#back to the outback au
nobody-nexus · 4 months
Obsession AU: UPDATED
I promise I didn't forget about this AU- In fact I've been updating it behind the scenes ever since episode 2 released! And now, with proper reference sheets, you now have a better idea of what they look like, and who they are! Alongside the new members!
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(5 Facts About Pomni)
-She will never feed human meat to any person. It is THEIR hunt, and therefore if she eats it, it's ALL THEIRS. She'd never give it to others for that very reason
-Their hands are heavily damaged, having MANY scars. Due to this, she will wear as much hand covering as possible, refusing to give any more details on their appearance due to her record
-As if their stalker like obsession with Amanda isn't enough of an issue, she also has a mannequin in their home that she practices dancing with to old songs they like
-She has Hematolagnia- AKA a blood fetish. YES, she has issues if that wasn't already clear enough
-The scars that are on their body are from self-defense attempts from three different victims
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(5 Facts About Amanda)
-Her damaged eye is from an incident where a kid hit her with a meat cleaver. Although she thankfully didn't lose her eye, she's 1/3rd blind and legally isn't allowed to drive because of it
-She knows how to cook! Although she does more baking than cooking, she loves to collect cookbooks and learn new recipes of various kinds! Especially ones from outside the United States
-She has scented candles in her home, and her home never smells like the same thing twice
-While she was away from her hometown, the only one that she kept in contact with was her brother, Jackson via text
-Her vitiligo started to pop up when she was 19
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(5 Facts About Jackson)
-He is Zoey's roommate
-Jackson was an accidental child unlike his older sister
-He plays violent video games of all kinds. He loves being able to cause blood, death, and chaos without having to go to jail for it
-He likes sour candy a bit too much. Like it's a borderline issue with how much he's willing to pay just for sour candy and the feeling of it numbing his mouth
-Has a habit of stealing and shoplifting, being a bit TOO good at the action. He's gotten in trouble a few times before, but nowadays no one really seems to notice or care
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(5 Facts About Grace)
-Grace was born an albino, having the palest skin out of most people in the town along with red eyes and white hair. It's unknown if her being albino was why she was so sickly as a child
-She loves to draw and will constantly have drawing/writing tools with her alongside notebooks or loose paper
-She's in the middle of quite the complicated situation between Amanda and Pomni
-Her most eaten food is soup, stew, and ramen
-She sees Ceaser as a father figure, being the most to visit him and keep him company ever since Quinn went missing. She'll occasionally even sing for him to make him feel better
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(5 Facts About Zoey)
-They're very talented on the drums and are willing to be a temporary drummer for a price
-Zoey has a bit of an anger problem, quick to snap and easy to piss off given the topic of discussion. However, they are going to anger management classes to help with it
-Strangling is a common attack it does
-They decorate their prosthetic leg commonly
-VERY much smokes weed and makes edibles. Once tricked Amanda into eating some- and it likes the memory
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(5 Facts About Kinger)
-He has a bit of a staring problem, however no one knows why
-He refuses to touch knives of any kind. This was a more recent thing about him, so most people just help him cut things in case he needs any help with it
-Still loves insects, and you can get him to ramble about bugs depending on his mood. He can't help but love em
-He has a nurse help him in his home, however it's not uncommon for Grace, Amanda, or even some of the new outbackers to come back and help him
-Has a daughter, but she moved out of state years ago. They talk occasionally
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(5 Facts About Caine)
-He wears a top hat to not only stick to his brand, but also because he's kind of compensating for his height
-He has a small limp to his walk, thus why he constantly has a cane
-Caine's pet is a white pug named Bubble
-Pomni is his favorite customer! He constantly attempts small talk whenever she buys from him because he's always so curious as to why his pigs love her so much
-Although it's undiagnosed, he very much has ADHD and is on the spectrum to some degree
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(5 Facts About Marina)
-She was a detective before she even moved into town, however her skills were finally noticed more so thanks to moving there
-She straightens out her hair
-Marina HAS to work in silence or she'll 100% get distracted. Caine's not allowed in her office for that very reason (but he knows)
-She is usually the one to come home late at night and snuggle in with her partner at like 2 in the morning
-Her favorite activity to do is stargazing, finding the night sky to be absolutly beautiful
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(5 Facts About Summer)
-She is LOUD. You can and WILL know when she's talking and what she's talking about
-Constantly will ask her sister Marina about Caine. She is VERY wary of him even if Marina keeps telling her to stop
-Never share secrets with her because she IS a gossip girl. She adores to overshare about others and spread rumors just because she finds it fun
-Summer's seen to be a lot better around kids then people closer to her age. Thus why she's a teacher
-Can NOT let go of grudges no matter what
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(5 Facts About Gabriela)
-She was the one who came up with the idea of the stripper outfits for her club. It somehow works
-She calls herself the 'Gloink Queen' as a bit of a joke whenever she's on the floor
-Can, will, and HAS flirted with at least half of the adult residence in the town just for the fun of it
-Although she claims to be married, no one has ever met her husband before, and probably never will
-Gabriela is the reason Pomni sees adult based activities as more of a transaction than anything else
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(5 Facts About Gareth)
-He has a picture of his mom in his wallet. His mom nicknamed him Gummi at some point, but it's not known why
-He seems bossy, but only around his friends OR when he's upset. He's a lot more chill when one on one
-He has a manual truck that he drives around, but no one is ever impressed by it
-The reason he's good with skinning and cutting up meat is because he helped his dad since his father was a hunter
-His favorite music is country music
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(5 Facts About Max)
-He's the one who came up with the idea that him, Gareth, and Chad all wore hats. He somehow convinced them to do so
-He bickers with Jackston a lot because they're both working at the same diner
-Out of the three friends, he's the most likely to flirt with someone, but if they reject him he will respect the fuck out of that
-Constantly forgets how NOT flexible he is as a person, will and has gotten stuck in multiple locations
-Always calls things that almost killed him 'the reaper'. He has also almost died WAY too many times
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(5 Facts About Chad)
-He has a super high metabolism, thus why he's so skinny
-Usually carried medication in his fanny pack alongside trail mix and breath mints for some reason
-He's trying SO hard to grow facial hair, but it never cooperates with him like ever
-Chad has a habit of slumping/crouching constantly, and he has back pain as a result
-Is the most likely out of the friend group to be VERY confidently incorrect
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(5 Facts About Loo)
-She was born in Britain but moved to the United States for an easier start. Who know it'd lead to being the mayor of a town?
-She's been the mayor for about 5 years by the time Amanda moves back to the town
-She dyes her hair cause she doesn't like the grays that have started to pop up
-She's painfully oblivious to how unhinged the town can be sometimes
-Loo hates being called Penelope unless it's by close friends or family
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(5 Facts About Ivy)
-Although she DOES shower, just speaking to them makes you think it doesn't actually shower
-She never thinks before they speak, leading in incredibly horrid things leaving its mouth in common conversation
-Ivy is the only one who actually knows Pomni is a killer, however she finds it very attractive (this is NOT a good thing)
-Their diet consists of purely junk food and as a result it has basically a beer belly
-She has a dark/deep web fanbase, and they simply refer to itself as 'The Influencer' on the web
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!
If you want to make your own OC for this AU, here's the blank sheet for it!
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avastrasposts · 1 year
The Pilot and his girl
ch. 1 - TLoU AU
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Frankie Morales meets the love of his life and starts creating a new life for himself, her and his little daughter. But things are about to change in ways no one could've imagined with the outbreak of the cordyceps infection.
Series Master List
The idea of putting the guys from Triple Frontier in to The Last of Us was a random thought I had a few weeks ago. I really wanted to explore what Frankie Morales would do, who he would turn into, if he had to experience the outbreak, fighting to protect himself and those he loves in a whole new way.
I'm having so much fun writing it and I really hope you'll enjoy reading it! The first hints of TLoU pops up in chapter 9.
No age gap, our reader and Frankie are the same age, no use of Y/N, no physical descriptions.
Edit: Making this easier to navigate - Chapter 2
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Frankie’s at the corner of the bar, his back to the wall, as she walks in. The boys, Pope, Ben and Will, are arguing about some finer point of something or other, he’s not really paying attention anymore, so he’s the only one who notices her. A bachelorette party tumbles through the door first, the bride to be wearing a tall plastic tiara on her head, and her friends trailing behind, all wearing Friends themed t-shirts that say “The one where Lizzy marries Steve”, cackling loudly and making “wooohoooo” noises. The boys immediately turn and check out the girls but one look at how far gone they all are, this is probably the only bar in town that will still serve them at this level of intoxication, they turn back to their conversation. 
She’s trailing behind her friends, coming in after the others and just about hiding the t-shirt under her jean jacket, looking a lot more sober than the rest of the hen party.
Frankie can’t help but stare, the way the black jeans are hugging her curves makes his heart rate pick up, but when she pushes her hand through her hair and smiles at her friends it feels like it stops in his chest, pausing a second before racing again. He swallows, tugging at his cap, pulling it down deeper over his eyes as he tries to look without staring. She glances around the room as her friends occupy one of the large booths next to the jukebox and start a giggling argument about what songs to play first. Somehow her eyes catch his and he feels heat creeping up his throat as he quickly looks away, down at his drink, over at Pope, anywhere but at her.
Against your will you’ve been talked into ending your friend’s bachelorette party at a local dive bar in a part of town you and your friends usually don’t hang out in. Your usual hang out had refused to serve your friends, seeing as they certainly were about four tequila shots too far gone, and you’d been ready to call it a night then. Bachelorette parties weren’t even really your thing but as Lizzy was the last of your friends to marry, apart from yourself, you couldn’t really back out when she begged you to come. So after failing to get into three clubs, Lizzy had bribed the bouncer to tell her of a bar that would let them in and he’d told them to try The Outback Bar across town. 
So here you are, pushing open the door to a place that was decorated to look like something out of a Crocodile Dundee set while your friends squealed over the stuffed plush kangaroo by the jukebox. The bar is half empty, mainly regulars scattered around the place, some playing pool at the back. This neighborhood isn’t exactly the best so you scan the place for any potential troublemakers but one of the booths is filled with three middle aged ladies sipping on some sort of cocktails and it makes you feel a bit more calm. How bad could a place be if a group looking like local high school librarians were drinking at it? 
At the bar you spot four guys involved in an animated conversation. Well, three of them are, the fourth one is looking at your but ducks his head the second you catch his eye, his hand shooting up to rub his neck under a mop of dark curls that stick out under his cap. His eyes are shaded but you can make out his curved nose and nervous smile as he glances over at his friends, still rubbing his neck before his hand slides down and rubs his patchy beard instead. He quickly shoots a glance your way and you feel like you’ve been burnt when your eyes meet just for a second, his face softens into a quick smile before he drops his gaze again. Before you can help yourself you smile back and you hope he saw it before he looked away. Smiling at random men in bars was dangerous business but this man had such a sweet, soft smile that he’d pulled a smile in return from you before you’d even realised what was happening. 
Your friends call you over to the booth and then order you to the bar for a pitcher of beer and tequila shots, deciding you’re the only one sober enough to order for the table. You shake your head and laugh at their loud demands for more liquor but you decide a pitcher of beer won’t do much damage this late in the game anyway. 
The bartender is busy serving another patron so you lean on the counter and try to sneak looks at the man at the other end. The bar is a big rectangular shape, wrapping around the open shelving system in the middle and it lets you peek through the opening towards the four friends at the opposite corner. Two of them are blonde and blue eyed, similar enough looking to be brothers, and both conventionally handsome, you know your friends would be all over them. The third man has shorter dark hair and even at this distance you can see the grey around his temples. He’s handsome and something about him tells you he’s probably very aware of how good he looks. He’s waving his hands around, trying to make some animated point to the blonde guys, as they both laugh and shake their heads. 
The fourth man, the one with the cap, seems to be listening with only half an ear as he tilts the liquid in his glass around the rim. Out of the corner of your eye you try to get a closer look at him. His hair is curling around his ears as well as around his neck, and as he smiles at something his friend says you see a dimple in his cheek, his eyes crinkling at the corners as the smile all but transforms his face into something warm and soft. He’s got a scruffy looking beard over his jaw and chin but a thicker moustache that seems to be trimmed just above his top lip. The cap that’s pulled down securely on his head is well worn and beaten and it seems to be a permanent fixture on his head the way he tugs on it every now and then. You can’t help but wonder if he’s hiding a bald patch under there but his dark curls are thick even when he swipes the cap off his head, smooths them down and pulls it on again. 
As Frankie tugs again on his cap he looks over the bar towards the booth the bachelorette party has occupied but he can’t see her. Quickly he scans the bar and feels heat shoot through him as he meets her eyes through the bottles and shelves. This time he doesn’t duck his head straight away, her eyes hold on to him as she gives him a smile before dropping her own gaze to the drinks menu in her hand, still smiling. He keeps watching her, unable to pull his eyes away, and when she lifts her eyes towards him again he feels his lips pull up in a smile that he can’t even seem to control. This woman is gorgeous and she’s looking at him with a smile so sweet he’s losing his breath. Before he knows what he’s doing he lifts his hand from his glass and gives her a quick wave. 
The movement draws Pope’s attention and he’s immediately looking over Frankie’s shoulder, trying to see who his friend is waving at. Catching sight of her Pope exclaims; 
“Damn, Frankie, she’s cute, go talk to her, man!” 
“Shut the fuck up, Pope, dammit.” Frankie sighs as he sees her look away. The bartender has come to take her order and she starts talking to him. 
“I’m serious, Fish, she’s into you, go talk to her, get her number. If you don’t I wi..ll.” Pope makes a show of standing up from the stool and Frankie grabs his shoulder and pulls him down again while Pope laughs at his friend’s awkward glance back at the woman. Ben and Will have also turned, craning their necks to see what the fuss is about and Ben gives a low whistle as he sees her leaning on the bar. 
“Pope’s right, Fish, go talk to her, she’s hot!” 
“Na, na, I changed my mind,” Pope laughs, slapping Frankie’s shoulder. “Frankie here will run headlong into enemy territory with his balls out, but what he doesn’t have the guts for, is to talk to someone like her.” 
“Just shut up, Pope, seriously,” Frankie grumbles as he downs the last of his drink and pushes it across the counter. 
“I’ll bet anything you don’t have the cojones to go over there and get her number, buddy.” Pope grins, enjoying riling his friend up as a red flush creeps up over his throat. 
Frankie glances over at her again, she’s waiting on her order at the bar. As he looks her eyes flick to him again and when she meets his gaze she stays locked on him for a second before she looks down at the counter, a shy smile creeping across her face. No doubt she noticed how all of them now seem to be focused on her. 
“Ok, Pope, what’ll it be, what do I get if I get her number?” 
“A hundred bucks, I’ll give you a hundred bucks because that’s how certain I am that you don’t have the balls to ask for her number.”
“You’re on.” Frankie says as he slides off the stool, “You’re gonna pay for my first date with her.” 
You can tell you’re suddenly the topic of conversation among the friends on the corner and heat is creeping up your cheeks as you feel four pairs of eyes on you. You glance over again, looking for the man with the cap and when your eyes meet him you can’t help but smile again. 
The bartender brings you the pitcher of beer you ordered, no tequila shots, and two baskets of fries. You pay and start grabbing the order and throw a quick glance over at the corner again but this time the man with the cap isn’t there. 
“Hi, sorry, do you maybe wanna hand with that?” 
You suddenly hear a low voice behind you and you turn to see the man with the cap standing in front of you, a shy smile on his face, his hands stuck deep in his jeans pockets. 
“Yeah, sure, that would be great, thanks,” you return his shy smile as he grabs the pitcher and the tower of glasses from you. You take the fries and lead the two of you over to your friends’ booth. They all cheer as you arrive, immediately grabbing the food and drinks. You turn back to the bar, two large jugs of water are waiting for you on the counter and the man follows you back. 
“Thanks for that” you smile at him and he gives you another shy one back. 
“I’m Frankie, Francisco Morales,” he says, his hand seemingly by its own accord shooting up to rub the back of his neck while you give him your name. His smile widens as you lean on the bar counter, not grabbing the water straight away and he mirrors your action, putting his arm on the counter and standing close enough for you to smell his body wash and the warm cotton of his t-shirt that’s stretched tight across his broad shoulders. The dimple is back and you notice how he’s got small bald patches in his scruffy beard that’s dappled with grey in places. 
“So, bachelorette party, huh?” he asks and nods his head towards your friends who are now toasting in beer and howling along to “I want it that way” by The Backstreet Boys on the jukebox.  
“Yeah, I’m the designated “get them all home in one piece” person tonight,” you sigh with a crooked smile at them. “They are a bit too wasted to still be drinking but you know…” you shrug your shoulders and give Frankie a grin, “been there, done that too.” 
“Got the t-shirt,” he smirks, lifting the edge of your jean jacket with his finger tips to show off the “The one where Lizzy marries Steve” t-shirt you’re sporting under it. 
“To add to my collection,” you reply, laughing as you look down at the print. “I think this is the 8th one. Lizzy is the last one to be married. The couple from the first one has already gotten divorced and remarried so we’re getting through them.” 
“Any of them yours?” Frankie asks and you notice how he’s frowning his forehead, his brow knotting as he looks at you as if he’s nervous for the answer. 
“No, none of them mine,” you can’t help but smile, his face is adorable as his expression drops into a shy smile. His dark brown eyes are very expressive, crinkling again at the corners as he steps a little bit closer to you, giving the busboy room to collect the glasses from the bar behind him. The music from the jukebox suddenly turns off as the softer lights of the bar are replaced by harsher bright lights. 
“Closing time!” the bartender calls from behind the bar as your friends boo and jeer, sinking the last of their beers. “I’m taking these fries to go!” you hear Lizzy slur and you cringe inwardly as Frankie glances over at them. 
“So, seeing as I’m running out of time,” Frankie begins, still standing close enough for you to feel the heat coming off of him, “I wanna ask for your number, maybe?”
“You’ve got to earn that privilege, Frankie,” you look up at him. “I don’t usually give my number out to guys I’ve just met at random bars on Saturday nights.” 
“Yeah, no, I get that, probably a smart strategy too,” he falters. “I would’ve bought you a drink first and maybe we could’ve talked a bit more but you know, I didn’t want to not ask anyway.” He scratches at his beard absentmindedly and shoots a quick glance over his shoulder at his friends who are all eagerly still watching the conversation. “Maybe we can catch up here sometime, do you ever come by this place?” he asks. 
“This is my first time here, it’s really on the wrong side of town for me,” you admit, starting to regret not giving him your number but old habits are hard to shake, not giving out your number to random guys being one of them. 
“Oh, ok, I get it.” Frankie looks down and scuffs the toe of his boot on the bar’s skirting board before looking over at his friends again. “I should just go then, get them home too.” 
He starts to move away as you see his dark haired friend make a gesture as if he’s rubbing imaginary money between his thumb and fingers while smiling at the two blonde guys. 
“Did your friend make a bet with you about getting my number?” you ask him, suddenly putting two and two together. 
“Yeah, kinda, it wasn’t serious or anything, he was just, just, kinda pushing me to work up the nerve to come over and talk to you.” Frankie stutters slightly and your heart contracts as his hand shoots up to rub the back of his neck again, his dark curls becoming ever more unruly with each pass of his hand across them. 
You suddenly feel arms wrap around you from behind and a wave of perfume and tequila washes over you. Lizzy is giggling in your ear, tugging you away from Frankie. “Sorry, lover boy,” she squeals, “She’s mine tonight!” 
You shoot Frankie an apologetic look as Lizzy pulls you over to the booth where the exasperated bartender is trying to convince your friends that it’s time to leave. Frankie gives you a small wave before stuffing his hands in his pockets and turning back to his friends. You turn to the tasks of gathering your friends together and calling for an Uber to get you all home safe.  
As you leave the bar with the bachelorette party, getting them out the door is like herding cats, you spot Frankie and his friends making their way across the parking lot. Frankie’s got his back to you but you can still make him out, his unruly curls sticking out from under his cap, backlit by the flood lights in the lot. A smile suddenly creeps across your face and you call out to him. 
“Frankie, wait up!” 
He turns as you make your way towards him, and his friends all turn too, immediately breaking out in wide grins. The dark haired one gives Frankie a quick shove as to motion him towards you and Frankie picks up his feet. You meet him halfway across the lot. 
“Give me your phone,” you say and hold out your hand towards him. 
“Why?” he says with a confused look, but he still fumbles in his back pocket to pull out an old iPhone with a cracked screen. 
“Let me win that bet for you,” you grin as he taps in the pass code and hands you the phone. 
Frankie’s confused look changes into a wide grin as you add yourself as a new contact in his phone and hit “save” before handing it back to him. 
“Make sure your friend pays up what he owes you now,” you smile before turning back to your friends who are yelling at you to hurry the fuck up as the Uber you ordered pulls up to the curb.
As you walk back across the lot you suddenly hear Frankie’s fast footsteps approaching from behind. Turning back towards him you stop as he puts his hand on your arm, his calloused fingers are dry and warm against your bare skin, his grip gentle, just resting against you. 
“Does that mean I can call you too?” he asks, his dark eyes barely visible under his cap, but you can see the shyness from before returning. 
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t,” you smile before reaching up and pressing your lips to the bare patch in his beard, giving him a quick kiss. Behind him you can hear his friends whoop loudly and cheer, someone yells, “Go, Fish!” and when you pull back from Frankie a blush is creeping up his throat, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as he grins. You smile again and pull away from him, letting his hand slip down along your arm before his hand gives your fingers a small squeeze and lets you go. Turning back to your friends, who are still yelling at you to get a move on, you hide an even bigger smile. As you quickly make your way over to the waiting Uber you feel butterflies flutter in the pit of your stomach. The light scratch of Frankie’s beard still on your lips and his warm hand imprinted on your arm. 
Later that night, or early morning more like, your phone pings as you're brushing your teeth, getting ready for bed. It’s a number that’s not saved in your phone but as you pick it up you have a good feeling about who it might be from. 
“hope i didnt wake you. just wanted to give you my number too so you didnt think i wasnt serious and only did it for the bet. sleep well.”
As you read the message your phone pings again and you tap to the new message.
“sorry, it’s frankie, i forgot to say”
You can practically hear his voice through the message, see his frown as he curses himself for forgetting to sign off with his name in the first message and it makes you smile, thinking of how his brow had knitted together as he first talked to you in the bar, that soft, shy look under the peak of his cap.  
Quickly you save his number as a new contact in your phone and reply to him. 
“Hi Frankie, you didn’t wake me, I’m still up :) Thanks for your number. Did your friend pay up?”
You finish brushing your teeth as you watch the three dots move, indicating that Frankie is typing a reply.
“ye he did, although he’s not convinced you didn’t give me a fake number so i guess i have to show him this to prove it.” 
You smile to yourself as you type, moving towards your bed. 
“I guess I have to keep it clean then.”
Frankie’s reply comes quickly this time. 
“that line alone is going to get me into trouble…” 
You giggle to yourself as you tuck yourself in, holding your phone up as Frankie keeps typing. 
“so i have all my winnings to spend and its only fair that I share them with you. can I maybe take you out someday?” 
“I’d like that, call me tomorrow and we can maybe work something out?”
Frankie’s reply is almost instant. 
“i will, sleep well, hermosa”
“You’re making me blush… Sleep well, Frankie”
You feel yourself grinning like a fool as you put your phone on your bedside table and close your eyes. Trying to not let your mind run away with you, you squash down an excited little squeal as you burrow yourself into the pillow.
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squirrelsqwirow · 10 months
HC: mountaineer!reiner x fem!reader
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a/n: I've seen a lot of farmer!reiner and cowboy!reiner, which I love, but never a mountaineer!reiner and I just can't stop thinking about it cw: Light smut below, mentions of death, modern au, sub!reiner
mountaineer!reiner who was born and grew up within a small German village within the Bavarian Alps - a tourist town it was, attracting thousands of hikers world-wide, and hundreds of influencers for it's quaint cafes and inns.
mountaineer!reiner who knows the vast region around his village like the back of his hand - he doesn't need a map, (however he continues to take one), as he has memorised every hike, trail and worn-down path.
mountaineer!reiner who owns a moderately-sized wooden cabin just outside of the village with his lovely wife
mountaineer!reiner who's cabin sits on a grassy hillside walled by the forest, the only access being the dirt driveway that weaves through the woods - a delicate creek slices through the hillside and runs next to the cobble patio outback
mountaineer!reiner who awakens every morning with you in his arms, face dug into the crook of your neck, the newly grown scruff on his chin and cheeks scratching your skin as he shifts to hold you closer - you groan as he does, being pushed from side-to-side as he wiggles down to rest on your chest, arms secured around your waist
"what'ya doing?" you had said the first time. "sorry," he mumbled and place a sleepy kiss to the fat of your right breast. "you're warm." reiner hummed with a smile as you ran your fingers through his hair and caressed his face. "and comfortable."
mountaineer!reiner who loves slow mornings, basking in the yellow light that seeps through the curtains as you both struggle to pull back the covers - who loves mornings where you lay together as entangled limbs; pants; whines; soft moans filling the room - who loves productive mornings where you both separately get ready for the day, sharing quick kisses as you pass each other in the hallway, kitchen and bedroom
mountaineer!reiner who always brings you in for a deep kiss as he leaves for the day, and as he pulls away he gives you the warmest, sweetest smile filled with love and adoration, caressing your cheek before whispering 'I love you'
mountaineer!reiner who works as a local guide for hikers, leading groups of people on hikes that can range from 40 minutes to the lookout on the mountain, or 6 hour hikes into the mountains and forest
mountaineer!reiner who loves his job and wishes to leave Germany for a little while to hike some of the most famous trails in the world
mountaineer!reiner who wants to bring you on these dream journeys, your hands linked together as you scale the flat or rough terrain - bodies pressed together under the sleeping bag as the tent pitter-patters with light rain - the taste of coffee on your tongues as you share kisses against the great view of the rising sun
mountaineer!reiner who always wants to match his wife's hiking clothes
"love, which ones should we wear?" reiner turned around and held up two different sets of hiking clothes. he lifted the first pair: "the blue and black?" he lifted the second: "or the red, orange and yellow?" you had little time to think as reiner sheepishly held out the first pair. "I like this one." you smiled, "I like that one too."
mountaineer!reiner who loves taking you on hikes, whether they be days long or 30 minutes into the forest for a picnic
mountaineer!reiner who's favourite spot for a picnic is a grassy hillside behind the cabin that's peppered with flowers, over-looking the village - a basket, a red-white checkered blanket and you lying next to him - he's in heaven
mountaineer!reiner who cannot stop sneezing as he collects a bouquet for you from the field - who almost cries when you continue to preserve the bouquets he gives you and place them in vases around the house - he'll stare lovingly at them when you're away
mountaineer!reiner who will lick excess whipped cream from the corner of your mouth, his face the shade of the strawberry jam in the pastries he and you baked for the picnic date
he pulls away with his heart thumping against his ribs, the taste of whipped cream heavy on his tongue. you gently reached out for his chin and bring him in for a soft kiss, one that leaves a shy smile on his face. reiner leans his head into the crook of your neck and looks down at the bustling village below, feeling happy and loved.
mountaineer!reiner who's job isn't always great, as within the wilderness and long hiking trails people can go missing
mountaineer!reiner is one of the first to be called when a hiker disappears - works himself to the bone trying to find them, narrowing down their last known location and following tracks, exploring every possible structure in the area that the hiker could have taken refuge in, working alongside a large team that scales mountains and dips into valley's
mountaineer!reiner who can almost cry with joy as he finds them curled away to escape the dropping temperatures, and sometimes mountaineer!reiner who sobs into your lap as the search is called off after a number of weeks
mountaineer!reiner who, under the covers in your shared bed, will confess his feelings of failure and guilt for never finding this hiker - he'll confess the pure terror of being lost in the wilderness, one of his greatest fears
"I feel like I could've done more," reiner said with half his face dug into the pillow. "maybe if I looked harder or-or tried harder we would've found them..." his voice cracks, "but I-I just..." you don't say anything as he sobs, only pulling him closer and running your fingers through his hair.
mountaineer!reiner who is a kind, empathetic and compassionate man that never forgets the people never found, and tried his best to bring some sort of closure to the families
mountaineer!reiner who often retreats to the hot-spring behind the cabin to relax and clear his mind - his favourite time to jump in is during winter, when the snow is heavy and thick, but most importantly with you curled up by his side
mountaineer!reiner who pants into your shoulder and clings to your waist as you sit on his lap, the steaming water sloshing against your sides as you slide up and down
his face is red from the heat, and you can see how he is close from the way he bites his lip and his eyes roll back into his head. reiner's hips stutter as you whisper sweet nothings into his ear, his legs tremble beneath the water and as you bring his head to rest on your shoulder, his mouth falls open as the tight pressure between his legs finally bursts.
mountaineer!reiner who loves when you make love to him slow and sensual, but isn't against being roughed up every now and then - he will pay back the favour with his head between your thighs for as long as you want, drunk of the sound of your moans and the gentle whisper of the forest outside the open window
mountaineer!reiner who's lean and sharply toned in the summer, muscles rippling under his skin as he carries out his chores, but is softer and squishy during the colder months, his strong muscles coated in a thin layer of fat
mountaineer!reiner who always asks if you can help him shave even though he is perfectly capable of doing it himself - he just loves the feeling of you softly angling his head to where you want, and brushing your fingers down his soft cheeks
mountaineer!reiner who pretends to not notice you eyeing him as he chops wood outside, and who always 'accidentally' forgets to put on a shirt as he does - he'll have a lopsided grin and a deep blush, but doesn't fail to give you a show as he casually stretches to flex his large biceps and back muscles
mountaineer!reiner who loves the domestic life he lives - chopping wood out back, cooking meals, cleaning the house, fixing the sink in the kitchen and frequent trips into the village where he takes his wife to brunch
mountaineer!reiner who has been cleaning out a spare room little by little for months, almost bouncing in excitement at the possibility that it might be a nursery one day
"hey, sweetheart?" reiner beckoned you to the doorway of the spare room and pointed to the far right corner. "what'ya think about... I dunno, a crib in here soon?"
mountaineer!reiner who loves his life, wife and little slice of paradise and wouldn't trade it for all the riches in the world
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litmisfit · 5 months
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—.🌿. PAIRING. hwang hyunjin x f!reader
—.🌿. TW. cursing. violence. blood and injury. gore. mental health issues. severe ptsd. flashback. heavy trauma. murder. panic attack. mentions of vomit. arguing. chan being a dick (sorry). just heaviness.
—.🌿. GENRE. tlou!au. angst. slight fluff.
—.🌿. NOTES. i had an idea to write this fic before to go along with two other of the same au i had, but it was written about a person who turned out to be a complete fuckface. i’ll come back in the future to re-write those with an actual likable person. however, this little mini series thing idk what to call it holds a very special place in my heart so i wanted to continue it, but with different people. i’ve never written for stray kids or any type of k-pop before so please bear with me if anything seems weird. another note about this piece, minho and chan are roughly 10 years older than the rest of the members. i apologize for that, but it works with the way the plot was written. anyway, i hope you enjoy! :)) btw, not proofread lmao.
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— THE SUN WAS brighter today. it shone down, warm rays casting a brilliant golden hue to the fluttering field of grass. a gentle breeze passed by. its presence made stray hairs dance slightly, the strands tickling the bridge of y/n's nose. she inhaled, lungs expanding fully before letting the breath go.
she enjoyed the peace. the sound of distant birds. the smell of blooming wildflowers along the forestline. the feeling of the wind against her scarred skin. it was a moment of tranquility she was still getting used to. after spending so long on the hunt, fighting for survival and tracking one down, it felt unfamiliar. foreign almost, like she never spent a moment before basking in the blanket of silence.
her eyes finally opened.
felix always suggested a moment of calamity would help with the anxiety she carried. to stop and soak in her surroundings. it was to show she wasn't in constant danger. there was no need to step on eggshells every minute of every day, especially now since their group decided to settle down.
after chan getting shot, hyunjin taking arrows to the shoulder and lung, and y/n left beaten and bloody, they all needed a moment to relax. at least to relax as best as they could given the trauma they continue to carry.
the others resided in jackson, deciding to stay back home to help chan recover. y/n and hyunjin broke off, finding a farmhouse not too far from the community.
it was a two-story building, abandoned and forgotten since the beginning of the end of the world. the white outside paint was worn and the porch was well-loved, sporting scratch marks in the wood from used rocking chairs. the inside was open and roomy, giving them enough space to decorate it like their own. lots of windows brought in sunlight and the smell of the outside traveled through screen doors. a fence sectioned off the outgrown yard from the woods and a small barn sat outback. it housed a handful of sheep they rounded up when they first moved in and a small garden planted next to it.
it felt like home for the first time in a long fucking time. ever since minho died, walking the world without him felt empty. like she'd never find a place where she belonged again.
the thought of her brother made her swallow. she took a breath and stood, making her way toward the house and stepping through the screen door. the sound of it slamming shut caught hyunjin's attention from the kitchen.
he peeked around the wall to catch a glimpse of his girlfriend setting her flannel over the back of one of the wooden dining room chairs.
"hey," he said with a small smile, tossing the wet cloth he was using back in the bucket of warm water. the dishes could wait a moment. he walked over to her, using a hand to lean on the table.
"hey," her voice was weak. it sounded almost strained when she spoke, like she's been quiet for so long that she forgot how to talk properly. hyunjin wouldn't be surprised if she had. he noticed how having a moment to rest after chaos really brought everything out of her. the sleepless nights, the panic attacks, the anxiety, the way she interacted with everything now: it all poured out now she didn't use survival as an act to push it down.
he reached out, fingers pushing back a few baby hairs from her forehead. "you were out there a while." he said quietly. i'm worried about you.
y/n shrugged. "it's nice out." she said. don't be. i'm fine.
he forced back the words he wanted to say. i don't believe you. instead he nodded with a grin, glancing out a nearby open window. the breeze that came through blew the curtains apart lightly. "that it is." he looked back at her. "i'm thinking a salad with the stuff from the garden would be nice for dinner. cucumbers, broccoli, carrots: nice and fresh for a day like today. what do you think?"
she nodded. "sure." she spoke before slipping by him. he frowned, but bit down on his lip to hide it. he followed after her, watching as she grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water from the drinking pitcher.
"okay. i'll go put the sheep in the barn for the night and head to the garden." he explained, heading to the shoe rack next to the back door to put on a pair of his boots.
y/n sat down her glass. "i got the sheep. just go to the garden." she offered. hyunjin blinked at her.
"are you sure?" he asked, standing up. concern swam in his gut. she's been off today, more than normal and it's starting to worry him. he didn't want to leave her alone any more than he could today.
"yeah. it's fine." she reassured. "it'll take like ten minutes."
"okay." he said after a moment. "okay, yeah. holler then... if you need me." he covered his nervousness with a smile. he reached out and grabbed her hand, giving it a small squeeze. she returned it.
"i will." she said before dropping his palm. "i'll be back."
hyunjin watched as she headed out the back door, dark eyes fixated on her shrinking figure. he pulled his hand up and rubbed his right shoulder, a familiar twinge of pain spreading across the muscle. he could feel the textured skin under his shirt, bringing back the memory of seeing y/n pinned down with fists flying to both sides of her face.
he shook his head, willing the thought away before it came. he sighed before heading towards the garden.
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“come on, jesse, please.” y/n begged the last sheep. jesse, although small, had a knack for making things harder than they should. a mischievous ewe of the herd, black as night with snowy spots around her face, she enjoyed making her handlers work for what they want.
thankfully this last plea led her to give in, following the others inside the barn. y/n trailed behind to make sure the sheep didn’t try to run off before leading them into the pin.
they walked in and began munching on their dinner for the night as y/n locked the enclosure. “you,” she pointed towards jesse. “you are a bitch, you know that?”
the sheep bellowed as if agreeing to the statement. the snide remark earned her an eye roll. “jackass.” y/n muttered under her breath.
she turned, ready to head back to the house when a noise caught her attention.
she looked back, the end of the barn swimming in darkness from the setting sun. despite knowing she’s in a safe place, the thought of not being alone pressed down on her chest. “hello?” she called.
no person came out. in the place instead was a lamb, little tail flicking as it tried to hide between old farm tools.
“barney? how’d you get out?” she asked herself, striding over to catch the animal.
he caught wind of her actions and ran behind a bucket and shovel, making the two smash against each other and fall.
a scene flashed behind her eyes. minho laying still on the floor, looking just how he did when she woke: bloodied, bruised, and dead. his face was swollen and crimson leaked from his vicious wounds.
the sight caused her heart to clench and her breathing to catch.
“please…” she begged, trying to focus on the sheep in front of her. he sped by, too fast for y/n to catch and headed towards the barn doors.
she followed behind, breathing rugged and hands shaking. “p-please, barney.”
the wind outside picked up slightly. what was once a gentle breeze turned violent, catching the door before slamming.
she couldn’t see. she couldn’t feel. she couldn’t hear anything over the sound of her gasping breaths. hyperventilating overtook her, unable to properly calm herself.
yet as soon as the light left, it came back through a flicker of a flashlight.
she was back here again, swaddled in a thick jacket and gloves. snow melted in her hair that sent shivers down her spine. she stood at the top of a familiar set of stairs with a white door at the bottom.
minho’s screams were on the other side, calling out to her in pain and agony. the realization that her brother was in there sent her flying. she sped down the stairs, nearly tripping and calling his name.
“minho! minho!” she screamed, trying the doorknob. it was locked.
his voice grew louder and the sound of metal hitting skin came through the wood. “no, no!” y/n shouted, trying to slam her shoulder into the door.
smacking, screaming, kicking, punching, slamming. nothing worked. it never worked.
the sound of her name being cried from his lips made her head spin in desperation. over and over and over again until she felt herself being pulled.
being yanked back to reality was never easy. where she was always felt so real. so fucking real every time she’s back at that door, but the feeling of hands on her face and shoulder and the voice of hyunjin grounded her.
“y/n! y/n!” he shook her. “breathe, love. in and out.” he pleaded, feeling his heart twist at the sight of her frantic eyes. “he’s not here, none of them are.”
y/n took a breath, feeling her lungs skip from the straining she put herself under. it was shaky in nature as she followed along with the exercises hyunjin demonstrated.
she gulped and leaned her head back against the wall. she was sat on the dirt ground, straws of hay poking her skin through the material of her jeans.
in through her nose and out through her mouth.
“i’m sorry,” she rasps, blinking back the tears that burned her eyes. “i’m sorry.”
he shook his head and settling down next to her. “no need.” he spoke softly, brushing back her hair like he did before. he was gentle with his touch, fingertips like feathers across her sweaty skin. “there’s no need to be sorry, love.”
she nodded and screwed her hues shut for a moment. his hand fell to her knee.
“you haven’t had an episode like that in a while.” he muttered, thumb grazing over her pants leg.
“yeah,” she croaked, sniffling.
“is it the same one?” he questioned, eyes tracing over y/n’s features. swollen and red hues, the irritated skin around her nose, and the puffiness of her lips from her constant biting. she looked so worn down. that hurt more than any wound could.
“it always is.” she replied.
they sat in silence for a moment longer.
“come on. let’s get you cleaned up and fed. we can go to bed early tonight.” he helped y/n to her feet, placing a small kiss to her temple.
she didn’t respond, but let hyunjin lead her back to the house after making sure the sheep, now including barney, were good until morning.
her footsteps were sluggish and heavy. to hyunjin, it felt almost like carrying a drunk person, having to help haul their body weight back home. he didn’t mind it though. he was too preoccupied with his running thoughts.
his mind trailed back to that day. gunshots rang throughout the old theater they were held up in. he hurried from his place upstairs, wincing slightly with every step from his sprained ankle, but managed to follow the sound.
the image of chan laying still when he walked through the doors sent a shiver down his spine. his friend, his older brother practically, on the ground in a pool of his own blood, gunshot running through the back of his head and knee.
he gagged. seeing someone he was so close too lay limply and lifeless, it made him sick. his hands shook as he covered his mouth, trying to fight back the bile rising in his throat. yet, he didn’t have time to dwell on either his friend nor the vomit threatening to spill once the sound of another gunshot echoed through the auditorium.
the first thought that came to mind was y/n. she wasn’t anywhere near and deep down he knew she was in the midst of the havoc.
he didn’t waste time taking the stairs, but instead hauled himself up on the stage to run through the curtains. then he saw them.
abby anderson. she was the very person that set y/n off. the very cause of minho’s death. he remembered her. she looked exactly the way y/n described. built, muscular frame, long blonde hair tied in a braid, and a look that could kill.
god, the damage she caused. he’ll never forget the way his heart sank seeing y/n’s unconsciousness figure laying next to minho’s corpse. fear struck his bones, blending with the chill of the snow stuck to his skin. dried blood coated her nose and mouth, seeping between her lips and dying her teeth red and left eye starting to swell with purpling skin.
she was still alive. the shallow breathing of her chest told him so and he’d never felt so thankful yet so selfish.
the hope in his heart burned, happy to note his girlfriend was still here, but so disgusted with himself praying she wasn’t the one dead. that’s something he’d never grow to forgive himself and every time the memory of his friend’s body flashes by, the more guilt he continues to grow.
and this moment now was an entire recreation of that day.
abby was on top of y/n. her frame much bigger and stronger than the girl she had pinned. brutal fists were coming from all angles, paining y/n’s skin crimson.
he could see it everywhere. it seeped from her nose and mouth and leaked into her eyes. she coughed and gagged, trying her best to fight back with a broken arm.
the sight of it alone, the ptsd of the day he found her knocked out, it all came flooding back. so he charged. he sprinted and slammed against abby, pushing her off of y/n’s gasping form.
she wiggled in his grasp trying to take the upper hand. he stole it, swinging back with knuckles to meet her face. punch, punch, punch, punch. over and over with a rage he never knew burned in him.
he would kill her. he wanted to kill her and he was going to.
until a sharp pain struck his left shoulder. a deep ache he’s never felt before. he paused, both abby and himself staring at his wound in astonishment.
an arrow was driven through him, a broad head tip peering through his top, sporting blood and meat. red slowly started to spread across his white shirt, expanding like the very fungus trying to kill them.
then another hit and this time was much more painful. it the right side of his upper back, piercing right between his ribs and driven into his lung. the instant taste of metal flooded his tastebuds before a violent cough racked his system, blood spilling from his lips.
he doesn’t remember much after that. other than getting pushed off with knuckles to the face, everything went black. he didn’t wake up until weeks later with y/n by his side and her arm in a split.
he shook his head, willing such a painful memory away and fell back to the present.
he spared a glance over to y/n whose face was pointed down and hands shaking like a leaf in the wind.
yeah, an early night sounds good.
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the sunset of the next day was just as bright, painting the chipped white paint of the house a warm orange.
y/n frowned at the sight of a familiar horse tied to their porch. she headed forward, the rabbits for tonight’s dinner bonded with rope was tight in her hand.
she was reluctant to step inside. a well known voice spoke with a gentle ease to hyunjin. she frowned.
a small step through the screen door caught the duo’s attention. hyunjin sent her a smile from the dining table, chan sitting right across from him.
he sent her a grin, too. it was hard to read, a mess of emotions passing through making it difficult to discern. his right eye was white, baring a scar circling the socket of his skull. the right corner of his mouth couldn’t move to far.
“hey, i was wondering where you were.” chan chuckled, willing himself to stand. y/n could see how shaky his stance was, causing hyunjin to leap over and help him regain balance.
“none of that. i’m capable of doing things myself now.” chan shooed hyunjin away, placing a hand on the male’s shoulder in a silent thanks.
he limped around the table, his left knee still weak after all this time but managed to make it to where y/n stood and pulled her into a hug. he squeezed her lovingly, happy to see his adoptive niece after so long. y/n wasn’t as expressive with her touch, opting to just rest her hands around his waist loosely until he backed away. she hoped he didn’t notice that.
he did, but chose not to speak of it.
he looked around, peering at the decor the couple managed to find to decorate their living room. “rather nice place you two have set up here. feels very… homey.” he chortled with a nod.
“well, it is home now.” she responded back, seeing hyunjin step over to take the food for the night from her palm, giving her hand a small squeeze while doing so.
y/n cleared her throat. “so, how’s everyone? good, i hope?”
chan nodded, turning to her. “yeah. felix is studying to help with the medical team. han, changbin, and seungmin are on patrols more often than not, and i.n. is, well, just i.n.” a light laugh left his mouth. “nah, he’s helping the town’s children with their learning.”
“that’s great. i’m happy for ‘em.” y/n gave him a tight-lipped smile.
“i’ll let them know you said that.” then, he sucked in a breath. “but, um…” he trailed off, trying to find his words. “but i’ve came by to talk about something.”
y/n cocked her head slightly. “what is it?” she questioned.
“here.” he sat back down on a wooden dining chair. he patted the table, motioning to the seat next to him. “come sit.”
she followed, seeing hyunjin come back from the kitchen out of the corner of her eye.
she watched as chan pulled out a folded paper and opened it, revealing a map of the east coast. “i’ve been putting out feelers for a while and a guy heard my story.” he smoothed out the sheet on the table. “he told me about a woman he traded with a while back when he was going through california. said she was built like an ox, traveling with a kid with scars across his face.”
y/n swallowed thickly, nails digging and scraping into the wood of her seat. she felt her chest grow heavy.
“he said they were living along the coast on a sailboat. here,” he pointed towards a marked spot on the map before peering up, meeting y/n’s eyes. she felt her stomach twist with his next words.
“that’s gotta be her.”
a silence fell over them for a moment, y/n unable to form the right words.
it’s as if hyunjin could feel that unease radiate from her and took a step, leaning forward and resting his hands on y/n’s shoulders. she could feel the slight trace of his thumb run comfortingly across the skin of her collarbone.
“we’re done with that, so…” he chimed in.
chan peered at y/n, brows furrowed. y/n let out a shaky breath. “i’m sorry,” she looked down.
she could see the way his face twisted, an expression of almost betrayal falling over his features. “well,” he cleared his throat. “i can’t go.”
y/n gave him a small nod. “i know.” her voice was growing weaker.
a pause followed after that. y/n could feel her skin crawl with the way chan’s eyes scanned her. then, a scoff.
“all right.” he sneered, grabbing the bag he traveled with and stood. “reckon it’s easy to forget about her while you’re sitting so comfy and cozy all the way out here–“
“hey,” hyunjin cut in, taking a step forward.
chan ignored him, still fixed on y/n and her saddened hues. “i’ll make her pay. that’s what you said.” he sneered while putting on his backpack.
“chan,” hyunjin tried again, stepping in his line of sight. y/n looked away.
chan rolled his eyes and snarled. “what a fucking joke.” he hissed and limped through the front door.
hyunjin turned to her, standing form towering over her. he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her temple. “stay here a minute, yeah?” he muttered. she nodded, feeling one more peck be placed to the crown of her head.
she heard him head out, footsteps heavy with anger.
“the fuck was that?” she could hear hyunjin’s voice flow through the open window.
“nothin’.” she heard chan respond back.
a groan of irritation came next. “god dammit, chan. you know what the fuck we’ve been through—“
“save it.” chan snapped. “she made me a promise.”
“i don’t fucking care!” hyunjin barked back, making y/n bite her lip until metal seeped to her tongue.
“and that’s your fucking problem, hyunjin. i know you don’t give two shits.”
“you listen here,” her boyfriend’s voice was sharp. “don’t you ever, i mean ever, come into my fucking house with that bullshit ever again. do you hear me?”
y/n was no longer paying attention to their conversation, too preoccupied with the thoughts running in her brain.
abby was so close. so fucking close. and y/n, she could end it once and for all. for her. for hyunjin. for chan. for all her friends. for minho.
she shook her head, forcing them away. it’s done. she’s done.
she grabbed the map and headed upstairs.
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sleep didn’t come easy that night. hyunjin laid beside her, dark hair falling over his pillow with small snores leaving his lips.
y/n was sat up, feet dangling over the edge of the bed. goosebumps riddled her skin. the night air flown in through the open windows, making her shiver in her sleep shirt and a pair of hyunjin’s boxers.
she sniffled and sighed, swallowing back the lump in her throat before standing. she walked over towards the window and closed it quietly.
she peered over her shoulder at the man she loved asleep so soundly and made her stomach flip with both adoration and heartbreak. he’s been with her through it all. from minho’s murder, to the hunt for abby, to violence she’s committed, even to his scratch with death. and he’s still here, choosing to be by her side through anything and everything.
she dug her nails into the skin of her crossed arms. chan’s voice echoed through her mind.
i’ll make her pay. that’s what you said.
she let out a broken breath and buried her face in her hands, rubbing harshly at the skin of her forehead. she dragged them down her face.
another shiver racked her body. there’s more windows open downstairs.
with one last glance at the sleeping hyunjin, she took gentle steps into the hall and down to the lower floor. she walked around. the entire house was dark except for the moonlight shining through the curtains, bright enough for y/n to see to move around.
a howl of wind came from nearby. y/n strolled over, hands and feet chilly as she entered hyunjin’s little art room. the walls were pinned with his works. charcoal drawings of herself, paintings of their friends, sketches of jackson’s outline. he was talented.
y/n closed the window and took a few steps back, her hip knocking into a stool. a thud hit the floor, causing y/n to jump at the sound. her guitar case laid there and stared up at her.
she swallowed and bent down, opening it to reveal minho’s old guitar. it was loved, the wood scratched from old picks and old snapped string ends tied to the tuning pegs that he was too lazy to remove.
she grabbed it, thumb running across the neck. she sat on the stool and placed it in her lap, fingers falling back home to where they always were. a few soft strums followed. it was a familiar tune, one she grew so used to playing.
if i ever were to lose you, i’d surely loose myself.
she paused. minho’s voice sang in her head. future days by pearl jam. it was one of his favorites when he was young, he said. his mother used to play it for him when he was a boy and unable to sleep.
“and i wanted to teach you, you know,” he shrugged, sitting on the sofa in y/n’s little makeshift house she claimed as her own. “just in case you need it.”
she chuckled, twirling side to side in her swivel chair. “and why would i need that?” she asked. “i don’t even know how to play.”
he rolled his eyes in a playful manner. “that’s why i said i’ll teach you. it’s almost like you don’t listen.” he reached out, fingers tangling in her hair and giving it a good ruffle.
she pushed him away. “thanks for that. now i look like i’ve been attacked by a bear or something.” she sassed, trying to smooth out her locks.
“it’s not too bad. though, i don’t think hyunjin would mind no matter how your hair looked.” he teased, causing her cheeks to burn.
“shut the hell up.” she brought her hands to her face, trying to conceal her redness.
“yeah, yeah.” he laughed. “but i’ll teach you. if you can’t sleep, just play it. it’ll help. besides, it’s a good song.”
she nodded. “it is. maybe once i learn, i’ll play better than you.”
he scoffed. “doubt it.”
the memory played on repeat. she missed him and his dumb teasing. the only family she ever had was him, practically becoming her brother figure over the course of their journey across the country.
and his death: unjustified and left behind. it left a bitter taste in her mouth, especially since she’s given up on it. on him.
she couldn’t do that to him, not after all he’s done for her. she wouldn’t.
she needed to find abby.
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hyunjin was cold when he woke up. the left side of the bed was bare, leaving him alone in the dimly lit room. the sun hasn’t risen yet and the bright moon left a ghastly white glow on the walls.
y/n was missing and that worried him. he knew her insomnia was growing worse by the day. she’d stay up for hours on end, tossing and turning with no dreams to be found. he wondered where she was now.
he got up, bare feet hitting the hardwood floor that sent a shiver down his spine. he headed out and down the stairs, hearing the sounds of shuffling come from the kitchen.
he rounded the corner and felt his heart sink. y/n’s back faced him. she was crouched, frame swallowed in minho’s old jacket he wore all the time, and she was stuffing things into a bag. she was leaving.
“hey,” his voice came out soft. it’s still startled her, making her flinch and peer over her shoulder. she stood.
“hey.” she replied, clammy hands rubbing against the material of her jeans.
“you okay?” he asked. it was dumb. of course she wasn’t.
she nodded nonetheless, lying straight to his face. “fine.” she croaked, stepping over to hide the backpack from his sight. it was useless to do so. he already knew what her plan was.
“come. let’s go back to bed. let’s talk in the morning.” he motioned towards the stairs and turned, hoping to not give her time to argue. he wasn’t quick enough.
“i need to finish this.” her words were broken, much like the way his heart was.
he clenched his jaw and screwed his eyes shut. he turned, taking long strides over to her. he shook his head.
“you don’t owe chan anything. you know that, right?” his hand reached out, brushing back her hair. she pulled away, looking up at him with exhausted hues.
“i don’t sleep. i…” her voice broke slightly. “i don’t eat. i’m not like you.”
hyunjin’s brows furrowed, face twisting in a blur of offense. he took a step back. “like me?” he scoffed. “what? you– you think this is easy for me?”
y/n’s frown stretched deeper.
he scowled. “minho was my best friend, y/n. for years, he was there for me. with– with advice, or solutions for my problems, even to just fuck around with. he watched me grow up and you think it’s easy for me to act like his death didn’t effect me?”
y/n shook her head. “that’s not–“
hyunjin cut her off. “i do this for you, y/n. everything i do is for you.” sadness washed over his anger. “i love you. please, just stay.” he grasped her face gently with his palms, thumbs running along the high points of her cheek bones.
“i can’t.” she whispered.
“so, am i just supposed to sit and wait for you? for me to drive myself insane thinking your dead or ripped apart?” he exasperated. y/n shook her head in his hands.
“i don’t plan on dying.” her voice was stable for the first time in a while.
“well, neither did minho.” the words slipped out faster than he could catch. his blood froze in his veins at the look of pain making home on y/n’s features.
she didn’t respond, but instead ripped away from his touch to grab her bag, taking steps towards the back door. he panicked, jumping forward to cup her face once again. “no, don’t. please.”
her breathing was ragged. what he said was unfair on every level and he knew that. but, anything to keep from separating, he’s willing to do. “please. i-i can’t…” he cracked. “i can’t lose you, too.” his eyes burned with tears, gaze locked with hers.
“i have to kill her, hyunjin. she’s still alive and minho’s not. i can’t live with myself as long as she’s still breathing.” she whispered.
he leaned forward, forehead pressed together, and let out a shaky breath. “let me come with you.”
“no.” her response was instant. “no, you can’t come.” she shook her head, attempting to pull away from him. his gentle hands stayed.
“why?” he begged. “tell me, why can’t i come?” he scanned her face. her emotions bled openly. her fear and agony of watching someone she cared for to be hurt again was on full display.
“you’ll get hurt. i-i can’t have you dying on me. last time was cutting it way too close.” she explained. “and that was because of me. you came because of me and that earned you a collapsed lung and a run in with death. everything that’s happened to you was because of me.”
she sniffled and hyunjin shook his head, wiping a rouge tear from her cheek. “no, god no.” he swallowed. “you think this was your fault? are you fucking serious?”
she nodded. “of course it is. if i hadn’t–“
“if i hadn’t, you would’ve been dead.” he cut in. “if i hadn’t been there, abby would’ve beaten you to death and i would be sitting in jackson wondering where you were. if i hadn’t, you would’ve been taken and killed by the wlfs. if i hadn’t, i would’ve lost you for good.”
another tear slipped down her cheek. he wiped it away, not acknowledging his own. “none of this is your fault. none. it has never been your fault. what abby did, you had nothing to do with and i know that in your mind, you believe you’re the root cause of everything, but believe me when i say you’re not.” he pushed her hair back, much like he did when she had her panic attack in the barn.
“and i know this is what you feel is needed. i know this feels like the only thing you can do avenge minho’s death and i know your mind is made up. i wont stop you, but god forbid i let you do this shit on your own. you’re much too precious to me to do that.” he breathed.
“i’d go to the ends of anything and everything for you. i’d follow you into any place you want. fuck, i’d walk blissfully into hell if that’s where you’re headed.” he licked his lips, salt on his tongue. “please, love, please let me go with you.”
y/n swallowed and sniffled, feeling the weight of his words crush her. she could see it in his eyes. please let me come with you. i’m begging, my love, please.
a sigh and then she nodded. “okay.” she croaked. “okay. you can come.”
a sense of relief filled hyunjin’s chest. he leaned down and captured y/n’s lips with his. desperation fled from him to her, spilling between them in a flurry of emotions. the very need to be by her side at all times consumed him, to survive and die right next to her. and he would without as much as a second thought.
he breathed her in, hoping to consume and bury all her worries and fears, and sprout them into flowers of hope and courage. she was his everything.
and if it’s to the ends they go, he’ll follow her like a dog.
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gunilslaugh · 5 months
Been A While
Kim Jungsu  Summary: After leaving Jungsu you thought you’d never see him again, but five years later here he is standing right in front of you. (non-idol au) WC:~1k Warning:none
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Pulling the chair out you took a seat beside one of your friends at a cafe.
“Y/n we were just talking about hanging out tonight. Do you want to come?” your friend asked. 
“What’s the occasion?” you asked.
“One of my brother’s friends is coming back from being abroad, so we’re getting together to welcome him back,” they answered. 
“I don’t know him though,” you half laughed. 
“It’s mainly so I won’t be lonely. Please?” they pouted.
“I’ll be there too. Come on, you wouldn’t leave us alone right?” your other friend joined in.
“If you two are together then you’re not alone,” you sassed. 
“Y/n~” they both complained. 
“Ok, I’ll come,” you gave in. The two of your friends cheered.
You and your friends arrived at your friends house where the get together was being held. Your friend led you through their house to the back door. Telling you guys that everything was set up outback. 
“Jungsu!” your friend called once you stepped into the backyard. Jungsu? No, it couldn’t be him? Sure enough it was. Your eyes met his from where he stood across the yard. You weren’t supposed to see him again, yet here he was standing in front of you.
“Y/n?” Jungsu said. 
“You two know each other?” your friend’s brother questioned. You knew Jungsu all too well, or at least you used to. 
The stars shone brightly in the night sky as you and Jungsu were out on a moonlit walk. You never imagined that you would fall in love while volunteering in an underdeveloped town. Originally you were supposed to come here to write your thesis. Love was the last thing on your mind, but then you met Jungsu and everything felt so right. 
Jungsu was also volunteering in the town. He was a temporary teacher to the young children. You met him in the small classroom he taught at. You were sitting in on one of his classes to observe. The small children absolutely adored him. It was impossible to find it endearing. He was gentle and kind to them, but also knew how to keep his authority. 
“Was class good enough to write your thesis about?” he asked you after class when the children had left. 
“I can definitely write things about it. ‘The young students were eager to learn as they looked at their teacher with heart eyes-’ oh wait I think that was me.” 
“Are you flirting with me?” He had a hint of pink to his cheeks. 
“I have other places to be, but I’ll see you tomorrow,” you smiled coyly. You swung your bag over your shoulder and left the little classroom.
“Jungsu, it’s been a while,” you say. 
“How do you two know each other?” your friend asked. 
“Remember that volunteer work I told you about?” you said.
“The one you wrote your thesis about?” they checked. You nodded. 
“He was also a volunteer there at the time,” you informed. 
“What a small world,” your friend’s brother comments. 
After your little reunion the hangout proceeded as normal. Except for you and Jungsu who couldn’t stop taking glances at one another. It felt so surreal to see him again. You were sure when you left that town, you would never see Jungsu again. That’s why you stayed longer than you needed to. 
“I finished my thesis a week ago,” you told Jungsu. You can feel Jungsu tense from where he sits beside you on a large rock that’s beside the river. 
“You’re leaving?” he says. 
“I was never gonna stay here forever. We both knew I’d leave eventually.” 
“Eventually used to feel far away,” Jungsu states. It’s true. When you first arrived in the town it felt like you’d be away from home for a long time, but suddenly it was time to go back, past time. 
“I know. I remember getting stuck about halfway through and thinking that I might be here forever…and that I wanted to throw my laptop into the river.” You and Jungsu let out a sad laugh.
“So if I throw your laptop in the river you’ll stay?” he says. 
“What’s scary is I think I might let you.” Jungsu’s hand finds yours on the rock. His fingers curl around your hand.
“It’s scary that I thought about doing it too.” 
“We really love each other don’t we?” You rest your head on his shoulder. 
“That’s why we have to let each other go,” he states solemnly. 
“Not just yet though. I still got a couple of days here,” you tell. 
“Oh trust me. I’ll hold you till you get on that truck.” Jungsu moves to wrap his arms around you in a hug.
The rest of the group has retired inside of the house for the night. You and Jungsu remained outside. 
“The stars were prettier there,” you comment. 
“The children really missed you after you left,” he tells you. 
“I wasn’t really there all that long though,” you say. 
“Long enough for them to look at you with heart eyes-oh wait, that was me.” 
“Are you flirting with me?” Jungsu shrugged coyly. “I really thought about staying,” you reveal. 
“I thought about it too. Staying there with you. Having a life together,” he admits
“Do you think there’s some other version of us that’s still there?” you question. 
“If there is, I'm a bit jealous of them,” he answers. “But since we get to meet again I’m happy with this version of us too,” he voices. 
“So do I have to ask you out again or?” you ask sheepishly 
“I don’t remember you asking me out the first time. I remember you kissing me and we started dating afterwards but I don’t think you asked me,” he lightly teased you. 
“Me kissing you was asking,” you declared. 
“Then I think you need to do it again,” he said leaning closer to you. You locked your hands together behind his neck and closed the distance between you two. His hands find their way to your waist just like they used to. After a couple of moments you pull away. 
“I’m not letting you go this time,” he says. 
“I’m not going anywhere this time,” you return. You fall against his frame. Your arms coming around his middle in a hug. Jungsu happily wraps his arms around you, keeping you close to him. 
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ HEADCANNONS: Going on a Road Trip with Craig, Tweek, Jimmy, Tolkien, and Clyde (Separately) ✧.*
✧.* tags: college au, road trips, ✧.* Characters: craig tucker, tweek tweek, jimmy valmer, clyde donovan, tolkien black a/n: the stan's gang version got so much love that I thought I'd do the headcannons with the others too!
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Thinks everyone is a terrible driver except for him
(he can’t parallel park for shit though)
You guys make up stories about the people you pass
“Oh he’s going through a messy divorce”
“Yeah but it’s his fault for sleeping with Miss America”
“Well if he didn’t, she was going to release the tax documents revealing he was an illegal immigrant from australia! And he can’t return to the outback!” 
He’s a pretty good road trip buddy if you don’t mind silence. 
He kind of zones out when driving so it’s not an awkward silence, just a comfortable silence
Very picky about podcasts and music though, he gets aux because he’s the one driving
doesn't have Bluetooth in his car so he uses one of those connectors that plug into the cigarette lighters LMAOOO 
"bro it's 2023 why are you living in 2006" 
"because it has great mileage. shut up or walk" 
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This will go one of two ways depending on how much you enjoy stand up comedy
Because you’ve bought yourself a ticket to the 6 hour Jimmy-athon
Every billboard is a joke
Every car you pass is a joke
Every gas station you walk into is at least 5 jokes
You’re actually probably driving to a comedian convention
you listen to the material of the panelists to figure out where he'd want to go
he makes you laugh so much you need to pull over
he probably takes a nap halfway through 
looks like a little cat curled up in the passenger seat
honestly such a good drive
whenever you get bored all you need to do is make a comment about a weird road sign and you've got entertainment for at least 30 minutes
if you don't like his comedy…
just don't. 
you will not survive.
(and you're probably a terrible person)
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There’s no way he doesn’t get car sick.
Like just absolutely demolished
You think he’s dying for a little bit because he’s just leaning against the window whispering prayers to whatever god will listen
Then you buy some medicine from a gas station and i swear it’s like you’ve opened a new conspiracy for him
“But if these have existed for so long, why hasn’t anyone told me about them?! There’s got to be something wrong with them! DID YOU JUST GIVE ME POISON!”
“Do you still feel like blowing chunks all over my windshield?” 
“Well no, not right now.”
“Then I really doubt it can be poison dude”
Don’t let him drive. 
Just don’t. 
He gets freaked out enough when you drive down a busy street. More than 3 lanes and he’s absolutely screaming
“That’s not how the midwest works, tweek. We’re going 87 right now”
he's surprisingly good at mental math when it comes to calculating the possibility of his death
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He’d much rather fly than drive
He gets bored so fast like what are you supposed to do in a car? Sit there and… sit there?
Does not want to be in the car for more than 30 minutes
“Are we there yet?”
“We’ve been driving for an hour, Clyde”
“Okay and how much longer do we have?”
“5 hours.”
Definitely had to use the bathroom every hour because he CHUGS monsters to stay awake then immediately crashes and sleeps for half of the ride
He sets up his phone so a movie can play but it’s really just him watching the movie because you have to keep driving
“You know, if we fly back then you can watch this with me”
“Well then my car would be stranded in the Chicago.”
“Can’t you just get someone to drive it back?”
“I will leave you at the next gas station and make you hitchhike home.”
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Oh he absolutely loves to drive
But who wouldn’t when you’ve got a fucking TESLA
(he totally has a tesla, no way he doesn’t have a tesla)
Will NOT allow chips in the car
If you do, you’re vacuuming the seats at the next gas station
“You’re not bringing those in here”
“But you can’t go on a road trip without corn nuts” 
“You can and you will.”
“Can we at least get coffee then :((“
“Well duh we’re getting coffee”
Will buy you a little drink and give you a blanket
He makes YOU a passenger princess and it’s absolutely amazing
Another podcast listener, but he likes to space them out with music so you’re not both sitting there silently the whole road trip
You’re going on the trip to hang out! You’ve got to have some random chit chat time too!
“There is no way Kuroko’s Basketball is better than Slam Dunk.”
“That’s just because you’re a snob about sports anime.”
“No that’s just because i'm right about sports anime and you spend too much time talking with Wendy”
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leclerced · 10 months
i thought about oscar with baby fever and it became my roman empire. maybe he see’s her with her baby sister or smth and now he’s all like “i want one” and they have a list of baby names on the fridge and its just so wholesome and dnjendnskssn
this is so cute i can b soft for a second.
he would be so cute w baby fever he’s sending tiktoks and reels of babies, he’s asking all the drivers about their kids, trying to tell lando he should have a kid so theirs can grow up together and race against each other. lando tells him he is insane. you KNOW his mom is sending him packages full of his old toys and baby clothes she saved of his and his sister’s, so he has both in case of a boy or girl. you know he wants a big house and yard he just gives those vibes. goes out to the outskirts of the city so that they’re not surrounded by people but so he’s still reasonably close to the mtc. she’s not even pregnant when they move in and he’s furnishing the nursery. its definitely yellow themed and there’s one wall that’s painted like an australian outback (i think thats what they call it there?? am i wrong?? outback is a steakhouse in texas so it sounds wrong but ive heard daniel say it talking about aus) with kangaroos, koalas, and all kinds of things painted into the scenery. he’d have it done during the season when she’s traveling with him so that he can surprise her with it when they return home after a few months away. forget the refrigerator, he carries a list in his wallet with a pen and he’s constantly adding names and scratching them out, like he loved the name jessica until he saw a jessica on twitter tweet something rude about his girl and suddenly he hates all jessicas. (no offense to any jessicas reading this i had a bitchy coworker named jessica)
and then when she’s actually pregnant he would have the hardest time not immediately announcing it but everyone knows something is up, they didn’t tell anyone they were trying but oscar’s a lot happier than usual the entire season, because he’s constantly getting laid and getting to go raw and finish in her and honestly, that’s better than any first place finish he caught that season. so is the first time she wakes up throwing up, he feels bad but he can’t stop grinning like an idiot bc he’s so happy he doesn’t know what else to do. he’s holding her hair back with one hand and rubbing her back with the other and just keeps saying, “we’re having a baby” in a sing songy voice and she tells him, “i’m pretty sure it’s just food poisoning from that weird place we went to in the last city. i told you, we shouldn’t get food from places that smell like spoiled meat.” and he’s just like, “i’m pretty sure pregnant women have more sensitive senses of smell. i thought it smelled fine, plus i’m not sick.” and she’s hurling again at the thought of how bad it smelled, while he coos and tells her he loves her and their baby so much. then when she finally finishes throwing up and takes a test, he tries to watch her pee because he doesn’t want to be left out of anything but she makes him leave the room. she opens the door as soon as she’s washed her hands and he’s just standing in the doorway waiting to set the timer on his phone.
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kopfkino-o · 3 months
okay modern acotar au but the setting is a shitty local bar and I might or might not have been tipsy when I wrote this.
Rhys inherited this crusty bar from his business tycoon father and, despite being utterly incapable of maintaining a well respectable establishment, he lowkey loves being able to boss the staff around and enjoys the all the “free” booze whenever he wants. No he does not file taxes. But he has given his wife, Feyre, creative reign over the place and she painted the walls herself, which was definitely a choice, but the patrons don’t really seem to mind the various eyeballs staring down at them so it sort of works for the place.
Cassian works security with Jurian but most nights he is the one who ends up starting something and it lowkey causes a lot of insurance liabilities but Rhys isn't really worried about all that. Cas also can’t stop sniffing after veteran bartender, Nesta, who will definitely throw your ass out if you so much as look at her wrong. The tension between them is causing a lot of “bad vibes” for the bar’s regulars, Lucien and Eris, who only come to this shithole establishment to get away from their dad (he’s sleeping on their couch because their mom left him for another man). Tamlin always wants to hangout, especially on open mic nights, but he doesn’t have a car and Eris refuses to drive a few extra minutes to pick him up because he doesn't want "unnecessary mileage" on his 2008 beat to shit BWM.
Elain works the front well because she’s the only one who can use the bar's new POS system and Mor waits tables because she’s a customer favorite (she's comps drinks for literally everyone). But there’s really no need for three bartenders on every shift (the bar gets like five customers, max) and Nesta definitely has that shit handled, so most nights Mor and Elain just sit out back near the dumpsters drinking wine coolers and gossiping. They occasionally upload TikTok videos with Gwyn and Emerie, two waitresses who work at the restaurant next door, but Rhys and Feyre let it slide because it’s good publicity.
Vassa, Tarquin, and Helion occasionally meet up at the bar after work (they work at the pr firm across the street) but only because the drinks are cheap and their asshole boss, Amarantha, thinks the establishment is "below her", so they don't feel obligated to invite her along. Helion has slept with like half the staff, and has some weird thing going on with one of the regular's mom, but he always tips well and at least he's consistent. Once, Tarquin let Cassian borrow his boat so he could take Nesta on a date, but he crashed it into a dock when he was trying to park and it ended up being this whole thing. Amren, the lawyer Feyre hired, has sorta advised the staff to refrain from talking about all that though.
Azriel, the bar manager, smokes cigarettes in the old walk-in cooler (Feyre painted it one night during a staff party) between shifts and wonders how the fuck he ended up being in charge of keeping this trainwreck running. He would have quit the job five years ago but he needs the money and Rhys at least offers half decent health insurance. The bar occasionally gets letters from Beron, the local health inspector who is totally on Rhysand’s case, but Az just throws them away in the raccoon infested dumpster outback (the girls swear they haven’t been feeding them) and yearns for the day this whole shitshow finally gets shut down.
Oh, the baby? Yeah he handles accounting and the shadow monster in the basement is in charge of the social media. don't ask.
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sapphickocho · 3 months
A western skk au fanfic called The Devil In The West
It was supposed to be a normal night in the dimly lit tavern of outback America. Afterall, Chuuya just wanted to sit back, nurse his drink, smoke, pretend to lose at poker once again and of course keep an eye out for his old informant which is the key to infiltrating the local mafia for his gang.
However, an opium-addled boy with too much flamboyance and a death wish comes waltzing in. Just his fucking luck.
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ducktoonsfanart · 8 months
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Donald, Daisy, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck in Australia in Sydney - Australia Day - Quack Pack and Duckverse - My first OC
Yes, I am late, because Australia Day is celebrated on the 26th of January, but for some reason I didn’t get to finish it until now. However, since I’m currently in the spirit of Australia, I’m going to publish some drawings of our heroes related to that country.
By the way, Australia Day is celebrated because on that day, in 1788, the first fleet made landfall and raised the British flag under the command of Arthur Phillip and founded Sydney there. Admittedly, the first settlers were prisoners.
I drew another drawing related to Australia Day and related to Quack Pack, primarily my version of Quack Pack (Quack Pack AU). I drew Donald and Daisy Duck, as well as Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck went to Sydney, Australia, of course as a tourist and reporter job (Daisy is a reporter and Donald is a cameraman). They went to visit a famous wildlife conservationist, explorer and adventurer called Steve Kangaroo (named after the famous Steve Irwin, also a wildlife conservationist, television personality, and educator who unfortunately ended tragically) and that is my first OC (original character) related to the Duckverse in general, and certainly for Quack Pack. Daisy interviews Steve Kangaroo for What In World (that's the name of the show Daisy hosts), while Steve hugs Donald, like his old friend, and Huey, Dewey and Louie hang out with Steve's son Jack Kangaroo (also my first OC and he is a teenager and is the same age as HDL), and Jack shows them a boomerang, as a well-known Australian tool, "weapon" and toy. And then there's Kent Powers, who hosts the What In World show, but he's unhappy that Daisy has taken over the image for him. There is also Steve's dog Dingo (a dingo dog based on the Ducktales 1987 episode "Back Out in the Outback"). And behind them you can see the famous Sydney Opera House.
I know that Quack Pack had problems with the writing in certain episodes, but the series itself turned out to be good, and I have one dissatisfaction with that series, that they did not introduce more anthropomorphic animals, so I did it my way, by introducing kangaroos (as inhabitants who live in Australia). XD Yes, Steve and Jack wear the famous Australian outfit and Wally Jr. outfit wildlife adventurer (if that's the right word) and I also found inspiration in Backwater Jack (also an Australian adventurer) from the Quack Pack episode "Hit the Road, Backwater Jack". Only Steve and Jack are not so timid and they are brave adventurers, and Jack would be one of the best friends of Donald's nephews, and especially he would hang out with Louie, since they have similar personalities, and he would be one of the regular visitors to Duckburg. And so they all go on a trip to Australia together. My only apologies are that the camera and certain things in bolding with the marker turned out badly. Also, Steve and Jack love this music, and it's also a symbol of current Australia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfR9iY5y94s
I hope you like this drawing of mine and my first original characters for the Quack Pack and for the Duckverse and feel free to like and reblog this. Just don't use my ideas and my characters without mentioning me and without my permission. Thank you! I hope you like it and once again Happy Australia Day!
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astragreenwoode · 7 months
♡Truest Treasure (Adventure Time Petrigrof AU)♡ PT 4/?
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(A/N: Part 4. We're getting into heavy angst territory, so be prepared. Sorry to put you guys through heartbreak.
If you are sensitive to themes such as child loss/miscarriage, suicidal ideation, extreme grief, and hospitals, either proceed with caution or feel free to avoid this part altogether. Remember to look out for yourselves.)
♡ My AU where pretty much everything is the same as in canon except Betty is unknowingly pregnant with her and Simon's daughter when she jumps through the portal.
Italics - A/N
Slashed Text - NSFW
Bold Text - Sensitive Topics
A Bump in the Road
♡ When they got to the Emergency Room, the nurses immediately wheeled Betty to an examination room once they saw the trail of blood behind her and Simon. But they needed him to stay behind. They needed help from the hospital security to practically pry them away from each other so they could treat her.
♡ After an hour of waiting when Betty was finally stabilized, Dr. Olson, came out to give Simon the bad news; Betty experienced a late miscarriage. But during their treatment, they had to strap her down to the bed and give her a sedative so she wouldn’t worsen her injuries.
♡ Betty’s situation was time-sensitive. She was in danger of getting an infection, so after updating Simon, Dr. Olson performed a surgical evacuation immediately.
♡ "Princess, we can have another baby. But I can't have another you."
♡ Given Betty’s medical history, a recorded suicide attempt when she was 13 years old, and how she was so distressed that they had to sedate and restrain her, Dr. Olson put her on Suicide Watch, just to be on the safe side.
♡ Up until this point, Simon didn’t know her struggles with her mental health were this severe.
♡ In the meantime, he called Betty’s mother and told her what was happening. She was at the hospital within five minutes.
♡ Alice Grof had trouble warming up to Simon from the beginning. She never liked how he stopped Betty from going on that trip to the Outback. But her daughter was happy, and that’s what mattered the most. And while their relationship wasn’t the warmest, they respected each other. She comforted Simon whilst Betty was still in surgery.
♡ Betty recovers in the hospital for five more days, drained both physically and emotionally. When she first wakes up following the procedure, she’s unresponsive, almost catatonic, and withdrawn from reality to process all the trauma of the whole situation. Simon and Alice make sure she’s never by herself during those five days.
♡ Alice stays with her daughter one day so that Simon can go to their apartment and bring some of Betty’s stuff to the hospital to help her not be as anxious during her stay.
♡ The day before they were ready to go back home, Alice offered to tidy the place up so Betty could recover in a clutter and stress-free environment. She cleaned the blood off their sheets and carpet, made everything neat, stocked their fridge and pantries with food, and made sure their bathroom had the necessary medical supplies to help the healing process. She also hid all items related to their lost baby in a trunk in their hall closet, out of sight, and waiting for whenever Simon and Betty were ready to try again.
♡ When they came back home, they took three weeks off of work so they could mourn their loss together.
♡ Betty returns to taking all her regular antidepressants and antipsychotics. They stabilize her mood and help keep her focused and ‘normal’ when she returns to work, but she’s still numb and withdrawn for a while.
♡ She visits with her mom more frequently, going over to her and her partner Suzanne’s house once a week. The visits help her in her grief.
♡ When Betty started getting her period again, her heart shattered all over again. Simon asked her mother to come over for a few days. 
♡ Proceeding with caution, Simon asks her about what he discovered in the hospital. He wants to understand her past struggles with her mental health; the suicidal ideation in her childhood, the self-harm tendencies, the OCD, the ADHD, the bipolar disorder she inherited from her mother, her past of pain, all of it. He wants to know so he can fully understand how to help her if she spirals again in the future. 
♡ It’s hard for her to open up about that.
♡ Betty avoids intimate and vulnerable situations with Simon for a while. He doesn’t mind at all and is willing to wait as long as she needs. The farthest she’s willing to go is cuddling with him in her underwear. Two months after coming back from the hospital, they graduate to taking showers together again.
♡ At night, Betty still holds Simon’s hand to her stomach as they sleep in bed.
♡ She can still feel their baby kicking from time to time, like experiencing phantom pain after losing a limb.
♡ In an effort to help Betty heal and get back to her old self, Simon surprises her by taking her on a two-week vacation to Ireland; Betty’s dream trip.
♡ A week into the trip, they retire to their suite early after having dinner at the hotel restaurant along with a bottle of wine. And for the first time since their loss, Betty lets Simon all the way in. That night, they unknowingly conceive their future daughter.
♡ The day before they fly back home to Seattle, Simon proposes. Betty says ‘yes.’ And after three months of sitting with their heartbreak, they feel hopeful for what the future might bring them again.
♡ Two months into their engagement, Simon embarks on a solo journey to follow up on a lead for an especially rare artifact.
♡ We all know what happens from here; what was meant as an innocent and playful gesture sparked earth-shattering consequences.
♡ Betty is absolutely petrified by her fiancee’s abrupt personality switch once he puts on the mysterious crown. That wasn't her Simon. So, when a portal to the future opens showing her the fiancee she knew and loved, she doesn’t think twice before she impulsively jumps through a thousand years and into the land of Ooo.
♡ She's blissfully unaware that she didn't jump through that portal alone.
Reblog, follow me, and come back for Part 5!
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Submitted Prompts #84
Danny Phantom AU prompt idea: In the episode where Amity Park gets put in the GZ, instead of being put back in the USA it gets put in the Australian outback by mistake.
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 months
Any hangover AU? Maybe Lando being the one that's still tipsy for once and Lance looking after him 😅
I love you for bringing me this!
"Lando, please stop running away" Lance groaned, a hand pressed to his side as he called after the other but all he got in response was fading giggles as Lando disappeared down the hallway. The sheet he had wrapped around himself billowing a little as he did, making it look like a cape. "I'm too hungover for this", Lance mumbled, taking a moment to catch his breath before he jogged down the hallway of Kimi's house to try find his boyfriend. There were drivers still scattered around the living room. Some of them awake and groaning, feeling the after effects of Kimi's birthday party, and others were still dead to the world and snoring without a care in the world despite the penis' drawn on their faces (Yuki had gotten really good at them). "Have you seen Lando?", Lance asked, earning groans from some of the half alive drivers and a middle finger from Max. "Outback", Kimi replied as he walzted out of the kitchen with food in hand that had George's face turning an interesting shade of green. Lance didn't stick around to see what happened. He had a little drunken gremlin to catch before he did something stupid like deciding to do one of Daniel's bets that he had talked Lando out of last night. It was nice and cool outside which Lance was greatful for. He always ran warm when hungover, and the coolness was a welcome relief as he looked around. He was quickly able to spot his boyfriend, the white of the sheet sticking out amongst the green of the garden. "What are you doing?", Lance asked as he finally got an arm around Lando, holding him close. "Feed the goat, Lancey", Lando mumbled, looking up at him with glazed eyes, "Gotta feed 'im" Lance looked down at what Lando was doing. He had a clump of grass in the hand not holding the sheet, and he was trying to feed it to a stone statue of a goat. Lance watched as Lando continued to offer it to the statue, frown growing on Lando's face by the second before he looked back up at Lance with a pout. "Gary doesn't like me, Lance", Lando whined a little, eyes a little teary and Lance had to resist the urge to laugh. "That is because Gary is a statue, baby", Lance comforted him, pressing a kiss against his temple, "Why don't we have some water and a nap and you can try again?" Lando sighed, and sadly threw his grass at Gary the Goat statue before he leaned into Lance and wrapped his arms around him. "Carry me?" "I might puke if I do, love" Lando just hummed before blindly patting in the direction of Lance's head. "S'okay, me too"
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niobiumao3 · 11 months
The thing is, as much as I can understand the desire to give Tech a fancy ride in modern AUs, he really strikes me as someone who has a sleeper of some sort. He'd want something modern enough to have full airbags (assuming people not himself are ever in it, safety first), but otherwise it's just a container for his personal engine experiments. What, does a bog standard Civic/Jetta/Volt/Focus/Versa not haul ass like that normally? Could be he all the torque he's shoehorned into it. Look it's all legal he's read all the relevant laws and can quote MagMoss front to back. Oh you wanna race the guy in the old Outback? lol go for it say the locals but don't say I didn't warn you.
The local gearheads bring their super impossible asks and fixes to him all the time. Tech. Tech can I possibly get a little more outta this map. If I can get my 60ft down Jac owes me those wheels off his cousin's Evo, the one he rolled in summer.
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olympeline · 20 days
Still thinking about my National Animals AU:
Micronations would not have animal forms. It’s one of the things that marks them out as not being real nations. If a micronation ever achieved their dream of being recognised, they’d gain a beast form then. If you’re curious about Sealand in this scenario: Peter would want to be a lion like Arthur…but instead he’d end up as a seagull. D’oh! 😂
Overseas territories and small, separate parts of countries (the ones like Hong Kong and Macau that have their own nation-people) would have animal forms. Which beasts they have would depend on their circumstances, but a general rule of thumb would be they’d be the same as the nation in charge of them. Not always, but usually. If the ownership changed then their form might change with it. They have the least amount of control over what they’d become as something that’s not quite a colony but not quite part of the “main” nation either.
Now a few more beast form headcanons from around the world:
Australia: lion → red kangaroo
Pretty easy to come up with these. Just like his big bros over in NA, little Aussie was a lion cub in his early days as a British colony. The adult lion he grew into would resemble the kind in Africa that live in scrubland because I think that would be better for roaming around the outback. So he might not have had a mane? Anyway, unlike biggest bro Alfred, Australia’s break with Arthur wasn’t violent enough for a skin ripping. Australia went the Matthew route instead and changed gradually. Until one day he assumed his beast form and found himself standing on two legs as a big ol’ roo.
New Zealand: lion → ram
The lion route strikes again! Calm down Arthur, lol. Another colony cub who grew into an adult lion and then settled on a different form after gradual independence. That form has to be a sheep. I mean, just look at NZ’s canon design. Making him anything else would be weird.
Sweden: ??? → lion → Eurasian elk
Sweden was once known as “the lion of the North” with a fearsome reputation to match. They still keep the lion on their coat of arms, but I think Berwald has moved on from that stage of his life. Sweden is pretty peaceful these days. Berwald would have spent his conqueror years as an Arctic lion with a pale mane. Then at some point he would have changed into an elk, which is Sweden’s national animal. Not a hunter any more but still not to be messed with either. You don’t want to be on the wrong end of those antlers. Yeah, an elk works. Not sure what he would have started as way back in his viking days.
Finland: reindeer
He’s lapland, bro! Father Christmas lives in his house. What else is he going to be? Berwald would be happy too after his final form change. Now his elk self matches his wife Tino’s deer. Nordic ungulate solidarity. 👍
Seychelles: dolphin
I think only small, isolated island nations would get forms that were completely sea based. Otherwise not being able to come up on land would be too much of a pain. Nation-people like Seychelles would have more space to roam in the ocean than her dry land. So her place to unwind would be beneath the waves. Also fits the big fishing culture there.
Argentina: black bull → silver bull
Antonio’s son: the little black calf who eventually grew up to lock horns with his dad over independence. If Arthur and Alfred had a badass lion duel in the North, then Argentina and Antonio would have had a sick bull fight that shook the plata in the South. Argentina didn’t tear off his skin like Alfred did after he won, but his beast form did change its appearance in a more subtle way. His black hide and horns turned silver because how could the Argent-ine be anything else? If Hima ever gives us a canon Argentina, I really hope he’s a guy to go with this headcanon. I just want this epic bull v. bull clash so badly. 😆
Brazil: ??? → jaguar
I haven’t decided what Portugal would be in this AU yet but, whatever it is, Brazil started as a baby form of that. Then changed into a jaguar after independence. I have no deeper reasoning other than jaguars are awesome.
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warningsine · 9 months
In October 2017, when the New York Times first published allegations against Harvey Weinstein, Australian director Kitty Green was on campus at Stanford University interviewing students for a film about sexual assault. “I had friends at the Weinstein Company so I immediately started texting them.” Within months she was shooting The Assistant, a drama about working for a movie mogul. It followed a day in the life of Jane, played by Julia Garner, whose boss is a sexual predator with a volcanic temper. He was never seen, only ever referred to as “him”, but was without a doubt modelled on Weinstein.
The Assistant became the definitive film of the #MeToo era: a horribly realistic portrait and a forensic examination of how a culture of complicity in some companies enabled men to abuse for years. Its release in early 2020 was a bit muffled. Because of Covid? Green nods. “Also, I think it was so raw. We shot it and released it quite quickly, so people were still almost afraid to speak about it.” Lately, she’s noticed its impact. On a recent trip to Japan, women told her it might have been set in an office there. In New York, where she lives, the city government uses The Assistant in its compulsory sexual harassment training.
Green’s latest, The Royal Hotel, is another #MeToo film, and another story throwing young female characters into a sexist, aggressive environment. “No agenda!” says Green. “But I always end up there somehow.” The Royal Hotel is the story of two American gap year backpackers, played by Garner and Jessica Henwick, who run out of money in Sydney. An agency finds them work in a remote mining town’s only pub. “You’re going to have to be OK with a little male attention,” warns the recruiter. When they arrive, someone has scrawled “Fresh meat” on the chalkboard outside the pub.
The Royal Hotel is inspired by a grim 2016 documentary directed by Pete Gleeson, about two Finnish backpackers who got jobs in an outback pub in Coolgardie – a town feminism never reached. The brazenness of the misogyny takes your breath away. What made Green want to adapt it? “It was the way the women handled the situation. They didn’t accept the men or their behaviour. They said no, stood up for themselves in little ways. That strength was interesting. Adapting it, I was thinking, ‘What do I want to pull out of it? For me it was really important that we said, ‘No, that’s not OK.’”
She goes on: “The Assistant was about acceptance of the system being rotten, about trying to speak up and realising you can’t. Approaching this one, I was like, ‘How can we make it a narrative about strength? How can we make it a film about women saying no?’”
Behind the bar at the Royal Hotel, the women endure endless microaggressions. The first time they meet the landlord, played by Hugo Weaving, he puts one of them in her place with the words: “You think you’re a smart cunt?” One regular sits at the bar night after night staring at one girl so creepily it makes the hairs prickle on the back of her neck. Another gets her name repeatedly wrong. The punters lock horns over who gets which girl first.
It’s a film about the corrosive effect of male entitlement. We see the environment through the eyes of Garner’s character. How safe does she feel? Is that guy staring creepily? Is she crazy for thinking he’s dodgy? “This is what we have to navigate as women,” says Green. “The decisions we make minute by minute, trying to figure out what’s a threat.”
The men don’t let up with the harassment but Green did not write in a full sexual assault. “I felt like this behaviour is enough. It was important that it never crossed the line. Otherwise male audience members could say, ‘Oh, that’s not us. We are not like that. Those men are villains and that’s not us.’ Instead, if it’s about behaviour that is very common, a joke here and a weird gaze there, then it’s harder to dismiss. We need to have a conversation about that behaviour. How we can stop it from escalating into sexual violence?”
The fact that no woman gets raped or murdered has baffled some audiences. When Green was raising finance, a few backers told her the film was missing something. “They wanted more violence, which is so crazy,” she says, wincing. She has been disturbed by some of the responses to the finished film, too. “We’ve gotten a lot of, ‘It simmers away but never reaches boiling point.’ I think there are a lot of reviewers, particularly male reviewers, who are waiting for that scene” – she mimics an explosion – “that really overt act of violence, be it rape or whatever. And I think that frustrates them. It’s awful, wondering what it could be that they not only expected, but desired. We’ve had enough of that in movies. We definitely don’t need that scene.” Green pauses. “That conversation has been interesting,” she says looking a bit pained. “And a little upsetting to be honest.”
I tell her that I can live without seeing another rape scene in a film. “Exactly. I don’t want to see it. We’ve seen it enough. The history of cinema is full of men making movies where they’ve included that. We don’t need to put up with it any more.”
Green decided to become a film-maker aged 11, and started making films in her back yard. “It’s just always what I wanted to do.” Both her parents are artists and teachers; it didn’t feel like an impossible goal. “No one told me I wasn’t allowed. My dad was always like, ‘If you want to do something, do it.’”
After graduating from film school, Green packed her camera and laptop and flew to Ukraine, where her mother was born. While living in Kyiv for two years, she shot her first documentary, Ukraine Is Not a Brothel. Later she moved to the US, directing the documentary Casting JonBenet, about the world’s obsession with the murder of the six-year-old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey.
The Assistant was her first feature film. How difficult was it back in early 2018, I ask, getting funding to make a story inspired by Weinstein? “Impossible. It was still too fresh for people. Everyone was a little afraid to touch it. We’d have female executives read the script and say, ‘We’re going to make this! Trust me we’re going to make this movie!’ The next day I’d get an email saying, ‘I’m sorry, my boss used to work at X company and doesn’t feel it’s appropriate.’”
Have things have changed? Green nods. “I think it’s very different. We didn’t even have the language to talk about misconduct and harassment. I feel like it is definitely a safer world for everyone. But we still have a lot of work to do.”
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