#avengers reader inster
bbparker · 7 years
🎄 Stupid Green Plant (Loki Laufeyson x Reader)🎄
Summary: Mysterious gifts keep arriving for (y/n) and the sudden increase of mistletoes in the Avengers compound put her on edge. Who could her secret Santa possibly be?
A/N: So I’m sorry these are late but my Christmas was a bit tiring and I had zero effort to do these. BUT ITS DONE with more to come!
Requested by: @kwj-jojo and 2 x Anons
- Secret Santa
- Tries to catch (y/n) under the mistletoe but she avoids until Christmas
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-I refuse to kiss you under this stupid plant!
Warnings: Floof
Words: 2,800
CUTE ASS SONG TO PLAY FOR THIS: My Heart Goes Bum Bum Bum by Flatsound
(gif belongs to cheers-mrhiddleston)
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“No, you must be mistaken, this isn’t for me…” A pyjama clad (y/n) stood in the lobby of the Avengers compound upstate, a FedEx guy standing impatiently in front of her as various workers watched them curiously. It’s not every day you saw an official Avenger having a disagreement with a postal guy in her pyjamas while in the lobby.  
“Ma’am is your name (y/n) (y/l/n)?”
“Well… yes…”
“Then this is yours.” The delivery guy having had enough of her, shoves the gift into her chest and walks away muttering a ‘Merry Christmas’.
Looking around (y/n) saw people giving her weird stares at her state, muttering a quick ‘hello’ to some familiar employees before quickly moving over to the Avengers personal elevator.
Standing with her head down tiredly and waiting for her level, (y/n) couldn’t help but think, who could send her such a thing. She never got mail, barely any of the Avengers do because who would send them magazines or letters? Walmart?
“Oh, hey Captain America, thought you’d like to know about our $4.99 deal on apricots-not.” She muttered but her head shot up when she heard the elevator prematurely ding and open its doors. In front of her was certainly a sight. Loki stood, drying his face with a towel, in his workout clothes. Some part of her reminded her not to stare but a quick glance at his figure had her gasping and looking away. Entering the elevator Loki smiled at (Y/n) and greeted her.
“You’re awfully happily today, finally getting into the Christmas spirit?”
“Thor just mentioned something to me, nothing important. Tell me, what’s in that box of yours? Clothes, toys… a life perhaps?”
“Oh, Loki you’re killing me.” (y/n) mockingly laughed exiting at her level but not before turning around to serve him a quick quip. “Of course, you’d know nothing about that last one, would you Loki dearest?”
The door inevitably closing before he could reply, leaving (y/n) with a feeling of success. Smugly smiling, she turned around and seemed to run straight into a solid mass. Also, known as Bucky Barnes.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Buck. I didn’t see you there!”
“Busy flirting with your boyfriend?” He smirked.
“Wh-what- I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Bucky only laughed following behind (y/n) as she made her way to the couch and sat down not-so-gracefully.
“So, what’s with the uhh… box? New toys?”
“No, my knives aren’t due to arrive for another two weeks, so I’m kind of suspicious of this one.” Bucky smiled lightly as (y/n) watched his happy façade.
Opening the box (y/n) found ten books all by her favourite author and all collector’s editions. “What…” Her eyes widened she gasped, seeing a limited and very rare book sitting in the bottom. “Who would buy this for me?”
“Looks like you got yourself a secret Santa there (y/n).” Looking over at a relaxed Barnes, she suddenly got suspicious. “It’s not you, is it Barnes?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about…” Bucky suddenly shot off the couch as if it had just burned him, muttering something about Steve asking him about training.
As (y/n) stared after a certain super soldier, (y/n) shook her head, it certainly wasn’t him. However, now alone she allowed the heat to crawl up her cheeks as she read the small note on the inside of the rare book.
‘Love your Secret Santa.’
The shadow just around the corner disappearing with a smirk.
For twelve days, (y/n) received a gift, all just as thoughtful as the last. She couldn’t narrow it down as each person on her team acted as suspicious as the next.
What she did notice being not-so-subtle is the number of mistletoes appearing everywhere. Walking to breakfast with Steve was when one of the first times she noticed it. “Ah ah ah!” A loud voice appeared from the kitchen as everyone turned towards the pair, which stops confusedly.
“You two have to kiss!” Sam pointed above your heads and sitting there was a sneaky green plant. “It’s tradition, c’mon!” 
Everyone grinned in apprehension as Steve and yourself turned to each other with slight blushes on your cheeks. Making eye contact with everyone, including Loki whose face had turned a shade of red for different reasons. Catching her look, Loki quickly schooled his expression and returned to his breakfast.
Looking up to the super soldier (y/n) noticed his slightly hesitant gaze, she decided to go for it; especially if s a certain someone was getting jealous for it. (Y/n)’s hand came up around Steve’s neck as both leaned towards each other, lips slightly brushing before she leaned in and gave him a quick peck. The Avengers gave a quick whoop before returning to their breakfast.
Deciding to take the seat between Loki and Bucky, she began to dig into her breakfast. “So (y/n) figured out who this secret admirer is yet?” A groan left (y/n) as she muttered a “no.”
Sliding her breakfast away from herself, (y/n) bought out today’s delivery, a solid red ruby in a gold band. “Holy shit is that real?” Natasha asked, grabbing her hand to get a closer look. “Well, it’s not plastic so he/she is already doing better than my last boyfriend.” Hearing a chocked laugh, (y/n) turned her head towards Thor. “You alright Thor?”
Natasha’s eyes widened, “wait, who else do we know whose colours are red?” Pointing towards Thor, he choked once again. When he finally came around he saw (y/n) giggling to herself. “As beautiful as you are Lady (y/n), my heart does belong to another.”
“I know Thor.” (y/n) smiled.
Later in the day, (y/n) was in the gym, seemingly preparing for her next mission with Loki. As they practised their hand to hand (y/n) couldn’t help but feel at peace around Loki, even if at current moment he was trying to beat her up. Huffing out a breath as Loki dropped her to the ground, him following and holding her arms above her head. “Well Mr Laufeyson, it seems you’ve finally bested me.” Smiling up at him, (y/n) noticed his unfocused gaze.
“Loki?” Both seemingly forgot about the others in the gym. “You okay?”
Loki’s eyes finally blinked as he pushed himself off her and held out a hand. “Yes. Are we still planning on finishing those screenings you call cartoons?”
(Y/n) huffed a laugh grabbing her bag and bottle, taking a long swig before replying. “Yeah, sure thing Loki. I just need to shower.” Both moved towards the door, Loki getting more pumped the closer they came. (Y/n) put it down to needing to pee or excitement over the new Disney movie they’re going to watch. Noticing him missing something (Y/n) stopped in the door slightly in front of him. “Wait, Loki, you forgot your bag.”
“Oh right, I’ll be a quick second if you wouldn’t mind just staying right there as you are. Don’t move.” (y/n) frowned at his odd behaviour but listening to him anyways. “Hey (y/n), what are you up to?” Jumping but remaining in her position, (y/n) found Bucky Barnes standing and leaning against the doorframe opposite to her.
“Aha! You two have to kiss!” Clint laughed from the weights area, the attention of a few others came upon you. Looking up (y/n) spotted the green shit above her. “Why the shit is it always me?” (y/n) whispered, looking over at the soldier. “Well, what do you say Sergeant?” But he was already there, nose to nose, Bucky leant down and captured her lips in a shockingly brilliant kiss. Her arms came around his neck as Bucky slightly dipped her, the kiss becoming somewhat deep.
When he brought her back up to stand (y/n) released him and fixed her shirt and hair. “Well Barnes, 95 years didn’t seem to affect your kissing ability.” He heartily laughed before a giant shove in the form of Loki nearly pushed him over. The God already storming down the hallway, holding his bag. “What the hell was that about?” (y/n) muttered. “You’re so blind (y/n) …” Bucky muttered softly down to her, moving into the gym leaving her standing there staring down the now empty hall. Eyes widening, she’d seen so many rom-coms that had that exact phrase. A plan finally forming in her head as she made her way to her room smirking, “blind indeed…”
By Christmas Eve three days later, (y/n) had been caught by everyone under the mistletoe, even Nat who wasn’t shy to give her a big smooch. Sitting around a T.V as some Christmas film played, as the Avengers cuddled up in various blankets and pillows, (y/n) had never felt more at home. Looking around she admired each sleepy team members face before realising there was one missing. Standing up, (y/n) made her way to his room, softly knocking, a soft ‘come in’ following. Walking in slowly she made her way to his lounge where he sat a book in his lap.
“You okay Loki?”
He didn’t look up but managed a simple, “yes.” Sitting down next to him, so close their thighs were touching, (y/n) leaned over his shoulder to see what he was reading. It was a Norse mythology book and he was specifically reading the section on himself. “You conceited little shit.” (y/n) laughed.
“It’s curious, the stories mortals have conceived about myself.”
“So, you didn’t really seduce and sleep with a male horse as a female horse yourself to save Asgard? Damn.”
His tensed body and hesitant pause caused (y/n) to break out into laughter. “Oh, my god! Loki!” Her head fell on his shoulder as he looked anywhere but her.
Seeing him somewhat humiliated, (y/n) instantly felt bad. Even if they were at odds sometimes, she was probably closest with Loki and vice versa. Both had quite a lot in common, such as an appreciation for literature, grace and beauty. Though (y/n) wasn’t graceful or a beautiful maiden that could take your breath away with one look, she appreciated both.
Settling down, (y/n) wrapped her arms around one of his and leaned into his side. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you, Loki.” He melted instantly and (y/n) knew he would. It was as if he couldn’t refuse her. “It’s alright.” Smiling lightly, Loki returned to his reading, comforted by her presence.
“Hey, Loki?”
“Yes, love?”
“Can you read to me?”
“It seems though, through multiple texts, Loki is depicted to always be on this side of the Aesir, however,…”
As he read through his histories and myths, (y/n) drifted off to sleep there on his shoulder. The last words she heard were “-and he was bound by Odin in a cave, with the snake dripping it venom onto Loki’s bare chest…”
The next morning when (y/n) woke she was back in her room, some part of her wondering if it was just a dream. Laying on her back and staring at the roof, (y/n) recalled the way her hands grabbed onto his arm, sometimes her fingertips would brush the skin on his forearm which always seemed to be covered. The smooth deep way his voice wrapped their ways around each word, oh yes, he definitely had a silver tongue.
The thought of what day it was drifted through her mind as she remembered a certain plan to take place upon today. After completing her bathroom duties, (y/n) headed out for Christmas breakfast to see everyone already sitting there, besides three people. Thor, Loki, and Vision. Remaining in the doorway, she waited. “Hey (y/n), aren’t you going downstairs to receive your daily gift from lover-boy?” Tony asked, smirking.
“No, I think I’ll just wait for him right here.”
“Ahh, finally figured out who it was?” Bucky smirked, sipping his coffee while leaning on the bench. “Yes, I believe so.” Looking down shyly, (y/n) waited and waited. She waited an hour before realising Loki wasn’t coming out. As an early riser, if he wasn’t out of his room by now, he wasn’t going to be seen the whole day, ruining (y/n)’s plans.
Seeing Vision finally entering, (y/n) decided to ask. “Has anyone seen Loki this morning?”
“Yes, I had just escorted him and Thor to the leaving pad. Apparently, there’s an emergency on Asgard.” Widening her eyes, she didn’t want to miss this opportunity with him, what if he decided to stay in Asgard? She’d never see him again. There were exclamations from all the Avengers about why Vision didn’t come get them before they left as (y/n) stood staring not knowing how to react.
‘Go to him.’ A voice prompted. Tilting her head at the familiar voice, catching mischievous eyes of a Sokovian, (y/n) jumped ripping the stupid plant from the roof before taking off in a sprint. The Avengers had built a special place where Thor and Loki to go to and from Asgard without scarring the lawn every time. 
 “Get out of my way!” (y/n) yelled to the workers, who had decided to spend their Christmas in the building, them moving quickly out of the frazzled Avengers way. She had to make it if she missed him there didn’t seem to ever be another chance to get her feelings across. 
Seeing the two brothers standing, Thor about to raise his hammer made (y/n) scream, “LOKI!” If they were honest, the scream scared the devil out of them. Both pausing before Loki jogged to meet (y/n) half way. “(y/n), what’s wrong?”
“Well, first of all- Merry Christmas, you asshole! And secondly-” She shoved the now falling apart plant in his chest. Looking down at the plant in his chest, recognising it and looking up at (y/n) with still confused eyes. “I know it was you, the whole time and you never told me.”
Loki’s face suddenly twisted, his negative state of mind taking the forefront. “Is it because I’m the last one left? Because there were no other mortals left on your list and you’re so desperate that you’ll turn to your last resorts. The monster-”
A hand suddenly covered his mouth, “Loki as much as I love your voice, can you shut up?”
He slightly nodded, but she didn’t move her hand needing to get this out. “I didn’t think of you last, I knew by that day in the gym. Someone said something to me and… Loki I’ve been so blind to you but it really couldn’t be anyone else but you.” Finally, (y/n) released his mouth, his eyebrows drawn.
“You’ve known for five days? You never said anything?”
“Well I had a plan but you sort of killed it… bastard.” Loki scoffed a laugh, “you have a foul mouth (y/n) …” “Oh, please you secretly enjoy it.”
Loki held up the harsh crushed plant in question. “And what’s this for?”
(Y/n) quickly stepped forward, her heart skipping in a panic at seeing Thor in the corner of her eye approach them to take Loki, there was an emergency on Asgard after all. “Loki, I can’t give you anything worth 3 weeks’ worth of gifts but I can give you this.”
“A plant?”His raised eyebrows gave the signal that he was seriously re-considering who he chose to fall in love with.
“No!” (y/n) laughed swiping the plant from him. “It was meant to be symbolic but shit nevermind... I meant myself.”
Loki paused, considering (y/n)’s eyes as she continued to step forward until they were chest to chest. Lightly (y/n) grabbed one of his hands and intertwined their fingers and Loki let her. In the corner of her eye (y/n) knew it was about a minute before Thor reached them. She had limited time. (Y/n) held it above them and it was then Loki understood her intentions. “I refuse to kiss you under that stupid plant.”
“You know they are sacred in folklore, right? Considered to bestow life and fertility; a protection against poison all that cute shit and I mean you were the one to plant them all over the building, it’s why you were so frustrated that everyone was seemingly catching me under there... but you.”
A slight tinge of red adorned his cheeks and made (y/n) laugh. Seeing Thor was a mere three steps away from them, she decided to just go for it. Throwing away the plant, “I hated that stupid plant anyways.” (y/n) Leaned up on her tiptoes and brought her hands to Loki’s face, bringing their lips together.
Instantly he reacted, hands holding onto her hips; pulling her into him more. Pulling lightly on his hair (y/n) thought she heard a gasp as she let her tongue lightly touch his own. Pulling away slowly, (y/n) pressed her forehead to Loki’s. Neither releasing their hold on the other.
A cough broke them out of their little daydream. “I’m glad this is finally happening, so Loki can stop whining and moping about you, Lady (y/n), but there really is an emergency.”
Looking back to Loki, she gave him a quick peck, once again leaning her forehead on his. “Come back to me?” (y/n) asked meekly.
“Always. You owe me for all my gifts, don’t you?” Loki initiated the kiss as she laughed lightly, leaning down so their lips could meet again. 
It was like the whole world had come together, two puzzle pieces to make one masterpiece. Carefully he released her from his hold, twisting a piece of her hair before stepping away.
Then… he left, a great blast of the rainbow bridge and there was nobody left there but (y/n) with the memory of his lips on hers and the promise to return.
I don’t mean to be a nuicence but if y’all could give it a lil’ reblog 💚
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mandowh0re · 2 years
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Here are all of my works to date. If you'd like to read on AO3, click here.
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Happy Reading!
*updated 07/02/2023*
Marvel/MCU Masterlist
Call of Duty
Halo (TV Series) Masterlist
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Fanfic update!!
Chapter 66 of (Y/n), I’m here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative is up! Here’s a little snippet of that chapter...
As Thor, Valkyrie, and the Hulk entered the large room, everyone went down on one knee and placed their right fist over their hearts. “Please, stand.” Thor said humbly, stepping in front of you, and led the three of you to the large glass window. Heimdall and that large rock man were already standing by it, gazing outside. You watched as Surtur sent the planet up in flames, then turned away in horror, your knuckles pressed against your lips. “The damage is not too bad.” The large rock-man said, and you looked up at him, “As long as the foundations are strong, we can rebuild this place. It will be a haven for all peoples and aliens of the universe.” You chanced a look at whatever remained of Asgard and immediately regretted it; you saw Surtur plunge his sword down through the planet, and a moment to later it exploded in bright light, rocks and dust shooting through space. Everyone was silent, and you put a hand on Thor’s arm. “Now those foundations are gone. Sorry.” The rock man said with regret. A large ring of dust and rock surrounded the white light where Thor’s home once was. “What have I done?” Thor whispered, and you squeezed his hand in condolences, trying to stem your tears. “You saved us from extinction.” Heimdall stated from your left side. That was true; the people were safe, and like Valkyrie said, that’s all that matters. “Asgard is not a place,” the Gatekeeper said, looking at the prince, “it’s a people.”
You laid on your bed, your armor sitting on a table by the wall and your boots on the floor. You were wearing the under armor; the dark red leather shirt that had flexible silver scales that ran up and down the sides of your shirt, and black leather pants. You didn’t realize that you were so sore until you had laid down an hour ago. And that shower you had... It was incredible to feel all that dirt and sweat wash off of you, it was heaven. And the Asgardian soaps had been divine, and your skin seemed to actually glow afterward. A few people had taken and cleaned your armor and placed them on your sleek, metal dresser. But, these small pleasures couldn’t overshadow the fact that Asgard was gone... it was a beautiful place, and you wish you could have been there more, or even lived there with... with Loki.
Keep reading!
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