#baby boo anon
brosif40 · 1 year
These thoughts have been in the back of my mind recently;
So somehow, a baby boo slipped away from Dark Moon KB's watchful gaze, and Dark almost quite literally turned the mansion upside-down looking for the lost baby.
But then comes a knock on the mansion door, and Dark has to at least pretend to be calm when he opens the door, when at the front step?
Luigi, and nestled in his arms, is the baby boo that managed to sneak away, sleeping peacefully. In fact, nuzzling further into Luigi for warmth.
Dark can't bring himself to take the baby from Luigi bc they just look so very cozy in his arms, so he just picks up Luigi instead to take the baby boo to a well needed naptime.
- Baby Boo Anon
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THIS ONES SO CUTE AAUGGHH..... look at these dads
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sin-sidejob · 1 year
You write fanfiction about how much you want to fuck drawings who look like background characters in rick and morty
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stormyoceans · 11 months
Not Talay calling Puen my baby boo in his thoughts in novel 😭😭😭😭 this is sickening and i believe in six years he will call him like this in Puen's face
mr. i don't believe in love is really out there describing puen with words like adorable and cute and tiny and gentle and shy and comparing him to a kitten and thinking of him as his BABY BOO ARE YOU KIDDING ME HE'S DOWN SO BAD HE'S ON THE FLOOR HE'S BEEN THERE SO LONG HE DOESN'T EVEN REALIZE HE'S DOWN the way we all thought puen would be the one to come up with the most ridiculous and cheesy nicknames to give talay but it turns out he actually sticks to tee rak (dear/darling) most of the times while six years down the line talay probably spends his time calling puen a plethora of different names with the excuse he enjoys seeing puen blush every time he does that but the truth is that talay just genuinely thinks of puen in such sweet terms and needs to express all that love out loud GOD HE NEEDS TO GET UP TALAY GET UPPPPPPPPP
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
I'm Caravaggio's Medusa anon: yeah totally, we like Lexa with her head on. 😂
It's funny because if my professor will ask me about that I can absolutely answer her question telling him your story, but I still don't know anything about the real painting (don't worry I have time and I will study it properly 😂).
I'm studying for two exams: ancient art (Roman and Greek especially) and Modern Art 😊
Wow those are two very distant periods 😅
And that piece is easy. Caravaggio, Baroque period, oil on canvas on mounted wood. There were two renditions done, one that is privately owned and then another that was third-party commissioned to be a gift for the Medici family (barf). It was inspired by a previous work of Leonardo's that has sadly been lost to time, but it's a stunning example of Caravaggio's fixation on gore and mysticism, as well his use of dark and macabre painting techniques/color palettes to create the haunting feeling that encompasses so much of his work (it's also a great example of how in love with himself he was considering he used his own face as a model 🥴)
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 2 years
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earthtooz · 8 months
also im good just tired of uni even if it’s only been a month. ALSO MISSING UR REO WORKS REAL HARS RN
- insta anon
i flopped, but good luck for uni :,(( it rly does have that effect huh... i'm actually abt to finish THANK GOD bc this semester has truly been the bane of my existence.
BUT ONTO MORE IMPORTANT MATTERS THAN UNI (gross), i too am missing my reo works... but it literally takes me fifteen hundred centuries to write something nowadays because my brain refuses to keep things short... but maybe inspiration will strike one day and i'll get a reo idea i like. :,) until then, no reo for a while...
hey i'm open to suggestions :P
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luvring · 1 year
The way you go off about Leander makes me laugh LMFAO keep being you
HELPDFBJS bro if u think about it...this is not my fault. ur all feeding my brain worms im losing so much surface area to him up there. i have 5 asks just about this guy ANYBODY WANNA PICK SOMEONE ELSE?🤨 what about bokuaka🙁no one wants to talk about aki hayakawa making u breakfast in bed... all i have is magic yandere guy im shaking /J /NM
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dreamings-free · 11 months
Would he need passport for flight in USA from new york to los angeles? Dont know how it works. I looked there were flights both direction as london and la in span 10 min so it doesnt say nothing.
hmm I don’t know it’s been like.. a decade since I last took a domestic flight in the US.. but I imagine you’ll need some sorta ID for security no matter if you’re a US citizen or not..
anyway we’ll know soon enough where he’s going
ETA: you sent this while I was answering the first ask so just adding it here;
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Point out a dirt stain on his butt and keep loudly exclaiming that he's a little poppy baby who shat his pants
I've read this at least 5 times
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brosif40 · 1 year
More thoughts for you bc knowing you love these little snippets of a cute thought makes me want to share more thoughts with you
Because the baby boos are so very little, they always need at least one adult boo keeping an eye on them, else risk one lil teenie marshmallow floating away.
Dark very happily babysits plenty of baby boos in his spare time, he's got a ton of practice and skill that he knows how to keep every little bab accounted for.
But Party and Sunshine? They try their best but they always turn around and find a few lil babies sneaking in the cookie jar. Once they thought they lost one of the littlest baby boos but open the cookie jar and there's the little guy, all sleepy from eating too many cookies.
But, its not to say they wouldn't have their own ways keeping the babies entertained and accounted for! While Party handles games, Sunshine i feel would lean more into the arts and crafts.
-Baby Boo Anon
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finally finished these todaye WAAUGH anon I am grabbing you gently these genuinely make my day brighter I hope u know that qwq (also a bonus baby boo bc yeag)
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theloveinc · 2 years
TBF to Fluttershy about marrying Discord lots of fans would lol or another example of semi immortal anime favs fell for the heroine but yeah I don't know if I had many ships at all for mlp aside from like Big Mac and his love interests lol
lots of fans would marry discord LOL? you know, i see ur point definitely but also idk... even if there’s nothing inherently wrong with it, it still feels a bit weird to me. i’m not entirely sure also but i think a lot of their development happened in the comics... and because i didn’t read them, it just felt very much........ forced outside of like, the 2.5 episodes we got and “tea on fridays” or whatever. PLUS........ idk. maybe i just don’t like the dynamic in general? and that makes me hate it too???????? 
woman who fixed man and then they fell in love 🥰😍 NOT!!! feels very much like it pushes the agenda of... young woman can be your therapist and give u pwuss.
but whatever, i can still see why it could also be argued that like. it’s fine or whatever bc you know, [above] is technically allowed and discord wouldn’t actually HURT fluttershy in anyway *long side eye @ him bc it took so long for him to prove it and then he still caused the last war*
AND... yea. i didn’t have very many ships either but i CAN say (and have said before) i am flash sentry stan, sadly. he was sooo sweet to twilight and i loved it LMFAO even tho it was literally only ever in equestria girls. shaking my fucking fist. i also liked the big mac storyline too!! even if i also did kinda like him w/ cheerilee just a little bit. dunno. 
(and pinkie’s sister marble... but then they were supposedly cousins LOL). 
were there other ships tho? i dont really remember... ig i also kinda liked starlight and ... SUNBURST. and didn’t like the fact that pinkie pie ended up with cheese. another “girl fixes man” story and also i was kinda creeped out he was weird al jaskdlfkjasdf. 
but you know. 
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 2 years
this msg is a kiss on ur nose - John Paul Jones 💋
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highvern · 4 months
Outside of your usual suspects, but thoughts on dino??? Im in a phase and kinda need him biblically rn after seeing him in offwhite 🫣 doesnt help thats hes been a lil hoe lately in general -🍒
he looked great!!!! unfortunately that man is a child to me (jeonghan and i have never been seen in the same room together btw)
unrelated picture but solidifies seeing him as my younger siblings friend that ive adopted and am now responsible for (what can i say? the eldest daughter instinct is strong)
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trentskis · 8 months
darwin chaosball 🙌🙌🙌
and a banger too..
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radioconstructed · 1 year
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lovebugism · 5 months
“i’m tireddd.”
*in a whiny voice* “i’m tired.” *mocking them*
this is sooo eddie coded
ty for feeding my grumpy eddie obsession anon — grump!eddie's boyfriend instincts take over when you're sleepy (ditzy!reader-ish, established relationship, fluff, 0.6k)
bug's one year celebration ♡
There’s something heavy in Eddie’s lap. Something heavy and warm and smelling like a fresh shower.
He fights open drooping eyelids, not knowing when he’d dozed off or how long he’d dozed off for — or exactly when you crawled haphazardly into his lap. He figures it couldn’t have been that long ago. ‘Cause his show is still on, and you’re still shifting to get comfortable over his legs.
“What are you doing?” he asks you, voice thick with sleep until he clears it away. 
You’ve got yourself curled in a tight ball, trying to make yourself as tiny as possible so you can fit more of yourself in his lap. The effort is futile. Only half you thrown over half of him. It doesn’t look comfortable in the slightest, but you settle with a contented sigh like you are, anyway. Eddie smooths a warm hand over your back and lets you lie there, on top of him.
“Laying on you,” you answer, muffled against him.
“Okay… Why?”
“‘Cause I love you.”
“Boo,” he moans. “Too vague.”
You whine. “Today was just so long, and I’m sooo tireddd.”
“Aww, you’re tired?” Eddie coos in a mocking voice. “You poor baby.”
He uses his sarcasm to compensate for how sweet he is to you. He acts annoyed but grabs a blanket from the back of the couch to drape over you anyway. Even goes as far as to swaddle you in it when he resituates you in his lap, sitting you more wholly over his thighs.
Vulnerability has always been hard for him, only ever feasible when he pretends it’s insincere.
“Is this better?” he mumbles into your hair.
You hum, warm against his neck. “Mhmm.”
“Good. ‘Cause you’re blocking the TV.”
“Don’t act like you’re not enjoying this,” you tease and pull slightly back from him. The tip of your nose runs up his jaw to the apple of his cheek. “There’s a reason I call you Teddy, you know?”
“And why’s that?”
“Because you’re soft. And fuzzy. And you love to cuddle.”
Eddie squints at you. “…You just made all that up.”
“You can like me, you know? We’re not in high school anymore, Teddy.”
“I always liked you,” he scoffs and holds you tighter against him, one arm around your back and the other beneath your knees. “Even before you knew I existed.”
“I always knew you existed!”
“Yeah? Since when?”
“Mr. Hauser’s Sex Ed class. Freshmen year. He was like, ‘That’s how the homo sapien male holds an erection—’” You recite it like it’s something you think about often. A reminiscent smile pulls at the corners of your lips. “—And the boy with the grown-out buzz cut behind me said, ‘Actually, Mr. Hauser, I think an erection is better held in the hand of the homo sapien female.’” 
Eddie laughs at the long-gone memory and starts to sparkle with it.
“And I’ve been smitten over that boy ever since,” you tell him with a sickly-sweet smile.
He scrunches his nose in disgust, still not used to the affection you show him so effortlessly. “You had a crush on me in ninth grade?” he teases like he hasn’t loved you since eighth.
“Uh-huh,” you nod. “Still do.”
“That’s so gross,” he grumbles like a storm cloud right before hugging you that much closer. 
He holds you with firm hands, suffocating in the best of ways, with every intention to melt with you. The bridge of his nose smushes into your neck. He inhales deeply, filling his lungs with the scent of your shampoo. His exhale fans warm against your skin.
“Too gross to kiss?” you wonder in a tiny voice.
“Yes,” he answers quickly as he pulls away. “But I like gross, so…”
You press a smacking kiss to his plush grin. Then another for good measure. You hug him closer and bury your face into his neck. “Mm. You taste like a TV dinner,” you mumble into his skin.
Eddie tries hard to hide his laughter. It bubbles from his throat like sunshine, anyway.
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