luliho · 2 months
I think Sakura saying she's always had a crush on Azama is one of the funniest S support reveals. Girl your taste in men is horrible!!
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plagues02 · 3 months
Fire Emblem Fates - Retainers Queer HCs
Pride Month 2024 - Day 18
Felicia is a lesbian.
Flora is demiaroace and doesn’t care about the gender of her partners.
Jakob is somewhere on the asexual spectrum and is also biromantic.
Silas is bisexual.
Kaze doesn’t feel the needs to label himself. Whoever he falls for, he falls for.
Saizo took sometime into adulthood to realize his sexuality. He’s gay.
Kagero is bisexual with a female lean.
Setsuna doesn’t care much for romance or sex. She’s very indifferent to it.
Azama is somewhere on the aromantic spectrum.
Hinata is a trans man who uses he/him, and he’s onmisexual.
Oboro is bisexual with a masc lean.
Hana is bisexual with a fem lean.
Subaki doesn’t like labeling himself, but he’s attracted to men and women.
Laslow has a strong lean towards woman, but he is omnisexual.
Peri doesn’t care about the gender of her partners, but she just wants a partner who will be able to keep up with her during battles.
Selena is pansexual.
Beruka is on the aroace spectrum and is very indifferent to both.
Odin is a trans man who uses he/him. He’s very open about this since his scars easily show with his clothes. He is also pansexual.
Niles is canonically bisexual. He has a masc lean. He is also polyamorous.
Effie is mpsec with a masc lean.
Arthur is mpsec with a fem lean.
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Subaki and Azama are such bitches I love them
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fuzzy-ren · 2 years
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my piece to commemorate myself clearing endwalker on my wol setsuna alt. if you havent seen it on my twitter (bladeoftruths for my xiv side acc), i made an alt on JP server based on her, and her story is TLDR fe fates but with xiv lore here and there.
this is also to mirror a piece i did last year, but them in ARR.
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etchabot · 2 years
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Hi sorry Hoshido had my favorite characters in Fates and I’m going to kiss them all on the mouth (january 2022)
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childofaura · 2 years
This might be an unpopular opinion regarding the recent Ninja banner but I honestly think that Beruka would’ve been more fitting for this banner since the recent Ninja banner consists of Wyvern Riders.
Also, the reason why Beruka would’ve fitted more is asides from being a wyvern rider, she’s a professional assassin for one and she just gives me ninja vibes.
What do you think?
Nah, I don't think that's unpopular, I think that's actually a way better choice than Camilla getting a ninth alt.
... Like holy shit, Camilla has nine alts. Ugh.
I personally feel like the "Wyvern Ninja" theme was too restrictive as it was anyways, because that's such a limited number of Heroes to choose from. I guarantee they just wanted an excuse to put Camilla on the banner and everyone else was just an after-thought. Like I've been waiting for YEARS for Ninja Shura, especially because he was a legitimate ninja in Fates who was professionally trained to serve the royal family. It would be AMAZING to see him as a ninja!
... But sorry, yeah I got side-tracked. Anyways you're right, Beruka would have been the superior choice. Given that she can support with Saizo and has a background in assassination, seeing her in ninja garb would have been awesome. She's been in since day one like Cherche, but still hasn't gotten her alt yet. Plus her getting to enjoy a festival would be great for her character.
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randomkposts · 5 months
I know I've mentioned this before, but I keep thinking back to how funny it is that Setsuna and Azama were the retainers who stayed in Revelations. As much as she cares about them, Azama and Setsuna are the least retainer like Retainers in the game.
Setsuna and Azama were introduced to the player in chapter 8 of Birthright by Setsuna falling into a trap, and Azama laughing at her. Then, Azama points out that he has no weapons so it will be Hinoka protecting him, while Setsuna falls into yet another trap. Hinoka ends that particular conversation with these words.
"Gods. I knew I couldn't rely on the two of you, but this is worse than I imagined! Just try and hold it together long enough for us to see this through, all right? Maybe Ryoma and Takumi can help me babysit, once we finally catch up to them..."
Setsunas support topics
Trap supports full:- 3 Corrin, Jacob, Silas
Supports involving traps:- 7 ,Kaze, Kaden, Takumi, Ryoma (most of it is about Archery, but traps come back in the A support), Selena & Arther(also about shopping), Hinoka and Setsuna make it through most of their support chain about learning to cook something edible before Setsuna comes across mouse traps. So close
Supports involving hunting- 4. Takumi, Kaden, Kaze, Hayato.
Trap free supports and topics:- 8. Subaki, Saizo, Kagero and Hana - training, Azama -cooking, Hayato -Her ability to hum, Hinata-medicine, Niles- privilege.
Setsuna can grocery shop. Seems to be able to cook when not being experimental. Can lure animals by humming to kill them, would instantly destroy the message in a game of broken telephone, has trouble following directions (probably beacuse she gets so distracted), comes from a rich family, and is good at archery. It once took her a day to make it to the archery range beacuse she fell into every trap in the vicinity, and got upped in the S support where it took two days.
To contrast the diffrence between Setsuna and Saizo as retainers, we look at his support with her. Saizo ensures Ryoma is asleep first, gets up before him, gets his clothes and breakfast, and watches for Hazards. In contrast, Setsuna goes to bed, wakes up in the morning after Hinoka has put out her clothes and breakfast for her, and then goes to practice archery, where presumbly based on other supports, she gets caught in a trap. Hinoka Just straight up decided "shes hopless at everything in retainering but archery, so I might as well learn to enjoy the chores." Both Saizo and Kagaro are trying to teach her how to do her job better and are not seen succeeding.
One more stat. S support proposals that involve traps: Corrin, Jacob, Kaze, Silas, Takumi, Kaden, Ryoma, Arthur.
Now lets do Azama. And start with a Quote from his conversation with Arthur.
"Hahaha. Me? Support her? Listen, I barely do anything. SHE supports me. You're not likely to meet a tougher customer anywhere in the world"
Like Setsuna, someone takes Azama on for retainer training. Unfourtunatly for for the people who need to work with them, its Felicia, which means this does not happen before he and Setsuna are the only retainers left between the Hosidan older siblings.
Azama is a weird holy man. He has killed a bear durring meditation lessons, drove Sakura to anger strongly enough that she snapped a staff in half, doesn't want to bother to try healing people he feels are certian to die yet goes out of his way to heal Effie, has been Hinokas retainer for years, and is insanely presumptuous when proposing to a lot of people including both royal ladies. He also apparantly teases people he has feelings for, and genrally does not have the manor one would expect of the healer or monk. He's aggravating.
Hanas and Subaki's support is around training, in baffling ways.
Beruka, Mozu, Orochi, Hinoka, Hayato, Kagaro, Oboro, and Kaden all invole Azuma being a strange person, and usually insulting them. Arthur is the one who discovers his backstory.
"The rumor is that you were the second son to a family that ran a shrine for many years. You were a troublemaker who loved to mouth off about everything. But after trekking through the woods, you discovered the ascetic lifestyle. And eventually you settled down enough to be suitable for monkhood. Is that all true?"
And apparantly, it is true.
"I also heard that when you were training in the mountains, you met a pegasus rider. She had fallen and injured herself. That rider was Lady Hinoka. She was so impressed with your conduct that she searched high and low to find you. When she finally did, she requested that you become her retainer. In fact, I heard that you're the only person she named to the palace guard. "
(Of course this is all based in english translation. I wonder if the Japanese gives more details about them that I missed. )
Save that there were 2 people Hinoka named to the palace guard. Azuma and Setsuna. The two personal retainers who didn't defect to corrins army. (Yukimura is loyal to Hoshido first and foremost.) Saizo and Kagaro left in chapter 11. The Hoshidan older siblings don't join Corrin's army until chapter 16, five chapters later. They meet in chapter 13, in Cyrkensia, and can make their betrayal known. It appears durring that time, Ryomas been hanging with Scarlett, while Hinoka has been defending the home.
Which means, their inability to be typical retainers has been Yukimuras problem and the castle defence. And it seems to have made them more serious. Or at least, have a better introduction.
Azama: "I apologize for interrupting this happy family reunion, Lady Hinoka...but you have forgotten to introduce us, your loyal retainers."
Corrin: "Huh? You are...?"
Azama: "I am called Azama. If you make foolish mistakes and injure yourselves, I can put you right."
Setsuna: "Um... I'm Setsuna. I'm good with...a bow. ...Azama... You are standing on my foot."
Azama: "Ahaha! My apologies!"
Hinoka: "As Azama said, these two are my retainers! Don't judge them by appearances; they come through when it counts."
Still does not seem to change the fact that Hinoka is the one making breakfast. Yukimura is here pulling his hair out.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 3 months
random rev observations as we head into valla:
jakob/severa is really really cute. (s/o to @/wonderlandteaparty for reccing that). their whole support chain was endearing as it was hammy, and i especially love severa's c support with dwyer and her being refreshingly honest about jakob's faults as much as she loves him LOL - charmingly goofy, but honest. it's making me regret i have too many staff users to put dwyer in the rotation but i'll be using him another route soon (maybe CQ with flora?) fates is definitely the only fe where i have an excess of staff users on average.
kana sucks so bad as a dread fighter lol, it's mostly his abyssmal lack of str. i may have to reclass him back into a dragon for the dragonstone (< this is probably the fault of gunter growths, i'm just in denial LOL).
azama is. so weird. i haven't gotten a bead on him yet and so far i think i like just how. absolutely balls off the wall morbid (refreshingly so?) he is... i also really like how he gives no shits about how "likeable" he comes across, and yet how it doesn't come across as a ""quirk". he's either going to climb surprisingly high on the favorites list or on the dislike list depending on how good the supports are. (tentatively supporting him with azura?)
using only non royals is hard. still doable unlike CQ lunatic (disregarding crazy minmaxing), but i'm having to turtle along since everyone's as flimsy as wet paper. kagero's a decent mage tank and subaki's an okay physical tank as a grandmaster but still folds to a critical. (tho i liked their supports too. him being genuinely supportive of her painting was cute too.)
speaking of it's kind of hilarious when corrin/gunter (paired up) is by far my best tank with his +6/+4 to her def/str and the extra-fast guard activation.
him protecting her like that is kind.... of .... morbidly...... amusing.... considering .... what's happening to him plot wise >:D >:D >:D
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applebyss-snakybite · 4 months
Part 6 of Mobianification of Fire Emblem Fates character. Aka: FE fates: Mobian AU
If you don't know the Fire Emblem Fates characters/never played the game(s), you can see them as Sonic ocs HEAVILY inspired by the characters.
Next, we got the retainers of the Hoshidian family. Each with a little drawing of their interaction with the royal they serve.
So, first, we got Saizo the chameleon and Kagero the scorpion. They serve Ryoma. Saizo is the brother of Kaze. Thus, they are the same species, and Kagero is a scorpion because of the fe fates ninja skill of poison strike and her tendency of ending up drawing creepy things every time she does art. (This drawing seems a bit more rushed than the others. Still, we can see their traits. For example, Saizo lost his tail, and Kagero has a bow behind her head.)
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Next, there's Azama the Porcupine (because of his spiky haircut) and Setsuna the Tapir. They serve Hinoka. Setsuna is a tapir because of this animal symbolism with dreams, and Setsuna main traits are that she daydreams to the point that she's elsewhere completely.
Then, there's Hinata the shiba and Oboro the Squirrel. They serve Takumi. Hinata is often overexcited and is very loyal to Takumi (almost like his lap dog), and the shiba inu is a japanese dog breed and is very energetic in nature. I wanted something cute for Oboro and give her something with a bushy tail since she likes taking care of her and the others' hairs. She's also a tailor, so she's very meticulous, and squirrels are resourceful and meticulous creatures.
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Finally, we got Subaki the Dove and Hana the Shiba. They serve Sakura. Hana is a shiba as, just like Hinata, is a samurai with brown hair, extremely loyal to their lord, and energetic. (And I ship 'em.) Subaki is a dove because he is (or at least, he thinks) perfect and pure. And, he's a flying unit, so an avian he is.
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Worst Fire Emblem Parent Tournament Poll: Round 1 Masterpost
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Hello everyone, after a week these are our contenders for the tournament!
Out of all of them, who will prove to be the most rotten parent in all of Fire Emblem? That's up to you to decide!
Round 1 Matches
Darin vs Anankos (Body)
Lima IV vs Silas
Hel vs Xander
Quan vs Niles
Sonia vs Sombron
Jeralt vs Garon (fake)
Kaden vs Sumeragi
Zephia vs Jedah
Rhea vs Volkhard von Arundel
Sothis vs Ashnard
Chrom, Emmeryn and Lissa's father vs Grima
Tharja vs Gustav (Heroes)
Eldigan vs Nowi
Saizo vs Garcia
Validar vs Hinata
Keaton vs Jakob
Hayato vs Ryoma
Subaki vs Mycen
Lonato vs Hilda (FE4)
Matthias Gautier vs Gilbert Dominic
Azama vs Leo
Rudolf vs Hyacinth
Rufus Blaiddyd vs Grégoire von Varley
Benny vs Garon (real)
Ionius IX vs Ethlyn
Hellene vs Azura
Corrin vs Ludwig von Aegir
Laslow vs Gunter
Naga vs Kaze
Arthur vs Takumi
Odin Dark vs Nergal
Desmond vs Eremiya
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fefuckability · 1 year
The Fates Bracket Qualifier! Starts September 11th at 3pm EDT
Here's how it's going to work:
There are going to be 10 qualifying polls (six for the men, four for the women)
Pick your favorite from each poll
Polls will run for one week (I’d prefer 3 days but alas Tumblr doesn’t offer the option yet)
The top 32 male characters and the top 32 female characters will qualify for the men’s and women’s brackets
Qualifier 1 (F!Corrin, Azura, Felicia, Flora, Mozu, Lilith, Anna, Rinkah, Charlotte)
Qualifier 2 (Hinoka, Kagero, Setsuna, Oboro, Camilla, Peri, Selena, Beruka, Nyx*)
Qualifier 3 (Sophie, Mitama, Caeldori, Rhajat, Selkie, Soleil, Ophelia, Nina, Velouria)
Qualifier 4 (Candace, Daniela, Mikoto, Layla, Cassita, Arete, Reina, Orochi, Scarlet)
Qualifier 5 (M!Corrin, Jakob, Silas, Kaze, Shura, Gunter, Lloyd, Llewlyn)
Qualifier 6 (Ryoma, Saizo, Azama, Xander, Laslow, Odin, Haitaka, Kumagera, Tarba)
Qualifier 7 (Takumi, Hinata, Subaki, Leo, Niles, Arthur, Senno, Omozu, Zhara)
Qualifier 8 (Kaden, Keaton, Benny, Kotaro, Kilma, Funke, Daichi, Gazak, Nichol)
Qualifier 9 (Shigure, Dwyer, Shiro, Asugi, Hisame, Siegbert, Forrest**, Ignatius, Rainbow Sage)
Qualifier 10 (Yukimura, Izana, Fuga, Sumeragi, Garon, Anankos, Hans, Iago, Zola)
I am also adding a Google Form to submit characters for an enby bracket so Limstella, Kyza, and Bramimond don't get left out. These can be characters from any game as long as there is canon basis for them being nonbinary.
Extra notes under the cut
Characters who are excluded from voting:
Anyone who obviously both looks and acts like a literal child. Some characters are borderline so discretion may be used
Anyone who lacks either a portrait or a unique name
Characters not in human form (e.g. Human!Anankos is included but Dragon!Anankos is not)
Characters who are technically included in Fates via Einherjar or Amiibo, but would fit better with another game's poll (e.g. Marth)
*Yes I know Nyx looks young, but considering she's canonically very old + her entire thing is that she actually acts her age even if she doesn't look it, I've decided to allow her
**Forrest canonically refers to himself as a man so he's going with the men
***Hana and Effie are not included because they are canonically supposed to be around the same age as Sakura and Elise respectively. Given the absolute oldest Sakura can possibly be is ~15 (and Elise is likely younger) it seemed fair to exclude them too.
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firehananas · 5 months
Interpretations about the different M!Kana
You need to read this post before, because it'd make no sense otherwise.
These interpretations are MY interpretations, take them with a grain of salt (and don't hesitate to voice your own opinion!)
Regarding Shura and Saizo, I think it come with the idea of foraging as their works ask them to be very adaptative (it’s also something Shura comments in rank C, saying he had to "ingest some stinky and exotic food" at some point in his life). I think Saizo has to teach him how to found wild vegetables and roots because, even if Asugi is here, being a ninja is very risky and he better be prepared in case something happen to him. Kaze may not because Midori could be teaching him now and is probably more lax in general regarding his legacy, being the second born himself and Kana being the younger of the Saizo's family.
I like to think Izana could be a vegetarian for cultural reasons. There is no canon explanation or hint for this, but I think it could made sense for him allegedly being from a peaceful nation and descendant of god and all.
I’m also surprised Azama doesn’t have a Kana cooking vegetables too, as he is inspired by Buddhist monks, but maybe he let him experiment and choose for himself (or in this univers, it’s okay to eat meat for them). 
I have no idea why Silas!Kana do this cooking tho because Silas is a lordly knight, so meat is not something expansive for him, he is supposed to know what Corrin likes to eat as his best friend/lover (I’m referring to his dialogues about Corrin childhood’s favorite, who aren’t all vegetarian food) and his cooking is standard just like him. 
I don’t know why Odin!Kana do it either (however I don’t know him very well especially as Owain, so maybe he mentions to be a vegetarian or something in Awakening?).
Some of the Kana could be more inclined to feed the horses because of their closeness with animals (Keaton, Kaden) or having a cavalier father (Silas, Gunter, Xander, Leo, Subaki). I can’t really explain why so many of them do it tho, but it’d make sense at least for these ones. Maybe Kana just likes animals/horses specifically by default?
I’m pretty sure Odin!Kana does give the maps to his mom to throw a bone to the Awakening fans (Robin being a tactician and pretty close to Lissa). Could also influenced by Odin/Owain's love of weapons and thus strategy tie to it (eventually). 
Shura and Izana can come out as surprising, but maybe show their Kana have a better global understanding of the wars than the others. Maybe the other Kana are being sugarcoated about war, like it was for Elise and Corrin (and for some extend Sakura), especially if they already have an eldest to take the charge. Gunter and Laslow already have lost their families once, and probably don’t want their sons to do anything too dangerous ; Yukimura and the royals know better than anyone how harsh the war can be. Kaden and Keaton would probably not understand what would be the point of a map - not because they are dumb (well, some could argue about Keaton), but it’s not something that would made sense culturally. 
However, Izana and Shura have no reason to sugarcoat or aren’t ignorant enough about strategy. 
By joining Corrin’s army, Izana had broken his vow of neutrality, making his realm in danger: he has to win for its sake. Even if he is goofy most of the time, he can be serious when needed (as show in his support with his son already) and Kana is most likely to take his position after him, so it’s very serious not only for his people, but for his legacy. Barring the legacy (?) this could also applied to Odin too.
Shura is honest to a fault at this point of his life, it’s very much implied Kana knows his past as an outlaw. His Japanese support on the festival of bond have him mimicking his father’s brooding way to be and confirm he knows at least the basic ("I’m a dirty outlaw… stay away from me" etc.). He could have transmit him to think before running to the battlefield, especially since he was the leader of his gang: he had to plan his battles, going to which approach to choose and what do do in case it doesn’t go his way, as it seems to him to be the better option: his son as to be prepared to whatever could happen to them.
This part is tricker because it can be interpreted in multiple ways and are tied to a part of Kana’s insecurities. Kana reacts when his father compliments his good work and it makes him snap to what Corrin told him. It can be show that Kana is either overthinking (as his fathers said) or him paying more attention in general.
I was actually very surprise that Kaze, Arthur, Kaden and Benny’s Kana didn’t notice and/or weren’t honest, but maybe it just didn’t cross their mind it could be considered as "cheating": all of these Kana are self-assured. 
Jakob, Subaki and Hayato are generally petty even as father, so Kana could be ignoring it to make sure to win, even if they technically cheat a little.
Jakob and the royals have probably putting some pression on their sons (more or less consciously) and thus, admitting they have twist their mother’s words could be more difficult than the other: it's too late for that now. Can be especially true for Xander!Kana, as he is the one showing some insecurity compared to the other royals. May also be true for Fuga!Kana, as Fuga is a chieftain too.
I do think Yukimura is pretty secretive in general, as for Niles. Kana may have notice his mother complimenting his works but not thanking him and her sad look, but didn't tell their father willingly. His will to win was stronger than being honest.
Hinata!Kana and Keaton!Kana could just be inattentive like their fathers and thus not coming from malicious intents.
Now, for the one who did tell the true, there are: Silas, Shura, Saizo, Azama, Odin, Izana and Gunter.
Silas is the paragon of virtue by excellence and probably encourages his son to follow his exemple. He is kind and always willing to lend a hand to whoever in need, and he seems to me to be emotionally intelligent in the plot and support. Kana probably inherits his traits, thus why he is also one of the Kana noticing his mother's sadness.
Saizo is a harsh but also a honest father, wanting the best for his children. He shows a gentler side to Kana (while still being himself and excepting a lot from his children in general). Due to his training as a ninja, he probably taught Kana to be attentive to the body's languages and wording as he can found clues/hints for their missions and preventing betrayal (like his own father had been). Kana may told him what he notices out of habits to make him reports, knowing every single details are important (and wishing his approval of his good works too).
Shura is a honest man after he joins Corrin's army, wanting to leave his past as an outlaw as much as possible. He seems to be very close to Kana (see below in tidbits) and I think he communicates quite well with his son... but it also shows Kana's insecurity, promptly questioning himself about being a bother to his mother. I think it's because of that Kana didn't pick up the sadness of Corrin, being to caught in his own troubles and possibly misunderstanding her expression as awkwardness and annoyance.
Izana seems to be open at heart with Kana, and very doting (see his support with M!Corrin). Kana mays be confortable enough to tell him the truth, as his insecurity.
A little like but more "troll" than Saizo, Azama is honest. We can call out this man for being mean-spirited (to the point Kana is suspicious about his father being helpful to his mother), but he does think what he says. Beside, being a Monk, he probably encourages Kana to be honest too, by principes.
Odin is a bit tricker, but I think him being over the top and encouraging towards his children no matter how "weird" and strange they can be may have play to him being honest.
|-> Emotional intelligence:
Remember: Silas, Saizo, Izana and Gunter's are the ones noticing the "sad smile" of their mother.
I've already explain for Silas, Shura and Saizo so let's jump to Izana, Gunter Azama and Odin.
Izana is smart. It's something overlooked because of his silly personality, but he is very clever. In his support with F!Corrin, he cut off the conversation because he feels Corrin was being uncomfortable and didn't want her to worry about him. One also could wonder if his fortune telling is real and not just base on observation (even Corrin herself doubts it at some point). Plus, like said before, he is some sort of royalty, so he has to be sharp. With this in mind, it's something he could have taught his son.
Gunter has already had a son and is wise enough to let his child expresses himself and be vulnerable around his parents. I feel Gunter is being very patient with him, and thus his son is calmer and more observant than most.
I think why Azama!Kana didn't pick up her mother sad expression is tied to the lack of sympathy Azama shows to others (and not his lack of empathy, because he knows perfectly where to press the buttons thanks to it).
At last, Odin is not very observant either (or, more probably, see only what he wants to see) such as claiming he makes her wife smiles thanks to his heroic exploits and tales... and when Kana grimaces at the thought, Odin claims "IT'S THE SMILE!". So well...
Either, you saw it strictly as it is: some Kana are more insecure than the others. Or… you can see it as Kana being more okay to show some vulnerabilities to their father. In other words: the other Kana are as insecure as other ones, but are more open to talk to some their father.
Odin and Shura doesn’t come off as very surprising to have the most expressive/insecure Kana. Odin is very dramatic in general and it mays have rub off on Kana in that way, making him a little drama king (lol).  Shura tho, it’s a little… more sad. See, think about it: what happen if Miss "Everything is my fault!" and Mister "If I die, it’s maybe for the best" have a child? 
This insecurity comes back in said festival of bonds where Kana is all jumpy and worry about upsetting his dad. I think the reason why Shura!Kana is more expressive than Niles!Kana is because Niles keeps his insecurity mostly for himself. You really have to dig to see him unsure, or even sad instead of cocky and flirty. Shura is, as said above, honest to a fault. He doesn’t have a façade, especially around Corrin (be it either male or female), and his horrible self-esteem never completely fade. Post-mariage, he keeps saying he is "grateful" for being choose by Corrin and wants to work on himself because she loves him. It’s a start for sure (especially in a world where therapy sounds like some mysterious medicine), but it wouldn’t be enough on the long run (and by the Dragons, let’s not start talking about a "fail route" if Corrin dies or leaves him). So, yeah, subconsciously, Kana inherits from the poor self esteem of his old man.
Izana being very expressive himself mays encourage Kana to be more open about what he feels (he honestly seems to be a person you can easily talk when not in "let's go party" persona).
I generally think the Corrinsexual!Kana show more insecurity because they don't have a sibling. Thought Kana & his sibling support is unfortunately not as interesting as the one with his father, it also show they have a good relationship as a whole. I think it helps him feeling less lonely and have someone to talk when it becomes too difficult with his parents. It's also probably why F!Kana is insecure by default because, unless Corrin is married to Azura, she's always an only child.
Other tibits I forgot to give:
Izana, Shura, Azama (in a sort of way) are the only one calling out Kana for technically cheating. Azama just makes it notice while Izana and Shura are more teasing (Shura called him "little ogre" and Izana "little squirtbag" for cheating)
Some father have variations about the time Kana was a baby: Izana called him a "little fleshy, pink squishbubble", Shura said that "not so long ago [he was] soiling his underwear", Yukimura said he was "a cute little lump" (Laslow too but adds "pink"), Odin said he was an "undreamed dream", Gunter called him a "little babe", Benny "a little lump" Keaton said "a lump" without any adjective and Saizo a "crying pink lump" |-> Azama doesn't have this dialogue, instead saying "Heheheh... Well, good job. Listening to you now, you're sounding so grown up and responsible. I never thought I'd see the day where you were tripping over yourself to do dishes. It makes me realize that maybe I was treating you like a child, too..."
Izana gives a ton of nicknames to Kana and seems to be the dad to make punjokes everytime (Kana doesn’t say anything to this)
The fathers being present for the birth of Kana, implying they were next to Corrin in labor are: Shura, Azama, Arthur and Izana. They also add they kept "a close eye on [his] age" or something similar.
Fathers with a hot-blooded or sharp temper (Takumi, Saizo, Keaton...) have a Kana pouting more than the others.
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outrealmbarracks · 2 years
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fuzzy-ren · 2 years
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illustration i did for invincible zine's season for two zine, ft. summer setsuna/azama duo unit. still reeling over no setsuna or azama alt in FEH.
i also include some concept designs for summer azasetsu; aside from that i was gonna considering doing a second piece ft. picnic ferdinand/subaki, but i got too busy halfway thru last sem :')
(tho im willing to bet that its gonna take a while before ferdie's eng VA got recasted for FEH.... i miss billy kametz already :') )
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emblemxeno · 9 months
Rev's balance is uniquely bad though. I dont think any game in the series has over half its cast be utter dogshit like Rev's does. 12/16 retainers, Nyx, Rinkah, Benny, Charlotte, Elise, Gunter,
12/16 retainers are bad??? Subaki and Beruka have flight utility, Selena's fine, Hana's alright aside from the strength debuff, Saizo and Kagero have thief, dagger, and pair up utility, and Oboro and Hinata are goated. That's more half than anything, plus Peri, Niles, and Azama can still have utility use as well.
Gunter has early good movement and pair up, Rinkah and Benny have good pair up, Elise has healer utility, etc. Plus, in all honesty, while their stats aren't up to snuff, you have grinding and most of the characters are near, at, or above level 10 for class change.
There's too many uses for units to perform in Fates beyond level and stats to declare the cast wholesale badly balanced. Especially when games like the GBA trilogy and Radiant Dawn notoriously have units either wildly outperform or underperform to the point where certain units being used or not used is outright seen as a detriment.
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Well, I just spent a few hours on this. Thanks, ADHD Hyperfixations. Anyways, here’s the general ages I came up with for the Three Frats AU relative to the 3H cast’s ages in the academy phase. Some are canon, others are modified canon, and others are straight up vibe guesses. I didn’t include any of the shapeshifters on here since they’re up in the air.
31+ - Vaida, Renault, Saber, Valbar, Gregor, Basilio, Flavia, Volke, Reina, Yukimura, Shura, Gilliam, basically anyone old enough to have their own kids or just obviously older than 30 something 30 - Arvis, Uther, Oswin, Hawkeye, Deen, Miriel, Libra, Shinon, Azama, Arthur (Fates) 29 - Aida, Pent, Louise, Dorcas, Isadora, Harken, Karla, Zeke, Stefan, Izana, Emmeryn, Gerik, Tethys 28 - Claud, Bartre, Natalie, Mathilda, Kamui, Fredrick, Virion, Sigrun, Gatrie, Xander, Saizo 27 - Beowulf, Lucius, Canas, Farina, Legault, Clive, Robin, Say'ri, Bastian, Heather, Tanith, Ryoma, Kagero, Scarlet, Glen (FE8) 26 - Balthus, Arden, Hector, Rath, Leila, Geitz, Karel, Lloyd, Linus, Sully, Cordelia, Kellam, Lon'qu, Calil, Rhys, Camilla, Orochi, Setsuna, Niles, Nyx, Benny 25 - Sigurd, Eldigan, Quan, Naoise, Ayra, Lewyn, Chulainn, Eliwood, Kent, Raven, Matthew, Dart, Fiora, Python, Forsyth, Sonia, Chrom, Vaike, Stahl, Cherche, Zihark, Lucia, Hinoka, Beruka, Peri, Joshua, Saleh, Cormag 24 - Edain, Brigid, Alec, Jamke, Lex, Sain, Lowen, Lukas, Leon, Jesse, Sumia, Gaius, Tharja, Geoffrey, Oscar, Jakob, Effie, Charlotte, Seth 23 - Deirdre, Tailitu, Azelle, Midir, Erinys, Wil, Heath, Ursula, Palla, Maribelle, Olivia, Henry, Kieran, Makalov, Kaze, Azura, Natasha, Glenn (3H), Rennac 22 - Mercedes, Lachesis, Lyn, Florina, Luthier, Lissa, Aran, Nephenee, Felicia, Flora, Rinkah, Silas, Syrene 21 - Jeritza, Byleth, Sylvia, Serra, Erk, Priscilla, Tatiana, Conrad, Ricken, Elincia, Marcia, Astrid, Boyd, Leo, Takumi, Oboro, Hinata, Artur, L'Arachel 20 - Hubert, Hapi, Catria, Atlas, Ike, Fiona, Jill, Mia, Lute, Innes, Knoll 19 - Sylvain, Yuri, Leonie, Finn, Dew, Guy, Rebecca, Silque, Berkut, Rinea, Fernand, Donnel, Pelleas, Ilyana, Tormod, Hana, Subaki, Mozu, Erika, Ephraim, Colm, Niemi, Forde, Kyle, Lyon 18 - Dorothea, Dedue, Raphael, Lorenz, Hilda, Constance, Monica, Jaffar, Gray, Faye, Clair, Mist, Soren, Hayato, Vanessa, Tana 17 - Edie, Dimi, Claude, Bernie, Ferdie, Felix, Ingrid, Marianne, Ignatz, Alm, Tobin, Celica, Mae, Sothe, Laura, Sakura, Elise 16 - Caspar, Linhardt, Ashe, Annette, Nino, Est, Boey, Genny, Leonardo, Meg, Ross 15 - Lysithea, Petra, Kliff, Edward, Franz 14 - Cyril, Oifey, Amelia, Ewan 13 - Delthea, Sanaki, Shannan
You entering a trace and emerging with an age list of (I presume) every FE that you’ve ever played. It happens. I get it. (I do have to point out that Saizo and Kaze are twins, so maybe we split the difference on their estimates? 25? 26?)
Mostly however I am going to be thinking about the 13-year-olds tier. There is such powerful energy there. I don’t know what’s going to happen if you put the three of them in the same room, but I know it will be happening, and there is no force on all the continents that could stop them if they put their mind to something.
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