#axv fanfiction writing
axvwriter · 8 months
Short Spelldrive disccussion
plus Twst Bobo book 2 draft/idea
Since the Spelldrive cards are coming out for the Japanese server, I’ve heard chatter about the discs. I did think they were bulkier than frisbees considering one knocks out the MC. I saw one blog say the discs are made of gold? People been saying it’s lucky all it did was knock out MC.
Though from what I recall, Grim accidentally threw the disc at MC while being real close to them. So to me my thinking is that he released too early so it didn’t have the full power and momentum of a proper throw? I don’t know physics so I’m uncertain.
I’ve been hit with a soccer ball to the stomach while within close range before. It hurt bad, but it didn’t leave a bruise. So with that little information and imagining a metal object being sent to the head, I could totally see it knocking someone out. Probably even doing more damage than that.
Though I do wonder why have the disc be gold and/or heavy at all? If Spelldrive is based off of american football, then the dangerous aspects should come more from the players ramming into each other along with the spells they throw. The disc itself shouldn’t also be a hazard?
If Spelldrive is a bit inspired by Quidditch from the Harry Potter series, then I understand the disc being a danger as well. Quidditch has literal balls that are meant to harm players. Messed up but I guess who cares about damage when there’s potions to regrow bones. Have a Bludger bash out your brains or be tackled so hard your body breaks… I find myself questioning american football considering we don’t have bone regrowing potions as far as I am aware.
So despite the dangers of Spelldrive, I assume the medical staff at NRC is able to handle anything. Though gosh I would hate being the MC forced to play Spelldrive. Like what can MC even do? Maybe throw the disc once if it’s not too heavy… it’s such a magic-heavy sport that all MC can surely do is just run beside the others? Call out warnings and openings, but still, I would like to participate more than feeling like a on field coach.
I also find it a bit disappointing that MC never bothers to ask to see the recordings of the other matches. I know it’s to keep MC from realizing who Hornton is, but we could have had some of the boys decide MC only gets to see certain matches? Like finding any match against Diasomnia to be embarrassing so no watching those?
Ehh, I’m not going to spend too much brain power to figure that out. I just know that such a spell-heavy sport must be so interesting to watch. Though maybe MC is a bit traumatized to the point they don’t want to think about the sport anytime soon. Or has been hit hard enough to forget the tournament was being recorded.
But this does give me an idea for Bobo. I’ve read the translations for the first two manga books and in those both Yuus were suggested to have basically died? Like one almost hit by a vehicle but ends up taken by the carriage to NRC.
So I have the idea that for Bobo splitting off of her canon timeline and into fan twst is where one battle her armor doesn’t activate. She suffers a head injury and blacks out. So upon waking in Twisted Wonderland, she’s quite confused. Was she really hit in the head? What’s going on?
Thus I think being hit in the head by the disc could be a bit of a repeat of her “death”. Heck I need to make some banners to help divide up my posts as I’m about to write a rough draft of what that scene could be like.
You slowly feel yourself becoming aware of the… nothingness. You must have been sleeping quite deeply. When was the last time you’ve had such a deep, vulnerable sleep? That was something you’d grant yourself within the safety of your home, when naps would no longer suffice. But this time you hadn’t granted such a privilege to yourself.
Aching. Your head is aching. Right, the last time such a deep sleep was forced upon you was when you were… when you were killed, right? But that doesn’t make sense. Those that die don’t wake up. Were you attacked? That lizard… it shouldn’t have been able to land such a painful, ringing blow.
Is your head ringing right now? No… focus… it’s… voices? Voices, which means you aren’t alone awaiting for that lizard to rightfully consume its prey. There’s no sound of fighting, so that must mean… you’re safe.
How did it hit you? Right, your armor never turned on. An impossible feature. It was impossible that defective armor pins were handed to you. Impossible that they weren’t charged. To let such a mistake happen would be a death sentence. Mistakes like that never happened.
Something must be terribly wrong. You have to wake up now! You need to know what went wrong! How could your armor fail?! How could you die?!
Something is touching you now. Something that isn’t human? It feels like fur. Are you not safe?! No no no no no no no No! Calm down, it must just be a bat. If it wasn’t, you’d be hurt by now. The voices wouldn’t be so low.
Where are you? You want to wake up, demand answers, you need to know it was only your armor that didn’t work. That only you died. Died… why do you keep thinking of that word? You’re clearly alive… Something is terribly wrong and you wont get answers sleeping like this!
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axvwriter · 1 year
Princess Brides
A Twisted Wonderland Phantom Bride event fanfiction starring my oc Bobo. Italicized lines are dialogue lines copied directly from the game's event. No art for this, but Bobo's outfit will be shared in a separate post.
This is a long one, if I'm reading Word properly, a total of 3,587 words.
            Bobo couldn’t help but think of the time she signed the Ramshackle Dorm away. It was a stupid thing to do, yet she figured doing so would teach Grim something about trying to rush into things without thinking. Though afterwards she did realize he should have already learned to be more cautious after his own contract landed him as a dish sponge. At least there was one thing that Azul hadn’t been completely dishonest about at that time. They were gentlemen. They upheld their part of the contract and when they came to take the dorm building as collateral, they gave her and Grim some time to pack their things first.
            Now she and Grim were being forcibly removed from the building with no time to get their things nor given a proper explanation. Bobo wanted to talk it out, get a few more answers to what the ghosts meant about the building being an extinct kingdom’s guest house. Yet Grim was quick to jump into fighting for their home. Were the ghosts that usually resided in the building kicked out as well? She hadn’t seen them at all today. Just like the first time Grim tried to exercise the old building, the ghosts just kept coming back. Eventually he relented and the evicted duo went to find Crowley.
            Bobo didn’t appreciate how dismissive Crowley was. He even told them to find someone to room with, not caring that her spare clothes and school supplies were still in the Ramshackle building. Bobo may have a few people she could try asking, but it annoyed her that he wasn’t even going to try to help and make sure they had somewhere safe to sleep. Though before she and Grim could complain to the Headmage, they all learned that quite the situation had taken over the main school building. The one thing Crowley hadn’t accounted for had happened; the Ghost Bride Eliza had found herself a groom.
            Bobo had kept close to Ortho, watching the feed he had projected for everyone to watch. How rather confusing, while she felt worried for Idia’s life, she couldn’t help but find the first team’s attempts rather pitiful. If things weren’t as dire, she would think all of this to be quite comedic. Though the Ghost Bride was being rather stubborn and nitpicky. What really bothered Bobo was how she went about rejecting them. A harsh slap with a casting of paralyzation. Bobo silently fumed, keeping most of her thoughts to herself.
            Then the second team was sent out. Bobo was a bit disappointed with Deuce, how easily he let Ace talk him into joining that team and Deuce didn’t even consider forcing Ace to come with him. He could have used Ace’s very own reasoning against him. Perhaps she’ll bring it up to him sometime later.
            It wasn’t too surprising that the second team were all shot down. Though Bobo found herself especially frustrated with how Deuce’s attempt went. He froze and the Ghost Bride punished him for that. Were all these ghosts delusional about how “kind” their princess is!? With the time she has spent with the usual ghosts around the school, she already knew they had some pretty odd views on things, but this, were they all living in a completely different reality?!
            “Wait,” Bobo quietly spoke up, catching Ortho’s attention. “Did Idia really only complain that he wouldn’t get to read his manga? Why didn’t he bring up you? Unless… the reason you asked for help and have chosen to stay back… do you think if Princess Eliza knew about you, she would have you kil- have you depart from this world too?” Bobo glanced at Ortho, who seemed to opt to feign hearing her. Everyone continued to watch Idia plead with his failed saviors until Crowley spoke up.
“I suppose we have little choice. We’ll have to round up every remaining potential suitor!” Crowley declared, ready to send Bobo and Grim off.
            “No.” Bobo shot him down, causing a confused and indignant squawk to slip out of the Headmage’s mouth. “It’s clear that throwing suitor after suitor at her isn’t working. I doubt we’re going to get very far just throwing more at her.”
            “Well, do you have a better plan?” Ace questioned.
            “I’m not sure if it’s “better”, but we out to shake things up. You should all prepare in case my plan does fail. If it comes down to it, you may even have to break through the ghosts’ forces, grab Idia, and run. Anything to buy us time until we can get through to that princess. It may take me some time to prepare, but Ortho’s watching the feeds, he can inform you all when I make it to the wedding venue.” Bobo reached down and lightly nudged Grim towards Ace. “Grim, you stay with them. I doubt you want to deal with all of them. Ortho, can you send some stills of the suit they put Idia in? Back, front, and side angles to my phone please.”
            “Sure prefect!” Ortho responded, working on that right away as Bobo walked off, leaving them all clueless to her plan.
            As the ghosts were about to start their wedding ceremony, the cafeteria doors swung open. Two ghosts floated in, flanking a cloaked figure.
            “Your Highness! A princess from another kingdom has arrived to show her support in your marriage!” One of the ghosts announced. Eliza gasped happily and went to greet her guest. A murmur of confusion went through the paralyzed boys, which the ghosts had moved to stand as groomsmen. The figure reached a hand up to their hood and pulled the entire cloak off. Casting it aside, the figure revealed itself to be Bobo dressed in a wedding gown.
            “I may have misspoken.” Bobo smirked at the ghosts’ shock. Her wedding gown wasn’t a traditional white like the Ghost Bride’s, but it was black with a pattern closely matching the suit Idia was forced into. Her black veil even had matching white lilies at the corners that held it to her head as it laid behind her head instead of in front of her face. The dress’s skirt is almost comically poofy, completely hiding her footwear. The sleeves were short yet quite poofy too. Instead of the normal white gloves Bobo usually wears, she had exchanged them for a matching black pair that almost reached the end of the sleeves. In one hand Bobo even held a wedding bouquet of yellow roses, chamomile, and some dusty miller leaves, all tied with a dark blue ribbon.
            “I am Princess Bobo Mycelind of the Mycelind Kingdom. I have not come here to support Princess Eliza, but to challenge her for the right to marry Idia Shroud!” Bobo declared, holding her free hand out to point straight at the shocked bride.
            “WHAT?!” Everyone shouted in response.
            “Why won’t ANYONE listen to ME!? I don’t wanna marry ANYONE!” Idia wailed aloud. Bobo casted Idia a brief exasperated look.
            “You hear that? My sweet Idia is already committed to me!” Eliza responded as she raised a hand, preparing to slap Bobo. Bobo sneered and tossed her bouquet down, causing it to erupt into a storm of petals. She rushed over to where Idia stood as Eliza and her retainers swatted at the petals.
            “What he said didn’t sound anything like that.” Bobo grumbled as she approached Idia with such a grumpy look, he started to wriggle, struggling against his paralysis in a panic. “Play along and maybe we can get her to set you free.” Bobo snarled quietly, ignoring his panic before turning around to face the approaching ghosts.
            “Princess Eliza!” Bobo spoke up and met them halfway. “You may think your prince is so devoted to you, but I’ve heard of how you’ve been treating the many suitors that have come to call on you today. Not only did you let them talk you into hearing them out about marrying them instead, but you also acted unlike the graceful royal you should be when turning down a suitor! How is Idia supposed to believe you truly love him? What graceful royal dares inflict physical harm upon a suitor?!”
            “I- Excuse me?! They are all so incompetent! None of them hold an ounce of princely quality to them!” Eliza defended herself, only adding to Bobo’s rage.
            “That is no excuse to slap them! When someone of your standing is to turn someone down, you are expected to do so with grace, gentleness, kindness, and without breaking their heart! Along with making it clear that is your final decision! Even accepting to listen to them shows you to be indecisive! Such a person is unsuitable to rule.” Bobo seethed.
            “I-“ Eliza balked, taken aback. Puffy surged to Eliza’s side.
            “How dare you speak to our Princess like that! She is perfect to rule over our kingdom!” Puffy kept from recoiling as Bobo fixed him with a disapproving glare.
            “Quiet. You have no place to speak. As a fellow Princess, it is my right to call out Eliza on all her nonsense.” Bobo sharply stated. Eliza gasped on Puffy’s behalf, but Bobo raised her hand, halting her from speaking.
            “I have heard of how your life was brought to a tragic end. I know how it hurts to have a wish left unanswered. To wait five-hundred years to find your perfect prince has surely left you rather… impatient. That does not mean you can just grab anyone and refuse to hear their refusals to marrying you.”
            “What do you mean? Idia’s just being-“
            “No. You’re being delusional here, Princess Eliza! You have refused to see nor listen to Idia! Have you asked him if he even has a dog? A legendary sword? I don’t believe he has either, as unlike you, I actually know SOMETHING about him! If anything, I’d be more suited to marry you than he. Actually, how about we put ourselves up to your standards? Whoever matches more of them gets to marry Idia.” Bobo glanced at the frozen students. Sure, Riddle mentioned something about midnight, but with how stubborn Eliza’s being, she should play for time.
            “What?!” Everyone recited, again shocked by Bobo.
            “But those standards are for princes! We are princesses!” Eliza complained.
            “You would set high standards for your partner and refuse to meet them yourself? That is simply unreasonable! Now then, I’ll start. I have no dog, but dogs aren’t really a common companion in my kingdom. My weapon was custom-made for me, yet sadly I was unable to bring it here with me thanks to forces out of my control. As for the largest monster I’ve slain… I believe it was about six meters (20 ft) tall. How about you, Princess Eliza?” The ghosts gaped at her, as if she had slapped them all into a five-hundred-year long paralysis.
            “Y-you’ve slain monsters!? That is not what a prince-“
            “A princess does whatever is necessary to keep her people safe.” Bobo coldly cut her off. Eliza faltered again.
            “I… I have never slain a monster before… I don’t know how to wield a sword!”
            “Warhammer. I am educated in sword-fighting, but my weapon of choice is a Warhammer. I slew such a large beast with my custom-gifted Warhammer.” Bobo added, fighting back a smirk.
            “W-what type of kingdom…” One of the ghost retainers muttered, cutting off as Bobo threw him a challenging glare.
            “So, you’re completely unable to defend yourself. Your people may blame themselves for failing to protect your life, but a strong ruler defends themselves and their people. Not being taught how to fight simply because you’re a “lady” is unexcusable. Now how about we move onto musical talents? Since your definition of princess is similar to my sister kingdom’s, you surely know how to play several classical instruments. My question is why restrict yourself to only classical ones? Have you learned any non-classical just for your own enjoyment?”
            “Non-classical instruments?” Eliza questioned, feeling rather overwhelmed at the moment.
            “Like electric guitars and such. Though if your kingdom fell five-hundred-years ago, perhaps they didn’t exist… Forgive me, that isn’t an exactly fair question.” Bobo bowed her waist briefly. “I know how to play the organ, snare drums, and double-neck guitar.”
            “I know how to play the piano and the harp.” Eliza responded somewhat weakly.
            “I’ve heard you sing. I too happen to know how to sing. How about we both try to serenade Idia? I know he’s too shy to sing back, so let’s not fault him if he doesn’t join us.” Bobo proposed, causing Idia to let out another complaint. One Bobo didn’t bother to even listen to.
            “Th-this is too much! I just want to marry my perfect prince!” Eliza suddenly wailed, instantly being comforted by Nana and Grampy.
            “…After all this time waiting, you don’t want to even try to fight for him? Or is it that you know that kidnapping Idia Shroud is simply an act of desperation?” Bobo tried to reach out towards Eliza, but Puffy got in the way.
            “How dare you make our Princess cry! All I’ve ever wanted is her happiness! Today is supposed to be her happiest day, the day she finally marries her prince!” Puffy verbally lashed out.
            “…You know what? I have something to say to you.” Bobo stepped back as she smoothed down her skirt. “As someone who wants Princess Eliza’s happiness, you surely haven’t tried very hard to achieve that.”
            “Excuse me!?”
            “When it comes to matters of love, you should have shown your interest as Princess Eliza’s suitor long before it even reached a hundred years of this waiting. I can understand if you’re possibly hesitant because she may reject you, she clearly doesn’t know how to do so gently, but if it’s because you don’t think it’s right of you to do so as a friend, then I disagree. As a friend who wants more, you should make it clear that you would like that, then accept whatever answer she gives you. And don’t say anything about not being a prince! Idia Shroud is not an official prince either!” Bobo caused Puffy to recoil in shock.
            “Puffy? What does she mean? Y-you want to marry me?” Eliza quietly inquired from between Nana and Grampy’s protective holds. Puffy trembled slightly before straightening his posture and turning to face her.
            “I- I do want to marry you. But you’ve never looked at me as if I could be your prince. Your happiness is what binds me here, it doesn’t matter to me if I don’t get to marry you as long as you finally achieve your wish.” Puffy answered, causing Eliza to ease her way out of her grandparents’ holds.
            “Oh Puffy… my dearest friend, how could I have not seen it before? You are my perfect prince! Idia, I must apologize, but you don’t need to remorse, you have your princess right here!” Eliza shoved Bobo towards Idia before embracing Puffy. Bobo stumbled, not ready for such an unexpected move. Idia was simply flabbergasted and flustered.
            “Oh Princess Bobo, how can I ever repay you? I know! We can hold a double wedding!” Eliza exclaimed giddly, as if she forgot all the harsh words Bobo had thrown at her.
            “No, no, this is your special day. I wish to stand as your bridesmaid instead.” Bobo pulled on a smile, mostly relieved that this disaster was finally coming to a close. With that Princess Eliza and Prince Puffy wed. All the ghosts faded from this existence, celebrating as their lingering regrets were finally put to rest. Bobo turned to look at everyone, rushing towards Idia first as Eliza’s paralysis wore off.
            Idia’s hair turned pink as he froze up upon Bobo grabbing his arms. The concern in her eyes paired with her matching wedding dress being a bit too much for him to take. Not to mention the absolute emotional rollercoaster he was involuntarily on. Nearly being forced into a marriage that would result in his instant death, being dumped by a ghost that would not listen, then said ghost suggesting he marry the odd Ramshackle Prefect. Someone he barely personally knew but had heard about from Ortho and Azul. Ortho had even relayed to him Bobo’s interest in learning to play video games. Now she stood before him, in a wedding dress, in a wedding venue, touching him.
            “Are you alright?” Bobo fretted, before realizing something. She quickly let go of him, taking a step back.
            “Sorry, I shouldn’t crowd you…” Bobo quietly apologized before taking several more steps back to look at everyone. “How are everyone’s cheeks?”
            “Don’t remind me of that!” Vil complained, causing her to approach him. She tugged one of her gloves off before grabbing Vil’s shirt with her gloved one. Pulling him down, she frowned as she grabbed at his chin with her ungloved hand, inspecting his face.
            “The redness has faded away. I don’t see any damage.” Bobo unnaturally fussed. Vil twisted his face free and pried her hand off. He berated her for touching him but was cut short as Jack put his hand on Bobo’s shoulder. Bobo stepped back from Vil, pulling her glove back on as she inquisitively looked at the beastman.
            “How much of that was true? About you being a princess… your fighting capabilities… your musical prowess?” Jack questioned, looking rather serious. Bobo blinked in surprise. She had forgotten how he had shared not liking the idea of lying to the Ghost Bride.
            “My… you really are honest, but in such a situation surely you understand-“ Now it was Bobo’s turn to be cut off as the cafeteria doors swung open with a bang. Ortho jetting in and straight to Idia.
            “IDIAAA! I’m so glad you’re okay!” Ortho cried as he snatched his older brother into a hug. Crowley, Grim, and the rest that had been watching from outside Sam’s shop soon entered as well. Riddle called out to Cater, urging him to rush with him back to Heartslabyul. Cater jogged after Riddle as the housewarden explained the need for such haste. Crowley hastened his pace upon seeing Bobo, beelining over to her.
            “Princess?! Princess Bobo Mycelind of the Mycelind Kingdom!? You didn’t think this was important information to share with me in order to get you back home!?” Crowley exclaimed, his hands outstretched and twitching as he kept from grabbing her. Bobo stepped back, accidentally pressing into Jack until he stepped back to give her space. She let out a heavy sigh.
            “My kingdom isn’t well known. I thought giving the name of my sister kingdom would be more helpful as it’s much more known.” Bobo toyed with her gloves, trying to keep her calm as her previous worries of sharing her identity resurfaced. Would Crowley assign more importance and reason to keeping her here? Would he try to demand some sort of reward if he ever did truly find a way to send her back? Would he hold her hostage?
            “Herbivore’s a princess? For someone saying royalty should be graceful, I can recall several times you were exactly the opposite of that.” Leona spoke up, teasing her. Bobo turned about to face him, her face changing color in embarrassment.
            “I’ve told you before that I didn’t see your tail! I would never purposefully step on a tail!” Bobo complained, latching onto the distraction Leona had provided. Leona laughed and started to reach out to ruffle her hair. Before his hand could make contact with her head, Floyd snatched Bobo into a hug.
            “Aww Shrimpy’s turning pink!” Floyd laughed as he rubbed his cheek against Bobo’s head, knocking her veil askew.
            “H-hey! Back hugging is unfair!” Bobo flailed.
            “Nii-san? Are you okay?” Ortho asked upon Idia having not moved in a few minutes.
            “N-normie prefect is a princess? W-who fought another princess over marrying me?” Idia wheezed out, only audible enough for Ortho to pick up. Lilia too since he hears everything- Lilia popped up beside Idia and Ortho, surprising them both.
            “My, my, it seems you truly are a dreamboat.” Lilia teased, causing Idia’s hair to flare to dangerously blinding levels. This was all simply overwhelming for the poor recluse.
            “To think you said Bobo has nothing to offer.” Jade slightly teased Azul, who had been gaping for a while upon realizing it wasn’t all an act in order to fight Eliza.
            “My henchhuman is royalty?! Myraw! The Great Grim being served by royalty! Just like it should be!” Grim cheered and whooped, causing Bobo to stop struggling in Floyd’s arms to look at Grim in exasperation.
            “Rook. Did you know about this?” Vil questioned his vice, choosing to lecture him about not coming to his rescue at a later time.
            “Trickster is most surprising.” Rook responded with a sly smile.
            “How come you never told us that you’re a princess, huh?!” Ace complained.
            “…My standing as princess means nothing here. My kingdom isn’t here. My hammer isn’t here. I am nothing but a magicless human in this world.” Bobo responded, causing Floyd to finally set her down. Before anyone that wanted could rebuke her, Crowley swept in.
            “It does mean something! We could hold classes on how to properly propose to royalty, since Clover did point out that flaw in our expansive curriculum. Though of course this class will only be available to fellow royalty such as Kingscholar and Draconia.” Crowley proudly announced.
            “What!?” Leona barked out, his ears flattening against his head.
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axvwriter · 1 year
A Gift for Deuce Spade
[This is a fanfiction of Deuce from the game Twisted Wonderland and me inserting my oc Bobo as the main character.]
Bobo had debated wearing the special outfit she always wore to Heartslabyul's unbirthday parties. Though she soon tossed that idea, she should use a different outfit for something as special as a birthday party. Bobo sighed, wishing she had thought about this before the actual day. Instead she had been so focused on preparing a gift for him, that she hadn't considered looking at her wardrobe.
"Enough standing around, Bobo! I don't want to be late!" Grim whined, entering their shared bedroom to collect the girl. Bobo sighed, turning to look at the direbeast.
"Sorry, I just wished I had something nice to wear..."
"What does it matter? It's not like Deuce would care. Come on, let's go or they'll serve the cake without us!" Grim impatiently went up to tug on her pant's leg. Bobo complied, closing her closet door to follow after him.
"I would be surprised if he threw a fit over me just wearing my school uniform, but it's fun to dress up for special occasions. Surely you can agree with that sentiment, after all you did like the ribbon I found for you to wear to the unbirthday parties." Bobo made sure to grab the present she prepared for Deuce before leaving the dorm building. She held it loosely behind her back as the odd pair headed to the hall of mirrors.
"Myaah, I guess so, but it's only expected for the great Grim to dress as an amazin' as I am!" Grim puffed out his chest, tail swishing slowly just like a happy cat would. Bobo held back a laugh, smiling as she eyed the raggedy ribbon he usually always wore.
"Indeed." Though despite the rips and holes the poor ribbon held at its ends, Bobo couldn't imagine replacing it. "You know, if you were willing to try saving up your portion of our allowance, maybe we could get you more ribbons."
"And miss out on tuna!? No way!" Grim instantly shot down the idea. He even shot Bobo a look, his face clearly showing how insane he thought she sounded. Not even looking back forward, Grim stepped through the mirror that would take them to the Heartslabyul dorm. Bobo shook her head, disappointed by his response.
"He just has to insist on spending all of his share on tuna... Not even different variations of food." Bobo muttered to herself before stepping through the portal. As she approached the rose garden, she caught sight of Grim briefly greeting Deuce. She could only guess he barely got out a "happy birthday" before running off to the snacks table.
"Wow, you've come to wish me a happy birthday? This day just keeps getting better!" Deuce brightened up upon seeing Bobo approaching. With how dismissive and speedy Grim was, he nearly thought Bobo had opted to not come. After all, the pair weren't inseparable. There were plenty of times that Grim would come to hang out all by himself.
"Of course I've come! Something terribly bad would have to happen before I miss one of my good friend's birthday parties!" Bobo gasped, somewhat surprised. As one of the first people to befriend her in this world, the idea of not coming sounded impossible.
"Oh, geez. I bet I've got the silliest grin on my face. I'm so happy I just can't help it." Deuce didn't want to admit aloud that he did think for a while that she would skip the event. For the past few days she had been keeping her distance from him and Ace.
"I'm glad to hear it." Bobo giggled and shifted her present to one hand so she could sling an arm around him for a brief hug. "Happy birthday, Deuce."
"Thanks a ton, Bobo! I'll do my best to keep being a guy worth celebrating." Deuce had returned the hug with both arms, causing him to bump the gift. He stepped back, surprise painting his face as a neatly wrapped box fell to the ground. Bobo bent down to scoop it back up, a bit annoyed that it was so easily knocked out of her hand.
"Worth celebrating? Deuce, you don't need to do anything to deserve having your birthday celebrated." Bobo chuckled as she held the box in front of her, brushing off any dirt that may have gotten on it. "Simply being born is enough of a reason to celebrate... well.. anyone."
"Is that for me?" Deuce couldn't help how the present was consuming his focus.
"Oh? No, it's for Trey." Bobo joked, even laughing as Deuce seemed to believe her as his face fell. "It's yours and it's from me. If Grim tries to claim it's from him as well... you should know he only signed the card." She pushed the box into his hands, causing him to light back up.
"Can I open it right now?" Deuce asked, his fingers twitching against the thin ribbon tied about the box.
"Well... I suppose you could if you don't want to wait. It's your birthday, so I say you get to choose when you open your gifts." Bobo gave an easy-going smile, but didn't wait to watch him open it. Instead she gave his shoulder a pat before heading in to make sure Grim wasn't causing a ruckus at the snacks table.
Deuce hesitated, uncertain if he should wait or not. Eventually he gave in and started ripping the wrapping paper and ribbon off. Bobo did say it was okay for him to open it. The first thing he saw was a birthday card which was just a piece of printer paper folded in half. It looked like Grim had tried to draw some sort of fish cake underneath the big printed letters saying "Happy Birthday, Spade!". He unfolded the paper to see what was written inside.
"Dear Spade, I haven't attended many birthday parties before, but from a few I've been to back home I have witnessed a bit of a small tradition. Some would grow a specific type of mushroom that the birthday person would remind them of and gift it to them. Though if the mushroom was of a dangerous kind to handle, they'd instead give a drawing, photo, or even a crafted version of the mushroom. I doubt anyone here would do such a thing so I hope you don't mind me thinking to do this for you.
I would have grown you some myself, but I couldn't find spores to cultivate and I'm not sure if you would really want them. So instead I spent some time making a charm of one. It doesn't look as great as I would like it to, but crafting and painting isn't something I've ever had time to do before. To make up for how bad the charm looks, I decided to make a little game. I've written three different meanings for the mushroom that reminds me of you. Two of them are lies, one of them is a common true meaning back in my world.
-This mushroom symbolizes someone who is physically slow and really quiet.
-This mushroom symbolizes someone who is cowardly yet pretends to be brave.
-This mushroom symbolizes the heart and soul of a knight. One who cares greatly for their loved ones to the point of becoming their sword and shield. It's usually given to those who have become official knights. Because of this custom, this mushroom has been nicknamed the "Knighthood Shroom".
After your birthday interview I'll tell you which one is true if you can't figure it out.
Signed Bobo Mycelind and Grim the Great!"
Deuce looked back in the box, noticing a roughly cut wooden charm with messy paint depicting some sort of white and blue mushroom on it. He lifted the small piece up, smiling as he contemplated what he should attach it to.
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axvwriter · 1 year
Mushroom Chess
Short little fanfic of Bobo hanging out at Heartslabyul when Cater finds an image of a mushroom chess set.
"Oh Bobo, look at this." Cater hummed, lightly elbowing the sleeping girl beside him on the couch. Snapping awake, she blinked sleepily over at his phone. On his screen was an image of a peculiar custom chess set.
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{Image Source: Etsy Mushroom Chess Set by TheBoordPotter}
Cater chuckled at the frown that graced Bobo's face as she came to her senses.
"Does chess look like this in your world?" Cater asked. Bobo let out a sigh, shaking her head.
"No. It may look a little different depending what kingdom considering the chess pieces from my kingdom do have some differences from my kingdom's sister kingdom. Our chess sets are quite similar to the ones here." Bobo closed her eyes as she repositioned her head onto Cater's arm.
"Really? With how much you know about mushrooms I would have thought-" Cater hummed, just for Bobo to cut him off.
"Must I remind you of why I wear gloves? There's plenty of dangerous mushrooms in my kingdom. Just because my kingdom is surrounded by them doesn't make everyone there a mushroom enthusiast." Bobo huffed.
"You haven't told me why." Cater quietly pointed out. Bobo opened her eyes again, moving away from him as she looked up into his eyes.
"I haven't? My bad, I'm certain I've told a few people here and with it being basic knowledge back home... For all health and safety purposes one should wear gloves for most every day things. Not only does this protect the wearer when coming in contact with a mushroom, it can help prevent bringing any hidden spores to ones face. Thus why I only take them off to eat and when handling faces. Personally I wear white as seeing dirt gather on them reminds me to be cautious." Bobo eyed her gloves for a moment.
"What? Do you wear your gloves to the bathroom?!" Ace spoke up, having overheard her from where he sat playing cards with Deuce and Grim.
"O-of course I don't! I didn't think I need to be that specific!" Bobo's face pinkened as she snapped at him. She got up from the couch to go box at Ace's head. Ace ducked and waved his arm in defense.
"You're up! Want to join us?" Deuce offered, deciding to ignore the weird topic of bathroom habits. Bobo huffed and moved to sit between him and Grim.
"Sure. What game are we playing?"
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axvwriter · 1 year
Hello and Welcome
Navigation (a.k.a. Masterlist but not exactly thus called navigation)
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I'm Axvie and my persona is a little ghost. I'm an artist, writer, and casual gamer. Usually draw my own creatures though I have been fixating on the mobile game Twisted Wonderland lately. Oh and feel free to suggest pokemon fusions to me to draw!
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#axv art - art that I have drawn
#axv writing & #axv writing fanfic - pieces I have written; original & fanfiction
#random - stuff that doesn't necessarily match this blog flow or isn't necessarily related to anything else on this blog
Reblogs are awesome, but I do appreciate likes as well!
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I love cats, I'm a cis woman, I'm autistic, and I think I'm somewhere on the asexual spectrum. I think I'm heteromantic since I've only had crushes on dudes before, but I've never dated.
I have a list of my own characters that I would love to get prompts for, even if it's something silly like just saying hi or asking what they would be like in a certain game. It's quite fun to think of what they'd be like in other situations and how they may be like if they were born in these certain universes.
Sex tends to gross me out, so I won't be writing sex scenes. I may suggest something has happened, but I have no interest in writing such stuff. I will write relationship scenarios, but having not ever been in one, there's a chance it may sound off... so oof. I am open to criticism/correction about anything I get wrong about how people work or whatnot. I know there's quite a bit of stuff in the world that I do not understand, but I would like to understand.
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