#aziraphale has body image issues
winterrain-11 · 9 months
Drinking on a Sunday Afternoon
Inspired by a comic by @hollisartsblog
Crowley was — as he was most Sunday nights — piss drunk. He thought it a harmless way to spite the Almighty in a way that wouldn’t earn him accolades in hell. Plus, he got to be inebriated, which was always a fun time along with letting him feel a bit more human.
Aziraphale occasionally joined him — not in the blasphemy aspect, but in the inconsequential indulgence. Plus, Sundays were their date nights (they had finally started calling them dates recently, after around 80 years of having weekly fine-dining excursions, it was impossible NOT to see them as dates) and they usually started lightly drinking at dinner either way. Sooner or later, a bottle of shared Pinot Noir turned into two, then an added whiskey back at the bookshop, then a few weeks later two whiskeys and so it continued.
This particular night, the pair had drank several glasses of sherry at a local Italian restaurant a few blocks from A.Z. Fell & Co on their recent spout of acquainting themselves with the local businesses. (this was all the Angel’s idea of course, but it brought a smile to Aziraphale’s face and that was all it needed to do to drag Crowley along). After a few hours of banter and a few spilled glasses, they were properly tipsy. The two stumbled along the dimly lit Soho sidewalk, leaning on one another and laughing at long forgotten jokes, hands intertwined with one another.
Back at the bookshop, Crowley immediately sauntered towards the liquor cabinet, pulling out a still-sealed bottle of a dark bourbon like one would pull a rabbit out from a hat. Aziraphale let out a noise that could only be described as a groan of hesitant enthusiasm, slouching back further onto the old leather couch he had made his way onto.
“Eh?” Crowley did a drunken little jig, the contents of the bottle sloshing around as he attempted to gain the Angel’s approval, “Wha’d'ya say, Angel?”
“Oh,” Aziraphale sighed, a slight smile forming on his lips, “I don’t see why not. Give ‘er here, dear boy.”
The Angel conjured two whiskey glasses with the wave of a hand, taking the bottle from the Demon, who had thrown himself onto the couch next to Aziraphale, legs swinging up and over the arm of it and his own arm draped around his Angel. He poured them both a glass, Crowley prompting a silent toast as he raised his glass with a smirk before downing the liquor along with Aziraphale.
One glass turned to two, then three, and halfway through this third glass is where Aziraphale stopped. Crowley continued on, the Angel – though satisfied himself – not wanting to snuff his Demon’s fun.
A few hours later, Aziraphale was slouched further down the couch, still sweating from the alcohol, feeling heavy and slow within his inebriation. Crowley, however, was currently trying not to spill his fifth glass and failing at being coherent.
“C’mon, y’know, the… the thing!” Crowley slurred, elbowing Aziraphale, “”s the bugger’s name? The fucking – the thing!”
Aziraphale, having not a single clue what ‘the thing’ could be, moved the Demon’s hand from his shoulder, “Dear, I think you should sober up a bit.”
“Nah,” Crowley pulled Aziraphale close into a side hug, the Angel’s shoulders scrunching up to his ears as he was shaken like a sickly, extremely intoxicated maraca, “Nah, ‘aving fun here with you.”
Aziraphale cracked an uncomfortable smile, “That’s very kind, dear. But no more to drink for you. Shall we possibly call it a night?”
“Agh, Angel, the fun was just beginning!” the Demon hissed, moving his hand to graze Aziraphale’s jaw with this thumb.
Aziraphale raised his brow, confused but intrigued by the gesture. Before he could respond, Crowley began again, “You’re dashing, you know that? Always loved that bow tie of yours. Compliments your eyes.”
Aziraphale scoffed, lazily shooing the Demon with his hand and he turned to hide his blush, “Oh hush, you old serpent. When did you become a sentimental drunk?”
“Dunno, but ‘s true! You’re a strapping young laddie if I’ve ever seen one,” the Demon drunkenly lifted himself off of the couch, “A fine man worthy of a courtship I reckon,” he lazily bowed, leaning to grab Aziraphale’s hand, “I have a modest dowry of ten chickens and a three-legged goat if you’ll have me.”
Aziraphale chuckled, pulling himself up from the couch, grabbing Crowley’s other hand and pulling them both face to face, “Oh, what a deal. I’ll have to consider it.”
“Oh, whatever shall I do to win your affections?” Crowley dipped, hand to his forehead in a sarcastic sigh.
“Well, certainly not prance around a drunken fool,” the Angel teased, steadying his Demon, “Perhaps sober up a bit and I’ll be more inclined.”
Crowley pulled Aziraphale closer by his hips, his expression suddenly softened and he kissed Aziraphale on the nose softly. The Demon smiled brightly as he pulled away, looking deep into the eyes of the blushing Angel.
“Always loved that smile.”
Aziraphale pulled them both back down on the couch, mumbling some embarrassed slurry in an attempt to dodge compliments, “Crowley, you’re drunk. Now hush.”
“Don’t matter if I’m sloshed or not, still love your smile, aye?” Crowley leaned further onto the Angel, wrapping his arms around the man’s shoulders, their noses touching together, “Love ‘lot ‘bout you, Angel.”
The Demon ran his hands down Aziraphale’s back slowly, rubbing his nose on Aziraphale’s, “Quite the beauty, my Angel.”
“Dear boy–”
Crowley pulled himself closer to the Angel, burying his face in Aziraphale’s neck and kissing it slightly, speaking some other drunken complement into his skin, muffed beyond comprehension.
“Crowley, this is hardly—“
“Cmon Angel, it’ll be great fun,” the Demon purred, not with bad intentions, but in a drunken conviction. Crowley pushed himself on top of Aziraphale, pinning the Angel softly to the couch. Crowley moved his hands down the Angel’s torso, running his fingers down the seam of his waistcoat and lingering at his hips. Aziraphale sucked in hard, trying to apply his better judgment and not enjoy this too much. Crowley slowly made his fingers underneath Aziraphale’s shirt, running his fingers up his torso. Aziraphale shuttered, moving the Demon’s hands away, no matter how much he enjoyed the touch.
“Crowley, plea—“
Before the angle could finish, Crowley cupped his hands around the Angel’s face, pulling himself into a kiss. The kiss was sloppy – but not a bad kiss by any means. Their lips didn’t fit together quite right, and Crowley hadn’t planned on opening his mouth this wide or leaning as far into Aziraphale as he did, but in terms of a first kiss, it was far from the worst one that they could have had. Unfortunately in terms of length, it was short-lived, as Aziraphale pushed Crowley off of him quickly.
“That’s quite enough,” the Angel snapped, “Sober up.” He was demanding, and also redder than he imagined he had ever been, “Now.”
“Oh, Oh no,” Crowley sent a shake down his body, the alcohol absolving from his bloodstream, “Angel, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that you didn’t — Gah, I’m an idiot.”
Aziraphale furrowed his brow, “It’s fine — it’s just—“ he exhaled sharply, “I don’t want either of us to get the wrong idea.”
“How do you mean?” Crowley asked, his voice dropping to a more serious tone.
“I mean that, oh, I don’t want to … let myself get too comfortable, I suppose. Letting myself believe that you desire me when it’s just the alcohol making you want me.”
Aziraphale had gained a lot from humanity, little quirks, stresses, loves — but unfortunately he had also gained insecurities, especially as someone in a body that was fatter than many others around him. He saw the way that humans looked at him versus how they looked at Crowley — with disdain rather than lust. Even the other Angels pointed it out once in a millennia. His size used to be part of the aristocracy, but even throughout the eighteenth century he was never desired as such.
“What?” Crowley exclaimed, nearly stifling a laugh, “Angel, what on Earth are you going on about?”
The Angel tilted his head in confusion, Crowley taking his hands into his own.
“Where did you ever get the idea that I wasn’t attracted to you? Angel, you’re a catch if I’ve ever seen one, I’ll tell you that.”
“I hardly believe that,” Aziraphale twiddled his thumbs in embarrassment, “I mean, come on my dear boy, just look at me.”
The Angel gestured towards his own body, shirt still untucked, hair still unkempt, but face in a depressing grimace unlike Crowley has ever seen.
“Angel, I’m lookin’ at you right now. Have been for the past six thousand years, in fact — and you’re fucking gorgeous.”
Aziraphale paused for a moment, unsure of what to say, then exhaled, “Why now? Why only when we’re drunk?” he pleaded, stepping back closer to the Demon.
Crowley bit his lip, trying to figure out exactly how to put this without sounding like the imbecile he assumed himself to be.
“I just — I hadn’t got the nerve,” the Demon admitted, “I mean, you wonder how a Demon could love an Angel, but how could an Angel, especially one as bloody fantastic and heavenly as you, love a Demon? I supposed over the last few decades it became more, well, apparent that we were more than just friends but …” he began to trail off, regretting miracaling all of the alcohol out of his bloodstream. He cursed himself for even having the thought right after. That was exactly that problem, wasn’t it? He needed the alcohol to open up. He always had.
Aziraphale raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘go on’.
“I guess it just goes to say that I was scared. Scared of what you’d say, what you’d do, what you’d hate me for. The booze just lets it come out a bit easier, I suppose. Liquid courage.”
“So… it’s not that you don’t want to,” Aziraphale started, “It’s that you did want to. And you were worried about my well-being?”
Crowley shrugged, not wanting to admit his lack of courage out loud, but wanting to affirm the Angel.
Aziraphale chuckled, “We really are quite dense, aren’t we?”
“I’d rather say so,” the Demon pulled Aziraphale in closer, placing his hands on the already loosened buttons of his waistcoat, “I’ll say it again Angel, you really are beautiful, inside and out. Especially on the outside at the moment. Messy hair kind of does it for me.”
“Oh shut it, you old serpent ,” Aziraphale chuckled, pulling himself in closer to the Demon, “You’d think after six thousand years we’d learn to better communicate.”
Crowley exhaled, raising his brows as if to say ‘if only’. The Demon rested his chin upon the Angel’s shoulder, giving him a doe-eyed (or rather snake-eyed) muted smile.
Aziraphale placed his forehead against Crowley’s, softly reaching for his jawline, “Assume you’d like another glass before we continue?”
“Nah,” Crowley purred, planting a quick kiss on the Angel’s forehead, “I think I can muster up some of my own courage tonight.”
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aziraphales-library · 9 months
Hi! I hope yall are doing well. I know you're really good at finding fics, so I wanted to see if yall could help me out a bit.
There's this adult omens fic on ao3 where Crowley and Aziraphale finally get together, but Aziraphale has some serious touch issues. So Crowley keeps a checklist of every step they take together, and it ends with them moving to their cottage and getting married. The very last chapter was the final check on their list, which was flying together, and it was so wholesome.
It had a bunch of chapters, and it was my favorite Good Omens fic ever, and I'm worried it may be gone forever, so I wanted to ask the professionals before giving up.
Thanks love!
Hello my dear! I believe you are looking for:
Introduction to Touch by sheendav [146k, rated E]
Aziraphale and Crowley survive the Not-Pocalypse and profess their love for one another, but Aziraphale has tremendous anxiety about pursuing a physical relationship with Crowley. He genuinely wishes to move forward, but past fears surrounding touch, intimacy and body image are prohibiting him from acting on what his heart (and corporation) really want. Crowley is ready to go as slowly and carefully as needed to be there for his Angel as they pursue their new "Arrangement" step by careful, sweet step.
Do enjoy reading!
-Mod AB
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mommyashtoreth · 2 months
Your opinion: fanon crowley not liking/hating his own eyes. (and by extention hating himself...?) i personally dont really like this headcanon and dont think that he hates himself or views himself as worthless at all ETC but i want to know what you think
Strokes my beard sagely. This is one of those things that like. I guess I get why people want to hc this but there's really just nothing in the text to support it. In the show we see Crowley without sunglasses all the time, when he's alone or when he's alone with Aziraphale, and the clear purpose of the glasses is like, literally just to hide his eyes from humans. That's it. Idk I think a lot of people project a lot of what I've taken to calling "angel dysphoria" onto Crowley, where he's constantly tormented by his eyes and his scales and his Fall and his general demon-ness, yknow, angsty art pieces where haggard alcoholic demon-Crowley longs to look like the Sweet And Wholesome angel-Crowley he sees in the bathroom mirror ("transgender short film" style), buuut I don't really think that tracks! He hasn't done a very good job at being a demon but he's not nearly as tortured by his status as people make him out to be. I don't think Crowley hates his eyes because I don't think Crowley hates being a demon because I don't think Crowley hates himself. He might be bitter about how he's treated but I don't think it runs deep enough in him to hate a physical trait about himself like that. Again, I understand WHY people might like writing this, I'm transgender and I have gender dysphoria and fictional depictions of it can help process that, BUT I guess I just think Crowley has a lot of transgender allegory traits in the text you could dive into, and "eye hatred" is not one of them. Idk I guess Crowley and his neurosis is kind of a hard character to pin down correctly and I'm not gonna fault anyone for trying to make it a little easier, but I do like picking him apart like this. Oh also you can have low self-esteem in ways that do not relate to your physical appearance and I think both Crowley and Aziraphale are textually really good examples of this, and yet "Crowley has low self-esteem" is primarily represented as like, "snake-eye hatred angel dysphoria" and "Aziraphale has low self-esteem" is primarily represented as like, "body image issues because that is the only kind of conflict chubby people are allowed to have, apparently". Sorry if I sound bitter LMAO I'm trying to be lighthearted here, I'm just. aheh. someone with low self-esteem that is unrelated to how I look and I like representing that in writing. So it'd be cool if people saw the ways in which that ginger slut and I share so much because I am the most important girl in the world
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thetardigrape · 6 months
Tumblr media
When In Rome
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens) Additional Tags: Mutual Masturbation, What is and isn't a sin anyway?, Crowley has self-serving answers, Bath Houses, Aziraphale Has a Praise Kink (Good Omens), Aziraphale has Body Image Issues, no beta we die like eric Summary:
“Hang on.” Crawly’s voice cuts into Aziraphale’s thoughts. “Does that mean you’ve never done it?” “Done what?” Aziraphale’s brain is sluggishly trying desperately to keep up. Crawly’s lips pull into a smirk. “Got yourself off?” “Got myself off what?” “Angel.” Crawly dips his chin to look pointedly at Aziraphale, and Aziraphale’s stomach does a wild little swoop when the meaning of his words becomes clear.
Crawly teaches Aziraphale about self-pleasure. It's not technically sex, so it's not technically a sin. Right?
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finlands-world · 5 months
Hey there! This is not a new fic; I simply realized it has never been posted on Tumblr, so here it is! A little warning for internalized little/implied homophobia, body image issues, and alcohol consumption (although not a lot here-).
Aziraphale has lived his whole life avoiding activities his old church would have deemed "sinful", but as he gets older, he realizes he wants to discover new things and eliminate the shackles left by his upbringing. Visiting a gay bar for the first time, he meets this drag queen who doesn't seem like the others.
Crowley, a drag artist in his free time, returns a favor to an old friend whose gay bar is missing a Queen for the upcoming show and notices this funny guy who can't seem to keep his eyes off of him.
"As a performer in a short blue wig closed up her act, another one walked onto the stage, and the room fell silent.
She walked up to the mic, swinging her hips in a way Aziraphale had never seen before. She was in this tight-fitting low-necked black dress so long it almost touched the floor, covering her shoes. And it shined, it shined so prettily before his eyes. With a twirl from the Queen, the public learned the dreamy dress was backless, exposing her pale skin and slender features. Her shoulders were adorned with a black feather boa and a cascade of dark ginger curls, with braids scattered throughout. He’d never thought hair could be so mesmerizing. 
She had quite an angular face, defined jawline and high cheekbones, and she didn’t use any padding to accentuate her chest or hips, but it only made her more interesting to the eye.
She wasn’t hidden under layers of foundations like the others before her. In fact, you could only notice the powerful red lipstick, almost the same shade as her hair, and the discreet eyeliner, which complimented her golden-brown eyes beautifully.
Oh how they shone in the stage lights.
Aziraphale was in awe."
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obaewankenope · 2 years
Hi! I've been reading your wonderful Absconding With Harry series, and I've got a question: If I've understood the timeline correctly (what even is time, IDK), Harry will be out of Hogwarts by the time Warlock and Adam are born, and a young adult by the time the Armageddon't rolls around. How does all of GO look from his perspective? The mental image of Harry having increasingly strange phone calls/family dinners with his disaster parents during GO timeline is v. chaotic and funny to me.
Heh. Yeah, that's going to be something I will be addressing eventually in AwH... Eventually xD
Right now, however, here! Have a mini ficlet I just wrote (be proud, this is the first thing I've written and posted in a While).
Harry gets a call sometime in the early morning that, by all rights, he probably shouldn't. In another reality, he wouldn't have received a call at this time at all, but that is a different reality and, thus, irrelevant. His barely-working brain takes a long second—actually, more like four seconds but he's tired so time is a lie—to process the number calling and the answer-machine picks up the call before Harry can coordinate his sleep-addled body to pick up the receiver.
He stands in front of the machine and lets it take the call. Listens as it does so.
Hey kid, just giving you- uh- a call, you know? Don't know if this'll even get through—bloody signal is rubbish—but we promised to give you a heads up if another Big Thing We Don't Talk About is in the works. Figured I'd let you know- but don't worry about being involved in it this time! Different kid, different situation. Me and the Angel are gonna do… something about it... Uh... How's the nest? Anythin' happening with that one of yours, too? The Angel also wants to know if you're coming to the shop this Christmas or one of those fancy parties your one likes so much. Let me know. Or him. Better him. You know he tracks that sort of thing way better than me, anyway… right… uh- talk later kid- Harry… I- we- uh- oh sod it, l-lov-eh you!
Harry stares down at the answer machine a little confused, a lot loved, and concerned somewhere in between. That… well, that was a lot to process at- does the clock say it's three-twenty-two in the morning? 
Merlin, no wonder Harry's brain isn't running well. 
He'll have to speak to his dads in the morning. After nine in the morning, thank you very much. A better time to call and want to share than the witching hour, for sure. Harry snorts. Typical Crowley, that, picking such an awkward time to call. 
Harry smiles as he saves the message. He'll re-listen to it after he's woke up at the correct time in the morning, and go from there. The mention of a Big Thing We Don't Talk About does give Harry some mild stomach upset but- well- they handled one possibly-world-ending-war-catastrophe before, they can handle another. Probably.
"Different kid, he said," Harry murmurs as he climbs back into bed, snuggling down into the warmth blankets and a partner provide. "That's a bit not good." 
He'll have to find out more about that for sure. Maybe ask Hermione if she'll tag along with him to visit the bookshop. Aziraphale adores her passion for books and Crowley has a soft spot for the young woman; they'll let their guard down and won't expect the Hermione Inquisition.*
She'll definitely be able to push her way through any of the hemming-and-hawwing his dads will no doubt do when Harry presses the issue of a different kid possibly being involved in a war of some kind. 
As Harry drifts off back to his land of nod, he has the ingenious thought to drag his partner along with him. His dads never fail to be distracted when Harry does that and it'll make the whole interrogation a lot quicker. 
There's a smile on Harry's face that he doesn't know he's making, the land of nod taking firm grasp of his mind, but it's a smile that the universe has seen many times adorn the faces of mischievous souls and interfering Angels and Demons alike. 
Heaven and Hell don't know the circumstances, or the reason, but something shifts in that singular moment in the cosmos that is going to affect their Plans in ways they lack the imagination to even remotely consider. 
A newborn child, recently mistakenly handed off to the wrong family, experiences something he will be unable to ever put into words but will Understand eleven years from now with absolute clarity when he sees three familiar faces on an airfield in Tadfield and makes a Decision.
Although this reality differs in many ways to others with the same people and the same plans, the one thing that seems to always exist in them is the most unassuming, underestimated thing: the capacity to love something not yet seen or known and the ability to do Anything to protect the focus of that love. 
Condolences, from the cosmos incidentally, to those who dismiss such a thing: not really, though. 
* Hermione Inquisition is, for the reader here who is unaware, a little joke based on The Spanish Inquisition from Monty Python. Crowley was very proud of that little joke when he heard it the first time. Thus, he instilled a love of it in Harry and has, repeatedly, been blindsided by not expecting the Spanish Inquisition. The Hermione Inquisition is one Crowley has fallen victim of many times, often his own fault, and Harry takes great pleasure in reminding his dad: "you're the one who taught Hermione to question things and not just believe books and authority figures" to which Crowley often replies: "rude" and sulks for half an hour as a snake in the nest.
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myfairstarlight · 10 months
Of Devoted Creation
AO3 Link
Pre-Canon / no season 2 spoilers
they/them pronouns being used for Aziraphale, and she/her for pre-fall Crowley
Length: 2.5k
⋆ ✩₊˚ ʚ♡ɞ ˚₊✩⋆
As ether became incandescent stars under the fascinated eyes of two angels, another creation was born within the Cherubim as they gazed upon the nebula, safely nestled under the wing of the Seraphim beside them.
The Cherubim called themself Aziraphale, helper of the damned, although they do not know it yet, as She had named and appointed them. The Seraphim, on the other hand, bore a name she would soon forsake and thus has no interest in being used presently.
“So, you were saying you were designing people?” the Seraphim asked eventually once the meteor shower settled and her own ire at the idea of her creation being destroyed died down enough. She lowered her wing, gentle brown eyes falling upon the younger angel who perked up.
“Oh! Yes!” Aziraphale exclaimed, hands already going wild at the prospect of explaining. “It is still a work of progress of course, not as… not as beautiful and grand as your stars.”
“Nonsense!” she laughed, grabbing Aziraphale’s hands. “Everything we create is beautiful, whether big or small, as long as the thought counts.”
(She smiled upon hearing the Seraphim, and it almost made Her ache for the painful path She already had laid down before her to take.)
Aziraphale breathed in, smiling. “You’re right.”
“Of course I am. So?” She tilted her head slightly, her auburn curls bouncing ever so slightly above her head. Aziraphale found themself briefly distracted before they started on a thorough explanation of the project they and other angels had been tasked with.
They talked of creating small, very small beings, vaguely shaped to the angels’ image, only deprived of wings for their legs would be made to travel and discover. They explained they would only live for under a century, which confused greatly the Seraphim.
“But that is so short!” she exclaimed, concerned all over again.
“Oh, yes, but they would age, see? They would not experience Time the way we do.”
Aziraphale nodded. “As Time goes on, their bodies would… grow tired, let’s say? But before that, they would be able to create other people themselves through this whole breeding thing, see? And so the cycle continues and shall always renew itself each generation. The Almighty wishes to see what such ephemeral beings are capable of creating on this Earth, together. We have the design and concept ready but still have lots to do.”
“I see,” the other angel mused. “That ought to be interesting, I cannot wait to witness your own creation as well, then.”
“I would be honoured to show you the way you’ve allowed me to assist you with your nebula,” Aziraphale excitedly replied, wings flaring up.
(God sighed to Herself. She knew these two angels would not be able to witness the birth of humanity together. But at the very least, She will allow them to be the reason humanity can truly exist.)
“Should you go back to that, then?” the Seraphim inquired.
And indeed the Cherubim was needed in Heaven. Quite scared of Archangel Gabriel's possible wrath, they flew away with an apology, gone in the blink of an eye.
The Seraphim turned back to her beloved nebula and sighed.
“I hope that angel was mistaken and you won't disappear in six thousand years already. I really hope it was all just rumours.”
(God smiled knowingly. It was only a lie, for the next set of events to occur in the name of a feeling that hasn't been named yet, but will be soon.)
⋆ ✩₊˚ ʚ♡ɞ ˚₊✩⋆
Upon their return to Heaven, Aziraphale was immediately grabbed by the Archangel Gabriel and pulled aside.
“There you are!” he exclaimed with false delight and a warning in his eyes. “We’ve been looking for you.”
“I– I apologise, see, um Seraphim—”
“Ah, no bother,” Gabriel interrupted them, waving a hand, “The prototypes for humans are almost ready but we’re encountering an issue with how they behave. The Almighty thus asked us to create Emotions.”
“Emotions?” Aziraphale repeated, intrigued.
“Indeed. So chop chop, you’ve got work to do.”
And so the lone Cherubim got to work. They gathered around the approved concepts the others had already worked on while they were helping with the nebula. Death, Hunger, Slumber, Envy, Anger, Pride, Cupidity, Lust… The Cherubim pondered over them; apart from Death, they were listed under the Seven Deadly Sins. Pillars to judge them once their life ends. They will be considered basic sins only if indulged in excess. Aziraphale pouted, finger tracing over the word Lust as the angel who worked on it wrote an explanation — Lust would be the deciding factor that would lead to breeding (there was another annotation there that went more in detail over the concept but Aziraphale brushed over it) and thus procreation and lead to a new generation of humans. However, would it include all humans? They wondered. Would the only goal of this intimacy really be procreation after all? It felt like something else was missing, they were not quite sure what.
(She smiled at Her gentlest angel, always worrying about everyone being included, that is why they would become the best of them, eventually, once they grow and embody the Emotion they will soon create.)
Aziraphale walked around Heaven and asked their fellow angels about their progress on the Emotions. Cassiel was workshopping Sadness, she told them with tears gathered in her eyes; she bottled them and gave one to Aziraphale. Jophiel started on Wisdom, he told them with a proud air, holding one of God’s scriptures, and Aziraphale simply took notes. Amitiel held Honesty gently in their hands as they shared a part of it with Aziraphale and Aziraphale gladly accepted the piece with a smile. Armaros, standing next to the two angels, scoffed as she showed her concept, Deceit, in direct opposition to Amitiel’s creation and Aziraphale swiftly walked away before they started arguing. Camael grabbed Aziraphale with an ardour to show them Courage, which Aziraphale took a piece of as well when offered. Phanuel also came to Aziraphale, handing them Hope to look after while they worked on other Emotions. And with that last one, Aziraphale decided it was time to work on their own.
The gentlest of angels laid out the pieces of Emotions before them and carefully set Hope down in a corner of the table. They took Sadness’ tears and created Passion, fiddled with Honesty to create Fidelity and took the pieces of Deceit that had stuck to their robe to turn into Self-Preservation, and finally, with the hint of Wisdom Aziraphale had written down, they made Curiosity.
Four new Emotions were presently created, inspired by their brethren's work, but it wasn't enough, Aziraphale thought, something was missing, something that is really their own. They shrugged for now and gathered the Emotions to deliver to Gabriel.
“A job well done, Aziraphale,” he said, sincerity dripping from his mouth for once as he took the Emotions into his arms. Aziraphale glowed at the praise.
(It would be their downfall, She thought, not literally like the other angel but Her gentlest angel would always be weak when faced with kindness, especially of deceitful kind.)
“Will that be enough?” Aziraphale asked.
Gabriel regarded them with surprise. “Do you have anything more?” And the surprise was justified in a sense, Aziraphale, as gentle as they were, never were known for their studious work. They tended to get distracted rather easily.
The Cherubim made a moue. “Perhaps.”
“Then the result I shall see soon, mm?” Gabriel said.
And so Aziraphale went back to their cell, where they had kept tiny pieces of their Emotions scattered across their desk, as well as a sprinkle of Hope still sticking to the table. Aziraphale gathered them together and then closed their eyes, focusing on the ethereal warmth the Emotions provided. It did not quite match what they had experienced when looking at the nebula with the other angel.
They tried to picture the moment once more. They thought of glorious stars, of her laughter, of the feeling of their wings brushing together, and reminisced the way they kept flying around, hoping to get noticed until they were. Unconsciously, they reached within themself with one hand and pulled ether from the other before their eyes flew open as they brought their hands together over the pieces for a new Emotion to be brought to creation. Aziraphale breathed in, staring at it.
The angel reached for it, it was light yet heavy, warm, precious, fragile. They were already reluctant to part from it, their precious creation, suddenly, they quite understood why the Seraphim was so distraught at the idea of her stars being destroyed one day. Aziraphale held LOVE closer.
They hoped humans would appreciate their gift to them.
(Unbeknownst to them, LOVE would benefit not only humanity but also celestial beings. She will gather LOVE and sprinkle it over Earth, Heaven and a third place that is yet to be created. But Aziraphale? Aziraphale already held LOVE in their heart from the start, one She did not give them either and one they grew themself at the sight of a certain Seraphim.)
Aziraphale sought out Gabriel afterwards but found another angel instead. They stopped in their steps as the familiar Seraphim with auburn hair flew right to their face.
“Aziraphale, hello!”
Aziraphale blinked. “Oh, hello again. Are you done with the stars?”
“Oh, that.” She waved a hand, looking rather conflicted. “Not quite, we have the rest of the galaxy to map out but I am taking a break.” She cleared her throat. “Anyhow, I wanted to see the progress on “people” but I see you’re holding something peculiar.”
“Ah! Indeed, it is an Emotion I just created for humans, would you like to see it?”
“I’ve shown you my nebula, it is only fair,” she smiled.
And so, with the Emotion gently cradled between their palms, Aziraphale showed LOVE to her, the Emotion beating softly in front of their eager eyes. The Seraphim gasped, eyes lighting up with delight as if washed over by LOVE itself.
(God smiled knowingly when gazing down at them. She knew her creations loved Her, that is how their devotion took form, however this LOVE? It was different, much tender, much personal and between these two angels, She was witnessing the creation of the first-ever love story.
Well, not quite yet. Only one side of the pair was loved for now but soon… soon.)
“It’s beautiful, Aziraphale,” she praises. “It shines like a star.”
“It… it does indeed,” Aziraphale replied, looking down in wonder at the Emotion. LOVE clung to their fingertips, bathing them in golden light. They were inspired by her, after all. “Would you like a piece?”
“Oh, I couldn’t!” she protested. “It must remain whole for the humans, surely.”
Aziraphale didn’t exactly understand why, but disappointment filled their heart. “Well, that is true.”
“Well then, I shall go,” the Seraphim announced. “Would you happen to know where the Metatron might be?”
Aziraphale frowned, a sense of dread settling in. “Angels like me don’t typically encounter him, no… Are you still… thinking of…?”
“Asking questions? Of course! Wouldn’t you want to know the reason why your LOVE might get destroyed someday?”
“I… I suppose I would,” Aziraphale agreed, holding LOVE ever closer to the point of almost putting it back in their heart. “But please do be careful?”
“You’re cute for worrying,” she chuckled, reaching forward to ruffle the Cherubim’s hair. “It’s only a simple inquiry.”
With that awfully wrong statement, she flew away. Aziraphale turned around to watch her go, noting the way her wings had turned a darker tint of grey and the way her auburn curls were falling behind her back, unkept, unruly.
It would be the last time Aziraphale would see her before everything Fell apart.
⋆ ✩₊˚ ʚ♡ɞ ˚₊✩⋆
God held LOVE in Her palm when She cast the angels down, so Lucifer could grab a handful and turn it into HATE to fuel the fight and subsequent constant rivalry between Heaven and Hell that will last for thousands of years. For the first years or so, She watched as Her fallen angels built a place to call their own and waited patiently until they were ready. She watched as the bright Seraphim who created the stars tore the remaining white feathers off her wings herself and took on the name Crawley because of the scales now scattered across her body. Then, she was tasked by Lucifer, now Satan, to mess with the very Earth her stars were mere decoration for.
Divine retribution, they called the plan.
But She knew. She knew Crawley, unbeknownst to her, inhaled some of Aziraphale’s LOVE when they showed the Emotion to her and that even after the Fall, just like the stardust still clinging to her feathers, LOVE became an inherent part of her and she will live her existence burning for it until her heart would be safe in the hands of another.
A long journey awaited her first.
Now, Eden lay in front of Her. She ignored the hissing at Her feet as She grew the Apple Tree and induced the fruit with Jophiel’s Wisdom and Phanuel’s Hope, with Cassiel’s tears, She made rivers and waterfalls, and with Camuel’s Courage, She made the plants grow taller and more vibrant. And with Aziraphale’s LOVE…
She assigned Phanuel to the northern gate, Cassiel to the western, Camuel to the southern and finally, Her gentlest angel to the eastern one.
She walked slowly towards Aziraphale who dutifully held the flaming sword She had given them with a strong grip. They will not keep it, they will give it away in the name of LOVE and kindness in seven days, that She knew. She will then ask them where they put it and it will be one of the last times She would ever talk to one of Her creations.
“Aziraphale,” She called. The angel looked at Her with eager but careful eyes. “Never forget the gift you’ve given humanity.”
They looked confused but nodded anyhow.
She smiled. “Keep it in your heart for all beings you come across, will you, my dear?”
They didn't know it yet, but this order would be the reason for their many heartbreaks and doubts to come and ironically one of the only orders they received from Her they will follow obediently until the end of time.
And beyond that.
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ifeelbetterer · 5 years
I can't get over the fact that Good Omens COULD have set up a narrative of Oh No The Demon Is Infuriatingly Attractive To Me What Will I Do???!? and chose instead to reverse it. Aziraphale is absolutely the femme fatale that Crowley can't resist. And he does it by being rather adorable. Like.....his arsenal of femme fatale weapons includes pouting and fits of pique. And Crowley is a cartoon of heart eyes floating behind him. What a magnificent choice.
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prettybirdy979 · 3 years
Fic: Aziraphale/Crowley - I need help believing you’re with me tonight
For a prompt of ‘Body’ from the Good Omens Celebration. Please feel free to send me any prompts. More of my fics here.
Warnings of vague discussion of poor body image
It’s hard, sometimes, to remember that their bodies aren’t them.
Or just them. You know, that they’re more than this flesh and bone, bigger and lesser, real and unreal, demonic and angelic…
Aziraphale struggles with it sometimes, Crowley knows. They’ll be talking and he’ll catch sight of himself in something reflective, or they’ll be in the bathroom and he drops the towel early and sees… himself. And there will be a look in Aziraphale’s eyes, the sort of look Crowley’s seen a thousand times and Crowley just knows. 
He’s seen the look a thousand times in his own eyes, after all. 
It’s strange, to realise, they’re the first angel and demon with body issues. But then, they’ve always been accused of going native and isn’t this one of the commonalities of humanity?
At least now, together, they have ways to help.
Crowley pulls Aziraphale into hugs when he sees the look, kisses his angel on every inch of skin he can. He lies all over Aziraphale when they’re close; tells him how much he loves every curve of Aziraphale’s shape, every tiny bit of his softness. He composes (bad) poetry to Aziraphale’s belly and worships his sweet smiles. 
Sometimes it doesn’t help and Crowley just has to hold Aziraphale until it does. But those times happen less and less.
And Aziraphale…
Aziraphale composes his own (much better) poetry to Crowley’s eyes. He kisses every scale that appears, twice - and three times on Sundays - and spends hours massaging Crowley’s spine. He even sets up a reptile’s daydream of heat lamps and warm rocks in their library, the better for a comfy snake to relax during long winter’s nights.
It’s small things.
It’s everything.
And slowly, carefully, they remember that while this might not be them, it’s the them they choose to be, and they are loved for it.
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It Happened One Night in Soho
by pilatesandpinot
While spending a totally-not-a-date night in Soho, Aziraphale questions if perhaps he has lost his mojo when it comes to performing temptations for the Arrangement. This leads to Aziraphale performing a temptation, Crowley performing a miracle, some jealousy, Crowley finally somewhat accepting he's still good deep down, and Aziraphale learning to just let go. Also love confessions and fucking.
Words: 7390, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Aziraphale Loves Crowley (Good Omens), Crowley Loves Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley Has a Penis (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has a Penis (Good Omens), Jealousy, Flirting, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Blow Jobs, Body Worship, Miracles, Temptations, The Arrangement (Good Omens), First Kiss, First Time, Dating, but like, neither of them know they're dating yet, but they will, Crowley is a Mess (Good Omens), Aziraphale is a Mess (Good Omens), Idiots in Love, Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), Ineffable Idiots (Good Omens), Pre-Almost Apocalypse (Good Omens), Porn with Feelings, Angst, Light Angst, mentions of body image issues, if you squint but Crowley loves Azirphale anyway, Crowley is a Pine Tree with Glasses, Aziraphale is "just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing" (Good Omens), BAMF Aziraphale (Good Omens), BAMF Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale is a Tease (Good Omens), Crowley is a Tease (Good Omens), they're both oblivious but they'll figure it out
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36645949
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ao3feed-crowley · 3 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3dJwoTY
by SparkleInTheStars
When Aziraphale is about to open his bookshop, Gabriel has other plans for the angel. Crowley intervenes but finds Aziraphale shaken by the day’s events and haunted by insecurities. Determined to help Aziraphale, Crowley offers his love and protection as they explore a way to help Aziraphale feel safe.
Words: 6703, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Sandalphon (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Aziraphale Has a Penis (Good Omens), Crowley Has a Penis (Good Omens), Bottom Aziraphale (Good Omens), Gentle Dom Crowley (Good Omens), Shibari, Mild D/s, Aziraphale Has Self-Esteem Issues (Good Omens), Aziraphale has Body Image Issues, Protective Crowley (Good Omens), Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Historical, Deleted Scene: Aziraphale's Bookshop 1800 (Good Omens), Kinks4Kindness: Danger & Debauchery Zine (Good Omens), Love Confessions, Tender Sex, Regency
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3dJwoTY
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enchantress-emily · 3 years
The Soft Zone(tm) Fic Rec Post
Today @ineffablefool gets his own rec post! If you’re a Good Omens fan and you like soft, romantic Aziraphale/Crowley fic, you should go read everything he’s written (assuming you haven’t already).
Some of his fic is canonverse, and some is Human AU (plus one or two non-human AUs), but all of it is guaranteed to be 100% asexual and to include a lovely fat Aziraphale and a Crowley who adores him that way.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but here are a few of my favorites:
Armor of Righteousness
Aziraphale, still sitting on all his feelings for Crowley months after the not-apocalypse, gets a panicked call from him, and prepares to defend him with skills last used before the Earth was formed. Will he be in time? (Spoiler, yes he will. This story takes place in the Soft Zone and I promise that nobody will get hurt.)
This fic does a really nice job of balancing the two different sides of Aziraphale: he still has formidable abilities as a Heavenly warrior, but when it comes down to it he would much rather be soft.
Correct On the Third Point
A customer tries to insult Aziraphale, but does a terrible job of it. Cuddles ensue (not with the customer).
A classic ineffablefool Spite Fic (i.e. a good strong dose of fat positivity, written in response to fatphobia elsewhere). Aziraphale is fat and doesn't see why that should be considered an insult, thank you very much, and Crowley wholeheartedly agrees.
Human AU
If Not Now, When
Anthony Crowley has learned by now that anything that makes him happy will be temporary at best. His quietly desperate routine is challenged when he happens to strike up a conversation with a customer at work, and he starts realizing three things, in this order: 1. oh huh this Aziraphale guy is actually interesting; 2. he can't stop embarrassing himself by accidentally flirting with him; and 3. oh no this Aziraphale guy is actually extremely attractive what do I do.
This is Jack's magnum opus: 28 chapters of gorgeous, moving relationship development. Both characters have a lot to work through - body image issues for Aziraphale, gender stuff and overall lack of self-worth for Crowley (who's trans here) - but they're doing it together and giving each other unfailing love and support.
Error 404: Crowley’s Brain Cell Not Found
The "information technology professional coworkers" human Ineffable Husbands AU which... someone needed, possibly. Aziraphale is very fat and very pretty, Crowley is a lovestruck disaster, and your author is an IT professional who has seen a lot in a surprisingly short amount of time.
This one is set in my own home state of Wisconsin (with A&C as British expats), which makes it especially fun to read! Most of the tech stuff goes over my head, but there are helpful explanatory footnotes. Lots of silly flirting and no angst (unless you count Crowley agonizing over whether or not Aziraphale like-likes him).
A Matching Pair of Fools
This was foolish, the whole idea was foolish, and Aziraphale himself was the greatest fool of all. Oh, he knew his sister meant well, but what she apparently didn't understand was that Aziraphale was difficult. He was difficult to love, to even tolerate, with his very particular standards on everything from attire to zebra crossings. To expect a stranger to overlook all of that… (Human AU. Pre-blind-date anxiety followed by Lots Of Soft.)
Aziraphale works himself up into an anxiety attack about his impending blind date and is comforted by a handsome stranger... who just so happens to be on his way to a blind date himself. Includes one of the best descriptions I've ever read of Aziraphale's happy little wiggle.
Pins (rolling or otherwise)
Aziraphale was just contemplating closing up the bakery a few minutes early, when a last-minute customer walked in, saw him, and immediately began blushing and mumbling. (Human AU, Aziraphale is a baker, Crowley is a disaster)
A sweet little meet-cute with a genderfluid Crowley, a confident Aziraphale, and a very nice moment of asexual connection.
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cannebady · 4 years
Below is an excerpt from a new fic I'm toying with. It features a bit of self conscious demon and extremely soft, praising angel. It's pretty much just smut with feelings (what else is new?).
Crowley has a love/hate relationship with his exorbitantly large shower. Sure it's luxurious, and sure the water knows to keep the temperature absolutely not one degree cooler than 44 degrees, but it also brings him face-to-face, or rather hand-to-skin, with his own corporation which is complicated to say the least.
He wouldn't say he has body image issues per se, what an absolutely trite concept for an immortal being, but he supposes he finds his form a bit lacking. It's to be expected, really, when he's spent the better part of sixty centuries pining and lusting, in equal turn, after an angel whose corporatation has defined beauty to him and certainly clocked under the umbrella of ample.
He's not sure why he feels so odd about it. He knows humans find it attractive, and he's certainly never wanted for companionship when he's sought it, but when he runs his hands over his own wet skin he can't help but compare what he feels to an inextricable twining and gnarling of twigs and branches thinly veiled with skin dotted ceaselessly with bloody freckles.
Normally it's an errant thought to him. A quick "ugh" among a number of other racing thoughts. A slight grimace when he sees himself turn in the mirror and can't look away from the way his skin pulls against his ribs. It's not that he'd like to be larger even, it's just that when he thinks about someone touching him (and dear God does he want that, blasphemy aside, specifically if those hands are plump and angelic) he wonders how they could stand it, the lanky miles of him.
It used to strike him only when he found himself with a lover, but later after a number of potentially world ending things happened and quite quickly unhappened, he couldn't stop thinking about it.
This could, possibly, have to do with the handholding. And quite possibly even more to do with the mind shattering kiss an angel had left on his cheek when he asked him to come to the shop for a homemade dinner. And, quite honestly (very definitely), possible that it has to do with the lingering look from seamoss eyes and the thick sent of lust in the air when the angel had left the Bentley earlier this afternoon after bestowing a life changing offer on a lifelong friend.
They've been heading for this, and Crowley's ecstatic, he really is. He's been ready for this for ages, but despite his idefatigable optimism he never really assumed he'd actually get here. If there was one thing he could count on it was Aziraphale's ability to shove his true self and desires down so low not even the hoards of hell could find them, so for him to make the first move was about as shocking as the ineptitude of their former bosses.
Alas, here he is, big bad demon with big bad demon powers, having a crisis because he might get what he's always wanted, the angel's heart in his hands and the angel's hands on him.
Unfortunately that also comes with Aziraphale's hands actually being on him which, really might be a problem. Because he doesn't think he could take it. He doesn't think his poor wreck of a heart could take the angel finally touching him, finally admitting that they're something more, and then dealing with the look of revulsion when he realizes that Crowley's good looks are all smoke and mirrors. That the reality, the skin and bones of him, leave so, so much to be desired.
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charlotteharlatan · 4 years
can I just say, to all the artists who draw Aziraphale as proudly, obviously, and happily chubby, i love you all with my whole heart. Especially the ones who depict him as a sexual being. Or HER - I EXTRA love y’all who draw femme Aziraphale as the big beautiful lady she is. Because that’s the thing. Angelic beings could take any form they wish. And from that standpoint it would be easy to justify making Aziraphale skinnier in art. And I’m not telling anyone how their art should be. But you wonderful people. You stupendous humans CHOOSE to draw Aziraphale soft and round, with rolls and dimples and folds. He’s so gorgeous that way. She is stunning that way. If I see a drawing of thin Aziraphale, it just looks wrong to me. I think, that’s not the angel I know and love. As someone whose weight fluctuates kind of a lot and who has body image issues, depictions of Azi where he’s very plump and also crazy desirable, where she is soft and SO SEXY, make me want to cry happy tears. It makes it just a little easier to love my own body, just the way it is.
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casenumber825 · 5 years
Hi! It'd be really great if you could recommend some bottom aziraphale fics? It pains me to say this but nowadays it's getting more and more difficult to find them *sighs* Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!!!
Hi there anon!
You’ve come to the right place for some bottom!Aziraphale fic recs. Now I’m assuming that, because you’re specifically looking for bottom!Aziraphale, that you’re looking for some good old E/M-rated fics, amiright?
If I’m, by chance, not right do let me know and I’ll rec some fics that feature more fluffiness and textual hints towards bottom!Aziraphale
Right, from my personal AO3 booksmarks:
Always too much Thinking by OneofWebs  (Rated E - Ultra cute, ultra in character, perfect amount of fluff, smut, awkwardness, and character study)
Ravenous by Fyre(Rated M - No actual full on intercourse here, just some wonderful sensory play with Aziraphale in a submissive role - lovely to read)
Demon-Cum-Snake by DictionaryWrites(Rated E - Note: Aziraphale has a v*gina - you want some weird kinky snake biology type fic... step right here! This one was fun to read, and quite comical... I enjoyed it a lot)
just a harmless little venial sin by Anonymous_Ostrich(Rated E - Note: Aziraphale has a v*gina - we’ve got some light angst, some miscommunication, some beautifully written smut... it’s just a real good time)
This Side of Paradise by spinninginfinityboy(Rated E - Note: Aziraphale has a v*gina - set in Eden! It’s so rare but I love it. Love the imagery in this one and the beginning of a Service Top!Crowley and Aziraphale asking for what he wants... gorgeous. Also the title had me thinkinf of Hayley Kiyoko while I read and that’s always a good thing)
bent to the very earth by Ark(Rated E - again with that wonderful Service Top Crowley action. This time Aziraphale really does know what he wants, but it’s all so tender and lovely.)
 A Test of Will by CaptainLokii (Rated E - Oh that sweet, sweet angst. I do adore some hurt/comfort and protective!Crowley. This deals with body image issues and self-hatred issues, so read with caution if that could be triggering. CaptainLokii’s entire Beautiful Angels and their besotted demons series is wonderful as they explore those themes)
The Sexual Misadventures of the Serpent of Eden and the 6000 Year Old Virgin by MsThunderFrost(Rated E - No actual penetration here, but the inclusion of Crowley’s serpent tongue was so good and strangely rare in fic... intrigued to see where the author goes with the series and bottom!Aziraphale appears to be the way they’re going)
All My Dreams Fulfill by AgentStannerShipper(Rated E - Oh God this one is so wonderful. We get to explore a much kinkier side of Aziraphale and the Dom/Sub roleplay aspect of it was so amazingly written. I just love this fic.)+[SERIES] To Build A Family in Ineffable Cirumstances also by  AgentStannerShipper(Rated T - E - Note: Aziraphale has a v*gina - about the only English-language ABO fic we have for these two, so if you’re into that and the idea of mpreg... or angel!pregnancy? ... does put you off, this series is well worth a read)
The Holy Fire by Maone(Rated E - we don’t often get to see Aziraphale’s angelic powers used in fic, but the way they’re used here is so brilliant and Crowley’s incredibly turned on reaction to it is perfect!)
The Dance by seraph5(Rated E - Aziraphale gets to do the rescuing in this one. Reading a BAMF!Aziraphale rescuing his demon is A+ and something we need just a little bit more of. Not that I’ll ever complain about damsel-in-distress!Aziraphale though.)
Invitations by AnnetheCatDetective(Rated E - Note: Aziraphale has a v*gina - or rather we’ve got some weird angel biology going on we truly get to see him switch what he has, which is very nice! Again I love their voices in this, they sound so in character and it’s wonderful. I will say that I could recommend all of AnnetheCatDetective’s fics, she’s a brilliant author and very much into bottom!Aziraphale as well, you’ll find any rating you’re craving from her)
[SERIES] Unexpected by angel_ponders(Rated E - deliciously filthy wing!fic, it wouldn’t be a fic rec without some wing!fic now would it? And the two fics in this series are perfect examples of the wing!fic I like to see, complete with a perfectly dominating yet tender Crowley and needy Aziraphale)
like you’ve never known fear by VivatRex(Rated M - so much beautifully written angst... is it angst? It’s sort of angst. It’s more of that miscommunication that our angel and demon are so good at. Neither wanting to leap first for fear of the consequences. It’s a good time, I swear!)
Ad Astra by drawlight(Rated E - Now if you want to read a beautifully written fic, you must read this one. It’s not super smutty, but it’s so descriptive, and it flows wonderfully, and as a rarity for bottom!Aziraphale fics, we get some focus on Crowley which is always nice. A hard-to-describe-how-really-good-it-actually-is fic, I would say)
Well this post is really quite long enough as it is! How about some shameless self-promotion of My Own AO3 Account though I assume that’s how you found me? Maybe? Regardless I write exclusively bottom!Aziraphale... you won’t find any bottom!Crowley in my neck of the woods
Because when it comes to Aziraphale, only this comes to mind:
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gingerhaole · 4 years
the way you draw fem! crowley is very similar to how my body type is, and i hated my body for the longest time because i didn’t fit into the “sexually appealing” category but the way you drew aziraphale loving and worshipping crowleys body in loving but still sexual ways has really helped my self-image and that i don’t need to fit into any categories and am still sexy to someone.
I think all of us with self-esteem issues would be pleasantly shocked if we could see ourselves the way others do. The only prerequisites for me to find someone sexually appealing are cleanliness and confidence, and frankly if Michael B Jordan rolled in the mud I would still bow down and pray to him with more than hallelujahs if you know what I’m saying.
But like I said, sometimes all it takes is to see a little of ourselves reflected in someone we find attractive, and we can see our own potential. I’m grateful and honored to bring you some of that!
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