#baby's first brooklyn nine nine fic
chickensarentcheap · 1 year
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Rachel in episode 3 of Accused.  
Good feed for the muse also!
Fandom:  Extraction
OC Name: Esme Drummond/Rake
Partner/SO: Tyler Rake
Age: (in the new fic) 29.     In “Never Gonna Be Alone”: 41
Birthplace: Snowmass, Colorado, USA
Currently resides: In Never Gonna Be Alone: Cooktown, Queensland, Australia.  In Lost and Found: The Kimberley, Australia (the most northern of western Australia’s nine regions)
Height: Five foot one inch
Weight:  120 lbs 
Gender: female
Identifies as: bisexual
Family: (as of “Never Gonna Be Alone”) Tyler Rake (husband),  children: Amelia, 12 (Millie), TJ (Tyler James Rake Jr) and Tanner , 10,  Declan 8, Adeline (Addie) 6,  Brooklyn and Takota, 4
Occupation:  Former intel specialist USMC,  former black market intel specialist (under the High Table),  former black market intel specialist (under Nik Khan),  currently (in NGBA) a silent partner in Tyler’s mercenary business, owner of ‘Turn the Page’ bookstore, and runs a little business (called ‘Seven Holigans’ ) from home selling handmade baby clothes, blankets, hats, mitts etc etc etc.  She also is vice president of the Cooktown Business Improvement Area and secretary for the Chamber of Commerce.
Interests:  gardening, baking,  crocheting, sewing,  buying old pieces of furniture and refurbishing and modernizing them,  paddle boarding, swimming, hiking, camping, bike riding. Loves cheesy 80s and 90s movies and pop music,  and reality tv shows.
Personality:  Esme is a ‘forever optimist’ as Tyler refers to her. A social butterfly who is well loved in their community and by the tourists who visit her store (she was featured in magazines and a ‘places to visit in Australia’ documentary) where she doesn’t just sell books, but homemade pies, cakes, muffins, cookies and other various goodies.   She is warm and friendly and a little too trustworthy.   She is highly intelligent and has a quick and playful wit, but can be cutting and hurtful if deserved.   She describes herself as ‘slightly neurotic with a hefty serving of anxiety’.  She is compassionate and understanding, but do not cross her.  Do not betray her confidence or hurt her family in any way. She may be small, but she can more than hold her own and won’t think twice about enacting revenge.
Background: a graduate of Arizona State University, Esme holds a degree in psychology.  Served in the USMC as an intel specialist in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Married a superior from USMC who was sixteen years her senior, but the relationship crumbled due to abuse (of all kinds). She met Tyler through Nik Khan, who -in a tweaked storyline from the first Extraction- needed the two of them to team up in Dhaka to find Ovi so Tyler could then extract him. After the incident on the bridge,  Esme stayed by Tyler’s first in a Mumbai hospital and then one in Sydney, Australia.   In the series, they settled down in Sydney after his release and that year she gave birth to their first, a daughter they named Amelia Grace Rake.
In ‘Lost and Found’, they lived in Tyler’s shack (featured in the movie) in The Kimberley.  They eventually (after a four-year separation) settle in Broome. 
Find Esme here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Chickensarentcheap/pseuds/Chickensarentcheap
@tragiclyhip, @youflickedtooharddamnit, @secretaryunpaid, @appletreesinwinter, @thesirenrealm, @asirensrage, @munstysmind, @residentdormouse, @mrsmungus, @themaradaniels, @ocappreciationtag, @starryeyes2000, @ninjasawakenedmystar
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ilostmylifeonline · 2 years
I was tagged by @shameless-notashamed ages ago to answer some ✨fandom & random questions✨ and I’m finally doing it.
When did you start watching Shameless? In 2015. I saw gifs of the show around on Tumblr (gifs of Gallavich to be more precise, it’s the club kiss that really convinced me) so I decided to watch it. Binge-watched seasons 1 through 4 faster than I can admit, and then season 5 was just coming out so I watched the episodes weekly starting then.
How did you start getting involved in the gallavich fandom? After season 5 finished, I needed more and I couldn’t just stop there so I searched for content on Tumblr, then I got into fanfiction for the first time in my life and discovered Ao3. I’ve been lost ever since, I gave my soul to this fandom...
Favorite Shameless character? (other than Ian and Mickey of course): I love Lip and Fiona. I also have a soft spot in my heart for Kev and V. Liam is my baby and I want to protect him. I think Sheila was the most underrated character, I miss Svetlana and in the last couple of seasons I’ve grown fond of Tammi and Sandy.
What plotline from the show irked you the most? Most of the things Frank did to be honest (especially the whole Dottie plotline). And I’m still not over Ian sleeping with a woman.
Favorite line from the show? Mickey’s coming out speech.
Fanfic(s) you can’t stop thinking about: That’s hard… Probably Cooperative Gameplay. It’s not a very original answer but this fic was goooooood!!
The best concert(s) you’ve been to: I haven’t been to a lot of concerts in my life. But I once went to see this old French group, Tri Yann. They were all in their 70s and they had so much energy, it was awesome! (I’m going to see Louis Tomlinson in August though so it might become the best concert I’ve ever been to)
Comfort movie franchise: It used to be Harry Potter but I can’t stand the idea of knowing I recognize JK Rowling’s creation when I watch them. So now I would say Hunger Games (which I have rewatched recently and absolutely love) and a French trilogy made of “L’Auberge Espagnole”, “Les Poupées Russes” and “Casse-Tête Chinois”.
Piercings/tattoos? My ears are pierced and that’s it.
Most rewatched TV show(s): Shameless, Downton Abbey, Friends, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Superstore, The Office, Malcolm in the Middle, and Kaamelott.
Pet peeves: can’t think of anything…
Random fact about yourself: I lived in a former school for about ten years growing up.
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sunflowersturn · 3 years
losing patience
david santiago/reader, based on the prompts:
“Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
@serpentstyles come get y'all juice
warnings: f!reader
"Come on, you admitted that you liked the movie last time."
You could see his lips curling, even as he lifted his to-go cup to his mouth to try to hide the smile. He took a sip of his green tea (the cafe manager, bless her heart, kept a separate brewer just for him due to his allergies) and gave you a carefully engineered flat look that did absolutely nothing to hide the amusement in his eyes.
"I said that because you were making those big, sad eyes at me," he said, setting his cup down on the table in front of him but keeping his hands on it. You'd had to take an outside table with the cafe being so full, and the fall air was brisk. "Also, you told me flat out that if I didn't say I liked it you would take personal offense and cry real tears. Those were your exact words."
"I said no such thing!" Your voice pitched up on your protest and he laughed a bit, lifting a hand when you got a bit too loud to try to calm you. Of course you had said exactly that but you would never admit to it, and he knew it very well if the way his eyes twinkled were any indication. You gave him a brief sour look, but were quick to relent again to try to wheedle him some more. "Please, David, you need to do something to unwind this weekend."
"If I say yes, will you come hiking with me next week? You said you would when the weather started to cool down again," he said, giving you that wheedling tone right back.
It really was an absolute sin that he had such pretty eyes, and such a pretty face, and such pretty hair, and such a pretty voice. You really never stood a chance when he asked you for anything. How you'd remained friends with him for this long without losing your soul to those deep brown eyes was an absolute mystery.
"Absolutely," you promised, knowing that Future You was going to regret that decision very much.
It was still worth it to see the delighted smile on his face. Maybe you had lost your soul somewhere down the line after all.
He picked up his phone to check the time and you swore—just for a second as the image flashed by—but it couldn't be. That would be ridiculous. This was David, after all. The golden child, the Lieutenant, the most perfect man in existence. You shook the notion out of your head and gave him a wry smile as he told you he had to go.
"I know, I know, duty calls," you said, waving him off. "Go save the world from drug dealers and murderers, and I'll save you from boredom on Saturday at seven. Don't be late!"
He promised and left, and you absolutely did not think about how for the briefest moment you thought you'd seen a picture of yourself for his lock screen.
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Saturday arrived more swiftly than you would have expected; your weekly activities thankfully kept you better distracted than you normally would have guessed. Knowing David's preferences, you skipped out on microwave popcorn for healthier snack alternatives most of the time. This week you had gone with a bit of a lazier route of veggie straws and the fancy organic gummy bears his partner had once clued you in that he liked. The movie was a standalone thriller, no franchises for the pop culture baby, nothing to do with cop work just to keep his mind at ease. Simple, casual. Friendly. Just like always.
(You were not thinking about his lock screen.)
He arrived at two minutes before seven with a smug smile on his face, as though he'd done it specifically to show you up for your comment about being late. (Thinking back on it, you wouldn't have been surprised if he had.) He had a container of your drink of choice and a wide grin on his face, and when he saw the baggie of gummy bears on the table he pressed a kiss to your temple that had your cheeks heating.
The movie went mostly smoothly, in that your streaming service didn't crash while it was running. Everything else seemed to be going awry.
You were hyper aware of David through the whole run of the movie, which wasn't necessarily unusual. as like any fan of movies, you loved to watch for the reactions of your friends. Tonight, though... it felt like every single time he moved or breathed or, hell, every time he blinked, it grabbed your attention away from the movie. You'd long known that you couldn't beat down your attraction to him, but it was getting to be a bit much.
Every time he shifted in his seat your eyes would flick over to his legs as he readjusted. Whenever he moved to lean on the armrest of the couch you found yourself fixated on the flex of his fingers under his chin. He laughed at a joke and your heart soared, and he crossed his legs and you just—you couldn't help yourself peeking—
"You alright?"
His voice broke through the fog you'd been in when he'd uncrossed his legs and hooked his ankles together instead, and your eyes jumped back up to his face.
"Yeah, sorry! I guess I'm a little tired," you said, giving him a soft smile. "Maybe we can take a quick break? I need a new drink anyway."
You lifted the drink he'd brought for you and he nodded, groaning a bit as he stood. "I'm going to run to the bathroom, then. Meet back in a minute."
The two of you separated to take care of your self-appointed tasks, and it wasn't until you got back with your refill that you saw that David had left his phone on the arm of the couch.
It was too much to resist. You didn't hear the toilet flushing or the sink going in the bathroom, yet, so you knew that you had at least a few seconds. That was all you'd need to disabuse yourself of this wild idea, right? Just a few seconds to confirm that you'd seen some model or some kind of group precinct photo or—anything but your own face underneath the time display.
But when you raised the phone, there you were.
It was a photo of you that had been taken at a Santiago family gathering, you remembered. Everyone had been out by the pool, and you had been convinced to wear a top that was more revealing than your usual fare. The arm around your shoulders in the picture had been David's, but everyone else was cut off but you. It was just your smile, your laugh caught in the moment, and you jumped out of your skin when you heard David calling your name behind you.
"What are you doing with—?" he started to ask, but you turned it around to face him before he could finish the question.
"Why am I your lock screen?" you said, voice hoarse.
He blinked, and something passed through his eyes that you didn't fully understand.
"You weren't supposed to see that," he said softly, and he held his hand out for his phone. You didn't want to hand it over quite yet, and you held out for a moment longer. He said your name in that same quiet tone. "Please."
"Is this some kind of joke?" you found yourself saying, even while you knew in your heart it couldn't be true. Not David. Never David. But it was the only explanation you could think of. It was the only thing that poisonous little voice in the back of your head would let you believe, because this was David. Amy's sainted brother, the golden child, the perfect one.
"What? No, god, no!" He looked at you incredulously, obviously insulted by the mere suggestion, and he ran a hand over his face and for the first time since you'd known him he looked genuinely irritated. "You know that's not the reason."
"I don't see what other reason there might be," you said, voice pitching up as your anxiety started to rise. There was no way this meant what you thought it meant. It couldn't possibly—
"What reasons would a man have for making a woman he's close to his lock screen, do you think?" he snapped, and when you were finally able to meet his eyes again they were absolutely blazing. "What reasons do you think he might have for taking a beautiful picture and putting it somewhere he can look at it as often as he likes?"
Your throat felt tight all of a sudden, making it a struggle to swallow, and your hand holding his phone shook.
"That's something you do for a girlfriend, David," you said after a long moment. "We're not—we're just—"
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it!" It was the first time you thought you'd ever heard his voice raised outside of work, and while it didn't make you flinch you were definitely surprised. He seemed to see it, because he calmed himself again and took a deep breath. "This has been going on for too long, and I'm starting to lose my patience. I knew that you could be skittish—"
"Skittish!" you said in a squeak.
"—but this is a bit much," he finished, giving you a bit of a flat look for the interruption.
He approached cautiously, like you were truly a wild animal he was afraid of frightening off, and he gently pulled his phone out of your hand to stick in his pocket before he reached up for your shoulders.
"I'm going to kiss you now," he said, watching your face and smirking a bit to himself when your eyes widened. You hated and loved how satisfied with himself he looked all at once.
"Okay," you breathed, and he smiled as he leaned in to press his lips to yours.
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letsperaltiago · 3 years
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Peraltiago on Instagram | Pregnancy posts
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i apologize for how shitty my old work is.
ask if you want anything written for, or look at my requests posts!
if there’s someone not on here you want to see, check to see if i write for them, or just send me a request or message anyways :)
writing for steve, bucky, wanda, peter (tom or andrew), matt, and yelena (requests closed)
prologue - till forever falls apart
chapter one - brooklyn baby
chapter two - i’ll follow you into the dark
chapter three - pluto projector
chapter four - grow as we go
writing for jj, sarah, pope, cleo, and rafe (requests open)
diver down - y/n goes down to the grady white wreck instead of john b, and she gets stuck. jj has to save her.
jealousy, jealousy - jj gets jealous when y/n’s friend comes down to visit, and she has to reassure him that she’s with him.
midsummer shenanigans - it’s a long story. sarah becomes a pogue.
writing for kaz, jesper, nikolai, nina, zoya, alina, and inej (requests open)
prologue - before
chapter one - now
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
a thank you/upcoming work
just finished season 2…sequel, anyone?
sequel! - empyrean
prologue of empyrean is published!
chapter one
chapter two
this fic is still being updated! i ran out of links on here and had to start a second masterlist, which you can find on my navigation post. the rest of this fic—as well as my other fics—will be posted there as i update :)
bet on it - kaz takes care of a kid the reader looks after and admits some feelings along the way.
catharsis - reader gets hurt on a mission and kaz helps them back home, and confesses feelings along the way.
midnight strolls - reader isn’t part of the dregs, but kaz enjoys their company and asks them to come jobs.
bonnie and clyde - reader gets hurt on a mission with their partner jesper and they have to convince him it’s not his fault.
salt in the wound - patching nikolai up after the aftermath of the battle.
rest and relaxation - you take care of inej after a long night.
writing for james, sirius, remus, regulus, lily, and marlene (requests open)
my lady - sirius is dating a slightly older reader and the boys love to tease them about it.
guilt - reader gets hurt by a group of girls that are jealous of her relationship with sirius and he feels really guilty.
woman - reader is a tomboy and doesn’t think sirius would go for someone like them. the reader overhears him say otherwise in a game of truth or drink.
forgiveness - it’s a long story.
solacing - after a bad night with walburga, sirius needs comfort in a way that he can only find with you.
prince charming - you dress up as a muggle princess for halloween.
rosy cheeks - you see sirius naked and he teases you about your reaction.
home - you’re like a sister to james, and always at his house. you’re there the night sirius runs away from home.
everyone likes abba - you and sirius dance together at a party.
feeling - you and sirius get drunk and try not to touch each other. one of you caves.
canis major - you shift into your animagus form for the first time as a prank on the boys.
entanglement - both regulus and sirius confess feelings for the reader, and she doesn’t want to hurt them by choosing between them. sirius makes the choice easy.
line without a hook - an imagine based off ricky montgomery’s Line Without a Hook.
writing for eddie, steve, billy and robin (requests open)
bowie - eddie takes you to see one of his favorite bands, and tells you how he hopes he gets famous and is able to take you along with him.
ribs - you admit something interesting things to eddie while you’re both high, not knowing how he feels for you.
we’ll never have sex - reader isn’t that comfortable with physical touch, and has to talk about it with eddie, who really likes it.
it’s metal, even - eddie after the upside down pushes the reader away and can’t cope, and you have to help him get through it.
one down - you’ve been dating steve for a while, and your sister erica finds out
matilda - steve has a nightmare, but not about what you thought. you’re there to help him through it.
reassurance - you get really hurt in the upside down, and steve is angry and scared, but he takes care of you anyway.
writing for daemon, aemond, rhaenyra, aegon, alicent, and jacaerys (requests open)
sweet creature - reader is a shapeshifter who has become close rhaenyra after daemon leaves for war and alicent has married the king.
anything for you - a part two to sweet creature.
epiphany - a part three to sweet creature and anything for you
my fire - reader has red hair, and daemon is obsessed with it.
white knight - reader is pregnant, and the egg for her child hatched early, and is fiercely protective, just like her husband.
jester - daemon presents rhaenyra with oranges as a wedding gift after the reader tells him about ser criston’s proposal.
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
this fic is still being updated! i ran out of links on here and had to start a second masterlist, which you can find on my navigation post. the rest of this fic—as well as my other fics—will be posted there as i update :)
a wolf amongst dragons - reader is a stark, who meets aemond and thinks he’s one of the most beautiful people she’s ever seen.
doomsday - it’s a long story.
lucky, indeed - blood and cheese come for you and aemond’s daughter, but fail. aemond struggles with the aftermath, and you’re their to help him.
muña - reader is one of the only one’s who can console baby helaena. alicent thinks she is a bad mother, and reader does everything she can to convince her otherwise.
trepidation - reader comforts alicent after she has a panic attack in a council meeting
winter child - domestic moments between reader, aegon, and their first born daughter.
this is me trying - reader protects and comforts aegon from the harsh treatment from his family.
keep driving - reader can’t have children, so alicent proposes aegon take a second wife. he doesn’t agree.
late night driving - aegon has a nightmare. you’re there to comfort him.
the gods gifted me you - aegon finally pushes jacaerys past his limit, harassing him for being a bastard. you’re there to comfort him.
writing for jon, robb, and daenerys (requests open)
a better world - reader is scared of daenerys after the events at king’s landing. they work through it together.
a dragon in the north - stark!reader (kinda) can shift into a direwolf. daenerys comes to the north.
whatever may come - reader and robb survive the red wedding, and deal with the trauma of it together.
flaws - you’re the daughter of one of the stark bannerman. you live in winterfell, and you got hurt as a child in a riding accident. you always thought you’d never have any suitors growing up because of it, but robb always surprises.
that’s my girl - reader gets hurt defending jon to some of the men at the wall. he isn’t pleased.
sniffles and dramatics - you’re sick, and you hate it. jon is there to help.
you and me - you have a nightmare about your family abandoning you. jon is there to help.
writing for benedict (requests open)
wallflower - reader has social anxiety. benedict is good at making them feel better.
writing for rick and alden (requests open)
together - alden and the reader are left with baby adam together after earl dies and the whisperers attack hilltop. when they meet back up at alexandria, alden isn’t sure if he can handle the pressure.
writing for joel (requests open)
dozing off - a moment between you and joel before going to sleep
THE BEAR writing for carmy (requests open)
good fortune - carmy finally works up the courage to ask you out after weeks of working across the street from you.
mishaps and bear hugs - you have a bad day at the restaurant. carmy is there to calm you down.
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amyscascadingtabs · 3 years
this is sappy but whatever. i wrote most of this before the season started (which is why i come off as reasonable and somewhat mentally stable about all of this) but felt appropriate to post it now as a thank you. ❤️
i have vivid memories from the night b99 was cancelled. the news came late evening my time, and i had been editing fic and checked twitter and there it was. loud and clear. i don’t remember which site it was but the picture was jake and amy with their wedding cake and that made everything feel even worse.
i remember freaking out even though i had been prepared, because those last days before the news hit on tumblr were... panicked. but i still freaked out to the extent that i ran outside in my pajama pants and hoodie and blue plastic slippers and called my mom, and then i walked up and down the streets where i lived in the darkness and cried in frustration as she tried to talk me down. i remember there were random guys with motorcycles out? but i was too hysterical to care. i’m pretty sure i screamed something to my mom about ”HOW CAN BIG BANG THEORY GET A BILLION SEASONS BUT THIS SHOW GETS CANCELLED????”
i know everyone who was in the fandom at the time has their cancellation story. what played the biggest part in mine was the fact that i felt like i hadn’t had enough time. really, i had only just become active in the fandom, only just started interacting with people on here and writing my first few fics, but i was absolutely loving it. it was giving me happiness again after a long period of emptiness and depressive feelings. when it was cancelled, what made me feel the worst was the fact that i’d had so little time – to make friends, write fic and react to episodes together. i felt deeply jealous of everyone who’d gotten more.
thinking about it coming to an end now has made me remember that night and those feelings of jealousy. because i did get more time. i got three more years. that night, i remember asking for just one, for a half, for anything, and i got three years.
and these three years have been a whirlwind of emotions and feelings and episodes and debates and discussions and gifsets and fanfic and asks and having this as my safe space while pretty much everything changed around me in the outside world, and i just want you all to know that i have never taken a single day of them for granted. this show could have been taken from me before i’d ever gotten the chance to grow with it and alongside it, and instead it was part of my life for three whole years.
i have a really, really good memory (four time quiz champion anyone? just me?okay <3), and i remember so much of it in such detail, and it's so weird to think about how long it's been when it also feels like yesterday.
i remember my first comment on peraltiago parenting experience, my first episode-related fic, the insane high after the renewal, staying up all night to watch the wedding live. i remember writing fanfiction on the beach while on vacation in greece, on a plane to berlin, at home on my parents balcony late late at night. i remember the honeymoon episode title being released, s6 starting filming again, the excitement over every little piece of news and finding about the cast directing. i remember labor fic and christmas fics and when i scroll back to pictures of my paris trip in january 2019 it's interspersed with a billion pictures of andy at the golden globes. i remember lighting my fairy lights in my little basement room and watching season 6 in bed at 2.30 am if it was a big episode, and watching it in the morning before fridays in high school most days. i remember writing post-ep fics during classes and on my phone on subways and trains. i remember the s7 news, and the casecation nerves and debates, and fucking kissgate. being named "the class amy santiago" by my friends when we graduated and getting a little silver paper plate to show for it. i remember the first fic exchange and inventing julian and simon santiago and i remember meeting @johnny-and-dora and eating wagamamas in manchester and talking about how simon santiago was DEFINITELY on the stairs and buying a little fake plant that i named andy plantberg (he's still in a box somewhere). i remember writing fic during slow hours in the ice cream shop i worked at. moving and putting up my framed b99 poster in my own apartment (very much still up). finding out about trying and everyone going fucking crazy. infertility fic. melissa's pregnancy news. s7 promo and standing outside my job the very first day and texting siân "AMY HAS TO PEE!!!!!???" because that was in the promo and we knew there were pregnancy tests involved in the first episode. the crazy happiness of s7 finally premiering. everyone going crazy about jake and amy deciding to start trying and how i could quote the scene verbatim the next few days. the week leading up to trying, what turned out to be the last normal week before the pandemic. the fucking MESS i was after that. the following week and ding dong and crying with happiness. being dizzy with hyperfixation joy the following day and barely feeling aware of the covid pandemic for the first few days because i was just thinking about jake and amy having a baby. getting through the first few weeks mostly because of b99. admiral peralta and finding out we were having a BOY and not even being disappointed even though the headcanon had been the opposite for years because it was perfect. the iconic b99 quizzes. lights out and mac being born. somehow managing 475 days before season 8, coping together when we got the news about the final season, watching the cast do their final day of filming. the first stream being interrupted by a storm warning and cutting out several minutes because of course. getting to see parents peraltiago and MAC and the insane speed with which those few seconds were giffed. more b99 quizzes. the vow renewal. the finale.
i remember all of it and so much more and as much as my heart is breaking, i’m trying to remind myself that i could have gotten none of this.
brooklyn nine-nine has been such an important part of my life. and it always, always will be, forever. i could have lost it all that night, and instead i got three more years. if i'd known that when i was walking the streets outside my house in the darkness in complete panic, i would have cried with happiness.
so thank you. all of you. for everything. ❤️❤️❤️ for the friendships, the joy, the asks, the debates, the fic response, EVERYTHING. whether we've shared three years or one or less, just know that i'm so grateful.
have some random pictures i found and screenshots from my private instagram (which is inactive so don't bother) from when i started this hyperfixation. jesus lmao 😭😭😭😭 i am less insane now. no i'm not. but i express it less on instagram.
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Sugar Sugar 🎶
Based off an ask from @spider-starry who wanted me to write a sweet Colin fic filled with lots of love and kisses! You said sugar in the beginning of your ask and honey that is what inspired this! I hope you enjoy it!!
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Colin was working late again for the fifth time this week so you decided to surprise him with dinner. You had stopped at his favorite Chinese place and ordered an ungodly amount of food. That way if Colin was too busy to eat with you you could just drop some off with him and go home and eat the other half while binge watching Brooklyn nine nine. (Colin had gotten you hooked on the show).
You pulled up to the station and noticed how dark it was, the only lights seemed to be coming from the main floor where Colin and Mare’s shared office was. As you got out of your car you saw Mare standing outside smoking, she gave you a nod, acknowledging your approaching form.
“Hey Mare.” You smiled at her, she let out a breath of smoke. She glanced down at the large bag in your hand. You followed her gaze and lifted it up so she could see it. “I bought Colin dinner.”
“That’s nice of you.” You stood looking at one another for a while, Mare cocked her eyebrow at you. “Aren’t you gonna call him so he can come down and get it?”
“Actually, I was hopping you could unlock the door for me, so I can go up and surprise him.”
“And why would I do that?”
“For love.” You cooed in a sweet voice, she just rolled her eyes at you giving you a small smirk.
“Nice try (y/n).”
“Fine.” You fished into your bag of takeout and took out one of the boxes. “I’ll trade ya this if you let me in.”
“What’s in it?”
“Orange chicken.”
“Gimme.” Mare held her hand out and you lightly tossed it towards her. She pushed herself off the wall and took out her keys.
“Thank you.”
“Yeah yeah.”
You heard the jingle of her keys again as she locked the door behind you. You gave her another grateful smile and she just rolled her eyes and waved goodbye as she headed home. You headed up the steps, carefully, making sure not to shake the food up too much. As you got closer to the top you could see light streaming down from the floor Colin was on.
You could also hear the soft melody of music, it was crackly and faded. You peaked around the corner when you got to the top, looking for Colin. You saw him in his office with the door cracked open. He was dancing back and forth in the little room as he worked. He’d pick up papers and do this little move while hanging it up on the large bulletin board. He was swaying his hips back and forth and signing along a loudly to the song on the radio. It was Sugar Sugar by the Archies. Your smile got wider the longer you watched him, the way he’d do a step and a skip, or twirl around and bob his head to the beat.
By now he was belting out the lyrics, by no means was he the best singer but he sang with so much passion it didn’t even matter. He danced over to the radio and turned it up louder, making the glass walls of his office shake. “Pour a little sugar on it honey! Pour a little sugar on it baby!” His work was long forgotten at this point, he was so into his performance, even changing his voice along with the singers. “Make your life so sweet, yeah yeah YEAH!”
You did you best to suppress your giggles, hiding your wide smile behind your hand. You didn’t want to give yourself away. His head was thrown back belting out the lyrics, he was completely immersed in the song, doing a shoulder shimmy that slowly got more intense as the song began to end.
You walked closer to his office, clapping. “Woo!” You cheered. He whipped around so fast he ended up knocking all the papers to the floor.
“I didn’t know you were such a good performer babe.” His face turned red at your words, he opened the door to his office wider so you could step in.
He rushed over to lower the radio and went to pick up his papers. He couldn’t meet your eyes. “When did you get here?”
“A couple minutes ago.” He flushed even more at the realization you had seen his whole performance. “I came to bring you dinner.” You placed the bag down on his desk and turned towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning up to kiss him. He melted into your touch.
“You didn’t have to that.” He said, burying his face in the crook of your neck. Melting at the sweet action
“I wanted to. You’ve been staying so late lately and haven’t had a full meal in a while.” You tangled your fingers through his hair, trailing your fingers along his neck making him shiver. You pressed a kiss behind his ear. “Plus a performance like that deserves a treat.” You giggled as he let out an embarrassed groan and pressed his face closer into your neck.
“I can’t believe you saw me. I’m so embarrassed.”
“Don’t be I thought it was cute.” You felt him smile against your skin. He lifted his face up a small smirk evident on his lips, he pulled away and went over to the radio. You looked at him wondering what he was up to. He turned the radio back up, the song I can’t help myself was now playing. He started to hum along to the song, and snap to the beat, rocking himself back and forth.
“What are you doing?” You laughed out.
He smiled at you, inching his way closer. “Dance with me (y/n)”
“What?” He surged forward and pulled you into his arms, causing you to let out a surprised squeak.
His eyes locked onto yours as he began to sing to the first line. “Ooo Sugar pie honey bunch. You know that I love you.” His face scrunched up and he leaned close to give you a Eskimo kiss. He pulled back and spun you away from him, your hands still holding on to one another. He shimmed his shoulders and you did the same making him laugh with joy. He continued on with the song. “When you snap your finger or wink your eye I come running to you.” He winked at you and pulled you back into him, twirling you. He now had his chest pressed against your back, arms warped around your own, almost like a hug. He rocked you two side to side, singing softly in your ear. “I’m tied to you baby, and there’s nothing I can do~” He nipped playfully at your ear and you turned around in his arms to playfully smack his chest.
He let out a hearty laugh, you pulled him down to your level and pressed your lips to his. He smiled into your kiss, you cupped his face in your hand, feeling his skin turn warmer by the second.
Mare had made it about halfway home before you spun on her heel and headed back towards the station. She unlocked the door and took the steps two at a time, yelling up. “Hey Colin I-“ Mare stopped herself as she reached the top of the steps.
She had come back to the station after realizing that she had left one of her files in her office. She expected to see you and Colin eating takeout and watching one of those cheesy tv shows that you guys were so obsessed with. What she didn’t expect was to see you guys dancing with one another in their office with the lights dimmed.
Colin had his hand resting on your lower back and you had yours on his shoulder, laying your head on his chest. You both had your eyes closed as you swayed together, Colin singing softly to the song on the radio. It’s sweet melody making the whole station sing.
Mare watched you two for a moment, a soft smile on her face. After a moment she shook her head slightly, as if willing her face to go back to its usual disinterested frown. She pursed her lips, she really didn’t have to get the file from her office tonight, it would still be there in the morning. She turned to head back down the stairs a smile trying to fight it’s way back into her face as she headed back home, leaving you and Colin alone in their office. Dancing slowly under the glowing light of the stars, falling impossibly more in love with one another
All I wanna do is dance with Colin in his office is that too much to ask??? 😭😭
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Either HC or fic request, whatever strikes your fancy! Recently read the coops have a kid HCs and got to thinking about them trying to find time for intimacy and sexy times while parenting full time - betting they don’t get much alone time but when they do 🥵
Ooooo, this is super interesting and the perfect way to end a day! HCs are below, and Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove!
- When their kid is a baby, sexy times didn’t cross either of their minds for 3-4 solid weeks until Sirius put his hand on Remus’ thigh while they were driving and his brain short-circuited
- Speaking of the baby years, they tried really hard to be attentive and loving (and succeeded) but jesus christ kid I’m six seconds from coming can it wait??
- James and Lily start noticing how jumpy they are and finally request to have the baby over for a night. Picture the “bone????” scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine except it’s the four of them
- So many quickies in the car while the kid is at an activity
- Midway through movie night while their kid is at a sleepover, Sirius drops the popcorn and goes “holy shit we’re such dads now” bc their first thought was not get your clothes off immediately but rather hell yeah we can watch PG-13 movies again
- The longer they go without intimacy, the weirder their turn-ons become. During a particularly long dry spell, Remus sees Sirius eating Kraft mac and cheese and his knees go weak. He decides then and there that they need to set aside a block of time to blow off some steam bc he doesn’t know if that counts as a kink and is too afraid to find out
- Thursday date night turns into “can someone take our kid we love them to bits but he looked so fucking hot in his game suit/ hoodie/ old college t-shirt/ [insert article of clothing]”
- Sirius has to learn to be quieter and both of them miss it so much
- The kid found unopened lube in the laundry room as a toddler and they panicked, then lied and said it was aloe vera
- After the lube incident, Sirius crammed everything remotely sexy into a bin and put it on the top shelf of their closet, only for Remus to realize he couldn’t reach it once Sirius was already tied to the bed (”you motherfucker” “what did I do??” “I’m not short!” “Okay???”)
- Away games go from an “aw we miss home :( “ thing to “HELL YEAH HOTELS” very quickly
- They almost get caught once (and only once) when their kid gets out of a bake sale early, but Lily distracts them with ice cream until she’s sure the coast is clear
- Honestly, Coops strikes me as the type of couple to eventually find a really good balance of intimacy and family time? Like they love spending time with their kid, especially since their jobs keep them so busy, and yet they manage to find time for just the two of them
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hobis-hope94 · 2 years
~Visiting Hours~
AN: I’ve been writing this one for like five days 😭 it’s finally finished! I’ve got loads of ideas sprewing! Also, next week is my Christmas Week, so keep an eye out for all the Christmassy fics!
Summery: Y/N visits her loving boyfriend, Ransom Drysdale in prison. When he gets let out due to succeeding in his parole, he confesses something to her.
Paring: Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader
Warning: Ransom in prison, sad!Ransom, possible Knives Out spoilers (if you haven’t seen the movie?) and loads of fluffy fluff.
(gif not mine):
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You’ve been with Ransom Drysdale for almost four years now. You’ve endured every single family meal, comforted Ransom when his family got him down. Pulled him out of his dark thoughts after his mother would have screaming fits at him.
You were there during the entire murder trial for Harlan. Your heart sank when you saw Blanc take Ransom in the police car, he almost gave you an apologetic look.
“You won’t be here for long,” Linda seethed at you as the car drove away.
Linda didn’t like you. Not one little bit. At first, you thought it was quite sweet. With Ransom being an only child, you figured Linda was just being protective over him, thinking nobody is good enough for her son. That’s what you told yourself to make yourself feel better….but that is until, you heard her use the term “gold digger” five times in one of her screaming matches.
You quite liked Richard and he quite liked you. But he always did side with Linda in the fights, you didn’t care. Ransom always sided with you and that’s all that matters.
When Ransom got arrested, you gravely missed him. You two lived together so you stayed in your all too big apartment. It felt lonely. Most days you moped around wearing Ransom’s jumpers, but on the days that you could visit your boyfriend was the days you looked forward to.
You were sitting on the other side of the glass, both of you had a phone in your hand.
“I’m on parole,” Ransom told you slowly.
“Parole? Baby, that’s great,” you said, proudly.
“I dunno. I think they just feel sorry for me,” Ransom muttered.
“…sorry for you…? Why what’s been going on?” You asked tearfully.
“…nothing. A-anyway. I haven’t seen mom in a while,” Ransom said changing the subject.
“She hasn’t been to see you?” You asked sadly, but noticing how fast he changed the subject.
“Nope. Not once. Dad has a couple of times. But you’re the one who always comes,” Ransom said gently, looking at you with so much love and adoration.
“I’m sorry. You must be tired of seeing me…” you suddenly said.
“No. God no, baby. You’re the only thing that’s keeping me from going insane in this place,” Ransom said gently, placing one of his hands on the glass.
You placed your hand on top of his.
“I miss you, baby. Our apartment feels so empty,” you said gently.
“I miss you too. They recon a few more good deeds from me and I’ll be outta here by the end of the month,” Ransom said gently.
“Please god let that be true,” you said gently.
“Visiting hours are over,” a guard said.
“I love you,” you said softly, removing your hand.
You did the normal routine check of being let out of prison after visiting hours. After visiting Ransom, you’d hang around the shopping centre for ages because you knew you were going home to an empty apartment.
Once it got dark enough to go home, you sighed heavily and went home. The place was empty. It felt horrible.
You made yourself your favourite hot beverage, got into Ransom’s blue sweater and sweatpants then sat down cradling your mug in your hands and watched your comfort movie.
After another lonely week, Ransom was finally let out of prison - he succeed his parole and you were so proud of him.
You knew Ransom didn’t like a fuss, so when he came home, you made him his favourite dinner, and you both spent the rest of the day in bed, cuddled together.
“God I missed holding you,” Ransom sighed contently, holding you tighter.
“I missed being held,” you sighed contently, snuggling into Ransom.
“…am I pretty?” He suddenly asked, you looked at him.
“Very. Why?” You asked, tilting your head.
“The other cell mates nicknamed me “pretty boy” and would often…make fun of me,” Ransom said, going bright red.
“Oh baby. Were they mean to you?” You asked tearfully, looking into his innocent blue eyes.
“Some of them were,” Ransom admitted, going bright red.
“Oh baby,” you said sadly, sighing.
You gently ran your hands through his hair which had grown slightly. His beard had also fully grown out too. Ransom lent into your touch, thinking of you was the only thing that kept him sane.
“You’re still going to stay with me aren’t you?” Ransom asked quietly after you massaging his head went on for quite some time.
“Of course. What makes you ask such a silly thing?” You asked gently, your hand sitting comfortably in his hair.
“The other cell mates used to torment me about you. They said their partners left them when they came out or when they got in,” Ransom said quietly, feeling utterly stupid.
“Oh baby. You know I would never leave you and you know why,” you said gently, your heart breaking at the mere thought of anyone else being mean to Ransom.
Ransom shook his head slowly.
“Because you make me feel so loved, so utterly safe and cared for. You treat me equally to everybody else. You support me. You care for me. You’re the only man who’s ever said I should follow my dreams and thanks to you baby, I have my dream job….that wouldn’t have happened with anyone else. The world looks at you, Ran, and doesn’t see the man I see. The caring man. The gentle man. I see you that way and that’s what I love you for. The little happy dance you do when I cook for you, the way you hum tunes when doing something boring, or folding pages of magazines because you’ve seen something you think I’d like. Or the little notes you leave for me when I go to work. If only the world saw you that way, Ran. Because that’s who you are,” you said gently.
Ransom’s eyes had filled with tears, he wrapped himself around you hugging you tightly, you soon felt gentle tears on your shoulder. You hugged him tightly too, kissing the side of his head every so often.
Yes, you were the best part of Ransom, he would be an utter fool to ever let you go. Good job he never did.
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read-and-wip · 3 years
The Suit
Summary: The name’s basically the summary really. Kate in that black suit looking killer, and I wanna be killed I guess.
This takes place separate from the Hawkeye universe- She doesn’t get into a fight or change into the Ronin outfit; she comes back home wearing that all black suit.
Pairing: Kate Bishop x f!reader
Warning: 18+ only, a whole lotta kissing, swearing, existing relationship, no Y/N, petname calling -baby (someone recommend better petnames), slight Dom/Sub dyninamic, I am 153cm and Hailee S. is 173cm. So yes, SIZE KINK bitches!
A/N: My first fic. Also I have never read any Hawkeye or Kate Bishop comics. I just saw Hailee Steinfeld wearing that suit and had to write this.
Gif from @bazberkker ; MDNI banner from @fic-dumpster ; Purple divider from @firefly-graphics​ 
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You were cuddling with Lucky on the sofa in your shared apartment wearing your favourite fuzzy crop-top hoodie and shorts watching Brooklyn Nine Nine when the videocall from Kate came. 
She had gone to a charity event with her mother, so you kind of knew what the call was about. She doesn’t like these events. Obviously she isn’t against charity, it’s the mingling and the forced smiling.. 
“Hii”, she sounded almost pained. Lucky’s ear perked up hearing her voice.
“Hey, you okay?” you asked being concerned.
Is she wearing that black suit? You were there when she bought it. You had never told her this because you didn’t  know if it’s weird.. but oh God! That suit does things to you-
 “Physically, yes. Mentally?? I don’t know!”
“You can leave the event, you know. You have made your appearance.”
“It’s not just that. She’s engaged! And I, her only daughter, had to know from a random grandpa!”
She was ranting. You didn’t know what about.. And you couldn’t even focus! It’s so ridiculous. It’s just a piece of clothing. But the suit with that hair which you know feels so soft, her expressive eyes, the way her lips formed around the words.. your palms were sweaty, your heart was going so fast, you felt like you couldn’t even breathe.. 
All you replied was a breathless, “uh-huh..”  
Seemed like, that kind of brought her out of her rant and finally focused on you.
“Are you okay?”
Fearing you may have gotten caught, you hid your face behind Lucky and asked, “What do you mean?”
“Your eyes look kinda glossed over..”
You said, “I’m absolutely fine!” with such conviction and so loudly that Lucky gave an indignant bark and left the room altogether.
“You know what,” she looked at the party behind her and said, “fuck this shit. I’m coming back home to you. My mom can be dealt with later. I’ll be right with you, baby.” And she cut the call before you could tell her not to.
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Oh no, you have got to get a grip. You can hear her getting up the stairs! You splashed cold water on your face, and heard the door..
She came straight to you. Hands gently cupping your face, looking down at you.. She was asking all sorts of questions- 
“Are you alright? Did you take something?”
But all you could focus on was how soft her palms felt, how great her locks looked framing her face..
She licked her lips like she does all the fucking time, and you couldn’t stop. 
You pushed yourself up against her on your toes. Your hands flew to her black tie drawing her down, and kissed her as if you were dying without it.
She was shocked still for just a bit but then her hands moved to your waist pulled you up against her, and started returning the kiss with just as much fervent urgency.
You felt as if you were going to melt when her tongue brushed yours, and you moaned.
Needing more, God so much more, you tilted your face and deepened the kiss. Seeing you so eagerly take the lead, she made a sound that went straight to your core.
Finally needing air, both of you separated with a loud smooching sound. Louder even in that quiet apartment. Both of you trying to catch your breath while touching your foreheads.
You moved down from your tip toes, your face shoved in her chest, clutching the lapels of her tux, still winding down from that kiss.
Finally she broke the silence-
"Wow, quite the welcome," she said smirking. And you wanted her tux to consume you , you were so embarrassed. "Do not tell me you were watching porn alone."
"That's not it!"
Her right hand caressed your cheek, moved down, held your chin with her index finger and thumb. Tilting your face up, she asked, "Then what is it, baby?"
She didn't say anything, just raised an eyebrow.
"I - you called and I saw you wearing this- maybe because of the all black thing- idk- it just looks so good on you-"
"Wait what? This suit has got you all hot and bothered??"
You nodded, biting your lip..
Both hands now in her pockets, her eyes went from looking incredulous to having kind of an hardened look. You couldn't understand the shift.
She said, "I am going going to go out."
"What?" You couldn't understand what happened.
"To take lucky for his walk."
"Oh! Right. Okay.." Your eyes cast downwards, probably trying to hide your disappointment.
"When I come back, I want you naked, in the bedroom, kneeling. Like you know how. Okay?"
You stared at her wide-eyed. Her right hand came up to caress you cheek again. Thumb grazed over your bottom lip.
"I need an answer, baby, have you got it?"
All you could give was a breathy "yes".
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buckyjamess-archive · 3 years
𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓲 ❁ 𝓫𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂 𝓫𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓼
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chapter eight • a/n: someone said 'give rosie a sibling' first of all, y'all don't understand how badly i wanted to write and incorporate it into this fic but never did cause unsure about it, second of all; fuck yes.🥺 also not very sure about this though :') • wordcount: 2.1k• warnings: pregnancy, babies the whole damn shebang. nervous buck. Just some fluff.
going through rough years after losing your husband, you try to raise your daughter the best you can. With the help from the wilson's you make the best of it but the road is bumpy when sam introduces you to his friend.
tag yourself here
masterlist - chapter seven - chapter nine
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"Maybe, just maybe you should see a doctor." 
Bucky watched the screen of his laptop closely, you're color drained skin and tired eyes looking at something out of sight. Your hair in a messy bun, dressed in the most comfortable pyjamas– sick like you were two weeks ago when bucky waves you and rosie goodbye, send off to Louisiana. Your eyes flicker back to your camera and smile a tired smile. 
"You've been sick for nearly two weeks, babe-" bucky whines softly "you need to get that checked." 
You shake your head, gazing back to whatever was behind your phone "I know what it is– at least I think I know what it is." 
"You can't trust the internet." Bucky states back, a grin on his face when you visibly and dramatically roll your eyes. 
"It's not that," you groan, "I've felt like this before." 
The video wobbles as you move around, huff and puff tiredly. Bucky knits his brows together in confusion and with a sigh, you sit back on your couch and appear back on screen.  
"I'm not sure what you're talking about." Bucky mumbles confused. 
Blowing a loose strand of hair out of your face "I felt the same with rosie– tired, nauseous, moody," you list, holding up a box real quick "I think I'm pregnant." 
It had become a topic for every pillow talk, slowly seeping into the daily conversations; your lives were strange, relationship far from normal. Jumping from one chapter to a new one fast- though you're sure there's people going through fast lane faster than you- Friends frowned upon it– a mutual decision, absolutely sure of the two of you, a future; bucky would make one hell of a father and a mini barnes was more than welcome. The pill was long forgotten and nights of trying, yet you never expected it to happen so fast, after all it took more than two years to conceive rosie. Hell, you still had to move to Brooklyn. 
Bucky blinks rapidly and clears his throat while stumbling over his words "you- what, are you sure?" 
"Well, no but yes-" you chuckle and hold the box up once again, a test "i haven't done one yet, wanted to wait for you." 
"Right now?" 
"Yeah, you okay with that?" You ask unsure 
"Yeah- no, yes..absolutely," bucky breathes out a laugh. 
With big eyes he watches you through the screen as you try to unbox the package but fail at each attempt. With another groan, you stand up straight.
"Wait," you mumble almost inaudibly "obviously haven't done these in a while so I'll have to read it." 
Bucky stays quiet, eyes glued onto the screen as you walk around your apartment– he knows the way. Living room, dinner, kitchen, the hallway where you peek through the crack of your daughters- his stepdaughter's bedroom door before taking a few more steps, door to the bathroom opening, the light brightening your surroundings. You hum a quiet melody, a curse after as he's met with a white surface and with some noise you're back in frame, closely before pulling away– you're seated on the edge of the bathroom, unboxing the package successfully this time. 
"If we are, you got the good stuff– all those rounds were supposed to be practice." 
Bucky laughs and throws his head back and looks back to his screen "what can I say? I don't half ass things, besides I'm not getting any younger." 
You snort "well, good thing you got yourself a pretty young thing then." 
Oh yes, fucking lucky bucky thinks to himself but laughs again. 
It's quiet again, the package thrown on the ground next to you, the plastic stick laid on your lap and instructions in your hand, your eyes scan the paper. 
Bucky waits in anticipation; mind racing miles per hour- thoughts of a mini him floating through his head. A picture of his little family with you, he paints a little him in it. he's thought about it for years, how and when but never finding the one; bucky feels honoured to have you as the mother of his child. The thought of rosie being a big sister and you glowing and growing his child- made with love, in a crazy little family. 
"Okay-" your voice snaps him out of his own thoughts "Let's do this." 
"Yeah– so, how?" 
"Barnes, you never seen a movie?" You chuckle "never seen or heard about a pregnancy test?" 
"Yes, no- i don't know, it never really caught my attention." Bucky confesses. 
"Well, for starters, I have to pee on it." You explain, ready to follow up but bucky cuts you short. 
"Right now?" 
"No, next week." You say, sarcasm dripping from your face "don't give me that look." 
"What look?" 
"You're disgusted." 
"No, I'm not." Bucky defends, fully unaware of his facial expressions- he frowns in confusion 
"Good because I've seen worse with that daughter of ours."
Daughter of ours. Daughter. God, he'll never get used to that.
"Be right back." 
You disappear out of sight. Staring right at the tiled bathroom wall, the colorful shower curtain and bath toys, bucky waits once again but a smile breaks out on his face at the small voice coming through his speakers– a mop of hair coming peeking above the sink the and mumbled words, an conversation between the two of you he can't understand. 
You lay the test that was in your hands minutes ago on the sink and take a look at your watch and sit down on the bathtub again, pulling your half asleep daughter on your lap. A pattern of a pillow running down her warm cheeks. Pyjamas disheveled, wrapped around her body. Her stuffed elephant held tight in her arms. She sleepily waves at the man on your phone screen. 
"Hey doll." Bucky's voice is soft but loud enough for the girl to hear. 
"Are you coming to my birthday?" 
The both of you chuckle at the random question but bucky nods his head "of course I am." 
Another quiet pause follows in which rosie steals the show with tires, silly performances with toby the elephant- though, half asleep, she's killing it without saying a single word. 
Bucky's heart skips a beat when he sees you move once again, hand reaching for the test- he holds his breath. Seconds feeling like hours. You sit back again, inspect the test carefully before looking up. 
"Hope you're ready to sacrifice your man cave for a nursery." 
Bucky breathes out with a gasp for air, eyes squinting at his screen when you show the test better. 
"You're pregnant." 
"Sure explains the moodswings," you chuckle "It says we are." 
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The first plane ticket he could get his hands on and jumped in the first taxi that stopped- nearly knocking over the elderly couple pushing their baggage to that taxi- a dick move but no way in hell was he going to miss any other second if possible. 
Bucky never bounced up the flight of stairs to the floor of your apartment and in a haze back home, forgot the keys- still in that damned bowl on the counter; knocking three, four times and met by a surprised you standing in the doorway, and god he's sure he's never hugged anyone that tight. 
He's going to be here for his kid, he's seen enough men cower away from their responsibilities- scampering away if it weren't their fault and though bucky never really thought about having his own at that time, he couldn't wrap his mind around it. 
He's going to be here for you, for every up and down. Guide you through morning sicknesses, mood swings and all the sleepless nights- he's read the articles online the moment you guys found out- do the heavy things, relieve you from any stress; it's bad for the baby. Massage back, legs and ankles if he needs, wants to watch you care for his unborn child, make it grow. He wants to be there for you because for once in his life, he wants to settle.
He wants to be here for rosie. The big sister. The changes it will give her. Prepare her for what's to come, let her be the best damn sister- be the best damn father to both. 
He's ready for the next chapter of his life..with you, with Rosie and this little one. 
And yet his leg is bouncing up and down nervously, heel of his boot thudding against the white linoleum floor of the obstetricians office; reading the pamphlet in his hand but he can't quite focus on it. The clock hanging above the door ticking and the receptionist typing away on her keyboard and the talking of a couple a few seats away distracting him. 
You've been here before, been through all of this before with Rosie but the only difference being the father. The only difference being the signs and symptoms from carrying rosie; less nauseous, more fatigued and worse emotional mood changes but you could only imagine how better this pregnancy would turn out than Rosie's tough one. 
Bucky stills the tapping on his feet when he feels your hand rest on his knee and looks aside to be welcomed by your warm, reassuring yet tires smile; he leans back in his chair and tries to relax as he intertwines his fingers with yours.
"How far do you think you are?" 
"I don't know," you near whisper "they say you grow faster with your second one." 
bucky nods, he's read that too..somewhere– he knows your body, every curve, every scar, every freckle; he knows your body like the back of his hands so his head started spinning and butterflies forming in his stomach when he noticed the smallest of bumps. 
"Can you relax, you're actually going to make me nervous." You chuckle softly and squeeze his hand. 
"Yeah, sorry." Bucky clears his throat, fighting the urge to bounce his leg again.
Ready to ask another question, he's stopped by a lady dressed in a white coat, auburn hair pinned up and thick black glasses atop her nose and a clipboard in her hands.
"Miss y/l/n?" 
Bucky feels the need to hold your hand tighter, not ready to let go as you stand up straight- he follows your action and does the same. Hot on your tail but let's go when you shake the woman's hand– you know her, he doesn't. 
"Dr. Zwartz," she smiles at him while holding out her hand, bucky takes it. 
"Bucky." He clears his throat once again "bucky barnes." 
"Take a seat." 
The room smells steril; walls white and floor the same as in the waiting room. Not much special about it apart from the expensive equipment- surprisingly calming. 
Bucky sits down next to you on the comfortable chair and eyes the doctor as he makes her way around the desk and sits down, smiles at the both of you before diving her nose into the computer in front of her.  
It goes by in a blur, bucky isn't sure he'll remember all of this in this conversation. Answering questions he doesn't hear nor understand, overwhelmed by all of it– thank god you're here but he doesn't even notice you and the doctor standing up. 
"Dad is welcome to watch," the doctor her voice snaps him back into reality. 
Looking around him real quick, he notices you standing near the examination table; he stands up. 
"First time?" The doctor smiles sweetly.
Bucky breathes out nervously "yeah." 
"Well, good thing you have this woman by your side." Stretching her arm out the doctor leads him into your direction  "take a seat." 
Bucky does, the chair next to the examination table less comfortable than the one he just left. Watches you and the doctor closely while fiddling with his fingers. 
Laying down on the table, you push the waistband of your jeans down and your shirt up, the doctor setting up the machine and all else dangling from is- god knows what it all is and means but bucky really doesn't care about that- the quick warning 'this might be cold' and the soft hiss coming from beside him- it's all a big blur. Something happening in the far distance, voices muffled.
How crazy could life be and how crazy is it going to get, is this all even real? 
The warm hand intertwining with his and the light squeeze once again bursts his little bubble, bucky looks up- sight and hearing becoming less of blur as he follows your gaze and right there on the small screen not far away from him, in black and white, the tiniest of baby squirming around, a steady heartbeat thumping in his ears.
his child
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taglist: @farfromshawn @nicollettemarie @wooya1224 @felicityofbakerstreet @agentmstark @sierrax023 @lilyevanswhore @qhbr2013 @buckybarnesobsessed @themaddies-obx @aloserwithoutacause @aanngie @sebby-staan @sweetth1ng @starrystarkey93 @libidinexx @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @gasly-kvyat @brown-bi-beautiful @peter-laufeyson @im-squished @meshlababy @lindseyrae20 @cb97skies @qwccrr @ssprayberrythings @yougottalovefandoms @jbcalway @realgaytrash @natyvwe @poetryazenth
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kanerallels · 3 years
Thanks for the tag, @musewrangler!!!!
Rules: answer ten questions and tag team people you want to know better
Relationship status: unattached and pretty happy that way!!
Favorite color: Green, especially emerald and army
Three favorite foods: lasagna, my mom's chicken pot pie, cheese fried to a crisp on a griddle (there's literally nothing more delicious and addictive)
Song stuck in my head: probably "Fader" by the Temper Trap
Last thing I listened to: "More I Cannot Wish You", but the cover by Jesse L. Martin, Victor Garber and John Barrowman on "The Flash", which I high key recommend. The song, and the first four seasons of the tv show
Last thing I googled: how to say bird in a variety of different languages
Time: 9: 24
Dream trip: Either Venice, Italy or Prince Edward Island.
Anything I really want: To finally pass my driver's test lol. Also, a Kanan Jarrus collapsible lightsaber because I am, at heart, a child
Currently reading: I've been rereading "A New Dawn" for the past couple weeks, and I'm stuck in one of the first few chapters. But I'll get back to work on it soon
Last song: "Fall" by Lisa Hannigan (GORGEOUS SONG, do yourself a favor and listen to it)
Last movie: Probably still Black Widow, tbh
Last series: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, baby!!!
Sweet, savory, or spicy: It honestly depends on the day
Craving: Something with peanut butter and/or chocolate. Probably a Reese's peanut butter cup
Tea or coffee: I'm a hot chocolate girl
Currently Working on: JUST finished my second book-- hi, yes I am obscenely proud of myself-- and trying to decide whether to go back and edit the others or get started on book three. Also, like four different fan fics at once
Tagging: @sifuprincesscarry @okadiah @milf-herasyndulla @mysteryhacked @dottiejohnson @pjo-potterhead63 @moonfaer@ladywren7 @heckin-music-dork but no pressure!!!!
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agathabridgerton · 3 years
Rated T | Alternate Universe | @today-in-fic
As I sense is becoming a theme, Jake and Amy from Brooklyn Nine-Nine are the inspiration for this MSR fic. This conversation was the catalyst; the scenes in this fic are taken heavily from B99’s “Trying” (7.06) and “Casecation” (6.12), as well as TXF’s “Per Manum” flashbacks. This fic is set in an alternate universe.
They’ve been trying for exactly nine months, now. Mulder knows this because Scully keeps detailed calendars marking the specifics of it all and on the fifth day of the month nine months ago, they agreed to start trying to have a baby.
He’s bouncing his leg, waiting for Scully to get back from the bathroom with the latest test result. He heard a flush a few minutes ago, so any second now... The door to their bathroom—one that has two sinks, a bath, and a shower because she insisted—opens with a creak.
Mulder watches as she stands completely still in the doorway, looking down at the stick. “It didn’t take, did it?” he inquires, but he already knows the answer.
Scully sniffles, her face starting to crumble, and he immediately makes his way over to her, bringing her into his embrace. She wraps her arms around him, burying her face in his chest as she tries to stop herself from crying.
“It feels like it’s too much to hope for, Mulder,” she says, clutching at him amidst her sea of tears.
“Hey, hey, it’s only been nine tries, honey. Sometimes—sometimes it takes a while. We knew that going in.” Mulder strokes the back of her head, pressing a kiss to the crown.
“Yeah, but... I feel like everyone else in my life has kids, and—and I—I can’t even get pregnant with one. What am I supposed to do with my life if I’m not a mother?”
“Oh, Scully, don’t say that. You’d still be my wife... You’d still be an award-winning neurosurgeon... Even if we don’t get pregnant the old-fashioned naked-pretzel way...” He trails off as she lets out a choked laugh. “...we can try IVF, or adoption. So you’re going to be a mother no matter what, Scully. It doesn’t define you as a person, either, whether or not we conceive. You’re amazing, all day every day.”
She sniffles again and leans away from Mulder, a tremulous smile on her lips. “I know. I just...really want this. I mean, I’ve spent my whole life knowing that I was going to have kids one day, and it’s just sort of hitting now that it’s been—”
“—nine months since we started trying,” he says with her. “And if it worked the first time, we would be nearly full term.”
Scully loses a battle and the tremulous little smile falls from her face as she nods and steps away to grab some tissues. “I can’t help but wonder if there’s something wrong with me, you know? Not—not physically, but... Is this some sort of punishment from God? Is he telling me that I’m not good enough to be a mother?” Another tear streaks down her cheek.
“Dana, look at me,” Mulder implores, cupping her cheeks and forcing her to look up at him. “You’ve done nothing wrong. You’re not being punished for any perceived sins, it’s just science.”
“Science,” she repeats, glancing between his eyes.
“Yes. Science. And science says that, since we’re both healthy thirty-somethings, we’re bound to get pregnant eventually.”
Scully nods and lets him enfold her in his arms again. “I don’t know if I want to keep trying,” she whispers, nuzzling her face further into his chest.
“I can’t keep doing this, Mulder. Even if it’s not some sort of punishment and it’s just science, I...I can’t keep looking at the negative results on these tests.” She starts to cry again, muffling her sobs against Mulder’s shirt. “I just want a baby... Is that so much to ask for?”
“No... No, it’s not.”
One Year Ago.
“You must be the Mulders, Dana and Fox!” Mark greets, just as handsome as Ellen had described to Scully over the phone. “Welcome, welcome. Congratulations.” He leads them into the spacious living area in his and Ellen’s new house, where a handful of people are lounging. Mulder and Scully sit down on one of the couches and wave as Mark introduces them. “We heard that you’re newlyweds. Where’d you honeymoon?”
Scully, painfully aware of Mulder’s hand possessively resting on her hip, tells a little bit of their trip to his family’s beach house, the name of which she can never pronounce. She gets cut off when her godson rushes into the room and over to Mark, whispering into his step-father’s ear.
“Alright,” Mark says, before turning him around to face Mulder and Scully. “Go say hi to Dana and Fox and then ask Mommy in the kitchen.”
“Hi, Auntie Dana. Hi, Mr. Fox.” The young boy waves and bolts off to the kitchen.
“Ah, kids. Gotta love ‘em,” Mark sighs with a smile. “Are you two planning on having any of your own?”
“Uh, yeah,” Scully answers. “We’re gonna start trying soon. I’m so glad I’ve found the perfect person to make children with.”
She smiles bashfully at Mulder and a split second later, he reciprocates.
“Dinner’s ready!” Ellen calls from the kitchen, and everyone files into the dining room.
On the way there, he catches Scully by the wrist and pulls her aside. “What was that back there?” he hisses at her, leaning so close to her face that she’s sure his back is going to hurt later.
“What do you mean?” she asks, looking up at him incredulously.
“You just lied to Mark!”
“What!? No I didn’t! What the hell are you talking about?”
He tilts his head and raises his brows. “You don’t—? Scully, you told him that we’re going to try to get pregnant soon!”
“Of course I did! I told him the truth! Why are you acting like we didn’t decide this already!?”
“We didn’t!” Mulder hisses.
“What!? You don’t remember!? I showed you a picture of Matthew swimming in the Pacific on his birthday a few months ago and I said, ‘We should do this,’ and you said, ‘Definitely, I’ll set aside some money!’”
“I was talking about a trip to San Diego! You were talking about having a baby!?”
“Oh my God.”
Scully groans softly and rubs her temples. “This isn’t the place. Let’s talk about this later.”
The drive home is tense and silent. Not a word is spoken until they shed their coats and sit down on Mulder’s transplanted leather couch. “You don’t want children,” Scully states, hands folded primly in her lap.
He sighs and rubs his hands over his face. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know? Well, I do. And I can’t just sit around and wait until you do know.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Scully. Am I getting in the way? Why don’t you just get up and leave if I’m of no use to you, then? God knows everyone else has.”
“Mulder—” she started, voice much softer.
“I’m sorry that I can’t give you what you want.”
“I’m sorry that I have no idea how to be a father.”
“Mulder, stop!” Scully insisted, looking distressed, and they finally made eye contact. “Is that what you’re worried about? Whether or not you’d be a good father?”
Mulder is silent for a moment before he sighs and nods. “Yeah,” he admits, averting his eyes.
“Oh, honey... You’d be a great father. I wouldn’t want to have kids with you if I thought otherwise.”
“Well, um... I don’t think having a baby is out of the question. I just...I don’t know if I’m ready, yet. It’s all so sudden, you know? Can we wait a few months? And then we can talk about trying. I—I need to get used to the idea of being a dad.”
“Yeah, of course.” Scully rubs his back with a small smile on her face, and it grows wider when Mulder turns his head to look at her.
“We can start looking at baby names, if you want. We’ll have to come up with something cooler than ‘Fox’, though.”
They both laugh at that, leaning into each other’s embraces.
Present Day.
“Scully, I think that we need to take a break from trying for a while,” Mulder says, getting situated behind her in bed. “Focus on ourselves, okay?” She nods. “Remember how we met?”
Scully smiles, entwining her fingers with his over her abdomen. “Yeah. You, the rugged child psychologist; me, the savvy pediatric neurosurgeon.”
“We argued our way through Christine’s treatment.” Mulder nuzzles the side of her face, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“It worked, didn’t it?”
“That it did.”
They’re both silent for a while. “Mulder?”
“I want...” Scully swallows heavily. “Can we have sex tonight? For us.”
He slides his hand lower, crowding his body against hers. “Of course.”
Ten Months Earlier.
His wife’s been short-tempered all day with him, only talking to him about their intersecting patient, Patrick. Mulder finally corners Scully in her office as she’s packing up.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” he asks, leaning against the door with his arms crossed.
“I’m fine,” she says sharply, and he sighs heavily.
“Are you really pulling that shit again? To me, of all people?”
Scully’s facing away from him, parsing through the filing cabinets behind her desk; she stops at his words, sliding the drawer shut before leaning her forehead against the metal storage unit. That’s when he hears her start to cry.
“Oh, Scully, honey... C’mere.” Mulder walks around her desk and wraps an arm around her, giving her a nudge to accept his embrace. She does, wrapping her arms around his neck as she starts sobbing in earnest. “Did something happen to one of your patients? What’s wrong?”
Scully shakes her head and continues to cry for a few minutes. When the tears have slowed down, she sniffs and pulls away to grab some tissues and blow her nose. “No. I mean, I’ve been handling a high-intensity patient all week, as you know, so there’s that. But I—” She has to stop and blow her nose again. She meets his gaze afterwards. “I think I might be pregnant. My period’s late—I was supposed to get it a week ago. And we agreed to wait a few months so I’m scared that if I am pregnant that you won’t be ready and that everything will go to shit and I love you too much for that and—”
Mulder cups her cheeks and runs the pads of his thumbs over her lips. “It’s okay,” he tells her, voice impossibly soft. “It’s okay.”
She sniffles. “Really?”
He smiles tremulously. “Really.” She sighs heavily and pulls him in for a long hug. “Come on, let’s go home. We can stop by a store and buy some tests. Whether or not you’re pregnant, we’ll be okay.”
“Okay,” she sighs.
The test comes back negative so Scully musters a smile and tosses the stick away as she walks to the kitchen. “What do you want for dinner?”
They don’t talk about it until they’re getting ready for bed and she won’t meet Mulder’s eyes.
“Scully?” he starts over the sound of her electric toothbrush.
“Can I tell you something?”
She leans over and spits, turning off the toothbrush before wiping her face clean. “Of course,” Scully replies, placing the brush in its stand.
“I, uh...” Mulder fumbles, and she looks up at him. “I...I was a little bit—well, actually, a lot a bit—disappointed that the test came back negative.” He’s gazing at his wife’s flyaway baby hairs instead of her eyes.
“You were?”
Scully takes his hand and leads him to sit on the edge of the bed together. “Is it safe to assume you know that I was, too?”
He nods with a small laugh, entwining their fingers when it fades. “Do...do you want to start trying? I think I’m ready now.”
She lets out a soft gasp, her eyes filling with tears. “You mean it?”
“Yeah,” Mulder replies, voice impossibly soft. “I’m ready.” He brings his hand to her lips with a smile that lights up his eyes.
Scully lets out a tearful laugh before cupping his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss.
Present Day, 5 Weeks Later.
Mulder jogs through the halls of the hospital until he finds Scully’s room number and bursts inside, breathless. “Scully, baby, what happened? You collapsed—you had a nosebleed? Are you alright?”
She nods, a smile on her face. Scully doesn’t look as sick as he’d feared, he notices, smoothing her hair back and tucking it behind her ears. “Does this have anything to do with how you’ve been feeling these past couple of weeks?” Mulder cautiously asks, sitting down in the chair behind him.
He moves it closer to her bedside as Scully’s smile turns into a grin. “I’m pregnant, Mulder.”
“Oh—my God, you are?” She nods. “You are! Oh, Scully...” He starts to cry as he gathers his wife into his arms as much as possible, and Scully does the same.
“We did it, Mulder,” she says, pressing a kiss to his head. “We did it.”
“Oh, I was so worried,” Mulder admits, sniffling as he lets her go and adjusts in the chair. “What did the doctors say?”
“Prenatal vitamins and a less strenuous workload. I have to drop my patient load from seven to five, and go from there. I’ll have to hand off a couple kids but I know just who to ask.”
“I’m glad.” Mulder clasps her hand and brings it to his lips. “I’m ready for this, Scully. Well, as ready as anyone can be.”
“Me, too, Mulder. Me, too.”
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a-written-dream · 3 years
Figured I'd make a masterpost for my fics and my art so it's all easy to find! They're all sorted by fandom and are available under the cut!
My Ao3: a_written_dream
Updated: 10th Mar 2022
BBC Merlin
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Stand Proud 1.4k, G, Gen, AroAce Jotaro Kujo, Pride, Post-Part 6: Stone Ocean Jotaro is dragged to a Pride Parade and finds out he isn't as broken as he thought.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Be My Date 8.2k, T, EdWin (Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell), Hogwarts AU, 503 Day, Getting Together, First Kiss, Friends-to-Lovers, Christmas Hey Winry What, Ed? Be my date for the Yule Ball
Star Wars
we carry the debt of time 1.7k, T, Rebel Captain (Cassian Andor & Jyn Erso, can be read as platonic or romantic), Not-A-Fix-It, Angst, Implied Major Character Death, Post-Rogue One They survive the battle on Scarif, but they don’t survive the war.
And You Hate That He's Right 1.3k, T, Scoundress / Hanleia (Han Solo/Leia Organa), Luke & Leia, SW: The Empire Strikes Back, light angst, pre-relationship Han thinks he knows exactly what she wants, and she hates that he’s right. – Or: Leia apologises for using Luke to get back at Han, and Luke gets her to admit more than she'd like.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
unnamed drabble 130 words, G, Peraltiago (Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago), Six Sentence Sunday drabble, Fluff
(don't) think about it 469 words, T, Peraltiago (Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago), Pre-Relationship, Post-S2E9 Most of the time, Jake didn't think about it. But sometimes he couldn't help himself. – Or: Jake wasn't sure his feelings for Amy were entirely in the past.
unnamed drabble 79 words, M, Stavier (Steve Murphy/Javier Peña), Six Sentence Sunday excerpt, Implied Sexual Content, slight NSFW?
Attack on Titan
the tree on the hill 1,415 words, T, gen, Post-Canon, Post-Ch139, Past Major Character Death, Dream-like
Other written works
“Would you have done anything differently, if you’d known the end?” “Everything. And nothing at all.”
Aro week
Summary of Art 2020
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Aromantic Jotaro Kujo
Aromantic Gyro Zeppeli
Aromantic Diego Brando
Jolyne Cujoh SO announcement
Gyro Zeppeli manga redraw
Baby Star Platinum & manatee
Mandalorian Jotaro Kujo
Jolyne and Jotaro VA redraw
Fullmetal Alchemist
Aromantic Edward Elric
Aromantic Alphonse Elric
Ed redraw
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Season 7 poster
Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia
Aromantic Katsuki Bakugo
Original Work
Lady in Green redraw
The Murder at Barclay Castle title card
Exalibur band logo (Band AU)
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Hi! Welcome to my Masterlist! I write OC fanfiction, so if that is not your thing please turn back. I do have to put a disclaimer here and say that there is no guarantee that any of the fics here will actually be finished. I am distracted by many WIPs. But below the cut I have DCEU, The Maze Runner, Teen Wolf, and MCU fanfiction! So enjoy if you would like to!
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The Power of Suffering
Summary:  Gally was one of the toughest and one of the strongest fighters the Right Arm had ever seen. He took no shit, lead with an iron fist, and had a wit like a whip. But combat medic Joan got to him in a way he couldn’t really describe. She was kind to the point of stupidity, honest, and always saw the best in people. She broke down his walls and forced him to face the vulnerable part of himself he wanted to bury. But what happens when these two opposites are forced to face their feelings for each other instead?
OFC: Joan
Status: In Progress
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Darkness and Light
Summary: Sloane is a local Gotham artist asked to paint a portrait of Thomas and Martha Wayne. During this process she meets their son Bruce, a recluse who has seemingly forgotten how to interact with the world. Over the course of several months, Sloane brings out a different side to Bruce Wayne, while also somehow continuously running into The Batman. But will she eventually connect the dots?
OFC: Sloane Di Marzio
Status: In Progress
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Of Mermaids, Werewolves, and Men
Summary: Maggie Whittemore never wanted to become a werewolf, let alone a mermaid. But there she was, a junior in high school, a cross country runner, film buff, and a long thought lost healer ally of the local werewolf pack lead by one of her best friends. After her twin brother is brought back from the dead and her first boyfriend Matt is killed, she tries to escape to some normalcy in London over the summer. But she comes back from that trip with new found feelings for her best friend Stiles.
OFC: Maggie Whittemore
Status: Finished?
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If I Go, I’m Goin’ Crazy 
Summary: There was a reason Amanda Waller always seemed to be three steps ahead of everybody. Only no one would have guessed that she had an actual psychic at her side at all times. But when this psychic sees the death of one Colonel Rick Flag, who is so kind to her, she can’t help but warn him of his impending doom on missions - again, and again, and again. 
OFC: Delphia Holman
masterlist babey
Status: Finished?
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Youthfully Felt (Gaius Chau - Into the Badlands)
Summary: Song Page has lived at White Bone manor her entire life, being trained by her Healer mother and Clipper father for something they never told her about. But the mundanity of her life is turned on its head when Gaius Chau, the Baron’s son, walks into the infirmary when her mother is away. 
OFC: Song Page
Status: On Hiatus
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Someone In Brooklyn Misses You
Summary: There are some people who are meant to be together in this world, some people who are meant to drift apart, and some people who are never destined to meet. Rose Rigby and Bucky Barnes are all three of these things at once. Two people who were meant to be together from the beginning, meant to be separated by lifetimes, and that, once separated, should never have come back together again. 
OFC: Rose Rigby
Status: On Hiatus
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Grow Old With You
Summary: There was once more of this fic, and this is all that remains. So take this as a: What if Din settled down on a farm and had a baby with a fellow Mandalorian who has been with him since the beginning? 
OFC: Ara Obagh
Reykha’s Birth
Status: finished
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Normal Love and Superheroes (John Blake - The Dark Knight) ABANDONED WORK
Summary: Leena Duckett has had a hard year after being cheated on by high-school sweetheart Jacob Grayson. She's working two jobs, living in a studio apartment with long-time friend Jamie, her art career has yet to take off, and she hasn't been on a date in a very....Very long time. But things take a turn when she meets friendly officer John Blake and billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. Just when it looks like Leena is finally getting turned around, Jacob comes back into town with the intent of getting her back. The only question is: Who will she choose? The officer or the boy she's familiar with?
OFC: Leena Duckett
the orange streak of lightning | my city | superdawgs | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 
Status: Abandoned
The Second Hand Ticks (Arthur - Inception)
Summary: Sarai Jourdain and Arthur Darling are longing to retire to the French countryside. However, in order to do so, they need to finish this one last job with mutual friend and colleague Dom Cobb. The job turns out to be more difficult than they thought, and something neither of them ever expected was their mutual ex, Warren Eames, to come back into their lives. 
OFC: Sarai Jourdain
Status: On Hiatus
Your Power Over Me (Frank Shaver - Project Power) ABANDONED WORK
Summary: Frank Shaver has more reasons than loving New Orleans to want Power out of his city. 
OFC: Michelle Shaver
beginning | motivation | power | home
Status: Abandoned
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263adder · 3 years
Oooh suggestions for the top 5 ask game! (because I know better than to spam your inbox after the Secret Santa Incident™️ but also had a few different things I’d love to see your top 5 of and didn’t want to pick a favorite of them alfkjasdlfkj) (Also please feel free to answer any of these that you want and disregard the rest) (Also I love you) (Also if you couldn’t tell this is Tori I’m just trying not to expose my main even though I’m aware people probably already know it)
top 5 favorite fics (from any fandom)
top 5 favorite fiveya headcanons
top 5 favorite female characters
top 5 favorite songs (or current favorite songs if that is easier)
top 5 favorite romantic books 👀
top 5 favorite lgbtqiap storylines!
Ooh, this is great – thank you Tori! And I could guess it was you 😄 I don't know why I wrote this in reverse order - maybe because I found the last question easiest - but here we go!
LBGTQIAP storylines:
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Nicky/Joe, The Old Guard
Willow/Tara, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy, DC Harley Quinn
Raymond Holt/Kevin Cozner, Brooklyn Nine Nine
Lazlo/Nadja, What We Do In The Shadows (you know I love Nandor/Guillermo too but my bi icon Lazlo is king)
Favourite romantic books:
I found this one the hardest to choose from, I’ve been reading so much non-fiction lately I could barely remember what romances I’ve read.
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1. A Room With a View, E.M. Forster
2. A Month in the Country, J.L. Carr
3. Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
4. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
5. Little Women, Louisa May Alcott (excluding the Good Wives part because that’s when my heart was broken)
My favourite band is Free so I did well to only choose one of their songs. The lead singer is the one on the right in the GIF below.
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Wishing Well, Free
Sweet Baby James, James Taylor
More Than a Feeling, Boston
When I Grow Too Old to Dream, Nat King Cole Trio
Story of the Blues, Gary Moore
Female characters:
This was quite easy as I did a list a few months ago for my top 10 female characters 😄
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Dana Scully, The X-Files
Buffy Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Deanna Troi, Star Trek: The Next Generation
Margaret Houlihan, M*A*S*H
Robin Scherbatsky, How I Met Your Mother
Fiveya hcs:
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Bed sharing - it's my favourite trope okay
Midnight snacks
Forming the nerd squad with Ben
Fics (from any fandom)
Fics is a real toughie so I'll just go with either impactful stories (like the first which made me a friend) and great stories I've recently read or have been updated.
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We Were There: Emmeline’s Story, Band of Brothers (link) – the first story to get me talking to another writer, and we’re still friends! We’ve sent each other letters and everything. Plus it’s such a romantic story which deserves way more love than it currently has!
Hel is Being Other People, Marvel Avengers (Loki) (link) – the whole series is incredible. Just do yourself a favour and read it.
Between Now and Eternity, Star Trek (link) Amanda/Sarek are such an interesting couple with the human/vulcan dynamic.
The Beauty Within, Beauty and the Beast (link) still a WIP – which has kept me hooked for four years!
Reprise, Much Ado About Nothing (link) you know a writer is good when they convert you to a ship you’d never even thought of before.
Thanks for the ask Tori, this was fun! I know I haven't been great at responding to asks atm 😬 but I'm getting there.
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