#aww doing one of these again makes my soul feel cozy
broken-clover · 1 year
Could I request hc’s abt how the ersb gang falls in love? And how they act while pining over their eventual S/o? I miss them :v
Aw, certainly! I can never say no to these! Every time it pops up from the ether it puts a smile on my face
-Elphelt falls in love hard and fast, the actual difficult part is giving the whole thing more depth instead of it just being an idealized concept
-To try and clarify that idea, Elphelt goes in expecting a lot of things about what a relationship could be, y'know, classic scripted romcom trappings up to the nines. The first time something goes undeniably wrong, she'll have a moment of confused realization when the relationship doesn't immediately explode once she's strayed away from some imagined script
-Does not hesitate to make her feelings known, she's the sort to leave love notes in lockers and heap unsubtle praise on her object of affection
-Despite that, she still wonders whether or not she's being too subtle
-Frequent daydreamer, if you approach her in the midst of it she's probably doodling romantic scribbles all over what's nearest. Be careful not to leave any political documents nearby unless you want them plastered with 'Elphelt x s/o' and hearts with arrows all over it
-He doesn't have a lot of personal experiences with romance, so at first he gets a little confused and wonders why he wants someone to be best friends really, really badly
-He has that infamous 'oh' moment where it just slaps him across the face several weeks in.
-His parents aren't exactly great with advice given their own weird romantic history, but they're at least good at emphasizing the idea of loving deeply even if the circumstances are strange.
-Any attempted confessions ends up taking a long tangent about chairs
-Has no idea how pining works, if anything he'll just end up shouting it and/or dumping everything out to the first person who asks why he's being so absentminded today
-Ram is the sort of person who believes that a partner isn't too different from a very very good friend. As such, she'll want to make sure she considers someone a friend before she can fathom the thought of being her partner
-Sometimes she gets a little ahead of herself, she can have a hard time knowing what to do in a 'normal' relationship and isn't fully certain whether or not it's appropriate or crossing a boundary . She's trying, but there isn't exactly a manual available
-She knows people like dogs, though, so Ketchup is a good secret weapon. Even if it's painfully obvious she set him out and guided him over in order to have an excuse to start a conversation.
-Ram has an impeccable poker face, but conversely to her sister, she thinks she's being too obvious and is genuinely surprised when someone says otherwise.
-He is too intelligent and rational for such sappy displays. He has some level of dignity
-No, that little tchotchke on his shelf isn't the same one that you offered and he reluctantly took, Sin. What are you asking for. Are you a cop.
-He gets very, very mad about having a crush and it's kind of adorable. The thoughts do go away as soon as he wants them to and he scrunches up his face like a grumpy dog
-Unsubtle. Painfully, painfully unsubtle. He does everything shy of walking up to them and shouting 'I'M NOT THINKING ABOUT YOU AND YOU CAN'T PROVE I AM'
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itsabouttimex2 · 3 months
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Deep Sea Sympathies
Yandere Sun Wukong
(Syntax alphabet is up next, then an LSO + Primal . Feeling super down, so I wrote something a little sadder. The villain tiers post I spent two days writing and rewriting again and again got anonymously sent to another user, who skimmed the majority of it, left out my opening and ending points, and called at least one of my criticisms “ridiculous” and even has a reblogger claiming that I “hate Macaque”, that I want “everyone to hate Macaque” and that I’m “salty”. Maybe it’s childish, but that kind of hurts when I’ve spent literal months making content for the show (often involving Macaque) that I genuinely love. I only wrote that list because I wanted to give my honest opinions as a break from my usual content as I prepared to watch and write for Season Five. Maybe I’m in the wrong and my rant was just stupid? Do you guys want me to delete the “Season Five Prep” posts?)
“I still can’t believe MK got me back into this,” the simian before you chuckles. “But I’m kinda glad he did. I really missed drawing. I forgot how good it felt.”
“…I see,” you “answer”, maintaining a stiff and poised position, staring down at the collection of utensils that the hero is using. “Are you… having fun, then?”
“Aww, bud. Come and take a seat, okay? Look, I’ll even put out a little mat for you. Come and take a seat,” he invites, plucking one of his transforming ginger hairs to make a proper cushion for you.
His tail winds lazily around your leg, tugging you closer and closer to the squishy orange padding.
“C’mon, bud,” he says, cutting through your hesitation. His voice has a powerful edge under all the sweetness- reminding you that the Monkey King is someone you can’t say no to. “I want you to draw with me, kiddo.”
Wukong is fond of this- pulling you into little “bonding sessions” that take up the whole day and leave you without time to spend with anyone else.
It’s funny, though, really- you are the last person that need be manipulated away from others.
“The Great Witch of Gloom,” was the title that you had been assigned. Before you had a name, before you had taken a step, before you had so much as uttered a cry… your fate had been decided.
You were to be a wicked soul with dark motives and a darker heart.
As old memories flood into your ever weary mind, Wukong arranges a few sheets of paper in front your mat. The grip of his tail slowly tightens, and you cease all stalling.
Lowering yourself to the ground, the mat provides a cozy cradle to shield against the cold wooden floor.
“…it’s almost Winter,” you mildly comment, tracing a finger against a smooth plank. “It’s getting colder.”
“Oh,” the simian casually asks, scooting his mat closer to yours, “you like the snow?” Here’s chance he always adores- any rare tidbit of info you offer is a chance for him to spoil you, stocking up on presents and snacks in an attempt to drown you in platonic love.
It didn’t help that you always felt so indebted after he was done stacking gifts into your arms and bag.
“So, bud- what’re you gonna draw?”
The curiosity in his voice is almost innocent, almost sweet. He pushes the multi-tiered box of crayons towards you, smiling.
“C’mon, pick a few out!”
Awkwardly; and with a shaking hand to boot, you reach for the box.
It’s… not a comfortable sensation. Waxy paper around thick wax sticks makes for an awkward feeling in your hand, and you slightly recoil from the hueless cylinder.
“Aww, kiddo. No one draws with white- heck, you’d be better off eating it! Not that I’ve, uh, ever done that.”
“…I don’t know what to do,” is your blank confession that leaves Wukong quirking an eyebrow.
“What, you don’t know how to draw? You’vd never had… oh. Oh, kiddo.”
Realization colors his golden eyes, leaving the simian king with a sympathetic frown. Your parents wouldn’t have ever let you have something as fun and bright as crayons, would they? How could he have forgotten that?
It had been a nightmare for the Monkie Kids to pry information out of you, and a further mess to try pushing you towards a healing state.
And, honestly- Wukong’s doting ministrations really didn’t help. All the love and gifts in the world could not undo your traumas- but certainly left you feeling as though you were mired in debt.
Not that you had the words to voice those feelings, leaving Wukong to continue piling on with his affections- all in the futile hope that he could love away the demons of your past.
“Okay, bud. Maybe we stepped out of your comfort zone, huh? Alright, my bad. Tell me what you wanna draw, and I’ll pick out the crayons for you, okay?”
“…I don’t know what to draw, though.”
His frown deepens. It’s hard to think that someone as young as you could be so… he wouldn’t say broken. That was far, far too cruel a word for someone he loved so dearly. You were… “cracked”, maybe. A little “tarnished”.
Like you had given up on seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and decided to instead drift slowly along in a dark ocean.
“Bud, don’t you like the beach? C’mon, why don’t you draw something from there, yeah?”
“…could I?”
Your little words break his heart. You shouldn’t have to feel like you need permission for something as simple as drawing a damn picture. But you *do*, so he answers with false cheer-
“Of course, kiddo! Draw anything you want!”
“…how do… how would I draw… a jellyfish?”
Finally, a real smile graces his lips.
“I didn’t know you liked jellyfish,” he says, in a too familiar voice that lets you know you’ll be receiving a loaded armful of themed plushes and stress toys in the very near future.
Another load of guilt, another load of debt.
“I’ll take you to an aquarium one day,” he tacks on, unaware of your growing insecurities. “And we can look at them together.”
To him, this is healing. Love and affection and unending comfort.
And certainly, Wukong is far better a guardian than your parents were. Instead of blaming you for powers you couldn’t control, he was always ready with praise and applause. Instead of resigning yourself to rotted garments rummaged from the trash, you had brand-new clothes and warm shoes. You were never hungry. You were never bored. You were never alone.
And, above all else- you were loved.
But you were not happy.
And you doubted that would ever change.
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writingduhh · 3 months
can you pretty please do yumi with a gf who’s very cuddly like she just likes sleeping and cuddling with him Also I loveee your writing
AWW! Thanks so much, that means so much! Here you go 😘
Yumi || Affectionate
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You hear the front door open and close, followed by the sound of Yumi’s familiar voice calling out, “Y/N, I’m home.”
You already know by the tone of his voice that he's had a long day. Quickly, you put aside your book and head toward the hallway. Wrapped in your favorite cozy blanket, you catch sight of him, looking more exhausted than ever.
“Hey, you,” you greet softly, your heart aching for him. You walk over and wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He sighs deeply, his body relaxing in your embrace.
“Rough day?” you ask, resting your cheek against his shoulder.
“The worst,” he admits, closing his eyes. “I just want to lie down and forget about everything.”
You take his hand and lead him to the bedroom. The bed is already invitingly rumpled, the covers pulled back and pillows fluffed. You climb in first, holding out your arms for him to join you.
He doesn’t need any further encouragement. He climbs up the bed before flopping down on top of you, head contently resting on your stomach. He immediately pulls you close. You wrap your arm around him, using your free hand to gently toy with his hair.
“Better?” you ask gently, your voice a soft murmur in the quiet room.
“Much better,” he replies, his voice muffled against your body. He buries his face deeper into your stomach, and you can feel his breath against your skin.
You start to gently stroke his back, tracing soothing patterns with your fingers. The simple, repetitive motion helps him unwind, and you can feel the stress leaving his body. You hum softly, lulling him into a state of calm.
“Thank you,” he says, his voice filled with gratitude. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” you say softly, “I’m always here for you.”
He tightens his hold on you slightly, nuzzling even closer. “I love how cuddly you are,” he murmurs. “It makes everything better. I look forward to this all day, just being with you like this.”
Your heart swells with warmth at his words. “I’m glad,” you reply softly. “I love being here for you, making you feel better.”
After a moment, he shifts slightly, looking up at you with tired, hopeful eyes. “Your affection means the world to me,” he says quietly. “It’s what keeps me going, knowing that I can come home to you.”
He nestles closer, and you can feel him relax even more as he begins to talk about his day. “Work was a nightmare,” he starts, his voice still muffled but a bit more animated. “Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. First, there was a huge mix-up with the project deadlines. I had to stay late trying to sort it all out.”
You listen intently, continuing to stroke his back and toy with his hair. “That sounds awful,” you murmur sympathetically.
“And then,” he continues, “Isaac was on my ass all day. He was in one of his moods, you know? Nothing I did was right. It was just one thing after another.”
You nod, understanding the frustration in his voice. “I’m sorry you had such a rough day,” you say softly. “You don’t deserve that.”
“I was so close to just walking out,” he admits, his voice growing softer. “But then I kept thinking about coming home to you, how you always make me feel better.”
“I’m glad I can do that for you,” you reply, your body filled with warmth and affection. “You deserve to feel special and loved.”
He tightens his hold on you again, as if drawing strength from your presence. “It’s your affection that gets me through the day,” he murmurs. “Knowing I can come home to this, to you... It’s everything.”
You smile, your heart swelling with love for him. “I’m always here for you,” you say softly, your voice a soothing balm to his weary soul.
With your arms around him and the comforting presence of your body next to his, you feel him finally let go of the last remnants of his tension. He closes his eyes, a contented smile forming on his lips. In your embrace, he finds the peace he’s been longing for, the perfect end to a grueling day.
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themuse-if · 8 months
20 (or so) Questions with Ro Sawyer
Let's find out what Ro is all about! Are they just charisma and charm or is there something else under all that bravado?
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Interviewer: Hey Ro! Thanks again for doing this. Love the look by the way! Let's dive in. When's your birthday?
Ro: Hey! Thank you for having me! My birthday is August 8th. A proud Leo through and through.
Interviewer: Awesome! Do you go by any nicknames, or is it all about Roxanne/Robbie?
Ro: Yeah, my friends call me Ro. It's got a certain edge to it that I dig.
Interviewer: Nice choice. So, beyond the Rebel Rejects and the music scene, what are some of your good traits?
Ro: Well, I've got this knack for bringing people together. Whether it's on stage or just hanging out, creating connections is something I love.
Interviewer: That's a great trait. And how about the other side of the coin? Any bad traits you're willing to share?
Ro: I can be a bit impulsive. It's that punk spirit, you know? Sometimes decisions are made in the heat of the moment. Even still I can't say I have any regrets.
Interviewer: Makes sense. Alright, what about hobbies outside of music? What does Ro enjoy when not rocking the stage?
Ro: Exploring the city is a big one. I love finding those hidden spots, meeting new people, and finding little hidden gems that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. It keeps life interesting.
Interviewer: Cool, I can see you're pretty adventurous. Now, let's talk strengths. Besides the stage presence, what do you consider your greatest strength?
Ro: I thrive under pressure. When things get intense, that's when I'm at my best. It's like a switch flips, and I go into overdrive.
Interviewer: Impressive. And on the flip side, what's your biggest weakness?
Ro: Patience, or lack thereof. Waiting around has never been my strong suit. I want things to happen, and I want them now. * looks the interviewer up and down very slowly*
Interviewer: Got it... One word to describe yourself?
Ro: Unapologetic.
Interviewer: Powerful choice. And how do you think others see you in one word?
Ro: Magnetic. I've been told I have this pull that draws people in, on and off the stage.
Interviewer: Totally get that vibe. Now, let's go a bit deeper. What's your greatest fear?
Ro: *leans forward, and clasps their hands* Losing the connection with the audience. It's like a lifeline for me. Without that energy exchange, it feels like I've given all of myself and then received nothing in return.
Interviewer: I see you need that exchange to make it feel worth while. What are your top priorities at this point in your life?
Ro: Keeping the Rebel Rejects together is number one. Making it big is the goal, and university is just a fun little stepping stone on that journey.
Interviewer: Hmm, I see. Ok, Family time! Tell me about your family.
Ro: We're a tight-knit bunch. They're supportive, even if they don't fully get the punk scene. Mom's got this knack for making killer vegan pizza – a family tradition. I've got a little brother, he just turned 13 and is absolutely unbearable. I will miss him though.
Interviewer: Aww I see we've found your soft spot. Now, future plans. What are your goals?
Ro: World domination with Jo and De by my side, of course. But on a personal level, I want to grow as an artist and make music that leaves a mark.
Interviewer: Admirable goals. Rainy days – how do you spend them in more detail?
Ro: Picture this – cozying up with a book, probably a rock biography or something by Patti Smith. Vinyls spinning in the background, rain tapping on the window. It's a vibe.
Interviewer: Love the imagery. Favorite book?
Ro: "Just Kids" by Patti Smith. Her journey through art and rebellion resonates with me on a different level.
Interviewer: Solid choice. And your favorite movie?
Ro: "Velvet Goldmine." Glam rock, the visuals, the rebellion – it's like a visual symphony that speaks to the soul.
Interviewer: Great taste. Alright, any dark secrets you're willing to share?
Ro: Well, my songwriting gets pretty personal. It's a cathartic release, and sometimes, the lyrics reveal more about me than I might openly admit.
Interviewer: I'll have to start listening to your lyrics more intently it seems. Ok Ro, on a lighter note, what's your best physical feature?
Ro: Just one... I really like my freckles I think they enhance all my other features, and they look great on camera. *flashes a toothy grin*
Interviewer: *clears throat* Uh yes they really, um nice... *looks down at notecards* Right, and what's your least favorite physical feature?
Ro: I honestly don't have one... Not to sound conceited but I wouldn't change one damn thing.
Interviewer: Ah yes, I figured you'd say something like that. Lastly, how would you describe being in love in more detail?
Ro: It's like a collaboration. Sharing life with someone who knows all the reasons behind every lyric. It's a wild, unpredictable, and beautiful ride – much like the Rebel Rejects' journey. Beyond all of that it just feels right like you couldn't imagine such an endeavor with anyone else. *looks interviewer dead in the eye* Not that I've ever been in love.
Interviewer: Mhm, beautifully put Ro. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and giving us a deeper look into your world. Can't wait to see what the future holds for you and the Rebel Rejects!
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Can I have a self aware au like player gets into an accident which resulted in her/them getting memory loss about certain parts in her/their life and completely forgets about twisted wonderland so she doesn't/they don't open the game for like a week and a half and when they get curious about this strange game in her/their phone, she opens the game and starts remembering things ofc including her/their beloved favorite character, and so (name) starts telling them about everything that has happened and apologizes for not opening the game for a long time. So how would Lilia, Vil, Leona, Malleus react to all this new information about their dear player?
If the characters are too much you don't have to do Leona and Malleus (p.s you're literally my favorite twisted wonderland author thank you for writing and just existing in general (◕ᴗ◕✿), remember to take breaks and stay hydrated and yo don't have to accept this request no pressure <3 )
Aww thank you so much. This is so sweet! I have to take accident part out bc it could be triggering to some but hmm... let's say that you had completely forgotten about TWST for some reason.
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, unhealthy mindset, delusional
Lilia Vanrouge/Vil Schoenheit-Remebering Twisted Wonderland
You heard from a friend about the game Twisted Wonderland
It sounded familiar
Too familiar
Even after seeing the icon on your screen you still couldn't remember where you had seen it before
And why the heck were parts of the story already unlockedd without you playing through the chapters before them??!
Then it hit you
How could you have ever forgotten it??!
So many hours simply grinding and getting angry because your level was sometimes too low to proceed...
Apologizing to the screen you almost felt embarresed
There was no way this had any impact (besides taking away some of the guilt off your consciousness)
If only you knew that a certain someone was listening to you...
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Of course it's the little shi... the charming young general (this is all for comedic purpose I am not hating on Lilia)
How long had he waited for this moment?
After you left suddenly one day nothing was the same
The days felt even duller than before, the flow of time agonizing slower
Lilia felt like someone had ripped out his soul and left his body like a shell left to rot away
It felt like millions of years had passed yet the fact that his old schoolmates were still here disproved this
When you started to apologize he felt touched
He never wanted you to feel bad for leaving, just wanting you to return
You nearly made him cry because he was so touched
The great overseer being sad because they weren't there all this time
How touching and...
What absolute nonsense
He should be the one bowing down, apologizing for being so inattentive which would lead to your leave
Don't expect him to let you wander away again
There is a nice cozy room in his home just for you...
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He was devastated when you were gone
All this time he thought that he had disappointed you
Vil sees himself as one of those that are a example for the pursuit of your perfection
This makes him believe that his performance was so disappointing that you left
But... now you are back?
What had he done to deserve the honor of a second chance?
And how did he look??! Hair not properly brushed, makeup smudged and so many more flaws...
To you it seems like everything is as you left it but behind that screen there is a desperate man
Your apologies just enter one ear and leave the other
He is in such a state of mind that he can't think of a different possibility
After all, if the flaw wasn't with him then he could never correct it
So his mind makes things up so he can cope with your disappearance better
Vil goes now to even greater extremes to gain your favour
He knows that he is not capable of handling such situation again
So just look at him, only him! You are only allowed to see perfect things and even if he is still far away from your standard, he is closer than anyone else to it!
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enchanted-moura · 2 years
If I could break my vow with reality, I would have a lot of fantastical desires. I want to be glowing with vibrant health from the inside out and have access to fresh, organic food and pure clean water. Three beautiful, happy, healthy children running around filling the home with fun and laughter. I’d love them with my entire soul, guide them and teach them everything I know. I desire freedom from the shackles of a 9-5 job. I want to experience fresh ground coffee in the morning, cozy fires and deep conversations in the evenings. Quality time with loved ones. I want freedom to do my hobbies which include shopping, playing Sims, baking, reading novels, watching good movies on a big screen, daily trips to the gym in expensive workout gear, horseback riding on a breathtaking trail, tennis matches with my husband on Sundays, painting and dancing to music that makes me feel alive. I want to spend time and go to events with good friends who genuinely love and support each other. I want space to relax and decorate my home in peace and funds to get my hair and nails done regularly. I want a husband who I can fully trust, I want him to love me enough to make it so that I never have to have another worry about money ever again. I want a summer home within walking distance of the beach and a second home up north in the countryside where I can be near extended family. My home will have an airy sun room, a deep jacuzzi tub, imported furniture, art adorning each wall, high ceilings, dozens of plants all throughout, big windows with white curtains, sleek appliances to make my life easier, a sweet charming aura that makes guests and household members feel at ease, plenty of closet space for all my pretty dresses, shoes and designer handbags. I know it all sounds wild, unrealistic and greedy but these are the deepest desires of my heart.
Aww another domestic goddess and hot mom vibe, Its so detailed, this is your reality already just in another time frame🧨💄💅🏾
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nocturnal-milk-dud · 4 years
Call Me
Pairing: Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales x Reader (however, you don’t see much of them together this round)
Summary: You go to a party at Benny and Will’s house, where you have to confront your ex, Frankie.
Rating: PG
Warning/notes: it’s all angst, sorry; drinking; swearing; takes place after the events of the movie. What is canon? The song reader sings is “Call Me” by Imelda May; I’m really not sure how I feel about this fic, and you honestly might hate it, but I worked hard on it, so...plus I like the friendship I created between Reader and Benny. There will be a part two. Critiques are welcome.
Word Count: 2451
Tag list: @dodgerandevans​ @slugbuggie​ @reading-rosa​ @bi-son-writes​ @souls-rain​ @heythere-mel​ @pascaliprincess​ @vanthrefrigeration​
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The coffee shop was full of people and you let your eyes pass from table to table, enjoying the hum of chatter in your ears. Outside, the fall wind tousled the trees, knocking yellow and orange leaves from their limbs. The barista called out your order and you thanked her, turning to join Benny at the counter.
“Will and I are having a party Friday, you should come,” he said. You were only half listening to him, though, as you tried not to spill the overly full cup all over yourself.
“Huh?” you said, not looking at him.
“Party, Friday, my house, just like the good old days, and you’re going,” Benny said. He took your cup from you and walked over to a table, leaving you standing there with a carafe of creamer in your hand. You glanced at it, then back up at his retreating figure.
“Benjamin…” You sighed down at the carafe before setting it back on the counter.
“I don’t know about the party, Benny,” you said, sitting down across from him.
“It’ll be great! And everybody’s gonna be there.”
“Yeah, everybody,” you said, raising your eyebrows pointedly. Benny ran a hand through his hair and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. Both of you were quiet. You hadn’t really talked to him or Will about what happened, just like neither of them had really talked about what happened when the five of them went to South America and four of them came back. For three people who had known each other since childhood, there were still bridges you couldn’t manage to cross.
“There’s gonna be plenty of people there, you don’t have to talk to him,” Benny said after a moment.
“Just out of curiosity, how am I going to avoid talking to someone who is friends with the same people I’m friends with?” you asked, leaning forward and resting your chin in your hand. Benny mirrored you and the two of you sat in silence while you watched him think.
“We can come up with a code word, or a signal,” he said finally. You let out a dry chuckle and rested against the back of your chair.
“This sounds like a lot of work at something that should involve no work whatsoever,” you said, sipping your coffee. Benny sat back in his chair, propping his ankle up on his knee and pushing up the sleeves of his sweatshirt.
“Just think about it, okay? Please? Will misses you, Pope misses you, I miss you, just...think about it. It won’t be the same without you.”
“Oh yeah? Well, if Will and Pope miss me so much why don’t they ever ask to get coffee?” Benny’s cheeks filled with air and he looked around the coffee shop like someone might answer for him.
“Well, to be fair, Pope did just get back in town.”
“Yeah, and your brother?” Benny pointed out the window suddenly.
“Look, a dog!”
“Really?” you asked. “That’s--you’re gonna try and get out of this by distracting me with a dog?”
“Seriously though, look! You’re gonna miss it.” You did and saw a Saint Bernard lumbering down the sidewalk and your mouth fell open.
“Aww, what a big boy!” You turned back to Benny. “We’re not finished.”
Your phone sat on the bed and you stood there staring down at it, at the cluster of texts from Benny still on the screen, urging you to come to the party. You’d had all week to make a decision, but here you were, pacing your room. You looked over at your cat, Checkers, perched in her spot atop your headboard.
“What do you think?” you asked. She mewed softly in response and returned her attention to whatever fascinated her outside the window.
“You’re biased,” you said, waving her off. You sighed and sat down on the edge of your bed. You wanted to go; wanted to see Will and Santiago. And if you were being honest, you wanted Frankie to see you, and you wanted to act like you had no idea who he was.
“Okay, now I just need to decide what to wear. That should only take another hour.”
People were crowding the Miller’s porch when you pulled up, laughter and cigarette smoke filling the crisp night air. You’d kept your outfit simple, dressing up high-waisted jeans and a crop top with a nice jacket and boots, remembering the moonlit treks you’d sometimes go on along the wooded paths behind the house. The Miller family had carved them out over the years, their own little hiking trail. You stopped walking, almost turning around and going back to your car when you remembered the night you and Frankie “got lost” in the woods. You told the others you’d wandered off the trail. Of course Benny and Will knew it was bullshit: you knew those paths almost as well as they did. After that you couldn’t go into the woods with the two of them without them making jokes.
Reluctantly, you made your way inside, knowing you’d find the guys in the kitchen or the backyard. You felt Benny before you saw him, his arm coming down around your shoulders and pulling you into his side.
“You came!” he said, his voice full of laughter, and you looked at the beer in his hand, wondering how many he’d already had.
“It was either that or watch you blow up my phone the rest of the night,” you said, taking the beer from him. “I need this more than you.” The two of you stepped through the sliding door onto the deck and you spotted Will, Santiago, and Frankie over in the corner, huddled together, talking animatedly. They didn’t see you, so you quickly turned back to Benny, watching him grab a fresh beer from a cooler. You stepped up beside him and rested your arms on the railing, staring at the bottle in your hands.
“I’m not sure this was a good idea,” you said, and Benny rubbed your back reassuringly.
“You never told me what happened between you two,” he said after a moment, and he was right. You hadn’t. You’d had absolutely no desire to. If Fish could forget everything you were to each other, so could you, right?
“He ghosted me, right before you guys left on that disaster of a mission. Nothing, not a word. Didn’t even tell me he was back.” Benny looked confused, like you were talking about someone he didn’t know.
“Fish wouldn’t do that,” he said. It wasn’t a question, but he looked at you like it was, looked at you for reassurance.
“He did.” Your mouth felt dry and you sipped your beer, but it only made it worse.
“I guess I gotta pay up.” You turned when you heard Will and saw him walking towards you with his arms outstretched for a hug. “When Benny said you were coming I told him he was full of shit.”
“Well, he still is,” you said, smiling into Will’s embrace. Santiago was next and you took his face in your hands.
“You look old, Santi,” you said, a grin spreading across your face.
“Yeah, like a fine wine,” he said, pulling you into a hug. “It’s good to see you, bella.”
“How long are you in town for?”
“A couple of weeks. I’m getting a place ready for me and Yovanna--she’s pregnant.” A smile broke out across his face at this piece of news and you embraced him again.
“Oh my God, Pope you’re gonna be a dad! Congratulations! Can you guys believe this?” you said, pulling back to look at Will and Benny.
“Not even a little bit,” Will said, slapping Santiago on the back. Your eyes fell on Frankie then, who came up to stand next to Santiago. You nodded to him, a trace of the joy from Santi’s news still on your face. Frankie opened his mouth to speak, but Benny interrupted, so he put his bottle to his lips like that had been his plan all along.
“Hey, we need some music!” Benny said.
“We have music,” Will said, gesturing inside.
“No,” Benny said, coming over to you and putting his hand on your shoulder. “We need some music.”
“Oh, Benny, no.”
“That’s a great idea! I haven’t heard you two in forever,” Santiago chimed in.
“I mean, you guys have done it at every party, so, won’t really feel like one until you do,” Will added.
“Benjamin,” you started to protest, but it was too late. He already had that gleam in his eye and before you knew it he was running around, telling all the guests to get inside.
The two of you had bonded over music early on, Benny with his guitar and you with your voice. You were always finding songs to perform together. One night at a party very much like this one, Benny convinced you to do a duet by the fire, and it became a tradition at every party since. That was the night you had met Frankie. You’d felt his eyes on you across the fire as you sang and the stirring in your stomach gave the words you sang a new meaning.
Now, you were sitting on the window seat in the living room. Despite the cold, the windows were open and you could hear the chatter from the people on the porch. Benny had rounded up as many people as he could, and you could see Will, Frankie, and Santiago lined up against the wall at the back of the room. You only ever did two or three songs at most. Short things. People lost interest after that and it became too loud to do anything else. The first song that night was a simple little lilting tune. It didn’t ask you for much and put you at ease. You heard the voices settle outside and the room felt warm and cozy. You found yourself smiling at Benny, at the people in front of you, and you felt like things were going to be okay.
“Call Me?” Benny said after the first song was over. You looked at him, eyes wide.
“What?” you asked.
“The next song: Call Me.”
“No, I know that--not that one, Benny, please,” you said, feeling the panic start in your heart, but he was already playing. The lyrics made you want to cry and scream at the same time. They felt pathetic, they made you feel like you were begging, and they snapped your heart in two. They aren’t your words, you told yourself. This isn’t your song. You felt Frankie’s eyes on you and you closed yours.
Don’t you miss me?
Don’t you need me?
Don’t you leave me this way.
Aren’t you lonely?
Don’t you want me?
How many times must I say…
You opened your eyes and they found Frankie’s across the room. The song came to an end, your voice getting smaller with the repetition, and the moment it was over, you ducked out the front door, feeling like you couldn’t breathe.
Frankie hadn’t moved while you sang. He felt like he hadn’t breathed either. After you walked out the door he passed his hand over his face, tugging at the hair on his chin. He’d watched you fight your way through that whole song and he felt sick to his stomach. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t get your eyes and the pain they held out of his head. The worst part was knowing that he was responsible for that pain. Frankie set his beer down a little too hard on a table beside the couch and Santiago looked over at him.
“You good?” he asked.
“Yeah, I just need to get some air.”
It took you forever to figure out where you wanted to go, but eventually you found yourself heading into the woods. One of your favorite spots was a wooden bridge passing over a small creek and that’s where you went now. You huddled in on yourself as the heat left your skin and the cold found its way in. Your jacket was inside, still sitting on the window seat, but you had no intention of going back in for it. You’d freeze first. You couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about that first night with Frankie. The two of you had drifted away from the fire and ended up on a blanket in the bed of his truck, staring up at the stars and talking quietly. He’d asked you to sing more for him, too, and he ended up falling asleep like that, listening to you, your fingers in his hair. Even then you were already imagining future nights like that.
“That’s cause you’re fuckin’ stupid,” you whispered to yourself. You heard boots on the wood of the bridge and you looked up to see Frankie walking toward you. Afraid of what your face looked like, even in the moonlight, you turned away quickly, wiping a tear from your cheek. You felt him place his jacket around your shoulders.
“You okay?” he asked.
“I’m fine.”
“It’s just, after the song in there, you, well, you didn’t look too good and you left so fast, so.” Frankie cleared his throat.
“I needed some air, that’s all,” you said. “It was just a song. Benny picked it because we both knew it, that’s all.” You stopped talking, because the more you talked about it, the more obvious it became that it was more than a song. The silence between the two of you felt so thick, so overwhelming. It was more than you could bear. You passed behind him, heading back toward the house.
“I didn’t want to leave you,” Frankie said. The words stopped you in your tracks and you felt like all the air had been sucked out of you. What the hell was that supposed to mean? He didn’t want to leave? No one made him leave, he walked away. The truth was that he couldn’t wait to get away from you, he was just too chickenshit to say it. You turned enough so Frankie could see your face.
“We’re not talking about this.”
Back at the house, you found Benny and the guys in the kitchen, and you figured they were talking about you by the way they quieted down when you neared.
“I’m gonna call it a night,” you said, expecting them to fight you on the decision. Instead, to your relief, they hugged you goodnight, Benny last.
“I’ll call you,” he said before letting you go. You turned to Frankie and shoved his jacket into his hands, brushing past him and heading for the door.
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cherrymoonxx · 3 years
Heya! How have you been? Hope you are doing well. 🤗
Wanted to thank you and leave some feedback for this reading.
It reminds me of someone who is a daydreamer and constantly dreams of a different life, but at the same time it feels very positive. Not like you’re necessarily unhappy, just that you like to daydream, perhaps about romance and how your own love story will unfold.
This is so true. I'm a daydreamer and often daydream of living a different life. 🙈 But I mostly feel overwhelmed and lonely because of a lot of stuff, one of them being - I feel love and romance isn't for me or that I not really worthing if having one. Yet, I do daydream of romance, and love and how my love life will be. If not love, then of a good career. Having that will also make me very happy.
As for your future spouse, I get the sense that they might be a bit reserved. They could be the type that generally likes to be alone and might be misunderstood by a lot of people. Despite how people may perceive them at first, I think they are truly a gentle soul. Seems like they’re someone that loves unconditionally and may even be a bit codependent actually. This is someone that does love purely but has a bit of trust issues because of how they’ve been treated before.
I've received a lot of readings saying they are reserved, and like to spend time alone. I'm often told that they'll be loving, and nurturing but I also receive readings saying they'll be detached and aloof. :( Oh yes! Most of the readings do say that they have been hurt a lot before, that they will be going through a heartbreak when I first meet them. I hope that I'm able to be a good partner to them and not hurt them more and take care of them. Hope they'll be able to heal and find happiness again.
I feel like they like to bake or cook in general. They could also be some sort of chef as well. I think you guys would spend the spooky season making all different sorts of sweets and seasonal foods. I think you guys would like to experiment with like pumpkin flavors and all that. Perhaps you’re not much of a cook, but I still think they would love to include you on the dishes they make. I think you’d also get each other cute little Halloween things, like cute socks or matching mugs. They’d come home one day with like a Halloween sweater and be like “this reminded me of you.” Honestly, it all feels very sweet and innocent. Almost feels like I’m invading their essence so I’ll end it here. It’s such a sweet energy tho!
This is so cute. You know what! It was a very days prior to receiving your reading that I received one from a different reader. They said my FS will be known for something specific, something related to food- pasteries, baked goods, desserts anf here you said they might be into baking and cooking. This makes so sense now. Also, it's true that I'm not much of a cook but I'm a foodie. So, I wpuld love to assist them. Gifting eo such gifts, and socks will be so cute and warm. I love it. Also, you make it sound so cozy and warm. 🧦
This feedback was long due. Sorry, you had to wait for so long.
But, thank you for the reading and have a nice day! 💗
Hello again! I’ve been alright, how have you been? And wow, thank you so much for the detailed feedback!
I can definitely relate to being a daydreamer because I feel like I’m always daydreaming as well lol. But aww I’m sorry to hear that you don’t think love or romance is for you. I think that feeling is one a lot of people can relate to, where they feel like love may never find them because they may have never experienced it. But don’t lose hope! I’m sure you’ll experience such a beautiful love that will make everything feel like it’s falling into place.
And I love when readings resonate with each other! I’m happy to hear that my reading resonated with what other readers have told you. I’m sure that you’ll be a great partner to them! Relationships take a lot of effort so I’m sure you both can learn about each other and work together to have a healthy relationship. I think you guys would have an interesting dynamic as well. Also, It’s really cool to see how this reading relates to what the other readers have told you! It sounds like your spouse would make delicious food!
Thank you again for the detailed feedback! I really appreciate it! I wish you all the best💖
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reyna0w0 · 4 years
You’re Here Again 15 (Last Chapter)
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✏ todoroki shoto © kohei horikoshi
✏ todoroki shoto x fem!reader
✏✏ Chapter 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 (Last)
»»—————————————♡ —————————————««
Standing in front of the mirror for the 20th time, (Y/N) debated whether to change her outfit. Her phone’s alarm rang and she freaked out.
‘Agh! How is it already 11:30?! I have to meet Shoto-kun at 12!’
One last look at the mirror before (Y/N) fled to gather her things. 
She was out the door in 10 minutes, her parents chuckled at her rushing out. 
Shoto was standing by the fountain at the park, scrolling through his phone. (Y/N) walked up to him.
“I hope I’m not late!” She said with a breathy smile. 
The weather was getting colder since it was transitioning to winter soon.
“No, I’m just early,” Shoto replied.
“How long? Gosh, your hands are so cold!” (Y/N) said, taking his hands in hers. 
The warmth of her hands seeped into his. His already red from the cold face, burned even redder. 
(Y/N) realized what she was doing, let his hands go, and blushed. “How do I look?” She asked, desperate to change the subject. 
She was wearing a warm grey sweater with intricate patterns, paired with a pair of black skinny jeans and combat boots. On top of the sweater was a light brown coat and a woolen scarf.
“You look...cute,” Shoto said quietly.
‘I know I asked him but hearing it makes me so happy…’
(Y/N) blurted out, “You too!”
Well, he did look amazing. He donned a beige sweater cardigan with a white undershirt and black pants and sneakers. 
“Let’s go,” Shoto said, extending a hand out to (Y/N).
Blushing, she slowly took his hand. Walking hand in hand really made them seem like a real couple. It was still surreal to (Y/N) but it made her giddy. 
Smile hidden under her scarf, she said, “Where are we going?”
“A secret,” Shoto said.
“Aww. Tell me, please!” (Y/N) pleaded.
“It’ll ruin the element of surprise,” Shoto said with a chuckle.
“Aw, fine.”
Shoto smiled leading the way. (Y/N) didn’t recognize the area they were in so she was excited. It was already like a dream to be going on a date with Shoto. 
They stopped in front of a little restaurant called ‘Ambrosia’. Shoto pushed the door open and held it for (Y/N) as she walked inside admiring the interior. The place was absolutely ravishing. Hanging plants covered the ceiling along with beautiful warm-toned light bulbs. It looked stunning. The setting was cozy and romantic yet elegant. The walls were decorated with frames with quotes displayed and more plants hanging though they were gorgeous flowers along with fairy lights. 
“Wow! This place is gorgeous,” (Y/N) said as they took a seat by the window. 
“My mom recommended this place. She said the food was great and the atmosphere too,” Shoto said.
“Rei-san definitely knows the most aesthetic places. It’s so lovely,” (Y/N) replied, still admiring the place. 
“Yeah,” Shoto said while he looked at (Y/N). To him, she was lovelier.
The waitress came over to give them the menu. (Y/N) thanked her with a smile. How he loved that smile. It made his heart full. He wanted her to smile for him. 
After browsing the menu, they called the waitress back.
“I’ll have the carbonara, please,” (Y/N) said as she looked at the menu.
“Schnitzel and späetzle for me,” Shoto said.
“Will that be all?” The waitress asked after repeating their order.
“Yes, thank you,” Shoto replied.
The waitress whisked away and the couple talked as they waited for the food. The restaurant wasn’t very crowded so it was easy to talk without the loud bustle of a busy restaurant. It was quite peaceful along with the soothing classical music playing in the background. Romantic would also be a good way to describe the atmosphere between the two. 
The food came rather fast and soon they were enjoying their own dishes. 
“Mhm...This carbonara is fantastic!” (Y/N) said after taking the first bite.
“I’m glad you like it. My dish is quite enjoyable too,” Shoto said.
“I want to try some!” (Y/N) said, grinning.
Shoto smiled and took a good portion of schnitzel and späetzle on his fork and extended his fork to (Y/N). She blushed but took the bite since it was too appetizing to decline. 
Truly, it was delicious. “Ah! This is so good!”
Smiling at the sight of her in food heaven, Shoto just looked at her. He found her stunning. Especially when she was happy.
Doing the same, (Y/N) let Shoto try her carbonara. Shoto leaned towards her fork and took the bite. Heart beating faster, she never thought even a person eating could make her feel so flustered. 
Heart fluttering, she thought, ‘What have you done to me, Todoroki Shoto?’
After having a lovely lunch, they walked for a bit. (Y/N) didn’t think they had a destination in mind but Shoto did. 
“I hope you like cats,” Shoto said as they approached a cat cafe.
“Oh my God! Are you for real? I adore cats! Hurry, let’s go in!” (Y/N) squealed, storming right in.
Shoto followed her with a smile on his face. How rare of him to be smiling so much. (Y/N)’s charm it seems.
“Aww! These kitties are so cute! I think I’m going to die,” (Y/N) said as she petted four cats at once.
Shoto ordered drinks and dessert for them and watched (Y/N) play with the cats while a lazy cat made himself comfortable in Shoto’s lap. 
“Aww! He’s sleeping on your lap! Don’t move, okay? I need a picture of this!” (Y/N) said, fishing her phone from her pocket. 
Shoto did as he was told, he couldn’t bear waking the cat anyway. He, too, loved cats. Hence why he chose to bring her here. 
(Y/N) squealed at the picture she took. “This is going to be my lock screen wallpaper!”
Shoto smiled and carefully took out his phone, making sure the cat wasn’t disturbed.
(Y/N) was laughing as she petted the number of cats around her and fed them treats. Shoto took a couple of pictures of her with the cats. “Looks like you and the cats are going to be my wallpaper.”
(Y/N) blushed and gave Shoto a toothy grin. She was enjoying herself immensely. A kitty wonderland with her boyfriend. The two spent quite a bit at the cat cafe. (Y/N) was so sad to leave.
“Let’s come back next time. I like these cats already,” Shoto said as (Y/N)’s face lighted up happily. 
“Yes! I’d love to see the kitties again!” (Y/N) replied. 
 While (Y/N) was grinning, Shoto entwined his hand with hers and said, “Let’s go to the place where we first met, yeah?”
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
Following the usual path to the place only they knew about. To the place where it all began. 
The trees were mostly all orange, yellow and brown. Autumn leaves scattered on the ground and all over the bridge. Some falling on the surface of the river. The wind blew causing the leaves to fly in the sky and fall down. 
(Y/N) let go of Shoto’s hand and tried to grab a leaf. After a few failed attempts, she managed to grab one. 
Smiling, she stretched it towards Shoto who smiled back at her. He shuffled in his pocket, producing a small gift box.
Shoto walked towards her and said, “For you.”
“But I didn’t get you anything.”
“It’s a little something to thank you with. That day in spring when we met, I had no idea that we’d end up like this. My entire life has changed, thanks to you. You supported me throughout my family problems and it’s finally starting to get better. I’ve never been happier. I love you, (Y/N).”
Shoto said that with the heartiest smile (Y/N) had ever seen. Her hands flew to her mouth, trying to stop herself from crying. But a few stray tears escaped as she said, “No, thank you. You’ve given me unimaginable strength. After Miku, I really didn’t want to get personal with anyone again, afraid I’d lose them. That day, when we talked for the first time, changed everything. I didn’t expect us to get this close or that I’d fall in love with you but here we are. I’m happy beyond belief and with you, I think I can slowly heal if it’s with you. I love you too, Shoto.” 
A couple more happy tears fell down her cheeks. Shoto wiped them away for her as she did. Then he handed her the present which she opened carefully. It was a beautiful necklace with a heart entwined with a ring as a pendant. Looking closely, (Y/N) saw that the ring was engraved with the letters ‘Always and Forever’.
Symbolizing their love and his unwavering support. 
“It’s beautiful. Will you help me put it on?”
Shoto nodded, taking the necklace and (Y/N) turned around and moved her hair. The necklace fell lightly on her neck as Shoto fastened it. She turned back, fiddling with the pendant. “Thank you so much. I love it!”
Shoto smiled as he stared into her eyes. She smiled back and closed her eyes as Shoto inched forward. Sharing a short soft kiss, the two pulled back blushing furiously and heart fluttering.
It was another new beginning at the place where they first met. Maybe fate had a role to play in this meeting of two lost souls. Two souls that were meant to thaw the frozen hearts of one another. 
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spookiifi · 5 years
Freddy Krueger x Reader
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A/N: Contains angst, slight gore and sexual themes
After your sister Myra turned 12, she began to have nightmares. You were ten years older, making you twenty-two. With your parents gone, you promised to protect her at any cost.
Recently, the nightmares began to grow worse and worse. Ear piercing screams sounded off and you’d sprint down the hallway. After every night terror, you’d hold her trembling body as she sobbed. It made your stomach churn to see her frail form and pale face.
“I want it to stop,” Myra mumbled into your shirt. Her shaky hands tightly gripped your night shirt. “I want him to go away.”
           Myra refused to answer, too tired to acknowledge your question. You stayed with her until she fell asleep, for she clung to you like a koala.
The next morning, your little sister woke to the sweet smell of pancakes and bacon. Bright rays of sunlight warmed the kitchen, giving off calm vibes. Mira deserved a good morning after a long, stressful night.
“Morning sleepyhead,” you greeted as Myra hopped onto the island’s barstool.
No response.
“Hello? Earth to Myra?” Even the plate of mouth-watering bacon and puffy pancakes didn’t snap her from her trance. You placed a hand on her arm and she winced, pulling her arm away. That’s when you noticed the red mark under her sleeve.
You gently pulled up her sleeve which revealed a nasty scratch mark. “Who did this to you, hun?”
Myra hesitated, then glanced up. “The awful man in my nightmares.”
Needless to say, you were petrified, yet you needed to know more. You lead her to the bathroom for some bactine and bandages, while trying your best to steady your voice.
“Can you tell me about this man?”
Your little sister stared and the floor as you cleaned the scratch. “His name is Freddy, Freddy Krueger. He lives in an old boiler room.” She paused for a moment. “He scares me, especially his burnt face.”
Gauze was tightly wrapped Myra’s arm to stop the bleeding. “Did Freddy do this to you?”
“…Yes.” Her voice sounded distant, as if she was afraid to answer.
Now, you weren’t one to believe in superstitions but this all seemed too real.
Your heart dropped to your stomach, and that churning feeling struck you again. Heavy weights crashed down on your shoulders.
With no hesitation, you wrapped your arms around Myra. “I won’t ever let him hurt you again.”
           ----           -------
           Falling deeper and deeper and you couldn’t save yourself from-
Your body jerked awake, gasping for air. Choked coughs forced their way through your windpipes.
This wasn’t your room. Instead of a cozy bedroom and plush blankets, steaming pipes and swinging chains surrounded you. Echoes of working machines rang through the labyrinth of…wherever this was.
‘He lives in an old boiler room.’
You wiped the sweat off your forehead from the humid heat.
An all-too familiar scream rang out.
‘He scares me.’
“Myra!” You took off at an alarming rate down the corridor. “Myra where are you?!”
Eerie laughter sounded off in different directions, along with more of Myra’s screams.
Anxiety and anger clouded your sense of logic. Nothing made sense but that didn’t matter. You had to find Myra.
You nearly knocked your sister over as you turned the corner. Once again, you embraced her, refusing to let go. “You’re okay. Oh thank god.”
“No such thing.”
A tall figure loomed over the two of you. “Aww, how sweet. A family reunion.” He sported a dusty fedora and a red and green striped sweater.
You stood from where you kneeled; Myra squealed and cowered behind you.
So this was Freddy Krueger.
A crooked grin spread across his face and he cackled. “Makes me sick.”
‘ “Did Freddy do this to you?”
‘ “Yes.” ’
And then there was the infamous bladed glove. The same glove that scratched your dear Myra’s arm.
Any source of anxiety you held was replaced with pure anger. “How dare you hurt my sister!”
“I tried my best, bitch.” Freddy waved his glove dismissively. “Are ya going to introduce me to your friend, Myra? She’s quite the spitfire.”
           Your little sister hid behind your legs, digging her nails into your pajama pants.
           “It’s going to be okay. It’s okay.” You assured her.
           Freddy snorted. “You’ve got to be kidding me. What are you going to do?”
           ...What were you going to do? Your first option was to fight back but there was a chance you could easily be overpowered. Everyone dies; The end.
           Running wouldn’t help either. It would only slow down the process. This was Freddy’s domain
Suddenly, an idea pierced your thoughts. It could work, or fail terribly. You had no other option left.
“Myra, listen to me. As soon as I turn around, I want you to run away as fast as you can.”
“N-No!” Her lip trembled. “Please, no.”
“Myra, you have to be strong. For me?” You smiled sadly at her. You made a promise to protect her no matter what happened. “I love you.”
She sucked in a breath and bit her lip, eventually nodding. She booked it down the cat walk.
Your arm was suddenly yanked and you whipped around.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Freddy growled.
“Let go of me, asshole!” you sneered.
“So feisty. I like that in a woman.” There was that shit-eating grin again. “No matter, I have a bonus soul to snatch tonight.”
Before Freddy could slice your face, you used any adrenaline you had left and brought your knee to his stomach. He let out a wheeze and you quickly backed away.
“Stupid bitch!” He wheezed again.
He made a swift recovery. He dusted himself off, and wasted no time charging at you.
A quick side jump did the trick. “Why do you waste your time chasing a child?” Catching your breath, you continued “You’re wasting your time.”
Freddy stopped, “The fuck are you talking about?”
Confidence pushed itself up your throat. “I could provide you with so much more.”
He could’ve killed you right on the spot yet something stopped him.
“Why terrorize my sister when you’d have someone that’d do anything?” Strange and foreign emotions crept through your body, sending shivers up your spine.
Oh. His eyes flashed a dangerous red. “Anything?”
You smirked, “Anything.” This unfamiliar side of you proudly bloomed with a coating of passion.
Freddy’s smirk widened, showing is sharp teeth. “How lovely~. Deal.” He snapped his fingers and a black leather choker appeared on your neck. “Don’t you worry about your dear ol’ sister. She’s awake and dandy. Firstly.”
An unseen force pushed you against the boiler room’s wall. Freddy looped two fingers around the collar, bringing your face inches from his. “You’re mine and only mine. You’ll obey my every command. Understand?” His voice dripped with sinister intent.
You nodded slowly. Freddy grabbed your chin with his free gloved hand. The cold blades drew shudders from your body.
“Very good. Now then, I want to have some fun with my new pet~.”
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galfridus1 · 5 years
Melban Weekend Day 1: BROTP
I’m super excited to publish this for @meliodas-and-ban’s Melban Weekend. Thank you so much @jacklynnfrost for writing this with me. You are amazing to collaborate with. Partly inspired by my drinking pal and a song with the same title by Gene.
Fill Her Up
A collaboration between Galfridus and Jacklynnfrost
As soon as the door opens the muffled music expands forth to pound the bass line in his chest, and he feels the sounds reverberate inside his ribcage. He frowns softly, stepping in and looking around the place. Booths line the left wall, a bar is to the right with half the stools empty and a female bartender reaching for a top-shelf bottle of amber liquid. It smells like stale barley and a little like cigarette smoke, but mostly disappointment.
He recognizes none of the faces, looking over the group by the window and giving a second glance to the full table beside the restrooms. With a sigh, he walks to the bar while pulling out his phone to double-check that this is the right establishment. It is, but while double-checking a text comes in from one of the colleagues of the many included in this plan, ‘Bar meetup is canceled, we’ll try again next week.’
Since he’s already here and thirsty for something warm and bitter, he finds a seat at the far end away from the couple cozied up together. The shiny table-top is sticky and he frowns before moving over a seat, eyeing the community bowl of nuts before him. It isn’t as if he is particularly interested in getting to know any of the people he works with, but he made the effort today where no one else seemed to take the plans seriously.
“Yo!” a deep voice calls out, one he recognizes and he turns to see that one of his colleagues has also shown up. The man looks almost too young to be in a place that serves alcohol, his green eyes sparking with an almost indecent enthusiasm and his small face alight with a wide, beaming grin. “Hey Ban, sorry I’m late. Where’re the others?”
“Meet up’s canceled~” Ban drawled as he drummed his fingers on the tabletop.
“Aww, really?” Meliodas flops into the seat opposite him, shaking out his messy head of blonde hair. “That’s a shame. I could really do with a drink.”
Ban grins, a sharp canine poking out from the side of his mouth. “We’re here aren’t we?” he says leaning forward. “I’ve got nothing else going on this evening.”
“You’re on!” Meliodas sits up a little straighter. “What’s your poison?”
Now, this is more like it. Ban grins. “Aberdeen Ale,” he says with a bit of a leer.
Meliodas cocks his head to one side. “Hey! Me too! Okay, coming right up!” Meliodas hops down from the chair and Ban quirks an eyebrow to see just how small the man is. He can’t be more than five feet at most. As Ban checked his phone, listlessly scrolling through Facebook, he found himself wondering more about the man who was busy buying him a drink. Meliodas has a reputation for being an extremely effective operative, someone who can sell rocks to a troll. Ban is not bad at it himself, well he hits all his targets each month, though his rivals would say that’s because he scares all the clients.
“Here you go!” Meliodas is suddenly back at the table, plonking two frothing pints of dark brown liquid down before him. Ban cackles, wrapping his fingers round the cool glass. “Cheers!” the other declares as he retakes his seat, and both men take deep, grateful drafts of the ale.
“So, how did you get into sales?” asks Meliodas. He swipes his sleeve across his face to make sure he does not have any foam on his mouth while speaking.
“The usual way,” Ban replies, “I needed a job so I found one.” He grins, raising his glass as his companion snickers, “I’ll drink to that.”
Their mugs rest on the bar top, silence between them but the noises of the bar are loud. Meliodas taps his fingers on the wood, barely hearing the sounds he’s making while Ban vaguely turns to the television currently showing a commercial. “Is it what you want to do?” he finally asks, not out of real interest but more for something to say.
“Nah, of course not,” Ban says with a laugh, taking another long drink and Meliodas stares. The man certainly is putting it away. Not to be outdone, he too takes a draft, clearing just a little more of the ale than his companion has done. “This is just a temp thing, you know.”
“Same.” Meliodas’s gaze flicks to the table and back again. “So um… what’s the plan, long term I mean?” Ban says nothing so he presses on, “I want to open my own bar, actually. Do a better job than this,” he adds with a smirk as his eyes rove around the room taking in the faded decor, the peeling paint and the obvious shine of something sticky on the bar itself. “Have you seen the toilets?”
“Not had that pleasure,” says Ban with a grimace, “and it’s my round. Same again?”
Meliodas gives a cheerful nod then drains his glass ostentatiously as Ban does the same. With a grin, Ban gets up from the table, his long legs elongating before him like a spider’s. Eyebrows raised, Meliodas watches as Ban makes his way to the bar, the slight smile on his countenance broadening to a huge grin as his colleague returns with not two pints, but four.
“It’s happy hour,” Ban explains. “Drink up, we should get another round in before these go back to full price.” Meliodas gladly obeys, sinking half a pint in one go. “Not bad,” Ban observes as he sets down his own glass, now more empty than full.
“Not bad yourself!” Meliodas drains his pint then raises the next. “Bet I can finish this before you.”
“You are so on!”
Together Ban and Meliodas raise their glasses, clicking the vessels together. “Three...” Meliodas begins.
“Two…” Ban follows.
“One...” teases Meliodas as he pulls the pint close to his face, the tang of ale on the air making his mouth water.
“Go!” The two immediately place their drinks to their lips, chugging down the alcohol as quickly as they can. They are both fast - very fast - and Meliodas makes himself hold his breath as he downs the drink more quickly than even he is used to, feeling a little lightheaded as he swallows the last of the ale. When he bangs the glass down on the table, he is gratified to see that he is a second before Ban, whose face is now a little pink round the cheekbones.
Meliodas stands, swaying slightly as the room reorientates itself. “S’my round,” he declares, grinning to Ban over his shoulder as he makes his way to the bar. Feeling the thrill of a challenge, he decides to buy six of the ales, the bartender giving him a sideways look and a tray.
“There!” Meliodas sets the tray on the table, joining in Ban’s chuckle as his colleague rubs his hands together. “Alright!” Ban declares as he takes one of the glasses.
“You know, that’s my plan too,” Ban slurs.
Meliodas’s brows furrow. “What is?”
Ban barks out a laugh. “You wanna set up a bar. Me too. That’s what I’m saving up for.”
“You do?” Meliodas’s jaw hangs a little slack, and he closes it quickly, covering his confusion with a draft from his own pint.
“Yeah. I figure there’s not a lot better than being surrounded by alcohol all day. Plus I can cook. I’m damn good. I want to have this traditional pub, cobbled stone floor, oak tables with stools, the lot. You know, like a tavern they’d have in the old days.” Ban’s face is dreamy, his eyes set into the middle distance as he leans forward to rest his arms on the table. “I’m gonna get someone to do front of house while I cook pies and roasts. It’ll be heaven.”
Meliodas is breathing heavily, and he swallows hard. “What’s eating you?” Ban asks with a cackle. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Mind made up, Meliodas reaches for his bag, pulling out a worn, leather-bound sketchbook. “I… you mean something like this?” he asks tentatively as he opens the book. He watches Ban carefully, heart pounding in his chest as the other looks down at the page, his expression morphing from curious to amazed. He looks down himself at the scene he has so carefully drawn: cobbled stone floor, neat little stools set by round tables, patterned diamond windows, and a well-stocked bar. This is his dream, and he looks into Ban’s wide-eyed stare, excitement flowing through his veins.
“I call it, The Boar Hat,” he says diffidently.
“Oh. My. God.” Ban glances at him, then picks up the book, gazing with intent at Meliodas’s sketch. “This is perfect. It’s exactly what I imagined. How did you… what… how?”
Meliodas gives an awkward laugh. “I’ve wanted to set up my own bar as long as I can remember. It was, um, a distraction from… stuff.” He picks up another pint, knocking it back to cover his embarrassment, rolling the liquid around in his mouth.
With the book in one hand, Ban reaches for his glass as well while staring at the page and takes long drags from the beer. The pages fan out without his hand there to hold it in place and sketch after sketch flashes, too fast to make out more than a few. “You must have needed a lot of distractions,” Ban notes, trying not to pry as he rights his new friend's book and slides it across the clean side of the table.
Meliodas shrugs, having just finished a deep swallow of his beer to dive back into it before fully breathing, finishing off the glass. “Same, honestly,” Ban notes, looking down into the amber liquid as if it had the answers, if not those he knows it has some relief. To keep up, and with memories trickling in, Ban finishes off his glass as well.
They both reach for another, in tandem and when their gazes meet their expressions are mirrored as well. The two are physically different but it's like one wounded soul recognizes the other, seeing that deep dark pinch of something that had been left to burn inside. Seeing it sparks a true connection. “Huh,” they both exhale and then snicker as they lean away with their cups and take another healthy swig.
“You too, huh?” Meliodas asks, shaking his head in a mix between exasperation that the world is so fucked and companionable wry acceptance. Ban shrugs, taking a second deep inhale of his drink following his first. He gives a start, his glass slowly lowering from his lips as he realizes that had been Meliodas’s non-answer moments ago. A heavy laugh bursts forth, a bit too loud until Ban slaps his hand over the table. “We’re the same!” he declares, edging into inebriation.
Meliodas laughs with him, downing his glass before smirking with foam on his lip, uncaring about his appearance at this point. “Fifty bucks says I had it worse.” He’s joking but Ban’s shoulders square up to their table, “Buck-fifty, and you’re on.” He accepts, both look to their next glass on the table, their last one, and say together, “We’re gonna need another round for this.”
To keep with the pattern, eight glasses are ordered and he’s all snickering grins as he wobbles the tray to their table not spilling a drop of the golden comfort. “You go first,” Meliodas demands.
“Nah, mine’s way more disturbing. I don’t wanna ruin yours.” Ban leans back in his seat, his crimson eyes a challenge as he takes yet another long drink of the ale.
“Confident huh?” Meliodas downs his pint. “Okay, but you’ll regret it.” He picks up another of the glistening glasses, condensation beading around the outside. “Life was alright when I was young. My old man has always been… well, he’s always been him but my mum did her best to shield me from it. He was never violent, you see, just… horrible.”
He gulps, wincing a little as Ban stares at him intently, a bit of heat burning the back of his neck. “I didn’t really know how bad it was at the time but I’ve pieced things together since, you know? He wouldn’t let her go out on her own, except to buy groceries, and if she spent too much or didn’t get the right things he’d yell at her for hours. And I mean really yell, at the top of his lungs. He’d call her all sorts of names.” Meliodas pauses, taking another draft of ale as his throat starts to burn. “He chose what she wore, wouldn’t let her have friends, wouldn’t let her talk to her family… I didn’t know that was weird until much later.”
Ban is leaning forwards now, his eyes slightly misty. “Go on,” he murmurs softly as Meliodas sucks in a deep breath.
He nods, then continues, “She… died when I was ten, giving birth to my brother. I didn’t even get to see her…” He takes another breath, willing himself to keep it together. “So there I was with my father and this baby and I had no idea what to do. I had to learn pretty quick,” he says with a laugh. “And Zeldris was tough work. He’s great and all but…” Without thinking, Meliodas tugs at a lock of his hair. “Anyway, with my mum gone, my father turned his attention to me. My grades weren’t perfect, Zeldris made too much noise, the house wasn’t clean enough.” He breaks off at this, contemplating his glass before drawing the remaining liquid into his mouth.
“I’m sorry,” Ban says, all trace of slurring gone from his tone. “That sounds shit.”
“I really did think it was my fault,” Meliodas says with a laugh. “It wasn’t till I met Elizabeth, then I realised that it’s... not normal. She took me to see her family and, well, they are. Normal, I mean. They’re nice to each other. I… I wasn’t nice to Zeldris,” Meliodas says with a rush. “I was pretty nasty to him actually. He won’t talk to me anymore…” He zones out, looking over Ban’s shoulders seeing nothing as he mutters, “I left him there, he was a kid and I, I knew.”
Ban sets down his pint with a thunk. “You should make it up him,” he admonishes, his voice cold as frost. “Brothers and sisters are… you look after them.”
“Yeah.” Meliodas takes another drink. “I know. I’ve tried to apologise,” he pleads as he looks into Ban’s face to see a stern line to his companion’s jaw. “I really have. He doesn’t forgive easily.”
“Then keep trying.” Ban glares, then his eyes soften, his own emotions spiking. “Aw, I know you are. And don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll come round. Who’s Elizabeth?” he asks, a smile creeping back onto his face to help his friend focus on the good part of his life he just shared.
Meliodas grins in return. “My girlfriend. We’ve been going out for a few years now. If I get a bonus this month, I’m gonna buy a ring.”
Ban slaps the table harder than the first time, his laugh so loud it reverberates over the thumping bass of the music and other patrons turn to gaze at the pair. Behind the bar, the staff glance at each other with worried looks. Then the hubbub of conversation resumes and the staff relaxes, returning to the serving of drinks and wiping down surfaces in a desultory way. “That’s why you’ve been working like crazy! It all makes sense now! Rings are damn expensive,” Ban says rather glumly.
“Sounds like you’re talking from experience.” Meliodas peers at Ban, whose face has turned slightly red. “You are talking from experience,” he declares. “Go on! Tell me more.”
“Her name’s Elaine, and that’s all you’re getting tonight.” Ban grins then drinks. “I’m gonna ask her this weekend.” Meliodas does the same at the news, tilting his mug in Ban’s direction in a mini salute to his new friend's future happiness. Their glasses hit the table and Meliodas arches a brow. “All I’m gettin’, huh? I spill my metaphorical guts and you only give me your girl’s name. I think this is the easiest one-fifty I’ve ever made.” After a breath and a smirk, he continues, “Maybe Elizabeth will get her ring first with all this easy money coming in.”
Ban snorts, takes a drink of his beer, finishing it with long gulps before pushing it to the side with the other waiting empty mugs. They clang together and with a flushed face he announces, “If this were our bar, these would be taken care of already.” Ban sighs when his declaration goes unacknowledged before turning to Meliodas with a small wince. “My old man was the opposite, never said much but communicated through violence. Ma wasn’t much better, sending me out to steal for them. Her requests were always impossible and when I’d return with less than asked for, I’d get punished. But all that shit, that’s fine.” Ban laughs humorlessly, fingers stretching across the sticky table for another of their waiting beers.
“See, I learned my lesson too late too, the one about protecting your younger siblings.” Ban grinds his teeth, hissing in a breath between them. “I hate that my life got better after. That I benefited from her death. I was put in a nice home, got a father figure worth his salt, food every night and even a brother my age… all at the cost of my sister’s life.” He can take no more, the memories sparking and leaving his chest tensing, his actual heart aching. Ban tips his drink back in a clear sign he is done revisiting the dark, but never forgotten, corners of his life.
“Fuck.” Meliodas grimaces, finishing his mug so Ban isn’t drowning himself alone. “I think this is a wash, then.” They both eye the other, then take another drink. The two gather up their next beers and Mel starts drinking but Ban halts, bringing the mug to eye level. He spots that this cup still has red smears of lipstick stains on it, he’s drunk enough to holler again. “Wash!” He yells, not gripping what Meliodas is talking about as he focuses on the dirty glass. “This place wouldn’t know clean if Mr. Clean himself squeaked in here with a soapy rag.” He holds up his glass, showing no one and everyone in the same go. “Look at this! I’m basically making out with a stranger with these lip marks!”
Finally the bartender glares over to him, and in an exaggerated move Ban points to his current cup before sliding the full mug across the table to clang into all the empty cups waiting for pick up. Meliodas snickers, finishing off his beer with a sloppy wipe of his face on the back of his sleeve. “We’ll have pretty girls serving and picking up the dishes,” Ban determines.
Meliodas’s eyes grow wide, his hand slaps at the table top making the glasses jiggle together in a chiming chorus perfectly timed between songs and the bartender gives an exasperated, audible grunt from behind. “Elizabeth in a cut off shirt with a short, short shirt. Mm-hm, It’d be the uniform, she can’t refuse.”
Meliodas finds this idea brilliant, he’s practically beaming as his mind races with all the things he can ask her to do dressed like that. He’s mumbling, drunk enough to not realize he’s speaking out loud. “Obviously she’ll have to reach for the top shelf stuff, being short has its perks, and bend to pick up the fallen cups…” He’s practically licking his lips about it when Ban laughs.
“If you put Elaine in that ‘uniform’ I’ll knock your block off. C’mon let’s get some more. In, like, clean - CLEAN - glasses’s time.”
Ban’s slurring just about makes sense and Meliodas grins. “I’ll drink to that,” he cries, using the table as support to stand making the pile of glasses clink together from the unstable wobbling. “Alright. I’ll come with ya. We'll carry more with… um… one, two, three, four! Four hands. Right? Right!” He counted it out on his fingers and holds them up with a snorting laugh from his perceived success.
When they reach the bar, however, the staff stand in front of the vast array of multicoloured concoctions forming a firm, supportive line, their shoulders pressed back and some with arms folded across their chest. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough, sirs?” the bartender asks, his voice practically dripping with sarcasm.
Meliodas’s head is swimming like a fish in a tank, but even he can make out the insolent tone and his fists are curled by his side in an instant. He’s about to swing when Ban leans over him, nearly knocking him to the floor. “Who you callin’ sirs?” He growls, the effect somewhat undone by the way he leans his hands on Meliodas’s shoulders so hard the blonde loses an inch off his height as he fails to keep his knees straight.
“I will have to ask you to leave.” The bartender’s face is thunder. “Don’t make me call security,” he threatens as Ban leers and cracks his knuckles audibly.
Meliodas has a brief moment of clarity - they ought to leave, they could go back to his and continue their session, Elizabeth is staying at her sister’s tonight - but instead, he shakes his head and yells, “You and who’s army!” He picks up the nearest thing to hand - a dull metal fork, bits of food adhering to the prongs - and starts waving it about in, what he imagines to be, a rather menacing way. The bartender rolls his eyes, and a moment later Meliodas feels himself being picked up by the scruff of the neck and carried towards the exit. He attempts to swing round and to use the cutlery he is carrying but it is pulled from his grasp.
Ban is yelling as they are marched from the premises. “This’s a shithole anyway!” he proclaims, his words all blurring into one another. “You should’ll come t’our bar, it’s got, like, a pig, and a hat and like… it looks good okay, and it’s CLEAN.” Meliodas snickers, “Yeah!” he calls. “And we don’t have any mice either.” At this, the other patrons look around the bar with sharp glances, some pulling their feet up from the floor. A few leave money on the table and make a hasty exit as the bartender slaps his face down into his palm.
“Don’t come back,” the security guard warns as he deposits Meliodas and Ban out on the street before dusting off his hands and stepping back inside.
The pair stand on the sidewalk, swaying slightly as they break into spontaneous giggles. Meliodas claps Ban on the back, the latter nearly careening into the road under the force of his blow. The two look at each other and, in silent agreement, shuffle along, their sides bumping together as they make their way to a rival establishment a few paces along the street.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
A family torn apart; Queen x reader
Okay wow guys. I’m just gonna tell you right now, I hope you enjoyed the last Brian May oneshot fic I posted up because this is gonna have some SERIOUS angst in here so that’s one other reason why I posted that fic a few days ago before this next part of Rock Angel.
So expect strong language, PURE ANGST, some fluff, and insults. 
Okay so I will leave it as that and let you all enjoy this and just in case, I have some tissues for you all. Trust me, you’re going to need them.
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Taglist *open*:
*March 22nd, 1984*
I was walking through the studio along with Jack as we headed up to Miami’s office.  Once we reached it I knocked on the door and we both heard his voice say.
“Come in.” I opened the door and I said as I peeked in through the door.
“Hey Jim, hope we didn’t come at a bad time.”
“None at all darling come in, I was just reorganizing some things for the lads and I just got done settling your stuff.” I walked into his office and Jack soon followed behind me.  Jim acknowledged my fiancée and Jack greeted Jim back with a handshake.  We both took our seats and Jim said. “What can I do for you both?” Jack and I exchanged looks and I couldn’t help the smile coming across my face as Jack proceeded.
“Well Jim. As you know after the tour ended last month (y/n) and I have been busy planning the wedding before her next recording deal by around the fall. We figured we needed to have the wedding as soon as possible so, we finally picked a date and location and we’ve made all the invitations.”
“All morning Jack and I have been going door to door of everyone I knew in England of who I would like to see at the wedding. Hand delivering their letters personally just so that I would be sure they wouldn’t get lost in the mail transaction. So,” I explained as I took out from my purse a small white envelope with a salmon pink tie wrapped around it and a traditional wax seal.
I handed it over to Jim and he took it from me and untied the ribbon and broke the seal and fully opened the envelope to reveal a beautifully designed wedding invitation that read.
You’ve been cordially invited.
And when he opened it up it would read as followed;
To the Wedding of Jack and (Y/n) Kline
Date: July 12th, 1984
Location: Kline Family Ranch. 50421 Jackson Av. Lebanon, Kansas 66952. USA
Reservations by, May 20th, 1984.
“We’d really appreciate it if you could come to the wedding Jim.” Jack said.  Jim looked at us and he said.
“No other artist would think to invite their managers to their weddings.”
“Yeah most would, however every artist isn’t the Rock Angel. Jim without you….and I really do mean this, none of this would be possible. It’s because of you Jack and I met each other. Had it not been for you accepting my application as your intern, I’d still be a college student still grieving over a broken heart because of her stupid wanker of an ex. I would never have gone to that club, and Jack would never have saved me. If anyone deserves to be at our wedding, it’s you Jim Beach.”
He may not have known it or maybe he did but I could see tears forming in Jim’s eyes right there behind his desk.  He blinked away the tears trying to compose himself and he said as we reached out for each other’s hands.
“I’ll clear my calendar for the big day.”
“Thank you Jim.” I said.  I stood up and walked around his desk to give him a big, warm hug. He hugged me back and I pecked his cheek and now Jack and I left his office to now visit the next four boys that still needed invites.
We piled back in the car and I told Louis the address of where we needed to go next.  As we drove Jack said to me.
“So what music video are the guys filming again?”
“It’s for a new song that Deacy wrote. I think it’s called Break free or something along those lines.”
“Now you sure we should hand deliver these invitations specifically to the guys?”
“Yes. I want to make sure that they don’t get lost or tampered with. Especially by a certain snake in the grass that’s been a thorn in my side for years.” I muttered the last part to myself teeth gritted. “Trust me darling, plus it’s been awhile since we’ve seen the guys. After all I flew with you to America to approve of the scenery of your family farm for the wedding once the tour was done.”
“I swear it’s like you love those boys more than me.” Jack teased.
“Oh and what about you and Deacy hmm? You both always got cozy with each other after bass practice hmm? Hmm?” Jack pulled me close and lightly tickled my sides which made me shriek and laugh.  As quick as he made the attack, he stopped and I turned to face him and we both leaned into each other and kissed.
When we finally arrived at Limehouse studio and got the approval from security knowing of my business of being there, Jack and I were allowed inside the studio and were escorted to the set. There were people in black and white cow patterned leotards so I began thinking that whatever it was that they were shooting, it’d be interesting.
“Can I get up now? What is happening?” I heard Roger’s voice nearby and when Jack and I finally arrived around to the main set, I almost died laughing right then and there.
The set was like a 1950’s style living room and lying on the couch were Roger who was curled into Deacy’s lap while Brian was sitting behind Deacy almost lying across the top of the couch.  But that’s not why it was so hilarious, what was hilarious was that they were all done up in drag.
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Brian was wearing a red robe and I could see peeking out of it a pink nightgown. He had fake curlers in his hair along with the pinkest and fluffiest bunny slippers I have ever seen.  Deacy was all done up as a grumpy granny, sorta reminded me of my grandma (God rest her soul).  A grey wig, an all-black attire and I could clearly see the granny makeup all over his face.  
And oh my god Roger—he was done up as this sext school girl with the black pantyhose, short black skirt, and white shirt with a pink and yellow stripped tie.  He had a wavy blonde wig with two black and white spotted bowties as well as a sunhat.
Hell he looked so convincing, I thought that he wasn’t even a part of this music video.
“No you can’t.” Deacy’s voice said as he started rocking and cradling Roger like a baby.  All three of them were laughing and just having a blast with this as Brian then said.
“I wanna be in it.”
“Get off me!” Deacy cried out.  I came around behind them and said.
“How rude of me to forget. Jack my love I have neglected to introduce the rest of my family.” The three of them turned our way and I couldn’t help the wide smile on my face.  I tried to hold in my laughs as I came up and said as I stood by Brian. “This is my aunt Brianna.” I then moved over to John and took his hat off his head and placed it on top of mine, “My lovely granny Jane, and of course the trouble maker of the family. My beautiful yet dangerous cousin Rogerina.”
“Hi Jack.” They all greeted like the girls they were dressed as.  And I could tell by Jack’s wide open mouth, he was shocked.
“Close your mouth please Jack we are not a codfish.” Deacy lectured him like a real granny would.  Jack immediately closed his mouth and I awed at him and said as I walked up to him and put my arms around his neck and pecked his cheek.
“Aww don’t you worry sweetie. It’s all just a bit of fun, you’ll get used to it. Now tell them they look pretty less you want to hurt their feelings.”  He stammered for a while till I gave him a light nudge in the ribs and he finally spat out.
“You all look g-great!”
“Thank you Jack.” Said Brian.
“I don’t think he means it. Just great, come on I’m the sexy one of the family. I deserve my spotlight!” Roger proclaimed out.
“Oi! Don’t go stealing my man you slut!” I teased at Roger.
“Please, I am sooo out of his league.” Roger bragged as he tossed aside the right part of his hair.  I rolled my eyes playfully at him and said getting serious now.
“Okay I have to ask; whose idea was it to dress in drag?” Immediately both Deacy and Bri pointed to Roger who was still lying across Deacy’s lap.  I let out a laugh and Roger said.
“What? It’s a good idea!”
“But as Coronation street? Serious? That show is for old people. No one even watches that show anymore. No one will get it except for the grannies that still watch the show.”  He rolled his eyes at me and I continued, “Besides all that, you all really do look fantastic. Especially you Rog, you look so convincing I honestly thought you weren’t even here. Why must you be more beautiful than me?”
“Aww lovey~” Roger stood up and took me away from Jack and wrapped his arms around me swaying me from side to side.  “You know that out of the two of us, you are the fairest of them all. Don’t you agree Jack?”
“No question about it.” He answered.
“See? You don’t have to worry about a thing love, now let me hear you say it.”
“I’m beautiful.” I muttered in a whisper.
“I’m sorry what was that?” Roger said.
“I’m beautiful.”
“Speak up love, I still can’t here you. If you don’t admit that you are the most gorgeous girl in the world then I’ll make you say it.”
Before I could even respond, I was attacked by wet, frantic kisses.  I let out a cry as I tried to get away from Roger but he held an ironclad grip on my as he kept covering my right cheek with kisses.  And if I tried to turn away, he’d switch sides and soon my left cheek was attacked by kisses.
“Okay! Okay I’m beautiful you happy!?” I finally surrendered.
“Yes, and don’t you ever forget it.” Roger said as he leaned his head against mine and pecked my temple.  When he finally let me go, I took notice that his lip gloss was now smeared and I said.
“Oh great now the makeup department’s gonna be pissed.”
“Ahh don’t worry about it, you were worth it.” He said as he lovingly bopped my nose making me smile and shake my head.
“Not that we’re not happy to see you both here for this surprise visit but why have you both come here? I thought you all still had wedding plans to handle?” asked Brian.
“We’ve gotten most of the big things taken care of. But (y/n) thought it would be best to hand deliver these personally to everyone she knows.” I then finally took out the three invitations for Brian, Deacy and Rog.
I handed them each their individual invitations and they opened it up and they all read it.
“So soon?” said Brian.
“Well you know the life or a Rockstar Bri. Album, tour, album, tour, press interviews, concerts. By the start of the Autumn I’ll be booked solid for over a year. So Jack and I made the decision to get it over with before we run out of time. Besides we’re not making it too big, just really close friends and family members only and you all have seen the farm last Christmas, it’s a perfect spot for a wedding.”
“I do have to say it was beautiful. I think it’ll be perfect.” Said Deacy. I smiled and said.
“Hey, do any of you know where Fred is, I have to give him his invitation and I want to ask you four something.”
“Well he was over by his makeup stand getting undressed. But I’d be careful if I were you (y/n). He…..he’s been a bit…..” Brian tried to explain.
“No need, I heard about that freak out at the last press conference you guys had. Roger please tell me that…..he’s not here.”
“If I did I’d be lying and you know I can never lie to you.” I sighed deeply and muttered.
“Okay,” I turned towards the makeup chairs and I said to Jack. “You just stay here with the guys, I’ll deal with this.”
“You sure?” I nodded and pecked him on the lips and walked towards Freddie.  When I saw him sitting in his makeup chair I knocked at the empty table beside him and said.
“Knock, knock.” Freddie turned towards me and his eyes sparked up as he said.
“(Y/n) my Rock Angel.” He stood up and we both kissed each other’s cheeks and he asked me, “How’s the wedding preparations coming along dear? Have you picked out your dress yet?”
“Not yet Fred, I haven’t even picked my bridesmaids yet. We’re just getting the big stuff done before all that other minor details.”
“Well I’m sure the wedding will be lovely, when’s the big day?”
“Freddie we should be….” we both turned and there stood Paul.  The split second he saw me, his body tensed up and he strained out my name. “(Y/n).”
“Prenter.” I softly sneered his name as I crossed my arms over my chest.
“I thought you were in America?”
“Oh I was. I came for some business that aren’t meant for roaches but I guess you can never truly get rid of them, can you?” All with Roger’s help all those years ago, I finally was able to not take any of Paul’s crap.
After the humiliation he did to me by revealing my family secret, he’s taught me the best way to poke at Paul Prenter is to show him the inner lioness strength I’ve always had in me.  Make him feel like the prey.
“Well that’s just grand news.” He said trying to ignore my jab at him.  I quirked my brow at him and said to Fred.
“Anyways I wanted to give you your official invitation.”
“You could’ve given it to me, you know I would’ve passed the message along.” Paul piped in.  I turned towards Paul and glared at him and said.
“I’m sure you would’ve but I don’t trust my mail to trash.” I dug through my purse and handed Freddie the last invitation I had.  Freddie himself took it and opened it up and read it.
“Ohh I absolutely love it darling, their farm was so beautiful it’s the perfect spot for the wedding!”
“I think so too. Now come with me I have an announcement for you and the lads.”
“Oh my god you’re pregnant!”
“What no! We haven’t even said the I do’s Freddie.”
“Doesn’t matter. With the way Jack looks at you I’d assume you two crazy kiddies have already done the deed before the big day.” I rolled my eyes and said as I took Freddie’s hand.
“C’mon you let’s get to the others.” I led him away and Paul called out.
“Can’t it wa—”
“Nope!” I interrupted him.  We finally came up to the guys and immediately Roger shot up and said.
“Did I just hear Freddie say you’re pregnant?!”
“No! Rog it’s not true. Nothing’s happened yet.” I said to him.
“Alright, because Jack I swear if you knocked her up before the wedding, I’ll kill you.”
“Okay, okay calm down papa lion, no need to get aggressive just yet.” Deacy said as he placed a hand to his shoulder.
“Okay. Now that all my boys are together, will you all please sit down?” They all gathered around the couch as Jack and I stood close together. “Guys, as you probably know the tradition of the bride is to walk down the aisle with her father. And since the accident I—I don’t really have a legal family member to walk with me. Which is why I wanted to ask you, all of you…..if you four would be willing to walk me down the aisle and give me away to Jack?”
My boys looked at me in shock and Freddie said.
“I promised myself I wouldn’t cry when the day would come when you’d ask that.” Jack and I laughed softly and that’s when Brian spoke up.
“We’d be honored (y/n).”
“You can count on us.” Said Deacy with a warm smile. I then turned to Roger and said his name softly.  He silently stood up and walked towards me.  He cupped my face in his hands before finally embracing me as tight as he could.
“Of course darling. I’m so happy you asked us.” Once again he pecked all over my face with kisses which made me laugh. When he finally stopped with a soft kiss to the tip of my nose, he turned to Jack and said. “Jack Kline, you better take care of this woman because if you don’t I will steal her back and take her away from that wedding.”
“Don’t worry Roger, the day I stop loving (y/n) is the day that hell freezes over.”
It was at that moment I thought everything would be okay.  The wedding was scheduled, the invitations had been sent out, the location all set up.  I wished that things could’ve stayed that happy, I didn’t need anymore stress because of all the wedding preparations.
But as we know, real life doesn’t work like that. It’s always a shit show and it will always knock you off your feet just when you think things are going well.
It was just a couple weeks after Queen had released their Music video “I want to break free”, but in America MTV had banned their music video because of the drag idea.  Jack who was back home getting things settled at his place while I had some business in England to take care had called and told me of what had happened.
So without even thinking I drove off the Freddie’s place at Garden Lodge on my bike and it was there I saw two cars.  My best guess is that the whole band was together talking about this.  I almost felt like I was intruding on the band’s private discussion about their work.
But first and foremost they are my boys, not Queen to me and I felt like I had the right to be there to show some support. So parking my bike next to Deacy’s Volvo, I set my helmet in the compartment and walked up to the door and rang it.
Opening it up was the last person I ever wanted to see. Paul.
“(Y/n).” he sneered my name.
“Paul, can I see the guys?”
“Oh I’m sorry (y/n) but this is a band discussion they’re having right now. They have no time for you.”
“Hold it Prenter!” Roger’s voice soon echoed through the house.  Soon coming into the frame was Roger as he said. “Hey love,”
“Hey. I—heard about what happened with the video.”
“Yeah it happens what else can you do. Come on in.”
“But she’s not a member of the band.” Paul piped in as Roger allowed me inside.
“If you’re allowed to be involved with our meetings, then so is she. She’s just as much a part of Queen as anyone else.” Roger said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and guided me toward the dining room.
There I saw the rest of the boys.  Freddie was standing by his grand fireplace, Brian was on the couch in front of the large wooden desk, and Deacy was on the other couch right in front of the door.  Bri and Deacy welcomed me in a soft chorus of hello’s while Freddie’s posture showed that he was beyond peeved.
“Hey guys.” I greeted them.
“Have a seat love.” Roger said as he gestured towards the couch that Deacy was on.  I walked over and Deacy moved some of the pillows aside and I got comfortable while Roger went back to sit in the empty chair that stood between the two ends of the couches.
“As I was saying it’s America. The puritans in public, perverts in private.” Brian said.
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“I’m never touring in the US again.” Freddie snapped out before scoffing out, “And I’m the one being blamed for it. Not you dear whose idea I believe it was to dress up in drag. Nor you, not even you who wrote the bloody thing.” He said pointing out to Roger for the idea, then to Brian and finally Deacy who wrote the song. “No, crazy cross dressing Freddie. Freddie the Freak, Freddie the Fag.” He said as he moved from the fireplace to the grand window behind his desk.
As he now stood by the window he turned towards the guys and said.
“I’m tired of touring aren’t you? Album tour album tour. I want to do something different.”
“We’re a band that’s what bands do. Album, tour. Album, tour.” Brian said before Freddie interrupted him and turned his back on us.
“Well I need a break. I’m sick of it.”
“What are you saying Freddie?” asked Deacy. He said not a word but lit himself a cigarette.  It was silent for god knows how long before Freddie finally spoke up.
“I’ve signed a deal. With CBS records.”
“You’ve done what?” asked Roger in shock.
“Without telling us.” Stated Brian.
“What kind of deal?” asked Deacy.
“Look I’m not saying we won’t ever record or tour again. Queen will go on. But I—I need to do something different, do you know what I mean? I-I-I need to grow. What’s the song, fly away?” Deacy knowing what he was meaning said to Freddie.
“Spread my wings and fly away.”
“Spread my wings and fly away.” Freddie said in a light ‘that’s it’ kind of tone.
“So you’re doing a solo album?” I finally spoke up.
“Two actually. Back to back. More than the work you’ve put into your own work.” Paul said to me who was sitting in the corner like the shadow he’s always been.
“Talk to my daughter like that again, and I’ll throw you out the bloody window!” Roger sneered.
Now while Roger did try to work on some solo works, at least he told the guys in advance but in the end he said it wasn’t the same without the guys.  He said the other band he did try to get wasn’t quite right just yet so he dropped the solo deal and stayed along with Queen.
“But that’s years Freddie. I mean….that’ll take years.” Deacy tried to reason with him.
“Ye have little faith.” Freddie boasted softly.
“I just I don’t believe this.” Roger said as he faced Freddie. “How much?” We all looked at him and he just stared back at us for a brief second before turning away going back to his smoke. “What did they pay you?!” Roger demanded again.  We all waited for Freddie to answer but he didn’t. Finally Roger stood up and snapped, “I wanna know how much they paid you!”
“Four million dollars!” Freddie exclaimed as he turned back around to face Roger.
Oh God…… I brushed through my hair not imagining how much money that was.  The boys and I couldn’t believe this.
“That’s more than any Queen deal.” Hell it’s more than any Rock Angel deal, and I get half of what Queen gets.
“Look the routine is killing us, I mean you all must want a break from all the arguments. Whose song gets on the album. Whose songs the single? Who wrote what? Who gets the bigger slice of the royalties, what’s on the B-side all of it. You must need a break.” Freddie tried to reason with the guys.
While it is true that even back then I have seen first hand of their arguments, hell I nearly got a beer glass thrown at me by a drunk Freddie once, but it was the fights that brought them together and still made them the best band in the world.  They’re family, my family.
“Freddie. We’re a family.” Brian said but Freddie snapped, his voice choked up and I swore I thought I could see tears in his eyes.
“No we’re not! We’re not a family. You’ve got families. Children! Wives! A fiancé! What have I got?!”
“You’ve got four million dollars perhaps you can buy yourself a family.” Deacy’s solemn quick wit spoke up.  Freddie turned his back on us as he said.
“I won’t compromise my vision any longer.” Is he for real here? Roger who was now standing behind me after all of this said.
“Compromise? Are you joking? You were working at Heathrow before we gave you a chance!” It was then Freddie turned around and said as he came around towards us pointing directly at Roger.
“And without me….you’d—you’d be a dentist. Drumming 12-8 times blues at the weekend at the Crown and Anchor. And you,” he then gestured and looked down at Brian as he continued in a mocked praised tone before finally ending it bluntly, “Well, you would be Dr. Brian May. Author of a fascinating dissertation on the cosmos….that no one ever reads.” He then turned his attention to Deacy and what he had said to him, hurt me the most, “And Deacy, for the life of me…..nothing comes to mind.” Deacy who tried to brush his pain aside said proudly but I could hear the pain in his voice.
“I studied electrical engineering. Does that meet your standard?”
“It’s perfect.” Scoffed Freddie. He doused out his cigarette in the ashtray on the table in front of Deacy and I.  Just before he left I finally had enough of this crap so I stood up and grabbed his arm and said.
“Freddie, this isn’t you! You’re not thinking clearly. Paul’s done something to you, why can’t you see that?! He’s pulling you away from what’s right in front of you with lies.” Freddie then turned to me and took back his arm and said in fake praise.
“And you, (Y/n) (m/n) (l/n).” He held onto my biceps tightly and shook me a couple of times as he said my name.  I pushed his hands off me as he continued, “The Rock Angel, wouldn’t have even existed without me. Everything you’ve become, was because of me. I got you up on that stage, not you. You’ve always needed someone to back you up because you couldn’t fight your own battles. You always need someone to do your dirty work for you, don’t you? The true snake in the grass of Queen was you. Everything you are is because of us. If not for us, you’d probably be a failed music teacher with a cheating boyfriend because she was too foolish to realize that no one could love her like she wanted to. You may think you’re a lioness, but deep down you will always be that shy, scared, little orphan—”
Breathing sharply, my chest rising heavily and hearing him say the exact words my aunt would say to me everyday for years. But it was when he called me an orphan that a loud slap echoed through the room. Tears stung in my eyes but I refused to cry in front of him.
“If that’s how you really thought of me? Then why the hell would you give me a chance?” Freddie rubbed his cheek and said before staring me down.
“Call it pity.” He stated bluntly.  My body tensed up and I sneered at him.
“I don’t even know why I looked up to you in the first place. Goodbye Freddie Mercury, I hope that you are struck down in the worst possible way. And I swear to god I better not see you in my life again. Consider your wedding invitation invalid. And if you do show up, I’ll kill you myself.” With that I trudged out of his house and got on my bike without my helmet this time and raced back to my house.
The second I got home, I burst through my door and threw my helmet aside and my breathing was shallow and frantic, almost as if I were having an asthma attack.
I walked through my hallways to see all my vinyl posters of both Queen and one of our combined albums. We’ve made  I stood in front of a poster that had both Freddie and I together with mics in our hands looking like two singers in their element.
I leaned up against the other wall and bent forward choking on my breaths before I suddenly snapped.
I punched the poster breaking the glass covering as I let out the most furious scream.  I punched the poster a couple more times before taking it off the wall and slamming it down to the ground destroying it.
I then moved to the next one which was of Queen’s Greatest hits vol.1.  I picked that poster up and destroyed that as well.  I punched, kicked did whatever I could to release all the anger I had inside me. Hell I even punched and kicked the walls themselves, and I guess I must’ve punched one part of the wall so hard that it actually made a dent in the foundation.
I don’t know how long I was at it for, but soon all 12 of my vinyl glass posters were destroyed, glass completely covered the floor of the entire hallway and I was at the end, my right hand bleeding profusely and trembling, my toes aching probably because I might have broken a toe or two.  I probably looked like a rapid animal that had just gotten done with its tantrum and was now a trembling shadow in the corner.  Soon I blacked out.
*3rd Person POV*
After (y/n) had left Garden Lodge, Brian, Roger and Deacy were almost about to go off on Freddie for what he had said to (y/n). Never did they think he’d say the things that they’ve heard not to mention actually witness what her aunt has said to her for most of her life.  But Freddie brushed it off like it was nothing and continued to walk out.
“You just killed Queen. And I swear I’ll make you regret for what you just said to her.” Roger said as he turned towards Freddie.
“Oh give it a kiss one day, she might wake up.” Freddie simply stated.
“You need us Freddie. More than you know.” Brian said.
“I don’t need anyone.” He said as he didn’t look his bandmates in the eye.  And with that Freddie walked away.  Paul followed behind and placed his hand on Roger’s shoulder almost trying to comfort him but Roger immediately brushed his hand away as the three members of Queen just sat there.
“Come on, let’s go check on our girl.” Said Deacy. Brian and Roger agreed and soon the three of them left Fred’s house and piling in their cars.  Roger went into the passenger seat of Brian’s car and Deacy went into his Volvo and the two cars pulled out of Freddie’s place and took off for (y/n)’s.
When they arrived, they first noticed that the door was still wide opened.  This made them all panic as their parental instincts kicked in as the three of them raced across the front yard, up the stairs and into her house.
“(Y/n)?” Roger called out.
“(Y/n) are you here? I’ll check her studio downstairs.” Brian said.
“I’ll take the hallway.” Said Deacy.
“I’ll take the upstairs, she might be in her room.” The three of them split up and stared checking everywhere in order to find her.  Then when Deacy finally arrived at the hallway where she kept all her poster boards and records hanging, the first thing he saw was the trail of glass.  He raced towards the entrance of the hallway and there he found (y/n) lying there on the floor surrounded by glass.
But what scared him the most was the blood he could see not only from some of the glass on the floor, but from her hands.
“Brian! Brian Roger!! Get over here I’ve found her!!” Immediately you could hear the thunder of footsteps racing towards Deacy and the second they saw her they were both shocked.
“Oh my god.” Brian said in shock.
“Jesus Christ (y/n)! (Y/n)!” Roger was the first to race down the hall.  Glass crunching underneath his shoes as he raced to his daughter.  Fear and anxiety gnawed at him every second as it felt like eternity just to reach her.  When he finally knelt down in front of her, he brushed away the madded hair from her face and quickly checked her pulse, fearing that the blood from her hands was too much and that she could be dead.
Fortunately he felt a strong pulse.
“Oh thank god, she’s still alive.”
“Probably just passed out, but her hands do look bad. I’ll call a doctor and have them come over and take a look at her.” Said Deacy as he and Brian now stood behind him.  Deacy left to find her house phone meanwhile Brian carefully picked (y/n) up and he and Roger looked at each other worriedly and walked out of the hallway.
Upstairs in her room, a doctor was bandaging up her hands after cleaning up the blood and taking out the small pieces of glass that were actually stuck in her hands.  In total for both hands, she had only 4 pieces of glass in her hands, the rest were because of scratches and bruises from punching the walls.
Deacy, Brian and Roger stood by the door worried out of their minds as the doctor finished up.  As he walked up to the three band members Brian asked.
“Will she be okay doctor?”
“Amazingly there were only 4 glass pieces in her hands, they weren’t very large pieces but they weren’t exactly pebble sized. But her hands will be okay, given time and rest.” The boys sighed in huge relief and Deacy said.
“We appreciate you coming Doctor.”
“Anytime, just apply this ointment to her hands every four hours, keep them bandaged for about a week or two and hopefully the scars should be gone.” The doctor said as he held out a medium sized tube of antiseptic ointment.
“Thank you.” Thanked Brian.  The doctor nodded and then left the household.  The boys all stood around and just watched as (y/n) continued to be unconscious but thankfully still alive.
“I can’t believe he said those things to her. He knew hell we all witnessed to what she had to go through with her aunt! How could he say those things to her!?” Roger snapped.
“Roger we’re not any happier than you are but we can’t focus on that right now. She needs us, now more than ever. Who knows what’s going on in her mind right now.” Brian tried to calm him down.
“I’ll get in touch with Jack later on and tell him everything that’s going on. Maybe we can fly him out here and he can help us out with her.” Deacy said.
“Yeah I’ll even pay for the flight. For now let’s just let her sleep and hopefully she’ll wake up soon.” Said Brian.  Reluctantly the boys left the master bedroom and they both waited downstairs and Deacy called Jack up hoping that he hadn’t already gone to bed.
*My POV*
I was tossing and turning as my breathing was heavy.  I moaned in agony as I could hear voices in my head.
I was surrounded in darkness running and running in nothing but an empty blackness.  I could hear the voices of my aunt, uncle, Adam and Paul all mocking me.  Telling me that I wasn’t worth it.
‘You’re a disgrace to this family!’
‘Why must you always be so clingy?’
‘You’re useless!’
‘We never should’ve taken pity on you.’ It was then I saw four silhouettes just ahead of me.  As I got closer, it turned out that the four men standing before me with their backs turned were the four members of Queen.
‘Guys? Guys please make them stop! I….I can’t deal with this anymore, please help me.’ Freddie was the first to turn around and he said.
‘Why should we help a spoiled orphan like you?’ It was then Brian turned around and said.
‘You’re always whining about everything. Frankly it’s starting to get annoying. You’re not very subtle when it comes to your clinginess.’ I couldn’t believe it.
Even Brian was agreeing with Freddie.
‘No, no please Deacy, Rog please tell me you guys will help me.’
‘I agree with Freddie. Why should we help you? You’re always coming to us with your teenage drama. I don’t see how we ever put up with you all these years.’ Deacy said in the cold tone that he rarely used unless he really hated someone or needed to be sarcastic towards the press.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! This can’t be happening.  I suddenly felt myself sinking into the floor and that’s when Roger finally turned around and I begged to him.
‘Please Roger. Please don’t do this to me.’
‘Why should I? I don’t get why I ever called you my daughter. Your father’s not proud of you, he never was. And neither was I.’ Soon darkness overcame me as I felt myself drowning in what almost seemed like water or goo.  I could barely breathe as the voices of Queen kept throwing backlashes and insults my way.
“No….no! Please! Please stop it! Help me…..help me!”
“(Y/n). (Y/n) wake up!” I suddenly shot up and soon standing over me on my bed was Brian. “It’s okay, it’s okay you’re okay.” I was panting hysterically and I said.
“Yes, it’s me. You were having a nightmare……” before he could even finish I tackled him in a hug and wept into his shoulder.
“It was awful! My aunt, uncle, Adam and Paul were taunting me and then you guys….you guys started telling me how useless I was. How I was too clingy and calling me an orphan and….”
“Hey, hey.” He tried to soothe me but my sobbed rambling continued.
“I never meant to be clingy I just thought I finally had a family that I could call my own but I guess I was wrong. Soon you guys will grow tired of me too, as will Jack and I’ll be all alone again. Just like I’ve always been ever since I was 8 years old.”
“That is never going to happen, okay (Y/n), hey look at me darling.” I tried to look away but Brian had his hand under my chin and he cupped under my chin gingerly and slowly turned my head around to look up at him.  “You are never, ever, ever going to be alone again. Okay? Jack he loves you beyond reason and doubt. He was willing to come to the biggest rock group in the world just to ask for our permission to marry you. Other lads probably wouldn’t have done that and just asked you right then and there. As for Roger, Deacy and myself. You couldn’t be anymore wrong. We would never grow tired of you.”
“Yes you will.” I whined out.
“No we won’t.” He assured me as his thumbs wiped away my tears.
“Yes you will because Freddie made it clear of how he felt. So what’s to stop you three from doing the same?” I let out a sob as I said, “But before you do I just want to thank you. For always being the voice of reason to me for so long.” Brian shook his head and brought my head above his heart as he held me tightly.
I sniffled as he said to me.
“You’re talking nonsense darling. You are loved. You are loved by us, you are a sister and daughter to us. Freddie he—he was a total prick for saying those things to you. And whatever it was that we said in your dream, was false. Okay please look into my eyes and tell me if I’m lying to you.” I looked up at him and saw the tears filling up in his eyes as they looked down at my sadly but still held the strength and love he’d always shown me.
I leaned against his chest again as I sniffled while Brian wrapped his arms around me stroking down my hair and rubbing my back in soothing circles.
“I’m sorry Bri, I’m so sorry.”
“No, no, no, no, no. You have nothing to apologize for love, okay? Nothing.” I choked out a sob as I clung onto his shirt tighter and he held onto my tighter.  He kissed the crown of my head and I heard him say, “Do you want me to call Deacy and Roger up here?”
“Later, I just—I need my Brian right now.” I whimpered out as I looked up at him with my sad, teary eyes.  I practically looked like a sobbing child, but that didn’t stop Brian. He placed his head on top of mine, his curls gently tickling my face as he said.
“I’m here love, I’m right here. Your Brian is here, and he always will be.” I felt him kiss all over my head as he never once loosened his embrace on me.
As I lay there in Brian’s arms, he softly sung ‘39 to me.  A song that I would sometimes ask him to sing when it was just to two of us because that song for some reason always brought me comfort.  As he softly kept singing the words softly to me, my eyes soon drooped once more as exhaustion finally took over me from all the crying.
My body relaxed and I finally felt at peace with Brian’s singing.
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redslilstories · 5 years
Marry Me
Author: lilyme (aka. redslilstories aka. me ;)) Summary:This is how could 7x17 have played out without the catastrophic car crash and a few tweaks to the storyline Character: Arizona/Callie Rating: PG Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story, nor do I own any rights to the television show "Grey's Anatomy". They were created by Shonda Rhimes and belong to her and the ABC network. No copyright infringement intended!
It was a sunny Saturday in spring as a lone black car made its way along a freeway near Seattle. Its passengers were Callie and Arizona, the blonde steering the car along the street safely, while bemusedly listening to Callie talking to her best friend on the phone.
Callie sucked in an excited breath, the following giggle only temporarily distracting her girlfriend behind the wheel. "She's moving back in?!" she squealed in excitement, waiting for Mark's affirmative answer before mildly slapping Arizona's arm with the back of her hand. "She's moving back in!"
"Yeah, yeah, I heard it the first time," the blonde laughed at the ecstatic brunette next to her, before raising her voice a little so that the man on the other end of the line could hear her. "Good for you, Mark!"
He had gotten back together with Lexie a few months ago, and naturally he was over the moon about it. The fact that the resident apparently had decided to take this next step in their newly blossomed relationship was of course the icing on the cake.
Callie was so happy him. And Arizona had to admit that she wasn't too sad about it either. He wasn't looking at her boobs anymore... as far as she knew. At least they had the bedroom to themselves again, which was a big plus.
But Arizona acknowledged that the man had helped her a lot on the last months. Their little Italian dinner date to prove Callie that she could get along with her best friend had been a turning point. They still weren't exactly on best-buddy-basis, but they were getting along pretty okay.
That took a lot of strain out of her relationship with Callie. And it had positive side effects too. After all, it had been Mark who finally had convinced Callie to let Arizona paint her bat cave. Or rather their bat cave.
So much had happened in the last year. Breaking up over disagreements about babies. Getting back together after staring into the eyes of death. Officially moving in together. Cristina and Owen moving into their own home. And Arizona... winning the Carter-Madison grant.
An event that had almost torn them apart again. Callie had been conflicted about being happy for the peds surgeon and being devastated because she knew that the original plan meant that her girlfriend, the outstanding peds surgeon would have to go to Africa for three years. To help establish a hospital in Malawi and save lives thousands of miles way from her.
But the blonde heart and soul had been equally as twisted.
This grant. She had applied for it over three years ago. Back when she had still been single. More than ready to commit to the ones who needed it most. And not ready to commit herself to a serious relationship.
It was her dream. Or... it had been. Had been for so long. Then Callie had come along and had turned her world upside down. And now suddenly faced with making a decision between Africa and Callie... she had known she would choose the latter.
She hadn't given up on Africa entirely, however. She was overseeing most things from Seattle with occasional trips to Malawi to help out.
It wasn't her original dream anymore. It wasn't three years in Africa doing what she knew she was born to do. But her vision of it all still remained.
And now she had even more. Her old dream. And her new ones. Which now even included baby showers.
… Okay, that one was a bit of a stretch. She still hated those.
But still she had organized one yesterday. With the help of Mark, who had a lot more feel when it came to that stuff, surprisingly. Scrapbook station, onesie decorating, whatever. It didn't matter to her, as long as Callie was happy.
And Callie had been happy about this. So she had been happy as well. Even though she could have lived without that balloon stuffed under her scrubs and that little tiara on her head that read "momma".
But seeing that huge smile on Callie's face had totally been worth it.
For Callie she would do anything. For Callie, and their baby.
Their baby. That thought still brought the silliest of smiles to her face.
With a couple of trips to L.A and the help of Addison, their baby was finally on the way. Neither of them had thought that it would work on the first try, but it had. And if the baby stayed on schedule, in 108 days they would finally be 'momma' and... well, okay, they had names to discuss.
Speaking of which... Arizona already knew that they were having a little girl. Doing ultrasounds often in her daily work, she could easily tell from the check-ups she's been to with Callie. But she didn't want to spoil her girlfriend's fun, since they had agreed on not wanting to know the baby's sex before birth... officially.
And Arizona had had enough fun secretly buying a few girls' clothes in the last weeks, and she could already imagine this little girl with Callie's black hair and big brown eyes one day wearing that insanely cute pink Minnie Mouse sweater.
Callie's adorable laugh at something Mark had said on the other line drew her out of that thought. "No, Mark, we don't need you to go paint shopping for our nursery yet. And we don't need either blue or pink," she chuckled at his latest effort to learn the secret kept between Arizona and the baby himself.
He had been desperate to find out. But it wasn't like he had any say in this matter – and Arizona had absolutely no intention on letting him in on her knowledge either. In the end he didn't care if in four months he'd be the godfather of a little boy or a little girl, that was pretty certain. "But I'm sure you can convince Lexie to go shopping with you for the apartment," Arizona provided as Callie readily held the phone's speaker to her. "You know how she loves to decorate".
"Hey, you wanna ask her right now?" Callie suggested with raised eyebrows. "Bet you're bored with your whacky neighbors gone already, huh?" she teased the man once more. "Yeah, we'll be fine those three days," she confirmed to an obvious question about the trip they were engaged in right now. "Okay, bye for now, Love you," she spoke before ending the call.
"Aww, you kinda choked him off there," Arizona pouted as she overtook a truck parked on the side of the road with ease.
"He'll live," the brunette chuckled. "And now...," she held up the phone ceremoniously so that her girlfriend could see out of the corner of her eye that...
"Did you just turn off your phone?" the blonde asked a little confused. Callie Torres was not someone who shut off her phone. Callie Torres was a phone addict.
"I did," the proclaimed addict smiled contently. "Or else he'd be calling again in half an hour. You know how he is".
"But you told him we'd be fine," Arizona argued, not even sure why. Not having Mark call constantly had its perks, she had to admit. "He's probably gonna worry when your phone goes straight to voice mail".
"All things taken into consideration," Callie calmed her, fully understanding this train of thought. "I left a message on my voice mail that tells every caller where we'll be and what I'll do to you over and over once we get there. Nasty, naughty things..."
"You what!?" Arizona exclaimed and nearly brought the car to a screeching halt. In panic. In arousal.
She felt the sudden need to call Callie's phone to hear her formulate what they were about to do over and over. Hot. Terrifying. Terrifyingly hot.
Her brain was really indecisive on this.
"Kidding!" Callie laughed. "It just tells everyone that we'll be gone for a few days".
"Oh," Arizona nodded in thanks for the clarification. But the thought of the nasties and naughties remained.
They hadn't done a lot of that in the last weeks. The changes of Callie's body often making her feel uncomfortable despite the effort Arizona put in showing her how desirable she was for her.
And she knew that at least some of this tension originated in the stress Callie felt herself going through. With trying to be her best at work and nurturing their unborn baby at the same time.
So, Arizona had arranged for them both to get some time off and had booked them a few days in a cozy B&B two hours away from Seattle to cool down and relax.
And obviously this had this welcome effect of Callie's libido reappearing. "So... it's just gonna be you and me?" she gave Callie her most radiant smile.
"You and me," Callie confirmed with a big smile of her own. "And, oh! And the baby," she laughed.
"Are they kicking you?" the blonde asked as she watched Callie put her hands on her growing belly.
"No, but we're definitely awake," her girlfriend returned. It had already been four weeks since the movements of the baby had become noticeable for Callie but it never once failed to amaze her.
"Good morning, baby," Arizona called out softly and put her hand on the side of Callie's tummy in greeting.
Their baby. She still had to realize that in the next days it'd be just Callie, the baby and herself. And no one to disturb them. She reached for her own phone lying on the dashboard and handed it to Callie. "You know what you have to do," she told her and Callie nodded with a happy expression before proceeding to put a message on Arizona's voice mail as well and shutting it off.
Meanwhile Arizona was on the lookout for a very specific spot on the side of the road. There was something she had planned. Something that was way bigger than a trip to a B&B. Something that was very important to her. And could change her life... their lives forever.
She slowed down the car gradually, getting them ready for what she had planned.
Callie noticed her girlfriend's actions and sent her a questioning glance sideways, which Arizona answered. "Do you, um, do you want to pull over for a bit?" she got out, glad that she had almost managed to keep that shaking out of her voice. She had practiced this scenario in her head over and over. Still it did little to calm her nervousness.
The brunette cocked an eyebrow at her. "Do you need to pee?" she teased lightly, "Because I thought I was the one with the crazy bladder..."
Arizona smiled at the amused figure sitting next to her. She had learned early on during Callie's pregnancy that joking about the challenges this brought to the brunette's body was not a wise action. But laughing along the jokes Callie made herself was safe. Well, at least most of the time. "No, I just thought you'd want to relax your legs for a minute, maybe?"
"No, that's okay, and we're only thirty something minutes away. I'll be okay," she felt a warmth spread through her at Arizona's apparent concern. She had never been one to let herself be coddled; but there had been moments lately where she enjoyed the care and attention.
Arizona faltered for a moment. She hadn't anticipated a possible denial to her suggestion. Which she now realized was pretty stupid considering that Callie wasn't always predictable. Never had been. "Well, come on, honey," she cooed, "just for a few minutes... our room at the B&B won't be ready for a couple of hours anyway."
"Okay...," Callie scrunched her eyebrows at the blonde's weird behavior... and sudden need for a rest. And she was about to complain about them having hit the road so early if their room wasn't even ready for them. But...
"I have sandwiches," Arizona redirected her thoughts before that could happen.
Okay, that was a game changer. She hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, and it was already hitting 12 pm. Now, if only...
"I packed some peanut butter ones as well," Arizona confessed and suddenly Callie was more than ready for that little break.
Arizona knew about her pregnancy cravings. And she had hoped that Callie's taste buds would eventually switch to something a little more... healthy like pickles, but Callie still stuck to her beloved peanut butter. However, they had an agreement. A peanut butter sandwich only twice a week.
Or apparently on special occasions like this one.
A couple of minutes later their picnic blanket was spread out under a tree that overlooked a beautiful valley in the Seattle area. Callie was seated on a pillow Arizona had thankfully brought along for her comfort and was leaning against the tree, for the moment content with enjoying the view. The picnic basket containing their food sat beside her still untouched.
The blonde had told her to sit tight while she went back to the car to get a thermos with tea and a bottle of water.
If she was being honest, heading back to the car to retrieve said liquids had been an excuse. They could easily have carried those with them on the first trip.
But she wanted, needed a few moments to herself. To collect herself, go over what she wanted to say.
This was going to be one of the most important moments... in their lives. And she wanted it to be perfect.
She repeated this word over and over in her head on the way back.
Until she rounded the tree and... felt the need to slap the back of her own head in good measure.
Maybe she shouldn't have left the basket in Callie's care.
Maybe she shouldn't have admitted to having packed her woman's current favorite food.
But certainly she should not have stored the tiny velvet box Callie now held between trembling fingers beneath said yummy goodness.
"Okay, okay... don't freak out. Don't freak out," she blubbered, at this moment not even sure which one of them she was trying to calm down. She deposited the bottle of water and the thermos on their blanket and dropped down in front of Callie, taking the little box from clammy hands. "I... wow... I thought you'd be sitting up higher with that pillow and all," she laughed nervously as Callie just continued to stare at her with an expression like a fish on land.
Arizona fidgeted around for a moment before dismissing the plan of getting up on one knee – the dress she had chosen to wear today making that practically impossible, anyway. One more thing she could have done differently in retrospect. So she sat back on her calves ad just looked at Callie for a moment.
Her Callie. Her Calliope.
She was the one for her.
And now she wanted to make it official.
"Calliope... I love you more than anything," she started out slowly, this thought in her mind now clearer than it had ever been before. "You're the most amazing woman I've met in my entire life. And now you're giving me the most amazing thing in the world. You and our baby – you make me happier than I ever thought I could be." She reached out and grabbed Callie's hand with hers. Soothing Callie who still looked like she was going to hyperventilate any moment. And encouraging herself to continue. "You're... You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one I want to wake up to every morning and the one I want to go to sleep with every night. And I am so grateful that I get to be with you".
She halted for a moment and took in a big, trembling breath in preparation for what would be next. "But I want more," she nodded her head with conviction. "I want to see you walking towards me in your wedding dress. I want to hear your vows. I want to be able to call you my wife. And in forty years from now, when our ten kids have finally left the house, I want to sit on our porch and hold your hand. And look back on all these wonderful moments we've had together. And I don't want to regret never having asked. So... Calliope Iphigenia Torres," she retracted her hand from Callie's to open the small black velvet box and reveal the plain white gold ring with a half carat diamond, "will you marry me?"
Seconds passed where she could hear nothing but the wind rustling through the trees and her fast beating heart.
And Callie looked... freeze-framed. Like someone had just pressed pause during the most important movie scene. Her gorgeous black dark eyes wide open in shock and her mouth still agape.
Arizona began to worry. Surely her love's neither verbal nor non-verbal response couldn't be interpreted as a good sign, right?
But why did Callie fail to give her the desired reaction?
Was it the ring? Had Callie opened the box before her return and just found the ring too appalling for words? She had known the ring would be an issue. She knew Callie didn't like anything too girly in jewelry. She had considered asking Mark for help. After all, he knew her best. But she also knew that he couldn't keep a secret. So she had confided in Teddy instead.
Had their idea been so way off?
Or did Callie simply not want to get married? Arizona had once dropped a casual comment about marrying before the baby was born. Callie had just shrugged at that. But Arizona had always thought that this would be important to her. With her catholic background and all.
Or was she just too scarred from her first marriage to take that step again? Once bitten, twice shy?
Or... did Callie want to get married... but didn't want to marry her?
Arizona's heart sank at that. It was definitely a thought worth dwelling on for a moment.
She could name reasons for an objection Callie might have to marrying her. But... no! She shook her head. "I'd... I'd be lying if I said that there weren't bumps in our road. We've had them and chances are we'll encounter some in the future. But-"
"You... You want to marry me?" the onset of a terrible babble rant was interrupted by a brunette having finally found her voice again.
"I... I do?" Arizona returned, not meaning for it to sound like a question but at this moment totally helpless.
Callie's expression slowly transformed into a smile. She had never thought she'd hear those words again. Would find someone willing to commit to her with everything they had. It was just so overwhelming. Especially since it was Arizona.
Not that she hadn't thought this would be a possibility in the future. But she had always imagined that she's be the one to ask. To catch the little butterfly that lightened up her life.
But now that it had happened this way... it was even more...
"Yes," she husked out.
… perfect.
"W-What?" Arizona inquired, not believing her ears of all a sudden.
"Yes," Callie spoke louder, her smile growing, "I'll... marry you".
And that was where Arizona's baby blues lit up again and her grin got so wide it threatened to split her face in two. She laughed incredulously as tears formed in her eyes and she leaned up to embrace Callie in the happiest of hugs she had ever given. On her cheeks she could feel the wetness of Callie's own joyous tears as her fiancee held her close.
Her fiancee.
She wanted to shout this out to the entire world. Calliope Torres was her fiancée!
Loosening the hug, she leaned back up to capture Callie's already awaiting lips in a tender kiss. "I love you," she whispered, letting their lips meet repeatedly.
"I love you too," Callie replied, softly cupping Arizona's cheeks in her hands and simply looking at her. "I love you so much, you don't even know it," she shook her head. It was true. She hadn't loved anyone this much before. Except their baby.
"I think I get the idea," Arizona chuckled and pecked her again.
Callie grinned at her soon-to-be-wife, and suddenly remembered something blatantly important, "Arizona Robbins... will you give me my ring?"
"Oh!" Arizona exclaimed, the box laying dumbly in her hand almost forgotten. She took the item and slid it onto Callie's ring finger, sighing in relief when it fit just perfectly.
"It's beautiful," Callie whispered, on the verge of crying again. "Thank you".
Arizona clasped the ring-decorated hand, at the brunette's teary expression having trouble holding her own emotions in check. "We're getting married," she whispered almost as incredulously as Callie had been before.
Her fiancèe brought their joint hands to her lips and gave Arizona's a soft, confirming kiss. "We're getting married," she confirmed with a smile and held their hands close to her chest.
Arizona laughed as her thumb caressed Callie's fingers. "Think we'll manage to get married before the baby is born?" the blonde asked. Feeling now more than before than they should address this topic.
"Hm," Callie pursed her lips. She certainly wanted to get married to Arizona as soon as possible. And that was not because she felt the need for the baby to be born into marriage. It was simply because she could hardly wait any longer.
But knowing that the due date was only a few months away, and knowing how much planning would go into creating the wedding the two of them wanted – the dresses alone – four months felt like a pretty short amount of time. "Well, we can certainly try," she chuckled as she brought their intertwined hands to lay in her lap. "Maybe the baby will come out the same day. It happens," she bemusedly.
"Oh!" Arizona laughed. "That'd be a plus. We'd never forget our anniversary," she joked. "And we'd have an amazing story to tell her- … or him," she quickly caught herself, fearing that she had just spilt that little secret of their baby being actually a baby girl.
But Callie hadn't noticed. Momentarily distracted by a sudden movement in her womb. "Hello, there," she giggled as her hand moved to her tummy. "I think they heard us talking about them". She said softly and smiled as Arizona perked up instantly and lay down to press her ear and hands to her belly. "Hi, there, my pretty baby," she cooed softly. "Did you hear? Your mamas are getting married".
Callie caressed Arizona's hair as this one continued to talk to their baby. Arizona loved this tiny, tiny person inside her so much. It was ridiculous how often they could be found in positions like this lately. Especially since the baby had started kicking. Callie loved feeling this too. Though she wasn't always a fan – especially not at night.
But the thought of the baby brought her back to something Arizona had said minutes ago. "So, do you still want those ten kids? Despite my hormone waves and all?"
"Yes!" Arizona said enthusiastically. "And more!"
"Oookay," Callie laughed amused but a teeny bit overwhelmed at the same time. "Let me get this one out first, then we can talk about having more kids, okay?"
"Okay," Arizona nodded as her hand was met with a tiny movement from inside Callie. "And maybe you won't have to do it all by yourself. Our ten plus kids..."
An audible gasp escaped Callie as her hand grasped the blonde's shoulder in wonder. Was she... "Arizona Robbins, are you suggesting that..."
"Shush...," the other woman interrupted, "... before I change my mind".
A new bout of tears made its way down Callie's cheek as she held her fiancee in her arms who in her turn held their baby as best as she could.
Arizona could see their future years shaping out in front of her eyes. Married. With tons of kids. And a house. And dogs. And chicken.
It was looking pretty perfect.
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snake-noodles · 5 years
Can we be Soulmates?
Chapter 2
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Roman hums, making coffee for the two of them. He noticed how tired Declan's been, lately. So, he hopes this will help. He tries his best to make his friend happy! He loves seeing the other smile.
He hums, stretching out and popping his neck. He pauses before tracing the ink on his forearm. He still hasn't found his soulmate. They like books, he thinks. They seem really smart, the ink in his skin having stuff he doesn't even understand. He feels like whenever he meets them, he'll end up getting a headache, but they're destined to be together, right?
He gives a wistful sigh, holding his arms to his chest and closing his eyes. Oh, how he'd love to meet them. He wonders if they know how to dance. His imagination lets him wander through a moonlit ballroom, only the silver glowing moon and the soft amber candles giving them light. He imagines the slow movements and the tender touches.
Needless to say, he's a hopeless romantic. With all of the stories he's read and the plays he's been in, he longs for a perfect relationship.
He stops his dazed dancing when he hears his coffee maker ding. He walks over, stirring the dark liquid and preparing it the way they both like it. He's memorized alot of things that Declan likes. He knows Declan doesn't like showing emotions, but he picks up on little things. He likes doing things to make him feel better! He thinks he probably picked that up from Patton. He chuckles to himself, shaking his head and going to the living room where his friend sat on the couch, writing on some papers.
Roman wouldn't lie, his friend was rather attractive. Even when he didn't try hard, he really pulled anything off. He was just wearing a yellow sweater and black jeans, but somehow he made it look stunning. Roman also quite liked his curly hair, and his different eyes. He used to be put off by the scar on his friend's face, but he's grown used to it. It doesn't make him more or less attractive. He's not sure why people get so caught up on it. His features were sharp, but also delicate. He was a tad smaller than Roman, and even though they were both 'oversized jerks' as Virgil liked to call them, he found it entertaining to call the other short. It was another perk, though! He didn't have to bend awkwardly to hug him, and he rather liked Declan's soft hair on his cheek.
He wonders what his soulmate looks like. He wonders if they're tall too, or if they're short.
He breaks himself out of his thoughts, setting the mug down in front of his friend and sitting next to him. Declan gives a smile and a small thanks. He takes a sip, not minding the hot liquid, and focuses back on his work.
Roman couldn't help but feel bad for Declan sometimes. Not because of his scar or his past, but for the fact he said he doesn't have a soulmate. He's heard of cases where people don't get their soul tattoos. He always thought it was sad that those people wouldn't find their true love. He tried not to talk about soulmates in front of Declan, as he noticed it makes him visibly uncomfortable. He shakes his head, looking at his friend.
Declan was no longer looking at his work, but rather at the window. He looks over, noticing the small drops of rain. It's probably gonna storm soon. He opens his mouth to say something about that, but pauses, staring at his friend.
His gaze was distant, his chest rising and falling. The rain starts coming in, tapping on the windows and roof. It was relaxing. He closes his eyes, letting himself relax for a moment as well. A part of him wanted to go out and play in the rain, but he stayed put, looking over at his friend, and bumping his shoulder into his.
"Hey, how about you take a break and we watch some movies?" He asks, already smiling at the idea. Declan blinks a few times, snapping out of his trance.
"Oh, sure. What do you have for us today?" He asks, setting his work aside and hugging his legs to his chest.
"Glad you asked, my slithery pal!" He jumps up to his feet and rushes to pick out a movie.
During the movie, he found himself glancing at the other. He was worried he'd be bothered by the romance, but he seems fine. He relaxes into his cozy blanket some more.
It was still raining outside. And the movie started to feel more like background noise. He stares at his friend, who didn't seem to notice, much to his relief.
He wondered what it was like for his friend- not having a soulmate. A person you can love and hold. A person who'll always be with you. Someone you can laugh with and admire. Someone you can memorize actions for. Someone who can always be there for you.
Roman blinks rapidly, looking back to the screen. No, no. He's in love with his soulmate! And one day, Declan will find someone who doesn't have a tattoo either, and they'll have their happily ever after too! He smiles at the thought, cheeks warm.
It's normal to think about your friend like this, right? People usually get curious and indulge those sorts of thoughts. It's nothing.
He pushes it down and instead thinks back to that moonlit ballroom, dancing the night away with the love of his life.
When the movie finishes, Declan is tired. It isn't even that late, he's just… inexplicably tired. He sighs, stretching his arms out and over his head. He glances over to Roman, who also looked tired. He stands up, stretching his legs out. He looks at the clock.
"I should probably get g-" Before he can finish, he's cut off by a boom of thunder. They're both silent for a moment as Declan quickly sits back down. Roman bites back a laugh.
"Hey! Stop it- no stop!" Declan throws a couch pillow at him. "It's perfectly reasonable I don't wanna drive in that rain!"
Roman laughs, rolling on his side.
"Aww, don't be like that, Dee! Admit it, you just wanna spend more time with me!" He sits up, a big smile on his face. Declan tries to ignore the pounding in his chest.
"You're insufferable." He says instead, crossing his arms and looking away.
"Liar! You loooooove meeeee~!" He teases, poking at him. Declan swears his heart stops for a moment, before he curses under his breath and swats Roman's hand away. He tries to focus on his friend's laughter to ignore the aching in his chest.
"Shut up, or I'll throw your Disney movies into the rain."
"You wouldn't!"
"Try me!"
And, like it always goes, they end up wrestling on the floor like kids. It was the same, but Declan never grew tired of it. It got his mind off of the pressing issue, too.
"Ow, ow, you win Princey!" He taps the floor and the other releases him, giving triumphant laughter.
"I'm never defeated!" He cheers. Declan rolls his eyes, fixing his hair back into place.
"Yeah, yeah." He waves his hand dismissively. "You're such a kid."
They both laugh, calming down from their short high. They slump against the couch, once again tired.
He can already feel his heart pounding. He knows what usually happens next. It almost always happens whenever Declan decides to stay a night.
"Ring ring! Guess what time it is?" Roman perks up, and without giving any time for a response, he practically tackles Declan. "Cuddle time!"
His chest hurts. Before he accepted his feelings, it was better. It wasn't anything more than friends sleeping together. Lots of friends do it.
But it's been a while since he stayed over and he's not sure if his heart can take it. He should be happy about this. But he knows that Roman will only ever love his soulmate.
He bites his cheek and hides his heartache by curling up into a ball next to the other. He can feel the reverberation of Roman's heart and his steady breathing, and the soft humming. He tried his best to relax, and just not think about it.
"I can't wait to meet my soulmate.." Roman whispers, mostly to himself.
He feels his heart drop in his chest. He can't help but wonder if he'll be replaced whenever Roman meets his soulmate. These sweet intimate moments wouldn't be shared between them anymore. He'd be with another person. Baking, playing, snuggling.
He's not sure what he'd do.
I mean, of course he isn't with Roman every second of the day, but he's become such a big part of his life. And change terrifies him.
He huddled closer and Roman chuckles, probably thinking he's already asleep. He's always been good at faking those sorts of things.
Still, the warmth makes him smile ever so slightly, despite the turmoil happening inside of him.
He likes holding Roman. He likes being held. He likes how comforting and inviting Roman is. The warm atmosphere around him. His fiery passion and his dedication to his art. He likes his more serious side, too. He likes how smart Roman can be. He likes when Roman talks about the things he enjoys. He likes when Roman smiles.
Again, he realizes that he loves him. He's known for a while. He's already tried coming to terms with it. But he keeps trying to push it down, trying to push away the inevitable heartbreak he'd receive.
Maybe if he distances himself he'll forget why he even loved Roman and move on. But he can't bring himself to do that. The thought of suddenly abandoning Roman made him feel sick.
He doesn't know how long he's been stuck in his thoughts. He notices that Roman's fallen asleep. He sighs to himself, rubbing his eyes and burying himself further into his friend's side. He just needs to sleep it off. He's being illogical.
He tries to ignore the aching in his chest and the thoughts swarming in his head.
He doesn't remember when he fell asleep. He just remembers waking up and looking at the gorgeous man he was with, the morning sun replacing the rain from last night and bathing the two in it's amber glow.
He lets himself go back to sleep before his mind can pester him. For now, at least, he'll enjoy this while it lasts.
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annerly-san · 6 years
Whiskey Woes | Real Contract
Real Contract - The Dangers of Alchemy and Cute Snakes
A loud thud and a series of strange scuffling upstairs had alerted their attention to quickly make way to his room.
They rapped on the door with a quick sequence of staccato knocks before letting themselves in.
There was a few scattered papers and journals that laid haphazardly on the desk, floor and chair.  A rack of glass tubes held fluorescent liquids held its contents for the most part aside from one or two that were rolling back and forth with its contents spilled out on the desk.  Whiskey’s jacket was hung on the coat rack and his shirt and vest were piled strangely on the chair at his desk.
And he was nowhere to be seen.  They looked around his room, in his closet, under his bed for any signs of him and perhaps a kidnapped Pizza.
There was nothing.
Their attention was drawn to a little serpent curled up under a pile of papers when it had moved around and caused the papers to rustle.
It was a mid-sized python with a skin of deep russet, gold and woody brown.  It spotted them and flicked out its tongue once or twice before attempting to bury itself back in the stack of papers.  It nestled shyly under the papers and curled up with its head tucked under its stomach.
Was this a new one that Whiskey brought in without their knowledge?  They recollected to that one time they had found out that Whiskey enjoyed his little reptilian companions and snuck one on the motorbike ride back from Nevras.  He would typically find one or two and keep it at that.  The two live pets-- they excluded counting the duo of black ones that followed him in his shadows-- were resting snuggly in their appropriate tanks.
They took a quick look around the room, but did not spot a new enclosure for this one.
Had it snuck in by itself?
They approached the pile of papers cautiously and lifted up the sheets one by one as to not startle the reptile too much.  The snake poked its head up curiosity at them before immediately curling up again.
The gesture for some reason made their heart warm.
“Aww~...  are you shy, little guy?”  They made sure to be gentle in their handling-- initially running a light hand over the length of the snake and then lifting it up slowly into their arms.
Once they were holding it, they realized that it was slightly larger than what they had originally thought-- since it was curled up before.
The snake stared down at the ground before turning its head to face them with its head tilted slightly sideways.
“Dawww~.  You’re so cute!”  They couldn’t help bopping their nose with their own.  The snake immediately turned its head around.  They gathered up the rest of its length into their arms, and it started to curl and wrap its body around their torso and limbs.  “Where did you come from~?”  They started to pet the snake and engaging in a conversation with it.  Of course it wasn’t really a conversation, but rather just a one-sided delusional conversation with a snake incapable of speech.
“Did Whiskey bring you in here, or did you sneak in here by yourself?”
The snake flicked its tongue and started to drape themselves over their shoulders with its head hanging more or less in front next to theirs.  It bopped its head on their cheek which made them squeal in delight like a small child in a candy store.
“So cute~!  If Whiskey didn’t bring you here, then you can be my snek!” they announced proudly.  “And I will call you, ‘Snek’!”
The snake bopped its head on their cheek again which sent them into euphoric joy.
They noticed that the reptile was surprisingly cold and it held onto them quite tightly and would on occasionally burl its head against their neck as if seeking warmth.
Recollection of reptile facts brought them to the awareness that since it had been curling up in that dark pile of papers on the ground, it must have been quite cold.  It would need light and some sort of heat source in order to keep it warm and comfortable.
“Here we go~!”
The two of them arrived at the rooftop where they would occasionally take sun naps with Whiskey.  A nice hammock was already built there so they laid down there with the serpent curled up against them.  It looked quite cozy as it laid there with its eyes closed and its tongue flickering out occasionally.
“You look quite cozy, snek.”  They patted the snake tenderly.  For a brief moment, they thought that they caught the notes of butterscotch and vanilla in the air.  “I wonder where Whiskey went…  Should I go looking for him?”
The snake, much to their shock, shook its head side to side to gesture a “no”.
“D-don’t go looking for him?”
It nodded.
“A-and you’re understanding me…!”
It nodded again.
The worst thing came to mind.  “D-did Whiskey… experiment on you!?”
It turned away and didn’t make eye contact.
“DAMMIT, WHISKEY!!!”  The snake got startled by their sudden outburst.  They profusely apologized to it and calmed down a bit.  “Awww… I’m sorry, snek.  My food soul keeps kidnapping things and experimenting on them…”  The petted the snake apologetically.  “He doesn’t normally mess with snakes though… so I don’t know what happened to you…”
They put their hands up and waved them around.  “I-it’s not like he’s a bad food soul though!  He’s actually just-”  A dumbass?  A jackass?  A general ass?  “Someone that gets really absorbed into what he does.  He really likes to study alchemy for reasons that I’m waiting for him to tell me himself.”  
They started rambling to the poor snake now.  
“He tries really hard and is really smart, but he just lacks some common sense and tact at times.
At first, I didn’t really want to summon a food soul and I wasn’t sure whether Whiskey would be a good food soul…
He often gives me a headache because of the things he does like kidnapping Pizza, spiking customer meals with alcohol, and lying out in the middle of the street to take a nap.  But, I really… I’ve really enjoyed all those things…
I managed to find a lot of things about him, and it’s been interesting and fun to do so.  He actually smells like his alcohol counterpart with different aromas depending on how he feels.  He overworks himself and has no sense of self-preservation when he gets too engaged in something.
Oh… sorry, I started rambling…  I’m sorry that you had to listen to me go on like that.”
The snake stared at them for a moment before shaking its head and bopping it on their cheek.
“You… are so adorable, snek.  So adorable.”
The day wore on.  Thankfully the store was closed for its weekly off-day.  They didn’t do so much other than played with the snake, ate some food, and tried to feed the snake some food (it couldn’t eat normal foods and didn’t want to eat a dead mouse).  Though they didn’t necessarily look for Whiskey, they did drop by their friend’s shop to make sure that the Pizza was ok.  The snake kind of slithered towards the Pizza to do something, but immediately retreated when the food soul also called it cute and tried to hold it.
The snake was quite fond of them they seemed.  It wrapped itself around their torso and arms, around their neck and rested its head on their shoulder.  On occasion, it would bop them on the cheek or rub its head against theirs-- effectively eliciting a exclamation of sheer delight.
It wasn’t until they were taking a short nap on the rooftop hammock again in the waning light of the sun that they felt a sudden lurch and the presence of something beneath them.
Instead of the smooth skin of a snake they felt against them, it was something more warm, soft and pretty firm.
They immediately opened their eyes to find themselves laying on top of someone who had their arms wrapped around their torso and their head resting against theirs.
Loud screaming ensued.
Whiskey dodged the chair that his attendant threw at him.  That calm smile of his was once again, present on his face.  The non-chalantness of the facial expression sent his attendant into an even
“My apologies for startling you, Master Attendant.”  He evaded a thrown fork.
“WHAT WAS THAT?!?  WHISKEY, WHAT WAS THAT?!”  They flung a kettle this time only to have him side-step away from the projectile’s trajectory.  “WHY WERE YOU A SNAKE?!  I-I SAID TOO MANY THINGS BECAUSE I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE THE SNAKE, BUT YOU WERE THE SNAKE.  Y-YOU ARE A SNAKE!  YOU TRICKY-ASS BASTARD!!  WHISKEYYY!!!!”
“I was very flattered to hear your opinion of me, Master Attendant.”  He caught the table that his attendant managed to fling at him.  “It makes me happy that an incident like this could give me something useful.”
He placed the table down and walked over to his attendant-- who had run out of projectiles to launch into orbit.
“It was a miscalculation in one of my alchemy practices.”  He grabbed their wrists, preventing them from trying to whack him.  He was met with a screech.  “But I’m not quite sure what you’re so upset about-”
Another screech.  “IT’S SO EMBARRASSING!!!”
“Why is it so embarrassing?”
“Oh?”  There was a devious smirk that he hadn’t yet shown to them.  Whiskey grabbed them and pulled him close, huddling them in his chest.  He stared down at them, a devilishly teasing look in his eyes.  “Would you consider this embarrassing?”
“YES!”  They glared fiery eyes.  A crimson hue adorned the surface of their cheeks.
“Mmm… but you held me this way today~.”
“But it’s embarrassing for me to cuddle you like this?  Double-standards much, attendant?”
His attendant simply screeched in response.
“If I turned back into a snake, perhaps you would be more willing to cuddle?  I can easily-”
“So you do want to cuddle with me?”  Whiskey tilted his head down to stare at his flustered attendant.  He had just noticed now that during his transformation, his shirt disappeared though his pants thankfully remained.  Perhaps that was why his attendant was so flustered.
“A-at least put a shirt on first!”
They started pushing him towards the door.
Whiskey took a pause at the door and glanced back at them with a smirk.  “Are you sure about that?”
The door slammed in his face.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 years
How bout Anti finds a cat aka the reader, with their paw caught in a small trap meant for weasels and such and sets them free. The reader follows him home and, having a soft spot for cat's, he lets them. That night while he's sleeping he has an odd dream about the reader and when he wakes up he has cat features. Turns out the reader is actually a Cait Sidhe and as thanks for helping them, they used their magic to make him half Cait Sidhe.
Aww sure! That’s a cute idea!! I’m falling in love with Cait Sidhes already (oops this turned out longer than I thought XD)
“Oh? What do we have here?” Anti mused as he walked towards the sound of distressed mewls. It led him into an alleyway where he then saw some kind of large, black cat.
It was almost the size of a large dog, which made him gawk for a moment, although upon closer examination, he became more worried about why it was in so much pain:
Because its paw was caught in a weasel trap, and it was trying to wriggle it out, only to stop and growl in pain. The demon could see the wood and metal start to become stained with blood the more the feline struggled.
No matter how cruel or vile he was, he loved cats and could never turn his back on one that clearly needs help.
Upon hearing his voice, the cat glanced over, its eyes widening when it saw him crouch down in front of it. He reached a hand out, but it hissed and flattened its ears.
Anti frowned. “I’m not gonna hurtcha. Ya wanna get that outta that thing, don’t ya?”
The cat blinked slowly, glancing back at its ensnared paw, before looking at him once more and nodding.
“Good kitty,” he chuckled, “now hold still.” He reached over and pried opened the trap up with his bare hands, setting the cat free. Then he tossed the trap into a nearby trash bin. “There. Now we don’t have to worry about that anym-”
Feeling something rubbing against his leg, Anti glanced down to see the cat meowing happily and purring at him. The demon sighed and smiled. “Heh, you’re welcome.” He patted its head. “Ya must’ve hit a growth spurt didn’t ya? Well..I got places to be so…take care of yourself, cat.”
As he turned and walked away, though, it wasn’t long before he noticed it was following him down the sidewalk. He quirked an eyebrow. “Oh? Ya wanna come home with me?”
The cat nodded and meowed once more, as though to say “yes”.
“….alright then. Just..don’t let the others see ya ‘cause they’re allergic to cats.”
It nodded in understanding, before eagerly following Anti all the way home. Although he noticed it had a hard time keeping up because of its injured paw. So he sighed and scooped it up into his arms.
”Holy shit you’re heavy,” he grunted, before he decided to glitch back into his room just to save time. “Whew..” 
Then he plopped the cat onto his bed. “Alright..I’ll be right back with some stuff to fix yer paw. Get cozy but stay outta sight, okay?”
It simply nodded in understanding, laying down and allowing its paws to dangle over the edge of the bed as it watched Anti glitch away.……
“Doc. I need some bandages.”
“Anti..” Henrik sighed as he looked up from his paperwork to see Anti standing in front of his desk. “Didn’t you just change-?”
Suddenly a knife slammed down, impaling the wooden surface and causing him to shriek.
“͡D̨o͞ń'͏t m͞ak͠e ͢me͠ ask ̵yo͝u̸ ̕a͜ǵain o͏r̕ I͜'͘ll ̷b͡le̴ed a͠l̨l͢ ̨o̵ve̢r͞ y͡o͜u͟r͠ ̛pre̛c͝i̡ous͟ ̸p͜aper̡s.“͝“͏ Anti spat, his eyes flickering to black as he stared down the doctor.
“..a-alright alright..Jesus..take zhe whole fuckin’ roll if you vant.” Henrik grunted as he tossed a roll of bandages to the demon, who caught it and smirked, his eyes reverting back to blue.
“Thanks, doc~” And with that he glitched away.
“At least he’s polite enough to zhank me….” The doctor shook his head.…….
When you saw the demon who rescued you return, he wasted no time in wrapping up your injured paw. You simply thanked him with another meow and a lick on the cheek.
Soon enough you got to know his name: Anti.
For the rest of the day he stayed in the room with you, only leaving to bring food for you and himself.
Least to say, you were eternally grateful that he had helped you, despite the fact that he did look and act a little…crazy. But he seemed to have a soft spot for cats, so that was a plus.
It wasn’t until later on, though, that you found out a way to repay your debt to him.……
Late that night, you were curled up on the floor while Anti slept in his bed. Although at some point you could hear small whimpers come from his form, so you glanced up to see his tossing and turning a little, indicating that he was having a nightmare.
But, as a Cait Sidhe, you had a special type of magic that could alter the dreams of an individual. Being a Cait Sidhe that was born from a more powerful one, however, gifted you with another unique ability, although first you wanted to comfort the demon.
So you hopped onto his bed, seeing him laying on his stomach and keeping a tight grip on his pillow. Before he could move again you leaned forward and touched his forehead with your nose, your whiskers glowing as your magic did its thing.
After a few moments you moved away and saw him fully relax, his expression becoming peaceful.
You smiled gently and curled up beside him, although you were surprised when you felt him reach over and pet your fur.
Soon enough he stopped and drifted back into dreamland, and you did, too, but not before you decided to use your other “unique” ability on him as another gift of thanks.…….
Anti woke up the next day, yawning and rubbing his eyes tiredly. “Man..what kinda dream did I have last night..?” He then glanced over and saw you curled up beside him, still sound asleep.
It was then he remembered the events of yesterday and smiled, gently rubbing your head. “Oh right..I saved y….”
But he trailed off when he noticed that, instead of fingernails, he had..claws?
“What the..?” Glancing down, he gasped as he saw that he had a black tail, too. “Wait..don’t even tell me..” Then he put his hands on his head, and, sure enough, he could feel two fuzzy cat ears. He gave them a tug, and realized that they were real.
“Oh what the fuck? What the actual FUCK?! Marvin you’re gonna be a dead son of a bi-!!!”
“Easy now..it was me. Don’t freak out.”
Anti blinked in confusion, looking around for the source of the voice, although it was echoing inside of his head. “Who said that?”
“Take a look beside you.”
He did and he saw that you were gazing up at him, awake.
“Y-You did……wait…how am I able to hear ya now?” His eyebrows furrowed.
“Because I made you half-Cait Sidhe,” you explained, standing up on all fours and arching your back to stretch. Then you settled back down and tucked your paws underneath you. “I suppose it’s only fair that I tell you that… I’m a Cait Sidhe..we’re witches that can turn into cats at will..although a few of my kind are actual fairies.”
Anti just stared at you, dumbfounded.
“I…saw that you had a nightmare last night, and with my magic I was able to grant you a more..blissful dream.”
“…y-you were in it,” he mumbled, “tellin’ me that yer name was [y/n] and that ye were a Cait..whatever it is. And that ya couldn’t turn human again ‘cause you’ve transformed nine times or somethin’” 
“Everything I said in your dream is true,” you reassured him. “I’m permanently stuck as a cat but…I’m perfectly fine in this form. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“Gotcha. So..why did ya turn me into…half of a Cait Sidhe?” He asked, looking down and feeling his soft tail.
“As thanks for rescuing me yesterday,” you simply stated. “Normally people are scared of us because of one, our size, and two, some folks are afraid we’re out for their souls. But…I didn’t sense any soul in you, instead I sensed…your kind heart.”
Anti’s breath hitched slightly at those last two words. He was never one to think that he was ever “kind” nor that he had a “heart”.
“Are…you okay?”
“Y-Yeah..” The demon sniffled a bit, rubbing his eyes as they started to burn and his vision grew blurry. “Just..I-I’m..not exactly the nicest person you’ll ever meet, but-”
“You were nice enough to free me and to let me live with you.” You stood up and nuzzled his cheek, licking away a tear that fell down. “I sense that there’s good inside of you….and that you’re also quite lonesome. I want to stay with you so you won’t feel that way anymore, Anti. All of this…is repayment for your kindness.”
With another sniffle, he moved closer and wrapped his arms around you, burying his face into your soft fur. “Th-Thank ya, [y/n]…I-I swear I’ll take good care of ya. Just..don’t leave me..” He whispered, almost pleadingly.
After standing there in shock for a few moments, you smiled and rubbed the side of your head against his, purring ever so loudly. “I promise I won’t, Anti. I promise.”
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