#back then there weren't many fics abt them so I just had to write and post abt them
yuutsunaoi-writes · 8 months
You know how there was a time when I posted SO. MANY. Bajifuyu fics - especially the 5+1s ones. There were like, I don't know, 30+ fics about them??
Anyways, looking back at all those fics, I wish I could rewrite them all cuz I can't believe that there were some parts that were so out of character of those two.
Sorry to everyone who had to read some of my fics that had mischaracterization- 😭😭😭
I would've tried re-writing them, but like I said - 30. Plus. Fics.
They're still a fond memory btw, don't worry. I enjoyed reading readers' comments and stuff 😂😂
(It's sad to think of how one way or another, the things I hyperfixate on would always become only fond memories at the end of the day :/
They're still fond memories, at the very least 🩵)
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letorip · 3 months
hiiii! i loved reading “somethin’ stupid”, and I wanted to make a request for it. Not sure if it’s discontinued or not, but what abt reader when everything has healed and them being super insecure of their scars. Maybe getting bullied or harassed for them? And Wednesday comforting them, even though it’s not her thing + reassurance that she’ll always love them, no matter what. Ty for listening to my rant. :)
somethin’ stupid [iii]
“the time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red and oh, the night so blue”
pairing: wednesday addams x reader
summary: wednesday reminds you she loves you with an unending passion, even with the scars that you now wear for her.
warnings: mentions of bullying, body insecurities, percy hynes white the rat man himself existing, explicit words ig? if you can't handle cuss words idk what to tell you
word count: 3.9k
A/N: timeline a bit altered, there's about a week left before you return home for the summer, and xavier gives her the phone with this week left. thoughts are in red. i don’t usually accept requests from people but this was just too adorable to pass up, especially with the new season starting production. it kind of got away from me, in terms of length, but it was fun to write. next out will hopefully be the lottie matthews fic that i’ve been talking up
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Scars were remarkable things. The way they stretched along the skin of your arms and right up almost to the tips of your fingers, or branched along the bridge of your nose and twisted along your jaw, it was as if a tree of your life was etched fundamentally into you, and Wednesday was transfixed.
It didn’t matter how many times she traced her fingers over the paths— two fingers, gentle, watching your nose twitch with every curve— she still thought they were, that you were breathtaking to look at.
“Wednesday, that tickles,” you hummed softly, eyes still closed. She frowned, tugging her hands away abruptly and raising her eyebrows at you.
“I was unaware you were awake," she said.
You lifted one eye open, smiling when you saw her, and though she would have still rather died than admit it, the gesture held a great, mystical power over her.
The skylight overhead leaked morning light into the room, flushing itself against the walls and beaming gently down, over your cheeks. It felt nice everywhere except for the new slashes that were still healing, and you rolled over, away from her to sit up on the edge of your bed and get out of the uncomfortable heat that pressed on those delicate places.
"How did you get in?" you asked, stretching out your arms and wincing a bit at the uncomfortable tightness. "You weren't here when I went to bed."
She watched you go, leaning back on the scratchy, woollen armchair next to your bed and shoving the stack of comic books already there to the side. “Your roof has a window, and I’m a very good climber. You should lock that, by the way.”
You turned to her and raised your eyebrows, looking miffed, but disgustingly adorable. “You could’ve just texted me, you know. I would’ve let you use the door.”
“And use that phone Xavier gave me? Believe me, I’d rather not,” she rolled her eyes with disgust, thinking about the interaction and how it took up time of her life that she'd never get back.
“You’d better, actually,” you said, turning to her with a smile and then wandering over to the set of drawers in the corner, clothes thrown all over the floor. Your whole room in general was a mess, largely from the bottles of medication and knocked over piles of books and things. It had been a rather stressful endeavour to get you up the stairs and comfortably inside, when you were still in your casts and there wasn’t an elevator.
“Why?” Wednesday challenged, watching you. She herself was already in her uniform, but she watched as you moved in your white pyjama t-shirt, the fresh scars almost dancing with your arms as they moved while you walked.
You grabbed a white button down out from the top one, shaking it a bit to get out a few wrinkles. “Because you’re sure as hell texting with me over summer break.” You shrugged, taking the shirt with you and walking behind the dividing screen you had next to your wardrobe. “That was nice of him to do for you, actually.” Your shirt went flying over the divider, landing on the ground.
Wednesday rolled her eyes. “You’re too kind to him. The snivelling rat only gave it to me so I would feel obligated to text him.” She could hear you rustling around behind the screen, messing about with your clothes. “Besides, why use the phone when I can visit you in person? Are you so braindead you need to rely on your phone for communication?”
The small noises stopped abruptly, and when you didn’t reply to that for a minute, Wednesday furrowed her eyebrows, standing up in her heavy boots that thudded against the creaky old wood of your floor. “What is it?” she asked, stepping forward towards the screen. You had made a fool of her with how much you made her worry, but she still desperately needed to know what was going on inside your head. She needed to be sure that you were okay.
She expected to see you have tripped maybe, or you had somehow collapsed into a pile of clothes and drifted back off to sleep, but the reality was a bit more mollifying. You were on the other side, just standing there with your button down shirt open in front of the mirror. You didn't say anything for a while, staring into it with a frown.
The scars over your stomach were perhaps the deepest, with raw, pinkish impressions still pressed into them and greenish-yellow bruises around the edges that were still straggling to heal up. The lines criss-crossed over your skin and up your chest, ending at the peaks of your shoulders that the white button down draped over. “They look bad on me,” you said, quietly.
She didn't particularly know what to say, watching your eyes continue to stare with a rigid dislike back at yourself. To get her to comfortably lean on you had been quite the effort, and now that you were officially together she was still becoming used to saying she loved you or kissing your skin whenever she so felt like it.
“They look like scars,” Wednesday replied. “The bruising will heal and the redness will fade, and-”
“But they won’t go away.” You said it with a flat disappointment. Wednesday blinked, confused by how you spoke of them. Were you unaware just how magnificent they looked upon you? The thought was vexing, and Wednesday was unsure what it was she could say to ease your mind, so she chose to say nothing at all.
You did the buttons up quickly, tugging on the collar to stand as tall as possible. It covered most of the scarring, but one could still see wisps of hurt skin on your hands and cuts across your face and jaw— Wednesday liked that one especially. You didn't seem to like any of them.
"We're going to be late to breakfast," she said, leaning with her arms crossed against the wardrobe. You shrugged again, going to grab your trousers.
"Go without me."
This caused her great pause. You were never one to miss breakfast. It was probably one of the most consistent ways someone could find you if they needed to. "It's your first day back," she argued. "And you're still recovering."
You rolled your eyes but smiled as you messed with the button of your pants, and it relaxed her a little bit, if the Addams could. "I'll survive without breakfast for a day, Wednesday. I need to get ready for class."
She narrowed her eyes at you. "Then I can survive without breakfast, too." You straightened up, sending her a look as you buttoned your trousers. You entirely knew the game that she was playing. The game she was winning, too.
"You can go without me."
"But I won't," she replied. You narrowed your eyes, grabbing some socks.
She glared right back, but not in an angry way. Just to let you know she was serious. "Fine." You rolled your eyes, stalking over, now that you were clothed and planting a gentle kiss on her lips. She leaned into it, hands coming up to cup your cheeks. Her thumbs brushed over the sensitive skin there.
"You win," you conceded, pulling away and looking down at her with a smile.
"I always do," she said, looking up at you with a shine in her dark eyes.
I guess (Y/n) is back.
Oh my god, the rumours were true.
Jeeeesus Christ, that kid's face.
The thoughts flitted past you like passing trains as you walked to the quad, loud and unfiltered noise in the back of your mind that acted as a constant reminder of the new skin you wore. You wore them for her, the short girl walking next to you, but even with her right by your side, it was like she was a million miles away.
That must've hurt, holy hell.
They stared, the people you passed, watching you with a weird half-shock, half-pity, their thoughts running wild. The worst ones imagined the scenario for themselves, and within their heads you saw a dozen different replays in different ways of you getting absolutely torn apart.
How are you still alive???
Fucking jumpscare...
That was about all it took before you shut off your noise completely. Maybe for once, it was better not to know what other people were thinking. You sent a glance to Wednesday, who was walking next to you with her eyes facing ahead. When you felt the people still staring, you frowned, bumping her with your hand. You needed her to hold it very, very badly.
But she sent you a look, shaking her head once as if to say 'not here.' You knew Wednesday didn't like PDA of any sort. She still struggled sometimes to wrap her arms around your shoulders or pull you in by your waist. It wasn't natural, but you still couldn't help feeling a little bit disappointed. The imaginary distance between you both widened, right then, and other kids' staring felt amplified by ten.
Suddenly, a colourful blur came bounding across the quad and right down the hall, straight for you. "Enid— Enid, wait—" Enid tackled you in a tight hug, squeezing you against her with an unrestrained excitement and trying to shake you like a rag doll, it felt like.
"Oh my god! You're back! Oh. My. God!" She screamed, beaming from ear to ear, pulling away to look at you for a second before going right back to hugging you tightly.
You grit your teeth from the discomfort of pressure being placed on the delicate skin, but made no move to pull away, and instead did your best to smile through it. A hug felt nice. It was the warmth you needed in a place that was being so cold to you at the moment. Enid didn't care what marks you had.
"Enid, down," Wednesday said firmly, watching the exchange and carefully monitoring your expression. She had caught your grimace, sending you a wary look and crossing her arms, subtly trying to make sure you were okay. You sent her a quick nod, and Enid gently pulled away.
"Sorry," she said, wincing at realising her mistake. The expression only lasted a second though, before she was right back to smiling at you. "Wait, we're scar buddies!"
You laughed. It had been the first time you felt good about them since finding Wednesday tracing them while you slept. "We definitely are."
Enid's were a bit more healed than yours, blending better into the skin than those that protruded from the bridge of your nose and sloped down into your cheek. You saw yours and thought 'ugly'; you saw Enid's and thought nothing. But you would take it either way.
The girl grabbed your arm, tugging you harshly forwards and dragging you towards your usual table. "You have to see Yoko. Her and Divina were worried sick about you." You sent Wednesday back a look as Enid dragged you, and she shrugged, watching you go, not that she'd be able to do much to stop her.
By the time she had comfortably strolled over to the table, Enid had already dragged you into a seat, and was brightly recounting everything you had missed. Wednesday had already done so, when you were still in the hospital recovering, but you let her continue to talk. It felt nice. Like everything was back to normal for once. She slid down next to you, not saying anything.
Divina and Yoko were being nice about your scars. They kept on trying to brush past it, like nothing was wrong, but you knew when they looked at your face, it was the first thing to catch their eyes every time.
"Are you excited to be back?" Yoko asked from behind her sunglasses, leaning against Divina's shoulders.
"Making up the homework I missed out on? Super thrilled," you said dryly, putting your elbows on the table and leaning on them as you partook in the conversation.
"Well, everyone's missed you," said Divina, trying to smile, but her eyes shifted down quickly, to look at your hands and the cuts upon them before back up to you. "We're all happy you're okay."
You sent her what was supposed to be a smile, but by the look Wednesday shot at you, it probably looked a bit more like a grimace. Could you even call this 'okay?' This wasn't being okay. Being okay would've meant you looked the same as you did before, and that wouldn't happen. It had been permanently taken from you.
"So what are you all doing, for summer?" you threw out the question, more as a way to change the subject, and it was successful. Enid lit up like a Christmas tree, super excited to share about a trip she was taking to see her extended family. It wasn't that you didn't care, but you stopped for a moment, realising this was the happiest you had been in a while. At a table with your friends, and Wednesday next to you. Of course, that was when it was immediately ruined.
From behind Enid, you could see Xavier spot Wednesday and similarly light up, bounding over with a smile.
"And then we're going to the beach with my baby little cousins, and—"
"Wednesday!" he called out to her, interrupting Enid and looking across the table at the girl. Her hand crept up to your knee, placing itself firmly, in a way that told you she was dreading his presence. He looked around at you all, spotting you and failing to hide his disappointment at your return. Xavier quickly glanced back to Wednesday. "Did you get my text?" He asked, smiling again.
Wednesday stared back, unimpressed. "I did. I ignored it."
"Oh," his face dropped. "Well, I wanted to ask if you would tutor me on botany."
She blinked. "There's a week left of school."
"I know," Xavier shrugged. "But we have that end of year quiz on Wednesday."
"I would rather watch Legally Blonde." You had to stop yourself from laughing at that one. You had been the one to show that to her, and she spent the entire duration looking horrified.
"We could do that, then," he offered, and you suddenly realised you had been too nice to him in terms of pursuing Wednesday. Most people knew by now, that you two were officially together, not that it had been much of a secret, even when you were just hooking up. It was rather insane for his pursuit to continue, when you were right there.
"Xavier, I think me and Wednesday are busy, for at least the next couple days," you said, trying to let him down easy. He sent you a glare, before looking back at Wednesday like she would have a different response. She stared back, maintaining her deadpan expression, but squeezing your knee softly as if to say 'thank you.'
He frowned. "Fine. See you in fencing, (Y/n)." You smiled back at him, figuring maybe things were good now. Wednesday sent you a wary glance.
God, you couldn't have been more wrong.
Wednesday Addams stormed through the halls of Nevermore with a fire under her feet and a rage in her heart. She pushed through the groups of people, storming up the stairs and down the corridors like she was about to explode. And she truly was.
When she arrived at your door, she was knocking heavily, small fist pounding on the wood with fury.
"(Y/n). Open the door."
No response. It was just about as quiet as it had been that morning, when she had caught you staring at yourself. It filled her with an unmatched worry, sending her back to the night when she had seen those red and blue police lights and thought she had lost you forever. "Open the door." She demanded again, pressing her ear up to it.
"Go away, Wednesday," you said from the other side. It was muffled, but she could still make out the pain in your voice.
"(Y/n), let me in. Now." It was practically a plea at that point, and she cursed you for bringing her to this place of utter weakness for you. "Either you let me in yourself, or I let myself in," Wednesday said, firmly speaking to you with her head against the door. She needed to know you were okay. It came first, right before the rage she felt for Xavier, and she so needed to know that you were still there— still hers to keep.
You didn't say anything though, choosing to continue to stay quiet in your room. Wednesday sighed, grabbing a hairpin from her pocket and reaching for the lock.
She got the door open in less than thirty seconds out of habit, pushing it open gently and letting herself in before she rushed over to you. You didn't even look at her, instead continuing to stare out the window and the sunny day, clouds floating by as if nothing were different. It felt out of place, now.
The part of your face away from the window was covered by the dark of your room. You hadn't even bothered to turn the lights on, sitting in the dark. She used to like the dark, but it felt out of place for you to be hiding in it.
"Look at me," Wednesday said, standing in front of your armchair. Her hand went to your chin, gently tilting your face up. There was a bandage right there, on your forehead, over what could only be a giant cut.
"Who told you what happened?" you asked quietly, your eyes a bit misty. You weren't a usual crier, and it made her uneasy to see just how much of an effect his actions had had on you.
"Yoko. It's about the only time that idiotic phone came in handy. I came as soon as I heard. He's not supposed to start mach when you're not wearing your helmets. Mark my words, I'll curse him until the end of time." It didn't seem to comfort you like it usually did, the pain in your eyes only worsening.
"Do you know what he said, when he cut me?"
She blinked in confusion. "He said 'Frankenstein, I'll give you one to match the others'," you finished, looking her in the eyes for the first time since she had entered the room.
"He's an asshole, I told you," she said, trying to stop you, but you jerked away from her touch for the first time.
"It's not just him. Wends, I see it all the time." Your voice broke a little bit, and you stopped to swallow before continuing. It hurt her heart, as if she was being left to die again in that crypt. "In people's heads, from their mouths, in the mirror. It replays like a fucking movie. I keep seeing myself almost die, and I'm starting to think it would've been better if I had."
No. That was enough. She firmly grabbed your chin again, eyes glinting with violence at the offensive proposition. "Never say that sentence ever again, or else."
"He's got a point though, doesn't he?" you said it slowly, your scarred hand reaching out to her arm and wrapping around her wrist. She flinched at the contact but did not pull away. "I'll never be the same 'me' as I was before. There's something— I'm wrong. And you know it, too. That's why you won't touch me when others are around. It's not me."
Wednesday stared at you for a long moment, as you began to cry. Then her hands went to your cheeks again, just as they had earlier, gently cupping your face in her hands, as if you were the world, because you were. You were her world. "You're an idiot. It appears I've failed to make myself clear."
"What do you mean?" Your eyebrows furrowed.
"Your simple mind fails to realise why I'm even here," she said, and then she leaned forward, clambering up into your lap and resting her forehead on yours. Wednesday had become accustomed to, and rather fond of, making a home there. She was far from the greatest at expressions, but she wanted to make you realise the obvious and that was more than enough motivation to try. "I'm here because I burn for you, down to my core and back up again."
"But I'm not me, not with these—" But you were interrupted by her hand, sliding up to cover your mouth.
"Hush, idiot. You are the same you as before, and I wouldn't stop loving you for anything. I have loved you for all you were before and all you are now. I would have loved you if the damage was worse, and I would still yearn for you if you had died. It makes no difference, (Y/n), you fool. You're still you, and you're still as... captivating as the first time I saw you and wanted you in my possession."
Her hand came to your cheek again, stroking gently the skin there and feeling all the ridges under her thumb. "You've placed a cruel curse on me, as if you don't already know yourself. I am indefinitely, irrevocably yours. My refusal to touch you in public is a personal discomfort, but one I'll...overcome, if it means that much to you. Even if I am not touching you, you must assume I want to, because I do."
She brushed a stray tear away, wiping it on your jacket, and your hands came up to wrap around her waist, tugging her against you like you were afraid she would melt through your fingers. "Are you aware of how I was almost killed, in the crypt, when fighting Crackstone?"
You shook your head. "You don't like to talk about it," you mumbled, burying your head in her chest. Her hands went to your hair, lightly scratching at your scalp.
"It was an...incredibly confusing dilemma. I used to patiently await death. My family and I hold it with a special regard. But as I was dying, I only felt lonely. Do you know why?"
You frowned against her, shaking your head again. Wednesday scoffed. "The obvious answer is you. It would be leaving without you. And as obnoxious as it is, I don't want to. Today, tomorrow, forever; I want to do it with you."
You sat there for a moment, thinking to yourself, and then you nodded. It was slow, but it was there, and when Wednesday felt it, she sat back to look you in the eyes. "Are we clear?" She demanded. If you said no, she would only double down. But instead, you nodded again, looking up at her. She held your heart in her hands.
You leaned forward, kissing her with the most passion you ever had, and Wednesday only returned it, cupping your neck and leaning into you. She would crawl into your skin, if she could. She'd build a little birdhouse in your soul, if she could find a way. You pulled away again, after a long minute, nodding again. "Okay. Same."
She blinked. "Same? I spill my heart to you and you respond with 'ditto'?" You laughed and she rolled her eyes, attempting to get off your lap. But your arms came up, entrapping her there and holding her close.
"You've put it perfectly. I want you forever, too." And so she melted into your embrace again, hand going to your scars to trace them and you nuzzling into her hand. It was a while, before either of you spoke.
"We have to get him back, forever, this time," Wednesday said, cold and calculating.
About two days later, you watched in absolute delight as Xavier ran down the hall in his bathroom towel, a poisonous snake trailing behind him and half of his head shaved completely bald. Call it an ode of Wednesday's love.
this was fun! i'm unsure of where to, if i do at all, take somethin' stupid from here. this won't be the only wednesday fic, so unless you all have more ideas, this may be it for this series. anyways, cheers!
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strawb3rrystar · 4 months
A yandere! ROTTMNT request
TW: panic attack, pessimistic views, mention of SH
I’ve been looking for a fic or just a small short story abt the reader being completely not okay. Like they’re panic attack prone, they think that there’s no way out of their situation so they’re just sad and quiet most of the time, and they have self destructive tendencies. It’s a bit morbid, and feel free to ignore, but I’m allergic to happiness, and I really like your writing, so even if uts just once sentence, I’d be happy.
Kill me on the train tracks.
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Pairing: Your favorite turtle x GN! Reader
Warnings: Panic attacks, reader having clear mental problems, implied depression, reader eventually likes being a shut-in
Word count: 539
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✰ Life seemed terrible now. You didn't know where you were or how you got here.
✰ What you did know was that you were heading to grab snacks from the connivance store before everything went black.
✰ When you awoke, you appeared to be in a remodeled train car. It had a bed, a couch, TV, and even a small bathroom.
✰ For a split second, you thought it looked cool. But then the realization set in and you started to have a panic attack.
✰ The smallness of the train car didn't help as you felt the walls closing in on you.
✰ You instinctively rushed for the door. But try with all your might to pry it open, it was locked.
✰ A million questions ran through your head as your heart pounded in your chest, threatening to leap out.
✰ How could you escape? Was there an escape? Who kidnapped you? And what did they plan on doing to you?
✰ Well, you weren't spent wondering that third question long, as the door to the train car slide open. There in the door frame stood a giant turtle.
✰ Seeing it freaked you out. So you screamed and backed yourself into a corner.
✰ The turtle spoke to you in a gentle tone as they reassured that they weren't going to hurt you.
✰ In fact, they insisted that they loved you. And that they had to do this to keep you safe.
✰ They told you this fact a lot. Eventually, you got used to your small living quarters.
✰ It was well kept by your captor and looked nice. Your situation could've been worse obviously.
✰ You were physically comfortable. Nice clothes and well fed.
✰ But you were a wreak mentally. The frequency of your panic attacks heightened. You often woke up screaming from nightmares.
✰ You felt far more depressed, unable to get out of bed most days. Your captor tried to keep you happy, but they didn't want you leaving the train car.
✰ So you got familiar with those four walls. It's not like you could escape anyways.
✰ When your captor tried to make small talk with you, you stayed quiet. It felt like any sense of language left your brain. Sometimes, you wouldn't even be able to understand them.
✰ You just let them hold you and cuddle most of the times. They would snuggle into you and fall asleep for a nap, while you stare blankly at the wall.
✰ When your captor wasn't around, you would hear them with their family. Laughter and loud conversations bouncing off of the sewer walls.
✰ It made you long for the outside. To just talk to a human again.
✰ Sure, you had plenty of opportunities to escape. Many times when your captor left the train door unlocked.
✰ But what was the point? Your life was just as shitty as it was before.
✰ At least now you didn't have to worry about the stress of a job. Or being unhoused. Or even the anxiety of a conversation. You could just exist in your own little bubble. And share it with a giant mutant turtle. But whose counting that?
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Star's notes -> This is definitely one of the more morbid fics I've written recently. But that's okay, I like writing dark things sometimes!
(Thank you, sweet anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @raphaelsqueen @mamaemoemu @sleebykei @looking4userthatworks @toast-on-dandelioms
@alexandria-fandom @ghostdoodlen @roboticsuccubus83 @sweetadonisbutbetter @little-miss-chaoss
@sunr1s3-strab3rr1 @blood-heart22 @facelessfionna | Join the taglist
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slytherinshua · 2 months
hi it's me again! hope ur day's been good, wasn't going to send more asks for a while since the last one but since you were asking for more soft thoughts AND make it magical this time, i had to 😣 thought of being like a village person who is very adamant that fairies exist and while strolling thru the field one day you just find yushi/sunoo laying there and surrounded by flowers and even tho u don't k anything abt him u make it ur thorough mission to accuse him of being a fairy and he's SOO mad at this bcuz not only were u rlly cute about it but he also was a fairy and he's not about to reveal himself bcuz he thinks ur cute 😭😭
SKDJKS STOP GOODBYE THIS IDEA IS SOOOO FUCKING CUTE??? okok i'm gonna do yushi bcuz i love yushi but this is also reminding me of my jaehee fic im writing lmfao cause he is a fairy in that as well although its a stardew valley au not magical BUT YUSHI AS A FAIRY!! wc: 1k. genre/warnings: fairy au. reader is very excitable. not proofread and soft thoughts so it's very very messy be warned this is really just a jumble of thoughts.
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fairies were always shrouded in secrecy, especially in your village which was right next to a forest thought to be home to many magical creatures. the village leaders banned anyone from going into the forest due to its dangerous nature, but you've always wondered about it. there were a few books on fairies, but all the information in them was unconfirmed and more speculation than fact. some even swore that fairies were completely made up and didn't exist in the real world, but you always liked to imagine that they did, and maybe they even lived among you.
so, ever since you were little, you started to imagine your own version of what fairies would be like. of course, they would be breathtakingly beautiful and gentle. they would have magical powers and glitter in the sunlight. their presence would be so harmonious and lovely that even butterflies would flock to their side. maybe they could grow flowers with the touch of a finger or could fly around with butterfly like wings? your imagination was truly endless, especially when you were little. but once you got to schooling age, you started to get made fun of for your obsession with the mythical creatures.
although you insisted that they were real, your classmates just laughed at the idea, telling you to not kid yourself with fictional fantasies. but no one was ever able to truly shut you up about the idea. you still daydreamed about fairies unabashedly, no matter what anyone else thought about them. to you, they were real.
after an annoying encounter with a guy in the village who seemed adamant on winning you over, you decided to take a stroll through the flower field to clear your head. cursing the guy under your breath wasn't helping as much as you would've liked. not only was he ugly, and full of himself, he was also downright rude. you definitely weren't going to let him sour the entire rest of your day.
pink, blue, and yellow flowers were blooming all over the field. butterflies and bees buzzed around happily, caring to the sweet-smelling blossoms. you saw that the butterflies seemed to keep flying to one particular spot in the field. it piqued your curiosity, so you made your way over to that part.
immediately, your fantasies about fairies came flooding back to your brain the second you saw the boy lying on the ground. his ginger hair lay over his forehead perfectly, and light freckles adorned his pink cheeks. he was simply beautiful. the second you saw him, your breath was completely taken away. you were sure that if fairies existed, he must be one of them.
"so you do really exist? you aren't just fantasy." a grin spread to your face as you mumbled under your breath. you had been trying to not disturb the sleeping boy, but his eyes flew open as the words left your mouth. maybe fairies had supernatural hearing?
the boy sat up hurriedly, "what? me?" he blinked in confusion, finger pointing back at himself in question. a butterfly landed on his hand and he gently swatted it away, face heating up in embarrassment.
he would've been upset at his nap getting interrupted, but one look at you and all annoyance dissipated. you were really pretty. as a fairy, he really should've been more worried about coming into contact with humans, but it was too late to think about that now. you had seen him, and it wasn't like a vanishing spell was going to last long enough for him to get back to the forest. plus, there was no way you would suspect that he was a fairy. most people didn't even believe they existed nowadays. he was surely safe-
"you're a fairy, aren't you!?"
his eyebrows furrowed, "no. fairies aren't even real, why would you think that?" gaslighting was never his strong suit, but it was worth a shot either way, right?
"can you do any magic? can you grow flowers?" you didn't seem to have even heard his attempt at refuting you, as you were quick to throw a flurry of questions at him. what scared him the most was how accurate they were. how did you know so much about fairies?
"n-no, i said i wasn't-" he stuttered, interrupted by you shoving a flower in his face.
"try fixing it." you said simply before pulling off some of the flower petals. yushi's heart clenched slightly at the sight. he so badly wanted to reach out and repair it. the poor flower didn't deserve to die. but that would mean outing himself. the risk wasn't worth it.
you sighed as the boy just stared at you blankly, "so you really aren't a fairy? then why do you look like one?" you sat down on the grass with him, arms crossed over your chest in annoyance.
"how do you know what fairies look like? have you ever seen one?"
"well... no." you huffed in exasperation. he was right. "but you look exactly how one would expect fairies to look like! even butterflies can't stay away from you."
it was frankly unfair at how adorable you sounded trying to justify it, especially since yushi knew you were entirely right in your assumption. he could already imagine the look of pure joy and astonishment that would bloom on your face if you heard that he really was a fairy as you suspected.
would it really be so bad to reveal himself?
"what's your name, by the way? i'm y/n."
yushi thought for a second, weighing his options. he could tell you his name and that he was a fairy. he could tell you his name and leave you questioning whether he was a fairy of not. or, he could try to find a way out of the conversation altogether. he rather hated the last option. deciding that the second option was both the safest, and left him plenty of options, he went with it.
"...i'm yushi."
↳ nct wish taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @lexeees,, @nyukyusnz,, @planetkiimchi,,
@haecien,, @talkingsaxy,, @thesunsfullmoon,, @hursheys,, @mjupis,,
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omg hi babe it's been so fucking long im not even sure if you remember me but how are you love omg 💗
i had like the worst fucking day ever and lately my mental health has been so fucking horrible and i just wanted to see if you could write a cute little fic ab reader having a horrible day and accidentally snapping at peter quill abt it and feeling annoyed by him a bit. you can write it whenever you want mwah 🫶🫶
but how are you doing omg ive been keeping up w u and your drabbles are so fucking cute omg 😭💗💗
ily mwah
hii!! AAAH!! ofc I remember you, ive missed you omg!! im really sorry you’ve been having a hard time bby, I hope this can be of some comfort to you. I got a little carried away as I love comfort fics sm and must admit I kinda needed it too😭 but im doing good, hope things are going well for you too (or as well as they can) you’re so sweet thank you😩 ily angel💗 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
got your back
peter quill x fem!reader
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word count: 807
warnings: little angsty? reader snaps at quill and mentions of reader being insecure in the relationship. fluffy ending
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Peter has many admirable qualities, the most endearing being his deep-rooted ability to empathise. You adored how he cares so deeply about others, especially the ones he loves most. It was one of the things that drew you to him the most. 
Lately, you have been having a rough time, so to speak, and things weren't going in your favour. Your boyfriend, Peter, was aware and did everything he could for you to feel better, even if it was only for a little while.
Every day was different. Some days were easier, others, not so much, and it just so happened that today was one of the more difficult days. It was the kind of day where everything went wrong. The day where your clothes get caught in every door handle, the kind where you drop everything you hold. The sort of day that leaves you with an empty pit in your stomach when you finally catch a minute alone. 
Peter was always so kind and patient with you that it often made you question what you did to deserve him. For you, he's loving and caring, sweet and funny, the perfect combination of all the best traits a person could have. 
You felt overwhelmed with many things and the self-doubt that Peter would find someone better than you weighed heavy on your mind. You were in your bedroom alone, door closed, curtains shut with your head in your palms. 
A soft knock on your door interrupts you from your thoughts. "Hey, honey? Everything okay?" Peter asks through the door, his tone full of warmth.
"Yeah," you reply shortly, burying your face in your arms.
"Are you sure? You can talk to me," he says. "I'm right here."
"Yes, I'm sure," you respond with more bite, growing frustrated.
"Okay, I'm here if you need me," he adds, speaking just as sweetly as before despite your harsh tone.
"I'm fine, just go away!" you snap, throwing a pillow at the door. "Fuck off, just leave me alone."
You didn't have to see his face to know how much your words had hurt him. You regret the sentence as soon as they slipped past your lips, but it was too late. You said them, and they can’t be unsaid. 
"Okay," he whispers, tapping on the door as a farewell.
It felt like it had all just got a whole lot worse, and you just tarnished the one thing that made it easier to cope. The guilt was eating you up, and all you wanted to do was apologise. But you told him to leave, so why would he still be here?
You pace your room for a few minutes, gathering your words for an apology while momentarily cursing yourself out. You were scrounging for ways to make it up to him and patch over the mess you made.
With a small pep talk and a final nod, you open your door and see Peter sitting on the floor beside the door, leaning against the wall with crossed legs.
"Hi," you smile weakly.
"Hey," he smiles, an airy tone to his voice, speaking like he finally got his breath back. "I'm sorry— I shouldn't have pushed you. I know how you get. It’s the last thing I wanted—" he anxiously gushes, talking like he had practiced it. 
You interrupt, shaking your head. "No, please don't do that. You have nothing to be sorry for. It’s all my fault— I'm so sorry. I should have never spoken to you like that. It all got too much, and I couldn't— I'm just really sorry," you profess, fidgeting with the hem of your sweater. 
"I know, honey," he replies, nodding understandingly. 
"You're too good to me," you whisper, avoiding his green gaze. "I'm just not used to it."
"I'm still here, baby and I ain't gonna leave you," he says, looking up at you with sweet doeful eyes. "I'm not leaving you like the others." 
He extends an arm, his hand reaching for yours as he guides you closer, gently tugging you downwards. He nods at his lap, so you straddle his crossed legs, pressing your chest to his, wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him tighter. His big, warm arms encase you and his hand brushes comforting strokes down your back, as his other clutches the back of your head, holding you like he's protecting you. 
You bury your face further into the crook of his neck, silently weeping and embracing him tighter. "I love you," you mumble against his skin, playing with the curls behind his ears. 
"I love you," he smiles, pulling back to look at you. He wipes under your eyes, softly brushing away your residual tears. He kisses the damp patch of skin beside your nose, looking at you with nothing but admiration. "... so much."
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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seiwas · 10 months
Sel how long is your tbr list ? And which fic(s) are looking forward to read the most ?
nonie hello!!! 🥹 my tbr rn is at ~150 🥲😭 (i put them in my drafts!! and i have huge backlog bc i just recently got off a reading ban while writing 'these traces of love, they outline you' 🥹)
listing some hehe this is gonna be long so i'll put it under the cut!!! (in no particular order of preference but it's categorised by anime & character)
am sure there are so many more i'm probably missing/weren't able to see yet tho!!
for jjk
intrinsic warmth by thatdesklamp (series, ongoing, gojo satoru) been wanting to read this for a while but just trying to find the time to!
godmaker by @firein-thesky (series, ongoing, gojo satoru) has been in my tbr for the longest time and every time i see cielo talk abt it i get itching to read it hsajhdfbj
[untitled 'halloween' fic] by @stellamancer (one-shot, gojo satoru) not yet out but niku's been working really hard on this and am so excited hehehe
and i'm asking you to hold me just like the morning paper by @selarina (one-shot, gojo satoru) older brother's best friend gojo; am such a sucker for long titles and older brother's bsf tropes! i also love rina v much!
bfb by @em1e (series, ongoing, kamo choso) best friends's older brother choso; emmie shared the idea and some scenes with me when she was conceptualising it and it was the final push that tipped me over to being a choso fucker
chaos theory by @/hawnks (one-shot, nanami kento) strangers to lovers nanami; op wrote one of my favourite gojo fics ever, cantor’s paradox!!
as it should have been by @k9nto (one-shot, nanami kento) friends to lovers nanami; tallulah always talks about how much fun she had writing this so i'm excited to get to this too!
let me out, i'm starving by @princess-okkotsu (one-shot, okkotsu yuuta) fwb!yuuta; aleks tipped me over to being a yuuta fucker and the idea of an fwb!yuuta with the way aleks characterises him is just soo ouuuuGHH
all of @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat's new fics!! i have so many of ari's fics to catch up on!! but characterisation is always on point and the writing always feels like a movie!! (there are gojo, megumi, and yuuta ones afair!!)
every time @augustinewrites drops smth!! the fushigojos live in my mind but augustine's doing an anniversary event rn themed after taylor swift lyrics!! and the line-up looks so good!!
inez's @itadorey masterlist still have yet to do a sweep of inez's masterlist but i always find myself smiling reading her stuff!! (lot of gojo!!)
lin's @threadbaresweater older stuff while going thru lin's masterlist i saw a gojo fic and nanami fic i'm excited to read!! lin always writes with a certain kind of vulnerability that digs deep!!
for bnha
something just like this by @/ofmermaids (series, complete, midoriya izuku) i've been wanting to get to this for so so long. op wrote some of my favourite bakugo fics, surrender (whenever you're ready) + on my way (to you); this almost feels like a reward i'm saving for when i really have the time tbh
you had only to look at me by @willowser (series, complete, bakugo katsuki) childhood bff!bakugo; i read this a long time ago but willow reposted it and i am!! so excited to read it again!!!
nitroglycerine by @/alrightberries (one-shot, bakugo katsuki) kind of fwb!bakugo; the description/summary got to me omg and am such a sucker for fwb to lovers and the weird in-between
like real people do by @shibaraki (one-shot, todoroki shouto) strangers to friends to lovers; this has been in my tbr for so long too and can't wait to get to it bc i love the way monty writes shouto!!
the glass delusion by @shibaraki (series, on-going, todoroki shouto) touch-starved shouto; i read the first installment and am such a sucker for explorations of intimacy!! so am so excited for this one too!!
i'll find my way (back to you) - homecoming by @bluebird-in-the-breeze (side story of a series, complete, todoroki shouto) chef!reader; read the entire series and loved it!! i love birdie's writing and was so happy that she recently released this for the series's 1 year anniversary!!
i think i'm in love with my coworker (update) by @todorosie (one-shot, todoroki shouto) coworker shouto; the title alone had me so curious omg and i love the tone of sorin's spidey!gojo series so am excited to get to this too!!
fill my little world (right up) by @shibaraki (one-shot, aizawa shouta) single dad au; such a sucker for this au!! and am also really selective with the aizawa stuff i read but always love monty's!!!
the kids are gonna be alright by @shibaraki (one-shot, aizawa shouta) coworkers to lovers; i love the premise of this so much!! i love these kinds of explorations and idk!! again!! i am a shibaraki stan!! i love everything monty writes hjsdbgjfs i've been really wanting to go through monty's entire masterlist too!! (there's a lot of writing to feast on and no matter who it is i think monty always writes em well)
andie's @andypantsx3 entire masterlist!! andie has soooo many stuff i want to read i can't even single one out omg i never feel the length when i read andie's stuff!!
for hq!!
the burden of being by @sashimiyas (one-shot, miya osamu) amnesia au; this has been in my drafts for so long too bc i'm still afraid of reading it but reina writes some of my fave hq fics so am excited to sink my teeth into this!! honestly am also excited to go thru reina's entire masterlist + osamu masterlist!!
get him back by @noosayog (one-shot, miya osamu) fake dating osamu; fake dating is one of my fave tropes and i also love noos's writing!! osamu is also my comfort character... so all of this just speaks to me
cross check by @kagelun (series, on-going, iwaizumi hajime) hockey player!iwaizumi; my god i'll read anything iwa anyway but to have him be an athlete for a completely different sport... just does smth to my brain... also kit has the most insane iwa thoughts i'm excited for this
seasons by @mintmatcha (one-shot, hanamaki takahiro) friends to lovers; love mint's stuff and am trying to get into makki more lately so i can fully immerse into seijoh4!! also really love a friends to lovers any day
one, two, and... (onlyfans) by @mintmatcha (one-shot, hanamaki takahiro + matsukawa issei) was sooo excited for this when mint announced they were working on it omfg literally vibrating w excitement to get to this
for multi
leah's @missmeinyourbones new stuff not sure if they're new or just being resurfaced but i see leah rb some of her stuff and am so excited to get to each one asbfj so i might actually just do a masterlist sweep atp... (she's one of my fave writers fr)
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mikareo · 10 months
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“ ࣭⸰ ★ post of gratitude ! <3
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⊹ ⠀⠀ hi guys! on my old blog, i'd make a post every november to spread gratitude for the mutuals i interact w most n wanted to carry that tradition onto this blog! ily all and hope that your day was wonderful today (unless ur a nanami stan bc that was rlly rough im so sorry abt that ep ajskl)
psa; if u weren't tagged in this post, pls know that i appreciate u very much and would love to interact w u more!! msg me anytime n i'll try my best to visit ur inbox in the near future!
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꒰ . . to my readers ꒱
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ thank u so much for supporting my work by reading, liking, sharing, or commenting on any of my writing! i love reading through reblogs and seeing what u guys think of my ideas,, it's so motivating n i appreciate it so much like omg sometimes u got my kickin my feet reading thru ur comments ajskl i hope to post quality content for ur enjoyment n i luv u all,, much more to come as time goes on !!!
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꒰ . . to my mutuals ꒱ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ᯇ in alphabetical order
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⌗ @chigirizzz ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hi val! just wanted to say that i love how supportive u are of other creators on the site,, i feel like whenever i see u on the dash ur always hyping someone up or making their day brighter! ALSO i cant believe u also know the voltage otome games bc i feel like i'm crazy sometimes bc no one know what they are LMFAO i hope u had an amazing day !!!
⌗ @doobea ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ dooby!!! i love the bright energy u bring to my dash n i think ur absolutely gorgeous (u ate that choso costume up omg ajskdlf) ur always such a pleasure to interact w n i think ur writing is amazing,, i rlly need to just binge it all one night ESP the choso fics u post bc ur writing rlly captures how much u love him LOL my fav choso worshipper <3 hope yall get married!
⌗ @hesthermay ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hi pookie teehee,, i haven't answered ur text yet bc i was trying to figure out how to fry chicken (3 of them were raw ajsklf) but i will after i post this lol. ilyvm and i can't wait for u to stay w me,, i'm gonna take u to the mall n treat u to some canes chicken fingers *heart eyes* (i'm typing on my laptop forgive me) you've been w me since my org blog from sept 2020 n i act can't believe how long we've known each other now (3 years!) ur so old like ur my granny but that's ok bc ur my favorite granny ever,, sorry for violating u #ageism is not okay,, i miss u so much n i miss ur bf bc ur my mom n dad (legally) i even miss ur roommate who i actually can't rlly remember the name of but that's not the point i'm trying to make so forget i said that part,, i definitely know his name!!! also i decided that kingsley is my favorite dog u have bc he's tiny n reminds me of my doggie,, luv ya! text u in a bit!
⌗ @itadorey ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ omg hi inez, remember these? no u probably don't bc i got rlly lazy w my blog in the late days (rip aitarose) i love all of the tiktoks u send me n i love ur instagram stories bc they make me laugh n i love how much u love snoopy,, he's literally my idol n there are so many statues of him in my city it's so funny n they always make me think of u. ur my yung gravy queen,, i love u so much n i'm so glad hq tumblr let me meet u even tho it was lowkey traumatizing (yikes) our mudae days were so fun,, esp the night i let that person put the roleplay bot into my server jkals so grateful for u !!!
⌗ @kitorin ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hiiii souta!!!! i just wanted to say that i LOVE seeing u comment first on my writing posts,, like it motivates me so much bc i know i have such a large support system coming from u n ur so sweet n talented AJSJJJ u were (i think?) my first new mutual on this blog when i first made it,, n you've made coming back to tumblr such a welcoming n amazing experience! i'm so grateful to be ur mutual n i hope you've had an absolutely amazing day!
⌗ @mymegumi ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ firstly BITCH ANSWER MY TEXT. secondly, happy thanksgiving! <3 wish we were spending it together but distance is real n it hates us :( miss u and can't wait to see u whenever that is lmfao like whenever plane tickets decide to stop being so expensive,, so glad we aren't beefing anymore haha that was so silly of us... anyways... whenever i do see u, i'm going to give u a big hug n then we're going to gossip abt everything that's happened since we were last together n it's going to be great bc i'm going to make u watch twice videos n ur gonna love them as much as i do bc i'm ur sister n u have no choice but to love what i love! hahaha... i love you so much n i'm so glad ur my sister #meimei n jiajia 4ever <- that's actually approved by me n that's all that matters bc i'm actually the president of the world and ur my favorite person on it jaklsdf ANSWER MY TEXT BITCH
⌗ @pokkomi ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ chiu u r genuinely one of the most positive ppl i've ever met on tumblr n i love u sm for it like jaskdlfjdkl u always make my day when u reblog a post n reading ur tags is so heartwarming n it makes me want to write a million more pieces just to see what u think of them,, ur theme is absolutely adorable n i love ur alpha wolf pfp bc it's so funny n i was literally giggling when u were answering asks abt it n i saw them on my dash,, i hope that every day is an amazing day for u n if u ever need anything u can come in my pms to chat or my inbox (i will def be saying hi later in urs LOL) have an amazing amazing day n i can't wait for u to post any kind of writing in the future!
⌗ @rewh0re ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hi hana!!! i'm so glad u popped into my inbox n said hi bc i always saw u interacting w ppl on the dash n i was too nervous to say hi jakfsdlkl i love interacting w u n talking abt whatever n whenever in inboxes or replies,, ur username always makes me giggle n i love it so much (i always read it as 'reo whore' for some reason asjfdkl but i love it) i send ur kuroo fics to my kuroo stan friend n she eats them up,, ur writing style is so beautiful n emotional,, i love the way u structure ur plots w metaphors n repetition n symbolism n everything u put into ur hard work it's all so amazing,, wishing u the very best day tmr ever!
⌗ @wishmemel ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAFI!!!! ik i alr said it but it never hurts to hear a million times n more! i associate u sm w sanrio like idk if mymelo is ur favorite but in my head u r the real life her ajsfkl,, ur so sweet n genuine i love interacting w u n seeing u all over my dash,, I HOPE UR BIRTHDAY WAS AMAZING !!!! ... fixing this bc im screaming bc i can't believe i mixed that up omg... anyways... LUV U
⌗ @yoisami ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ OKAY FIRST i literally LOVE ur theme like it's so cute n so fitting to ur personality i love it sm ajsfkdl saki ur so sweet n i'm so glad we're mutuals bc i always look forwards to seeing u on my dash or going to ur inbox (which i'm lacking on rn but i promise i'll visit it more soon jaskdl!!!!) the way u support ff writing on tumblr is so amazing w ur reblogs n tags,, n i look foward to reading more of ur writing in the future (hopefully i can live up to ur sweet tags!) !!! have an amazing amazing day saki !!!!!!
⌗ @y2kuromi ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ screaming bc i got ur bday mixed up w another mutual but HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN LMFAO !!!! i hope that ur day was so amazing n that i'm not getting this wrong again (SORRY SAFI) !!! mimi ur so nice i'm like giggling so hard rn im so sorry,, happy happy birthday hope it was amazing!
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⌗ all of my other loves <3 ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ i love being mutuals w all of u n being a part of such a supportive writing community! ur all so talented n ur blogs r beautiful, i hope ur day was absolutely amazing n that we can interact more in the future (i will be invading ur inboxes that's a promise ajfskdl) !!!! happy november!!!
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the1weepinqguitar · 9 months
A Bigass Post Explaining My Interpretation of the Here Comes Science Bunker.
I named my writing based off of this universe The Nanobots Are Taking Over, so expect that tag whenever I post abt this semi-fic.
First of all, It's a bunker. Created in 1982 by a group of scientists who feared that humans would render the surface world uninhabitable, it is a colossal maze of tunnels and rooms. By 2009, it houses about 350-400 scientists.
How these scientists got there:
Well, they were kidnapped. Brought to the bunker with nothing more than the clothes on their backs, most of the scientists in the bunker weren't born there. Some scientists were (some of the founders had kids), and they are raised as apprentice scientists to their more experienced colleagues. Most scientists were taken to the bunker because they showed true potential in their field.
Life in the bunker:
It's comfortable. Modest, but comfortable. Scientists pay no living/medical expenses as long as they do their share of research. In short, they just have to do their job. They each have their own small "bunk" unless they choose to share a room with another scientist. They are free to decorate their rooms as long as they, again, do their job well.
"Wings" as they're called, separate scientists by their roles in the bunker. For example, the assorted crew of engineers have their own wing, which contains their individual bunks.
Wrist tags:
These are how individual scientists are identified. It is a tattoo that they receive when they come to the lab (or if they're an apprentice, on their 18th birthday) that depicts their ID number and a dot of a random color. These dots used to be used for specific types of scientists, but, as there are so many, this practice fell out of use in the late-eighties. Colors are now randomly assigned.
Where do the Johns come into this picture?
Big Man (the last living founder, who earned his nickname for his booming voice and outlandish mannerisms) loved TMBG's music. He wanted so badly for them to survive the upcoming nuclear apocalypse that he decided in 2004 that he would bring them to the bunker, if only for the free entertainment. He knew he would get in trouble if he picked favorites, so he assigned Flansburgh to the medical sciences wing and Linnell to that of anthropology.
They weren't exactly pleased, as Linnell had to leave his family behind and Flans his wife and cats. They made do with what they got, though, and got to work. They lived there for a while until 2009, when Flans completed a prototype for the Nanobots, a type of robot that was designed to shrink down to the molecular level so that they could perform minimally invasive, delicate surgeries without worrying about harming the patient. He was almost finished working on the Nanobots when, one day, he left Linnell in charge of watching them while he ran some errands.
"Don't press any buttons."
"I won't."
But, as soon as Flans left the room, his friend made a beeline to the Wall of Gadgets, an off-limits collection of machinery that Flans had been working on for the last five years. Each one seemed equally captivating to Linnell, but one stuck out. Six buttons graced its surface, catching his attention and sending a wave of curiosity through him.
A single button sent the entire bunker into panic mode.
Flans came back to find Linnell duct-taped to the back of the door (totally not a Malcom In the Middle reference...) and the Nanobots gone. He managed to catch a glimpse of one of the clones as he climbed up into the vent on the wall. Upon being questioned, Linnell defended himself and stated that he didn't know any better.
A "BANG" behind them alerted them to the presence of a rejected clone. Green, named after his assigned color, was nearly strangled by Flans as the latter attempted to interrogate him. Linnell defended the clone and maintained that his knowledge on the other clones' secret plans would come in handy. However, Green knew nothing. He was only following orders from another one of the clones. Red, as he would be later named, would become the bane of Linnell's existence.
They searched through the bunker for weeks before finding Red and his companion Purple, the latter of which had been mutilated by his leader as part of his dream of creating the ultimate human weapon. Linnell and Green were understandably horrified at the shockingly sweet, innocent clone's condition and separated him from Red so that they could both be questioned individually.
A sinister plot was discovered by Linnell as he questioned Purple. Red wanted to seize control of the bunker through the Nanobots. He would insert one of the microscopic robots into the selected scientist's bloodstream, and once the blood reached the brain, he would direct the bot to the synapses, where he would, in turn, tell the brain what to do. It was a clever plan, Linnell reasoned, but a dangerous one. He decided to take Purple under his wing, the latter renaming himself Jay.
(man, this is getting long)
Red would get thrown in the bunker's "containment unit", a semi-jail for potentially dangerous scientists. He breaks himself out after only a few weeks in there and attempts to kill Jay for betraying him. Jay tranquilizes him with a tranq gun built into his prosthetic arm, knocking Red out instantly. Red gets thrown back in jail and the bunker is safe once more.
Until he broke out again. This time he shot Jay in the leg. Flans, now in charge of the bunker as Big Man had passed away just a few months prior, decided to give Red another chance and kept him locked up for the entire next year.
After being let out, he hunted down and killed a scientist (Foss, a scientist who had been dealing with a lycanthropy-like disease for the last couple of years), right in front of Jay, who had been keeping Foss safe in the library whenever he turned. Jay was heartbroken and called Linnell to retrieve Red. Red attempted to escape but was caught by the Johns and thrown back into his cell where he was put to death for his crimes. He felt no remorse for anything he had done.
The bunker was finally at peace and everyone settled back down. Foss' partner, Francis mourned his loss for a long time, befriending Jay in the process. Now that they were safe, Flans decided to continue working on the Nanobots, and they proved to be a great tool for safe surgery. Everything was at ease once more.
This took me two hours to write, so I hope it covers any questions you might have! I enjoyed the worldbuilding greatly and this was super fun to create! Recently, I've been writing about Jay and his exploration of the bunker. God damn it, I got a little attached...
[EDIT FEB. 11, 2024: I posted the first three chapters on my ao3! Feel free to check it out if you'd like!]
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nuwanders · 5 months
20 questions for writers
tagged absolute yonks ago by @wispstalk and @dirty-bosmer, thank you both <3
Tagging back: uhhhh everyone will probably have been tagged already. sorry if that's you. @ghoulsbeard @ervona @lucien-lachance @stormbeyondreality @zomboidatomic @gilgamish @profanetools and any other writer mutuals who'd like to consider themselves tagged!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
the elder scrolls. it sits in that perfect overlap between 'compelling enough for me to get invested' and 'narratively dissatisfying enough for me to want to fix it'. and it's the perfect sandbox for writing abt my own characters... not sure how motivated i'd be to write fic without that sort of freedom
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
i only have 3 :/
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes, usually! unless it's a comment along the lines of 'update soon' i will usually get round to replying at some point.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ummmm well two are WIPs and my one completed one-shot doesn't 'end' in the traditional sense (it's an imaginary prologue to an in-game book) so... i will go with The Waiting Door as it's pretty angsty already and will (eventually) continue in that vein if i ever get round to it, the fic with the angstiest ending WILL be my take on the dragonborn DLC. but that's a long way off
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
see above
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
ermmmm sort of. if you count the odd sex scene in King & Lionheart. but i usually only include it if it bears some kind of significance to the narrative or someone's character development. the sex scenes i've published so far have been quite introspective and not super 'smutty' in the traditional sense. BUT i do sometimes write smut-smut. i'm just not very good at it lol so it will never see the light of day
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
nothing published but one of my beta readers and i have a couple of one-shots together
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
well. it has to be my beloveds jórunn and raydrin. they are everything to me. i made them when i was 9 (they weren't originally TES characters) and have thought about them basically every day since. my forever ship fr <3
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
at this rate... king & lionheart </3
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmmmmm i think my character work is a strength. and i've been trying to get more creative with my prose on my last few projects/chapters which i think is paying off (based on some lovely comments i've received)!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
picking and choosing what to include and what to skip over. i think, as well, i was so afraid of purple prose for a long time that my prose suffered from being wayyyyy too sterile and uninspired. but this is something i'm working on!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
OUGH this one's complicated. done correctly, i love it! but it needs to take into account the languages spoken by the POV character. a few lines of dialogue in another language to indicate that the POV character doesn't understand what is being said is fine. but obviously you don't want to write out a whole conversation like this. there's a few other contexts where i think it's okay but TLDR it depends.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i think i wrote tokyo mew mew fic when i was maybe 7 or 8? if that counts
20. Favorite fic you've written?
has to be the waiting door! everyone please read the waiting door. not to toot my own horn but i fucking ATE with that fic <3
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wrongcaitlyn · 6 months
do you have any favorite scenes that didn’t make it into talk ur talk?!?
okay so i took a long time to think about this bc GOD its such a good question but now that i rlly look back at talk ur talk - i realize that i was incredibly self indulgent with writing scenes and what sort of stuff i was including!! i mean, obviously the fic idea as a whole was very self indulgent, but i think that whenever i had an idea for a scene, it ended up in talk ur talk in some way
however, there are definitely some things that i cut out simply because they weren't in character/i didn't think it would be fitting, which sometimes you just have to do! the characters were progressing, and they didn't fit into this cookie cutter mold of a classic celebrity, so obviously i wasn't able to write some of the things i would've liked, aka:
interviews. i would've LOVED to write more interview scenes with nico. but i also knew that he, as a character, very adamantly was not a fan of them, and so obviously i couldn't just make him go back on his word and go off to do a bunch of interviews
more scenes in public/with fans, getting recognized and what not. honestly this may have just come from my own fear of oc's, bc everytime i included other characters that were not from the main cast, i got *terrified* like idk i just try to stay away from them? not like they can't be written well, they absolutely can, i've read fics with some of the most incredible oc's. i am just scared of writing them on my own, so i tended to stay away from the fan interaction thing even though i definitely would've liked to do that more
red carpets/award shows!! i didn't include a lot of these bc i felt like it'd get really repetitive after the first time and i didn't want to clutter up the fic with a bunch of, essentially, the same scenes. he walks down a red carpet. cameras are flashing. he answers some questions. that's pretty much it
OKAY OKAY WAIT THIS IS SOMETHING THAT TECHNICALLY it's not that it didn't *make it* into talk ur talk, but just several ideas that i had that i knew immediately wouldn't ever be in the fic, but like, aghsljdf my heart - him interacting with irl celebs. i KNOW i don't write that, i don't plan on writing that, i don't like writing with real people involved, BUT
him being a special guest on the rep tour
him talking with lorde at the grammys
him just meeting a bunch of other celebs like ugh ik i've thought abt it a lot and it'll never actually show up in the fic but i do like to imagine it!!
something i also didn't include in greatest of luxuries was will listening to welcome to new york. nonstop. like all the time. it's just always there he's always listening to it if i ever mention him listening to a song and not saying a specific song it's welcome to new york bc ofc it is.
(i am currently listening to welcome to new york)
aside from all that, i think when looking back at all of it, the one thing i regret is that i didn't write more school scenes. like. there were so many opportunities, more octavian, more angst, more nico being famous, like i feel like famous kid in a school with the asshole that is octavian would be such a cool dynamic and i kinda regret not writing it more! i think i may, one day, go back and write a few extra scenes of talk ur talk into a few one-shots or something (probably after i finish greatest of luxuries and just get nostalgic over talk ur talk lmfao) but i think that's it! thank you for the ask!!
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izzy-b-hands · 10 months
random fic writing babbling and rambling below the cut. TW for discussions of babies, historical breastfeeding, birth, Ed's midwifery charge from his wanted poster (the inspo for these fic ideas that are being discussed below lol.)
I keep trying to write a fic based on the midwifery charge on Ed's s2 wanted poster but I keep getting hung up on the historical accuracy thing of 'where are they getting enough human milk to feed a newborn until they can get this baby to a new family.' Like. In theory, it is doable, but before I get into that:
to explain, the plot every time, even the times I've actively tried to write it differently, is that it's a thing of them choosing the worst time to raid another ship. Either they're mid-raid and hear this poor person still attempting to give birth while everyone else onboard is being killed or threatened by Ed and crew, or as in the latest draft, Ed and Izzy literally walk in to the room just as this person passes away post final push/baby fully delivered.
The baby doesn't fix jack shit between Ed and Izzy or Ed and the crew, bc that doesn't work irl and it ain't gonna work in fiction either.
But! The situation and how everyone pulls together to look after the baby does make Ed slow down and take a step back from the things that have been doing his head in abt himself and Stede and Izzy and life in general. Bc like. He didn't INTEND for this to happen, had he known someone on the ship was actively giving fucking birth, they would have passed it by and left that ship alone! That's too much extra risk/work, when he's intending to keep them on a briskly moving pace for raids. And he doesn't want to hurt a kid, so of course he's going to make their new mission finding someone or a family to look after the baby, and look after them well (god help them if he should find out that's not the case, even years in the future.)
In the latest draft, as in previous, I have it also highlighting Izzy's connection to his mum via midwifery and knowledge abt looking after kids/babies. in the latest draft in particular, Izzy is implied ftm who was absolutely being trained by his mum to take over as midwife for their village/town, had he not gone to sea with Ed instead. But it means he's still retained some knowledge of it all, so he takes on a lot of the baby care.
For example, the bassinet they steal off the ship goes into Izzy's room (which we've seen is small af, so like. He can't even close his door anymore with the bassinet there.) The bottle making kit (that was an interesting bit of research, to find out how the few bottles used might have looked if a wet nurse/someone else nursing that lived nearby/etc weren't available to just. nurse the kid directly) is in his chest at the end of his bed.
Izzy and Ed wind up, again at least in this latest draft, having a few late night, exhausted conversations as they feed the baby and take turns rocking/walking the hall with the baby, just generally so sleep deprived and focusing on the baby that they haven't noticed they're working together more again. It's still clear they have so many things to talk abt and unpack for both of their sakes, but that wax seal over their shared emotions for each other starts to crumble a little once the baby is onboard.
The conversations might not entirely evade the rest of the s2 events, but I can't say bc my drafts always falter right abt here, or when I'm trying to make it sound realistic that they are also, very much, now raiding other ships not just for loot but for anyone currently lactating to express milk for them to feed the baby
(honestly, i half wanna write at least one raiding scene in the fic simply to have Ed try and explain that demand. Yes, he's the dread pirate Blackbeard, the Kraken, your nightmare. Yes, he wants all the loot and money onboard. Yes, he's also currently an unintentional foster parent along with his first mate/husband and their crew to a newborn that needs more milk and as such, anyone currently breastfeeding is commanded to try and fill some of a bottle. Either way, you're giving up everything you have so stop thinking about it or asking questions, unless you know of anyone looking to adopt a baby, by chance. In that case, please give that information to Fang before giving up your expensive things and/or breast milk.)
There's a lot of tentative hope, among all of them re: the baby. All of them making little comments, here and there, that whether the kid winds up a pirate or not, they hope the baby will be happy. Looked after and loved, in the ways some of them either weren't or experienced a very unhealthy/dysfunctional version of.
I do know the ending pretty well, though elements of it could change.
But for sure, I'm thinking of a scene of the ship, dark, everyone quiet sitting on the deck after they've dropped the baby off with a new family (i keep hemming and hawing with it being Doug and Mary somehow having heard abt this kid some pirates are trying to unload, bc I like the idea of leaving a little room for a sequel in Mary being like 'huh sounds like this guy (Ed) is really upset over someone who sounds an awful lot like Ste-oh no' and letting Ed know what went down with Stede)
And as they sail into the night, Ed mumbles that they should consider the night as a night off, but be ready to fight tomorrow morning. He implies they can all go fuck off to bed or whatever then, but instead all of them, Ed included, wind up bunking together on the main deck. Sharing bottles of rum, taking turns at the wheel/making sure they're not about to run aground, and having conversations abt their childhoods, mainly the few happy things they remember.
Like, Archie reveals part of the reason she joined the snake cult was bc she just always has liked them. Even as a little kid, grabbing them gently and letting them chill on her arms/hands.
Ed talks abt his mum teaching him how to sew, and jokes abt him and Izzy having darned each other's socks for years, thank fuck they both sew fairly well.
That actually gets a smile out of Izzy, who mumbles out that his mum would be pleased to see he'd remembered how to keep a baby alive and that he'd maybe even done fairly well.
Fang makes a gentle, kindly meant joke abt Izzy keeping them all alive fairly well, that she'd be proud of that too, and we cut to Ed's face just. Destroyed as he realises yeah, that's exactly what he's been making Izzy do, now and before. And he's just stepped back from the Kraken and the feelings that make that up to have that make him feel terrible. They used to live for each other, each sunrise they saw a defiant, blinding medal in reward of their survival. But it hasn't been that way for a long time, has it? And he can't decide if he wants to explore that feeling or make it go away as fast as possible, or maybe both.
Cut back to Fang cheerfully telling everyone the story of how he wound up being named for his dad, becoming Kevin Jr, and we end on the implication that at least for the rest of the night, things will be calm for them.
Makes me mad as hell I can write this whole post out to discuss the fic, but I can't seem to finish a draft solidly enough to finally finish and publish lmao
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thatgirlstrawberry · 3 years
Ella - pt. 2
Overall warnings: swearing, you probably getting second-hand embarrassed, children (4th and 5th graders lol), some mentions of sex in later parts, some mentions of molestation and rape (not the on oc), lmk if anything was missed :)
P.S. I know I have way too many fics abt Spencer but... he's just so fun to write about and to make fics for and I also had this sitting in my drafts so... yep :)
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Spencer was back in town from his last case. He got back on a Saturday night. The team decided that it would be a good idea to go out and have some drinks at a local bar and grill. They all knew that Spencer wasn't a big drinker but that didn't stop them from inviting him places.
The doctor sipped on his water as he stood around, watching Penelope and Derek bop to the music with drinks in their hands. Rossi and Luke were talking intently and Emily was nodding along with whatever they were saying.
He was standing there awkwardly watching everyone like a lost puppy. His hair was in disarray as it always was and his tie was loosened just a bit. The top two buttons of his shirt weren't buttoned. The last case a pretty hard one.
He bit his straw as he looked around awkwardly. When he turned back around his eyes landed on the bar. More so a specific person at the bar.
Spencer's eyes traveled up a smooth pair of legs until they met a black fabric. He took in the entire sight of her all at once. The dress stopped right above the middle of her thighs. The dress was tight and it hugged her in all the right ways. Her neckline showed just enough cleavage to leave someone interested.
That woman was Ella Thomas. Her smile was bright as she ordered whatever drink she was ordering. Spencer took in a deep breath and cleared his throat. His feet carried him over to her before he had a chance to think about it.
Right when he got to her, another man cam up behind her and put his arm around her shoulders. "You get the drinks yet, Ella?"
The doctor widened his eyes and spun around quickly. "Doctor Reid?"
Spencer sighed before turning around. "Ella? What are you doing here?"
The woman smiled and looked over her shoulder at the man she was with. "Uh... I'm on a date. But uh how are you?" She asked kindly.
"Um I'm okay. I'm okay. I actually just got back from a case. It was kinda hard to deal with." Spencer nodded slowly.
Ella bit her lip and tilted her head. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
Spencer smiled before a blush took over his cheeks. "Actually, y-"
"Ella, I thought after this drink we would... get out of here?" The man behind her said. His jaw was clenched and he was obviously glaring at Spencer.
Ella rolled her eyes and handed her beer bottle to him. "Look, Pete. It's not gonna happen." She said patting his chest. She turned to Spencer and grabbed his arm. "Come on, let's go." Spencer looked back at Pete. He scoffed and shook his head, cursing under his breath before walking away.
She dragged him to a nearby table and sat down. She took a deep breath. She giggled a little bit when she saw Spencer's face. "Oh, it's no problem. Pete was just trying to get into my pants." She breathed out.
Spencer smiled and raised his eyebrows before looking back at his team who were all watching him with intrigued smiles on their faces. He rolled his eyes at them and turned back to Ella.
"So, Spencer. What's going on?" She asked, smoothing the skirt of her dress out. "Oh, wait. You like onion rings?" She asked. Spencer nodded with furrowed eyebrows. As a waitress walked over to their table, she held out her hand. "Hey, can I get a plate of onion rings and a dirty martini?" She looked at Spenceras if she was asking what he wanted to drink.
Spencer looked up at the waitress. "A coke's fine, thanks." The waitress nodded and walked off.
Ella placed her elbow on the table and her chin in her hand. "You're not drinking?" She asked.
The doctor cleared his throat quietly. "No. I'm not much of a drinker."
"Good for you. I drink on the weekends to take the sound of screaming kids in head away." She giggled. Spencer chuckled quietly and looked over at his team who were intently watching them. He looked back at Ella.
"So, who was that Pete guy?" He asked, hoping that he wasn't over stepping.
Ella rolled her eyes. "One of my friends set me up with him. He was such an ass. All he was worried about was trying to get me drunk and out the door." She shook her head. Spencer nodded and looked at her with a solemn expression. She waved her hand and shook her head dismissively. "It's okay. I mean, I'm a woman. It's what I have to expect, right?" She asked sarcastically.
Spencer shook his head. "No. You shouldn't have to expect that. It's not like you're a toy." He told her. "No woman is."
The two caught each other's eyes and they stopped talking. Spencer focused on the sound of her breathing. It's like she was the only person in the room at that moment.
He saw her lips separate, about to speak but, she was cut off by the sound of a plate being placed on the table. "Alrighty! Here's you two's rings!" Ella pulled her lips into a smile and broke eye contact and looked up at the waitress. "Here's your martini." She looked down at Spencer and winked. "And here's your coke." She nodded her head towards Ella amd shot him a subtle thumbs up.
He gave his classic white person smile and the waitress walked away. He looked back at Ella. "So, you wanna talk about that case?" She asked, sipping her drink.
Spencer scrunched his nose up and reached for an onion ring. "I don't think we should talk about the case while there's food present." He chuckled quietly.
Ella nodded. "That bad, huh?" She asked. Spencer nodded. She sipped her drink again amd it fell silent. She glanced down at her hands and the back up. "Hey. I'm sorry I didn't call you. I know you left your number there for a reason and-"
"Hey, no. It's okay. I just left if in case you needed someone to talk to about Chuck." He told her.
She nodded and smiled. "Do you think I should go visit him?" She asked suddenly, her smile disappearing.
Spencer swallowed, looking at the way her fingers tapped against the table. He cleared his throat before looking back up. "Well, if that would help you cope with what happened." He told her. "Seeing your attacker can be comforting but it can also be terrifying."
"I don't see Chuck as my attacker." Ella told the doctor, shaking her head. Spencer raised his eyebrows slightly. "I see him as a man who was crying out for help. Someone who wanted the help he didn't get when he was younger because- well because the freaking teacher bailed on teaching him and instead became a pedophile." She stated firmly. "So, yeah. I don't see Chuck as my attacker."
She gre nervous of Spencer's response so she stuffed an onion ring in her mouth and looked at the table. "I can go with you."
Ella looked up and almost let the rest of her onion ring fall out of her mouth. "W-what?"
"I can go with you to visit him. I-if you feel comfortable with that? I mean, you might not even feel comfortable going at all but-"
"Yes, yeah. Please." Ella nodded. "I... I want you to go with me when I visit him."
The doctor nodded. "Okay." He smiled.
"Hey, Spencer?" At the voice,, Ella over Spencer's shoulder and saw a woman with black hair and a dark skinned man stood there.
Spencer turned his head. "Oh hey, guys." His face flushed red and he glanced back at Ella. "I don't know if you remember but this is Ella Thomas." He looked back at Ella and motioned to the people behind her. "Ells, this is Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss. They're my coworkers."
Ella smiled and waved shyly. "Hey." The woman bit her lip and glanced between the two of them before looking back at Spencer.
"We were uh... gonna head out. You comin' or staying?" Derek asked, winking at Ella as he spoke and then looked back at Spencer. The woman smiled and looked down at the table.
Spencer cleared his throat. "I- I think I'll stay." Derek and Emily smirked at Ella.
"Okay." Emily shrugged while smiling. "We'll see you tomorrow then for paperwork day." She tugged on Derek's sleeve and they turned around and left.
Ella watched as they walked over to a group of people who she assumed were Spencer's other coworkers. A very colorful blonde let out a squeal and made eye contact with Ella before her face turned red and she looked away.
The woman let out a laugh and she stuffed an onion ring in her mouth. "You must not sit at tables with pretty women often, do you?"
Spencer chuckled. "N-no. I don't. Beautiful women like you aren't really attracted to me."
Ella's eyebrows raised. "Somehow, I don't see how that's true because you are a very handsome- wait did you say beautiful?" She smiled.
"Uh... yeah. I did because it's true. You are... very beautiful." He breathed out, nervously sipping his coke. He stared down at the table and didn't hear her say anything. He looked up when he heard her start to giggle.
He smiled as her giggle turned into a laugh. "I- I'm sorry!" She snorted and slapped her hand on the table. "That's just so crazy because- because no one ever calls me beautiful." She laughed. "I laugh in really uncomfortable situations." She cackled.
Spencer chuckled. "I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable."
"Oh no!" She laughed harder. "No I did not mean it like that." She giggled. "Okay, okay." She fanned her face. "Tell me something sad so I stop!"
"34,200 kids die each year from the flu after continuous doctors visits, 490,600 kids are hospitalized. The term 'dropping like flies' is pretty accurate considering the death rate." The doctor looked back up at Ella who looked horrified at his knowledge spew. "Oh shit, sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"How the hell do you know that?" She asked in awe of the man sitting in front of her. "That's incredible! I- I mean not the death of the tiny humans, because that's tragic, but how did you know the stats?"
Spencer chuckled. "I have an eidetic memory. Much like a photographic memory but it's more than just things I see." He explained. "I can probably remember exactly what you said last week."
Ella nodded with a smile. "Wow. That's... awesome." She giggled.
The two stayed there for another hour, eating and talking. Spencer was focused on her face the entire time. He read her every time he said something. He studied her body language. He studied the way she spoke. He studied everything about her.
"Oh." Ella looked down at her phone. "It's getting pretty late and I need to get some sleep before I deal with the kiddos on Monday." She smiled.
Spencer nodded. "O-okay. Yeah." The two stood up and Ella placed a fifty dollar bill on the table. "I can pay-"
"Spencer, it's fine. Consider us even for the coffee you bought me." She told him. "Anyway, it was really nice seeing you."
"You too." He smiled. They stood in an awkward silence for a moment before Ella started to turn away. "Wait!" She turned around. "Y- uh... you should give me a call sometime."
The woman smiled while biting the inside of her cheek.
"Sure thing, Doctor Reid."
Hey y'all! Ella pt 2! Lmk what you think!
Love y'all 🧡🧡🧡
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