#ayakashi fanfic
shonenkun309 · 5 months
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A/N: Happy (belated) birthday to the most beautiful, compassionate, and most handsome oni ogre in the world- no...in the entire galaxy, the other surprise will be in the next post💖
Words count: (3270) now THIS is a lotta words 🫣💖
Tags: @the-bird-and-the-flute @kogasimp1 @colourless-hydrangeas @randomf2p @blackmond11 @girlinthetardis04 @lost-khione
~~𝐴 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑁𝑜 𝑂𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟~~
On May 7th, as the birthday of the beloved intrepid entrepreneur approaches, you start feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation. The day has grown even more meaningful to you, as you eagerly anticipate celebrating the birthday of someone who holds a special place in your heart.
You recalled the memory of celebrating your lover's birthday for the very first time with a small smile on your face. Since then, it has become a yearly milestone to look forward to, symbolizing your love and affection for him. As you run your hand over the red kimono that your father gave you, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the realization that it was actually Koga who had bought the kimono and given it to your father to give it to you. The thought of his foresight and thoughtfulness left you in awe, "I had my sources..." He says.
As the memory of your past self's naivety surfaced, you couldn't help but roll your eyes at your ignorance. Still, your affection for Koga remained unshaken, as his ability to avoid answering your questions while maintaining your love and admiration for him left you in awe. The thought of his personality and charm had you giggling.
Determining that it was time to set your plan in motion, you stepped away from the mirror, and with a deep breath, you marched forth, adorned in the majestic crimson kimono that you had chosen for the special occasion. Your gaze met your reflection as you walked past the mirror, and you allowed yourself a moment of pride at the stunning sight that you had become.
As he engaged the shopkeeper in casual conversation, it became clear that the offer of a bottle of sake at the end of the day had not fallen on deaf ears. Koga was not one to refuse such a generous gift, especially on the occasion of his birthday. As such, you knew that he would accept the offering with thanks and appreciation, likely storing it away for a later celebration.
Your voice, soft and sweet, called out to Koga, making his heart skip a beat with anticipation. As he turned to greet you, your stunning form came into view, causing his heart to skip yet again, this time with surprise. The warm and affectionate smile that he typically reserved for you vanished, and in its place, shock etched into his features as he struggled to comprehend the breathtaking sight before him.
The warmth of your voice, soft and sweet, rang out, drawing Koga's attention. As his gaze fell upon your elegant form, his heart skipped a beat, and he was struck by the realization that he was falling in love all over again.
But even as he lingered on the brink of that feeling, he received a nudge and a smirk from the shop owner, who jokingly urged him not to keep his lady friend waiting, lest she captivate the hearts of other men in the vicinity. Koga knew that the shop owner was joking, of course, but deep down, the idea of something like that ever happening was unacceptable. He would never allow anything to come between him and the person he held dearest.
You approached each other with cautious steps, the tension and anticipation tangible in the air. It seemed as though time had frozen around you, with everything else a blur in comparison to the moment. Your eyes met, and Koga's lips formed a teasing smile as he examined the crimson kimono that adorned your form. "This looks awfully familiar, don't you think?" he mused, and you couldn't help but blush at the compliment. Rubbing the back of your head, you managed to stammer out a response. "Well, I thought it would be appropriate since it's such a special day, after all." Koga chuckled, petting your hair in that usual, loving way of his. "You made a good choice."
As you stepped closer towards him, your hand firmly gripping his arm, Koga's eyes widened at your boldness. It was not often that you took such a direct approach, and especially not in public. And yet, there you were, standing before him, your body pressed against his own. Unable to find the words to express his surprise, Koga merely raised an eyebrow, his gaze searching yours. "Huh?" he finally managed, a slight chuckle escaping his lips as he realized the true intention behind your actions. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, offering you a reassuring squeeze. "L- let's go, shall we?" you said, your nervous energy palpable in your voice. "Lead the way," Koga replied, his tone warm, inviting. And so, you began to walk together, your hand firmly clasped in his as you navigated the bustling streets.
You could barely contain your excitement as you sat across from Koga at his favorite hot pot restaurant. "Did you really reserve this table yourself?" he asked in disbelief, his chin resting in his palm and his elbow propped up on the table. "Luckily, I managed to find one available for today," you said, looking up to meet Koga's eyes. His gaze was fixed on you, a teasing glint in his eye that sent a flutter of nervousness through your chest. "What a coincidence, eh?" he said, the slight change in his tone making you blush. As if on cue, the sound of the waitress's voice cut through the tension like a knife. "There you are!" she said, placing the food on the table. You took a deep breath and released the tension that had been building, grateful for the moment of reprieve.
"Let's dig in before it gets cold," you said, trying to keep the nervousness out of your voice as you looked up at Kouga, who was already eating with gusto. With a smile on his face, he picked up a pair of chopsticks and began to eat, clearly enjoying the flavors of his favorite food. You struggled to keep up, feeling self-conscious as you reached for the chopsticks, your hand shaking slightly as you grasped them. Finally, after taking a deep breath, you picked a piece of meat from your plate, your nerves still on edge.
As Koga savored the flavors of his meal, he noticed something unexpected at the corner of his eye. There you were, offering him a piece of meat on your chopsticks. His eyes widened in surprise as he watched you extend your hand toward him, the piece of meat between your fingers. He didn't say anything at first, still in shock, but as he looked at you, he realized what you were trying to do. Koga looked up at you, taking in the expression on your face and the shy glint in your eye. It was clear that you were trying to do something special for him, to express your affection in a way that was completely unique and unexpected.
He had never been fed a piece of food so intimately before, but he trusted you completely, and he knew that you meant well. With a slight smile on his face, he leaned in, his lips touching the meat in your fingers as he took a bite. As you watched him savor the taste, you couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. You had shared something so intimate with him, something no one else had ever experienced. And you could see the joy on his face, his gratitude palpable just by the way he looked at you.
"How was it?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady despite the rush of emotions coursing through you. To your surprise, he answered you with equal boldness, his voice clear and confident."It's always delicious, but it's even more delicious now that you're feeding it to me," he said, his voice low and intimate, sending a frisson of excitement through you. You blushed as he spoke, the realization that you had just fed him from your hand hitting you like a slap across the face. You had hoped to keep up with his boldness, but clearly, you failed.
As you and Koga walked into the shop, the owner, a gregarious and friendly figure, looked up at the sight of you and greeted you with a smile. "Well, well, if it isn't the infamous Kitamikado couple," he said, his tone teasing.
You felt a shiver run down your spine at the nickname, wondering if it was too early to be called that. But before you could dwell on it for too long, Koga had placed his arm around your shoulder, making you blush all over again. "Oh come on, you're making my sweetheart blush now," he said with a chuckle, and you felt a warmth spread through you at his words. You took a deep breath and hugged him closer, returning the gesture with an equally bold smile.
"We haven't become the Kitamikado couple...yet," you repeated, with a mischievous twinkle in your eye. Koga froze for a moment, his hand still covering his mouth, as if trying to hold back a smile. 'It's working!' you thought to yourself, feeling triumphant. Today was the day you would make your move, and it seemed to be going exactly as planned!
You decided to treat Koga to something special, and offered to buy whatever he wanted while shopping. At first, he hesitated, likely accustomed to being the one who treated you and making the decisions. As you gave him the freedom to choose, he felt a strange yet unfamiliar sensation stirring within him. This was a new experience for him, and he couldn't quite put his finger on what he was feeling. In a way, he felt grateful to you for offering to treat him, but at the same time, he was uncertain whether this was the right thing to do. Despite his reservations, he eventually decided to go ahead with the treat and took his time browsing the store, trying to find something that caught his eye. You admired his patience and were eager to see what he would pick out for himself.
Koga walked around the store, carefully examining each item on display before finally settling on a woolen doll the size of the palm of his hand. The moment he saw it, his heart skipped a beat. There was something about it that called out to him, and he knew immediately that this was the perfect item. You looked over at him and followed his gaze, your eyes landing on the same doll. "It's cute," you said, your voice carrying a hint of a smile. Koga looked at you, then back at the doll, and for a moment, you both said in unison, "Just like you." The two of you broke out into laughter, not realizing just how much of an effect this simple gesture would have on the shop owner.
As the two of you walked out of the store, the sun was beginning to set, and the sky turned a beautiful shade of orange. Koga was still admiring the tiny wool doll in his hand, a sweet and affectionate smile on his face. You couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that he hadn't chosen something bigger, but you tried to hide it. "Sorry to disappoint you, love. But I settled on this one, 'cause I know it's adjustable," he said, and you were a little surprised. "Adjustable? What do you mean?" you asked, and he responded, "I'm not a professional at knitting wool at all. Maybe I might ask Aoi to teach me how to do that, hahaha." That was when it hit you. An idea formed in your mind, and suddenly, you understood what Koga was trying to convey to you. "Do you intend to..." you didn't complete, feeling a flutter in your heart. His smile widened, and he nodded, "I want to knit it to look like you. I want to create a perfect resemblance of you, love," he said, and you couldn't help but feel touched by his words. The thought of having a miniature version of yourself, made with love and care by the person you cared about the most, filled you with excitement and joy.
You arrived at Koga's home after a long day, still holding him by the arm. He gave you a playful smile and said, "Hey, we're finally home." You looked around the house curiously, taking in all the sights and sounds. Then, you turned to him and asked, "Do you not like me holding your arm? Even here at home?" His expression turned shocked, and he stuttered, "No, no, no, that's not what I meant! I just... I-I..." He tried to come up with an excuse but failed, leading to a small laughter escaping from your lips.
You whispered under your breath, "No matter how hard I try, I'll never be able to keep up with you..." Your voice was gentle but your smile was warm, and Koga couldn't help but feel moved by the sentiment. "What was that?" he asked, but you only laughed and hugged his arm tighter. "No, nothing," you said with a chuckle, "Let's go. Our last stop awaits us." You took his hand, feeling the warmth of his skin against yours, and the two of you started walking together towards your final destination.
As you looked around Koga's house, you couldn't help but wonder where Kuya was. "Where's Kuya?" you asked, and Koga shrugged. "He said he'd be with the old timer, you know how much he loves that guy's rice omelets. But he should have been back by now... Maybe he's taking a 'nap'?" The gears in your mind started turning, and a realization hit you like a bolt of lightning. Kuya should have been back by now, but he wasn't. That could only mean one thing - he wanted to give you and Koga more time together. You couldn't help but feel touched and grateful for Kuya's kindness. His generosity was an act of love, and you knew that it was his way of showing his care and affection for both you and Koga.
you couldn't help but let out a slight smile. You didn't seem to realize that Koga was observant enough to notice your subtle expressions, and he couldn't resist teasing you about it. He gently raised your chin, looking deep into your eyes, and said, "Glad we're alone now, huh?" Your heart raced at the intimate moment, but before you could respond, he started giggling mischievously. "I'll get us some cups!," you said, heading towards the kitchen, hoping to escape his taunts, but you could still hear him laughing from behind you. Your face turned bright pink as you realized just how easy it was for him to read you, and you couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Koga was definitely someone you would have to be careful around, but you couldn't help feeling a little captivated by his charm and wit.
As you placed the cup of sake in front of him, you couldn't help but admire his every move, your eyes glued to him. The way he held the cup, the way he looked at it, the smile on his face - everything about him made your heart flutter with affection.
But as you continued to stare at him, you suddenly realized you had been zoning out, lost in the moment. Koga noticed, and with a playful smirk on his face, he asked, "What are you looking at?" You felt a rush of boldness as you responded, "I was just staring at you... Do you mind?" Koga's gentle smile widened, and he replied, "No, not at all. You can stare at me as much as you want." With those words, you let out a deep sigh of content, your mind finally able to rest easy after a busy day. It was moments like these that you cherished, moments of quiet closeness with the man you loved.
"So, aren't you going to tell me what this was all about?" You raised a confused eyebrow and replied, "What are you talking about?" Koga gave you a sideways glance as if he knew exactly what you were thinking, making you feel a flush of embarrassment. You grabbed an empty sake cup, pouring a little sake into it and taking a sip, trying to avoid his gaze. He let out a light giggle and said, "And the fact that you're wearing that red kimono today of all days. It's been a long time since I gave it to you, don't you think?" You looked at him quickly and replied, "So you admit that you were the one who gave it to me through my father?" He nodded and added, "You should have known that from day one, right?" With a sly smile, he continued, "But really? You still look beautiful in it, no matter how many times you wear it, whether it's the first time or the tenth time."
As the day wore on, your nerves were on edge, and you drained your cup of sake, hoping to quell your growing anxiety. You felt Koga's hand gently grasp yours and lead it to the veranda floor as he asked, "Are you challenging me to a drinking contest?" You felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you as you replied, "N-no, of course not." Koga's handsome crimson eyes were fixed on yours, filled with curiosity and a hint of playfulness. You found yourself struggling to break away from his charm. "All of these actions today...are they part of your promise that you will pamper me a lot on my birthday?"
With a deep breath, you finally confessed, "Let me do one last bold thing if you want..." Without waiting for his response, you closed the distance between your lips and his, your eyes squeezed shut as your lips gently pressed together. When you finally broke apart, you took a deep breath and whispered, "Happy birthday, Koga-san..." As you opened your eyes, you witnessed a mixed array of emotions on Koga's features - he turned his head, clearly trying to hide his embarrassment and the blush that had spread across his cheeks. He was speechless, and you could sense his disbelief as he tried to process what had just happened.
Overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment, you couldn't help but let out a triumphant cry. "I did it!" you exclaimed, feeling your cheeks flush from the excitement. For a moment, you were taken aback by your own childish behavior, realizing that it was the first time you had ever acted so impulsively. "So, this was your plan from the beginning?" Koga said, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness but also a subtle note of surprise. "You want to get the upper hand?" Laughing softly, you replied, "Well, sometimes I'm just curious to see more of your facial expressions. Don't you think it would be interesting to discover something new about the both of us every day?" Koga shook his head, clearly entertained by your antics, and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. "You're a cunning girl," he said, his voice low and husky with affection. "Every day you make me fall in love with you, just like the first time." Feeling a rush of happiness, you hugged him back and replied, "I'll make sure you fall in love with me every day then, happy birthday..." The words were barely out of your mouth before you were pulled back into a deep kiss, the sound of Koga's laughter echoing in your ears as you both lost yourselves in the moment.
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girlinthetardis04 · 11 months
Me: the MCs for otome games need to be more varied! Not everyone is a brown eyed brunette white girl with bangs!
Also me: *is in fact a brown eyed brunette white girl with bangs*
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foundgirlpigeon · 3 months
Things to watch instead of momochi-san chi no ayakashi ouji because the plot has been executed ridiculously bad for such a trope.
Natsume's Book of Friends - the build up of platonic friendships is natural here and paced so wonderfully. Emotions are never over the top or seem to burst out of nowhere aa compared to all the relationships we've seen with himari
Kakuriyo no Yamodeshi - interesting twist for the spirited away / being a romantic counterpart to a powerful spiritual being trope. The romantic build up again, is paced amazingly and the affection the main love interests have for each other builds over time and mutual trust is gained.
Kamisama Hajimemashita/ Kamisama Kiss - Lauded as the best of it's trope and with good reason. Having seen Kamisama kiss before momochi-san gave me high expectations that this series failed to achieve, momochi-san just feels like a pale imitation.
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just-somehuman · 2 years
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JP is being fed 😭
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Stay Like This
Fandom: Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Pairing: Koga x MC
Word count: 667
Setting: Modern AU
Prompt: Cuddle buddy
Writer: @lost-khione​
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December is a busy season for work for both Koga and MC so they decided to have a stay in date at MC’s home for today while they have the time. MC received a message from Koga that he would be a little late since the meeting is taking a bit longer to finish.
Meanwhile, MC prepared Koga’s favorite hotpot which is perfect for the cold weather. When the buzzer sounds, MC hurried to open the front door and Koga came with his weight crashing on her.
“Koga, what’s wrong?” MC asks worriedly. It was rare for Koga to be like this.
Koga just kept on squeezing her without a word. MC returned the hug and tried to ask again, “Bad day at work?”
She felt his head nod. “Would you like to head inside to sit down?” MC asked since Koga still won’t let go and the front door was left open.
“Just stay like this for a while.”
After a few more moments, Koga let go and shut the door himself before heading inside. 
“It smells good in here,” Koga remarked casually like the incident earlier didn’t happen.
MC heated the hotpot and brought out plates. “So, what happened?”
After the both of them were seated, Koga started to tell her, “A bad work day.”
“Can you tell me more about it?” MC asked. 
The two of them already agreed before that if anything is troubling them they should turn to each other. Even if they can’t really help with it, they can lend each other an ear.
“It’s just that my proposal didn’t go as well as I planned. Someone from our team has a different perspective for the project and the team is a little split between the two of us so we decided to discuss it further in another meeting.”
“Ah, I see. So that means you must prepare a more detailed presentation in your next meeting.”
“That settles it. I’m going to make a presentation that will convince them!”
“That’s the spirit! I’ll be cheering you on. And let me guess that you were actually upset because that would make you more busy and not because you aren’t confident of your proposal?”
Koga groaned at her question and continued eating. 
“You know you don’t have to worry about that, right? We’ll have some free time later anyway. I’ll be cheering you on until then”
“I know that you won’t mind but of course I also want to spend time with you.”
“Aww, aren’t you with me right now? Staying home like this feels nice once in a while. You know that I also like you when you’re serious about your work.” MC beamed at him. “The food will get cold if you continue staring at me. You fell in love with me again, didn’t you?”
“You’re right. I fell in love with you all over again. I always do,” Koga said and resumed eating.
MC blushed over Koga’s words and quickly resumed eating as well.
After their dinner, they moved to the sofa to watch the new movie that MC wanted to watch. Only a few minutes into the movie, MC felt Koga’s head on her shoulder. 
MC patted Koga’s head lovingly and said in a hushed voice, “Koga, let’s head to the bed. You must be tired.”
Koga squeezed MC tight and replied, “Let’s just stay like this. I’m sorry, I know that you were looking forward to watching this movie.”
“It’s okay, the movie won’t go anywhere. We can watch it anytime…”
“You can watch it now, but we’ll have to watch it again together later. Just stay like this for now,” Koga continued to mumble.
MC patted his back as he continued to hug her tight. “Alright, we can stay like this.”
The movie continued to play on the screen but all MC could think about was Koga who was holding on to her tight. Eventually, they fell asleep on the sofa while relishing each other’s warmth.
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
Dancing between Emotions
Fandom: Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
Rating: General
Categories: F/M
Pairing: Toichiro/OC (fake date, pre/developing relationship). Small mentions of Shizuki/Futaba
Words: 1920
Prompt(s): Being the MC/LI's fake date for a Christmas party/ball, from the "’tis the season for love" content creation challenge hosted by @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen
Summary: In need of a date for a party, Toichiro asks Rinka to be his pretend date for the night. Their relationship has been changing and they notice new things about each other the longer she's been working for him. That doesn't mean they get along. Or do they?
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Toichiro watched the girl sitting by his aide with interest.
The first time he met Rinka at a party, he didn’t know what to make of her. Way too perceptive for his taste, but her attempts to play back with him were mildly entertaining, especially for a girl of high society.
The second time it was a whole different Rinka, clothes that made people double take her gender, good fighting skills for a human and an almost childish humor.
The third time she was more serious, defensive in an almost aggressive way, but kind underneath. Not exactly fun to interact with, but they were there for businesses, anyway.
And business had led him to what seemed to be a more true Rinka. Beneath the tough and alert facade, she had a softer core that he again found mildly entertaining. She was still way too perceptive, but he knew how to find the small cracks on her armor not to make their working together too boring.
That was mostly why he had invited her as his fake date to this Christmas party. Her reaction to the actual invitation had already been the most entertaining he’d ever seen her.
This wasn’t the change he’d been expecting, though.
Usually calm and brave, Rinka looked startled. Body tense, eyes that darted around inquietly, occasionally frowning at the window, hands on her lap crumpling her dress, to the point she could have torn a hole in it. Sitting across from her friend, Futaba looked worried, but anytime she looked ready to say something, the other girl seemed to change her mind. And they had barely started the ride.
“If you didn’t like the dress, you should have told me.”
That Rinka was hard to get a rise of, he knew well, but absolutely no reaction was unexpected. It looked like she didn’t even hear him.
“Toichiro…” Futaba started, probably trying to tell him off teasing her friend, but Shizuki, on the seat next to his girlfriend, squeezed her hand lightly.
“Mistress Futaba.” Shizuki only called her and shook his head. She looked hesitant, but nodded with a sigh.
Toichiro observed the couple’s exchange. It wasn’t worth interacting with them more than was necessary, either. He actually made a little more effort to be on Shizuki’s good side when the weather was already cold. The last thing he needed during winter was a Snow Spirit angry with him.
So he turned back to Rinka and placed a hand over hers, only to halt her movements before she actually tore a hole in the dress and to get her attention. He wasn’t expecting her to nearly jump off her seat.
“What… what do you think you’re doing?” Wide blue eyes stared at him with a mix of fear, confusion, and anger.
“Oh, dear, are you that afraid of me?”
“O-of you…” her voice trembled, and she looked away, cheeks tinged pink, “of course not. Don’t make me laugh.” Anger returned to her voice, but not to her face. This was the most expressive reaction he had ever gotten from her.
Rinka was returning to normal but, at the same time, being a little more open.
“Really? Because I thought that more plausible than you being this flushed by my touch.”
Toichiro took one of her hands in his, interlacing their fingers when she tried to pull away.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Rinka hissed, but the blush didn’t leave her cheeks and her eyes still flitted around when he looked at her.
“You are my date. It is natural, is it not?”
“I di-didn’t think this fake date started before we arrived at the party.”
She had stuttered again, and this time not of fear or surprise. Her being so vulnerable was both unsettling and interesting.
Rinka looked over at Futaba and Shizuki on the other side, but the two were too engrossed in their conversation with each other to pay attention to them. On purpose, Toichiro was certain. Not that he was paying enough attention to what they were saying.
“You agreed to be my date for the night. It is already night, isn’t it?”
Her eyes narrowed in thought and quickly widened in realization. The flush of her cheeks became darker and Rinka scowled at him in a poor attempt to keep her composure.
“Lords. You’re so needy.” She grumbled. “Fine, you can hold my hand.” She sighed, but it sounded more like a sigh of relief than annoyance, turning back to the window to avoid his gaze, face still red.
Since the ride was almost over, Toichiro let her be for the remainder of it, amused by how, once in a while, she would squeeze his hand.
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Rinka wondered if she was fantasying too much, thinking Toichiro had distracted her not only for his own amusement but also because he noticed her fear.
It was unlikely from the Toichiro she thought she knew but, after a little incident that had her seeing the kitsune in his environment, she had began to wonder if his masks, as much as they were part of his nature, weren’t a defense mechanism as well.
Besides him being a compulsive liar, maybe they weren’t that different.
The party itself wasn’t as bad as Rinka expected. It was as boring as expected, but being by Toichiro’s side, he interacted with the other aristocrats, leaving her to only convey holiday wishes and other messages from her grandmother.
Pretending to be dating wasn’t as awkward, either. Most people only made light comments, all of them nice, but it was clear not everyone was as satisfied as their words would lead other people to believe. Only one man, the host of the party, had made a couple of awkward questions about their relationship, but she -and it would seem that Toichiro too - had been prepared for them.
She was pretty sure that man was the reason Toichiro insisted on having a date for the night.
Also, Toichiro’s usual teasing hadn’t been as annoying.
Maybe she’d gotten used to it. Or maybe she was still shaken from the freaking carriage ride, because she caught herself almost showing signs of being unsettled by him a couple of times.
By the time they had probably spoken to everyone at least once, Rinka was already thinking Toichiro wasn’t so bad and could even be fun, if he wasn’t constant and likely accidentally - in most cases because he could have guessed some things about her, but not everything - triggering her defense mode.
Odd mood for her to be in. Maybe it was Christmas. This time of the year usually made her happier and even, sometimes, more sentimental, and despite this being the last place she wanted to be, the atmosphere was still quite festive, with beautiful, traditional western decoration.
She parted from Toichiro, who was still talking to some people, with the intent of getting a drink, despite Shizuki’s insistence on attending to her. If it wasn’t something for his master, he should enjoy his time with his girlfriend.
Her break was short-lived, though, because Toichiro was soon by her side.
“You’re not running away from me, are you?”
These kinds of jokes got tiring fast. Why was he so obsessed with her suddenly?
“Running away from humans.” Not a lie, although she didn’t mind a break from Toichiro either. “Do you need me for something?”
“For a dance.” The usual smirk didn’t leave his face, and Rinka considered if it was a joke or not.
“I’m not great at dancing with people. You wouldn’t want me to embarrass you, right?”
Rinka also meant it as a joke. She couldn’t care less. But it was true she had never danced with another person before. All of her grandmother’s attempts to get someone to teach her had been swiftly dodged so far, and she wouldn’t regret it.
“Couples dance at parties like this. I’m sure not everyone is convinced of our partnership, so we have to act accordingly.”
Sounded like the truth, but his face told her otherwise. Yet, it was logical enough, and she was aware not everyone had readily accepted their lie.
What could go wrong, anyway?
“Fine. One dance, then you find whatever excuse you need and let me go home.”
“Deal.” He offered her a hand, and she took it, letting him guide her to where other couples were already dancing.
Rinka was surprised that Toichiro agreed so swiftly, but maybe he actually expected her to do something that would turn into amusement for him. Or maybe he wanted to see himself free of her, too.
Neither was unlikely and she would be fine with either.
But when he stopped, facing her and put one hand on her waist, pulling her closer, her body stiffened and suddenly all of her knowledge and usual grace and swiftness escaped the grasps of her brain.
Rinka wasn’t used to physical contact that she hadn’t initiated. It was small and over her clothes, but she could feel his heat. And the rest of his body was so close, any movement would make her brush against him. She started to feel trapped again, but it didn’t come with the usual fight response she’d felt during the carriage ride.
The girl almost jumped and ran away when Toichiro called her in a low, amused tone, so close to her ear. And she hadn’t even noticed him move.
Biting her bottom lip, she prayed no one had noticed her spacing out and held onto him properly. That wouldn’t help.
Toichiro started guiding her into the dance. At least it was easy not to step into someone when you were aware of their every movement.
“You have gone such a fine shade of scarlet. Are you unwell!”
He could at least stop joking for five minutes! Or was he trying to distract her again? Well, it wasn’t helping this time.
“Yes. There is too much movement of too many people. It feels stuffing.”
Toichiro chuckled, no doubt at some face she was making. Why was he having such an effect on her that night?
No. It wasn’t just that night. It had started since she had hunted down a particular thief to somewhere close to his village and the two had worked together into something different from what he wanted of her.
“Interesting. You don’t react when I try to get you to, but when I react on your own, when I don’t?”
Rinka couldn’t deny it without lying. She hated that he was right.
Was it just because she wasn’t used to being so close to a man for longer than a simple hug? Was it the little alcohol from earlier?
No. She wouldn’t have reacted like this to another man. In fact, she would have already left if it was with anyone but a friend, and a friend wouldn’t have made her feel so conscious of him but, at the same time, not prompted her to run away.
In fact, she considered running away, took a deep breath and tried to think of an excuse, but her mind had turned inward and gotten in the way of the instincts guiding her, and Rinka lost her footing. It would have been a disaster if Toichiro wasn’t holding her.
“So, you really did fall for me?”
“Dance is over. Let’s just go home.”
Toichiro was amused despite her anger and unlikely to drop the ‘dating’ act until she was dropped at her house.
It would be a long carriage ride back.
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If it seems like I am using the same OC in different fandoms, it is because they're only slight different versions of the same character.
I was also going to elaborate more on the actual party, but it is my first time actually writing Toichiro and he is exhausting, but I thought he fit the prompt nicely and I think I wrote too much given these circunstances and don't know how well I got him... I would need much more time to write more and better of him and I still want to finish at least one more fic for this challenge.
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feathers-nest · 1 year
Currently the fics here are only reblogs from my shared blog but I'm moving all my future writing here
Star-Crossed Myth
Love is all that Matters - Zyglavis - Reader Version // OC Version
Friends like this - Ichthys & Dui
Mornings - Scorpio x OC
Stay with Me - various god x OC pairings
Effort - Krioff x OC
Love Language - Zyglavis x OC
Family Recipe - Leon x MC, Family fic
Recovering my Star's Shine - Zyglavis x OC
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
Support - Toichiro x MC
Hope - Futaba & OC
Stars Shine Brighter Together - background Nachi & Futaba
Art - Aoi x Futaba, Family fic
Dancing between Emotions - Toichiro x OC
Ikemen Prince
A Sweet Moment - Yves x OC
Love on Set - Yves x Reader
The Dragon and the Leopard - Clavis x Water Dragon Reader Series: Drizzle
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kittreaper · 2 years
How many would be interested of fanfiction that would tie up kind of things in Ayakashi Romance Reborn game? I would be changing of course some chapters from the earlier books to fit it more.
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Hello and welcome to my Choir!
I have many names but you may call me Hope, (they/them), I am interested in a bunch of things, usually on the creative side.
Some media I'm interested in :) ↧
Arcana Twilight ✨
Twisted Wonderland 🪄
Undertale/Deltarune ❤️
Lego Monkie Kid 🐒
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss 😈
Mononoke 2007
Epic: The Musical is making me want to go back to my animatic era.
I am currently working on a Arcana Twilight fanfic and Beneath the Brine!
I do art! Fanart and maybe I'll post more original art one day. Please feel free to request some doodles from me! Often I draw only doodles and rarely full on illustration. Have some examples!
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Yep. I might touch this up over the months/years.
No NSFW allowed here. I'm a minor.
And I've decided to create some tags for mwah self, for organization purposes:
#TheInevitableArts #TheInevitableReblogs #TheInevitableAsks #the inevitable words
I'm not changing the tags to fit in the the new theme I'm too lazy for that.
Down here I'll list more stuff I've seen and liked, haven't really peeked at the fandoms the much tho-
ORV, Saiki K, Mob Psycho 100, the Hoyoverse, Bendy, FNAF, Hollow knight, Sky: children of the light. Ayakashi: RR —I should install it again- god why was HE my favorite???— Obey me —but I just played the game for the sake of pretty cards, dunno much about basically anything else— Alien stage, Hunter X Hunter, the Magnus archives. The Garden of Banban. Chainsaw man. Gravity Falls. More to be added.
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weepbly · 5 months
Hii you can call me riff!! Made this account bc my last one is shadowbanned lmaooo
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here are some things about me:
queer!!! (questioning)
i nerd out lowkey kinda sad
Fandoms im in:
-Master Detective Archives: Rain Code (FAV RN!!!)
-Your Turn to Die
-Danganronpa (also literally every fangan (bonus points if its a multifandom fangan!!!!))
-Little Nightmares
-Ayakashi Akashi
-Epic Mickey
-Sweet Tooth
theres probs more but i forgt
also follow my au fanfic @dangan420 😝
uhhh yea:3
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shonenkun309 · 4 months
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A/N : hooo boy, 6 MONTHS, Shonen, 6 DAMN MONTHS!! No, complete the remaining 6 months, dear! Not like there are people who are waiting for the updates to see the end of this damn fanfic! 😡😡😡😡 Aaaaaanyway... things are going interesting I swear!!
𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑭𝒖𝒏 ~𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒏~
WC : 3078
Tags : @just-somehuman @the-bird-and-the-flute @kogasimp1 @colourless-hydrangeas @randomf2p @blackmond11 @girlinthetardis04
Chapters : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Futaba heaved a long sigh as she sat on the steps of the Shrine of Hidden God. The sky was turning orange and red as if it had been set ablaze by the setting sun. Her mind was filled with thoughts of the sleeping man inside. Hoping to catch the slightest movement from him, she was met with disappointment once again. She couldn't shake the image of Kuya's upset face when he realized that what he thought was true turned out not to be. He swore up and down that he had seen it with his own eyes, only to calm down in an instant and return to his usual self as if nothing had happened.
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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 21
"Verily, 'tis a good omen." Futaba turned around, still deep in thought, when she heard a voice echoing behind her. She was surprised to see Yura and Gaku approaching, armed with taiyaki. "'Tis a welcome sight indeed, to see Sir Kuya's comrade beginning to wake from his slumber." He picked up the taiyaki and started eating it, "I do believe what Kuya said, of course, but...there's something about seeing it with my own eyes that makes it real to me. I long to experience it first-hand, to have my conscience freed and my hope renewed. The thought of it drives me on through each day." Futaba spoke, her gaze fixed ahead, staring out onto the horizon.
Futaba was certain that Koga would soon awake. The anticipation was palpable, and the more she pondered the circumstances, the more her chest tightened. She was determined to be by his side when he opened his eyes, and the anticipation was almost too much to bear. As her thoughts raced, Futaba was desperate for answers, desperate to understand who or what was responsible for his state. "I had another dream," Futaba uttered, a hint of hesitation in her voice. Yura's hand, which was holding another taiyaki came to a sudden stop as he looked up, his eyes fixed on Futaba, his expression serious. Meanwhile, Gaku's head also tilted slightly to the side, his curiosity piqued by Futaba's words. "Of all the dreams I've had, this one was by far the most peculiar. For some reason, I thought I had seen the Tzuchi, but their appearance wasn't clear, nor was their intention." Her voice had dropped to a mere whisper, as if she were speaking to herself.
Gaku leaned in, clearly intrigued by Futaba's account. "There are many tales about the Tzuchi, but my brother and I have never been able to verify any of them. Through all these years spent together, we have yet to uncover the truth behind the mysterious Ayakashi." And Yura continued, "The yume no seirei, as they are known, can induce horrendous nightmares in their victims, while those of the Tzuchi's kind are said to possess the power to create a reality within the minds of those they haunt, indeed that is the tale that we've heard."
Futaba's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the twins' explanation about the Tzuchi. "They...they can create their own reality?" she murmured, her mind racing as she recalled the strange experiences she had in recent days. "It's no wonder they seemed so real," she muttered to herself, as if coming to a sudden realization. "Hey..." But the sound of Kuya's voice rang out, startling Futaba and the twins out of their conversation. They turned to find Kuya and Nachi standing behind them, looking as if they had been eavesdropping.
Futaba watched as Kuya and Nachi joined them, sensing that the atmosphere shifted as soon as they approached. Neither man was one for idle chatter, but their demeanor left little doubt in Futaba's mind that they had something of importance to reveal. Kuya broke the silence first, his voice grave as he spoke. "Listen, I don't normally ask folks to stay with me like this, but things are getting a little hairy and it may be better for you to lay low here for a while."
Nachi added to the sentiment, "That so-called Tzuchi is targeting you, Futaba. It's not safe for you to be alone at home." Futaba was taken aback by their sudden concern, even though they had known from the beginning that she was being targeted. It seemed so unexpected for them to bring this up today of all days.
Futaba seemed to ponder the suggestion for a moment before shaking her head. "It's too sudden a decision for me to make," she said, an air of exhaustion pervading her voice. "Maybe with some time and thought I could come to a conclusion, but this is too quick." Nachi tried to offer some hopeful words, "I could speak with dad about it, I think he would see reason." Futaba gave a tired sigh, and looked up at the sky. "I'll consider it, but not right now. This is all too much to take in." As she spoke, she seemed to be lost in thought, considering the weight of the decision being placed upon her.
Futaba suddenly seemed to have made up her mind on something. "Nachi!" she exclaimed, her voice urgent. "Come with me!" Without waiting for a response, she grasped Nachi's wrist and began pulling him towards the stairs. Nachi, unsure of what was happening and where Futaba was taking him, allowed himself to be led down the stairs. Futaba's grip on his wrist tightened as they rushed towards the staircase, and Nachi found himself being pulled along at a brisk pace that left little time for questions or protests.
Gaku watched as Futaba and Nachi rushed off, his curiosity piqued. "Hey, where are you off to in such a hurry?" he asked in a half-bored, half-surprised tone. Futaba's response was quick and loud, "To the train station!" Kuya's eyebrows climbed at the declaration, a faint sense of tension entering his gaze as he watched Futaba disappear from his sight. Yura spoke up next, confusion crossing his features as he inquired, "The train station?" he echoed, "What business doth the lady have in such a hasty journey?" he asked the others. His words were met with eerie silence, as if no one knew the answer to his question.
The two of them continued to rush towards the train station, Nachi trying his best to keep pace with Futaba, who was pulling him along with a vice grip on his wrist. After a few minutes of running, Nachi was starting to flag, his breath coming in short gasps as his legs threatened to give out beneath him. "Hey, Futaba! Slow down!" he finally managed to rasp out, gesturing to indicate that he needed a break. Futaba stopped abruptly, allowing Nachi to lean against a nearby wall while they both caught their breath.
"What's going on?" Nachi asked, still trying to understand why Futaba had been acting so strangely.
"We have to hurry before the train leaves," Futaba finally replied, her voice sounding somewhat urgent.
"Leaves?" Nachi said, raising his head in surprise as he realized their destination. With renewed urgency, the two of them set off towards the train station once more.
Futaba and Nachi arrived at the train station just in time to witness the train pulling away from the platform. They watched it speed off into the distance, their hopes of catching it shattered. Futaba looked at Nachi and let out a small sigh. "We're too late," she said, her voice tinged with sadness.
Nachi was confused. "What's going on?" he asked her. "Why did you come here?"
Futaba shook her head. "Fukajiro…" she said under her breath, as if the name itself was a curse. "She was on that train, leaving us behind." Her voice was barely audible, her gaze fixed on the departing train.
Nachi's eyes widened as he realized what Futaba was telling him. "Fukajiro left?" he asked, a slight shock evident in his voice.
"So she came to your house just to tell you this?" he asked. Futaba nodded slowly, a deep sense of regret settling over her. "My mind was distracted, I couldn't even say goodbye properly," she said, a sigh escaping her lips, "She keeps saying I'm her best friend, some friend I am..." Nachi placed a comforting hand on Futaba's shoulder as she spoke, trying his best to ease her pain. "It's not your fault," he said softly. "You were distracted. I'm sure Fukajiro will understand."
Futaba smiled a little, grateful for Nachi's words. "At least I wanted you to come with me. Thought she'll be more happy to see you one last time, since she likes you," she said with a small smile.
Nachi was surprised by the revelation and began to stutter, "Huh? She only likes me because I'm a cat! You know how she's fond of cats!"
Futaba laughed at his reaction, the sound of her voice filling the air before she sighed again.
"I have to go home...it's already dark," she said, staring up at the cloudy sky. The moon wasn't present tonight, and for some reason, the fact made her feel uneasy.
Futaba turned to Nachi, a determined look on her face. "You'll come with me, right?" she asked, and Nachi blinked a few times in surprise before answering her. "Huh...?" He paused for a moment to process the request, "Sure, I'll go with you. I can't let you go home alone after what we discussed, and I'll also say hello to dad too." Futaba nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. The two of them started walking back to her house, the weight of their conversation weighing heavily on their shoulders.
As they walked through the empty streets, Nachi expressed his surprise. "They wrote this in the newspapers?" he asked, and Futaba nodded. "I had a panic attack when I saw it. Toichiro, Shizuki, and Tatsu were there to console me," she said, recalling the overwhelming fear she had felt when she learned about the possible return of the mysterious phenomenon. "Otherwise, I don't know what I would have done," she trailed off, the memory of that day still fresh in her mind.
Nachi crossed his arms, his expression serious. "I was afraid this would happen. Another reason not to stay home alone," he said, his tone firm. "What if...what if I asked the Tengu to drop by every now and then?" he suggested, a hint of pride in his voice. But Futaba shook her head, concern etched across her face. "I don't want to burden Kuya any more than he already is. Koga's issue has already taken a toll on him; I don't want to add to his stress." Nachi seemed to consider her words for a moment, then nodded reluctantly. "Yeah, but..."
But before he continued, a feeling of foreboding washed over them. Suddenly, Futaba's hair stood on end and Nachi's ears perked up. They stopped in their tracks and looked around, searching for the source of the ominous presence. "Futaba," Nachi whispered, his voice low so that only she could hear. Futaba nodded, fully aware of what Nachi was trying to convey. She quickly withdrew the bell wand from her sleeve, preparing for whatever might come next. Her heart raced with anticipation, wondering what lay ahead. The air felt heavy and stagnant, as though something sinister was lurking just beyond their sight. As they both stood alert, ready to face whatever challenges might come their way, the silence was broken only by the sound of their own breathing.
As the two stood in silence, their senses on high alert, a familiar voice suddenly broke the stillness. "There you are!" The voice echoed in their ears, causing their eyes to widen as they turned to see their friend, standing alarmingly close. They hadn't seen her since they'd stepped onto the street, as if she had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Her familiar figure was running towards them, her eyes glinting like emeralds in the dim light. "Fuka?" both Nachi and Futaba said at the same time, shocked to see her there, wondering how she had gotten so close without them noticing.
Futaba had been under the impression that Fukajiro had left on the train earlier in the day, while Nachi had assumed the same based on Futaba's words. So to see her here now, at this late hour, felt strange, suspicious, and completely unexpected. They had forgotten the ominous presence they had sensed a moment earlier in their surprise.
As Fukajiro approached, she suddenly stumbled, her face hitting the pavement with a loud thud. The two quickly rushed to her aid, taking her hands and pulling her up. "Are you okay?" Futaba asked, the worry in her voice evident, and Fukajiro responded with a familiar smile. "Hehe, I'm just clumsy." Nachi chimed in with a tired exhale, "Mhm, she's okay."
As Fukajiro cleaned herself up after tripping, Futaba raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you supposed to leave today?" The little girl looked up, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, you want me to go?" she asked, pretending to look sad. Futaba shook her head firmly. "No, don't avoid the question. Why are you still here?" Fukajiro smiled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I missed the train," she said, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.
The silence that followed was deafening, as Fukajiro seemed to expect some sort of response from the two. Nachi finally broke the tension with a frustrated sigh. "Seriously?" he muttered, his tone bordering on annoyance. Futaba chimed in, her voice sharp, "How do you miss the train when you know the exact time it's leaving?" Fukajiro lowered her head, interlacing her fingers in a manner that almost suggested she was being scolded by her mother. "I went to buy some snacks before the train arrived... and you know how much I love taiyaki..." Nachi facepalmed, while Futaba sighed, growing more annoyed at Fukajiro's childish behavior. "I'm sure your parents are worried about you now," she said, her voice dripping with contempt for the little girl's irresponsibility.
Suddenly, a somber expression spread across Fukajiro's face, and she stopped laughing. Her eyes darkened as she fixed her gaze on Futaba. "Don't worry, they won't," she said, her voice soft but devoid of the playfulness she usually exuded. The two felt a sudden chill run down their spine. But before they could respond, Fukajiro's face split into a wide smile, and she reached out to hold their hands. "Why are you here?" she asked, looking back and forth between the two. Nachi began to speak, but she interrupted him. "Little Nach! Where have you been all this time? I missed you so much!" she exclaimed, nuzzling his arm and making him shift uncomfortably.
Futaba tried to get Fukajiro's attention, attempting to distract her from her embrace of Nachi. "Fukajiro, we thought you were leaving today," Futaba stated matter-of-factly, and the little girl finally turned to her.
Fukajiro's entire expression brightened, and she squeezed their arms even tighter. "That's why you were at the station? To bid me farewell, right? Aww, I could never ask for such a great friends!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with exaggerated happiness. The strength of her grip sent a mild pain shooting through Futaba's arms, but she ignored it and took in her surroundings. "Fukajiro, seriously, this place isn't safe, especially now," she said, scanning left and right, reminded of the ominous presence they had sensed just moments ago.
"Look, I'll have Nachi take you to my place while I make sure the area is safe--" Suddenly, the words froze in Futaba's throat as she recalled a similar situation that had led to a disastrous result in the past. Her eyes glazed over, staring into nothingness, as if she were trying to recall some long-forgotten memory. "Futaba...?" Nachi's voice broke the sudden silence, calling out to her, but there was no response.
"Eh? No need to worry, I'll stay put and won't 'disappear' like before." Fukajiro's young and sweet voice interrupted them, leaving Futaba with a mildly surprised expression, as if the little girl had somehow read her thoughts. She received nothing but a playful wink from Fukajiro, but as she thought about it, Futaba realized that she had never received an answer to her question about Fukajiro's whereabouts on that fateful day. Since then, she had never mentioned the subject to Fukajiro, and the little girl had never opened up about it either.
"Hey, Fuka..." As Futaba calls out to Fukajiro, Nachi also speaks up, his voice filled with surprise. "Tengu?" he says, attracting the attention of the two girls. They turn around and are taken aback to see the person standing behind them, neither too far nor too close. Futaba was taken aback to see her Tengu friend in this unexpected place, his eyes gleaming like gold in the darkness and his face as cold and impassive as ever. But what truly caught their attention and left the two speechless was the sight of Kuya, with his wings spread wide against the black backdrop of the night, his true form now exposed to the public.
The three of them stood there in silence, each waiting for the other to say something, but the only sound that filled the air was the distant howling of the wind. Suddenly, Fukajiro spoke up, her childish voice breaking the tension. "Kuya, right?" she asked, her eyes fixed on the man standing before them. In response, Kuya slowly lifted his hand and the fan in his grasp unfolded with a flourish. The blades of the fan suddenly sprang to life, cutting through the air as they sped towards the three.
As the blades of Kuya's fan hurtled towards them, Futaba let out a startled cry. "Kuya!" she screamed, instinctively wrapping her arms around Fukajiro and pulling the other girl to her. Nachi, on the other hand, stood in front of them with his eyes closed, determined to protect them. It seemed as though time had stood still, with each of them frozen in fear as they awaited the inevitable impact.
Futaba felt her heart skip a beat as she waited for Kuya's attack to hit, but to her surprise, nothing happened. She mustered the courage to open her eyes and was taken aback to see Nachi sitting in a state of shock, staring in horror at the figure in front of him. The figure was tall, carrying a long, sharp spear, all dressed in brown from head to toe. As the three of them took in this terrifying sight, they all recognized the same person...
𝑻𝒐 𝑩𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅>>>>>>>>>>>
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dizzynaramura · 8 months
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Random doodles as I learn how to draw, pro tip, art tutorials in the background help with both wanting to yell at the screen and appreciate their help ANYWAYS
We got a bunch of stuff! Asaro Abeno from the lovely @danganronpa-a-new-generation !!! She may or may not be one of my two favorites :3
Then we got Karuta Uruwashi from my ongoing Ayakashi Akashi AU fanfic; https://archiveofourown.org/works/53186920 take the art as a hint for chapters to come!
Some misc items like Yoinara’s glasses, Asaro’s tape measure, tiny scribbles of the sillies plus a very scuffed Mono and Six! They will be worked on, for now I’m learning how to actually draw them :)
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just-somehuman · 2 years
Paint - Toichiro x Fem!Reader
Genre: psychological, gore, angst, au
Inspired by: Matsuro Palette
Word count: 2 380
a/n: Heya! Here's this fanfic I've been delaying for months 💀 This story is inspired by the game Matsuro Palette which I was completely obsessed with when I first started writing this. You don't need to have played the game to read the story, but if you want to have a better understanding of some concepts, then seeing gameplay or just playing the first few days (they're quite short) is enough. No part of the Matsuro Palette story is used so only seeing the way the player and The Girl interact as well as the studio the game takes place in is enough. Please be warned of the genres of this fanfiction. The genres serve as a trigger warning. If there are any additional trigger warnings for a specific chapter, I'll put it underneath the genre section. All that aside, I hope you enjoy!
WAIT ONE MORE THING- Y/N is semi-modern in this fanfiction, but only in terms of manner of speech. She's not about to whip a phone out and take selfies with the boys 💀 NOW ALL THAT ASIDE, I HOPE YOU ENJOY ✨
(also let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters)
Chapter 1
She has been locked in a room for the past eternity. Her only goal is to paint a portrait of He who Sits in the Sunset. Every drop of paint added meaning to his life, every stroke of her brush set him one step forward to freedom. He had never known, but the seal placed on his ninth tail was a curse. He believes that he is trapped within a portrait in She the Painter's eye when truly, it is she who is trapped within He the Painting's frame. One stroke of paint and he is set free. One stroke of paint and she shall be cursed for millennia to come. All it takes is one stroke of paint. The final drop of colour is added to the portrait. Toichiro's kyubi form shows, protecting Futaba from the blades of ice Hisui shoots at her. His seal is broken. Toichiro's vision hazes as Y/N appears in his head one last time. She removes the chains that kept him locked away and shares one blank stare with him as the chains consume her.
"You… Why would you set me free? What have you released me from?"
"He's possessed," Shuichiro would usually say.
Prior to the battle between Futaba, her Ayakashi and the Senkitai, Toichiro had been getting visions of a girl whom he had not been acquainted with. Every time he got these visions, an excruciating pain would build up in his head. He would crouch down in agony, screaming for it to stop.
No one would follow along with his ridiculous idea. But as time went on, and as Toichiro's inexplicable behaviour became more frequent, his idea didn't seem so ridiculous anymore.
"If he's truly possessed, who do we ask to exorcise him?" Koga once asked, "Futaba won’t be of much help here."
All the other Ayakashi believed that there was nothing that could be done to help Toichiro. Nevertheless, there was one who stayed by his side. Whether Toichiro was screaming to the heavens above or crying uncontrollably, Shizuki always believed that his master would come to his senses. He believed that this would all pass.
And it did, which leads us to where we are now.
With the Ayakashi listening intently, Toichiro explains everything that has happened these past weeks. He explains how he was trapped within himself, how that girl would paint portraits of him all day, how she set him free. It all felt like a long, vivid nightmare and it was finally over.
"So the unknown girl setting you free from the painting is what led you to being a kyubi back then?" Shizuki says, everything finally making sense.
"That would be the outcome, yes," Toichiro answers, his voice still hoarse from his constant screaming before.
"You said the girl got chained up after setting you free. Do you think she's trapped somewhere now?" Kuro asks.
His question is genuine but doesn't sit right with Toichiro.
"I think her chains were a symbol of something passed onto her. Something Toichiro had that he gave to her after being set free," Oji suggests.
Toichiro's brows furrow. Although he doesn't show it, the thought of him passing some form of curse onto someone who did nothing but help him pains his heart. 
Gaku, who has been silent the whole time, speaks up.
"She wouldn't happen to be Futaba or Futaba from her past life?" he asks.
"There's not the slightest chance it could be her, it was someone else entirely,” Toichiro answers, a copy of one of his usual smiles tugging at the corners of his lips. Or at least, that's what it looks like to Shizuki. A copy - a fake. Because they've been together for so long, the snow spirit understands the kitsune far better than the other Ayakashi. Shizuki knows that Toichiro has many ideas which he wishes to share but won't, for the safety of his position as the future village leader.
"What do you suggest then?" Oji asks.
Silence falls upon the room again.
"Forget it. Regardless of what it all meant, it’s over now. Why should I care?" Toichiro answers, his usual smile forming on his face.
The Ayakashi part ways after their discussion at the Kitsune Village. Oji makes his way down the mountain path and back to Raccord, an image of a girl devoured by chains floating in his head. As he opens the door to Raccord, the faint jingle of the bell brings him back to his senses.
"You're back later than usual. What happened?" Aoi asks, leaning on the broom he was just using.
Oji explains the battle against the Senkitai and everything that Toichiro told them.
"Wait, let me get this straight: This girl would constantly try to paint a perfect portrait of Toichiro and he would physically be affected by it. And once she perfected the painting, he was able to transform into a kyubi during the fight with the Senkitai and she was chained up?" Aoi says, trying to piece together the story he has just been told. 
"Yes. Sounds bizarre, don’t you think?" Oji says, pulling out a cigarette.
"Well, whatever happened to her, I hope she's okay," Aoi sighs, placing the broom against the wall. Before heading upstairs, he turns to face Oji, suddenly remembering something.
"Speaking of painting, there's a new student joining my class next week."
"That's nice. Someone new for you to be friends with," Oji smiles.
"Yeah, but they're joining from overseas. That means they're excellent at art if they're able to study abroad," Aoi complains.
"Don't worry Aoi, your art is really good. I'm sure they won't be much competition for you," Oji laughs, puffing on his cigarette.
"There's an art exhibition next week too. I've heard that their art will be displayed. Hopefully it's not as good as everyone's making it out to be. Not that I'm trying to put them down or anything, it's just-" Aoi cuts himself off, seemingly at a loss for words.
"It's okay Aoi, I know how tough it is in the art world," Oji reassures him. Aoi smiles faintly at Oji before heading to his room.
The days come and go, and the day of the exhibition arrives. To his surprise, Aoi finds Toichiro and Shizuki amongst the crowd.
"Who invited you two?" Aoi asks, clearly annoyed.
"No one did. I came by my own will," Toichiro grins.
"You'd think that your experience with paintings would keep you away from them forever," Aoi says.
"Such a trivial matter doesn't affect me in that way, Aoi. I'm here to appreciate the creations of your fellow scholars. Now, if you'll excuse me," Toichiro states before leaving in the opposite direction with Shizuki.
"'Trivial', huh? It doesn't look that way to me," Aoi mutters. Whilst he had been speaking to Toichiro, curiosity got the best of him and he read Toichiro's heart to see how he truly feels. Aoi sighs at the kitsune's stubbornness and heads in their direction. 
Toichiro spares a glance for the artwork in the exhibition, the occasional comment from Shizuki forcing him to stare a while longer. As Toichiro turns to leave, a single portrait painting stops him dead in his tracks. He stares in horror and disbelief at the painting.
"Master Toichiro, we'd best be leaving-" Shizuki calls out to Toichiro before freezing at the sight of the painting too. Staring back at the two men is a perfectly painted portrait of the purple kitsune.
"Master Toichiro, is this..?" Shizuki trails off.
"Yes. Yes, it is."
The pair have no knowledge of how to react to such a situation. They are snapped out of their confusion by a familiar voice.
"What are you two gawking at? Oh, yeah. I was pretty surprised when I saw this first too," Aoi says, wedging himself between Shizuki and Toichiro.
"How exactly are you so calm at the moment?" Toichiro exclaims.
"Because I know who painted this," Aoi says. He points to a small sign below the frame that reads "He the Painting, Pictorem".
"A strange name for a painting," Shizuki comments.
"An even stranger pseudonym," Toichiro adds.
"She's not that strange, actually," Aoi rolls his eyes.
"'She'?" Toichiro asks, his eyes widening again.
"Yeah, she's a classmate of mine who recently joined from overseas. She's pretty quiet in class but she is interesting to talk to, since she's from abroad and all. I've spoken to her a couple times-" Aoi is interrupted by a troubled Toichiro.
"Aoi, I need to know why she's painting pictures of me," Toichiro says, composing himself and shoving his worry aside.
"I walked in on her painting this and asked her. Her exact words were: 'I don't exactly know why I paint him, nor do I know who he is, but I don't exactly care and I won't ever care because I never want to meet him. If he even exists, that is. I am nearly fully convinced that he doesn't exist and he's just a generic face that my mind has created. I mean, look at him! That face is more basic than the primary colours'," Aoi recounts, trying his best to not to grin at the last few phrases.
"A fairly bold statement coming from someone who has never met me," Toichiro smirks in an attempt to hide how offended he is.
"Master Aoi, did you correct her in her thinking?" Shizuki asks.
"No, I didn't tell her about you. It might be easier if you two don't meet. I mean, she's not exactly fettered so I don't think you two meeting really matters anymore. She's okay, you're okay, all is well," Aoi replies.
"Nevertheless, I'd like to speak with her. Surely there can't be any harm in that?" Toichiro retaliates.
"Ugh, fine. Next time I see her, I'll tell her I saw you here and you want to meet her," Aoi sighs.
"Good, good. Now that's settled, I'll be on my way," Toichiro smiles before taking off for the mountain.
Back in the Kitsune Village, Toichiro and Shizuki briefly discuss the events of today.
"I will admit, the portrait was painted excellently," Toichiro says.
"I agree, though that concerns me," Shizuki begins.
"Oh? How so?" Toichiro inquires, his interest piqued.
"Neither of you have met yet she was able to capture every detail of you in her portrait. It looked as if it were a coloured photograph," Shizuki continues.
"Hmm, I see what you mean. However, she and I have met before," Toichiro says.
Shizuki stares at his master in a mixture of shock and confusion.
"Though I was just a painting, I was able to speak with her. We never brought up why everything was happening nor did we speak of our lives outside the studio. We never learnt anything about each other. She was able to paint me flawlessly in the end because we had an understanding of each other that no other does. We learnt of each other's soul rather than our person. It was our souls trapped there anyway," Toichiro says calmly as the light discussions he would have with her flicker in his mind.
"Master Toichiro, were your meetings more than just a corrupt thought?" Shizuki asks.
Toichiro squints as he chooses the easiest way to describe his experiences.
"The best way for me to explain this would be that my body was physically here but my mind was elsewhere. It had been, in a way, moved into a different place. It was a different world, a bit like that cursed plane that Yura was trapped in," Toichiro explains, "The only ones that existed in that world were she and I."
"An entire world was created for your souls to be trapped in… I truly wonder what the truth behind all of this is," Shizuki states.
Meanwhile, a young girl is skulking around the Kitsune Village. She looks about the age of a high school student, and she is most certainly human.
"I saw him speaking with Aoi at the exhibition and I followed him back here. Now he's just disappeared," the girl mutters to herself in pursuit of someone.
"Who has disappeared?"
A blue-haired kitsune emerges from behind the girl, a soft ring following his movements from the bell in his hair. The girl stares at him in disapproval.
"I'm glad I wasn't stuck painting you. Your hair is way too wack. Bowl cut in the front, wolf cut in the back, bangs that are two different lengths, a half-plaited half-straight side ponytail. Who let you look this way?" the girl sighs, turning around to face the man that appeared behind her.
"Who let you speak this way?" Shuichiro sneers. The girl blankly stares at him before returning to her search.
"You're not welcome here, human. Who brought you here?" he smirks.
"No one. I snuck in," she responds coolly.
"You should know that you are inferior to the kitsune race, human. Look at me when I speak to you," Shuichiro hisses.
"Why should I? I'm kinda busy here, you know. I'm not going to entertain you so find someone else to bother with that wack-a$$ hair," she says nonchalantly. She couldn't care less about anything or anyone else. She has one goal: find the purple-haired guy. Shuichiro glares at her before taking off.
"Geez, what a prick," the girl rolls her eyes. Her search for "the purple-haired guy" continues late into the night and into the morning.
"It's been hours of looking through random people's windows searching for this man, I've trespassed enough. It's about time I give up," she sighs in defeat.
"Purple-haired guy, when I find you, I will rip your intestines out-" the girl's muttering is interrupted by an arrogant laugh.
"What's this about my intestines?" Toichiro asks.
The girl stares at the man himself completely dumbfounded.
"I heard from my eldest brother that a girl snuck in and is looking for something. That wouldn't happen to be you looking for me, no?" he smirks.
She scans him up and down before meeting his eyes.
"Quite the first impression, I must say," she says, crossing her arms.
"My apologies, perhaps I should have introduced myself first," he smiles, "I am Toichiro Yuri. It is an honour to finally meet you in person, Pictorem."
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kamimammy · 10 months
Lately an idea have been living rent free in my head so I decided to share in hopes someone more talented in fanfic writing likes it.
First I do have more ideas related to this one but I will share the one more basic.
I know everyone likes the Tsukiyomi theory but what if we kinda swap it?
Like instead of yato is Hiyori the one Tuskiyomi chooses to be his descent,something like Kamisama hajimemashita(kamisama kiss)like he sees her save Yato and decides she is a good choice
So now Hiyori starts the canon story half goddess instead of half ayakashi,since she is half human she can still kinda work as a worshiper but she is kinda also learning all this God stuff...
The find Yukine and Yato originally want her to get him as shinki but Hiyori refuses cause she now knows Yato really needs a shining,maybe she sees him with nora and ask artound and finds the nora taboo stuff or something like that.
In my headcanon I had a oc for her to be her shinki(it's supposed to transform into a flying horse,think like a Rapidash or Entei in Inuyasha and I was hoping to name them maybe Seiya? Cause also the family name of Hiyori shinki will end with "YA")
I have some more small head canons if someone ends interested.
Non related,related I have also had a very good idea for the typical isekai "oh no I died in modern life and I was reborn as a princess/vilanness in a novel" trope but with Hiyori dying or like just telporting to the time Yato was about to exterminate the "MA" clan,so after Sakura event and basically what would happen if Yato had a worshipers back then but more like in a serious tone.
There is actually some fanfics with Hiyori in that timeline but usually she doesn't know the story,obviously.
Let me know what you guys think
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
Fang's Masterlist and Main Post
Hi! I'm Fang, a fanfiction writer currently mostly into otome games, with the ones in the masterlist bellow being the main ones
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Tag List:
If you want to be tagged to future writings of any fandom bellow, reply to this post or message me with at least the fandom you would want to be tagged for, and any other specification ou want to add.
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OC Info:
Amy's Profile
Linet's Instagram Page
Carina's Instagram Page Main, Photos Page
Yara's Instagram Page
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Star-Crossed Myth Masterlist
Ayakashi Romance Reborn Masterlist
Ikemen Vampire Masterlist
Yu-Gi-Oh Masterlist
Ikemen Prince Masterlist
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spammynegrutou · 3 months
Long overdue:
Hi! I'm Jade/Xana/Zee. I'm (almost) 25, as black as they come, and ENBY. Any pronouns are fine with me (she/they/he). I am autistic, so understand that my bluntness is just how I've talked all my life, I'm honestly NOT tryna pick a fight with you. Trust and believe I've better things to do 💀
A little about me:
I love Saïx/Isa (should be kinda... Obvious). I love KH, Ayakashi: Mononoke, Darksiders, Naruto, Bleach and other things. This is my side blog for mostly KH stuff but you can talk to me about anything.
I've been a fanfic writer for over 10 years, so I love writing. I also love yapping.
I'd prefer if minors dni, but it's the Internet so 🧍🏽‍♀️😐 I can only control so much.
Sometimes I'll post NSFW shit sometimes I won't. Depends on my mood.
Ask me anything! The ask box should be open 🥰
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