#baby yurio
cosmiclion · 6 days
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YOI AU where everything is more or less the same but Yurio is Viktor's lil brother (same mother different father).
-Their relationship doesn't differ much from canon and Yurio is still an edgy brat but they care about each other in their own ways. -Lil Yurio decides he wants to become a figure skater both out of admiration for his big bro and also out of a desire to kick his ass. -For reasons none of them want to talk about, the parents aren't in the picture anymore by the time Yurio is 6, Viktor and Nikolai have been his only family since then and his off time is divided between the two. -Come to think of it, them being family would make it more awkward that Viktor fucked off to Japan without letting Yurio know and forgot his promise 😭 -Yurio still only thinks of his grandpa when skating Agape. He'd probably think of Viktor if the thing was called People Who Embarrass Me. -Has a "My brother is an idiot but you better be good enough for him, Katsudon" talk with Yuuri and then threatens to test his newly sharpened blades on him if he tells Viktor about it. -Has a "Katsudon is an idiot but you better not fuck this up, old man" talk with Viktor and then threatens to shave his head in his sleep if he tells Yuuri about it.
(I couldn't find any official data on whether Nikolai is Yurio's maternal or paternal grandfather (we did have one flashback mentioning the mother but that doesn't confirm anything imo, she could be his daughter or daughter-in-law) but for this AU I'll assume the latter, if I'm wrong just pretend Yurio’s mom got cis-swapped and married Viktor's mom or something).
(Yes, I have a thing for stories about unlikely dudes unexpectedly becoming parental figures of moody kids, sue me).
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piupiumonstro · 7 months
randomly decided to rewatch yuri on ice and thank god i forgot everything because it feels like experiencing it for the first time and every time something happens i'm like aaaah and ooohh god that show was so gay
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soukokuloversstuff · 6 months
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and honestly if they met they’d hate each others guts cuz they reflect each other 😭😭
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cannibalismyuri · 8 months
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we all love a bad boy with a motorcycle :hearteyes: :smirk:
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narts-kakashi-doll · 1 year
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Yurio: new year, same me.
Yurio: because I'm perfect.
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chatdae · 29 days
AAAA!! I've only rewatched a few episodes of Yuri on Ice and I'm already losing my mind!!!
Ok so, in episode 2, Yurio tells Yuuri that Viktor's been practicing for the next season already. In the subtitled version, Yurio says:
"He (Viktor) was really torn. Surprising the audience has always been his top priority... but now, no matter what he does, nobody's surprised anymore... If you don't have any inspiration left, you're as good as dead."
Meanwhile, according to Minako, Viktor indicated to the press that "he was struck with inspiration" when he saw the video of Yuuri skating his routine.
In episode 1, Yuuri says he learned Viktor's routine because he wanted to find his love for skating again. He'd been depressed ever since losing, and this routine was his way of reconnecting with something meaningful so he could feel motivated again. He didn't even know his performance was doing the same thing for Viktor!!!!
No WONDER episode 1 cuts between Viktor and Yuuri performing the routine at the same time! They're both feeling lost and they both find meaning in this routine...but really it's through each other. THEY BOTH FIND MEANING IN THEIR ADMIRATION FOR EACH OTHER.
The first line of the show is Yuuri saying "he never fails to surprise me." This whole show is about two people inspiring each other to seize meaning in life again. THATS THE WHOLE SHOW BABY!! ITS LOVE!!!!
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mouseyippie · 17 days
i love this art, yurio looks amazing with his grunge dark rockstar look, viktor with his cute prince and crown like he can rule all the word
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who dressed my baby like this i need them FIRED
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yoi-incorrect-quotes · 3 months
Yurio: Everybody quiet! Otabek is calling!
Yurio: *picks up the phone* Hey, Otabek!
Chris: Baby, come back to bed!
Viktor: Georgi, pour me another whiskey!
Mila: *screams*
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born-to-lose · 2 years
Drunk Christmas
Pairing: Slash x reader
Requested by @gloomy-blonde
Summary: You and Slash are invited to a Christmas party, but after a short while, he gets drunk. Way too drunk.
Tags: alcohol, Christmas, fluff
Words: 651
A/N: My favourite drunk trope is the sappy drunk trope in case you couldn't tell
Tag list: @warriorteam1924 @slashscowboyboots @losers-yurio @lost-in-the-80s @jennyggggrrr @tuffduff @jonesyownsmyheart @rhyetaylor62 @smells-like-perfect-senses @whered0wego @rumoured-whispers @th0mas-jerome-newton @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker @dumbass-of-darkness @cherry-jams
Tip me if you want!
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You were invited to a Christmas party and of course, you took your boyfriend Slash with you. There were going to be some friends and acquaintances you hadn't seen in a while and you were very excited to finally introduce him to them all.
The party started off really well, many people recognized you and were happy to see you, everyone was asking about who the man you brought with you was - even people you originally didn't know yourself but they knew your friends, and you all got to catch up on each other's lives. The Christmas music playing in the background wasn't the same five songs that were overplayed at every shopping mall, the food was good, the decorations were pretty, there weren't any fights like at most family gatherings - perfect so far.
While you only had a few glasses of mulled wine over the course of the evening because that's what you do at Christmas parties, your boyfriend kept going to the bar more frequently - and he didn't stick with only wine, either.
This led to him being drunk after only a little over an hour. Way too drunk, actually. Not quite embarrassing, but also not the normal blood alcohol level you usually have at this kind of event. You were just thankful that tonight the horny drunk side of him didn't prevail, but rather the sappy drunk side.
You noticed him grinning at you for a while and you turned your head to look at him, slightly raising your eyebrow as you waited for what he wanted to say. "Mistletoe kiss?"
"We can't have a mistletoe kiss when there isn't a mistletoe."
"Imagine one. Gimme a kiss," he insisted, leaning closer to you and puckering his lips.
"Not now," you said, trying to continue the conversation one of your friends had started with you earlier.
He backed away, his eyes wide. "Oh God, you're taken!"
"I am," you said after a pause, realizing that he really was too drunk now.
Following your statement, Slash stayed silent, an empty look in his eyes. You took this opportunity to answer the question you had been asked a couple of minutes ago.
However, you didn't get very far because after a moment, he put his arm around you and started kissing your cheek and burying his face in your neck. You rolled your eyes, although you secretly found his behavior adorable.
As it got late, the other guests were getting more and more annoyed, even if they tried not to show it too much because they didn't want to offend you and about everyone here knew what it was like to be drunk and act stupid.
"I think Slash and I are gonna go home," you excused yourself, taking his hand and getting up from the sofa before you started saying your goodbyes to the people you knew. "It was so nice to see you all again, have a great rest of the night!"
Outside you walked around the street corner to find a quieter place. You had come by car, but you didn't want to drive after the couple of drinks you had. Besides, you couldn't have Slash bothering you in the passenger seat while you were trying to drive without causing an accident.
"Let's get you home, love," you sighed after you hung up and started waiting for the taxi.
He nodded and after a pause, he said quietly, "I'm sorry for embarrassing you."
You brushed some hair out of his face and cupped his cheek, looking into his eyes. "Baby… you didn't embarrass me, it's okay. They've been drunk before too, I have lots of stories to tell about their clubbing days in college," you laughed, trying to cheer him up a little.
Slash smiled at that too, blinking before giving you a kiss on the lips. "I love you," he slurred, but you knew he meant it.
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yoificfinder · 8 months
Hello! Do you have any short and fluffy victuuri recs? I prefer around the 15k to 20k word mark but I am happy with any! If you have any of these stories please share with me. If not that’s ok! I love all the work you do and I hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you!
I love fluffy fics!! And this fandom has a lot to offer (I limited this rec to one fic per author though).
And I know you asked for 15k-20k words but I included shorter ones too in this rec. It's actually a bit hard to find 20k of pure fluff since some angst or tension seeps in but I hope you'll enjoy these. Thanks for patiently waiting!
Less than 15K words
all the dragons we have slain by brighter [M, 10K]
This is why Yuuri loves gaming—the victory of it, the easy camaraderie amongst his guild, the sense that he’s part of something greater.
Victor tells him, “you were incredible,” and maybe he loves that a little, too.
come get you some of that bounce baby by @crossroadswrite [T, 4K]
“What are you doing?” Yuuri asks, side-eyeing him as he bends his arms behind his back, legs stretched into a perfect split.
“Delivering justice onto this cruel and unusual world.”
“Whoever trashed me on social media is not worth it, Vitya.”
(Or: in which they're happily married, coaching Russia's and Japan's next great skaters, and Victor Nikiforov remains the clingiest, thirstiest man on the face of this planet.)
Heartbeat by (orphan_account) [G, 3K]
Victor starts sleeping in Yuri's bed well before the Cup of China.
just like me they long to be by sparklespiff [T, 4K]
"Haven't you noticed that Yuuri gets everything he wants?"
"Everything that's in somebody else's power to give him," Mari says, before Victor can bring up last year's GPF. "He's not magic, just pretty."
"But it's like magic. My theory is that it's because he's sneaky beautiful, so you're not expecting it, and then, under all that stuff, whoa! Gorgeous. And it's too late to save yourself."
"Stuff?" Victor keeps smiling but makes his voice cold, the way he does when reporters overstep. His Yuuri doesn't have stuff. Everything about him is beautiful.
Yuuri lives in a Beautiful Person Bubble. It's Victor's responsibility to make sure he never finds out.
Viktor Effing Nikiforov by @shysweetthing [E, 13K]
AU in which Yuuri still doesn’t remember the banquet, somehow doesn’t blow Japanese Nationals, runs into Victor at the World Championships, and has absolutely no idea why his idol is suddenly friendly and incredibly handsy.
Does Yuuri care about his reasons? No. It’s Victor Effing Nikiforov.
15K to 20K words
The Fundamentals of Caring by @braveten [E, 21K]
“Let me guess, you’re going to go take care of Yuuri while he sleeps? Just in case he sneezes or something?” Yurio rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “Viktor, you’re whipped.”
Viktor rubs the back of his neck as he leans against the wall. “What does that mean?”
“It means that if Yuuri asked you to do a little dance for him in nothing but a coconut bra and a hula skirt, you’d do it.”
Viktor pauses, confused. “And that's a bad thing?”
If It's You by Kiranokira [E, 16K]
Viktor very much wants to pose nude with Yuuri for a Japanese magazine. Yuuri is less enthusiastic.
Yuri turns and brandishes a damp sock at them. “Don’t let him sweet talk you into doing porn,” he tells Yuuri. Then he grimaces and mutters to himself in Russian, “I can’t believe my life has reached the point that I have to say things like this.”
never tasted rubies by @ebenroot-daily [T, 27K]
Phichit puts up a poll on the radio website. It reads ‘What Do U Think About Yuuri K. from Hasetsu Nights and the Mysterious Caller Victor?’
Seventy-five percent of listeners said ‘lol they should just f*ck already tbh’.
in which Yuuri is an unwilling radio host and Victor won't stop calling in to chat with him
puppy love by minsyah [T, 16K]
Vicchan has a crush on their neighbor across the balcony, and so does his owner.
Yuuri, certified Dog-Dad™, will do anything for his beloved poodle—even if that means constantly embarrassing himself in front of his devastatingly attractive neighbor.
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cosmiclion · 4 days
When I came up with the whole Viktor-and-Yurio-are-brothers AU at first I considered that Viktor having such a close relative would negate the “neglecting life and love” part of his character. He has a baby brother he’s supposed to love and care about, while that’s only one type of love surely that means that love isn’t an entirely alien concept to him right?
But then I thought. From the “neglecting life and love for 20 years” line we can infer that Viktor has been part of the figure skating world since before he was 10. Yurio was born when he was 12 so by then he was most likely already fully dedicated to the sport and had very little free time, probably didn’t even live with his family or at the very least spent long periods away (I’m not well versed in figure skating or competitive sports in general but I imagine they’re very demanding) so he must have missed many important moments in Yurio’s early childhood, probably couldn’t even be there for his birth and got to meet him later.
And by the time lil Yurio starts following his steps they’re both too busy with each one’s obligations, even when the parents are out of their lives and Yurio stays at Viktor’s place (when he’s not with his grandpa) the times where both are free at the same time are probably scarce, not to mention that they aren't even in the same categories due to the age gap. Yurio is growing up and reaching that complicated age, there's a lot of bickering but Viktor knows Yurio's attitude is just a teens being teens thing so he just lets him be and treats him according to his age, but he might also lament the fact that the time for childlike play and bonding is long gone.
Meanwhile Yurio has to deal with his own issues. He's becoming a teenager and all the changes, both physical and emotional, that come with it can be overwhelming. Not to mention the fact that, while he still admires Viktor, he might also resent all the external pressure and expectations that inevitably come with being the Russian hero's younger brother. Add to that the family situation that no one wants to talk about and the result is... a lot.
Enter Yuuri. Viktor is smitten and suddenly decides to leave everything behind and follow him across the globe. What I imagine for this AU is that Yurio is staying with Nikolai at that moment and Viktor doesn’t even think of calling him to let him know he’ll be on the other side of the world for a few months and Yurio finds out through social media. I think them being family would make it more significant that he’s so pissed that Viktor chose Yuuri over him and wants to drag his ass back to Russia so bad. The very person he’s admired for as long as he remembers, who inspired him to pursue the same career and whom he secretly strives to impress (no matter how much he won't shut up about how annoying or embarrassing he is), has thrown everything aside for some pathetic loser who got shitfaced and humped him at a party and doesn’t even seem to remember the promise he made to him. And to add insult to injury that same pathetic loser beats him at the Onsen on Ice and he has to go back to Russia and keep training alone.
So I love the idea that over time Yuuri not only manages to earn Yurio's respect but also to help the two brothers bond and get closer, and it's not like I'm not building all this using canon as a base judging from all the official illustrations where Yurio gets dragged along every time the ice husbands are doing something fun and he seems to be enjoying himself 😌
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triptychgrip · 2 months
Up to 180K words on my post-canon Yuri!!! on Ice Olympic Games fic
If you're looking for something long/immersive to read in the Yuri!!! on Ice universe, I've now reached 180K words on my post-canon, married Viktuuri 2018/2022 Olympic Games fic, "Gold's On The Inside, Elevated My Feet".
I know many people aren't into long fics (especially if they're WIPs), but if you don't mind that, I hope you'll consider checking it out, or my other post-canon fics, of which I've got several.
My story (and the larger series that it's part of) covers two Olympic Games -- the 2018 and 2022 Games -- and delves into the aftermath of a scandal (note: not doping) that occurred at the 2018 Olympics, which had major impacts on Yuuri, Viktor, Yurio and others. Despite how heavy it sounds, it's largely a fluffy story about support and friendship, and explores the question of "how do Yuuri and Viktor care for one another long after canon ends?"
It switches point of view, so you get a chance to see things from both Viktor and Yuuri's (and other characters') vantage points.
One reason I'm so attached to the idea of writing post-canon Viktuuri is that I've always been fascinated by the idea of how their relationship would evolve over time, and, specifically, how their trust in one another would grow once they've faced hardships together. In canon, we see how Viktor supports Yuuri into growing into a more self-assured skater, and we get the sense that Yuuri supports Viktor in a number of ways, as well.
But I wanted to explore this in depth, specifically that latter point, about Yuuri growing into supporting Viktor, too. This is a concept I focus on in the main fic, as well as the other stories in my overall series.
I hope you'll give it a shot!
I'm including an excerpt below from the chapter I just uploaded, which covers the Men's Short Program at the 2022 Olympics, from Yurio's point-of-view.
--------- “It’s fine, old man…don’t worry about me,” Yuri mumbled, realizing that both Taku and Viktor were standing in front of him. “Katsudon will be up soon.”
At the subsequent hum of murmured Russian, he realized that Lilia was still nearby, but hovering behind him instead of in front of him. She seemed to be passing something to Viktor, and then he sensed a wad of tissues being pressed to his cheek.
“Don’t worry about that right now. Let me focus on you,” his coach said, sounding firm.
Yuri was just glad that neither he nor Taku had made an attempt to hug him; if they had, he had no doubt he would have completely broken down.
“And now, we have our final group of skaters in the Men’s Short Program event! First up, in group 5, and representing Thailand, please welcome…”
“Phichit Chulanont!”
The rink commentator’s voices boomed out, along with thunderous applause. Yuri wasn’t even aware that Viktor and Yuuri had been having a silent conversation of glances and hand gestures until Katsudon stepped up next to him, in the spot Taku had just been in.
“Yura…I know it’s not quite the same as petting Goya, but give it a try: put your hand on Meni’s head,” Yuuri urged, in whispered Russian. “We can share him.”
His friend/rinkmate was cradling the pristinely white toy poodle much like he’d hold a baby, and Yuri gave him a bit of a baleful glare; Meni might be around her size, but he was a rather poor substitute for Potya. Plus, he was entirely too high-energy for Yuri’s tastes. At least Goya was a bit more reserved.
“ну ты вообще! One should not be too proud to accept help when it is offered, Yura,” came Lilia’s chiding refrain. “You never know, it might be a good distraction until you’re up.”
He didn’t even have to look behind him to picture how her lips were pursed in disapproval. Not wanting to invite a lecture, Yuri reached his hand out and reluctantly placed it on top of the pup’s head, in between his ears.
And of course, it was nothing like petting his perfect Potya; he cringed in disgust as Meni immediately tried to lick every single one of his fingers until Viktor began to murmur in a sing-song tone to “settle down, settle down Meni-moppet”.
About a half-minute later, Meni did in fact settle down, and even though Phichit’s performance was clearly going on in the background – as evident from the raucous cheers and screams – Yuri found, somehow, that he was able to block out the noise and just focus on the warm, slightly vibrating body underneath his hand.
Amazingly, once the geezer had implored him to relax, Meni seemed quite content to keep absolutely still, only panting happily under the attention of the surrounding trio of bodies.
It was…
…surprisingly calming.
Damnit, he hated when Lilia was right.
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chernobyl-fairy-boy · 19 days
Ok ok i am part of a system as some of yall may know and we have a yurio fictive and omg yall he is more of a fucking Menace then scout is AND THATS LITERALLY SAYING SOMETHING!! like everyone fucking hateeees scout not joking anyways not only has he kicked me and rylnns shin in ,sucker punched sammy in the jaw (valid tho sammy came up behind him and scared him) he has also demanded we get a cat WE CANT GET A CAT
Also turns out he has been here for a while but for some odd reason just now decided to pop up
Why did i get stuck baby sitting the demon 15 year old
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justbabyme · 8 months
I was tagged by @mrslittletall , thank you!!!
Rules: 1) Pick a fandom 2) Write five things you absolutely LOVE to see in fanart, fanfics and whatever other forms or creativity. But stay positive! No passive aggression or insults or resentment towards "opposite" kind of content etc 3) Tag five people do to the same!
I'm gonna do Yuri On Ice for this one, since it's the only fandom I'd say I'm really still in!
1: all of the skaters hanging out and having fun together! I can NEVER get enough of this!
2: chatfics - fight me, they're hilarious! And there's some real gems in the YOI fandom in particular, I just love watching everyone's personalities bounce off of each other! I even wrote my own chatfic years ago, but don't try to look for it, I never posted it!
3: Yuuri and Victor adopting Yurio, whether literally or metaphorically. Give this boy some overly-loving parents who dote on him despite his anger! He needs them!
4: when people build on the secondary skaters and give them backstories that we don't see in the show, or flesh them out more! We had such an amazing cast, everyone deserved so much more screen time!
5: Makkachin, just Makkachin. Best doggo baby in all art and fics!
...Actually, bonus 6: the podfics that this fandom make are GLORIOUS and I could listen to them all day! Many a begrudging exercise walk has been spent with my favourite fanfictions being read to me!
OK, I'm gonna tag @chocolate-otaku , @scrumptiouslyholypatrol , and @illustrious-paladin-lesbian - I don't know who else to tag! Thank you again for inviting me to play!!!
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top 5 fave animes?
top 5 fave knb matches?
top 5 fave requests u’ve gotten?
top 5 fave things about your fave character?
Oh man, this is a really long post that took me hours to write XD I apologize for the length and the going a little nuts over a character not from a series I write this blog for ^-^'
Here we go~
Top 5 fave animes (this is hard btw lmao it tends to change over time XD)
Tokyo Revengers
Daiya no Ace
Kuroko no Basket
Yuri on Ice
Remembering all the anime I've watched is haaard. and 'fave' is transitory lol. The above five are the one's I've rewatched out of love. There are a bunch that I love but that were just short one-season things that I never wrote anything for like My Roomate is a Cat, and Kotaro Lives Alone, Gakuen Babysitters and Record of Ragnarok.
But honorable mentions go to OG/or high-fave anime that I still write for:
Gundam Wing
Herioc Legend of Arislan
Eyeshield 21
Top 5 fave knb matches
Seirin vs Rakuzan
Too vs Kaijo
Seirin vs Shutoku
Seirin vs Yozen
Seirin vs Too
Top 5 fave requests
This is really hard because there are SO MANY, and there is only one that really sticks out. I went back through my asks and it took so long XD
Kominato Ryousuke x Reader x Kuramochi Youichi smut
GoM play laser tag
Ryousuke, Mochi and Miyuki react to s/o's cheesy pick up lines
Akashi's son goes to kindergarten
Lemony Yamato, Kakei, and Marco
Making out headcanons with Phichit, Guanghong and Yurio
Top 5 fave things about my fave character
Okay, so trying to choose ONE character is really hard... I'm going to go with Mikey from TR because he's my current fave lol
He can be incredibly loyal, especially when he's younger. He will throw down with anyone that talks shit or hurts his gang or any of it's members. Of course, loses this some over time as he gets darker
He's beautiful, and adorable, no matter which timeline Mikey it is. Looks wise, my least favorite is serial killer!Mikey cause black hair looks weird on him, as black hair often does on blonds. My fave is either first!timeline adult Mikey, or pre-serial killer Mikey, when he has the short blond hair.
He loves deeply and fiercely. This is why he breaks a little more every time he loses someone, until his final loss and he gives in completely to the darkness. His inability to deal with his lost loved ones is the corner stone of why he goes dark (even with the revelations of the last few chapters)
He's so badass, but like, super childish at the same time? He rides the fine like between capability and being taken care of. Like he can stand up and be independent, and is the BOSS, but if there are others around that will wait on him, he will take advantage lol
His ambition and leadership qualities. Mikey knows himself, he knows the darkness and knows the path he's headed towards -- it was the path he chose. Because he knows himself, and because he's loyal and loves his friends, he leaves them to keep them safe, mostly from himself.
Mikey is so complex, but at his heart, he's a loyal, loving boy/man that was hurt over and over until he was forced to harden himself to survive. He's childish in some cases (mostly when he's a 14/15 year old baby), but he grows through out the course of the series (sadly, just not for the better). He lost literally everyone closest to him, and really is a product of a life of tragedy and pain. This is why I think he's one of most sympathetic villains I've ever read, and the mangaka has done a great job with the story telling, for the most part.
/End rant cause I could go on forever.
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