#baby boy is sooooo embarassed
bluecoolr · 1 year
i will forever use the time of day (morning, night, late evening) or state of being (half asleep, headache, distracted) as an excuse for my Thoughts
Darrell actually puts down his phone thinking "Bet they'd like that 😏😌", gets a cold feeling, checks the contact name and just about passes away 😆😆
Imagine if Cylas sends him a reply like "nice. 😗" and he just kind of sends an awkward "thanks."
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here4theheartbreak · 1 year
That Christmas Vlive! OMG. I remember watching that happen. I felt like Yunho. Just... 👀🍿😬 Woo really thought he was hard done by. But it turned out they all just wanted to spend more time with each other. Fools! 😭 And the way Hongjoong was basically like... 'actually, from what I've seen...' because Yeosang never really advocates for himself unless he's prompted to. Honestly, it was a great thing to see because it really laid out how they resolve the issues and tensions that will, of course, pop up from time to time. It gave me a lot of faith in them and their longevity. 🧡
I would loveeeee to see them acting more! They really are so good at conveying things — usually with just their bodies / mannerisms / facial expressions. I want one of them to get a nice meaty drama role. I want it to be so successful that people are shocked when they discover that an actor they liked is actually an idol. (AKA me with Chani in Sky Castle)
I CANNOT DEAL WITH IT. I've also watched Baby Cloud so much~! The softest part for me is when Ayun accidentally hits San. 😭 Her little 미안해 and his fast but (heart-meltingly) soft 아니요 괜찮아. Like pleaseeeeeee, boy. I can't handle this kind of gentleness. This tender masculinity. Let me breathe for a second. Woosan were SO good with the girls. They really seemed to know how to behave around them and how to adapt to them.
I'm really looking forward to the next part! I can't wait to see Seonghwa get his nails painted and for him to flex his toy knowledge. Also, our SH really ran around for ages, sweating in the sun, just to play with Jaeyul. Heroic. I would have been begging him to sit down in the shade.
Yessssssss. Kids definitely gravitate towards Wooyoung. I think it's 70% his natural energy and 30% the fact that he has a little brother. I think he just understands them, and they know it?? OMG. The way he was talking to Jaiden about their hair?? Too cuteeeeeee. I'm literally seconds away from screaming up at the sky. 🫠
And, for real, they did sooooo well with Lina. She really was so nervous and unsure from the beginning, but they did a great job! Letting her kind of just do stuff without pressure. Encouraging her.
Ohhh! San's Goth jacket is so cool! I really love the holographic one Seonghwa was wearing the other day!
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WE MUST TREASURE PURPLE JONGHO WHILE WE STILL HAVE HIM. I'm kinda glad it's not for too long though. He probably knows he has the healthiest scalp and hair out of all of them and he's saving himself. 😂
They're definitely a group of incredible dualities. Mingi is a killer on the stage and a princess at every other possible opportunity. And, really, I respect the man for wielding that kind of power!
I did see Wooyoung's kiss attempt! It seems like his lips are gravitating towards San these days. 😂 Yunho is always there. Watching. Observing. He's the one true witness to all their fruity shenanigans. My person fave is that Halloween Seongjoong one. The ARE YOU TWO ACTUALLY FLIRTING RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW expression on his face just takes me out every time! 👀🎃 He must have aged so many years by now. His soul must be ten thousand years old.
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I just watched the new 1ND2 ep! The teezers with the gochu ladies?? I can't take this!! Also, Jongho blending in / bonding with women old enough to be his grandmother is a phenomenon that should be studied!!!!
My God, Yunho’s reaction killed me. Tbh the secondhand embarassment from that live, it makes me cringe 😂 I do kinda enjoy watching them get into it though, especially with Wooyoung because he’s so passionate about things, he’ll spend a full hour debating something, cameras be damned. Bless Joong for being able to wrangle control when he goes off on some debate with whichever member. I mean, I understand - I’m the same way; I’ll go off on an hours long debate with someone and get lost in my own world if I’m interested and invested so like - I’m on Wooyoung’s side here, but seeing it from the outside 😅 yikes.
But 100% agree about their longevity. I mean, it’s a group of 8 very different personalities; even if they get along better than most, they’re still bound to have disagreements - especially since they’ve been together since they were teenagers. I did laugh at one interview I’d watched, where they were talking about arguments and both of the rappers were talking about Wooyoung 🤣 - poor guy just starts all sorts of arguments by accident.
And yess, I ultimately got into SHINee bc of seeing Minho on Hwarang and absolutely falling in love with him, I barely remember the other actors 🤣 (Though that one is funny bc my friend had been trying to get me into SHINee for like a year prior to that and I kept declining.) I know half of them did that one k-drama, I still need to watch it, it’s on my list, among the mountain of other stuff of theirs lol.
And YES oh my God, San knew exactly how to make her feel okay and handled the accident so well, my heart might have exploded. Especially when Woo laughed at him and he just grinned about it, like god, guys, please. I agree about Seonghwa! He didn’t get much screen time (Sorry, Hwa, I was okay with that, I was wholly invested in Woosan and the girls 🤣) but I wanna see more of him and how he is with the kids. He was so sweet with Jaeyul even though he very clearly was dying (man why would you wear an outfit like that on a day like that???) lol San shoulda been with the boy from point one, he’s got the energy for him for sure lol - also doing Taekwondo/Karate with him - that was so friggin’ cute, and he knew exactly how to play with him versus Ayun; pushing a little harder, getting that competitive fighting edge up bc that’s what he needed, honestly - top tier parenting skills. I kinda wish they could do something like what they did ages ago with idol groups, the Hello Baby series. I know they have the Baby Cloud/Return of Superman type things now to take the place of that, but I’d love to see Ateez just handed a kid and asked to keep them for x days and make a whole series out of it, I know they’d absolutely do amazing and that kid would be over the moon.
I am so used to making allowances for “meh” behaviors from celebrities I like, coming up with excuses like yeah it’s not great but — insert whatever excuse. It’s so nice to be able to be just like no these guys are great - I would 100% trust them with my kid, wouldn’t be worried about reactions to gender/sexuality - they’re just awesome guys.
I like that jacket! Honestly all their fits. Though I didn’t appreciate waking up this morning and winding up with a pile of screenshots of San in that shirt from yesterday’s performance when I opened my eyes (my fault for going to two first thing when I opened my eyes but that’s not the point here). - Seriously tho - why bother wearing a shirt that closes when it’s gonna be that low cut. And the scarf was doing nothing 😭
Also these days 😭🤣 seems more like “since they met” he’s been gravitating his mouth toward San’s lmao - I was watching one of their older programs last night and had to stop and rewind it because I was so confused when I realized Wooyoung was in San’s blankets when he was supposed to be in a completely different (and more comfortable) space. I swear, it seems like that guy has been attached to San since forever and I’m so soft over it.
Oh my god why is it always Yunho??? I have seen so many compilations of him being the unfortunate third wheel to various pairing’s flirtations and oddities, I just… Man. Someone needs to gift him a whistle to blow whenever two members look like they’re going to do something that’s gonna get them kicked off the air in front of him 😂 (Suddenly remembering Hongjoong’s “Hey this is a bit… this has viewer age limits too” moment when he walked in on Woosan doing whatever the hell cuddling they were doing on Real Now). That face right there though. All I can hear is…
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But also yes! I watched it a little late bc I was out at pride all day, but it was so cute. I knew Wooyoung had those damn chili peppers, the way I started swearing at San for not picking his 😂like man, the one time y’all aren’t attached to the hip is the one time it would’ve saved you.
Jongho blends in with the grandmas because mentally, the poor thing is one. Being with that group has aged him 150 years and he’s now mentally geriatric and needs a nap. The sheer number of times I’m sure he wonders why he didn’t just become a trot singer 🤣.
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babiesdreams · 4 years
Nct teasing their small s.o when they're trying to kiss them part 3
Part 1 Part 2
--requests open--
♡ My favs will be marked with this heart.
Renjun: You were on you tiptoes trying to reach renjun's face, while he kept laughing at you and tapping your head. "You'll eventually get it" he says in a teasing tone. "I don't think I can" you reply giving up on your intentions. He leans down and kisses you, finally, saying "you can still grow tho"
Jeno: "I didn't know you were sooooo small" He says looking down at you. "I didn't know you were so freaking tall" you say hitting his chest lightly. He chuckles and leans down a little, enough for him to kiss your forehead. "You are even cuter now" he says tapping your head. "Now here" you say pointing at your lips. He chuckles again and does as you told him "Too cute for me to handle" he says smiling.
♡ Haechan: "come and get it" He says raising his arm, still holding the ice cream you wanted to eat, the last ice cream remaining. "Lee Donghyuk I swear to god" you say jumping as you try your best to reach out to his hand. You change your plans when the boy laughs, admitting it was kind of impossible. You try to reach his lips now, in a attempt to distract him "Oh look at you, you can't even reach my lips" he coos you. You change your plans again and decide to go for hid neck this time. This goal is so much easier and you get it almost instantly. The boy melts with you wet kisses as you go lower through his neck and he gets his arms down, not worried about that anymore. You grab the ice cream from his hand and wink at the boy as you dissapear from the room. "This is not finished" He says pointing at you.
Jaemin: "Baby come on I know you can" he says reassuring you. "I can't" you reply giving up and pouting at him. "My toes hurt from trying" You say as you cross your arms. He sits down, next to you and taps his lap, as a signal for you to sit on it. You sit on his lap and smile happily before kissing his lips a hundred times.
♡ Yangyang: “Okay, no, so you really can’t reach me?” He says smiling. “Why would I pretend that???” You ask confused, looking up at him. “I don’t know, because it’s so cute?” He simply says looking back at you. “I hate you” You say frowning. “Too bad, ‘cause I love you” He says placing a kiss on your lips.
Shotaro: “I’m just saying, I’m not even that tall” He explains to you. You hide your face in your hands “Don’t make it worse please” You say embarassed. “It isn’t a bad thing, I think it’s so cute” He says kissing your nose. You can’t help but smile at his cute action. “You are cuter tho” you say touching his nose.
♡ Chenle: His dolphin laugh fills the room, previously silent. “No way!” He says in between laughs. You pout at him, which makes no difference at all. “You are tiny Y/N” He says mussing your hair with his hand. “I know Mr. Obvious” You say crossing your arms in an angry expression. “Okay, don’t get mad Mrs. smurf” He says laughing and you hit his arm jockingly. “Hey, that one hurted” You say offended
♡ Sungchan: “I’m not teasing you, I’m genuinely surprised that you don’t reach me” He says chuckling. “Sungchan you are a tower, and I’m a dwarf, now can you please just kiss me?” You say rolling your eyes. “Okay, okay, don’t get mad at me” He says finally leaning down and placing a smooch on your lips. “A dwarf” He repeats your words laughing loudly.
Jisung: “I thought you were taller babe, I’m sorry” Jisung says, still laughing about the whole situation. “I’m clearly not” You say turning back to look at him. “It’s just, you’re so small” He says chuckling. You sigh, counting on your head how many times, he said that today. “I think I got it Jisung” You say rolling your eyes up. “Don’t get mad Y/N” He says grabbing your arm and kissing your hand cutely.
Masterlist--requests open--
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dailystarknews · 5 years
Day 6: Saturday 21st of March
Hey, I’m a bit late for this update, sorry. So much things happened yesterday. 
So, as I told you, I slept with Bucky during the night and I had no other nightmares whiwh is kind of great I can’t deny it. It was one of the most peaceful night that I get since a year now.
Bucky finished his book, so I proposed him a new one (after the hour that he spend in front of the bookshelf 📚 .). It’s a french writer, Schmitt, and his book is just crazily twisted and amazing.📖 “La Part de l’Autre”, we got the French version and anyway I know Bucky speak French too, so he can read it. (I still don’t know how though.) I am still wondering if he’s going to like the book because it’s about nazis and stuff and it’s kind of hard to read it at some moment, but it’s also a beautiful book so I wish he would appreciate it. Actually, it’s more about a man and where the choice he made can drive him to madness... I would not say more, because maybe some of you would like to read it and I’m not a spoiler. 
After he started to read the book, we get on the internet and Bucky discovered Memes. You know what he told me? OMG! It was the funniest and cutest thing I ever heard in my life! He told me :
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(For the Gif I just asked him to say it again! I definitely wanted you to see his confused face!! 🤣😂🤣)
I was like: “Are you talking about Memes?” And he said “Me-Mes” again. God! Me-Mes! I’m definitely going to say that know! This is too much funny to be ignored. He was all embarassed by the fact he couldn’t say it properly. So I just told him it was adorable and he... Blush? Like really?! I made him blush! He was just even more cute than before! (How this idiot can make me feel sooooo crazy about him? Like WTF?) Anyway, we watched a lot of Me-mes and Bucky was laughing so much on the ones who were talking about the toilet paper 🧻. It was driving him crazy and I’m pretty sure I never have seen him laugh that much. I’m happy because he looks more and more confortable in the house and with us.  
In the Afternoon I spend a lot of time with Bucky again and my Fathers finally came with us. We put music on and we were dancing and singinig crazily around the House. We all miss PARTY! So we just Party-ed all together in the living room !
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I think we just all needeed that to finally relax about the situation. We try not to talk too much about it, you know? Because the more you talk about it, the more it takes place, right? And there is no reason of talking about that all day long I think. It’s a crazy situation, we have to do the most normal things that we can to not turn mad, right? For now, we’re fine here. I’m really less nervous about it. I was so stressed on the first two days, now it gets really better, we just have to think about something else. Try to normalize our life during the containement. 
All of that to say that, we had fun. And something weird happened.
Steve and Bucky started to dance together. (I mean no problem for now, right?) But they started to play with each other by friendly fighting. It was kind of fine but I just noticed again that Bucky was following Steve kind of easily. (Just like for the training you know?) HOW IS HE DOING? Nobody can follow Steve Rogers on training or fighting, you know why? Because of his FUCKING serum! The more I think about it, the more I think Bucky got serum too. Maybe he was an experiment? Anyway I’ve been a bit pissed off against Steve, they were so close it was weird. Bucky and Steve get really touchy with the fighting and dancing like Hugs and stuff. So, I was like WTF? And Howard was just laughing and enjoying the evening you know? 
So, I talked to Howard: “What the hell is your boyfriend doing?” 
Him : “ You mean your father?” Yeah, definitely, my father! Why does he flirts with my crush in front of my other dad?! 
Me: “What is he doing with Bucky? It’s super weird! They are flirting or what?”
Howard laughed a lot. He just laughed. I mean, dude, your boyfriend is going to cheat on you, in front of you and you’re just laughing about it? 
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He just explained to me that nothing will never happen between Steve and Bucky. That they just have a special bound due to their common story. (Thing that I still don’t know nothing about...) 
It reassures me a bit. I mean, of course I have 0 chance against Steve Rogers if I have to be in competition with him for my love interest. It’s obvious, I’m not stupid. I’m not Miss America. 
This conversation with my dad helped me a lot to feel more confident to talk to him about Afghanistan. (I’m going to do a Special post to explain to you what happened there.) So, I finally told him all the things I couldn’t before. I cried, he cried too but at the end, I guess we felt better. 
We were in my bedroom when we talked and Bucky just knocked and enter the room to come sleep with me. He was there, standing in front of the door with Bobby. And that was fucking funny because he became so awkward when he saw my dad. Howard just kissed me and get out of the room and was like: “Have a good night, boys! ;) “ With the wink and everything ! Omg... So awkward. 
Bucky came into the bed and he just told me: “I thought you would not like to sleep alone again.” That was so sweet. “But if you want, I can go. It’s fine.” 
I told him to stay. There was a silent for like two or three minutes and we started to talk about everything that happened today and I fucking don’t remember how but I started to explain to him that Howard get pregnant and that’s how I was born. Oh, yeah, it’s because he told me that I would never grow up again.  
And don’t ask me why but I told him : “Yeah, but you know, even if Howard is not that tall, I still have Steve’s genes so, I just have to wait.”
He looked at me weirdly and he laughed. I kept my poker face and I wait for him to calm down before I tell him: “You know that I don’t have a mother, right? Steve and Howard made me together.” So he laughed even more and explained to me that guys can’t be pregnant (of course not! x’D), that I was messing with him. But I was so serious that he stopped again to ask me how could it be even possible.
I stay calm and I started to go on a crazy explanation like: 
“Yeah but you know hippocampus can. (He told me that yes but not humans) Alright, basically my fathers wanted a baby together so hard that Howard started to do some experiment. He created a serum based on Hippocamus DNA and Steve’s Serum and other chemicals to actually be pregnant. (Like WTF? This is so funny! I can’t believe that he actually fail in the trap! 😂 ) They were not sure at all it would work but here we are. I am the precious fruit of their love! They kept the secrets for them, so Howard was wearing an hologram of himself on his own skin when he was in public, not to be suspicious. And Maria, my supposed mom, just faked pregnancy to cover them. When he gave birth to me, Howard has to do that at home and that’s how I’m born.” 
Bucky looked at me with wild eyes. I’m sure he was waiting for me to laugh or something and I was just so focused that he finally believed it ! Oh My God ! He believed it! This is so fucking funny!!! I called Rhodey to tell him and he just laughed so much, we couldn’t stop! 😂
After few minutes, Bucky asked me: “I don’t wanna be weird or anything. But... How did you get out?” I told him that Jarvis was a medic before and that he did a caesarean section to my dad. A CAESAREAN SECTION !!!  😂 😂 😂
And Bucky was like: “Wow... Your father is a genius. This is incredible... Technology.” 
I can’t stop laughing when I think about it now! 😂 I wonder for how long he’s going to believe it!!! 
After that, we kept talking a bit and we finally fall asleep. It’s really confortable and reassuring to have someone with you while sleeping. 
See you later for the Day 7 and probably the “Afghanistan post”. 
Love you all ! Stay safe and stay home !💘 🧡💛💚💙💜
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hockeytrashgoblin · 6 years
Guess the song bb
Okie dokie friendos. I have been gone for a while because health is important apparently?? Who woulda guessed it. Anyway I was sick and sad but nOW I’M BACK BBS. William Nylander doing the keke challenge or whatever the fuck it’s called. Also was inspired by Jenna and Julien podcast games sooooo here is the result. Hope you enjoy. Or don’t. Up to you really but I like the way it turned out so rad *Finger guns at you*
“Hey babe?” William asked coming into the room and sitting beside me on the counter where I was baking some peanut butter cookies.
“Can I ask you something? You can feel free to say no but it could be fun.”
“What is it Willy?” he had peaked my interest with this. You could never tell what he would ask, it was always a surprise.
“Weeeell you know the Leaf Nation website?”
“Yeah of course. What does that have to do with me though?”
“The producers thought it would be a fun idea to bring our girls for a show.”
“What kind of show?”
“Ours specifically would be a game seeing if I can guess your favourite songs. All of them would be games like that but ours is music because you like it a lot and honestly I think they think I’m going to be bad at it.” he said laughing at the end.
“I would love to do that baby, it sounds fun.”
“Okay good because I kinda already said we would do it.” he had a sheepish smile and I just hit his arm with a dish towel.
“You knew I’d say yes.” I stood in between his legs and hugged him. “I can never say no to you.”
“I know, it’s cute.” he said giving me a chaste kiss before jumping down from the counter. “Now you should maaaybe make a song list because we film this thing on Tuesday.”
“William! It’s Monday today!”
“Well I mean you’ve got all evening and tomorrow morning.”
“How long does this list have to be?”
“Probably about 50 songs roughly?”
“Oh my god..okay. I’ll do it after my cookies are done.”
The next day William woke me up much too early for my liking. To be fair I asked him to so I could make myself look presentable for this shoot. I was in the bathroom sitting on the floor curling my hair when he poked his head in, leaning on the door frame.
“Why are you doing all of this?”
“I don’t want to embarass you by looking like a bridge troll for all the fans.”
“You don’t ever look like a bridge troll. You’re beautiful always.”
“Shut up.” I said quietly rolling my eyes.
“It’s true babes. I’m going to make breakfast while you get ready.”
“Okay sounds good bean.” a little while after William left I had finally finished curling my hair. Or so I had thought. It had completely fallen straight again because I forgot to put hairspray in. I took a deep breath and put the curling iron down. I was really frustrated and pouty. It was still early, I could pout if I wanted to. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and shoved my face into Willy’s back making him laugh.
“Hi there.”
“Hi.” I said mumbling into his back.
“What’s the matter (Y/N)?”
“Look at my dumb hair.” he turned around to see the half straight hair and the hair that was currently straightening itself.
“Oh baby, you forgot to put in hairspray in between layers didn’t you?”
“Yeah.” I said pouting again.
“No need to pout darling.”
“I just want to look pretty and not embarrass you but nothing is working out this morning.”
“You don’t ever embarrass me. Never. You could go in a big sweater with the hood up and leggings and you’d still look beautiful.”
“I might just have to be cozy today..” he came over and grabbed my face with his hands.
“I love when you dress cozy. You always look so damn cute.” he gave me a little kiss and I smiled into it. “Now go get dressed while I finish your breakfast you cutiepie.”
“Okay.” I kissed him again and went upstairs to find my favourite leggings. I quickly found them and put them on. I then went through the closet to try to find a big sweater. Mine were all dirty so I took one of William’s Leafs long sleeve shirts. It was huge on me but it looked cute and I was cozy so I didn’t care much. I put on a beanie and ran back downstairs.
“Wooooooow! Cutest lady I’ve ever seen.”
“Noo be quiet.” I said covering my smile with my sweater paws making him smile wider as he brought the food to the table.
After breakfast we lounged around for a little bit before we started driving to the ACC. We got there about 30 minutes before we started shooting and just hung out again for a little while. I put lavs on me and William while we were just waiting around and got them synced to the camera. William and Kasperi were teasing me for knowing how to do it all, but the cameraman who was running late appreciated the heck out of me. A few minutes later I was sitting across a small table from William.
“Okay so Will, you’re going to introduce yourself and (y/n) and say what we’re doing in this video. (y/n) can jump in if she wants but we just want you guys to interact like you normally do.”
“Alright.” he said.
“No problem.” I said smiling to him. And then we were being counted in.
“Hi guys I’m William Nylander and this is my beautiful girl (y/f/n). We’re going to be playing a game today right babe?”
“Yeah! It’s a fun game where we find out just how much attention Willy pays to what’s going on around him. I’ve made a list of my favourite songs and he has to guess them from bits and pieces of the songs.”
“Okay but do I just have to get the song?”
“Nah boi, you need the artist too.”
“Are you actually joking?” he asked smile dropping.
“No bb. You gotta get them both.”
“Pfft that’s fine.”
“Yeah okay.” I said sarcastically rolling my eyes at him. I pulled my legs up on the chair and got ready to start the game. “Are you ready to start ya big baby?”
“I guuuess.” he said sighing.
“Okay. Just a heads up none of the artists repeat, and they’re songs I’ve liked since the 10th grade until last week.”
“I hate it here.”
“Loooove yooou.” I say blowing him a kiss.
“Alright whatever let’s just start this game.” he said laughing.
“Are you ready?”
“Um yeah I’m gonna crush it.”
“We’ll see I guess. Here’s the first song. If you don’t get it I’m going to be personally insulted.” I put on the part of Fergalicious when Fergie is doing her fast rap part. He listened carefully for a few seconds.
“That’s Fergalicious by Fergie. Predictable to say the least.”
“Yeah you got it!”
“You made me learn it so you wouldn’t have to sing all parts by yourself there was no way I wouldn’t have gotten that one.” he said laughing and smiling sweetly at you.
“Okay next song!” I put on dancing in the street by David Bowie and Mick Jagger. I stopped it after a few seconds. “Alright cutie, what’s the song?”
“That’s all I get?!”
“That’s plenty!”
“Oh god.” he said putting his face in his hands. “Um...is it..is it David Bowie?”
“He’s one of the people in it. Who’s the other and what’s the song?”
“I honestly have no clue (y/n).”
“Disappointing. Dancing in the streets by Mick Jagger and David Bowie.”
“Whatever, next.” he said brushing it off.
“Okay baby what’s this one?”
“Sos from mama mia. It’s Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan.” he said after the opening half a second of piano.
“I knew there would be a mama mia one on here. You’re obsessed.”
“Nooo I just love it. Anyway next song.” I put on a part of this song where there was no lyrics at all just instrumentals and William sighed.
“I know that’s Halsey but I don’t know which one.”
“Take a guess.”
“Which one is the strange one? Strange love?”
“Yes you go babe!”
“Yes! Alright let’s go.” he reached over for a high five and I hit his hand with me shirt covered hand making him giggle. “You’re so cute.”
“Shut uuuuup.” I played the next song and William just looked confused.
“I think this is beach boys. You like them a lot.”
“You’re right it is the beach boys but which one?” he looked more confused as he thought. “William Nylander you can’t be serious. Come on babe you have to know this..”
“Surfing USA?”
“Oh. My. God.” I said resting my hand over my eyes. “Willy. I first heard this song on baby muppets the day my brother was born.”
“OH! Kokomo!”
“Yes. You don’t get the point though. That was pitiful.”
“Boo you.” he said pouting and I stuck my tongue out putting on the next few songs. He had gotten 10 in a row wrong and he was getting annoyed and I was laughing so hard I was crying.
“Okay baby let me give you an easy one.”
“You said that about the last 3.” I put the song on and he listened carefully.
“Come on I’ve been listening to this song for like a week straight on repeat.”
“It’s do it with you but I don’t know his name..is it Andrew something?”
“Yeah it’s Andrew Hyatt. I’ll give you that one. Good job lemur.”
“Thank you lemur.”
“Here’s another easy one.”
“You literally got that song from me. Take it or leave it by great good fine ok.”
“You got it! I didn’t think you would since you didn’t get how I want ya and I got that from you too.”
“You be quiet little missy.” he said winking at me.
“Okay next.” I went to the song and pushed play. “If you don’t get this we’re getting a divorce.”
“We aren’t even married!” he said laughing super hard. The song started and he started singing along to the la’s in crocodile rock. I did too, but I had been singing along to all of them. “That’s the crocodile rock by Elton John.”
“Yeah bb!”
“Yay no divorce.”
“Silly Willy we aren’t even married. Dummy.” he laughed again and he cried a little from laughing so hard. “Okay next.”
“No fair. This isn’t even in English (y/n).”
“So what’s the name of the song?”
“I have absolutely no idea. I don’t understand one word of this to even guess.”
“Do you know who sings it?”
“I think Nicky Jam.”
“Yes! It’s X. Solarte’s walk up song.”
“Baseball?” I nodded smiling. “Classic. I’m not shocked about that at all honestly.”
“Here’s the next one.” I put it on and started dancing to it dramatically making William laugh.
“That’s Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. Baby’s favourite MJ song.”
“Truuuuue. Okay here try this one.”
“Okay this song is a lie. You absolutely do NOT beg for attention in small doses. You want to literally overdose on attention.”
“Um wow spilling the tea all over me. Rude.”
“It’s loverboy by you me at six.”
“Yes.” I said shortly putting on the next song.
“This is 100% loveshack.”
“Are you kidding? Are you actually dumb?”
“No come on this is definitely loveshack by the b-52’s.”
“It’s the B-52’s but it isn’t loveshack.” I said laughing really hard. “Holy shit I’m crying.”
“Okay then what song is it smarty pants?”
“Rock Lobster. It’s rock lobster.”
“Fake news.”
“You can’t just claim fake news on facts!” I said laughing harder.
“Rock lobsters are fake news.” I started hiccuping in my laughter and then he knew he messed up. “Oh shit she’s in a mood now. Should we stop filming until she calms down?” the crew shook their heads. William shrugged and turned back to me making me erupt into giggles again. After about 20 minutes of me annoying everyone on the set I finally got myself calmed down enough to continue.
“Um okay here’s the next one..” I said brushing tears out of my eyes. I pushed play and waited for Willy to guess it.
“Oooh that’s yeah by my man Usher.”
“Yup you got it.”
“I know my Usher.”
“I know you do hun.” I said with a small smile. “Here guess this one.”
“Oooooo it’s Brittany bitch! Toxic by Brittany Spears?”
“Yeah boi.” I said chuckling quietly. We went through quite a few more pretty quickly. William got a mix of right and wrong. “Okay last one Willy.”
“I’m so ready babe.”
“Saved the best for last.”
“Now I’m worried.” he said while I pushed play and bit my thumb with a big smile waiting for it. “Oh my god I hate you.” he said putting his head in his hands.
“Do you know it?”
“You’re a shit.” he said with a smile.
“Do you know it?”
“Yes I know it. Unfortunately.” I giggled a little bit. “It’s Mr. Flaming hot cheeto head. Lil Yachty. And by the complex words I’m going to guess it’s called Good day.”
“You’s right lemuuur!”
“Good now turn this off before everyone’s ears start bleeding.”
“Oh my god it happened one time William.” I said crossing my arms and standing up wakling over to him.
“One time too many.” he said pulling me to sit on one of his thighs.
“I stopped listening to it that loud and it never happened again. I already apologized to Kapi like 9 million times.”
“I know baby. I love you.”
“Love you.” I said putting my head on his shoulder.
“Okay guys this has been a lot of fun. I think (y/n) now knows that I do pay attention.”
“Like half attention.”
“Well how am I supposed to pay full attention to music when I want to pay full attention to you singing and dancing?”
“Oh my gooooood. William that’s so cute it’s gross.” I said giggling again.
“Okay well bye guys.”
“Bye thank you for having me.” I say smiling to the camera.
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pinksausageduo · 7 years
a favor & a kiss
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member: lai guanlin  genre: very fluffy summary: you’ve always had a crush on guanlin but you never thought he would like you back, what happens when he asks you to wear his varsity jacket to be his lucky charm at his final basketball game?
you and guanlin were friends because you sat in maths class together
which mostly consisted of you and him complaining about the class and not doing the assigned work
“guanlin it’s been exactly 23 minutes and 16 seconds that we’ve been in this class but why does it feel like two weeks” you’d groan
he would smirk at you, and reply “we have 67 minutes and 44 seconds to go” you’d huff and puff but then you’d finally do you work
by work you mean copying off the answers from guanlin 
the thing is for you it was weird to be his friend 
well you didn’t want to be only his friend but you pushed your feelings in the deepest place in you mind
because he was probably the most popular guy of your grade and you were just one of those people who blended into the background 
he was the star player of the basketball team, nice, funny, smart and not to mention his ridiculously good looks
because of this he had A HUGE FAN CLUB like no joke even like girls three years older than him wanted to date him
Guanlin also had very popular friends across the grades even some in university 
he was exciting and fun and you were plain and boring 
you had absolutely no chance with him
you happily settled with just being his friend but you couldn’t sometimes help but wish that maybe one day something would happen
one maths class guanlin asked you to go to the final of his basketball game 
you agreed cause you had nothing planned for that night other than binge watching netflix
the day of the game guanlin came to you when you were eating lunch  which was a very unusual occurence
you could feel the glares and whispers of other girls
feeling awkward and uncomfortable you asked him “whats up?”
unexpectedly he looked even more nervous than you and said
“uhhhh i have a favour to ask? i always have someone who’s important to me wear my varsity jacket at my final games. Is it okay if you could wear it tomorrow?”
he said looking at the ground and rubbing his neck which you knew was nervous habit of his from the hours of staring at him
your heart was beating SO FAST you think that everyone could hear it
you tried to muster a normal (not too excited so i seem chill) smile without squealing 
guess what, you failed, you literally squeaked in response
but after freaking out you finally beamed a smile and replied “i’d love to”
he gave you his most heart melting gummy smile which you literally thought could melt you
he started to ramble after you said yes “like i didn’t mean to be weird it’s just my sister always wore my varsity jacket at my final games but she’s still in taipei and i don’t have any other important girls in my life other than you”
your heart then was torn in two parts 
complete devastation because HE SAW YOU LIKE A SISTER not just a friend A SISTER
but also just pure bliss because you’re the only important girl in his life other than his family 
you just ended up smiling and saying “it’s not weird at all, i’d love to be your good luck charm” you said with a joking wink
then of course guanlin proceeds TO BLUSH 
you freaked out because 
1. you are NEVER that flirty (but it’s probably because of the panic that he looks at you like a sister which of course causes you to awkwardly flirt)
2. HE BLUSHED this cool gorgeous guy BLUSHED because of you
he mumbled a few incoherent words something along the lines of “see you at the game” and handed you his varsity jacket
before you know it your one and only close best friend looked at you with her jaw open and simply said like the dirty minded hoe she is 
“he totally wants to get in your pants, GO FOR IT HONEY!”
you whacked her in the arm and said disappointedly “he only likes me as a friend even a sister”
“keep on telling yourself that” she smirked
because of your friend teasing you you didn’t notice guanlin getting teased by ALL of his friends
“yah! guanlin giving her your jacket is not good enough bloody confess to her already!” jihoon said 
“aw you and y/n would be sooo cute” daehwi cooed who else would it be
“not as cute as us though” jinyoung said while wrapping his arm around daehwi jokingly totally not joking
“hmm guanlin-ah after we win because we’re totally gonna win, KISS HER” seongwoo cockily remarked
“do that confess, ask her out and boom you’re a couple” added daniel
“you’ll be fine” woojin said reassuringly while patting his shoulder
he just basically groaned the whole time his hyungs were talking and just wanted it to be at the game already 
*the game*
you were wearing a plain white tshirt dress which was a bit short for your comfort with Guanlin’s varsity jacket and your hair in a loose kinda messy bun with minimal makeup
you gotta admit you looked pre cute
especially because at school you wear baggy sweatpants and worn out t shirts, you hair is a mess and you’re sure sometimes you have some dried drool on your cheek
you were on the bleacher closest to the court so you could see guanlin play and cheer for him
unbeknownest to you guanlin had checked if you were there and once seeing you his heart was beating so rapidly
more than if he sprinted for like 30 minutes
because you looked so beautiful
he literally screamed in the locker room to jihoon
jihoon was like woah dude calm down and like damn you’re really in love with this chick aren’t ya you little giant baby
and guanlin just blushes and nods 
*okay time skip to the actual game*
you couldn’t help but appreciate how hot guanlin looked in his basketball tank top which showed off his lean but muscular arms 
and his uniform just made him look taller than usual
but first half the team played really well thrashing the other team 
guanlin was shooting most of the goals and you were like 
that’s my man but like lol no he’ll never be intersted in me 
in the break between the halves he gave you a wave and a warm smile
you smiled back, showing off your jacket and giving him a hwaiting gesture
he gave you a thumbs up back
in the second second half the other team catched up because one of the best players (seongwoo) injured his ankle and couldn’t play
he totally swore so loudly when he got injured for like 10 minutes straight 
with only 2 minutes to go it was a tie and the ball was on the opposite side of the court of the boys goal
you were so anxious you were screaming encouragements hoping that the guys would win
suddenly guanlin blocks the ball from going into the goal and then grabs and dribbles it super fast to the middle of the court
with only a few seconds left he shoots a three pointer
you tried to fight your way to Guanlin but he was being so crowded you waited for everyone to calm down
before you know it Guanlin was right in front of you
and whispers in your ear 
“i deserve a reward for shooting the winning goal don’t ya think? my sister would always give me a peck on the cheek if we won?” 
he said cheekily and suggestively
you were blushing so hard not just because of his request but also because his face was only centimetres away from yours
and you just blushed and tried to be hard to get but totally failed
“just because you scored the winning goal” you replied
you stood on you tip toes to kiss his cheek cause you were short af
as you were leaning in to kiss his cheek you closed your eyes
you didn’t realise he twisted his head to face yours for your lips to reach his
he didn’t even know what he was doing because he never kissed anyone
cause like even him the swaggiest of rappers can have zero experience
his mind was freaking out and he knew it was because of the adreanaline of the game which made him so daring
and before you both knew it
you felt a pair of lips warm and soft on yours
YOU FREAKED OUT INTERNALLY but honey you weren’t gonna stop
you felt one of guanlin’s hands cupping your cheek and one on your lower back 
you could hear the wolf whistles and cheers and shouts of “YEAH FINALLY!!!” from literally all the wanna one boys and basketball team
you slowly parted away from your first but probably the best kiss you’ll ever experience
and guanlin just looks down on you he’s a giant and you see his gummiest smile and his eyes are just shining of happiness
you mirrored basically the same expression but also like confusion 
cause thoughts being like what the fuck just happened does this mean he likes me WHAT??!!!
before you could express any of these thoughts
Guanlin tells you super shyly and sweetly
“um well first of all i like you a lot LIKE A LOT i have since our first conversation, i kinda really fell for your smile and personality and looks and just everything i guess” he continues by saying
“i thought you’d never like me cause you’re basically perfect but like i think you do?? cause like yeah”
he awkwardly ended it with an adorable smile and you burst out laughing
“you thought i’d never like you, boi you so swaggy” you said with wiggly eyebrows trying to diffuse the kinda awkward but not really but also super endearing situation
guanlin laughed and whispered under his breath which you only just heard 
“this is why i love you”
“wait shit i said that out loud, ugh shit well whatever at least it’s true”
he said looking sooooo embarassed
you laughed softly and said “i love you too guanlin-ah”
he smiled broadly and without hesitation he asked 
“since you love me so much, will you be my girlfriend?” he said with a teasing tone
“hmmm i’m not sure cause jihoon’s pretty cute, don’t ya think?” you said jokingly
“HEY! i’m so much better than jihoon hyung” guanlin pouted
“guanlin trust me you’re not” jihoon commented butting into your moment
guanlin just sulked before you giggled and cupped his cheeks 
“of course guanlin, I’d love to be your girlfriend.” you said kissing his cheek for real this time
he smiles and says in awe “y/n is actually my girlfriend i don’t believe it”
you just smile and the crowd errupts into cheers 
seongwoo taps guanlin on the shoulder and tells him
“guanlin as much as i enjoy young love and you actually having some guts to ask a girl out, coach wants us in the lockeroom” he said smirking and winking at you
you laugh cause seongwoo is always funny 
“yeah i’m coming hyung” guanlin replied
“but before i leave” he says to you
he kisses you on the forehead and whispers to you sweetly
“wait for me princess, i’ll be back soon”
and wow you just became an absolute puddle of goo
you just nod and say “of course i’ll be waiting aren’t i your lucky charm?” you say with a wink
he laughs and sends you a gummy smile as he runs towards the locker room
you hug his jacket around yourself and just process everything that happened 
you’re wearing the jacket of your crush-wait no boyfriend-and you’re so glad guanlin asked you to wear it
and you end up wearing it to every single game after that one
lol i’m sorry i went so overboard i did not expect this to be this long especially a bullet point scenario. but i hope you enjoyed it anyways! also please send requests in! or just send me a message for a chat because i’d love to talk to anyone about kpop tbh lmao. But thank you for reading!
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theshamelessmanatee · 7 years
Rewatching Criminal Minds 12x03: Garvez edition
Here we go again with another round of shameless ramblings about my nerd children! That nobody asked for!
Also this episode has plenty of garvez moments so follow me as i slowly become garvez trash! And sorry in advance, this is gonna be long!
But i took some hilarious screenshots, they all make the best faces!!!!
There is too much to talk about in this episode! But firstly take a closer look at Luke’s life and his beautiful calves ( I couldn’t take a proper screenshot of them but i know you noticed, you thirsty animals lol)
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My precious baby....and his owner lmao
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This is their january shot for their calendar lmao...fanservice much?
That wasn’t even necessary. Like, at all.
Not complaining, just saying.
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Are you asking your best wingman for advices because there’s someone you want to impress at work, nerdy boy? Maybe a blond genius???? omg please stop being like this, it is SO not fair.
Also imagine this exact same scene before his first date with Garcia...guys, GUYS, i am not even 5 minutes in, i can’t be such a mess.
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Take a look at this piece of beauty (and the super cute bowl)
But Luke c’mon, i am italian so i am very anal by default about food but even i don’t take this much effort for my fucking lunch, let alone my dog’s (and don’t get me wrong i love my dog she is my wolfy good girl...but still) ((also remind me to post some cute pictures of my dog because she is amazing))
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Why is he always so pleased with himself? What are you damn so happy about? 
We must protect Luke’s smirk guys, it is a national treasure. A gift to the world.
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Ouch right in the feels. I am a sucker for big boys being cute with dogs...it is not fair, why do you love to play with my emotions like this Criminal minds???why? WHY?
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Look how beautiful she is! And happy!!!!!!
Also please note that the first thing that Emily says about Luke starts with “Garcia said…”
ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? THIS SHIP SAILS ITSELF! (and everybody in the team is secretly shipping garvez)
It means that Penelope can’t shut up about Luke, not even with Emily who wasn’t even working anymore with them at the time.
Imagine their weekly phone calls with Penelope bragging about how much she finds Luke annoying and Emily trying to calm her down but juding her so much and rolling her eyes cause “girl you are living in denial, you got it baaaaad”?!
Garcia, love, you are not subtle at all lol
Also the scene where Emily and Luke meet each other for the first time is fucking gold, let me show you:
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omg their faces when they spot Luke behind Emily’s back! They are already loving it! You guys are the worst!
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Now please notice Emily’s reaction as soon as she realises her mistake lmao my awkward girl
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And this is Luke’s fucking reaction to her embarassment.
This is going to be my reaction image for everything. EVERYTHING.
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She is so excited to see Emily again!
How precious!!!!!
Me too baby girl, me too. I feel you.
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And this is Luke’s reaction as he sees how much happy Penolope is!
You are both so gone, can you please date already?
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And again this is the face he did when Garcia was joking about her need to say something funny and witty before exposing the case…god, you are so gooone, it is not even funny anymore. Also her joke wasn’t THAT funny lmao
You see what i meant before? He is always so fond and happy, he is such a cute boy.
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I love their relationship....my babies! Guys i am a mess i am so fond of them.
Anyway, let’s go on
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“... and you are a cat person” 
Look how AFFRONTED she is lmao
she is the epitome of “How dare you Luke Alvez???? calling me out like that??? who do you think you are? I was here wanting to piss in the woods and hating every minute of it and complaining about stake outs and i feel so attacked right now”
Also A+ Luke for profiling your future boss (you were spot on...but still dude control yourself)
And guys there was a big revelation about Luke’s past service in Iraq. 
I know this is gonna bite us in the ass. We are gonna suffer for this amazing boy.
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ANYWAY This is the face he did after realizing the 2 teenagers they just busted were going to have sex in the truck...until you cockblocked them.
lmao dude why are you always so fond and happy???? you just enjoy life to the fullest, you precious baby
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“Oh newbie, already sent.”
Ok, let’s talk about this.
Why did she have to pick on him? She had been the epitome of professionalism till that moment...why????why???WHY?!
It’s like you can’t control yourself, baby girl
Someone has a cruuuuushhhhhh
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I would love to be arrested by these two every day...just saying
Anybody feels me?
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Luke makes always the best kind of faces.
This one comes from watching Garcia ramblings about her alcohol intake lol
Control yourself girl, he wasn’t even saying anything. Can you at least try to not be a mess around him?
You are not subtle at all, dudette.
Also he is loving every second of it lmao 
(i couldn’t take a clear shot because it was so fast but Emily and JJ’s faces were totally exasperated by her antics lmao)
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“I don’t want to feel your Judgy Mc Judgerson look on me as i sip my mai tai”
Yes baby girl, pick on him some more, i am enjoying this too much.
Also i am sure you totally hate feeling his look on you lmao *wink wink*
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And this is Garcia bitching about Luke not coming with them because “there’s a certain Roxy involved”
lmao she was sooooo jealous of her before knowing she is actually his dog!
Your crush is showing Penelope!!!!!
JJ is like “wtf Garcia stop being such a baby and ask him out, ffs”
Also please note that the episode ends with this quote: “Three things can’t be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth” just after Luke asks Emily to keep the details about his service in Iraq a secret from everybody else.
....I have a bad feeling about this guys. His past is gonna bite us all in the ass in the current season. We are gonna suffer, i can feel it already
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fandomtextimagines · 8 years
Isaac Lahey x female reader
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Author: T💕
Request: “Can You Write Hardcore Isaac Smut But Make It Long??? I’ve Seen What U Write & It Is All Great But Too Short.”
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), Daddy!Kink, public sex, public teasing, and language.
  On a Friday afternoon school was the last place I wanted to be. It wasn’t even second period and I already want to go home.
  Lydia Martin, my best friend, came running up to me. “Y/N/N! --I can’t run in these heels--Do you wanna go shopping? Allison and I don’t want to sit in class.”
  I sighed. “Yes! Oh, my god, yes! I have to go tell the hubby first.”
  “We’ll go with you.” Allison smiled.
  The three of us walked to the group  of boys by Scott’s locker. I walked closer to Isaac, and he pulled me into his side, resting his hand on my hip.
 “Psst.” I whispered, trying to get my boyfriend’s attention.
   Isaac ignored me and continued with his conversation with Scott and Stiles. I huffed and tried again.
  “Isaac?” Nothing.
  “Babyyyy?” I said, sing-song. Still nothing.
  I turned to the girls. Allison egged me on and Lydia shrugged her shoulders, letting me know that she was out of ideas.
  A lightbulb went off in my head. I looked between my boyfriend and the other two of my friends that he was so caught up in talking to.
  I cleared my throat. “Daddyyy?” I asked innocently.
  Isaac choked on his words mid-sentence and Scott and Stiles both looked bewildered and hung their mouths open.
  Lydia and Allison giggled behind me. Isaac turned to me.
  “Uh--I--Yes, princess?”
  I moved so that I was standing in front of him. I reached my right hand out and grabbed a handful of what was sitting in the front of his jeans. I squeezed his crotch gently and inconspicuously.
  “I just wanted you to know that Allison, Lydia, and I are going to go shopping for a little while.”
  My boyfriend nodded. ‘Uh, shopping, fuck--okay. Sounds fun.”
  I let go and smiled. “Okie dokie, then. We’ll see you boys in a couple of hours. I love you.”
  “I love you, more. Hey, wait, do I not get a kiss?”
  I smiled and pulled Isaac’s head closer to my head. He leaned a little further to whisper in my ear. "Daddy's gonna get you back for that later, baby. You better be ready for it."
  Isaac kissed my lips and I kissed back,  still a little stunned by his comment.
"Okay, Y/N! If we don't get moving we won't have time to shop, come onnnnn." Allison and Lydia took a hold of my hands and took me to Lydia's car.
  At Lydia's car, we all threw out ideas on where we were planning on going. "Sooooo, I figured that we could go to the mall so that we can eat and shop. But I'm down for whatever, but we have to be back before last period; Y/N and I have a test that we can't miss." Allison chimed while buckling her seatbelt.
  The three of us girls all agreed that we should go to the mall, and Lydia started to drive off in that direction.
  After a minute or two, Allison spoke from the backseat again. "I have a feeling that Scott likes this freshman girl in our Chem class, but I'm not sure."
   The only way that my brain would let me respond was with loud and obnoxious laughter form the passenger seat. "You thi-HAHAHAHA-Scott and some freshman-HAHAHAHA! I'm-I'm sorry, Alli, it isn't that funny."
  Lydia snickered from the drivers seat as she turned the corner and drove through the parking lot, looking for a spot. "I mean, it is kinda funny." Allison smiled.
  "Babe, I'm gonna fuck you up with some truth, okay? Scott would never in a million years leave you. He stuck with you when he found out your family are all a bunch of hunters, and he isn't gonna leave for some freshman girl in your chemistry class. He loves you. You're special to him."
  Lydia's breaks squeaked as she pulled into the parking space. "Oh, and he knows that Y/N would rip his ass to shreds." She added.
   "With my teeth." I say and push my werewolf canines out to add to the comment.
  Allison smiled and said thank you. The three of us got out of the car and started to the main entrance of the mall.
  "Where to first?" Lydia asked as she looked around her.
  Allison and I also looked around. Seconds later, we all pointed at the Victoria's Secret store.
  "I don't know why I come in here anymore." Allison laughed while she searched through the lace thongs.
  "What do you mean?" Lydia asked her.
  "Scott and I almost always get caught when we try to have sex, so I'm not totally sure that it really matters what I wear."
  Lydia and I nodded. "Stiles can't even keep it together long enough to see what I'm wearing, so I honestly get it."
  I kind of just shrugged. "I'm really not sure that Isaac even cares what I wear soooo."
  Lydia started yo laugh at me. "Hmmm, I thought it was "daddy". Is that not what you called him in the hall at school today? Allison, wasn't that what she called him?"
  Allison put a hand on her chin and made a thinking face. "I do recall Y/N calling Isaac "daddy" today."
  I let out a loud laugh at my two best friends. "Oh, my god! I swear no one was supposed to find out that I call him that!"
  "It isn't such a secret now, is it, babe?" I whipped around to see my tall, blonde boyfriend standing behind me with his arms crossed.
  My cheeks and ears started to feel hot. "I--uh---What are you boys doing here?" I stuttered out and acknowledged the other boys too.
  "Scott was hungry and wanted chinese food. And I was hungry too; But not really for food."
  Scott waved. "And this was the closest place to the school to get chinese."
  Lydia turned her head. "Um, isn't there a Panda Express near the school though?"
  "Well, yes, but Isaac said he was hungry, but like, not for food, so I made a joke and next thing that I know we were heading to the mall so that Isaac could...you know..." Stiles winked at me.
  I rolled my eyes and walked off. "Y'all are acting like a bunch of eighth graders."
  I walked to the food court with Isaac walking by my side, trying to hide the fact that he was laughing at me. I slumped down in my chair and rubbed my head.
  "Ughhhhh." I groaned.
  "Awe, baby, don't be so embarassed. It isn't that bad."
  I gave my boyfriend a sidways look. "Okay, alright, maybe I overstepped a line. I love you, though. Like, with all my heart." Isaac pursed his lips and I playfully rolled my eyes, and leaned in anyway.
  The kiss started out as soft and sweet, but it quickly changed to something very dirty. Isaac smirked into it and trailed his hand up to my covered sex.
  I gasped a little and ground onto his hand harder. Isaac's touch got rougher and the kiss got even more heated.
  "Say my name, Y/N. Go ahead." Isaac kissed me harder.
  It completely slipped my mind that we were in public. But I pulled my lips from his and moaned out his name. "Fuck, Isaac...."
  Isaac made a 'tsk tsk' noise at me and dew away from my lips completely. "Now, Y/N, that isn't the name i was talking about. You can say it in public."
  Isaac ran his thumb across my bottom lip and flashed his gold eyes at me. He touched me harder and I moaned a little louder than I should have, considering that we were in public. "Daddy...oh, fuck."
 Isaac smirked at my reaction; Lydia, Allison, Scott, and Stiles all sat down around us. "Okay, so where are we gonna eat? I reallllly want a cheeseburger. Boys what do you--Isaac, can you stop devouring my best friend so that we can figure out what she's getting?" Lydia asked.
  "Getting some dick." Stiles snorted.
  Even Scott shook his head at his best friend. I gasped smally as I felt the knot in my lower abdomen tighten near release.
  "I'm gonna get a cheeseburger or something. It just sounds good." I informed.
  Scott stood up. "Welp, I still want chinese sooooo." He walked off to get his food.
  The rest followed, but I held Isaac down for just a second longer. I bit hy lip and panted a little bit, until I felt a wave of pleasure pulse through my body. Isaac caught on to what just happened and smirked at me.
  "Do you feel better, babygirl? did you like how daddy was touching you?"
  I took a few deep breaths before I stood out of my chair and extended a hand to Isaac. "Yes, and, yes." I smiled.
  Isaac took my hand and walked with me to stand in the line with Lydia. Scott, Stiles, and Allison stood a few meters away from us, getting their food.
  "Whatcha getting, babe?" Lydia asked me.
  I looked at the menu above my head and thought. "Ummmm, I'm not really sure yet. I, what are you getting?"
  "Hmm, that's a very hard decision, Y/N."  I grinned as Isaac pushed into me. I could smell his arousal, and I know for a fact he can smell mine. It took everything that I had not to throw him on a table and ride him like a fucking horse.
  "Y/NNNNNNN...I realllllly need to cum. But, like, preferably inside of you. Please, babygirl? Daddy needs it."
  That was all it took for me. I touched Lydia's shoulder. "I'm going to show the hubby something because he doesn't listen. I'll be right back." I lied.
  Lydia seemed to believe me. "Go prove  him wrong, girl!"
  I pushed Isaac toward the nearest unisex bathroom and dragged him inside. I removed his grey v-neck from his body, and then got started on his belt. I threw it somewhere behind me and heard  it clang against the linolium floor. The next thing I got rid of were his pants.
  I dropped down to my knees and took his rock-hard cock into my mouth. With as much pent-up arousal I had, I wasn't really in the mood to tease. I was in the mood to get laid.
  I savored the salty-sweet taste of Isaac's pre cum on my tounge and the sensation of his hand reaching to the back of my loose hair, and pulling it into a makeshift "ponytail" with his one hand.
  I lifted my eyes to look at Isaac. He had a smirk on his face while he tossled his blonde hair.
  "Oh, fuck, Y/N. You look so damn beautiful with those pretty lips wrapped around my cock like that. Oh, yeah! Fuck!"
  I hummed as I felt his tip touch the back of my throat. I pumped him in and out of my mouth. "Why are you so good a sucking me off, princess? Fuck, it's a blessing"
  I took him out of my mouth and pumped his shaft still. "I just want to please you."
  Isaac pulled me up from my knees by my hair. He took my shirt and my shorts off.
  He licked his lips and said, "I never get tired of looking at your body. You are so damn beautiful. But now," Isaac bent me over the sink, and I hissed at the contact of the cold metal on my breasts. "I'm going to fuck that pretty pussy, and you are going to scream loud enough that everyone in this mall knows who is making you cum, and who is the only person who can make you cum."
  "Yes, daddy."
  Isaac rubbed his wet cock head over my dripping wet entrance. Seconds later I felt his dick enter me and stretch me out.
  "Fuck!" I squealed as Isaac hit my g-spot the first time.
  By the pace of his thrusts already, I would say that he was not in the mood to go slower than he needed to. And I certainly am not complaining.
  Isaac slid his cock in and out of my pussy, stretching me out beautifully and hitting my g-spot with each thrust.
  "C'mon, Y/N. It's okay to scream. Matter of fact, I want you to." Isaac thrust harder into me.
  I could barely open my eyes from how much pleasure I was getting from my boyfriends thrusts, but I somehow managed to get a scream to run through my lungs and out my throat. "Oh, yes! Ah, daddy, harder! Harder, please!" I pushed my hips into Isaac's thrusts.
  Isaac placed on hand on the mirror and gripped my hip with the other. I let go of every noise that came out of me. I didn't have the power to hide a single one.
  "God, Y/N, You take my cock so well, oh, yeah....Who is daddy's little slut? Huh?" Isaac began to thrust deeper into me, my release threatening to explode.
  "I'm your little slut, daddy. Please--fuck--please, let me cum."
  I felt Isaac's cock pulse inside of me, so I knew he was close too. "Since you asked oh so nicely, baby, yes, you can cum. I want you to cum all over my cock. I want to feel you clench around me baby."
  That was all it took for me to let go. I came and screamed "daddy" at the top of my lungs. It actually made my throat a little sore. I felt Isaac cum too, his seed dripping down my leg.
  Isaac gave my ass a squeeze as we got dressed. "Now, let's go get all kinds of dirty looks from people outside waiting for the bathroom."
  We shared a laugh and walked out of the bathroom with post-sex hair, and couldn't contain any of our laughter.
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fakecharacter-blog · 6 years
I’m moving out tomorrow and I feel sooooo bad about it, I mean, actually not that bad, but like a crying baby who doesn’t wanna grow up and be never endingly expected to finally get their shit together and get a job, not rely on their parents and stuff. Also I talked a little with this guy from Tinder (I know, it’s lame, but I just wanted to boost up my self-esteem and stuff) and I thought that was the very first normal guy I’ve chatted with, but he was drunk then, like, very drunk, we talked on the phone and he barely contacted and he said that I could try talking to him in the morning when he’s sober, so I did, but he really is weird and can’t talk when he’s sober. Or I’m still weird and blocked against messaging people I don’t know in real life and it’s my fault. I don’t know anymore. I think if it’s ended right know (because he stopped responding me about an hour ago), I won’t regret it, because he wasn’t that interested in what I have to say, what am I like, like, as soon as he texted me, he started talking about his problems and that was our conversation basically. I think I have a thing with boys not giving me proper treatment *unfolds amrs*, so it’s better if it ended itself, because I would probably still be too pussy to stand for myself. Oh, and I’d forget about the insecurities point: when we talked I was after taking a shower and washing my hair, so I looked like a wet rat at best, I said ‘at best’ because I’m fat so I rather looked like me when I was born, which means VERY FUCKING BAD, with this flat hair and bare face, omg. If it was some mate of mine, I would not care, because I’d be like I won’t marry you and YOU wanted to talk to me, so you wanted to listen what I say and not admire my looks, so love me or leave me, deal with it. But it wasn’t my mate, it was quite a cute boy with very nice voice.  So he called me on messenger but the call would lag, so he called me on video and I picked up accidentally AND DIDN’T REALIZE THAT IF I COULD SEE HIM, HE COULD SEE ME TOO, AND I HAD MY PHONE DOWN SO HE COULD SEE ALL MY DOUBLE, TRIPLE, QUADRAPLE CHINS, so I set the phone higher, WHICH DID NO GOOD BECAUSE I NATURALLY LOOKED LIKE SHIT IN THIS WET HAIR ETC, and anyway I couldn’t hear him so I hung up and I was insecure about what he thought of me, that I looked really bad and he would run away, and later when we stopped talking on the phone and he said I was to text him in the morning, I was thinking about that I probably will be that girl you meet at the bar while you’re drunk as fuck and you’re blind so you think she’s pretty and you try hitting on her and when you’re sober, you realize she was ugly and you run away with embarassment.  But if it is that way, that would mean that he only liked my appearance and he only wanted to hear what I have to say about his issues because I look pretty in my photo on Tinder, so there’s nothing to be regreted or cry about. But I’m so stupid and I keep sticking to the wrong guys who don’t show proper interest in me. But that guy was funny, cute and had such a nice voice.....
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Idol Producer Thoughts #2
This is going to be sorta long. Watching Episode 1 Idol Producer was interesting. I liked the seating introductions thing they did, it was funny to watch. 
Freaking Bu Fan over here shamelessly admitting when guys are handsome and crushing on them is great to watch. Honestly I love him. I can’t wait to see his group’s performance.
DongDong too is amazing. I love the screentime he’s getting because it’s worth it. He’s funny and loves to call cute guys cute. I hope he works really hard and goes far in this competition. I can see him doing some good variety if he hones in on those skills as well. I obviously wasn’t impressed with his audition/performance, but if he works hard we’ll see.
Linong was sooooo adorable with his entrance and his little bunny bow tie. As someboday said in the comments, anyone who makes Yixing smile and giggle that much is welcome into the EXO household. He’s talented, especially for only training for such a short period of time. And Cheng Xiao was right, it was a joy to watch him perform.
Cai Xukan was a really nice performance to see, because he just transforms and performs really well. He was pretty cute afterwards too - reminds me of Jimin, Kai, Taemin, and Taeyong honestly. Editing sorta sucked with him, not going to lie, but it was overall better than a lot of the other performances so far IMO. His English lyrics do need work, but he can work on that. It wasn’t bad for his first composed song. ***AND damn Yixing for killing me with that “Baby girl” shit and pulling his coat open. Boy, this ain’t no concert. I did indeed replay that part a few times while fanning myself. And, someone needs to make a f’in short replay with AUDIO so I can save it and cry to myself. 
I’m kinda sad that those were the only performances that stuck out to me. Also someone get Guanlin’s friend a towel please, his makeup was literally dripping off him.
I’m curious as to if Yuehua is hoping to go the Nu’est route with the whole outfits they’re going for. I am also curious as why they chose UNIQ’s “EOEO” as their song choice, if they pull it off great. If not as well, well... embarassing since Cheng Xiao is also there. Kinda like Kahi being there, but Nu’est debuted in 2012. Yuehua’s are all still trainees.
Me laughing at all the trainees reactions to the judges’ grades for the performances, being an idol isn’t as easy as it seems guys. Although it is a wake up call for most of them. I will say that I hope to see more of Cheng Xiao and Kyulkyung’s thoughts more in the upcoming episodes. Jackson and MC Jin has some great points as well which was nice to see. Ronghao was funny because he was trying so hard to maintain a straight face - I hope to see more of his comments as well. Yixing’s comments were straightforward and it was nice how he taught them what balance is too. It’ll be nice if the editing team could decrease the number of the trainees’ reactions to things they show and instead put in the judges’ thoughts more.
That’s all I think. I should probably type down my thoughts as I watch each episode instead of trying to remember it all. *shrugs* P.S. Take a shot every time Yixing says “balance”. ;D
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