#ayakashi Tatsu
just-somehuman · 2 years
Somebody... ANYBODY...
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These two look like pigeons.
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He looks like a cockatiel. (I gave mine away a couple months ago 💀)
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Flamingo <3
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Okay this one's not a bird. Angry Yura just looks like a grumpy frog. Or a grumpy toad maybe.
I really don't know how to explain it. They just look like animals.
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missjaceofalltrades · 2 years
OMG It's their signature battle outfits but more formal looking for this year's anniversary in the japanese server! 😭
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Sources: (Ayakoi Twitter)
Nachi & Kuro
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sideblogofawriter · 5 months
Decided to give JP ARR a shot. I do not speak Japanese and neither does the on-screen translation app I downloaded but...
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...I'm having a blast ngl.
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shonenkun309 · 2 years
He was there...
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lxvescramble · 1 year
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Ayakashi Romance Reborn - Ayakoi
I miss ARR so much! 🥹🥹🥹
Look how cute Tatsu is! 🥰🥰🥰
The original English version continues at full steam!
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daeva-agas · 2 years
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Second 4th anniversary gacha is out for JP Ayakashi
It’s a somewhat modified flair of their battle outfits. I can’t say if it’s “modernized” per se, but it was designed to look more like suits and shirts rather than kimono. 
Meanwhile, Tatsu and Aizen, who are already wearing “suits” (their uniforms), has their outfits designed to look more kimono-like.
Will update when the next two comes out. 
All groups are out!
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dotster001 · 2 years
To my Ayakashi Followers!
Here is my friend code! I got a tatsu card that is extra points for the event, and I wanna share the love, since this is one of the last events, apparently. (Rip, but they went all out points wise on this one so)
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legalize-arson · 3 years
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What if I proposed, huh? Huh, Tatsu?
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annicaax · 2 years
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After all the twists it's a happy ending for Nachi and MC! The second CG is too cute! Hope everyone else is also enjoying
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callmeklair · 3 years
Futaba why 😭
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The fact Tatsuomi told all these to Aki and Aki still remembers them one by one 🥺💖
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I was so salty cuz I got stuck for good in koga's tower. But then, this happened after I used a diamond draw ticket LMAO
I love you too, tatsu. You're on my top 5 <3
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just-somehuman · 2 years
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(he was making all those lewd noises 😐)
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missjaceofalltrades · 2 years
I'm loving all these modern themed card illustrations! 😍
And there's even a Zantetsu cameo on Kage's card! 🤩🌪️
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Source: AyaKoi Twitter
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sideblogofawriter · 3 months
Questionable ARR translations: Milk Hall Edition
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shonenkun309 · 2 years
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A/N : Hello everyone, how are things? everything is great? Good good very good, yeah...it's been about almost a month since I haven't uploaded a new chapter, as I said the events are starting to get more interesting so I started working on it being acceptable to you and me so I hope you enjoy and any feedback will be appreciated, thanks my potatoes.
𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑭𝒖𝒏 ~𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒏~
Chapters : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
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𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅 ➡➡➡
Futaba's heart raced as she heard the unmistakable snap of a branch in the quiet night. Panic surged through her, and she darted behind some bushes, clamping a hand over her mouth to stifle any potential sound. Her mind ran wild. (Damn it, it saw me! What the hell do I do now? There's no way I can call Nachi or the others fast enough. If it finds me, I'm screwed!) She was trapped in a spiral of worry, envisioning all the ways this could go wrong.
Minutes dragged on, and the suspense was thick enough to cut through. (Is it still there?) she wondered, straining to hear anything other than her own thumping heartbeat. Finally, when she peered out from her hiding spot, the area was eerily quiet and devoid of any sign of the mysterious entity. (Huh...?) Confusion washed over her. Had it really just vanished?
Futaba stepped out fully, her eyes darting around for any trace of what had happened. All she found was emptiness, but then something caught her attention. (Sand...?) There was a patch of sand beneath her feet, out of place in a sea of grass. An old memory flickered in her mind, Ginnojo's voice echoing back to her: “It was sand—like a weird heap of it, just sitting there without a reason.” Kneeling down, she reached out to touch the sand, feeling its texture beneath her fingers. It seemed ordinary enough, but how did it even get here?
(Or maybe I'm just overthinking this,) she muttered to herself, letting out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Just as she started to feel a bit more at ease, a heavy hand landed squarely on her shoulder, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. She spun around, ready to scream, but then let out a sigh of relief when she saw Tatsuomi standing there, his brow furrowed.
"What the hell are you doing out here at this hour?" he said, his tone a mix of scolding and concern. Tatsuomi had been on a late patrol, and running into his childhood friend in the middle of the woods was far from ideal.
"Tatsu... I was just—uh..." she stammered, caught off guard.
"Don't even start. Let's get you home. It’s way too dangerous for you to be wandering around here, especially with everything that's been going down." He was all seriousness, the big brother she never asked for, but desperately needed right now. Yet despite his protective presence, the memory of that entity lingered at the back of her mind, its identity still a haunting mystery.
As they made their way back, a palpable tension hung in the air. Tatsuomi broke the silence, his tone laced with uncertainty. "So you think the perpetrator is some kind of Ayakashi?"
Futaba nodded, a frown etched on her face. "Yeah, no other creature could create such destruction... but I just want to understand why."
Tatsuomi let out a sigh, his expression grave. "The imperial army has launched an investigation. Most of them agree the current turmoil is tied to the return of the 'Red Eye Demon' incident from the past. However, we’ve received concerning reports that some soldiers have suffered the same fate as ordinary civilians."
Futaba's eyes widened in shock. "What?!"
Realizing his choice of words had alarmed her, Tatsuomi quickly apologized, his demeanor shifting to one of awkwardness. "Uh...sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that..."
"Not at all," she replied, shaking her head vehemently. "But did they see or find anything before it all happened?"
Tatsuomi paused to gather his thoughts. "Well, the reports indicated that the soldiers witnessed odd occurrences before they collapsed. They described seeing tall figures wandering designated areas, tossing something from their hands. Their purpose was unclear, but perhaps they were battling something hidden?"
Futaba's mind raced at the mention of tall figures. Memories of what Kuya saw, flooded back to her—he had seen something similar near the Shinobazu Pond, a towering silhouette hurling an object towards a wraith, as if attempting to dispel it.
That thought lingered unsettlingly in her mind. Why were both the wraiths and civilians being targeted together? What was the underlying motive?
As these questions spiraled through her thoughts, Futaba became oblivious to the world around her. It was only when she reached her doorstep that she snapped back to reality. She turned to bid Tatsuomi farewell before stepping inside, but the haunting images and unanswered questions remained etched in her memory, a persistent echo that promised to weigh heavily on her heart.
The next day, a storm of emotions swirled as Nachi confronted Futaba, his voice sharp with concern. "What?! You went there without telling me?!" He scolded her, his eyes flashing with worry. Realizing the depth of his anxiety, Futaba took a breath, knowing she had to explain the events of the previous night—the night she had been so close to that enigmatic ayakashi, on the cusp of discovering its secrets.
"I’m really sorry, Nachi," she replied, trying to soothe his worries. "But it was late, and I didn’t want to wake you." Yet Nachi's anger only flared further, his protective instincts on high alert. "What if that monster had found you? What if you were hurt, like the victims before?" It took Futaba a considerable amount of time to calm him down and share the entirety of her experiences.
"As I mentioned, it almost caught me, but then it vanished, leaving only sand behind, just like with Ginnojo." Nachi raised an eyebrow, intrigue mingling with his concern. "What’s with that strange sand?" Futaba shrugged, her mind still spinning from the night���s events. "I don’t know. But Tatsu found me there and brought me home, and he told me something interesting." Nachi's interest piqued, coaxing her with bright eyes, "Really? What is it?" But Futaba shook her head, urgency threading her words. "It’s better if I tell the whole team. They have a right to know what I discovered too."
"Ahh, come on! Suddenly I’m curious!" Nachi grumbled just as a knock echoed through the room, drawing their attention. "That must be the ogre," he said, frustration lacing his tone as he opened the door.
"Little Nach!!" A familiar voice erupted, and before he could react, stumpy arms wrapped around him in a bear hug. "F-Fukajiro?" His surprise turned to bemusement as the little girl squeezed him tightly.
"Oh, hello, Fukajiro." Futaba greeted warmly, amused by her friend’s enthusiastic affection for Nachi.
"I was thinking of taking a stroll around town today since it’s a day off. I wanted to spend more time with you and my little Nach!" Fukajiro declared, her excitement palpable as she continued to squeeze Nachi, who was suddenly gasping for air.
"Okay, but can you stop hugging me? I can’t breathe!!" he squeaked, earning a quick apology from Fukajiro as she released him.
"Sorry! Well, let’s go!" she said, her energy uncontainable as she grabbed Futaba’s hand, tugging her toward the door.
Futaba hesitated, torn between her responsibilities and time with friends. She had intended to reunite with her ayakashi comrades, to share crucial updates, but Fukajiro’s bubbling enthusiasm was unmistakable. After a moment's contemplation, Futaba sighed, glancing at Fukajiro’s bright smile. "Alright, as you wish."
"Great!!" the little girl beamed, bouncing on her heels.
"But… Futaba, what about—" Nachi began, his concern creeping back.
"This can wait for later, Nachi," Futaba interjected, determined. With that, Fukajiro, still pulling Futaba along, cheered, "Let’s go, little Nach!" Without questioning further, Nachi transformed into a cat, as he often did, and settled comfortably on Futaba’s shoulder, ready to join their spontaneous adventure.
Fukajiro leaned in closer, a playful grin spreading across her face as she whispered to the small cat perched on Futaba’s shoulder. “Why are you still wandering around in your cat form, little Nach? If you shifted to your human form, no one would suspect a thing.”
Nachi flicked his tail indignantly. “If anyone dares to attack Futaba, I’ll surprise them with my claws!” His firm conviction contrasted the lightness of the moment.
With an eye-roll, Futaba chimed in, “And let’s be honest—he gets too lazy to walk and prefers lounging on my shoulder anyway.” This earned her a sarcastic laugh from Fukajiro, though the jesting tone was met with a disgruntled HSSSS!!! from Nachi, clearly protesting the claim.
As the trio meandered through their neighborhood, everything felt like a fresh adventure—even if they had walked these streets countless times before. Suddenly, a murmur slipped into Futaba’s ears, halting her steps. “Other victims...?”
“What’s the matter, Futaba?” Nachi asked, his keen senses picking up on her sudden stillness.
Ignoring his question, Futaba strained to listen as the voices around her deepened in frustration. “I don’t know what the government is doing! Why aren’t they taking action?” The despair was palpable in the man’s tone, and Futaba’s heart sank at the revelation of the townspeople’s unease. Only recently had they breathed a sigh of relief from the terror of the Red-eyes Demon, and yet now, shadows of fear loomed again.
This was precisely what Futaba had meant when she spoke of doing something meaningful in light of her experiences. She focused intently on their grievances, her mind racing to dissect the concerns and search for answers that could bring resolution.
“Futaba.” A familiar voice broke her contemplation, pulling her attention away. She turned to see Tatsuomi approaching, a hint of surprise lighting up her features. “I didn’t expect to see you here!” She recalled their last encounter near the riverbank, where life had taken an unexpected turn. Tatsuomi, however, wasn’t alone; Akiyasu trailed behind him, his usual cold demeanor intact.
“I don’t usually see you two together,” Futaba observed, noting the unlikely pairing.
Tatsuomi chuckled, explaining, “Akiyasu heard about the situation and I thought he might be able to help.” The casual pat he gave Akiyasu was met with a disinterested glance, as Akiyasu shrugged off the sentiment, his mind elsewhere.
Before the conversation could fully develop, Fukajiro interrupted, eyes gleaming with excitement. “Futaba! There’s a new Taiyaki shop that just opened! Can we go?” She tugged at Futaba’s hand, enthusiasm radiating from her.
Fukajiro’s smile faded as she registered Akiyasu’s watchful gaze, the same way she had felt when first meeting Koga and Kuya. “Oh, right—this is my childhood friend Tatsuomi and...” Futaba introduced them, hesitating momentarily at Akiyasu’s piercing gaze.
Akiyasu broke the silence, asking, “What?” noticing the little girl staring at him.
“Fukajiro, how many times have I told you not to stare like that?” Futaba scolded, though her tone carried an edge of fondness. Fukajiro’s dazzling smile instead shone brightly as she responded, “You look smart,” aimed directly at Akiyasu, whose surprise was evident even as he remained silent, brushing off her compliment.
Tatsuomi chuckled lightly, “I take it you’re a friend of Futaba, then?”
“Her best friend,” Fukajiro proudly declared, her innocence making Tatsuomi laugh in delight.
Before the conversation could linger, he expertly redirected the topic, “You mentioned a new Taiyaki shop. How about I take you there myself?” Fukajiro’s eyes sparkled with excitement at the idea, her enthusiasm infectious.
As the trio—Fukajiro, Tatsuomi, and Nachi—moved onward, they unintentionally created space for Akiyasu and Futaba. The unspoken understanding hung thick between the two onmyoji as Akiyasu finally broke the silence, his tone stern. “I heard about what happened last night. You really can’t help getting involved in matters that don’t concern you, can you?”
Futaba braced herself but decided to share her incredible tale. She recounted the unusual ayakashi and the shocking details of its spear, Akiyasu’s eyebrows arching higher with each revelation. “I’ve never heard of an ayakashi using a spear as a weapon before,” he admitted, his skepticism tinged with intrigue.
Futaba nodded vigorously, “It’s true, I witnessed it split the Wraith in half, vanishing it completely.”
Akiyasu leaned in, intrigued yet cautious. “And what about that sand you found?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out. It’s not just me; one of my friends stumbled upon the same thing.” The dialogue shifted as ideas blossomed, Akiyasu offering a hunch about the mysterious sand’s potential to conceal, but they soon fell into a contemplative silence.
“Why do you think this ayakashi is connected to the recent happenings?” Akiyasu asked, a hint of urgency painting his words.
Futaba’s determination shone through her uncertainty. “The incidents began before this ayakashi showed up, but I’m convinced they’re linked. I just need more time to gather all the pieces.”
“That’s the problem,” Akiyasu warned. “Time is slipping away, and you can’t afford to have more victims.” His grim outlook loomed over her, but before worry could fully take hold, Fukajiro’s familiar voice broke through the tension.
“Futaba!” She returned, Tatsuomi and Nachi at her side, instantly easing the anxious knot that had formed in Futaba’s stomach.
Akiyasu shot Tatsuomi a cool, sarcastic glance, his words dripping with condescension. "Had fun already?" he asked. Tatsuomi merely shrugged, a carefree giggle escaping his lips, undeterred by the icy tone. Fukajiro watched the exchange, concern etching lines on his forehead. "Why do you look a little upset? You weren't like that moments ago," she observed, her eyes narrowing as she scrutinized his friend. Futaba was taken aback that Fukajiro could see through her facade; she thought she had masked her displeasure well enough.
"And it looks like you two had a good conversation, am I right?" Tatsuomi chimed in, trying to lighten the atmosphere. Akiyasu rolled his eyes dismissively. "None of what we had was a good conversation to say the least." Fukajiro's brows knitted together in confusion. "Wait, what were you two talking about?" She pressed, her curiosity piqued. Futaba opened her mouth to respond, but before she could articulate her thoughts, a sudden, shrill scream pierced the air.
"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The cry reverberated through the crowd, drawing every eye toward the chaos. A voice, strident and panicked, rang out, "He collapsed, he really collapsed! Call for help!" The commotion escalated as onlookers parted, revealing a man lying motionless on the ground, the scene shocking and surreal. Tatsuomi sprang into action, his voice rising above the clamor. "Leave the place immediately! The perpetrator may still be among us—flee at once!!" Panic rippled through the crowd, and people scattered in every direction, fear igniting their instincts to survive.
"Let’s get out of here, Fuka—" Futaba began, pivoting to grab Fukajiro’s hand, but what she saw stole her breath. Fukajiro stood frozen, her features marred by an expression Futaba had never witnessed before—the weight of sheer terror etched so deeply that it held her in place. The chaos surrounding them became a sickening blur, yet Fukajiro's emerald eyes betrayed the storm of fear brewing within her. It was as if time had suspended its flow, leaving a young girl paralyzed by the horror unfolding before her.
"Futaba, you’re supposed to leave! I’ll take care of things here!" Tatsuomi shouted, urgency commanding his every word.
"Fukajiro, let’s go!!" Futaba pleaded for the last time, desperation lending weight to her voice. This final cry seemed to cut through the fog of shock enveloping Fukajiro, her grip tightening around Futaba’s hand as if fearing abandonment. They needed to move; survival depended on it. With their hearts pounding in sync, they prepared to navigate the chaos together.
Futaba, accompanied by her friends Nachi and the visibly shaken Fukajiro, stumbled away from the chaos of the day. The sun dipped low in the sky, casting long shadows as they approached the familiar doorstep of her home. To their surprise, Futaba’s father, stood outside, his eyebrows knitted in concern as he caught sight of their disheveled, panting forms.
“What’s the matter? Did something happen?” he asked, his voice laced with worry.
“Father… we saw it…” Futaba gasped, the words tumbling out in a rush. “Someone collapsed to the ground all of a sudden, just like they said…” Her voice trailed off, a mixture of disbelief and lingering fear hanging in the air. Mototaka’s eyes widened not only at his daughter’s revelation but also at the sight of Fukajiro, her face drawn and paled by the weight of the traumatic event. Without hesitation, he welcomed the trembling girl into their home.
As night began to envelop the world outside, Futaba settled into the living room with her father, ready to recount the disturbing events of the day. Nachi, sensing Fukajiro's distress, gently led her to Futaba's room, hoping to provide her a safe space to recover.
“I see…” Mototaka replied, absorbing his daughter’s explanation with a solemn expression. Futaba’s mind raced with what she had witnessed, an urgency blazing in her heart. “It happened before our eyes. Of course, it’s only natural for Fukajiro to be so frightened, given her age. The culprit must have been there… If only Tatsu hadn’t asked us to leave, I might have had a lead.” Her frustration bubbled to the surface as she clenched her hands around her knees, trying to suppress the surge of emotions.
“Are you really intent on confronting the perpetrator?” Mototaka’s question brought Futaba’s gaze to meet his, and she could see the concern etched deeply on his face. The weight of his worry did little to deter her resolve.
“I have to, Dad. If this involves ayakashi and wraith, I can’t just stand by. I understand your concerns, but things are spiraling out of control—more victims are falling prey—and someone has to take action.” Her declaration rang with a fierce determination.
Just then, a shift in the air caught her attention. Curiosity piqued, she moved to the window. A golden dove fluttered toward her, an unexpected messenger from the beyond. Futaba caught the delicate creature, watching in awe as it transformed into a message.
“It’s from Major Aizen,” she murmured, realization dawning on her. She hurried back inside to share her discovery with her father and simultaneously sent a reply via her butterfly familiar. The message from Aizen was succinct and urgent: he wanted her at headquarters to discuss a critical matter, just as Koga had indicated earlier.
“I won’t be late, Father. I asked Koga to meet me on the way,” Futaba assured him, her voice steady as she prepared for the next step. Mototaka could see the determination written across her face, yet his heart was heavy with the weight of his worries.
“Tell Nachi to stay with Fukajiro, and I’ll update you with everything as soon as I return.”
“Alright, please be careful, Futaba,” Mototaka replied, his voice tinged with both pride and concern as he watched his daughter rush off into the unfolding night, ready to face whatever challenges awaited her.
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lxvescramble · 3 years
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SSR - Love Grows - Tatsuomi Oyama
Calm down boy! 😂
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