#baby butter otter
keeganjeannotte23 · 2 years
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Pinch: Come on, Scootch! Let’s help each other taking apart this beautiful kite.
Scootch: Okay.
Taken from: Baby Butter’s Bankie (Season 2, Episode 19)
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jxckchxmpi0n · 1 year
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I'm currently going crazy as I have three weeks until I graduate- anyways this is my little delu-lu moment where I break from reality and think about dating jack 🧎‍♀️
Did not proof read || m.list
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Dating JACK CHAMPION is the most fun you'll ever have. There are so many little dates in there different towns he's filming in.
He'd take you to the zoo, the aquarium. "Baby, we have to see the otters!" He jumps around like a little kid.
There would be many dates at your shared apartment as well.
Building Legos. "Baby, look, I bought us a new Lego set. Wanna watch Marvel movies and build it?"
Or you would be studying for your college classes when he storms into your shared room. "Baby, do you wanna try making this tiktok pasta with me?"
Your favorite thing is making forts in the living room and gathering snacks around the TV and having a marathon.
"Jack, we should watch all the scram movies before we go to the premiere next weekend" you know for a fact that even if you watch them all tonight hell be watching them again throughout the week.
Sometimes, when you need to run errands, he'll join you just to be with you. "Hey baby, I have to go run out for a while. I should be back in a little"
He gives you puppy eyes as he pulls his headset off. "Can I go with?" Seeing him with his bed head and pj's makes you giggle. "Of course," he then jumps up and kisses you, running to take a super quick shower.
Waking up to the smell of breakfast filling your nose, the sun light filling the room.
Jack comes in with a tray of pancakes and fruit for both you and him. You then both cuddle in bed as your eat food.
When he's been gone for months for filming and you'll be on tikok while on the phone giggling. "Why are you giggling? I didn't even say anything. " You giggle more and just tell him to check his phone. He then sees three notifications from you and sees that you sent him edits of him. "Baby." His voice is a little high-pitched as he is very flattered.
You both decide to go out for lunch as it's a nice day, ditching the car and walking downtown to a small cafe. Holding hands and sharing airpods, there's no need to talk. Sometimes being with each other is all you need
FaceTime dates as he is in a different state filming. He doesn't care. Even if he's around people, he will show his love for you every second he gets. "Mason, look y/n, and I our on a date!" He flips the camera to Mason as their hair and makeup get touched up.
Excited about avatar coming out the idea of dressing up and hiding in a theater to see others' reactions.
Sitting next to a few pre teens and hearing their reactions warm both of your hearts. But also watching Jack as he gets into the movie himself as if he isn't in it.
You wanted to try something new, so you thought about making cookies. He would sit on the counter watching you with so much love in his eyes. "What?" You notice him looking at you getting insecure all of a sudden. He jumps off, his hand goes to your cheek, "You have flour on your face." You chuckled at his actions. "God, you are so pretty"
Face masks!!!! The best part is it's him trying to convince you. But you secretly act like you don't wanna do it, so it makes him wanna do it more. You both wear big headbands, and you sit on his lap as he paints it on your face. And vice-versa, his hands lay on your hips as he has his head tilted up looked at you through his lashes.
It's a sunny day, and you decide to clean the apartment playing music, and of course, Jack being himself, he ends up taking over the music playing different songs to dance to. Then you both end up dancing in the living room.
Jack has to give Butters a bath, and as much as he loved butters, it's a lot of work, so you join and end up joking, saying you guys are married and butter is your first born. Then, half way through washing butters, you have a fake fight, then die laughing on the bathroom floor.
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Naga papa shiggy and daddy dabi with a 13(human) child who's just the imbodiment of sleepy love cuddles and laying in the sun very emotional and sensitive plus behaves like an otter
Let me just say that they greatly appreciate it. They would absolutely adore sleepy! reader, Shigaraki especially. Dabi mostly does all the hunting and Shiggy protects the nest and you.
You and Shigaraki would probably just laze around or nap, just being cuddle buddies. Shiggy might be a crude, ruthless and cold hearted bastard but holy shit do you make him melt like butter.
It only gets better when Dabi gets home and y’all just have a snuggle pile, their long and rather thick tails act as blankets.
In springtime or summer when it’s not too intense, y’all sunbathe on rocks near a lake the two often inhabit. Shiggy just would absolutely adore this, cuddling you and peppering your face with kisses. (His breathe might smell like decay and venom tho.) Dabi would just silently cuddle you while telling you that he loves you and that he’ll protect and take good care of you.
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MCC 34 Blue Bats Dodgebolt Highlights:
It's Oli vs. Ollie and that makes group communication really difficult!
Scott is forever the calmest person on a Dodgebolt team.
"Aah, this is stressful, my bones are rusty!" - Gem
"Line up, line up! Come on, baby boy." - Oli
Why is Scott always so assured and calm in these dkjskdjd
"Play for yourself: you're The Guy." - Oli
Catastrophic lag moment on Scott's end results in a DC :(
"Just imagine they're hermits! They look like hermits... They smell like hermits, stinky." - Oli
"You're slippery like an ox in butter-" what is he saying.
A Greek chorus of people saying "GEM!!"
"You're like Fruitberries in his prime!" Oli, What.
"I was gonna be in 38th today, I did not expect to BE here today!" - Gem
"I hate dyyying."
"Gem, you're slippery, you're an otter in butter." - Scott
2 TO 2, MASSIVE FINALE TIME. Come on Blue.
Oli trying to bait them like "You want me, you waaant me."
Sapnap's weird lag floating not based
Wholesome time incoming :)
"So glad that's over." XD
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bookish-bogwitch · 1 year
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Thanks @thewholelemon, @facewithoutheart, @ileadacharmedlife, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @aristocratic-otter, @nightimedreamersworld, @ionlydrinkhotwater for the tags the past couple weeks. Here are six a lot of sentences I cut from Basil Pitch's Diary, which for now is just one baby chapter but the rest of which is coming soon eventually to a browser near you.
This bit's inspired by the fact that there was a Parliament election in 2015. I cut it because it felt kind of clumsy--sticking jokes in the character's mouths that weren't necessarily in-character--and also had the small issue of being completely, utterly irrelevant to the plot. (At least that makes it spoiler-free 😅.)
Excerpt and tags below the cut:
FRIDAY 6 MARCH Blood units 4, body temp 25, hair ducal, civic engagement meh, political parties at least 3. 11 a.m. Politickal Science. Professor Kates had us debate tomorrow’s Normal Parliament election, presumably because he didn’t plan a real lesson. Had never paid much attention to Normal politics before reaching voting age. Unlike Bunce. “…And that’s why I’m voting Lib Dem,” she concluded after talking for eight solid minutes. “You’re sixteen,” objected Wellbelove.  “Not a problem,” said Bunce, flapping her ring hand.  From the back of the classroom, the pixie chimed in. “What about the Green Pa—” Bunce made a rude noise.  “What about you, Simon?” asked the professor. “How would you vote?”  Of course the Mage’s Heir gets a platform for his inane views. What a blow when he finds out there’s no Butter Union party. “Um,” orated Snow. “I … I dunno. Labour, probably.” Snow turned to Bunce. “Like, some of them are nutters, yeah, but they’d fund stuff. Like,” he reddened, “schools and, like, social programs.” “Those are already funded,” said Bunce. “Not enough.”  “You expect the government to solve all your problems,” I quoted my father automatically.  Snow gave me one of my own You’re an idiot looks. “I really don’t.”  Shit. How many times had he been asked to solve the World of Mages’s problems single-handed? Bunce was still fired up. “Simon, you can’t just dismiss Labor’s xenophobic—”  I thought about what Snow meant and missed the rest of Bunce’s rant about something something intersectionality. As if she would willingly intersect with a Normal. 4 p.m. Am torn. Pitches always vote Tory, just like we’ll always vote against the Mage once we get back the franchise. (Fiona has a plan to steal it.) A liberal government would drain our coffers even drier.  But in our borough voting Tory means re-electing a man who opposed same-sex marriage two years ago. The craven claimed he wasn’t homophobic, he just had homophobic constituents. Do not see why the straight unwashed should control my freedom to marry.  Even worse is the Tory ghoul from Aldershot who stumped about “the aggressive homosexual community” using marriage as “a stepping stone.” As if I wouldn’t pay double VAT to be stepped on by an aggressive homosexual. Still. Am not simpleton single-issue voter; marriage equality is a fait accompli. And anyway, I’d only ever want to gay-marry Snow, straight and unwashed though he is.  Felt weirdly proud of him today for disagreeing with Bunce, especially when I realized the professor had singled him out not as Mage’s Heir but as spokesnormal. And that “social programs” meant his entire childhood.  Hmm. SATURDAY 7 MARCH 10 p.m. Resolved politico-moral quandary by forgetting to vote.
Look, it wasn't my idea for Baz to be a Tory. That was all Rainbow. I also do think Penny has a centrist streak inherited from Mitali but I have no idea real how this would translate into the Normal world.
Thanks @facewithoutheart for gently pointing out that this was a complete tangent. And sorry and thank you @captain-aralias for the content beta. It's not your fault I asked you to explain UK politics and then didn't listen.
Tagging @cutestkilla, @fatalfangirl, @moodandmist, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @artsyunderstudy, @im-gettingby, and @petedavidsonscock.
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For the 🦈SirenSong!AU, it looks like the popular idea is for the reader to be related to Logan, a.k.a. Wolverine! Got to admit, that will be one wild ride. Not to mention, the reader is getting every kid he has adopted/had biologically as their siblings/nestmates, all his friends (the X-Men) as their other protectors and caretakers, AND a few of his enemies/rivals (plus their kids/guppies/pups) as possible villainous uncles/aunts/parent figures/other nestmates.
Some of the possible colors and types of sirens everyone is is as follows:
The X-Men:
• Logan/Wolverine: deep sea siren; larger than regular reef or open ocean sirens, but still small compared to other deep sea sirens; long serpentine tail with a long sail, and long, sharp claws, and fangs; has rippling soft, dusky blue and lemon yellow and ink black scales (Animated Series version) or pumpkin orange and iridescent black scales (Evolution version)
• Ororo/Storm: open ocean siren; lithe and powerful; flowing fins around her tail, similar to an eel, can electrocute someone like an electric eel, can still control the elements; moonstone white and blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Hank/Beast: deep sea siren; large and soft; strong tail, a bit of fluff like a yeti crab or fur seal or otter; is fluffy and blue, really strong, but his brains is where his best skills lie; furry with royal blue scales (Animated Series) or midnight blue scales and dusky blue-gray fluff (Evolution version)
• Charles Xavier/Professor X: reef siren; partially paralyzed tail, but has had help from both the X-Men and the Brotherhood, and can use a wheelchair on land; powerful ability to mind control creatures, ranging from humans to other sirens, even some animals; shady forest green and summer yellow scales (Animated Series version) or soft brown, jet black, olive green, and tiny flecks of silver (Evolution version)
• Scott/Cyclops: open ocean siren; strong tail with flowy fins at the end; either hypnotic eyes or still has some form of optic beam eyes; ruby red, navy blue, and sunflower yellow scales (Animated Series version) or garnet red, warm brown, and summer yellow scales (Evolution version)
• Jean/Marvel Girl/The Phoenix: open ocean siren; strong and long tail with a long sail; has telekinesis and can sometimes read minds, possible hidden empath ability; bright orange, sage green, and scarlet scales (Animated Series version) or spinel red, emerald green, and a small streak of golden-yellow along her sides (Evolution version)
• Anne-Marie/Rogue: open ocean siren; toned and firm tail; can mimic/take on other sirens' abilities for a short time, has long nails; auburn, sunny yellow, and vivid green scales (Animated Series version) or moss green, dusky red, bone white, and dark black scales (Evolution version)
• Remy/Gambit: reef siren; a bigger sort, has ruffled fins; can channel power into objects and make them explode, same as usual, possibly has a slightly hypnotic voice; russet red, spinel pink, and coal black scales (Animated Series version) or muted brown, charcoal gray, rusty red, and soft pink scales (Evolution version)
• Kurt/Nightcrawler: reef siren; smaller sort, fuzzy and noodly; can teleport; midnight blue fluff and scales with some red undertones (Animated Series version) or navy blue, goldenrod yellow, and small red specks (Evolution version)
• Kitty/Shadowcat: reef siren; medium-sized, and has many frills along her tail; can turn invisible, like a cuttlefish or octopus, but can sometimes become completely intangible; hazelnut brown and baby pink scales (Animated Series version) or soft lilac, dusky pink, and chestnut brown scales (Evolution version)
• Evan/Spyke: open ocean siren; lean and toned; has sharp spines, and can regrow them if lost, kinda looks like a seprentine pufferfish; he is technically only from Evolution, so his scales would be cream, butter yellow, sandy gray-yellow, and warm sepia
• Jubilation/Jubilee: reef siren; thin and wiry, ruffled sail; can make small explosions/fireworks; technically she has been in Evolution, but was a major player of the Animated Series, so for either version, she looks mainly the way from the Animated Series, human and siren form alike, with sunlight gold and bubblegum pink scales
• Laura/Wolverine 2.0/X-23: deep sea siren mixed with reef siren; smaller than most of the others, even Logan, due to being a siren pup; long claws and sharp fangs; she was from Evolution, that is where we first see her, ever; her scales would be yellow-orange and dusky black, looks similar to Logan
The Brotherhood:
• Erik/Magnus/Magneto: open ocean siren; strong and lean; can control metals, might have once dated/been with Professor Xavier; blood red, steel gray, and violet scales (Animated Series version) or brick red, silver, and wisteria purple scales (Evolution version)
• Raven/Mystique: open ocean siren and reef siren mix; lithe and graceful; can shapeshift into other beings; twilight blue and garnet red scales (Animated Series or Evolution)
• Victor/Sabretooth: deep sea siren; very large, flowing sail; sharp talons and sharp fangs; sunset orange, amber, bright yellow, and umber brown scales (Animated Series version) or caramel golden-brown, velvet black, and tan scales (Evolution version)
• Pietro/Quicksilver: reef siren; lean and thin; fastest of the sirens, on land or in the sea; sky blue and snow white scales (Animated Series version) or opalescent white-blue-green scales (Evolution version)
• Wanda/Scarlet Witch: open ocean siren; average-sized and tough; can manipulate chaos and bend some things to her will; pyrope red and dark rose scales (Animated Series version) or carnelian, scarlet, melanite black, and gray flecked scales (Evolution version)
• Lance/Avalanche: open ocean siren; a bit large, firm; can cause earthquakes; asphalt and blue-gray scales (Animated Series version) or steel gray, rawhide tan, charcoal black, and some golden spots (Evolution version)
• Fred/Blob: open ocean siren; large and thick-scaled; near-indestructible and can absorb a hit and not be harmed; mud brown, mustard yellow, and burnt black (Animated Series version) or army green, khaki, ash gray, and dirty blonde scales (Evolution version)
• John/Pyro: reef siren; a bit shrimpy, but has fast reflexes; can manipulate fire; bright orange and sunny yellow scales (Animated Series version) or fiery orange and brick red scales (Evolution version)
• Todd/Mortimer/Toad: reef siren; really small, has slick scales; long tongue and somewhat amphibious; olive green, murky yellow, and gray-green scales (any version)
Miscellaneous Characters:
• Piotr/Colossus: open ocean siren; giant and sturdy; has skin and scales akin to metal if he wills it; metallic silver, gray, black, and blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Bobby/Iceman: reef siren; a bit small, and kinda thin and cold, has frills along tail; can create and manipulate ice; pale ice blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Rahne/Wolfsbane: open ocean siren; regular-sized, small bits of fluff; can turn into a wolf (or maybe something like, a seal or walrus or otter for this au?); rusty red-brown and peridot green scales and fluff (any version)
• Illyana/Magik: open ocean siren; lean and mean and a powerful teen; has a portal to and reign over Limbo, a weird, demonic dimension; platinum blonde, soft silver, and electric blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Roberto/Sunspot: reef siren; average size, has some sharp barbs along his tail; solar energy powers, turns into a living ember; ember orange, dusky red, and sunlight yellow scales (any version)
• Sam/Cannonball: open ocean and reef siren mix; skinny and long; can fly really fast and tends to crash, hence the nickname; pale blue, off-white, daffodil yellow, and bright red scales
• Dani/Mirage: open ocean siren; small but powerful; can manifest desires, dreams, and fears into the real world; banded onyx scales (any version)
• Tabitha/Boom-Boom: reef siren; tall and lithe; can make small explosives/explosions; bright hibiscus pink, banana yellow, and cherry red scales (any version)
There are others, I know, but these were the ones I remembered (and knew enough about) to list off the top of my head. Some versions I'm more familiar with of certain characters, and y'all can imagine any characters in any media, from the (X)MCU, the anime, the Animated Series, Evolution, even the comics... I did my best, and that is all I can do!😊 Please enjoy this honeycomb thought for the 🦈SirenSong!AU!
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sword-symphonia · 6 months
A comprehensive list of every fictional character I have ever been mentally unwell over for any amount of time (that I am able to recall)
Buckle the fuck in I'm bored (mentally unwell in this case does not specifically mean horny, sometimes they are just my little scrumblies)
Number one pooksters of all time are in bold if you even care
God help us all.
Zenkichi Hasegawa (and the crowd expected it completely, ladies and gentlemen)
Takuto Maruki
Ryotaro Dojima
Tohru Adachi (sighs loudly)
Yusuke Kitagawa
Kanji Tatsumi
Mitsuru Kirijo
Akira Kurusu
Naoya Toudou
Haru Okumura
Maxie and Archie, but only sometimes (stares at tumblr user gleaming_glasses)
Avery (very short-lived, actually)
D*NGANR*NPA (Listen shut up it's a pipeline):
Leon Kuwata
Kazuichi Soda
Kaito Momota
Rantaro Amami
Kirumi Tojo (I'll save you baby)
Hajime Hinata
...Kokichi Ouma. SIGHS
Gonta Gokuhara
Byakuya Togami (both versions)
Aoi Asahina
Nagisa Shingetsu (save him please oh my god)
Shunsuke Hayasaka
Naomichi Kurumada
Nao Egokoro
Reko Yabusame
Alice Yabusame
Kazumi Mishima (I don't want to talk about it)
Tia Safalin
Q-Taro Burgerberg (I still don't want to talk about it)
Joe Tazuna
Mika Kagehira
Mayoi Ayase (my girlfriend. My wife. We're legally married, actually)
Adonis Otogari
Nazuna Nito
Hajime Shino
Mitsuru Tenma
Arashi Narukami (someone rescue her for the love of god)
Tsumugi Aoba
Niki Shiina
Chiaki Morisawa
Midori Takamine
Mao Isara
Yuzuru Fushimi
Makoto Yuuki
Akiomi Kunugi
Jin Sagami
Jun Sazanami
Hiyori Tomoe
Madara Mikejima
Koga Oogami
Souma Kanzaki
Divus Crewel
Sebek Zigvolt (born on Paddy's day Irish rep get in lads)
Epel Felmier
Floyd Leech
Azul Ashengrotto
Riddle Rosehearts
Ruggie Bucchi
Jack Howl
Vil Schoenheit
Kalim al-Asim
Arataki Itto
Sangonomiya Kokomi
The otters. I can't even make this shit up the fucking OTTERS
Affogato Cookie (I thought he was a girl)
Espresso Cookie (I also thought he was a girl)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Red Velvet Cookie
Roguefort Cookie
Almond Cookie
Sour Belt Cookie
Wizard Cookie (the silliest of guys, and also my son)
Pancake Cookie
Clover Cookie (You won't fucking believe this, yall)
Black Raisin Cookie
Pistachio Cookie
Whipped Cream Cookie
Peach Cookie
Mocha Ray Cookie
Captain Ice Cookie
Croissant Cookie
Earl Grey Cookie
Aloe Cookie
Butter Pretzel Cookie
Abyss Monarch Cookie
Stardust Cookie
V Cookie (he counts. I do not go here however)
Captain Caviar Cookie
Elder Faerie Cookie
Andrew Kreiss/Gravekeeper
Martha Behamfil/Coordinator
Luca Balsa/Prisoner (The tragic, tragic origin of my name.)
Aesop Carl/Embalmer
Emma Woods/Gardener (Dressed up as her for Halloween once)
Joseph Desaulniers/Photographer
Robbie White/Axe Boy
Naib Subedar/Mercenary
Freddy Riley/Lawyer (fucking awful as a person but his gameplay is nice)
Helena Adams/The Mind's Eye (Main for life. Love you, baby) (I cannot kite for shit) (I also haven't played in about 8 months)
My Pocket Camp villager. She's a little train conductor I adore her
Tengen Uzui
Giyuu Tomioka
Shinobu Kocho
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Seteth (Horny reasons.)
Vander (...Also horny reasons, unfortunately)
Griss (...Don't look at me)
Catherine (She is so... oughhh)
Cockrrin (It is spelled like that for a reason, hi Sunny)
Red Son
Monkey King
Ne Zha
The Mayor
Damien LaVey
Oz (my main for life forever n ever)
Amira Rashid
Scott Howl
Nicolas Cage (I downloaded a Nic Cage mod therefore he counts) (I care not for the man himself)
Calculester Hewlett-Packard
Hazel (I do not know if she has a surname)
Watermelon Tourmaline
Phos. I refuse to try to spell their full name
Lapis Lazuli
MHA (I don't like it anymore but I gotta save my boys):
Denki Kaminari (Whenever I tell someone I like him they nearly always go 'yeah' and I have no idea how to reply to that)
Eijiro Kirishima
Yuga Aoyama
Koji Koda
Gentle Criminal (It was because he's an old man. He's like 30 or somethin but. Idk whisht)
Boyd Cooper
Sasha Nein
Quentin Hedgemouse (Silly)
Hollis Forsythe
Lizzie Natividad
Augustus Aquato
Razputin Aquato
Fred Bonaparte
The stupid fucking maternity ward easter egg the entire thing oh my god
The Tockles
Kurt Lynos
Cypher Lynos
Peri Lynos
Lazzi (he is a platypus)
Ainsley Laurent
Charlotte Laurent (Peri's girlfriend)
April Kosova (Ainsley's wife and also her lawyer before they got married)
Myron Bouras
Mizuki Suou (May or may not be an x canon oc... glances away)
Abebah Kopiona
MISCELLANEOUS (Not enough people to justify a category):
Sanji Vinsmoke- One Piece
Sabo- One Piece
Alfendi Layton- Professor Layton series
Clive Dove- Professor Layton series
Anthony Herzen- Professor Layton series
Cinnamoroll- Sanrio
Pompompurin- Sanrio
Larry Butz- Ace Attorney
Rosalina- Mario
Luigi- Mario
Espio the Chameleon- Sonic
Princess Luna- My Little Pony
Flash Sentry- My Little Pony (I was eight unfortunately)
Timber Spruce- My Little Pony (I was still eight)
Nathan Pandit- Criminal Case (I should not have been playing this aged six but we ball)
Frank Knight- Criminal Case
Stitch- Disney (I am in fact one of those girls sorry)
Winnie the Pooh- Disney
Anakin Skywalker but specifically the animated Clone Wars one- Star Wars
That one guy from Rebels with the fuckass manbun- Star Wars
Mr. Tumble- British Television (He was like crack cocaine to me)
Chase Devinaeux- Carmen Sandiego 2018 series
Tulio- the Road to el Dorado
Shiro- Voltron. Derogatory.
Hunk- Voltron
Dr. Montgomery Montgomer- a Series of Unfortunate Events
Jacques Snicket- a Series of Unfortunate Events
Jem- Hetty Feather books (Nick Sharratt made him look a right fitty)
Fizzy- Moshi Monsters (THE ONLY MOSHLING EVER I LOVE FIZZY I HAVE EIGHT OF THEM IN MY MONSTER'S HOUSE [Six of them are plushies tho])
Tingaling- Moshi Monsters (Okay Tingaling can stay)
Daffodil- Spiritfarer
Astrid- Spiritfarer
Akane Hino- Smile PreCure! (Made me realise I was queer)
Captain Barnacles- Octonauts
Vyn Richter- Tears of Themis
Artem Wing- Tears of Themis
Vincent Brooks- Catherine (I could fix him)
Shizuku Hinomori- Project Sekai
KAITO- Vocaloid
Camui Gackpo- Vocaloid
Octodad. Do you think I'm fucking around? Not round here, brother.
The entire cast of Fantastic Mr. Fox. I CUSSING LOVE that movie what the CUSS
Howl Pendragon- Howl's Moving Castle
Lego Batman, and SPECIFICALLY Lego Batman- DC
Reigen Arataka- Mob Psycho
Saiki's da- Saiki K
Marina Ida- Splatoon 2
Wheatley- Portal (Steven Merchant has captivated me)
Rodney Copperbottom- Robots (I had the FATTEST crush on him as a child stop)
The villain guy I'm too lazy to google him- Robots (also on him)
Timmy- Shaun the Sheep
Mr. Bean- Mr. Bean (my goat)
Harvey- Stardew Valley
Simeon- Obey Me (my obey me phase was rancid lads)
Satan- Obey Me
'N das all for now :3
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sweetbeautifulqueen · 11 months
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Peanut, Baby Butter and Jelly Otter from PB&J Otter in Gacha Life style
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shadowredfeline · 1 year
One this Day July 19th 2017
I remember doing this with @bryan360 when I did a trade with him. This is just the Raccoon Siblings from PB and J Otter, one of my favorite kids shows and they both went to the beach. Which is much different than going for a swim down in Lake Hoohaw. But maybe next time, I'm sure Pinch might invite Peanut and Jelly to the beach and bring their sister, Baby Butter to swim too. And maybe Munchy Beaver can join in too if they just like to have a lot of fun at the beach.
And also, I'll be focusing on my A-Pal's Trade Soon and I hope you'll look forward to it.
People I tagged @murumokirby360 and @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
this is a wonderful conversation, thank you for the thorough response!
continuing on with sea creatures:
thank you for asking the question!! i really like sea animals and dinosaurs so i’m glad i get to talk about something i’m interested in!!
SEA ANGEL JIMIN!!!!!! ooooo definitely from like crazy, but also jimin’s hair from butter with the colorful highlights reminds me of the glow the little sea angel babies have!!
WATERTAN SONYEONBEARS 💪💪💪 water bears remind me of like mutated slugs, and i can’t tell if they’re funny or if they freak me out LMAO
butter jungkook is a pretty little jellyfish, the ones with the long little elegant tentacle legs!! i’ve seen a lot of jellyfish beaded charms on tiktok recently, so i could totally see jk as a pretty little jelly fish, maybe a pacific sea nettle jelly fish. his long hair from a couple of months ago could probably fit the cutey little legs they have.
jin as a moon jellyfish 💪💪 no explanation needed for that one, they’re also super pretty which is very fitting for jin
maybe they’re all a little sea turtle family???
HOLD AWN SEA HORSES 💪💪💪💪 OR STARFISH. imagine them all as little starfish babies hanging around on rocks and things OR curling their tails together as sea horses
i also love love love frogs.. so frog fish???? they look pretty funny but some of them have cool patterns!!!
ooo and sea otters!! they’re super cute, and i can just imagine them all huddling up together, grooming one another!!
or even penguins!! little penguin baby bangtan 🕺
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rugphan · 2 years
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PB&J Otter just arrived on Disney+, so of course, I’m watching it for the first time in YEARS. It was one of my favorite Playhouse Disney shows growing up. Here’s a fan art of Baby Butter. 😄😊 #disney #pbjotter #disneyjunior #butterotter #fanart #rugphan
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keeganjeannotte23 · 11 months
What a great summer trip for you guys!
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rayisalive · 1 year
Oh my goodness!!❓‼️⁉️❓❗️ my baby boy son named issac mario harry otter miraculousladybug oranges scarlett ethan xiao unicorn alabama laminated junior aka imhomosexual jr’s burthday is today 😫😫😫🫢🫢🫢🤭🤭🤭🤭😧😧😧😮😮😮😮😮😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊😘😘😘😘😘 how time flys by so fast 😮😮😮😧😧😧⏰⏰🕕🕐🕰️🕰️🪰🪰🪰✈️✈️ im so proud of my sweet baby 😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰😍😍 he is the absolute light of my life and i would never replace him even for a honey bun ok i might 😊😊😇😇😇😇😚😚😚🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🍯🍯🍯🍩🍩🍩🍮🍮🍮🍰🍰 he is turning 15 years old!!!!!!❗️❗️❗️‼️‼️‼️ im hosting a birthday party this sunday for him and hes so excited‼️‼️‼️‼️ he keeps locking himself in his room because hes so ready planning!!!! I made him some peanut butter sandwhiches and he lives them so much he saves them and goes “mom im allergic to peanuts!!” Isnt he so funny?!?!??? 🥪🥪🥪🥜🥜🥜🥜💀💀💀💀🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 im so ready!!!!! My babys all grown up!!❗️❗️❗️‼️‼️‼️‼️🥺🥺🥺🤭🤭🤭😊😊😊😘😘😍😍😍😘🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤩🤩🤩🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥜🥜🥜🥜
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rainbowxocs · 3 months
Name: Jonah Louis Francois.
Alt Names: Moon, Mouse.
Special Titles: Forsaken God.
Old Titles: Roi De France, Dauphin de France, General, God of Knowledge, God of Mourning, God of the Moon, False God.
Username: @jonahfrancois
Nicknames: Your Majesty, Your Highness, My Prince, Chiot, Baby Girl, La Lune, Moonie, Old Man, Hero, Mr Nice Guy, Dog Boy, My Muse.
Chronological Age: 4.5 Billion.
Vessel Age: 605.
Age: 45.
Pronouns: Any Pronouns.
Sexuality: Demisexual, Gay.
Gender: Transfeminine, Nonbinary, Genderqueer.
Base Species: Starling.
Current Species: Litch.
Disorders: Insomnia, CPTSD, Morality OCD, Autism, Schizophrenia, NPD, ASPD, Bulimia.
Physical Disabilities: Blind in Left Eye,Dyslexia, Chronic Pain, Cursed, Immunocompromised.
Curse Info: He got cursed after trying to deceive the gods. The curse has two parts to it, Jonah is able to feel everyone‘s pain and emotions within a 50 mile radius of him, Jonah is able to take a persons pain/injury and transfer it to himself. Jonah also has a sort of Hanahaki-esque part to his curse, where Roses and Thorny Branches will sometimes consume him or cause him to throw up the flowers. Usually this part of the curse activates if Jonah hurts someone. His hands and arms can also blacken if he uses excessive power.
Recovering Addictions: Nicotine (Cigarettes), Alcohol, Cocaine.
Religion: None.
Job: Professional Antihero, Hospital Administrator, Cafe Owner, Painter.
Degrees: Mathematics, Physics, Paramedic Science, NPLQ, Health Administration.
Lives in: NYC, New York, 2306.
Languages: Voynich,French, English, ASL, LSF, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Arabic, German, Danish, Italian, Russian, Dutch.
Height: 6’5”
Ethnicity: French.
Accent: French.
Monster Form: Black Shadowy Werewolf-Like Creature with glowing white eyes. Slightly staticy.
Animal Form: Giant Powder Blue Isopod.
Other Form: Blue Goop.
Spirit Form: Blue Firey Figure with Glowing White Eyes.
Spirit Level: Acceptance.
Powers: Healing, Thorn Vines, Siren, Illusion Magic, Reality Bending, Shapeshifting, Snow Magic, Fire Magic, Plant Magic, Hypnosis, Water Magic, Causing Eclipses, Strings, Necromancy, Ocean Magic, Mind Walking, Dream Walking.
Weapons: Sword, Knife.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Text Color: Blue.
Main Animal: Dogs, Otters, Mice.
Main Hobbies: Piano, Painting, Sewing, Crochet, Knitting, Antiquing, Reading, Video Games.
Favorite Drinks: Peppermint Tea, Hot Chocolate,
Favorite Snacks: Almonds, Cheese, Tortilla Chips, Triskets, Pomegranates.
Favorite Meals: Peanut Butter and Pickle Sandwiches, Mac and Cheese, Tacos, Ratatouille, Garbure, Mushroom and Olive Pizza, Maki Rolls, Sashimi, Toast.
Favorite Dessert: Blueberry Muffins, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Swirl Icecream.
Favorite Flower: Daffodils, Lilies, Daisies.
Scent: Fancy Vanilla Cologne.
Handedness: Right Handed.
Blood Color: Gold/Silver, Sometimes Red.
Awareness: Very Aware. (Effect: Negative.)
Birthday: December 1st 1701
Fun Facts: Jane Austen is one of his favorite authors, He is fork lift certified.
Special Interests: History, Heroism, Physics, Project Sekai and Vocaloid, Idols, Animals.
Stims: Very subtle stims. Fidgeting with pens, playing with his hair, etc.
Stimboard: COMING SOON.
Moodboard: COMING SOON.
Fashion Board: COMING SOON.
Comfort Objects: Teddy (Old Teddy Bear.)
Alden Francois, Madeline Francois. (Parents.)
Charles, Pierre, Raphael, Angelo. (Brothers.)
Evelyn Williams (Adoptive Grandmother)
Lila Francois (Adoptive Daughter)
Evan Sirius (Adoptive Son)
Kaela Sirius (Adoptive Daughter)
Eurydice DuPont (Daughter)
Aurora DuPont (Daughter)
Eeshani DuPont (Step Daughter)
Friends: Samantha, Claire, Malik.
Romance: James DuPont, Aditya Ravi. (Spouses.)
Enemies: James DuPont (Mortal Enemy)
Pets: Jasper (Service Dog) (Golden Retriver), Pepper (Grey,Tan, and White Cat with Cerebellar Hypoplasia), Aquarium with Various Fish.
Reincarnations: Achilles, Other Unknown Reincarnations.
Brief Personality: Not many people know the real Jonah. He has carefully crafted his personality over the past few hundred years in order to be the epitome of perfection. Kind, Generous, Empathetic. He wants nothing more than to help people, to be good. However underneath the mask, Jonah is incredibly lonely. He often feels like there is a glass wall between him and other people. The “real” Jonah, doesn’t react correctly, doesn’t have the proper emotions or thoughts. So he buries that within himself. Though, some have noticed his mask is slipping.
Brief Backstory: [COMING SOON]
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t-orr-ing · 2 years
Some Sunshine and a Push to the Finish (just in time for baby!)
Off we went to avoid the dreary WA spring for some sunshine and family time.
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As always, PopPop was waiting for us at the airport in his yellow elephant shirt with open arms.
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And we got down to business.
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We brought MomMom to hike in Sedona with us.
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What a beautiful place.
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Just a mom trying to get a nice photo with her children...
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I found someone to come give William swim lessons every morning to wear off the edge of his energy. Carson refused the lessons. Just screamed at the top of his lungs in a retirement community at 8am.
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And then we spent as much time outside as possible absorbing Vitamin D.
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We spent a few afternoons at Unc T’s and Aunt Sara’s with cousins,
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we explored the children’s museum with PopPop,
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Of course we dug in the sand at our favorite park.
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And jammed a bit.
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We did Easter activities.
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More cousin time.
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What a great trip.
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We returned home feeling reset and I think my parents slept for a week.
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THEN Aunt Kiss came to visit us!
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We finally got to see the tulips in WA.
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Explored the beach for wildlife.
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And went to a National Park and saw an otter!
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Finishing off our wonderful trip with some ice cream and a view.
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Still kickin’
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I made myself an entire Peanut Butter Pie and ate it happily when I tested negative for gestational diabetes.
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Aunt Debbie made us a beautiful PNW quilt to remember our time in WA.
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We finished up our sports season.
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The last night was a parents vs. kids game in the pouring rain. I managed to not pee myself and William loved it.
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MomMom came back again so I wasn’t alone for Mother’s Day.
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We explored a dinosaur exhibit at the Seattle zoo. Of course.
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And my friends threw me a mini baby shower for this massive third bump.
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These two...
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They give me grey hair with such joy.
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I even took them on the ferry to Anderson Island. I was so tired after this deployment.
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We met Scott at the airport with beautiful signs and HUUUUUGE hugs.
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No one let go of him for days.
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We celebrated Father’s Day.
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And had a neighborhood water gun fight.
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We went to Scott’s unit’s Hail and Farewell.
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Scott had to say his thank yous holding 2 boys who still wouldn’t let him go after the deployment.
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And then you bet MomMom was back in time for baby #3!
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My final days with enough arms per kids we have.
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And Scott made sure his arms could carry all of them. With a little help from Poola.
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Last photo as a family of FOrr!
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ethancrossmedia · 6 years
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She is the youngest of the Otter kids. Though she speaks very little, she is kind and friendly in every way. Baby Butter Otter from PB&J Otter.
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