#aww yiss!
emilybeemartin · 6 months
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"I'll sing you a song," this fair maid did cry.
The captain was weeping for joy, oh
She sang it so sweetly, so soft and completely
She sang captain and sailors to sleep, oh
Captain and sailors to sleep.
She robbed them of jewels, she robbed them of wealth,
She robbed them of costly fine fare, oh.
The captain's broadsword she used as an oar
And she rowed her way back to the shore, shore, shore,
She rowed her way back to the shore.
-"The Maid on the Shore," as sung by Solas, though I like the Stan Rogers version, too.
For my senior project in high school, I illustrated this song into a picture book. I always liked it because it's one of the few folk songs where a girl outwits a group of men who want her and still manages to have a happy ending.
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artyeen · 2 months
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"rad company 'round here" - a birthday present for @brainrot-extravaganza of their fallout OC Rosalie, together with Peanut I don't draw humans a lot so this was a challenge but also a treat to work on. HBD!
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niirasri · 1 year
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acupofconure · 6 months
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It's been a hectic weekend! My hub drove a 1600 mile round trip to adopt these two sweeties. Celeste (formerly Maya) is the older one with no black, and Corvi (formerly Monty) is the baby. Welcome home, little darlings!
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novapark · 1 month
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spumonibones · 2 months
Chasing Wings: Memoria Chapter 13
Pairing: Xiao x Venti
First Chapter (Ao3)* ; First Chapter (Tumblr)
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Lore/Story Notes
Chapter CW: None
Update Schedule: Every Wednesday (temp hiatus until July 31, 2024)
Ao3 chapters are currently locked due to a shady site creating issues. Registered users can still read, but chapters will be posted on Tumblr for those who don't. : )
Canon Divergence AU; Other Four Yaksha Still Live; Zhongli already retired but Osial hasn't happened; Canon Typical Violence
"To Err is Human, to Forget is Godly."
Almost 500 years ago, the Cataclysm happened. As the fires and monsters dwindled, most of the Seven had fallen. One, Barbatos, simply disappeared - and in his absence, the mourning songs of Dvalin would serenade the land of wind each yearly anniversary. The surviving Archons presumed him dead, and Monstadt presumed he simply never was. One day, before a Traveler will fish Teyvat's Best Guide from its waters, a young man named Venti is rescued by the Vigilant Yaksha. Without memory a face as familiar as it is foreign, the question then becomes... What path can one take, when new memories meet old?
!!Please sign the petition for Hoyo to cease its cultural appropriation and white-washing!!
Venti realized after he was already lifted into Xiao’s arms, that he had out of habit slid into the hands scooping him up. The surprise caused him to blink, a sensation in his brain akin to static shock. Why was it so much more natural when Xiao did it compared to the other yaksha? That he belonged there. Shutting his mouth, his own arms wrapping tightly around the yaksha’s neck as the cloud of energy moved them from Wangshu Inn to wherever was a ‘safe place’ to get wings cleaned. Wings with a span larger than the bard’s body length. There was a rustling of leaves and nearby flowers, and the strong, thick scent of ocean. Not quite opening his eyes yet, Venti took an extra moment to chide himself. Under no circumstances could he let himself get used to being carried around like some spoiled charge. What was he going to do if Xiao ever planned on walking him somewhere? 
…What was he going to do if Xiao had every intention to keep holding him? Why am I fixating on this? He wondered, only to blame it on how he had been woken before noon. Typically, Xiao let the bard wake on his own before collecting him. This time, Venti's shoulders were shaken, gently, and when he opened his eyes to complain was taken aback by the striking, glowing golden eyes of Xiao staring at him. For the first time in the memories he carried, Venti thought it was a sight he could wake to every morning. A thought he immediately brushed off, ignoring it in favor of getting ready. Had made the mistake of forgetting why Xiao had woken him, and in retrospect Venti realized he probably wore too many clothes?
Regardless, the second he was ready the pair repeated the same interaction. Each time, Xiao’s left arm would start by sliding beneath Venti’s thighs to under his knees. Almost immediately, his right hand was already steadying Venti’s lower back. With strength that did not match his build, Xiao would quickly slide the bard against himself and hold the other bridal style. Always in this way, careful to ensure that Venti’s head never ended up on the yaksha’s left shoulder. There was a guard or a pauldron, Venti wasn’t sure which it was supposed to be. But there was a jut of what looked like two ivory horns, one twice the size of its smaller counterpart. The bard assumed the yaksha was simply being cautious of the pokey guard. Or perhaps Xiao didn’t care if Venti got gored by accident by the horns. Maybe it was because he had the long sleeve on his left arm, that draped to the yaksha’s knees. That he was so accustomed to accommodating the sleeve, that having legs there made no difference? Whatever motivation for the consistency, it was only adding to this becoming a habit. 
“We’re here. Have you heard any of the stories about Sal Terrae? God of Salt? …Havria?” As he always did, Xiao got straight to the point. Venti was curious what prompted the need to ask a question this time, however. There was also an underlying emotion, something complex that was a mix of too many things to easily identify in tone. Blue and green eyes opened, Venti stiffening when his gaze was met with golden ones for the second time that morning. The two quickly looked away, both sides startled. 
“Sorry…” “Sorry!”
The two apologies differed in tone, but matched in timing. Venti laughed softly at their unison. “Uh… I heard a bit about the God of Salt from one of the storytellers? That she was a kind god, of whom used her powers to bless her people and to protect them? That she died to another god during the wars…?” There was always some discomfort when Venti heard himself mentioning the Archon Wars. In this instance, he assumed it was because Xiao had been alive during that time. That perhaps the discomfort was fear this was a friend of Xiao’s, and if he spoke too impolitely of her the yaksha would take offense. That was what he told himself.
“...Something like that.” Xiao said softly, those complicated emotions swirling in his eyes as he focused his gaze on the distance. Following his eyes, Venti held a breath at what he saw. It was beautiful. The pair were on a small structure of rock, surrounded by red flowers in full bloom that taller than either of the two. Below the formation was a circle of stone, the center opened up to show the river around them was flowing in a perpetual waterfall into a cavern below. Past it was the vast expanse of the river, so wide that for a moment Venti forgot it wasn’t an ocean. There was a dotting of sandbars, some holding ruins, some holding thick trees of reds. Even further into the distance was the Wangshu Inn, a thin mist obscuring parts of the building and the tree it was constructed around. To the left and the right were mountains, each leaning slightly as if parting way for anyone standing there to see much of Liyue’s beauty. Clouds of gold lined with pinks rose behind the landscape, and for that moment Venti yearned to have the hands of a painter. To capture this moment, for fear his memory couldn’t capture it well-enough for later. 
If not a mural, then he supposed he would simply have to compose the song the calm blue waters whispered to him. 
“Her name was Havria, and she was very gentle. Sal Terrae was the last of her domains, and it is also… Where she spent her last moments with her people.” Xiao’s voice was quieter, his eyes lowering. Venti shifted his gaze, always following behind the other with trepid curiosity. There, in front of the stone circle, was a tombstone showing signs of crumbling. Pieces near the bottom were becoming eroded by the tides, and at the top chunks had been knocked off. 
“This is her grave.” Venti had meant it as a question, but the words came out understanding that yes, it was. There was a nod just within that of the bard’s peripheral. 
“Her home is deeper in, this area outside is more… Like an entrance. No one will see you here, and Havria never even had the malice to curse those who took her life. It is safe. But I also understand most people fear places like these.” Xiao’s stare remained on the tombstone.
“It wouldn’t be disrespectful?” Venti clarified.
“No. I wouldn’t have brought you here if it was.” Xiao answered, his voice becoming more gentle and the waterfall in front of them beginning to take away the sound. “She’s been alone a long time…” The yaksha added, and Venti wasn’t sure if he actually heard the other speak. The bard felt his heart clench. “The Archon Wars were cruel. Nothing gentle was allowed to survive.” 
Despite the irony in what was said from who spoke it, Venti didn’t laugh. He couldn’t. Only frowned at the yaksha, who was still holding him. Who on a multitude of occasions could have simply dropped Venti the first chance he got. Yet, every time, Xiao kept hold of the bard until he was ready to be put back down. If the need to prove Xiao wrong to himself wasn’t so powerful, Venti would have tested to see just how long he would have been held. “Plenty of gentleness was allowed to survive.” Venti spoke with a sternness that, were he not feeling so heated, would have startled him. A piece of his heart trying to climb out, to share a truth that the yaksha refused to see. “I’m looking at one, right now.”
“I’m not-”
“Then throw me down into there.” Venti ordered, one hand no longer holding on so he could motion down towards the cavern below. A pair of confused gold eyes shifted from the tombstone to stare at the bard. “You know I can fly, I’ll be fine. Give me a good ol’ toss! Because otherwise, I’m starting to think you planned on carrying me down.” The accusation garnered a few stammers from the yaksha, his pointed ears turning red and his eyes trying to look at anything except Venti.
Oh, I was right? Venti thought, the beat in his chest hastening. 
“I’m not throwing you.” Was all that Xiao could manage. “I protect Liyue’s inhabitants, that’s my duty, my contract, it has nothing-” On he was going, filling the air with his excuses as Xiao kept trying to dodge seeing the kindness that he carried. With a roll of his eyes, Venti wriggled himself out of the arms that had been carrying him. Gloved hands hovered by the bard, not daring to risk the other falling through his fingers should he trip. Venti’s own bare ones took Xiao’s into a light hold, and he beamed at the other.
“Hey. Listen to me. Just because you’ve done terrible things, it doesn’t mean you’re terrible. By that logic, that would be saying some pretty cruel things about Rex Lapis, wouldn’t it?” Venti asked, poising the question in a way to hopefully at least get the other to think. “Because you’ve done a lot of really wonderful, kind things. Like what you’re about to do.” The bard gave a wink, and at his words Xiao’s flustered visage shifted quickly into fear. Letting go of Xiao, Venti kicked himself off the rock formation… And let gravity pull him downwards. Offering two peace signs with both his hands, Venti stuck out his tongue when he heard the yaksha yell out his name in annoyance and concern. Watched as Xiao leapt upwards before doing his spin to dive down in after him. 
Because that was just how Xiao was. No matter the blood on the yaksha’s hands, his heart would always yearn to save instead of kill. Xiao would spend the rest of his life slaying monsters, just so people could live. All so mortals could walk down the streets in Liyue Harbor, could travel the roads between towns… All safely, all without fear. This land’s beauty was able to thrive, because of yaksha like Xiao. 
This was not the first time that Xiao had to jump after someone to save them. This was, however, probably the first time the person he was ‘saving’ wrapped their arms around him when he reached them. Letting his wings out, Venti laughed at the confusion on Xiao’s face, lit up with the Anemo of his hair and eyes. “We’re gonna make a splash!” He yelled, laughter continuing. Not sure what else to do, Xiao wrapped Venti’s head with his arms in order to protect the bard’s skull. This is what I meant by being kind, Venti thought with a sigh. Using the Anemo, of which was all but second nature now, Venti slowed their descent considerably. The air parted the mist from the waterfall, exposing the lily pads growing thick around the edges of the cavern’s lake. He turned them from being headfirst to now being feet first as they splashed into the water. Both parted to emerge above water, hands treading to keep themselves afloat. 
“You could have hurt yourself.” Xiao grumbled at Venti, glaring in full force.
“With you around?” Venti asked incredulously. “I couldn’t if I wanted to.” He pointed out, opting to not return the angry stare attempting to burn into him. Instead, he inspected his surroundings. There was the waterfall, of course. A single tree, with no leaves and cracking bark. There was more to the cavern, leading in deeper into which algae and grass grew upon. Along the walls were hints of things growing, and he hoped it was the violetgrass that he had seen in other aerated areas. 
The scent of salt was stronger, but not overpowering. The area was dark, the hole above too small and too far to allow enough daylight to fully illuminate the area below. An idea came to Venti, his eyes lighting up figuratively and literally. 
“This isn’t wide. You could have broken a wing, you were too reckless.” Xiao’s scolding continued, and that time he had a point that Venti couldn’t refute.
“...You’re right. I apologize. I shouldn’t have let my emotions get the better of me like that.” Venti admitted, sucking in his lips and finally returning the yaksha’s look. He was sorry. Wings seemed to be a rather… Sensitive subject for the other. Piece by piece, Venti was unraveling why without having been told. 
“So long as you understand.” Xiao grumbled, refusing to look the other in the eye. Tilting his head to the side, Venti watched him with a puzzled visage. What was that for? Xiao didn’t look angry anymore. So why did he look away? “I’ll give you privacy.” Piece said, the yaksha began to swim towards the rock with the dead tree that clung to it with roots that stubbornly remained. 
“Wait!” Venti called after, awkwardly swimming after with wings that smacked the surface of the water as if to help him. This did not help. “I don’t… Know what I’m supposed to do? I thought you were helping?” There was a lack of literature on how to clean one’s own wings. There also wasn’t much literature that Venti had been able to find on how to bathe a bird as a starting point. He also suffered from eyes that far too easily found other tomes much more appealing to read. Such as collections of hymns, legends in Liyue, music theory… Topics that he was inevitably drawn to, nose buried within their pages without a thought. 
Still treading water, back to Venti, the yaksha was silent. Venti hoped he hadn’t upset the other too much. There was a chance that Xiao would leave, if only to prove a point. He had no reason to stay, and if Venti’s guess was correct then this might even dredge up painful memories. The more he learned, the more time they spent together… The more Venti suspected that, at some point, Xiao had wings of his own. Wings that the adeptus could no longer use. Eyes glowing a vibrant Anemo turquoise stared at the other’s back. The thick fabric didn’t betray the skin beneath it despite being made of a white cloth, hiding whatever secrets may or may not exist. The long sleeve attached to his left arm flowed in the water like a snake, and some guilt began to build in realization that the fabric couldn’t be easy to swim with. 
Still, Xiao paused when Venti called. Who had put it into Xiao’s mind that he was a monster, when he was so… Wonderfully, poetically, beautifully gentle? It didn’t matter, Venti decided with a deep breath, tilting his chin up to more easily breathe without accidentally drinking the water. If he accomplished nothing else, he was determined to help change the yaksha’s mind. Somehow. 
As he tread the water, Xiao had hoped Venti forgot about that. That had been too big of an ask, and he had to accept it. But… He could help, and it be okay. Right? Venti had kissed him with platonic, nonromantic affection. Humans would embrace without romantic intent. Surely Xiao could assist Venti in cleaning his wings in a perfectly normal, platonic, friendly way? I can try, he thought as he accepted the situation he found himself in. 
“Come here.” Xiao relented, changing his direction to an area of shallow water. The beaming smile that filled Venti’s face couldn’t be restrained, and he eagerly swam after the yaksha. Sitting himself on the rock first, Xiao then assisted the bard in following suit. You’re doing it again, Venti thought with amusement but dared not verbalize it. The shallower water reached their waists where they sat. Shirts, sleeves, and cape all clung to their torsos having been thoroughly soaked. Neither moved, the only light were hints of the sun from above, and the glow of pale green and deep gold. Letting his legs hang off the edge that led to a sharp drop into deeper waters, Venti lightly splashed water with feet as he waited. Silence stretched out, no instruction and nothing happening. There had to be a reason for the pause, and the bard didn’t mind waiting. There had been enough occasions in which he had to wait while Xiao rushed off to save someone or deal with a creature, this didn’t feel entirely different. Except Xiao was next to him, quiet over something.
“If this makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to.” Venti said, offering the escape that he suspected Xiao needed. Waiting he was fine with. But now he was worried that this wasn’t a matter of Xiao trying to figure out logistics. That there might have been something more, an old wound that was being forced open. 
“I’m fine.” Xiao was unexpectedly curt in his reply, Venti turning his head with a raised brow. That was not how a ‘fine’ person would speak. Behind him, Xiao’s brows were pulled together in thought, his mouth a thin line. His ears were also very, very red and steadily spreading into cheeks. 
What was he embarrassed about?! 
What was it about wings that got the other so flustered? Venti knew he was missing something very critical here, and it bothered him that he couldn’t figure it out. 
Exhaling a shaky breath, eyes glued a bit too much on white feathers, Xiao tried to talk with a steady voice. For the most part, he was successful. For the less part, Venti caught the subtle tremble. “This’ll be easier without clothes.” This surprised Venti. Of all things, he hadn’t expected the yaksha to be flustered by partial nudity. 
Fingers underwater tapped slowly on the rock, Venti trying to find the best approach. Personally, he didn’t mind. Getting naked to get clean made sense, and there would be areas of his wings that couldn’t be reached with a shirt, corset, and cape in the way. Those same areas would be difficult to reach with his own two hands, so having Xiao to get that for him would be nice. But not nice enough to demand the yaksha do something he was so clearly uncomfortable with. Shrugging, Venti decided to be direct. The two were too far deep for him to dance around it. “Xiao. You don’t have to help, I promise. Getting naked doesn’t bother me, but I should have considered it might bother you.” 
“Bare skin doesn’t bother me. Modesty is a mortal concept.” Xiao muttered, taking in another deep breath. “I was worried it would bother you…” 
“Is that it?” Venti asked, laughing. The red on Xiao was starting to recede, fading the more he controlled his breathing. “Don’t stress about me. Hard to get embarrassed when there isn’t much to look at!” He joked playfully about himself. Reassured that was all, Venti immediately set about removing the top half of his attire. The second problem Venti discovered about his leap into the water, was as he removed the corset the sudden understanding the leather was probably not going to take kindly to this treatment. Eyes searched around the cavern, trying to locate a rock or something to put it on. The dead tree was next to the waterfall, and would do nothing to give the corset a chance to recover. There wasn’t really anything. With a pout, he bundled up the clothes he removed, and with Anemo shot it far enough to land in a wet squelch on the rock that was the mouth of the underground cave. Taking his cap off, he slid one side of the rim on his pointer finger, and pulled it back with the other hand’s thumb and finger. Squinting in mockery of aiming, he released it with more Anemo to propel it far enough to land on the pile. 
There was no reason to take his shorts or stockings off, but he did choose to remove his shoes. That was going to be terrible to walk in later. Wait! I can dry it off! With my abilities! Excitement filling his chest, Venti may have sent his poor shoes a bit further than where his clothes were. The misfire couldn’t dampen his spirits, not much could. Discovering he could magic away wet stockings in equally wet shoes into dry ones was empowering. Delighting in his increasing skills in Anemo, Venti took a peak towards Xiao to see if his mentor took any notice. Standing up, Xiao was focused on twisting out the long sleeve he had removed. To Venti’s surprise, he also took off his top. The shirt had been rather skin tight to begin with, and the flesh beneath looked the same as what was implied. There were a few scars, some that dipped down while others were more raised. Venti did note that he couldn’t really see any of Xiao’s back, and he wondered if that was intentional. The shirt itself had already been wringed out, and was now draped over the yaksha’s non-tattooed shoulder. The long sleeve joined it shortly. To the side resting on rocks, were Xiao’s gloves, the shoulder guard, and the long fabric that was draped down the front of his legs. Standing in only his pants and necklace, Xiao had an almost casual appearance. 
It was… Pleasant. 
Shifting his thoughts away from how nice Xiao looked, Venti put his attention back onto his feet, still inside his wet stockings. Attempted to ignore the heat that was growing on his cheeks. Soon as his gaze was off the yaksha, Venti could hear Xiao walking through the water to add his remaining attire to the pile. He doesn't want me to see, Venti thought. Could feel the yaksha’s side-eye, ensuring no peeks were being snuck his way. Fine, he wouldn’t look. But, on the subject of visibility… Closing his eyes, tilting his head back, Venti encouraged the breeze around them. Let the Anemo energy slip out of him subtly, let it entice all those little elemental creatures to the pair and cool his face off. The dimness of the cavern would make it hard for Xiao to see, Venti reasoned. There was a smile on his lips even so, all-too aware that the real reason wasn’t for the sake of sight. 
Finished, Xiao joined Venti in sitting down. “Are you certain you’re okay with me… Touching your wings?” The yaksha had to raise his voice in order to be heard over the waterfall, hesitance and wonder all rolled into one.
“Your touch is nice, Xiao. I like it.” Venti found himself saying, glowing eyes opening up and gleamed with the same softness as his words. Then he heard the words that left his mouth, and felt heat flood every inch of his body. “Y-You’re very gentle, it’s fine!” He added in a rush, hoping the other wouldn’t read too much into that. If Venti was lucky, the waterfall’s noise would make Xiao mishear it as something else. An incomprehensible statement, that was far from what was actually said. 
“If you’re sure.” Xiao was still hesitant, which was frustrating because did he hear or not? On repeat, Venti tried to convince himself the other didn’t. That Xiao was too easily flustered, and if he had heard correctly would have teleported away or something. “...Venti?” The yaksha asked, and in spite of the embarrassment, Venti’s smile returned in full force. Fluttering in from above were the Anemo crystalflies, the anemograna, and a few other glowing creatures. Venti was quite pleased to see how well he succeeded in enticing them all. Now the cavern was filled with the pale green glow of Anemo, the small critters a ballet of movement. 
“See? It’s okay.” Venti reinforced, motioning at their new companions. Holding out a hand, one of the crystalflies landed on an offered finger. Eyes crinkling, he looked back at Xiao. “You don’t scare either of us.” He reassured, voice warm and comforting. There was a dumbfounded expression on Xiao for a moment. Swallowing hard, Xiao let out a shaky breath and nodded. Pleased at his work, Venti gave an approving hum and resumed looking forward once more. Lowered his hand slightly, before lifting it up to encourage the crystalfly to resume flight.
“I’m… Going to touch you now.” Xiao said, taking some effort to sound normal. There was still some shakiness.
Venti was right, Xiao's hand remained steady and gentle. The same care that the yaksha used in carrying Venti was matched in helping the bard preen his wings. Venti could hear the water be disturbed when Xiao would rinse his hands between. Felt the soft, warm puffs of Anemo that Xiao used to dry each area as he made his way through. If Xiao needed to tilt the wing this way or that, would murmur a warning or make a request. A shiver went up Venti’s spine as Xiao’s hand ran along the top of the wing, fingers sliding across marginal covert feathers to the alula, and away from primary coverts. Anemo slipped between feathers, pressing the water carrying debris out and away. Hands that cautiously, curiously, traced the bones beneath skin that emerged covered in a white down. The contact caused Venti to do a sharp inhale, his shoulders tensing with his wings following. 
Going in, he just assumed getting his wings would have been weird, at worst. Instead, now that he was getting help, the whole thing felt… Intimate. Tense as his muscles were in growing understanding, his insides were soft and warm, malleable beneath the hands that were always so tender with him. Made his chest hurt when he tried to rationalize, because there was a fear in the thought, Xiao’s like this with everyone, that made him want to cry. How simple Venti must have been, he thought in sudden realization, to fall so deeply for someone who treated everyone this kindly. To know that the longing to be close was a goal he chased not to be friends, but in hope for more.
Venti’s memories were a mush, his life from before an incomprehensible blur. This moment was one that he hoped would be added into that pile, his cheeks burning. To forget that the hammering in his chest was for the person behind him, a beat skipping each time those touches could be mistaken for a caress. If Venti hadn’t persuaded Xiao to help him, to feel his touch like this… How long into too late would he had been in figuring it out? 
Abruptly, the hands were gone. “I’m sorry.” Xiao whispered, his voice thick. “That’s… All I can do.” 
“Oh. Oh! Y-Yes, that’s okay. I appreciate what you could do.” Venti made himself answer, even if his voice sounded shy to his ears. Couldn’t just ignore the other, not after he spent so much time and effort helping Venti. Not wanting to ruin the wings so quickly as they were cleaned, the bard pulled them back in. The feathers felt clean and fresh, and Venti wondered if that was really an ending point rather than a stopping point. But, Xiao knew more about this than Venti did. Whatever else was left, if anything, he decided he would need to figure it out on his own. Venti doubted his heart could handle doing this a second time. The pounding was so loud, he was starting to fear that the other could hear it over the waterfall. The itching was preferable to this sudden understanding. “You did way more than I could have on my own.” He added on. Felt as if he needed to fixate on it, to keep the conversation as neutral as possible. 
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Xiao asked, his voice odd. 
“No!” Venti answered in a rush. “It just. I’m not used to having wings yet. It all felt… New.” Venti decided on. That was neutral enough, that was truthful enough. 
“That’s good.” Xiao said. From the corner of his eyes, Venti could see the shadow of Xiao nodding. A quiet fell over the two, each of them distracted by individual thoughts. The cavern was still twinkling with the flittering of the crystalfly and the anemograna, orbs of Anemo acting as dancing lights. A sight that would have been beautiful to anyone to behold, the lights reflecting off of the water in a smooth reflection like stars. The violetgrass on the walls lined the sides of the lake, lily pads adding to the framing. 
Biting his lower lip, eyes taking a chance look at Xiao, Venti realized just how beautiful it really was. At some point, the yaksha had pushed those long strands in the front of his face behind his ears. For the first time, Venti could see all of his face without Xiao hiding behind his hair. Xiao looked up, and their eyes met. The silence continued, neither looking away nor knowing what to say or do. 
Venti’s heart ached, it soared, it wanted to stop. Could feel pressure building behind his eyes, and knew he had seconds before tears would fall. Couldn't tell if he was leaning in, and felt a fear in that particular leap.
Naturally, he had to ruin the moment before he fell deeper.
“Water fight!” Venti declared, and with his hand scooped water to fling it at the other. This had the exact effect the bard wanted: the moment was gone. Whatever that moment may have been was lost to their stares broken, Xiao flinching at the sudden splash in his direction with minimal warning. There had been confusion at Venti’s proclamation, the yaksha unable to make sense of the what or why. 
“What the-?!” Left Xiao’s mouth before water stopped his words, the yaksha sputtering. Not daring to stay there any longer, Venti scooted himself back into the deeper water. Taking in a deep breath, he went under as a precaution to whatever retaliation awaited him. If there was any. He definitely confused Xiao, Venti couldn’t discount that there wouldn’t be any. As he went down, a few curious crystalfly followed after him. Scared for them, Venti created air bubbles for the creatures that bobbed down in an imitation of delight. Whatever about himself that made him such a magnet for the little Anemo beings, Venti couldn’t deny he enjoyed it. Grinned despite himself as he was lit up like a lamp by the crystalflies bouncing around him, as if he were a torch attracting moths. Except, he supposed that was an imperfect comparison. Given that yes, parts of him lit up like a torch, but the ‘moths’ that floated around him gave off far more light than he did. As his lungs started to burn, Venti decided he needed to learn how to use Anemo to hold his breath for as long as he wanted. 
A trick he wasn’t going to learn while running out of air. Kicking his legs, he swam back up to the surface to take in a deep inhale with his tiny Anemo friends following. Still sitting in the shallow end, leaning forward with furrowed brows, was Xiao. “What was that for?” He asked, narrowed eyes adding more to a look of confusion than annoyance. 
“Nothing!” Venti lied, trying to laugh it off. To act like he was just being playful, and not avoiding the emotions he was finally recognizing for what they were: yearning. The very source of those emotions sitting in front of him, confused and oblivious. “I figure, since we’re basically done and don’t have anything to do… We could have a little fun!” If he couldn’t convince himself, he could at least try to convince Xiao. Xiao, a man who lived for over two-thousand years, and seemed to maintain his sanity solely by not asking the big questions. A skill that Venti would do well to learn, he decided. 
Still sitting, watching Venti closely, Xiao didn’t seem convinced. Thankfully, the yaksha continued to live his life the way he always had. “I assume a water fight… Isn’t an actual fight.” That’s my Xiao, right to the point, Venti thought, flinching when catching that he used ‘my.’ No, he couldn’t think like that. There was literally an inn of people that had far more right to think that way than he did. Also, those same people would probably make Venti disappear if they ever knew he even thought it. 
“No, not really. It’s more like… A bit like, you know how sometimes people will make snowballs, and throw them at each other? Try to dodge them and hit the other? Same concept, except it’s with splashing!” Venti explained. 
“Why?” That confusion was still there, Xiao earnestly searching the bard’s face. Just in case the other was trying to mess with him.
“Because it’s fun! Come on. Try it!” Venti said encouragingly, kicking his legs a bit harder so he could use both hands to briefly urge the other to join him. Remaining on his perch, Xiao eyed Venti with uncertainty. His jaw tensed, brows remaining furrowed. Flared his nostrils out, and for a frightening second Venti was starting to worry he had angered the yaksha somehow. Gold eyes paused in their scrutinizing gaze, flicking down in slight confusion. Mouth parted just slightly, as if Xiao wanted to say or ask something. Venti looked down as well, trying to follow the adeptus’ line of sight. The symbol on his chest was glowing, just like his hair, his eyes, and the ones on his arms. Yet it was dimmer, as if it had to permeate through what looked like the star-shaped scar. Realizing that was why Xiao stared, Venti bit his lower lip. Tried to fight the urge to cover himself, suddenly very self-conscious. Noting the shift from playful, Xiao immediately averted his gaze and said nothing. 
All at once, Xiao let out another of his heavy exhales. Scooting forward, he leaned over to look down at the deeper waters. Fingers gripped onto the edge, Xiao weighing if he should or shouldn’t. Had his head cocked to the side again, pointed ears straining to hear for anyone that needed him. There was silence, as Liyue remained at peace. Lifted his eyes to gauge Venti, eyes that eased from narrow to what might have been indulgent. Pushing himself forward, he was in the water with the bard, treading it. 
Xiao knew better than to use all of his strength to splash. The purpose was to… Play. Not to drown the other person. So, with as close to an open mind as he could muster, Xiao lightly smacked the water in the direction of Venti. A few droplets landed on the other, garnering several blinks. Pulled Venti out of his insecurity. Right. He probably isn’t used to goofing around… Venti thought, his own brows having their turn to furrow in contemplation. There was only one time he could think of in which he saw Xiao smile. Right. The two would just need to ease into it, give the yaksha time to figure out how to have fun. “Close! A bit more like this!” Venti said, and sent another splash. Xiao tensed, closing his eyes as the water crashed over him. The weight of the water pulled some of the longer hairs, clinging onto his cheek. “Part of the fun is trying to dodge!” Venti continued. “Try it!” 
“Okay…” Xiao said, still uncertain, but put more force into his next attempt. Staying where he was, this time Venti also had to close his eyes as the water rained over him. With a wide grin, he beamed over at the yaksha. “Much better! Okay, my turn now! Try to dodge!” Soon as he said it, Venti regretted his word choice. Because of course Xiao dodged… By teleporting to the other side as soon as Venti splashed towards him. “...You know, normally people would call that cheating…”
“You said to dodge?” Xiao reminded him, confused as to why doing as instructed was suddenly ‘cheating.’ 
“I said normally! Part of the fun is you don’t use anything special. No adeptal powers, no Visions, no… Whatever I got.” Venti wished he had thought to say, ‘no Anemo,’ before and not after the fact. Regardless, he was pretty sure he got the point across. “Otherwise you’ll be splashing me, I won’t have a chance.” The bard continued, his smile not once faltering in all of this. A nod was his reply, and Xiao swam back over to his original spot. 
The two created a rhythm of splashing and dodging, Xiao quickly picking up on what was and wasn’t allowed. Learned that going under the water’s surface counted to dodge, even if getting more wet than what the splash would do seemed counterproductive. That he could use both of his hands to splash if he wanted. Got shown to cup both hands together, and how to squeeze to fire a stream of water out. That also counted, though would take practice to be more effective. Found diving forward to get closer, to try and splash the other before they dove under was allowed. 
Found that, somewhere in all of this, Xiao was enjoying himself. Was enjoying the gleeful laughter leaving Venti, their exchange having progressed from an amicable back-and-forth to both sides blatantly trying to get a splash in before the inevitable retaliation. There were no longer turns, just the pair sharing this moment of joy in the once quiet and lonely halls of Havria’s. Gods never truly died. That was what made them gods. As he dove under, Xiao knew that watching them would make her smile. Could almost feel the fondness from the walls, could picture her leaning against the cave entrance with that gentle smile still on her face. Diving deeper down, keeping his eyes open Xiao decided he would try a new tactic. See if that was on the table, or was ���against the rules,’ of which he still wasn’t clear on. Part of him suspected that Venti may have been making some up along the way. 
Wrapping his arms around Venti’s waist and thighs, he lifted the other up and out of the water with himself. Legs kicked hard, Xiao taking advantage of the buoyancy the two had in the water to keep his head from sinking underwater again. A startled squawk left Venti at suddenly being held above the water, legs and arms briefly flailing before registering that it was Xiao and not some monster. “Hey that’s-”
“No fair?” Xiao finished, raising a brow with a ghost of a grin because he knew it. Did it anyway, because the reaction it wrought was both funny and adorable. Eyes lit up with Anemo narrowed, Venti pursing his lips. “Is this ‘cheating,’ too?” The yaksha asked. In his arms, Venti shifted so he could rest a hand on a bare shoulder and stare down with that frown.
“Of course it is! How can I splash you back! The only thing I could do is… Is…” Venti didn’t finish his sentence, and instead started leaning back with his face turned away. The first thing that came to his mind was: kiss you! But he was not going to say that. He was not going to do that. Wanted to kick himself for even thinking it. Angry at himself for what felt like moving too quickly, wanting things too fast from someone that wouldn’t feel the same. Wouldn’t even want the same. 
Venti was not aware that Xiao’s thoughts mirrored his own in some way, and with pointed red ears simply let the other go. As a result, with a yelp the bard fell backwards unceremoniously into the water. Splashed about to get his head above water once more, but was too flustered to dare look at the yaksha. “Uh… I’m getting hungry, actually…” Venti lied. No, he couldn’t do this. Thought he could, was irrevocably wrong about it. Even when he tried to make his thoughts stop, the second he let his guard down there he was again. 
“Oh… Right…” Xiao nodded, somewhat dazed. More surprised at the odd disappointment that filled him. This should have relieved him, hearing that Venti was ready to return to the inn. For a moment, he had almost made a terrible mistake. Tried to shake it off, to focus on what he needed to do. Because of his distraction, when he swam back over towards his clothes he forgot. For that brief moment, forgot he allowed Venti to see his exposed back. Quick as it was, Venti saw it.
The scars on his shoulders blades, the only remainder of what had once upon a time been wings…
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giraffeonstrike · 19 days
We're almost done with quarantine but going really nuts today so we've decided to indulge our intrusive thoughts as long as they are not too physically or psychologically dangerous.
I have counted the number of bran flakes and raisins in my bowl and my wife cooked and slapped a piece of salmon, Gordon Ramsay style.
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ashenbun · 11 months
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You don't know why, but you're really good at this...
Finally settled on my Durge. Now to go be a terrible creature~
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spxnglr · 1 year
Good mornooning my beloveds, my new personal setup consists of a curved monitor, an RGB keyboard and an RGB mouse mat. My dreams have come true.
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tallhungryperson · 2 years
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morpheusxmp · 7 months
Closed starter for the golden twin @mpapollo
Of all the island sanctuaries in the world of mythos, they had to reunite on this one. An all too familiar figure graced his visage; a literally brilliant and creative god caught his attention, and putting up flyers no less. When Leto had informed his father of their meeting, Morpheus had been thrilled that his child had met the child of his dear friend--parents often did that, didn't they? Gush over their children meeting and getting along?
A silent smile graced his features as he snuck up behind the sun god. He may not have been noticed at first--and perhaps that was intentional, to blend in wearing a double-breasted long coat in midnight blue, subtle hints of gold and silver threads granting an ethereal celestial sky quality to the fabric. He peered over Apollo's shoulder as the other god was busy putting up a fresh flyer for a--ooo, what is this? Auditions for a Spring Concert? Beethoven?
"Ooooohhhhh~" he purred in that low, haunting baritone, scarcely above a whisper but unmistakable. "Creatures of Prometheus. Good call~"
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splicedskies · 4 months
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[ Mmm.. smol starter call on this sleepy Sunday~ ]
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fungalpieceofshit · 8 months
Let's put 'em in Dark Souls
What a fucking joke.
The gods were so desperate for someone to link the Flame that they would hand this task to something less than human. Someone with no love for them or their church, turned as an excuse to lock him away for good.
Or at least, for however long iron exposed to the damp could hold firm. The asylum's roof had fallen in at some point and exposed his cell. He didn't know when. The sleep of death had been a better option than waiting. He didn't know when the rain had rusted everything away and made it possible to leave. He'd just chosen to wake, and the door was open. (Opening the door was a generous way to put it. The thing just crumbled.)
He went ahead and looted other cells- clothes, a broken and corroded old side-arm, and the real treasure he was hunting for, an Estus Flask. Memory failed him about the importance of this but he kept it nonetheless. He'd need it to get past that thing guarding the way out.
Let's see how the world has changed since the Sun set himself alight.
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galarrapidash · 1 year
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I've finally reached level 80!!! 🙌 🥳
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daisymeade · 11 months
Coral Island releases the 14th and the final Pwotr DLC on the 21st. For all that I love my Tavs/Durge, I'm so ready to take a break and step away from BeeGeeThree.
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dialnoisenow · 2 years
Everyone is Sauron.
It's like a where's Waldo.
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