kumatan0720 · 5 years
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They are brother and sister. Change my mind.
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nicolewitho · 5 years
STOP THE HATE WITH STEVE GOING BACK TO PEGGY !!!! All Steve needed was finally a happy ending
We all know that from the beginning Steve had never loved someone like how he Loved Peggy and from scenes before you could see how much his heartthrobbed at the fact that he could never be with her again So Watching that ending I was just happy to see them both slow dancing together
I couldn’t of asked for a better way to end it
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clintashaotp · 5 years
CAUTION! Endgame spoilers ahead!
You have been warned. 
In my opinion, Natasha Romanoff was the strongest avenger. She didn’t have a suit or magical powers. Sure, Clint was also just a human, but out of the whole team, Natasha’s backstory was the most tragic. And yet, she is just as powerful and strong as everyone else on the team. 
As a Clintasha shipper, I am devastated. As many limbs as I would chop off to have Clintasha become canon, I kinda knew Marvel didn’t have the guts to make it happen. But now half of my ship is dead, and it’s hard to say how the fandom will continue, with half of the ship--not to mention, half of the team--gone. There’s fanfic, of course, and fanart, as well as the lovely consolation of all the other fangirls and fanboys and fanpeople out there. But it’s different now. She’s gone. Really. There’s no bringing her back. But at the same time, my fellow Clintasha fanatics and I may have gotten the most beautiful Clintasha moment we could have asked for--Clint and Nat literally fighting to sacrifice themselves for one another. 
Natasha and Clint were the dynamic duo. Strike Team Delta. Budapest, all over again. I know Clint’s a family man, but simultaneously, the grief that he feels on screen is powerful and raw, and such an amazing fraction of what I imagined Clintasha to be. 
My dear Clintasha fandom, we lost half of our ship with this movie. We didn’t get the canon ending we were praying for. And we know Marvel’s not going to fix it. 
RIP Natasha Romanoff, the strongest avenger. 
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lilmisshungrytiger · 5 years
Thoughts on Steve Rogers in Avengers: Endgame (SPOILERS!)
Again, this is just an opinion, but yeah, I liked how they wrapped up Steve’s arc. It made sense (as futher explained here) though I wouldn’t call it perfect (hello, timeline issues), but can we just please let the good ol’ Cap be happy?
He should’ve just died. Dying would have been a better ending than that. - Pffft. I don’t know about you, but that scene where Thanos was practically ripping Steve’s shield to pieces, my only thought was, “please, not like this”. He doesn’t deserve to die in battle like that, okay? At that point, he has yet to have a peaceful life and he absolutely deserved one, dammit!
I’m not dismissing Steve’s relationship with Bucky and I get how people would want him start a new life post-Endgame with him. But that particular relationship has been explored in CA:TWS, CA: CW, and IW. He found out about Bucky and every step thereafter was about Steve finding and saving him. And he did save him. They reunited and fought together. They said their sort of farewell and I kind of think that Bucky knew what Steve was upto then. It just shows. And the look on his face when Steve doesn’t return right away is telling of how much they understand and cared for each other’s happiness.
Sidebar: I do think Bucky needed an epilogue independent of Steve Rogers, because the guy deserves it too. That’s another story though.
Peggy. Like it or not, Peggy Carter has always been Steve’s unresolved issue and that’s been shown by how he reacts to her ALL. THROUGHOUT. THE PAST. MOVIES.
They’ve only known each other for a short time. - Immaterial. As what the previous movies have shown us, she made an impact on his life, much like Bucky, and that stayed with him.
He’s moved on. - Oh, please. We’ve moved on, but not Steve. Not him.
The timeline! His character development! - Okay, I will concede that THAT still confuses the hell out of me. But if the alternate timeline theory is to be believed, I’d like to think that Steve would’ve stopped Hydra and saved Bucky sooner. I still believe in Cap.
Bottomline, Steve absolutely deserved that dance with Peggy. He deserved that second chance with her. He deserved to come home. That chance of a peaceful life. I’m glad he was happy in the end.
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waitingforshow · 5 years
Natasha's last words to Steve were "See ya in 1 min", this hurts 😭😭
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drop-outx · 5 years
"Tony Stark had to die to rest, we all know he would always be Iron Man for us. It's our turn to let him go"
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powerpudding · 5 years
Feeling pretty conflicted about the Endgame consequences. Like many, Steve going back to Peggy feels bitter.
Steve is one of the characters that deserves his happy ending, BUT is it in character ? He could have endured it and moved on in the 21st century, like he was doing in that self help group already / over the past years. 
If Steve despite having been played by fate and never getting his chance with Peggy, accepted that Peggy still build herself a good life, just like he could, be a better message (after his whole arc....).
He came back as an old Steve to pass on the shield and tell everyone he’s all right, but what if that didn’t happen. He could have easily died in between. Him staying back in the past, feel like a cheat, a simple solution, resignation and a let down to his team / friends. How must Wanda and Thor feel in contrast to that? Bucky is alone with being in a different time than he was born too. He was basically dealt the same fate as Steve plus trauma, torture and brainwashing. Till the end of the line only goes so far apparently.
Steve’s reasoning and motives - losing Natasha and Tony, 5 hopeless years, mental health, his infatuation with Peggy - are understandable and human, but so unsatisfying after the build up. I’m convinced Steve was in the process and could again build a future with his friends. Would Steve still have done the same if Thanos never happened but time travel became possible in 2018/2023?
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sensual-pancake · 5 years
the PRETTIEST and most BADASS scene in endgame (okay not really but to me it was) was cap picking up mjolnir, but did he know he was capable of doing that??? like ,, in aou he sort of made it move, which cautions that he wasn't yet worthy of wielding the hammer, but in endgame there was no hesitation whatsoever. my thought is that like, if he already tried to pick up mjolnir and failed, why try again? was it a last resort thing? did something finally click with cap that he was worthy? or did he know all along??? my brain can't settle on an answer. but all that aside that scene was so powerful and like cap literally kicked the shit out of thanos like a goddamn GOD and i for one find that PRETTY BADASS.
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elitrxo · 5 years
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scarlet witch when she saw Thanos
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tonysrhodeys · 5 years
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Dear Tony Stark
Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for launching the mcu, for starting an empire. You have carried it on your shoulders the entire time and I am so grateful. Thank you for being the mcu’s first hero on the silver screen and for inspiring so many more stories from that. Thank you for all the hard work you put in for that team, your family. Thank you for being an avenger and for saving so many lives. You had been given nothing but you have everything. Thank you for being the person who always managed to crack a joke, no matter the dire situation. Thank you for making sure that your first mission was always to bring joy into other people’s lives and for always, always, succeeding. Thank you for continuously sacrificing yourself and your happiness for everybody else’s, even though we wish you wouldn’t. Thank you for always looking after those around you and for always having a spare room that is just waiting for a friend. Thank you sending that nuke into space, even though it might have killed you. You always chose everybody else. You always made the tough decisions nobody else could. You always win. Thank you for giving yourself a clean slate and for allowing yourself to be better. You never let your past define you. Thank you for always being ready to put yourself before others even when they don’t deserve it, or because of how much you love and treasure them. Thank you for never straying from who you truly are.
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But there’s so much more.
Thank you for everything you did for me. I’m just one person, but you have fundamentally changed my life forever. Thank you for being the only that thing that can ground me when I am having an anxiety attack. I rely on you more than anybody and it is always one of your cheap tricks or cheesy one liners that manage to bring oxygen back into my lungs, that manage to relieve the tension and that manage to clear my head long enough to recover. So thank you for being rock, my constant support. You may be a fictional character, but I have always needed you in my life. I do not know where I would be without you, so thank you for saving me. Thank you (and this will not sound right) for having anxiety. Thank you for proving to me that there is nothing to be ashamed of and that it does not make me pathetic, because even the magnificent Tony Stark has anxiety. If he can get through it, then so can I. Thank you for inspiring me every single day when I start to lose control. You have shown me that having anxiety does not define me and that I can do so much more. You have shown me how to be strong even though it feels like everything is falling apart. Thank you for not having superpowers. You are the hero everybody needed in their lives, the hero I needed. You have shown me that I do not need powers to be a hero. I may not be able to save the world, but I can help one person and that will be something and it is all you. Thank you for showing me that even though terrible things happen and I may feel like giving up, I can always be better. I can also rise up from the ashes and be something that nobody has even seen before. You never let your past turn you into a terrible person. You were given a second chance and you proved everybody wrong. Thank you for being the light in my life when it seemed darker. Thank you.
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I am also so sorry. I am sorry for all the pain that you have been through. You never deserved any of it. You have always given a piece of yourself to everybody you meet, and they always take it for granted. You should have been loved as a child and you should have known that you were loved. You should have never been targeted by your own uncle, by somebody you trusted, but you still never let that taint the beautiful, blinding and mesmerising light within you. I am so sorry that somebody who was one of your best friends betrayed you beyond compare. I am so sorry that this kind of truth was kept if you when you were entitled to that information. I am sorry that people did not understand that pain that you endured in that moments and that everything was totally justified in the moment. I think we all know that you are greater than that and that if your treated correctly, everything would have been different. I am so sorry that you were not taken seriously when you suffered with PTSD and anxiety. I wish you had somebody who would truly listen to you because all you really needed was to get everything off your chest. I am so sorry that you were left alone stranded in space. I am so sorry that the fate of the universe was once again placed in your hands and that you were forced to make the ultimate sacrifice. I am so sorry that your happiness was taken away from you when you just started to understand what that felt like. I am so sorry that happiness is always stripped away from you even though you deserved it more than anybody else. I am so sorry that you sacrificed everything for a world that never appreciated you until it was too late.
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Tony Stark. Thank you. I will never stop loving you. I will never forget the way you have helped me. I will never forget the sacrifices you have made. I have always believed in you more than anything else. You have helped me grow for so many years. You have always been supporting me. Even though your death is the worst pain I have ever felt, I am satisfied with your story. It was always you. You were never able to stop and I loved you for that. You were always going to die in battle, and it was the noblest end you could have been given. No matter how hard you tried, you were always drawn to being a hero. It is written in the stars and it is ingrained in your mind. You are a hero, you save people and you sacrifice everything. You showed the strength of your mind during every single second. You defeated your demons and emerged victorious. You can rest. You have dedicated your life to this legacy, and you will never be forgotten. You were given a true hero’s death and for that I will forever be grateful. Your story has come full circle. You no longer need to carry the weight of the entire world on your shoulders. You won. You beat him. You are loved. You are appreciated. You won. You will always be Iron Man. You are Iron Man and be is you. You have always been the same person. The suit and you are one. You may be gone, but your legacy will remain until the end of time, untainted and in stone. I am so proud of you and everything that you have accomplished and overcome. Thank you for being my hero. Thank you Iron Man. Thank you Tony Stark. I love you 3000.
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ENDGAME SPOILERS!Don't bloody read any further you haven't watched it yet!!!
I've never cried so much in the cinema they really did a beautiful job of finishing up the storyline, yeah they pulled some unpopular moves with Thor and Steve but that's the reality of the sacrifices of leaving your old life and loved ones behind. With Scott and Carol it really shows how important the other movies are to watch and be aware of the little details bc they played a major role in saving everyone's ass. It was so beautiful that we got to see Tony seeing his dad, Thor and his mum, Steve seeing Peggy which perhaps is when his plan came to mind, it's so sad that Natasha and Tony didn't made it but without their sacrifices the avengers wouldn't have won. My favorite part was definitely everyone being released from the soul stone that was so bad ass and watching thanos die twice but I'm still trying to process it all.
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woderfulkawaii · 5 years
I'm in denial if you can't tell!!😭😭😭😭
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elevendeductions · 5 years
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So free.
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aspiestvmusings · 6 years
My “Avengers: Endgame” Theory* - LONG POST
* this is more like just a random (spoilery) thought, than a theory or actual speculation. But it is partly based on the spoilers (posters, trailer) etc... that have been released. 
This is based purely on my own personal thoughts based on the spoilers we have already, plus scenes/facts from past films. I am not familiar with the comics, I am not really familiar with the whole MCU, I’m just a fan of Ironman. 
This post contains SPOILERS, so beware. But nothing more than what’s been given away in trailers, posters etc. 
You know how there’s speculation going on about Tony Stark’s (Ironman’s) fate in the final Avengers 4: Endgame film (in theaters in 3 months, end of April 2019)...and what happens after Infinity War, when we see that he’s stranded “alone” on Titan. 
There’s  talk about what “part of the journey is the end” means for Tony’s character.  There’s talk about what “one last sacrifice” means for Tony’s character.  There’s talk about how RDJs contract with Marvel/Disney ending with A4 & this being the end of the journey & this being Tony’s last sacrifice...cold possibly mean he’ll  (the character) die. But I don’t believe in those theories. I acknowledge the possibility, but I consider it unlikely in canon. 
There’s talk about... many things... 
Well... here’s my overly optimistic take on it all (please remember that I am unfamiliar with the comics & the MCU, so this is based on the very little I know based on the IM films & the Avengers films I have seen... the past Tony/Ironman scenes & storyline I am aware of): 
First, let’s start with a walk down the memory lane
In IM1 Tony first said “I am Ironman”. (He had become one with the “suit”)
In IM3 Tony gave up the suits (and the arc reactor in his chest) ...for Pepper (the constant danger of losing him was hard for her, while she supported him on this journey & understood his “quest”). Only for the end scene to show how he wasn’t done yet... because..to quote him... “They can take away all my tricks & toys. One thing you can’t take away -- I am Ironman” 
In A3 he tells Pepper of a vivid dream he had...about how they are expecting a baby, and Pepper tells him that if he’d really wanted to start a family he’d not still be Ironman. (that thing on his chest... that now/since IM3 ending isn’t an electromagnet keeping him alive...but just a compartment for the suit/nanotech)
What I take from all this is: 
Tony’s biggest sacrifice.... in order to get his “happy ending” is to give up the suits..for good. Tony is Ironman. He has become one with his suits, and Iron Man. Hence it would be very Disney movie like & very movie like if his sacrifice would not be any of his “loved ones” (parents, loved ones, team members) others have mentioned, but part of himself... the suits, the Ironman. This would also give him the normal life he seems to (now) crave... a family with Pepper. 
So... I think his sacrifice is giving up the suits (Ironman). But this time for good. (Or will he? Maybe they’ll include some after credits scene to take that all back?). The suits are part of him, he is part of the suits. So in a way that would be, maybe, the biggest sacrifice he could make. I mean... he loves the suits & his mission is to do good and save the world/universe, but... we’ve also seen how being an Avengers has affected him. The nightmares & PTSD he had, the horrors he’s seen, the strain on his relationship with Pepper the suits have caused (she understands & supports, but still....it has caused issues for them). And we’ve also seen how lately he’s becoming more of a mentor, a teacher (Harley in IM3, Peter in SM & A3)... so the path to fatherhood/parenthood & for mentor has been paved...
Tony’s story line is pretty much the same in every MCU fim:  
First he gets into trouble, and is separated from the rest of the characters/team. Either by physical distance or emotionally. Example: held captive in a cave in Afghanistan in IM1; alone with the secret of slowly dying from the poisoning in IM2; stranded in snowy Rosehill, Tennessee with a non-functioning Jarvis/IM suit in IM3; goes through the portal alone to misdirect the weapon in A1;  goes against the others in the topic of whether to sign or not sign the Sokovia Accords in CA: CW; stranded alone on Titan in A3. In most films he saves himself from the first threat/trouble he faces all by himself (or with just one helper - Yinsen in IM1, Harley in IM3, ... and looks like Nebula in A4), using his skills and knowledge. And then later he needs a little help from his friends/team to save himself & the world, when the second threat  appears. And in the end he gets a (relatively) happy ending. The universe is saved & he is reunited with his loved ones. 
To me this means that (as seen in the trailer) he escapes Titan alone, and either gets back to Earth all alone...or with a little help from friends (Rescue/Pepper, Captain Marvel, someone else...like Elon Musk...who he met in IM2), and then later (or before...depending on whether “time travel” really is part of the film) he is part of the team (Avengers) again...in the fight to save the Universe (and defeat Thanos/undo the snap). 
Now...to the “parallels” I see between A4 & past films: 
I also see parallels between IM3 and A4. With Tony recording a message to Pepper via his suit/helmet. I do think that there’s a parallel scene in A4 to what we saw in IM3, where she hears/sees his message, through a secure channel, and knows to not worry and/or send help. 
I also don’t think the “It’s always been you” line in the A4 trailer is accidental. I do think that’s a parallel to the IM2 line, where Tony makes Pepper the company’s CEO, using the same words. Meaning... she’s his successor, she’s his “rescuer”.
And my personal hope is that the line “no hope for rescue” in the trailer refers to Rescue (Pepper’s suit/armor... from the comics), and that somehow Pepper either suits up & as Rescue rescues Tony from that spaceship or sends someone else to help. 
But yeah... in each film the first half of the film takes Tony away from from others (Pepper, his friends, The Avengers), and he has only himself, or one helper, to rely on...to save himself, but each film (almost each... but at least every IM film) end happily for Tony (and Tony & Pepper). Hence I think the same pattern continues for the last Avengers film. Which would mean either Tony/Pepper wedding and/or pregnancy reveal/baby reveal (if there is a time jump involved). Or both?
...also... I don’t think that the Avengers being dusted in A3 & the Avengers “sign” “being dusted”, and then shown to “putting itself back together” in the promo/trailer is for nothing. I’d say it’s a clear hint that the dusted will be undusted... 
also... I saw  the words “co-founder of the foundation” under Pepper’s signature on that giant check in the SM2 trailer. (sidenote: Pepper, not Virginia?) 
also... I do think Dr. Strange knew exactly what he was doing when he “gave the stone to Thanos” at the end of A3. He had seen 14 million 605 possible outcomes & knew that the ONE condition what was required to win (and based on that scene...that one condition was for Tony/IM to survive...)
... also “Endgame”... the title of the 4th movie & the term/word used by Dr. Strange in A3 & by Tony in A2...is most likely not just a coincidence. The word was used & the lines said..on purpose IMO.... in those past scenes...as sort of a foreshadowing to A4. It is a chess-reference IMO. They are now in the endgame. That move (giving the purple guy the stone...in return for Tony’s life...was a calculated “chess” move).. 
,..also.. if Harley Keener (from IM3) is really in A4...as himself... then who says he & Tony  haven’t been in touch all these years? I mean... “they are connected”...as was repeatedly said in IM3. So... perhaps he holds a “communication line” to Tony and/or is revealed to be one of Tony’s “students” (like Peter)? I'd love for that wordplay/line from IM3 to be revealed to have a deeper meaning in the A4 plot. Either way... I’m very curious what role he plays in this film. (unless they filmed extra scenes with him during IM3 that they’ve kept to use only now, he’ll be a teen/adult in the new film. And maybe this is all just to set up phase four...the next generation (Monica as new CM, Peter as SM continues, Harley as IM/a new hero, Clint's daughter/Kate as new Hawkeye... etc etc.)...
Also... since it’s almost certain that the daughter, Monica, who now, 25 years later, is an adult, will be a part of MCU, then perhaps she could already be a part of it in this film...and has built that spaceship mentioned in the film that came out 6 weeks before A4? 
...ETA: also...one of the fan theories I think are very plausible is “Tony’s left army Theory”. Even if the part of the theory about the Ironman becoming a man with iron arm part is not true, I think it’s more than likely that the franchise ends with the one it began with. Tony/Ironman and his left arm. I think that it’s most logical that it’s Tony’s left arm that will be “wearing” the infinity gauntlet...to unsnap the snap....and there will be damage to the hand... 
...unless...you know... (bringing us back to the beginning of A3 & Tony/Pepper jogging scene dialogue).... it has all been a dream. A very vivid dream. But whose? And “created” by whom?
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lilmisshungrytiger · 5 years
Thoughts on Thor in Avengers: Endgame (SPOILERS, obviously)
It’s just an opinion, but NO, I don’t think and feel that Thor was written off as a joke in Endgame.
The guy lost SO MUCH: His mother, father, the love of his life, his friends, his home planet, half of his people, and his own brother was slaughtered right in front of him and he was powerless at the time to stop it. He kept going in IW, but at a crucial point in battle, he made a mistake that cost them everything. He failed. So, add THAT to the loss he was already carrying.
Then during the first few minutes of Endgame, he [they] failed again when he realized that the stones are gone and nothing, supposedly, could bring them back. They lost in an unimaginable way and he must have felt that he had a part in that.
I don’t know how one would cope with all that, but the result in the movie made a lot of sense to me.
The heroes we were always presented with were not perfect beings able to withstand anything and make the right choices each time. They had/have their fair share of weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
Thor needed to get it together and that gave us that beautiful moment with Frigga.
But they gave him a belly and Fortnite! Oh boo freakin’ hoo, so what?! I think when he suited up for the final battle, it was established that his physique didn’t diminish his powers and abilities in any way. And you’re really complaining that he played video games (to escape his PTSD and depression)? Come on, we’re all geeks here.
I sort of agree that he did not stay to rule New Asgard, but that’s just a personal preference. I just see him as more of the adventurer type. The opposite is also possible. Taking care of his people, especially after Ragnarok, IW, and Endgame, seems like an equally reasonable path for him.
All in all, NO, Thor was not treated as a joke. What he suffered through and how he coped with it did not take away his character development. They were part of it. No hate, okay? Bye.
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fairytale-sky · 6 years
Omg Tony saying „We‘re not there yet“ when Peter thinks he hugs him at the beginning of Homecoming and then Infinity War hug ... omg my feels 😰😰😰
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