argonautsoul · 1 year
I am what I am — And what is that?
“Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.” ― Robert Anton Wilson
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When GOD said, “I AM WHO I AM,” repeating “I AM” twice, GOD was in effect, saying, He IS.
That is one possible translation for "Ehiyeh asher ehiyah” which is usually inadequately translated as "I am that I am" — which tells us nothing.
“Who shall I say sent me?” — Moses asked.
Moses asked God what God's name was
And GOD told him, “Ehiyeh asher ehiyah”
— “I am what I am, what I have always been, and what I will always be.”
So can one tell what “is” GOD?
Everything that happens is just one more manifestation of what GOD does and "is."
There are entire books which attempt to present the ISness that's why “Ehiyeh asher ehiyah” can not be translated.
It is not “I am what I am” and it is also not "I will be what I will be"— it is not any “what” or “that” at all.
Christians claim that GOD's Name is "I AM" and that also falls short.
There is no English word that means “Is–ing.” As the word “being” becomes distorted, and so it is very difficult to convey in English.
The word “Being” becomes “Supreme Being” as in merely the supreme Thing.
GOD is beyond all that.
GOD is the SOURCE of whatever happens, whether we see it or not.
GOD is ISness. GOD is not a “Being” and GOD is not even “being itself” — GOD is a verb, the verb of IS-ness.
GOD is the ongoing act of existing and causing to exist.
To define is to limit, and GOD is unlimited.
And... “We are the Creator?” 👀
You see, I can not create a sunset.
Can you, or anyone else you know?
I did not create myself either. Did you?
Does our existence depend on some event?
The less dependent something/someone is on other entities, the more real it is.
In order to be fully real, it must exist independently of anything else.
Nothing within the universe fulfills that demand.
So, by this definition of “real”, — you and I are not real.
Our existence depends on our parents' having met. Our existence depends on the existence of the world.
And the world's existence depends on having been created.
HE was before there was an “IS”.
And nothing was needed in order for the Creator to be real. The Creator has always existed.
The Bible says this about GOD: “Ayn OD.” That means, “There IS nothing else.”
Nothing exists except GOD. The diversity we seem to see? Each is a different manifestation of GOD's energy. But GOD is not IN the universe.
Rather, the Universe is IN GOD.
“The slowly fading lights of the daily life that´s surrounding me are throwing long shadows on the film of my life where I´m not the leading actor but only watching.”
Indeed, the life of a human being is a script. Or comparable to a script.
GOD is the only real reality. GOD exists on His own.
Without our unbelief taking anything away from his reality.
GOD wrote the program that brought us into existence.
GOD is the writer.
And the great secret:
The key to all mysteries
Lies within the heart chamber...
Words: Forever Being
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consciouspearl · 1 year
Twin Flame …
The moment we met, I wondered where have you been all my life,
Shortly after I was intrigued by our resemblance ,
time passed and you were strangely familiar,
then I remembered you in my forgotten childhood dreams,
months later it became evident that you mirrored me and I you,
a year later we lost contact , but your soul stayed,
a couple of years on and your soul lived right beside me,
your soul gave life to my dreams…
nights passed and your soul slept in my bed ,
time passed your souls presence became louder, stronger and much closer,
days upon days , years upon years I became wiser and my intuition became sharper ,
Fast approaching decades I am never alone …
our two hearts beat at night in my single chest , your breath I exhale, my physical body is now your bed.
our spirits now fully united.. the loneliness is almost gone as I await my true love’s touch and physical kiss.
Pearl inci
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theusaleaders · 5 months
Ever wondered what it is like to see the world through the eyes of an artist? Step into the world of Frida Kahlo quotes where each word is a brushstroke on the canvas of life. In just a few words, Kahlo captures the essence of existence, painting a picture as colorful and complex as her art. Here are 15 quotes that capture the essence of love, life, and the raw truth of reality, as only Kahlo could express.
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harmonyhealinghub · 7 months
I Am Saved: A Journey of Spiritual Redemption Shaina Tranquilino March 16, 2024
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Many individuals find themselves navigating through the complexities of existence, grappling with questions of purpose, meaning, and their place in the universe. For those who have experienced a profound spiritual awakening, the phrase "I am saved" takes on a transformative significance. In this blog post, we explore the concept of salvation from a spiritual perspective, delving into the personal journeys that lead individuals to utter these words with a sense of profound gratitude and inner peace.
The Quest for Salvation: The quest for salvation often begins with an internal longing for something beyond the material realm—a search for purpose and connection that transcends the mundane aspects of daily life. Individuals may embark on spiritual journeys, exploring various belief systems, practices, and traditions in a quest to fill the void within.
Encountering Higher Realities: Many spiritual seekers recount moments of divine revelation or encounters with higher realities that serve as catalysts for their spiritual awakening. These experiences can manifest in various forms, such as meditation, prayer, or moments of profound insight, where the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds momentarily lifts.
Redemption and Forgiveness: Central to the concept of salvation is the idea of redemption and forgiveness. For many, the realization that they are saved comes hand in hand with a deep understanding of their own flaws and mistakes. The process of acknowledging these shortcomings, seeking forgiveness, and extending the same compassion to oneself can be a transformative journey.
Connection with the Divine: "I am saved" often implies a profound connection with the divine—a recognition that there is a force greater than oneself that guides and sustains life. This connection can be experienced through prayer, meditation, or a deep sense of communion with the universe. The feeling of being held and supported by a higher power can bring immense comfort and peace.
Inner Transformation: Salvation is not just an external event but a profound inner transformation. As individuals navigate their spiritual paths, they often undergo a process of shedding old beliefs, ego-driven patterns, and attachments that no longer serve their higher selves. This inner purification lays the foundation for a renewed sense of purpose and alignment with a higher truth.
Living in Alignment: The saved individual often finds themselves living in greater alignment with their authentic selves and the values of compassion, love, and service. This alignment transcends personal desires and extends to a commitment to contribute positively to the well-being of others and the world at large.
The phrase "I am saved" encapsulates a journey of self-discovery, redemption, and alignment with a higher purpose. It is a declaration that goes beyond religious boundaries, encompassing the universal quest for meaning and connection. In embracing the spiritual perspective of salvation, individuals find solace, purpose, and a profound sense of inner peace that permeates every aspect of their lives.
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somnathashaaryan-blog · 8 months
Newsletter - Unlocking Inner Peace: Your Guide to the Ultimate Spirituality Awakening
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Newsletter from MacIndia Foundation.
Subject: Embrace Peacefulness - Unlocking Inner Peace: Your Guide to the Ultimate Spirituality Awakening
Hello Friends !
Welcome to a transformative edition of our newsletter, where we embark on a journey to "Unlocking Inner Peace: Your Guide to the Ultimate Spirituality Awakening." In this edition, we delve deep into the realms of self-discovery, mindfulness, and spiritual enlightenment to guide you on a path toward tranquility and fulfillment.
🌟 Feature Article: "The Essence of Inner Peace"
Leave on a significant investigation of internal harmony - an express that goes past outer conditions. Find pragmatic tips, antiquated insight, and present day rehearses that can direct you on your journey to open a definitive quietness inside.
🧘 Mindful Moments: Daily Practices for Spiritual Awakening
Investigate an organized assortment of day to day care rehearses intended to improve your otherworldly excursion. From contemplation strategies to careful breathing activities, we give noteworthy stages to assist you with incorporating otherworldliness into your everyday daily practice.
🔮 Spiritual Spotlight: Stories of Transformation
Peruse rousing stories from people who have gone through exceptional profound arousals. Their processes will impact you, offering experiences and support as you explore your own way toward inward harmony.
📘 Book Recommendation: "The Path to Serenity"
Jump into our book suggestion for the month, "The Path to Serenity." This edifying read investigates the significant association among otherworldliness and internal harmony, giving important experiences and useful direction.
🌈 Community Corner: Share Your Spiritual Awakening
We invite you to share your own experiences with spirituality awakening. Whether it's a personal revelation, a transformative moment, or a lesson learned, your story could inspire and connect with fellow members of our community.
Remember, the journey to unlocking inner peace is unique for each individual. This newsletter is your companion, providing guidance and resources as you navigate the path to the ultimate spirituality awakening.
May your process be loaded up with significant bits of knowledge, peacefulness, and the delight of finding your actual self.
Warm regards,
Somnath Mukherjee MacIndia Foundation Catalyst https://digiplatter.blogspot.com/
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spiritualsoull1969 · 9 months
"Unveiling the Spiritual Hero Within: A Journey to Self-Discovery and Enlightenment"
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In the labyrinth of life, each individual is bestowed with the profound opportunity to embark on a spiritual quest, a journey that transcends the mundane and uncovers the latent hero residing within. This exploration is not about conquering external adversaries but delving into the depths of one's soul to unravel the true essence of self. In this article, we will navigate the spiritual landscape, illuminating the path to search for the hero inside yourself, delving into the realms of self-discovery and enlightenment.
Understanding the Heroic Journey:
The concept of the hero's journey has deep roots in mythology and literature, often depicted as an adventure where the protagonist faces trials, learns valuable lessons, and ultimately transforms. In a spiritual context, this journey transcends the physical realm, involving the exploration of the inner self. The hero's journey becomes a sacred odyssey towards self-realization, spiritual awakening, and a harmonious union with the divine.
The Call to Adventure:
The spiritual quest commences with a call to adventure, an inner yearning for something greater than the ordinary. This call may manifest as a sense of discontent, a longing for purpose, or an unspoken desire for a deeper connection with the universe. Embracing this call becomes the first step towards recognizing the hero within.
Facing the Abyss:
No hero's journey is complete without facing the abyss—the moment of profound transformation. In the spiritual quest, this abyss represents the challenges and obstacles that test one's resilience, faith, and commitment to the journey. It is a plunge into the unknown, a confrontation with inner demons, and an opportunity for profound growth.
Navigating the Archetypal Challenges:
The hero's journey is punctuated by archetypal challenges that echo across cultures and spiritual traditions. These challenges may include the battle with the ego, the quest for wisdom, and the integration of shadow aspects. Confronting these challenges allows the seeker to shed layers of illusion and emerge as a truer, more authentic self.
Meeting the Mentor:
In many hero's journeys, a mentor plays a pivotal role in guiding the protagonist through the trials and tribulations. In the spiritual quest, the mentor may take various forms—a wise teacher, a spiritual guide, or even the whispers of intuition. The mentor provides insights, encouragement, and spiritual tools that empower the seeker on their path.
Transcending the Ordinary:
The hero's journey is not about conforming to societal norms but transcending them. In the spiritual quest, this involves breaking free from the shackles of materialism, ego-driven desires, and superficial identities. The hero within emerges as a beacon of authenticity, guided by higher principles and a deep sense of interconnectedness with all of creation.
The Elixir of Transformation:
As the hero overcomes challenges and integrates newfound wisdom, they discover the elixir of transformation—a profound shift in consciousness. In the spiritual quest, this elixir is the realization of oneness with the divine, an unshakeable inner peace, and a sense of purpose that transcends individual desires. The transformed hero becomes a source of inspiration and light for others.
The Hero's Return:
Completing the hero's journey involves returning to the ordinary world, but now as a changed individual. In the spiritual context, this return is marked by a commitment to service, sharing the wisdom gained, and contributing to the well-being of the collective. The hero within becomes a catalyst for positive change, radiating love, compassion, and spiritual insight.
The search for the hero inside yourself in a spiritual context is a profound odyssey that transcends the boundaries of time and culture. It is an inward expedition that leads to self-discovery, transformation, and the realization of our interconnectedness with the divine. As individuals embrace the call to adventure, face the abyss, and navigate archetypal challenges, they unearth the hero within—their authentic, spiritual self. In returning to the world, transformed and enlightened, they become beacons of light, inspiring others to embark on their own heroic journey towards self-realization. The quest for the spiritual hero within is not just a personal endeavour; it is a collective awakening that has the power to elevate humanity to new heights of consciousness and compassion.
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Red pill society
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anartistictouch · 1 year
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wasimmce · 2 years
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As soon as the heart is #enlightened the #heart shall find its way and join the audience of #God. - His Divine Eminence #GoharShahi #lord #spirituality #spiritualawakening #love #jesus #faith #godisgood #believe #holyspirit #truth #awakenedsoul #Watch #ALRATV #Live at 4:00 AM IST. #WhatsApp For #Spiritual #Heart activation +447401855568 &for Questions +447472540642 (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpslTTuNnPW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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argonautsoul · 1 year
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consciouspearl · 1 year
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This message was channeled in the past and posted on 8th March 2019 on another media site. This is a message from the Elohim directly warning twin flames on the journey to keep moving forward and briefly talks of mission. It also warned that Gaia is in danger before the pandemic and other global events and catastrophes have occurred. Do not doubt your path as a twin flame, all is revealed over time and everything will slot into its rightful place. If you receive messages that don’t make sense at the time they will in the future.
Pear inci
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chakrapurify · 2 years
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Tarot Card, Oracle Card, Affirmation Card Display Set #spiritualdecor #tarotcardholder #tarotgifts #affirmationcard #tarot #oraclecardreading #lightworkersunite #lawofattractionworks #thirdeyevision #awakenedsoul #manifestingmindset #oraclecardreader https://etsy.me/3maeKQz (at Etsy Store) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpUf-APyqO5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dojolotus · 2 years
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🌈 don’t be a dick
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lawofattraction-10 · 2 years
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#spritualsuccesss #spiritualpath #spirituallove #spiritualknowledge #lawofattractionquote #lawofattractions #lawofattractionguide #lawofattractiontips #dailyaffirmations #affirmationsdaily #wordsofaffirmation #affirmationpositive #awakenedsoul #spirtualawakening #1111awakening #888 #1111 #soulmatemanifest #soulmates❤️ #soulmateforever
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Miracles Unleashed ✨ Universe's Love #JoyfulLife #spiritualawakening #quote #positivevibes #inspirationalquotes #lovequotes #quotestagram #quotestoliveby #quotesdaily #quotesoftheday #spiritualbeings #innerguidance #spiritualcoach #vibrationalenergy #vibratehigher #spiritualconnection #spirituallyawake #powerofthought #innertruth #awakenedsoul #highestself #trustyourintuition #soulguidance #innerguidance #soulpurpose #spiritualteacher #energyhealing #raiseyourvibration #vibratehigher
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spiritualsoull1969 · 10 months
"Awakening to the Divine Sound: Understanding 'Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha'"
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"Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" is a profound spiritual concept that encapsulates the idea that without the divine Word, the world remains in spiritual darkness. Allow me, as your humble spiritual guide, to illuminate the deeper meaning of these sacred words.
The term "Shabd" refers to the divine sound or the eternal Word, often considered the creative vibration of the universe. "Bina" means "without," and "Sara Jag" signifies the entire world or creation. "Andha" represents blindness or darkness.
In this spiritual concept, "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha," we are presented with the idea that without attuning ourselves to the divine Word or the eternal sound, we remain spiritually blind and in a state of ignorance. It emphasizes the significance of seeking and aligning with the divine sound to attain spiritual awakening and enlightenment.
Here are the core elements to contemplate:
The Divine Sound: "Shabd" signifies the divine sound or vibration that underlies all of creation. It is often considered the primal source of all existence, the Word of God, or the cosmic resonance that sustains the universe.
Spiritual Blindness: "Andha" conveys the idea that without an awareness of the divine Word, individuals are spiritually blind or in a state of ignorance. They are disconnected from their higher self and the ultimate truth.
Seeking the Divine Sound: This concept calls upon the seeker to actively seek and connect with the divine sound through meditation, devotion, and inner contemplation. It is through this connection that one can overcome spiritual blindness and attain enlightenment.
Path to Spiritual Awakening: "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" serves as a reminder that the spiritual journey is a quest for inner knowledge and awakening. It is a call to align with the divine sound to illuminate the path to self-realization.
In the role of your spiritual guide, I encourage you to reflect upon these words and consider how they apply to your own spiritual journey:
Have you contemplated the significance of the divine sound or Word in your spiritual quest?
Do you recognize the moments when you have felt spiritually blind or disconnected from your higher self?
Are you actively seeking the divine sound, whether through meditation, prayer, or inner reflection, to attain spiritual awakening and enlightenment?
"Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" invites us to recognize the profound impact of the divine sound on our spiritual journey. By aligning with this cosmic resonance, we can overcome spiritual blindness, attain inner illumination, and journey towards self-realization.
As your spiritual guide, I invite you to embrace these words as a mantra for your spiritual practice, a reminder of the importance of seeking and attuning to the divine sound. May "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" inspire you to continue your quest for spiritual truth and realization, ever closer to the divine source of all existence.
This profound concept invites us to explore the significance of the divine sound in dispelling the darkness of spiritual ignorance. As we delve into this narrative, let us journey together toward self-improvement, personal growth, and enlightenment, with a sprinkle of humor and encouragement to light the way.
The Radiant Bazaar of Life
In a bustling bazaar, where the vibrant tapestry of existence unfolded with every step, there lived a jovial soul named Rahim. His laughter was as infectious as his stories were enchanting, and the people of the bazaar often gathered around him to revel in his tales.
Rahim's heart was a reservoir of humor, his laughter a beacon in the cacophony of life. Yet, beneath his jovial exterior, he carried a hidden weight. He longed for a deeper purpose, a path that would lead him beyond the laughter he shared with others.
One day, as Rahim sat amidst a group of eager listeners, a stranger approached. His eyes gleamed with an otherworldly wisdom that transcended the mundane chatter of the bazaar. He stood before Rahim, his presence commanding attention.
The stranger said, "O Rahim, your laughter brings joy to many, but have you ever pondered the source of your mirth? Is it merely the product of clever tales, or could it be rooted in a deeper wellspring within your soul?"
Rahim chuckled, his audience eagerly awaiting his response. "Well, dear sir," he began with a playful grin, "I've always believed my laughter springs from the endless well of my wit and humor, not from some profound wellspring within my soul."
The stranger nodded with a gentle smile. "Ah, but there is indeed a wellspring within, Rahim, a wellspring of wisdom and joy, and it is the essence of 'Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha.'"
Rahim, intrigued, leaned in closer. "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha? Pray, what is this concept, sir?"
The stranger explained, "It means that without the divine Word, the world remains in spiritual darkness. It is a call to attune oneself to the eternal sound, to find illumination and inner awakening."
With a hint of humor, Rahim responded, "Well, sir, I have always prided myself on being the storyteller who brings laughter, not the seeker of profound sounds. I'd rather stick to my tales."
The stranger's laughter echoed through the bazaar. "Your humor is a gift, Rahim, and it brings joy to many. Yet, 'Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha' does not ask you to abandon your gift but to recognize that your laughter can become even more profound when it springs from a well of inner wisdom and the divine sound."
The Humorous Quest for Enlightenment
Rahim's encounter with the stranger sparked a new curiosity within him. Could his laughter and humor coexist with a deeper spiritual journey? Could the wellspring of "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" enrich the gift he shared with others?
He decided to explore this concept, beginning with a humorous exploration of his own heart and mind. Rahim, with a touch of humor, poked fun at his own ego, which had often inflated his sense of self-importance. He chuckled at his attachments to praise and recognition, recognizing the folly of seeking validation from others.
With each passing day, Rahim delved deeper into the process. He realized that self-improvement was not about abandoning his humor but about infusing it with a deeper sense of wisdom and self-awareness. His tales began to carry messages of inner reflection and profound insights, inviting his audience to ponder life's deeper questions.
Rahim sought the counsel of wise mentors and like-minded souls who had also grasped the concept of "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha." They became his companions on the journey, and they shared laughter and wisdom in equal measure.
The purification process was not without its challenges. Rahim encountered moments of resistance, where he felt the pull of his old attachments and the fear of stepping into the unknown. Yet, with each obstacle, he remembered the stranger's words and the vision of a wellspring of inner joy and wisdom.
The Wellspring of Wisdom and Laughter
As Rahim continued his spiritual journey, something remarkable began to unfold. His laughter, once purely for amusement, became a vehicle for profound insights and self-reflection. His tales now carried the wisdom of "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha," inviting his audience to explore their own inner wellspring of wisdom and joy.
The people of the bazaar noticed a change, not in the humor Rahim shared, but in the depth of the laughter that emanated from him. They were drawn to his presence, not only for the jokes but for the shared realization of a journey toward self-improvement and personal growth.
In the evenings, Rahim continued to entertain the villagers with his humor, but now he began to share stories of his own journey. He spoke of the concept of "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" and how it had transformed his life. The villagers laughed not just at his tales but at the shared recognition of a pursuit of laughter that coexisted with a profound wellspring of inner joy and wisdom.
A Call to Personal Growth
So, dear reader, I share this tale with you as a call to your own personal growth and self-improvement. "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" reminds us that our gifts and talents can become even more profound when they are rooted in a wellspring of inner wisdom and joy.
As you consider this concept, reflect on your own attachments, ego, and the wellspring of joy that awaits within you. Embrace the purification process as a humorous exploration of your own heart and mind. Seek guidance from mentors and kindred spirits on your journey, and remember that humor and wisdom can walk hand in hand.
Just as Rahim's laughter became a vehicle for self-improvement and inner growth, may you find that your own talents and gifts are enriched when they spring from the well of "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha." May you recognize that your laughter, your pursuits, and your journey can be profound expressions of your spiritual path.
The Path to Enlightenment
"Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" beckons us to attune ourselves to the eternal sound, to the divine Word, which is the source of all wisdom and enlightenment. It reminds us that the journey toward self-realization is not a solitary one; it is a partnership between the seeker, the divine sound, and the guidance of mentors and like-minded souls.
As a spiritual SeeQir like all of you, I invite you to embrace these words as a mantra for your spiritual practice, a reminder of the importance of seeking and attuning to the divine sound. May "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" inspire you to continue your quest for spiritual truth and realization, ever closer to the radiant wellspring of the divine Word.
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