#ayato main
silvernyxchariot · 4 months
I'm slowly building my teams.
And it's working.
For context, follow this link to my previous Abyss post.
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It's one more star than the previous Abyss run.
For more context: "Hi. My name is Nyx, and I am a Kavetham shipper. Subsequently, I am determined to make Kavetham WORK. It's mostly because I love them both dearly. . ." Aaaaaaaaand to prove the meta-players¹ wrong, that they CAN be on a team together.
The team is almost perfect. Shinobu is almost perfect, I just need to level up her artifacts. And if I could just r5 all their weapons, that would be greaaaaat.
YES. I KNOW IT'S NOT FLOOR 12, so it's not a "real measure of my teams' strength." (I'm not sure how else to word that sentence. That's just kind of the vibe I get from the "hardcore gamers" and meta-players of the Genshin community.) Tbh, I'm trying to get full stars on floors 9 through 11 first. That's how I'm judging if I'm "ready" for floor 12. You can still get rewards just by surviving a chamber.
On a later note, aside from Thoma for burgeon, I'm building Yao Yao because I was inspired by one user on HoyoLab using a mono Dendro team (Baizhu, YaoYao, Kaveh, and Alhaitham) to create my own mono Dendro team. I don't have Baizhu though, so I'll keep Xingqiu in. Free quicken against Electro enemies./hj Xingqiu is at C4 thanks to Lantern Rite, so his Hydro application is getting better.
¹ Full disclosure, I do not despise the meta. I believe it is a good outline or guide to making easily built and strong team comps. But I do dislike the meta-players who disparage others for choosing characters that they want on a team and claim they're "wrong for doing so." Or telling others it's "spreading misinformation to say X and Y character can be played together." Then tend to disguise their disparaging comments behind "worry" for your team's synergy and damage count.
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sapphyro · 2 years
Ningguang takes my breath away
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feketeribizli · 3 months
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emilie the perfumer 🥀🍒☕♥️📿✂️
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cowboy-robooty · 3 months
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watched brokeback mountain yesterday.... mid as fuck. i think it wouldve played out a lot better if the main characters were yuri and jimmy from yarichin bitch club. do u see my vision?
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yuikomorii · 2 years
DL characters from most to least intelligent?
// Oh, this is going to be interesting!
Disclaimer: This top incorporates intelligence as in brain power, perceptiveness and so on. It also has nothing to do with morals or the DL Tokutens, since those are just for fun and not the most accurate version of the characters, therefore it’s based on routes, serious CD dramas and official short stories.
1. Laito
It's no longer a secret that Laito is extremely intelligent to the point of being terrifying. I've already discussed his big brain in this post, but I'll try to summarize it here. This man can read everyone like a book; he can easily absorb and apply any type of information. He's also the only character who can manipulate everyone, including the AB boys, and even Carla was surprised by his intelligence in Dark Fate. I've said it before and I'll say it again: he could twist every DL main cast character around his finger if he wanted to, too bad he’s not good at reading himself.
2. Carla
Literally the Diaboy who would make the best king. Despite the fact that I can't bring myself to ship him with Yui because the couple is far too disturbing, he is a wise and great ruler. We were able to see that best in LE, he's good at plans, logical, and knowledgeable on a variety of topics that can help him get out of uncomfortable situations.
3. Shu
Shu may have many flaws, but he is undeniably intelligent. He appears apathetic, as if he doesn't care about anything, but he knows far more than you'd think. I believe he is the best candidate for king among the Sakamakis because he is open-minded and can reflect on his thought process.
4. Kino
Probably a very unpopular opinion since people don’t really seem to like Kino and yeah, he seems kind of dumb at times, but I'll give him credit for being a really good antagonist. He beat the Tsukinamis on this one; this guy is really good at devising different evil plans in order to sabotage the Diaboys, which I find really interesting.
5. Reiji, Ruki
The boys who like belittling others, despite being more on the booksmart side. They're very knowledgeable for sure, they both have a lot of information in their heads, and they're also more strategic than their brothers. In a nutshell, their intelligence is beneficial. However, because of their overconfidence, they are prone to reacting incorrectly when things do not go their way, which can lead to serious breakdowns.
6. Azusa
Azusa is most likely the character who speaks the least; he is timid and silent, but isn't it true that quiet people have the loudest minds? He pays close attention to everything that goes on around him, and I firmly believe that he is one of the best characters at seeing through people.
7. Kou
Another unpopular opinion since people like to portray Kou as a dumb guy, but that’s not the case. Sure, he doesn’t care about many things and doesn’t always pay attention to what others are saying but that’s because he simply doesn’t want to. I know Kou acts occasionally childish but he has a very mature point of view. Even if his magical eye allows him to read people’s hearts, he must be very cunning to know how to manipulate everyone based on this without coming across as obvious. Additionally, he has an unpredictable nature.
8. Ayato, Yui
Mr. “I’m impulsive and don’t care about others’ opinions” and Little Miss “I act without thinking and have to face consequences afterwards”. Not counting the fact that Yui has more morals and knows more about human stuff (since she’s human after all), they both have the same number of brain cells. Both canonically have little knowledge, they require help most of the time when doing something, and their plans are literally dead ends, BUT I can't deny they're very perceptive at times. I wrote more about Ayato here; he appears ignorant but notices important details and analyzes the behavior of those around him. The same can be said for Yui, who can also be a good observer.
9. Shin
He has more knowledge than Ayato and Yui and was quite clever in Ruki's DF route, but SORRY his LE route made him appear so stupid in my eyes. All of his problems could have been solved if he had tried to use his brain, but he didn't, which is why his route was so frustrating. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that every character has dumb moments, some more, others less, but come on... he didn’t try to logically solve his problems and only suddenly had the big realization to do so, which was IN HIS VAMPIRE ENDING. I excuse characters who make mistakes or act on a whim, but Shin crossed the line in LE. I can't imagine a Diaboy in his own route as dense as Shin was there; he kept getting himself into more and more trash, which is a shame because he would have been much higher on this list if they didn’t do him so dirty there.
10. Subaru, Yuma, Kanato
I feel bad for rating them so low because I really like Subaru and Yuma; Kanato is intriguing too, but the problem is that they almost never get the chance to prove themselves. I understand Subaru's situation because he doesn't have any deep bonds with anyone, after all, he's the only Sakamaki without a brother from the same mother, and he's also quite asocial, so it's not like he'd pay attention to anything that's not his business, but I really don't get why the others didn’t get a big chance to use their brains. Yuma is very useful though, but Kanato's case is a whole other story. I can’t deny that he’s actually sly sometimes but he was Laito's closest brother during childhood; why is Ayato the one to best analyze Laito and not him?? Ayato was literally locked away in his room all day, unlike him, who played with Laito on a daily basis… so much lost potential.
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throwaway-yandere · 6 months
Maybe I'll change my tumblr aesthetic to ayato to appease him. Maybe he's mad that I was eager to replace him as a DPS when Wriothesley came out that's why I got C4 Qiqi. Maybe Dainsleif isn't my husband all along. Maybe Ayato really is my true lord. I'll be back. I'm going back to Inazuma. I'm going to go back to being a retainer. I shall appease my master.
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nguyenfinity · 1 year
Since we're on dorms mood, how about either the Losers dorm(Kohaku and Jun) or the Princess dorm (Kanata, Rinne and Hiyori) ?
LOSERS DORM KJDHFJKASDFHKHD i didn't know they were called that that's so funny
Joke's on you though they're both silly and I love them
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They'd have spa nights methinks
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Jun said he'd teach Kohaku how to play Genshin (because it's a new gacha Tsukasa got into and he'd rather eat his foot than ask Bou.) after he finishes this game of Tetris-- Kohaku pleASE keep an eye on your food--
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kaixserzz · 11 months
what if YOU'RE the mysterious character they're so utterly inlove with?? what if YOU'RE the red flag? the one that makes them weak on the knees? the one that makes then stutter and stumble on their words? the one that makes them fluster and red just thinking about you?
what if YOU'RE the one flirting with them with such little to no effort and they're swooning? you grab them by the chin and they're seconds away from screaming?
what if the dark, mysterious character that you oh so love was the one who's trembling just at your mere presence? so pathetically inlove that they can't even speak?
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apollodarling-writes · 9 months
Ayato Kirishima with a Dove! Reader Hcs
cw: canon-typical violence mentioned, it's been about a year since I've watched tokyo ghoul so some things might be inaccurate, set during/after kaneki was haise, SPOILERS FOR THE END OF TOKYO GHOUL: RE, borderline stalking mentions (ayato wants to make sure the reader can be trusted), enemies to friends to lovers type beat, mutual pining
Ayato Kirishima would not like you at first. Let's be honest here, the Doves use the deceased Ghoul's Kakuhou to make their Quinque. Ayato would hate your guts.
You'd initially been placed on the Quinx squad to more closely observe Haise, or as the Doves know him- Kaneki Ken. You'd never really liked the Doves and had hopes that during your lifetime there would be a rebellion so that Ghouls would be able to live freely and would be accepted socially.
When Haise regained his memories and became Kaneki Ken again, you’d damn near begged him to allow you to be his insider.
You’d meet with Kaneki in secret with his new team, Goat, to go over plans and feed them information.
Initially they were all wary of you, and Ayato had expressed a very clear disagreement with allowing you to join. Fortunately, Kaneki stepped up and explained your situation to the entirety of Goat.
Ayato was initially very, very rude to you. Most of it was passive-aggressive, but it was obvious that he didn’t like you. Especially when you’d confronted him and he said as much.
Ayato kept a close watch on you, expressing his distrust and borderline stalked your movements. When he was sure that you could be trusted, he stepped back and apologized for his behavior.
As time went on, yourself and Ayato slowly became friends. The two of you worked together to take down the CCG, finding that you made a good team, and thus your relationship improved greatly.
The two of you slowly fell in love after CCG was dissolved, often spending time under the stars and talking about anything and everything; Telling stories of the past, reminiscing, and enjoying each other’s company.
You and Ayato often went on walks or hikes, or even spent some time just watching tv in one of your apartments. When one of you wanted to train, the other would be the sparring buddy- honing skills together, offering advice, and critiquing techniques.
When he would accidentally hurt you during training, he would immediately inspect your wound and bandage it with shaking fingers and his lips pressed into a thin line. He hates hurting you or seeing you hurt. He’s always careful to not hurt you, but sometimes it’s inevitable and he feels absolutely awful. You’ll have to cheer him up or he’ll sulk for the rest of the week.
When the two of you would meet up, he would bring you your favorite snack and your favorite drink and you would do the same. It became a tradition of sorts after you brought him snacks for the first time.
He’s a tsundere, so when you start picking up on his new behavior, he will adamantly deny any sense of attraction to you. Naturally, he’ll be blushing and averting his eyes- he’s kind of obvious <33
Eventually, Kaneki and Touka will force him to confess because they can’t stand seeing the two of you evade each others’ advances anymore. It became painful for the both of them.
When Ayato confesses, he simply shoots you a text, telling you to meet him at the regular spot at the regular time out of the blue.
Ayato will show up with flowers in hand and a blush on his face and say, “…i’m in love with you.”
Of course, he would avoid eye contact with you because he’s flustered and he’s afraid that you don’t feel the same. He’s oblivious.
When you accept his confession, he’ll pick you up and spin you around, then lay on the grass with you and hold you close to him. He’s over the moon!
Ayato as a lover is super gentle and will absolutely communicate everything to you. He’s your lover and best friend.
He’s also super protective of you. Should you be in danger, he’s there in the blink of an eye.
Also has Touka teach him how to cook human food so that he can wake you up with a tray of breakfast and cook you something yummy when you come home from work.
Ayato as a lover >>>>
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cyhaino · 11 months
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genshin impact gif challenge ↪ favorite hydro characters
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silvernyxchariot · 6 months
I'm having fun with these types of blogs.
Tell me a team composition that you love, but would have meta players raving, flaming, and crucifying you for.
For this blog, I define "meta" as the "most effective tactic available." In Genshin's case, ways to clear Abyss with 36 stars the fastest way possible and teams that cause the most damage. These teams are often repetitive across accounts, such as Raiden National (Raiden, Xingqiu, Bennet, and Xiangling) or Morgana (Ganyu, Mona, Diona, and Venti).
Much like my previous blog, I will not reply back to any comments. My purpose for this blog is to learn how others have fun with their Genshin teams.
This is a free/"safe" space to rant, but remain courteous and respectful in the comments section to others and me. Please. I will not tolerate anyone who wants to have an argument, be a snarky bitch, or give unsolicited "advice." I will block those involved.
Example, ofc, offered below the cut:
Old photo, Shinobu is now lvl 90. Anyway, my Kavetham team is the one I get the most backlash for. While it does have meta qualities, Xingqiu + Kuki + Dendro = Hyperbloom, the metaslaves cry so hard that I put the Kaveh and Alhaitham together.
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"Kaveh and Alhaitham don't work together."
"They have no "synergy.""
"That's not enough dendro application."
"They're like lathering mayonnaise onto a CPU."
No. They're not "mayonnaise" and a "CPU" or water and oil. They are two Dendro units that provide dendro resonance, can be major powerhouses alone, but even more dangerous together.
I made it work.
Kaveh made it to Abyss floor 11, chamber 3. If they were all fully built, they would be MENACES. The best built is Kaveh at C2R5, Talents 6/7/9, artifacts lvl 20. Everyone else is still a WIP, low talent levels, artifacts lvl 0-5, and weapons lvl 20-80.
My rotation:
¹ Alhaitham's skill and burst (or just skill, if his burst isn't up)
² Xingqiu's skill or burst for hydro application
³ Kaveh's burst and skill to detonate the cores and apply more dendro
⚡️ Shinobu is there to be the responsible one(/hj, the healer) that makes sure the boys don't get killed and she applies quickening and hyperbloom. Kaveh is more or less self-sufficient with his passive and can keep himself alive.
Although Kaveh is my dendro main, I switch between Kaveh and Alhaitham as I see fit. To make it less meta, Xingqiu and Shinobu can actually be replaced with double hydro (ex. Mona and Barbara) or Hydro+Zhongli, because gods forbid Alhaitham takes damage from his own cores.
It works if you rotate it right, but no one wants to put in the extra work to figure it out. The meta creates a close-minded set of builds, and it's filled with people who just want those giant crit numbers. I don't deny the meta characters, teams, and builds do great damage, but the metaslaves so often claim their unwarranted "advice" is just "worry for the team's functionality," like "I asked if my Kaveh build was good, not if Kaveh and Alhaitham had "synergy."
Me with my team building & scheming shenanigans:
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On a silly little note, I have decided to build DPS Noelle and QiQi, both characters that have been tossed aside by the meta. I'm so excited to build them.
I've asked this on Hoyolab a few times in BottleMi but the response was tepid. Only 3 brave souls decided to share their thoughts. I saw two teams of full DPS units and a Yoimiya main who said "any Yoimiya team" (they didn't elaborate further).
Yes, yes. I know. "Play the game however you want. 🙄 Why are you complaining? 😂" Oh, darling. It's ✨️cunt hours✨️ right now. And I'm sitting here with my wine ready to read. 💅🍷 📖 Rant to me, darlings, and I will listen.
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sapphyro · 2 years
I want Zhongli so bad...
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mynameis-a · 1 year
5 star characters abilities in genshin: sometimes gets extra wood when beating up a tree, makes suspicious food, can swim better
5 star characters abilities in star rail: can go invisible, can revive someone in battle, any damage dealt is reduced and also the enemy that did the damage takes damage themselves
guess which game is hoyos favorite child
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yunike-2021 · 3 months
Part 13 Loving Fathers
"The Acting was a Lie" by SerenitySolitude; read left to right
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Uploading a day early because I have rl stuff happening tomorrow.
I realized just as I drew this that I have no idea what Japanese families do together for fun... All my knowledge with anime and manga got temporarily forgotten and what's left is family drama... ahem
Uuuh, while drawing each page is challenging, I'm coming up with nothing for the next one! Help, Kaeya isn't cooperating with meeee >A< I'll manage somehow though... haha.
Hope you guys are doing well. Take care!
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yuikomorii · 1 year
I don’t know if you answered it already but I don’t remember you ever talking about Ayato’s Chaos Lineage route, so what did you think of it, if I may ask?
// My bestie really liked it but I can’t say I feel the same. It wasn’t bad, because there were some moments I truly enjoyed but it wasn’t great either. ^^”
I believe Ayato was extremely sweet and I don’t know how to feel when characters are written to act so cheesy. I do appreciate when they show their gentle side but he was literally made of sugar there and treated Yui like she was made of glass, which doesn’t sound like something Ayato would do because he is aware Yui is a strong girl. I understand that he’s caring but he was too desperate and worried for her there to the point that I didn’t get that playful teenage couple vibe for 80% of the route.
Can’t complain about the cgs, since I really love the CL ones! I just think the context behind some of them could have been better. This one is really cute but I’m sorry, the whole conversation made me cringe so much and the fact they were watched made matters worse. 😭😭
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If there’s a scene that deserved a kiss then it is THIS one. The way Yui cheered Ayato up was one of the most precious things ever and I regret so much the fact they didn’t smooch or at least hug. :<
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Maybe it’s just me but I feel like CL was merely made to hide or fix what happened in LE, after becoming the lowest rated DL game and getting a bunch of critics regarding the triplets’ (mainly Ayato’s) routes. Rejet most likely attempted to redeem the relationship between Ayato and his brothers in his CL route, but in my opinion, they didn’t do a great job. Something I can't stand anymore is how Rejet instills new insecurities in Ayato game by game, because it's getting really frustrating, especially since in LE and CL he starts disliking and belittling himself due to his brothers' treatment of him. They called Ayato selfish in CL despite the fact that, after regaining his memories, he put Yui on the first place and clearly stated wanting to protect everyone— On top of that, they took Ayato's idea of breaking the glass floor of the church while not allowing him to participate?? In the end, they acted like “good brothers” and granted Ayato permission to use his OWN idea but this still feels forced because that was the bare minimum. ://
I really liked the Good Ending though, since I love the scene where Ayato confronted his father and said“I decide my own fate!”; that was undoubtedly badass.
Overall, his route was kinda boring to me. It’s the most overly romantic route in DL, because there are too many cheesy and ichaicha scenes, so it might make you cringe a lot. But if you’re into romance and fluff, it’s perfect for you! :”)
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throwaway-yandere · 5 months
Childe is so lucky that every darling I've written for him is a willing!reader. Perks of being one of the people who carried my early AR days 🥰
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