"N-no?" He asked confused.
"Whatever it is, I'm not helping I don't do magic anymore." Newt kinda chuckled at the fact that I used my wand to start boiling water. "I'll make you and your friend some tea and you can leave after."
"We need a moonstone," Tina spoke up.
"Oh you aren't British... do you want... coffee?"
"Oh no you don't have to. Tea is fine."
Newt shook his head, "A moonstone, Ava, I know you know how to get one."
I sighed, "I used it once and I gave it to someone special but I don't talk to him anymore. I mean, obviously." I gestured to everything around me. "I can't even guarantee I could go back."
"But you can try. I know your magic. I read about you when I went to Hogwarts. How you saved the school from Ranrok. If that ancient magic brought you here there's a chance it can go back." As he spoke the kettle started whistling and I walked over and poured the water into two tea cups and put tea bags into the water.
I stayed quiet as I put the tray with the tea on a coffee table and gestured for them to sit on my old ripped-up green couch I had gotten for half price. "I don't think I can go there Newt after Professor Fig passed and ... you know... I didn't want to be there."
"You won't see Sebastian though. You and your friend told your headmaster what he did I thought."
"Well, I think Ominis did. But I didn't stick around long enough to find out if anything happened. Besides..." I looked away as my face turned red, "I gave him the moonstone."
"You're joking." Newt sighed.
"I didn't need it anymore and I thought he'd find it cool."
Something in the female's face clicked, "oh was he your boyfriend?"
I could feel my face getting hotter, "no! Of course not why would you even- who even are you? Newt who is this?" I felt the urge to take back her tea.
"Terribly sorry this is Tina. She's an auror in America. You've had dinner at her house before." Oops. Newt took a sip of the tea and put his cup down. "Please, Ava. This will be the last time I ever ask you for anything."
I let out a long sigh. "Fine." Newt tried to find his excitement. "Is she coming? You better talk her through what's about to happen while I get dressed."
"Oh yes," he turned and began to explain everything while I walked back into my room and shut the door.
I opened the doors of the oak wardrobe and looked for an outfit I could put on. I knew none of my muggle clothes would be extremely helpful so I shut the doors and slowly turned around and looked at the old trunk sitting in the corner. I walked over slowly and lifted the lid.
A layer of dust puffed up as the lid lifted. Inside was my old uniform I arrived in and a few of my old outfits. I wasn't sure if any of this would even fit. The first thing I pulled out was my verdant hat. The yellow ribbon Poppy had tied around the base was still there with the edges of the bow and point of the hat still singed from when Sebastian taught me another fire spell.
The grey outfit I'd wear on every adventure was the next thing I pulled out. "I guess this will do." I pulled everything on and as I was lacing up my brown leather boots there was a knock at the door. "I'm decent, come in."
Newt opens the door. "She's ready."  He then holds up a niffler. "Also is this one of yours or one of mine. I caught him going for my watch."
The chocolate brown niffler gave me a tiny wave.
"Mine I'm sorry." I picked him up from his hands and walked over to my suitcase.
"You have one too?" Tina asked from behind Newt.
"I made his. That's why there are only two, mine and his." I lifted the lid and dropped the niffler in before closing it. "A friend of mine from Hogwarts got me into rescuing magical creatures from poachers." I locked the suitcase and took one more look in the mirror as I lifted my hat and put it on my head.
The outfit sort of fit still. I had filled out more since I'm 17 and no longer a 15-year-old fifth year. I may have gotten a tiny bit plumper as well, but, curves have never hurt anyone.
"Alright, I'm ready." I picked up the suitcase and walked back into the living room.
"Where do we need to go?" Newt asked.
"Go?" I walked to another door and opened it.
The two peaked inside and all that was in there was an old archway like the ones from my trials from the keepers.
"How did you get this in here?" Newt asked.
"I was using this as a pantry but one day I woke up and it was just in here. It's ancient magic I'm not sure still how it works even if I can use it."
"So you could have gone back to your original time this whole time?"
"I mean, maybe. I'm not sure. I haven't tried seeing as I was hiding."
"Oh yes, my bad."
I could already see the glowing specks around the base of the archway. "Alright, I'm going to try to do something but the blast from it sometimes knocks people back."
The two instantly stepped back as I lifted my wand and  I let the ancient magic shoot from the wand and activate the archway. The blast did indeed shoot out almost knocking me over as well but soon a portal appeared.
The three of us all peeked in, "Where is that? Hogwarts?"
"The undercroft," I said almost too excited. "Merlin I hope this is the right year."
As Newt turned to ask what I meant by that I pushed them through first before I stepped in after and before I could change my mind.
As we all stepped in I turned around just to see the portal shut. "Oops.." I mumbled.
"Well, how is that going to help us," Tina asked also watching it dissipate.
"I can probably find another way for you guys. But first, let's get your damn moonstone." I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
I was really nervous. And I don't like getting nervous. I stopped at the gate to leave and held my breath. Was I really ready to go back? I mean, i really didn't have a choice now that the portal closed but still.
"It'll be okay." I heard Newt say somewhere behind me. "You are the Hogwarts savior if. I remember correctly."
I nodded and puffed out my chest as I walked out and the other two followed.
Looks good right!?!?! :D You should read it! Not all chapters are on Ao3 yet but I am working on transferring them over.
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iiitsnotbase · 3 months
Iyengar and the Portrayal of Class and Power in her Games.
Since its origin in 1974, Dungeons and Dragons has been used to tell multiple types of stories, all depending on the players at the table and the dungeon master at the head of it. Most of these games (and other Tabletop roleplaying games, of course) tend to have a central theme in common, which is the theme of power. Whether that be a power over the world, for example, a king or nobility or dragon terrorising the nation, or the gods having power, or anything in between those, power always comes into play. Especially when it is commonly argued that one person at those tables, the dungeon master, or the game master, has the majority of the power over the table (excluding dice rolls, obviously. Dice rolls are left to the whims of fate.). 
There is one Game Master who portrays power in not only her games, but her characters, and she portrays it well. Though at times the way she portrays this power is often subtle and un-noticed, it is there; As intrinsic to her characters as the fact that they are alive, as threaded into the worlds she builds as the people (or even stoats!) that live in them. The way is not too heavy-handed, but it is not so subtle that you cannot see it, it is a delicate balance that she always manages to strike. I am of course talking about the Game Master of (most recently, at the very least) Candela Obscura; Tide and Bone, Aabria Iyengar. Though Candela Obscura is her most recent project (as of writing, 30/2/24), she is also known for her work on Dimension 20’s A Court of Fey and Flowers, Burrows End, The Ravening War, Pirates of Leviathan, and Misfits and Magic, as well as her appearances on Critical Role and being a main cast member of World Beyond Number. She is also widely regarded in all of these fandom spaces as (jokingly) ‘One of our own’, due to her frequent appearance on fanblogs. This is also sometimes colloquially referred to as ‘getting Quiddied’. Although Iyengar’s portrayal of power is always there, it is never more obvious than in Dimension 20’s A Court of Fey and Flowers.
Whatever you are imagining for A Court Of Fey and Flowers, times it by 10, add much more court drama, secrets, espionage, and one single, drugged-up, horny Grandfather who is all the worst parts of birds, and you might have something somewhat close. The table for this season of Dimension 20 includes frequently famous fliers (bird pun fully intended) such as Emily Axford (Lady Chirp Featherfowl), Brennan Lee Mulligan (Captain K.P. Hob), and Lou Willson (Lord Squak Airavis), as well as newcomers such as Surena Marie (Gwyndolin Thistle-Hop/BINX Choppley), Oscar Montoya (Delloso de la Rue), and Omar Najam (Prince Andhera), with Aabria Iyengar at the head of it, controlling all of their fae fuckery (both literal and metaphorical).
A Court of Fey and Flowers is Bridgerton on steroids, with magic and dice and eating feathers, and it is exactly as insanely wonderful as you think it would be. Interwoven with the romance inherent to the regency genre (BINX/Prince Andhera and Delloso de la Rue/K.P. Hob), there are themes of class and social standing, not only among the general population of the courts, but among their peers. This is there right from the beginning, in fact, as across the series illegitimate marriages, secret engagements, and whole secret children are revealed. Being the Game Master of this season, Iyengar portrays these struggles with a gentle touch and an ice-cold grip, never letting you forget that they are there, waiting to be shown, in the background. 
In the very first scene we have with Axford and Wilson’s characters, we learn both must marry for power, which tips many off to the way this society works. Their Grandfather (portrayed by Iyengar), demands they marry for power. This move, on Iyengar’s part, is a masterful portal of class, and hints at the social standing the characters have in the show. Unlike every other character mentioned, these two do not belong to a court. The implications of needing to marry well so they are not tarnished and banished from future social events do not go unnoticed by the players or the audience. Axford and Wilson would both later go on to reveal their already secured, entirely inappropriate matches, and cause many issues for their Grandfather. 
Another, darker moment of power is the power that the parents have over their children in this world. ‘Parents’ is a strong word for what some of these relationships are, ‘maternal’ being an even stronger word, so we will, for the purposes of this essay, say they are the people who watched over these characters as they grew and now hold power over them. Starting with the positive parental relationships, Marie’s character is shown to have a very unique relationship with their parents and family.
Unique in the fact that they are dead, and still holding power over her (in a somewhat positive way). Marie’s character’s grief spurs her to action on multiple occasions, at one point almost causing the end of her life through a power more powerful than grief. This is also down to Marie’s performance as BINX, her grief is interwoven with her character, holding court on her seat with her. Iyengar, several times, uses the care Marie’s character shows to her old family against her; Particularly in Episode 10, when she brandished a weapon for the first time against Najam’s Characters sister. The scene is incredibly impactful, as Iyengar cuts across to use the moment BINX (Marie) removes Andhera’s (Najam’s) shard to show Suntar (Andhera’s sister, Iyengar) losing the little power she had over Najam’s Character. 
Though Suntar is not the only person who held power over Najam’s character, his Mother, the Queen of Air and Darkness (again, Iyengar) is shown to terrify them. In fact, the power The Queen holds over her son is so deeply rooted into his character, it is a part of his design, a shard shoved into his neck that rains on him when he gets upset, or any strong emotion. This allows Iyengar to offer reminders to the cast, even when Najam is portraying the emotions, that there is always someone more powerful than the main six out there, waiting. This impact is made even heavier by the fact Najam plays one of the most powerful characters at the table himself, a Prince of a court that is widely well known and highly regarded. There is a case to be made about how he might play the most powerful character at the table, because while Marie’s Character is the leader of their court, that court is diminished, and Montoya’s character still answers to other people. 
Speaking of Montoya’s character answering to other people, The Chorus are some of the most prominent threats despite never being explicitly stated as villains (like characters such as Prince Apollo (Iyengar) are). They run one of the most powerful courts, The Court of Wonder, and help put together the entire event the story takes place in, The Bloom. The power they have over Montoya’s Character (Delloso de la Rue) is never unnoticed. It is integral to the character, given that they wore a glamour (a magical illusion to make them look like a green-skinned elf) every single day, to hide the fact they really are an owlbear, which are typically considered monsters. The Chorus only really exert their power once in a threatening way, but just because something is not said does not mean it is not felt. For example, Wuvvy (Iyengar) is a member of the Court of Wonder, and although she is Delloso de la Rue’s assistant, she is still a member of the Court of Wonder, which means she also answers directly to The Chorus if she is asked. Though all the examples mentioned so far are subtle in their power, one court likes people to know they have power, perhaps because the people in it are so very tiny. 
Mulligan portrays Captain K.P Hob of The Goblin Court, which holds the most explicit power in the season. Before we have even learnt the name of Mulligan’s character, we learn he is a Captain, which might mean something in another, kinder universe. This ties back into the Goblin Court holding all the power, K.P is a captain of their court, and this is so important to him we don’t learn his first or second name until much later. Iyengar and Mulligan work together to portray the court gaining and losing power rapidly, and using its members with significant ranks to find and hold that power. This is shown when the Viscountess Grabalba marries the Head of the Trickster Court after her previous engagement is called off. It is shown, in a much more solemn light, when K.P Hob is promoted to Major and ordered to marry for the court, which he does. 
There is also power in the way the cast chose to do their romances in this world, which Iyengar facilitates with several events throughout the ten-episode season, such as a Masquerade Ball and a Hedge Maze. There is power in the way Axford’s character has her own, secret family, in the way Wilson’s has a lover in every court, in the way Marie and Najam’s characters find each other, and in the way both Montoya and Mulligan’s leave their old lives behind for love (in Montoya’s case, in an almost direct parallel to Wuvvy). You could write an essay on the romances in A Court of Fey and Flowers, but this is an essay about power, and while love does have power, I would next like to discuss another Dimension 20 season headed by Iyengar and featuring Mulligan that heavily plays on power. 
Dimension 20: Burrows End is Chernobyl (the TV show) meets Chicken Run (but replace the chickens with stoats) meets Peter Rabbit (but they are stoats) meets 1984 (but with stoats). There are a lot of stoats in this season. Almost every character is a stoat, with exception of the two named humans (one of whom is secretly a stoat). Again, this cast includes some frequent flyers, such as Brennan Lee Mulligan (Tula), Isabella Rolland (Lila), Siobhan Thompson (Jayshon), and Erika Ishii (Ava), as well as the transition of Rashawn Nadine Scott (Viola) from Play It By Ear to Dimension 20, and 3 Black Halflings’ Jasper William Cartwright (Thorn Vale). All in all, this cast is best described as a powerhouse. 
Iyengar portrays class and power in this season in a subtler, more intimidating way. It is not so obvious at the beginning, as all the power seems to be in the hands of Cartwright’s Thorn Vale, the leader of an exclusive cult that worships The Blue. There is an argument to be made here that The Blue is the one with the power, despite not being a technical character in the season, it holds its place by being constant, whether that be through Cartwright and Scott’s character’s cult, or whether that is through forcing the beating of Mulligan’s character’s (Tula) heart. In this, the force which holds all the power is not a character at all; It is similar to what holds all the power in our world, which is simply nature. 
When the main six reach a location known as Last Bast, or The Last Bastion of The Light, or Warren Peace Nuclear Power Plant (we’ll continue to refer to it as Last Bast), some of the first characters there that they meet have the least power. They meet the working-class of stoats first, before anyone else, and thus begin to see Last Bast from their perspective. They meet these working class stoats when they are dying, when it is implied they are expendable because they have no power. In reality, they have all the power, being the ones to provide the food for the rest of Last Bast, and being the ones to provide the food, which keeps the area going. In reality, as much as the ruling class don’t think the working class have any power here, they have all the power. 
One of these working class stoats (as a reminder, these are all stoats) is an outspoken adolescent named Sybil, who loses her brother in the first meeting with the main six. Though initially she is portrayed as weak and powerless (literally being dead in her first appearance), we learn that she is resourceful, and if she is not strong in the literal sense, she is strong in the mental sense. She is also used to show the power that the leader, The First Stoats, have over their people, when they kill her in front of the Main Six to prove a point. Her death is explicitly described as being “The price of treason,” (Iyengar). Though Sybil is often argued as just simply being ‘a narrative device’, could the same not be said for all the characters in this story?
Sybil is also used to portray the idea of love conquering all, an overused trope but a trope for a reason. One of the most popular phrases in Last Bast, and a phrase used to guide other stoats towards it is “Follow your instincts towards the light.” Sybil takes this extremely literally, following her brother and breaking rules for her family, such as saying Curtis’s name even after he died (an act forbidden by The First Stoats).
Which brings me nicely onto the next point, the way The First Stoats attempt to hold power over death. The first way this is shown is through the disallowance of names for the dead, for the people who don’t technically exist anymore. This furthur shows their dictatorship and need for power and control; The way they cannot control death so they outlaw the names, taking away the family’s process of mourning and grief. The second way they do this is through Sybil’s aforementioned execution by them. They capture and kill her, showing again how they have the level of power and control that other stoats in Last Bast do not have. 
Candela Obscura; Tide & Bone is not only a masterclass in relationships and trust between players at the table, but a masterclass in power. The cast includes Sam Riegel (Oscar Grimm), Noshir Dalal (Professor Rajan Savrimuthu), Gina Darling (Madam Cordelia Glask), Ashly Burch (Dr Elsie Roberts), and Liam O’Brian (Professor Cosmo Grimm). This cast includes Critical Role old and new friends, all voice acting powerhouses in their own right, and is headed, as all these tables are, by Aabria Iyengar. 
Tide & Bone does not only choose to focus on the power of human emotions, but on the power of nature, and the freakish things we cannot control even when trying our best. To understand the portrayal of power in this game, we first need to understand the characters and their relationships to each other, since one of the long-standing themes across the circle is what power, and how much power, do our emotions have over us?
This theme is most obviously portrayed through Burch’s performance as Dr Elsie Roberts, a young Doctor with Cullet and a panic disorder that materialises as a terrible monster when she gets too stressed (take it literally), and Dalal’s performance as Professor Rajan Savrimuthu, a professor with a hive in his chest. I highlight these two not because they are the only people to portray the theme of emotions holding more power than they are worth, but because they are the most obvious. It is well stated that the professor and the doctor were together (romantically), “For a time.” (Burch). 
The scene that highlights this the most is the opening scene to Episode 3, Candles in The Dark, where it is revealed to the audience that, for an unknown reason, Professor Rajan Savrimuthu spent the whole night outside Dr Elsie Robert’s bedroom door, after him leaving in the previous episode. This scene, or the opening to it, shows how people are easily manipulated by their emotions, especially people such as Professor Savrimuthu and Dr Roberts. 
This theme is further explored later in the scene with the line “(Oscar) is interesting. He has certainly earned your trust.” Said by Dalal as Professor Savrimuthu. Oscar Grimm is one of Dr Robert’s best friends, and the only person to have ever seen her transform into the beast outside of herself (“I would have seen it before, right? So I know.” (Reigel as Oscar Grimm, narrating his internal monologue.)). This is further questioned by Dr Roberts, when she wonders why exactly ‘Raj’ is choosing to bring up this moment now, when they are about to go on the run, saying Elsie’s internal monologue is asking “Is this an inopportune moment of jealousy? What’s going on here?”.
However, romantic emotions are not the only emotions shown to have power over people. When Dr Roberts transforms into The Beast for the first time on-screen in Episode 1, it is not Professor Savrimuthu who comforts her through it, it is (one of) her best (and only) friends, Oscar Grimm. ‘Comforts her through it’ is a generous term to say ‘he is the one who takes the fall, not only for Elsie but for the rest of their circle, as she kills him’. Oscar Grimm cannot die, but he can still be killed, and he is. As he is being killed, though knowing she cannot hear him, he whispers, “It’s ok. I’ll be fine.” and then promptly dies and comes back.
This is another way that Iyengar portray’s power in this story; The power of death, and those who defy it, through Oscar Grimm, Empress Iomene, and Cosmo Grimm. While many other themes are ran rampant throughout their story, the main one is death and mourning, and finding power over those things.
For Oscar, the man who never dies, death is not something to fear. He cannot comprehend or remember what happens when he dies, and though he is often not alone, he dies far more than any one person should. Both him and his son, Cosmo Grimm, have power over death in separate ways. Whilst Oscar does not actively seek death, it seeks him, and he keeps coming back, whereas Cosmo actually seeks death and does not find it. The constant death for the elder member and the constant undeath for the younger one make this duo interesting and give them some of the most power in this circle. 
The last character to explore power in a unique way in this circle is Gina Darling’s Madam Cordelia Glask. She shows us the power of the gods, who took her entire family from her. Darling also, during her portrayal of Glask, holds a necklace like a rosary, showing how she still has faith in the gods that raised her and ripped her family from her. This point also further proves the power that our childhoods hold over us, even when we are in a different location, as Glask is. 
There are then the themes of communal power that are portrayed in the story, most obviously the power of names and titles. In Newfaire, there is a literal divide between the Eaves and the rest of the city, the literal divide being the staircase into the Eaves. This is evidenced in the circle by the fact that only one of them is not titled in any way shape or form; That person also being the eldest in the circle, Oscar Grimm. Whilst all the other characters are titled somehow, with either Professor or Doctor, offering academic achievements, or Madam, offering social achievements. This creates a divide in the circle, which is particularly emphasised when you realise that Oscar works for Madam Glask.
In conclusion, although power has multiple meanings, somehow Iyengar is able to portray all of them across the games she leads. This essay only covers the elements of her games, it mentions nothing of her characters, the ones who destroy themselves for power (Suvi and Laerryn) and the ones who let power destroy them (Karna). Power, as most things are, is a storytelling device that can often be overused. Iyengar does not do that. Iyengar’s take on power is refreshing, and in so many words (3410 to be exact), oddly comforting.
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jgthirlwell · 3 months
06.30.24 20th annual performance in Terry Riley's In C, performed by NYC In C.
Brian Chase - drums, Billy Martin - drums, Aba Diopsabar -percussion, Zach Layton - 17-string bass (electric), Luke Stewart - upright bass, Henry Fraser -electric bass, Ava Mendoza - guitar, Elliott Sharp - guitar, David Grubbs - guitar, Bobby Previte -percussion, Nava Dunkelman - vibraphone, Shayna Dunkelman - vibraphone, Levy Lorenzo -marimba, Matt Evans - marimba, Ursula Oppens - Steinway piano L, Adam Tendler - Steinway piano R, Qasim Naqvi - synth, Ben Vida - synth, Miya Masaoka - koto, Zeena Parkins - harp. Neel Murgai- sitar, Erica Dicker - violin. gabby fluke mogul - violin, Laura Ortman - violin, Joanna Mattrey - viola, Jessica Pavone - viola. Cleek Schrey - viola. Alex Waterman - cello. Andrew Yee - cello. Lester St. Louis - cello. Kaoru Watanabe - shinobue flute, Laura Cocks - flute, Katie Porter - clarinet, Peter Hess - bass clarinet Matana Roberts - soprano saxophone, Lea Bertucci - alto saxophone, James Fei - alto saxophone, Zoh Ambatenor - saxophone, Peter Gordon - bari saxophone, Katherine Young - bassoon, Kyra Sims - french horn, Nate Wooley - trumpet, Ben Neill - trumpet, Chris Williams - trumpet, Peter Zummo - trombone, Chris McIntyre - trombone, Marcus Rojas- tuba, Joan La Barbara - voice. Gelsey Bell - voice, Nick Hallett - voice, Tariq El Sabir - voice, Raquel Acevdeo Klein - voice, Isabel Crespo Pardo - voice, Angelica Negron -accordion
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soulsanitarium · 8 months
Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fey (1971) is more than meets the eye!
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🫦Mildly Erotic Eurotrash or film about life and death?💀
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🧛‍♀️Yes the atmosphere is similar to Lesbian vampire films but the Dwarf is not Renfield from Dracula he’s from King Arthur’s Court.
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🧚‍♀️Queen of Fairy is well known in Scotland (and even in the Scottish witch trials). This film resembles the great film Devil’s Widow (1970) with Ava Gardner - that is based on the Tam Lin, famous legend of the queen of fairy. 🇫🇷 has similar tales such as The Story of the Queen of the Flowery Isles - La Reine de l'isle des fleurs.
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🛶Of course the oldest story behind this film is about Morgan le Fay, fairy enchantress of Arthurian legend and romance & Avalon, an island (with the boat) to which Britain’s legendary king Arthur was conveyed for the healing of his wounds after his final battle. It is first mentioned in Historia regum Britanniae (c. 1136). The island of ruled by the enchantress Morgan le Fay and her eight sisters, all of them skilled in the healing arts.
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🎥 Morgan offers immortality and beauty; if the offer is not accepted, a life of abjection among a group of older women (crone) is the victim's lot. However the invitation is appealing.
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🪦Immortality appears within psychoanalysis: for an uncanny excess of life, an ‘undead’ urge that persists beyond the (biological) cycle of life and death, generation and corruption.
🦄Oblivion 🍪, in a fairytale can be like the unlimited satisfaction of needs. Often, however, the hero finds his way back cleverly, or with the help of others. (Bettelheim 1987.) So here too. But when fantasy covers up a trauma, e.g. the loss of a mother, it can be like an attempt to keep parts of the mother alive forever.
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🛋️Freud equates the death drive with the ‘so-called ‘compulsion-to-repeat’ an uncanny urge to repeat painful past experiences that seems to outgrow the natural limitations of the organism affected by it and to persist even beyond the organism’s death. (Žižek 2006, 62-63).
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I❤️the visit of the morbid poet Louise Labé & the dancers during orgy + the Soundtrack
Beautiful scenery 🏰
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Soul Sanitarium review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (a fantasy film/horror elements are missing, but not the usual Hollywood 💩) This is what Labyrinth (1986) could not show🙂
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ear-worthy · 1 year
"Based On A True Story" Peacock Show: Is True-Crime Podcasting That Bad?
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Recently, Peacock, Comcast's streaming service, released a show called "Based On A True Story." The half-hour show -- with eight episodes -- dabbles in several well-established genres, from comedy to drama, and slasher flick to true-crime mystery.
It's the tossed salad of the genres, with the sharp writing, and exceptional acting making the show so entertaining. 
Here's the plotline: "Between endless bills, midlife marriage squabbles, a new pregnancy, and mounting work pressures, Ava and her husband Nathan feel like they're watching their lives fall apart. Ava's passion is true crime, so when she realizes that plumber-turned-family friend Matt is the serial killer behind a string of unsolved murders in LA, she spots an opportunity. Ava and Nathan blackmail Matt into co-creating a podcast about his "work," but they quickly realize that collaborating with a killer won't be a cakewalk."
The show stars Chris Messina as Nathan, Kaley Cuocco as Ava, and Tom Bateman as the serial killer Matt. Bateman is equal parts Ted Bundy and Brad Pitt, and he crosses over between personalities with such ease and facility it's hard to predict the direction of his malevolence.
During the course of the eight episodes, viewers observe the main characters attend a true-crime podcast convention in Las Vegas. 
Here's the raison d'être for this article. Is this Peacock streaming TV show just another example of media spotlighting the crazed nature of true-crime podcasting? During the episodes at the true-crime podcasting convention, attendees are depicted as deranged, spellbound by the hint of violence, dangerously competitive, sadistic voyeurs, and morality-free podcasters.
Is this a trend?
After all, in Hulu's Only Murders In The Building, an exceptional show, podcast fans are also treated to crazed true-crime podcasts fans -- some good and some bad. Then we have Tina Fey, who plays a famous true-crime podcaster who (spoiler alert) turns out to be in favor of crime instead of against it. 
So are true-crime podcast fans now a meme? Are they the Gen Z version of Trekkies? 
When the true-crime podcast, Serial was released in 2014 (investigating the 1999 murder of Hae Min Lee, an 18-year-old student from Baltimore) it only took six months for the podcast’s first season to be downloaded more than 68 million times. Fast-forward to 2022, and the third quarter Podtrac podcast rankings unveil a strong theme. True-crime podcasts attract a lot of listeners. Loyal listeners. Engaged listeners who also link to the podcast through social media and email newsletters. According to Scott Bonn, professor of criminology at Drew University and author of the book, Why We Love Serial Killers, true crime “triggers the most basic and powerful emotion in all of us—fear.” This is the primary driver of the popularity of true crime novels, television shows, and podcasts. 
True-crime podcast fans identify with victims of the crime and often use the podcast as a catharsis to help them deal with their fears. In fact, there is evidence that listening to true-crime stories can actually soothe listeners’ fears of being harmed. A study conducted by social psychologist Amanda Vicary revealed that women prefer true crime topics more than men. In her research, Vicary found that women tend to be attracted to the psychological content of true-crime stories. Vicary also noted that since women are victims of crime more often than men, they are driven to understand the reason for the crime and ways for them to prevent such an act. Clinical psychologist Dr. John Mayer, who studies violence and media, indicated that people, and women, in particular, use true-crime stories as a way to purposefully expose themselves to violence as a way to “build up [their] tolerance to something scary and seemingly inevitable.”
The other factor related to true-crime podcast popularity is that attraction to disaster and misfortune – like rubbernecking at the scene of a serious auto accident. The public’s fascination with them can be seen as a manifestation of its more general fixation on violence and calamity. In other words, the actions of a serial killer may be horrible to behold, but much of the public simply cannot look away due to the spectacle. Finally, one recent trend in true-crime podcast popularity is the sense of fairness and justice that humans inherently seem to possess. Unfairness roils us to the core, and someone getting away with a violent act is as disruptive to our sense of fairness as an innocent person being punished for something they did not do. Podcasts like Serial also seed the concept of inequity in the American justice system. “Baby boomers and to some extent, Gen Xers grew up with the concept that the police and the DA always get the right person,” psychologist Ken Grayson notes. “Many true-crime podcasts cast doubt on the ability of the police to always arrest the right person. Indeed, a recurring theme in these podcasts is that the police sometimes identify a likely perpetrator and then fit the evidence to match their identification of the guilty party.”
For true-crime podcasters, of course, they can grab that pot of gold over the rainbow by either helping to prove the innocence of a convicted person, identifying the killer after the crime has become a cold case, or helping to prove that a suspect is indeed the perpetrator.
So will true-crime podcasting become so ubiquitous that it is soon called "podcasting?" Will true-crime podcast fans embrace their role as the new "tin foil hat" crowd, replacing wacky political conspiracy theories? Will Joe Rogan switch from misinformation to solving true crimes related to vaccines, 5G, wifi, sexual orientation, and, most heinous of all, people not giving a crab about MMA fighters beating each other into premature dementia?
0 notes
ask-the-layers · 4 years
Master post for like, rules and characters!
(It's quite long)
- i do not accept nsfw questions for the tiny gang under any circumstances
- Rp is allowed and even encouraged ! But please if it doesn't go your way dont get mad and lets work it out in dms !
- If you are less than 18 it's fine, I'll tag everything apropriately, the rest is at your charge
- This blog is LGBTQ+ friendly, assume every character is bisexual to start with and are all asexual to a certain degree
-All these characters are self insert, so I'm sorry for the lack of inclusivity when it comes to impaired people, poc, or body types. I just think it'd be weird as a white guy to make a self insert that's not my skin color or suffer from smthg i know nothing about
The characters you can interact with ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Tiny gang (under 18) 35/89
Carillon (layer #0 any world)
Clover/ Myrrh Zogratis (layer #6 Black Clover)
Far/Marie Seed (layer #8 Fc5)
Shynnie/ Margot Lumin (layer #10 Radiant)
Dolly/Kira (layer #12 Dolly Kill Kill)
Stud/Julia (layer #14 Assassination Classroom)
Sni/Evelyn Barrow (layer #15 Hogwarts Mysteries)
Blue/Kamilia Light (layer #20 Blue Exorcist)*
Alch/Dalia Mustang (layer #23 FMAB)
Wat/Amy (layer #24 Overwatch)
Tah/Lallys (layer #31 Witch Hat Atelier)
Ùll (layer #34 Helsing Ultimate)
Ava (layer #37 ATLA)
Isch (layer #42 God Of Highschool)
Myr (layer #46 La passe miroir)
Bas Soma (layer #48 Fruit Basket)
Ise Heisenberg (layer #50bis RE8)
Iruko Romm (layer #52 Mieruko chan)
Elzy/Nemuri Kanzaki (layer #53 Beelzebub)
Tem (layer #56 Team Fortress)
Ress (layer #56 bis)
Pako Mcgraw (layer #61 Oksa Polock)
Dee (layer #64 The walking dead)*
Aby Soma (layer #66 Gakuen Babysitter)
Sham (layer #69 Shaman King)
Bale (layer #70 Bleach)
Lif (layer #71 Fantasy Life)
Pine (layer #73 Perfect Crime)
Oden Agriche (layer #74 The way to save the female lead's older brother)
Nina (layer #78 Saint Seiya)*
Theva (layer #80 Ever Oasis)
Dan (layer #81 Danganronpa)
Sonia Allen (layer #82 Professor Layton)
Lou (layer #83 Tokyo Ghoul)
Tear (Layer #84 Kingdom Hearts)
Tanya Archangelo (layer #86 Gangsta)
Ellie/Eli (layers #87 Pokemon)
Amber (layer #88 Ember Knight)
Misty (layer #90 The Misterious cities of gold)
Fanny (layer #91 Spy x Family)
----- layer #94 The Owl House----
Petra Jung (layer #98 Omniscient Reader Viewpoint)
The adults/young adults 54/89
Léanne Lenoir (layer #99 ATSV)
Cob Volaju (layer #102 Cowboy Bebop)
Ollie (layer #103 Percy Jackson)
Zain (layer #104 Hazbin Hotel)
Hugo (layer #105 Dungeon Meshi)
First/Alice Meyer (layer #1)
Sass/Kelly Miles (layer #2 assassin's creed)
Helpy/Dilthen Lòth Greenleaf (layer #3 TLOTR/The hobbit)*
Pandora Baskerville (layer #4 Pandora Hearts)
Rain/Lilia Barnes (layer #4 MCU)*
Cry/Camille (layer #7 Fc5)
Ghost (layer 8bis)
Detroit/Clarice Anderson(layer #9 D:BH)
Wanda Grindewald (layer #11 Harry Potter)*
Rim (layer #13 Skyrim)
Blay Kavar (layer #13 bis Oblivion)*
Games/Lyssia Stark (layer #16 GoT)*
Seas/Galia (layer #17 Story Of Season)
Hero/Kiho Aizawa (layer #18 BNHA)
Shin/Axel (layer #19 Black Butler)
Icy/Torvi (layer #21 God of War)
Mons (layer #22 Undertale)
Vic (layer #25 VampYr)
//Layilus layer #26 undertale au//
Dun (layer #27 D&D)
Red/Læticia Mildred Sinclair (layer #28 Red dead Redemption)*
Odd/Aude (layer #29 American Gods)
West (layer #30 WestWorld)
Nat (layer #32 Supernatural)*
Nev (layer #33 The Promised Neverland)
Cas (layer #35 Castlevania the show)
Lev (layer #36 Solo Leveling)
Serk (layer #38 Berserk)
Ven (layer #39 Seven Deadly Sins)
Ary (layer #40 Marie's Grave)
Etho (layer #41 Sweet Home)
Pwetty/Célemence Monaghan (layer #43 Death Stranding)
Erf (layer #44 The Witcher)
Orwho (layer #45 Doctor Who)
Hunter (layer #47 HxH)
Edi/Lacie Afton (layer #49 FNaF)*
Evi/Fey (layer #50 Resident Evil)
Cana Morgasdotir (layer #51 The Arcana visual novel)
Eym Marian ( layer #54 D-Grey Man)
Rea (Layer #55 Great Priest Imophtept)
Mag (layer #57 The Magnus Archives)
Easter (Layer #58 I'm The Grim Reaper)
Deam (Layer #59 Ava's Demons)
Cath (Layer #60 Call of Cthlhu)
Noce (Layer#62 The second coming of Gluttony)
Neo Dracule (Layer#63 One Piece)*
Ace Armando (layer #65 Ace Attorney)
Juju Sukuna (layer #67 Jujutsu Kaisen)*
Van Em Moire (layer #68 The case study of Vanitas)
Tai (layer #69 bis, worldless)
Sai (layer #72 Doctor Stone)
Echo (layer #75 Records of Ragnarock)
Marcie Lombardie (layer #76 I'll be the matriatch in this life)
Dia (layer #77 Tomb Raider King)
Tally (layer #79 Fairy Tail)
Taka (layer #85 SNK)
Durian of the Sand (layer #89 Naruto)
Fuka (layer #92 Wakfu)
Amaris (layer #93 Candy Love)
Syllas (layer #95 Style Boutique)
Mashi (layer #96 Chainsaw Man)
Mother, the creator
Azurre (layer #97 Star Wars)*
Caïn (layer #101 Winx Club)
Even More !!
Slayer, the annoying 'uncle'
Helg Odinson (God of War oc)
Mun - Me !
* these layers have alternates. If not specified, i'll assume you're talking to the main one
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tabloidtoc · 6 years
People, March 11
Cover: Meghan Markle -- Ready to Be a Mom 
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Page 3: Chatter -- Courteney Cox on Jennifer Aniston’s birthday present, Sandra Oh on Killing Eve, John Stamos on his son’s first birthday party, Mark Consuelos on wife Kelly Ripa, Gwyneth Paltrow on Shakespeare in Love, Miley Cyrus on smoking pot 
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Page 4: 5 Things We’re Talking About -- Marie Kondo inspires Goodwill donations, Peeps debuts seven new flavors for Easter, Chris Hemsworth will play Hulk Hogan, Ariana Grande makes music history, North West lands her first solo magazine cover, A Chat with Ariel Winter 
Page 7: Contents 
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Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: Star Tracks -- Pink at the Brit Awards 
Page 11: Kaia Gerber, Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen, Lester Holt and his dog Lucy, Halle Berry 
Page 12: Angelina Jolie and her children Shiloh and Zahara and Maddox and Pax with Prune Nourry at the premiere of Serendipity, sneak peak at Sam Rockwell and Michelle Williams in Fosse/Verdon 
Page 13: Christy Carlson Romano and husband Brendan Rooney and new daughter Sophia Elizabeth Rooney, Hugh Jackman shirtless on the beach, Kristen Bell, Halsey and rumored boyfriend Yungblud 
Page 14: The Hottest Oscar Pre-Parties -- Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus, Ava DuVernay, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Glenn Close and Regina King and Rami Malek and George Clooney, Allison Janney and Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Tilda Swinton and Dakota Johnson 
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Page 17: Khloe Kardashian rebuilds after betrayal 
Page 18: Was Jussie Smollett’s attack a hoax? 
Page 20: Heart Monitor -- Liza Weil and Charlie Weber of How to Get Away with Murder have split, Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus date night, Rihanna and Hassan Jameel going strong, Brittany Snow and Tyler Stanaland engaged 
Page 22: John Legend and Adam Levine and Blake Shelton and Kelly Clarkson on The Voice, will R. Kelly go to prison 
Page 24: Jenna Bush Hager is Hoda Kotb’s new cohost on Today, Danny Wood of New Kids on the Block makes new music 
Page 26: American Chopper’s Paul Teutul Sr. and Jr. repairing their relationship 
Page 29: Stories to Make You Smile -- Jonah Larson puts his talent for crocheting to a good cause, neighbors learn sign language in support of a little deaf girl, a mama beagle and an orphaned baby possum form a very special family bond 
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Page 30: Passages, R.I.P. Peter Tork of The Monkees  
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Page 33: People Picks -- The Real Housewives of New York City 
Page 34: The Widow with Kate Beckinsale, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, Q&A with Amara La Negra 
Page 35: Captain Marvel’s scene-stealing cat Goose played by rescue cat Reggie, This Land by Gary Clark Jr. 
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Page 36: Let’s Be Frank by Trisha Yearwood, Good Girls 
Page 37: American Idol, Paddleton, Q&A with Chloe Grace Moretz 
Page 39: Books 
Page 40: Cover Story -- Meghan Markle ready for baby, after a baby shower with her closest friends in New York City, she jets to Morocco with Prince Harry and prepares for her April due date 
Page 46: David Temple says his pregnant wife Belinda was killed in a home invasion, but authorities say he killed her 
Page 49: Karl Lagerfeld 1933-2019 
Page 57: Steffanie Strathdee fought the superbug killing her husband Tom Patterson with sewage 
Page 60: Kathy Carroll’s Lanai Cat Sanctuary in Hawaii offers a safe haven to stray cats in need of a home
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Page 63: Skater Gracie Gold on healing from depression 
Page 66: The Oscars -- Rami Malek with Gary Oldman and Allison Janney
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Page 68: Best Dressed -- Constance Wu, Charlize Theron, Brie Larson, Regina King 
Page 69: Glenn Close, Jennifer Hudson, Emma Stone, Jennifer Lopez 
Page 70: Pink Power -- Gemma Chan, Linda Cardellini, Angela Bassett, Julia Roberts 
Page 71: Sarah Paulson, Kacey Musgraves, Helen Mirren, KiKi Layne 
Page 72: Runway to Red Carpet -- Danai Gurira, Michelle Yeoh, Rachel Weisz, Tessa Thompson 
Page 74: Stylish Couples -- Lisa Bonet and Jason Momoa, Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk, Lucy Boynton and Rami Malek 
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Page 75: Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone, Olivia Colman and Ed Sinclair, Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez, Mahershala Ali and Amatus Sami-Karim 
Page 76: Lady Gaga’s winning style 
Page 78: Snazzy Suits -- Spike Lee, Stephan James, Henry Golding, Billy Porter, Chadwick Boseman, Chris Evans in fairy-tale blue
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Page 81: Dazzling Necklaces -- Charlize Theron 
Page 82: Helen Mirren, Amy Adams, Laura Harrier, Laura Dern, Allison Janney, Sarah Paulson 
Page 84: Party Ponytails -- Kacey Musgraves, Serena Williams, Angela Bassett, Constance Wu 
Page 86: Behind the Scenes -- Constance Wu, Kerry Washington, Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello, Gemma Chan, Gabrielle Union, Octavia Spencer and Christian Siriano, Emilia Clarke, Kate Bosworth, Helen Mirren 
Page 91: Red Carpet Moments -- Allison Janney and Emma Stone, Melissa McCarthy and Richard E. Grant, Jenifer Lewis and Shangela 
Page 92: All in the Family -- Charlize Theron and mom Gerda Maritz, Michael B. Jordan and mom Donna Jordan, Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk and mom Gloria Campano, Chris Evans and brother Scott Evans 
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Page 94: The Show Heats Up -- Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga 
Page 96: Maya Rudolph and Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, Rami Malek and Lucy Boynton 
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Page 97: Mahershala Ali, Adam Lambert and Brian May and Roger Taylor of Queen, Julia Roberts 
Page 98: Melissa McCarthy and Brian Tyree Henry, Ruth E. Carter, Keegan-Michael Key
Page 100: Olivia Colman, Spike Lee, Samuel L. Jackson, Helen Mirren and Jason Momoa 
Page 102: Regina King 
Page 104: Time to Celebrate -- Danai Gurira and Lupita Nyong’o and Hannah Beachler 
Page 106: Spike Lee and Barbra Streisand and James Brolin, Mahershala Ali and wife Amatus Sami-Karim, Rami Malek 
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Page 108: Sam Rockwell and Darrell Britt-Gibson, Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone, Nina Dobrev and Emily Ratajkowski and Julianne Hough and Ciara 
Page 110: Maya Rudolph and Jon Hamm and Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, Henry Golding and wife Liv Lo, Renee Zellweger 
Page 112: Sofia Vergara, Chadwick Boseman and Michael B. Jordan, Jessica Alba and Gabrielle Union 
Page 114: Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, Rowan Blanchard and Amandla Stenberg, James McAvoy and Sarah Paulson and Amanda Peet 
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Page 116: Paul Rudd and Elizabeth Banks and Adam Scott and wife Naomi Scott 
Page 117: Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, Lucy Boynton and Brian May, Rami Malek and mom Nelly 
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Page 118: Kate Mara and Jamie Bell and Elton John, Taron Egerton, Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz 
Page 121: Madonna and Lady Gaga 
Page 123: Food -- please try a vegan diet 
Page 127: Second Look -- Billie Lourd 
Page 128: One Last Thing -- Trisha Yearwood 
14 notes · View notes
orderoftheavengers · 6 years
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Summary: Azkaban delinquent turned ant-nimagus
House: Slytherin
Species: Human (Ant-nimagus)
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Cecropioa, 6 inches, doxie antenna core
Patronus: Carpenter ant
Broom: Custom job, by Professor Hank Pym
Specialties: Transfiguration, flying
Familiars: Antony, Ulysses S. Gr-ant, Ant-tonio Banderas, Marie Ant-toinette, the Grand Duchess Antnastasia, Ant-ie Em...
Scott was a toughie. He's got strong traits of every house, so the Hat had to sort him by process of elimination.
Scott was a chillax, open-minded, sociable family-guy, which screams Hufflepuff to many. And his motivation for his crimminal activity was to fight the wealthy corrupt corporations and defend the "little guys." That sounds like a Hufflepuff crimminal... but Scott really struggles to stay loyal and hard-working and responsible. Just because he's he's a chill friendly dude who love his kid and looks like Justin-Finch Fletchly doesn't make him a Hufflepuff.
His crimminal history might say Gryffindor to others, since he recklessly broke the law for his percieved values. But Scott leaps back out of bad situations as qiuckly as he leaps into them. And in any case, his fighting style is too sneaky and dodgy to be Gryffindor. (If simply being any kind of "brave" got you into Gryffindor, this whole series would get boring fast.)
Scott's sneaky and crafty specialties would serve him well in Ravneclaw, and Ravenclaws can certainly be reckless. But if Hank Pym just needed a Ravenclaw to be the Ant-nimagus, he wouldn't have had to look as far as Scott.
The Hat knows it's a stereotype for crooks to be Slytherins. But the fact is, Scott Lang's biggest strength is his cunning, and his biggest weakness is resisting the urge to do what he wants. He may not seem particularly "ambitious," but leading illegal heists is pretty ambitious, and so is trying to leave a lifetime of crime to become a good father.
You want Scott Lang's Hogwarts story, in a concise, summed-up nutshell?
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Sure, no problem!
Scottie starts his wizarding school at Ilvermorny and he's this super-chill guy who's friends with everybody except the assholes and breaks all the rules, and he's into flying and has crazy dark hair like an American Harry Potter, only without the glasses or the lightning-bolt scar or the get-out-of-trouble-free-card-cuz-you're-the-Boy-Who-Lived coupons, so when he teams up with three other pranksters from different parts of the wizarding world he's all like "Hey I'm Scottie wanna go rob Gringotts and be rich crooks and stuff?" I'm all like "yeah man count me in even though I'm going to like a whole other school in Mexico, and our other friend Kurt is from Durmstrang all the way over in Europe, but we coordinated with our owls and made this kickass heist. But we weren't doing it for the money! 
That's a lie. 
We did do it mostly for the money. 
But we were gonna give  some of that money to the muggle-borns and half-breeds and all those oppressed peoples. But still keep enough to have a castle in the Bahamas. We were like Robin Hood. And then we get caught and we all go to Azkaban and get expelled and Scottie's like 'WTF why does that dork Harry Potter get to fly a car into the Whomping Willow and enter a tournament underage and sh*t and it's okay, but we rob one little volt from some trolls and we're expelled?" and the Ministry of Magic is like "Shut up your magical careers are OVER muchachos!" And they broke all our wands in half. And then Scottie's wife divorced him, so when they broke his wand it was like a symbolism of Scottie's life being broken in half and being separated from his "other half."
Wife? Yeah, Scott was married....
Yeah, so Scottie he was married. Yeah, he's still a teenager at wizard school. Yep, he's got a kid, who's walking and talking. No, no, it's not weird! See I'll explain, real quick....
So Scott's this impulsive teenager who does the nasty while he's still in high school, and the nasty is a blond classmate named Maginhilde La Fey, who goes by Maggie. Only Maggie's like half Nymph right? So like two days after her and Scott are rolling around under the Quodpod bleachers she's all "Hey asshole I'm five months pregnant!" and Scott's like "WTF? Oh sh*t you're part fairy-person so our baby's gonna age super fast! Let's get married real quck so this isn't weird." But then we do that heist stuff and he's in Azkaban and Maggie divorces him. So then Scott wants to change his ways and go straight to be a good dad to his kid, whose named Casseiopia, Cassy for short.
I'm outta breath, can I get some water?
* A note from the editors: Our narrator has been given a glass of water, and a sedative, so as to make the story more accessable to an audience that isn't on Speed. You may continue, Mr. Luis.
Okay, awesome.
(Slightly slower bongos)
So this Professor Hank Pym used to work at Ilvernorny, but quit because Howard Stark was an asshole. So now he's at Hogwarts and he's head of Ravenclaw House. And he's thinking, "Harry Potter's retired and the Order of the Avengers are all off their meds and dropping castles out of the sky and stuff, the world needs the Ant-Nimagus again! But I can be the Ant-nimagus anymore. Look at me, I'm like a hundred!"
(A note from Professor Pym: "I'm 74, thankyou very much.) "
Who do I train to be the new Ant-nimmagus? I have this ex-student guy named Darren Cross, who's this buff handsome Gryffindor, and everyone would think he'd be the hero, and he thinks he's supposed to be the hero, but his mind is all corrupt and evil so scratch him out. The Ant-nimagus has gotta be more humble and smarter than a Gryffindor, but he can't be just a boring Ravenclaw, no I need someone who can break rules...."
So Pym, who's this genius Ravenclaw type, deduces that he needs a Slytherin to do his bidding. So he sets up a trap inside Hogwarts for a group of Slytherins who think they're gonna pull some big school prank by stealing an Invisibility Cloak. But Scott unwraps it and "WTF? I can see this cloak just fine, this ain't no Invisibiilyt Cloak. Imma try it on." And then suddenly he's tiny and has an extra pair of arms, and he freaks out, but Pym changes his mind with his ants, who are like his minions, and they bring tea nad sugar over across the table for Scott--
Ant-nimagus. Sorry, right.
The Ant-nimagus is, I guess, like a normal animagus, only with size-changing powers. So he can turn into an ant, but he can be a normal ant-sized ant, or a giant "Them!" ant. And he can also be a tiny human, or a normal sized human or a giant. And the cloak is more just for magical protection, it just mixes badly if someone who isn't an animagus tries wearing it. So Pym trains Scottie, and Scott's doing this kinda Han Solo and Princess Leia thing with Pym's daughter Hope, who's all "I'm not attracted to you, I'm a walking Ravenclaw stereotype, look at my hair, I'm all buisiness, but damn if I wanna kiss you" and they all fight an evil Gryffindor on a wizard chess board, and it's really badass! And Scott's finally redeemed himself and got his kid back, and his ex-wife and her snotty Prefect husband are his friends and his kid has a giant pet ant and it's all happy but then Captain America comes in--
Uncivil Quidditch Match:
--and goes "Yo, be on my team in this totally unauthorized Quidditch match, I'm not drunk!" Scottie, he's all, "Sir, this is an honor, even though I'm a Slytherin and you're a Gryffindor. I hero-worship you man, cuz you stick up for the little guy. We are totally breaking the stereotype here, with a Slytherin gushing over a Gryffindor, and then going on to troll another Slytherin for said Gryffindor! Hey Stark, I'm your conscience! Or your sex life or whatever the funny line was. I'm Team Cap's answer to your snarky antihero!" But then Stark's like "psych, I win, you're all in a giant squid detention now. Only I feel bad about it, but I only feel bad about Sam, Wanda and Clint; you I'm just gonna kind a go 'Who are you again?' so you can do the Star Lord 'why does no one know about me and my badass exploits?' thing."
So Scott gets out of the squid and takes a plea deal so he doesn't go back to Azkaban, he just has to do community service and stay in his commonroom on all his off hours. And Hope and Hank are pissed, cuz they're like "You think we're proud of you for being a dumbass for Captain America? Everyone only loves that guy if his name's in the movie's title. This is an 'Ant-Man' movie, Gary Stu got no power here! So we're through with you." So then Scott has to redeem himself again, and he does! But then the whole Pym family gets dusted, and the giant ant plays the drum set, so we have to wait till 'Avengers 4' to see how Scott's gonna save all their asses and redeem himself again.
(Final round of bongos) 
So just before Thanos’s dusting spell, Ant-Man and the Wasp and the Old Ant-Man and the Old-Wasp wanna help their new ghost friend Ava Starr, and they’re all “Scotty, go to the Spirit Realm and get some Ectoplasm for our ghostly friend” and Scott’s like “WTF is ectoplasm?” and his girlfriend’s like “Ghost sh*t.” And Scott’s like “Screw that I ain’t touching no ghost manure!” But then his girlfriend’s mom goes “Just think of it like ghost-honey.”
So Scott goes to the Spirit Realm and OH SNAP, the whole Pym/Van Dyne family is Dusted! So Scott’s stuck there for the whole summer, until one of the Weasley family rats named Scabbers the Fourteenth nibbles him free, and then POOF he’s back out! 
His half-nymph daughter has had another fairy growth spurt over the three months and is now the same age as her dad, which is awkward. And her mom and stepdad are dust, which is depressing. And me and Scotty’s other two friends are also dust, so he makes our ashes into cute little memorials with our faces drawn in. 
Scott hears what happened with Thanos, and also that Thanos destroyed all of the Time Turners in the world. But then Scott tells the Avengers how the Spirit Realm can be used for time travel. So Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Professor Wolf, Rocket Raccoon/Niffler Hybrid, and Princess Shuri all brainstorm in a lab until they get it to work. 
Scott and Tony put their Slytherin brains together and try to out-cunning Loki in the past, but they get distracted by America’s ass, and Scott does some damage to Tony’s hole, and Loki gets away with the Tesseract. Then Scott’s mad at Tony, and Tony and Steve are mad at each other, but they’re also all mushy for each other, and Scott’s like “Get a room!” So they yeet off to the 1970s and Scott goes to eat a taco, but loses it. 
Then, the final Battle of Hogwarts! Finally, Scott thinks, I can do the badass thing we’ve all been waiting for! Imma go up Thanos’s ass! But fun fact: Titans don’t have assholes. Which means they’re always constipated, which might be why Thanos is such a jerk. (He’s an asshole cuz he doesn’t have an asshole.) So Scott just kicks ass as a giant ant, and is reunited with his girlfriend and all his friends.
Wand, Broom, etc: 
Scott's wand is carved from the Cecrepoia, a rainforest tree that carpenter ants tend to live in. His ant-themed broom can shrink and grow with the rest of him, but he may sometimes lose it in the chaos of a fight and have to improvise with something else, like one of the wingged keys.  Scott relies on the ants to deliver his mail, and is growing to hate owls, who he often calls "murderers!" when they eat his ant familiars out of the air during missions.
Notes: Scott came out looking like a "Fairly Odd-Parents" character, for some reason. Oh well. Gotta be honest, sorting Scott into Slytherin had a lot to do with his interactions with other characters. I really loved the idea of Pym hiring Scott as a Ravenclaw logically deducing that he needs a Slytherin. And a Slytherin teaming up with a famous Gryffindor hero, and sneaking into a fellow Slytherin's broom to troll the crap out of him. Among other things, a sad consequence of Rowling's House stereotyping was the missed opportunity of all the great Slytherin vs. Slytherin interactions there could have been.
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alexlacquemanne · 2 years
Mais où est donc passée la septième compagnie ? (1973) de Robert Lamoureux avec Pierre Mondy, Jean Lefebvre, Aldo Maccione, Érik Colin, Robert Lamoureux et Pierre Tornade
On a retrouvé la 7e compagnie (1975) de Robert Lamoureux avec Pierre Mondy, Jean Lefebvre, Henri Guybet, Pierre Tornade et Bernard Dhéran
La Septième Compagnie au clair de lune (1977) de Robert Lamoureux avec Pierre Mondy, Jean Lefebvre, Henri Guybet, Gérard Jugnot, André Pousse et Patricia Karim
Y a-t-il un pilote dans l'avion ? (Airplane!) (1980) de David Zucker, Jerry Zucker et Jim Abrahams avec Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty, Lloyd Bridges, Leslie Nielsen, Robert Stack et Peter Graves
Les Traducteurs (2019) de Régis Roinsard avec Lambert Wilson, Alex Lawther, Olga Kurylenko, Riccardo Scamarcio, Sidse Babett Knudsen et Eduardo Noriega
Ho ! (1968) de Robert Enrico avec Jean-Paul Belmondo, Joanna Shimkus, Raymond Bussières, Paul Crauchet, Stéphane Fey, Alain Mottet et André Weber
Les Fugitifs (1986) de Francis Veber avec Pierre Richard, Gérard Depardieu, Anaïs Bret, Jean Carmet, Maurice Barrier et Jean Benguigui
Les 55 Jours de Pékin (55 Days at Peking) de Nicholas Ray, Andrew Marton et Guy Greena avec Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner, David Niven, Flora Robson et Leo Genn
Du haut de la terrasse (From the Terrace) (1960) de Mark Robson avec Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Myrna Loy, Ina Balin, Leon Ames et Barbara Eden
Soleil vert (Soylent Green) (1973) de Richard Fleischer avec Charlton Heston, Leigh Taylor-Young, Edward G. Robinson, Chuck Connors, Joseph Cotten et Brock Peters
Quai d'Orsay (2013) de Bertrand Tavernier avec Thierry Lhermitte, Raphaël Personnaz, Niels Arestrup, Bruno Raffaelli, Julie Gayet, Anaïs Demoustier, Thomas Chabrol, Thierry Frémont et Alix Poisson
Les Compères (1983) de Francis Veber avec Pierre Richard, Gérard Depardieu, Anny Duperey, Michel Aumont, Stéphane Bierry et Philippe Khorsand
Le Téléphone rose (1975) de Édouard Molinaro avec Mireille Darc, Pierre Mondy, Françoise Prévost, Michael Lonsdale, Daniel Ceccaldi et Gérard Hérold
Dies iræ (2003) d'Alexandre Astier avec Alexandre Astier, Tony Saba, Thomas Cousseau, Lionnel Astier, Alexis Hénon, Nicolas Gabion, Franck Pitiot et Jean-Christophe Hembert
La Chèvre (1981) de Francis Veber avec Pierre Richard, Gérard Depardieu, Pedro Armendáriz Jr, Michel Robin, André Valardy et Corynne Charby
Les Vieux Fourneaux (2018) de Christophe Duthuron avec Pierre Richard, Roland Giraud, Eddy Mitchell, Alice Pol, Henri Guybet et Méliane Marcaggi
Les Vieux Fourneaux 2 : Bons pour l'asile (2022) de Christophe Duthuron avec Pierre Richard, Eddy Mitchell, Bernard Le Coq, Alice Pol, Myriam Boyer, Jean Sarrus : Baba et Claire Nadeau
Guet-apens (The Getaway) (1972) de Sam Peckinpah avec Steve McQueen, Ali MacGraw, Ben Johnson, Sally Struthers, Al Lettieri et Slim Pickens
Vice (2018) de Adam McKay avec Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Steve Carell, Sam Rockwell, Tyler Perry & Alison Pill
Le Masque de fer (1962) de Henri Decoin avec Jean Marais, Sylva Koscina, Jean-François Poron, Gisèle Pascal, Philippe Lemaire et Jean Rochefort
Sous le plus grand chapiteau du monde (The Greatest Show on Earth) (1952) de Cecil B. DeMille avec Charlton Heston, Betty Hutton, Cornel Wilde, Gloria Grahame, James Stewart et Dorothy Lamour
The Rookie Saison 4
Acétylcholine - Chasse au trésor - Combat à mort - Menace sur a ville - Remise en cause - Le coeur au bord des lèvres
Les Nouvelles Aventures de Lucky Luke
Liki Liki - Lucky Luke en Alaska - Les Dalton contre Sherlock Holmes - Lucky Luke contre Lucky Luke - Lumière dans l'Ouest - Ni Dalton, ni maître - Roulette indienne - Fort Custer - Le Trésor des Dalton- L'Homme volant - Les Indiens Dalton - Les Héritiers - Pour une poignée de Dalton
Détective Conan Saison 1
Le Plus Grand Détective du siècle - Le Commencement - Méfiez-vous des stars - Le Poisson lumineux - La Bombe roulante - Le Meurtre de la Saint-Valentin - Le Mystérieux expéditeur - Meurtre au musée - Festival fatal - Conan marque un but - Sonate pour crime au clair de lune - L'Enlèvement d'Ayumi - Le Meurtre déconcertant - Un message à déchiffrer - Un cadavre a disparu - Le Meurtre du collectionneur d'antiquités - Cambriolage au supermarché - La Mariée de juin - Meurtre dans l'ascenseur - La Maison hantée - Meurtre sur un plateau - Les meurtriers en série embarquent sur le Luxury Liner : 1re partie - Les meurtriers en série embarquent sur le Luxury Liner : 2e partie - La Mystérieuse amnésique - Enlèvement contre rançon - John et l'Assassinat - La Réunion de classe de Kogorô : 1re partie - La Réunion de classe de Kogorô : 2e partie - Meurtre en direct - Un alibi parfait - Meurtre au studio de télévision - Meurtre au coffee shop - Rendez-vous mortel - L'Homme aux bandelettes : 1re partie - L'Homme aux bandelettes : 2e partie - Lundi 19h30 - Meurtre au cactus - La Fête du Feu - Le Meurtre de l'héritière : 1re partie - Le Meurtre de l'héritière : 2e partie - L'Affaire du drapeau en lambeaux - Meurtre au karaoké
Dix pour cent Saison 4
Charlotte - Franck - José - Sandrine - Sigourney - Jean
Le Visiteur du Futur : Néo-Versailles Saison 4
La Balade de Raph et Stella - La Cour Royale - Le Sauveur malgré lui - Un Nouvel Espoir - Le Bal - Le Réveil - Coup de Théâtre - Les Ficelles - La Révolution - Le Clou du Spectacle
Affaires sensibles
L'incendie de Notre-Dame de Paris - Irak 2003 : Quand la France résiste - Sports Sensibles IV : Springboks'95, la mort en arc en ciel - Les 24H du Mans de 1955 : le diable est dans la ligne droite - L’affaire du Watergate ou la chute du président Nixon - L'affaire des archives volées de la franc-maçonnerie
Columbo Saison 13, 12, 2
En grandes pompes - Le meurtre aux deux visages - Dites-le avec des fleurs
Kaamelott Livre I
Heat - Les Tartes aux myrtilles - La Table de Breccan - Le Chevalier mystère - Le Fléau de Dieu - Le Garde du corps - Des nouvelles du monde - Codes et Stratégies - Le Maître d’armes - Le Négociateur - Dîner dansant - Le Sixième Sens - Arthur et la Question - Monogame - Les Défis de Merlin - Le Banquet des chefs - Le Signe - En forme de Graal - Le Repos du guerrier - La Dent de requin - La Taxe militaire - La Queue du scorpion - La Potion de fécondité - L’Interprète - Le Sacrifice - À la volette - De retour de Judée - La Botte secrète - L’Assassin de Kaamelott - Le Trois de cœur - Basidiomycètes - L’Imposteur - Compagnons de chambrée - La Grotte de Padraig - Ambidextrie - Raison d’argent - La Romance de Lancelot
Stargate SG-1 Saison 3, 4, 1
Némésis - Victoires illusoires - De l'autre côté du miroir - Une dimension trop réelle
Double Mixte (1989) de Pierre Mondy avec Christian Clavier, Marie-Anne Chazel, Gérard Rinaldi, Marc Dudicourt, Stéphane Bouy, Julie Arnold et Marcel Philippot
Sherlock Holmes : Un scandale en Bohême suivi de trois autres récits de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Lucky Luke, Tome 18 : Le Bandit manchot de Morris et Bob de Groot
Le visiteur du futur : La meute de Slimane-Baptiste Berhoun et François Descraques
Quai d'Orsay, Chroniques diplomatiques, Tome 1 de Christophe Blain et Abel Lanzac
Quai d'Orsay, Chroniques diplomatiques, Tome 2 de Christophe Blain et Abel Lanzac
De la Terre à la Lune de Jules Verne
Kaamelott, tome 7 : Contre-attaque en Carmélide d'Alexandre Astier, Steven Dupré et Picksel
Autour de la lune de Jules Verne
OSS 117 : Atout cœur à Tokyo de Jean Bruce
0 notes
blackkudos · 6 years
Maya Rudolph
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Maya Khabira Rudolph (born July 27, 1972) is an American actress and comedian. She rose to prominence on the NBC television show Saturday Night Live, where she was a cast member from 2000 to 2007. She has also starred in films such asIdiocracy (2006), Away We Go (2009), Grown Ups (2010), Bridesmaids (2011),Friends with Kids (2011), Grown Ups 2 (2013), and Sisters (2015). She starred as Ava Alexander in the NBC sitcom Up All Night from 2011 to 2013.
Early life
Rudolph was born in Gainesville, Florida. She is the daughter of soul singer-songwriter Minnie Riperton and composer, songwriter, and producer Richard Rudolph. Her father is an Ashkenazi Jew, and her mother was African-American. Her paternal grandfather was Sidney Rudolph, a philanthropist who once owned all of the Wendy's and Rudy's restaurants in Dade County, Florida. Her great-grandfather, who was born in Vilnius, Lithuania, changed his surname from "Rudashevsky" to "Rudolph," and was one of the founding members of Congregation Beth Shalom, a Conservative Jewish synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Rudolph's parents moved to Los Angeles, California when she and her brother Marc were very young, and they grew up primarily in the Westwood neighborhood.
Near the end of the "Lovin' You" track, Riperton can be heard singing "Maya, Maya, Maya, Maya, Maya, Maya, Maya, Maya". Riperton incorporated this into her performance of the song on The Midnight Special. Riperton died on July 12, 1979, at age 31, from breast cancer. Rudolph's godmother was R&B singer Teena Marie.
In 1990, Rudolph graduated from Crossroads School in Santa Monica, California, where she became friendly with fellow students Gwyneth Paltrow and Jack Black, and continued her education at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she graduated in 1995 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in photography from Porter College.
Saturday Night Live
In May 2000, Rudolph joined the cast of Saturday Night Live as a featured player for the final three episodes of the 1999–2000 season, after a stint as a member of The Groundlings improv troupe, where she met future Saturday Night Live cast member Will Forte. Rudolph's musical talents were frequently employed on Saturday Night Live. She sang as Beyoncé Knowles in the Prince Showsketches, as the "Space Creature" in the Gays in Space sketches, except for the one on the season 31 episode hosted by Peter Sarsgaard, because it aired around the time Rudolph was on maternity leave. Friend Will Forte substituted for her during that episode. Her ability to change her looks and her command of many accents also led to her playing an unusually wide range of ethnicities on the show, often with only a change of wigs. As "Nooni Schoener," Rudolph, along with Fred Armisen, created a couple from an unspecified Scandinavian country, who have unplaceable accents and bewilderingly foreign manners. Rudolph was also able to play male characters such as Scott Joplin, Justin Guarini, and Mario Vazquez.
Her final episode as a cast member was on November 3, 2007, with host Brian Williams and musical guest Feist, the last episode before the writers' strike. She returned on October 25, 2008, in a featured guest appearance as Michelle Obama and sang a duet with Kenan Thompson about Amy Poehler's newborn. She then also appeared in the 2008 Christmas episode, where she reprised her role in the sketch Bronx Beat, with Amy Poehler. She also appeared in two sketches in the 2008–09 season finale with Will Ferrell. She appeared in a Weekend Update Thursday sketch during the fall 2009–10 season as Oprah Winfrey speaking on behalf of Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympics. She also appeared on the show in May 2010 to perform in skits including "The Manuel Ortiz Show" with Betty White. She returned to Saturday Night Live for the season 36 premiere, hosted by Amy Poehler, performing the "Bronx Beat" sketch and that same season for episode 700, hosted by Tina Fey. On February 18, 2012 she returned to Saturday Night Live as a host for the first time and reprised her roles in sketches such as "Bronx Beat". She once again returned to SNL on December 19, 2015 for the Christmas episode hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to reprise her role in the "Bronx Beat" sketch. She appeared once more on the 41st season finale (hosted by Fred Armisen) as Dilma Roussef on Weekend Update.
Rudolph's characters on the show have included "Attorney Glenda Goodwin" and "Megan" from the "Wake Up, Wakefield!" sketches. Rudolph has done a number of celebrity impressions on Saturday Night Live during her tenure, including Amanda Byram, Ananda Lewis, Barbra Streisand, Bern Nadette Stanis (as Thelma Evans on Good Times), Beyoncé, Charo, Christina Aguilera, Condoleezza Rice, Darcel Wynne, Diana Ross, Dilma Roussef, Donatella Versace, Donna Fargo, Emily Robison, Fredricka Whitfield, Free, Gayle King, Griselda Blanco, Halle Berry, Ivanka Trump, Ja'net Du Bois (as Willona Woods on Good Times), Jennifer Lopez, Joyce "Fenderella" Irby, Justin Guarini, Kara Saun, La Toya Jackson, Lisa Kudrow, Lisa Ling, Liza Minnelli, Lucy Liu, Lynda Lopez, Macy Gray, Mario Vasquez, Mary Roach, Maya Angelou, Melinda Doolittle, Melissa Stark, Michelle Obama, Mýa, Nelly Furtado, Omarosa Manigault, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton, Patti LaBelle, Phylicia Rashad (as Clair Huxtable on The Cosby Show), Rocsi, Scott Joplin, Teresa Heinz, Terra Patrick, Tina Turner, Tyra Banks, Valerie Simpson, Vanessa Hudgens (as Gabriella Montez from High School Musical 3), Wanda Sykes and Whitney Houston.
Recurring characters
Television and film
In addition to her work on Saturday Night Live, Rudolph has appeared on other television shows, including the CBS medical drama series City of Angels and Chicago Hope. She had small parts in Chuck & Buck, Gattaca, As Good as It Gets, Duplex and Duets; she was also a music supervisor for Duets. Her first prominent film role came in 2006 with A Prairie Home Companion. Earlier, she had costarred with Luke Wilson in the 2005 Mike Judge sci-fi comedy Idiocracy, although that film was shelved until September 2006 and then only given a limited release. She also guest-starred as Rapunzel in the DreamWorks animated film Shrek the Third. She guest-starred as Julia in The Simpsons episode "The Homer of Seville". Rudolph guest-starred as character Athena Scooberman in NBC'sKath & Kim, and starred in the film Away We Go with The Office star John Krasinski. In 2010, she appeared in Grown Ups starring Adam Sandler, where she played the wife of Chris Rock's character. In 2011, she appeared in Bridesmaids with Saturday Night Livecolleague Kristen Wiig, and in 2013 she played a supporting role in The Way, Way Back as the girlfriend of Sam Rockwell's character. She co-starred in the NBC sitcom Up All Night, with Christina Applegate and Will Arnett. Rudolph's self-titled variety show television pilot aired on May 19, 2014, but the show did not go beyond that. It was later announced that she would star in an NBC variety seriesMaya & Marty with Martin Short, which debuted on May 31, 2016.
Prior to joining Saturday Night Live, Rudolph was backing singer (1995–99) and briefly a keyboardist in the band The Rentals, with whom she toured for a short time. She also appears in the music videos of the songs "Waiting" and "Please Let That Be You". She sang backing vocals for "Barcelona" and "My Head Is in the Sun," both from the album Seven More Minutes. In 2004, she recorded a track with The Rentals frontman Matt Sharp, including a cover of Tegan and Sara's "Not Tonight." Rudolph also performed "Together In Pooping" and "Little Roundworm" with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog (Robert Smigel) on his album Come Poop With Me. She is in a Prince cover band called Princess with her friend Gretchen Lieberum.
Personal life
Rudolph has been in a relationship with director Paul Thomas Anderson since 2001. They live together with their children: Pearl (born 2005), Lucille (born 2009), Jack (born July 3, 2011) and Minnie (born 2013).
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tuseriesdetv · 3 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de mayo 2021
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No creemos que os haya dado tiempo a ver todo lo que queríais ver en abril. Pero, lo sentimos mucho, se os van a acumular muchas más series con los estrenos de este mes. Aunque esta vez no son tantas.
¡Feliz mayo!
Verde: series nuevas.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
2 de mayo:
Pose (3T y última) en FX
Legends of Tomorrow (6T) en The CW
The Girlfriend Experience (3T) en Starz
Ghostwriter (1bT) en Apple TV+
Line of Duty (6T finale) en BBC One
4 de mayo:
Selena: The Series (2T y última completa) en Netflix
Star Wars: The Bad Batch (1T) en Disney+
Young Rock (1T finale) en NBC
5 de mayo:
Bloods (1T) en Sky One
The Sons of Sam: A Descent into Darkness en Netflix
6 de mayo: 
Girls5eva (1T completa) en Peacock
Mom (series finale) en CBS
7 de mayo:
Jupiter's Legacy (1T completa), Girl From Nowhere (2T completa) y Monster en Netflix
Dynasty (4T) en The CW
Mythic Quest (2T) en Apple TV+
Shrill (3T y última completa) en Hulu
El niño de Medellín en Prime Video
Magnum P.I. (3T finale) en CBS
8 de mayo: Murder, They Hope en Gold
9 de mayo:
The Pursuit of Love en BBC One
When Calls the Heart (8T finale) en Hallmark
10 de mayo: The Crime of the Century en HBO
11 de mayo: Mayans MC (3T finale) en FX
12 de mayo:
The Upshaws (1T completa), El baile de los 41 y Oxygen en Netflix
The Hills: New Beginnings (2T) en MTV
13 de mayo:
Castlevania (4T y última completa) en Netflix
Hacks (1T) en HBO Max
Young Sheldon (4T finale), Mom (series finale) y B Positive (1T finale) en CBS
14 de mayo:
Halston, Love, Death + Robots (2T completa), Haunted (3T completa), The Woman in the Window y I Am All Girls en Netflix
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (2T) en Disney+
The Underground Railroad (1T completa) y LOL: Si te ríes, pierdes (1T completa) en Prime Video
Trying (2T) en Apple TV+
Domina (1T completa) en Sky Atlantic
Reyes de la noche (1T completa) en Movistar+
Pride en FX
Blue Bloods (11T finale) en CBS
16 de mayo:
Run The World (1T) en Starz
Good Witch (7T) en Hallmark
NCIS: New Orleans (series finale) en CBS
Family Guy (19T finale) y The Great North (1T finale) en FOX
The Nevers (1T finale) en HBO
City on a Hill (2T finale) en Showtime
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (2T finale) en NBC
The Rookie (3T finale) en ABC
17 de mayo:
The Neighborhood (3T finale), Bob Hearts Abishola (2T finale) y Bull (5T finale) en CBS
Breeders (2T finale) en FX
18 de mayo:
Superman & Lois (vuelve) en The CW
The Resident (4T finale) y Prodigal Son (2T finale) en FOX
Kenan (1T finale) en NBC
Black-ish (7T finale), Mixed-ish (2T finale) y Big Sky (1T finale) en ABC
19 de mayo:
¿Quién mató a Sara? (2T completa) en Netflix
SEAL Team (4T finale) y SWAT (4T finale) en CBS
The Goldbergs (8T finale), Home Economics (1T finale), The Conners (3T finale) y Call Your Mother (1T finale) en ABC
20 de mayo:
Special (2T y última completa) en Netflix
Last Man Standing (series finale) en FOX
21 de mayo:
Jurassic Park: Camp Cretaceous (3T completa), El vecino (2T y última completa) y Army of the Dead en Netflix
M.O.D.O.K. (1T) en Hulu
Solos (1T completa) y P!NK: All I Know So Far en Prime Video
Pride en FX
23 de mayo:
In Treatment (4T) en HBO
Master of None: Moments in Love (3T completa) en Netflix
The Chi (4T), Black Monday (3T) y Flatbush Misdemeanors (1T) en Showtime
Duncanville (2T) en FOX
The Equalizer (1T finale), NCIS: LA (12T finale) y NCIS: New Orleans (series finale) en CBS
The Simpsons (32T finale) y Bob's Burgers (11T finale) en FOX
24 de mayo:
All Rise (2T finale) en CBS
Debris (1T finale) en NBC
9-1-1 (4T finale) y 9-1-1: Lone Star (2T finale) en FOX
Black Lightning (series finale) en The CW
25 de mayo:
Mr. Inbetween (3T y última) en FX
NCIS (18T finale), FBI (3T finale) y FBI: Most Wanted (2T finale) en CBS
This Is Us (5T finale) en NBC
26 de mayo:
Il Divin Codino y Ghost Lab en Netflix
The Bold Type (5T y última) en Freeform
Chicago Fire (9T finale), Chicago Med (6T finale) y Chicago PD (8T finale) en NBC
SEAL Team (4T finale) y SWAT (4T finale) en CBS
27 de mayo:
Eden (1T completa) y Blue Miracle en Netflix
The Beast Must Die (1T) en BritBox
28 de mayo:
The Kominsky Method (3T y última completa) y Lucifer (5bT completa) en Netflix
Panic (1T completa) y Parot (1T completa) en Prime Video
The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers (1T finale) en Disney+
Cruella en Disney+
29 de mayo: Oslo en HBO
30 de mayo: Mare of Easttown (1T finale) en HBO
31 de mayo: Housebroken (1T) y Duncanville (cambio de día) en FOX
Estrenos de series
Bloods (Sky One)
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Comedia sobre dos paramédicos del servicio de ambulancias del sur de Londres que tendrán que lidiar con las llamadas y los momentos incómodos pero también con su propio compañero. Protagonizada por Samson Kayo (Timewasters, Truth Seekers) y Jane Harrocks (Absolutely Fabulous) junto a Julian Barratt (Truth Seekers, Flowers), Adrian Scarborough (Miranda, Gavin & Stacey), Aasiya Shah (Raised by Wolves, Unforgotten), Sam Campbell, Lucy Punch (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Motherland) y Kevin Garry (Famalam).
Creada por Kayo (Famalam, Sliced). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 10 de marzo
Girls5eva (Peacock)
Comedia sobre un grupo musical femenino de los 90 con un solo éxito que se reúne para intentarlo de nuevo después de que la estrella joven del momento versione su canción. Protagonizada por Sara Bareilles (Little Voice), Renée Elise Goldsberry (Hamilton, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist), Busy Philipps (Cougar Town, Dawson's Creek), Paula Pell (A.P. Bio, Love) y Ashley Park (Tales of the City, Emily in Paris).
Escrita por Meredith Scardino (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Saturday Night Live) y producida por Tina Fey (30 Rock, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 6 de mayo
Jupiter's Legacy (Netflix)
La primera generación de superhéroes recibió sus poderes en los años 30, y ha protegido al mundo durante casi un siglo. Ahora son ancianos guardianes, y sus hijos intentan estar a la altura de las expectativas. Protagonizada por Josh Duhamel (Las Vegas, 11.22.63), Leslie Bibb (Popular, American Housewife), Ben Daniels (The Exorcist, Flesh and Bone), Matt Lanter (Timeless, Heroes), Andrew Horton (How to Talk to Girls at Parties), Elena Kampouris (Sacred Lies, American Odyssey), Ian Quinlan (Gotham, The Long Road Home), Mike Wade (SEAL Team) y Tenika Davis (Incorporated).
Adaptación del cómic de Mark Millar. Escrita y dirigida por Steven S. DeKnight (Daredevil, Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 7 de mayo
Estreno en España: 7 de mayo en Netflix España
The Pursuit of Love (BBC One)
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Sigue las aventuras y desventuras de la carismática y valiente Linda Radlett (Lily James; Downton Abbey, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again) y su prima y mejor amiga Fanny Logan (Emily Beecham; Into the Badlands, The Village) entre la Primera y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Consumidas por su deseo de encontrar el amor y casarse, las dos chicas buscan al esposo ideal poniendo su amistad a prueba. Completan el cast Dominic West (The Wire, The Affair), Dolly Wells (Doll & Em, Blunt Talk), Andrew Scott (Fleabag, Sherlock), Emily Mortimer (Doll & Em, The Newsroom), Beattie Edmondson (Josh), Assaad Bouab (Call my agent, Messiah), Shazad Latif (Penny Dreadful, Star Trek: Discovery) y Freddie Fox (The Crown, Cucumber).
Adaptación de la novela de Nancy Mitford (1945). Escrita y dirigida por Emily Mortimer (Doll & Em). Tres episodios.
Estreno: 9 de mayo
The Upshaws (Netflix)
Comedia multicámara centrada en una familia afroamericana de clase trabajadora de Indianapolis. El padre de familia, Bennie Upshaw (Mike Epps; Survivor's Remorse, The Hangover), es un mecánico encantador y bienintencionado que intenta mantener y cuidar a su familia y también tolerar a su sarcástica cuñada (Wanda Sykes; Black-ish, The New Adventures of Old Christine), todo ello sin el necesario manual del éxito. Con Kim Fields (Living Single, Facts of Life), Page Kennedy (Backstrom, Desperate Housewives), Diamond Lyons, Khali Spraggins, Jermelle Simon, Gabrielle Dennis (Rosewood, Luke Cage) y Journey Christine.
Creada, escrita y producida por Sykes (Last Comic Standing, The Wanda Sykes Show) y Regina Hicks (Insecure, The Mayor). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 12 de mayo
Estreno en España: 12 de mayo en Netflix España
Hacks (HBO Max)
Comedia en la que Deborah Vance (Jean Smart; Watchmen, Samantha Who?), una diva de la comedia de Las Vegas, se ve obligada a contratar y convertirse en la mentora de Ava (Hannah Einbinder), una guionista marginada de veinticinco años que se cree con derecho a todo. Con Carl Clemons-Hopkins (Chicago Med, The Chi), Kaitlin Olson (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Mick), Christopher McDonald (Thelma & Louise), Paul W. Downs (Broad City, Rough Night), Mark Indelicato (Ugly Betty), Poppy Liu (Better Call Saul), Johnny Sibilly (Pose), Rose Abdoo (Gilmore Girls, Parenthood) y Meg Stalter.
Creada y escrita por Paul W. Downs, Lucia Aniello y Jen Statsky, guionistas de Broad City. Producida por Michael Schur (Parks and Recreation, The Good Place). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 13 de mayo
Halston (Netflix)
Limited series sobre el legendario diseñador de moda Roy Halston Frowick (Ewan McGregor; Moulin Rouge, Trainspotting), que construyó un imperio en los años 70 y 80 en Nueva York hasta que tuvo que luchar por controlar su propio nombre. Con Krysta Rodriguez (Smash, Trial & Error), Rebecca Dayan, Bill Pullman (The Sinner, Casper), Gian Franco Rodriguez, David Pittu (Damages, The Plot Against America), Sullivan Jones (The Looming Tower, The Gilded Age), Rory Culkin (Castle Rock, City on a Hill), Kelly Bishop (Gilmore Girls, Bunheads) y Vera Farmiga (Bates Motel, Up in the Air) dando vida a la actriz Liza Minnelli, la diseñadora de joyas y modelo Elsa Peretti, el filántropo David Mahoney, el modelo Victor Hugo, el ilustrador de moda Joe Eula, el asistente de ventas Ed Austin, el director Joel Schumacher, la publicista de moda Eleanor Lambert y la diseñadora Adele Simpson.
Creada, dirigida y producida por Daniel Minahan (True Blood, Game of Thrones) y escrita  y producida por Sharr White (The Affair, Genera+ion). Producen Ryan Murphy (Feud, American Crime Story), Ian Brennan (Hollywood, Glee) y Ewan McGregor. Cinco episodios.
Estreno: 14 de mayo
Estreno en España: 14 de mayo en Netflix España
The Underground Railroad (Prime Video)
Antes de la Guerra de Secesión, Cora (Thuso Mbedu, Shuga), una esclava de una plantación de algodón de Georgia, decide huir con su nuevo compañero (Aaron Piere; Krypton, Britannia) en un mítico tren subterráneo del que él le ha hablado. Según los rumores, este tren transportaría esclavos por el país. Mientras la persigue un cazarrecompensas (Joel Edgerton; The Great Gatsby, Zero Dark Thirty), Cora descubrirá que el tren no es una leyenda ni una metáfora, sino que existe y viaja por una gran red viaria secreta en una realidad alternativa, y luchará por el legado de su madre. Con Chase W. Dillon (The First Wives Club), Amber Gray (Escape at Dannemora), Jim Klock (Cloak & Dagger, Green Book), Fred Hechinger (Eighth Grade, Alex Strangelove), William Jackson Harper (The Good Place, Midsommar), Sheila Atim (Harlots, The Feed), Peter De Jersey (Broadchurch, Warrior Nun), Chukwudi Iwuji (The Split, Designated Survivor), Damon Herriman (Mr. Inbetween, Justified), Lily Rabe (American Horror Story, Tell Me Your Secrets), Irone Singleton (The Walking Dead), Kraig Dane, Mychal-Bella Bowman, Marcus Gladney, Jr. (City on a Hill), Will Poulter (The Maze Runner, Midsommar) y Peter Mullan (Mum, Top of the Lake).
Adaptación de la novela de Colson Whitehead (2016). Escrita y dirigida por Barry Jenkins (Moonlight, If Beale Street Could Talk). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 14 de mayo
Estreno en España: 14 de mayo en Prime Video España
Domina (Sky Atlantic)
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Drama que mostrará las luchas de poder de la Antigua Roma desde otro punto de vista, siguiendo la vida de Livia Drusila (Kasia Smutniak; Loro, Dolce Fine Giornata), la tercera esposa del primer emperador César Augusto y la madre del futuro emperador Tiberio. Completan el reparto Liam Cunningham (Game of Thrones, The Hot Zone), Isabella Rossellini (Blue Velvet, Death Becomes Her), Matthew McNulty (Misfits, The Terror), Christine Bottomley (The End of the F***ing World, Back to Life), Colette Tchantcho (The Witcher), Ben Batt (Scott & Bailey, Jamestown), Enzo Cilenti (Game of Thrones, Luther), Claire Forlani (Meet Joe Black, The Shadow Dancer), Alex Lanipekun (Homeland, Riviera), Tom Glynn-Carney (The Last Post, Dunkirk) y Nadia Parkes (The Spanish Princess).
Creada y escrita por Simon Burke (Fortitude, Strike Back) y dirigida por Claire McCarthy (Ophelia, The Luminaries). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 14 de mayo
Run The World (Starz)
Comedia que sigue a un grupo de amigas negras que viven y trabajan en Harlem y luchan por dominar el mundo. Protagonizada por Amber Stevens West (The Carmichael Show, Greek), Andrea Bordeaux (NCIS: LA), Bresha Webb (Marlon, Grey's Anatomy), Corbin Reid (How to Get Away with Murder, Valor), Stephen Bishop (Imposters, Being Mary Jane), Tosin Morohunfola (Black Lightning, The Chi), Erika Alexander (Black Lightning, Bosch), Nick Sagar (Queen of the South, Shadowhunters) y Jay Walker.
Creada y escrita por Leigh Davenport (Boomerang) y Yvette Lee Bowser (Dear White People). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 16 de mayo
Estreno en España: 16 de mayo en Starzplay España
Solos (Prime Video)
Antología que recorre el pasado y el presente y explora qué significa ser humano centrándose en cada episodio en un personaje en un entorno distinto. Con Morgan Freeman (Million Dollar Baby, The Shawshank Redemption), Anne Hathaway (Les Misérables, Brokeback Mountain), Helen Mirren (The Queen, Gosford Park), Uzo Aduba (Orange Is the New Black, Mrs. America), Nicole Beharie (Sleepy Hollow, Little Fires Everywhere), Anthony Mackie (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Altered Carbon), Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey, Legion) y Constance Wu (Fresh Off the Boat, Crazy Rich Asians).
Creada y producida por David Weil (Hunters). Siete episodios.
Estreno: 21 de mayo
Flatbush Misdemeanors (Showtime)
Comedia que sigue a Kevin (Kevin Iso) y Dan (Dan Perlman), dos amigos de toda la vida que luchan por prosperar, adaptarse, abrirse y conectar con otras personas en Flatbush, Brooklyn. Con Hassan Johnson (The Wire, For Life), Kareem Green (It's Showtime at the Apollo) y Kristin Dodson.
Creada, escrita, producida y protagonizada por Kevin Iso y Dan Perlman y basada en su webserie homónima de 2017.
Estreno: 23 de mayo
The Beast Must Die (BritBox)
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Frances Cairnes (Cush Jumbo; The Good Fight, The Good Wife), una madre que perdió a su hijo de seis años, busca venganza. Quiere matar al hombre al que cree responsable del atropello y posterior fuga (Jared Harris; Chernobyl, Mad Men), y para ello se infiltra en su vida y en su casa. El conflictivo pero brillante detective Strangeways (Billy Howle; Glue, MotherFatherSon) deberá descoser esta red de tragedia y encontrar el camino hacia la justicia. Completan el reparto Geraldine James (Utopia, Back to Life), Nathaniel Parker (Merlin, La templanza), Maeve Dermody (Marcella, Carnival Row), Mia Tomlinson (The Lost Pirate Kingdom) y Barney Sayburn.
Basada en la novela de Nicholas Blake (1938) y dirigida por Dome Karukoski (Tolkien, Tom of Finland).
Estreno: 27 de mayo
Panic (Prime Video)
Cada verano, varios estudiantes graduados de un pequeño pueblo de Texas compiten en una serie de retos de un juego no autorizado para ganar mucho dinero y poder escapar de allí. Pero este año las reglas han cambiado, la cantidad de dinero es mucho mayor y el juego es mucho más peligroso. Con Olivia Welch (Unbelievable, Modern Family), Mike Faist (West Side Story), Ray Nicholson (Mayans MC), Enrique Murciano (Bloodline, Without a Trace), Camron Jones (The Purge, Elephant Department), Jessica Sula (Skins, Scream), Kerri Medders (Alexa & Katie, SEAL Team), Bonnie Bedelia (Parenthood, Designated Survivor), Moira Kelly (One Tree Hill, The West Wing), Nancy McKeon (The Facts of Life, The Division), Rachel Bay Jones (Dear Evan Hansen, God Friended Me) y Bryce Cass (13 Reasons Why).
Creada, escrita y producida por Lauren Oliver, es una adaptación de su propia novela (2014). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 28 de mayo
Estreno en España: 28 de mayo en Prime Video España
Housebroken (FOX)
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Comedia de animación protagonizada por un grupo de animales de un vecindario que explora la disfunción y la neurosis humana. Con las voces de Lisa Kudrow (Friends, Web Therapy), Clea DuVall (Veep, Carnivàle), Nat Faxon (Blaze and the Monster Machines, Friends From College), Tony Hale (Veep, Arrested Development), Sharon Horgan (Catastrophe, Disenchantment), Will Forte (The Last Man on Earth, Saturday Night Live), Jason Mantzoukas (Big Mouth, The League), Sam Richardson (Veep, The Office), Bresha Webb (Marlon, Grey's Anatomy) y Greta Lee (Russian Doll, Inside Amy Schumer).
Escrita por DuVall (The Intervention), Jennifer Crittenden (Seinfeld, Veep) y Gabrielle Allan (Scrubs, Veep) y producida por Horgan (Catastrophe, Divorce).
Estreno: 31 de mayo
0 notes
fabioferreiraroc · 4 years
12 filmes e séries originais Netflix que todos deveriam assistir durante a vida, de acordo com os críticos
A Bula elencou em um ranking 12 produções originais Netflix que todos deveriam assistir, segundo a crítica. A seleção considerou as pontuações de cada título no “Rotten Tomatoes”, que são baseadas nas análises de vários críticos de cinema e televisão. Para receber uma nota, cada série ou filme precisa ter pelo menos cinco avaliações.
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A Bula elencou em uma lista as 12 produções originais da Netflix que todos devem assistir durante a vida, segundo a crítica especializada. A seleção considerou as pontuações de cada título no “Rotten Tomatoes”, que são baseadas nas análises de vários críticos de cinema e televisão. Segundo o site, todas as avaliações passam por uma curadoria criteriosa. Dentre os filmes e séries elencados, estão o especial de música “Homecoming: A Film By Beyoncé” (2019), de Beyoncé e Ed Burke; o suspense “O Irlandês” (2019), de Martin Scorsese; e a comédia “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” (2015), dirigida por Robert Carlock e Tina Fey.
1 — O Clube das Babás (2020), Rachel Shukert
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As melhores amigas Kristy, Mary-Anne, Claudia, Stacey e Dawn decidem criar um novo negócio na cidade de Stoneybrook: o Clube das Babás. A ideia delas é cuidar de crianças enquanto os pais trabalham ou se divertem fora de casa. Ao mesmo tempo em que tentam lidar com os desafios do empreendimento, as amigas enfrentam problemas pessoais e familiares típicos da adolescência.
2 — Homecoming: A Film By Beyoncé (2019), Beyoncé e Ed Burke
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Neste especial para a Netflix, a cantora Beyoncé mostra os detalhes de seu icônico show no Coachella, em 2018. Ela, que foi a primeira mulher negra a ser convidada como atração principal do festival, fez um espetáculo em homenagem às universidades historicamente negras dos Estados Unidos. Além da apresentação e seus bastidores, Beyoncé conta como se preparou fisicamente para o evento.
3 — Para Todos os Garotos que Já Amei (2018), Susan Johnson
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Adaptada do livro homônimo de Jenny Han, essa comédia romântica conta a história da jovem Lara Jean, que escreve cartas de amor secretas para todos os garotos pelos quais já se apaixonou. Tudo muda quando, inesperadamente, as cartas são enviadas para seus destinatários. Os garotos começam a procurá-la para saber se ela ainda gosta deles e, para fugir, Lara Jean finge que está namorando.
4 — Boneca Russa (2019), Natasha Lyonne, Amy Poehler e outros
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Em seu aniversário de 36 anos, Nadia participa de uma festa organizada pelos amigos em Nova York. Ao sair do evento, ela é atropelada e morre. Pouco depois, Nadia acorda e percebe que voltou no tempo, instantes antes de morrer. Os acontecimentos começam a se repetir sem parar e ela entende que está presa no tempo. Reviver as mesmas cenas torna-se insuportável e Nádia faz de tudo para descobrir como se livrar dessa situação.
5 — Mindhunter (2017), Joe Penhall
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Em 1977, com o aparecimento da psicologia criminal, os agentes do FBI Holden Ford e Bill Tench se unem para realizar um plano ambicioso: desenvolver a primeira pesquisa nos Estados Unidos sobre a mente dos seriais killers. A partir desse estudo, eles pretendem trabalhar em casos aparentemente sem solução. Holden e Bill decidem entrevistar assassinos presos, mas antes precisam ganhar a confiança deles.
6 — O Irlandês (2019), Martin Scorsese
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Frank Sheeran, “O Irlandês”, é um veterano de guerra cheio de condecorações. Ele aprendeu a matar servindo na Segunda Guerra Mundial e divide seu tempo entre os trabalhos de caminhoneiro e assassino de aluguel para a máfia. Já velho, Frank reflete sobre sua carreira no mundo do crime e seu envolvimento com os Bufalino, uma família de mafiosos. Ele também relembra seu envolvimento no desaparecimento do líder do sindicato dos caminhoneiros, Jimmy Hoffa, que era seu amigo de longa data.
7 — Olhos Que Condenam (2019), Ava DuVernay
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Em 1989, cinco adolescentes negros, moradores da periferia do Harlem, participam de uma festa no Central Park, em Nova York. Na mesma noite, uma mulher é estuprada no mesmo local. Em busca do criminoso, a polícia leva os cinco amigos para a delegacia, onde eles são pressionados a confessar o crime, sem a presença de pais ou advogados. Anos depois, a justiça descobre que os adolescentes não tiveram envolvimento com o caso.
8 — Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2015), Robert Carlock e Tina Fey
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Kimmy Schmidt é raptada por um líder religioso e passa 15 anos de sua vida isolada, acreditando ser uma das únicas sobreviventes de um apocalipse que dizimou a terra. Após ser resgatada, ela decide ir morar em Nova York. Levando apenas uma mochila, Kimmy vai em busca de um emprego e um lugar para morar. Mesmo sabendo que o mundo mudou durante os últimos 15 anos, ela não pretende desistir de seus sonhos.
9 — Desventuras em Série (2017), Daniel Handler e Barry Sonnenfeld
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“Desventuras em Série” é baseada nos livros de Lemony Snicket. Ela narra as situações vividas pelos três órfãos Baudelaire: a irmã mais velha Violet, o irmão do meio Klaus, e Sunny, a caçula de três anos. Depois da trágica morte dos pais, eles são obrigados a conviver com diferentes tutores. Um deles é o Conde Olaf, que se esforça para roubar a herança dos Baudelaire, mas acaba fracassando, pois eles possuem uma inteligência além do comum.
10 — Cara Gente Branca (2017), Tina Mabry, Barry Jenkins e outros
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A série acompanha o dia a dia de um grupo de estudantes negros em uma universidade americana pertencente à Ivy League, na qual a maioria dos alunos é branca. Os episódios abordam as diferentes maneiras com que os estudantes negros lidam com o racismo na universidade, especialmente depois de uma festa com a temática “blackface”, que aumenta a tensão racial no campus.
11 — História de um Casamento (2019), Noah Baumbach
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O diretor de teatro Charlie e a atriz Nicole estão passando por muitas dificuldades no relacionamento e decidem se divorciar. Os dois concordam em não envolver advogados, levando o processo de uma maneira amigável, mas Nicole muda de ideia e contrata uma advogada experiente, Nora Fanshaw. Surpreso com a atitude de Nicole, Charlie se esforça para pagar um famoso advogado e lutar pela custódia do filho, o pequeno Henry.
12 — Roma (2018), Alfonso Cuarón
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O filme foi inspirado na infância de Cuarón e conta a história de Cleo, uma jovem que trabalha como babá e doméstica de uma família de classe média, moradora do bairro Roma, na Cidade do México. Em um ano, acontecimentos inesperados afetam a rotina da família. Enquanto sua patroa, Sofia, sofre com o afastamento do marido, Cleo engravida do namorado, Fermín, que não quer assumir a criança.
12 filmes e séries originais Netflix que todos deveriam assistir durante a vida, de acordo com os críticos Publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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minnievirizarry · 6 years
The Top 8 Social Media Conferences to Book in 2018
We’ve already seen countless algorithm updates from the likes of Instagram and Facebook. Yet, as communication trends and preferences continue to evolve, so too will our social platforms. The question is, how do you get ahead of the curve?
While reading up on the latest articles and news releases is always recommended, social media conferences could be the ultimate way to supplement your knowledge. Where else can you learn from some of the best minds in your field, network with fellow marketers and geek-out over digital strategies?
Social media conferences are the perfect excuse to get out of the office and learn about your industry. Plus they’re a great way to fill up your social feeds with some interesting snaps!
If you’re hoping to fill your schedule with a few social media events, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve organized some of the biggest and best social media conferences into the must-attend list for 2018. Stick with us all the way to the bottom of the article for some tips on where to visit in 2019 too!
1. Gartner Digital Marketing Conference: May 15-17
If you consider yourself to be on the cutting edge of social media conferences, then the Gartner event is ideal for you. This digital marketing experience is perfect for customer experience professionals, marketing leaders and senior social managers.
The event covers some of the latest tools and trends intended to help you become a better marketer. Speakers include professor of cognitive neuroscience, Tali Sharot, and CEO of Edelman, Richard Edelman.
Ask the Analyst: The Impact of Privacy and the #GDPR on Personalization is just one of several analyst sessions being offered at #GartnerDMC this year. Check out the rest here: https://t.co/otkPDfCSAm pic.twitter.com/SZeFWoS2u1
— Gartner Events (@Gartner_Events) May 1, 2018
2. Social Media Week LA: June 12-14
Set as the three primary pillars for Social Media Week LA, Learn, Experience and Connect will be the main topics of discussion. This major event is one of the biggest for social media marketers and managers to dig in deep into the industry. While Social Media Week New York has already passed, many are getting prepared for the second flagship event this summer in LA.
Some of the main speakers to look for include: Rosa Walker of Hulu, Hillary Levine Power of Super Deluxe and Rosette Pambakian of Tinder.
10 Reasons to Register for Social Media Week LA 2018 https://t.co/pIif89hzXQ #SMWLA pic.twitter.com/RIXPxmPSoJ
— Social Media Week (@socialmediaweek) April 13, 2018
Each year, the Social Media Week event is hosted in its three flagship cities: Los Angeles, New York and London. However, the crew doesn’t stop there. If you’re looking for something a little closer, check out its list of 2018 conferences in satellite cities such as Milan, Rome, Zurich and so many more! New cities are added each year, so see if the next SMW event is happening around you!
3. Frost & Sullivan MindXchange: June 16-18
The Frost & Sullivan MindXchange conference is an excuse to get nerdy with your campaigns. It pursues the “complete reinvention of marketing” and hosts plenty of speakers and industry insight in the three-day event in Nashville, Tennessee. Bringing together marketing leaders from around the world, MindXchange discusses actionable insights and important strategies for the changing nature of the digital world. It’s followed by a “Marketing Impact” report released on July 19th each year.
The sheer number of people taking part in this conference is mind-boggling. It features speakers like Scott Harkins of FedEx, Burges Karkaria of Intel and Andrew Malcolm of Evernote.
@AMANashville we are bringing a great event to town! 19th Annual Marketing Impact 2025: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange, July 16 – 18, 2018 | Loews Vanderbilt Hotel | Nashville, TN https://t.co/68uBIv1iEK Any B2B Marketers or Agencies interested in learning about it?
— Greg Rossi (@GregRossi_Frost) March 1, 2018
4. ANA Digital & Social Conference: July 25-27
The ANA Conference keeps modern marketers on top of the latest social and digital trends. Covering evolutions from the first half of the year and predictions for the second half, it’s the ideal way to transition into Q3 and Q4 of your business.
This will be the 9th annual ANA conference and will take place in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. Here the ANA Digital & Social Conference will feature top social media leaders covering topics like AI, influencer marketing, virtual reality, content marketing and chatbots.
Good news! Registration for the 2018 ANA Digital & Social Media Conference, being held in Rancho Palo Verdes, Calif., is now open. Check out the agenda here: https://t.co/O0DkNHiyVA#ANADigital
— ANAmarketers (@ANAmarketers) March 16, 2018
5. Inbound: September 4-7
The agenda for Inbound 2018 isn’t set in stone yet. However, we do know it’s taking place in Boston. This exciting marketing event has already hosted speeches from Seth Godin, Michelle Obama and Rand Fishkin. You definitely can look forward to some great keynotes for this conference!
Additionally, one of the great things about Inbound is that it isn’t all business. If you’re hoping to have a little fun while you learn about the state of digital marketing, this is the event for you. Inbound comes with food truck lunches, happy hours and nightly parties too.
We’re ecstatic to announce the first speakers for INBOUND18! Don’t miss Ava DuVernay, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and Mo Gawdat on stage this September. #INBOUND18 pic.twitter.com/LnEBZZ7lpu
— INBOUND (@INBOUND) April 4, 2018
6. Content Marketing World: September 5-8
The ultimate place for companies to learn everything they need to know about content is here. Content Marketing World is a highly-sought after summit based in Cleveland, Ohio. Every year new speakers join the amazing roster to talk all things content. This year, you can expect to hear from Kate Santore of Coca-Cola, Linda Boff of GE and even Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
CMWorld 2018 gives brands all the marketing materials and support they need to take an enhanced content strategy back to their team. That includes an insight into the latest social trends too.
She's known for her roles on SNL and 30 Rock. And this September, we'll learn the secrets behind Tina Fey's prolific comedy creation on- and off-screen. Join us as she headlines Content Marketing World. https://t.co/3ZdgUlkEGO #CMWorld pic.twitter.com/dFAg4Fe5kW
— Content Marketing (@CMIContent) April 24, 2018
7. EVENTtech: November 12-14
More than 1,000 marketers are set to attend EVENTtech in Las Vegas this year. The conference explores how brands use social media to enhance in-person and live experiences. Coming to you from Event Marketer, the summit is the must-see digital marketing conference of the year.
There are over 100 classes and workshops to attend and countless exciting activities. Visitors can even enjoy exploring some of the latest interactive tools and apps in the industry.
That's a wrap! See you next year back at The Paris, November 12-14. Registration is now open for EventTech 2018! Lowest rates on sale now. https://t.co/jFeulq86A4 #EventTechLive #eventprofs pic.twitter.com/xvz9VrQJCB
— Event Marketer (@EventMarketer) November 16, 2017
8. Social Fresh: December 5-7
Easily one of the more exciting social media conferences on this list is the 2018 Social Fresh Conference. Thanks to its exceptional list of speakers, it’s a must-attend event for those budding or well-experienced in the field. Hosted in Winter Park, Florida, you can expect to hear from Duke University, IBM and many other leading companies. The tickets are affordable too so you won’t have to worry about breaking the bank.
This year, the conference will cover all the most up-to-date changes and training in the social sphere. It’s designed to get you ready for 2019 and ensure your marketing efforts are on track.
Reserve your Social Fresh 2018 ticket today. Prices go up tomorrow. Save $600 off the door price.
>> https://t.co/TeydI7KHKM pic.twitter.com/pw31gYH5RD
— Social Fresh (@socialfresh) April 24, 2018
Social Media Conferences to Start Planning Around in 2019
If you’re a little late to the party and missed a few events this year, don’t worry. There are more incredible social media conferences to attend in 2019 too. While we don’t have the dates for these events just yet, they’re worth watching out for when you’re planning next year’s calendar.
Growth Hackers
Usually taking place in San Diego, California, the Growth Hackers Conference is a one-day conference, covering some of the most crucial information on how to build your business in the year ahead. At this summit, you discover unique insights into how to grow your team and brand. The experience is hosted by Sean Ellis, the person who first coined the term “growth hacker” in 2010. You can sign up for their mailing list to get the latest information about Growth Hackers 2019 dates, speakers, location and more.
The Biggest List of Takeaways From #GHConf17: https://t.co/a2ImI6oVYy
— GrowthHackers (@GrowthHackers) May 3, 2018
Social Media Strategies Summit
One of the most popular go-to social media conferences is the the Strategies Summit. This event helps companies build social plans, content creation campaigns and much more. If you want to learn about the impact technology has on branding and social communication, this is the conference for you. Often hosted in San Francisco during the first couple of months of the year, the event is a great place for networking and learning how to take your social strategy to the next level.
That's a wrap! A big thank you to all of our speakers, attendees, and sponsors that joined us in Chicago! We loved seeing our #SMSsummit community! Till the next time, we all see each other. pic.twitter.com/bk3OkY3UbA
— Social Media Strategies Summit (@SMS_summit) April 26, 2018
Social Media Marketing World
Hosted by Social Media Examiner, Social Media Marketing World takes place every year in San Diego. With conference dates usually set in February or March, SMM World offers empowering insights from digital experts around the globe. Some of the attendees for 2018 included Jay Baer, Guy Kawasaki and Mari Smith. Along with incredible keynote speeches, there’s plenty of networking parties and workshops to enjoy here. Register to get up-to-date information on 2019’s conference.
Have you visited our speaker page recently to see all of the amazing speakers that will be at SMMW18? Check it out here: https://t.co/DdrR11q11W Who are you looking forward to the most? #SMMW18
— Social Media Marketing World (@SMMWConference) February 21, 2018
Digital Marketing Innovation Summit: February 27-29
Where better to sink your teeth into digital marketing than the Big Apple? The New York Digital Marketing Innovation Summit brings together marketing leaders from PepsiCo, Google, Nike and other major enterprise businesses in the space. Get a glimpse into current trends and check out the latest technology for marketers at this event.
While you’re here, you’ll discover how you can create an omnichannel experience for your audience. You might even have a chance to boost your popularity with a bit of professional networking. Registration is already live for next year’s summit!
How did your #digitalmarketing tactics perform last year? Did you get the #ROI you expected? It's time to #bebetter and #learn some new skills! Join us at the #DigiMarketing Innovation Summit in New York on Feb 27 & 28: https://t.co/dVAITeN4C5 pic.twitter.com/JqIk5w02Ek
— Innovation Enterprise (@IEGroup) February 1, 2018
Exploring the Best Social Media Conferences
A conference is more than just a room packed full of over-heated marketers. It’s a chance to network, explore new ideas and empower your brand. This year, try adding a few of the events above into your calendar. You’ll be surprised how much you learn and grow when you connect with the peers in your space.
This post The Top 8 Social Media Conferences to Book in 2018 originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from SM Tips By Minnie https://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-conferences/
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tabloidtoc · 6 years
Us, March 11
Cover: Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle Changing the Royal Rules 
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Page 1: Red Carpet First Look -- Miley Cyrus 
Page 2: Red Carpet -- Men’s Colorful Suits -- Darren Criss, RuPaul, Rami Malek, Kendrick Sampson, Terrence Jenkins
Page 3: John Krasinski, Reid Scott, Timothee Chalamet, Matthew McConaughey, Spike Lee 
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Kat Graham vs. Heidi Klum, Michelle Dockery vs. Olivia Palermo, Kimberly Schlapman vs. Judith Light 
Page 6: Rachel Zoe vs. Katharine McPhee vs. Lisa Rinna 
Page 8: Please don’t wear goose down 
Page 10: Loose Talk -- Ben Affleck on his son Samuel, Dolly Parton on her husband Carl, John Legend on wife Chrissy Teigen, Hilary Duff on costar Nico Tortorella drinking her breast milk, Ariana Grande on her personal life 
Page 13: Contents 
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Page 14: Oscars -- Best Dressed -- Lady Gaga, Constance Wu, Emma Stone 
Page 15: Regina King, Jennifer Lopez, Charlize Theron 
Page 16: Love It or Hate It Pink Edition -- Gemma Chan, Helen Mirren, Kacey Musgraves, Angela Bassett, Linda Cardellini 
Page 18: Beauty Behind the Scenes -- Lupita Nyong’o, Charlize Theron 
Page 20: Hollywood’s Biggest Night -- Glenn Close, Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk and mom Gloria Campano 
Page 21: Rami Malek and Olivia Colman and Regina King and Mahershala Ali, Lucy Boynton 
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Page 22: Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper, Melissa McCarthy and Brian Tyree Henry, Black Panther’s Michael B. Jordan and Letitia Wright and Danai Gurira and Winston Duke and Ryan Coogler and his wife Zinzi Evans 
Page 23: Julia Roberts, Ruth E. Carter, Spike Lee and Samuel L. Jackson 
Page 24: Behind the Scenes -- Maya Rudolph and Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and Jon Hamm, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas
Page 25: Rami Malek, Selma Blair, Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone, Spike Lee and Barbra Streisand
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Page 28: Hot Pics -- Pink at the Brit Awards, Gwen Stefani and her dog, Taylor Lautner 
Page 30: Double Date Night -- Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas and Elizabeth Chambers and Armie Hammer, Shannen Doherty and husband Kurt Iswarienko and Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden and Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams 
Page 31: John Krasinski and Emily Blunt and Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, Matt Damon and Luciana Barroso and Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky, Cynthia Bailey and Mike Hill and NeNe Leakes and her husband Gregg, Bob Saget and wife Kelly Rizzo and John Stamos and Caitlin McHugh 
Page 34: Stars They’re Just Like Us -- Cameron Diaz, Channing Tatum, Ashton Kutcher 
Page 37: Love Lives -- Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger have been spending time on his Washington farm #farmlife 
Page 38: Peta Murgatroyd and Maksim Chmerkovskiy are hoping for more children, Offset and Cardi B are on again, Sofia Richie not interested in joining Scott Disick’s new house-flipping show 
Page 40: Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus back on 
Page 41: Jussie Smollett shocking truth, VIP Scene -- Nikki Reed, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin, Brad Pitt, Karlie Kloss, Sterling K. Brown and Ryan Michelle Bathe, Gerard Butler, Bella Hadid, Ciara and Russell Wilson 
Page 42: Miranda Lambert’s new husband Brendan McLoughlin has to live in NYC to remain on the NYPD, Chloe Grace Moretz fights off internet trolls, celebrity moms get real on social media about breastfeeding -- Hilaria Baldwin, Remy Ma, Kate Hudson, Kat Von D, Hilary Duff 
Page 44: What’s in My Bag? Betty Who 
Page 46: Meghan Markle doing it her way
Page 47: Kate Middleton’s modernizing the monarchy too 
Page 49: Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry’s exotic babymoon 
Page 50: Khloe Kardashian’s private hell as her baby daddy Tristan Thompson is caught cheating with sister Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods 
Page 54: Hollywood’s Hottest Hunks -- Jason Momoa 
Page 55: Ryan Reynolds, John Krasinski 
Page 56: Milo Ventimiglia, Bradley Cooper, Richard Madden 
Page 57: Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pine, Ryan Gosling 
Page 58: The Bachelor Colton Underwood’s final 3 
Page 60: Beauty -- Kim Kardashian’s makeup maven Mario Dedivanovic teaches his top tricks 
Page 62: Musts -- Scott Foley and Lauren Cohan on Whiskey Cavalier 
Page 64: Cameron Monaghan on Gotham, Buzzzz-o-Meter -- La La Anthony, The Familiars by Stacey Halls, Mark Wahlberg, Cardi B, Taylen Biggs, Tori Spelling 
Page 70: Fashion Police -- Kim Kardashian, Bella Thorne, Charlize Theron 
Page 71: Olivia Culpo, Rita Ora, Shailene Woodley 
Page 72: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Ava DuVernay 
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