#hogwats legacy fanfic
sweets-fanfics · 6 months
Hogwarts Legacy fanfic fans look here!!
here is another link to my Hogwarts Legacy story! I've been working on this story for almost a whole year now! I will Link the Wattpad and ao3 link! It also has two other books all on Watt. Before you say, "Why would I click on a random link?" Here is a little sneak peek at the very first chapter.
Links and a sneak peek of the first chapter are under the break :)
            Third person pov
Newt groaned as he read the text again. "That's very inconvenient." He mumbled. Tina looked up from her reading.
"You find it?" She could tell from his tone it wasn't good news.
"The relic we need was destroyed almost 40 years ago."
"You mean there are no other moonstones?"
Newt needed the moonstone for the group of mooncalfs he had just been given to foster after they were found during a poacher raid by the ministry. He could tell they were traumatized and thought the moonstone would help. But it said the stone was accidentally destroyed by students around 1890.
"Well, what should we do?" Tina asked softly.
Newt picked up a nearby notebook and flipped through its pages quickly. "Actually. I know someone who attended the school around that time.. maybe she can help us..."
Tina closed her book and went to grab her coat. Newt looked up confused. "Where are you going?"
"We are going to see your friend?" She asked wondering why he was confused.
Newt smirked at her eagerness, "she's a very private and not very trusting person anymore. She may not help us."
"What's her name?" Tina asked still continuing to get ready.
"Ava La Fey."
"She's French?"
Scamander chuckled. "Partially, her parents were born in France but she was born in New York. She was accepted into Hogwarts when she was 15. Had to start as a fifth year. She's an extremely powerful witch. Last I saw her though she claimed she no longer wanted to use magic. Something really traumatized her."
Newt had found it strange when he met a girl wearing a Hufflepuff robe and an American accent. When he met her she had just practically fallen out of the sky and landed in front of him as he walked through Hogwarts one day to visit Dumbledore. 
"Who would be so traumatized to give up magic at 50 years old?" Tina asked making Newt realize Tina was picturing an old woman and not the now 17-year-old who he was talking about.
"Oh, Tina she isn't old."
Tina looked at him confused. "What?"
I sat up quickly in bed panting. I fumbled around the bedside table for my wand and my clock. "Lumos" I whispered making the tip of my wand glow so I could see the time clearly. My eyesight had gotten worse after I took a blow to the face while having that final battle with Ranrok. The scar above my left eye always seemed a be sore even almost two years later.
I start to put down the clock and wand when I hear the floorboards in the other half of my small apartment creek. I stop moving and start to hear muffled voices. "What the hell?" I whisper softly.
I quietly get out of bed careful to not step on the parts of the floor that I know creek. Luckily I had left my door already slightly ajar the evening before so I wouldn't have to twist the handle that groans every time I do.
As I peek through the crack in the door I see two bodies seeming to be looking around.
No way any poachers or ashwinders would have found me after all this time.
I took a deep breath and threw open the door pointing my wand at the two bodies who spun around pulling out their wands and pointing. "Lumos!" I yelled quickly so I could see their faces. The last person I ever expected to see.
"Oh Ava, good. I had the right address."
"No," I stated as I turned on a few of the lamps in the room with my wand.
"N-no?" He asked confused.
"Whatever it is, I'm not helping I don't do magic anymore." Newt kinda chuckled at the fact that I used my wand to start boiling water. "I'll make you and your friend some tea and you can leave after."
"We need a moonstone," Tina spoke up.
"Oh you aren't British... do you want... coffee?"
"Oh no you don't have to. Tea is fine."
Newt shook his head, "A moonstone, Ava, I know you know how to get one."
I sighed, "I used it once and I gave it to someone special but I don't talk to him anymore. I mean, obviously." I gestured to everything around me. "I can't even guarantee I could go back."
"But you can try. I know your magic. I read about you when I went to Hogwarts. How you saved the school from Ranrok. If that ancient magic brought you here there's a chance it can go back." As he spoke the kettle started whistling and I walked over and poured the water into two tea cups and put tea bags into the water.
I stayed quiet as I put the tray with the tea on a coffee table and gestured for them to sit on my old ripped-up green couch I had gotten for half price. "I don't think I can go there Newt after Professor Fig passed and ... you know... I didn't want to be there."
"You won't see Sebastian though. You and your friend told your headmaster what he did I thought."
"Well, I think Ominis did. But I didn't stick around long enough to find out if anything happened. Besides..." I looked away as my face turned red, "I gave him the moonstone."
"You're joking." Newt sighed.
"I didn't need it anymore and I thought he'd find it cool."
Something in the female's face clicked, "oh was he your boyfriend?"
I could feel my face getting hotter, "no! Of course not why would you even- who even are you? Newt who is this?" I felt the urge to take back her tea.
"Terribly sorry this is Tina. She's an auror in America. You've had dinner at her house before." Oops. Newt took a sip of the tea and put his cup down. "Please, Ava. This will be the last time I ever ask you for anything."
I let out a long sigh. "Fine." Newt tried to find his excitement. "Is she coming? You better talk her through what's about to happen while I get dressed."
"Oh yes," he turned and began to explain everything while I walked back into my room and shut the door.
I opened the doors of the oak wardrobe and looked for an outfit I could put on. I knew none of my muggle clothes would be extremely helpful so I shut the doors and slowly turned around and looked at the old trunk sitting in the corner. I walked over slowly and lifted the lid.
A layer of dust puffed up as the lid lifted. Inside was my old uniform I arrived in and a few of my old outfits. I wasn't sure if any of this would even fit. The first thing I pulled out was my verdant hat. The yellow ribbon Poppy had tied around the base was still there with the edges of the bow and point of the hat still singed from when Sebastian taught me another fire spell.
The grey outfit I'd wear on every adventure was the next thing I pulled out. "I guess this will do." I pulled everything on and as I was lacing up my brown leather boots there was a knock at the door. "I'm decent, come in."
Newt opens the door. "She's ready."  He then holds up a niffler. "Also is this one of yours or one of mine. I caught him going for my watch."
The chocolate brown niffler gave me a tiny wave.
"Mine I'm sorry." I picked him up from his hands and walked over to my suitcase.
"You have one too?" Tina asked from behind Newt.
"I made his. That's why there are only two, mine and his." I lifted the lid and dropped the niffler in before closing it. "A friend of mine from Hogwarts got me into rescuing magical creatures from poachers." I locked the suitcase and took one more look in the mirror as I lifted my hat and put it on my head.
The outfit sort of fit still. I had filled out more since I'm 17 and no longer a 15-year-old fifth year. I may have gotten a tiny bit plumper as well, but, curves have never hurt anyone.
"Alright, I'm ready." I picked up the suitcase and walked back into the living room.
"Where do we need to go?" Newt asked.
"Go?" I walked to another door and opened it.
The two peaked inside and all that was in there was an old archway like the ones from my trials from the keepers.
"How did you get this in here?" Newt asked.
"I was using this as a pantry but one day I woke up and it was just in here. It's ancient magic I'm not sure still how it works even if I can use it."
"So you could have gone back to your original time this whole time?"
"I mean, maybe. I'm not sure. I haven't tried seeing as I was hiding."
"Oh yes, my bad."
I could already see the glowing specks around the base of the archway. "Alright, I'm going to try to do something but the blast from it sometimes knocks people back."
The two instantly stepped back as I lifted my wand and  I let the ancient magic shoot from the wand and activate the archway. The blast did indeed shoot out almost knocking me over as well but soon a portal appeared.
The three of us all peeked in, "Where is that? Hogwarts?"
"The undercroft," I said almost too excited. "Merlin I hope this is the right year."
As Newt turned to ask what I meant by that I pushed them through first before I stepped in after and before I could change my mind.
As we all stepped in I turned around just to see the portal shut. "Oops.." I mumbled.
"Well, how is that going to help us," Tina asked also watching it dissipate.
"I can probably find another way for you guys. But first, let's get your damn moonstone." I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
I was really nervous. And I don't like getting nervous. I stopped at the gate to leave and held my breath. Was I really ready to go back? I mean, i really didn't have a choice now that the portal closed but still.
"It'll be okay." I heard Newt say somewhere behind me. "You are the Hogwarts savior if. I remember correctly."
I nodded and puffed out my chest as I walked out and the other two followed.
Looks good right!?!?! :D You should read it! Not all chapters are on Ao3 yet but I am working on transferring them over.
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steadypandaperson · 2 years
If you have ever read the Potter Series by Tina on Wattpad. You will get these references:
"Nice one J.P"
"Don't call me Jenny"
"I'm the only one who is allowed to call you a freak"
"Don't be with someone who wants your normal side . Fall for the idiot who enjoys your craziness"
"Red Jenna"
"Badass Cinnamon Roll"
"Marlene Cool McKinnon"
"Lil?" "Yeah it's fun"
"That's my bunk bitch"
"Do you want another Potter to punch you too ?"
"You are not a monster Remus Lupin"
"I am Lexi Hooper , Exchange student"
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sweets-fanfics · 2 months
Posted some more of Overtaken on Ao3 remember if you are not patient all THREE books are available on Wattpad.
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sweets-fanfics · 4 months
Hi! I just posted the final chapter of the final book in my Hogwarts Legacy story. You can read it all on Wattpad or read the first bit (haven’t finished posting) on Ao3. I posted a link to each below!
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