#ava x deborah fic
lilolilyr · 1 year
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I definitely don't have the time to write a full fic at the moment & it's exactly midnight and therefore past my bedtime right now & I'm too late for valentine's day by more than a day now anyway, but I had Thoughts so you get the bare bones of the fic in just dialogue under the cut, who knows if I get some reblogs I might turn it into something longer on Ao3 when I have the time!
(team talk ends with among others Markus needing valentine's day off work to try and save his relationship, Deborah just nods and waves her hand for him and everyone to leave, leaving her and Ava sitting next to each other)
A: So. Valentine's day...
D: Don't tell me you also need the day off. I know you're not in a relationship that would warrant that, do you really need to schedule your one night stand on that day?
A: no! Ugh, no. I don't need the day off, I just wanted to ask, because we were already on the topic... Valentine's day. Thoughts?
D: -_-
A: like it, hate it love it, don't care? Cause, well, I mean, it's definitely a capitalistic dystopia invention to just sell more shit on another invented holiday and stress everybody out about making the day perfect and romantic... But it's also kinda cute how schoolkids give their entire class friend valentines and sweets and stuff, right? Though I guess we already have Christmas for cards like that and Halloween for candy... But valentine's day kind of went off with the candy heart aesthetic! Of course all unimportant compared to the dangerous way it proports amatonormativity...
D: what now
A: amatonormativity! You know I already explained heteronormativity to you -
D: too many times than I cared to listen
A: if you listened the first time I wouldn't have had to - anyway. Like heteronormativity is about how the society is all about straight couples being normal and expected, amatonormativity is about how romantic love in general is like that, too! I mean sure falling in love is great and all but that's not the only love there is! Some people never fall in love and that's okay! And even if you do, that doesn't have to make that relationship the most important one for you, people are capable of having important platonic and not-romantic relationships, I mean friendships and stuff... And, back to valentine's day, no shut up I'm getting to the point already, valentine's day makes people think that there's something wrong with them when they don't have a significant other because it looks like everyone has one or at least wants one!
D: I wasn't interrupting-
A: •_-
D: okay I was but I was just going to say I think I get it. Important platonic relationships, they can be more important than romance. A bit like us two.
A: looking down) oh, uh. Yeah? I guess...
D: ?
D: Of course, if your little speech didn't mean much and you'd still rather spend the day with some random tinder d-
A: no! No, (reaches for Deborah's hand) definitely not. I mean, you're importantly to me too. And I'd love to spend valentines day with you.
D: (looks at her, sees that despite her best efforts not to, Ava is blushing) ...oh.
D: I suppose I should have used me and Kiki as an example for that important platonic relationship. Does that make us a part of the unimportant amatonormativity now?
A: (splutters) Deborah!
Lmk if you want me to @ you if/when I turn this into a proper fic or write sth else for these two!
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tinygrumpshaw · 17 days
SUMMARY: Five times Ava and Deborah try to keep their relationship a secret, and one time they don't.
CHAPTERS: one-shot / 8.6k
PAIRING: ava daniels x deborah vance
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softdeb · 5 days
she's not escaping the big hand rumours
cute little update to my collection of deb/ava dabbles inspired by something hannah said on the not skinny not fat pod
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sigh. i desperately need ideas for my little degradation kink fic(s)
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strangesmallbard · 1 month
anyway i dug up the hacks fic i started two years ago LMAOOOO. should i continue it
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laurieblakesbluedildo · 2 months
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apparently i’ve lost control
Fandom: Hacks (TV 2021)
Pairing: Ava Daniels/Deborah Vance
Rating: Explicit
Chapter Three: now or never now // 3k words
Summary: Months after Deborah fired Ava, they meet again.
Click here to read it!
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jennamacaroni · 1 year
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They always, always look each other straight in the eyes.
Their in love baby! So in love.
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sapphicscholar · 1 year
Fic Preview:
“He’s dead!” a voice rings out over the din of the party chatter.
It’s overdone and overwrought, but not fun enough to be camp, and Ava huffs, folding her arms over her chest.
It earns her an immediate nudge to the side and a hissed, “Show some respect, or they’ll think you did it!”
“Maybe if I get sent to party jail, I’ll finally get my chicken piccata.” Ava glances longingly over at the long wooden dinner table. Apparently it’s a murder mystery dinner party with the emphasis on murder and dinner as an afterthought.
Jimmy gives her the kind of disappointed look Ava thought men didn’t really perfect until they became dads. “I thought you were trying these days.”
“I am!” It’s true. She’s been busy as hell since Deborah kicked her out of her life with the kind of finality Ava had once expected over a betrayal- and grief- and substance-fueled email. (Certainly not for good work and clear devotion. Not that. Never that.) Still, no amount of professional success makes Ava want to deal with whatever hellish Hollywood version of actor happy hour meets client-agent speed dating this thing is.
“Then play along. And help me solve the murder. I heard there’s a 500-dollar gift card to Sur la Table on the table, and I have my eye on this new Le Creuset Dutch oven.”
Ava rolls her eyes but lets herself be led over to the body. She’ll give it to the Hollywood crowd; they do know how to stage a fake murder. She’s pretty sure Ruby’s had less realistic looking fake wounds on the set of multi-million-dollar franchise films than this dude’s got.
“Seen with another man? So soon?” A woman gasps, looking genuinely horrified at the sight of Ava leaning against Jimmy.
Ava’s brow furrows.
Another comedy writer—Tom, or something, Ava thinks—has a pen out and flying across an old-timey notebook page. “That’s one for the headlines, it is! Fiancé murdered, and Miss Janson already out gallivanting around town—in gold and all!”
“Wait. Hold up,” Ava interjects, glancing back at Jimmy. “I specifically called the gay character.”
Read the rest on AO3!
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nakedmonkey · 1 year
"I want you" (preferably from Deb) for Deb/Ava in an angsty way! Thank you so much.
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Of all the things that have ever happened to Ava at 2 in the morning, this is by far the least expected thing that has ever happened to her. Like. If she were a betting woman, getting a call from a drunk Deborah Vance, would not be a thing she would bet on. She would expect a call from her dead father before she would expect this.
That it happens while Ava herself is drunk off her ass on top-shelf liquor from some industry party that turned out kinda of fun, is especially like, cosmically hilarious, because she's been pretty sober for a while. She says (slurs) this to Deborah when she picks up.
Deborah, who has been MIA for close to a year now, dares to sound annoyed by this.
"Jesus," she sighs. "I would like to have just one conversation with you that doesn't turn into you monologuing incessantly for hours."
There's an apology hanging off the tip of Ava's tongue but she reels it back in and instead lets her anger take over in the form of a loud, bitter laugh.
"Queen Deborah Vance, everybody!" She exclaims at her empty living room and takes a couple of breaths before continuing. "Are you drunk-dialing me just to berate me? Or is there an actual point to this conversation? Because I have to be up early."
"Wow, things have changed."
"What do you want, Deborah?"
There's silence then. A sort of gradient one that comes when someone wants to say something, but they just can't. There's the sound of shuffling, or sniffling, and what Ava things is ice clinking against glass, and she clings to that, her anger dissipating against her better judgement.
"Deborah?" Ava says. Her voice is gentler now, more forgiving, and part of her hates it. She wishes she wasn't so fucking weak. "What do you want?"
"I don't know," Deborah finally says. "I guess--I guess I want you. Here, I mean. I wish you were here."
Ava's heart is racing, or slowing down, she's not sure which.
"That's not what you said at first."
Deborah sighs again. This time, her frustration doesn't seem to be directed at Ava, but rather, at herself.
"Look, I uh--I shouldn't have called you like this--"
"No, no, no," Ava cuts in quickly. "No, don't do that. Okay? Maybe you shouldn't have called like this, but you did. You fucked up. You called me. So, now what?"
Ava listens for the sound of the call ending, or for Deborah to tell her to go fuck herself, or something equally horrible. Instead though, she hears an intake of breath, and then:
"Okay," Deborah says. Another sigh, and then. "Okay."
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rainbowinbeigeboots · 2 years
hacks tiktok au fic where ava is doing some stupid challenge but deborah walks in and people comment on deborah more so ava makes a dedicated tiktok account for the two of them and people start thinking they’re dating
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lilolilyr · 2 months
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of borrowed swimsuits, panic attacks and parties without purpose
Summary: Ava has been invited to a soirée at Deborah's place in Vegas. She isn't sure what to think of that, but she is definitely going to attend and see Deborah again!
8k words, rated E (but you can skip the smut scene at the end if you prefer a T rating), no archive warnings apply
For @/augustwind, @lift-heavy-be-gay and @theevilqueenreadstoo <3
My Avorah tag list: @lesbianlovelife @sapphicscholar @eddiemartha @spaceeh @insteadwejustkeep @edgy-clod @hellpopgroove @katieswain123 , let me know if you want on/off the list! :)
Join us on the Avorah Discord Server!
Please reblog to support my fic!
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tinygrumpshaw · 29 days
SUMMARY: When Deborah finds out about Ava's car accident it has some unforseen consequences.
CHAPTERS: one-shot
PAIRING: ava daniels x deborah vance
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softdeb · 2 years
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I can’t watch this moment and not think about them having started sleeping together at this point and having to hide their relationship from Nina.
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chainofclovers · 2 years
femslash exchange 2022 recommendations
I have not read *that* much of the Femslash Exchange 2022 (@femslashex) collection, but there’s some great stuff in there and I wanna rec two incredible stories:
The story I received is “open and emptying” by tidelinear. It’s about Max and Esther from ALOTO! I was *thrilled* to receive such a gorgeous, thoughtful piece about Max’s adjustment to life with the traveling team, and Esther’s perspective is absolutely gorgeous and in keeping with everything I found intriguing about her character. Tidelinear, if you’re reading this…you already know I thought your story was awesome, but wow, it was awesome. ❤️
The other story I wanna rec is “Golden Ticket” by @wonderwanda ! It’s about Ava and Deborah’s post-s2 connection, and it’s funny and epistolary (texts between emotionally-stunted people are the love letters of our time!) and creative and I adore it.
TBH these stories deserve a tonnnnnnn more love than they’ve gotten so far (the gulf between the due date and the reveal date means stuff really gets buried and it sucks), so I hope y’all read and share the love with these authors.
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lezziemanville · 2 years
Alright y’all it’s @badassbettyrizzo ‘s birthday today! In lieu of nudes, please send her the hottest Jean Smart pics!
At her request I added to my Hacks fic! Hope you all enjoy the update :)
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