#azula tylee and mai
was trying for a redraw but the line art sucks so all you're getting is a Sketch
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og right obviously
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lujinarchive · 2 months
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Fire nation kids❤️❤️
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samtamdan · 1 year
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zukkaart · 11 months
A brief summary of the most popular A:tLA ships
Kataang: the definition of a power couple
Sokkla: The mental image alone is lethal, unironically the sexiest ship
Zukka: grumpy x sunshine trope at its finest
Mailee: black cat x golden retriever (yes there’s a difference)
Azulaang: pure unfiltered comedic potential
Sukka: walk him like a dog sis walk him like a dog
Jetko: which one will end up dead? Tune in next week to find out
Zutara: enemies to lovers with so much angst you need to just have your emotional support snack in hand
Tyzula: me and the bad bitch I pulled by being mentally ill
Taang: one is a pacifist and the other is entirely unhinged- the world would burn
Maiko: that relationship you have in middle school with your “best friend” before you realize you’re both gay
Yukka: the single most heartbreaking ship in existence
Azutara: two chronically jealous and lethal women? no one would leave that wedding alive
Yueki: they never met but this is somehow entirely plausible
Yuetara: princess x savior trope but in the cute way not the toxic way
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umbrum77 · 5 months
Mai: azula hold this for me.
Azula: hold what?
Mai: this. (Picks up tyee and places her in azulas arms)
Azula(blushing): how long should I hold on to it?
Tylee: forever
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lanjunlazy · 10 months
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全员黑暗森林探险 (万圣节的图填上了!)
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justblaterando · 2 years
Just your monthly reminder that when Mai said the ICONIC the LEGENDARY the GENIUS the SPECTASTIC “I love Zuko more than I fear you” she was ready to die.
My girl brought knives to a LIGHTNING fight.
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theladysilvermoon · 1 year
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Avatar the Last Airbender graphic novels - Paperback omnibus versions
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darkprince1110 · 1 year
Tylee: what is the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard? I will go first. 
Tylee: fireworks no wait children, giggling
Mai: silence 
Zuko: my moms sing 
Azula: the cracking of flames
Y/n: the sound of my wife’s laughter 
y/n looks at azula and gives her thigh a playful, squeeze 
Azule grits her teeth holding back a giggle 
Azula: also the sound of breaking bones
Azula twists y/n arm 
Y/n grants
Y/n:that to 
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sora-of-uranus · 7 months
The removal of the sexism pisses me off not because it just affects Sokkas character but because it has ruined almost every woman in the show.
Suki takes off her make up often, as if it isn't a large part of her cultural identity and personality, as if her being a kyoshi warior and her destinctly femenine clothes are something to be ashamed off or that hinders her. Because its only her that gets this treat amongst the warriors, and shes the only main kyoshi warrior for the audience.
Yue's entire character is removed. It is replaced with what I think is meant to be a sympathetic princess to the people, she joins the nans in the kitchens and make deserts for the children. Like a disney princess whose quirky and silly and held back only by her title of a princess. Gone is the battle between her desire to help and her duty to be a water tribe ideal woman. Gone is her realising that the best way to help her people is to not be an ideal woman, but to take action and to do what no one else can, to become one with the moon so that she can forever help not just her tribe but the entire world. It is depressing, it is deep, it isn't fair to her but when has the world ever been fair?
Katara aswell. Her bending is forever unlocked by men (Aang and Jet), her defiance of authority is lessened and her naievety is also changed. A lot of her motherhood role is also completlty gone since they have changed Sokkas sexism into elder brother smothering. Her fight with Paku holds a lot less significance since she has no RAGE behind her. No rage that has built for YEARS as time and time again people have said no to her face for being a woman, for being weak, for not being enough simply because of who she is. that doesn't exist for her anymore because the water tribes are just...nice. We see one bad person in the water tribe and its Hadoka and he's mean to sokka! Kataras rage comes from Paku saying no to her, and whilst thats swell, it changes her entire "I'm a master now" moment into just...lame girlbossery. Thats kinda how the entire last 2 episodes felt like for her character. A common girlboss character without the emotional depth to make it femenism.
I think my main issue is that both shows set themselves up as being femenist by nature. The og show wanted to tackle issues with sexism, using book 1 as its main demonstration with it, but the theme still follows throughout the narative. netflix's show outright said they were removing the sexist elements. When you place youself onto that pedastal, any sexist writing you have becomes emphasised.
The og show undoubtably has sexist moments! Irohs comments to June are the most obvious to me, a long with a couple comments from Zuko later on. You can certainly argue that the extreme lack of GOOD mother figures is an issue (Kat and Sokkas mother is dead, Zukos is 'dead', and Toph is awful and rather quite compared to her father). Theres other examples, although currently my brain cannot think of any since I don't often write indepth critisms.
The live actions main point of sexism is its female main characters. we literally meet Yue in the kitchen! Women can be in kitchens but that is certainly a choice! Theres this strange hatred for make up aswell, yes with Suki but also with Sokka. His war paint is removed. Its like saying make up cannot be worn by strong fighters which is rather sexist. Speaking off: not putting Sokka in the kyoshi outfit is just...dumb? If you want to show him learning the style, having him wear the outfit. Its an aspect of the style and philosophy. A man wearing make up and a skirt doesn't emasculate him yet the show makes it feel that way with the refusal to do it. "Oh but then you'd have Sokka and Suki kiss in the kyoshi outfits" who cares. "it will look like lesbians" it won't. Even if it did, who cares? you can't be 'femenist' and anti-lesbian. Putting Sokka in the Kyoshi outfit, having him respect it, is just as important as having Aang learn the other elements, or Iroh creating lightning redirection. Why? because it shows a respect of culture, and how you can blend that into your own way of thinking. It's cultural extchanged based on respect.
When you name yourself femenist, yet have explicitly sexist writing, your GOING to get dogpiled with critism based on that 'femenist' msg.
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Dating Ozai’s Angels
Including: What they do when they realise they like you, how you get together, how they act when you start dating, what they’re like as a partner, what others think of your relationship, how they defend you, the L word, family, careers, fights, pets and more! 
Team Avatar version here​
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As we saw in The Beach episode Azula is confident in everything except flirting so she'd be a mess when she realises she has a crush on you
She'd do the typical immature thing of being mean to you to prove just how much she really doesn't care about you. Then one day she'd go too far and really hurt or upset you. She'd feel that annoying snagging feeling of guilt and attempt to apologise to you but she'd struggle and it would come out wrong.
So the two of you would be at an impasse. You didn't understand why Azula was treating you this way and Azula was at a loss of how to explain her actions without confessing her crush on you. 
Enter clueless Zuko.
Zuko would be the one who would accidentally let it all slip. You're venting to Mai one day and he overhears and is so confused. "But you know she likes you right? That's why she's acting this way". Mai would glare at him and your jaw would wide drop open telling Zuko you didn't know that.
Zuko was convinced Azula was going to murder him and the thought did cross her mind but then you told Azula you felt the same way, her happiness overshadowed her rage.
You started dating and immediately Azula puts on a brave front. She acts very dominant and showy. She takes you out to all the fancy restaurants and buys you tons of expensive clothes and jewels to establish her dominance in the relationship. However it's all an obvious act to cover up her insecurity. She's never dated anyone before and nobody can make her feel the way you do. She tenses up when you walk into a room and her name never sounds as beautiful as when you say it. So Azula is fighting a losing battle trying to keep up this stoic facade and it all falls away the day you call her yours.
You were with Mai, Ty lee and Azula and got into a silly competition as usual. You wanted to see who could throw a helmet the furthest and Azula of course won. However you were trying to share in that victory which Mai protested. "Azula won not you y/n!" she cried. "Yeah but Azula is mine so when she wins I win and vice versa". If it was anyone else trying to share in her glory Azula would've set them on fire but hearing you refer to yourself as her and she as yours...that made her feel all giddy like a silly teenager. She couldn't really speak but just nodded her head and passed you the flower crown Ty Lee had given her as a trophy.
Everyone would be sceptical and a little unconvinced when you both started dating, Zuko and Mai included. They'd all wonder how on earth it was going to work and doubt Azula's intentions with you a little...but then they'd see Azula explode when a nobleman insulted you or how she'd even correct her father when he said your name wrongly and they knew they had nothing to fear.
We also know Azula has a little trouble believing she is lovable and a huge problem with saying the L word. So naturally you say it first. You wait until you've been dating for around 6 months to make sure Azula is comfortable and won't get scared. You do it in private so she won't feel flustered or overwhelmed. Azula is smart so she can tell you have something to say and just outright asks what it is. Your plan was to cook her a nice meal and then tell her but instead you just tell her then and there that you love her. You stress how she doesn't have to say it back but that you just thought she should know. A silence follows and you get back to preparing the food. Azula asks a question about the food and you go along with her change in topic as if nothing happened. Then at the end of the night Azula thanks you for the food and for what you said. You tell her it's no problem and that you meant every word. You see her struggling internally with your words but she nods and doesn't try and dispute your claim.
Azula tells you she loves you randomly, a year and a bit after you've been dating. She's in a mood because the council meeting went badly and all the men were disagreeing with her just because of her age. You started acting silly, imitating the councilmen, to cheer her up and while at first she's not amused she soon starts smiling and then laughing at how goofy you look. "You're such a clown, why on earth do I love you?" she asked. You felt her freeze and looked up to see her watching you like a hawk. You smiled and gently kissed her hand "because I'm the luckiest person in the world". She relaxes in relief and wraps her arms around you. You don’t make a big deal of it but later just before you fall asleep Azula whispers "I do you know... love you I mean. I realised I didn't say it properly earlier". You shook your head "earlier was just perfect but thank you. I love you too Azula". You can't see her blush in the dark or the shock in her eyes when she realises it is true. It is possible for someone to love her but you can feel it. You gather her up into your arms and hold her as she softly cries. In the years to come it remains one of the happiest moments of Azula's life. The day she realised she was loved.
Azula is SUPER supportive of you and your career and knows all the drama about your co-workers. You might think Azula wouldn't care enough to listen to all the small talk and rants you give her after a long day but you'd be wrong. When Azula likes someone she's all in and so she remembers everything you say about Amura the nice girl who is kind to you and Mejai the guy totally flirting with you. Then at any company event she makes sure to mess with all the people you don't like and plays them all wonderfully. She's an involved partner.
She literally cannot believe you have any faults, one time you got rejected for a job and you had to physically restrain her from going down there and causing a scene because HOW COULD THEY NOT WANT YOU?
When you and Azula fight it's dramatic just like the Princess of the Fire Nation herself. Azula has a temper and so sometimes after a long day of putting up with Zuko she can snap at you. You're not the type to take this lying down though and so you challenge her behaviour. Cue an hour of loud arguing with Azula packing a bag to move back to the palace. She never gets out the front door though, it's just an empty threat. You always make up the following morning but of course Azula doesn't beg forgiveness or write you a letter about how sorry she is. She does something like making you breakfast or dropping by your work with lunch. She will say sorry when you're alone together and then all is forgiven.
When you get a pet together, Azula is 100% that person who says she wants nothing to do with the pet and then ends up loving it more than you. I can totally see Azula with a dog that she loves to exercise with and train. You better believe your dog is going to be the fittest, smartest, prettiest dog the Fire Nation has ever seen. 
The best thing about dating Azula would be, you feel so loved and protected. Azula is passionate and being with her feels like a whirlwind of emotions and love. She throws absolutely everything into her relationship with you and there’s nobody better suited to be your partner. 
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Mai is a tough cookie. She doesn't reveal her feelings easily and you'd have no idea she had a crush on you. So for you to get together there'd definitely be another unfortunate soul who sticks their foot in it...probably Ty lee
When Mai realised she was developing feelings for you she'd hate it and distance herself from you. You'd go from seeing her multiple times a week to her very obviously avoiding you which made you worry you'd done something wrong. So you go to her house and ask for her which horrifies Mai. Her home is where she hides away from the world so to have her crush show up on her doorstep is terrifying. In her panic she tells the housekeeper to say she's not in, even though she clearly is. Your worry then turns to sadness as you believe Mai hates you when you thought you were friends.
Ty lee notices the mess Mai has created and tries to convince her to come clean to you but Mai's too scared (not that she'd ever admit that of course). So Ty lee recruits Azula and they set up a plan to get you together but it all goes wrong and ends with Ty lee just yelling "Mai has a crush on you!" and then running for her life while Azula laughs.
And that's how you get together!
Mai didn't give anything away on your first date so you had no idea if it went well or not. You were slightly nervous to be dating Mai anyway. She's a super cool stoic knife expert who never seems to get bothered by anything. Not to mention her last partner was the Firelord so big shoes to fill. So when you parted ways you wondered if she'd even want to go out with you again but Ty lee told you she came home and actually blushed when she talked about you! You couldn't stop smiling all-day
The first time you made Mai properly belly laugh was a few weeks after you'd been together. You were talking to Ty lee and casually just imitated Azula's voice. You didn't really think about it but you heard a loud snort and turned to see Mai covering her mouth while her shoulders shook. "Mai?" you asked while she tried to catch her breath "you...just sounded so much like her" she managed before dissolving into giggles again. It was so unexpected and cute, you found yourself laughing too. You did the voice some more and Mai laughed even harder before telling you to stop so she could breathe. Tears were streaming down her face from the laughter and she was holding her side trying to stop. You just stared at her in admiration and your Azula impression became your favourite thing to do.
Everyone would be really curious about your relationship because Mai herself is a woman of mystery. There would be a lot of question about how you got together and what you’re like as a couple etc but not from her best friends. Azula and Ty lee know Mai is picky so if she’s actually giving up her alone time to be with you, you must be worth it. No follow up questions needed
Mai is a very attentive partner. She might seem like she doesn't care or think about the small things but she does. Once you told her how you were always slightly cold and noticed how blankets started showing up more and more around her house for you. Your favourite flowers would suddenly appear in her garden and she'd always make sure to tell you when she thought about you in her day because you'd once said it made you feel special. Dating Mai makes you feel very cared for. 
Mai is quite introverted and can sometimes find socialising with anyone tiring. So sometimes you'll just meet up and sit together without saying a word. Mai will lean or lay against you and just enjoy being with you without having to be "on" at the same time.
Relatedly she loves falling asleep in your arms and has an adorable happy expression on her face when she does. She claims she just likes you warmth but you know she loves the cuddles too.
Mai isn't super loud about your relationship but she won't hesitate to take someone down if she hears them talking rudely or suggestively about you. She's protective and you're hers even if she doesn't shout it from the rooftops.
Mai realises she loves you when she feels you understand her. She realises she feels seen by you without even having to say a word. You don't get confused by her or try and change her. You appreciate her for who she is and that's how she knows she loves you.
With your career Mai is the subtle kind of supportive. She's not threatening to burn down companies like Azula and she doesn't love to hear about your coworkers for more than 10 minutes but she's very attentive and caring. If she gets home before you she'll draw you a hot bath or put your clothes near the fire so they're warm. She is there for you in other ways.
Mai is used to being ignored or not taken seriously so she NEVER does that with you. Even if she doesn't share your passion for things she'd never deny you them and does anything you ask to help get you there. She'll run flashcards with you if you're prepping for an exam or do mock interviews to help you with job searching. She actually really gets into it and she rejected you from a fake job once because your answers weren't good enough but that's Mai. She invented tough love.
Mai would pretend you meeting her family wasn’t a big deal but it was really. While she doesn’t need their validation she does want them to like you together as a couple. You’d notice this in the small nervous behaviours Mai did on the way to her parents. So despite Mai’s words that you don’t have to try hard, you would go all out. You’d bring out all the charm you could muster and be the perfect blend of respectful but funny. You’d compliment her parent’s cooking and even help Tomtom with his homework. When you leave her family is clearly very impressed and Mai is just a tad smug. She’d link arms with you on the walk home and quietly whisper “thank you”. 
Is brutally honest but it's not a bad thing. You know you can always trust her to tell you the truth and she promised you she'll never lie to you. You believe her because when Mai makes a promise, she keeps it.
In fights Mai can become pretty cold...not because she means to (although sometimes she does) but mainly because when she's hurt or confused she goes inwards and struggles to express herself. You usually have to give her a day or two to put together her thoughts and Mai really appreciates how you never try and force her to talk when she's not ready,
Mai is the type of person who says we're not getting a pet and means it. So you respect that and then one day she tells you a cat wouldn't be so bad so of course you drag Mai around town that same day to find one. Mai strikes me as that person who doesn't put in a lot of effort with animals but they like her and have this automatic bond. Sometimes all she has to do is look at your cat and it knows to run to bed or go outside. It's eerie honestly but Mai is just that good.
The best thing about dating Mai is you’d feel so special and privileged to have her love. 
Ty Lee
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When Ty lee realises she likes you she’d be so bashful and obvious. She’d gush over anything you said and would say your name in every other sentence which drives her friends mad. 
However this wouldn’t last long as unlike Mai and Azula, Ty lee would probably tell you she likes you pretty much immediately
This isn't to say Ty lee is naive or reckless, she'd definitely assess her chances of you liking her back and put in a lot of effort in her plan to tell you. She'd take you out for the afternoon to a coffee shop or flower store you really liked and then take you for a picnic in the royal grounds. There she'd confess her feelings to you. She'd assure you she really valued your friendship and if you don't feel the same way that's totally fine.
When you return her feelings Ty lee smiles brighter than you've ever seen which is saying something. She'd squeal and throw her arms around you in a very happy hug.
Similar to Azula, Ty lee would want to tell everyone you were dating but for very different reasons. With Ty lee she never even planned it, just every time she sees you she'd get a burst of joy and blurt out to whoever is near "that's my partner" proudly. Soon pretty much everyone in the Fire Nation knows you're together
Ty lee is the queen of PDA and affection but she'd also listen to what you want and come up with a happy medium if you weren't. You don't like holding hands? How about linking your arms or pinky fingers? Not a fan of cuddling? She suggests her putting an arm around you over the blanket so she knows you're there but you don't feel smothered. You're not very good at expressing yourself in a relationship? No problem, Ty lee communicates what she wants for you clearly and always asks to make you feel secure.
While Ty lee loves affection and PDA she'd also have special moments where it's just the two of you. The first time she tells you she loves you she'd plan for you to be alone and for any significant milestones she always makes sure you have privacy. She wants you to herself in those moments and the only company she needs is yours.
All of Ty lee’s friends can see how smitten she is with you and so Mai is a little worried at first. Ty lee loves first and thinks later so she’s worried you could take advantage of her. So you’d definitely have to prove yourself to Ty lee’s best friends or they will make you disapear. Luckily the way you feel about Ty lee is pretty obvious too so they don’t doubt you for too long. 
While Ty lee is incredibly sweet that doesn't mean she won't stand up for you. One day Azula makes a comment about how there was a crease in your trousers and laughs about it. "I don't think that's funny" Ty lee replies and Azula rolls her eyes "what because they're your partner we can't have a laugh?". "No, we can't have a laugh because it's not funny to comment about anyone's appearance but especially my partner's and if you keep doing it then we're going to have a problem". Azula (and Mai) had never had Ty lee stand up to her before so was thrown and a little unsure how to respond. Azula shrugs it off but she never commented on you in front of Ty lee again.
Ty lee is super nervous and hesitant to introduce you to her family and you don't get why until you arrive at their home. Ty lee's sisters all have a resemblance to her and Ty lee keeps nervously glancing from you to them. You realise Ty lee is feeling insecure and make sure to keep randomly shooting her smiles or taking her hand. When you leave you tell her how much you like her and how wonderful she is. Ty lee bursts into tears right there and then making you wonder if you've done something wrong but she shakes her head. Telling you how relieved she is that you still want and like her. She confesses, through tears, that she loves you and it seems so perfectly spontaneous just like Ty lee. You of course tell her you love her too and Ty lee bursts into tears again.
Regarding your career Ty lee is a certified hype woman. Anything you do she thinks is amazing so she is constantly cheering for you. She'll send you well-done texts while you at work and show up to any events super proud because you're her partner. She loves telling people what your job is because she thinks it is amazing just because it's what you do.
Fights with Ty lee are emotional. Ty lee of course cries because that's just her normal response when she's overwhelmed and doesn't know how to deal with her emotions. This typically makes you cry too so it's just two crying people yelling at each other. You tend to make up pretty quickly because you both dislike being sad and miss one another. Mai insists on being invited to all your fights because she finds it a good social experiment.
Ty lee is the type of partner that would turn up on your doorstep with a box of puppies because "SHE COULDN'T JUST LEAVE THEM THERE!". So your place is full of animals of all kinds and Ty lee is constantly trying to sneak in more. You're the only self-control Ty lee has in this aspect so you have to be the grown-up a lot. "Ty lee we cannot take in another dog, we already have 4". "But look how floppy his ears are! Please y/n?". "Why don't we see if any of our friends want a dog? I bet Sokka would love him". "Okay fine...”. 
The best thing about Ty lee is, you know no matter what, you have a person in your life who will always want what’s best for you. Ty lee would move a mountain for the people she loves and you are very priviledged to be included in that list. 
Request by @darkprince1110​
I know this was SUPEERRRRR long but I had so many ideas and I still do so might make a part 2 :)
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korravataraang · 2 months
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samtamdan · 6 months
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soyunmago · 25 days
*au where yue didn't became a spirit and goes with the gang*
Aang is succesfully cought by the dangerous ladys
Yue: azula entiende! El mundo no puede vivir sin él avatar!
Azula: Y yo, princesa, no puedo vivir sin usted!
Yue: eh?
Azula: cásese conmigo y le devuelvo al avatar >:3
Yue: y si me niego?
Azula: le zampo un rayo :3
Yue: u-usted... me ama tanto?
Azula: más aun, princesa
Yue: ¡ah! No sabia... que aun existían seres capaces de amar de esa manera~
Yue: sin embargo, no podría aceptar así nada más
Azula: :c?
Yue: primero tendra que llevarme a una cita~
Azula: :D
Psdt: "zampo" en mi país es arrojar o atacar con violencia a lo que sea, lo digo porque busque y parece ser que tiene un significado bastante diferente en otros lugares.
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umbrum77 · 5 days
Mai convinces azula to come back home after she is on the run.
Azula: do you think she missed me?
Mai: who? Nah I'm kidding I know who well-
Tylee: AZULA!!! (runs and jumps into azulas arms and kisses her deeply)
Mai: I'm going to say yes.
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sortinghatchat · 1 year
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Avatar: The Last Airbender (2007) Hogwarts Houses Part 2
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